Feed during veins thrombosis. ThromboEmbolia of the pulmonary artery, symptoms, treatment, complications

  • The date: 03.04.2019

A condition in which blood becomes too viscous and bunches appear in it - thrombus, it is called "thrombosis". This disease is very dangerous for a person, since the arms of the clots are able to procure vital vessels.

Warn the disease, and also significantly reduce the likelihood of the development of the already appeared thrombosis will help special program Nutrition.

Experienced doctors simultaneously with the appointment medicinal preparations Be sure to recommend to adhere to a diet aimed at improving the patient's well-being and improving the quality of life.

  • All information on the site is familiarized and is not a guide to action!
  • Put an accurate diagnosis you may only a doctor!
  • I convincingly ask you not to engage in self-medication, but sign up for a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

First of all, it is proposed to moderately limit the use of fluid and to remove products from the diet with elevated content of vitamins C and K. Sheet salad, rosehip fruits, tomatoes, currant, citrus, liver, cabbage at the same time useful properties The vitamins contained in them contribute to the increase in blood consumption.

When the patient's condition starts to improve, you can go to full nutrition. The restriction is superimposed on nuts. Smoked, greasy and salty food, as well as the use of sweets is excluded. In the diet, the presence of vegetable products is required.

After transferred thrombosis, the use of vinegar, pepper, garlic and khrena can not be limited. With trophic disorders, alcohol and acute food must be excluded.

The elements that must be present during the diet:

  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • vitamin E;
  • cellulose.

Cooking food is better for a couple, stew or cook. Permissible to pass and bake products.

Healthy foods

Diet with thrombosis must include food containing polyunsaturated fats. Leading position in the number of these useful substances As part of occupy fish fat and linseed oil. Fish must be present on the table at least twice a week. Trout, mackerel and herring - mandatory constituent diets.

Recommended by the use of legumes, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, as well as dried fruits and oat bran. The inclusion in the wrappings of herbs is welcomed: nettle and chamomile will have the necessary healing effect. Green tea is also useful for thrombosis.

Vegetable soups, potatoes, porridges, fruits, vegetables and berries (especially raspberries and cherries) in the composition of the diet during thrombosis will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the body. Sprouted wheat grain, avocado, garlic and bow must be on the table with thrombosis.

Forbidden products

It is advisable to eliminate coffee and beverages on a malt basis from the ration (for example, beer).

Invalid during the diet use of the following products:

  • bananas;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • sausage, sausages, bacon, breasts promote blood pressure;
  • citrus;
  • pickles;
  • bakery products;
  • white bread;
  • smoke;
  • sweets;
  • fatty varieties of cheeses;
  • canned;
  • by-products;
  • dairy products with a high fatness percentage;
  • currant;
  • animal fats.

Basics of diet with vessel thrombosis

Power principles for patients with diagnosis "Thrombosis" are aimed at reducing the number of products that contribute to the increase in blood consumption. And, on the contrary, in the diet should be the thinning blood products should be present.

Diet with thrombosis of deep veins lower extremities It should be enriched with various cereals, cottage cheese, milk and kefir lower fat, low-fat meat, vegetables and fruits. Recommended the use of flour bread rough grinding, legumes and croup of solid grain.

Odega-3 products are rich in unsaturated acids, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, kefal, sardines, reduce the level of triglycerides and reduce blood viscosity.

The antioxidant effect of vitamin E will warn the degradation of polyunsaturated and mono-saturated fats. Therefore, its simultaneous reception with a diet is necessary. We are rich in vitamin E seeds of sunflower, flax and sesame, wheat sprouts, coarse grinding flour, avocado, olive and flaxseed oil (especially cold spin).

The presence of saturated fats in the diet must be limited. Chocolate, fat, cakes and pastries, fatty meat grade, solid variety cheeses, variety of smokers, and also butter With difficulty is processed by the body and contribute to the blockage of receptors located in the liver, which leads to an increase in blood cholesterol and clogs of arteries.

Consumption of purified flour, sugar, various sodes, sweet flakes, that is, simple carbohydrates leads to the appearance excess weight and sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Excessive sugar consumption provokes an increase in the number of triglycerides, which inevitably increases the risk of thrombosis.

Kidney, the liver is not recommended too often to eat patients with thrombosis. Yolk eggs should not appear on the table more often three times in Week. Such a limitation is explained by the content of food cholesterol in these products.

Significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis of vessels will help a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Atherosclerosis is dangerous in that the fat plaque is clocked by a vessel and creates a thrombus. This, in turn, leads to the deprivation of part of the body of blood and oxygen inflow. In the affected area there is an edema and pain.

Presence large number The fiber in combination with the minimum content of saturated fats will insure the fat deposits on the walls of the vessels, thereby preventing atherosclerosis.

