In what sequence teeth teething in children. How to understand that the child is cut into teeth and how to facilitate its condition: useful information for parents

  • The date: 10.04.2019

How much does there exist in the world of myths associated with the cutting of dairy teeth? Many, very many. One of them is the fiction that the girls have a rush much faster than the boys. This is not true. The development of children, which includes and the growth of the teeth is an individual process. In addition, the approval mentioned above does not have medical confirmation. One baby's toddler can be cut very early. The other and a year may not be one. This difference does not mean that one of the infants occur some deviations. These two cases are considered options for the norm.

The process of teething in kids lasts a very long time and delivers many inconveniences and experiences not only adults, but also the Karapuzam himself. That is why parents must be "hooked" in this matter, and therefore they need to know how to determine the beginning of the appearance of dairy cutters. How much is the first tooth climbs? How long does he grow completely? How to help the baby when his teeth climb? How to care for his oral cavity? Only aware parents will be able to help themselves and their croche. As they say, "knowledge is power."

At what age are the first teeth begin to break?

According to the average data, the first teeth in the infants begin to climb aged 5-8 months (see also :). It is not necessary to beat the alarm if your karapus has started this process before or later. Each child, which means his body, is unique, and the first tooth may appear in 4 months, and even a year.

There are many factors such as external and internal, which affect this process. The main one can be attributed to:

  • water composition;
  • feeding method (artificial feeding or breast);
  • natural conditions - the climate in which the baby grows and develops (the hotter, the faster the cutting process will begin);
  • heredity (genetic predisposition);
  • mom's health in the period of tooling the baby (she needs to follow its nutrition, so that the child inside it develops correctly and grew).

The procedure for teething of dairy teeth in children

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Tooth kids are cut by couples. The first front incishers will usually seal. Initially, one tooth teets, and a little later, after him, the second appears. This occurs in about 4-9 months, although some carappows have a first tooth to appear a year, and even later. Everything is individually and not considered a deviation from the norm.

As part of most of these drugs, lidocaine or menthol, which create the cooling effect, and after 20 minutes the pain begins to retreat. Such medications should be used carefully. It is allowed to use such gels not more than 5 times a day and no longer three days.

Care for first teeth baby

It is necessary to care for the cavity of the mouth of the karapus, before the milk cutters appear. To do this, you need to take a wet hygienic napkin or a bean in boiled water, climb on a clean finger and gently wipe the mucosa and gums. The first dairy teeth are clean in the same way. When the baby is a year, it can be started to get acquainted with a toothbrush. Special brushes with short soft bristles are sold in pharmacies. Until two years, dairy teeth are cleaned without toothpaste. It is used to use it about the 3rd year of the child's life. The brush must be changed once a month.

The first paste is preferably not to contain fluoride. Little kids still do not know how to spit and therefore constantly swallow toothpaste During the cleaning of the teeth. As soon as the baby learns to spit, you can start using a fluorine paste, but with its reduced content. For one cleaning, there is enough paste size with a pea.

Until the two-year-old teeth, the kids are cleaning their parents. It is necessary to do it with extreme caution, so as not to harm the teeth, whose enamel is still too thin. On the 3rd year of life, the child must try to clean his teeth independently, but under the control of parents.

Children grow very quickly, and if yesterday, parents took the baby from the maternity hospital, then today they have to deal with the growth schedule of teeth in children, since the characteristic symptoms of this phenomenon began to appear. Often this process is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and not only for the baby himself, but also for his parents. Many senses and emotions experienced by the baby are in most cases negative. As a rule, teeth are cut down at 6 months, but minor deviations may occur in one direction or another.

More on the development of dairy teeth

Still when founding maternal womb Children have a teeth. This is about the 12-16 week of pregnancy. The duration of the bookmark process is 1 month. For this period future mom should pay sufficient attention to your diet so that the baby gets the optimal number useful substances, including calcium. For this, doctors recommend regularly use dairy products, as well as calcium in the form of capsules or tablets. This will ensure the normal bookmark of the teeth in the kid, which in the future will become strong and, most importantly, healthy.

