Treatment of hypertonus uterus during pregnancy. The main causes of the hypertonus of the uterus

  • The date: 13.04.2019

Interested in almost every pregnant woman. Someone was the diagnosis of "pleased with" a doctor, someone had already gave birth to a girlfriend, and someone hearing this term, wants to learn how to find out that it was that not to have a matter of personal practice with him. To determine the concept, the uterine hypertonus still use such phrases as "uterus in tone" and " elevated tone uterus. " So what is hypertonus uterus? Why does he occupy? Is it dangerous for kid? Is it possible to treat it?

What is hypertonus uterus? Symptoms and signs

The uterus is a childbearing organ of a woman - consists of three layers: thin shell film, muscle fibers and endometrial, which from the inside is covered with the uterine cavity. Muscular fibers of the uterus have the ability to shrink, that is, come into tone. The nature is provided in such a way that in the period of tooling the baby, the muscles of the uterus are in a relaxed state and are not reduced. But if for any reason muscular layer The uterus is exposed to irritants, it is reduced and compressed. This creates a certain pressure (depending on the strength of abbreviations), and then they talk about the hypertonus of the uterus. The state when the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy are relaxed and calm, called Nimotonus.

Since the uterine hypertonus is a symptom of a threat of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy or, on late time, premature birth, you need to know how he manifests himself. This will allow you to refer to a specialist and eliminate the causes that cause hypertonus. The first signs that the uterus is in an increased tone, there are stretching and unpleasant pain at the bottom of the abdomen, as well as in the field of the lower back or the sacrum. Often there are pain in the pubic area. A woman is experiencing a feeling of cutting at the bottom of the belly. In women after the first trimester, when the tummy is already quite large, there are feelings, as if the uterus is stone.

How do the uterine hypertonus diagnose?

In order to diagnose this state, there are several methods. The simplest - feeling a doctor). Especially this method is informative in late terms, when the uterus is already outside the small pelvis, or rather above it. Then hypertonus can be determined through the palpation of the front abdominal wall. Second method - ultrasound procedure. The ultrasound is more informative in the sense that it shows that the tone of the uterus who does not feel. It is relevant for the so-called local toneWhen there is not all the uterus in a tense, but it is someone. The third method is tonsometry. Conduct it with the help of a special apparatus, the sensor of which is applied to the belly of a woman and read the information obtained.

What causes the hypertonus of the uterus during pregnancy?

The reasons causing hypertonus uterus during pregnancy, quite a lot. For example, in the early deadlines to this state of the uterus can give a variety hormonal violations. Especially often the "culprit" of an increased tone becomes a hormone progesterone, and, rather, his lack.

Structural changes in the walls of the uterus, such as endometriosis, can also cause the occurrence of hypertonus. If a woman has suffered various before pregnancy inflammatory diseases children's organs (uterus, appendages, ovaries), what is hypertonus during pregnancy, it is likely to know.

Also, the cause of the hypertonus of the uterus can be any strong emotional shock, stress that emerged fear. To this list it is worth adding factors such as heavy physical work, excessive activity of a pregnant woman, poor-quality and defective rest and sleep.

Who is most often a tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

Doctors found that there are certain "risk groups". The women relating to them, as a rule, have one, or even several, the following risk factors. These are women:

  • abortions;
  • with underdeveloped genital bodies;
  • with a weak immunity;
  • having inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • under the age of 18 and over 30 years;
  • subjected to frequent influences of chemicals;
  • smokers drinking or having other bad habits;
  • located in bad relationship With husband or other family members.

What is dangerous hypertonus uterus?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, an increased tone of the uterus can cause the death of a fetal egg, underdeveloped pregnancy, and even miscarriage - spontaneous interruption of pregnancy. At later timing, hypertonus can cause a spontaneous abortion or, if the term is more than 28 weeks, premature birth. If the tone is local, it is especially dangerous by the wall where the placenta is attached, because in this case the danger of its detachment occurs. In early terms, for the same reason, a detachment of chorion may occur.

