Vitamins for menopause. Why do women need vitamins? The best complexes for women in menopause

  • The date: 09.04.2019

Vitamins during menopause must be taken by all women, without exception. Menopause is a serious period of changes in a woman's life. A decrease in the amount of estrogen provoke changes not only in appearance, but also affect mineralization and bone density, endocrine diseases, cardiovascular systems, psycho emotional condition... A well-chosen complex of minerals and vitamins will help to avoid unpleasant phenomena, health problems, allowing you to look more attractive. Many preparations for menopause may contain herbal extracts that have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, sedative effects, certain medicinal plants are able to regulate hormonal levels.

Which vitamins to include - a detailed analysis

When choosing a complex during menopause, you can thoughtlessly take from the pharmacist suggested in the pharmacy. There will definitely not be any harm from this, in any case you will enrich your body with the necessary elements. But the most the best way - choose a drug with the most suitable composition and dosages. It is not always necessary to give preference to complexes marked "for women" or "after 40". This can only be a publicity stunt, so it is better to stop your choice on a suitable one, specifically for an individual squad. It is optimal to entrust the selection of the complex to an endocrinologist.

B vitamins

Nutrients of this group play a huge role in the metabolism of homocysteine \u200b\u200b- an amino acid that in elevated concentrations can provoke atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia), since it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, it may well cause blood clots.

Also, B vitamins during menopause are involved in lipid metabolism, helping to control weight gain and regulate work nervous system... The introduction of this group into the diet provides a charge of energy and vivacity, helps to strengthen the immune system and reduces the phenomenon of hot flashes.

Folic acid (aka vitamin B9) has a beneficial effect on the emotional background, helps to reduce disorders in menopause. B9 vitamin deficiency is often associated with the phenomena of insomnia, irritability, depression.

Retinol (vitamin A)

This trace element is the main source of preservation of the beauty of the skin, cell membranes of the brain. The element has powerful antioxidant properties, contributing to the prevention of breast cancers, reproductive organs... When using the recommended daily dosage, the work of the gonads is activated and the production of collagen, which gives the dermis healthy look.

Vitamin C

During menopause, it is important to maintain the thyroid gland and pancreas, eliminate toxins, improve their work by taking vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant helps maintain vascular tone, relieves inflammation of their walls, and increases immunity.

Vitamin E

It is not for nothing that this element is also called the vitamin of childbirth. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the genitals, in particular the ovaries, and promotes the accumulation of vitamin A. Regular consumption of sufficient tocopherol helps maintain the beauty of the skin and delays aging.

It has been proven that a lack of the element leads to serious nervous disorders and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Element E helps maintain the composition of the brain membrane, helping to prevent the loss of important molecules.

Vitamin D

How to choose vitamins

For women over 40, it is important to choose a drug with the most complete composition of vitamins and minerals. You should pay attention to the dosage - it should correspond to the daily rate. A number of specialized complexes contain extracts and concentrates of medicinal plants, these components are completely optional, although they can alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

You can simply choose a good vitamin supplement for yourself, and as an assistant to relieve unpleasant signs of menopause (your gynecologist will help you choose a drug), you can use a medicine with phytoestrogens, for example, Climaxan.

Important: during menopause, all vitamins should be taken only with meals. To avoid gastrointestinal irritation. If you are taking several types of supplements at once, it is better to split their intake.

Pros and cons of popular complexes for women after 45:

  1. Tsi-klim is a dietary supplement containing phytoestrogens, motherwort extract and L-carnitine. Contains almost all the necessary elements in the recommended doses. L-carnitine promotes weight loss, but its content in tablets is quite low, which is unlikely to have an effect when taken. Motherwort has a good sedative effect. Substitute - Mensa (the saw helps).
  2. Femikaps - capsules with a significant content of natural ingredients with vitamins and minerals. Medicinal plants help relieve climacteric symptoms, reduce the severity age changes... The drug has an incomplete complex of elements (E, B6, magnesium), so it will have to be supplemented with other vitamins. A large number of extracts can lead to allergic reactions
  3. Alphabet 50 + - this supplement is divided into 3 types of tablets with different compositions for minerals and vitamins for better absorption. Has maximum full composition trace elements, however important minerals for women during menopause, they are presented in an underestimated amount (the same extremely important calcium - only 400 mg, which is 30% of the recommended dosage). Additionally enriched with lutein and lycopene, which support visual acuity.
  4. Doppelhertz Menopause - a supplement with soy phytoestrogens, contains an extensive list of essential vitamins and minerals, however, there are problems with dosages - calcium is only 500 mg (50%), vitamins B12 and B9 exceed daily rate 3 and 2 times, respectively. The composition does not contain magnesium and potassium.
  5. Omega 3 - during menopause salvation for blood vessels from blood clots, prevention cardiovascular disease, namely heart attacks and strokes, Alzheimer's disease, cancer - especially breast cancer. Omega polyunsaturated fatty acids are contained in, which must be included in the diet not only for women, but also for all segments of the population.

