The child's eye is inflamed. Upper and lower eyelids

  • Date: 20.04.2019

Inflammation of the eyes in children is a fairly common problem that almost all parents have to deal with. The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the fact that the child is not able to accurately describe his feelings, and also cannot withstand the itching. But parents should remember that ignoring the problem or self-medication will lead to complications that negatively affect visual acuity and general condition baby.

Recognizing conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process that affects the thin mucous membrane that protects eyeball outside. The disease ranks first in terms of prevalence, because children of any age are susceptible to it. Depending on the cause of the occurrence, it can be:

  • Allergic, developing due to exposure to an irritating factor, for example, wool, feathers, pollen and others. A distinctive feature is the simultaneous defeat of both eyes, as well as nasal congestion, sneezing. To eliminate it, you need to consult an allergist and take antihistamines.
  • Viral, which is transmitted by airborne droplets, contact or fecal-oral route. The viral form is accompanied by symptoms of an acute respiratory disease, and an increase in the pre-aural lymph nodes is also possible. Common signs viral conjunctivitis include redness of the sclera, profuse lacrimation, photophobia, and a feeling of dust in the eyes.
  • Bacterial, which most often affects young children. It is also contagious and is most often transmitted through unwashed hands and personal hygiene items. Characteristic feature is the discharge of pus from the eye, as well as the defeat of only one eyelid. But at the same time, a rapid infection of the second eye is possible, since the child will not be able to resist scratching, and thereby transfer the bacteria to the healthy eyelid.

Therapy for conjunctivitis is selected depending on the type of microbes that caused the disease. In most cases, eye drops containing an antibiotic are prescribed, for example, Fucitalmik, Albucid or Tsiprolet. It is also important to maintain hygiene, regularly rinse the eyelid with clean water, ensure full sleep and a balanced diet.

Barley: a problem familiar from childhood

Barley is an inflammatory process of the ciliary bulb and sebaceous gland, which can occur even in newborns. This problem is familiar to almost everyone, and its reason is Staphylococcus aureus... The bacterium is introduced into the eyelid on dirty hands, provoking a blockage of the gland, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. The inflammatory process develops quickly and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Redness in the zone of maturation of the purulent rod.
  • Painful sensations, especially when blinking.
  • Edema, which can be not very large or significant.

After a few days, the barley fully ripens and turns into an abscess, which breaks through in a few days. Parents should be aware that during the ripening period, barley should never be warmed or pressed, as this will only aggravate the situation. It is better to calmly wait for the moment of independent breakthrough, and then rinse the eyelid with clean water, herbal decoctions or antiseptic eye drops.

It should be emphasized that barley in children is normal and does not require special treatment... But if such inflammation of the eyes in newborns or grown-up children occurs too often, and is also accompanied by the formation of multiple abscesses, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Such processes often indicate the development of diabetes mellitus or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

We identify dacryocystitis

If the eye is inflamed in a baby or before school age then it may be dacryocystitis. Pathology is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac, due to which stagnation of tears is formed. Its symptoms are uncontrolled watery eyes, redness and pain in the inner part of the eyelid. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the release of purulent masses, an increase in lymph nodes.

Dacryocystitis is of two types:

  • Congenital, which is detected in 10-15% of newborns. The cause of the occurrence is the blockage of the lacrimal sac with original mucus. It is important to detect the symptoms in time and take appropriate steps, as otherwise the disease will acquire a chronic intractable form. It is important to emphasize that congenital dacryocystitis does not go away on its own! To eliminate it, probing is prescribed - a special procedure that restores the patency of the channel. It is not painful, but unpleasant and therefore it is better to do probing in infancy.
  • Acquired, which is a disease of "unwashed hands" and is caused by the same microorganisms as conjunctivitis. As a rule, acquired dacryocystitis is acute, all its symptoms are pronounced and easily distinguishable for a specialist.

In some cases, dacryocystitis can be easily confused with conjunctivitis, and therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should seek help from an ophthalmologist. The therapy used for conjunctivitis will not bring the desired results and even complicate the course of the disease.

How to distinguish blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a widespread ophthalmic disease that is inflammatory. In most cases, the cause of its occurrence is non-compliance with hygiene standards, the ingress of debris and infections on the eyelid. The disease is contagious and can be transmitted through personal hygiene items through close contact. The development of blepharitis can be suspected by severe itching of the eyes, reddening of the eyelid and its thickening, lacrimation, sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

Blepharitis can take several forms:

  • Scaly, hallmark which is the appearance of small scales on the eyelids, thinning and redness skin.
  • Ulcerative, characterized by the appearance of purulent crusts, which are removed along with the eyelash. Further, a small bleeding ulcer forms on this site.
  • Demodectic, caused by a hair mite and characterized by formation a large number papillomas.

Treatment of blepharitis is prescribed individually, depending on the type of pathogen. But in most cases, it includes washing with antiseptic solutions or herbal decoctions, laying antibacterial ointments and instilling antimicrobial drops. It is not worth delaying the treatment, as otherwise the inflammation will acquire chronic form and it will be much more difficult to cure it.

Treatment with folk methods

Treatment of eye inflammation in a child should be prescribed exclusively by ophthalmologists after examination and receipt of test results. The use of folk remedies and techniques is allowed only as an auxiliary therapy, as well as for the treatment of barley. Such tools have proven themselves well:

  • Compresses from decoctions or herbal infusions, for example, parsley leaves, rose hips, clover, jasmine. To prepare tinctures, you need to pour two tablespoons of dry crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, and then strain. The resulting solution is abundantly moistened with cotton pads, and then adhered to the eyelids for 15 minutes. It is recommended to carry out 3-4 procedures per day.
  • Washing with an infusion of chamomile or onion peel. To do this, two tablespoons of dried flowers are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for half an hour, and then the liquid is filtered. The husk should be boiled for ten minutes. For the same purpose, you can use strong infusions of black tea without flavors.

It is important to carefully monitor the hygiene of the child, wash your hands regularly, especially after walking and visiting public places... If you find any symptoms, it is better to seek help from an ophthalmologist as soon as possible, as this will allow you to cure the disease faster and prevent loss of visual acuity.

It is strictly prohibited!

Having discovered an eye inflammation in a child, you do not need to urgently start treatment on your own, because this will only aggravate the situation. When pathology appears, it is prohibited:

  • Burying the eyelids with breast milk is a common mistake of young mothers who have heard a lot of advice from grandmothers. The fact is that such manipulations can be beneficial, but this is only if there are antibodies in the milk. But only special analyzes allow you to find out about their presence. If there are no antibodies, then milk will become an excellent feeding for pathogenic microflora, after which the inflammation will only intensify.
  • Make compresses or rinses herbal infusions without a doctor's recommendation. For most viruses, such manipulations are not terrible, but they can aggravate irritation and itching. If the cause of the disease is unknown, then it is better to wait for the results of the examination and tests.
  • It is a serious mistake to prescribe eye drops on your own, since pharmacological preparations include various active ingredients. Some are effective against viruses, others against bacteria, and still others against fungi. They are not interchangeable! Such self-medication can lead to serious complications and even partial loss of vision!

Parents should remember that eye inflammation cannot be left without consulting an ophthalmologist. Without timely and proper treatment, the infection quickly enough passes to the cornea and iris, which threatens to lose visual acuity!

In children, the eyes are one of the most vulnerable places. The mucous membrane and glands are very delicate, so they are subject to various kinds of damage.

