Products not causing fermentation list. Common causes of fermentation in the intestines and remedies for the problem

  • Date: 13.04.2019

Everyone has experienced bloating. Most often, this reaction is associated with nutrition. Products, causing flatulence, are different and depend on individual features person. Since the problem is delicate, many patients do not even tell their doctor about it, although the problem of excessive gas formation can cause a lot of inconvenience and cause serious illness (stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, colitis).

1 Consequences of flatulence

Flatulence is often accompanied by belching, stomach discomfort, and bloating. Foods that cause gas in the intestines are usually due to:

  • snacking on the go, often accompanied by bad chewing food and dry food;
  • excessive consumption of food just before bedtime, especially if it is mushrooms, meat or eggs;
  • allergies to certain types of foods;
  • their overdue;
  • smoking during or immediately after a meal;
  • stress;
  • conversations over food, they can cause problems;
  • eating fatty, fried and spicy foods that irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines;
  • habits of drinking drinks through a straw, leading to excessive swallowing of air;
  • excessive consumption of salt, retaining moisture in the body, it is able to retain water in the stomach longer than it should be, thereby causing fermentation.

Infrequent belching or gas leakage through the intestines is considered normal if this does not occur often and does not cause discomfort.

Products cause flatulence and irritate the intestinal walls and serve as the main problem.

2 Products provocateurs

Excessive gas formation is often caused by the indigestibility of food by the body. The remains of food enter the intestines and there, under the influence of bacteria, strong fermentation begins. Many foods cause bloating.

More often than other products, causing fermentation in the intestines, these are carbonaceous:

  1. White bread and pastries. Due to the high content of carbohydrates, they are difficult to digest and, as a result, are the cause of flatulence.
  2. Milk. As a rule, other dairy, and especially dairy products, useful and contribute to the normalization of the intestines. The older a person becomes, the worse the milk is absorbed, which leads to the formation of bloating.
  3. Beans and legumes. They have non-decomposing fibers that, when they enter the intestines, cause the formation of gases.
  4. Foods that cause bloating are both raw vegetables and fruits, especially those containing sugar. As a rule, for a healthy stomach, the use is not due to flatulence, but if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, problems in the form of bloating will not keep you waiting.
  5. Starch and starchy foods (potatoes, corn) can be quite dangerous.
  6. A separate item can be distinguished sulfur-containing vegetables: radish, cabbage, radish and garlic.
  7. Fleeing from caries with chewing gum, a large amount of air is swallowed, which causes gas formation.
  8. Alcohol, especially red sweet table wines.
  9. Soda, which includes a large amount of sugar, causing fermentation in the stomach.

What foods cause bloating? Each person must answer for himself, because often what will be a problem for one may become a panacea for another. Often problems arise in people with allergies or lactose intolerance.

3 Problem solving

If there are products causing flatulence, there are also products from swelling. Such products will not only help get rid of problems, but also improve digestion in general.

  1. An ordinary pumpkin can be an excellent remedy. From it you can cook soup, stew or add to mashed potatoes or bake as a separate dish. Along with excellent taste, pumpkin will extinguish gases in the stomach.
  2. Bulgarian Bell pepper, as well as citrus fruits and vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C.
  3. Muesli, which serve as a wonderful and healthy breakfast.
  4. Yogurt with live bacteria does an excellent job with dysbacteriosis.
  5. Rice dishes are easy to digest and promote normal operation stomach.
  6. Dietary meats, turkey, young veal.

Along with products, seasonings can be great helpers:

  1. Fennel seeds, which can be added both as a seasoning, and make an infusion by brewing a teaspoon of seeds in half a glass hot water and consume throughout the day.
  2. Coriander helps smooth out pain in the stomach. It is recommended to add crushed to different dishes.
  3. Cardamom is great for variety in nutrition. Its taste will improve dishes from vegetables and cereals.
  4. Dill will serve as a great addition to any dish. It is also very effective as a decoction of seeds or dill water purchased in advance.
  5. Traditional healers recommend brewing elm bark. Half a teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Express and drink two glasses a day.

