Is it possible to infect a baby with herpes. Herpes in children: varieties, symptoms, treatment and consequences

  • Date: 01.07.2020

herpes infection

Herpes is a viral infection caused by various types of herpes virus. It is characterized by a rash in the form of small, crowded blisters on the mucous membranes and skin. The disease is dangerous with complications for infants and with intrauterine infection.

How to treat herpes in children? The herpetic virus cannot be cured permanently if it has already entered the body. It can only be calmed, muffled. A person has the genetic ability of the immune system to fight the herpes virus. One child develops herpes every three months, another - once a year, and the third does not "wake up" at all. Sooner or later, every child becomes infected with one or another type of herpes virus. It is believed that cytomegalovirus is present in 100% of the world's population, and the herpes simplex virus occurs in 90% of people.


In an inactive state, the virus lives in nerve cells. Under the influence of what factors is it activated?

  • Constant tiredness.
  • Great physical activity.
  • Stress.
  • Emotional overload.
  • SARS and other diseases.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays, overheating.
  • Drying of the mucous membranes.
  • Frequent hypothermia.
  • Injuries to the mucous membranes and skin.
  • Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency.

But still, the main reason is a decrease in the protective properties of the body. With weak immunity in children, the herpes virus progresses, affecting large areas of the body and mucous membranes. The weaker the immune system, the harder the herpes infection is tolerated.

How does the infection occur?

The herpetic virus is highly contagious, that is, infectious. The main transmission routes are airborne and contact. The most infectious person is considered during the period of the rash. Where and how can you most often get infected? In everyday life, if there are carriers of the virus in the house, the strict rules of personal hygiene are not followed. You can get infected through shared towels, dishes, unwashed hands. If an infection has occurred, this does not mean that the child will immediately have a fever on the lip. The virus can be activated only under favorable conditions - weakened immunity.

Types of herpes

There are about 80 (according to some estimates, about 100) herpes viruses. Medical science describes 8 types of herpes that can cause various types of herpes infection. They can differ in symptoms, duration, and severity of the disease.

  • Herpes type 1. Herpes simplex virus, in which a rash appears on the lips (fever), on the wings of the nose, around the mouth, on the oral mucosa. One of the most common types.
  • Herpes type 2. Affects the mucous membranes of the genitals. It is less common than type 1 herpes. Sometimes viruses of types 1 and 2 appear at the same time. Infection most often occurs during the passage through the birth canal. In boys, the head of the penis is affected, in girls - the mucous membrane of the labia. Genital herpes causes severe itching in children. This type of virus is also capable of causing herpes sore throats and stomatitis.
  • Herpes 3 types. The famous chickenpox caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. Read more about the symptoms and treatment of chickenpox in children in our other article. Herpes zoster may be a variant of the lesion. It most often occurs in adults who are re-infected with Varicella Zoster.
  • Herpes type 4 in children. The Epstein-Barr virus causes infectious mononucleosis. Severe illness with damage to the lymphoid system. With infectious mononucleosis, the following symptoms are observed: fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, swelling of the adenoids, enlargement of the spleen and liver. The disease is dangerous complications, leads to a weakening of the immune system. The final diagnosis is made only after a blood test and the detection of atypical mononuclear cells.
  • Herpes type 5. Causes cytomegalovirus infection. This type of herpes in a child first occurs at 2 years old, when a visit to the nursery group of a kindergarten begins. Less often, intrauterine infection with cytomegalovirus occurs, which entails serious consequences and developmental disorders. Cytomegalovirus infection may not appear in any way for a long time. The child can be a virus carrier. When cytomegalovirus is activated, symptoms similar to infectious mononucleosis occur. However, the lymph nodes and tonsils are not affected. It is treated in the same way as other types of herpes virus - antiherpetic drugs. Extremely dangerous for pregnant women.
  • Herpes type 6. Herpes simplex virus type 6 in children causes roseola, or sudden exanthema. This disease is also called pseudo-rubella. A characteristic symptom is pink small papules on the skin, which turn pale when pressed. At the onset of the disease, the temperature rises, but there is no cough or runny nose. The child recovers quickly. Herpes type 6 in children often misleads doctors: there seemed to be an acute onset, a rise in temperature, but no catarrhal symptoms followed. First, a diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections is made, and only after the appearance of a rash, suspicions arise: is it rubella or roseola? Often a rash with a sudden exanthema is confused with an allergic rash.
  • Herpes 7 and 8 types. New generation viruses recently discovered. There is an assumption that they cause chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, as well as cancer.