Inflammation of the child's eye is a common problem faced by many parents. Many mothers are interested in what are the reasons for the development of the disease, whether it can be treated at home and how to recognize it in the early stages.

Inflammatory processes of the visual apparatus can occur in both newborns and older children. Pathology is accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyeball, tearing. In this article, we will take a closer look at different kinds eye inflammation in a child and learn how to deal with them.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane is most often diagnosed in children under four years of age. Lack of timely medical care can lead to impairment of visual function.

The conjunctiva covers the outside of the eyeball and also lines the back of the eyelids. Its main function is to produce fluid and moisturize the eye.

Conjunctivitis, depending on the causative factor, is divided into the following groups:

  • viral,
  • bacterial,
  • chlamydial,
  • contact,
  • fungal,
  • allergic.

Swimming in open water bodies and pools, infection of the eyes with dirty hands, the presence of chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis can cause the activation of the inflammatory process. The risks of conjunctivitis increase with low air humidity, poor living conditions, insufficient parental care, and poor nutrition.

Damage to the organs of vision can occur against the background of chickenpox. In infants, acute conjunctivitis occurs when infected from a mother with chlamydia or gonorrhea. Microbes can also enter the conjunctiva from other foci of infection, for example, tonsils, pharynx, oral cavity, paranasal sinuses nose.

Conjunctivitis symptoms often appear along with a weakened immune system. Predisposing factors in the onset of the disease are trauma and blockage of the nasolacrimal duct.

The viral form usually develops after the flu, herpes, chickenpox, adenovirus infection. In this case, there is a combined lesion of the eyes, pharynx and nasal mucosa. Allergic conjunctivitis can result from hypersensitivity to pollen, dust, wool, fluff, and makeup.

Babies one year old often develop bacterial infection... If at first the pathological process affects one eye, then over time, conjunctivitis becomes bilateral. The disease can be complicated by keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and blepharitis (a disease of the eyelids).

Bacterial conjunctivitis is characterized by the presence of purulent discharge, sticking of the eyelids, the appearance of crusts, swelling, redness, and difficulty opening the eyes. The causative agents of the disease can be cocci, hemophilic and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Conjunctivitis in newborns can develop from infection from the mother while passing through the birth canal

Newborn babies may develop gonorrhea. The causative agent of the disease is gonococcal infection... The baby becomes infected during childbirth, and the first symptoms usually appear on the second or third day after birth. Pathology is characterized by bilateral damage. Gonoblennorrhea in infants is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • swelling and redness;
  • thickening of the eyelids;
  • tearing;
  • inability to twist the eyelids;
  • incomplete opening of the palpebral fissure;
  • the appearance of a purulent secret.

The baby is assigned to wash the eyes with a solution of furacilin, a decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage. Chloramphenicol drops help fight bacterial infection.

As for allergic conjunctivitis, its appearance is due to the immune response in response to some irritant. Immunity can react violently to any substance, perceiving it as a foreign object that must be fought. Contact lenses, medicines, food, household chemicals- all this and much more can cause an allergic reaction.

A logical question arises about how to treat conjunctivitis. In the infectious nature of the disease, the child should be isolated to avoid infection.

Important! The use of compresses is strictly prohibited!

For both viral and bacterial lesions, regular eye toilet should be performed, and drops and ointments should be used. As a wash, solutions of antiseptics and decoctions of medicinal plants are used.

  • exclusion of contact with allergens;
  • do not touch your eyes with dirty hands;
  • regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning;
  • wash your face with clean water twice a day;
  • exclude the ingress of foreign objects;
  • pass preventive examinations at the ophthalmologist.


Inflammation of the edge of the eyelids is associated with too thin a layer of skin and fiber. The tissues in this place are loose, they are completely free of fat. Most often, the causative agent of blepharitis is Staphylococcus aureus, which, under the influence of certain conditions, begins to activate in the body. Nevertheless, the nature of the disease may be due to other factors, namely:

The task of the parents is to teach the child to observe the basic rules of hygiene. From an early age, your child should be accustomed to a healthy lifestyle. In addition, it is important to promptly treat internal diseases... If you still did not succeed in preventing the onset of the disease, then pay attention to the first signs of the disease and contact a specialist.

The complexity of blepharitis lies in the fact that its manifestations are easily confused with other ophthalmic processes. Only an ophthalmologist can make a final diagnosis after examination and diagnosis.

Sore eyes are often a sign of blepharitis.

The main symptoms of eyelid inflammation in a child are:

  • swelling and swelling;
  • sticking and falling out of eyelashes;
  • redness of the eyeball;
  • burning;
  • irritation under the lower eyelid;
  • crusts appear along the edges of the eyelashes, and then sores that bleed;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of pathological discharge;
  • narrowing of the palpebral fissure.

With blepharitis, the baby often feels unbearable itching. With a scaly form, small scales form near the eyelashes. If ulcerative blepharitis is present, then purulent crusts appear on the eyelids. If you remove them, bleeding sores will appear in that place. With the meibomian type, small bubbles appear on upper eyelid... Over time, they break through, and after them small scars remain. Lack of proper treatment can lead to chronicity of the process, which leads to visual impairment and decreased activity.

What to do if a child is diagnosed with blepharitis? In case of allergic blepharitis, contact with the allergen should be excluded. The eyelids should be washed with warm filtered water and soap. If seborrheic inflammation is present and the process has affected hairy part heads, special shampoos are used. With demodectic blepharitis, the edges of the cilia are treated with an alcohol solution.

Attention! In the morning and in the evening, it is necessary to moisten the tampon in antiseptic and gently remove the crusts from the eyelid.

In order to strengthen immune system multivitamins are prescribed. Correction of nutrition is obligatory. For external treatment, calendula infusion, chamomile decoction, ethyl alcohol, brilliant green solution are used. Doctors may also prescribe antibiotic ointments such as erythromycin and tetracycline.

Barley on the eyelid appears due to the onset of the inflammatory process. The reason for this is most often a bacterial infection, in particular, Staphylococcus aureus. The following factors can provoke the activation of the inflammatory process:

  • hypothermia;
  • weakened immunity;
  • chronic diseases;
  • bad ecology;
  • overwork;
  • monotonous food;
  • taking medications.

The child develops swelling, itching, and burning in the eye area. This also affects the general condition, the baby becomes capricious, refuses to eat. Severe redness of the eyelid also extends to the conjunctiva.

The swelling is at first local in nature, and then spreads throughout the eye. On about the fifth day, the barley is opened. Sometimes the abscess resolves on its own, but this is more an exception than a regularity.

The internal barley must be monitored especially carefully, as it can break through into the conjunctiva and cause a general infection of the orbit.

Treatment for eye inflammation includes the use of eye drops:

  • Ophthalmoferon. It is even approved for use in newborn babies;
  • Albucid helps to cure barley in the shortest possible time. The drops bake strongly, so the baby will resist such treatment in every possible way;
  • Tobrex does not sting the eyes of a child, but at the same time has pronounced antibacterial properties.

Also apply eye ointments, which are laid under the lower eyelid. This dosage form does not cause mucosal irritation. Doctors usually prescribe erythromycin and tetracycline ointments.

Narodniks advise using herbs that have anti-inflammatory activity: plantain, chamomile, string, calendula. For dry heat, you can use a warm egg or a bag of hot salt in a pan.

Aloe vera juice also helps to control the inflammatory response. It must be diluted in equal proportions with water. Soak a small piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and apply to the affected area.

Barley is a common cause of eye inflammation in babies.


