Which omega 3 vitamins are best for pregnant women? Can pregnant women take fish oil

  • Date: 10.04.2019

Caring for the health of mothers and children is an essential foundation for building a healthy society.

One of the prerequisites for the birth of healthy children is correct and balanced diet mothers during pregnancy.

Exactly rational nutrition of a pregnant woman ensures the normal course of pregnancy and reduces the risk of abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

An extremely important role during pregnancy and the formation of almost all organs and systems of the newborn is played by polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA) of the omega-3 type.

Omega-3 belong to essential (irreplaceable) fatty acids.

They are not synthesized in the human body and it is extremely important to get them daily in sufficient quantities and in a balanced composition.

According to the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences deficiency in omega-3 intake the majority of the child and adult population of Russia is about 80%.

The published results of a 15-year study conducted in the UK showed unequivocally that mothers who used omega-3 fatty acids in their diet during pregnancy, children are born with higher mental development.

In addition, coordination and motor skills in these children are above average.

Even their language and communication skills are better developed.

For 15 years, Professor Jean Golding of the University of Bristol conducted research in which 14,000 pregnant women participated.

Professor Golding also observed the children of these women, and in particular, their mental development.

Another study was conducted by Dr. Joseph Hiblin of the US National Institutes of Health.

Based on his research, he came to an unambiguous conclusion:

    a mother's diet enriched with omega-3 acids during pregnancy makes her baby smarter.

According to him, omega-3 improves brain function child - mental and language abilities and motor skills.

Another important observation made by Prof. Golding and Dr. Khiblin is that babies whose mothers had a persistent omega-3 deficiency in their diets during pregnancy have difficulty communicating.

Some of the children even have pathological problems in establishing and maintaining contacts.

This is of particular concern because pathological communication problems in childhood lead to communication problems in adulthood.

What is omega-3?

These are polyunsaturated fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, which are produced from the fat of deep-sea fish and other fish species.

Goat milk and kumis are rich sources of omega-3s.

They are also sourced from plants, mainly flax-seed, as well as nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, etc.).

Omega-3 acids have a significant effect on the brain.

Insofar as our brain is 60% fat, the consumption of omega-3 acids improves the mental development of children.

But not only participation in building structural elements cells nervous system is an important factor.

The results showed that the omega-3 dietary supplement given to the piglets doubled the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the anterior cortex.

Serotonin is a substance that is a chemical transmitter of impulses between nerve cells human brain, it controls a person's mood and emotions, as well as appetite and sleep.

So, it is quite obvious that it is necessary to enrich the diet of all people, and in particular, the diet of pregnant women, with products containing omega-3 acids.

Nutritionists recommend daily include 2 tablespoons of flaxseed or pumpkin seeds, 1 tablespoon in the diet olive oil(a source of omega-6 fatty acids), include fish in the diet at least 2 times a week, and also drink goat milk and koumiss.

But nutritionists argue that this is not enough.

It is necessary to periodically use dietary supplements containing omega-3 acids.

For pregnant women, the need for micronutrients, including omega-3 (PUFA), is 25% higher than for non-pregnant women of the same age.

This is due to the fact that the mother must provide not only herself, but also the child.

The results of multicenter studies provide a basis for the use of Omega-3 PUFAs for treatment and prevention obstetric complications, such as

Accordingly, the above minimum will have to be multiplied several times.

NSP supplies to the Russian market a dietary supplement containing omega-3 acids called

which has the following properties:

The dietary supplement is available in capsules (60 capsules in a jar), each of which contains 1,400 mg of fish oil with a guaranteed content of polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA (EPA and DHA), which are of particular value.

In order to future child developed normally, he needs to create optimal conditions. They assume a sufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen through the placental blood flow system. To do this, the pregnant woman adjusts the diet, recommends a moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air, vitamin and mineral complexes.

IN last years special attention is paid to nutrients that play an important role in the formation of organs and systems of the fetus, the health of women. These chemical compounds include polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular omega-3. The human body is unable to independently synthesize these fatty acids from simple substances, therefore, must receive them with food. An alternative to this is the reception of special medicines containing the required amount active ingredients... In this article, we will look at the importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids for the body and dwell on one of the best drugs for pregnant women - Omegamam.