For a child in the womb, hypertonus of the uterus is dangerous violation of the placenta blood supply. This leads to oxygen starvation (intrauterine hypoxia) and, consequently, to the delay in growth and development.

How to treat hypertonus uterus?

In the event that a pregnant woman felt pain in the abdomen and the "stone" uterus, the first thing she should do is to lie down in bed. If the tone is messenger, this simple action is enough for the uterus relax. However, about this fact as soon as possible to inform the doctor. Especially if this happens periodically. During this period you need to exclude any physical exercise (Up to the hike in stores for products) and stress.

As a rule, the doctor, in the case of a hypertonus of the uterus, prescribes the drugs of antispasmodic action (but-shpa, papaverine), as well as sedatives (masculine and valerian tinctures, synthetic preparations of sybazole, trioxazine, nosheps). If the tone is accompanied by fights and pain, pregnant is hospitalized.

Women in early pregnancy prescribe a uremines or duphaston. In the later dates, after 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, Ginipral, Passubusten, Brikanil are used. Often, Magne-B6 is used to remove the uterus hypertonus.

Prevention of hypertonus uterus during pregnancy

Given the reasons for the development of the hypertonus of the uterus during pregnancy, it is necessary to do everything possible to eliminate them. A woman who is carrying a child must necessarily listen to the advice of their gynecologist and fulfill all his prescriptions. The fruits of disobedience in this case can be unfortunately, weeping.

Each pregnant woman with the aim of preventing increased tone of the uterus is simply necessary to relax a lot and try to abide by psychological equilibrium. The future mother should explain to relatives and colleagues for work, that stress for her is now extremely undesirable. You should also not ride in tedious business trips. Sleep should be full. Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes - mandatory. So that nothing provokes the development of Hypertonus, a woman must pass full medical examination And if there is a need to eliminate all the reasons that can cause her trouble. The most important thing in these 9 months is favorable conditions for carrying crumbs. And everything else will wait.

Specially for Olga Rizak

Hypertonus uterus during pregnancy is not uncommon. A common diagnosis is the hypertonus of the uterus in the early deadlines, which is a danger to having a baby, and is also a reason for the concern of the future mother.

The hypertonus is called such a state of the uterus at which it is reduced, and its muscles are in tension. At rest when this organ is in normal condition, blood freely circulates blood vessels, spreading throughout the uterus nutritious elements and oxygen, so necessary for the future child. In the state of blood voltage, it is very difficult to move around the organ, respectively, the fruit receives everything that it needs, with interruptions, all the needs of the baby are not ensured, which can lead to adverse consequences, because oxygen fasting is detrimental for the fetus. It can be:

  • Premature childbirth.
  • Miscarriage.
  • Failure to pregnancy.

Even if with Hypertonus, pregnancy managed to endure, then deviations may be observed in the growth and development of the child. The consequences of oxygen starvation and lack of vitamins can accompany the child all their lives.

Symptoms of hypertonus uterus

Different women can feel different hyperton walls of the uterus. Pregnancy all different. Someone can feel the weak pain at the bottom of the abdomen, as during menstruation, someone has pain can be strong, sometimes there is a very strong tension of the uterus, which, if you touch it, it will resemble a stone. And someone can walk with the hypertonus of the uterus, the symptoms are not feeling, and finds out about it only during the reception of the gynecologist or on ultrasound.

Anxious call are bloody issues. In this situation, it is necessary, not postponing, to cause ambulance. But even if the woman pulls the lower abdomen and the pain is not strong, it is still recommended to see a doctor, because only a specialist will be able to put an accurate diagnosis and determine the cause of pain or discharge. It happens that even a doctor doubts the diagnosis in this case, he sends a future mother on an ultrasound or sufficiency. Explain why. In the event that only part of the uterus is located in the tone, and not all of it, for example, when a woman has a hypertonus of the rear wall of the uterus, then a doctor is difficult to do with a pretty diagnosis of the uterus hypertonus. Uzi is very informative research, it can show that tone that a woman herself does not feel, he can also not feel the doctor when inspection. Tonusometry is a procedure at which to the stomach future mommy Attach a special sensor.