The development of the pathological process is based on the obstruction of the lacrimal canal. Children with the following pathologies are at risk for the onset of dacryocystitis:

  • rhinitis;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • dropsy of the lacrimal sac;
  • birth injury;
  • narrowed nasal passage.

Blockage of the nasolacrimal canal creates favorable conditions for the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora. As a result, the pathological process can lead to the development dangerous complications leading to loss of vision.

Dacryocystitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • when pressed, a purulent secret is released;
  • pain on palpation;
  • temperature increase;
  • lacrimation;
  • signs of intoxication.


Swelling of the eyelid appears as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland and the accumulation of fluid in it. Normally, these glands produce a fatty secretion that moisturizes the tear film and lubricates the edges of the eyelids, as well as the cornea. As a result of blockage in the duct, fatty secretion accumulates and the gland increases in size.

Most often, chalazion is detected in children from five to ten years old. The causes of the disease include the following:

  • infection with dirty hands;
  • colds;
  • excess sebaceous discharge;
  • diabetes.

Pathology develops gradually. First, there is a slight swelling, then the skin is gradually redder, and the swelling increases. The child begins to worry severe itching and burning. An increase in swelling in size causes blurred vision. The suppuration process causes severe pain, itching, lacrimation, photophobia.

Attention! Chalazion rarely goes away by itself. Lack of treatment can lead to severe visual impairment.

Treatment directly depends on the stage of the process. With timely access to a doctor, you can avoid surgical intervention... In the initial stages, eye drops and ointments are used to disinfect tissues and eliminate purulent secretions. Corticosteroid injections directly into the lump may also be given. This leads to resorption.

When the chalazion has reached a certain size and does not cause pain, it can be removed surgically. The operation is performed on the inner eyelid, so no scars remain. In most cases, relapses do not occur.

Treatment of eye inflammation includes a whole range of measures. It is obligatory to carry out massage, washing, applying ointments. Medicines are used to neutralize pathogenic microflora and prevent the spread of infection. In severe cases, surgery is performed.

So, if you notice that your child has an inflamed eye, do not hesitate to contact an ophthalmologist. Ophthalmic diseases have similar symptoms so the self-diagnosis can be confusing. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and healthy image life is good prevention the appearance of eye inflammation.

Inflammation of the eye in a child is a problem faced by many parents. Often, mothers are interested in what are the causes of the development of inflammation, what treatment should be used and whether it is possible to treat the baby at home. Inflammation of the eye is a fairly common disease today. It is observed in newborns and older children, has pronounced symptoms. Treatment can be done at home, but not for babies. Babies should be treated under specialist supervision.

The most common eye diseases in adults and newborns, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye). Conjunctivitis can affect babies of different ages.

When a child has an inflammation of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids is observed, blood vessels, eyes turn red, take on a painful appearance.


The eye is an organ made up of different tissues and particles that perform a variety of tasks. By the definition of inflammation of the eye, we mean a variety of inflammatory currents. Various inflammations affect the constituent parts of the eye. For example, inflammation of the eyeball itself is noticeable by the reddening of the connective tissues of the organ. Also inflammatory processes capture the area around the eye - this is the eyelids, which causes discomfort and discomfort.


Inflammation of the eyelid of the eye is caused by such diseases as: blepharitis, barley, molluscum contagiosum, abscess, boil.


Barley is an inflammation in the tissues of the eyelid, which occurs due to the penetration of bacteria - staphylococcus of the sebaceous gland. It will occur with a cold. The obvious symptoms are swelling near the lower eyelid. Furuncle - inflamed tissue with purulent contents. The boil itself opens, all the contents come out, after a while a small scar forms.

Blepharitis is characterized by prolonged inflammation of the eyelids. Localized at the lower end of the eyelid. With blepharitis, the eyelids become swollen and heavy. The eyes itch and bake. An abscess is characterized by a strong suppuration process, develops after a boil disease.


Inflammation of the conjunctiva or mucous membrane of the eye is the most common inflammatory disease of the eye. It occurs due to the influence of chemical, physical and bacterial factors. Conjunctivitis often occurs after a foreign body enters the mucous membrane, as a result of which the conjunctiva of the eye becomes inflamed. The inflamed vascular network covers the white of the eye and the inner sides of the eyelid.

It often affects two eyes at once. First, one eye becomes inflamed, and after a few days the second. Conjunctivitis is considered not too serious illness, however, brings a feeling of discomfort and irritates the mucous membranes. There are 3 types of conjunctivitis: allergic, bacterial, viral.


An allergic form of eye inflammation is formed as a result of an allergic reaction of the body. Allergies are caused by food, medications, house dust, pollen from flowers. With this form, the eyelids turn red and pus is released. Allergic conjunctivitis is irritating beyond the eyes nasal cavity... This conjunctivitis is easy to treat, the symptoms will disappear on their own when you remove the cause of the allergy.

  • Read more: purulent conjunctivitis in a child


The bacterial form affects two eyes at once. It is mainly due to the penetration of dirt and sand into the baby's eyes. Foreign bodies injure the mucous membrane, bacteria gain access to the deep layers of the eye tissue, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane.


The viral form is formed with a cold or sore throat. The disease is transmitted from one eye to the other. The kid feels discomfort in the eye, cutting sensations, burning, itching. The mucous membrane becomes red, purulent discharge is observed.

Lacrimal ducts

Inflammation in the lacrimal canals of the eye mainly occurs in children due to dacryocystitis, canaliculitis, dacryoadenitis.


Dacryocystitis - purulent process, which is located on the wall of the lacrimal sac. It is characterized by swelling and redness of the skin over the lacrimal sac. Often seen in newborns.


Canaliculitis - manifested by inflammation of the lacrimal tubules. It develops with complications of conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis. During the disease occurs abundant discharge tears.


Dacryodenitis - inflammation of the lacrimal gland, occurs during the complication of infectious ailments (colds, flu, sore throat, measles)... With dacryodenitis, the head hurts, the temperature rises, and there is a breakdown.


Inflammation of the choroid or iris is called iritis and iridocyclitis. Iritis - affects the iris itself, and cyclitis - the ciliary body. Inflammation occurs due to sinusitis, traumatic injuries eyes, dental pathology.

In newborns

Inflammation of the eyes in a newborn baby is very common. Children are still very weak, just beginning to get used to their new habitat. When symptoms of inflammation appear, you should consult your doctor to prescribe correct treatment for a little patient.

Inflammation of the eye in newborns is noted due to dacryocystitis. It occurs due to the underdevelopment of the lacrimal canals. It is observed in a newborn and blepharitis. The baby's eyelids become inflamed, eyelashes fall out. The causes of eye inflammation are different infectious diseases, poor living conditions, hypovitaminosis. For additional diagnostics, the newborn is examined for worms.


Blenorrhea of ​​newborns is an inflammation of the eyes that is common. When the baby is born, immediately wipe the eyelids with sterile materials. Then drip 1 drop of 1% lapis solution into both eyes. The therapy helps to protect the newborn from the ingress of bacteria from the mother's genitals. Blenorrhea in newborns is accompanied by swelling, redness of the eyelids, and the release of sticky contents.

Inflammation of the eyes in a newborn is due to conjunctivitis. The cause of the development of the disease may be bathing in non-sterile water, contact with objects that the infected person used. The body of newborns is rather weak and clings to various viruses.

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Inflammation of the eye in a child is determined by general symptoms that are similar in almost all diseases. The main symptoms of inflammatory eye diseases:

  • redness of the eye;
  • severe tearing;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • profuse discharge from the eye;
  • burning and itching;
  • the presence of pus;
  • photosensitivity;
  • painful sensations;
  • the discomfort;
  • increased body temperature;
  • deterioration of vision.

