Monitoring the level of development of children under the childhood program. Analysis of monitoring the quality of mastering by children of the senior group of educational areas of the program "Childhood

  • The date: 12.09.2019

How to work on the program "Childhood"


Scientific and methodological manual

Complies with "Federal State Requirements

to the structure of the main general education program

preschool education"

St. Petersburg


BBC 74.100

Author's team: Ph.D., prof. T.I. Babaeva, Doctor of P.S., prof. A. G. Gogoberidze, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, prof. M.V. Krulecht, Ph.D., prof. ON THE. Notkina, Ph.D., prof.3. A. Mikhailova; PhD, Assoc. O. V. Akulova, PhD, Assoc. T. A. Berezina, Ph.D., Assoc. A. M. Verbenets, Ph.D., Assoc. T.G.Gusarova, Ph.D., Assoc. Gryadkina T. S., Ph.D., Assoc. V. A. Derkunskaya, Ph.D., Assoc. Ezopova S. A., Ph.D., Assoc. O. V. Solntseva, PhD, Assoc. O. N. Somkova, Ph.D., Assoc. M. N. Polyakova, x. n., Assoc. L.S. Rimashevskaya, Ph.D., ace. R. I. Yafizova, Art. teacher BUT. Nikonov; Ph.D., ace. L. V. Nemchenko; Ph.D., ace. O. V. Kireeva, T. A. Ivchenko, A. N. Kharchevnikova.

Scientific editor: Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor A. G. Gogoberidze. Reviewers: doctor of psychological sciences, professor T. A. Barysheva, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor I. E. Kulikovskaya, Babaeva T. I., Gogoberidze A. G., Mikhailova Z. A. and others.

M74 Monitoring in kindergarten. Scientific and methodological manual. - St. Petersburg: "IZ-

DATING DESTVO "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2010.- 592 p. + col. insert.

5ВN 978-5-89814-660-3

The methodological manual was prepared by the team of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Institute of Childhood of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen. For the first time, a toolkit for monitoring the quality of mastering the educational areas of the "Childhood" program by children is presented. The materials are prepared in accordance with the "Federal State Requirements for the Structure of the Basic General Education Program preschool education". The results of the monitoring will help educators implementing the Childhood program to determine the actual tasks of educating and educating each child, and organize pedagogical support.

The book will also be useful to teachers in organizing experimental work in kindergarten, teachers and students of preschool departments of universities, parents of preschool children.

BBC 74.100

© Babaeva T. I., Gogoberidze A. G.,

Mikhailova 3. A. et al., 2011 © Design. OOO PUBLISHING ]5BN 978-5-89814-660-3 CHILDHOOD PRESS*, 2011


The federal educational program of preschool education "Childhood" was created by a team of authors - teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen in 1990. In 2000, after ten years of testing in preschool institutions of the Russian Federation, the Childhood program was recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, received the status of a federal comprehensive program of preschool education (taking into account the peculiarities of the stage of preschool education, the absence of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the Childhood program is, in fact, , a document guaranteeing the quality of preschool education).

By 2008, the program "Childhood" has 3 editions and 5 reprints (total circulation of more than 25,000 copies), which emphasizes its relevance in the education market.

The uniqueness of the program "Childhood" lies in the fact that for the first time in the history of domestic preschool education, the program was developed by the staff of the department of the educational university under the guidance of the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the department V.I. Loginova. This is the only pre-school education program in the country created by scientists preparing future teachers. Traditionally, all existing programs for kindergartens were developed by teams of authors of research institutes and centers.

The novelty of the program is determined by the fact that for the first time the approach to organizing the holistic development and upbringing of the child has been practically implemented. preschool age as a subject of children's activity and behavior. The authors provided for the organic entry of the child into modern world wide interaction of preschoolers with various spheres of culture: with fine arts and music, children's literature and their native language, ecology, mathematics, play and work. The motto of the program "Feel - Learn - Create" defines three interrelated lines of child development that permeate all sections of the program, giving it integrity and a single direction. A meaningful connection between different sections of the program allows the teacher to integrate educational content in solving educational problems, which makes it possible to develop the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child's personality in unity.

The program has been tested for many years, having established itself as a high-quality program and methodological product of the enriched development of preschoolers, providing a single process of socialization-individualization of the individual through the child's awareness of his needs, capabilities and abilities.

Today, the educational program "Childhood" is one of the widely demanded documents, in accordance with which preschool educational institutions of various types, types and categories operate in Russia. According to the Institute for Strategic Studies in Education of the Russian Academy of Education (2008), the Childhood program ranks second in the country in terms of popularity. About 50% of preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation work on it.

