What to drink if sick with a hangover. Vomiting with blood

  • Date: 10.04.2019

Nausea - unpleasant symptomWith which many have come across after drinking. It may be sick immediately after "taking the chest" or after a while when the hangover comes. It is especially difficult for a person who went through superfluous. There are many ways to help get rid of the consequences of the cheerful parties with alcohol, as well as methods of prevention, so as not to be sick of alcohol. Of course, the best solution is not to drink at all, but it is not always possible. Therefore, each person should be aware of the ways of preventing and treating hangover.

The most beloved vacation for many people is a long-term feast with a lot of delicious dishes and alcoholic beverages. And for most feast participants, the cheerful pastime ends with grave consequences in the form of a hangover, which manifests itself:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • breaky;
  • dry mouth;
  • dyspepsia (diarrhea).

The severity of these manifestations depends on general status Health and age of discovered as well as quality and overall Drought alcohol.

It may be sick immediately after drinking, if it was accepted too much dose or was not enough, but a person has intolerance to alcohol. Unpleasant manifestations may appear later as a sign thymmer syndrome. One way or another, this symptom is a certificate of intoxication, that is, the organism poisoning with ethyl alcohol and its products of refining.

Any alcohol in the body disintegrates into chemicals, including sevoyous oils, acetaldehyde, methanol, milk and acetic acids, which cause poisoning of the entire body. Nausea after drinking is due to the development of acidosis (violation of acid-alkaline equilibrium) and irritation of chemoreceptors (cells located near the vomiting center in oblong brain) Toxic products of the decay of ethyl alcohol.

Nausea and vomiting arise after the admission of alcohol due to the body poisoning toxic substances

Alcohol causes reinforced urination, which provokes the development of dehydration and reduce the number of necessary organism minerals, in particular, potassium and sodium. In addition, the permeability of vascular walls increases, the blood is thickened, the plasma is seeping into the surrounding tissues, the enemy appears - there is an imbalance of fluid in the body. Thus, all metabolic processes are disturbed, the cells of the brain suffer, the transmission of nerve impulses occurs, toxic substances are accumulated in the organs, due to this person torments headache, general weakness, pain in the muscles.

The cause of nausea after alcohol may not be the amount of drunk, but the low quality of alcohol

Often the problem is not in the amount of drinking alcohol, but in its quality. It happens, a person begins to nauseate from drink with a high content of harmful impurities of methyl alcohol, ketones, aldehydes. The body responds to poisoning attempt to cleanse from toxins. Therefore, nausea appears and subsequent vomiting.

Additional signs

The first organs that take a blow when drinking alcohol, stomach and liver. With gastritis, even a small dose of alcohol can cause strong painAnd if there is ulcers, gastric bleeding can open. The liver provides a barrier, filtering function, and if the unhealthy organ and cannot neutralize alcohol splitting products, poisoning the body, nausea may appear immediately after drinking (even small dose).

Vomiting with yelling

Nausea after a low dose of alcohol (for example, champagne glasses), as a rule, caused by malfunction in the work of the digestive organs - the stomach, pancreas, liver, the horizontal bubble. Typically, such pathology is:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis.

Strong nausea and vomiting with bile after drinking - sign of a liver or raging bubble

Nausea after drinking alcohol against the background of these diseases ends with a multiple vomiting with her refuge. With a large dose of drunk and strong intoxication, it is possible even with healthy digestive organs - the body tries to cleanse and compensate for the load on the hand bubble, pancreas, stomach.

If vomiting is reheated many times (more than 2-3) and does not pass in a few days, then it's time to think about calling an ambulance brigade.

Vomiting with blood

There is a notion that determines the condition of the body after a large number of alcohol once again, is an acute alcohol gastritis, or alcohol jet gastropathy. The condition is manifested by pain in the upper part of the abdomen, nausea, multiple vomiting, heartburn, belching. Massows may comprise blood if erosion was formed on the gastric mucosa. Such a state requires an absolute refusal to alcohol and urgent treatment At the gastroenterologist.

Nausea after alcohol can be combined with intense pain in the opposite region - it is a symptom of alcoholic gastritis

Nausea, which ends with vomiting with blood admissions - even more dangerous statehaving threatening consequences. This symptom indicates bleeding:

Bloody vomiting shows itself cirrhosis of the liver, and in the stage of decompensation.Therefore, the reaction to alcohol in the form of vomiting with an admixture of blood, even a small amount of it - this is a reason to immediately turn to the gastroenterologist.

Diarrhea, bloating, heartburn

Nausea after alcohol, as a rule, accompany other dyspeptic manifestations - diarrhea, meteorism (bloating), pain in the stomach, heartburn, belching. Diarrhea with a hangover usually lasts for a short time and passes for half a day, it makes sense to be alert if the diarrhea continues longer. In this case, it is possible to think that the admission of alcohol caused the aggravation of chronic diseases - pancreatitis, enterocolitis, colitis.

Why a headache hurts

After drinking, nausea may be accompanied by a pronounced headache. Cefalgia is an indispensable component of a hangover syndrome, however, it can occur almost immediately after a small dose of alcohol. The reasons for this phenomenon are a lot. It is known that alcohol has a vasodilatory action. Hypotonics, which have a constantly reduced blood pressure, may experience a headache after wine glasses, brandy or other alcoholic beverage. This condition is often accompanied by nausea, which in this case serves as a symptom of reduced pressure.