Regular exercise, even in the form of a banal exercise, will help to better absorb not only drugsbut also to all additives. Law of nature.

In fact, already young girls should know and prepare for the upcoming inevitable changes with nutrition, exercise:

  • to strengthen the pelvic organs, in order to avoid involuntary urination during sneezing, coughing;
  • cervical spine, to prevent withers, headaches;
  • back muscles for an even posture;
  • press, so that the belly grows less;
  • strong legs and buttocks facilitate easy gait.

And be sure to regularly drink vitamin complexes to maintain the appropriate balance of the body.

IN mature age it is also important to pay due attention to your health. Good nutrition, healthy sleep and physical exercise help you stay active longer. During menopause, taking vitamins can support the body suffering from restructuring and reduce accompanying symptoms menopause. Carefully consider the choice of supplement, carefully studying the composition and dosage. It is advisable to consult your doctor before use.

Dear ladies, take care of yourself and try to keep your youth longer!

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Menopause is a condition that every woman faces sooner or later. During this period, menstruation stops and estrogen production decreases, which can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • tides,
  • insomnia,
  • dryness of the vagina,
  • night sweats
  • mood swings
  • changes in sex drive.

As the level of estrogen in the body decreases in women, the risk of developing certain conditions... The most common ones are:

  • osteoporosis,
  • heart diseases,
  • urinary incontinence.

Some women experience only minor symptoms as they enter menopause. Others suffer from severe symptoms and their quality of life is drastically reduced.

Able to help women relieve and support general state health, minimizing the unpleasant manifestations of low estrogen.


  1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is beneficial for skin and bone health. However, a 2002 study found elevated level this vitamin in postmenopausal women with a hip fracture. Vitamin A has come to be associated with a 40 percent increased risk of hip fractures in postmenopausal women. This has led some experts to question the benefits of vit. A for bones.

Subsequent studies have been controversial, so menopausal women are advised to avoid overdoses of this vitamin and consult a doctor and get tested before taking it. It is better to get vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene from food:

  • fish oil,
  • orange and yellow vegetables and fruits,
  • dark green leafy vegetables.
  1. Vitamin B6 during menopause

Pyridoxine is involved in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects mood swings and depression. With age, the level of this substance in women decreases. Studies show that fatty acids, as well as vitamin B6, help reduce stress, the hormone cortisol, and anxiety in postmenopausal women. Vitamin B6 does indeed reduce anxiety in these women, but at the same time, it was ineffective in menopausal depression. A joint intake with magnesium can enhance the positive effect of pyridoxine (in the experiment, 200 mg of magnesium and up to 50 mg of B6 were prescribed for a course of up to two months).

In addition, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, or PLP, into which pyridoxine is converted in the body, has been associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. His high level in the blood reduces the risk of this type of cancer by about 30%.

  1. Vitamin C at menopause for women over 45-50 years old

At least one study notes that ascorbic acid supplementation is associated with decreased bone loss due to menopause. Also high doses extended release vitamin C is effective in reducing anxiety, anxiety and blood pressure.

Vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of fractures and softening of the bones. Older women, especially those who are rarely exposed to sunlight, have an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency. Women over 50 should receive 15–20 mcg (600–800 IU).

In addition, at least two studies have shown that taking it reduces the chance of getting the flu. At the same time, other observations have shown that vitamin D cannot significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and depression.

For all its benefits, too much vitamin D should be avoided as it can lead to kidney stones, constipation, and an increased risk of heart disease.