The ideas of the program are constantly updated and developed. The team of authors is developing innovative pedagogical technologies for the implementation of its content, taking into account the characteristics of modern preschoolers. The library of the "Childhood" program today consists of about 70 manuals, representing its scientific, methodological and methodological support.

At the present stage, the program "Childhood" is a single program and methodological complex, including: ^ a comprehensive program "Childhood" for children from 3 to 7 years old;

    methodological support of the program;

    methodological support for the process of preparing a teacher who is ready to implement the program "Childhood".

One of the most important tasks associated with the implementation of the "Childhood" program is the task of the teacher studying the possibilities and success of mastering the proposed content by the child, determining the prospects for the development of the preschooler.

In this regard, the development of scientific and pedagogical tools for monitoring the development and upbringing of a child in the educational process is a complex but extremely urgent problem that the authors of the program are trying to solve on the pages of this manual.

"Formulation of the results of monitoring the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "Childhood"

From the experience of Pankova M.V.,

senior educator

MBDOU d / s No. 17 "Salute", Belgorod

In accordance with the "Federal State Requirements for the Structure of the Basic General Education Program of Preschool Education" aboutone of the most important tasks associated with the implementation of an exemplarythe main general educational program of preschool education"Childhood" is the task of the teacher studying the possibilities and success of mastering the proposed content by the child, determining the prospects for the development of the preschooler.

In this regard, the authors of the program have developed scientific and pedagogical tools for monitoring the development and upbringing of a child in educational process, includedin the manual "Monitoring in children's garden."

It is noted that the key to effective design pedagogical process is that the teacher has information about the opportunities, interests and problems of each child.

Educational monitoringcan be defined as a system for organizing the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information about the activities of the pedagogical system, providing continuous monitoring of its state and forecasting development.

M monitoring involves:

· constant collection of information about the objects of control, that is, the performance of the tracking function;

· study of the object according to the same criteria in order to identify the dynamics of changes;

· compactness, minimality of measuring procedures and their inclusion in the pedagogical process.

The optimal mode of organization of the monitoring system is the inclusion of the primary (at the beginning school year), intermediate and final (at the end of the academic year) diagnostic measurements.

At the beginning of the school year (approximately during September), the main primary diagnosis: starting conditions (initial level of development) are identified, the child's achievements by this time are determined, as well as developmental problems, the solution of which requires the help of an educator. Based on this diagnosis, the educator, in collaboration with a psychologist and specialist teachers, formulates a diagnosis (that is, problem areas that interfere with personal development the child, as well as his achievements and individual manifestations that require pedagogical support are highlighted), the tasks of the work are determined and the educational route child for a year.

At the end of the school year (usually in May), the main final diagnostics are carried out, based on the results of which the degree of solution by the kindergarten staff of the tasks set is assessed and the prospects for further designing the pedagogical process are determined, taking into account new development tasks this child. The “ideal norm” for this diagnosis is a characteristic of development that already corresponds to the age of children (for senior group- a characteristic of the achievements of a child of 6 years).

In the period between primary and final, intermediate diagnostics are carried out. It can be carried out not with all the children of the group, but selectively - only with those who have significant developmental problems. As methods of pedagogical monitoring, both participant observation and simple test tasks children. The purpose of conducting intermediate pedagogical diagnostics is to assess the correctness of the educational strategy chosen for the child, to identify the dynamics of development. According to the results of this type of diagnostics, the educator, psychologist, specialist teachers, if necessary, can make adjustments to the pedagogical process.

Pedagogical diagnostics does not involve complex tools. At its core, this is an express diagnostic. Preferably, the method of systematic participant observation should be used. It is indispensable in determining the primary diagnosis and makes it possible to see the overall picture of the emotional and psychological climate in the group, to determine the level general development and learning by children certain types activities, to identify the characteristics of the behavior of each child.

The main diagnostics solves the problem of identifying the actual state of the diagnosed object, its specific features and development trends (development forecast). The main method for conducting this diagnosis is the method of participant observation, supplemented by a number of other methods.

On the basis of this diagnosis, educators, in collaboration with a psychologist and specialist teachers, formulate a diagnosis, determine work tasks, and design a child’s educational route for a year.

First stage - preliminary, presumptive diagnosis - requires the predominant use of the observation method. Observing children's behavior different types children's activities (play, communication with adults and peers, child labor and self-service, visual and constructive activity etc.) makes it possible to see the overall picture of the emotional and psychological climate in the group, to determine the specifics of development and the characteristics of the child's interaction with peers and adults.

The result of the first stage(which lasts about two weeks) will be a rough idea of ​​the educator about the characteristics of the child's development. To clarify and concretize this representation, the second stage of diagnostics is carried out.