4 Quick help in case of illness

Foods that increase gas can ruin any evening or even a holiday, so there are simple homemade recipes that can be used in any situation.

  1. Half a teaspoon of soda with a small amount of lemon juice (vinegar), diluted in water and taken after a meal, helps to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. It should be noted that this is not a treatment and the regular use of such a remedy is dangerous for the walls of the stomach.
  2. When pain occurs in the stomach, massage will help a lot, especially if there are clove, ginger or other herbal oils in the house.
  3. Chamomile tea can provide first aid for bloating, and regular use of it can relieve problems for a long time, even if the diet includes foods that cause fermentation in the intestines.
  4. When cooking starchy foods, you can reduce negative factor with sage, rosemary and thyme.
  5. A great and very easy way is to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. Try to take enough time for lunch and snacks and monitor the speed of food.

5 Medical treatment

First of all, the doctor prescribes therapeutic diet, which is selected individually for each patient. Vitamins are prescribed a wide range. Drinking is excluded alcoholic beverages and smoking. Also appointed physiotherapy(squats, leg swings), which is able to restore normal functions work of the whole organism. Swimming and walking in the fresh air have a wonderful effect on the body.

The simplest remedy is Activated carbon. It is prescribed by tablet before meals, helps to absorb gas formation.

Excellent medicines contributing quick withdrawals symptoms are:

  1. Mezim and Festal, containing enzymes that help the stomach digest food and relieve bloating. Handles weight very well.
  2. Medicines containing bifidobacteria (Hilak Forte, Linex, Bifidobacterin) help to improve the intestinal microflora and eliminate unfavorable bacteria.
  3. Espumizan - a special medicine aimed specifically at reducing gas formation in the intestines, has no contraindications and effectively copes with the task.
  4. Absorbent medicines (Enzyme) that help to remove toxins and gases from the body.

Live healthy! Products against bloating.(12.10.2017)

If drug treatment does not give the desired result, and flatulence does not go away within a few months, it is necessary to undergo full examination with the task of analysis. Because this may just be the tip of the iceberg hiding a serious illness.

As a result of the digestive and other processes in the human body, a certain amount of gases accumulates, which is excreted due to self-regulation. (in medical terminology - flatulence) is the formation of more gases in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract than during the normal functioning of the body.

With increased gas production, bloating may occur.

Foods high in protein take a long time, which also leads to fermentation of the digested food. Therefore, it is not recommended to use fried and hard-boiled eggs, fatty rich meat broths, mushrooms in any form, whole milk and products from it, nuts.

You should minimize the consumption of sweet fruits, cabbage, legumes, raw onions, radishes. The fiber contained in these products in large quantities stimulates the active reproduction of intestinal microflora, thereby increasing the amount of gaseous products of their vital activity.

With flatulence, the use of animal fats (lard, cream, butter), barley, pearl barley and millet, canned food, chocolate, jam, various sauces and seasonings, carbonated drinks, chewing gum.

Food should be habitual, that is, characteristic of consumption in a given region. So, when living in central Russia, eating exotic dishes, such as Chinese or Indian cuisine, can lead to a violation.

In addition to the fact that food should be familiar, it should also be healthy, that is, contain as few synthetic additives as possible - preservatives, dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, etc. Among general principles nutrition for flatulence, the following can be distinguished:

  1. normalization of intestinal motility;
  2. restoration of healthy microflora;
  3. cessation of the processes of fermentation and decay of food masses;
  4. providing a balanced diet.

Nutrition should be divided into 5-6 doses in small portions at regular intervals so that the necessary substances from the food have time to be absorbed, and unnecessary ones to be eliminated from the body.

He will conduct a physical examination of the patient, prescribe a number of tests and necessary diagnostic procedures, which will allow to form a clear picture of the disease and prescribe the most effective program treatment.

