Forms of organization of directly educational activities. Consultation on the topic: Modern requirements for the organization of GCD for preschool children

  • The date: 01.09.2019


for preschool teachers on the topic:

« Modern requirements to the organization of NOD

children preschool age»

January 2016

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard to the content preschool education the approach to organizing and conducting continuous educational activities with kids.

Until now, some teachers do not know how to correctly write a summary, organize and conduct GCD. This is due to the fact that the previous model of conducting classes has existed for a long time, and we are used to it.

In the end, there must be a rejection of traditional classes built in the logic of the educational model. GCD is an exciting business with children, during which the teacher solves program problems. Having rethought his role, the teacher becomes more of a “coordinator” or “mentor” than a direct source of information. The position of the teacher of preschool education in relation to children changes and acquires the character cooperation when the child acts in a situation of joint activity and communication with the teacher as an equal partner.

Many educators are trying to transform the lesson and make it a new GCD. They take the outline of the lesson “the old fashioned way”, first include some problematic situation, productive activity and - done! And the essence has not changed!

This happens becauseteachers don't really understand joint activities teachers with children do not see how continuous educational activity differs from a lesson.

First, NOD implemented throughorganization various kinds children's activities:

  • game,
  • cognitive research,
  • communicative,
  • perception fiction and folklore
  • construction from different materials,
  • pictorial,
  • motor,
  • self-service and elementary household work.

or their integration using a variety of forms and working methods, the choice of which is carried out by teachers independently, depending on the contingent of children, the level of development of the general educational program of preschool education and the solution of specific educational problems.

How to organize everything correctly? If earlier there was a position - educational activity and play, then today - play and other types of children's activities.Now we are offered to solve the goals and objectives set in the joint activities of adults and children (GCD and regime moments) and independent activities of children. It is necessary to abandon the teaching model in kindergarten, i.e. from classes. And this requires teachers to turn to new forms of work with children that would allow them, figuratively speaking, to teach preschoolers in such a way that they do not know about it.

To do this, it is necessary to use: game techniques, frequent changes in activities, a variety of game tasks that allow you to create a positive emotional background, an atmosphere of ease, and achieve your goals. And it is for this that the emphasis is placed on the integration of educational areas.

If earlier in the lesson the main goal was the development of knowledge, skills, skills (ZUN), now the main goal- real activity(activity) of children, and the development of knowledge, skills and abilities - by-effect this activity. The main activity is realized through children's activities.

Secondly, the essence of the position of the teacher in relation to children should change.

It is necessary to change the style of behavior of an adult (teacher): from administrative and regulatory to relaxed, trusting, partner. It is necessary to remember the main theses of the organization of partner activities of an adult with children, which are pointed out by N.A. Korotkova:

  • the involvement of the educator in the activity on an equal basis with the children (not “above”, not “next to”, but “together”);
  • voluntary participation of preschoolers in activities (without mental and disciplinary coercion), and in order to achieve this, it is necessary to interest children as much as possible (motivation);
  • free communication and movement of children during activities (subject to the organization of the working space);
  • open time end activities (everyone works at their own pace).

The partner position of the teacher contributes to the development of the child's activity, independence, the ability to make a decision, try to do something without fear that it will turn out wrong, causes a desire to achieve the goal, favors emotional comfort.

The main forms of work with children in the organization of GCD are examination, observation, experimentation, research, collecting, project implementation, workshop, etc. Here, the process of assimilation of new knowledge by children is more effective, because it is based on personal experience the child and his area of ​​interest. You can not oblige the child to understand something, he needs to be interested. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to build the GCD in such a way as to keep the child's attention, his interest, and enthusiasm for educational activities as much as possible.

Thirdly, it is necessary updating the GCD structure.

And initially it is necessary to think over the motivation with which continuous educational activity begins. Motivation is different:practical, playful, educational.It should contain something that will arouse interest, surprise, amazement, delight of children, in a word, something after which children will want to do “this”.

One of the main features of the NOD issystem-activity approachto her organization. Or simply an "activity approach" - the organization and management of the child's activities by the teacher in solving specially organized educational tasks of varying complexity and problems (L.G. Peterson). Under the conditions of the activity approach, the child-person acts as an active creative principle, his self-development and self-actualization of his personality take place. And from the positionactivity approach technologiesit is necessary to observe the principles of construction, or the structure of the GCD.

GCD should ensure the activity of children, business interaction and communication, the accumulation by children of certain information about the world around them, search and experimentation. And although the lesson changes form, the learning process remains. Teachers continue to "engage" with children. But he teaches children in such a way, I repeat, that they do not know about it. This is the main postulate of the new transformations.

There must be mutual respect between teachers and children. Respect is a necessary element in the community that is the kindergarten group. Educators set an example of mutual understanding, respect and care for each other, which they expect from children. The degree of respect that children feel from other people is a key factor in their development of self-esteem. And self-respect, in turn, lays a solid foundation for positive relationships with other children.

When educators show respect for each child in a group, children learn to accept all other children - those who run slowly, those who draw well, and even children with unusual or conflicting behavior.

When children see and feel that each of them is accepted and respected, they begin to feel comfortable and can behave freely and pursue their own interests.

Educators should be aware that children, like adults, feel and notice the sincerity with which they are treated. Praise children for the results of their work should be individual and sincere, the interaction should be natural and unconstrained.