If you find any of the listed symptoms, you should consult an ophthalmologist for an accurate diagnosis. Treatment should be started immediately.


Treatment must begin with the elimination of the cause of the formation of the disease. It is not worthwhile to establish a diagnosis on your own, you need to consult a specialist. Make an appointment with a doctor if any symptoms are found.


Eye drops are considered the most effective method against inflammation. It is necessary to choose drops depending on the reasons that caused the inflammation. For example, with a cold or exposure to a bacterial infection, antibiotic drops are prescribed... If the activity of the lacrimal canals is disturbed in the baby, then you need to use drops that are similar in composition to a human tear.

  • Treatment of conjunctivitis is accompanied by the use of drops that have an antibacterial effect: Levomycetin, Sulfacil sodium.
  • Eye drops for inflammation of the eyelid are used for diseases such as: blepharitis, furuncle, abscess, molluscum contagiosum. Drops are prescribed: Penicillin, Erythromycin solution.
  • When the work of the lacrimal organs is disrupted, drops are prescribed: Likontin, Oftolik, Oksial, Vizomitin. To relieve inflammation that causes allergies, use: Vizin, Naphthyzin.

To instill eyes, the newborn needs to be swaddled and placed on a flat surface. You need to bury both eyes, as the inflammation passes from one eye to the other.

Folk remedies

There are good folk remedies for treating eye inflammation in children. As a rule, these are compresses and washes. It is important, before starting treatment and using folk remedies, to consult a doctor.

  • We advise you to read: how to cure redness of the eyes in a child


Compresses remove irritation and soothe the skin. Compresses made from tea, parsley, and various herbs help well.

  • To prepare parsley compresses you need: finely chop the parsley, wrap it in cheesecloth and dip in boiling water. As soon as all the water drains off and the gauze cools down, you need to apply it to your closed eyes for a few minutes.
  • For eye inflammation, it is recommended tea compresses... Tea must be brewed, cooled, and allowed to brew for about 30 minutes. Then strain and apply over eyes for 10 minutes.
  • Compresses from jasmine leaves, rose hips and clover remove inflammation well. Pour boiling water over all the ingredients, add a little honey, leave for 20 minutes, strain. The compresses are ready.
  • You can insist compresses in boiled milk. Composition: rose leaves, burdock, calendula... Insist on a warm heating pad for 7 minutes. Apply to warm eyes.


Washing effective folk remedy. You can rinse your eyes with infusion pharmacy chamomile... For 1 glass of hot water 4 tbsp. spoons of chamomile. Insist for about an hour. Eyes are washed with a decoction of onions. To do this, boil the onion, add a little honey and boric acid to the broth. You need to rinse about five times a day.

It is forbidden to wash the baby's eyes with mother's milk and saliva. Milk and saliva are good breeding grounds for bacteria.

Inflammation of the eye in a child may appear, it would seem, completely unexpectedly. But in fact, there are many causal factors. Of course, parents get worried when a toddler gets sick. This is especially true for babies. Until the ophthalmologist prescribes treatment, you should not start therapy on your own. If you choose the wrong drug, the condition of the crumbs will worsen even more. The main thing is not to get lost, but immediately go to the doctor so as not to waste precious time.

Why do babies' visual organs become inflamed?

A specialist will never advise the use of certain drugs, in particular drops, until the causes of the ailment are determined accurately. Treatment of children should be such that little patients get better, and that no means pose a threat to their health.

Inflammation of the eye in a child is provoked by:

  1. Infection - viral or bacterial.
  2. Acute lack of vitamins.
  3. Injuries of a thermal, mechanical or chemical nature.
  4. Allergic reaction.

If there is confidence that children's nutrition is sufficiently varied and complete, if never before allergic manifestations was not and if the organs of vision were not injured, then the eyes became inflamed due to the existing disease, which must be identified.

In most cases, inflammation is caused by blepharitis and conjunctivitis:

  1. For blepharitis in children, such a lesion of the eyelid is characteristic, when its outer edge thickens. Scratching leads to the formation of abscesses. Kids will definitely rub their eyes with their hands. This is a common reaction to discomfort, especially in very young children. Eyelash loss and lacrimation are also observed. The eyes turn red. People suffer from blepharitis due to lack of hygiene, in the presence of any general ailments, worms or hypovitaminosis.
  2. Conjunctivitis in children, especially in newborns, is accompanied by a burning sensation, fear bright light, itching, redness of the conjunctiva. In this case, you should go to the ophthalmologist immediately. The disease has different origins, and only through examination can one understand what form is present and how it should be treated.

Sometimes newborns can be diagnosed with subcutaneous hemorrhage of the eyelids or a benign tumor (hemangioma). After some time, the education will fade and there will be no trace of it.

Also, doctors have to deal with dacryocystitis or underdevelopment of the lacrimal canal in newborns. In the first case, there is purulent discharge.

Since each inflammation has its own clinical picture, the appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Features of drug treatment

The exact definition of the diagnosis should be entrusted to the ophthalmologist, then the treatment will be effective, and recovery period children will be as fast as possible.

Most efficient way when the baby's eyes become inflamed - eye drops. They are prescribed depending on what factors influenced the onset of the disease.

If there is a bacterial infection or a cold, then it is necessary to treat it with drugs in a drop form with an antibiotic substance. If there are problems with the lacrimal canals, the newborn will be prescribed drops, which in their composition resemble a human tear.

In general, treatment in different cases is carried out as follows:

  1. Conjunctivitis has occurred, which means that drops with antibacterial action ("Levomycetin", "Sulfacil sodium") will come in handy.
  2. Drops such as "Penicillin", erythromycin solution will help to cope with blepharitis, abscess, boils.
  3. Drops "Likontin", "Oksial", "Oftolik" will help to improve the work of the lacrimal organs.
  4. Inflammation of an allergic nature will be removed by Vizin drops.

It is not enough to know which drugs for children will get rid of the problem. It is necessary to do so that the body does not accidentally harm.

That is, there are certain rules, which are extremely important to observe:

  • if a newborn is being treated, he is swaddled and laid on a flat surface before the procedure. It is necessary to treat not only the sore eye, but also the one that has not been touched by the infection;
  • only clean bandages, napkins or cotton wool should be used. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before using the product;
  • any drops or ointments are used as described in the instructions. And everything should be done at the appointed time. The procedures cannot be skipped, otherwise the treatment will be useless.

Traditional medicine methods

Treatment of inflammatory phenomena in children can be carried out not only with medicines. You can use folk recipes, but first you should definitely talk about this with a specialist. Washing, as well as various compresses, will help speed up the recovery process.

Baby eyes need to be treated with extreme care. With the help of washes it is possible to achieve good results... For example, pharmacy chamomile will be useful.

You will need:

  • chamomile (4 tbsp. l);
  • hot water (1 glass).

For about one hour, the product is infused, after which the eyes are washed.

The following recipe is no less effective:

  • onions are cooked first;
  • small amounts of honey and boric acid are added to the broth;
  • the number of procedures is about 5 times a day.

Under no circumstances should breast milk or saliva be used. Although often in various sources such treatment is advised, but doctors are categorically disposed. Indeed, both milk and saliva can contain bacteria, due to which the condition of the baby, especially the newborn, will worsen.

