How does chickenpox manifest in children? Chickenpox in children - routes of infection, incubation period, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention

  • Date: 12.04.2019

Chickenpox is considered one of the most common infectious diseases.It is a disease that in most cases occurs in childhood, less often adults suffer from this ailment. This disease is difficult to confuse with another, since it has characteristic signs in the form of watery eruptions all over the body, which cause itching. With proper and timely treatment, the disease goes away very quickly, but when scratching acne, ugly small scars on the body can remain. As a rule, they suffer from a disease once in a lifetime, after which the body produces cells that are able to fight the chickenpox virus. Relapses are possible in exceptional cases, when the first time the disease was mild.

What is chickenpox?

Chickenpox (chickenpox) - infection, which develops sharply and is characterized by the appearance of a number of specific signs. The disease is very contagious, therefore, when the first symptoms appear, a quarantine regime is recommended for the patient. The carrier of chickenpox is the Varicella Zoster virus, and the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, so all people who have been in contact with the patient, do not have a vaccine against the disease and have not been ill with it are at risk.
The disease goes through several stages of development, which are characterized by special symptoms. Chickenpox stages:

  • Infection and incubation period. At this stage, the virus enters the body, most often through the mucous membrane of the mouth or nose. During the incubation period, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, there are no signs and the person is not contagious.
  • The first symptoms of chickenpox. The virus develops in the cells and the immune system begins an active fight against it, which provokes an increase in temperature, the appearance of a headache. From the onset of the first symptoms, a person becomes infectious to others, so he should be quarantined.
  • Acute stage of development of the disease. At this stage, defeat occurs nerve cells and skin, the first rashes appear.
  • The final stage is characterized by an improvement in overall health, normalization of temperature and the cessation of the appearance of skin rashes. The person no longer poses a threat to others and he can return to his usual way of life.

There are several forms of chickenpox, typical and atypical, the latter, in turn, is divided into several types:

  • The rudimentary form develops in those who received an injection of immunoglobulin during the incubation period, as well as in children who have residual immunity. This type of chickenpox is characterized by a weak course of the disease, the rash appears in minimal quantities, there is no fever or deterioration in well-being.
  • Hemorrhagic. A severe form of the course of the disease, which manifests itself in people with immunodeficiency or those who take hormones. The main characteristic symptoms is very heat, pronounced intoxication of the body, hemorrhage into the skin, nosebleeds are often observed. The main danger this form is highly likely to be fatal.
  • Visceral form. It appears given view in premature babies, newborns, people with immunodeficiency syndrome. The form is characterized by a severe and prolonged course, a prolonged period of fever and profuse skin rashes. Defeat is often observed internal organs, the nervous system.
  • Gangrenous form. Rare form chickenpox, which is characterized by high intoxication, a long period of treatment and the appearance of rashes large sizes, on which for a short time crusts with necrosis are formed. After the crusts fall off, ulcers and scars remain. As a rule, this form is characterized by a complication in the form of sepsis, and often the disease ends in death.

The reasons for the development of chickenpox

The main reason for the development of chickenpox is infection with the virus. In medicine, this moment there is no clear answer why some people get chickenpox, while others do not, but a weakened immune system is a significant factor in infection.
The reasons contributing to the development of the disease include:

  • Weakened immunity, which can be caused different factors: chemotherapy, the presence of immunodeficiency, a child's weakened organism, taking medications a certain group, for example, antibiotics.
  • Close contact with a person carrying the chickenpox virus and a patient with this disease.
  • Lack of vaccination against chickenpox.

Signs of chickenpox

The first symptoms of chickenpox can appear 10-20 days after contact with the patient and are expressed by the following signs:

  • A significant increase in body temperature up to forty degrees, the appearance of fever.
  • Increase lymph nodes.
  • The appearance of a headache.
  • Lack of appetite, general weakness of the body.
  • A rash with chickenpox is a specific symptom of the disease. By its nature, it is a huge number of single blisters filled with liquid, which are very itchy and cause a lot of discomfort. Blisters initially appear on the mucous membranes, on the abdomen and face, after which they spread throughout the body. The appearance of new blisters and the persistence of a high temperature can last for several days, after which all symptoms subside and only an itchy rash remains, which also disappears over time. It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to comb the blisters, otherwise scars and scars may remain.

In adults, the disease is much more complicated and severe: a very high temperature that persists for a long time; profuse rashes, the localization of which is observed on the mucous membranes. Often, patients with such a diagnosis are hospitalized and treated under the supervision of doctors.