At first, the gums of the child swells a little, and only then the tooth begins to gradually cut through. Often, parents notice a small bump with a transparent liquid, which occurs on the gum of the baby approximately 1-2 weeks before the start of the teething. At the same time, it is not necessary to immediately fall into a panic, because the appearance of such a bump does not mean the beginning of the inflammatory process or the development of some disease. It is not recommended to touch it, but if the bump is greatly increasing in size, then the doctor can cut it a bit so that the accumulated fluid can get out.

The development of indigenous teeth is happening after the appearance of the baby on the light, and this process can be delayed for a long time. It depends on the individual features Newborn.

Characteristic symptoms of the process

Teething is a sufficiently long process, accompanied by different troubles in the form of characteristic symptoms in children. It is very important for mom and dad to learn to recognize them and distinguish them from clinical picture other pathologies. Approximately 4 weeks before the appearance of the future tooth is already reminded of himself. During this period, the behavior of infants changes greatly - due to the swelling of the gums, the child becomes very irritable. It is not strange, because the gums at this time begins to get it hard.

Crying the child - the teeth are cut

Most of the toddler suffers at the time when the teething tooth goes to the surface. At the same time, the gums become especially inflamed. Against the background of this red, you can see a small point of white. If anyone does not know, this is the tooth that can not break into the surface. The appearance of discomfort is usually accompanied by other signs. The kid constantly nibbles all items to which can reach. Therefore, doctors recommend parents to acquire special for this period. soft toywhich cannot somehow harm the gum of the child.

In addition to the standard itch and redness, the infants are noticed a bad sleep and appetite, thirst and salivation increases. As a result of the use of excessive amounts of water, the toddler chair may break. In rare cases, in the period, the temperature can increase the temperature. When during the measurement, you found that the temperature is above 38.5 degrees, you need to immediately call a doctor for inspection. The specialist will appoint the most secure way to remove the heat.

Growth graph of teeth

Depending on the diet of the baby, the baby and its individual characteristics, the timing of the appearance of the teeth may differ. Also affects it healthy factor. Consider the sequence and approximate deadlines for the growth of dairy and permanent teeth.

Baby teeth

On the jaws of the newborn baby there are follicles of temporary teeth in the amount of 20 pieces. Also inside there are constant teeth, or rather, their primitives (16 appears along with the birth of a baby, and the rest are formed a little later).

The first gums suffer from the lower jaw. At the same time, the dental enamel in children does not contain a sufficient number of trace elements, unlike permanent teeth in adults, so still very rough and porous. If you do not comply with the rules of hygiene of the oral cavity, do not eat correctly, then the risk of development increases. If someone does not know, the milk teeth need proper care too.

Table. The graph of the growth of dairy teeth.

Tooth name, photoToddler age when they appear (months)











Permanent teeth

Molars, which are located at the end of the baby's dental row, appear in the oral cavity first of the constant teeth. Their main feature is in the presence of minor recesses on the chewing surface, which is why they are most subjected to caries. As soon as constant teeth say, they need to carefully care for them, because they still do not contain enough minerals And therefore very weak. In addition to the rules of hygiene of the oral cavity, it is necessary to periodically process the surface of the teeth with the help of special fluoride gels or varnishes. Dentists recommend carrying out such processing at least 4 times a year. 12 months after the rubber, the frequency of the procedure can be reduced slightly.

The body's reaction to teething

The characteristic symptoms with which you have to deal with the child when the first teeth appear, look like this:

  • the gum of the kid swells and blows a little;
  • strong irritation of mucous membranes;
  • insomnia due to unpleasant sensations;
  • the child refuses to drink from the bottle. He can also refuse from the mother's breast;
  • arises desire pull all the surrounding items to themselves;
  • increased salivation;
  • on the breast of the baby and his face a rash appears and irritation. This is due to the abundant separation of saliva.

On a note! Sometimes this process It passes asymptomatic and without any pain or unpleasant sensations for the child. In this case, not only he is calm, but also parents. Although it is rather a rarity than the norm, since teething is often accompanied by vomiting, increased temperature, insomnia, crying and so on.

To remove pain and irritation, the child needs to make a special medicinal compress for the gums. To do this, attach to the grooved gauze bandage, exposed in herbal brave. Alternatively, doctors recommend using a special gel that has an anesthetic effect on the body. Also in any store of children's toys you can buy teethers. They are produced in the form of a rubber toy, although they can also be filled with ordinary water. Be sure to cool the teether with water before giving it to the baby.

