Excellent chord in heart is dangerous. Additional chord of the left ventricle (in the heart of the child)

  • The date: 28.03.2019

The widespread extension of echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart) led to the fact that the frequency of identification of small anomalies of heart development increased significantly. Among them are most common additional chord in the heart.

Chords of the heart are structural component This organ and perform an important function. These are tendon threads that begin in the thickness of the myocardium of the ventricles and are attached to the sash of the atrial stomach valves.

It is the chords that provide closure and opening of the valve apparatus, as well as a unidirectional blood flow from the atria to the ventricles. Normally, one chord is attached to each valve sash. This is enough to ensure normal valve mobility.

But if the tendon threads are more than valve sash, it is already an anomaly, such chords are called additional, added, false and even superfluous.

Causes of the development of anomaly

The exact cause of the development of this pathology is not established. However, most specialists believe that hereditary predisposition plays a leading role.

In addition, the role of the influence of a series does not exclude adverse factors (alcohol, smoking, etc.) on a developing organism. At the same time, such a structural violation, as false chord, is most likely formed on the 5-6 week of pregnancy (the period of development of the connective tissue).

That is, the impact of adverse factors external environment It is on this time that the likelihood of the formation of a small anomaly significantly increases.

Features of the structure and location

The most frequent localization of the added chore of the heart is the left ventricle cavity. They may be single (60-70% of all cases), as well as multiple (30-40% of cases).

Depending on the features of the spatial orientation, the following types are distinguished:

  • longitudinal;
  • diagonal;
  • transverse.

At the same time, the first two types do not create obstacles to the stream of blood, respectively do not have clinical significance. But the transverse chord in the heart usually prevents normal blood flow, it is manifested clinically, it requires diagnosis and selection of adequate therapy.

Symptoms of anomaly

In 90-95% of cases, additional chord in the heart is not manifested by clinically and is a random find. The doctor may suspect the presence of an anomaly already during auscultation. But there are also situations where false chords of the heart have clinical manifestations.

Most often, symptoms occur in adolescents when the development and growth of elements of the musculoskeletal system (including the tendon component) occurs faster than growth internal organs.

Other possible cause Development clinical symptomatics It is a cross-placed chord or multiple chords of the heart.

The following symptoms are most characteristic:

  • cardialgia (heart pains);
  • feelings of heartbeat, heart work interruptions;
  • general weakness and increased fatigue;
  • emotional lability;
  • episodes of dizziness.

At the same time, the last three symptoms are manifested as a consequence of a developing neurocirculatory dystonia. It is also possible to develop heavy arrhythmias. Symptoms can both pass on their own, so continue to disturb the patient.

To identify the extra chord of the heart, there are enough two methods of examination - auscultation and ultrasound examination of the heart.

At the same time, symbol will be determined by systolic noise, and during an ultrasound study, an additional echoscience linear formation in the ventricular cavity.

If the patient has complaints, it is also shown to carry out an electrocardiographic study (ECG), which will allow to identify the violation of the heart rhythm.


If the extra chord in the heart does not manifest clinically, the patient does not need special treatment. However, observation of a cardiologist, a regular echocardiographic study, as well as compliance with a number of preventive measures are mandatory.

All patients who have false chord revealed is recommended:

Situations when this anomaly has clinical manifestations require medical correction. In this case, patients prescribe preparations of the four groups that are shown below.

Preparations are prescribed by courses, while the course of treatment is at least a month and is carried out 2-3 times a year.

In severe cases, when chord of the heart makes it difficult to make normal bloodstream, resort to surgical methods Treatment. At the same time, two main variants of surgical correction are possible:

  • cryodestruction;
  • standard operational removal.

So, the forecast in the presence of such anomaly as the addition chord is favorable. In most cases, this anomaly does not affect cardiac activity and has no clinical manifestations. Special treatment is necessary only to the patients who have cardiac complaints.


Structure of the heart

The heart of a person is the most important life support authority. His debugged work pumps blood according to vessels, providing nutrition and oxygen all organs and fabrics. This is a muscular fibrous organ, the heart muscle (myocardium) is divided into 4 cameras: Right and left atrium And right and left ventricles.

Blood in the left and right half is never mixed normally. To provide blood flow in the right direction, connecting plates are located between the atrialists, ventricles and vessels - valves: mitral (three-rolled) left and tricked (bivalve) on the right.

In a relaxed state (in diastole), the flaps open, and the blood gets from one camera to another. Then there comes a reduction (systole), and blood is thrown into the vessels: from the left ventricle - in the aorta and further to the organs flowing blood rich in oxygen; From the right - in powerful arteryTo the lungs saturated with carbon dioxide.