Medicines prescribed for flatulence and diseases with which it accompanies are divided into several groups depending on the purpose of the appointment:

  • Adsorbents stimulate harmful substances resulting from the breakdown of products (Lactofiltrum, Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel).
  • Choleretic drugs stimulate intestinal motility, accelerate digestive processes(Holenzim, Allochol, Essentiale).
  • Prebiotics and probiotics normalize intestinal microflora(Bifiorm, Khilak-forte,).
  • Enzyme preparations stimulate digestive processes (Penzital, Pancreatin, Mezim-forte).
  • Antispasmodics reduce pain, removing muscle spasms that cause them (Papaverine, Atropine, Platifillin).
  • Prokinetics accelerate the movement of digested food through the intestines (Ganaton.).
  • Defoamers precipitate mucous foam, in the bubbles of which there are excess gases (Smecta, Espumizan).

Since flatulence is often only one of clinical manifestations many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the diagnosis of such, treatment of the underlying disease is primarily prescribed. Cure from it can lead to the elimination of the symptoms of flatulence without the use of any special means aimed directly at eliminating increased gas formation.

Traditional medicine

A decoction from the fruits of mountain ash helps to eliminate flatulence.

In addition to drugs, there are many drugs that in one way or another affect the processes of increased gas formation and contribute to their normalization.

These funds include medicinal plants, and ordinary ones, which can be found even on a personal plot.

As medicinal decoctions that normalize activity digestive system that improve intestinal motility and contribute to the removal of excess gaseous products from the body, use the following compositions:

  1. 3 tbsp mixtures of crushed cudweed tropyanoy, St. John's wort and yarrow in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 are steamed in 1 liter of boiling water. The broth insist a couple of hours and drink 0.5 tbsp. before eating.
  2. Peppermint, valerian root, fennel fruits are crushed. 2 tsp mixtures in a ratio of 2:2:1 are steamed in 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist 30 minutes. The decoction is drunk 2 times a day before meals, 0.5 tbsp.
  3. Chopped rowan fruits, dill seeds, valerian root, mint leaves are mixed in a ratio of 4:3:3:2. 1 tbsp brewed 1 tbsp. boiling water. The broth is infused and taken similarly to recipe No. 2.

All plants included in these recipes have healing effect and by themselves, but in a mixture with each other, their benefits are enhanced. There are also medications against flatulence, created on a natural plant basis:

  1. Plantex contains fennel as the main active ingredient.
  2. Rekitsen-RD is a mixture of wheat bran and deactivated wine yeast, supplemented with useful trace elements.
  3. Iberogast is made on the basis of the following plants: Iberian bitter, lemon balm, angelica, chamomile, celandine, mint.

Article content:

When negative disturbances occur in the human body, not only the condition worsens general health but also his whole life. It is difficult to be active and able-bodied when unpleasant problems with the functionality of internal organs are regularly overcome.

The basis of many human diseases is wrong job digestive system, which has a continuous relationship with nutrition. Due to the consumption of junk food, alcohol, medications in large quantities, smoking and addiction to drugs, there are serious changes in the human body, which are often irreparable.

In order to prevent the development of painful symptoms that are detected against the background of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to observe the correct diet throughout your life and limit consumption in your diet. harmful products.

But, as a rule, this mission is quite difficult to fulfill, and each of us resorts to a healthy lifestyle only after an advanced disease has been identified. There are many diseases and disorders in the digestive organs, one of which is fermentation in the intestines.

This disorder is not a pathological disease, but is considered a rather negative deviation in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. To get rid of this unpleasant ailment, you need to find out the causes of fermentation, and only after starting treatment, while eliminating not only unpleasant symptoms, but also the main provocateur contributing to the development of the disease.

Fermentation in the intestine occurs against the background of incomplete digestion of the incoming gastrointestinal tract food. Insufficient digestion occurs due to a lack of alkali in the human body that produces digestive juice.

