The bump below the groin in men. A subcutaneous bump appeared in Pahu - how to treat? Gematoma of the Pakhova region

  • Date: 05.04.2019

The emergence of any neoplasms on the body always leads to concern for the state of their health. Especially violently react to changes in any part of the body of a fair sex. Not always, such a reaction is caused by fears for the health of their body, more often the girls are guided by aesthetic considerations and worry about their beautiful appearance. A bump in groin in women is an alarming sign that cannot be left without attention. Such education cannot be perceived only as a cosmetic defect, the appearance of cones in the groin area may indicate the presence of pathological processes in the body.

If a woman appeared in a groin, a bump appeared, first of all, it is necessary to consult a doctor if the neoplasm appeared due to the disease, then the earlier you begin the course of treatment, the better the result will be.

Often the development of the neoplasm occurs unnoticed for a woman and is not accompanied by discomfort or soreness. A woman can detect a bump randomly while taking a shower or disguised underwear. The subcutaneous bump in the groin in women is a very delicate theme and many female representatives are shy to apply with such a problem to the doctor, as they believe that this is due exclusively with sexual infection. However, in fact, the causes of the occurrence of cones in the groin area are quite a lot. The most common of them are:

  1. Infectious diseases: The defeat is not only a reproductive system, but also of any organs or tissues of bacterial or viral flora can be accompanied by an increase in various, including. For each disease, provoked by the pathogenic microorganisms in the body, is characterized by an increase in lymph nodes in one degree or another and different localization. In such cases, the bump under the skin in groin in women is only a lymph node, which thus responded to the penetration of the pathogen into lymphatic vessels. Often infectious diseases are accompanied by bright clinical symptoms, but there are also sluggish, latent infections. Remember that when you find one or more enlarged lymph nodes, you need to consult a doctor;
  2. Inflammatory processes in female genital organs: due to the anatomical features of the structure of the women's urogenital system, the pathogenic flora can easily penetrate into the vagina, urethra and bladder. Inflammation caused by various pathogens in these organs is often accompanied by regional lymphadenitis. The inner cone in the groin in women, which can be detected palpatorially or visually in such cases, is an inflamed lymphatic node. Venusal diseases and fungal lesions, which are accompanied by a complex of unpleasant symptoms (burning and itching in the vagina or urethra, the presence of various consistency with an unpleasant smell, pain syndrome and others) are also given to the increase in lymph nodes
  3. Allergic manifestations: lymph nodes can increase in size not only in response to the occurrence of the infectious process, but also to enter the organism of some allergens. If a cone in groin has a woman to the left or right, then you need to remember whether you took any drugs or maybe you tried a new exotic dish on the eve;
  4. Packing hernia: In women, this pathological condition is much less common than in men. However, in some cases, the bump between the foot and steam on the bend turns out to be a groin hernia. Inguinal hernias in women are formed due to the weakness of the muscles of the abdominal press. This is observed when performing significant physical exertion, obesity, various pathologies of muscle fibers. Characteristic of hernia is a soft consistency, painlessness (with uncomplicated flow), as well as the possibility of its own self-return. Even if the bump between steam and foot in women does not cause you discomfort, it is necessary to examine the surgeon;
  5. Song gland inflammation: a purulent bump in groin in women may arise due to. The predisposing factors for this state is increased sweating in the groin area, non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, traumatization during shaving or depilation with wax. Furuncul is an education that rises above the skin surface. In the ripening stage, local pain, a change in the color of the skin over the lesion section is characteristic. As a rule, the furuncle ripens and independently reveals during 7-10 days;
  6. Inflammation of sweating gland: a painful bump in groin in women can be formed due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms in sweat glands. The epithelium of the skin of the groin area contains a large amount of sweat and sebaceous glands. In case of non-compliance with hygienic standards, hydragenite can be recurrent. The disease is usually caused by bacterial flora and is successfully leaving local treatment;
  7. Inflammation of the bartholine glands: when localizing the inflammatory process in bartoline glands, the bump is in groin in women on the right or on the left in the field of the vagina's antihily. Bartolinite may arise due to the causative agent in the gland with an unprotected sexual intercourse or non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The process is accompanied by soreness, changes in the color of the skin around the affected gland and the development of swelling;
  8. Varicose veins: In the development of this pathology, a significant role is played by the hereditary predisposition and the way of life of a woman. In the varicose veins of the surface femoral veins, the bump between the foot and steamer appears more often after physical overvoltage. The painful syndrome is not typical for this disease, however, such a manifestation is very frightened by a woman and brings unpleasant sensations;
  9. Development of neoplasms: Most often in the groin area there are benign neoplasms in the form of lipoma or atheroma. A tumor of a lymphatic node can also develop, which must be distinguished from the usual increase in lymph node during inflammation;