Second phase - clarifying diagnosis - based on methods that complement observation: analysis of products of children's activities, conversations with children, surveys, questioning of teachers and parents, small experimental tasks and simple tests.

These methods are carried out selectively, and not with all the children of the group, and only if the observation did not make it possible to study the manifestation of any quality and evaluate it. The second stage takes one to two weeks.

Third stage - final diagnosis - consists not only in summarizing the data obtained as a result of preliminary and clarifying diagnoses, but also in their comparison, comparison. The process of analyzing the received data and drawing a certain conclusion from them is called their interpretation. The method of expert assessments is mainly used. At this stage, all teachers who interact with the children of the group get together and discuss the information obtained as a result of the diagnosis.

result joint discussion will be a completed diagnostic card, which reflects the color score for each diagnostic indicator for each child.

Such diagnostic cards were developed by us in full accordance with the content presented by the authors in the "Monitoring in Kindergarten" manual. We also used the experience of kindergarten teachers in Belgorod in filling out diagnostic cards developed in 2008-2009. They reflect the main components summarized by specialists based on the results of the diagnostics.

This takes into account the possibility of a deeper examination of children who are accompanied by PMPk preschool educational institutions, pupils who rarely attend preschool institutions, etc. The protocols of such an individual survey are presented by the authors of the "Monitoring in Kindergarten" manual and do not require additional revision. But we propose to record the generalized materials on pupils of certain age groups in the tables developed by us. (Appendix No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4)

The color that reflects the level of manifestation of the studied indicator can be chosen arbitrarily, we suggest choosing the following colors:

"red" - the indicator appears brightly, this is the achievement of the child;

"green" - the indicator is unstable, unstable, the child needs support in this manifestation;

"blue" - the indicator almost does not appear, the child needs help in this direction.

The horizontal cells of the diagnostic map help to "see" the general situation of the development of a particular child. Vertical cells reflect the picture of the group as a whole.

Based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics, the design of the pedagogical process is carried out.

Filling in the tables reflecting the degree of development of educational areas by children (the corresponding sections of the program "Childhood") will ultimately allow, in a collegiate discussion by all teachers interacting with children in this group, to determine the formation of integrative qualities in preschoolers in accordance with the criteria defined by the program " Childhood" for each age group. (Appendix No. 5)

So, if no significant problems are identified, the emphasis in the project is on the directions characteristic of this age stage. Provided pedagogical means and ways to preserve, support and develop the individuality of the child. If problems are observed in the development of the child, it is advisable to concentrate efforts on solving those aspects of development where problems are more pronounced or these problems significantly affect the development of the child.

The diagnostic map also reflects the general picture of the development of the children of the group; the most problematic areas can be identified by vertical cells, which requires the setting of educational tasks for a subgroup or the entire group of children.

Thus, pedagogical diagnostics is the basis for building educational work with kids.

Let us dwell in more detail on the technology of filling in these cards.

The most peculiar is the filling of tables based on the results of a survey of the physical development of children. If a kindergarten instructor works physical culture, then during this diagnostic, it simultaneously records the test result physical qualities preschoolers (based on their performance of control exercises offered to children in a playful or competitive form) and at the same time evaluates the quality of the performance of these tasks (in this case, the assessment of the results is recorded according to a five-point system set out by the authors of "Monitoring in Kindergarten"). The interpretation of these results is entered in 2 different tables. At the same time, the results are correlated with the table "Age and sex indicators of the development of motor qualities of preschool children." Their level is defined as: the norm - "medium", above the norm - "high", below the norm - "low".

The final assessment of the quality of performance is defined as the arithmetic mean and correlated accordingly:

up to 2.5 - as "low level"

from 2.5 to 4.5 - as " middle level»,

above 4.5 - as " high level».

The results tables take into account the possibility of fixing the dynamics of results by the end of the year, if their correlation with the level does not change, and the indicators themselves have changed for better or for worse. This can be fixed in a special column with any convenient designation (for example, "+", "-" or "^", "v"). At the same time, we considered it necessary to take into account the somatic "physical culture group" of children (basic, preparatory, special).

Forming quality assessment tables, we developed 2 options - a more detailed one to determine the further work of teachers and a generalized one - to be included in the final materials (for a senior educator)

Based on the results of filling in the diagnostic cards, a collectively filled indiagnostic map for monitoring the developmental qualities of children of each age group. Intermediate criteria for each age group are correlated with the descriptions of integrative qualities presented at the end of the description of each age period(age group). Final - with those described in the manual "Monitoring in kindergarten". We propose to evaluate integrative qualities according to the principle “formed”, “not formed”.