Purchase coronary artery It leads to the emergence of a heart attack, that is, it causes a heart attack. Thrombus in the arteries of the brain will provoke stroke.

Feet thrombosis is no less dangerous. Sometimes only surgical intervention can facilitate the patient's condition. When offset venous thrombosis Embolia arises. Light embolism is fraught with fatal outcome.

Insured against the appearance of such troubles adopted immediate measures involving the reception medicines, in combination with diet and moderate physical exertion.

Factors provoking the occurrence of thrombosis:

  • overweight and obesity;
  • application of hormonal contraceptives;
  • smoking;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Drinking to one cup of wine per day you can expand small blood vesselsthat reduces the likelihood of thrombosis.

Flavonoids contained in red dry wine grape juice And in berries reduce the likelihood of blood clots in vessels.

Diet with hemorrhoidal thrombosis is aimed at improving the intestinal peristals and elimination of constipation. In this case, it is especially important to comply with the principles of proper nutrition, since only a well-selected diet is able to maintain a chair normally. In the event that no observance of the diet, thrombosis and acute hemorrhoids will not be avoided.

It is necessary to include in the fiber diet (insoluble vegetable fibers), which contributes to the regulation of the intestinal function. Reduced cholesterol levels will help food with rich soluble vegetable fibers (algae, legumes, grains, fruits).

Soluble fibers are pectic substances. Dissolving in water, they swell and collect all toxins from the intestinal walls. They also slow down the absorption of glucose and reduce blood sugar levels. In the thick intestine, pectins are cleaved by microflora and maintain the necessary level of acidity in the body.

Three-day menu

First day:

Second day:

Third day:

Strict diet is recommended when acute flow Diseases. When the condition improves, you can gradually expand the menu, following the principles of healthy nutrition. Roast potatoes Delicious, but the benefits of its constant eating is dubious.

Applying persistent rules in practice and adhering to the recommendations on proper nutrition, a person suffering from thrombosis can significantly facilitate its state and significantly improve the quality of life.

In essence, a diet with thrombosis is proper nutrition And the usual healthy food.

Thrombophlebitis and thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower extremities and any other vessels - a serious illness, which in case of insufficient attention from the patient and the doctor in 3-15% of cases ends with thromboembolism pulmonary artery And the death of the patient.

Treatment includes several techniques of therapeutic impact on the body, one of the components of which is the proper nutrition and correction of the patient's lifestyle with thrombosis.

There is no separate diet with this disease, but some restrictions are still entered. Patients necessarily transfer to sPECIAL MODE at.

Food should solve the following tasks:

  • promote weight loss, since a significant part of patients with thrombosis is caused by excessive body weight;
  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • normalize stool;
  • clean the vessels and strengthen their walls;
  • intensify the metabolism.

Diet with thrombophlebitis or thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower extremities is introduced by a limited period - approximately 3-4 weeks, and only these methods can be achieved by powerful therapeutic effect. Recommended 2 times a week to arrange unloading days.

Food is adjusted according toSince some products can enter with them chemical reaction And influence efficiency. For example, this happens while using warfarin and garlic. Therefore, the last word should always be behind the doctor.

After the patient's condition stabilizes, go to full nutrition.

What you can eat: useful products

In the diet include products rich in omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids - Fatty sea fish, mollusks. The greatest benefit Brings a fish caught in the sea, not a farmer.

Suks are needed vitamin E., or tocopherol. Its a lot in the cashew nuts, sea buckthorn, dried up wheat, as well as in oatmeal and brickeling. He is also present in the sea fish. This antioxidant protects against heart failure and prevents the formation of blood clots.

It is important to remember that for the absorption of vitamin, fats are necessary and bile, and its content is sharply reduced after freezing, temperature processing, during re-warming oil.

Recovery approach the following products:

  • Bow- In the cheese and prepared form slows down the cluster of platelets, activates the dissolution of the thrombus, opposes the thrombotent effect of oily food. According to research, it is enough to eat half a bed to fully block fats.
  • Grapes- Resveratrol, which is contained in the berries of red grapes, prevents the cluster of platelets.
  • Yagoda- Fresh or ice cream.
  • Ginger- reduces blood clotting, presumably due to the substance ginhertolol, which chemical composition Reminds aspirin.
  • Gingko Biloba - Improves blood circulation, expands the clearance of vessels, reduces their fragility, permeability.
  • Fish fat - Contains omega 3, 6 fatty acids that destroy fibrin, which provokes the formation of thrombus, and also dilutes blood.