As for compresses, the following recipes come in handy:

  1. Finely chopped parsley is wrapped in cheesecloth. Then it should be dipped in boiling water. The agent is applied to the eyes in a warm form after the water has completely drained off. The duration of the procedure is several minutes.
  2. Tea compresses are indispensable. They should be made from tea brewed, cooled and infused for half an hour, which is filtered before use.
  3. Eliminates inflammation well jasmine, rose hips, clover. The leaves of the listed plants are poured with boiling water, mixed with honey, infused and filtered for 20 minutes.

It is very important to take care of the health of the visual apparatus of babies. The baby should be protected from possible negative influences. But most importantly, to no one self-treatment do not resort. Such actions often provoke unexpected and extremely unpleasant complications.

As soon as the slightest manifestations of an inflammatory nature in front of our eyes declared themselves, the baby should immediately be shown to an ophthalmologist. A disease detected in time can be eliminated, in most cases, without any serious consequences.

What kind causes of eye disease in children and what treatment most effective in the development of diseases of the cornea, eyelids, membranes of the eye? Is it possible at home relieve eye inflammation in a child and how to organize treatment for the development of conjunctivitis? These and other issues related to eye diseases in children, we will discuss in this material.
Conjunctivitis refers to a number of inflammatory eye diseases. They are the most common among eye ailments. A child can face them at any age. The causative agents of diseases are divided into two groups: endogenous (autoallergic reaction, complications of other diseases) and exogenous (allergy, infection, chemical factors, physical impact).
With the development of conjunctivitis in a child, the eyeball turns red, small blood vessels are visible, the eyelids and conjunctiva swell. Often, patients notice: high fever, lack of appetite, restless sleep and excessive moodiness. With the development of inflammation in a child, the eyes itch and cut. When the baby wakes up, crusts or a film of pus are visible in the corners of the eyes, which sometimes sticks together the eyelashes.

We remove eye inflammation in a child Treatment at home: Pus is removed from the eyes with a wet cotton swab. Moisten it in plain water, decoctions of various medicinal herbs or tea is ineffective. Do not press on wet cotton wool on the eyelids while removing pus. After the procedure, apply a dry piece of cotton wool around the eyes.

If the child suffers from itching, apply eye drops for inflammation that interfere with the production of histamine, or prevent it from affecting receptors. Cold water in a compress eliminates significant swelling and itching, relieves inflammation of the cornea and the lining of the eye.

In advanced cases inflammation of the eye antibiotics are used: levomycetin, tsiprolet, vigamox. The drugs are available in the form of eye drops for inflammation and ointment. In the first case, pus is removed from the surface of the eyelids several times a day, after which the medicine is dripped. The medicinal substance will stay in the palpebral fissure longer if you apply ointments against inflammation of the eyelids and eyes.

What are eye diseases in children the most common today? Astigmatism, farsightedness, and myopia are often congenital defects of the eye and are sometimes diagnosed only when the child starts school. The consequence of a neglected disease can be amblyopia - a decrease in vision due to the small functioning of the eye, insufficient development of the visual system (another name is lazy eye).

One in 40-50 children is diagnosed with strabismus (paralytic, atypical, or friendly). With the monolateral type of the disease, one eye is affected, with the alternating type, both.

There are many types congenital malformations and eye diseases: paralysis of some muscles, insufficient intrauterine development(up to the absence of an eye), a change in the shape of any elements of the organ. All this can arise due to genetic disorders, problematic pregnancy and a host of other factors.

Not all parents know how to properly treat inflammation of the eye or eyelid in a child when the characteristic symptoms of an eye disease are found - tearing, redness of the eyelids or eyeball, swelling, discharge of pus from the corners of the eyes. Next, we will talk in detail about what symptoms are characteristic of conjunctivitis, how and with what to wash the eyes and

how to bury inflamed eyes in a child, treatment of common eye diseases in children.


Now you know how and how to treat inflamed eyes in a child, as well as familiarized yourself with the information about which treatment is most effective for inflammation of the membrane or cornea of ​​the eye... If your child has symptoms of eye inflammation and our recommendations for treating the disease do not help at all, be sure to contact a pediatric ophthalmologist to find out the source of the child's eye disease.

Next article:
How to treat kidney inflammation in a child

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In children, eye diseases of an inflammatory nature occur at least, if not more often, than in adults. But their diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the little patient is not able to tell what worries him. Therefore, treatment without the recommendations of an eye doctor is dangerous: an incorrectly selected drug can worsen the clinical picture and cause irreversible consequences. What to do with inflammation of the eyes in a child?

Top 4 inflammatory eye diseases in children

All eye diseases that occur in adults are also found in children. But among them one can single out the four most popular, which can be called exclusively "children's". The first two of them are generally found in every child at least once in a lifetime. The latter pair is diagnosed less often, but in most cases, only in children.


Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin mucous membrane that covers the outside of the eyeball, is called conjunctivitis. The disease can be:

  • Allergic;
  • Viral;
  • Bacterial.

Allergic conjunctivitis is rare in infants. It is caused by special irritants - allergens. They can be: pollen, animal dander, laundry detergents or body care products.

The viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis belong to the group of infectious diseases: they are contagious and are transmitted by airborne, fecal-oral and contact routes. Moreover, if adults in 90% of cases tolerate viral conjunctivitis, then eye inflammations in children of a viral and bacterial nature are equally common. This is due to the fact that children often get their hands dirty and rub their eyes, and they neglect the rules of personal hygiene (fecal-oral and contact methods of infection prevail).

The eyes of babies in the womb are sterile. For the first time, microflora settles on them at the time of the baby's passage through the birth canal. Therefore, the cause of eye inflammation in newborns is the presence of pathogenic flora in the mother. This is the contact route of infection with conjunctivitis. Usually the eyes are affected. various bacteria... Failure to observe the rules of personal hygiene by the mother in close contact with the child can lead to the same result.

Common symptoms of any form of conjunctivitis:

  • Redness of the eyeballs;
  • Lachrymation;
  • Photophobia and gritty eyes (not detectable in newborns).

You can distinguish the bacterial form of conjunctivitis from the viral form using the table.

Attention! If bacteria get into only one eye, then the other will remain healthy. But you need to take into account that a child can scratch a sore eye, and then a healthy one. Then the infection will be transferred to him. Therefore, in young children who cannot keep from scratching their eyes when itching, it is common for both eyes to become inflamed, regardless of whether the disease is caused by viruses or bacteria.


This is the name of the inflammation of the hair follicle of the cilia or sebaceous gland located at the edge of the upper or lower eyelid. The disease got its name for its appearance- a ripe abscess looks like a light grain - barley.

Barley pathogens are always bacteria. Usually it is Staphylococcus aureus. The route of infection is contact. It is enough for a child to rub the eye with dirty hands to inject the infection into the eyelid. If at the same time the sebaceous gland or hair follicle clogged, then favorable conditions are formed for the reproduction of bacteria that have got inside. Inflammation is formed, the first symptoms of which are:

  • Redness at the affected area;
  • Pain when blinking;
  • Swelling of the eyelid.

Subsequently, the barley ripens and a white or yellow head appears. The abscess breaks through, a small scar remains in its place.

Attention! Barley for children is a common and normal occurrence, usually not even requiring special treatment. But if the disease appears too often, or abscesses appear in multiple numbers and in more than one eye, it is worth conducting a comprehensive examination of the child. The reasons for such a frequent rash of barley can be diabetes mellitus and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: at this stage, they may not manifest themselves in any way.


Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac caused by the stagnation of tears in it. The disease can be:

  • Viral or bacterial;
  • Congenital or acquired;
  • Acute or chronic.