To treat your child independently without the knowledge of the doctor is extremely not recommended, especially give him strong painkillers. Aspirin, too, can not be giving a baby to relieve pain.

During the appearance of the first teeth, a runny nose may appear. This is a normal phenomenon, but only if the selection from the nose is colorless and have a liquid consistency. If they are painted in green or yellow, then you need to immediately consult a doctor, because thick green allocations can talk about infecting the virus. The virus may occur as a result of weakening immune system organism.

Often during this period there may be a consistency of the chair, so parents must follow the process, paying attention to all suspicious phenomena. Liquid stool can be allowed, but only if not very often and not in large quantities. Otherwise, it is necessary to take the child to inspect the pediatrician.

As noted earlier, the teething often leads to increased saludation, therefore, behind the condition of the skin of the baby should be monitored extremely carefully. The fact is that abundant salivation can provoke the appearance of rash. To prevent the inflammatory process, it is necessary to regularly lubricate the skin with special means.

How to ease pain

When the first teeth began to rub off, the baby could suffer from pain and itching in the gums. Fortunately, there are several ways to help the child and facilitate his suffering. But it is necessary to use them after approval of the doctor. Otherwise, you risk not only not to help your baby, but also harm him. Consider the most effective methods.

Fashion first

The most important thing is that you need for a child when the first teeth appears - this is parent care and caress. Do not be afraid and worry about not to spoil your son or daughter, because whims and frequent crying more negatively affect the character of the baby than double care from parents.

Method of the second

It is impossible to underestimate the favor of the teethers. These are special toys made of plastic or rubber, help the baby eliminate easy sensations. The most effective is the dental rings filled with transparent liquid. Their chewing makes it possible to reassure the gums of the baby. Just before giving a toy in the mouth of a child, it needs to cool a little. Until 6-month-old baby can help the chewing of a cold tissue napkin.

Method Third

Neat gum massage with gauze tampon. For this forefinger It is necessary to wrap marley moistened in cool water. Then delicately massage the gums of the child with circular motions. Do not press your finger too much, otherwise you risk strengthening discomfort. You need to repeat the procedure several times a day.

Four fashion

There are quite a lot of different homeopathic remediesused for the treatment of both adults and children. Homeopath or pediatricians often recommend parents to apply various homeopathic drugs For pain relief when teeth appear in children. It is extremely recommended to use such medicines to use such medicines, so first be sure to consult the doctor.

Fifth method

The use of different pain relief gels, which include lidocaine or other local anesthetic. With their help, you can eliminate the number of gums, which will remove painful feelings. Such gels can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription, which greatly facilitates the process of teething. As a result, the condition of the child will improve significantly.

Video - How to do teeth in a child

32 pearls adorning our purph cavityare subject to permanent care throughout life.

They form our smile over aesthetic attractiveness which work millions of doctors worldwide, participate in digestive processIn the end, the process of sound recovery is also not without their participation.

Already at six weeks, the infant in the mother's womb begins the process of teeth formation. For a time and sequence of teething is influenced by several factors.

Climatic conditions, genetic predisposition, pregnancy process, past illnesses And even the quality of drinking water is all of them are bricks laying the foundation of the tooth row.

Slops and sequence of teething

According to statistical data, the first tooth appears in a six-month age.

Sometimes the baby begins to "grow up" in three months or is born already with several teeth, and sometimes the term of the appearance of a tooth is late to be shifted to the mark of ten or more months.

As a rule, a one-year-old baby already has eight teeth in stock, in two years their quantity reaches sixteen.

The total formation of twenty dairy teeth ends three years.

According to statistics, the boys have a period of aging of the teeth, much longer than girls. And yet, if in a year old age, the child is not planned to form the formation of dairy teeth, it is worth consulted with a doctor to eliminate Adventii, a disease characterized by the lack of incarnations of teeth.

By the end of the ripening of dairy teeth on each jaw, there should be 4 cutters, 2 fangs and 4 molars. The norm of an adult is from 28 to 32 teeth. The increase in their amount occurs due to the formation of 8 premolars (premium teeth) and 4 wisdom teeth, they are also called third molars, although they may not appear.

If the time of the appearance of the teeth has quite blurred boundaries, then the order of their formation is adhered to a clearer diagram.

Lower jaw

According to nature, the front teeth located on the lower jaw grow the first, and only then the upper row is cut.