  1. Vitamin E and menopause

Vitamin E does not have a direct effect on the symptoms of menopause in women, but it may be useful for liver damage, for hair growth in alopecia (100 mg of a mixture of tocopherols was used in the study). When taken, the risk of thromboembolism is reduced (by 27% when taken at 600 IU every other day),

However, there are also some concerns. So, in one of the observations, scientists found that 400 IU of vitamin E, although it does not increase overall cardiovascular mortality, but increases the risk of heart failure in older people with pre-existing heart disease.

To avoid side effects, vitamin E, like other drugs, should be used only after consulting a doctor, in courses and in dosages that do not exceed the daily rate.

  1. Vitamin K during menopause

Vitamin K has different shapes: phylloquinones (K1), menaquinones (K2). In the class of vit-on K2 there are also various forms, which are abbreviated as MK-x (MK-7, MK-8, MK-9, etc.). Vitamin K3 (menadione, menadione) is considered toxic and is not recommended for use, while menaquinone (K2, MK-7) and phylloquinone (K1) are said to be relatively safe.

When studying the properties of Vit-K, it was found that 45 mg of MK-4 per day improves the condition in postmenopausal women diagnosed with osteoporosis. Not as effective as substitution therapy estrogens, but vitamin K helps reduce the loss of mineral density bone tissue... This effect is somewhat comparable to that of Vit-D.

Vitamin K (even if it comes from a plant source) should be taken with food with fatty acids and only as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

During menopause, there is a sharp decrease in the formation of estrogen. In this regard, the risk of developing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, osteoporosis, and weight gain increases. Against the background of a slowdown in metabolism, eating even the usual amount of food leads to weight gain. It is possible to correct metabolism and prevent the development of many diseases with the help of vitamin preparations.

Vitamins with menopause are necessary to ensure the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone. The well-being of women during this period depends on the amount of these hormones. The more balanced hormonal balance, the less physical manifestations of menopause. Also vitamins are needed to strengthen the immune system. Let us consider in more detail the importance of individual vitamins for the body during menopause.

What vitamins are needed for menopause?

Vitamin A (retinol) has antioxidant properties. It prevents the formation of tumors in the organs of the female reproductive system. This is especially true during menopause, since the occurrence of neoplasms in the uterus and ovaries is often associated with a violation hormonal background.

In addition, retinol prevents the appearance of wrinkles by slowing down the evaporation of moisture from the upper layer of the skin. A large amount of vitamin A contains fish fat, Cod liver, butter, egg yolks, unpasteurized milk, ripe fruits, herbs.

Vitamin D (calciferol) is needed to speed up the burning of calories and protect the bones from osteoporosis, which often occurs with a lack of estrogen. It also ensures the absorption of the maximum amount of calcium. Calciferol belongs to vitamins that are practically absent in nature in pure form... It is produced by the sun.

Foods containing vitamin D include eggs, fatty fish (perch, mackerel, salmon), dairy products, chicken and pork liver... More than 90% required calciferol formed by exposure to sunlight.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is another very important fat-soluble vitamin. Its benefits for the body of women during menopause cannot be overestimated. Tocopherol prevents the decomposition of progesterone - one of the main sex hormones, the amount of which is significantly reduced in menopause. Another function of vitamin E is to slow down aging. Tocopherol is found in cereals, cabbage, unrefined vegetable oil, sunflower seeds, and nuts.

B vitamins are needed for correct work many organs and systems of the body. Vitamins B2 and B5 support the function of the adrenal cortex, which produces estrogen. It is especially difficult for the body of menopausal women with an insufficient amount of vitamin B2. In this case, accelerated aging occurs, which leads to a reduction in life expectancy.

A lot of vitamin B2 is found in milk, sour cream, chicken eggs, cabbage, legumes, cereals. Sources of vitamin B5 are fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, and seafood. Vitamin B6 ensures the preservation of full physical and mental performance, has a beneficial effect on nerve cells, slows down the aging of the skin, relieves anxiety and irritability. Vitamin B1 is needed to maintain the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and the nervous system. Vitamins B9 and B12 help to normalize the mood of women during menopause.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) during menopause is needed to strengthen the vascular and capillary walls. A sufficient amount of ascorbic acid makes them elastic. It also prevents stagnation of fluid in the body and the formation of edema.