If antibodies to any type of virus are detected in a blood test, this indicates that once the pathogen has already entered the body, and the immune system has successfully coped with it. If antibodies are present, but there are no rashes on the skin or mucous membranes, the disease does not need to be treated.

The most common rashes

Herpes treatment

Treatment of herpes infection in children is carried out at the initial stage of the disease. If 3 days have passed since the appearance of bubbles, it makes no sense to use special preparations. Usually, treatment is prescribed if the virus repeats often, the rash lasts a long time, spreads to other parts of the body.

  • Antiherpetic drugs. They come in the form of ointments, creams, gels, tablets and injections. The most effective treatment for chronic forms of herpes is not local treatment, but oral medication. This allows you to increase the concentration of the substance in the blood. The discovery of acyclovir was a major medical event. Today it is the most effective medicine for the herpes virus. The most famous drugs: Acyclovir, Gerpevir, Famacyclovir, Virolex, Tebrofen, Vidarabin, Ryodoxol, Zovirax. For the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection, use "Fosfonoformat", "Ganciclovir".
  • The use of antiviral, immunostimulating agents. They quickly stop the action of the virus, do not allow other areas of the skin to be affected. The doctor can prescribe: "Arpetol", "Immunal", "Groprinosin". The insidiousness of the herpes virus is that during its activity, interferon is not produced in the body, as is the case with other viruses. Therefore, the doctor prescribes the drug "Interferon" injections. Also used drugs that stimulate the production of natural interferon: "Neovir", "Cycloferon".
  • Vitamin therapy. The body needs to be helped to cope with the virus, to strengthen the immune system. For this, the doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins. Vitamin C, the group of B vitamins, and calcium are especially useful. A tincture of Eleutherococcus is shown, which increases the general tone of the body, strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the nervous system, relieves physical, emotional and mental fatigue.
  • Antipyretic and bed rest. With infectious mononucleosis, roseola, chickenpox, the temperature rises. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the child and bring down the temperature above 38.5 ° C. You also need to give your child to drink as much as possible. The air in the room should be fresh, cool and humid.
  • Antihistamines. They are prescribed for severe itching, extensive skin lesions. The most commonly used drugs are: "Erius", "Fenistil", "Claritin", "Gismanal", "Ketitofen", "Terfen", "Tsetrin".

The essence of treating herpes in children is to suppress the virus, to reduce its activity. There is no cure for the herpes virus. The pediatrician deals with the treatment of chickenpox, sudden exanthema, infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus. If the rashes are too frequent, bring discomfort, severe itching, you need to seek advice from a pediatric immunologist. The doctor will prescribe special immunological studies.

Features of herpes infection in infants

Herpes is rare in infants. Primary infection with herpes in a child can occur at 1 year old, when the mother's antibodies no longer protect against the virus. Herpes of any type in infancy is dangerous with complications. First of all, the organs of hearing and vision, the heart, genitourinary and nervous systems are affected. The virus can lead to hepatitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the meninges and the development of herpetic encephalitis, meningitis, mental disorders, impaired fertility. Also, babies often have lesions of the oral mucosa - stomatitis against the background of herpes infection. They can be severe and require long-term treatment.

If there are babies and adults in the house who are sick with herpes infection, you need to adhere to strict preventive measures during rashes:

  • put on a gauze bandage;
  • not kissing a child;
  • do not touch the bubbles, wash your hands often;
  • use individual dishes.

Herpes in a child often occurs on the lips, around the mouth, on the wings of the nose, on the oral mucosa. Less often - on the body, even less often there are cases of genital herpes. The disease is effectively treated with antiherpetic drugs. Herpes is dangerous with such complications: herpetic eczema, encephalitis, mental disorders, inflammation of internal organs.


The herpes virus is one of the most common pathogens of infectious diseases. Most people at different ages face it. Herpes is the greatest danger for babies up to one year old. Why do newborns and babies get herpes infection? How is the disease in infants treated?