Views of Hypertonus Mattik

Hypertonus of the wall of the uterus can be different, because The uterus consists of the rear and front wall. Types of hypertonus, respectively, are called the hypertonus of the back wall and the hypertonus of the front wall. In its normal position, the muscles are in the tone, but sometimes there is a surge of muscles and hypertonus occurs, which is dangerous to health and even the life of the future kid.

Another voltage of the muscles of the uterus is distinguished by periods of pregnancy.

  • 12 weeks Hypertonus uterus. The first 12 weeks are the most difficult and most dangerous to wear pregnancy. Hyperthonus at this time may occur almost because of nothing, because the body is only getting used to its new state. The reason may even be what future mom I went to the toilet not in time. During this period, it is necessary to relate very carefully to their feelings.
  • Hypertonus uterus 2 trimester. A feature of this period of development is that even in women who have suffered a pregnancy without any kind of complications without any kind of complications, incl. and without an increased tone, on this time it may appear because of strong and sharp growth fetal. If this is due only to the growth of the fetus, it will soon pass, but nevertheless, the doctor seems to see.
  • Hypertonus in the third trimester. For him sometimes take training contractions, but it is a little different. During this period, an increased muscle tone may arise due to large sizes fruit because large number Waters or multiple pregnancy.

In addition, this disease is distinguished by severity.

  • Local hypertonus uterus. This means that the voltage is increased only in the muscles of the rear or front wall of the uterus during pregnancy. Women describe it as drawing pain at the bottom of the abdomen and frequent urination.
  • Total hypertonus. It covers the entire body. It is described as contractions, i.e. Painful belly petrol.

Causes of Hypertonus Mattik

  • Reducing progesterone discharge due to the deterioration of the ovarian activities.
  • Hormonal disorder.
  • The leaping of male genital hormones - often this happens due to the endocrine Mom's disease, which before that could be asymptomatic.
  • Inflammation various organs Small pelvis.
  • The malformations of the uterus may affect, they are predecessors to the development of tumors, miscarriage.
  • Stress and depression.

Doctors found that in the risk group to this diagnosis are:

  • Women older than 30 and younger than 18 years old.
  • Women systematically exposed to chemicals.
  • Women S. harmful habits (Drinking, smokers suffering from drug addiction).
  • Women who are constantly subjected to stress.
  • Women who made abortions.
  • Women having a weak immunity.

Hypertonus uterus, how to treat

Hypertonus uterus - what to do? Some women begin to look for advice from girlfriends and on the Internet, but self-medicate to engage in contraindicated. When an accurate diagnosis is diagnosed - the hypertonus of the uterus, treatment takes place in the hospital. Bed regime is prescribed to the very first pregnant woman, as a rule, drugs are prescribed, removing spasm allowed during pregnancy, and sedatives. An important factor is a favorable emotional background without excess voltage, stress and upheavals. These appointments are common and are usually made to all future mothers with a diagnosis of hypertonus uterus during pregnancy. Treatment does not end.

The remaining appointments depend on the cause of such a state. For example, if the reason for this was the lack of progesterone, then drugs contributing to raising its level will be appointed. It can be a urbal or duposteon.

In addition, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • The removal of hypertonus contributes to Magne-B6. This is a combination of magnesium and vitamin B6. The drug blocks calcium and does not give it to penetrate the organs, removes spasm.
  • To quickly reduce the hypertonus, a solution of magnesium sulfate administered intramuscularly or intravenously can be used.
  • Ginipral also eliminates the stress, although it has a significant drawback - its use can cause a pair of placenta.

Hypertonus uterus can be removed not only by drugs, you can perform special uncomplicated exercises. During the stress in the stomach, get up on all fours, and then slowly untar the back and raise your head, then then slowly drive your back and lower my head.
And one more tool, how to remove the hypertonus of the uterus. This can be done, partially removing the load from it using a bandage. This is an excellent way, in addition, the bandage also contributes to the adoption of the right position of the fruit (down head).