Mandatory in the patient's menu must be present vegetables, cereals. As shown by the research of Swedish scientists, people who eat many vegetables, the clomes dissolve faster. Such an effect is provided by fiber and vitamin C. By the way, the lowest level of fibrinogen (protein that turns into fibrin - blood pressure) and the most liquid blood at vegetarians.

Meat (but only lean, boiled or cooked couple) should be in the diet no more than 3 times a week.

Prohibited products: what can not be in any case?

From the diet, products are excluded that worsen the bloodstream contribute to the growth of platelets, stagnant phenomena, as well as the formation of thromboms. For a while you will have to cut in the diet food containing vitamin K which leads to blood thickening and increased risk of thrombom education. The sources of this vitamin are green leaves, especially chestnuts, and other parts of the plant containing chlorophyll.

For the period of treatment from the diet, they exclude:

  • all kinds of nuts, with the exception of cashews;
  • smoked meals, canned, too sweet or salty dishes, delaying fluid in the body, contribute to narrowing vessels;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • purple berries shade;
  • white grape juice, pomegranate;
  • rowan, bananas, black currant, rosehip, which increase blood coagulation;
  • strong meat broths;
  • pork I. beef liver, other liven products;
  • fatty dairy products, cheeses, especially home production;
  • fast food and semi-finished products;
  • products with transgiors and cholesterol;
  • bananas;
  • sausages;
  • all kinds of cabbage, greens, spinach;
  • legumes;
  • strong coffee I. green teaas well as malt base drinks;
  • fat foods - they make blood thick, because of which platelets acquire more stickiness and easier to be connected in the clomes.

Approximate menu for diet

The patient can offer such a menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: Any porridge, cooked on purified water, with berries or fruits, a cup of fastening black tea.
  • Dinner: Vegetable soup, baked fish, boiled potatoes.
  • Dinner: Lightweight vegetable salad, fresh fruit, compote.

Excellent snacks between meals are fresh vegetables, fruits, berries. Allowed to drink fastening tea, juices, compotes.

The cause of the heart attack may be a breakfast. Such regularity discovered American scientists. It turns out in people who refuse morning meals, the likelihood of blood clots is higher than three times. After lifting, the tomb stickiness increases dramatically, and the morning meal significantly reduces this indicator.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during thrombosis and thrombophlebitis?

The opinions of physicians regarding the admission of alcoholic beverages diverge. Many believe that alcohol is completely contraindicated. Others argue that limited alcohol consumption will not make much harm to health. We suggest to understand the mechanisms of influence of alcohol on the vessels and blood.

  1. 15 minutes after the admission of alcohol in the stomach, ethanol is absorbed into the blood and spreads throughout the body. Considering the ability of ethanol to influence the phospholipid layer of cell membranes, it becomes clear why the cells of the endothelium of vessels are subjected to pathological changes.
  2. As a result of the violation of the transmembrane transfer of ions, the intracellular processes and the free liquid (part of the plasma of the cell) occurs, according to the principles of the concentration gradient, it goes into the lumen of the vessels. As a result, blood is diluted and its volume increases.
  3. A large amount of blood puts pressure on baroreceptors in vascular walls, which leads to an expansion of the lumen. This process occurs without controlling the highest nervous activity, as a result, an insufficient venous return of blood to the heart is created, which increases the heart rate.
  4. The rapid heartbeat transmits signals to the brain, which in turn allocates adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). This hormone affects the bark of adrenal and stimulates the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood.
  5. Adrenaline leads to a sharp narrowing of the vacation lumen and an increase in their permeability.
  6. As a result, the blood plasma goes beyond the vessels in the tissue. Peripheral edema formed and thickening of blood remaining in the arteries and veins.

To implement all these processes, the body requires no more than 30 minutes. Just imagine what a huge load on the vascular wall over a short period of time. At the beginning to expand sharply, and then it is also sharply narrowed. This leads to a decrease in the tone of the vessels, which subsequently contributes to the development of varicose veins not only by the limbs, but also hemorrhoids.

Important! An unlimited use of alcohol will lead to the breakdown of compensatory mechanisms, as a result of which the blood will begin to be stated in vessels and thrombour them.

Long-term antiagregative preparations and acute thrombosis arteries or thrombophlebitis are direct contraindication For all alcoholic beverages.

As prevention of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, it is recommended to use no more than one gland (200-250 ml) of red dry wine per week. Remember that natural wine is made from natural grape raw materials. Only a small addition of sugar is allowed. The cost of such wines is highly high.

Should I do a massage?

On early stages Thrombophlebitis massage is recommended for eliminating feet edema and prevention of lymphatic stoles. Doctors have allocated five techniques who will not lead to complications - this is homemasa, Thai, Tibetan, lymphatic and water massage. Performing the last four techniques better to entrust professionals.