Children are happy to accept and respond to humor and fun that is appropriate for their age. Adults should not be afraid that by laughing and joking with children, they may lose control of the order in the group. On the contrary, the general fun only brings teachers closer to the children, and the atmosphere of cooperation in the group is strengthened.

Appendix 1.

Forms of educational activity

(Examples of work forms)

Motor children's activity

☺ Mobile games with rules

☺ Movable didactic games

☺ Game exercises, game situations

☺ Competitions, leisure

☺ Rhythm, aerobics, children's fitness

☺ Sports games and exercises.

☺ Attractions

☺ Sports holidays

☺ Gymnastics (morning and awakening)

☺ Sailing organization

Play children's activity

Story games, games with rules

☺ Creating a game situation (according to regime moments using the works of writers)

☺ Voice-over games

☺ Finger games

☺ Theatrical games

Productive children's activities

☺ Product manufacturing workshop children's creativity

☺ Project implementation

☺ Children's design

☺ Experimental activities

☺ Exhibitions, mini museums

Reading children's fiction

☺ Reading, discussion

☺ Learning, storytelling

☺ Conversation

☺ Theatrical activities

☺ Independent artistic speech activity

☺ Quiz, KVN

☺ Questions and Answers

☺ Book presentations

☺ Exhibitions in book corner

☺ Literary holidays, leisure.

Informative - research activities

☺ Observation, excursion

☺ Solution problem situations

☺ Experimentation, research

☺ Collecting

☺ Simulation

☺ Project implementation

Mind games(puzzles, quizzes, joke tasks, rebuses, crossword puzzles, charades)

☺ Construction

☺ Hobbies

Communicative children's activities

☺ Conversation, situational conversation

☺ Speech situation

☺ Making and guessing riddles

☺ Games and game situations (plot, with rules, theatrical)

☺ Etudes and performances

☺ Logarithmics

Labor children's activity

☺ Duty, assignments, assignments

☺ Self service

☺ Joint action


  1. Classic activity

(gradually you need to move away from it)

According to the old classical form, but according to a new structure: explanation, task completion by children. Lesson results.

2. Comprehensive (combined lesson), integrated

The use of different types of activities in one lesson: art, music, fine arts, mathematics, design, manual labor(in various combinations).

3. Thematic lesson

It can be complex, but subject to one topic, for example, “Spring”, “What is good”, “our toys”, etc.

4. Final or control lesson

The results of mastering the program by children for a certain period of time (half year, quarter, academic year).

5. Excursion

To the library, atelier, post office, field, construction site, school, etc.

6. Collective creative work

Collective drawing, collective application: we are building a street of our city.

7. Occupation-work

Planting onions, plant cuttings, planting seeds, etc.

8. Activity-game

"Toy store", "Let's arrange a room for the doll." Option: Lesson-auction - whoever tells more about the item, he buys it.

9. Occupation-creativity

Workshop of the artist, craftsmen, storyteller, "Workshop of good deeds" (crafts made from waste, natural material, paper using TRIZ elements).

10. Lesson-gatherings

On the basis of folklore material, against the background of labor activity, children sing, make riddles, tell fairy tales, dance.

11. Lesson-fairy tale

The whole lesson is based on the plot of one fairy tale, using music, fine arts, and dramatization.

12. Occupation press conference

Children ask questions to the "astronaut", "traveler", "hero of a fairy tale" and he answers the questions, then "Journalists" draw and write down what interested them.

13. Lesson-landing

Urgent care. Example. We go from the opposite: in drawing we ask children about what they do not succeed or do poorly. Today we will draw it, those who are good at it will help us. Option: a joint lesson for children of the eldest and junior group(co-creation). The older ones, for example, make the background, the younger ones draw what they can.

14. Commented learning session

For example, the whole group of children is given a task - the formation of the number "7". One of the children says aloud how he makes up a given number, the rest silently perform, if the speaker made a mistake, a discussion begins. Options: the teacher draws on the board, the children comment on the image, make up a story, or the teacher draws what the children are talking about.

15. Activity-travel

The goal is to develop the monologue speech of children. One of the children is a "tour guide", the rest of the children ask questions. Options: a journey through fairy tales, native country, city, republic, to the "Country of Merry Mathematicians", according to the "Red Book".

16. Lesson-discovery

(problematic activity)

The teacher offers the children a problem situation, the children solve it together, make a discovery. Example: “What happens if paper disappears?”, “Why study?” Option: "The investigation is conducted by experts."

17. Lesson-experiment

For example, a child is given paper. He does not do everything he wants with - tears, crumples, wets, etc. Then he draws his own conclusion. Options: with ice, snow, magnet, air.

18. Classes-drawings-compositions

The teacher draws, the children make up stories. Children make up stories based on their drawings. Children "write" a letter-drawing about an event in kindergarten.

19. Lesson-competition

Like: "What, where, when?" Competition of visionaries, poems, fairy tales.

Children are divided into teams, issues are discussed together, the captain speaks, children complement.

Options: "Neznaikin Bridge". Various questions are asked, for the correct answer the team receives a “log” to build a bridge to the opposite team. For an incorrect answer, the "log" sinks to the bottom of the river. The winner is the one who quickly builds a bridge across the river, i.e. more correct answers.

20. Group lessons (option of the competition)

Children are organized into groups. For example, for 4 seasons. They prepare for the lesson in secret. At the lesson, they tell, “protect” their season, draw, tell invented stories. The winner is the one who has the most interesting performance-defense of his season (books, toys, etc.).