Vitamin preparations

Although vitamins are found in food, their use does not always provide the body with the required amount of these substances. Therefore, many vitamin complexes are sold in pharmacies. The names of the most popular remedies: Menopace, Lady’s Formula Menopause, Alphabet 50+, Doppelherz active Menopause, Orthomol Femin, Femikaps, Complivit Calcium D3. Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  • Vitamin and mineral complex, created to maintain the health of women during menopause. The composition includes pantothenic acid, which ensures the synthesis of the required amount of estrogen. Vitamin C, magnesium, zinc and B vitamins normalize hormones and the state of the nervous system.

    Vitamin E relieves menopause symptoms - tachycardia, hot flashes, increased fatigue, irritability. Also, the drug has a positive effect on blood sugar levels, improves the condition of the vaginal mucosa, regulates the work thyroid gland, prevents osteoporosis, accelerates the absorption of calcium.

    With menopause, the drug is taken 1 capsule per day with water. Since Menopace can cause nausea, it is best to take it with or after meals. Allergic reactions to one of the components of the complex are possible, which are most often manifested by edema, itching and rashes on skin... Menopace is contraindicated in renal failure and hypersensitivity to one of the components. The drug should be taken with caution in case of stomach ulcers, severe endocrine (diabetes mellitus) and cardiovascular ( ischemic disease heart) pathologies;

  • Lady's Formula Menopause.A complex product containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The drug normalizes blood pressure, relieves swelling, lowers appetite, improves mood and sleep. The effect of the complex can be felt within a week after the start of the intake. Lady's Formula Menopause should be taken one tablet per day for 1-6 months, depending on the intensity of menopausal symptoms.

    The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to one of the components. Side effects: nausea, vomiting. They are observed extremely rarely and only after taking the drug on an empty stomach;

  • Alphabet 50+. The preparation contains 13 vitamins and 9 microelements necessary for women during menopause. The complex prevents the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heart, blood vessels, eyes. The product consists of 3 different tablets. Each of them contains only those substances that are combined with each other. This separation ensures the maximum assimilation of all components of the drug.

    Take 3 tablets daily, one at breakfast, lunch and dinner. If it is impossible to use 3 times a day, all 3 tablets are taken with one serving of food. Duration of admission is at least 4 weeks. Alphabet 50+ is contraindicated in case of allergy to one of its components and with increased thyroid function;

  • Doppelherz asset Menopause.It contains all the necessary vitamins and calcium. In addition, the drug contains substances with a structure similar to estrogens. They provide good tolerance and complete safety of the drug in the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women. Side effects are rare. The drug should not be taken in case of individual intolerance to one of the components, as well as in the presence of diabetes mellitus... Take 1 tablet daily, with food;
  • Orthomol Femin. The complex was specially designed for women over the age of 50. Contains all important vitamins, coenzyme Q10 and trace elements. Improves the state of the nervous system, prevents recruitment excess weight, reduces the risk of developing oncology. The tool is taken 1 capsule twice a day for 4-5 weeks;
  • Complex preparation made in Finland. The composition contains primrose extract, tocopherol, pyridoxine, magnesium and others useful plants... Femikaps normalizes hormonal levels, eliminates insomnia, improves emotional state, relieves hot flashes. In addition, the agent has a tonic effect. The drug should be taken 2 times a day, 1 capsule. The course of treatment is 1-3 months;
  • Complivit Calcium D3.It contains vitamin D3 and calcium. The effect of the drug is to regulate phosphorus-calcium metabolism, therefore it is used to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system in women during menopause. Complivit Calcium D3 tablets should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to one of the components of the complex, chronic renal failure. With menopause, it is recommended to take 2 tablets of the drug per day for 1 month.

Vitamins for menopause alleviate its symptoms, improving the quality of life of a woman during this period. Before using one of the complexes, you need to study the instructions in detail.

Some of them have contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

Every woman by the age of 50 faces problems such as changes in blood pressure and mood swings. All this indicates that the body is preparing for a new phase. Climax sooner or later affects everyone. For some, it lasts a year, but there are those who have been suffering from various deviations for 5-6 years. Despite the fact that menopause is not a disease, it requires the participation of doctors. Sometimes for women are matched hormonal drugs, but almost everyone is advised to take non-hormonal agents, in particular vitamins and minerals. Especially the female body needs vitamin A, folic acid, magnesium, and the most popular and affordable drugs are Aevit and Tsi-Klim.

To maintain the female body during menopause, it is necessary to replenish the lack of vitamins with the help of various drugs.