Conclusion: listen to your body, postpone all things for later. Now the most important thing for you is the kid and his health.

The baby hypertonus is one of the most frequent diagnoses. It is pushing hardly every second child breast-age. How dangerous hypertonus is? What could be the consequences for the further development of the kid? In what situations increased muscular tone Can be considered the norm, and when medical care is required and medication treatment?

Muscle tone - the original muscle voltage, which is adjustable using the head and spinal cord and B. healthy body Works "on autopilot". Thanks to the muscle tone, a person can move vertically, change the position of the body in space. For motor activity, baby, which masters new engine skills, normal muscular tone is extremely important. If the muscles are constantly compressed and clamped, the baby later masters motor skills, discomfort, anxiety.

Why Hypertonus appears

The causes of hypertonus can be safe to the health of the baby. However, this symptom may be associated with various neurological disorders. It is impossible to leave it without attention.

  • Age physiology. There is such a concept as physiological hypertonus in newborns. The classic Pose of the Fetal in the womb - bent and todded to the belly legs, slightly divorced in the knees; Bending in the elbows hands, tightly pressed against the body of the chin. After the toddler appears, for some time will be in this "grouped" pose. It will take several months, or even more that the muscles gradually move into normal operation. Physiological hypertonus can be maintained to six months of age. There is another opinion on this: the tension in the muscles can be observed in infants until the year. And it will be a norm.
  • Individual characteristics. Hyperthonus muscles in a child may be present, but it does not affect health. There is such a concept as an individual muscle tone. In some children, he is from nature above, others are lower. For one baby, Hyperthonus is a symptom of a neurological disorder, and for another - the option of the norm. It is necessary to consider each separate case. Therefore, it is so important that when suspected of a pathological hyperthonus, the baby passed qualitative diagnostic examination. If there is doubt, you can show the infant to several specialists.
  • Generic injuries. SAMI frequent cause Hypertonus - a child's asphyxia with difficulty, prolonged births, intracranial hemorrhages.
  • Violations intrauterine development, congenital diseases CNS. They can be associated with health and lifestyle of a pregnant woman. Negative to development nervous system Nicotine and alcohol affects the fetus.

How to dispel doubt

Neuropathologist In a specific case, a particular child is sometimes difficult to assess: Hypertonus is an age norm or a painful state, a symptom of some neurological deviation. The alarm of the doctors is quite explained. After all, Hypertonus can be a symptom of many serious neurological diseases, such as cerebral palsy or hydrocephalus. The missed time may be expensive. What examination can a neuropathologist assign?

  • Brain ultrasound. Conducted through soft fabrics In children under the year in the zone of unclosed Spring. Safe I. accurate method Diagnostics that allows you to estimate the condition of the brain and identify pathology. The planned neurosonography of infants takes about 1.5 months.
  • Electromyography. With the help of special equipment, you can get speed data nerve impulses, muscle strength, symmetry different muscle groups in work and at rest.
  • CT scan. Breast children are scheduled. It is carried out in difficult cases to confirm the diagnosis, which is difficult to identify by other methods.

Research can be appointed further milk gland, Genetic examination methods. If none of the reasons are detected, the doctors put a very indefinite diagnosis of PEP, which is deciphered as perinatal encephalopathy. Often the PEP establish an erroneous due to the hyperdiagnosis: too many examination methods in modern medicine And the options for their interpretation.

Signs of Hypertonus

Elevated muscle tone is determined by a number of symptoms:

  • anxiety, capriciousness, frequent crying;
  • chin trembling;
  • follow the head back;
  • krivoshoy (tilt of the head in one direction);
  • violation of mobility in the joints;
  • willing back;
  • hands are constantly bent in the elbows;
  • hands all the time in cams, they are difficult to dismiss;
  • thumbs in the hands are pressed to the palm;
  • resistance when extending the limbs;
  • if you bind the child handles and legs, it can react with crying;
  • when setting to the feet, the kid fends his fingers;
  • in children who started walking, - gait on tiptoe;
  • the child reacts to the light and the sound of crying;
  • shuddering with noise.