21. "Game school"

The school of cosmonauts (athletes), the school of forest dwellers (animals), the school of the young driver and pedestrian. They talk about themselves, sing, dance, pantomime, etc.

And many others that you can think of yourself...

Appendix 2

Full analysis of NOD.

GCD is built taking into account the activity approach, and a single technology for building classes is a problematic dialogue.


  1. Introduction to the game situation (or organizational moment).
  2. Motivation.

Formation of ideas about upcoming activities. (The game situation should be directly related to the topic of the lesson: what children need to be taught). The main task at this stage is the formation of interest among pupils in the content of the GCD, the direction of the attention of children, the disclosure of the educational task. Formation of skills to listen and be guided by the instructions of an adult.

3. Statement of the problem.

Difficulty in a game situation. This stage allows the teacher to introduce children to the features and objectives of the upcoming activity, or to create a problem situation that needs to be resolved.

Finding a way out of a difficult situation.


4. Actualization of knowledge.

The tasks of this stage: actualization of existing knowledge, ideas. Creating a situation in which there is a need to obtain new ideas and skills. The activity of the teacher: with the help of leading, problematic questions, storytelling, explanation, organization of search activities, lead the children to reproduce the information necessary to successfully resolve the problem situation, or to learn something new.

5. "Discovery" by children of new knowledge, a way of action.

At this stage, the educator, using the lead-in dialogue, organizes the construction of new knowledge, which is clearly fixed by him together with the children in speech.
5. Independent application of the new in practice.Or actualization of already existing knowledge, ideas, (performance of work).

The task of this stage: mastering the methods of action, applying the acquired (already existing) skills, ideas. The activity of the teacher is to organize practical activities, provide the necessary assistance, organize interaction in achieving results.
Inclusion of new knowledge in the child's knowledge system and repetition. At this stage, the educator offers games in which new knowledge is used in conjunction with previously learned ones. It is also possible to include additional tasks to the GIM mental operations and activity abilities, as well as tasks of a developing type, aimed at advancing the preparation of children for subsequent classes.

6. The result of the lesson. Systematization of knowledge.

Summing up GCD with different points vision: the quality of assimilation of new knowledge, the quality of the work performed, the generalization of the experience gained by the child. In conclusion, the educator, together with the children, fixes new knowledge in oral speech and organizes the comprehension of their activities in the classroom with the help of questions: “Where were you?”, “What did you do?”, “What did you learn?”, “Whom did you help?”. The educator notes: "We were able to help because we learned ..., learned ...".
7. Reflection. Formation of elementary skills of self-control,. self-assessment (for younger age- mood reflection emotional state, for the senior - a reflection of the activity, or the content of the educational material).

How to show your children respect

  • Always call children by their first names.
  • Talk individually to each child as often as possible.
  • When talking, be on the same level with the child: squat down or sit on a low chair.
  • Listen to what your child tells you and respond to him.
  • If you have promised the children that you will do something for them later, be sure to do so.
  • Express sincere admiration for the results of the children's work.
  • Give children the opportunity to tell others about their work and their interests.
  • Use the children's ideas and suggestions and thank them for their help.

Tips for educators on organizing GCD:

  • Do not rush to answer, do for the children, correct.
  • Give children the opportunity to assume, speculate, bring their thoughts to their logical conclusion, do not rush to give out a ready-made answer yourself.
  • Lead children to conclusions, generalizations.
  • Notice the contradictions between the children's answers and your conclusion.
  • Do not forget about ensuring the subjective activity of children.
  • Conduct games, exercises, use tasks that primarily affect the development of children.
  • Provide a change of activities in order to maximally captivate, interest, and keep the attention of children.
  • More often turn to children with a request - to clarify what was said (pretending that it is important, but not yet clear), to explain in a different way.
  • After the children completed the tasks, talk with the children about how the result was achieved, who succeeded and why.

Publication date: 08/24/17

"Organization of direct educational activities (NOD)

in accordance with GEF DO".

“To make a serious occupation entertaining for a child is the task of initial education”

K.D. Ushinsky .


Organized educational activities

according to GEF DO

The "Law on Education" provided teaching staff with the opportunity to choose educational programs. But no matter what program you choose Kindergarten, the content of preschool education should be aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • maintaining the health of the child;
  • development of basic personality traits;
  • building an educational process based on the game as the main activity of a preschooler.

At the heart of performance work of preschool educational institution lies the constant improvement of the educational process, which affects the results of the work of the preschool educational institution

The main feature of the organization of GCD in preschool educational institutions on present stage:

  • avoiding learning activities(classes),
  • raising the status of the game as the main activity of preschool children;
  • inclusion in the process effective forms work with children: ICT, project activities, game, problem-learning situations within the framework of the integration of educational areas.

The most important condition for the development of a preschooler is the skillful inclusion of it in direct educational activities (GCD), which is based on adequate forms of work with children and an individual approach

GCD is the main form of education in kindergarten.

GCD - this is the leading form of organizing joint activities of an adult and children, which is determined by the level of mastering the general educational program of preschool education and solving specific educational problems by the age of children, the immediate environment of the educational institution, the current topic, etc. But the learning process remains. Teachers continue to "engage" with children.

Meanwhile, it is necessary to understand the difference between the "old" training and the "new".

The GEF DO is based on the most important didactic principle - proper organized learning leads to development, the result of which is the success of the upbringing and education of children in a preschool educational institution. GCD - combines the learning function and joint activities. The standardization of preschool education does not provide for the presentation of strict requirements for preschool children, does not consider them in a rigid "standard" framework.

Criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Creation of conditions for the preservation and promotion of children's health;

Compliance with the goals and objectives of the educational activities of the Federal

the program and the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution;

Implementation of a set of tasks: teaching, developing, educational;

Integration of educational areas.

Integration of directions of development and education of children

(Educational Areas) GEF

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

cognitive development

Physical development


1 Combined GCD - a combination of different types of activities or several didactic tasks that do not have logical connections with each other (after drawing there is an outdoor game).

2 Comprehensive GCD - implementation of tasks by means of different types of activities with associative links between them. At the same time, one type of activity dominates, and the second complements it, creates an emotional mood. (talk about rules) fire safety goes into drawing a poster on the topic).

3 Integrated GCD - combine knowledge from different educational areas on an equal basis, complementing each other (consideration of such a concept as “mood” through works of music, literature, painting).

GCD preparation includes following components :

Integration of all 5 educational areas (combining knowledge from different educational areas equally legal basis, complementing each other)

- Compliance and well thought out the structure of the GCD to the tasks, the storyline of the GCD (a chain of logical sequence and the interconnection of stages, the transition from one part to another)

The expediency of time allocation; alternation of intellectual and physical activity, differentiated approach and task variability

Preparation of material and equipment; PRS to GCD (age appropriateness, aesthetics, safety, rational o e placement, etc.).

Target component (trinity of tasks - a clear definition of training, educational and developmental tasks, taking into account the integration of the OO)

Learning task : enhance the development of the child.

Educational : to form the moral qualities of the individual, attitudes and beliefs.

Developing: during training, to develop in pupils cognitive interest, creativity, will, emotions, cognitive abilities - speech, memory, attention, imagination, perception.

Goals of the GCD

Target this is an image of the desired result (intention, desire, aspiration, dreams, social order, etc.), which orients the activity of the teacher to the choice of means and the creation of conditions necessary and sufficient for them


Requirements when setting goals :

The main basis for setting GCD goals should be the analysis of existing needs and problems at this stage of the program implementation, on the one hand, and the analysis of opportunities, means, resources (including temporary), on the other.

Goals should be relevant, responding to the most significant problems; tense, but real (in the child's zone of proximal development).

Goals should be formulated so specifically that it can be clearly determined whether they have been achieved.

Goals should be motivating, stimulating in nature and correspond to the main DOW values.

The goals should be known to all participants in the activity, understandable and consciously accepted by them.

GCD methodology

Implementation of children's activities

They have the following components:

Children's ability to accept a cognitive task

Preschool activity

Readiness of preschoolers for problem situations

Assimilation of program material by children

Use of various forms of organization of children

Form of organization of training It is a way of organizing training, which is carried out in a certain order and mode.

Forms are different : according to the number of participants, methods of activity, nature of interaction between them, venue.

-Individual (with one child)

-Subgroup (individual collective)

-Frontal (general group)

The choice of the number of children depends on: age and individual features children; type of activity; children's interest in this activity; the complexity of the material.

Need to remember : Every child should receive the same starting opportunities for schooling

Method as a way to achieve the goal

"Method" - the way to something, the way to achieve the goal. , i.e., a set of techniques and operations used to achieve the goal.

Teaching methods in didactics are understood as ways of joint activity of the teacher and students in the learning process, with the help of which the fulfillment of the intended tasks is achieved. Each method consists of certain techniques, which is aimed at solving a narrower learning problem. (Practical, visual, verbal, game, etc.)

Choosing a teaching method depends on the purpose and content of the GCD. All methods are used together, in various combinations with each other, and not in isolation.

"Reception" - it is an element of this or that method, particular in relation to the general.

Motivation in the formation of NOD

MOTIVATION - a set of motives, motives that determine the content, direction and nature of the activity.

The choice of motivation depends on: from tasks and goals, taking into account age.

The main motive for the participation / non-participation of the child in educational process

– presence/lack of interest

Types of motivation (Motivation of communication, personal interest, problem-household, fabulous, cognitive, informational (after 6 years), semantic (denoting) 6-7 years, success (5-7 years), competitive (6-7 years)

Principles of motivation :

You can not impose your vision on solving a problem on a child.

Be sure to ask your child for permission to engage in a common activity with him.

Be sure to praise the child's actions for the result.

Acting together with the child, you introduce him to your plans, ways to achieve them.

By following these rules, you give children new knowledge, teach them certain skills, and form the necessary skills.

Requirements for the organization of the NOD

Sanitary hygiene requirements.

didactic requirements.

organizational requirements.

The form of communication between the teacher and children during the GCD:

These are partnerships:

Adult - partner, next to the children (together), in a circle

Children allowed

Allowed free movement of children in the course of activities

Allowed free communication of children (working hum)

(At different stages of the GCD, the partner position of the educator manifests itself in a special way)

Features of the organization of GCD :

  • organization of educational activities without coercion;
  • non-violent forms of organization;
  • the developing nature of teaching preschoolers;
  • sensual way of knowing the world;
  • the presence of subject relations of the teacher and

children (cooperation, partnership)

  • game goal or other interesting for children;
  • reliance on the experience and knowledge of children;
  • the predominance of the dialogue of the educator with the children;
  • giving children the opportunity to choose activities and

organization of problematic search activities;

  • more free, in contrast to the occupation, the structure of OD;
  • creating situations of success;
  • development of creativity, independence, initiative of children
  • active participation of the junior teacher.


