Material on the topic: Portfolio of the educator. Business card teacher.

  • Date: 06.05.2019

Our pedagogical team

Alyamkin Olga Anatolyevna - instructor physical culture

Abdulina Olesya Vitalevna - Pedagogue - Psychologist

White Nina Aleksandrovna - Senior Educator

Golovin Irina Viktorovna - Educator

Gorbunova Elena Alekseevna - Music

Gredasova Anna Vladimirovna - Teacher - speech therapist

Demidova Olga Nikolaevna - Educator

Education: Middle - technical
Work experience: 4 years
Pedagogical Credo: "Successful socialization of the preschooler - the key to its success in school"
Motto:In life, I walk, barriers do not notice!
Work principles: Do no harm!
Works on problems:

Shyabina Elena Viktorovna - Educator of a specialized group

Dultseva Daria Vladimirovna - Educator

Education: Average - special
Work experience: 4 years
Pedagogical Credo: "Teach a person to be happy can not, but to raise him so that he becomes happy."
Motto: « Bad children can not be. All children are the best, smart, good in the world. "
Work principles: The principle of competence of education, communication, mutual respect, ensure emotional well-being Each child, the development of his positive self-assumption.
Works on problems:
Development of speech abilities in children through developing gaming and independent activities.

Ivanova Olga Viktorovna - Educator

Education: Higher
Work experience: 3 years
Pedagogical Credo: "The important quality of a good educator is a love for children"
Motto: Rising children - to improve the most.
Work principles: Each child is individual!
Works on problems:Development of small motility in children of the younger preschool age Using non-standard equipment.

Ivanova Olga Mikhailovna - Teacher - speech therapist

Kamarova Nazhia Timergazimovna - Teacher - Defectologist

Kingkova Ekaterina Vladislavovna - Logoped Teacher

Karafova Tamara Petrovna - Educator of a specialized group

Little Rose Vasilyevna - Educator of a specialized group

Moto Natalya Yuryevna - Educator of a specialized group

Radaeva Evgenia Mikhailovna - Educator

Education: Higher
Work experience: 1 year
Pedagogical Credo: "The secret of children clean love Simple:
They are open and simple.
And for me the best reward -
Their joyful smile and words:
"Will you come tomorrow again?"

Motto:Rising kids, be improving myself!
Work principles: Giving children good, bright! Helping the kids to navigate in this unclean world of people and knowledge.
Works on problems:Using modern technologies In the development of creative abilities in children through visual activities.

Novikova Elena Mikhailovna - Educator

Savkin Nadezhda Aleksandrovna - Educator of a specialized group

Qualification category : First
Education: Average - special
Work experience: 34 years
Pedagogical Credo: "I am convinced that all children are different, and each of them carries their individual mission. Every moment of contact with the child is unique and unique. "
Motto: Every day for a child should be a childhood holiday!
Work principles: The highest manifestation of pedagogical success is a smile on the faces of children. She does not stand anything, but gives a lot.
Works on problems: Development of speech abilities in children with special educational needs through developing, gaming environment and independent activities.

Sukhodoeva Anastasia Yuryevna - Educator

Education: Middle - special
Work experience: 8 years
Pedagogical Credo: "Rostock, trusted by us by my mother, the cherish, love and grow!"
Motto: Our group "Bee" is a big family, children and adults we are always happy!
Work principles: Creating a single space "Family + kindergarten", in which everyone is cozy, interesting, safe, useful, well.
Works on problems: Formation of self-service skills in children early age

Timofeyev Larisa Nikolaevna - Teacher - speech therapist

Tulkina Elena Alekseevna - Educator

Trofimova Tatyana Sergeevna - Educator Specialized Group

Education: Higher
Work experience: 1 year
Pedagogical Credo: "With children should always be near,
Giving warm and warming up
They are in the world of wonderful
And remember the commandment - not harm! "

Motto: "Never be afraid that something can not happen to you - take, try, dare! After all, if you are inactive, chances that something will change, will not be at all ... "
Work principles: Always keep up with the times.
Works on problems:Formation of the foundations of pedagogical skills.

Fedosova Arina Viktorovna - Teacher - speech therapist

Education: Higher
Work experience: 6 months
Pedagogical Credo: "Beautiful and rich speech is the basis of the productive thinking and development of the child's personality"
Motto:Enriching others, develop yourself!
Work principles: Visuality and entertaining form of material feed.
Works on problems:Prevention of dysgram in preschool children.