Headache - Mandatory Symptom of Thymmer Syndrome

Cefalgia with nausea may occur after drinking in people sensitive to Tiramin or the congeners - biological compounds contained in any alcohol. Dehydration, which begins after receiving a large dose of alcohol (due to its diuretic action), causes a violation of the electrolyte balance in the body. As a result, blood circulation in the brain is worse. To compensate for the violation, cerebral vessels are expanding, which provokes the gain of headaches.

Why can sick from small doses of alcohol

If nausea and vomit appear literally from one wine gland, the individual intolerance of alcohol can occur - the lack of an alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, which is synthesized in hepatocytes (liver cells) and processes ethanol. In this case, the use of alcohol is contraindicated.

Another factor that can affect the appearance of nausea from a small dose of alcohol and long-term duration is a lack of zinc in the body. The trace element is part of active center Alcoholdhydrogenase, so its shortage affects the process of intoxication, or rather, on its duration.

Video: How to deal with alcoholic intoxication

What if nauseous: Home Methods and Medication

The best advice in this case is not to use or at least not exceed the individual dose.It is clear that it is not always possible to do this. If nausea is accompanied by vomit urge, you do not need to prevent the body's attempts to be cleaned. Vomiting is the optimal means to improve the status after the subject. If strong nausea torments, but there are no vomit, it is worth calling vomiting yourself.

To get rid of nausea, you need to act on a specific algorithm:

  • clear the body:
    • wrivel vomiting if food remains in the stomach. To torment the stomach after more than 6 hours after drinking. It is pointless: there are no residues of alcohol in the vomit, he managed to suck into the blood;
    • make a high cleaning enema (toxins accumulate in the intestines) - again, if nausea is concerned about the next morning, and not immediately after drinking, in this case the enema is still early. Instead, you can enjoy a soft laxative if there is no diarrhea;
    • take the sorbent;
  • accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body. With this task, they will cope well:
    • hawk kvass;
    • fermented milk drinks;
    • antipochemers;
    • succinic acid;
    • eleutherococcus in the tincture;
  • slow down the production of toxins:
    • cold and hot shower;
    • Antipochemeline, corrosion;
    • bath;
  • restore acid-alkaline, electrolyte balance:
    • 200-300 ml of brine (not marinade!);
    • many alkaline mineral water without gas (Borjomi, Polyana Kvass, Essentuki);
    • green tea.

The best way to combat alcoholic intoxication - drink a lot of mineral water

If there is a clear bust and a person poisoned alcohol, the first events that need to be held:

  1. Breathing of the stomach clean water (Drink a warm soda solution in an amount of 1-2 liters: a teaspoon of soda per liter of water).
  2. Then drink a lot of pure liquid.
  3. Take enterosorbents.

If the brigade will be called unconsciously emergency care and detoxification in the hospital.

Video: how quickly lose

What to do and how to cope with nausea immediately after drinking

If nausea overtook immediately after receiving alcoholic beverages, it is best to clean the stomach with vomiting. It is impossible to take anti-ansify the medicine and suppress the natural reaction of the body. If there are no vomit urges - you need to rinse the stomach, drinking a weak soda solution with large portions and provoking vomiting, pressing the tongue root. You need to use such a solution for as much as possible.

After the release of the stomach, you can take a sorbent to derive products to the processing of the portion of alcohol, which managed to get into the blood. If nausea remains for some time even after cleaning the stomach, you can drink a drug with a controversial action and observe your further state.

Medicines that will help remove the consequences of alcohol abuse

Purple nausea comes a few hours after a feast. If a lot of time passed after drunk and the stomach is already empty, it makes no sense to free it with vomiting. In addition, the hangover often tears and without any rinsing - with sour gastric juice or yellow, if there is a liver pathology or a gully bubble.

As a rule, after vomiting, it comes to relief, if in parallel to perform other recommendations on the output from the hangover - to take an antipocrous agent, drink a lot of mineral water, etc. If relief does not occur, medicines from nausea will help:

  • Motillium;
  • Cerukal or Raglan;
  • Bromo apo;
  • Rodanan;
  • Zofran.

The best option is Cheruk. You can drink a tool twice, with a period of 15-30 minutes. If the process of cleansing and restoring the body goes as it should, nausea must go irrevocably. In the case of significant damage to the liver or pancreas, if the symptom does not pass after the drug treatment, you need to think about a serious survey and treatment.

For the speedy cleansing of the body and combat nausea, sorbents are needed:

  • Smect;
  • activated carbon.

You can support the liver using hepatoprotectors (after leaving the hangover):

  • Carsil;
  • Phosphoglie;
  • Esssential Forte.

These drugs will help to eliminate the spasm of biliary tract, will improve the outflow of boats, normalize digestion.

At the very beginning of the hangover syndrome, the Glavgingin is very well helped - a drug that contributes to the rapid removal of toxic substances. No worse copes with the purification of the body available at the price of amber acid, accelerating the recovery process and eliminating the hangover nausea. With exacerbation peptic disease And the alcohol gastritis is not recommended.

Photo Gallery - Preparations that will help get rid of nausea

Cerukal - The best means for removing the pummest nausea Mothilium successfully struggles with nausea with digestion violation
Hepaben - the drug related to hepatoprotectors improves the liver operation activated carbon - a time-tested sorbent, effectively withdrawing toxins from the body enterosgel - a sorbent for binding and removing toxic substances from the body of amber acid - powerful antioxidant and antitoxic

Folk recipes: What you can drink when nauseous

There are many folk recipes from the hangover nausea. Of course, not all of them are correct and efficient, some can bring more harm than good, however, among the entire diversity of people's wisdom, you can find a reasonable grain.