If parents have noticed the listed signs in the kid above, it is necessary to apply for advice to the neuropathologist.

What could be the options for hypertonus in a child?

  • Symmetric. Sign of physiological tension of muscles. It is symmetrically compressed fingers on their hands and legs, legs are pressed, the handles are bent.
  • Asymmetric. Muscles of one part of the body are tense more, the other is less. Then the baby seems to be wriggle to the arc, the message will fall, turns his head and torso in the direction of tense muscles. These are signs of pathological hypertonus.
  • Dystonic. This is a combination of hypertonus and hypotonus, when some muscles are overly tense, while others are excessively relaxed. Also relates to pathological conditions.

Can be applied various methods Therapies in the complex: and massage, and gymnastics, and medication. But without the main component - emotional contact with the baby is not to do. Heat, tenderness, communication - the best medicines For relaxation, removal of physiological muscle tone. According to the statistics in Bradnikov-refusal - Hypertonus is treated much longer, even when complex approach, professional massage, physiotherapy. They lack the main - maternal care.

Principles of treatment

Neurologist and orthopedist are engaged in the treatment of hypertonus. What methods most often apply?


With hyperthonus apply different kinds Massage: on seed, on Phelps, impact on biologically active points other. The main task of all massage movements is to relax the tense muscles, remove spasms. Therefore, all the techniques must be gentle by age and anatomical features Infants. Used strokes, rubbing the movement with the whole palm, acupressure. The procedure must be performed by a professional children's massage system.

The course includes from 10 to 15 sessions. If necessary, repeats in a month. If the massage is carried out correctly and professionally, the results will be apparent. Parents and a pediatrician and massage therapist can study the massage. Which elementary massage movements Can I perform yourself?

  • Stroking fingers (motion resemble gloves with gloves).
  • Stroking movements towards shoulder joints To the palms (not to iron in the zone of the elbow bend).
  • Stroking hips, then the legs and stop (carefully need to massage in the zone knee joints, groin, inner thighs).
  • After stroking, rubbing limbs, back, abdominal circular motions are performed.
  • Foot should be stroke in the direction from the heel to the fingers.
  • You can massage every finger on the legs.
  • Drawing the eight on the foot: start from the base of the fingers, cross the movement in the center of the foot and finish on the heel.

In case of hyperthonus, children are strictly forbidden to knead the muscles, it is strongly pressed on them, we can apply slamming and tapping movements.

It happens that children are crying during a professional massage. Some experts say this is a natural reaction, as a massage therapist affects painful Points and spasmned muscles. Other experts argue that it should not cry for infants from pain. In this situation it is difficult to determine: the kid crying from discomfort, the procedure itself or pain in the muscles.

Medical gymnastics: 7 exercises

Gymnastics stimulates motor activity And normalizes the work of the muscles. It can be performed at home. What exercises can be carried out?

  1. Relaxation. A child is lying on his back. First you need to perform relaxing massage movements: stroke the handles, legs in the direction from top to bottom.
  2. Extension of the limbs. Movements should be careful and smooth.
  3. Shallow limbs. You need to take a child for your fingers and gently shake. Then the same must be done with your feet.
  4. Embryo Pose. Legs and pens Breasts need to bend and press tightly to the body. This exercise must be alternating with shocking limbs.
  5. Steps with sliding. Kids need to keep in vertical position So that its legs touch the solid surface. It is necessary to ensure that the stop lay exactly, the entire surface. This exercise helps to create a support to the foot.
  6. Play with steps. The kid can make gymnastics on his own. If he is interested big fingers Own legs, all the time will try to try their "tooth".
  7. Exercise on the ball. You can put the baby with the tummy on the ball (not too big size) And swing in different directions, holding the handles and legs.

Effect OT medical gymnastics It will only be with regular and consistent exercise. They can be spent several times during the day when the kid in good mood. Gymnastics should not cause discomfort in infants.