Dacryocystitis in preschool and school children is caused by the same pathogens as conjunctivitis. More often it is a disease of "dirty hands", when the infection is brought into the lacrimal sac, and then lacrimal duct clogged. This disease is acute and acquired. The symptoms are as follows:

  • Lachrymation (always);
  • Redness and soreness in the inner corner of the eye (always);
  • Temperature (sometimes);
  • Discharge of pus (sometimes);
  • Swollen lymph nodes (sometimes).

10-15% of children are born with congenital dacryocystitis. It is caused by a blockage of the lacrimal canal with primordial mucus. As a result, the disease takes on a chronic form and erased symptoms. Often, apart from lacrimation, there are no more symptoms.

Dacryocystitis is easily confused with conjunctivitis. Parents try to treat the inflamed membranes of the eye, but the treatment has no effect. However, dacryocystitis requires special approach in treatment. This is especially true of the congenital form of the disease. In this case, they resort to probing - mechanical cleaning of the lacrimal canal to restore patency.

Attention! Congenital dacryocystitis does not go away on its own. Parents often put off probing, hoping that the disease will pass itself. But this does not happen, therefore, grown-up children are brought in for the procedure. Probing may be practically painless, but it is unpleasant and causes great fear. Therefore, it is better if it is performed by a doctor while the child is still an infant.


This disease affects the eyes of a newborn if the mother is sick with gonorrhea. The causative agent of blenorrhea is gonococcus. The bacteria gets in during the passage of the child through the birth canal. The disease is dangerous because it can lead to complete loss of vision.

Blenorrhea symptoms:

  • Severe swelling of the eyelids for 2-3 days of a child's life;
  • Abundant discharge of pus on the 4th-5th day of the baby's life;
  • Clumping of the eyelids from pus drying on the eyelashes.

This once common condition is rare in newborns today. This is due to the fact that every woman during pregnancy registers and is regularly monitored by a doctor. The gynecologist timely notices any infections and prescribes treatment. By the time the baby is born, the birth canal is usually clean. If, for some reason, the woman was not checked by a doctor, but in appearance she has obvious inflammatory diseases genital organs, then blennorrhea can be avoided by performing an emergency caesarean section.

What to do if a child has an inflamed eye

So, you noticed that the child's eye is inflamed: what to do? Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, and if available high temperature call an ambulance. Before examining your eyes with a doctor, you can ask your child about their concerns. Try to remember if the child has come into contact with sick people or rubbed his eyes with dirty hands. All this will help in the diagnosis.

What to do is strictly prohibited

  • Putting breast milk in your eyes... In some cases, milk does help. But this only happens when it contains special antibodies. If milk that does not contain the necessary antibodies gets on the surface of an inflamed eye (and you cannot know whether they are there or not), then it becomes food for bacteria. Then the inflammation will only intensify.
  • Do rinsing with herbal infusions and tea without doctor's advice... Viral eye infections do not respond to rinsing. On the contrary, they increase irritation and pain... If you do not know what caused the disease, do not use this method of treatment on your own.
  • Choose eye drops for inflammation on your own... Firstly, drops for inflammation contain different active substances and different concentrations for children and adults. Some substances are categorically contraindicated for children, while others can only be used in extreme cases. Eye drops with adult concentration active ingredient you can burn the baby's mucous membrane. Secondly, some drops from inflammation are classified as antibacterial, while others are classified as antiviral. Do you know exactly which ones your child needs?

Important! In no case should the disease be ignored. Without proper treatment, infectious forms can spread to the cornea, iris, and even the ciliary body. Then the risk of losing your eyesight increases dramatically.

Medicines for the treatment of eye inflammations in children

When a child has an eye inflammation, treatment usually involves the use of medicines prescribed by a doctor. Let's make a brief overview of drugs widely used in pediatrics to treat eyes in young patients.

A drug Group Active substance Indications Mode of application
Futsitalmic (drops); 0+ Antibiotics Fusidic acid. Conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis and other bacterial eye lesions. 1 drop twice a day for 7 days.
Albucid (drops); 0+ Sulfacyl ntaria. For the prevention of blennorrhea: 2 drops after birth and the same amount after 2 hours. For the treatment of bacterial eye diseases - 1-2 drops every 4-6 hours until the symptoms disappear.
Tsiprolet; (drops); 1+ Ciprofloxacin. The first two days - 1 drop every 2 hours. Then, for five days - every 4 hours, 1 drop.
Antiviral, immunomodulatory, antihistamine. Human interferon. Allergic and viral inflammatory eye diseases. At acute current- 1-2 drops every 3-4 hours. As the symptoms subside, the number of instillations is reduced to 2-3 times a day. Treatment continues until the signs of inflammation disappear completely.
Antiviral. Para-aminobenzoic acid. Viral eye infections. 1-2 drops 2-8 times a day until the symptoms disappear. Continue for another 7 days, instilling 2 drops twice a day.
Antiallergic. Phthalazinone derivatives Allergic conjunctivitis. 1 drop 2 to 4 times a day.

Attention! To apply drops to your child, wash your hands with soap and water. Then place your baby on the pillow and gently pull back the lower eyelid. Use a few drops as directed by your doctor. Make sure your child does not toss and turn for a few minutes. Then the medicine will have time to be absorbed and will not leak out.

Traditional methods of treatment: what can be done?

Is it possible, and if so, how to treat inflamed eyes in a baby folk methods? Indeed, traditional medicine offers many treatments for certain diseases. Here are a few of them:

  • Infusion of chamomile or black tea without flavoring and aromatic additives (1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers or 1 teaspoon of tea leaves for 200 ml of boiling water). Cool the infusion, strain thoroughly. Flush eyes with purulent conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. For each eye - a separate cotton pad or a piece of gauze. Do not use plain cotton wool: its villi, when in contact with the conjunctiva, increase irritation.
  • Salty water(10 g of salt per liter of chilled boiled water). Do rinsing with such a solution for purulent conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis in the same way as described for the infusion of chamomile and tea. This method is great for clearing pus from the eyes and for loosening the eyelids before applying the medication.
  • Metal spoon... At the first symptoms of barley (redness of the edge of the eyelid, pain when blinking), run a metal spoon three times along the edge of the affected eyelid. With the formation of an abscess, the method will no longer help. It is based on the action of cold, which soothes inflammation at an early stage.

The eyes are one of the most important human senses. Any advanced inflammation of the eye in a child can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. Therefore, monitor the health of the baby's visual apparatus and consult a doctor at the first unfavorable symptoms. Do not forget also about planned visits to a pediatric ophthalmologist 1, 6 and 12 months after birth: they will help to timely identify and eliminate other vision pathologies, if any.

In children, eye diseases of an inflammatory nature occur at least, if not more often, than in adults. But their diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the little patient is not able to tell what worries him. Therefore, treatment without the recommendations of an eye doctor is dangerous: an incorrectly selected drug can worsen the clinical picture and cause irreversible consequences. What to do with inflammation of the eyes in a child?

All eye diseases that occur in adults are also found in children. But among them one can single out the four most popular, which can be called exclusively "children's". The first two of them are generally found in every child at least once in a lifetime. The latter pair is diagnosed less often, but in most cases, only in children.


Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin mucous membrane that covers the outside of the eyeball, is called conjunctivitis. The disease can be:

  • Allergic;
  • Viral;
  • Bacterial.

Allergic conjunctivitis is rare in infants. It is caused by special irritants - allergens. They can be: pollen, animal dander, laundry detergents or body care products.

The viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis belong to the group of infectious diseases: they are contagious and are transmitted by airborne, fecal-oral and contact routes. Moreover, if adults in 90% of cases carry viral conjunctivitis, then eye inflammations in children of a viral and bacterial nature are equally common. This is due to the fact that children often get their hands dirty and rub their eyes, and they neglect the rules of personal hygiene (fecal-oral and contact methods of infection prevail).

The eyes of babies in the womb are sterile. For the first time, microflora settles on them at the time of the baby's passage through the birth canal. Therefore, the cause of eye inflammation in newborns is the presence of pathogenic flora in the mother. This is the contact route of infection with conjunctivitis. Usually the eyes are affected by various bacteria. Failure to observe the rules of personal hygiene by the mother in close contact with the child can lead to the same result.

Common symptoms of any form of conjunctivitis:

  • Redness of the eyeballs;
  • Lachrymation;
  • Photophobia and gritty eyes (not detectable in newborns).

You can distinguish the bacterial form of conjunctivitis from the viral form using the table.

Attention! If bacteria get into only one eye, then the other will remain healthy. But you need to take into account that a child can scratch a sore eye, and then a healthy one. Then the infection will be transferred to him. Therefore, in young children who cannot keep from scratching their eyes when itching, it is common for both eyes to become inflamed, regardless of whether the disease is caused by viruses or bacteria.


This is the name of the inflammation of the hair follicle of the cilia or sebaceous gland located at the edge of the upper or lower eyelid. The disease got its name for its appearance - a ripe abscess looks like a light grain - barley.

Barley pathogens are always bacteria. Usually it is Staphylococcus aureus. The route of infection is contact. It is enough for a child to rub the eye with dirty hands to inject the infection into the eyelid. If at the same time the sebaceous gland or hair follicle is clogged, then favorable conditions are formed for the reproduction of bacteria that have got inside. Inflammation is formed, the first symptoms of which are:

  • Redness at the affected area;
  • Pain when blinking;
  • Swelling of the eyelid.

Subsequently, the barley ripens and a white or yellow head appears. The abscess breaks through, a small scar remains in its place.

Attention! Barley for children is a common and normal occurrence, usually not even requiring special treatment. But if the disease appears too often, or abscesses appear in multiple numbers and in more than one eye, it is worth conducting a comprehensive examination of the child. The reasons for such a frequent rash of barley can be diabetes mellitus and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: at this stage, they may not manifest themselves in any way.


Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac caused by the stagnation of tears in it. The disease can be:

  • Viral or bacterial;
  • Congenital or acquired;
  • Acute or chronic.

Dacryocystitis in preschool and school children is caused by the same pathogens as conjunctivitis. More often it is a disease of "dirty hands", when the infection is brought into the lacrimal sac, and then the lacrimal duct becomes clogged. This disease is acute and acquired. The symptoms are as follows:

  • Lachrymation (always);
  • Redness and soreness in the inner corner of the eye (always);
  • Temperature (sometimes);
  • Discharge of pus (sometimes);
  • Swollen lymph nodes (sometimes).

10-15% of children are born with congenital dacryocystitis. It is caused by a blockage of the lacrimal canal with primordial mucus. As a result, the disease takes on a chronic form and erased symptoms. Often, apart from lacrimation, there are no more symptoms.

Dacryocystitis is easily confused with conjunctivitis. Parents try to treat the inflamed membranes of the eye, but the treatment has no effect. However, dacryocystitis requires a special treatment approach. This is especially true of the congenital form of the disease. In this case, they resort to probing - mechanical cleaning of the lacrimal canal to restore patency.

Attention! Congenital dacryocystitis does not go away on its own. Parents often postpone probing, hoping that the disease will go away on its own. But this does not happen, therefore, grown-up children are brought in for the procedure. Probing may be practically painless, but it is unpleasant and causes great fear. Therefore, it is better if it is performed by a doctor while the child is still an infant.


This disease affects the eyes of a newborn if the mother is sick with gonorrhea. The causative agent of blenorrhea is gonococcus. The bacteria gets in during the passage of the child through the birth canal. The disease is dangerous because it can lead to complete loss of vision.

Blenorrhea symptoms:

  • Severe swelling of the eyelids for 2-3 days of a child's life;
  • Abundant discharge of pus on the 4th-5th day of the baby's life;
  • Clumping of the eyelids from pus drying on the eyelashes.

This once common condition is rare in newborns today. This is due to the fact that every woman during pregnancy registers and is regularly monitored by a doctor. The gynecologist timely notices any infections and prescribes treatment. By the time the baby is born, the birth canal is usually clean. If, for some reason, the woman was not checked by a doctor, but she looks like she has obvious inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, then blenorrhea can be avoided by performing an emergency caesarean section.

What to do if a child has an inflamed eye

So, you noticed that the child's eye is inflamed: what to do? Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, and if you have a high temperature, call an ambulance. Before examining your eyes with a doctor, you can ask your child about their concerns. Try to remember if the child has come into contact with sick people or rubbed his eyes with dirty hands. All this will help in the diagnosis.

What to do is strictly prohibited

  • Putting breast milk in your eyes... In some cases, milk does help. But this only happens when it contains special antibodies. If milk that does not contain the necessary antibodies gets on the surface of an inflamed eye (and you cannot know whether they are there or not), then it becomes food for bacteria. Then the inflammation will only intensify.
  • Do rinsing with herbal infusions and tea without doctor's advice... Viral eye infections do not respond to rinsing. On the contrary, they increase irritation and pain. If you do not know what caused the disease, do not use this method of treatment on your own.
  • Choose eye drops for inflammation on your own... Firstly, drops for inflammation contain different active substances and different concentrations for children and adults. Some substances are categorically contraindicated for children, while others can only be used in extreme cases. With eye drops with an adult concentration of the active ingredient, you can burn the mucous membrane of a child. Secondly, some drops from inflammation are classified as antibacterial, while others are classified as antiviral. Do you know exactly which ones your child needs?

Important! In no case should the disease be ignored. Without proper treatment, infectious forms can spread to the cornea, iris, and even the ciliary body. Then the risk of losing your eyesight increases dramatically.

Medicines for the treatment of eye inflammations in children

When a child has an eye inflammation, treatment usually involves the use of medicines prescribed by a doctor. Let's make a brief overview of drugs widely used in pediatrics to treat eyes in young patients.

A drug Group Active substance Indications Mode of application
Futsitalmic (drops); 0+ Antibiotics Fusidic acid. Conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis and other bacterial eye lesions. 1 drop twice a day for 7 days.
Albucid (drops); 0+ Sulfacyl ntaria. For the prevention of blennorrhea: 2 drops after birth and the same amount after 2 hours. For the treatment of bacterial eye diseases - 1-2 drops every 4-6 hours until the symptoms disappear.
Tsiprolet; (drops); 1+ Ciprofloxacin. The first two days - 1 drop every 2 hours. Then, for five days - every 4 hours, 1 drop.
Antiviral, immunomodulatory, antihistamine. Human interferon. Allergic and viral inflammatory eye diseases. In acute course - 1-2 drops every 3-4 hours. As the symptoms subside, the number of instillations is reduced to 2-3 times a day. Treatment continues until the signs of inflammation disappear completely.
Antiviral. Para-aminobenzoic acid. Viral eye infections. 1-2 drops 2-8 times a day until the symptoms disappear. Continue for another 7 days, instilling 2 drops twice a day.
Antiallergic. Phthalazinone derivatives Allergic conjunctivitis. 1 drop 2 to 4 times a day.