Verified by centuries the recipe from the hangover syndrome is the usual bread kvass (unsweetened), cucumber or cabbage brine. These drinks are rich in microelements, vitamins and others useful substancesHelping to restore the normal composition of the blood. Another excellent source of trace elements and probiotics in addition - dairy products: Kefir, Prostokvasha, Ayran, Tang, Kumy.

From herbs nausea will help remove the peppermint, St. John's wort, chamomile. Prepare herbal infusion easily: pour a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of grass and insist the minimum half an hour.

You can drink green savory tea or infusion of rowan fruits. Ryabina fruits can be used as in fresh form (scenes) and dry (ground). It is necessary to brew in the same way as grass: 1 tablespoon on a glass of boiling water. For effective struggle With intoxication, you need to drink a glass of infusion every 6-8 hours. Rowan has antitoxic, disinfectant, anti-voice, stimulating effect due to the high content of trace elements, vitamins and organic acids.

Photo gallery - Folk recipes from hangover and nausea

Green tea with hangover helps to fight nausea and purify the body
Ayran - fermented milk drink, which is recommended to drink with a speedy recovery of a folk agent from nausea with a hangover is a cucumber brine bread kvass perfectly restores the functions of the body after drunking infusion rowan has a disinfectant, antitoxic, stimulating effect and well helps with a hangover syndrome

What can you eat in order not to sick with a hangover?

The correct answer to this question is nothing. It is advisable to have nothing with the hangover, but only a lot of drinks to give the body the opportunity to cleanse. If the stomach is empty and gives signals that you need to eat something, but at the same time it is nauseous, you can, in addition to water that you need to drink in large quantities, eat such products:

  • yogurt - good tool Not only a little bitten hunger, but also get rid of nausea. In addition, the product has a lot of vitamin B, which is very needed to combat hangover;
  • citrus - oranges, tangerines, due to its sour taste help cope with nausea. BUT a large number of citric acid normalizes metabolism and helps to quickly remove toxic substances;
  • bananas are a light fruit that will be saturated and squeezed by nausea, and at the same time the reserve of lost potassium will fill;
  • oat decoction - envelops the gastric mucosa, reduces the peristaltics;
  • rice porridge acts as a sorbent, withdrawing harmful products The decay of ethanol.

When hangover, you can eat yogurt, citrus, banana

When the symptoms of the hangover decrease slightly, you can eat light, low-fat food, which is easily absorbed.

Interesting fact. When hangover, after conducting disinfectants, seafood and fish (in small quantities) are useful. For example, the filler from the fish, fish broth, the chill contain glycine, which neutralizes a poisonous acetaldehyde (alcohol splitting product). Seafood - shrimp, squid, mussels, lobsters, scallops - improve the metabolism, saturated with microelements, restoring the disturbed electrolyte balance. Lecitin, which is rich in seafood, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, stimulates the heating separation, increases the body's resistance to toxins. Methionine, which is in these products, has a disintellation and antioxidant effect.

Video: What you can eat with a hangover

How not to eliminate hangover

Samoa the main mistake In the treatment of a hangover syndrome, it is an attempt to "treat such like that", that is, take the dose of alcohol. Perhaps first the condition and improves if the stomach does not begin drunk back. But the hanging syndrome in the event of an attempt to treat alcohol will last longer, intoxication will only increase.

You can often hear the Council from "Cognok": in order to defeat ailment, you need to eat fatty soup, or drink a broth (even more interesting - to dissolve a bouillon cube in boiling water), get drunk with castor oil or tomato juice with raw eggs, salt and tomato juice Pepper. Such tips are good only in order to cause vomiting and further aggravate the condition of the already exhausted organism. It is impossible to stuff a heavy fatty food, borshs, cutlets and broths. The liver and without that works in the "wear" mode, throw it up (as well as the stomach and intestines) additional problems are not worth it.

Can not be treated by a hangmest syndrome alcoholic beverages, greasy, heavy food

An erroneous recommendation is just to go to bed after a large dose of alcohol, especially when there are signs alcoholic poisoning. A person can simply choke in the dream by the lots of the masses if he is in an insanitable state. Since the hangover syndrome is a kind of cry on the help of the organism poisoned by ethanol, it is not worth ignoring this signal, you need to help yourself and carry out relevant events.

What else is not needed to do inheritance after a booze to the onset of hangover:

  1. Do not drink water - an indispensable when hanging, immediately after taking alcohol, it will just go to the eath.
  2. It is impossible to use milk, coffee. Milk overloads the pancreas, exacerbating intoxication and the future of the hangover. Coffee for half an hour before drinking harm will not bring, on the contrary, activates the enzymatic activity of the liver, and after alcohol from the drink there will be only harm due to the high load on the heart.
  3. No smoking. Cigarettes together with the admission of alcohol additionally poison the body, weighting the hangover and cause nausea.
  4. It is impossible to take aspirin or citrate earlier than 6-8 hours after drunk, since there is a risk of gastric bleeding. Paracetamol on background alcoholic intoxication It becomes dangerous for the liver.
  5. You can not take a bath due to the danger to sleep and just choke.

If after drunking is sick all day

If the hangover syndrome does not pass in the evening after the drunkenness of the day, despite the cleansing of the stomach, intestines, drank medicines and the rest of the events, continues to be sick, and even more so to tear with yellow or blood, you need to urgently contact the hospital. These symptoms speak serious damage to the organs of the digestive tract. Without specialized medical care It is unlikely that in this case you can do.

If after drunking continues to sick for several days, you need to visit the gastroenterologist and to be examined

If the hangover is over, it became easier, but nausea does not pass for several days, present in front of or after meals, then it is also a reason to visit the gastroenterologist as possible and examine the liver, stomach, pancreas, the gorgeous bubble.