Khasanova Rosa Kazhatna - Educator of a specialized group

Chikova Galina Aleksandrovna - Educator of a specialized group

Bondar Marina Aleksandrovna

Motto: " To all who are expensive, children

Being for the fate of them in response! "

Hymn of the tutor:

Of course, kind should be!

Love children, love learning,

Love your profession!

How should the educator be?

Of course, it should be generous

All self without regret

He must give children!

Commandments of the teacher

Command 1. Love the pupil trusted to you by parents, all soul, heart and mind.

Commandment2. Try to see in every

the pupil is a full, unique person, decent recognition and respect.

Commandment3. Conscious

responsibility for each entrusted to you


for his physical condition and emotional


Command 4. Give daily children all you know and know how to develop their ability, choosing the most progressive learning methods.

Command 5. Remember that knowledge without feelings, good deeds and pure thoughts are not painted, but aggravate and destroy any person, including the child.

Command 6. Firmly know that any violence

over the person (physical or moral), regardless of his goal, the question is on the question of your title.

Command 7.

Rate the act, not a person, and never take educational influences in a bad mood.

Command8. Perceive parents of their pupils as

first allies in the development of children's



Slav profession your righteous pedagogical

Labor for the benefit of future generations.

Command 10. Most like a kindergarten as your home.

Dear Parents!

The collection of money in kindergarten is prohibited.

If the Money Collection Initiative exhibits the parent committee to immediately report this to the head of Mironova E.S.

Group number 1.

Yershova Ksenia Anatolyevna

Higher education, specialty: "Psychology".

Pedagogical experience - 5 years.

Pedagogical Credo: "Love rules life."

Danilchenko Tatiana Valerievna.


I Higher: MMTU "Mami" Specialty: "Metrology and Metrological Provision" Qualifications: "Engineer", 1998-2004

II N / Higher MGGU them. MA Sholokhova Faculty: "Pedagogical", specialty: "Pedagogy and methods of preschool education" 4 Course, 2010. -Not

Pedagogical Credo: "Teach a person to be happy can not, but to raise him so that he becomes happy, you can" Anton Semenovich Makarenko

Group number 2.

Konovalenko Irina Vladimirovna.

Education: 1980 Moscow Pedagogical School No. 7.

Qualifications: a kindergarten teacher.

Station: 28 years old.

Course training:

2010 Petersburg Center for Creative Pedagogy Course Theatrical Activity Cooking Authors M.I.Rodina, A.I.Burnin.

"Features correctional work in groups for children with violations of speech »Mio Moscow 2011

My rewards:

Diploma for participation in the competition "Educator of the Year Moscow - 2003" II place.

Honorary diploma from the head of the Education Education Department Administrative District For the progress achieved in the education and education of preschoolers. Moscow 2003

Honorary diploma from the head of GOU CRP D / s №2092 for conscientious work and a great contribution to the education of the younger generation. Moscow 2010

My Pedagogical Credo: "The child demands fun, and the requirements of its biologically legally ... Thinking begins with surprise." Sukhomlinsky V.A.

Kappaeva Olga Vasilyevna.

Station: 35 years.

Education: 1972 Novomoskovskaya Pedagogical School.

Qualification: Children's Garden Educator

My rewards:

1. Honorary diploma from the head of the education department of the Eastern Administrative District. 01.2003

2. Honorary diploma from the head of the GOU CRR D / s Mironova E.S. 12.2008

3. Honorary diploma from the head of the GOU CRR D / s Mironova E.S. 12.2003

My motto: "Rail - it means to prepare for life ..." D.I. Pisarev

Group number 3.

Syvyivakova Evgeny Viktorovna.

Education - Moscow Pedagogical School №5

Qualification is an educator in preschool institutions.

Station - 22 years old

My pedagogical credo is "Everything I know and I can - I give to children."

Pavlovskaya Nina Nikolaevna.

Education: 1972 Kolomna Pedagogical Institute.

Qualification: Teacher of History and Society Studies.

Station: 42 years

Station in the post of teacher history: 15 years

Course training: Correction and pedagogical work with preschool children with speech violations"2007.

Group number 4.

Bychkov Tamara Yuryevna.

Education: Higher Pedagogical, Jizzakh GPU, specialty "Teacher of Russian Language and Literature".

