What is the cough and how to treat him? Venestic diseases - cough, as a symptom. There are such types of cough in the duration of action

  • The date: 23.04.2019

We are accustomed to saying "I have bothered, got sick, I have a cough." But it is not really somehow an independent diseaseThis is just a sign, a symptom that can manifest themselves with many different diseases and conditions, violations of functions internal organs. Only disunity well, from which there is a cough, you can get the right diagnosis and begin treatment of the underlying disease, the symptom of which is the cough.

There are several reasons from what can be somewhat, and the reasons you are familiar - supercooling, viruses and other misfortunes are far from the only ones in this list.

Our throat and nasopharynk are seduced by a very sensitive mucous membrane, which performs many functions. It protects us from the penetration of dust particles, gases, pollen plants, the smallest microorganisms, a significant part of which belongs to the pathogenic microflora. But sometimes it fails, and our protective system does not work. This may be due to the fall in immunity due to the presence of some other diseases, strong overwork, or simply due to a very massive attack on our body of various external and internal factors. As a result, our airways Different annoying agents fall. To get rid of them and clean the respiratory organs, the body resorts to the protective mechanism - cough.

With reflex irritation of the nervous endings, our tracheas are beginning to shrink to pour out the aggressor, and their glands produce a large number of The mucus, which we used to call the wet. So the cough appears and man understands that he fell ill.

But if the mechanism of cough is generally understood, then there can be a lot of reasons for him.

Among them you can select the following:

Since there are many reasons, the treatment of the disease or state depends entirely on what caused such a patient's condition. Only after the clarification of this doctor will prescribe treatment.

Ways to treat cough and funds used

Having understood what the cough happens, it is necessary to find out how and how can it be treated.

With some of his types, the treatment will be purely symptomatic, that is, it will be necessary to remove the manifestations:

  • If there has been a thermal impact without burning burns, the rinse is well helped with a soda solution or inhalation them, but the hot liquid should be avoided in every way.
  • Chemical impact will need to be neutralized, only an experienced doctor familiar with such states may be written.
  • With mechanical irritation of the mucous membranes, the washing of the nasopharynx and the weak (physiological) solution of sea salt acts perfectly. It will not only just wash all the harmfulness that fell into the human body, but also disinfected the mucous membranes and relocate from inflammation.
  • requires a special, integrated approach. It consists in eliminating the effects of allergen, the use of antihistamine and, if necessary, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as in local exposure to inflamed mucous membranes with rinsing, rinsing and.

The greatest attention is required by cough, provoked by inflammation or infection. Here the most important thing is to figure out what exactly led to his appearance. From what causes the reason for depends on.

Features of treatment:

  • Bacterial infection and strong inflammation can be destroyed by antibiotics, but against viruses they are powerless, special antiviral drugs will be required. In the treatment of antibiotics caused by fungi, it is possible to achieve a dangerous growth of fungal infection, as antibiotics contribute to the oppression and destruction of useful microflora. She also suppresses the mycase infection. So only the thorough detection of the cause of cough will help to deal with the methods of treatment.
  • Of general recommendations When coughing, you can call the use of mulitics with and expectorant with wet, abundant drink, bedding, proper balanced nutrition, to heat.

Read more about cough you can learn from the video:

Throat and nasopharynk need to rinse, use rinsing with mitigating and disinfectant solutions, do inhalation. Excellent proven is the simplest and affordable agent - warm salt and soda solution:

  • Salt is best to take marine, there are many healing trace elements in it, which quickly reduce swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane.
  • The soda has the property to actively soften the throat, which is extremely necessary with constant urges on the cough.
  • Add iodine into such a solution only if there is a source purulent infectionSince this powerful antiseptic agent has a property to dry the mucous membranes, and this can lead to an increase in cough, especially with an allergic, mechanical, chemical or thermal nature.

Folk Medicine recommends using healing properties Honey and milk. Beekeeping products are well helped with cough, but are prohibited in allergies. Add honey and peasant butter Or goat fat in warm milk make this drink not only tasty, but also healing. It is well used not only when coughing, but also for anyone, especially in young children.

Various teas are also well helped, for example, a lime decoction with honey or tea with raspberries have an active force action, and also well affect the irritated sore throat.

Upon learning where the cough happens, it is necessary to find out what consequences can it lead to. Allergic cough is very dangerous. If it is timely and properly not treated, it can lead to the development of bronchospasm, bronchial asthma, swelling, anaphylactic shock And even to death.

The same can provoke mechanical, chemical and thermal impact. The last two can also lead to a strong burn of the mucously of the respiratory tract, which in turn can be so fatally dangerous diseaseslike pneumonia and sepsis.

If not to treat a cold cough, the disease will not pass, at best, it will go into a chronic shape, and at worst it is the reason for the development of serious complications.