Preventive measures

It should not be thought that for a well-spent time with drinking alcoholic beverages in any case will have to pay a hangover. Knowing some tricks, you can avoid such hard consequences:

  1. One of the available and efficient preventive tools is Vitamin B6. If we take pyridoxine hydrochloride for 12, and then 3-4 hours before drunks, you can significantly weaken the symptoms of the hangover syndrome. This is due to the fact that vitamin increases the enzymatic activity of the liver, which is easier to cope with the alcohol attack. After drinking, you can take vitamin B1 (thiamine) and B6.
  2. For the prevention of nausea after a feast with alcoholic beverages, an enzyme preparation can be adopted: Mezim-Forte, Pancreatin, Creon, Vobenzyme. The festal is not recommended, since its composition includes the dried bull, which will weaken the active work of the liver needed for the fastest neutralization of alcohol.
  3. After drinking, it is better to immediately take any sorbent - activated carbon, filter, enterorosgel. After that, it is necessary to empty the intestines to remove toxins-related to the sorbent.
  4. After alcohol, one of the antipocrous drugs can be taken (but not simultaneously with the sorbent): Alka-Seltzer, Zerax, Bison. The second dose of the drug is used in the morning, upon the occurrence of a hangover syndrome.
  5. After alcohol useful lemon juice, diluted with water 1: 2. Juice accelerates metabolic processes and helps the body faster clean.
  6. Vomiting after alcohol is an excellent prophylactic agent from the morning hangmest nausea. The body will be much easier to cope with poisons if the stomach is cleared on time.

Vitamin B6 is an excellent means for the prevention of a hangover

What can be done before accepting alcohol so that there is no hangover and nausea:

Why no longer sick of alcohol

Having understood the reasons for the appearance of nausea from alcoholic beverages, it becomes clear, why this unpleasant symptom may disappear if you drink long, much, regularly and receive pleasure from intoxication. Furious from alcohol ceases at the first stage of alcoholism when the body gets used to and adapts to new conditions. Disappeared defensive reaction The body is a vomit reflex - it means that it is worth thinking whether it is time to stop while the discharge of lovers did not move into the category of professionals, that is, true alcoholics.

Alcohol is one of the components of our life. For someone, drinking has no attractiveness, a person can work out perfectly without alcoholic beverages, drawing positive emotions and inspiration completely in other areas. For other alcohol - this is the opportunity to have fun with friends or in a family circle. Such rare boys, if they conduct them competently, do not bring much harm to the body. The main thing is that the inspections do not become too voluminous and regular, which threatens already serious problems both in relationship with others and with their own health.

Cars, pulls out, causes disgust for food, leads to vomiting, weakness, dizziness. After the excessive use of alcohol, it is necessary to know how faster to derive itself from this state, which take medicines. But if you were accepted, and no well-being in 2 days did not improve, perhaps the reason for any disease, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Why is sick with a hangover?

Alcohol specifically acts on nerve cells. With an increase in the concentration of toxins in the blood, chemoreceptors, sensitive to the effects of chemicals, convert signals to nerve impulses And they transmit them to the pumll center located in the oblong brain. A nausea appears before vomiting, which is a sign of alcohol poisoning.

The number of enzymes produced by the liver for processing alcohol is individually. If a heavy hangover is tormented in the morning, it means that you exceed the permissible norm and your enzyme system did not cope with it. Headache and nausea, appearing even after a small portion of light alcohol, mean the complete intolerance to alcohol.

In order not to sick, it is necessary to monitor not only for quantities, but also for the quality of drinking. Bad state of health Can cause alcoholic surrogates containing ethyl alcohol and harmful additives, or methyl alcohol, which decomposes in the body to highly toxic components acting as a reflection.

Why is sick with a hangover? Causes may be as follows:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • damage to brain cells alcohol;
  • diseases of the stomach or pancreas;
  • wrought on an empty stomach and irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • zinc deficiency, on which the speed of splitting alcohol depends.

In adolescents and the elderly, alcoholic poisoning comes faster and hangover occurs more hard.

What is dangerous nausea after alcohol intoxication?

If, with alcohol poisoning, nausea and vomit, a person is unconscious, part of the contents of the stomach can easily get into airways. Even young physically strong people can suffocate with vomit masses.

Repeating episodes of alcohol use with subsequent intoxication and nausea lead to such changes in the body:

  • immunodeficiency;
  • brain damage, impairment of memory, progression of dementia;
  • the appearance of diseases of the liver, heart, vessels, pancreas, the urogenital system;
  • the formation of tumors in the busty bodies;
  • mental deviations.

Strong intoxication is treated only in the hospital. It is necessary to contact the doctor if it is sick with a hangover and the vomiting does not lose, together with which the bile comes out is a symptom of damage to the pancreas tissues. And the constant strong nausea is a sign of a hypertensive crisis.

Sick with hangover - what to do?

You can not regret myself, go to bed if you feel bad after drunk. Help the body get rid of toxins, performing the following actions:

  1. Try to empty the stomach.
  2. Rinse the stomach. Dissolve in 1 l warm water 0.5 tbsp. l. Drinking soda, drink half of the fluid and call vomiting by pressing your finger to the root of the tongue. Repeat. This procedure will clean the stomach from food and alcohol residues. If the alcohol remains, its suction will continue and the state may worsen.
  3. It is advisable to clean the intestines with a 2 l of warm boiled water in which the chamomile decoction is added.
  4. Accept the sorbent is a substance absorbing and holding toxins. The most effective enterosgel (3 tbsp. Putting water). The smects are helping, the sorbex, adopted according to the instructions and the cheapest means - activated carbon (at the rate of 1 tablet by 10 kg of body weight).