Diagnosis of cones in the groin area in women

Even if you feel absolutely healthy and you, except for the appearance of a neoplasm in groin, there are no other alarming symptoms, it is still necessary to undergo a medical examination. If the bump in the groin area is painless and does not give discomfort, then first of all should be referred to as a surgeon to eliminate groin hernia or benign tumor tissue or vessels. However, if you feel even minor signs of general ailment, it is best to consult an infectiocrineist to the dermatovenerologist.

A complex of diagnostic measures is appointed individually in each particular case. If you suspect the infectious process in the genitourinary system, in addition to standard clinical tests of blood and urine, you will need to hand over the smear on the flora from the vagina or urethra. To establish the etiology of the latent flowing infection, more complex research methods, such as PCR and ELISA, will be needed. In the development of the tumor in the tissues of the groove region, the biopsy must be carried out to eliminate the malignant flow of the process.

Treatment of cones in the groin area in women

It is important to remember that the self-forming of the neoplasms is categorically contraindicated. Even a small bump in groin in a woman can be a sign of serious pathology. Treatment should prescribe exclusively your attending doctor after a carefully conducted examination. Depending on the etiology of the appearance of education in the groin, one or another tactics of therapy is selected. If the bump is an inflamed lymph node, then the treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. With neutralization of the causative agent of infection, the lymphatic node will decrease in size.

Such pathology as varicose veins, inguinal hernias and benign neoplasms may require inclusion in a complex of treatment of various surgical manipulations. Such pathology as varicose veins, inguinal hernias and benign neoplasms may require inclusion in a complex of treatment of various surgical manipulations. When blocking and inflammation of the glands, which in the groove region, most often apply local treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments or gel. In the prevention of hydraenite, furuncoolz and bartolinite, a thorough compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene plays.

Remember that it is most effective to treat the disease in the early stages. You should not ignore the appearance of cones in the groin area, the timely appeal to the doctor will help to avoid many unpleasant complications.

A bump in groin in women to the right phenomenon is incredible, especially in pregnant women. The female reproductive system is arranged in such a way that the lymphosystem reports about the appearance of any malfunction.

The swelling of the lymph node can occur for many reasons - from the usual protective reaction of the organism on allergens and large loads to serious pathology.

Causes of sealing cones in groin

Increased lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are filter for the body. They delay the growth and reproduction of malicious microflora. When bacteria accumulate in large quantities, the inflammatory process is observed in the lymph node. Externally, in women, he looks like a bump in a groin on the right.

Lymph nodes are filter for the body

Precede to her can:

  • Viral infections: rubella, herpes, cortex;
  • Fungal microorganisms: candids and cocci;
  • Different STDs: Ureaplasmosis, Gonorrhea, Syphilis;
  • Small injuries.

Inguinal hernia

The hernia is the loss of abdominal organs through the groin canal. The phenomenon may be complicated by pinching.

Hernia is the loss of abdominal organs through the groin canal

Disease acquires a pronounced character For a number of physiological reasons:

  1. Complicated pregnancy;
  2. Difficult or long childbirth;
  3. Heavy loads on the press;
  4. Tightening cough;
  5. Frequent constipation;
  6. Excess weight.

Inflammation of the fuel of the gland (greasy, sweat)

The process of blockage of the row gland is called atteroma. A large amount of sebaceous glands is concentrated in the groin area. Each of them produces and displays a secret through the dockets.

When clogged, the pathogenic flora is actively spreading inside. The reason often serves bacteria in the damaged razor skin. As well as violations of hormonal background associated with excessive secretion by the secrets with saline glands.

It arises due to the contact of microorganisms from the MOCUPSPECTIVE Channel in the Bartliner Breast Dump.

An increase in bartoline gland

Bartolinitis causes:

  • STD: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis;
  • Pathological microbes of the form of candidates and mushrooms;
  • Cramped linen;
  • Complications after abortion.