Complications of cold cough can be in the form of inflammation, severe form of conjunctivitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and in particularly launched and dangerous cases can threaten the lives of meningitis or other dangerous inflammatory diseases.

Whatever the nature of cough, only timely appeal medical help and accurate adherence to medical recommendations can lead to fast deliverance From him without any risky consequences.

Why are we coughing?

Cough - protective reflex, ensuring the removal of alien substances and the pathological secret from the respiratory tract. It arises as a result of irritation of the corresponding (cough) receptors of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, branches wandering nerve, innervating outdoor ear, pleura, diaphragm, pericardium (outer shell of the heart), esophagus inflammatory, mechanical, chemical and temperature factors.

An effective barrier that hinders the infection in the body of infection is the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. It has very perfect and difficult organized protection mechanisms for adverse external influences. Among these mechanisms are the leading mukiciliary (mucous cellular) barrier and immune defense. Respiratory reflexes, such as cough, chihanne and the narrowing of the bronchi, as well as the movement of mucus, prevent adhesion and ensure the removal of microorganisms and foreign particles from the surface of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

An important protective factor is the mucose-emitted by glassoid cells and epitheliocytes, which includes with antibacterial activity lysozyme, lactoferrin, secretory immunoglobulin of Group A. If the pathogen manages to overcome the mukiciliary barrier, are nonspecific protection mechanisms work? Neutrophils and macrophages (blood cells) migrating from the bloodstream and capable of destroying microorganisms by swallowing and eating.

To external factors contributing to the penetration of the causative agent into the internal environment of the body and the development of the disease include numerous harmful substancescontained in the air, its high humidity and cold. This, in particular, explains the frequency of development of sharp respiratory viral infections during the cold season.

To internal factors The lesion of the mucous membrane under repeating inflammatory processes is related to various common related diseases. In children, the cause of frequent respiratory infections is the immaturity of the immune system as a whole.

As a rule, a variety of viruses are initially affected on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. As a result of the destructive activities of viruses in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, cells of the mucous membrane (epithelocytes) are destroyed.

The death of epithelialocytes leads to a violation of the integrity of the epithelial reservoir, the damaged surface of the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract becomes vulnerable to bacterial pathogenswhich in the conditions of weakening protective factors get the opportunity to reproduce. Thus, there is a sharp and chronic inflammation The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cougium with the release of purulent sputum.

What can mean cough?

Cough depending on the nature, it is customary to divide into unproductive and productive; By duration - on episodic, short-term, parole and permanent; with the flow- On acute (less than 3 weeks), protracted (more than 3 weeks), chronic (3 months or more).

Generally accepted cough is estimated as pulmonary symptomthat determines the circle of the main suspected diseases of the lungs and the subsequent diagnostic search. However, it is obvious that the cough can be a manifestation of diseases not only by the bronchopulmonary system, but also diseases of the heart, separation sinuses, stomach and some other states.

More than 53 knows possible causes The appearance of cough.In otorhinolaryngology, the most frequent causes of cough are transferred respiratory infections and other inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (acute respiratory viral infections, rhinitis, angina, pharyngitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, laryngitis, etc.). Less rare the causes of cough there are hypertrophy of a small tongue, gastany cancer, larynx swelling, sulfur plug in the ear and others.

A short nonsense cough usually does not cause serious consequences. However, with a prolonged bake-up cough, such complications such as fainting are possible; The rupture of emphysematous bulb (large bubbles in the lungs filled with air) with the formation of a pneumothorax (condition when the air is between the light and pleura tissue; then the air supports the light, so it cannot breathe normally); W. healthy man A fracture of the rib may occur.

The hemoptia (blood isolated during cough), Malgia (pain in the muscles responsible for breathing), vomiting, etc.

Diagnostic search If there is a patient, cough should be based not only on information about the peculiarities and character of cough, but also on the state of various organs and systems this patient, as well as other anamnestic and clinical data.

Based on the duration and time of cough, it is necessary to distinguish with sharp and chronic cough.

Spicy cough

Most often is one of the main symptoms of sharp respiratory viral diseases (ORVI) and is usually accompanied by nasal mortgage, discharge from the nose, a sense of dedication in the throat. Most patients in this category cough disappears within 2-3 weeks.

The shortness of the disease in combination with fever assumes viral or bacterial infection. Difficulties arise, as a rule, when establishing the cause of chronic, poorly corrected cough.
Circle of suspected diseases in patients with acute cough (up to 3 weeks) includes ARVI, Palkush, pneumonia, pleurisy (Pulse inflammation - Lung shells), as well as the effects of toxic substances when inhalation or inhalation of the foreign body.

Chronic cough

If the cough is preserved for 3 weeks or more, talking about chronic cough. The most common cause of chronic cough is chronic bronchitis, for which the productive cough (that is, cough with a sputum sputtering, which brings relief) is a pointer that determines the disease precisely as chronic bronchitis, especially in smokers.