During the massage there is a relaxation of the muscles, the influx of blood and the inverse of its outflow increases. Splashing massage methods are not injured by the vascular wall and at the same time improve blood circulation. Such an effect is useful when initial stages venous insufficiency.

Reference! Before you make a massage, consult the surgeon.

However, there are also contraindications for massages.. These include thrombosis in the acute stage, pronounced thrombophlebitis of surface and deep veins and running Stages varicose sickness. The risk of separating floting thrombus from the vascular wall is high even with the usual physical activityAnd the strengthening of blood flow only aggravates the situation.

Is it allowed to play sports?

Physical activity in diseases of the vessels is important as well as medicia treatment. But under one condition, the load should be moderate.

You can make a swimming, yoga, medicinal gymnastics, running in a light pace, skiing, Scandinavian walking and many other sports. but strongly prohibited intensive running, jumping and power training (squats, razovaya traction, drops).

A prerequisite for any sports is wearing compression linen. You can buy it in any stores of medical equipment and pharmacies. No need to be afraid to wear stockings, especially for men. Many athletes go to competitions in compression stockings, they understand that health is more important than public opinion.

Compression stockings with thrombophlebitis and thrombosis

For comprehensive treatment Thrombophlebitis doctors recommend compression stockings. Their main function is to create a physiologically necessary pressure on the veins of the lower limbs. Compression knitwear creates an external frame for maintaining veins and prevent their stretching. Pressure force is distributed in stockings unevenly. On the foot and shin the compression is the maximum, approaching pakhova region Pressure decreases.

A similar type of pressure distribution improves blood and lymphotok, which prevents the development of edema on the lower limbs. Depending on the stage of illness and severity clinical manifestations, Doctors prescribe wearing stockings of different compression classes:

  • Grade 1 - 18.4-21.1 mm. RT. Art. For initial manifestations Varicosis, tendency to swelling, for preventing thrombosis in pregnant women.
  • Grade 2 - 25.2-32.3 mm. RT. Art. Varicose disease in pregnant women, prevention of deep vein thrombosis, acute thrombophlebitis, prophylaxis of relapses after phlebectomy or phlebosclezing.
  • Grade 3 - 36.5-46.6 mm. RT. Art. Trophic disorders on the background of varicose veins, lymphovenomous diseases, post-tomboflectic disease.
  • 4th grade - more than 59 mm. RT. Art. It is prescribed rarely with severe elephantia (lymphodium) and arteriovenous malformation.

The size of the size is carried out at a measure of the circle of the lower leg and hips at certain points. IN this issue Also help to deal with experienced flubologo.

Should I fly by plane?

During the flight, the atmospheric pressure changes and the oxygen concentration in the air is reduced. These factors create an additional risk of thrombosis. Patients B. acute period Travel diseases are prohibited during the first month.

As prevention of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, it is recommended:

  • putting on compression linen;
  • change the position of the legs during the flight or walk through the salon;
  • shoe free shoes without heels;
  • on the day of the flight, do not eat coffee, as it has a diuretic effect and will lead to dehydration;
  • observe the water regime.

What shoes choose?

During thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, doctors give recommendations to prevent recurrence or progression of the disease. One of the items will announce the wearing convenient shoes. But no one tells how to choose her correctly. When buying new boots or shoes, focus on the following points:

  1. It follows the new pair of shoes in the evening, since the legs swell and increase in volume.
  2. You should forget about close shoes and do not listen to the advice of the sellers that over time the shoes stretch. Feet are sick already, why exacerbate the state.
  3. Prefer shoe on lacing. This will help adjust it individually under your leg.
  4. Exclude high heels. Physiologically comfortable is a heel of no more than four centimeters. All that above worsens blood circulation and leads to more pronounced edema.
  5. Choose models from natural materials.
  6. Foots can be different size. It is normal to be a bit asymmetric, but the shoes should be chosen in size for a larger foot.

Do not neglect the health, for beauty or fashion. Prefer high-quality and convenient shoes.

Intimate life

Sex is not prohibited by patients with thrombosis or thrombophlebitis during the remission. However, before moving away to the rusties of passion, appreciate your condition. Before occupating sex, you need to rest, fill the fluid level.

Important! Do not drink alcohol before sexual intercourse. Otherwise, the exacerbation of the disease or tomb is provoked.

Prefer the possession at which the load on the limb will be the smallest. If you feel that your condition worsens, it will be appropriate to stop sexual intercourse.

However, patients in the acute stage of the disease and during the first month from active sex should be refrained.

Birth control pills

Most often, women suffer from varicose veins of the veins, it is directly connected with a feature. hormonal background. The female sex hormone estrogen disrupts the tone of the venous wall and leads to the appearance or progression of the already existing varicose varicose.