Diagnosis of chickenpox

It is very simple to diagnose the disease by specific signs (the appearance of a rash and an increase in temperature), which can be done independently at home. To obtain advice and confirm the diagnosis, you must seek help from a pediatrician or therapist (you should not go to the hospital to prevent the spread of the disease, but you should call a doctor at home).

Chickenpox treatment

You can treat chickenpox at home on your own, if there are no complications. After examining the patient, the doctor prescribes a number of medications and gives recommendations that will help alleviate the patient's condition. The main thing is to correctly follow all the doctor's recommendations and not scratch the skin in order to avoid infection or the formation of ugly scars and scars.
How to treat chickenpox at home:

In the absence timely treatment complications can develop that can cause significant harm to health. In children, they are much less common, since they are all vaccinated against chickenpox and their body copes with the disease faster. In older people, the development of complications is very common, and men are much more difficult to tolerate the disease than women.
Chickenpox is especially dangerous during pregnancy, since infection in the first trimester can provoke infection of the fetus and lead to pathological changes in the fetus. Being in interesting position, girls should limit contact with patients with chickenpox, even if they themselves have already been sick or vaccinated.

Frequent questions with chickenpox

Can you get chickenpox a second time?
Recurrence of chickenpox is extremely rare, because, as a rule, after past illness immunity to the varicella-zoster virus is developed. Most often, people who have a significantly weakened immune system (in particular, HIV-infected, with the presence of leukemia after chemotherapy, with donor organs) are sick for the second time.
How to smear chickenpox?
For fast healing blisters doctors recommend using 1% alcohol solution brilliant green or 5% potassium permanganate solution. Lubricating the rash will prevent the development of infection and speed up the drying of the crust. Rubbing the skin with glycerol or water and vinegar or alcohol can help reduce itching.
What is the incubation period for chickenpox?
From the moment of contact with a sick person until the first signs appear, it may take 10-21 days.
How is chickenpox treated in adults?
Treatment of chickenpox in adults includes basic therapy, as in children (antihistamines, antivirals, drugs to reduce fever). For older people, stronger drugs are used, including aspirin to lower the temperature, drugs to fight the virus of strong action.

Disease prevention

The main method of prevention is the chickenpox vaccine. Children and adolescents are vaccinated during which live viral infection, which promotes the development of immunity from the disease or reduces the severity of the disease. Often, a combination vaccination is given, which includes vaccinations against measles, rubella and chickenpox.
In special cases, vaccination with immunoglobulin is carried out to increase the immune response to the chickenpox virus. This drug is administered in the body no later than 36 hours after contact with a patient with chickenpox. As a rule, this vaccination is indicated in such cases:

  • During pregnancy, women who have not had chickenpox and have not been vaccinated against this disease.
  • Premature babies.
  • Newborn babies whose mothers have clear signs of chickenpox.
  • Adults and children who have weakened immunity and do not develop antibodies to the chickenpox virus.

Chicken pox in children (chickenpox) is an acute infectious highly contagious disease of viral origin, which proceeds with the appearance of a characteristic polymorphic rash on the skin and mucous membranes and a moderately pronounced intoxication syndrome.

A rash with chickenpox in children has the character of bullous dermatitis

The susceptibility to infection is very high. After contact with a patient, almost 100% of persons who do not have immunity to this infection fall ill. The highest incidence rate among preschool and younger children school age visiting organized children's groups. According to statistics, about 80% of the population is ill with chickenpox before the age of 16. The peak incidence occurs during the cold season. V countryside the disease is recorded twice less often than in cities.

After the transferred chickenpox in children, stable immunity is formed, which lasts for life.

Children of the first year of life who are on breastfeeding, extremely rarely get sick with chickenpox, since they receive the necessary antibodies from the mother's body.

Causes and risk factors

The causative agent of chickenpox in children is the DNA virus Varicella Zoster, which belongs to the Herpetoviridae family, and is also the causative agent of another disease - shingles.

After contact with a patient with chickenpox, almost 100% of people who do not have immunity to this infection fall ill.

The virus is capable of replication exclusively in the human body, during external environment it quickly loses its virulence. The source of infection is a patient with chickenpox or shingles. It poses an epidemiological danger to others, starting from the last 10 days of the incubation period and until the 7th day after the end of the rash.

Chickenpox in children is transmitted by airborne droplets, contact-household transmission is extremely rare, which is explained by the weak resistance of the virus in the external environment. When talking, sneezing, coughing, a sick person releases a fine aerosol containing the Varicella Zoster virus. Its particles are carried over long distances by a current of air and can even get into adjacent rooms. Possible perinatal infection of a child with chickenpox disease of a pregnant woman 5 days before delivery.