In the presence of chronic cough in non-smoking and non-smoking persons who are not exposed to various stimuli, it is necessary to exclude first of all the postnasal "Podek" syndrome (dragging out of the nasal discharge through the nasopharynk), bronchial asthma, gastroesophageal reflux (casting the contents of the stomach in the esophagus and the throat).

In addition, the cough can be one of the symptoms of heart failure, lung tumor diseases ( benign tumors Bronchi, bronchiogenic cancer, etc.) and so-called interstitial lung diseases (i.e., the defeat of the "residents" between the air-capable tissue of the lungs). It should be borne in mind that with these diseases at a certain stage of their flow, the cough can be leading or even the only manifestation.

When conducting a diagnostic search in patients with chronic cough great importance It has x-ray study chest. Depending on the localization (light, heart, mediastinum) and the nature of identified changes, it becomes possible to determine the circle of suspected diseases that require an appropriate survey.

In cases of lack of radiographic changes from the chest organs in patients with chronic coughing, an elimination of a number of other diseases is required.

Whooping cough

An infectious disease caused by the virus easily transmitted during coughing and sneezing. He manifests itself a cough, often exhausted, unproductive. Particularly hard coulurs suffer small children, because they have so far enough silica to withstand such cough. More often, the children come in cough at night, which again fell their strength. Special treatment Anti-virus does not exist against the virus. Man is cured himself, and help him can be a fitting treatment - Abundant vitamin drink, bedding and love of relatives.

The incidence of cough has significantly decreased after vaccination, however, non-vaccinated children and some adults unrecognized cough can be the cause of cough characterized by severity and painful character. That is why in no case can not be abandoned from vaccination of his own child. In case of disease, cough were recorded and deaths were recorded.


A sharp inhalation of any foreign body (wheel from the typewriter, insert tooth, fish or chicken bone, peas and many other).

An indication of the appearance of cough after taking alcohol and food makes it possible to suspect a violation of the operation of the pharyngeal muscles. The most typical cough situations arising from patients suffering from Parkinson's disease, stroke, dementia (literal translation - the lack of mind), in which aspiration causing chronic cough is possible.

Pressure medications cause cough

The main drugs that can cause cough are inhibitors of an angiotensin converting enzyme. This is a "terrible" combination of words means only actively used effective drugsLowing arterial pressure, such as Capoten, Captopril, ENAP, Enalapril and many other names.

The cough frequency as a side effect reaches the fifth part among all patients taking these drugs. More often cough occurs in women. The disappearance of cough after the abolition of suspects of medicines allows reliably to assume that the cough has a drug origin in this situation. From this situation there are only two outputs: searching for another hypotensive drug or addictive to cough.

How coughing cores?

Heart failure arising against the background of ischemic heart disease or heart defects can manifest itself a cough. At the same time, the cough is accompanied by a wet mucosa separation, often with an admixture of blood. To decipher the nature of cough in this situation, one should first be focused on the heart disease in the patient, the presence of other signs of heart failure. The character of cardiac pathology can be set at echocardiographic research.

IN some cases The differential diagnostic sign can be a decrease or disappearance of cough after the purpose of diuretic drugs that reduce stagnant phenomena in the lungs, which, in turn, arise due to poor distillation with the heart of the blood - manifestations of the essence of heart failure.

Cough smokers

Bronchogenic cancer. Malignant tumorgrowing from bronchus should be suspected of smoking people with the presence of a low-productive cough, possibly with strengths of blood. Unlike chronic bronchitis, which is often diagnosed erroneously in patients with bronchiogenic cancer, cough acquires a more painful nature, dyspnea appears in the absence of obvious signs of bronchial spasms.

Suspicion of bronchogenic cancer requires a bronchoscopic study and, if necessary - biopsy (material fence for inspection under the microscope).

Benign tumors can manifest for a long time An unproductive cough or cough, accompanied by a block of a small amount of light sputum, especially in patients suffering from chronic bronchitis. Periodically possible hemoptysis. The main diagnostic method is bronchoscopy followed by a biopsy of the detected tumor.

Postnasal fusion syndrome

The clinical situations characterized by the inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynk, nose, sandy sinuses), in which separated from the nose flows by back wall Grows in tracheobronchial tree.

The awareness of the doctors in relation to this syndrome is important, since the cough at this state is interpreted not always correctly and is attributed, usually erroneously, chronic bronchitis. To suspect the nasal appendix syndrome follows the patients who complain about the discharge from the nose, the need for the "purification" of the nasopharynx.

The most common causes of nasal flow can be the following: allergic rhinitis (runny nose associated with an allergic response to anything), vasomotor rhinitis (runny nose associated with the poor operation of the vessels in the nose mucosa), sinusitis (inflammation of the incomplete sinuses).