Experience pedagogical work - 27 years

The direction in the work is the ecological education of preschoolers.

My motto - I give my heart!

Group number 5.

Dyakova Sveten Evgenievna.

Education: 1981 Yeletsky State pedagogical Institute

Diploma Qualification: Pedagogy and Primary Education Method

Station: 29 years old

Course training:

In 2010 - St. Petersburg Center for Creative Pedagogy Course Theatrical Activity Cooking Authors M.I. Orodina, A.I.Birenin.

In 2010 - FPKPK GOU VPO Moskva City Pedagogical University.

Direction in work: "Loweometry in the development of elementary mathematical representations of preschoolers"

My pedagogical credo: "Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity." V.Sushechinsky

Group number 6.

Frolova Irina Anatolyevna.

Education: Moscow Pedagogical School №4, 1978. Pre-school compartment.

Diploma Qualification: Children's Garden Educator.

Station: 25 years

My Pedagogical Credo: "Children must live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity." / V.A. Sukhomlinsky /

Golden Nina Vladimirovna.

Education: average-seat.

Station: 35 years

Course preparation: 2010 Petersburg Center for Creative Pedagogy Course Theatrical Activity Cooking Authors M.I.Rodina, A.I.Burnin.

Pedagogical topic: the use of theatrical and creative games In the work on the development of speech in correctional and pedagogical work with children who have a violation of speech.

My pedagogical credo: "The child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but the fire that needs to be lit."

Group number 7.

Yakunina Elena Nikolaevna.

Station: 1 year.

Course training:

In Courses on Iso: "Artistically aesthetic education of preschool children" (read Komarova TS)

My Pedagogical Credo:

"All the universe sun,

All stars her

Ether eases

Sloat Oceanov

And the lash of the Earth

Moving in one

Gust love.

And his heart

Bring on the palms

To the foot

Children's fate. "

Private Inna Valerievna.

She graduated from the Zhirnovskaya Pedagogical School of Volgograd region, qualification "Teacher primary classes, educator.

IN this moment I am a 5-year student correspondence department MGU them. M. A. Sholokhov in the specialty "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education".

Startup of pedagogical work (work in the specialty) 17 years.

Qualification Courses:

Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education on the topic " Pedagogical diagnostics in adaptive school "2006-2007 academic year;

Courses "Cookland" 2010 school year.

Group number 8.

Kochetova Raisa Nikitichna.

Higher education

qualification 1.

Pedagogical experience4 years

Awards -Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"

Popova Tatyana Yurevna.

Education: incomplete higher. 4 courses of the Moscow Pedagogical University. N.K. Public, Bio-Chemical Faculty.

Qualifications "Children's garden teacher."

Station: 25 years

Course training:

In 2010 Petersburg Center for Creative Pedagogy Course Theatrical Activity Cooking Authors M.I.Rodina, A.I.Burnin.

In 2009, GOU VPO Moscow City Pedagogical University. Topic: "Correctional and pedagogical work with preschool children with speech violations"

Group number 9.

Z. anna Leonidovna Apple.

Education: Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical School. Specialty "Initial Class Teacher".

I-Qualification category, 13 category

Raising qualifications: continuing education technologies, 2005

Work experience 15 years.

Group number 10.

Novikova Irina Nikolaevna.

Education: 2nd Course of the State Educational Institution of Pedagogical College №8 Moskva

Station: 8 year.

Course training:

In 2010 Petersburg Center for Creative Pedagogy Course Theatrical Activity Cooking Authors M.I.Rodina, A.I.Burnin.

My Pedagogical Credo: "Not only to protect, but also to give the baby the joy of childhood is our life duty, our professional credo."

Group №11.

Markelova Ekaterina Valerievna.

Education: 1995. Moscow State Open Pedagogical University.

Qualification "Primary Class Teacher with Additional Specialization practical psychologist in educational institutions. "

My pedagogical credo: "And only with love in the heart we will achieve success."

Selivanova Irina Vladimirovna.

Education: Moscow Pedagogical School №10. 1991 year.

Qualification: caregiver in preschool institutions.

Student 3 courses of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University.

Faculty: Education Psychology.

Station: 12 years old.