Causes of herpes in infants and ways of infection

The herpes virus can be in the human body throughout life and not manifest itself in any way. However, under some conditions, it is activated. In newborns and infants, the immune system is not fully developed, so they are susceptible to the effects of various infections. The main causes of herpes in infants include:

  • weak immunity;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules when caring for a baby;
  • infectious diseases in the mother during pregnancy;
  • contact with a sick person.

Herpes in newborns is congenital, the baby can get an infection from people around him. There are several main ways of infecting children under one year old:

  1. Placental. The child is infected with the virus while in the womb. The infection can cross the placental barrier and enter the intrauterine waters.
  2. When passing through the birth canal. Most often, the baby is infected with a virus that is located on the mother's genitals.
  3. Mother's milk. An infection (for example, with herpes on the lips) can enter the child's body when feeding (we recommend reading :).
  4. The penetration of the virus by airborne droplets.
  5. Direct contact. Relatives can transmit the infection to the baby through kissing, while using common household items.
  6. Organ transplant or blood transfusion from a sick donor.

The herpes virus is easily transmitted through direct contact

Varieties and symptoms of pathology in children under one year old

There are many varieties of the virus. Children are most often affected by the 6th type of herpes. From the moment of infection to the manifestation of the first symptoms of pathology, it can take from 2 days to 3 weeks. Types of herpes children are prone to:

  1. Herpes simplex virus. It usually manifests itself as a rash on the mucous membranes and lips.
  2. Genital herpes. The rash is localized on the genitals.
  3. The third type that causes chickenpox and shingles in children (we recommend reading :). It can appear in a baby only if his mother did not have chickenpox, or he is artificially fed after 6 months.
  4. The Epstein-Barr virus can lead to viral mononucleosis. Newborns rarely get this type of infection, as they are protected by the mother's immune cells.
  5. Cytomegalovirus. Dangerous to the fetus during pregnancy. It can cause a miscarriage or lead to the development of severe pathologies in the baby.
  6. Roseola (we recommend reading :). Herpes type 6 causes a pink rash on the baby's skin. In infants, the disease is accompanied by a number of severe symptoms.

Roseola rash (we recommend reading :)

Newborns and babies are most often exposed to the herpes simplex virus. Labial herpes appears in babies when infected with the first type of infection, genital - with the first and second.

Congenital and acquired virus in infants can take the following forms:

  • localized;
  • generalized;
  • complicated by damage to the central nervous system.

Symptoms of localized herpes include:

  • Rash on mucous membranes. Small bubbles filled with liquid can be seen in the baby's mouth and nose.
  • Rash that has spread all over the body. Blisters with pus can appear on your baby's lips, hands, feet, thighs, and genitals.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Increased body temperature;
  • The baby becomes restless, because the rash gives him severe itching discomfort.

In the generalized form, the baby may not have a rash, but the following symptoms appear:

  • intense fever;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • dyspnea;
  • the child becomes lethargic and moody;
  • the skin takes on a bluish tint;
  • the work of the liver and kidneys is disrupted;
  • jaundice.

The defeat of the central nervous system leads to the fact that the baby refuses to eat, the body temperature reaches 39-40 degrees, convulsions appear. This form of the disease is very dangerous because it can be fatal.

The generalized form of herpes is diagnosed only with the help of laboratory tests, since the main symptom of the disease - rashes - may not be

Diagnostics of the herpes infection

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor carefully examines the child for the presence of characteristic rashes. Herpes is manifested by a red rash on the skin, which quickly takes the form of bubbles with a gradually cloudy liquid. To determine the type of virus or diagnose without visible rashes, the following studies are prescribed:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • blood test to determine the type of herpes (immunological test, PCR, ELISA);
  • fluid samples from rashes;
  • smears from mucous membranes;
  • scrapings from affected tissues;
  • analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (for generalized infection);
  • identification of the degree of damage to internal organs using ultrasound, CT, MRI.

Features of treatment in children under one year old

When the first signs of infection appear in a baby, you should consult a specialist. In a mild form of the disease, treatment can take place at home.

However, in case of severe illness, the baby is hospitalized. The infection is serious - it significantly reduces the child's immunity. Self-medication is extremely dangerous.

Drug therapy

Conservative therapy for herpes is aimed at eliminating the focus of infection, reducing discomfort, accelerating the healing of ulcers and reducing the intensity of associated symptoms. The treatment regimen is determined depending on the severity of the disease. The duration of therapy reaches 10-30 days. The table describes the main drugs that are used in the treatment of children.