The remaining pieces of food in the intestines gradually rot, which causes the fermentation process. The reasons for incomplete digestion of food are malnutrition and excessive consumption of acidic foods, drinks, berries, etc.

In some cases, this process is formed due to a violation of the intestinal microflora, due to insufficient circulation in the digestive organs, as well as in the presence of certain obstructions, such as abnormal narrowing of the intestine, the presence of adhesions, tumors, etc.

The fermentation process can occur due to excessive consumption of protein foods, as well as food, rich in carbohydrates. These components in large quantities simply do not have time to be digested and settle in the intestines, turning into poisonous masses.

Sweets, sugar, spices, spices, store-bought sausages, fried foods, and beer can also become a source of fermentation in the intestines.

In order not to call unpleasant process in the intestines, the listed foods must be consumed in small quantities or completely abandon food that is harmful to the body. This will not only eliminate the formation of fermentation in the intestines, but also prevent the development of more serious illnesses GIT.

Fermentation in the intestines is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms:

  • excessive gas formation (flatulence);
  • colic and rumbling in the abdomen;
  • unpleasant pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • the appearance of constipation or mushy stools.

The launched fermentation process is fraught with more serious consequences. The putrefactive food left in the body pollutes the intestines and activates the development of bacteria. Along with this, fecal stones may appear in the intestines, as well as an unpleasant "fecal" stomach, sagging under the weight of food stuck in the body.

Needless to say, such symptoms significantly worsen a person's life, leading him to despair and nervous breakdowns. In order to prevent these consequences, it is necessary to start a timely fight against the painful process, first of all eliminating the causes of such formation.

The first symptoms of fermentation alert the patient to the presence of the wrong food in the body, therefore, the principle of treatment is based on the elimination of all foods that may cause this process from the diet. A balanced diet is the key to a successful recovery.

Having eliminated the causes that led to fermentation, the patient will need fixative therapy, which eliminates pathogenic microflora and strengthens immune system person.

In such cases, specialists prescribe special medications: Mutaflor, Omniflora, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin and other similar drugs. Pain in the abdomen is perfectly eliminated with antispasmodic drugs.

Since stagnation undigested food is formed in feces, actively fixed on the walls of the intestine and provoking unpleasant symptoms, the patient is recommended to clean the organ. Laxative preparations containing salt in their composition are quite effectively used.

If the treatment at home is successful and painful manifestations no longer occur, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. In cases where standard cleansing did not allow getting rid of fermentation in the intestines, a doctor's consultation is recommended.

Activated charcoal, taken immediately after the first manifestations, will help get rid of flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms of fermentation. Many advise using recipes for this purpose. traditional medicine, using medicinal herbs and conventional foods.

Eliminate will help pharmacy chamomile, dill seeds, lemon balm, mint, pomegranate peel and leaves walnut. These components are preferably taken in the form of a tincture or herbal tea.

To eliminate painful symptoms in the abdomen, traditional healers recommend applying to the affected area warm compress until completely cooled down. After that, the warmed-up stomach must be gently massaged, which will help to quickly remove accumulated gases.

If fermentation is accompanied severe diarrhea, you will need plants that have an astringent effect. These include oak bark, bird cherry fruits, and burnet root.

To improve bowel function, experts recommend performing simple physical exercise. Such an exercise has a rather positive effect: a sick person needs to bend his legs at the knees, then draw in his stomach and release it sharply. This exercise to restore the functionality of the body must be repeated several times.

When fermentation is detected in the intestines, it is necessary to consume a significant amount of fluid, which will help not to bring the body to dehydration, often due to intoxication.

The list of allowed products that do not cause the fermentation process includes food vegetable composition, products containing alkalis, mineral water and bee honey.

All permitted foods must be consumed in small quantities, chewing each piece thoroughly. During periods of progression of the process, it is better to eat food with a porridge-like composition or completely exclude the consumption of food for a certain period.