Most often electrophoresis is prescribed. Also a lot of positive reviews about paraffin wraps with an increased muscle tone in a child. Under the influence of heat is well removed muscle spasms. This procedure is also called "paraffin boots", since it is most often carried out on lower limbs. How is the wrapping?

  1. It is heated by paraffin (should not be hot!).
  2. Then the march is witted in it, it consists of several layers.
  3. It is superimposed on the maximum dispersed limb.
  4. Fixed bandage.
  5. The first sessions are held 10 minutes.
  6. Then their duration increases to 20 minutes.
  7. Course treatment - 10 sessions.


Water procedures are well relaxing muscle spasms, coordinate movements, give a uniform load on the muscular corset. It is important to remember that warm water is relaxing, and the cool, on the contrary, stimulates the muscular tone. It is not recommended for hypertonus diving, and swimming and gymnastics in water are shown. You can use an inflatable circle, game elements. We use the baths with the addition of needles, sage, mother-in-law, valerian, lingonberry leaves. Relaxing baths need to alternate, it is better to take before bedtime.


It can only conduct a qualified children's specialist. More often osteopathy sessions are prescribed when neurological violations After generic injuries, congenital pathologies of the skeleton, brain dysfunctions. With a soft effect on the bone and bringing them into the correct position, muscle spasms in the neck and limbs are removed, pathological reflexes are eliminated.

Experts recommend avoiding walkers and jumpers. They can be a bear service and provoke even greater hypertonus. When using auxiliary supporting funds, the kid will incorrectly put a foot, and the muscles of the legs will not work correctly. It is also important: if the baby started walking, he needs shoes on a solid sole, with good fixation of the heel. Booties, socks are not suitable.

Medicia treatment

Appointed only if there is no positive effect From massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy, hypertonus does not decrease and persists after 6 months. Treatment is carried out under the strict observation of the child neurologist. The doctor may prescribe drugs of the following groups:

  • miorlaxants: to relax muscle spasms;
  • neuroprotectors: Impact neurons, improve blood circulation, adapted, stimulate brain work.
  • diuretic products: To reduce fluid in the brain and normalization of brain functions.

Of the drugs, they are most often prescribed: "Cortexin", "Middokalm", "Baclofen", "Semax", "Pantokalcin", Vitamins of Group V. Treatment is usually carried out in the form of injections. One of the most powerful preparations is the "cerebralizin". Many specialists prefer to begin medical treatment with softer means.

What could be the consequences

Early diagnosis of hypertonus is extremely important because it helps to detect (or eliminate) as congenital neurological diseasesand minor deviations from the norm. What are the consequences if the resistant hypertonus is not treated?

  • Motor Development. The child will be later norm Hold your head, turn over on the stomach, sit, crawl, get up, walk.
  • Standing B. intellectual DevelopmentViolation of speech. The development of large and small motility is closely related to the development of mental abilities.
  • Development of flatfoot, violation of coordination of movement. The child will walk on tiptoe, there may be problems with gait, posture. Further will appear complaints about discomfort in the back, neck, headaches.

Increased muscle tone in most cases is physiological and does not require medical treatment. There is enough professional massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy to remove muscle spastics. The brain is able to independently compensate for neurological defects. This requires time, so the hyperton can remain up to 6 months.


Many pregnant women are confronted with the diagnosis or "hypertonus of the uterus" during the baby tool. It happens that the woman does not feel any deviations in a state of his health, but it is diagnosed with such drugs, and they are prescribed to hospitalization. What is hypertonus: what is it dangerous, what are the causes and treatment of the Hypertonus of the uterus - consider in more detail!

What is hypertonus uterus during pregnancy?

The uterus is hollow muscle organ like any muscle, she can strain and relax. It is always in a certain degree of tension, in a specific tone. Sometimes it rises, and they talk about hypertonus - increased tone of the uterus.