The entrance gate for varicella zoster virus is the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract... The pathogen enters the epithelial cells, where it begins to actively multiply. From here, it spreads to the lymph nodes and bloodstream, spreading throughout the body. Viremia leads to the development of general intoxication.

The virus has an affinity for the epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes. After its replication (reproduction) epithelial cells die, and in their place are formed cavities filled with exudate, i.e. vesicles. After opening them, erosion forms, which then becomes covered with a crust. After the crust falls off, an area of ​​skin with a new epidermis is exposed under it. Chickenpox in immunocompromised children occurs with severe general intoxication, often accompanied by the development of complications.

The varicella-zoster virus is able to accumulate in the cells of the nerve ganglia. In this case, the patient develops a latent virus carrier. The activation of the virus leads to the development clinical picture shingles. Currently, the reasons provoking viral activation have not been established.

The incubation period for chickenpox in children lasts 11-21 days. The disease begins with a short prodromal period, which is usually mild. The child may complain of general weakness, headache and / or muscle pain. He may have a fever, nausea, vomiting.

The prodromal period is replaced by a period of deployed clinical manifestations(a period of rashes). There are daily peaks in temperature, coinciding with the appearance of new rashes. Often in children, especially preschool age, vesicular rashes on skin and mucous membranes appear suddenly, without any signs of general intoxication.

The rash with chickenpox in children has the character of bullous dermatitis. Its elements spread throughout the body without any regularity, do not merge with each other. Each element goes through several successive stages of development: spot, papule, vesicle, crust. There are elements on the skin of different ages, which is associated with daily dripping. Usually, the first spots appear 1-2 days from the onset of the disease, and the last ones - 3-6 days.

The main diagnostic element skin rash with chickenpox in children, a vesicle is a small vesicle filled with a transparent liquid content and surrounded by a corolla of hyperemia. The rash is accompanied by severe itching... When combing it, an infection of the vesicle can occur, as a result of which a pustule (a bubble filled with purulent contents) forms in its place. After the pustules have healed, pockmarks (small scars) remain. If suppuration does not occur, the healing of the vesicles is not accompanied by the formation of scars.

The rash can occur anywhere on the body except the soles and palms. The largest number elements are localized on the neck, face and scalp, they can be observed on the mucous membrane of the genitals, mouth and conjunctiva. After opening the vesicles, erosions and ulcers form on the mucous membranes.

In rare cases, chickenpox in children is accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy).

Children with weakened immune systems can develop severe forms of chickenpox:

  • bullous- elements of the rash are represented by bullae (large blisters filled with transparent contents);
  • pustular- suppuration of vesicles, with their transformation into pustules;
  • hemorrhagic- impregnation of the vesicles with hemorrhagic (with an admixture of blood) content;
  • gangrenous- the rash is represented by necrotic elements penetrating into the deep layers of the skin.

The disease can take on an erased form. In this case, the symptoms of chickenpox in children are poorly expressed, there are no manifestations of intoxication, the rashes are single and disappear within a short time.


Diagnosis of chickenpox in children is carried out on the basis of characteristic clinical symptoms disease, epidemiological history data (indication of contact with a patient with chickenpox or shingles 11-21 days before the onset of the disease).

According to statistics, about 80% of the population is ill with chickenpox before the age of 16.

With an atypical course of chickenpox in children, as well as disseminated lesions of internal organs, it may be necessary to conduct laboratory diagnostics:

  • isolation of the Varicella Zoster virus from the elements of the rash by classical virological methods on cultures of embryonic cells;
  • microscopy of scraping from the base of the elements of the rash (detection of multinucleated giant cells);
  • microscopy of smears of vesicular fluid (detection of Aragao bodies);
  • detection of antibodies to the antigens of the virus (setting the reactions of ELISA, RSK, test of the fluorescence of antibodies to membrane Ag).

Chickenpox in children is differentiated from insect bites, contact dermatitis, drug allergy, secondary syphilis, impetigo, herpes simplex.

Treatment of chickenpox in children

Treatment of chickenpox in children in most cases is carried out at home. Hospitalization in infectious diseases hospital indicated only in severe cases of the disease, accompanied by severe intoxication.

Careful care of the elements of the rash is necessary in order to prevent the attachment of a secondary purulent infection... Each element is treated 1-2 times a day with an antiseptic solution (potassium permanganate solution, Castellani solution). Erosions and ulcers on the mucous membranes are treated with a solution of ethacridine lactate or hydrogen peroxide. To reduce the severity of itching, the skin in the area of ​​the rash is wiped with alcohol, a weak solution acetic acid, smeared with glycerin. If necessary, the child may be prescribed antihistamines.