A temporary diet will allow you to quickly eliminate the fermentation process in the intestines and relieve pain in the abdomen. With the development of this unpleasant symptom, it is recommended to exclude the following foods from the diet for several days:

  • bakery products, muffins and yeast compositions;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • pickles and smoked meats;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • marinades and preservation;
  • semi-finished products and spices.

Gastroenterologists advise to be attentive to your daily diet and in no case overeat! Overuse food causes serious disturbances in the system digestive organs and provokes the development of rather unpleasant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

All food products used must be fresh and natural. During meals, food must be thoroughly chewed and washed down. healthy drink or plain water.

A balanced diet and proper diet will be the key healthy lifestyle life, without the manifestation of unpleasant and painful processes in the body.

Fermentation in the intestines is an unpleasant symptom that is familiar to many people.

If you want to know what causes the appearance of such a symptom, as well as how this problem is treated, then read this article.

More about intestinal fermentation

The causes of fermentation in the intestines lie in the difficult digestion of food received by a person.

The remains of food, unprocessed by gastric juice and not removed from the intestines in time, remain in it and begin to rot, producing gases and toxins that poison the body.

Strictly speaking, this situation is not classified as a pathological condition that can cause serious harm to human health, but fermentation can create some emotional and physical problems.

Causes that provoke fermentation in the intestinal area:

  • unbalanced diet, saturated with junk food;
  • improper functioning of the glands of the stomach, pancreas and intestines, which are responsible for the production of a sufficient amount of digestive juice;
  • larger-scale pathologies of the organs that make up the human digestive system.

The reasons mentioned in this article are only the most obvious situations that provoke fermentation in the abdominal region.

If this symptom does not just appear from time to time, but worries regularly, significantly reducing the quality of your life, then do not hesitate, but visit a gastroenterologist.

Perhaps the reasons for this process will be hidden in any serious diseases.

The treatment of these diseases will not only normalize general state and get rid of the risk of developing side problems, but also from such a banal, but very unpleasant symptom, like fermentation in the intestines.

Food that rots in the body decomposes into potentially toxic substances such as methanol alcohols, skatoles, phenols, cresols, etc.

In addition, rotting food generates copious excretion gases that press on the walls of the intestine, thereby provoking symptoms such as flatulence, fermentation, colic, etc.

The mucous membranes of the intestines, filled with rotting masses, are subject to bacterial attacks, for which undigested food boluses are the best habitat.

As a result of such processes, the mucous membranes become inflamed, and the list of symptoms felt by a person is supplemented by pain, constipation and nausea.

Ignoring the symptoms of fermentation and the lack of adequate treatment can significantly worsen the condition of the intestinal system.

Treatment of the problem involves taking drugs that have a sorbing effect, cleansing the intestinal walls from toxins and toxins accumulating inside the organ.

If you do not take these drugs, then you can ensure that the intestines, under the weight of rotting food lumps, settle into the pelvis.

Diet for illness

As mentioned above, the most common causes of fermentation in the abdominal region are an unbalanced diet or the constant abuse of potentially harmful foods.

A noticeable "fermentation" of the intestine provokes excessive consumption of protein foods, regular eating of carbohydrates (bread, pastries, etc.), as well as sweets of all kinds.

In addition, fried foods, especially those prepared using a large number oils.

If the body cannot cope with the digestion of fried foods, then, in addition to fermentation, a person also feels symptoms such as severe heaviness in the stomach and belching.

Various drinks saturated with yeast can provoke symptoms characterized by "fermentation" of the intestine: kvass, beer, etc.

Other foods that cause fermentation in the intestines:

  • boiled and smoked sausages, frankfurters, sausages and other meat "delicacy" of industrial production;
  • preserves, jams and compotes, saturated with a lot of sugar;
  • dishes rich in starch (for example, potatoes or cabbage, cooked in any way);
  • all types of legumes;
  • bread and pastries;
  • spices and spices, especially rosemary, thyme, cumin and black pepper;
  • vinegar and snacks containing it;
  • alcohol;
  • sour berries and fruits (used in large quantities).