After you can go to bed, but drink sad preparations It is impossible - they exacerbate the oppression of the central nervous systemAlcohol caused by alcohol.

If you did not purify the body in the evening, in the morning you will find a hangover. W. healthy man It comes 6-8 hours after the adoption of an alcoholic beverage.

If sick with hangover, what to do first? It is necessary to ventilate the room and clean the body according to the above scheme, because The remains of food and non-alcohol continue to poison blood.

So that nausea passed faster, apply folk remedies With a diuretic effect, vitamins C, in, for example, such:

  • bread kvass;
  • cabbage or cucumber brine (not marinen);
  • tea with mint, chamomile, valerian or ginger.

The residual feeling of nausea will remove hot soup (low-fat, soup), warm jelly, liquid milk food.

What drugs are allowed against nausea?

The medications take no earlier than 2 hours after sorbents, otherwise the effect of them will not be. Remove nausea and normalize the condition will help such drugs:

  1. Aeron. Reduce the production of salivary, gastric, sweat glands, pancreas, reduces the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal muscles, bile ducts And bubble. It has a sedative action. Daily rate - 4 tablets.
  2. Motilium. Take no earlier than 5-6 hours after drinking alcohol, because Ethanol destroys the active ingredient drug. Eliminates nausea, heartburn and belching. The tablet is absorbed under the tongue. Maximum dosage - 8 tablets per day.
  3. Validol and tablets containing menthol. Tablet is put under the tongue.
  4. Zofran. Blocks a vomit reflex. The tablet is not recommended to pull out the foil in advance. 1 Tablet is dissolved in half an hour before meals.

How to get rid of nausea with the help of Alka-Seltzer drug? 2 tablets are dissolved in 1 glasses of water. Such a dose is taken before bedtime, the next - in the morning and if necessary, during the day, making a break between the receptions of 4 hours. The treatment should not last more than 3 days. The drug is contraindicated in those who have bleeding of any kind.

Common errors in the fight against alcohol nausea

If after drunk nauseous, the headache is hurts - drink water, do not hold back vomit. You can not receive the following means from headaches:

  • Citramon, paracetamol, it is harmful to the liver, the sign of its lesion is the appearance of blood in the vomit's masses;
  • Spasmalgon. It will increase the pressure, which in most cases is already high;
  • Aspirin, if after drinking it passed less than 6 hours, because It can cause intestinal bleeding.

It is impossible to take the phenazepam, Corvalol, Valokordin, phenobarbital, glucophage and their analogues - these drugs are incompatible with alcohol and can not only take the hangover, but also lead to mental disorders and coma.

It is useless to try to get rid of nausea with such means as:

  • coffee;
  • marinade;
  • tomato juice:
  • soda;
  • polyvitamins.

You can not force yourself. While the body is not cleaned of alcohol and its decay products, the appetite will not, at this time any food for a person - poison.

Treatment of nausea dose of alcohol improves the condition of alcoholics, shooting abstineent syndrome. But with a hangover syndrome, it does not help, but, on the contrary, enhances the effect of alcohol poisoning. The exceptions are cases when a person who does not have alcohol addiction, Drinks alcohol a few days in large quantities, for example, celebrating holidays or wedding.

Every adult man at least once in his life after a festive feast experienced a hangmel syndrome. Special trouble and discomfort delivers vomiting when hangover, it can for a long time "To knock out a man from a gauge. What caused such an unpleasant symptom, which ways you can get rid of at home, and at what cases you need to resort to medical care, you need to know everything.

Why does vomiting occurs when hangover

The main reason Vnotes with a hangover, is the presence of ethyl alcohol in alcoholic beverages. When the alcohol enters the body, the liver begins to quickly produce enzymes, splitting ethanol on acetic acid and water, which over time exit through the urinary system. But before ethyl alcohol turn into acid, it is converted into a poisonous substance - acetaldehyde. Some people have acetaldehyde quickly, others - slowly, as a result, there is intoxication (poisoning) of the body.

If a person in the morning is disturbing headaches, vomiting, nausea, torments a strong thirst, which means that he is comprehended by a hanging syndrome. Other serious factors that cause vomiting with hangover are:

  • Individual intolerance to alcohol.
  • Eating hot drinks on an empty stomach.
  • Violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcer).
  • When drinking alcohol, vessels suffer, they are constantly expanding and narrowed, microtromboms (blood clots) arise in them, which block the flow of oxygen into the brain.
  • Manual is too big dose of hot drinks.
  • Incixation of the body.
  • Non-quality alcohol.

How to get rid of nausea with hangover

Fighting with the symptoms of a hangover must be comprehensively, in severe cases it will be necessary to help doctors. Quickly eliminate the unpleasant consequences of the feast will help the following steps:

  • In order not to happen dehydration, you need to drink plenty of water (from 1.5 to 3 liters).
  • To saturate the body with vitamin C and reduce nausea, vomiting urges to the water recommended a little lemon juice.
  • Get out of fresh air.
  • Sorbents will help withdraw toxins (for example, activated carbon).
  • If a strong headache and nausea is felt when hangover, it is necessary to clean the stomach, independently causing vomiting. At the same time it is necessary to drink a lot of fluid. The stomach washing is carried out until one water leaves with vomit.
  • It will help to get rid of intoxication with the use of a weak solution of manganese.