How to Replenish Fatty Acids?

Fatty acid deficiency can be replenished with food, but this is not always feasible, especially during pregnancy. During this period, women have specific culinary preferences and are not always ready to follow the recommendations for the use of healthy and wholesome food.

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids include:

  • flax seeds and linseed oil;
  • fatty varieties of sea fish;
  • spinach, arugula and some other green plants;
  • seaweed.

It should be noted that the listed products have a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids, but the bioavailability of chemical compounds is quite low. This means that getting into the body, such useful material transit through the digestive tract, reaching their destination in very limited quantities.

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids oxidize very easily if stored improperly. At the same time, harmful free radicals are formed in them, which have a detrimental effect on cells.

Thus, it is rather difficult, and sometimes harmful, to provide the body of a pregnant woman with a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids only with the help of food.

In such cases, it is advisable to use drugs.

Benefits of Omega-3 for Pregnant Women

The need for omega-3s during pregnancy increases by about a quarter. This is due to the development of the fetus, the formation of its organs and systems. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are also important for a woman's body. Such chemical compounds contribute to:

  • prevention of the onset of premature labor;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing toxicosis;
  • normalization of the emotional background;
  • reducing the risk of developing hypertension;
  • rarefaction of blood;
  • raising protective properties organism.

Also noted is the positive effect of omega-3 on the condition skin, nails, mucous membranes. Adequate intake of these chemicals allows you to maintain high mental and physical activity throughout the entire period of gestation.

According to the recommendations of experts, the greatest benefit for the body of the expectant mother, they bring high-quality dietary supplements, the representative of which is Omegamama. It is better to start taking such a drug at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, 2-3 months before conception. The early use of polyunsaturated fatty acids will prepare the organs and systems of a woman for subsequent physiological processes. However, pregnancy is not always planned. In such a situation, Omegamama can be used immediately after conception.

In any case, you should consult your gynecologist before using any dietary supplements. This will avoid negative consequences for mom and future baby.

What does Omega-3 do in a child's body?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids play an important role in the normal formation of fetal organs. A deficiency in the intake of these chemical compounds provokes disturbances in the differentiation of almost all tissues, however, the greatest harm is done nerve cells... Currently, the relationship between the lack of omega-3 in the diet of a pregnant woman and a decrease in the intellectual activity of a born child is being actively studied. Although this data has not yet been confirmed, it is not worth the risk.

In addition to participating in the formation of the structures of the central nervous system, omega-3 is necessary for:

  • physiological development of the organs of vision;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • prevention of skin pathology;
  • normal digestion.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids help to increase the body's defenses, help the child adapt to the constantly increasing mental stress during the learning period.

Instructions for use

Omegamam contains highly purified fish fat high in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. The absence of impurities and heavy metals makes this dietary supplement safe for use during pregnancy. The high degree of purification is also evidenced by the absence of a fishy smell, so that the use of the drug will not cause any unpleasant sensations... Active chemical compounds are protected from oxidation by the antioxidants included in the composition. This guarantees the stability of the components throughout the shelf life of 2 years.

Indications for use

Omegamama is used as additional source polyunsaturated fatty acids. The drug can be used during physiological pregnancy or:

  • at risk of premature birth;
  • in pregnant women with diagnosed recurrent miscarriage;
  • with suspicion of intrauterine growth retardation;
  • in women with increased blood pressure and the risk of preeclampsia;
  • in cases of deterioration of placental blood flow.

Omegamama is also used in postpartum period... The dietary supplement is effective in complex therapy depressive conditions.

The duration of the course of therapy is determined by the attending physician. In physiological pregnancy, the duration of taking the drug does not exceed 1 month. Availability pathological conditions may lengthen the period of use of Omegamama.

The daily dosage in rare cases exceeds 300 mg. This amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids is sufficient to eliminate the deficiency of these compounds in the body.

Contraindications and side effects

Omegamam is quite safe. It has a minimum number of contraindications that must be considered before prescribing it:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components, manifested allergic reactions as skin rashes, urticaria, mucosal edema. These phenomena are rare, since a high degree of purification allows you to get rid of most allergens.
  2. Hemophilia, bleeding tendency. Due to blood thinning, the intake of omega-3 is contraindicated in such patients, as it can provoke increased bleeding.
  3. Severe renal and hepatic impairment, which impedes metabolism and excretion of polyunsaturated acids from the body.