Neof formation

Evil-quality tumors can appear due to endocrine disorders, frequent damage to viruses, influence of chemical carcinogens (pesticides, herbicides). The most likely factor is a burdened heredity.

Inflammation of the hair follicula

The occurrence of purulent pimples occurs due to the inwards of the follicle of golden staphylococcus or fungi. They penetrate the skin microtraums during epilation, non-compliance with the hygiene and wearing cramped linen.

Note! When trying to independently eliminate inflammation of squeezing, the infection may turn into the nearest follicles.

Varicose veins in the groin area

Varicose expansion may occur due to genetic predisposition. During pregnancy, it is a consequence of changes in the hormonal background. Also appears with a quick weight set, hypertension, a sedentary lifestyle.


The bump in the groin in women on the right can be expressed due to the reaction of lymph nodes to the appearance of allergens. In this case, you should remember whether you have recently been made any new drugs or new products.

How to treat seals in the groin area

To which doctor to turn

Many women find a cone in the groin on the right or left the question arises: "To which doctor to contact?". First, it is necessary to sign up for the reception to the therapist. He will hold a primary inspection, clarify the hereditary history, will hold a palpation and, if necessary, prescribes the puncture of the neoplasm.

Many women find a cone in the groin on the right or left the question arises: "To which doctor to contact?". First you should sign up for the reception to the therapist

Note! If the cone hurts and has a swelling, then an additional consultation of the surgeon or gynecologist will be required.

Is aircraft

It is very risky to engage in the self-medication. The neoplasm may not always be a natural reaction to certain stimuli. In some cases, the bump can be a cancer tumor.

With incorrect treatment, you can speed up the course of dangerous pathology.

What to do when the cones on pregnancy occurs

The most common cause of the appearance of a bump in groin in women on the right or on the left during pregnancy is the crotch varicose varicosexes and lower extremities. The protrusion occurs due to stagnant phenomena provoked by the pressure of the fetus on a small pelvic vessels.

It is important to distinguishAt what stage of development is education. In the elementary - the bump is easily forgiven when pressing and does not cause unpleasant sensations. In the launched state, inflammation of the veins may develop with the formation of a thrombus.

The most common reason for the appearance of a bump in groin in women on the right or left during pregnancy is considered varicose veins and lower extremities

With a light form of varicose medicine, the doctor will prescribe compression stockings to improve blood circulation in foci of inflammation. In severe cases - the reason is eliminated by the introduction of special drugs, or by surgical intervention.

Large loads on unoccupied muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor sometimes provoke hernia. The protrusion may pass when complying with simple rules: wearing a bandage and moderate physical exertion.

Note! Operation to remove hernia is extremely rare, and only subject to the infringement of hernia content.

Nodules may also be a consequence of hydraenite. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in closed sweat glands. As a rule, the disease cause staphylococcal bacteria.

It is necessary to make an appointment with the therapist and pass the analysis to the pathogenic microflora

Therefore, it is necessary to make an appointment with the therapist and pass the analysis to the pathogenic microflora. Further treatment tactics determine the doctor.

In any case, the appearance of a bump in the groin on the right in women serves as a signal for urgent appeal to the gynecologist. Only a specialist will be able to conduct the necessary diagnosis and appoint proper treatment.

When the cones are found in the groin, a woman must understand that the disease is easier and easier to cure at an early stage. Therefore, timely appeal to the doctor for proper diagnosis is the first rule of prevention of the disease.

Take care of your health, dear women!

In this video, you will rotate about the possible causes of the occurrence of the bump in the groin:

In this video, the doctor will tell about inflammation in the crotch:

On the increase in lymph nodes you will learn from this video:

When a cone appears in the groin, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. The emergence of such solid swelling can be a sign of a serious disease. Especially if the bump in the groin hurts. Even if she disappeared or cleared, it does not mean that the danger passed, although many after that they forget about the doctor - until her next appearance. After all, it is possible that the disease has passed into a chronic form.

Why appear bumps in groin?

Various tumors, swelling and bumps in groin are signs of some disease. But only a doctor can determine it. A bump in the paha area may appear due to inflammation of lymph nodes. The reason often serves as atheroma or groin hernia. For diagnostics are of great importance:

  • already existing diseases;
  • sizes, density and shape of the cones;
  • temperature;
  • the occurrence of pain;
  • the location of the cone.