Not all women necessarily suffer from varicose veins. This is justified by the fact that a small amount of estrogen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, is allocated in the body.

The composition of oral contraceptives includes progesterone and estrogen hormones. This combination of hormones improves menstrual cycle, Protects against pregnancy, reduces the severity of algodismenoi, prevents the formation of the ovarian cysts and the development of breast cancer. However, K. by-effects Believe the occurrence of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of surface and deep veins of the limbs.

To avoid such a complication when taking the contraceptive, the gynecologist prescribes blood tests and the consultation of the phlebologist. At high risk, thrombosis occurs to abandon the drugs containing estrogen.

There are gestagent-containing contraceptives (the second name "mini-drank"), when receiving which the risk of thrombosis is twice lower than that of estrogen-gestagenic. However, before you start taking oral contraceptives It is necessary to consult a doctor and go through all the appointed surveys.,

Let's sum up

Proper nutrition with thrombophlebitis or thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower extremities usually brings the result in combination with simple preventive measures. Attention should be paid light physical activityTo prevent stagnant phenomena in the veins. You can do dancing, swimming, fitness. Improve blood circulation walks in a fast pace.

However, it follows avoid major loads on the lower limbs - For example, squats with a barbell or other weights. Such patients can not take a shower or a bath with hot water.

Harm vessels close clothes, corsets, socks, shoes. Heel in shoes or boots should not be above 4 cm. In order to prevent the aggravation of the disease and the development of inflammation (), smoking should be abandoned.

  • For the flight you should wear loose clothing. Preferably compression linen.
  • In flight (as in ordinary life) You should refuse alcohol.
  • You need to drink as much liquid - water, juices, compotes.
  • If after the flight there was pain in the legs, then immediately appeal to the doctor.

It is important to use a sufficient amount of fluidEspecially athletes after training and competitions, since the reduction of loads leads to a violation of blood flow and serious blood thickening.

Mortality OT cardiovascular diseases Confidently holds first place. So few people are usually subject to elderly, but often pathological processes reveal at an early age.

The thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery is characterized by a particular difficulty in diagnosis due to the lack of specific features.

Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery (Tel), what is it?

The thromboembolism of the light artery (TEL) is the blockage of the light artery or its branches formed (most often) in large veins of the lower extremities.

The embolism refers to the disorder, accompanied by circulation in vessels unusual for the normal state of elements. And blood cloth is a blood clot arising from coagulation. The coagulation process is vital, since due to it, damaged vessels are cleaned. But perhaps the pathological coagulation caused by a number of reasons.

If in the veins of the lower extremities or small pelvis, floting thrombus is formed (weakly attached to the wall of the vessel) - the likelihood of its separation and move to the heart and in the rod of the pulmonary artery.

For large sizes whom is able to procure large vessels, and at small - reaches small capillaries, where he is stuck. Thus, the essence of the thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery (TEL) lies in the blockage of pulmonary vessels by blood closures.

Causes, symptoms and first signs of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities:

The cause of the disease is one - blood clot prevents normal blood flow and gas exchange in the lungs. It provokes a reflex narrowing of vessels and, as a result, an increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery and an increase in the load on the right ventricle. Doctors call 3 factors that contribute to the development of this pathology:

  1. Too small speed Blood flow in the field of lower extremities and pelvis.
  2. Damage to the endothelium of the vascular wall.
  3. Increased blood turning.

Each of these factors (together or separately) provokes a lung artery thromboembolism. The reasons for the reduction of blood flow rate doctors see in primary diseases, which include the destruction of velvet valves. In addition, there is a probability of pressure on the vessels from outside - for example, in the event of a tumor. Such a neoplasm is completely able to overcertrine vein and cause stagnation.

It is impossible to write off with bills and a sedentary lifestyle - perhaps the only factor in history, which acts as a consequence of a negligent attitude of a person to health.

The violation of the integrity of the endothelium in itself launches coagulation. There may be damage as surgical interventionand in the case of physical injury. A variant of the effects of leukocytes are possible, which are especially activated when inflammatory process in the body. In addition, toxins and viruses are also able to damage endotheliums.

Increased blood turning usually provokes high level Fibrinogen - special protein responsible for the formation of thrombus.

If the blood plasma contains little water and many forming elements, the probability of coagulation increases significantly. In turn, the number of erythrocytes, platelets and other cells increases with polycythemia, so TEL can be considered a secondary disease.

What is fibrinogen, blood content standards and what is the danger of its high level:

The acute thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery is developing in blockage of vessels with a large thrombus, while the risk of death is 15%. But small blood clots are not as dangerous, although it is impossible to ignore them, of course. In general, doctors share pathology on 3 species, which are characterized by the degree of vessels and corresponding symptoms of TEL:

1. Nonsive (Closed< 30% сосудов):

  • cough;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • pain in the chest;
  • hemochok
  • lung infarction.