To prevent development side effects the drug Omegamam must be used according to the instructions or recommendations of the gynecologist. Compliance with the dosages and duration of the course will completely protect the patient from adverse events.

An article on how acids of the Omega-3 class affect the course of pregnancy, well-being future mother, formation and development of the fetus.

The doctor in the antenatal clinic will usually prescribe certain supportive medications, such as vitamin E and folic acid... She should also ask if she should drink fish oil or some other supplement with Omega-3, because acids of this class can favorably affect her well-being, pregnancy, and fetal formation.

Is it possible and necessary to drink Omega-3 during pregnancy?

The answer to this question is unequivocally yes. Essential, irreplaceable acids of the Omega-3 class (docosahexaenoic, eicosapentaenoic and alpha-linolenic) are needed by every cell of the body of the expectant mother and the fetus in her womb. They are not synthesized in the body, you need to build your diet so that you get enough of them.

IMPORTANT: In fact, any adult or child who does not eat fatty and semi-fatty fish at least twice a week for a large portion of 300 g should drink Omega-3 preparations from time to time. You can read about the effect of these fatty acids on the body in the article: “.

During pregnancy, you can and should drink Omega-3.

A woman striving for motherhood is obliged to take care of her baby even before he is born, or better, even before conception. Today it is possible to plan a pregnancy and create all possible prerequisites for its normal course, normal delivery and the normal formation of the fetus. The nutrition of a woman plays one of the main roles here.

  1. It is not necessary, contrary to popular belief, to eat for two. What should be revised is not the quantity of the consumed products, but their quality. The emphasis in the nutrition of a pregnant woman is on proteins, vitamins, minerals and "healthy" fats.
  2. At the planning stage of pregnancy or from the moment of its onset, a woman should include in her diet natural sources Omega-3: Fish and fish products, which contain DHA and EPA, as well as flax seeds, nuts rich in alpha - linolenic acid. Of course, if she is not allergic to these products.
  3. If a woman has toxicosis, and she eats little, if she does not like fish and seafood, if, in the end, she financially cannot afford to consume them in an amount sufficient to obtain the Omega-3 norm, it is worth discussing with the doctor the possibility of consuming those containing acids this class of food additives: fish or seal oil, liquid or in the form of capsules, fiber from flax seeds, etc.

A pregnant woman can receive Omega-3 PUFAs from food and supplements.

How much omega-3 to drink during pregnancy?

IMPORTANT: During gestation, the need for Omega-3 acids in a woman increases by about a quarter. If her history is not burdened chronic diseases, the norm of DHA and EPA in combination is at least 3 g per day.

However, pregnant women should not go over too much with doses of Omega-3. Acids of this class, in particular, docosahexaenoic acid, in large quantities thin the blood. And this is fraught with expectant mothers:

  • nosebleeds
  • internal, including uterine, bleeding
  • threatened termination of pregnancy

The norm of Omega - 3 during pregnancy - 3 g.

How does Omega-3 affect pregnancy?

On this score, scientists and doctors are conducting various studies, during which they managed to find out the following:

  1. Omega-3s generally improve the well-being of the expectant mother. Fatty acids regulate its fat metabolism, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, fight "bad" cholesterol, balance the work of the nervous system.
  2. Pregnancy - difficult period for immune system women, she is prone to infectious diseases... DHA and EPA strengthen the immune system, help female body resist pathogens from external environment, stimulate the defenses against their own conditionally pathogenic microflora. Alpha linolenic acid, for example, prevents recurrence of cold sores - viral infection in pregnant women.
  3. Omega-3 acids have an anti-thrombotic effect on a woman's body "in position", making her blood less viscous. This helps to improve the nutrition of the fetus through the placenta.
  4. It turned out that taking fish oil is the prevention of toxicosis, preeclampsia and eclampsia in a pregnant woman.
  5. DHA and EPA affect pregnancy rates by preventing miscarriages and premature birth.
  6. Omega-3s, by improving brain function and balancing the nervous system, help a woman fight depression both during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  7. Fish oil improves performance, attention and concentration, which is very important for working pregnant women.