A drugRelease formActionApplication rules and dosage
Acyclovirinjectionantiviral5 mg per 1 kg of body weight intravenously 3 times a day every 8 hours
ointmentapply to affected areas 5 times a day
Zoviraxsmear the lesions 4 times a day
Paracetamolsyrupantipyreticdepending on body weight - up to 4 times a day
Pentoxilpillsimmunomodulatingdaily dose - 15 mg
Lysozymesuspension powderantibacterial, immunostimulatingused as a solution for applications
Viferoncandlesincreasing the body's resistance to the virus1 suppository 2 times a day
Suprastindropsantihistamine, reduces itchingindividually
Immunaladjustment of immunityindividually
Interferoncandlesantiviral, immunostimulating1 pc. 2 times a day
Fukortsin, brilliant greensolutionantiseptic, dry woundssmear the surface next to the opened bubble
Actovegininjectionimprovement of cerebral circulationindividually

It is necessary to treat the baby in a comprehensive manner. The use of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs helps fight the infection. Antihistamines and ointments reduce itching, antipyretic drugs ease the general condition of the baby. In severe forms of infection, immunoglobulins are used.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies cannot have a significant effect on the herpes virus. Their use reduces discomfort and accelerates the recovery of the body. Traditional methods of treatment should be used with caution, since some substances can cause allergies in the baby. In the treatment of herpes, the following traditional medicine recipes are used:

  • Celandine juice lotions. Freshly cut clean stems of the plant are applied with the cut to the affected skin for 3 minutes 2 times a day
  • Potato compresses. A small potato is peeled and finely grated. The gruel is wrapped in gauze and applied to the lesion site.
  • Honey and mustard ointment. 1 tbsp honey is mixed with 1 tsp. mustard, lubricate damaged areas.
  • Apply sea buckthorn oil to the rash.
  • When the first signs of herpes appear, apply toothpaste to red spots.
  • Compresses from infusion of calendula. 1 tsp flowers are poured with 100 ml of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour. A cotton swab is moistened, applied to wounds and sores.

At the initial stage of the disease, you can use toothpaste, which will dry out the rash, preventing their further spread.

Possible complications

Congenital herpes of a newborn is dangerous in that it is able to take a latent form and until a certain moment does not appear. In infants, the virus most often occurs in the first month of life due to intrauterine infection or after 6 months. Infection in children under one year old often has complications.

The child's weak immunity is not able to resist, therefore, even timely treatment does not always save one from the consequences. Possible complications:

  • damage to the kidneys, liver, heart;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • stomatitis;
  • infection of the eye membranes;
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • paralysis;
  • herpes pneumonia;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • vascular damage, blood clots;
  • angina;
  • hepatitis;
  • dysfunction of hematopoiesis.

In infants, herpes often has complications, so treatment should only take place under the supervision of a doctor.

Preventive actions

The herpes virus is quickly transmitted to a child from a sick person. In this regard, in order to prevent the infant's illness, it is necessary to observe the necessary preventive measures.

Herpes viral infection is the most common. This virus has several types of diseases, it affects almost all human organs. A feature of herpes infection is that infection among children occurs more often than among adults. The reason is the prevalence of the infection on a large scale. In children, the herpes virus is the most common disease of the skin and mucous membranes.

How can a child get herpes?

Can a baby pass the infection on? Since the disease is contagious, it is certainly transmitted. When a virus enters a child's body, it remains there for life.

The source of infection is a sick person who has herpes. The causative agent of the infection is the herpes simplex virus and chickenpox.

The way of infection of children:

  • domestic;
  • airborne;
  • during childbirth from the mother;
  • with blood transfusion.

Very often, the infection of the child comes from the parent. Showing care and attention to their child, parents are not always careful in the relationship when they are carriers of herpes, even in a latent form. While touching each other, hugging, kissing, coughing, sneezing, through saliva during a conversation, you can infect a baby with herpes.

The spread of the disease can be in everyday form. Directly this is the general use of towels, washcloths, visiting baths and saunas with children. In infants, herpes can occur when a parent takes the baby's nipple into his mouth before serving it by licking a spoonful of food.

If the parents and the closest social circle of the family do not have herpes, then the baby, being at the age of 2-3 years, may encounter a carrier and become infected from it.