2. Submassive (Closed 30-50% of vessels):

  • increased pressure in the pulmonary artery;
  • lack of right ventricle.

3. Massive (Closed\u003e 50% of pulmonary arteries, incl. and the largest):

  • hypotension (pressure less than 90/50);
  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia (CSS over 100 UD / min);
  • fainting.

With a non-massive form of the thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery, symptoms are often absent, therefore the patient may not even guess about its illness. More pronounced signs are forced to apply to the hospital, however, doctors do not immediately understand the reason for the disorder.

Diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism

A runaway inspection and conversation with the patient will not give any worthwhile information. The fact is that this pathology No specific features, therefore, it is often confused with myocardial infarction, a pulmonary heart, and other diseases. For similar symptoms Medics primarily prescribe electrocardiography, but this method will not always give an unambiguous answer. ECG signs Tala (although indirect) are as follows:

  1. Sinus tachycardia.
  2. Overload of the right atrium and ventricle.

More informative is x-ray study. The picture usually distinguishes the dome of the diaphragm, elevated from the side of the lung, in which the blood blocks arose. In addition, an increase in the right-hand heart departments, and the largest pulmonary arteries are noticeable. If the snapshot demonstrates the compaction of the cone-shaped shape (the triangle of the Hompton), that is, all the grounds suspect the lung infarction.

ECG and radiography are usually used to eliminate other pathology, but modern medicine It has in its arsenal and special methods:

1. Determination of the amount of D-dimer (fibrin decay product):

  • if the concentration of the substance is less than 500 μg / l, it is hardly a disease - TEL;
  • the method does not give an accurate answer.

2. Echocardiography:

  • reveal a violation of the right ventricle;
  • there is a chance to find blood clots right in the heart;
  • detected oval window Explains the impairment of hemodynamics.

3. Computed tomography:

  • apply contrast;
  • create a bulk image of the lungs;
  • effectively detect blood clots.

4. Ultrasonography:

  • study the speed of blood flow in the veins of the lower extremities;
  • consider the cross section of the veins.

5. Scintigraphy:

  • reveal the lungs, in which blood is bad;
  • it is used when prohibiting computer tomography;
  • excludes Tel in 90% of cases.

6. Angiography of the lung vessels:

  • the most accurate method;
  • reveals clomes and narrowed vessels;
  • invasia is required, so there are certain risks.

Signs of pulmonary artery thromboembolism do not always testify to this pathology - doctors need time for a full-fledged patient survey. And only after confirmation of the diagnosis proceed to treatment.

Analysis on Protrombin is part of the study of blood clotting, allowing to estimate the coagulation rate:

If a person falls into the hospital in a fainting condition, with reduced pressure, rapid pulse and pronounced shortness - it is immediately placed in the separation of intensive therapy.

With a lung thromboembolism suspected urgent Care It is to normalize the gas exchange within the respiratory organs. This is required artificial ventilation oxygen lungs, and as additional Mer Vazopressors are introduced intravenously (for example, adrenaline) to at least somehow increase pressure.

After primary help The patient is comprehensively examined. If the TEL is confirmed, the treatment is prescribed:

1. Lower blood clotting:

  • nephrical heparin (intravenous);
  • fondaparinux and heparin of low molecular weight (administered subcutaneously, contraindicated in renal failure);
  • straight anticoagulants are treated at least 5 days;
  • dosages are individual and depend on the weight of the patient;
  • indirect anticoagulant Varfarin is used 3 months after the end of the intensive course.

2. Reperfusion therapy (Removing thromboms by a medication method):

  • preparations - streptocinase, alteplelase, etc.;
  • the danger lies in the high risk of bleeding, incl. and intracerebral.

3. Surgical intervention:

  • in the field of renal veins, special Cava filters are installed to capture blood clots;
  • filters are injected into the femoral or yarem Vienna Through the skin.

First of all, the patient is trying to help medicines, however, drugs have a number of contraindications that must be observed in obligatory. There may be such a situation that the drugs simply do not lead to the desired result. In such cases, only surgical intervention remains.


Although the thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery is difficult to diagnose, yet there are effective methods Treat treatment. But, in some cases, the patient's condition is so running that it will not be able to save. Therefore, with pain in the chest, a frequent heartbeat and shortness of breath should immediately apply to the hospital.

As you know, blood has the ability to roll. This is normal protective mechanismstopping bleeding during damage to the vessel.