To maintain the elasticity of the valves and create a solid frame from muscle elevations (Trabecul) in the ventricles to the sash, connective tissues are chords. They do not allow valves to be opened in Systole.

In some cases, a person has insionaclely laid such a thread. This is the name of additional chord. In 95%, they are formed in the left ventricle.

Causes of pathology

There is a genetic predisposition to additional chord the left ventricle. It is usually transmitted from the mother to the fetus, less than 10% of cases inheritance from the Father.

Anomalous chord in the left ventricle is laid in intrauterine, the child is already born with this anomaly, in the course of life it can not arise.

On the formation of such anomalies in the gastroincing cavity in the process intrauterine development The nucleus and bookmarks of the heart (this is 5-6 week of pregnancy) can also influence external factors:

It is more often a single additional chord. Several threads are rarely formed.

Classification: Types of chord

Longitudinal and diagonal usually do not have any influence on the blood current scheme. Transverse sometimes prevent blood flow and can cause a rhythm violation in adulthood.

Characteristic symptoms

In most cases, anomaly in the early childhood No manifests itself.

As the child grows, when the internal organs "do not have time" for the growth of the body, nonspecific symptoms may appear:

The same signs are characteristic of multiple chord in the gastric cavity or the formation of heart failure.

Also additional chords in the left ventricular cavity can accompany other manifestations of the inferiority of the connective tissue:

  • pathological mobility of the joints;
  • renelization;
  • megaureter (stricture of the ureter over his entrance bladder, due to which it expands higher);
  • diaphragmal hernia;
  • throwing the contents of the stomach in the esophagus;
  • violation of posture.

In adulthood, if additional chord is preserved or located crosswise, can join:

These developing consequences should be adjusted by the cardiologist.

Diagnostic methods

Without special methods Studies reveal the presence of chord in the ventricle cavity is difficult. Sometimes, when inspection, the pediatrician or therapist may listen to the noise arising during the reduction of the heart muscle.

When conducting an ECG, there are usually no changes. In rare cases, the interval shortening may be observed. Significant violations are visible in the development of arrhythmias.

The main method of diagnosing anomaly is the echo kg - ultrasound procedure Hearts. Additional examination Doppler scanning allows you to determine the location, thickness, the length of the abnormal thread, the place of its attachment, estimate the rate of blood flow over it.

Sometimes a cardiologist appoints ECG monitoring on Holter - daily ECG. A small apparatus is attached to the patient on the body, which recording ECG during the day. This method allows to determine whether the abnormal chord affects blood flow (hemodynamics). If pathology does not affect blood flow - treatment is not required, and man is under dispensary observation at the cardiologist. When the hemodynamic violations are detected, the cardiologist prescribes treatment.

When treatment is needed

Additional chord in the heart cavity is impossible to cure drugs. Only the presence of a patient with such pathology of blood flow disorders due to chord, changes in rhythm and other deviations require drug treatment.

From drugs are used:

  • vitamins of group B, PP - to improve myocardial nutrition;
  • magnesium and potassium preparations - to normalize conduction nerve impulses;
  • L-carnitin - courses, to enhance metabolic processes in the heart muscle;
  • nootropic tools - with unstable arterial pressure, Vegeth-vascular dystonia.

With rhythm violations, antiarrhythmic treatment is carried out.

In extreme cases when an anomaly provokes heavy complications (endocarditis, paroxysmal tachycardia), Cardiac surgery is used:

Stationary treatment is shown in the development of complications.

Possible complications

In rare cases, cardiological complications are possible:

Rules of life

If an additional chord has been revealed, it does not make it sick. Parents' fears due to the presence of "vice" can lead to the isolated child from "possible difficulties" - but thereby parents, wanting to protect their baby, impede its socialization, make it sick themselves.

Yet some restrictions are - it is impossible to engage in professional sports with high physical exertion.

The rules for human behavior with additional humords in the left ventricular cavity are simple, their observance will help avoid complications:

A child with additional chord the left ventricle is useful to visit the circles and sections. The choice of a sports section should be held after consulting with a cardiologist, taking into account the desires and abilities of the child. Suitable such a child:

  • ballroom dancing;
  • athletics (unprofessional);
  • classes in the Swedish wall;
  • tourism and hiking for not far from distance.

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It is also worth protecting a child from extreme exercises associated with danger, risk, emissions of adrenaline:

The presence of such a diagnosis is not a tap from service in the army. A young man's call is not subject to the development of such complications, as persistent arrhythmias, cardiovascular failure.

Girls allow pregnancy and spontaneous childbirth, in the absence of obstetrician testimony to another.

Prediction and prevention

Prevention of chord development prevention measures are not developed. On modern stage Doctor's medicine development did not have learned to change genetic code man.

However, a pregnant woman should refuse harmful habits, especially smoking, avoid contact with harmful chemicals, eat correctly.