The newborn appears on the light with already formed crowns of the anterior dairy teeth, but the first half of the year they "rest" in the dental bags, forming future roots and intelvelaolar partitions. When this process is finished, the tooth goes to the surface.

Basically, the first tooth grows in a pair with the second, but sometimes in turn. By 10 months on the bottom there are two teeth. At about 12 months, the first molars (four) appear, they overtake the troops (fangs).

The most complicated are "eye" fangs, their long aging is due to the peculiarities of their location. Appear after a four-month break per year and four months. And at 20 months on the lower jaw they overlook the second molars.

32 teeth - is it a mandatory norm for a person? By reference, information about how many teeth should be in an adult and from which their number depends.

Top jaw

The first two central tooth appear after their lower "brothers" with a delay of one and a half - two months.

At the stage of cutting the teeth, the baby appears, as a rule, pairs on the upper and lower jaws.

This leads to the appearance of contact between them and is important for the formation of bite height.

Usually after the child was coming to a year, he already pleases you with his desicious four-supersub smile.

14 months - the time of the appearance of the first molars, at 18 months, the baby will acquire fangs and the second molars ripen in two years.

Dates of teething of dairy teeth in children - Table:

Ideallya initial stage There should be no gap between the formed dairy teeth, but in the process of the development of the jaw, the cracks still have to appear.

Constant teeth, which in about six years will replace the dairy, in size much more than their junior BrothersAnd for their appearance should be enough space. Otherwise, the baby can become the owner of the curves of the teeth. The distance between the teeth is also necessary in order for them to be conveniently loosen and subsequently fall out to be painlessly.

Remember that if the process of the appearance of teeth in the baby deviates from the generally accepted norm, you should not panic.

This does not mean that the child is physical indicators Loading in development. Features of this phenomenon are poured individually.

There are a number of symptoms for which you can determine the teeth from your baby or not.

It is a decline in appetite, bad sleep, heat. Also look at it to the gums. If they are swollen and inflamed, then these are signs of the emergence of teeth.

The appearance of the first teeth in the child is the process of exciting and sometimes complicated. Every parent should know.

The teeth of wisdom do not carry any benefit, but the problems are delivered to the mass. How many such teeth have a person and at what time they appear, read in the material.

Video on the topic

The change of dairy teeth to constant or, as many of them are accustomed to call, indigenous - important process In the life of every person. It begins in childhood And ends in adults in the appearance of "eights". Each child is individual, but there is a general procedure and timing of teething. Parents must control this process and in time to notice deviations from the norm.

The change of dairy teeth on constant begins approximately 5-6 years

Types of constant teeth and their differences from dairy

The teeth perform the function of grinding food and participate in the process of speech. They differ in form and characteristics, as they have a different purpose. Some - help to bite food, others - tear the pieces of food, others - crush and peat, fourth - grind and polish. The following types of permanent teeth are distinguished:

  • Cutters. They are located in the center of each jaw - 4 upper and 4 lower.
  • Fangs. Grown near the cutters - 2 top and bottom.
  • Premolars or small molars. In each row - 4 tooth.
  • Molars or big molars. Located along the edges of the jaw. The upper form differ from the lower. In adults, they are from 4 to 6 pieces.

A person grows 28-32 tooth. Third molars - "teeth of wisdom" in some people may not cut through at all. The location scheme of permanent units is presented in the photo. The amount of dairy and constant teeth is different. Little children have 8 molars, 8 cutters and 4 fangs.

In terms of its structure and form, the first children's teeth are similar to permanent. However, they have the following differences:

  1. Indigenous teeth higher and wider.
  2. Dairy - white. Instead, they grow the units of a yellowish shade.
  3. The roots of permanent teeth are longer.
  4. The root teeth, in contrast to their predecessors, do not fall independently.
  5. The thickness of the enamel of "milkers" is 2 times less, and the nerve has a larger size.
  6. Healthy indigenous teeth should not wear, for dairy - this is the norm.

Dates of the fallout of dairy units

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Many parents notice that by 5 years in children in the mouth there are small gaps between the teeth. This is because the children's jaw grows and forms a place for future more large teeth. The first milk teeth change to 6-7 years. This process takes quite a long time and most often does not cause a child physical discomfort.