But the inflammation of the endothelium (the inner shell of the vessel) is also perceived by the body as damage, and the blood when it begins to roll out inside the inflamed vessel. As a rule, this process develops in veins, since the rate of blood flow in them is less, and the wall is thinner than the arteries. At the same time, blood clots are formed - thrombus, which narrows the clearance of the vessel and impede the normal outflow venous blood. This condition is called thrombophlebitis.

Most often, thrombophlebitis develops in the legs of the tibia, since the rate of blood flow in them is minimal, and the load on the vascular wall and the venous valves are large.

Since the thrombus is continuously growing, its beginning (place of attachment) can be in the leg veins, and the end (freely located in the lumen of the vessel) - in the lower hollow vein, somewhere in the middle of the torso. Such a thrombus is unstable. His top part It can break away, then through the bottom hollow vein and right hearts, it falls into the lung vessels and clogs them. Such a condition is called pulmonary artery thromboembolism - TEL. it heavy complication Thrombophlebitis often leads to a fatal outcome.

Methods for the prevention of thromboembolism are conditionally divided into mechanical (including the period of operation) and drugs (subcutaneous administration of low doses of heparin solution, which reduces blood coagulation). Mechanical methods of prevention include the elevated leg position, constant wearing elastic stockings or binting of the legs, medical gymnastics, electrostimulation of the leg muscles, pneumocompression of the legs. Resort treatment perhaps 6 months after subsidiary acute process. If the patient had previously had embolis, then resort to more complex operational measures to prevent embol in the arterial vessels, including the pulmonary artery. Here, the last word remains for the surgeon.

There are ways to stop the tomb clots in the lower hollow vein. One of them is the firmware of the vein. In this case, several channels are formed in the lumen. Blood passes freely, and the thrombles are delayed.

The tomb clots can be captured and with the help of a special filter installed in the lower hollow vein. Many varieties of such filters were invented. For example, some have an umbrella form. In the folded form, such a "umbrella" is carried out in Vienna and is revealed there. The "rod" of the umbrella filter is fixed on the wall of the vessel. The device remains in Vienna and serves as a good trap for thrombus.

A more advanced filter model resembles an hourglass. Such a filter is stronger, it is attached to inner wall Vienna, forming a double barrier. IN last years The installation of a temporary, removable filter is widely used. When the risk of developing complications is reduced, the filter can be deleted.

During the illness, it is better to eat more vegetables and fruits, fewer animal fats and carbohydrates. Products need to be used not fried and not smoked, but to stew, pass, bake. It is not recommended to eat meat, fish.

Of alternative medicine with thrombophlebitis for a long time Infusion of nettle leaves. Pour 1 glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. Leaves, insist 1 hour and strain. Drink 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.

A branch of oak bark is also used, which acts strengtheningly like a resin on the inner vessels; 1 tbsp. l. Core brew 1 cup boiling water, warm on low heat for 25 minutes, insist 40 minutes. Strain. Drink but 1 tbsp l. 3 times a day before meals.


The thrombosis of the light artery (thromboembolism) is a disease that arises due to the fact that the artery channel, which is directed towards the lungs, a thrombus is formed and blood ceases to enter the destination.

As this, thrombus can act as blood clots and fat deposits on the walls of the artery, which are most often formed in the lower limbs, and eventually get stuck along the path to the lung.

As already mentioned, the main the reason for the occurrence of the disease - Trombus (Embol), which becomes an obstacle in blood system . Since the empballs can have a different nature, the factors contributing to its occurrence can be the most different from the wrong power, ending with the presence infectious lesion Blood vessels.

Eventually easy is not supplied with the necessary amount of blood, after which oxygen starvation occurs, the drop in pressure and the body is experiencing a shock.

List of main reasons:

  • previously transferred operations with complications;
  • lifelong lifestyle with a concomitant bed mode;
  • transferred (arising) stroke or infarction;
  • obesity;
  • fractures in the area of \u200b\u200bhip joints or bertovoy bone;
  • oncological and autochemny diseases that cause increased blood consumption.

Clinic of the disease: species and signs

Thromboembolia occurs quite quickly and develops with different dynamics. Depending on the blockage zone and the size of the resulting thrombus, you can observe various symptoms:

  • unfortunate gaining breathing;
  • pain syndrome in the area chest;
  • top of the body;
  • swollen veins on the neck;
  • hemochlorin;
  • student heart rhythm.

The end of the body of the body occurs with an extensive damage of blood flow and in some cases is accompanied by a hemoplange, as the pressure inside the circulatory system may occur.

IN medical practice, thromboembolism is divided into three main subtypes, depending on the lesion area of \u200b\u200bthe light vessels:

  • massive- 50% and above;
  • submassive– 30%-50%;
  • nemissive- 30% and less.