In order to normalize body temperature, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol are used. Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) should not be prescribed to children with chickenpox, as its use may be associated with the development of Reye's syndrome.

At severe forms diseases, development of disseminated forms, immunodeficiency states children are treated antiviral drugs(acyclovir, interferon alpha, vidarabine). In addition, a specific anti-veterinary immunoglobulin can be used.

Antibiotic therapy is prescribed only when a secondary bacterial infection is attached.

Diet for chickenpox in children

Properly organized nutrition helps to accelerate the recovery of children, reduces the risk of complications.

In the first days of illness, against the background of intoxication syndrome, children may refuse to eat. In this case, one should not insist on eating, much less force-feed them. It is important to provide a plentiful drink (weak tea, rosehip broth, mineral water without gas, compote). As the general condition of the child improves, appetite returns, but even after that, an increased drinking regime should be maintained.

Foods that contribute to the allergy of the body are excluded from the diet, and thereby aggravate itching. These products include:

  • fatty meat, sausages, smoked meats;
  • seafood;
  • mushrooms;
  • berries, citrus fruits;
  • confectionery;
  • spices;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

A sample menu for one day for children with chickenpox:

  • breakfast: oatmeal or buckwheat with butter, soft-boiled egg;
  • second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream or a glass of kefir;
  • lunch: vegetable puree soup, steam cutlet or boiled lean fish;
  • afternoon snack: freshly squeezed vegetable juice diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • dinner: baked zucchini, croutons and unsweetened tea, or cottage cheese casserole with a grated green apple.

Alternative treatment of chickenpox in children

To reduce itching and prevent vesicle suppuration, you can use funds traditional medicine... In particular, warm baths:

  • with calendula infusion. Brew 60 g of medicinal raw material with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, strain and pour into the bath. Take a bath 2 times a day for 8-10 minutes;
  • with oat flour. Pour 500 g of oatmeal into a linen bag (if it is absent, you can take oatmeal) and tie it tightly, lower the bag into a bath of warm water. The duration of the procedure is 5–8 minutes, after which the child's body should be gently blotted with a soft towel;
  • with yarrow infusion. Pour 200 g of yarrow herb into 5 liters of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain and pour into the bath. Take a bath for 15–20 minutes.

To dry the crusts and reduce itching, the skin can be wiped with a mixture of olive and bergamot oils taken in equal proportions. It helps to eliminate itching and rubbing the skin with a decoction of barley: pour 1 kg of barley into 5 liters cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 1 hour, then cool and drain.

Potential consequences and complications

In most cases, chickenpox in children is benign, and only 5% of patients have complications:

Doctors cannot yet explain the connection between chickenpox and stroke in children, especially since such a relationship has not been identified in adults. It has been suggested that the Varicella Zoster virus damages the inner lining of the arteries, contributing to the development in it inflammatory process, which, in turn, causes stenosis of the damaged vessels.


In most cases, the prognosis is favorable, the disease ends with complete recovery. Scars remain only with the suppuration of the vesicles and their transformation into pustules. In children with severe immunodeficiency, the prognosis is worse, since the infection is much more severe, often causing the development of life-threatening complications.


Prevention of chickenpox in children is to prevent the introduction and spread of infection in children's groups. It includes the following activities:

  • isolation of patients with chickenpox until the 5th day after the appearance of the last rashes;
  • in nursery groups of preschool children's institutions, children who have been in contact with a sick person are quarantined for 21 days from the moment the patient is isolated;
  • among children with immunodeficiency, preventive measures are taken in the first three days from the moment of contact with the patient using passive immunoprophylaxis (a single injection of immunoglobulin).

If a pregnant woman falls ill with chickenpox, in order to prevent intrauterine infection of the fetus, she is prescribed specific immunoglobulins.

A vaccination against chickenpox in children has been developed. Vaccination is indicated for immunocompromised children suffering from chronic somatic diseases. For its implementation, vaccines Okavax (Japan) or Varilrix (Belgium) are used.

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Chickenpox is a disease that most of us have had to get sick. It is considered an uncomplicated childhood illness and usually does not cause serious concern to parents. Anxiety and fear begin when the child's temperature rises, the whole body is covered with a strange rash and the state of health deteriorates sharply. Then the majority of parents begin to worry, wonder how to alleviate the child's condition, whether it was possible to avoid infection and, of course, are taken for a fun folk art- painting the child with green paint.