If you can't stop eating these food groups and want to continue eating them, then at least limit yourself to the amount of their servings.

In addition, consume such products only in the morning, but not for breakfast, but in the interval between it and lunch.

Foods that you can eat to normalize the intestinal system:

  • sweet berries, fruits and vegetables rich in alkalis;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • nuts (especially almonds and coconut);
  • cereal cereals (in the morning and in small quantities);
  • vegetarian broths and soups based on lean meats, fish and poultry;
  • mineral water without gas.

You can normalize the work of the digestive tract and relieve the symptoms of fermentation in the intestines by systematically adhering to the following rules.

You should not eat dry food - food should be washed down with a moderate amount of water. In addition, you do not need to overeat at night.

To facilitate the process of digestion of food, you should chew it thoroughly before swallowing.

What to do when you experience severe discomfort and feel fermentation in the intestinal area, but are unable to take a specialized drug?

Take off acute symptoms such a pathological process can be done with a light self-massage.

To do this, lie on your back, and then gently tap on your stomach, repeating spiral movements in the direction from the navel (clockwise).

How to get rid of pathology?

Treatment of fermentation in the intestines is unthinkable without following a specialized diet that completely excludes the use of the above food groups.

By following such a diet, you can get rid of fermentation in the stomach in a relatively short period.

It is important to understand that even with a complete rejection of such food, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of fermentation in the stomach area in a day or five days.

It will take time for the stomach to restore its work. To quickly get rid of the problem and forget about the unpleasant symptoms that are characteristic of it, it is not enough to neutralize the causes of its appearance.

Therefore, the treatment of "fermentation" of the intestine involves not only following a certain diet, but also taking special "supportive" drugs that stimulate digestion.

What drugs should I buy to alleviate my condition, take it off already existing symptoms problems and delay its next occurrence as much as possible?

The answer to this question can be obtained during a personal consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Information about the treatment of the problem, which can be found in this article, is presented in it for informational purposes only.

Treatment of a condition that provokes fermentation in the intestines is aimed at combating the causes of the problem.

If properly treated this condition, then its symptoms will go away on their own. Treatment of problems with the intestines of such a plan should be carried out with drugs that have a general strengthening effect on the body.

They will help mitigate the symptoms of pathology, increase immunity and normalize the intestinal system.

We are talking about drugs such as:

  • "Lactobacterin";
  • "Omniflora";
  • "Mutaflor";
  • "Bactisuptil";
  • "Bifidumbacterin".

In some cases, the treatment of this problem involves the use of oral or anal laxatives, but it should be understood that they cannot be used regularly.

With prolonged use, laxatives can increase the symptoms of dysbacteriosis and provoke the appearance of more serious pathologies.

In addition, you can get rid of such a delicate problem as fermentation in the intestines with the help of traditional medicine.

Decoctions created on the basis of:

  • dill;
  • walnut leaves;
  • dried pomegranate peel;
  • mint and lemon balm;
  • chamomile.

Chamomile, mint and lemon balm have mild antiseptic properties and have a healing effect on the intestinal mucosa.

Pomegranate peel and walnut leaves, like dill water, are delicate laxatives that gently cleanse the body of toxins and toxins without harming it.

After reading this article, you were able to learn about such a pathology as fermentation in the intestines.

Treatment of this problem should be complex. It is important to understand that without a complete change in the diet and without giving up certain food groups, it will not be possible to get rid of fermentation in the intestines.

It is up to you to decide what is more important - eating your favorite, but harmful products or feeling great.

Remember that untimely elimination of the causes of such pathological condition can provoke the development of new, more serious and serious illnesses that significantly affect the quality of life of any person.