The need for vitamins

With the onset of menopause, a woman begins to suffer from pressure surges, hot flashes, sleep and mood deteriorate. It is thanks to the vitamins from menopause that you can significantly improve your well-being. Changes in weight after 50 years are especially often observed due to a slowdown in metabolism. This problem can also be dealt with if you choose the right complex. Active ingredients will help stimulate metabolism, due to which not only weight is normalized, but also eliminated unpleasant symptoms.

It is also important to emphasize that with the onset of menopause, the production of its own hormones slows down. Non-hormonal drugs promote the activation of these processes, forcing the body to produce the necessary substances on its own.

Vitamins for menopause help to strengthen the immune system, normalize sleep and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, thereby improving the quality of life for women.

Correctly selected vitamins help to cope with the symptoms of menopause

Essential vitamins and minerals

In menopause, the body of women needs the following vitamins for menopause:

  • Vitamin A inhibits the aging process and protects women from free radicals. Prevents the formation of tumors in the uterus and mammary glands and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It is used as a monopreparation, and can also be included in a complex, for example, Aevit.
  • Vitamin B 1 affects the nervous system, which helps to eliminate the mood swings that appear during this period. Also has a positive effect on the work of the heart.
  • B 6 improves mood, stimulates the surge of strength and energy. Especially necessary in case of a decrease in immunity in women over 45 years old.
  • Folic acid or vitamin B differs in that it has estrogen-like properties, but does not cause any negative consequences... In other words, folic acid has no contraindications and can be used regardless of the patient's age at the time of menopause. It can be included in the complex or taken separately.
  • Vitamin B 12 helps to reduce the irritability that accompanies this period. In menopausal women, it strengthens the nervous system and prevents the development of depression.
  • Vitamin C helps to improve the condition of the vascular wall, thereby eliminating puffiness.

With the onset of menopause, a whole complex of various vitamins is needed that will improve the condition of a woman.

  • Vitamin E with menopause should be taken at the very beginning. Typically, the period of adjustment begins with pressure surges caused by hormonal changes. Vitamin E stimulates the production of hormones and thereby improves the condition of women.
  • Vitamin D is a must for women who have started their menopause. It is he who is involved in the absorption of calcium, which is responsible for the condition skeletal system... Like folic acid, it is most important during menopause.
  • A complex intended for women must also include calcium, which is necessary for bone strength, magnesium, which has a positive effect on the nervous system, and lignins, which eliminate dryness of the mucous membranes.

So all non-hormonal drugs with menopause, they help to alleviate the symptoms accompanying this period.

Only a doctor will be able to tell you which vitamins for menopause are needed for women. In this case, it is important to choose exact dosage, so as not to provoke hypervitaminosis.

Complex means

In order to facilitate this period, during menopause, you need to choose the right drugs. Taking everything indiscriminately is not only useless, but also dangerous. When choosing, you need to take into account the presence of certain symptoms, the body's response to vitamin agents, as well as the possible allergic reaction... In addition, the age of women, the severity of symptoms that occur during menopause, and also how long the period lasts are taken into account. hormonal changes.

Most often, with menopause, Aevit is used

In order to find out which vitamins you need, it is better to see a doctor. He will appoint separate funds, but no less effective will be a complex that includes several items at once:

  • Aevit is the most common name for the drug due to its affordable price. The complex includes vitamins A and E. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes. It is recommended to take it in cases where there are deviations from the nervous system and circulatory disorders. In addition, it eliminates the toxic effects of free radicals, normalizes fat metabolism and stabilizes body weight. Aevit can be taken separately, but it is better to combine it with other means. Folic acid, calcium and vitamin D can be used as a supplement.
  • Menopace. A preparation containing herbal ingredients, the main of which is passionflower extract. There are also all the necessary trace elements and vitamins during this period. It has a positive effect on immunity, eases the condition of a woman during menopause and increases vitality. It is commercially available, but it is better to consult your doctor before drinking the drug.
  • Vitatress. The complex includes all essential vitamins, in particular A, E, C, B 1, D 6, PP, folic acid and so on. Due to this, during application, mood improves, tone increases, irritability is eliminated and work is normalized. internal organs... It has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels and the heart. It is especially recommended to take in the first year of menopause, that is, up to 50 years.