In order not to panic and not do stupid things when chickenpox has already come to the house, it is necessary to prepare for its arrival in advance - to find out what it is, whether this arrival can be prevented, and also how to properly treat a sick child.

What is chickenpox and how it gets infected

Chickenpox or chickenpox is a viral disease that is caused by a type of herpes virus. The main symptoms of chickenpox are an increase in temperature to sufficiently high levels and a characteristic papulovesicular rash, while headache, lethargy, and impaired appetite may occur. It is important to consider that a child becomes contagious about 2 days before symptoms of the disease appear. And the symptoms themselves appear almost simultaneously.

The chickenpox virus is capable of infecting cells of the skin epithelium, which leads to characteristic changes in it. First, red spots appear, which in just a few hours turn into small bubbles filled with a clear liquid. Already on the second day, the liquid inside the bubbles becomes cloudy, and they safely wrinkle and become covered with a crust. After about a week, the crust falls off and the pimple disappears, usually without a trace, but if you peel off the crust or injure the pimple, a small scar may remain. New rashes appear over several days, from two to five, depending on the severity of the disease.

It is very easy to get chickenpox, just talk to a sick child. The probability of contracting chickenpox in an unhealthy child is almost 100%. But it must be borne in mind that the chickenpox virus cannot exist outside the human body, therefore, if you do not contact directly with a sick person, the probability of infection is zero.

Chickenpox: is it worth fearing and avoiding infection

As we said, chickenpox is a disease that does not cause serious concerns for parents and doctors. For most children, it is very easy, often parents do not even notice when their child has been ill. But this only applies to children under 12 years of age. If the child does not get sick before this time, then the older he becomes, the more dangerous this disease is for him. In adults, chickenpox is very difficult.

With chickenpox, the temperature can often rise to high levels. If it has confidently exceeded 38 degrees and / or causes discomfort in the child, the temperature must be lowered. For this, any paracetamol or ibuprofen-based drugs are suitable. But in no case should aspirin be used to treat chickenpox... Aspirin itself is not a bad medicine, but when combined with chickenpox, it can cause serious injury.

Second at least unpleasant symptom- itchy rash. Constant itching causes discomfort to the child, makes it nervous and itchy, and worsens general state... The itching of sweat noticeably increases, so it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the room, adequately dress the child and limit locomotor activity... Clothes and bedding should be made of natural breathable fabrics.

Good for relieving itching water treatments... Previously, children were often forbidden to swim with chickenpox, but modern pediatricians, on the contrary, recommend taking a barely warm shower or. Of course, using a washcloth or rubbing your skin with a towel is prohibited.

It is very important for a child with chickenpox to provide comfort and plenty of drink. During this period, you can feed children only at will, with something not burdensome. The first days, if you feel really bad, you need to lie down in bed, then you can start walking a little. After new rashes stop appearing, you must wait 5 days, from that time the child is no longer contagious and can communicate with other children.

The use of medications in the treatment of chickenpox

As we said, the varicella-zoster virus is a very close relative of common herpes. This suggests the idea of ​​using the familiar acyclovir against him. This drug is indeed used in the treatment of chickenpox, but only in situations where the body cannot fight the virus itself. Acyclovir is often prescribed to adults and adolescents who find it difficult to tolerate the disease, and children, in the majority, easily fuse with the virus without the help of drugs. The use of acyclovir for the treatment of children is justified only in two cases:

  • if the disease is very complex;
  • if there were cases of severe disease in the family.

The treatment of the rash raises a lot of questions. Previously, in our country, all children with chickenpox were treated with brilliant green. There is nothing wrong with this, but it also brings a minimum of benefit, rather, it is simple. The main and indisputable advantage of brilliant green over other disinfectants is a bright color. As soon as you notice that the child has all green acne and no new ones, in five days the child will become non-infectious. If you do not follow the number of acne, then you can safely use any antiseptic or not use anything at all.

A new look at an old disease (video "Chickenpox")

We are all accustomed to treating chickenpox as a mild disease, which, apart from unpleasant itching and some weakness, no longer brings any problems. But the effects of chickenpox can be much worse. After a rash, scars may remain on the skin, and with a decrease in immunity, the virus can activate and return in the form of shingles. That is why modern doctors increasingly recommend getting vaccinated against chickenpox and preventing the disease.

Chickenpox, or in the common people, chickenpox is very contagious and, despite the controversial opinions, dangerous disease... It is quite difficult to protect yourself from it due to the fact that the main signs of the presence of an infection appear already a day after infected child becomes contagious. The disease itself is accompanied by severe itching and there is a high probability of getting concomitant infections and various complications. Therefore, it is important for parents to know the first signs of chickenpox in a child and start relieving therapy in time, as well as protect others from infection.