Milk roots are able to absorb, which lasts about 1-3 years. Many teeth fall independently, the hike to the dentist will not need. The sequence of falling out of dairy teeth is usually the same as when teething. Indicate exactly at what age, one or another tooth will fall out, there are only approximate time frames.

The estimated timing of the milk units is presented in the table.

At what age is the formation of roots of constant teeth?

It is erroneously the opinion that the formation of constant teeth occurs in the process of dissolving the roots of dairy units. The primitives of replacement and indigenous teeth appear in a child in the womb. However, the so-called adult teeth are above the dairy, the root of which is quite wide, so as not to interfere with their younger fellows to grow.

Permanent teeth with replaceable predecessors are developing from the epithelial tooth plate, which appears at 20 weeks of development of the fetus. Units that have no dairy analogs, begin to form about a year after the birth of a child. However, the process of the formation of the tooth continues even after its teething.

Panoramic shot of the child's teeth, where it is clearly visible to bookmark the roots of constant teeth

Terms of formation of roots of permanent teeth:

  • upper central cutters - 9-13 years;
  • lower central cutters - 7-11 years;
  • upper side cutters - 9-12 years;
  • lower side cutters - 8-11 years;
  • roots of fangs are usually fully formed by 9-12 years;
  • premolars - 11-13 years;
  • the first molars - 9-13 years;
  • the reserves of the second molars - by 14-15 years;
  • the roots of third molars do not have certain deadlines for the rubberization and formation of the root.

The procedure and timing of rubbering of indigenous teeth

The first indigenous teeth are molars - appear in the kid before falling out dairy, about 4-6 years. It is believed that girls change the teeth earlier than that of boys.

The appearance of native teeth begins with the lower jaw. It is important that the interval is not shifted for new toys in the early loss of dairy units. The procedure and timing of the appearance of indigenous teeth:

  1. the first molars - up to 6 years;
  2. lower central cutters - 6-7 years;
  3. central cutters from above and lateral bottom - 7-8 years;
  4. upper side cutters - 8-9 years;
  5. lower fangs - 9-11 years;
  6. fangs upper - 10-12 years;
  7. the first premolars are the upper - 10-11 years;
  8. the first premolars are lower - 10-12 years;
  9. the second premolars are the top - 10-12 years;
  10. second Premolars Lower - 11-12 years;
  11. the second molars - 11-13 years;
  12. third Molars - 17-25 years, but "teeth of wisdom" can grow and later.

The growth of permanent front teeth in the child

New tooth It can cut through for a few months after the milk falling. However, if he did not appear in half a year, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this phenomenon from a specialist. The peculiarity of the teething is that the larger the tooth area, the longer it grows. Sometimes during the growth of molars, the child rises the temperature.

Pathology of teething and their causes

The change of teeth is one of the indicators of human development, however the time for the appearance of indigenous units from each kid may differ. A significant delay in the formation of a number may indicate that a failure occurred in the child's body. If it does not grow indigenous teeth for a long time, it may indicate the absence of their primaries or a violation of certain functions of the body. Causes of teeth growth delays:

  • suffered infectious diseases;
  • hereditary factor;
  • improper nutrition;
  • incorrect operation of the endocrine system;
  • violation intrauterine development due to the disease of the mother;
  • changing climatic living conditions;
  • short or long breastfeeding;
  • congenital or chronic pathologies;
  • maxillofacial injury.

A native tooth grows the second next

In some cases, dairy units do not fall out and interfere with the teething of new ones. Such a situation is dangerous in that the indigenous teeth can start germinate bypassing old units. The child is formed an irregular bite or teeth grow crushed. When identifying pathology, you must contact a specialist to remove the interference.

Causes of long resorption of dairy units:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • congenital diseases;
  • the lack of admonness of constant teeth;
  • rickets.

Some children have the loss of "milkmen" and the teething of new teeth takes place on time, but they grow crookedly (we recommend reading :). The cause of improper growth of teeth can be bad habit kid. Long sucking finger, tongue, nipples or other items leads to a bite disruption.

Very rarely at the place of the future tooth is formed by hematoma in the form of a crimgone or blue bubble on the edge of the gums. Such a phenomenon is in children with dense mucous membranes. This education causes discomfort to the child. Hematoma passes after the rubbering of a native tooth. Special gels help to facilitate the condition of the crumbs.