If a bump in men appeared in the groin, then the possible reason is the inflammation of lymph nodes. This disease is the name of lymphadenitis. Most often, this disease begins after viral, fungal and infectious diseases. Inflamed lymph nodes are usually not more than large beans. Previously, lymphadenitis was treated by surgical operations. Conservative methods are now applied. But they can give a positive effect only in the early stages of the disease.

Basic symptoms:

  • lymph nodes are increased;
  • the temperature rises;
  • the appearance of pain;
  • inflammation in the bump area.

The causes of inflammation of lymph nodes can be:

  • urogenital disease disease;
  • venereal diseases;
  • oncology;
  • genital infections;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of the testicles;
  • glice invasions.

If the doctor appeared late, and the lymphadenitis was launched, purulent processes can begin. They are distributed deep into the bodies and cause phlegmon.

When does the bump in the groin appear in the groin?

When atteromes, a dense round bump appears in the upper part of the groin. Inside it is a capsule with a thick mass, which is distinguished through the strait. This cone is called cyan gland, or atteroma. Its value can be with walnut or develop to a huge tumor. Causes of appearance:

  • violations of the hormonal background;
  • sharp temperature differences;
  • various injuries and bruises;
  • non-compliance with hygiene;
  • fried and oily food;
  • toxic substances.

Inflammation begins when the rides of the sebaceous glands are blocked. As a result of the accumulated fat there is no exit outside. In the case of progressive inflammation, the subcutaneous abscess can begin.

The boys the bump appears and as a result of the non-lowered eggs. But due to injuries or swelling, the inguinal cones appear less frequently than from the above causes.

Inguinal hernia

Often with hernia appears in the groin bump in men. It is formed due to the weakening of the abdominal muscles. At voltage (cough, physical exertion, etc.) begin to drink intestinal loops, forming a bag. A bump appears in the groin on the left or right. There are pains and a red shade of dense swelling, only enhanced at the voltage. The only way of treatment is only by surgical intervention.

Diagnosis of cones in groin

If a bump in the groin appeared in the groin - it is necessary to contact the surgeon. The doctor conducts palpation, determines the consistency and mobility of education. Be sure to take urine and blood tests. To determine oncology, biopsy is made, ultrasound and MRI. Treatment is assigned only after establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment and prevention of cones in groin

It is not treated with a liner (this is a consequence, a kind of body signal), and the reason for which it appeared. Do these urologists and surgeons. First, medication methods are used and only after that - surgical intervention, if there is no other treatment. Sometimes, as, for example, with a groin hernia, the only method is an immediate operation.

To prevent the appearance of cones in groin, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Do exercises. Engage in swimming and provide body and muscle physical exertion (but in moderation without overdoing). Any common procedures can prevent diseases due to which inguinal bumps can subsequently form. For prevention, it is important and proper nutrition. As well as timely rest and observance of personal hygiene.

A bump in groin in men may appear at any time. Many do not pay attention to this at all, thinking that everything will be held in itself, and this may later lead to serious illnesses. What does the fact of the appearance of a bump in groin mean? Do I need to urgently go to the doctor's examination or you can wait, and everything will pass? To understand this, you need to know the reason for the formation of a bump and its connection with possible diseases of the various organs of a man.

Causes and types of similar formations

Most often, such a bump in a groin may appear due to the development of inflammatory processes in lymph nodes or due to the formation of groin hernia. Of great importance for the proper diagnosis is the formation of an outflow:

  • the bump in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin appeared on the right;
  • it was formed on the left;
  • a dense bump is detected between the legs.

With inflammation of the lymph node, it resembles small beans with its shape and sizes. If the cause of the formation of the growth was the development of hernia, then the sizes of the cones can range from walnut to a large tumor, which is usually located in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe groin.

Such a neoplasm is characteristic of the swelling of the scrotum, which may be formed due to injury or as a result of the development of the water of the egg. In small boys and teenagers, the bump appears because of the egg, which for any reason did not sink out of the peritoneum in the scrotum. Consider in more detail all of the above cases.

Inflammation of lymph nodes

This disease is called lymphadenitis. The main symptoms of this ailment are:

The causes of lymphadenitis are as follows:

  • infectious infection of genital men;
  • pathogenic viruses penetrated into the inguinal region;
  • fungal diseases of the lower extremities;
  • different colds;
  • the possible reaction of the body of a man to toxins secreted by worms;
  • infection with such venereal diseases as syphilis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis;
  • prostatitis development;
  • various diseases of the testicles;
  • the appearance of tumors, both benign and malignant.