Also, infection of a child can occur from a sick mother during pregnancy, the postpartum period. The risk of infection of the fetus is very high and can lead to miscarriage. Transmission from mother to newborn is very common. This period is quite difficult, you need to be careful and protect your baby from infection. Since the mother limits her diet during breastfeeding, gives all the vitamins with milk to the baby, loses the strength of the body, her immunity decreases, and therefore a relapse of the disease occurs.

The reasons why herpes is transmitted:

  1. Cold.
  2. Hypothermia.
  3. Weakened immunity.
  4. Unbalanced nutrition (there are no nutrients and vitamins necessary for the baby).
  5. Stressful situations.
  6. Weather conditions (usually autumn, winter).

How does herpes infection manifest in children?

Signs of infection in childhood are similar to adult herpes, often more demonstrative and vivid. A very significant moment here is at what age the child became infected.

Infection with a newborn virus is called neonatal herpes. It is characterized by special symptoms and severe disease. This disease causes multiple damage to internal organs (lungs, kidneys, liver), as well as the brain and spinal cord. If a sick baby has an intrauterine herpes infection, he may not survive, but become incapacitated during life.

Older children have different characteristics. In the early stages of infection with the virus in children, herpes may not manifest itself.

The main symptoms are:

  1. Discomfort in the corners of the lips.
  2. Tingling sensations appear on the cheeks.
  3. The skin itches.
  4. Combed areas of skin develop small blisters filled with fluid.
  5. Rashes appear.
  6. The body temperature rises.
  7. The body is shivering.
  8. General malaise.
  9. Weakness.

Sore throat and headaches are often confused with a cold and do not treat the infection right away.

The resulting blisters are located throughout the body, covering a large area of ​​the lesion. The blisters are more pronounced in children than in adults. If herpes gingivitis or stomatitis develops, blisters form in the mouth.

The frequent manifestation of herpes can be observed with reduced immunity. Relapse can be caused by a stressful situation, a sharp change in climate, the development of colds. It happens that an exacerbation is preceded by diseases of the nervous system, stomach and intestines, poor nutrition.

Infection with genital herpes occurs in children, but is very rare.

When is it most likely to pick up an infection?

The most dangerous source of infection is a sick person who has obvious signs of herpes on his face. His body is dominated by a significant number of virus particles, which are practically in the environment. Therefore, you should not closely communicate with such a person and not touch him with your hands.

Is it possible to transmit the virus from an infected patient who does not have rashes?

Transmission of the virus in this situation is possible. If there are no rashes, this does not mean that there is no virus in the body. Particles of the virus at this time are found in cells and tissues, while most of them are destroyed by the body's protective immune system. At the same time, individual particles of infection can predominate in tears, saliva, vaginal mucosa, on the skin around a minor scratch.

The most significant transmission of infection from mother to baby. Since the contact between them is constant and closer than with other family members. Therefore, there is a high probability of transmitting the infection to the child, even if there is no relapse.

Chickenpox in children

In kindergartens and preschool institutions, a child can become infected with 3 types of herpes - chickenpox. The course of the disease proceeds with an increase in temperature and a deterioration of the whole organism as a whole. Rashes appear all over the body. First, these are red dots, and then watery blisters. The child cannot swim, lubricate the bubbles with brilliant green. After a week, crusts form on the areas of the rash, which then fall off. The general condition is returning to normal.

The virus causes this type of herpes 1 time in a lifetime. After the final recovery, the infection remains in the body.

What are the consequences for children after infection

Children under one year of age and newborns are protected from the virus. They get immunity to herpes from their mom. After 2 years, the protective force disappears and the immunity weakens. Herpes occurs in children from 3 years of age and older, since the immune system is still weak and unable to fight infection. There are cases that the consequences of the transmission of herpes are serious complications that affect all organs and systems of the body. These include:

  • damage to the eyeball;
  • auricular disease, which often leads to deafness;
  • herpetic diseases (gingivitis, stomatitis);
  • damage to the heart and vascular system;
  • damage to the nervous system and brain;
  • damage to internal organs.

Complications are serious enough, it is very difficult to cope with them. If the immunity of children is not strengthened, then there is a threat to life or disability.

Preventive measures for infection

All parents want to protect their baby from all diseases. Unfortunately, this is impossible to do. Communication every day with different people, weak immune system in children, lack of basic hygiene in the family, so you can expose the child to frequent infections.