To summarize the materials on the kindergarten, the senior teacher developed a summary table (Appendix No. 6), which allows us to track the multidimensionality and complexity of the diagnostics and monitoring carried out in general.

Approbation of filling in the data of diagnostic cards in 9 kindergartens of the city of Belgorod showed the possibility of their further use.

We present the following tables:


1. Childhood: exemplarythe main general educational program of preschool education / T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, Z.A. Mikhailova and others - St. Petersburg: OOO "PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2011.- 528 P.

2. monitoring in kindergarten. Scientific and methodological manual. - St. Petersburg: "PUBLISHER" CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2010, - 592 p.

Irina Tselykovskaya
Analysis of monitoring the quality of mastering by children of the senior group of educational areas of the program "Childhood"

At the beginning of the 2013-2014 academic year, monitoring progress of children in accordance with the "Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education». Different educational areas were analyzed, during which revealed:

1. "Reading Fiction"

77% of children show a high level of reading interest, 23% - an average level. Perception and interpretation artwork 54% of children learned at a high level, 46% are children with an average level of assimilation programs. 54% of children can reflect literary experience in their activities, at an average level - 46%.

At the beginning of the year for this areas:

65% - high level

35% - average level

2. "Communication" (senior preschool age)

42% of children have high level: freely express their thoughts, have a wide vocabulary, grammatically correct sentences, speak coherent speech.

39% of children mastered this area at an average level: have sufficient vocabulary, can correctly compose descriptive stories.

19% - have a low level: the vocabulary is not rich enough, there are grammatical inconsistencies in the speech, it is difficult to express their thoughts.

3. "Knowledge"

Section "Development of horizons and cognitive research activities in nature"

50% have a high level: rather broad ecological ideas, cognitive-speech and practical skills are fully age-appropriate. 31% - average level of mastery programs, 19% - low.

Chapter “Development of sensory culture. Development of mathematical representations»

38% are able to establish causal relationships, have mastered practical actions at a high level, 47% - medium level, 15% - low.

4. "Work", sections: "Object world", "The work of adults", "I myself!"

42% of children master the objective world, master social competence (adult labor) and independent labor processes at a high level. 35% - showed an average level, 23% - low.

5. "Socialization"

Development of gaming activities

46% of children actively participate in role-playing games, director's games and fantasy games, experiment with different materials, show great interest in didactic and educational games. 35% of children have these skills at an average level, 19% - at a low level.

The development of social ideas about the world of people, the norms of relationships with adults and peers, emotions and self-awareness

65% have a rich understanding of the world of people, their native city, native country, follow the rules of a culture of behavior, and can freely talk about themselves and their families. 23% - at an average level, 12% - at a low level.

6. "Health", "Security"

54% have a high motivation for a healthy lifestyle, rich ideas about health, have health-saving competence, know the rules of safe behavior well and follow them. 17% of children have an average level, 19% have a low level.

7. "Artistic Creativity"

Sections "Initiation to fine arts» , "Artistic activity and children's creativity»

54% of children have sufficient understanding of the genres and types of art, they have well-developed technical and figuratively- expressive skills of drawing, modeling, application, designing. In 34% of children, these skills are formed at an average level, in 12% - at a low level.

Chapter "The attitude of preschoolers to traditional Russian culture"

38% of children have extensive ideas about traditional Russian culture, independent judgments about traditional Russian culture have been formed, 47% have an average level, 15% have a low level.

Analyzing diagnostic card monitoring the quality of development of children of the senior group No. 6, It was revealed: 17 children formed physical development, 19 children are not formed, 23 children are inquisitive and active, 20 are emotionally responsive, 18 children know the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers, 17 children are able to control their behavior and plan their actions, 18 children are able to solve intellectual and personal tasks.

24 children have an idea about themselves, 26 have formed ideas about their family, 20 children have ideas about the state and the world, 24 children have sufficient ideas about nature.

According to analysis of sections of the program« Childhood» 20 children mastered the necessary special skills and activities.

In all areas high level of mastery programs showed People: Lisa Knyazeva, Polina Ryabtseva, Sasha Bukalova, Masha Zolotareva, Katya Kovaleva, Kirill Levchenko, Nika Chirkova.

Voloshin Yaroslav, Kocherg Artem, Ryazanova Olesya have not formed skills and abilities and show a low level in some areas, since they were transferred from the secondary groups in senior. with them is planned and ongoing individual work close cooperation with experts (teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist) and parents of pupils.

Goncharenko Alisa shows low in areas"Socialization", "Knowledge", "Communication" since she is a newcomer.

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