The main goal of educational educational work is the implementation of the requirements of the program of education and training.

The main task is to equip children with knowledge, skills and abilities.

And this can be achieved in the process proper organization OD, which implies the activity of children, business interaction and communication, the accumulation by children of certain information about the world around them, the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The success and effectiveness of educational work depends on the teacher. GCD of an integrated nature contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world, since an object or phenomenon is considered from several sides: theoretical, practical, applied. The transition from one type of activity to another allows you to involve each child in an active process; contribute to the formation of collective relationships; as a result, a children-adult community is formed.

Thus, a properly organized GCD is:

  • Motivation.
  • Subject-subject, cooperation.
  • Integration.
  • Project activity.
  • Partnership.
  • An integrated approach to learning.
  • Self-search activity.
  • Variety of activities.
  • Joint activity of the educator and the child.
  • Interaction with families of children.
  • Taking into account the interests of children.
  • Emotional richness, interest in what children are doing

Literature :
1. Vasyukova N E Systems approach to planning pedagogical activity as a condition for the integration of the content of preschool education // Theory and methodology of continuous vocational education. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference - Togliatti TSU, 2002 - Volume 1,
2. Vasyukova N E, Chekhonina OI Integration of the content of education through the planning of pedagogical activity // Kindergarten from A to Z -2004 - No. 6 (12)
3. Vershinina N.B., Sukhanova T.I. Modern approaches to the planning of educational work in kindergarten. Reference-methodical materials. - Publishing house "Teacher", 2010
4. Vasil'eva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kibitina I.I. Senior kindergarten teacher. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.
5. Vorobieva T.K. Preschool work planning educational institution. - M .: "Ansel-M", 1997. .
6. Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation"
7. Implementation of the complex-thematic principle of organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution ( guidelines). Yekaterinburg, 2011.

Annex 2

Consultation for educators

"Organization of direct educational activities (NOD)

in accordance with GEF DO".

Head of JV "Golyanovskoye"

Zhavoronkova V.A.

H directly educational activities implemented throughorganization of various types of children's activities (playing, motor, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, etc.) or their integration using a variety of forms and methods of work, the choice of which is carried out by teachers independently, depending on the contingent of children, the level of development of the general educational program of preschool education and the solution of specific educational problems.

According to the theory of L.S. Vygotsky and his followers, the processes of upbringing and education do not directly develop the child by themselves, but only when they have activity forms and have the appropriate content.

The GEF contains an indication of what types of activities can be considered acceptable forms of practice for a preschool child:

At an early age (1 year - 3 years) - subject activity and games with composite and dynamic toys; experimentation with materials and substances(sand, water, dough, etc.), communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult, self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.), perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poetry, looking at pictures, physical activity;

For preschool children (3 years - 7 years) - a range of activities such as game, including role-playing game, a game with rules and other types of games, communicative(communication and interaction with adults and peers), cognitive research(research of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them), as well as perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and elementary household work(indoor and outdoor) construction from different materials, including construction kits, modules, paper, natural and other materials, visual (drawing, modeling, appliqué), musical(perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) and motor(mastery of basic movements) forms of activity of the child.

The scheme for the development of any type of activity is as follows: first, it is carried out in a joint activity with an adult, then in a joint activity with peers and becomes amateur activity.

The essential signs of joint activities of adults and children are distinguished - the presence of a partner position of an adult and a partner form of organization(cooperation between an adult and children, the possibility of free accommodation, movement and communication of children).

An essential feature of the partner activity of an adult with children is its openness towards free independent activity of the preschoolers themselves. At the same time, the partner activity of an adult is open to design in accordance with their interests (children).

The teacher, based on the interests and play of children, offers them activities that stimulate their cognitive activity.

By providing children with direct contact with people, materials and real life experiences, the educator encourages intellectual development child.

Thematic game centers give children the opportunity to independently choose materials and, accordingly, the field of knowledge. Various themes, large-scale tasks (projects) should also take into account the interests of children can be associated with certain centers. The interior of the group be organized in such a way that children are provided with a sufficiently wide choice of centers and materials.

In a child-friendly environment, children:

Make a choice;

Actively play;

Use materials that have more than one use;

They all work together and take care of each other;

They are responsible for their actions.

There must be mutual respect between teachers and children. Respect is a necessary element in the community that is the kindergarten group. Educators set an example of mutual understanding, respect and care for each other, which they expect from children. The degree of respect that children feel from other people is a key factor in their development of self-esteem. And self-respect, in turn, lays a solid foundation for positive relationships with other children.

When educators show respect for each child in a group, children learn to accept all other children - those who run slowly, those who draw well, and even children with unusual or conflicting behavior.

When children see and feel that each of them is accepted and respected, they begin to feel comfortable and can behave freely and pursue their own interests.

Educators should be aware that children, like adults, feel and notice the sincerity with which they are treated. Praise children for the results of their work should be individual and sincere, the interaction should be natural and unconstrained.

Children are happy to accept and respond to humor and fun that is appropriate for their age. Adults should not be afraid that by laughing and joking with children, they may lose control of the order in the group. On the contrary, the general fun only brings teachers closer to the children, and the atmosphere of cooperation in the group is strengthened.

Features of the organization of directly educational activities in the form of joint partnership activities of an adult and children

The organization of directly educational activity in the form of joint partner activity of an adult with children is associated with a significant restructuring of the educator's behavior style.