If a family member has herpes, it will be very difficult not to infect the rest of the family. The question is brewing: "Is it possible to transmit herpes to a baby from a mother or father, if the infection is already present?" It is worth knowing about such moments. Is it possible to infect children to strangers by contact with children in the garden. There is no definite answer. It all depends on the infection, how it will manifest itself.

Having an infection in the body, each parent thinks how not to infect his child with herpes, since the disease will interfere with him all his life. In this case, preventive measures should be taken to protect against herpes. It is necessary to teach the baby to avoid close communication with strangers.

Basic rules for disease prevention:

  • limit communication with the child of people infected with herpes;
  • quickly eliminate your infection so that there is no transmission to the baby;
  • it is necessary to temper children from an early age;
  • wash your hands before eating food;
  • using a bandage if the mother is in contact with the baby;
  • do not overcool;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • consume vitamins.

Herpes is a viral disease that is one of the most common in the world. It can manifest itself both and on the genitals, in the form of rashes with the appearance of vesicular formations. The most common types of the disease are labial, manifested on the lips, and. The disease does not seem dangerous, but under certain conditions it can be fatal. How herpes is transmitted should be known not only by those who have had it, but also by completely healthy people, so as not to get infected due to ignorance.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

Herpes is an infectious disease that is caused by various types of viruses. The majority of people on our planet are carriers of the disease. Many infected people do not know anything about this and do not even suspect about it. After infection, the disease can be in a "dormant" state for a long time, without manifesting itself. When a favorable moment comes for the disease, the pathology is activated.

This is most often due to the following factors:

  • weakening of immunity due to previous diseases or due to general malaise;
  • hypothermia or severe overheating with further rapid cooling;
  • mental stress or prolonged stressful situations;
  • non-contraceptive intercourse with an infected partner;
  • intoxication to a strong degree.

Due to these factors, a virus is activated in an infected person.

The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • redness occurs with subsequent burning and itching;
  • after a few days, blistering formations appear;
  • in the affected area, there are quite pronounced pain sensations.

Many people believe that the disease is not dangerous, perceiving it as a cosmetic defect, and also do not know if herpes is transmitted to other people. However, this disease is not just an annoying "sore". The disease can affect internal organs, eyes or nervous system. In this case, vision is impaired, in some cases blindness occurs. It can provoke both severe fever and intoxication.

In pregnant women, miscarriages occur because of it, the development of the fetus may be impaired. In the absence of the proper, the disease can be fatal. These are quite rare manifestations, but everyone should know that herpes is contagious and dangerous.

You can protect yourself from such a danger. This requires knowledge of what routes of herpes transmission exist.

Airborne transmission

Herpes of the first type is transmitted by airborne droplets. This happens in the same way as with influenza infection. Consider the case: a person is infected with herpes and the virus is active. When talking to him, he suddenly begins to cough or sneeze. In this case, the mucus and phlegm secreted from a cold is accelerated into the surrounding space. Such small particles, together with the air, enter the respiratory system of the interlocutor. Small parts of the sputum of an infected person, once on other people's mucous membranes, then perform the "work" of any virus - they strive to enter the bloodstream or the path of lymph flow. The infection has occurred. This does not mean that the newly infected person will immediately develop "sores" on the lips. This requires the conditions that were described above.

The most dangerous period in which the infection of others will occur with a very high probability is the activation of the virus. At this time, the patient's main symptom is visible on the face. It is easy to notice the common cold on the lips. In this case, it is unsafe to talk to such a person too closely.

It should be noted that the virus is transmitted only from person to person. If herpes manifested itself, then its transmission from animals could not occur in any way. Only a person can be a “culprit”.

There is a sixth type of virus about which complete information is not yet available. However, it is known that only people are infected with it. Its distribution is carried out precisely through the air.

Herpes is transmitted in the same way, which provokes chickenpox. Due to the possibility of such infection, a patient with chickenpox must be isolated from others. The quarantine is lifted after the appearance of new rashes stops. Chickenpox is more common in children. After recovery occurs, the body develops immunity to re-infection.

Due to the restriction in the movement of a patient with chickenpox, first of all, relatives are at risk of infection. The more the immunity is weakened, the more likely it is that a person who has not had chickenpox will be infected with chickenpox. The disease in adults is very difficult to tolerate.