Symptoms and signs of chickenpox in children

The severity of the symptoms and the first signs of chickenpox in children is always different and primarily depends on the baby's immunity. However, an indirect acquaintance of the crumbs' organism with disease causing shingles virus. If the mother of the child has had chickenpox long before pregnancy, the symptoms and the strength of their manifestation in the baby will be weak. But if the mother of the child has not previously had chickenpox, the child's illness will, already 5-10 days after the initial ingress of the virus into the body, be accompanied by pronounced symptoms:

  • almost constant during the entire incubation period, high temperature, reaching 38.5-39 * С;
  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • headache;
  • rapid heartbeat and breathing;
  • drowsiness;
  • body aches.

Rashes on the body of a child who did not have chickenpox from a mother are already very intense and extensive from the very beginning. Inside most of the vesicles, pus of yellow or white and they itch quite a lot. Often this form of the disease has to be treated in a hospital.

The first signs of chickenpox in a child

Babies whose mothers have had chickenpox long before pregnancy and childbirth, in most cases, easily tolerate the disease. The first signs of the development of chickenpox in such a child include a mild rash. Often this is about 2-5 reddish pimples, which, having appeared, disappear after a few hours. On the same day, a sick child may have a fever, up to 37-38 * C. Often, such mild forms of chickenpox are easily confused with scarlet fever.

Usually, the next day after the first redness in children, whose mothers were sick with chickenpox before pregnancy, symptoms appear that are already difficult to confuse with other diseases:

  • mild, which lasts for 2-7 days;
  • the constant appearance of a rash in the form of red spots all over the body, which very quickly become bubbles with liquid;
  • general lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;

The appearance of the rash is often localized. Initially, it manifests itself on the body, then on the arms and legs, and later on the face, as well as the scalp. A new wave of the appearance of bubbles is always accompanied by an increase in body temperature, but it rarely exceeds 38 * C.

How does chickenpox begin in children the first signs

For most children, regardless of whether their mother had chickenpox before pregnancy, the first signs of damage to the body and the development of chickenpox are the same.

Even before the first pimples appear, the child can feel headache and muscle discomfort. Also at the end of the incubation period, when the chickenpox virus overcomes immunity barriers and enters the bloodstream, the baby often has:

  • irritation;
  • lack of appetite;
  • drowsiness combined with sleep disturbances and unreasonable anxiety.

At the same time, an increase in body temperature can be still mild and, before the first redness appears, reach only 37 * C.

The first signs of chickenpox in a child treatment

Since the first clear signs of the presence of the chickenpox virus can lead to infection and the development of pathologies, it is important for parents to immediately begin treatment appropriate to the severity of the disease. The main drugs that can be used for a child are prescribed by the attending physician, after examination and confirmation of the diagnosis. At the same time, the age of the child is also taken into account.

In general, the treatment of a sick child consists in the following activities:

  • provision of bed rest for a while elevated temperature body;
  • protection against possible infection of inflamed areas by treating the bubbles with brilliant green, Penistil-Fenciclovir, Fukortsin or Calamin lotion;
  • adherence to a diet consisting in avoiding fried, smoked and fatty foods.

As an auxiliary antibacterial therapy, after eating it is recommended to rinse oral cavity furacillin solution. And it is permissible to use some antihistamines, suitable for the child according to the age.

The first signs of chickenpox in a child and treatment were considered. Drying of bubbles and the formation of crusts occurs 3-4 days after their appearance. The crusts usually fall off after 10-14 days. Up to this point, the observance of hygiene procedures should be very careful and in the form of a light rinse. It is recommended to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You cannot dry your child with a towel. Only lightly dipping the body with a towel is permissible. It is this method of hygiene that will avoid infection of the skin that has not yet healed completely.

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which belongs to the herpes family. It is characterized by an increase in temperature, a rash with various elements (from spots to crusts), severe itching and catarrhal phenomena.

A feature of the herpes simplex virus type 3 is its volatility. In a poorly ventilated room, it can spread up to 20 m, and any person who has not had chickenpox can become infected.

Chickenpox is most common in preschool children, but it is extremely rare in children under 6 months of age.

In newborns, chickenpox is extremely heavy course... They are often diagnosed with atypical forms of chickenpox.

By the age of 6, 70% of children have chickenpox antibodies and immunity for the rest of their lives.

After a person has chickenpox, antibodies to the herpes simplex virus type 3 appear, and an immune response is formed to the re-introduction of the virus. But with immunodeficiency, shingles or a repeated case of chickenpox may develop, as the virus continues to "live" in nerve ganglia, it is impossible to completely recover.