Complications and consequences

The thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery and its branches is one of the diseases that require immediate intervention by doctors. Exactly the first two hours after the occurrence play a decisive role.and the faster will be rendered clinical assistanceThe less likely to have a fatal outcome.

Thromb also can break away and go through the entire bloodstream system, and eventually clog the other bleeding, which can lead to more big challenges, such as complete heart stop, breathing other. As soon as the first symptoms are manifested, urgently call the urgent medical careSince it is from time to time your life or life of your loved ones will depend.


Predict the exact time of the disease is quite difficultBut with constant observation, you can define a predisposition. This is done directly at the attending physician.

If any circulatory disorders are found in the chest area Additional procedures and analyzes can be assigned.:

  1. ECG (electrocardiogram) - deviations are determined in vascular system. Unfortunately, the method is not accurate and you can only assume the presence of a thrombus in a light artery.
  2. Perfusion scintigraphy - more advanced and modern method. The human body introduces a special contrast, which extends through the circulatory system. Further, with the help of special equipment, pictures are taken and in those places where this substance does not fall, there are problems with blood supply. Although the method is more advanced, but in connection with the availability various pathologies In the organism of the patient, the result may be false positive.
  3. Combined method - includes simultaneous ventilation and scintigraphy of lungs. Here, in addition to the veins, the contrast is also introduced into the lungs. The patient is inhaled by the substance that fills the alveols, and in the places of the occurrence of blood cloth, the contrast will not spread.
  4. Light arteriography- the most dangerous method, as the contrast is not introduced into the vein, but directly in the artery. Allows you to accurately determine the location of the thrombus, but it is not recommended to people with a weak heart.

All about post-thrombotic lower limb syndrome and not only read another.

Medical techniques

Treatment of thrombosis (thromboembolism) of a light artery and eliminating his symptoms, like most other diseases, can be carried out as drug drugsand with the help of surgical intervention in the body.


Medicase treatment includes use analgesics, as well as drugs that reduce blood intake speed. Heparin or its analogues are prescribed, which prevents the occurrence of new thrombus, as well as an increase in old. Reception of drugs can last up to a week or as long as the planned analyzes show normalization of blood intake.

Depending on the situation could be treated with anticoagulants. This type of preparations are used in cases where embolism arose as a result of previously transferred operation.

The duration of treatment, depending on the rate of elimination of the disease, can fluctuate from 2 to 6 months. The dose of accepted drugs is calculated based on the individual parameters of the patient.


Operational intervention during pulmonary thrombosis required only in cases where the patient is on the verge of death. First, thrombolytics are introduced, which are absorbed by the resulting thrombus, and if the medications do not help, a surgeon is starting to work. Unfortunately, this type of drugs cannot be used in humans that have transferred the operation in the next one and a half weeks.

Also operational intervention may be required in cases When the disease again makes itself felt. In this case in large veinwhich goes in the direction from foot to the heart set a special filter that prevents the passage of the generated clots.

Sometimes, to save the lives of a person cannot do without direct intervention in the body. In this case thromb is removed from the artery, and the bloodstream is restored.

In order to prevent embl formation in postoperative periodmay be assigned the same heparin or dextranBut both drugs can lead to bleeding, so only those categories of patients who fall into the risk group are prescribed. When fractures in the area hip joint Penalin is prescribed, and the time and method of use depend on the complexity of the course of the ailment.

When should you consult a doctor?

Timely appeal to doctors will help stop or prevent the embolism of the light artery. Depending on the complexity of manifestation, you can visit angiohurgeh, thoracic surgeon or resuscitator.

The latter is sent already during direct development, since it will fight for the maintenance of life. Angio springs are practiced on the vascular system, and the thoracic - in the diseases of the chest.

Emergency first aid

Urgent urgent help is required if:

  • blood is observed in expectorated sputum;
  • the temperature of the body increased dramatically;
  • breathing frequent;
  • you are in a pre-imaging state, the head is spinning and cramps.

Learn more about the disease from this video:


Preventive actions are aimed primarily to prevent the occurrence of thrombus. When the heightened blood flow is detected, warfarin is assigned or its analogues. During the entire period of use of drugs, the patient passes periodic surveys, for which the success of treatment is determined.

To reduce the chance of the occurrence of thrombus, you can follow the simple rules:

  • move more;
  • balance your nutrition yourself or with a nutritionist;
  • with a sitting lifestyle, no less than once an hour, spend the warm-up;
  • pass a medical examination at least once a year (better than half a year);

With periodic sharp meals In the field of chest and other symptoms of lung thromboembolism, which were described above - do not slow down with the appeal of help and treatment. From how quickly the measures will be taken to eliminate the clogging of the light artery, your life will be dependent.

The best way to prevent any disease is timely diagnostics and elimination of all factors contributing to its occurrence.