In most cases, the forecast with additional chord is the left ventricle is favorable. With age, the human body adapts to the presence of anomaly, and it does not manifest itself and does not bother.

A slightly less favored forecast for multiple chords in the ventricle and with the transverse location of the threads.



Anomalous chord of the left ventricle is a hereditary anomaly, which in 92% of cases is indulging in the mother line (in rare cases - on paternal), and develops intrauterine due to a failure in the development of connective tissue. That is why mothers who had previously been made such a diagnosis was recommended to examine their child.

It is possible that such unfavorable factors can be caused by the reasons for the emergence of additional chords:

  • bad ecology;
  • smoking or use of alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • nervous and physical overvoltage.


Additional chord can be located in different departments of the left ventricle and have various build and structure. Cardiologists allocate such types of chord:

  • according to the histological structure: fibrous, fibrous muscular, muscular;
  • in the direction of fibers of the connective tissue: longitudinal, transverse, diagonal;
  • by the number of threads: single, multiple;
  • at the place of fastening: the top, median, basal.


The pediatrician may suspect the disease in the child during the usual inspection and examination of the child, turning attention to systolic noise with auscultation of the heart.

Additional chord of the left ventricle in most cases does not carry any functional load on the heart and does not interfere normal work. Long years this small anomaly May not be detected, since it is not accompanied by special symptoms. The pediatrician can listen to the newborn systolic noise in the heart, which is determined between the third and fourth edge to the left of the sternum and does not affect the work of the heart.

During intensive development, when the rapid growth of the musculoskeletal system is significantly ahead of the growth rate of the internal organs, the load on the heart increases, and the additional chord can first be felt for the first time. Child can appear such symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • fast or no motivated fatigue;
  • psycho-emotional lability;
  • heart palpitations;
  • pain in the heart;
  • heart rhythm.

The same clinical manifestations may be observed with multiple abnormal chords of the left ventricle. More often such symptoms appear in adolescence. In the future, they can completely disappear independently, but sometimes remain in adulthood.

When symptoms appear, the echo-kg, ECG and daily monitoring on the holder. These studies will allow the doctor to determine the presence or absence of hemodynamic violations. If additional chord is "hemodynamically insignificant", the anomaly is considered safe, and the child is required only dispensary observation Cardiologist. With the "hemodynamically significant" diagnosis, the patient recommends observation, compliance with some restrictions and, if necessary, treatment.

Is the additional chord of the left ventricle dangerous?

Most cardiologists have such a small abnormality of the heart equal to the norm. News about the presence of additional chords in the left ventricle should not cause panic from the child's parents, since this anomaly does not require surgical treatment And, in the absence of hemodynamic disorders, does not need drug correction.

In some cases, additional chord of the left ventricle may become a factor that contributes to the development of other heart disease and vessels (infectious endocarditis, rhythm disorders and heart conduction, thrombophlebitis, etc.). Prepagate in advance how likely the development of such pathologies is impossible.

Monitoring a child with additional chords in the absence of hemodynamic disorders

The main method of diagnosing additional chord of the left ventricle - echocardiography.

When an abnormal chord is found, which is not accompanied by symptoms, no special treatment not required. Such patients are quite regularly observed at the cardiologist and conduct control echo-kg once a year.

  • observe the regime of labor and rest;
  • eat right;
  • do therapeutic physical education;
  • harden
  • often to be outdoors;
  • warn stress;
  • provide full sleep;
  • refuse severe physical exertion;
  • not to accept medications without recommendations of the doctor;
  • decide on the occupation of a particular sport together with a doctor.

Parents of such children are not recommended from everything to protect their child and treat him as a disabled person, since this can significantly affect its further socialization. Communication with friends, visit kindergarten Both schools, classes in circles and silent sports, - all this will help the child normally adapt in society and feel full.


When an additional chord is found, which is accompanied by symptoms or hemodynamic violations, in addition to the above recommendations and more rigid restrictions in physical exertion, medication therapy is recommended.

Such children can be assigned to such drugs:

Indications for immediate hospitalization in a cardiological hospital can be such serious violations of the heart rhythm:

  • paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • cleaning arrhythmia;
  • wolf Parkinson-White syndrome;
  • morgali-Adams - Stokes syndrome;
  • extrasystole.

They can develop with multiple or transverse chords and require a detailed examination and subsequent treatment.

In rare cases, the structure of the additional chord of the left ventricle may include muscle fibers of the conductive heart system. Such heart abnormalities are able to cause ventricular arrhythmias and ventricular fibrillation. To eliminate them shows the execution of such surgical interventions:

  • cryodestruction;
  • excision of chord.