If men's redness arose over a bishke in groin, the nodes begin to root. Their seal may be caused by other reasons:

When lymphadenitis, the location of the outflow can be both left and right, or in the middle. With inflammation of several lymph nodes of cones can be several.

This disease is heal with conservative methods at the initial stage of development, and with a later diagnosis - with the help of a surgical operation.

Development of groin grozhi

With a weakening for various reasons, the muscles of the abdominal cavity appears a bump in a man in a man. With different physical efforts or with coughing under the skin, the intestines are lowered, and the so-called hernia occurs. The outflow can be formed on any side of the groin area (both on the right and left). The main symptoms of hernia:

  • the appearance of pain that increases with the development of the disease;
  • skin swelling at the location of the growth of growth;
  • the manifestation of the prangulation of hernia when taking a red shade with a brush.

At the moment, the method of treatment of this ailment is a surgical operation.

Pain that appeared in the groin area and leg

Such unpleasant effects may arise together with the appearance of a bump in the groin. At the same time, the resulting painful sensations spread from the back of the hip to each individual foot joint. There are cases when they appear only when a man is moving or when it stands. This phenomenon is called an irradiating pain (transmitted from the focus of the deleted area).

The main reasons for such a process are as follows:

Since in this case the spectrum of affecting factors is quite wide, for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment it is necessary to urgently contact the clinic.

Other manifestations of pain in groin

There are other possibilities for the formation of cones to the right in the groin area and the appearance of pain, namely:

  • the appearance of stone in the ureter;
  • lowly drooped tight lump in groin from the kidney;
  • appendicitis in a man is his inflammation.

When stones passage, pain wears sudden and acute character. It can continue from a few minutes to two days. In the presence of the main pain in the lower back, there may be unpleasant sensations on the bladder, under ribs, on the outdoor genitals of men (testicles, penis, scrotum) or in groin.

With an inflammatory process on appendix, men, the main pain appear in the opposite region and then go to the lower organs of a person. At the same time, it begins to pull out the right leg when walking or at the attempts of a man to lie on the left side. At the same time, pain extends to the entire right side of the groin and can go to the rectum.

In addition to the above reasons, there are some others:

Therefore, you should immediately contact the doctor if the resulting cone was found and the pain in the right side of the groin arose. Many of the above disorders require long-term treatment.

Basic methods of diagnosis of diseases

For the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive study is needed, which is carried out by surgeons, urologists and neurologists. The main method for determining the density of cones and their mobility is a manual examination with the doctor's fingers. When a neoplary is found, the following tests may be required (to clarify the diagnosis):

  • blood delivery;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

After collecting all data, they make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of ailment

When establishing a type of disease, drug treatment may be appointed (at the first stages) or surgical operation.

Conservative treatment is carried out mainly by various antibacterial drugs and antibiotics. It is possible to use both synthetic drugs and produced from plants. Well established integrated, conservative treatment using folk medicine funds.

One of the most frequently used drugs to combat lymphadenitis and such diseases is metronidazole (trichopol), which is very effectively fighting with various viruses, fungi and putrefactive bacteria.

Surgical intervention is most often used to eliminate groin hernia or appendicitis.

The operation is needed and with the development of a malignant tumor in the field of a small pelvis of a man. It can be combined with such methods as chemotherapy. To restore health after surgery, the use of physiotherapy methods is possible. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time, and otherwise the struggle with these diseases will be ineffective and will not bring success.

If you detect a bump in a groin, do not try to engage in self-medication - the results of it may be very crying. Men often shame to go to a specialist in the clinic for a survey, than very harm to their health.

Early income detection is a guarantee of successful treatment.

A bump in groin in men is a rather frightening phenomenon that leads them into anxiety, and this is completely no wonder. After all, any unusual phenomenon in such an intimate area, as groin, is often perceived as something threatening and extremely dangerous. In which cases there appears a bump and which means its appearance, what are the causes, symptoms and methods of treatment, in order in this article.

Swelling in the groin area is a serious reason to consult a doctor

In men, a bump in groin most often appears for the following reasons:

  • Atheroma

Atteroma, or the wen, is called the cyst of the sowing gland, which is formed due to the blockage of its output flow. The reason for the appearance of atheroma in groin in men is most often a combination of factors such as insufficient hygiene, overweight and strengthening, hormonal imbalance, metabolic diseases, excessive oily skin, disorders of its integrity, weak body immunity, avitaminosis.