The partner position of the educator implies the adoption of a democratic style of relations, and not an authoritarian one, associated with a teacher's position.

The easiest way to understand what it means to be a partner of children is to compare these two positions.

Comparative characteristics of partner and teacher positions

Characterized objects

Affiliate form

School uniform


A partner is always an equal participant in the business and as such is connected with others by mutual respect.

The teacher is the leader, the regulator; he is not directly involved in the activity, but gives the task (explains) and controls

The position of the adult in the space of the group

Adult - partner, next to the children (together), in a single space (for example, sitting in a circle with children at a common table)

The position of an adult is dynamic (he can change his job if he sees that someone especially needs him); while all the children are in the field of view of the teacher (and each other).

An adult is a teacher, distant from children, outside the circle, opposes children, above them

(for example, at the desk as in a school lesson)

The position of an adult is either stable (standing at the blackboard, sitting at a desk), or he moves to control and evaluate (“walks around” the children, controls, evaluates, hanging “above” the child).

Space organization

The maximum approximation to the situation of the "round table", inviting to equal participation in the work, discussion, research.

Placement at rows of tables, as at desks, looking at the back of the head of another child

Degree of freedom

Free placement of children and movement in the course of activities.

Free communication allowed (work hum)

Children can discuss work, ask each other questions, etc.

Rigid consolidation of jobs, a ban on movement.

Free communication of children is prohibited. Silence is a disciplinary requirement

"Frenchness" of the position of the educator

Promotes the development of a child's activity, independence, the ability to make a decision, try to do something without fear that it will turn out wrong, causes a desire to achieve, favors emotional comfort

It causes the child's passivity, the inability to make a decision on their own, emotional discomfort, fear of doing something wrong and aggression as the reverse side of fear, as a discharge of accumulated tension.

The organization of directly educational activities in a partnership form requires an adult style of behavior, which can be expressed by the motto:

“We are included in the activity, not bound by binding relationships, but only by desire and mutual agreement: we all want to do this.”

At different stages of directly educational activity, the partner position of the educator manifests itself in a special way.

The manifestation of the partner position of the educator at different stages of directly educational activities

Stages of directly educational activities

Characteristics of actions


Initial stage of activity

The educator invites to activities - optional, relaxed: “Let's today ... Whoever wants, make yourself comfortable ...” (or: “I will ... Whoever wants, join ...”.

Having outlined a task for joint implementation, the educator, as an equal participant, suggests possible ways to implement it.


During the activity process

The educator gradually sets the developing content (new knowledge, methods of activity, etc.); offers his idea or his result for children's criticism; shows interest in the outcome of children; is included in the mutual assessment and interpretation of the actions of the participants; enhances the child's interest in the work of a peer, encourages meaningful treatment, provokes mutual assessments, discussion of emerging problems.


The final stage activities

Each child works at his own pace and decides for himself whether or not he has completed his research or work. "Open end" activities

Thus, the essential characteristics of the organization of directly educational activities in the form of partner activities of an adult with children are:

  1. inclusion of an adult in activities on an equal basis with children;

  2. voluntary accession of children to activities (without psychological and disciplinary coercion);

  3. free communication and movement of children during directly educational activities (with appropriate organization of space);

  4. open time end of directly educational activities (everyone works at their own pace)

At the very beginning of such an organization of directly educational activities with children, it is necessary to immediately agree on general rules group behavior: “If you don’t want to do this with us today (now), go about your business slowly, but don’t interfere with others.”

If the educator correctly selects the content for entertaining activities with preschoolers, corresponding to their interests, and is emotionally attuned to the proposed activity, the problem of children joining it simply does not arise.

When the teacher becomes a partner of the child, and therefore an equal participant in the common work, as a result, the following changes:

- the style of adult behavior (from administrative-regulatory to relaxed-confiding);

- the workspace on which it is deployed teamwork(from a separate seat at the "teacher's" table to a seat at the common table next to the children);

- the attitude of the teacher to the performance of common work: from general guidance to participation in the performance of a certain part of the work, etc.

When organizing directly educational activities in the form of joint partnership activities, the situation of children also changes.

1. Children can decide for themselves whether or not to participate in common work. But this is not the introduction of permissiveness and anarchy. The child has a choice - to participate in this work or to organize something else, to do something else. It is the freedom to choose between activities and their content, and not between activities and doing nothing.

2. The order and organization of joint activities are being developed: the free placement of children at a common table, their communication with other children in the course of work and movement as necessary. In the course of work, children can contact the teacher, approach him, discuss with him questions of interest to them related to the performance of work, receive the necessary help, advice, etc.

3. Children can work at different paces. Each child can determine the amount of work for himself: what he will do, but he will do it well and bring the work he has started to the end. Children who have finished work earlier can do what interests them. In the event that the child did not cope with the work, he can continue it in the following days.

What an adult offers to do to a child must be necessary and interesting. The meaningfulness for the child of the activities proposed by adults is the main guarantee of the developmental effect.

Direct motivation in preschool age is much stronger than the broad social motives of behavior. Hence the main principle educational work with preschoolers (not to mention children early age) it should be interest principle child.

In preschool age, direct motivation is determined primarily by the need for new experiences .

The need for new experiences - this is the basic need of the child, which arises in infancy and is the driving force behind its development. At the next stages of development, this need is transformed in the need for knowledge various levels.