In most cases, additional chord of the left ventricle appears as a result of hereditary predisposition, and it is almost impossible to prevent its development in the intrauterine period. Despite this, scientists do not exclude the possibility of developing such a small heart anomaly under the influence of some adverse factors. That is why pregnant women are recommended:

  1. Eat right.
  2. To be from smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.
  3. Eliminate heavy physical exercise.
  4. Warned stress.
  5. Walking outdoors and engage in gymnastics.

If the child is detected by the child of the left ventricle, parents should pay close attention to his health, comply with all the recommendations of the doctor, but not fencing him from society completely. An important measure of the prevention of complications will be timely treatment chronic diseaseswhich may complicate heart disease.

Children with additional humords are recommended to regularly engage in therapeutic physical education, which implies individual selection of load. Exercises in the Swedish wall, dancing, gymnastics, running for short distances, jumping with a skipping, - these classes will help strengthen the heart muscle and will prevent the development of complications.

Physical exertion should not be excessive, since they are able to exacerbate the situation. Most cardiologists do not recommend people with additional journey to play sports professionally. And such types of loads that occur during diving, underwater float or parachute jumps are absolutely contraindicated.


What it is?

The heart works on the principle of pump, pumping blood throughout the body. Circulation of blood flow occurs within the organ itself: from the atrias they enter the ventricles. Between them are the heart valves that provide blood movement in one direction. The flowing jet during the reduction of the heart, the flaps of the valves diverge on the parties, and when the relaxation phase occurs, they are tightly compressed. Their mobility provide chords, special filamentous tendons, which are attached to one end to the sash, and others to the wall of the ventricle.

With the normal development of the heart, a certain amount of chord is formed inside it, which are similar among themselves in composition and density. But sometimes additional "fasteners" (false atypical education) are identified, which do not perform any function. Most often, they are formed from connective tissue, but sometimes have a muscular or tendon. These false chords are usually located in the field of left ventricle, but their development is not excluded from the right. It should be noted that the added chord in the cavity of it is able to cause more complications than abnormal chord on the left.

In addition, additional chords of the left ventricle can be located in its cavity longitudinally, transversely and diagonally. Longitudinal and diagonal unit formations are most often not reflected in the blood circulation, while transverse can represent a certain danger. In some cases, they make it difficult to pass through the valve, so there are failures in normal operation. of cardio-vascular system, It is possible to develop arrhythmias and other heart pathologies.

The number of additional chord may be different: one or more. They are attached to the walls of the ventricle in different parts, on the place of attachment they are called the top, basal and median. Basal additional chords in the left ventricular cavity more often deliver trouble to their owners.

Anomalous chords are found completely unexpectedly, when conducting an ultrasound at any age: both in children who have just born and adolescents. Most often, one or more extra chords detect on a planned medical examination in childhood (until the age of adulthood). Sometimes such a diagnosis is made by mature people. Person for a long time Lives ordinary lifeNo matter what is not guessing and in any way limiting yourself. In most cases, false chord of the left ventricle in the patient can be considered an individual feature of the body, option normal state Cardiac muscle.

An anomaly is diagnosed only with the use of ultrasound research. Hearts can be called noises various reasons, including the development of false chords. Therefore, after the noise detection, the doctor may recommend a full-fledged examination to clarify the diagnosis.

If the fact of an atypical filamentous chopping, a small patient is directed to the ECG to determine if he has heart rhythm disturbances.

Older children (in the adolescence) in the presence of a diagnosis of "Additional chord in the left ventricle", undergo study by the method of cyergometry and Halter monitoring.

Holter monitoring is an electrocardiogram, which is carried out during the day or a longer period of time. Recording cardiac tests is carried out using special sensors and recording device. All these fixtures are fixed on the patient's body, and it continues to lead a normal lifestyle, making ordinary everyday actions. Sometimes the doctor can recommend moderate physical activity During the survey conducted to find out how the heart behaves under load. The first person who applied such a research method was a Halter, hence the name of the procedure.

Veloergometry is a study of cardiac activity during the exercise on the exercise on the exercise bike. The load may increase in accordance with age, the alleged diagnosis, objectives and tasks of the survey. Recording indicators are at rest during training and after it.

Why do abnormal chords appear?

The main cause of the occurrence of abnormal filamentous formations in the field of left ventricle - bad heredity. Pathological violation It is transmitted most often on the maternal line, less often a child receives a child from his father.

Another way to develop additional chords in a child is the improper formation of connective tissue during pregnancy for a period of 5-6 weeks. Anomalous chord in the left ventricular cavity may appear throughout the entire intrauterine development of the fetus under the influence of adverse factors:

A woman who is going to become a mother can minimize the risk of developing heart and other pathologies from his baby, protecting itself from negative factors.