Attention! To apply drops to your child, wash your hands with soap and water. Then place your baby on the pillow and gently pull back the lower eyelid. Use a few drops as directed by your doctor. Make sure your child does not toss and turn for a few minutes. Then the medicine will have time to be absorbed and will not leak out.

Traditional methods of treatment: what can be done?

Is it possible, and if so, how to treat inflamed eyes in a baby using folk methods? Indeed, traditional medicine offers many treatments for certain diseases. Here are a few of them:

  • Infusion of chamomile or black tea without flavoring and aromatic additives (1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers or 1 teaspoon of tea leaves for 200 ml of boiling water). Cool the infusion, strain thoroughly. Flush eyes with purulent conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. For each eye - a separate cotton pad or a piece of gauze. Do not use plain cotton wool: its villi, when in contact with the conjunctiva, increase irritation.
  • Salty water(10 g of salt per liter of chilled boiled water). Do rinsing with such a solution for purulent conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis in the same way as described for the infusion of chamomile and tea. This method is great for clearing pus from the eyes and for loosening the eyelids before applying the medication.
  • Metal spoon... At the first symptoms of barley (redness of the edge of the eyelid, pain when blinking), run a metal spoon three times along the edge of the affected eyelid. With the formation of an abscess, the method will no longer help. It is based on the action of cold, which soothes inflammation at an early stage.

The eyes are one of the most important human senses. Any advanced inflammation of the eye in a child can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. Therefore, monitor the health of the baby's visual apparatus and consult a doctor at the first unfavorable symptoms. Do not forget also about planned visits to a pediatric ophthalmologist 1, 6 and 12 months after birth: they will help to timely identify and eliminate other vision pathologies, if any.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane of the eyes lining the eyelids from the inside, in childhood meets much more often than in an adult.

Acute conjunctivitis in children can be caused by various pathogens, and can occur as a result of an allergic reaction.

In newborns, infection comes from an infected mother during childbirth when passing through the birth canal or in utero.

In older babies, the pathogen enters the conjunctival sac by contact, through dirty hands or care items. Airborne as well as dust transmission is possible.

Symptoms of acute conjunctivitis of the eyes in children

The disease always begins sharp and sudden... Children complain of eye pain, burning sensation, itching. There is swelling of the mucous membrane, redness. Lacrimation intensifies. Kids rub their eyes with their hands, helping microtraumatization of the conjunctiva.

Infectious conjunctivitis is accompanied by common symptoms intoxication: headache, fever, malaise, loss of appetite.

Children become lethargic and moody. Possible manifestations of the underlying disease:

  • with ARVI - runny nose, cough, sore throat;
  • with fungal infections - curdled deposits on the oral mucosa;
  • bacterial conjunctivitis is always accompanied by the discharge of pus from the eyes.

With allergic conjunctivitis, itching and burning, significant swelling, which can spread beyond the eyelids, appears. Perhaps the appearance of a rash, allergic rhinitis.

A feature of the course of the disease in childhood is the possibility of isolated conjunctivitis without affecting other organs. This is due to insufficient local immunity, incomplete phagocytosis in mucosal cells, short lacrimal canal in children.


There is no single classification of conjunctivitis. but there are several groups of the disease, depending on the pathogen:

  • viral (catarrhal)- more often caused by adenovirus, enterovirus, herpes infection;
  • bacterial (purulent)- streptococcal, staphylococcal, chlamydial, gonorrheal, pneumococcal, etc.;
  • fungal- a rare species caused by fungi of the genus Candida, appears more often in weakened babies with immunodeficiency;
  • allergic- reaction to plant pollen, house dust, animal hair, medicines;
  • contact- arise due to irritation of the mucous membrane by toxic substances, a foreign body, prolonged use of drugs.


Most often, this type of disease cause viruses... They provoke aseptic (non-purulent) inflammation, which is accompanied by hyperemia and edema of the mucous membrane of the eyelids, photophobia, profuse lacrimation.

Promote reproduction pathogenic microorganisms weakening of immunity, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene can.


Bacterial inflammation is always accompanied by vivid clinical manifestations. With purulent conjunctivitis discharge from the eyes is thick, mucous. It is characteristic of the accumulation of pus in the conjunctival sac during the night with the formation of crusts on the glued eyelashes in the morning.

Bacterial inflammation in most cases with contradicted by general symptoms: Fever, malaise, loss of appetite. Factors contributing to the penetration of infection into the conjunctival cavity include:

  • eye injuries;
  • foreign bodies;
  • contaminated care items (towels, handkerchiefs, pipettes, etc.);
  • non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • contact with sick children or adults.

Photo 1. Acute purulent conjunctivitis in a newborn child. The disease can be transmitted during childbirth from a mother who is infected with harmful bacteria.


This type of disease is observed in older children and adolescents.

The cause of the disease is not fully established, but its connection with the irritating effect of solutions for contact lenses, with the effects of certain medicinal and cosmetics.

Begins follicular conjunctivitis sharp but quickly becomes chronic.

The first manifestations are similar to catarrhal conjunctivitis - hyperemia, slight swelling and lacrimation appear.

On inner surface the eyelids grow follicles, which causes a feeling of sand in the eyes. Often joins secondary infection: viral or bacterial.

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Most childhood conjunctivitis responds well to treatment. With the right therapy, complete recovery is achieved without consequences. The prescribed treatment is always complex and includes:

  • impact on the cause of the disease;
  • therapy of the underlying disease or concomitant pathologies.

In severe cases, accompanied by general symptoms, as well as in the allergic nature of the disease, it is required holding complex treatment the whole organism.


Before using any medicines, it is necessary to remove the remnants of dried exudate, accumulations of pus, dust particles from the eyelashes and mucous membranes of the eyelids.

Flush the child's eyes with care using cotton swabs in newborns or special cups in older children.

An individual cotton wool is used for each eye. Begin rinsing with the healthier eye.

Use the weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin, herbal decoctions: calendula, yarrow, chamomile. The solution should be prepared just before rinsing, it should be warm, but not hot. Repeat the procedure - at least four times a day, necessarily before the introduction of drops or ointments into the conjunctival cavity.

Attention! For allergic conjunctivitis the use of herbs is prohibited to avoid worsening the reaction.


One of the methods of treating the disease is the use of compresses in the form of gauze bandages with medicinal substances... A warm liquid is used as an impregnating liquid. boric acid solution, furacilin, synthomycin emulsion... Compresses are recommended by traditional medicine: it is believed that applying gruel from fresh dill or grated potatoes soothes irritation, relieves itching.

Eye drops

For children, eye drops are the simplest and most convenient form of treatment. Depending on the cause of the disease, there are:

  • antiviral drops- Ophthalmoferon, Interferon, etc .;
  • antibacterial- Levomycetin, Ciprofloxacin, Gentamicin, etc.;

Photo 2. Package and bottle of Gentamicin in the form of eye drops with a volume of 5 ml. Manufactured by Usapharm.

  • antiallergic- Kromoglin, Kromoheksal, Sofradex;
  • antifungal- Candide, Fluconazole.

Bury drops at least three times a day at the same interval, one drop in each eye.


In ophthalmic practice, laying an ointment behind the eyelid is a common and effective method treatment, especially proven as a means of combating bacterial conjunctivitis.

A small amount of medication is enough, no more than 0.5 cm per eye... It is necessary to lay the drug at least twice a day and always before going to bed in the evening.