The organization of directly educational activity in the form of unconstrained partner activity of an adult with children does not mean chaos and arbitrariness either on the part of the educator or on the part of the children. This form of activity (as well as traditional training sessions) is introduced into the daily and weekly schedule of the kindergarten. For the educator, these are mandatory and planned actions.

Children are included in directly educational activities out of interest in the suggestions of the educator, out of the desire to be with their peers. Gradually, they become accustomed to the daily and weekly rhythm of "working" activities. Interest in the upcoming activity is supported by the logic of this type of activity in a certain time period, which is ensured by the implementation of the principle of events.

Children who did not take part in joint activities (within the framework of directly educational) are oriented towards productive independent activity. The results of joint and independent activities are necessarily discussed and evaluated.

The results of productive independent activities, just like joint ones, must be brought to the state of exhibition work.

At the same time, when solving the problems of developing the independence of children, the products of independent activity must be evaluated more often and higher than the products of joint activity, paying the attention of adults - “Look, the child did it himself!”.

Such an organization of the educational process will contribute to the gradual formation of children's ideas about life in a kindergarten group, where time is allotted for business, and an hour for fun.

Exemplary forms of organization of directly educational activities

Children's activity

Examples of work forms


*Mobile games with rules *Mobile didactic games *Game exercises *Competitions *Game situations *Leisure *Rhythm *Aerobics, children's fitness *Sports games and exercises *Amusement rides *Sports holidays *Gymnastics (morning and awakening) *Organization of swimming


* Story games * Games with rules * Creation of a game situation according to regime moments, using a literary work * Games with speech accompaniment * Finger games * Theatrical games


and design

*Workshop for the production of products of children's creativity *Implementation of projects *Creation of a creative group *Children's design *Experimental activities *Exhibitions *Mini-museums

Perception of fiction and folklore

* Reading * Discussion * Memorization, storytelling * Conversation * Theatrical activity * Independent artistic speech activity * Quiz * KVN * Questions and answers * Presentation of books * Exhibitions in the book corner * Literary holidays, leisure

Cognitive research

*Observation *Excursion *Solving problem situations *Experimentation *Collecting *Modeling *Research *Project implementation *Games (plot, with rules) *Intellectual games (puzzles, quizzes, joke tasks, rebuses, crossword puzzles, charades) *Mini-museums * Construction *Hobbies


*Conversation. Situational conversation * speech situation * Composing and guessing riddles * Games (plot, with rules, theatrical) * Game situations * Etudes and performances * Logo rhythm

Self-service and elementary household work

*Duty duty *Assignments *Tasks *Self-service *Joint activities *Excursion *Project implementation


*Listening *Improvisation *Performance *Experimentation *Outdoor games (with musical accompaniment) *Musical and didactic games

Relying on the need for self-affirmation and recognition from adults, which is characteristic of older preschoolers, the educator provides conditions for the development of children's independence, initiative, creativity. He constantly creates situations that encourage children to actively apply their knowledge and skills, puts before them more and more challenging tasks, develops the will, supports the desire to overcome difficulties, bring the work begun to the end, aims at finding new, creative solutions.

The teacher adheres to the following rules. It is not necessary at the first difficulties to rush to the aid of the child, it is more useful to encourage him to make an independent decision; if you can’t do without help, at first this help should be minimal: it’s better to give advice, ask leading questions, activate the child’s existing past experience. It is always necessary to provide children with the opportunity to solve problems independently, to aim them at finding several options for solving one problem, to support children's initiative and creativity, to show children the growth of their achievements, to arouse in them a sense of joy and pride from successful independent, initiative actions.

The development of independence is facilitated by the development of universal skills by children: set a goal (or accept it from the teacher), think about the way to achieve it, implement your plan, evaluate the result from the position of the goal. The task of developing these skills is set by the educator in various activities. At the same time, the educator uses tools that help preschoolers to systematically and independently implement their plan: reference diagrams, visual models, step-by-step maps.

The teacher carefully monitors the development of the independence of each child, makes adjustments to the tactics of his individual approach and gives appropriate advice to parents.

The highest form of independence of children is creation.The task of the educator is to develop interest in creativity. This is facilitated by verbal creativity and the creation of creative situations in gaming, theatrical, artistic and visual activities, in manual labor.

All these are mandatory elements of the lifestyle of older preschoolers in kindergarten. It is in exciting creative activity that the preschooler faces the problem of independently determining the idea, methods and forms of its implementation.

Older preschoolers are happy to respond to the offer to put on a play based on familiar fairy tales, prepare a concert for kids, or come up with and write down stories they invented in a “magic book”, and then design a cover and draw illustrations. Such homemade books become the subject of love and pride of children. Together with the teacher, they reread their essays, discuss them, and come up with new continuations of stories.

In the seventh year of life opportunities for the development of independent cognitive activity are expanding. Children have access to a variety of ways of knowing: observation and self-observation, sensory examination of objects, logical operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification), simple measurements, experimentation with natural and man-made objects. The possibilities of memory are developing. Its volume, the arbitrariness of storing information increases.

To memorize, children consciously resort to repetition, the use of grouping, drawing up a simple basic plan that helps to recreate a sequence of events or actions, visual and figurative means.

The developing cognitive activity of older preschoolers is supported by the whole atmosphere of life in the kindergarten group.

An indispensable element of lifestyle in senior and preparatory groups is the participation of children

in problem solving,

In carrying out elementary experiments,

In organizing experimentation (with water, snow, air, sounds, light, magnets, magnifying glasses etc.),

In educational games, puzzles, in the manufacture of homemade toys, the simplest mechanisms and models.