Omega-3 is taken to prevent hypertension in expectant mothers.

How does omega-3 deficiency manifest itself in expectant mothers: symptoms

According to medical statistics, Omega-3 deficiency is observed in 8 out of 10 expectant mothers. It is fraught with:

  • feeling tired, lack of energy
  • rapid fatigability
  • deterioration of skin, hair and nails
  • bad mood
  • increased blood sugar up to pregnancy diabetes
  • myalgia and joint pain
  • increase in blood pressure
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • toxicosis on early dates, preeclampsia in late
  • deterioration of uteroplacental blood flow

VIDEO: Need to Know During Pregnancy: The Benefits of Omega-3s

The role of omega-3 in fetal formation

The body of a child in the womb, just like the body of an already born person, does not synthesize ALA, EPA and DHA. He receives these acids from the mother's body.

  • Omega - 3 are part of the cell membranes of the fetus
  • in the early stages, PUFA are needed for the normal laying of all systems of the baby's body
  • Omega-3 has an anti-mutagenic effect
  • EPA and DHA are involved in the development of the nervous and visual systems baby
  • after 30 weeks of pregnancy and up to 3 months from birth, Omega-3 PUFAs are accumulated by the organs of the child's nervous system, which in the future affects health and mental development

Omega-3 PUFAs are needed for the normal formation and development of all organs and systems of the fetus.

On the latter fact, studies were carried out in the UK and the USA.

  1. British scientists have established that a higher intellectual development observed in children whose mothers during pregnancy and lactation consumed Omega-3 as a dietary supplement and, accordingly, received the PUFA norm for themselves and the child. In addition, motor skills and coordination of movements in these children were also better than the average.
  2. The US National Institutes of Health also concluded that taking omega-3s in expectant mothers affects the intelligence of their children and their ability to learn languages.

IMPORTANT: Scientists Golding and Khiblin from the UK, observing pregnant women taking Omega-3, and later children for 15 years, found that PUFAs also affect their communication skills. Babies who grew up in the womb "on fish oil" turned out to be more sociable.

If a pregnant woman does not eat fatty fish and plant sources of Omega-3, the child's health suffers. The baby can be born:

  • underweight and stunted
  • allergy-prone
  • reduced intellectual abilities
  • impaired motor skills
  • weak immunity

Omega-3 for women when planning pregnancy

Omega-3 PUFAs tend to accumulate in the body. Therefore, it makes sense to start dealing with their deficiency even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

  1. Taking Omega-3 by a woman at the planning stage of pregnancy will reduce the risk of occurrence of the problems described above.
  2. The expectant mother will have the strength and strong nerves to cope with the difficult periods of bearing a baby, childbirth and caring for a baby in the first months of his life.
  3. Her postpartum recovery will be easier and faster.

Omega-3 is recommended for couples planning pregnancy.

In addition, Omega-3 increases the very likelihood of pregnancy; the supplement is recommended for women with infertility problems.

  1. Very often, motherhood cannot occur in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. One of the reasons for this pathology, doctors call PUFA deficiency.
  2. DHA and EPA affect performance endocrine system women, that is, the synthesis of her sex hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg, its successful implantation in case of fertilization, the subsequent bearing of pregnancy, the formation and development of the fetus.

Omega-3 for men when planning pregnancy

In a couple planning to conceive and have a child, not only a woman, but also a man should be engaged in the prevention of Omega-3 deficiency.

IMPORTANT: Omega-3 PUFAs affect the production and quality of sperm in men, the viability and motility of sperm.

Also, Omega - 3 has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, circulatory and nervous systems of a man, makes him more resilient, and helps to cope with depression. All this in a complex enhances his libido and erectile function, increases the chances of conceiving a child naturally.

IMPORTANT: Omega-3 has an anti-inflammatory effect on a man's body, obtaining EPA and DHA in normal amounts is the prevention of prostatitis, a disease that reduces male fertility.

VIDEO: Omega-3 for pregnant women

Omega-3 during pregnancy: which manufacturer's drugs are better?