When appearance anxiety signs Disposals need to contact a specialist. The doctor will help to find out the reason for the development of pathology and will recommend its elimination options. No adventures are diagnosed with X-ray. In the absence of constant teeth, the child will be offered to make prosthetics.

If the inflammation appeared after the removal tooth falling out, the kid should be shown. Parents must remember that correct care For dairy teeth - the guarantee of the health of permanent. Acqualing children to hygiene should be started when the first tooth appears. It is necessary to follow the nutrition of the child, strengthen its immunity and systematically visit the dentist with him.

Teething - significant event In the life of a child and his parents. There are cases when this process proceeds painlessly. However, as a rule, teething is accompanied by mass unpleasant for the child and his parents of moments: an increase in temperature, diarrhea, worsening sleep, whim, crying, etc. It is about the peculiarities of teething in children and that during this period it is necessary to make parents will be discussed in today's article.

For the deadlines for teething, the child may have an influence of many factors, the main of which is genetics. Internal I. external factors Not last influence on this process, in particular, climate conditions, food, drinking water quality, etc. As a result, the process of teething tooths in terms of dots in different regions hesitates. Than hotter climatic conditions, the sooner the first teeth appear in the baby. But the rule is also impossible to the rule.

Most often, the first dairy teeth begin to rub off when a child is six to eight months. A year, as a rule, the child has four upper and lower cutters. For about two years, the baby appears the first milk masters and fangs. Somewhere six months later, the second dairy molars teetrate. By three years, the child is usually fully formed by a milk row, only by this time the baby must have twenty milk teeth (on each jaw 4 of the cutter, 2 fangs and 4 molars (fourth and fifth from the center "chewable" teeth)). To reach the child of the age of ten or twelve, the teeth are becoming twenty-eight.

If your baby has no milk teeth, not a single milk token to nine months, it is not necessary to worry about. The delay of the teething of temporary teeth for up to six months is considered to be a normal phenomenon. In addition, the boys the process of teething of dairy teeth begins later than girls. In this situation, it is necessary to inspect the gums of the baby. Perhaps they are swollen and blushed, or, on the contrary, they became thin and pale, and under them the teeth are torn or it is seen by the unarmed look. To speed up the process of teething, it is recommended to acquire special ring stimulants in the form of a toy. Benefit will go and hold light massage Gums in the form of lung presses. This will facilitate and speed up the process, only before that it is necessary to observe the complete sterility of the hands. Cold can also help the child, it reduces pain and removes swelling. To do this, you can give to suck a cold spoon, or hold a dudder in the refrigerator. You can use special cooling diskettes, they are held for some time (not long) in the refrigerator, and then give the child to bother.

The delay of teething in the child may be due to the overall growth delay due to a number that exist in a child, diseases, especially with rickets. In this case, you need to visit a pediatrician who will recommend vitamins and calcium preparations to normalize mineral exchange.

A rather rare phenomenon in children is Adenity or the lack of teeth gains. Therefore, if u annoyed child Not a single milk tooth has not cut through, it should be shown a dentist, which, in case of extreme necessity, through x-ray pictures Check the presence of incarnations of teeth. Of course, X-ray irradiation is not safe for the child's body, therefore this procedure It should be done only with the recommendations and destination of the dentist. Currently, special equipment has been developed for reducing the harmful effects of X-rays - radioviograph. As a rule, it is available in any modern dental clinic.

Symptoms of teething in a child.
The main signs that the first milk tooth in the child begins to rub off, are inflammation and redness of the gums, burning cheeks, and not rarely and the presence of a swollen white ball from which the tooth should appear. However, this moment can be somewhat delayed, since the tooth, before passing the gums through the mucous membrane, must overcome the surrounding bone fabric. It is not necessary to rush or interfere in this process, because you can inappropriately damage the dairy teeth or to make an infection in the jaw bone. Everything will happen by itself. Many moms to relieve itching give the kids bagels, drying, crust of bread, etc. In this case, it should be especially attentive because crumbs can get into airways And get stuck there.

Throughout the life, we have one change of twenty teeth, the remaining twelve breaks immediately permanent (indignant), so do not change.