An abnormally located chord in the cavity of the left ventricle can not be manifolding for a long time or even throughout life. Symptoms usually appear during puberty when the internal organs do not have time to grow after a rapidly changing skeleton and muscle frame of the body. Hearts have to work in reinforced mode, the extra chord can create interference of cardiac activity. It manifests itself as follows:

  • frequent painfulness in breast of different intensity;
  • cardiac rhythm is knocked down;
  • cardiac frequency increases;
  • psyche and emotions become unstable;
  • frequent dizziness arise;
  • teenager quickly gets tired, constantly feels weakness.

When the transitional age ends, the symptoms usually leave, but sometimes they are preserved in an adult. Such a situation may be observed if a patient is found not alone, but somewhat chord. Risk increases if they have a basal or cross-position, or if they are found in the cavity of the right ventricle.

Filamentary formation of connective tissue in the hearts that lead to pathological conditions Cardiac muscles are called hemodynamenically significant.

If such a violation is not controlled, possible negative consequences: Ischemic stroke, endocarditis, thrombophlebitis. They rarely happen, but it is impossible to ignore this probability.

If several additional chord is found, the doctor may suspect the dysplasia of the connective tissues, that is, a congenital pathology, in which the process of forming connective tissues throughout the body is disturbed. Some characteristic signs Such a disease:

  1. Pathological changes in the musculoskeletal frame (scaliosis, deformed limbs, the atypical mobility of the joints, the disorder of the functioning of skeletal muscles, various jaw defects).
  2. Disorders in the digestive system (gastroesophageal reflux, bubble bend).
  3. Anomalies of the urinary system (kidney omission, ureter expansion).
  4. Anomalous development of teeth and bite.


Treatment of chords in the left ventricle cavity is prescribed if pathological education is worried about man unpleasant symptoms. In the opposite case, it is necessary to periodically visit the cardiologist and conduct control studies with the help of ultrasound and ECG, at least once a year.

Therapeutic impact involves two types of measures: conservative and operational. The latter solution to the problem has to be resorted in the case of the presence of transverse chord, or when there are several false heavy. At the same time, states arise, seriously threatening the health or life of a person. Meaning operational treatment It is to remove false chord by excision or cold destruction.

Medicines that are prescribed when conservative treatment Additional chord:

  • To ensure improved myocardial meals apply vitamin complexes, be sure to include thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (PP). Reception of vitamins should be carried out twice a year, one course is at least a month.
  • For improvement brain circulation Prescribe "piracetam" or "nootropyl".
  • To normalize the metabolism inside myocardial, the patient must undergo treatment with antioxidants ("cytochrome C", "Ubiquinon").
  • The drugs "Magna B6", "potassium orotat", "Panangin" help improve the conductivity of nerve impulses, warn arrhythmia.

In addition to the use of drugs, it is necessary to adhere to certain prophylactic recommendations for lifestyle correction.


False chord of the left ventricle at the kid - this is not a reason to fencing him from normal Life. On the contrary, his active participation in the events of the world should only be welcomed. If you have to limit a small little man with something, then it will be minor restrictions. To prevent complications, it is necessary to adhere to simple recommendations.

It should be remembered that the child with a similar anomaly is not a disabled person, parents must convince the baby in this, allow him to live full life. If you walk around the crumbs on tiptoe, seeking to protect it from myself, he will feel flawed. Calibling on the problem of abnormally located chords in the left ventricular cavity will cause a child with a complex of inferiority, will create certain difficulties when infused in a children's team. Such children can become closed and indecisive, they will suffer depressions and fear of life, and negative emotions Capably only worsen the situation.

This pathology - This is a congenital anomaly, which developed even during the ripening of the fetus. As for last years Diagnosis and methods of heart research technically advanced, increasingly the babies have a given anomaly in the heart.

First you need to understand what chord is in the heart, why it is needed, as it works, and then figure out that such an excess chord in the heart. Chord is a fabric connecting the valve with a heart wall. The task of this tissue is to help the valve hold blood at the moment when the heart is reduced, support it.

Essence of pathology

Additional chord in the heart is not considered serious disease. As already mentioned, thanks modern method Heart studies are diagnosed with chord in the heart of the child in the first days of his life. To note: more recently, 40 years ago, the additional chord was found only after opening.

Although additional chord in the left ventricle is not considered a dangerous anomaly, in contrast to the right, nevertheless, it is necessary to avoid the possibility of appearing various diseases further:

  1. Changes in the rhythm of the heart and, as a result, blood flow rate.
  2. Endocardium damage is possible.
  3. Fibrosis can develop.
  4. Heart biomechanics can be broken.
  5. Relaxing the ventricle is broken.

Incorrect development of connective tissue can cause a small heart anomaly, the fabric may be weak or not to form where necessary. Because of this, the development of the anomaly in children.