In principle, if a pregnant woman has previously drunk Omega-3, she has not experienced any side effects, she can continue to take her usual medications.
But in the antenatal clinic, Omega-3 is more often prescribed specifically for pregnant women.

PUFA can be included in the vitamin and mineral complex for expectant mothers. The best drugs from this category are:

  • Madonna + Omega - 3
  • Multi-Tabs Prenatal + Omega 3
  • Femibion
  • "9 months of Omegamama" Valenta Pharm

Preparation with Omega-3 for pregnant women: Multi - Tabs Prenatal plus Omega-3.

Preparation with Omega-3 for pregnant women: Femibion.

Apart from vitamin and mineral complexes, they drink highly purified EPA and DHA in preparations for pregnant women:

  • Omegamama 9 months
  • Vitrum Cardio Omega 3

Preparation with Omega-3 for pregnant women: Vitrum Cardio Omega-3.

Preparation with Omega-3 for pregnant women: Omegamama

IMPORTANT: You can also take Norwegian fish oil capsules or liquid. The drugs must have quality certificates!

Omega-3 during pregnancy: reviews

The possibility of taking Omega-3, the choice of drugs with PUFAs are actively discussed on forums for pregnant women on the Internet. There you can read interesting reviews:

  1. Alyona: “When I got pregnant, my friend advised me to eat salads dressed with linseed oil. They say that there is a lot of Omega-3, but it is cheaper than dietary supplements. The gynecologist just laughed and prescribed Vitrum Cardio Omega 3. I drank it in the first trimester, now I will be after 32 weeks. "
  2. Super daughter mom: “I personally like Norwegian fish oil. I drank it in my first pregnancy, and now I'm starting the course. The condition of the hair has noticeably improved, brittle nails have disappeared. And the toxicosis is not so strong. "
  3. Katrina: “Subscribed to Oriflame company. Before pregnancy I took Omega - 3 Wellness from this company. I asked the gynecologist when I got pregnant. She said we can continue. "

Preparation with Omega-3 for pregnant women: Omega-3 Wellness from Oriflame.

VIDEO: Omega 3 during pregnancy. Omega 3 for pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman should not completely stop eating fats. There are many vitamin complexes aimed at maintaining the health of her and the child. One of these drugs is Omega 3 for pregnant women. Fatty acids are necessary for young mothers for the proper development of the nervous system of the future baby.


Should I drink Omega 3 during pregnancy? Yes, this product is made from natural raw materials. The body easily assimilates it, transfers it, but does not produce it on its own. Therefore, fatty acids are released as food additives. The capsules are easily soluble and have a transparent color.

Useful properties of fish oil:

  1. takes part in the formation of tissues;
  2. participates in the structure of cells;
  3. strengthens the immune system;
  4. normalizes fat metabolism;
  5. monitors the appearance of inflammatory processes;
  6. prevents the formation of thrombosis;
  7. normalizes the work of the heart.

Moms who drank this drug note that their children show high level mental development, they are sociable, have language abilities. Also, such babies have early development small motor skills.

Omega 3 is a set of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the main of which are two: eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor during the consultation.

In some cases, drugs with Omega 3 are contraindicated:

  • there is an intolerance to fish products;
  • impaired liver function;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome is present.

Do not prescribe fatty acids after injury, before surgical intervention... You should stop taking just before childbirth.

Indications and dosage

The first place, of course, belongs to sea fish. But all of its varieties contain a different number of useful elements. Most of them are found in salmon, sardine, mackerel, tuna.

This is followed by seeds, nuts, vegetable products. It is advisable for everyone to add them daily to the diet. During pregnancy, an additional dose of vitamin is required, therefore, pharmacy dietary supplements are used. The instructions for use say that you can use the drug alone or in combination with other means.

Why are pregnant women prescribed Omega 3:

  • normalize blood clotting;
  • for the correct formation of the fetus;
  • prevention of premature birth;
  • reduce the likelihood of late toxicosis;
  • these drugs prevent the onset of depression.

Also, fatty acids are used for diseases of the endocrine, nervous system, various kinds allergic manifestations, rashes on the skin.

The norm of omega 3 for pregnant women is 300 mg daily.