Chronic inflammatory diseases of the nose and pharynx

With these diseases, the cough is usually resistant, dry: 2-3 cough shocks with pauses. This cough is easily distinguished from cough, accompanying the flow of tracheobronchita (intensified at night, in the position lying on the back). Feelings are characterized by patients as dryness, perfense and sensation of lumps in the throat, which causes a desire to flip or clean the throat.

Stenzing laryngotracheitis

When stenling laryngotrachite, i.e. Inflammation of the larynx and trachea, accompanied by strong edema and narrowing of the larynx, for example, during diphtheria and an allergic edema, cough barking. In addition, stenotic breathing is characteristic, i.e. A sharply difficulty breathing, and changing the voice.

Acute laryngotrachiteitis

With acute laryngotherapy viral nature, cough resistant, parotid, short. The feeling is characterized by patients as a hole in the throat; Possible pain in the throat, mucous discharge from the nose and nasopharynx, impassionment.

Pathology of outdoor and middle ear

In the pathology of the outdoor and middle ear (sulfur tube, acute and chronic middle Otitis) There is a dry, thrust cough, accompanied by hearing impairments, outcomes from the ear.

In suspected of the disease of the ENT organs, it is necessary to conduct a LOR inspection, an allergological examination, an x-ray study of the otolonic sinuses.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Pumping the contents of the stomach in the esophagus and the throat is often found by the pathology, the frequency of which increases with age. The most typical symptoms are pain and a feeling of burning sternum or in the opposite region, heartburn, especially at night.

Approximately half of the patients, the disease is not accompanied by esophageal and gastric symptoms and is randomly detected when conducting gastroscopy. A peculiarity of this pathology is the emergence of surfactant symptoms in patients and primarily respiratory symptoms.

Main respiratory manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux: Morning throat in the throat when awakening; feeling of compression in the neck area; repetitive cough; whistling breathing at night and (or) when awakening; hyperventilation (frequent deep breaths); Spazm larynx; Appea episodes? Stop breathing (usually in snoring).
It is believed that more than 20% of patients with chronic cough cause the latter is a gastroesophageal reflux, which ranks third among the causes of chronic unproductive cough after the syndrome? Plugs? and bronchial asthma.

It should be borne in mind that his symptoms may increase against the background of the appointment of some drugs, so it is necessary to carefully read the description of the drug.

Cough on nervous soil

One of the complex diagnostic situations is cough as a manifestation of neurotic somatoform disorder, i.e. Cough on nervous soil. Such a cough is characterized by unproductiveness, often arises in standard situations for sick situations (speech, conducting lessons, sermons, etc.). Waiting and the foresight of the cough inevitably provokes his appearance.

Typically, patients suspected a lung disease (bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis) or cardiovascular pathology, which entails unjustified and non-informative surveys. Drug treatment prescribed (nitrates, bronchophyters, etc.), the use of antitussive agents, as a rule, are ineffective.

The key to the recognition of the neurotic somatoform disorder in a patient with a repeated cough of unclear origin is the patient's complaints who often put a doctor's implication, not enough about such violations.

When there is not enough air

The main clinical manifestation of hyperventilation is respiratory discomfort in the form of a sense of dissatisfaction with a breath that patients describe as shortness of breath, a shortage of air and even suffocations. These sensations are usually enhanced in stuffy rooms, from close clothes. Bad tolerability of stuffed premises are peculiar to such patients.

They are characterized by frequent sighs and yawns, noted by the patients themselves or their surrounding. The permanent desire to make deep breaths leads to the development of hypocris (sharp decrease in the blood of carbon dioxide), which is accompanied by dizziness, suddenly coming weakness, fainted states, sometimes with convulsions. Often respiratory disorders are accompanied by cardiac symptoms (pain in the heart, rhythm disorders), a sense of anxiety and fear, other manifestations of violation of the vegetative system.

Cough for unknown reasons

In cases of lack of detected pulmonary or extractive pathology, neurotic disorders should be regarded by a clinical situation as idiopathic cough, i.e. When the reason is unknown and incomprehensible. Patients must be observed.

With a painful cough, anti-leaving drugs can be appointed, the selection of which should be carried out individually, taking into account the concomitant pathology, possible contraindications, as well as an answer to the drug.

And yet, how to minor?

In the treatment of cough, primarily its nature and features of the flow are taken into account. The most effective, as a rule, turns out to be therapy aimed at treating the main disease and / or eliminate the cause of cough.

Systemic antibiotics

From viral agents who can cause the defeat of ENT organs, most often there are rhinoviruses and coronaviruses, less often adenoviruses, influenza virus, paragripping virus.