Shingles most often affects people with immunodeficiency. A feature of this disease is that the rash does not spread over the entire skin, but along the nerve, for example, along the intercostal space or on the face along one of the branches of the facial or trigeminal nerve... The disease is unpleasant, its prodromal period is especially unpleasant, often the sick person does not associate it with the manifestation of herpes infection.

A bit of history

Until the 18th century, chickenpox was not considered as independent disease, it was considered one of the manifestations of smallpox. And only at the beginning of the 20th century, the first descriptions of the virus appeared - the causative agent of the disease in the contents of the bubbles. It was only in the 40s of the twentieth century that a description of the varicella-zoster virus appeared.

How does chickenpox manifest in children? Course of the disease

Usually, after contact with a sick person, after 11 - 21 days (this is the incubation period of chickenpox), the first signs of chickenpox appear in a child. A long incubation period often provokes a little confusion among the parents.

It would seem that the meeting with the patient was long ago, and the threat of getting sick has already passed, and then the child begins to complain of body aches, chills appear, the temperature rises to 38 - 39 ˚С, nasal discharge appears, the baby becomes lethargic, sleepy. Since a lot of time passes after contact with the patient, mothers cannot always understand that these are the first symptoms of chickenpox in children.

A rash appears after a day or two. It is initially small-spotted or spotted. Children usually complain of itching, babies under the age of four may cry and behave anxiously. During the day, the spots turn into bubbles filled with serous contents. After a few days, the bubbles break open, and crusts form on the skin in their place. After the scab has come off, the wound heals completely without leaving scars.

It should be noted that the rash appears (falls asleep) every 2 to 3 days for 3 to 7 days, because all the elements of the rash are different (polymorphic).

The child is contagious two days before the first signs of the disease appear, during the period of rashes and up to seven days from the moment of the last pouring.

It should be noted that usually than younger age the child, the easier he tolerates the disease. It is easier for a kid 3 years old than for an adult to survive this period.

Symptoms of chickenpox in children

  • temperature above 38 ˚С. It should be noted that sometimes the temperature rises to 40 ˚С. This is not a complication of the disease, but only a feature of the reactivity of the sick person's immunity. However, in some cases, the temperature throughout the entire illness can be 37 ˚С;
  • the appearance of a rash is staged. The stage of the rash is a spot-bubble-the appearance of crusts. The rash appears on the entire body of the child, except for the palms and feet. Chickenpox is also characterized by a rash on the scalp;
  • undulating appearance of a rash, when, after the appearance of a rash, a short-term lull is observed.

Other symptoms of the disease:

  • viral conjunctivitis. It appears, as a rule, when the first branch of the trigeminal nerve is damaged by the herpes virus. When the appearance viral conjunctivitis children can complain about discomfort in the eyes, they will say that it is unpleasant or painful for them to look at the light, tears flow from their eyes;
  • vulvovaginitis in girls;
  • stomatitis - the appearance of a rash on the mucous membranes of the mouth. In case of a rash in the mouth of a child, you should contact your doctor for further examination and a possible change in treatment tactics.

Swimming with chickenpox

Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox when he is sick - this question is especially acute.

Opinions on this issue, as always, differ.

  1. You can not take a bath, that is, lie for a long time and steam the body (in order to avoid infection of open wounds).
  2. Do not use a sponge or washcloth. Do not rub the child's body with anything or anything.
  3. Be careful with soaps and shower gels. They dry out the skin and can increase irritation.
  4. Better if the child takes a shower.
  5. After showering, blot the water off with a soft towel. Under no circumstances should you rub your body.
  6. After the skin dries, the ulcers need to be treated with greenery or fucorcin.

Features of caring for children with chickenpox

Usually children bring infection from kindergarten often infect younger brothers and sisters. Chickenpox in children occurs in easy form, and the most unpleasant thing is a rash, therefore these children are treated at home.

We will discuss how to treat chickenpox in children a little later, but for now, let's remember how to care for babies with chickenpox:

  • diet. If the child refuses to eat, do not force it, let it be better to eat a little, but more often. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • plentiful drink. Fruit drinks, compotes, jelly and homemade freshly squeezed juices are recommended. If the child does not want to drink it, offer tea or water;
  • it is desirable to limit active games, trying to keep the child in bed is pointless;
  • try to explain that it is impossible to comb the sores, the child's nails should be cut short;
  • it is advisable to change bedding every day, the child should sleep separately in his bed;
  • the room in which the child is located must be washed every day, it must be ventilated at least once an hour;
  • it is desirable that there are no other children in the environment of the sick child, but, alas, this is not always possible.