My Pedagogical Credo: " The best way Make children are good - it is happy to make them. " Oscar Wilde

Portfolio of the educator of diegee Niyar Ganievna


Date of Birth: July 2, 19 69

Education Information: Higher, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, 1990, specialty "Pedagogy and MNU",qualification: primary school teacher

GBOU DPO RK Krippo "Education and Pedagogy" ( Preschool education), 2017

Experience: Total 22 years

« Specialist 2 categories "- 2006

Information on advanced training in the interpretation period:

"Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education."Certificate No. 3.638 Order No. 260 from 30.09.200 6 g.

"Crimean humanitarian University"(Yalta).Certificate No. 63 -D-01. Order No. 197 - LS from 01. 12.201 1

GBOU DPO of the Republic of Crimea "Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education." Certificate No. RC 0000007187 2017

The most significant government awards, letters, thankful letters:

No. p / p

Name of encouragement

Who issued


1. Certificate of honor

Administration d / s "Fairy Tale"

Order number 15 of 03.10.2008

2. Certificate of honor

Department of Education of the Razdannensky District State Administration of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Order No. 234 of 04/22/2009.

3. Honorary title "Person of the Year"

Village council

4. Gramot

OBR order from 14.08.2012

5. Gramot

Raspennenskaya district organization Trade Union of Employees Education

6. Gramot

Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the Razdannensky District State Administration of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

OBR order from 01/08/2014

7. Thanks

Razdannenskaya Cossack Druzhina

My motto:

"I'm not talking here about the qualities of a good caregiver. I note only that the child's tutor, despite the usual opinion, should be young, and even so young as soon as a smart man can be. I would wanted to be a child himself, if it could be that he could become a friend of his pupil and attract his confidence, dividing him with him. " J.J.Russo

My credo:

Of course, kind should be!
Love children, love learning,
Love your profession!
How should the educator be?
Of course, it should be generous
All self without regret
He must give children!

Spellings of the Great Teachers:

The tutor is not an official, and if he is an official, he is not an educator. (K. Ushinsky)

Every real education is mined only by self-education. (E. Berk)

Rising others we bring up first of all ourselves. (A. Ostrogorsk)

In the upbringing, the whole thing is who the educator. (D. Pisarev)

Essay "I am an educator!"

My name is died by Niyar Ganievna. I am a teacher of primary classes by profession, but this is how the circumstances have developed that since 1993 I have been working as a teacher of kindergarten No. 5 "Fairy Tale".

Why did I choose the profession of a kindergarten educator?

First, I want to say that I love children very much. It seems to me that the profession of a kindergarte teacher is one of the noble and necessary professions For people all over the world, so I began to work in kindergarten. It makes it possible to look into the country of childhood, in the world of the child. Child's world It is much more interesting, infinite and richer than an adult world. The task of the educator is not to destroy this children's illusion, but to join it, that is, the educator should talk with children in one language, to understand them.

My working day begins with the reception of children. It would seem that the reception is common and constant: children constantly come to the group are included in a variety of activities, but only the educator is able to understand the state, ideas and possible unrest of the child. Only the educator is able to make the reception of children so as to create a cheerful mood, desire to play and communicate with peers. Because the children undress, talk to their parents, with each other, I recognize who of them is excited or calm, cheerful or sulphum, excited or badly. Considering the state of children, I understand the reason for the excitement of individual children and it is not difficult for me to decide how to contact everyone them, what to say that to offer, advise to calm down, incorporate in active activity, improve the mood ..

What can I teach children today? I want to teach children everything: count, recognize letters and numbers, draw, sculpt. Develop a speech and thinking in children, to acquaint with works of art, ethical and aesthetic standards and rules. Check out the skills of care of plants and animals. Develop in children's intelligence, observation, independence, creative initiative. Create them to communicate the skills, develop socially desirable qualities (politeness, goodwill, truthfulness). Help improve health by hardening exercise, follow the observance of the mode of classes and recreation. The main thing for me is to teach children healthy, not only physically, but also psychologically. Next to me, different children: bold, restless, shy and timid, mile and chatteries.

What can I give to children? First of all - love. And I love them as they are. The educator is a teacher, that is, a person who teaches helps to know the world around. And how effective this process is effective, depends on the interest of my little students. And so day after day, we go along the trail of knowledge, according to which they learn to distinguish well and evil, know themselves and the world around, and I am indifferent to their loyalty, openness and love. Children are our future!