The teething of teeth in children is approximately in this order (Fig. 1):

The first (medial) bottom cutters - 6-9 months.
Second (side) lower cutters - 9-12 months.
First (medial) upper incisors - 7-10 months.
Second (side) upper cutters - 9-12 months.
The first upper indigenous teeth - 12-18 months.
The first lower indigenous teeth - 13-19 months.
Top fangs - 16-20 months.
Lower fangs - 17-22 months.
The second bottom indigenous teeth - 20-33 months.
The second top indigenous teeth - 24-36 months.

These data are approximate. According to statistics, the first milk teeth in the kids cut through an average of only eight and a half months, respectively, the appearance of other teeth begins to shift in terms. Although this also has its advantages. According to most dentists than later, teething takes place, the later the process of their shift will begin. But if nevertheless by the year the child does not have a single milk teethThis should be consulted with a specialist.

Most often, the first tooth is dismantled in a pair with the second. It also happens that the baby will immediately cut four teeth that, accordingly, also affects the duration of the teething. The procedure for the appearance of teeth is often the most different. Affect this process, alas, it is impossible. In this case, there is no anomaly, Nature once again "throws" their surprises.

Approximately five to six years in the child begins the change of dairy teeth. Normally, in an adult, 28-32 permanent tooth: on each jaw is 4 cutters, 2 fangs, 4 premolars and 4-6 molars. The development of the third molar or the "tooth of wisdom" against the background of congenital adventure of third molars may not occur at all, which is also the norm. It often happens quite enough and so that the "tooth of wisdom" has a bookmark in the thickness of the jaw, but it does not cut as a result of the wrong position or insufficiency of the place in the jaw.

Before changing the dairy teeth, the process of the appearance of intervals or cracks (three) between the teeth is observed. This phenomenon It is considered the norm. Moreover, these gaps are simply necessary because new, constant teeth in size significantly exceed dairy. If these gaps are not formed for any reason, respectively, constant teeth lacks the place in the jaw, resulting in curvature. Simultaneously with the advent of the gaps between the milk teeth, the roots of dairy teeth are solved, as a result of which they begin to stagger and then fall out.

The process of teething of dairy teeth in a child can be accompanied by various ailments: an increase in excitability when the child becomes a capricious and restless, bad sleepy, cries and cry, as well as the lack of appetite. At the same time, the baby does not torment everything in his mouth all that he will fall at hand due to irritation and the gums itch. In addition, during this period, the child is strongly increasing the salivation, which can contribute to the appearance of irritation skin Pokrov. Also, often on the cheek on the side of the teething tooth arises rash or easy redness of the skin, as well as increase the temperature to 37.8 degrees.

Meanwhile, the above-described phenomena may not only be the symptoms of teething, but also a developing infection. Therefore, if a child has nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, cough, ear pain, loss of appetite and an increase in temperature to high limits, you need to call a doctor. The appearance of cold symptoms and diarrhea is due due to a sharp change in the diet and the power mode, constant finding foreign objects In the mouth, disruption of microflora, as well as the weakening of local immunity in the nasophaling.

During the process of the appearance of dairy teeth, the baby may have an unpleasant acid (metal smell of mouth), which is due to the partial decomposition of the mucous membrane (lysis). The enzymes of saliva, which during this period a lot, play a huge role. Viscosity, color and smell of saliva may change. In addition, weak antibacterial substances are present in saliva, which can also change the normal properties of saliva. And even in the oral cavity in teething, some amount of blood falls, which, when decomposition, can give an unpleasant odor.

What means soften pain?
As noted earlier, it facilitates the condition of the child in the teething of the teeth of the cold. If it does not help, it is recommended to apply special dental gels or ointments (containing lidocaine, menthol and taste additives), which should be applied directly to the gums. Calgel, unifixal, holisal, dentinox, Kamistad, Salcossary (dental paste, and not outdoor ointment!). These drugs do not at all affect the process of teeth. All of them are clinically tested and do not cause side Effects. The only thing cannot be used if you have allergies. For such kids designed special preparation Dr. Bayy. The lack of ordinary drugs is that they have an exclusively anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. Therefore, today doctors recommend a dentocyndage specially designed for kids, which, in addition to anti-inflammatory and painkillers, has a soothing effect on the nervous system and stabilizes sleep. Medicinal products It should be used only on the recommendations of the doctor.

Such gels are used in pain. However, still do not get involved, more than three or four times and do not use more than three days.