Most often only one thread of chords is formed. In this case, she does not show itself. You can find it still in the womb of the mother with the help of an ultrasound examination of the heart. Thus, it is fear that it will not appear in the first years of the child's life, it is not necessary, her obligatory Will be seen during a planned examination of a pregnant mother. There are symptoms in this case or not - no matter.

Aged 10 to 15, when the child is intensively, but unevenly grows, that is, the limbs and the spine grow, and the heart is still small, children, there may be quite noticeable symptoms:

  1. Frequent pain in the field of heart.
  2. The child feels his heartbeat.
  3. Increased fatigue.
  4. Caught weakness.
  5. Vegeta dystonia manifests itself.

If there are multiple chord in the heart, this means that the excess connecting tissue develops throughout the body. Accordingly, other manifestations of it in various organs are observed:

  1. Noticeable changes in the skeleton, scoliosis, curvature of the limbs.
  2. Bubble flex.
  3. The occurrence of the hernia of the esophagus is possible.
  4. The contents of the stomach throws back to the esophagus.
  5. Expansion of ureters and renal lochs.
  6. Outmunction of the kidney.

Thus, unnecessary connecting tissues are developing not only in the heart, but also in the rest of the internal organs.


So, the causes of the occurrence of chord are considered. Diagnosis is, as a rule, mandatory ultrasound of the heart and an electrocardiogram subsequently.

If, in the case of one chord, the patient did not detect symptomatic manifestations, then in medical treatment it makes no sense. If several chord is diagnosed, there are several steps of treatment:

  1. In order for the heart muscle, myocardium, it worked better and more correctly, a rate of at least a month of receiving vitamins B1, B2 and nicotinic acid is appointed.
  2. To eliminate heart arrhythmia, that is, to improve the conductivity of the heart muscle, magnesium course is prescribed with vitamin B6, potassium, Panangin. All drugs are prescribed by courses, the duration of which depends on the age of the child.
  3. To improve metabolism in the heart muscle, a course of antioxidants is needed.
  4. If there is a violation nervous conductivityThe course of the respective drugs is appointed.

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In any case, the course of treatment and drugs appoints only a cardiologist after a thorough examination and analyzes, taking into account individual features Patient: His age and the rate of development of the body.

There is also I. non-media treatmentwhich also prescribes the doctor:

  1. Events by hardening the body.
  2. Adequate diet with abundance of vitamins.
  3. Long walks. Trips to nature, fresh air.
  4. Regular sports. Of course, in each individual case, its sport is prescribed, corresponding to the state of the child.

Possible complications

Regarding complications, it is unambiguously impossible, but in general modern medicine Changes successfully with superfluous chords, that is, with the consequences of education in the heart.

Of course, the child must constantly observe the cardiologist and fulfill all the prescriptions of the doctor both in drug treatment and in the compliance of the nutrition and sports mode. Compliance with all recommendations in the end will help live a full-fledged life, without the manifestations of symptoms of existence of unnecessary chords.

In the heart of a person there are several chords that, during the reduction of this organ, do not allow the valve to fuse. Thanks to their presence, he keeps blood well and provides adequate hemodynamics. Normal chord is a kind of spring with a muscular structure. Sometimes during the intrauterine development in one of the additional chord appears, which is a threaded tape from connective tissue. In some cases, this anomalous formation includes muscle or tendon fibers.

In this article we will look at such a small abnormal of the heart, as an additional chord of the left ventricle. In most cases, it is found in children under 18, but some people live with such a diagnosis for many years and do not feel any changes in the heart. Usually additional chord is revealed by chance: when examining over another disease or during preventive inspection. Neither upon listening to noise in the heart, it is not determined by either the ECG, and it is possible to put an accurate diagnosis after the echo-kg. Having heard the noise in the heart, the doctor can only suspect the presence of this small heart anomaly and recommend to undergo an ultrasound study that allows you to refute or confirm the diagnosis.

In our article we will acquaint you with the causes of development, species, symptoms, methods of observation, treatment and prevention of additional chord of the left ventricle. These knowledge will help parents of children with such an abnormality of the heart to choose the right tactics of attitudes towards the problem and save them from unnecessary unrest.

Anomalous chord of the left ventricle is a hereditary anomaly, which in 92% of cases is indulging in the mother line (in rare cases - on paternal), and develops intrauterine due to a failure in the development of connective tissue. That is why mothers who had previously been made such a diagnosis was recommended to examine their child.

It is possible that such unfavorable factors can be caused by the reasons for the emergence of additional chords:

  • bad ecology;
  • smoking or use of alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • nervous and physical overvoltage.