To walk or not to walk?

This is another question in caring for a child with chickenpox that worries parents: is it possible to walk with a baby with chickenpox?

During the period when the child is contagious, walking is not recommended. But if the parents are sure that the baby will not contact anyone (for example, if you live in a private house), then you can go for a short walk.

We list the important conditions for walking:

  1. Body temperature should return to normal.
  2. The last rash was 7 days ago. Otherwise, if you do go out for a walk, there should be no other people on the street, especially children or pregnant women.
  3. If a child has recently had chickenpox, he cannot sunbathe and swim in open water.
  4. The immunity of a sick child is still weakened, therefore contact with sick children or adults with discomfort is not recommended for him.

Prevention and vaccination

Children have been vaccinated against chickenpox since 2008, but they are still not included in the list of mandatory vaccinations, which means that parents themselves must decide for themselves whether or not to vaccinate their baby.

It is now recommended to get vaccinated from the age of two. Vaccination is done once, provided that the child is not 13 years old, and twice for children from 13 and adults who have not yet been ill.

Vaccination is carried out with "Varilrix" or "Okavax" vaccines (they are live attenuated vaccines).

Vaccination takes place according to the following scheme:

  • "Okavax" - 0.5 ml (one dose) at a time for children who have reached the age of 12 months;
  • "Varilrix" - 0.5 ml (one dose) twice with an interval of 2 - 2.5 months.

Emergency prophylaxis is carried out with any of the above-mentioned drugs within 96 hours from the moment of contact with a sick person. In our country, such prevention is not common.

After administration of the drug, after 7 days, signs of chickenpox may appear in a child. This is a slight malaise, an increase in temperature up to 38 ˚С, a slight rash may appear. All symptoms go away on their own within a few days. They do not need to be treated, they are not a complication of vaccination.

Isolation of sick children is another method of prevention. True, this is ineffective, since in children the prodromal period does not always manifest itself clearly, and the child is contagious two days before the onset of the rash.

What can be confused with chickenpox?

In the beginning, before the rash appears, the disease is similar to that of any viral disease such as the flu.

At the first rains, you can take chickenpox for an allergy or prickly heat, but usually within a day it becomes clear that the conclusion is erroneous.

Usually, after the onset of the rash, everything becomes clear.

Complications of chickenpox

There are always exceptions, but more often they talk about rules. For example, when a pregnant woman who has not previously had chickenpox gets sick, she has a chance of losing her baby, or the baby may be born with chickenpox.

Children under the age of one year tolerate chickenpox extremely hard, and it proceeds in an atypical form.

Another option is adults and teenagers. They also sometimes have complications, such as viral pneumonia, myocarditis or encephalitis.

Atypical forms of chickenpox

  1. Rudimentary. The rash is spotty, there are practically no catarrhal phenomena, the disease passes easily.
  2. Hemorrhagic form. Vesicles in this form are filled not with transparent, but with blood contents. The course of the disease is severe, patients have vomiting of blood, nosebleeds, black stools are possible. On the second day, petechial rashes appear (small punctate hemorrhages in the skin).
  3. Bullous form. Bubbles in this form merge, forming the so-called bullae. They are usually filled with cloudy contents.
  4. Gangrenous form. Has an extremely severe course.
  5. Generalized form. With this form of the disease, severe intoxication, damage to internal organs, and hyperthermia are observed.

Everything atypical forms(except for the rudimentary) are treated in a hospital, often in intensive care units.

Treatment of chickenpox in children

If you see that your child is sick, call a doctor who will prescribe and supervise the treatment. Each drug has its own subtleties and characteristics. Improper treatment, as well as its complete absence, can lead to complications during the course of the disease.

  1. When the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, you can give the child an antipyretic drug based on ibuprofen or paracetamol.
  2. For decreasing itchy skin you can use local ointments such as Gerpevir, Acyclovir. Application of Fenistil gel is possible.
  3. Antihistamines can be used. For example, Diazolin is available in tablets.
  4. To prevent secondary infection of ulcers, use brilliant green or Fukortsin. The application of such drugs also helps to determine the appearance of new bubbles.
  5. With a sore throat, you can use herbal decoctions and drugs approved for the treatment of children of a particular age.
  6. Required antiviral therapy... She is prescribed by a doctor.

Dear mothers, I wish you not to get lost from the tears of your children, and for this to be very attentive and patient to them. Chickenpox is only part of your child's life, and over time, only photos will remain, reminiscent of the mottled green period.