The term "hypertonus" in relation to the uterus during pregnancy is not accurate. In fact, Hyperthonus is an excessive tension during childbirth. For the uterus during pregnancy it is more correct to consume the term "increased tone", although this is a rather controversial concept. Of such a diagnosis of B. international Classification There is no disease, and put it only in the CIS countries.

Increased tone is not a disease. Together with other symptoms, it may indicate the ability to interrupt pregnancy. However, for the diagnosis of the threat of one hypertonus is not enough.

Hypertonus uterus during pregnancy. What is considered the norm?

During pregnancy, the uterus, like any muscle, can strain in response to various external factors, such as cough, reinforced intestinal peristals, physical exertion, sex, nervous tension, excitement on medical examination.

The ultrasound sensor itself, which presses on the stomach, can cause a reduction. It is he who is seen on the ultrasound and often immediately be diagnosed with "Hypertonus of the Uterka". Random cuts are normal. They may be unpleasant, but if they are very concerned, repeated often or after certain periods, accompanied by pains in the back, abdomen, you need to go to the doctor.

More frequent contraction of the uterus becomes in the second half of pregnancy. These are the so-called. They can be of different intensity, some future mothers do not feel them at all.

Training fights are accompanied by a feeling of the abdomen, it becomes more solid, a pulling sensation may occur in its lower part and in the back. They can occur both by themselves and after exercise or when moving the fetus. They do not cause pain sensations, usually happens 4-5 times a day and continue one or two minutes, starting hard and gradually coming over to "no". Brequeston-Hicks is a physiological phenomenon, they do not represent any danger to pregnancy. Their absence is also the option of norms.

What should alert?

  • The voltage (abbreviations) of the uterus occur in some similar way, regularly, more than 5 times a day and last more than 2-3 minutes.
  • Strengthening mucous drugs, the appearance of blood in them.
  • Pain in the back and lower back, lower abdomen.

Such symptoms indicate a possible threat to abortion. You need to turn to the doctor faster! You need to contact the doctor in any case, if you are bothering pain, bleeding and any unusual phenomena.

When inspection in the threat indicates, the length of which is determined by the ultrasound vaginal sensor. Also during this examination, the doctor may see the state of the state of the uterus. It is these data to help confirm or disprove the threat of miscarriage. If the cervix is \u200b\u200bclosed, an increased tone cannot lead to the interruption of pregnancy.

With the help of an abdominal sensor, which is based on the stomach, see the cervix and its zev is impossible. For accurate and correct conclusion of ultrasound, ask the doctor to use and vaginal sensor. According to the rules, it should begin with any planned ultrasound.

Local elevated tone

It is important to know that the rear wall of the uterus has a greater thickness than the front, because there is more active blood circulation. This is the norm, so the authority works. However, often doctors who conduct an ultrasound do not know this, and normal thick The rear wall is taken for the increased tone.

In some cases, the increased tone can diagnose back wallwhen it is attached fruit egg. Normally, inflammation begins at the site of attachment of the embryo. Do not be afraid of this word, a slight inflammation - a sign of successful attachment of the embryo and does not mean any pathology. Therefore, the place of implantation looks thickened, edema.


To see the degree of voltage of the myometrium (muscular layer of the uterus), most often use ultrasound, less often apply to sharpography. It is important not so much to establish the fact of increasing the tone of the uterus, how much to determine its cause. The uterus can react with a voltage of some painful states, and it is necessary to treat them.

Often, women take some kind of hypertonus easy sensationsassociated with the intestines. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the digestive organs, so often in pregnant women are, especially if there is irregular nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Girl, being pregnant, should not forget about moderate physical activity. The movement will help to normalize the intestinal peristalsis, especially since many laxatives, in particular those that affect the intestinal motility are contraindicated.

Treatment of hypertonus uterus

Temporary increase in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy is fine, it is not necessary to treat it. But if the unpleasant sensations are strong, you can take action yourself.