Often, people who have had a hangmest syndrome use the advice of friends who not only do not help, and also harm. In order not to aggravate and so an unpleasant situation, the hangover is strictly forbidden:

  • Because of alcoholic beverages. This can cause severe intoxication and vomiting.
  • Smoking. Nicotine is able to cause vomiting when hangover and significantly worsen the patient's condition.
  • Drink caffery drinks, it can provoke stroke or heart attack.
  • Attend sauna or bath. because of high temperatureswhich negatively affect the cardiovascular system, faint can happen, loss of consciousness or dizziness.
  • Conduct therapy with painful, anti-inflammatory or antipyretic medical staff. Therapeutic action Such funds will not be, and most of them are incompatible with alcohol, which can provoke an allergic reaction.

Medicines with nausea

In any pharmacy, a huge selection of medications capable of facilitating the patient's condition during vomiting, to reduce intoxication, remove the hangmelist syndrome. Without a recipe, you can purchase the following medications:

  • Zerax. The preparation includes hepatoprotecors - unitiol and calcium pantothenate, which contribute to the complete elimination of toxins from the body. It is recommended to take 1 capsule immediately after the symptoms of hangover, vomiting and another capsule during the day.
  • Limontar - consists of amber and citric acid, which oxidize alcohol deposits, remove nausea. Apply 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  • Alka-Zeltser. Perfectly eliminates nausea, has an painful effect. Two swiming tablets Dissolve in a glass of water and drink.
  • Paracetamol. Excellent pain blocker. 1 tablet should be taken, writing large quantity water.
  • Cerukal with alcoholic poisoning acts as a controversial medicine. With nausea, drink 1 tablet, picking water (1/2 cup).
  • Anesthesin. If the nausea is non-mesmer, and it is necessary to prevent vomit to take 1 anesthesine tablet.
  • Regidron - stabilizes water metabolism, works as an alinoxicator. One bag of medication to dissolve in 1 liter of warm water, drinking small sips throughout the day.
  • Antipochemelin - the remedy is specifically designed to combat hangover, vomiting with alcoholic poisoning. It can be drilled to the feast (2 tablets) and after (up to 4 tablets).
  • Validol - removes reflex nausea, acts 5 minutes after taking (pills are absorbed under the tongue).
  • Activated coal - cleans the stomach from toxins. From vomiting with a hangover, you need to swallow 2-3 tablets.
  • Enterosgel - weakens the symptoms of a hangover. For treatment, 2-3 tablespoons of the gel are eaten.
  • Glutartgin - it is necessary to drink 2-3 hours after eating alcoholic beverages, it will help to prevent hangover symptoms.

Homemade means

If there is no necessary drugs at hand, and it is not possible to call a doctor, you can use the domestic instruments. When sick and tear from the hangover to help come:

  • Water procedures. 10-15 minute reception contrast soul - alternation (every 20 seconds) of cool and warm water contributes to the release of ethyl alcohol residues through skin pores, increases muscular tone, Restores the pressure, gives the body to the body of cheerfulness. Taking the soul, visit the bath or sauna after the feast is prohibited by people suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system.
  • Treatment with brine. Alcohol overdose leads to dehydration and loss of magnesium by the body. It is important to restore the water balance on time, bring the acid-alkaline environment to normal. Prevent vomiting will help a large amount of acidic-salted liquid - cucumber, cabbage or beet brine. This drink is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Mineral water, fermented milk products (kefir, ipaine, ajane), loose juices and frosts also help to remove nausea, abdominal pain, vomit urge.
  • A raw egg - Envelops the walls of the stomach, connects toxins, soothes the feeling of nausea.
  • Cocktail "Vampire's eye". In a glass of slightly salted tomato juice add one solid chicken yolk. To drink all the salvo, without stirring.

Power adjustment

Many people during the hangover feel a feeling of hunger. In order not to strengthen nausea and not aggravate the condition of your health, it is necessary to carefully treat the choice of dishes, giving preference to light and useful food. Best suited:

  • Banana. This fruit is very satisfying and useful. During the hangover, the body catastrophically lacks potassium, which is necessary for normal work Hearts and stimulation of metabolic processes. The Banana includes a large amount of this trace element.
  • Rice porridge prepared on water with the addition of fruits or vegetables, performs the role of a sorbent. From tomatoes and zucchini, you can make a vegetable gravy for porridge, drink better tomato Juice. Sweet (with fruit) rice porridge is useful to drink infusion from rosehip and honey (rich in vitamin C) or a disadnant compote from dried fruits.
  • Tea with the root of ginger. This drink eliminates nausea, bloating.
  • Fennel or Anisa seeds need to chew.
  • Citrus is rich in vitamin C, but do not need to eat them in food when heartburn.
  • Chamomile herbal tea or a drink with a beast - soothing the stomach.
  • Chicken broth with crackers.
  • Oatmeal with sugar. Restores the lack of glucose in the blood, gently acts on the stomach.
  • Sheet vegetables - sorrel, spinach, cress salad.
  • Beans, nuts, beans.
  • Yogurts without additives.
  • Dark chocolate.

Some foods for several days should be excluded from their diet. When vomiting, nausea is not recommended to eat.

What is hangover, everyone knows. And many people experienced him easy sensations. After a stormy feast with strong drinks, morning comes inevitably. And with him a person visits weakness, thirst, a new headache. But the most frequent companion of the hangover is nausea.

Along with alcoholic beverages in the human body, a huge number of poisoning substances come. After the decay of alcohol, all these seawous oils and aldehydes settle in the liver, exposing it to incredible loads. If you used a poor-quality snack or drank a few different species Alcohol, the condition of the body worsens at times. Nausea approaches the throat, making well-being unbearable. It is very important here not to break and do not dare the same alcohol. After temporary relief, you will be much worse.