Sexually transmitted infection

The possibility of such infection is no less common than the previous route. In this way, they become infected with genital herpes, which is a second type of disease. Rashes appear in intimate places. In this regard, herpes is one of the sexually transmitted diseases.

Herpes is a very difficult disease to treat. If an infection has occurred, then the disease will periodically remind of its existence. Periodic exacerbations are possible. At the same time, a person is not only a carrier, but also a distributor of pathology.

Can you get genital herpes through a condom during sex? This is one of the most common questions among young people. Using a condom increases the likelihood of protection to 85 percent if it is reliable. However, the virus "feels comfortable" in almost any biological fluid or human organ. It can be found not only in vaginal secretions or semen, but also in saliva or tears. His presence can also be in the sweat that often accompanies the sexual process. Any physical contact increases the risk of infection.

If sex occurs during an exacerbation, when herpes blisters appear, then no most reliable condom will save you from infection. In such rashes is the maximum concentration of infection.

Infection can occur during various sexual contacts:

  1. Traditional sex. In the absence of contraception, biological fluids enter the genitals.
  2. Anal sex. In the presence of a rash in the anus or genitals, infection is inevitable. The infection itself does not penetrate through the condom. This significantly increases the chances of not getting infected.
  3. Oral sex leads to mutual transmission from one partner to another herpes of the first or second type. In this case, a cold on the lips (the first type), once in the groin area, manifests itself as signs characteristic of genital infection (the second type) and vice versa.

Contact method of transmission

This method of infection involves contact with the infected fluid inside the blisters. Infection occurs when there are micro-wounds or more serious injuries on the skin. Through them, the virus enters the body.

There is such a thing as self-infection. It manifests itself in the case when the patient himself touches the small blisters that have appeared on the body with his hands. Then, without washing his already infected upper limbs, he touches other parts of the body with them. These dirty hands can also infect another adult or small child. The main condition for such a "forced" infection is the presence of small cracks or wounds that can be touched.

If saliva, sweat or tears from an infected person come into contact with healthy skin, infection is unlikely. However, the blood or the contents of the patient's blisters greatly increases the likelihood of this possibility. Boxers, wrestlers and other athletes in contact sports are most susceptible to infection in this way.

Transmission of infection in everyday life

Whether herpes is contagious is of interest to very many people, because of the possibility of infection in a contact-household way. The answer in this case can be given in conjunction with two other frequently asked questions. How many days is herpes contagious, and how can you get herpes at home.

This path is unlikely, but quite possible. The persistence of the virus in different conditions may be different. It can exist both in frost and at temperatures up to +50 ° C. However, most often, in a domestic environment, the virus does not survive for long, a few minutes. He feels comfortable only in the human body. But if certain conditions are created - warm and humid, then even in everyday life its viability will be about 10 hours.

Because of this, sometimes infection occurs when using common objects. Infection is very likely when using the same cutlery sets. Underwear, creams and other cosmetics, as well as a shared towel can contribute to herpes transmission. Using a single razor is the most likely transmission of the virus. In the event of a cut, the chance of infection is greatly increased.

Real life example: the use of the same toothbrush by a sick and healthy person is an indicative way of infection. Such a moist oral care item in a warm bathroom will keep the virus viable for a long time. Under these conditions, the virus will necessarily enter the oral cavity, where it “successfully settles” on the mucous membranes.

Bloodborne transmission of the virus

In our country, the blood donated by donors is not tested for herpes. If there are no pronounced symptoms, then whether the person is contagious or not, no one will ask. In this situation, direct blood transfusion is a danger.

Organ transplants can also carry a certain chance of contracting herpes.

The most dangerous way is vertical

All the routes of infection with the virus described earlier do not carry such a danger as the transmission of infection by inheritance. This infection, transmitted from mother to child during gestation, is in utero. With such an infection, various pathologies may appear in the baby. This is not only a miscarriage during gestation, but also abnormal development, malfunctioning of the nervous system and even sudden death after birth.

A particular danger for young children is (herpes of the fifth type), which can be transmitted in any way, both in utero and through breast milk. Under its influence, the cells stop dividing and begin to swell strongly. If the infection has occurred, then there is a possibility that the child will be crippled.