Vitamin complexes should be taken after consulting a doctor in order to exclude possible complications

  • Alphabet 50+ is a drug intended for women over 50 years of age. In addition to vitamins, it includes lutein and lycopene. Due to this, it does not allow age-related decrease in visual acuity. The dosage is determined individually with your doctor. Due to this, it is possible to achieve maximum assimilation of all available components and obtain a pronounced result.

The drug consists of three types of tablets, which must be taken separately, according to the scheme.

Vitamins with plant extracts

  • Lady's Formula Menopause. This is a herbal complex that perfectly relieves all the symptoms that occur during this period. Recommended for women over 50 years of age. The composition of the preparation is very rich and includes eleven vitamins and plant extracts. For this reason, before taking pills, it is important to find out which ingredients are present in order to rule out a possible allergic reaction.
  • Femikaps. Quite a popular vitamin for menopause produced in Finland. The composition includes all vitamins of group B, E, folic acid, magnesium, extracts of passion flower and primrose. It is especially recommended to take this drug for sleep disorders and irritability. In addition, it easily relieves hot flashes and pressure surges. It is effective at the beginning of menopause, but it can also be used in postmenopausal women.

Vitamin complexes with plant extracts will be useful for menopause.

  • Tsi-Klim. The drug is especially popular with women. This is explained by the fact that, like Aevit, it has an affordable price, but at the same time it is quite effective in combating the symptoms of menopause. Before taking the product, it is important to find out which components are included in it, since allergies may develop to plant extracts. An important advantage of the product is selenium, which is part of it, which inhibits the aging process and improves the general condition of the body.
  • Hypotrilon. Hypotrilon will help cope with hot flashes and normalize blood pressure. It contains vitamins, indole-3-carbinol, and Vitasil SE. You can drink the drug at any stage of menopause development. Its main advantage and difference from other means is high efficiency in prevention oncological diseasesdeveloping against the background of hormonal changes.
  • Woman 40 plus. The drug includes vitamins and minerals. Plant extracts are also available. For this reason, it is important to first find out what exactly are the components and only after that start taking the remedy according to an individual scheme. The complex has a great effect on the condition of the skin and hair, inhibits the aging process, increases the overall tone and eliminates everything possible symptoms menopause.

Since the structure of bones is disturbed during menopause, a complex of vitamins is needed to prevent such reactions

Vitamins for strengthening the skeletal system

Separately, we can highlight the drugs, the action of which is aimed at preventing osteoporosis:

  • Doppelherz asset Menopause. Another drug with a rich composition. It contains vitamins E, A, C, D, B1, folic acid, calcium biotite, and a large number of plant extracts. It has a positive effect on the whole body, but the effect on the state of bone tissue is especially pronounced. It is better to take such a remedy separately in order to avoid an excess of vitamins in the body.
  • Complivit Calcium D3. This drug is especially necessary for those who have already been diagnosed with osteoporosis. The complex contains calcium and cholecalciferol, which has a positive effect on the work of the muscular and skeletal systems. If you regularly drink Complivit Calcium D3 after 45 years, you can reduce the likelihood of developing diseases from the bone system and significantly improve the condition of hair and nails.

There are other drugs to combat menopause. But in any case, before drinking this or that remedy, it is important to see a doctor. Only he will be able to say for sure which elements you need and which drug will be appropriate.

The benefits and harms of vitamins will be discussed below:

Vitamins with menopause save the body from the sharp manifestations of the symptoms of menopause. Hot flashes, sweating, sleep disturbances, and other guides affect your overall health. An individual consultation with a doctor will show how difficult this period is.

In the life of every woman, a rather difficult hormonal period begins. By the age of 45, and some much earlier, braking begins reproductive function the female body.

Since all biological processes interrelated, sex hormones, or rather, their lack, provoke disruptions in the work of other systems. This affects the general external and internal state. The first signs of aging appear, headaches, irritability, insomnia and many others are tormented negative factors falls on a woman overnight.

To support your body during menopause, it is very important to use special preparations vitamin complexes, as well as monitor nutrition so that it is balanced, filled with useful elements.

The selection of vitamins will help:

  • speed up metabolism and make all metabolic processes work;
  • start the synthesis of missing sex hormones;
  • by maintaining immunity, reduce painful symptoms.

Vitamins are a catalyst for important chemical reactions... Sometimes, without their participation, the body cannot cope with the normal intake of necessary minerals, elements and water-salt metabolism, which is necessary for cellular neoplasm. By keeping the job endocrine system, the ovaries function much longer. Changes in hormonal levels occur with mild symptoms.