With viral etiology, it is usually sufficiently symptomatic treatment, which includes hot foot baths for up to 5 minutes, rinse the throat and inhalation of various drugs (especially with the addition of thinning wets that affect the viscosity and elasticity of mucus, such as acetylcysteine \u200b\u200b(ACC), as well as some Antibiotics (Norfloxacin) and drugs vegetable origin (Sinuperet, gelomirtol).
For decades, with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, antimicrobial means of system action (in tablets and injections) are used, presented, in particular, a variety of antibiotics whose arsenal is constantly updated. Most often, patients contacting the Polyclinic on ORVI are prescribed systemic antibiotics. However, along with a useful bactericidal or bacteriostatic action, a whole range is observed. side Effects.

As a result of the use of a number of system antibiotics wide spectrum There is a sharp suppression of activity intestinal microflora With a pronounced violation of the intestinal microbiocenosis and the development of dysbacteriosis. The restoration of these violations is delayed for many months and requires special therapy.
The widespread use of systemic antibiotics, often without sufficient reason, especially using inadequately small doses and insufficient duration, leads to the appearance of pathogens resistant to this antibiotic, the impact on which will subsequently require the development of new, even more effective antibacterial agents.

It is impossible not to take into account the absence of an immediate determination of the causative agent of infection, in particular, the inability to carry out a differential diagnosis between bacterial and viral lesion Upper respiratory tract. The use of systemic antibiotic therapy is sharply limited in pregnant women or nursing mothers.
Finally, when conducting systemic antibiotic therapy, the risk of side effects and allergic reactions has sharply increases. Uncomplicated cough usually does not require the systemic purpose of antibiotics. But when purge of purulent sputum, for example, with bronchitis, without antibiotics can not do.

The most commonly used antibiotics: ampicillin, ampiox, flossin, amoxyclav, Augmentin, supraks, Sumamed, doxycycline, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin. The choice of the drug depends on the nature of the most likely pathogen and the characteristics of the clinical manifestation of the disease.

The doctor must take into account data on the predominance and sustainability of the pathogen in a particular region. For example, in our country, pneumococci and hemophilic wand caused by more than 60% of cases of the disease are more common in the country of acute sinusitis, which cause more than 60% of the disease, more rarely occurs.

In these pathogens, high sensitivity to penicillin-row preparations, in particular, to amoxicillin / clavulanate, cephalosporins II and III generations, drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones are preserved. In case of light and medium-inhauling, macrolides (roxitromycin and spiramsycin), tetracyclines (doxycycline) are also used.

Local therapy of inflammatory diseases

The system of the upper respiratory tract is most suitable for local treatment, since it is precisely with such a method of using the drug, it falls directly on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and its impact on the pathogen is carried out.

An important advantage is also the absence or minimization of suction at local application Medicinal preparation. Currently, a number of funds appeared to carry out antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, affecting the inflamed mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.
There is a huge amount of complex drugs for local therapy of inflammatory diseases.

With the damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, antimicrobial agents are used in the form of an aerosol, solutions for rinse or pills for resorption in the mouth:

  • stopangin - aerosol containing hexetidine and mixture essential oils
  • yox - It includes polyvidone-iodine, allantoin and propylene glycol, the drug is used in the form of an aerosol or solutions for rinsing
  • faringosept., the basis of which is a barrane - antimicrobial drug with a pronounced bacteriostatic (killing microbes) action
  • strepsils - In addition to antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action, it also has an anesthetic effect due to the content of lidocaine
  • toncilgon N. - vegetable preparation, along with anti-inflammatory and anti-ethnic effect, possessing also antiviral activity
  • and a number of other fairly effective drugs

Actually anticipating drugs

When appropriate, the anticipature preparations actually takes into account the character of cough (productive, unproductive). For diseases of the ear, throat and nose, it is characterized mainly unproductive cough.
The need for antitussive therapy in the appointment occurs, as a rule, in the presence of an unproductive, obsessive cough. A feature of such cough is that it does not lead to evacuation of the secret accumulated in the respiratory tract, i.e. Practically does not carry a functional load. In this regard, such groups of drugs as antitussive preparations of central (narcotic and nonarcotic) and peripheral action and complex drugs are more often used in LOR-Practice.

Beneficule preparations of central action suppress the function of a cough center oblong brain. These include drugs with a narcotic effect (codeine, etc.) and drugs that have a non-tarcotic antifreeze effect in combination with an anesthetic, soothing effect, such as Glaucine, Liebeksin, Synecode, etc.
Central action preparations are also shown in the cough associated with irritation of the mucous membranes of the upper vehicle of the respiratory tract (irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and oraloglot). In these cases, the result from the purpose of these drugs is usually amplified when combined with peripheral action preparations that have an enveloping effect.

Enveloping agents belong to peripheral antitussive means. They are tablets for sinking in the mouth or syrups containing vegetable extracts of eucalyptus, acacia, licorice, wild cherries, linden, honey, etc. (Strepsils, Holly, etc.). A good effect based on the moisturizing of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract is given aerosols and steam inhalations with the addition of soda and plant extracts, such as eucalyptus, as well as inhalation of Euchabala Balzam, bronchikum-inhaled, etc.