Sick with hangover what to do

So, you woke up with a terrible headache and a good feeling of nausea. What to do to regain a good state of health?

  1. Surely you know that vomiting always makes it easier and removes the feeling of nausea. Therefore, you need to try to cause vomiting to clean the contents of the stomach from alcohol residues. To make it easier to do, drink a pair of liquid glasses, better than antiseptic. You can dilute a little manganese in water so that the pale pink solution turned out. No matter how difficult it is, you need to drink half-liter of this composition with small sips. After that, you need to press in two fingers to the root of the tongue to feel the vomit. After vomiting and washing the stomach, you will become much easier.
  2. After that you need to drink activated carbon. This is an excellent sorbent that absorbs the decomposition of alcohol. The calculation of the number of tablets is the following - one tablet by 10 kg of weight. With a weight of 80 kg, at least 8 tablets of the drug should be drunk.
  3. Take a shower, put on clean clothes, clean your teeth. These simple rules Hygiene will help you cheer up.
  4. An hour later, when the feeling of nausea slightly stuck, you can brew ginger tea. He fights nausea perfectly. Handle of chamomile will help improve wellness.
  5. If the feeling of nausea does not let go, you probably have a reduced acidity of the stomach, which makes itself felt when taking alcohol. To fix it, you need to eat a couple of lemones or drink diluted lemon juice. After such events, the patient's well-being usually comes to normal.
  6. If you have specialized preparations against a hangover, you will certainly use them. But only after washing the stomach. Effective drugshelping to remove nausea - Motilium, Cerukal, Alka-Seltzer.
  7. As you know, alcohol displays fluid from the body, leading the body literally to dehydration. That is why a person with a hangover is experiencing severe thirst. To restore the water-salt balance, drink alkaline mineral water, for example, Narzan, Borjomi, etc.

It is clear that with hangover do it all very difficult. However, if you are expensive for your health and well-being, you need to take yourself for the cork and through strength to try to fulfill at least a number of these recommendations.

Before you, household methods fast deliverance The organism is from nausea after taking alcohol.

  1. Nausea can be intensified with empty stomach. But it's not worth it before the duck. Need to eat something light, but at the same time nutritious. Very good in the morning oatmeal, which perfectly envelops the walls of the stomach. The same effect has cream soup. Its viscous consistency soothes irritated stomach and saturates the body of energy. You can drink chest of raspberry or currant - they contain vitamin C, which is washed with alcohol. In the villages, the peasants with a hangover always gave acidic soup. The sauer cabbage was perfectly restored the water-salt balance of the body and man after such a meal felt much better.
  2. If, together with alcoholic intoxication, you poisoned with stuffing food, it is not worth experimenting with dishes. In this case, it is better to drink hot chicken broth. Perfectly shoot symptoms of hangover fermented dairy products - kefir, Prostokvasha, Ayran. Do not forget about the classic brine.
  3. Those who have no heart problems can be visited by a bath or sauna. From then there will be all the product of the decay of alcohol and the stem will come much faster.
  4. Pretty rolling movements of the ears. Tide of blood K. ear shells It will reduce the feeling of nausea.
  5. Summer alcohol will help to cope with an insurmountable feeling of nausea. Add 5-6 drops of ammonia to a glass of warm water and drink a solution in small sips.
  6. The controversial property has the fruit of quince. Several eaten pieces of this fruit will be returned to you good well-being.
  7. From the rusting of the throat will save the blade of dill. Drink it in small portions every hour and very soon it will be easier.

Take advantage of the tips to regain a good health and mood.

What can not do when hangover

The biggest mistake in the fight against a hangmest nausea is orally. You can not drink alcoholic beverages, hoping for the long-awaited relief. You will be slightly lighter, but not long. After some time, the hangover will be much more hard. In addition, such an approach leads to alcohol dependence when a person falls into a vicious circle of drinking and ochmyla.

Many people combine alcohol intake with smoking. It enhances the liver load several times. It also concerns strong tea and coffee - caffeine enhances the effect of alcohol.

Some people try to do exercise. Indeed, the share of truth in this is - the blood circulation is enhanced and the alcohol is rather removed from the cells of the body. However, the excessive load is tired and without that exterposed organism and will be worse.

With a hangover, it is impossible to ride in transport, especially in person. And it's not just that a bad reaction and coordination exposes the risk of all participants road. After moving on any type of transport, nausea will increase at times.

Pickle prevention

As you know, any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequence. Of course, not to suffer from hangover, it is better to give up alcohol at all. But it is not for everyone. However, you can protect yourself from the upcoming hangover.

In advance, before the feast, take care of tomorrow morning. Drink analgin or 5 tablets activated coal. Then during the holiday, drink 2 coal tablets every one and a half hours. Do not take alcohol on an empty stomach - eat before drinking oatmeal or serving soup. In extreme cases, you can drink a spoonful of vegetable oil - it will cover the stomach walls and reduce the absorption rate of alcohol.

Nausea with hangover testifies to the strongest intoxication of the body. The body is trying independently, with the help of vomiting to get rid of the poison, which you drove it. Do not be the enemy of your body - drink in moderation. Or at least take preventive measures in advance that will help you avoid the upcoming hangover. And then nausea will bypass you.

Video: How to get rid of hangover

Unpleasant attacks of nausea arising, as a rule, the next morning after the unlimited use of alcohol, is characteristic. Perhaps it will seem strange, but such a reaction of your body testifies immediately about two facts: bad and good. The bad lies in the fact that you do not know the measures and do not know how to drink, which is why you have a morning today. Good news - your body is smarter than you, he perceives alcohol as an enemy, fights with all the forces and brings this information to you so much in a very pleasant way.