The daily norm of polyunsaturated acids for women expecting the birth of a baby is 4 grams. But it is difficult to imagine that a woman in labor eats 3 grams of sardines per day, therefore they are created special preparations... It is better to take them to start at the beginning of pregnancy and not to stop during the period breastfeeding... All components are absolutely safe.

Ideally, fatty acid intake should be started long before conception. If this does not happen, Omega 3 accumulates and will be demanded later. On the early period During pregnancy, foods containing polyunsaturated acids should be included in the diet twice a week. In the future, their number will grow.

Until when should you drink Omega 3? It is advisable to do this throughout the entire period and even after. The daily dose is regulated by a doctor. If a woman has taken Omega 3, no side effects was not found, she can continue to use this drug.

  1. solgar;
  2. multi tabs;
  3. gun;
  4. doppelherz asset.

The above list of drugs is also useful for its effect on cholesterol metabolism, strengthening blood vessels, increasing their elasticity. Supplements can be combined with any other product. They anticipate the onset of pathology in a woman's body, contribute to the life support of the baby, and reduce the likelihood of placental dysfunction.

It is useful to know that babies born with a lack of vitamins in the mother's body develop hypertension as adults. According to mothers, the use of the drug relieves fatigue, improves memory, hair condition. The price for this tool is low, available to any category of citizens.

You've probably heard that healthy eating a pregnant woman is not allowed to exclude fats from the diet. Certainly not the ones found in donuts, fries and cheeseburgers! Such fats will do nothing but harm.

But not all fats are bad for you, some help your brain and heart function, and some help keep your baby healthy in the womb. Omega-3 fatty acids (hereinafter referred to as omega-3 FAs) are good view fat, they are good for both you and your baby during pregnancy.

There are three main types of omega-3s you need during pregnancy:

1. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) - this type of omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced by the body, so you must get it externally, preferably from foods ( walnuts, soybeans).

2. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) - This type ensures the normal development of the baby's eyes and brain when it is in the uterus. Your body makes DHA on its own, but that may not be enough. Therefore, it is best to replenish your body's reserves by taking special nutritional supplements containing DHA.

3. Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) - Like DHA, this type of omega-3 fatty acid is also produced by your body, but it is also best taken in supplement form.

Why are omega-3 fatty acids needed?

Omega-3 fatty acids improve general state health. They are:

  • Helps lower blood pressure and maintain heart health
  • help lower high cholesterol levels, thereby preventing clogging of the arteries with cholesterol plaques, which can lead to heart disease;
  • reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
  • support brain health throughout life.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, getting enough omega-3 FAs, especially DHA, is very important for your baby's health. Most of all is present in the brain and eyes, so it can be safely argued that DHA actively supports the development of your child's brain and eyes.

Where can you get omega-3 fatty acids?

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you need 200 mg of DHA per day. You can get the right amount of DHA and other omega-3s during pregnancy in the following ways:

1. From food. The richest fish in omega-3 FA are fish, especially salmon, herring, sardines and trout. You need to eat at least 340 grams of fish per week. However, keep in mind that DHA is only found in wild fish, if the fish is raised on a special farm, then it may not have the right amount of omega-3 FAs.

Besides fish, good sources omega-3 FAs are algae and fish oil. But keep in mind that taking fish oil together in vitamins for pregnant women can lead to an excess of certain vitamins in the body, in particular A, D and E. An excess of these vitamins, especially retinol (vitamin A), can be harmful to the fetus. Also, drinking too a large number fish oil can lead to internal bleeding, and the appearance of blood in the urine.

Nuts, vegetable oils (rapeseed, soybean, olive), foods specially fortified with DHA (see label), orange juice, milk and eggs are also high in omega-3 FAs. In addition, many of these products are sorely needed to prevent neural tube defects in your baby.

Flaxseed and flaxseed oil are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids, but they should not be consumed during pregnancy. some studies have shown Negative influence on the fetus. It is also best to abstain from these foods while breastfeeding.

2. From special food supplements containing DHA. If you are not getting enough DHA from food, you should take a supplement that contains at least 200 mg of DHA every day. Many prenatal vitamins contain DHA, so talk to your doctor before taking supplements to make sure they are safe for you during pregnancy.