However, you need to understand that any treatment should begin with a consultation with a specialist.

Sometimes it happens that everything inside your stomach overflows, you run to the toilet more often than usual, and after eating you are haunted by a feeling of overcrowding - if this is the case, then I can say with great confidence that in your diet include foods that cause fermentation in the intestines, and the balance is shifted towards an acidic or alkaline environment. If you are more serious about choosing foods for your diet, you can easily cope with discomfort.

The whole process of digestion is very complex; its analysis cannot be approached without taking into account individual characteristics. Some people can eat spicy foods in large quantities, and even a piece of hot pepper causes heartburn in you. This is because the composition of gastric juice, as well as the number of enzymes, bacterial microflora - all this is individual for each organism. Your gut can also be affected by genetics, as well as your overall health, age, and mood. The most common cold can cause an upset, although you have eaten this food before and then you did not have any discomfort. Before you completely change your diet, you need to carefully monitor what you eat. Believe me, your inner voice will immediately warn you that this product causes intestinal discomfort.

It so happened that the diet of most people is acidic. It doesn't mean that you are using sour foods, for example lemon, although it is quite sour, but has many useful properties. But for example, if you like to eat chicken, and I have not met people who do not like it, then know that chicken is it is one of the most oxidizing foods. It is believed that it provokes fermentation, namely an excess of alkaline or acidic foods.

It is worth reducing the use of the following products:

  • almost all types of dried juices of berries and fruits;
  • almost all root crops, vegetables and herbs;
  • fresh milk;
  • nuts: almonds, coconut, etc.;
  • beans.

These are the most common foods that increase fermentation in the intestines. All these products belong to the alkaline group. Most often, this problem is caused due to a strong passion raw vegetables and fruits that have not been cooked, due to vegetarianism, a raw food diet, a long vegetable or fruit diet. True, these products contain a lot of fiber and this is undoubtedly a plus, but it’s good when it has a balance, but if the consumption is very large, then they will be in the large intestine and will soon swell, then begin to rot. Food waste, processed by enzymes and bacteria, releases toxins and gas, thereby increasing fermentation.

Avoid the following acidic foods:

  • butter, store-bought milk and other fermented milk products;
  • fried, spicy, smoked, marinated and other meat products;
  • it is worth giving up sweets, marshmallows, pastries, cakes and other sweets for a while;
  • forget about alcohol, coffee, tea;
  • eggs, meat, fish;
  • bean products;
  • corn, wheat, polished rice, any flour and others bakery products as well as cakes and pastries.

How do we eat? Usually we cooked a piece of meat or fish, boiled pasta, buckwheat or rice. That is, two products at once that increase intestinal fermentation. Also, such food is split for a long time, thereby causing severe discomfort. Therefore, it is important that your diet includes a lot of protein and carbohydrates - these products balance each other, thereby preventing the digestive tract from stopping or overloading.

But even if the balance of proteins and carbohydrates in the body is normal, some foods themselves can cause trouble in the form of diarrhea, constant toileting, gurgling and rumbling:

  • cabbage, radish, radish, pepper;
  • marshmallow, marshmallow, Turkish delight, jelly;
  • fruits: apples, pears, grapes, plums, currants, gooseberries;
  • dairy products;
  • frothy alcohol.

How to deal with intestinal fermentation?

If this problem bothers you very often, you need to consult a doctor, especially a gastroenterologist. These bowel symptoms may be chronic disease or serious imbalance intestinal flora. But if this happened once, unexpectedly and suddenly, then try one day to diet on regular tea (without sugar, aromatic components, etc.).

Be sure to avoid the following foods:

  • muffins and fresh bread;
  • dairy products;
  • convenience foods, marinades, pickles, carbonated drinks, vegetables and fruits, and all fried foods.

Try not to eat dry foods, always chew your food thoroughly, and never eat cold or scalding burning foods. Within a day, all symptoms should disappear without a trace. If not - be sure to see a doctor.