Additional chord can be located in different departments of the left ventricle and have a different structure and structure. Cardiologists allocate such types of chord:

  • according to the histological structure: fibrous, fibrous muscular, muscular;
  • in the direction of fibers of the connective tissue: longitudinal, transverse, diagonal;
  • by the number of threads: single, multiple;
  • at the place of fastening: the top, median, basal.


The pediatrician may suspect the disease in the child during the usual inspection and examination of the child, turning attention to systolic noise with auscultation of the heart.

Additional chord of the left ventricle in most cases does not carry any functional load on the heart and does not interfere with its normal operation. For many years, this small anomaly may not be discovered, since it is not accompanied by special symptoms. The pediatrician can listen to the newborn systolic noise in the heart, which is determined between the third and fourth edge to the left of the sternum and does not affect the work of the heart.

During intensive development, when the rapid growth of the musculoskeletal system is significantly ahead of the growth rate of the internal organs, the load on the heart increases, and the additional chord can first be felt for the first time. Child can appear such symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • fast or no motivated fatigue;
  • psycho-emotional lability;
  • heart palpitations;

The same clinical manifestations may be observed with multiple abnormal chords of the left ventricle. More often such symptoms appear in adolescence. In the future, they can completely disappear independently, but sometimes remain in adulthood.

With the appearance of symptoms, the child is necessarily assigned to echo-kg, ECG and. These studies will allow the doctor to determine the presence or absence of hemodynamic violations. If additional chord is "hemodynamically insignificant", the anomaly is considered a safe, and the child requires only a dispensary observation at the cardiologist. With the "hemodynamically significant" diagnosis, the patient recommends observation, compliance with some restrictions and, if necessary, treatment.

Is the additional chord of the left ventricle dangerous?

Most cardiologists have such a small abnormality of the heart equal to the norm. News on the presence of additional chords in the left ventricle should not cause panic from the child's parents, since this anomaly does not require surgical treatment and, in the absence of hemodynamic disorders, does not need drug correction.

In some cases, additional chord of the left ventricle may become a factor that contributes to the development of other diseases of the heart and blood vessels (, violations of the rhythm and conductivity of the heart, etc.). Prepagate in advance how likely the development of such pathologies is impossible.

Monitoring a child with additional chords in the absence of hemodynamic disorders

The main method of diagnosing additional chord of the left ventricle - echocardiography.

When an abnormal chord is found, which is not accompanied by symptoms, no special treatment is required. Such patients are quite regularly observed at the cardiologist and conduct control echo-kg once a year.

  • observe the regime of labor and rest;
  • eat right;
  • do therapeutic physical education;
  • harden
  • often to be outdoors;
  • warn stress;
  • provide full sleep;
  • refuse severe physical exertion;
  • do not take medicines without the recommendations of the doctor;
  • decide on the occupation of a particular sport together with a doctor.

Parents of such children are not recommended from everything to protect their child and treat him as a disabled person, since this can significantly affect its further socialization. Communication with friends, visiting kindergarten and school, classes in circles and silent sports, - all this will help the child normally adapt in society and feel full.


When an additional chord is found, which is accompanied by symptoms or hemodynamic violations, in addition to the above recommendations and more rigid restrictions in physical exertion, medication therapy is recommended.

Such children can be assigned to such drugs:

Indications for immediate hospitalization in a cardiological hospital can be such serious violations of the heart rhythm:

  • morgali-Adams - Stokes syndrome;

They can develop with multiple or transverse chords and require a detailed examination and subsequent treatment.

In rare cases, the structure of the additional chord of the left ventricle may include muscle fibers of the conductive heart system. Such heart abnormalities are able to cause ventricular arrhythmias and ventricular fibrillation. To eliminate them shows the execution of such surgical interventions:

  • cryodestruction;
  • excision of chord.


In most cases, additional chord of the left ventricle appears as a result of hereditary predisposition, and it is almost impossible to prevent its development in the intrauterine period. Despite this, scientists do not exclude the possibility of developing such a small heart anomaly under the influence of some adverse factors. That is why pregnant women are recommended:

  1. Eat right.
  2. To be from smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.
  3. Exclude severe physical exertion.
  4. Warned stress.
  5. Walking outdoors and engage in gymnastics.

If the child is detected by the child of the left ventricle, parents should pay close attention to his health, comply with all the recommendations of the doctor, but not fencing him from society completely. An important measure of the prevention of complications will be the timely treatment of chronic diseases that may complicate heart disease.

Children with additional humords are recommended to regularly engage in therapeutic physical education, which implies individual selection of load. Exercises in the Swedish wall, dancing, gymnastics, running for short distances, jumping with a skipping, - these classes will help strengthen the heart muscle and will prevent the development of complications.