The educator, by his example, encourages children to independently explore the answers to emerging questions: he draws attention to new, unusual features of the object, makes guesses, turns to children for help, aims at experimentation, reasoning, conjecture and their verification.

In the group, objects constantly appear that encourage preschoolers to display intellectual activity. It can be some kind of devices, broken toys that need to be fixed, encrypted records, "packages from space", etc.

Solving the riddles contained in such objects, children experience the joy of discovery and knowledge. “Why is this happening like this?”, “What happens if...”, “How can I change this so that...”, “What can we do it from?”, “Is it possible to find another solution?”, “How should we know about it?" - such questions are constantly present in the communication of the educator with older preschoolers.

The teacher especially emphasizes the role of the book as a source of new knowledge. He shows children how to get answers to the most interesting and difficult questions from a book. In "difficult" cases, the educator specifically refers to books, together with the children, finds solutions to problems in books. A well-illustrated book becomes a source of new interests for preschoolers and awakens in them the desire to master reading.

Basic educational unit pedagogical process in the younger age group is development situation, that is, such a form of joint activity of the teacher and children, which is planned and organized by the teacher in order to solve certain problems of development and education, taking into account age features and interests of children. Planning an evolving situation the educator needs to coordinate the content of different sections of the program, to achieve integration, the relationship of educational areas.

For example, the developing problem-game situation “What happened to the Masha doll?” is used not only for children to learn the experience of showing sympathy, help and ideas about health-saving behavior, but also for solving other problems:

  • enrichment of ideas about household items and their purpose: from which cup it is more convenient to drink a doll, which blanket or pillow to choose, which items to care for the patient need to pick up, etc. (educational area "Knowledge");

  • mastering the methods of comparing objects according to different criteria or grouping them: select only a small cup, saucer, spoon, plate for a doll from a common set of dishes; choose at the request of the doll only apples of a certain size and shape, etc. (educational area "Knowledge", "First Steps in Mathematics");

  • reflection emotional attitude to the recovering doll in musical game"Favorite doll" and in the modeling "We make a treat for Masha's doll" ( educational areas"Music", "Visual activity");

  • mastering ideas about domestic animals - the situation "Cat Vasily and kitten Pooh came to visit our Masha" (educational area "Knowledge");

  • development of children's speech, acquaintance with new literary works and illustrations: a recovering doll wants to hear a fairy tale or, having recovered from an illness, participates with the children in a speech or theatrical game (educational areas "Communication", "Reading fiction").
With this approach, a single educational content, repeating in different form better understood and mastered by children.

Effective use of story-thematic planning educational process. Topics are determined based on the interests of the children and the needs of enriching the children's experience, such as "Our kindergarten", "Our favorite toys", "Me and my friends", "Pets", "Mom, dad and I are a friendly family", and integrate content, methods and techniques from different sections of the program. A single theme is reflected in the planned developmental situations of children's practical, playful, visual activities, in music, in the observations and communication of the educator with the children.

In the case of working with young children in an educational institution, the educator must remember the mandatory motivation of the child for any kind of activity.

So, for example, in the conditions where children live New Year's events, it is appropriate to invite children to make (blind) a treat for guests who will come to meet New Year: for a cat - sausages, for bunnies - carrots, for mom, dad, grandmother - pies or gingerbread. Children are given the right to choose what to sculpt. Together with the children, they specify, and if necessary, then check (investigate) the methods of sculpting the listed products.

After the children have successfully mastered the modeling methods and showed each other how they do it, the teacher also determines what and for whom he will sculpt, and does it together with the children.

The products of the activity are laid out on plates, previously decorated by children using the application method and specially prepared, like festive dishes that were waiting in the wings and stood on the shelves of toy furniture. Next, the teacher with the children determines the storage location for the prepared treats (for example, a toy refrigerator), where everything moves.

All this is necessary in order to motivate children for upcoming activities every day.

What will be molded, what will be constructed, what will be decorated, and in what way, what at the beginning, what later the teacher determines for himself, depending on the age of the children and the tasks of development.

But you still need to think about decorating the room, outfits for mom, dolls and for yourself, learn poems, songs, prepare invitations, send letters, “buy” food .... How many interesting things are waiting for children in the days before the holidays! And how very naturally the problems of various educational fields are solved!


Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process require a revision of traditional technologies that are not effective in achieving the goal of social success of preschoolers at the next level of education.

On the this moment It is necessary to focus on the following principles of working with children:

Moving away from rigidly regulated school-type education;

Security motor activity children in various forms;

The use of diverse forms of organization of education, including various specific children's activities;

Ensuring the relationship of directly educational activities with the daily life of children, their independent activities (playing, artistic, constructive, etc.);

The use of cyclicity and project organization of the content of education;

Creation of a developing subject environment that functionally models the content of children's activities and initiates it;

Widespread use of methods that activate the thinking, imagination and search activity of children. Introduction to learning elements of problematics, tasks open type having different variants decisions;

Wide use of game techniques, toys; creation of emotionally significant situations for children;

Ensuring the child has the opportunity to focus on a peer partner, interact with him and learn from him (and not just from an adult);

Singling out as the leading dialogic form of communication between an adult and children, children among themselves in the educational process, which ensures the development of activity, initiative of the child, forms respect and trust in an adult;

Formation of a children's community that provides each child with a sense of comfort and success.