  1. Take convenient pose And relax the muscles as much as possible. It is especially important to relax the muscles of the neck and face. Breathe deeply, calm and slow. Imagine that with exhalation all tension is out. This practice will help you in the future it is easier to give birth. Restrained, you can shoot a tension in the uterus in just a couple of breathing cycles, exhale.
  2. Cat Pose. Stand on all fours, walk on the breath on the breath and raise your head. Stay in this position for a few seconds, at this time relax the muscles of the face. Then, in exhale, bring back, lower the head. Repeat the exercise several times, after it is recommended to lie down.
  3. Stand on all fours, leaning on elbows. In this pose, the muscles of the uterus relax well. You can stand in this way for several minutes, then lie down.
  4. The muscles of the uterus sensitively reacts to physical and nervous tension, excitement and anxiety. Find for yourself the source of positive emotions.
  5. To reduce the cuts of the uterus are prescribed as well.
  6. For removal nervous tension, anxiety can be used vegetable preparations: Valerian, dye, better in the form of teas, and not alcohol tinctures.

If, in addition to the voltage of the uterus and the abdomen, you feel pain, you have bleeding, you need to contact the doctor. If the pain is tolerant, the painkillers do not need to take - they can prevent the doctor to correctly appreciate your condition. The most important thing is to keep calm. The excitement and fear will further enhance the stress of the uterus and the unpleasant sensation.


The state of the muscles of the uterus affects the lifestyle of the future mother, the presence of some kind of disease. Therefore, for the prevention of increasing the tone of the uterus, you need:

  • eat right;
  • observe the day of the day is enough to sleep;
  • do not redirect physically, but not fit into bed. Moderate physical exertion is needed in the absence of contraindications to them;
  • refuse smoking and alcohol;
  • avoid excitement, stress;
  • enough to relax, relax;
  • refuse to carry out shoes on high heels;
  • do not lift severity.

It is important to follow your health, on time to undergo planned inspections and do ultrasound, visit narrow testimony specialists. In any case, if you feel the deviations in a state of health, painful, unpleasant and disturbing sensations, it is better to reinforce and see the doctor.


Hyperthonus - Is this real diagnosis?

Tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Tone uterus

Within the deadline.

Especially often the specified phenomenon occurs on early time Kid tooling (as a rule), due to increased level risk during this period and possible occurrence Anomalies or other violations in the development of the embryo (fetus).

informationHypertonus can occur locally (or) or capture


The increased tone of the uterus in the early periods of pregnancy can be caused by the negative impact of the following factors:

Methods for removing hypertonus uterus

When signs of hypertonus appear, first of all, it should be tried to remove the tension on its own forces. To this end recommended:

  • immediately stop performing any physical work and, if possible, take a horizontal position;
  • try to relax the muscles of the face, because the tone depend on their voltage significantly. To do this, it is necessary to lower your head down and breathe mouth;
  • take a posture at which the uterus will be in a "suspended" condition: for example, to become fours, with focusing the body on elbows;
  • to accept depressantif earlier it was allowed to use during pregnancy doctor;
  • contact B. medical institutionIf the symptoms of hypertonus do not disappear.

Under the conditions of the hospital To reduce excessive tension of the muscles of the uterus use the following methods:

  • receiving hormonal medicinal preparationsif the cause of hypertonus is the lack of some hormones;
  • appointment of antispasmodics;
  • receiving soothing drugs in order to reduce excess nervous voltage;
  • appointment of drugs with content.

Hazards and complications

In case of untimely appeal medical help And the increase in symptoms of the hypertonus of the uterus is possible negative consequences:

  • at an early pregnancy, it increases, which is associated with a violation of the process into the wall of the uterus, the occurrence of genetic anomalies in the development of embryo and other factors;
  • development of fetal hypoxia due to excessive compression of vessels that feed the body of the future kid;

additionallyWith one-time and short manifestations of symptoms of increased hypertonus, it is not necessary to panic, because it is possible, sneezing and strong laugh. Even at inspection in the gynecologist, the uterus tone can be somewhat increased due to the nervous overvoltage in a medical institution.

If the future mother leads healthy image life, itifies correctly and avoids stress, the likelihood of symptoms of hypertonus is minimized.