There are combined antitussive agents containing 2 components and more. Typically, combined drugs include a central action drug, antihistamine (anti-ethricular and anti-allergic), expectorant and vasoconducting agents (bronchoditin, stepted, synecode, hexapnemum, lorein).

Sometimes these drugs contain a broncholitic, i.e. The drug, expanding bronchi (Solutan, Trisolvin), and / or antipyretic component, antibacterial agents (Hexapnemin, Lorein). Such drugs are good and to combat the symptoms of respiratory viral (for example, rhinitis) or bacterial infection.

A number of ENT diseases leading to the development of cough (diphteria, phlegmonous laryngitis, larynx swelling, larynx cancer, tracheal stenosis, etc.) are very terrible and require immediate inpatient care. Thus, an adequate assessment and a differentiated approach to the treatment of even such an ordinary symptom as a cough may sometimes save the life of the patient.

A couple of prevention words

Prevention of sharp respiratory diseases remains an urgent task modern medicine. There are a large number of solutions to its methods, at the heart of them - an increase in the local and general resistance of the body in order to ensure its ability to withstand infections. Appearance in last years A number of new drugs identified new approaches to this problem.

An important direction in the prevention and treatment of recurrent respiratory tract infections is associated with the use of vaccines containing bacteria luzates (specially treated semi-limber bacteria)? most frequent pathogens infectious processes.

Bacterial lysates included in the vaccine are deprived of pathogenic properties, i.e. Ability to cause disease, but retain antigenic, i.e. cause generation of immunity. Due to this, they strengthen the production of their own antibodies, which are subsequently struggling with real infection.

Among vaccines containing bacteria lysates, the IRS-19 is widely known (immunomodulating respiratory spray), representing a complex of antigens 19 of the most common pathogens of the upper respiratory infections. The local vaccination, carried out by inhalation of the drug through the nose, is most justified, since this path most often serves as an entrance gate of infection.

Currently with preventive and therapeutic goal A number of other vaccine preparations are also successfully used:

  • bronchomunal and Imudonconsisting of flashes of bacteria - causative agents of infection, in the first case predominantly trachea and bronchi, in the second - oral cavities and pharynges
  • inflexivak - inactivated influenza vaccine; Ribominyl, containing bacterial ribosomes of a number of pathogens of respiratory infections, etc.

In conclusion, it should be noted that with uncomplicated respiratory infections, preference should be given to means of local exposure to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. However, the emergence of signs of complications requires complex therapy using adequate system antibacterial therapyas well as antitussive and expectorant drugs.

Today it is known that the cough is most often caused by sinusitis and respiratory diseases. With these pathologies, mucous membranes accumulate in the throat and irritate the nerve endings. Many believe that the cough reflex occurs only for cleansing the bronchi, but this is not the case. Mucus can produce in different parts The respiratory system, it equally negatively acts on the receptors, causing cough attacks from the sinusitis.

Sinusitis is a disease that can proceed in different parts of the nasopharynx. It occurs under the action of viruses, fungi, pathogenic bacteria, allergens and other stimuli. These factors lead to a mucous edema, which disrupts the free movement of air masses and leads to abundant allocation mucus. Sinusitis is classified into localization groups:

  • schimorite - the defeat of the maxillary sinus;
  • etmoitis - lattice maze;
  • sphenoid - wedge-shaped sinus;
  • frontitis - frontal bone.

The disease gives symptoms:

  • decrease in smell;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • nasal congestion;
  • cough;
  • pain and sore throat;
  • weakness;
  • tear;
  • hoarseness.

Pressing sinuses are located next to large nerve endings and vascular system, so the patient can feel strong discomfort in the projection of the face.

Cough appears due to post-native chapecan syndrome. The thick contents of the nasopharynx falls into the tracheobronchial apparatus, irritating coughing receptors. When viral and bacterial etiology also stimulates the development of cough - pathogenic microorganisms fall into the upper and lower respiratory tract departments, causing inflammation and swelling.

On initial stage The patient always torments a dry cough, he is accompanied by the arms of the arms and the feeling of the coma in the throat. Due to the exhausting character, this symptom greatly worsens the quality of life - the dream is disturbed, the appetite decreases. With proper treatment for 3-4 days, cough with a wettero appears. When preserving this symptom for 3 weeks and more - it is considered chronic.

American researchers from the MAYO clinic conducted a study. In 37.6% of cases in people who have undergone sinusitis, according to the results computer tomography A chronic cough was discovered, which launched an average of 52 months. The reason for the preservation of the symptom is not proper treatment - Inflammation in the nasal sinuses was not eliminated.