Well, nothing to be offended, after yesterday's booze, you did not deserve the best.

And if they guessed, then to be corrected, you should first figure out what happened in fact?

And then - help yourself restore the strength and clean the body from the traces of the hangover.

Finding into the human body, a small proportion of drunk leaves it with the help of lungs. This process takes a long time than the DPS officers cannot help. The main part (about 80%) of ethyl alcohol is processed and is disposed of due to the work of the liver more complicated, but rapidly and effective way. First, alcohol is transformed into acetaldehyde - a very toxic substance. After the liver enzymes (aldehydehydrogenase), it splits into water and harmless organic acid. The recycling rate of toxic substance depends on the amount of enzymes. If acetaldehyde is a lot, and the aldehydheidhydrogenase is produced in a smaller volume, then the poison is delayed in the body, it applies to it, poisoning. Actually, poisoning is and.

People have different abilities to splitting alcohol: Some do not avoid drunks, but they know about hangover only by first, others suffer from alcoholic intoxication Even after a small portion of alcohol. Just every one has its own measure, and if it exceeds it, Acetaldehyde will give himself felt. These features are determined by the presence and number of enzymes working with acetaldehyde, and depend on individual heredity.

Acetaldehyde, like any other representative of a group of aldehydes, is a strong poison.

Therefore, when it is delayed in the human body, nausea bouts appear, sometimes turning into vomiting and other hangmelom symptoms. This is a normal reaction to intoxication.

The body is trying to find the way to urgently get rid of the aggressive substance.

Toxins and violation of fluid distribution contribute to the formation of blood clots and microtrombov in the blood flow system. During and after drunk blood vessels Unstable: they are spasched, they are again expanding. Due to the effects of alkotoxins, neurons die - cerebral cells. These processes also contribute to the appearance of headaches, instability arterial pressure, nausea.

What if you are sick of alcohol?

If after drunkenness, signs of alcohol poisoning is obvious, you are dying, in no case do not get rid of nausea. Thus, the body helps to understand what to do next. Most likely your body is dehydrated to get rid of surplus unpained food And alcohol, drink near the liter of boiled water, then call vomiting. So you can do several times until it becomes a clean liquid. You will see - it will immediately become easier.

Medicine from - bad assistant. Remove this symptom means to extend the effect of toxic spree products of alcohol, strengthen the poisoning of the body. But if human is diagnosed with hypertension, gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, from purification using vomiting should be abandoned. Such actions can lead to complications of diseases and even to death.

Not recommended, not getting rid of nausea, go to bed. If vomiting begins in a dream, there is a risk to choke, especially lying on the back. So that this does not happen, you should conduct detox activities in advance or keep someone sleeping.

What to do if vomiting contains bile?

Alcohol abuse is the cause of the dysfunction of the gallbladder. At the same time, doctors argue that if in the process or after cleansing the stomach you are coming out bile (bitter substance of yellow or green), then your well-being will be improved soon. After reducing the bubble, some bile enters the esophagus, which entails a decrease in its sensitivity. But if after some time (2-3-time yoy output), the state facilitating the state has not come, you should contact the specialists, call ambulance.

Be careful! A person who every time after a minor use of alcohol or after drunking tears bile, should appeal to doctors and pass the survey. This symptom It may indicate a serious gallbladder disease or liver.

The presence in the vomiting mass of the blood is also not normal. If you notice a small streak, after sure to consult and examine your doctor. Significant blood content - a signal to immediately cause ambulance.

How to deal with nausea?

Nausea is a bright symptom of pummy syndrome. Any means to eliminate intoxication helps and from nausea.

  • Since after drinking, many malfunctions in the body are associated with dehydration, be sure to drink more fluid. It will derive toxins, fill the body moisture, will lead to normal blood flow.
  • Your health is noticeably improved after a glass of pomegranate, tomato or orange juice. These drinks contain fructose, which neutralizes alcohol decay products and eliminates nausea, other signs of hangover.
  • Conventional water is well replaced with alkaline mineral waters Yessentuki or Borjomi (pre-removing gas from them), they normalize acid-alkaline balance. By adding lemon juice into the water, you reduce nausea, replenish the stocks of vitamin C.
  • The glass will fill the amount of fluid and restore the salt balance. You can also eat a little sour cabbage.

  • Dear people's way Help with hangover is honey. A pair of tea spoons will replenish the body with the useful substances and give strength. Useful to use honey in a special drink. For its cooking, you will distribute 2 spoons of honey in a glass of warm water, add lemon juice.
  • Eliminate the condition of a person after drunk, it is possible to eliminate nausea, drinking a glass of warm milk with a slightly addition of castor oil.
  • Accelerate the solution to the problem of nausea with poisoning well helps such an old proven means like an enema. The more toxins you remove, the faster the relief will come. Similar cleansing effects will be soft laxatives: sorbitol or the preparation of Senna.
  • After drinking, do not overload the digestive gearbox, the body and so awesome. Choose fermented dairy products: kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt - they will help relieve irritation of the mucous membrane and set the peristaltics. Fruits: apples, oranges, bananas, etc. - replenish the stock of vitamins.
  • Remove nausea using special pharmaceutical preparations from active substances: Ondansetron (Zofran), Domperidon (Motilium), metoclopramide (Cerukal).
  • And of course, a sick body need rest - the best means of recovery after hangover. If you have the opportunity, stay at home, sleep, and in the evening, walk around the cool marks of the park.