Generalization and distribution of their own pedagogical experience:

  • Since 2009 - the use of Evalobovich's educational games in pedagogical practice
  • 2011 - performance on pedagogical Council "Formation environmental culture Children and its influence on the health of the child "(from experience)
  • March 15, 2012 - open occupation in senior group Using Educational Games Vosobovich on the topic "Traveling a red hat in purple forest"
  • December 26, 2012 - Participation in the Republican Pedagogical Innovation Relay. Exchange of experience with colleagues from Giankka
  • August 2012 - participation in the all-Ukrainian promotion "New Standards - New School". Exchange of experience with colleagues from the Kakhovsky district of the Kherson region
  • January 9, 2013 - Speech at the January Conference of Pedagogical Workers of the District "On the preparation of older children to school on a new state standard of initial general Education»
  • November 2013 - Participation in the district stage of the All-Ukrainian Competition "Teacher of the Year - 2014" in the nomination "Designer of Preschool educational institution" 1st place
  • December 26, 2013 - participation in the Crimean Republican qualifying round of the All-Ukrainian Competition "Teacher of the Year 2014" in the nomination "Educator of the Preschool Educational Institution". (Crypto)
  • January 2014 - participation in the district pedagogical conference
  • March 2014 - open occupation in junior group On the topic: "Game - dramatization of a fairy tale wolf and a kids"
  • December 15, 2014 - participation in the seminar " Routing as a modeling method of direct educational activities" Simferopol, Crypto
  • February 9, 2015 - Participation in the All-Russian Webinar "Portfolio of the Educator: Development and Design in accordance with the professional standard of the teacher and GEF to"
  • February 10, 2015 - participation in the All-Russian webinar "Planning educational activities in the DOW in accordance with GEF"
  • October 2015 - participation in the All-Russian specialized course "GEF to: Structure educational program, conditions of its implementation and development results "(diploma 2 place)
  • January 28, 2016 - participation in the XIV Scientific and Practical Conference "January Pedagogical Readings: Methodology, Theory and Practice Ethnopedagogy"
  • May 19-20, 2016 - participation in the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Technological Education with a report" Using the potential of project technology in practice DOU»
  • August 18, 2016 - Participation in the All-Russian Forum "Russian Teachers: Sevastopol Pedagogical Readings"
  • October 22 - participation in testing "User PC" (Upmark)
  • October 27, 2016 - participation in the republican seminar for heads of methodological associations of preschool caregivers educational institutions Republic of Crimea "Realization of educational regions of GEFs to in the conditions of non-state ownership" (LLC "Family from A to Z")

Qualification Courses:

He was awarded diplomas for conscientious work:


teacher of Group №10

Lebedeva Svetlana Nikolaevna

Section 1 "Teacher's Data"

Section 2 "Regulatory and Legal Documents"

Section 3 "Raise Qualifications"

Section 1

"Pedagogue data"

"A little bit about yourself"

Born July 28, 1975. In 1998 she graduated from Kazan Industrial-Pedagogical Technical Academy in the specialty "Labor Teacher". From September 2006 I work in MBDOU " Kindergarten № 11 »Kanash Chuvash Republic. Currently, I continue my education at the Russian State Social University in the specialty "Psychology"

"Why I work in kindergarten"

"Love the child. If you want to develop God's gift

Teacher, - love the child! "

S. A. Amonashvili

"Believe in a child. Believe in yourself. Believe in science. "

S. A. Amonashvili

Educator - What is this word, why is it so called?

The rumor seems such a simple, but how much the point is invested in it!
For a start, the teacher is, above all, just a person
Love for children - here is his road and he will not roll with it forever!
The educator is a man from God, everything is already laid in it:

Kindness, cleanliness, faith in everyone and more concern about everything!
The teacher is a professional man, familiar and theory, and practice,
He gave her heart to children - for him it and reality, and romance!
Educator ... just do not count, you can talk about it a lot:
Here and personal, and professional qualities are,
But most importantly of them - about children care!

Sometimes in one poem, it is possible to tell about many things ...

Problems with the choice future profession I never stood before me, because from orphanage I knew exactly that I would be a teacher. Probably because children are the most than grateful and responsive, enthusiastic and immediate, devotees and loving creatures in the world. It has long been assumed that the teacher, the educator is a sower that he is designed to "sow intelligent, kind, eternal." But what and how from the sowing will germinate? And this is important how to raise sown. Knowledge, experience, everyday wisdom is the seeds of the inspired sower.