  • Lymphadenit

This is an inflammatory lesion of lymphatic nodes. The cause of the inflammatory process in the lemph node tissues is most often explicit or hidden infection in the body. Lymphadenitis can be primary and secondary. The cause of the first is the introduction of an infection directly into the lymphatic tissue through damaged skin or mucous membranes (for example, with wounds or furunculaes), the cause of the second is the distribution of infection inside the body from other foci of pathology. Secondary groove lymphadenitis in men most often occurs with inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system, tumor processes or venereal diseases.

If the man appeared in the scope of the groin, the causing hernia can be caused. The hernia is called the extinguishing of any organ or its part into the newly formed hole. In this case, we are talking about the weakening of the muscles of the front abdominal wall, which, in combination with sharp increased physical exertion, can lead to the loss of the abdominal organs (most often it is intestinal loops) in the resulting hole between the muscles of the abdomen. The most frequent causes of the development of groin hernia are strong physical exertion and weakness of abdominal muscles. Prehastages to its formation in men obesity, systematic lifting weights, constipation, chronic cough.

Hernia arises due to the loss of abdominal organs


Characteristic symptoms are:

  • Atheroma

The main symptom of atheroma is a clearly defined, movable rounded bump in groin, most often painless to the touch, the consistency of its elastic. When pressed, a small amount of yellowish-white thick liquid is highlighted from it with an unpleasant smell. When the atheroma is supposed to these symptoms, redness and swelling of the skin, its pain, sometimes increase the body temperature is joined.

  • Lymphadenit

The first symptom of inguinal lymphadenitis in men is the appearance in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin on the left or on the right in the feet of the feet of the bump in size with the beans, dense to the touch, sometimes painful. When driving, walking and especially physical work, pain and discomfort in the groin and near the legs can increase. If the disease occurs in a light form, the symptoms can practically do not manifest itself, with the exception of a small and painless increase in lymph nodes. With the suppuration, there is a strong pain and an increase in lymph node, its pronounced redness, swelling, fever, strong weakness and loss of appetite.

If in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin between the foot and the body you have formed a large red bump, consult a doctor without delay. The treatment of lymphadenitis not begited on time can lead to a hazardous complications.

The most obvious symptom of groin hernia in men is the detection of a cone, or protrusion, at the bottom of the abdomen. In a slight form, the bump in parsing is painless and independently goes on the lying position. The absence of strong discomfort and pronounced symptoms often leads to the fact that a man does not hurry to the doctor, and then relatively harmless hernia can become already really dangerous due to its infringement. This happens because of the new intestinal loops in the hernial ring due to a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure. The size of the hernial opening remains the same, which is manifested by a strong squeezing of loops and a sharp deterioration of blood supply to them. In the absence of treatment, the process may result in tissue with death.

The disadvantaged hernia is accompanied by such a symptom as a strong pain in the bump area, the skin around it is tense and painful, in the lying position, the bump is not back. With the development of intestinal obstruction, dyspeptic symptoms appear - nausea and vomiting.

Pathology therapy

The treatment of any disease depends on the cause provoked its cause. If the bump in the groin is a symptom of the inflamed atheroma, then its treatment will be as follows:

  • Surgical opening of swelling and its purification from purulent necrotic masses.
  • Surgical or laser removal of its capsules in order to prevent recurrence.

Surgical opening of swelling is used in most cases

Treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis in light cases includes the following activities:

  • Reception of antibiotics and vitamin complexes.
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment (UHF, electrophoresis).
  • Local treatment with anti-inflammatory ointments.
  • In addition, operational treatment is necessary: \u200b\u200bdissection of purulent focus, cleaning it from dead tissues, treatment with antiseptic means.
  • If lymphadenitis is caused by an oncological disease, then radiation and chemotherapy is necessary, and sometimes surgical removal of lymph nodes.

The treatment of gentle hernia is only operational. Prevention consists in reducing the intensity of physical exertion.

If you have a suspicious bump in your groin, do not try to engage in self-medication and try to diagnose yourself. Immediately refer to the doctor - this will allow you to achieve recovery with the slightest losses and avoid many more serious problems.