How the sinusit is treated

Before appointing treatment with a hymorite or sinusitis, it is necessary to establish inflammation localization, as well as its cause. For this, differential diagnosis is carried out, which must necessarily include rhinoscopy. If the inflammation of the mucosa led the reproduction of bacteria, it makes no sense to carry out antiviral therapy, in this case antibiotic treatment is assigned. If there is an opportunity, the doctor defines the sensitivity of the bacteria to them. Most often, treatment is carried out by drugs from groups:

  • macrolides;
  • tetracycline;
  • penicillins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • fluoroquinolones.

Additionally, the sinusitis in adults is treated with funds:

It is necessary to use cough preparations that are selected based on its nature. Most often prescribed drugs from groups:

  1. Expectorant: thermopset, plantain syrup, Altea root, Givephenesin, potassium iodide, sodium iodide, thermal hydrate. They strengthen the discharge of sputum.
  2. Anti-shields - reduce the stimulation of the cough center of the nervous system. There may be non-nucleic influences and reflex. This group of drugs include: Liebeksin, LevetRont, Synecode, Tusuprex, Ocladyin.
  3. Mulitatic: bromgexine, acetylcysteine, ambroxol. They are prescribed with wetted wet, as they are able to ignite it. Most often they are used in the first stage of treatment, when the patient torments the feeling of coma in the throat.
  4. Preparations of combined action: Broncholitin, Tussin Plus, Ascoril, Stopatssin.

An additional facilitating effect with a dry cough, irritating the throat, has antibacterial sprays or pastilies: Tantuum Verde, Miramistin, Huxoral, Faringosept, Dr. Mom, Grammidin, Septol. Comprehensive treatment It allows you to quickly get rid of inflammation in the nasal sinuses and prevents the transition of a cough reflex in a chronic form.

Features of the treatment of children

Children need to carefully select drugs for the treatment of sinusitis and accompanying his cough. Self-treatment is categorically prohibited, because even simplicity may be signs of various diseases. The treatment diagram in a child is similar to the one that is used for older patient:

  • antihistamines, antibacterial or antiviral drugs - to destroy pathology pathogens;
  • vesseloring drops;
  • immunomodulating medicines;
  • secretolithic agents;
  • antitussive;
  • mukolithic.

Dosage and drug are selected based on the age of a small patient. Children under 7 years old are recommended to use only drops into the nose, since sprays can cause a complication in the form of otitis - they are too deeply penetrated into the nose sinuses. The main feature of treatment is a wide use of inhalation. They are an important part of cough therapy when sinusitis.

Through the use of nebulizer, you can achieve the greatest concentration drug At the place of inflammation. For inhalation, it is time to use wraids of herbs, mineral water or special preparations: Lazolyvan, Atrovant, Fluimucil, Berodal. Additionally, the room is recommended to maintain a temperature of about 18-21 degrees, air humidity approximately 65%. A small patient needs to be engaged in breathing gymnastics.

It is customary to consider cough, as a symptom of the disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract. This is an incorrect opinion. The cough reflex is the natural reaction of the body, its respiratory irritation response.

This irritation may be caused various reasons:

  • environmental factors;
  • foreign bodies in the respiratory tract;
  • inflammatory processes ...

Reflexing cuts of muscles responsible for inhale and exhale, no reason are not included - they are caused by irritating factors.

Cough and its reasons

Cough physiology as follows:

Along with the air, mucus and foreign bodies are fused, irritating sensitive cilia receptors. With inflammatory processes, the mucus accumulates, which is also trying to remove the coughing too.

If inflammatory irritation, then the central nervous system gives a team to increase the development of a protective secret - mucus - and the body tries to get rid of it.

With inflammatory diseases - diseases of respiratory organs - rejuvenating mucus, the body is trying to get rid of the products of the life of pathogenic microorganisms.

If the infection has been introduced into lungs and bronchi, the mucus allocates excessive amounts. Leaning the body can not get rid of it, even provoking strong cough attacks. The mucus remains B. respiratory organsPathogenic microorganisms are successfully developing in a favorable environment for them, the inflammatory process extends to bronchi and lungs, hitting them. Complications begin - bronchitis of various severity, pneumonia, pneumothorax may arise ...

The most common causes that cause a forced exhalation, in which the respiratory tract is drastically reduced:

  • inflammatory processes - the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • chronic diseases - asthma, obstruction, tuberculosis and similar;
  • neoplasms in the respiratory system;
  • reception of medical drugs;
  • foreign bodies in respiratory tract;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • allergy;
  • environmental factors - an atmosphere pollution.

Not all at external influences begin strong attacks. The occurrence of allergic reactions depends on the state of health as a whole, hereditary factors, exposure duration, type of pollutant or allergen.

Begins cough - what treatment do you need?

Before starting treatment, you need to set the cough type. Attacks can be classified as productive and unproductive. Productive are the attacks in which the sputum is rejected together with accumulating toxins and foreign inclusions, it brings relief, albeit for a short time.

An unproductive cough causes painful sensations - after it is increasing the irritation of the mucous membrane, pain in the chest appears.