Vitamins for menopause

There are a number of essential vitamins a woman needs to take during menopause. They make up the complex of the group: A, B, D, C, E:

  1. Components of group A prevent aging, protect from the appearance of neoplasms, pathologies on the mammary glands and uterus.
  2. Group B1 includes sedatives that prevent mood swings. B6 maintains vitality, promotes a surge of strength and energy. In this difficult period for a woman, a good mood is very important. B12 inhibits aggression, outbursts of anger. Depress irritability, strengthen the central nervous system as a whole.
  3. Vitamin C maintains normal vascular walls.
  4. The vitamin E complex is very important for initial manifestations ... This vitamin normalizes arterial pressure, reduces intensity, improves blood circulation. Accordingly, the tissues are saturated with oxygen, headaches decrease and fatigue syndrome disappears.
  5. In adulthood, there is a risk of developing osteoporosis. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to take vitamins of group D. With the help of them, calcium is well absorbed.
  6. Folic acid. This component is taken in order to alleviate the general symptoms and hot flashes during menopause.
  7. As you know, pain and weakness during menopause are frequent companions for a woman. They lead to irritability and fatigue. These changes also add outward signs aging. Hair fades, the nail plate changes, the complexion fades. They are individual for everyone. To support yourself in normal healthy condition, you need to take magnesium.

On the video about drugs for menopause


Vitamins for menopause in women should come not only with the help of medicines. It is necessary to adhere to a certain diet, focusing on those foods that will help you easily endure a difficult period. The body is saturated with vitamins and microelements, assimilates them naturallythus benefits by reducing risk serious illnesses, since during the period of a decline in hormones, cancerous tumors female organs.

Making up daily diet, include in it:

  • milk, eggs, nuts, beans and anything that contains calcium;
  • tocopherol - beans, potatoes, brown rice;
  • products with boron content - peaches, strawberries, asparagus, raisins;
  • other vitamins and minerals in the form of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Also, vitamins for menopause in the required amount are in buckwheat and oatmeal. Meat and fish, bread coarse, dried fruits remain irreplaceable sources of useful elements.


In order to calmly transfer hormonal changes in the body, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, he will prescribe medication support.

Hormone therapy can be combined. These are drugs that contain estrogen and progesterone - two of the most essential hormones for the female body.

Another group includes drugs that contain exclusively estrogens. Which medication to take depends solely on the development of menopause. In case it is better to take estrogen + progesterone preparations. Estrogen alone is sufficient to relieve symptoms.

Dietary supplements

A competent specialist, having studied the whole essence of the problem, can prescribe dietary supplements in addition to the vitamin complex. Their parallel reception will improve the condition of the skin, relieve the feeling of dryness. Hair looks healthy, bones become stronger. In general, herbal extracts rejuvenate the body.

The most famous namesthat help out with menopause:

  • This is big vitamin complex, which eliminates all the symptoms of menopause. From 45 to 50 years old, any medicine and vitamins including should be selected with extreme caution. Female body ages, weakens and is easily exposed to any side effects... The problem with weight gain is especially acute. Ladys Formula helps to regain its previous shape. The unique maitake mushroom extract brings excellent well-being and a healthy look. How to drink pills, the gynecologist prescribes.
  • Doppelhertz... The tool has a strengthening effect on the entire body as a whole. Contains calcium and vitamin B complex. Fights unpleasant manifestations of sweating and irritability. Admission course of this drug is 1 month. Take one tablet with a meal with plenty of water.

The cost of drugs for women

The price for the products of female drugs differs by segment. First of all, it depends on the manufacturer, then on the difference in packaging and the network of pharmacies sold the medicine.

The cost of dietary supplements ranges from 520 to 2000 rubles per package.

In order to save a little, you can order the product on the Internet by finding the required name on the site, but there is a risk of getting fake. To be sure of the quality, you need to check the certificate, how to take the pills - consult only a doctor. You should not once again trust the reviews and advice of friends, since menopause is different for everyone.

Women's beauty is irresistible in any of its manifestations. Regardless of age and hormonal changes, you need to keep yourself in good shape and good mood. Proper nutrition, playing sports, correct sleep and a complex of essential vitamins maintain health and beauty. Only a competent, timely approach is important and the symptoms of menopause will pass unnoticed for you.