To facilitate pain and itching during the teething period, the child can use folk Medicine. For example, dental tea, it will help the baby calm down, and will also reduce pain, eliminate insomnia. In addition, such tea can be applied to the mother itself for soothing nervous system. For its preparation should be mixed in equal proportions of daisy flowers, melissa, kittnik (feline mint), lavender flowers. Take a tablespoon of the herbal mixture obtained and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it be broken for fifteen-thirty minutes. If the kid is too disturbed, and the nerves of mom at the limit on a glass of boiling water you can take two tablespoons of the mixture. Since herbs are absolutely harmless, they can be given to the child without restrictions for a long time.

Very effectively relieves pain and reduces the irritability of Valerian tincture, which is recommended to rub a child in the gums. Despite the not particularly pleasant smell, the tincture of Valerians has a rather pleasant taste. Sometimes in small quantities it can be given to small children (5-10 drops).

Infusion of Sage will smell pleasantly and perfectly relieves pain, and also helps to strengthen the tissues of the gums and future teeth.

Possible features of teeth in children at the stage of teething.

  • The blackboard edging on the neck of the tooth indicates the use of iron drugs in a dissolved form or inflammatory process chronic character (bacteria of the lepthotrichy group).
  • Yellowish-brown teeth coloring speaks of the use of antibiotics by the mother in the second half of the baby tool, or the child during the formation of the teeth.
  • Yellowish-greenish staining occurs in case of availability heavy violations exchange of bilirubin and the state of destruction of red blood cells.
  • Reddish staining of the enamel of the teeth is observed with a congenital impaired pigment exchange of porphyrin (porphyria).
  • Bite disorders are observed against the background of uneven growth of jaws due to a long sucking nipple.
  • Disorders of the teeth are manifested due to constitutional causes (small jaw sizes), due to injuries, with an innate violation of exchange connective tissue, with tumors alveolar reproduction jaw.
The correct and timely growth of the teeth in the child speaks about the normal development of the body of the kid, because this process is directly related to common state His health.

Consider rare cases observed when teething, which indirectly can talk about the presence of pathology (to prove or refute this fact can only a thorough examination):

  • Improper tooth formation (size, shape, color, etc.) and its causes are detected by specialists.
  • The teething of the tooth outside the dentition arc indicates an irregular position of the tooth axis (horizontal or oblique).
  • The delay in the appearance of the first dairy teeth for more than two months from the norm may indicate RAHITE, infectious disease, impaired intestinal functioning, as well as change in metabolism.
  • The appearance of dairy teeth before the norm for one or two months may be a consequence of endocrine disorders in the body.
  • The appearance of teeth before birth. Such cases are observed very rarely. Usually, such a teeth are deleted, as they prevent him from sucking the mother's chest.
  • Violation of the order of teething or the absence of any tooth also indicates the presence of any anomalies or is a consequence of diseases that Mom suffered during the period of tooling the child.
Tips for parents with teething of dairy teeth in children.
  • In the period of teething, it is necessary to constantly wash the baby with a soft towel saliva to prevent the occurrence of irritation of the skin.
  • It is impossible to rub alcohol-containing solutions in the gums of the baby, as well as using aspirin and other drugs.
  • When the first teeth appear, care for them is necessary. To the kid to one and a half years to clean the teeth, you can use a special brush of soft plastic, which is put on the mother's finger. The procedure is carried out once a day. For a rapid baby, you can purchase a special children's brush. Typically, children like this procedure, and they gladly imitate parents. Nevertheless, the main cleaning should be made by Mom. In two years, the child can show how to rinse the mouth with water (it is advisable to do it after each meal) and use the children's toothpaste with the recommended this age Fluorine content.
  • In order to prevent the development of caries, parents should strictly monitor the child's diet, especially behind the amount of sweets and sweet drinks, which should be at least in the diet. Be sure to make a daily 10-20 g of solid cheese, sea cappist, raisins, grinding, green and black tea, in the last a lot of fluorine.
  • The first visit of the child to the dentist should take place in two years, but if there are any problems before. Remember, healthy dairy teeth contribute to the proper formation and health of permanent teeth.
  • You should not lick the nipple or try to eat a child's food spoon, so you can put in the mouth of the baby bacteria contained in the saliva of an adult.
  • It is necessary to teach the child to clean your teeth after each food intake, or at least twice a day, be sure to night.