Modern medicine has developed means to prevent the possibility of infection in a baby during natural childbirth. In this regard, the problem of infection in the birth canal is no longer urgent.

Virus protection measures

Herpes from a person who has activated the virus can be transmitted in a variety of ways. The methods of infection are described above.

Regardless of them, there are general rules for reducing the likelihood of infection. These include:

  1. Compliance with basic hygiene rules is mandatory. Hands should be washed not only after doing dirty work, but also after visiting public places or traveling in public transport.
  2. Personal hygiene items should only be your own. This also includes underwear, towels and cosmetics.
  3. Sexual relationships should not be promiscuous. When having intercourse with a new partner, you must use protective equipment.
  4. Close contact with people with active disease should be avoided.
  5. Your own immunity must be maintained at a high level. This requires not only good and proper nutrition, as well as drinking vitamins, but also getting enough sleep, taking walks in the fresh air, and giving up bad habits.
  6. Do not kiss strangers, especially children, as they are more likely to become infected and then spread the disease.
  7. Under no circumstances should the child take something from someone else's mouth, even from relatives with whom there is little communication.

It should be remembered that a visit to a doctor when an illness manifests itself is mandatory. Even if the disease has reappeared. The treatment regimen must be followed. Apply the ointment in a timely manner. In order not to infect family members, use separate cutlery.

Many contagious diseases are highly undesirable companions to childhood. Increasingly, parents ask the pediatrician if children have herpes. Unfortunately, this disease is now very common, both among adults and among children of all ages: from infants to adolescents, entering the path of adulthood.

Viral herpes in children (photo) is one of the most common skin diseases, which can also spread to the mucous membranes. The infection gets into the child's body most often from their own parents, who, showing care and attention to the child, do not always observe precautions in communication when they themselves are the carrier of the virus. Touching the baby's skin with hands, kissing the baby can lead to herpes infection, if one of the close family members has the disease, even in a latent form. The household spread of the disease in the family also takes place. Shared towels, washcloths, joint baths or saunas lead to herpes infection. Simple viral herpes in young children can be due to the fact that parents take a pacifier in their mouth before giving it to the baby, or lick a spoonful of porridge before sending it into the baby's mouth.

Manifestation of herpes infection in a child

Primary infection with the herpes virus in children (pictured) may not appear immediately. Babies begin to feel discomfort from tingling or itching in the corners of the mouth or on the cheeks. In places of scratching, a small blister filled with liquid is necessarily formed. In the future, the disease will manifest itself as skin rashes, fever, chills. If the infection initially spreads to the lips or mouth, ulcers may form.

Frequent herpes in a child is observed with a weakened immune system. The reason for the relapse of the disease can be stress, a sharp change in climatic conditions, the development of colds. The presence of diseases of the nervous system or exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases is also a reason for the recurrence of herpes infection. In the autumn-winter period, the disease becomes especially active. In rare cases, herpes infection in children worsens with improper nutrition.

In a special group of patients, doctors allocate children with congenital herpes infection. The presence of the virus in the body of a newborn will be noticed already in the first days of life. Depending on at what stage of pregnancy the fetus was infected, the disease will manifest itself in different ways:

  • Herpes in children under one year old can reveal itself as a vesicular rash on any part of the body, if the infection was obtained during childbirth.
  • With the primary infection of the mother with an infection in the early stages of gestation, the infection is transmitted to the embryo. In infants, in addition to rashes, pathologies of internal organs will be found.
  • If the mother was infected with the herpes virus even before pregnancy, while the fetus was developing, the antibodies were transferred transplacentally to the baby. This protective system will work for him after birth, so in young children under one year old, herpes never manifests itself.

Prevention of herpes in children

I want to protect my child from all diseases. Unfortunately, this can be very difficult to do, because daily communication with different people, the weakened immunity of babies, the lack of basic hygiene skills in the family lead to frequent infection.

It is very difficult among relatives, where someone has herpes sores, not to infect other family members with the disease. The question arises from the parents, whether herpes is transmitted to the child, if it is already present in the father or mother. It is not superfluous to know whether it is possible for completely strangers to infect a child with herpes, because babies can come into contact with infected children in kindergarten, with educators. The answer here cannot be unambiguous, because it all depends on how the infection behaves. It is known that the most aggressive virus is considered at the moment of bubble formation. When an outbreak occurs, it is then that the infection enters another organism.