Teacher's profession is one of the most important and significant in life modern society. Being a teacher is a vocation. It means, wanting and be able to live again and again to live childhood with every child, see the world with his eyes, wondering and knowing with him, not noticeable when the baby is busy with his business, and indispensable when he needs help and support. Sometimes it seems, well, everything is known to me and everything has been cold, but again and again you understand how much you still have to learn and do for you - "My baby". And then you remember the lines of Lermontov M. Yu.: "To educate ... the hardest thing. Think: Well, everything is over! It was not here: everything just begins! "

The teacher's profession is not only limitless creativity, not only a serious responsibility, but also difficult, painstaking work, requiring great effort and costs. The teacher must constantly work on himself, to learn something new, expand its horizons, set up high goals, move towards them. Although, and reaching, not to stop, go ahead to new goals. Only then can he be interesting, love with his pupils and professionally perform his business.

Undoubtedly, the education of children in kindergarten is not easy and troublesome business.
The educator is a teacher - a wagon who knows how to work creatively.
The main goal of the educator is to develop even the most tiny children's deposits, to notice the "God's Spark" in time, which from birth is laid in every child. In the ability to see this spark, do not go out, and the teacher is talent.
It is very difficult not to succumb to the influence and remain yourself. If you like children's laughter with all your heart, children's speech, immediacy, if you feel the sea of \u200b\u200bcreative potential, do not deny yourself the pleasure of being a teacher! The teacher is a creator, the Creator, he was opened by the main casket - the casket with the children's hearts, who are waiting for warmth, good words, new knowledge and are ready to always be reciprocating. Stepping in life by the hand with children, it is impossible to forget such concepts as laughter and smile, kindness and innocence.

Find a recipe for professional success - the dream of any teacher. But such a recipe does not exist. And the components of my recipe: kindness, respect, sincerity, justice, love, dignity, professionalism.

The upbringing of the child is a collective case, concern for successful results requires unity (coordination of approaches to education, its content, techniques of implementation) forces of all interested adults. I work in close contact with all the subjects of the educational community: parents, senior tutor, medical examinations, music leader, physical culture instructor.

"Our most important pedagogical instrument is the ability to deeply respect the human person in his pupil. We are called by this tool to create a very gentle, subtle item: the desire to be good, it is better to become today than yesterday. This desire does not arise in itself, it can only be raised. " V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The main question is now, but did I make my choice? And so, after 6 years, I can confidently say:"Yes"!

On Earth, many people are born every day, but only the units become famous. Perhaps I am not destined to make a feat, make a great discovery, - I do not care. It is important for me that people entrusted to me the most expensive thing that they have - their children who will grow and will definitely bring their own contribution to the benefit of our Earth, and one of them can be famous and even make a feat. And I will know that there is my merit about this, since I put my work in every pupil, a part of the soul and heart.

Teacher - He is an eternal creator.

He teaches life, and love for labor.

I am a teacher, mentor, educator,

For which I thank my destiny.

Need a lot of caress and care

Hear everyone, everyone understands.

Educator - hard work -

Constantly to replace mom.

Guys will grow, childhood will not forget,

Ahead of life has a whole century.

And that chalun over the years will be

The main thing is that he is - a man!

It does not matter who they will work.

For the teacher - they are children forever!

The more respect them will be people,

The higher the plank of my work!

Some will go away, other children will come,

Get here and affection, and comfort.

I will appreciate in the XXI century,

The work of the educator will appreciate - good work!

"My motto for work"

I - happy man! I am allowed to be loved by our future - with our children! Each mother is happy when a period of childhood lives again with his child. And I was fortunate enough to enjoy this age many times, every time "learning others, to learn myself"! I can call myself "mom" with a big letter, because I have more than hundreds of children, and all of them are mine, all those who love me, each of them I gave a part of my soul, my heart! Some of them have already finished grade 1, someone just recently began to go to kindergarten - but they all are equally loved for me, for everyone I worry as a mother. Think of children, take care of them, love them - the finest feeling that is given not to everyone. And that is happy!

I - loving man! And it is many times wonderful than being beloved. I have a wonderful mission - give your love to children! And I am greatly pleasure to embody her, at the same time teaching my children to this feeling. As L.N. Tolstoy said: "Love - it means to live the life of the one who you love." In these words, it is the meaning of why you go daily to children.