Diseases causing unproductive attacks:

  • the initial stage of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract - the symptom: the sore throat;
  • viral infections;
  • long smoking;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • emphysema…

What causes a cough of a productive nature?

  1. Rubber - on the back of the larynx flows mucus.
  2. The inflammation of the bronchial branches and the progressive diseases of the lungs provoke the allocation of a thick viscous secret with Geek, from which the body tries to get rid.
  3. Pneumonia. When the purulent secret is highlighted, the sternum pain appears.

Wet attacks do not always bring relief. For example, with cough and scarletin, children appear vomiting, disorder of consciousness, whistling in exhalation, disorder of night sleep.

The attacks are classified by the severity of manifestations.

  1. Sharp. This nature of the attacks can last up to 2 weeks. Most frequent cause There is a foreign body in respiratory tract or respiratory disease.
  2. Tightening. Last up to 4 months, may occur periodically. Most often, they provoke various pathologies in the respiratory organs or chronic diseases: bronchial asthma, obstructive syndrome, heart failure, tuberculosis, reflux associated with the release of gastric content, etc.

In people who are prone to allergies, the cough may occur periodically and disappear when the effect of allergen ends. But it is not necessary to think that allergic seizures are not needed. They cause a decline immune statusThe possibility of introducing pathogenic microorganisms with respiratory means. The secondary infection occurs.

Diagnosis of cough

When diagnosing a disease to attacks pay special attention.

The intensity is estimated:

The deeper the inflammation applies, the more intense and more often the attacks.

The nature of the disease may indicate the time of day, during which the aggravation occurs.

  • Morning - most likely pathology is associated with chronic bronchitis, asthma, long experience of smoking;
  • night - most often it happens in pathology of cardio-vascular system, respiratory failure, oncological processes, tuberculosis, sinusitis, chronic rheint and hyimorite - when the mucus flows along the rear wall, with gastroesophageal reflux;
  • a sharp sudden appearance - during stenosis, during asthma, during laryngitis.

If the attack may occur at any time, most likely it is an infectious damage to respiratory organs.

Experienced phthisiors, therapists and pulmonologists can diagnose, focusing only on the timbre of sounds that appear during coupling.

For example, with sharp tracheans, the sound is ringing, with laryngitis it is characterized as "barking", with bronchitis - deaf, while setting up a sputum on a larynx during a runny nose and ENT diseases associated with the respiratory system, the sound is lightweight, "rustling".

Further diagnosis is to assess the clinical picture:

  • visual inspection and complaints of patients
  • blood tests and sputum sowing;
  • x-ray;
  • bronchoscopy.

In some cases, more serious surveys may be required - MRI or CT of the chest.

How to treat diseases with cough

Give general advice For treatment, not knowing accurate diagnosis is impossible. Therapeutic events differ significantly when various diseases and states.

If the foreign body got into the respiratory tract, it is necessary to make fibrobronchoscopy, during which it is removed. If it did not work, you may need operational intervention.

Allergic cough is treated with antihistamine, corticosteroids, adrenaline injections and anti-eject drugs.

Antihistamines are used in the therapeutic scheme in the treatment of infectious and chronic diseases The respiratory system - they contribute to the elimination of edema and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

If a smokers have a long harassment of smoking, then the cough cannot be treated with strict measures - a complete refusal from harmful habit. This will only lead to the strengthening of attacks, you can provoke respiratory failure - Muscles without nicotine stimulation will cease to shrink and the sputum is accumulated in the lungs, the smoker will begin to choke. In the treatment of bronchitis, the smoker number of cigarettes are reduced gradually.

If the cough attacks are caused by infection, then the disease is treated, and the symptom - the cough is facilitated.

Accelerates recovery Connection of traditional medicine:

  • rinse in influences medicinal herbal and saline solutions;
  • decorations and medicines from plants with a musolitic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Chronic diseases accompanied by cough syndrome are independently not treated - each case is considered individually.

A person can cough and not suspect a lot of years that in 90% of cases the reason may be diagnosed, and 85% is also cured. That is why it is necessary to determine the initial reason for the appearance, and not try to suppress it with medicines that temporarily improve the condition.

Cough, continuing less than 3 weeks, is considered to be sharp, and one that lasts longer - chronic.

Because of what arises cough?

Consider the most common causes of acute cough.

Pass the functional tests of the respiratory system to identify diseases such as emphysema or asthma;

Visit the gastroenterologist to exclude the development of acid reflux (ingress of the contents in the throat and);

Make bronchoscopy to check the condition of the bronchi, find a foreign body or a tumor;

Conduct laryngoscopy to explore and voice ligaments.

Let's summarize

Cough can be due to various reasons. To get rid of it you need to go medical examination. Please note that in this matter it is important not just to designate the right treatment, but also to prevent the development of more severe diseases.