Physical exertion should not be excessive, since they are able to exacerbate the situation. Most cardiologists do not recommend people with additional journey to play sports professionally. And such types of loads that occur during diving, underwater float or parachute jumps are absolutely contraindicated.

Often in children up to 18 years old, doctors find a small threaded junction in the left ventricle, which is called chord. Hearing the name of this "small" anomaly, parents fall into panic. But it is not worth doing this, because exactly this is diagnosed as an additional chord and is not a fatal disease. However, it also has the other side - more dangerous.

Chord in the left ventricle of the heart - pathology or norm?

Depending on the location in the heart:

  • The right-handed additional chord;
  • Left-deuded additional chord.

Depending on the histological structure:

  • Fibrous;
  • Fibrous muscular;
  • Muscular.

Depending on the place of attachment:

  • Top;
  • Median;
  • Basal.

Depending on the direction of the connective tissue:

  • Diagonal;
  • Longitudinal;
  • Transverse.

Depending on the amount of threads:

  • Single;
  • Multiple.

Causes of the formation of chord left ventricle

In 92% of cases, additional chord arises because of hereditary inclinations to the disease. It is transmitted on the motherboard, less often - by paternal. Therefore, if a mother knows that an additional chord has been discovered in it in the left ventricle of the heart, it is worth thinking about his child, as the chord does not allow a long time to know about himself, and this may cause a complex disease in the future.

Diagnosis of heart anomalies

In order to accurately make a diagnosis - additional chord in the left ventricle of the heart, the doctor prescribes. Thanks to the ultrasound, the doctor can quickly, painlessly and accurately diagnose or pathology. In addition, echocardiography allows you to study the heart in real time and in motion.
Learn the problems of additional chord and with the help of a Doppler method, which helps determine the length of the thread, its thickness, place of attachment and speed on it.

Treatment and prevention of additional chord in the left ventricle of the heart

Additional chord is not treated traditional. The only correct solution in its discovery is the right regime, and the ban on the classes by some sports: underwater swimming, parachutism, some types of dances.
Diagnosing chord, the doctor specifically prescribes the patient to attend individual or group therapeutic physical culture, which consists of the next set of exercises.

  1. Dance PA slow dance types;
  2. System exercises;
  3. Lesson at the Swedish wall, bench, with hoop, skipping and ball.
  4. Running under the supervision of a small distance, jumping, exercise with a rope.
  5. In addition, the patient recommends:
  6. Observe the mode of the day.
  7. Eat right;
  8. To avoid

"Your child has noise in the heart," hearing such, any mommy begins to worry. Most probable reason Noise in the heart is its special structure, namely the presence of additional chord. So, it is necessary or not to panic, having heard such an assumption?

Hearing noise in the heart at the kid, the pediatrician is most likely to send you to the children's cardiologist. He, in turn, will send the child to the ECG and ultrasound of the heart. These studies will make sure that the heart works fine, but there is a so-called small heart anomaly - additional chord.

What does the diagnosis of "Additional chord" mean

Additional chord is an education from connective tissue in one of the ventricles of the heart. This formation may have a muscular or tendon structure. It is usually no functional load and does not interfere with the normal operation of the heart muscle.

The appearance of a small abnormality of the heart is usually associated with heredity and occurs in the embryonic period. Thus, most often additional chord is found in a child, a close relative of which has any problems with the heart (mother, dad, grandparents). Statistics shows that in most cases the disease is transmitted by the maternal line.

Danger or not?

Heart ultrasound allows you to determine in which an anomaly is present in the ventricles. Additional chord in the left ventricle cavity today is equated by most cardiologists to the norm. The location of chords in the field of right ventricle should not cause panic, but it requires more attention.

This anomaly is considered as a factor contributing to the emergence of diseases of the cardiovascular system in the future. In adolescence, the child is usually disturbed many pain In the heart, violation of heart rhythm.

In more adulthood A person is more susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system, tachycardia, arrhythmias and other disorders than healthy people. This does not mean that such pathologies will necessarily arise, but, nevertheless, it should be carefully related to the peculiarities of the body with a similar anomaly.

How to be next?

First of all, listen to the recommendations of the cardiologist. Depending on the state of the health and features of a particular baby, the doctor will select an individual system of physical exertion, advises which classes will be useful to a child. It is also necessary to observe the mode of the day, alternate physical exertion and rest, provide a good nutrition to the child.

Children with a small abnormality of the heart are not contraindicated by sports, but it is recommended not powerful types (dancing, gymnastics, etc.). Forbidden classes with underwater swimming, parachute jumps.

Thus, additional chord in the heart is not a "terrible" diagnosis and not a reason for anxiety. This is a reason only for your child's careful attitude.

Children's vices in children: Additional chord - scary or not?, 5.0 Out of 5 Based On 5 Ratings