I am a creator! Not in vain, after all, children call the "flowers of life", and educators - "Sadovniki". And it was me that I was entrusted to humanity to "sow" reasonable, kind, eternal in small souls of the most beautiful treasures on Earth!

I am an educator !!! I am proud of this! Many professions in the world, but this profession is not chosen, she chooses! There are no random people here, they simply will not be able to live in this state. "Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of the teacher, and the one who has internal confidence that he is, should be and cannot be other. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by victims that a person brings his vocation. " (L.N. Tolstoy).

"My motto in life"

"Never be afraid that something may not work with you - do, try, dare! After all, if you are inactive, there will be no chance that something will change at all ..."

Do not ask yourself why you live, live so that others did not ask you about it.

Life is an opportunity, use it;

Life - Beauty, admire her;

Life is a challenge, take it;

Life is a mystery, study it;

Life is a struggle, pass it;

Life is an adventure, you decide on it;

My principles of work:

  1. Make good and good actions, children learn from us!
  2. Avoid accusations!
  3. Keep calm until you find the truth!
  4. Take love to the child the joy of communication with you! Praise! Speech point! Wort!
  5. Give the child more independence and the right of choice.
  6. Pay attention! Daily your expectations. Children are not adults at all!
  7. Let the children more independence and the right of choice;
  8. The basis of the emotional tone of occupation is not entertaining, but entertainment and passion
  9. Quality to stand on the position of the child, respect the person in it, individuality;
  10. Help the child to be socially significant and successful;

The main goal of mine pedagogical activity I consider the creation of a single educational space "Family - kindergarten" in which all participants pedagogical process It will be comfortable and interesting, as well as the formation of a creative thinking personality capable of self-development and self-expression. Therefore, in your work, I try to form and develop creative abilities of students, develop logical thinking And the ability to adapt in life, the ability to independently find solutions to the tasks. I see your role in the process of education to be not just a source of information, and the captain, indicating the goal asks the correct course in organizing work with parents and children.

Priority of pedagogical activity At this stage is the creation of conditions for a favorable interaction with parents, establishing confidence and partnerships with them, the involvement of the family into a single educational space. The educator should actively look for new forms and methods in working with parents, as it is impossible to choose some kind of system once and forever, because the peculiarity of pedagogy in constant motion, development and change.

In working with parents I use both traditional forms of work: conversations, consultations, folders - mobile, and non-traditional: survey, classes, musical and sports holidays and leisure: "Cross nation", "skiing of Russia", "cycling", family drawings competition , Theatrical entertainment with parents.

"My hobbies"

As a man creative, I love to organize and participate in children's and adult holidays and entertainment

Autumn entertainment (the role of kimor

New Year's matinee (the role of Santa Claus

New Year's entertainment (the role of fairy tales

Summer rain holiday (Tuchi's role)

Matinee for March 8 (the role of leading on TV channel Russia 1

Carnival feast (the role of the winter)

I love to draw myself and with my pupils. I am engaged in flower growing and sewing, I love to read very much.

Section 2.

"Regulatory and legal documents"

  1. "Convention on the Rights of the Child"
  2. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"
  3. Concept of pre-school education
  4. Typical position on a preschool educational institution.

Section 3.

"Raise Qualifications"

  1. Work on the self-education of the teacher
  2. Conducting events in the framework of professional activities.

Open classes

Scientific - methodical work

Type of event



1. Seminar for educators

Psychological - pedagogical conditions and especially the development of creative thinking in de-tey preschool age

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 11" G. Kanash

2. Speech at the Pedagogical Council

"Develop creative thinking of preschool-cov"

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 11" G. Kanash

3. Consultation for educators

"Features of creative thinking of dosz-rings"

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 11" G. Kanash

4. Consultation for parents

"The formation of creative thinking in the re-bog - a preschooler 5 -7 years."

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 11" G. Kanash

5. Development methodical manual for parents

"Games and exercises for development creative thinking And in general, the child has a child - a preschooler. "

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 11" G. Kanash

Work on self-education

"Development of creative thinking in children of senior preschool age by appliqué."

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 11" G. Kanash

I am the head of the circle

"Magic paper"

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 11" G. Kanash

  1. Qualification Level Courses

2008 Short-term courses from December 8 to December 12 on the problem: "Directions of innovation work in educational institutions"

2010 from April 5 to April 24 on the problem: "Formation of the basis of the personal culture of preschoolers" 108 hours

2010 Short-term training