Psychological pedagogical practice in kindergarten report. Examination - Diary of the summer teaching practice - file n1.docx

  • Date: 03.05.2019
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    Date- 1.06.

    Analysis of the pedagogical process.

    On the first day of his practice kindergarten   I got acquainted with the device of preschool educational institution, the team, the group in which I will practice, documentation, the arrangement of the internal space of the pre-school and the territory adjacent to the room where kindergarten children walk. The pedagogical process in the institution is organized in accordance with the program of T.N. Doronova "Rainbow", and the author's program "Colored palms." The priority direction in the work of the teaching staff is to preserve the mental and physical health of children, the intellectual and personal development of each child, assist the family in bringing up, implement the necessary correction of deviations in the child’s development, and adapt to life in society. On the territory of the kindergarten there are five groups. Children from 2 to 7 years.

    On the territory of the kindergarten are:

    A gym equipped with a “Swedish wall”, gymnastic rings, foot massagers, balls of various sizes, jump ropes, hoops and other sports equipment;

    The musical hall, in which the piano stands, is next to a costume room with various costumes of fairy-tale heroes, children's musical instruments, various decorations made of cardboard and fabric;

    The psychologist's office, where children play games with a psychologist tutor, undergo various forms of testing;

    Medical office;

    - methodical room is equipped with everything necessary for the implementation of teaching activities. There is a computer. On the shelves placed folders in all areas of the preschool: regulatory and legal documentation, special methodological literature, manuals.

    - administrative part. The area around the kindergarten landscaped, has an aesthetic appearance. Along the perimeter of the kindergarten are children's playgrounds, which are stationary gaming equipment: swings, gazebos, sandboxes, various rocking chairs, flower beds. On the territory of the preschool there are a lot of trees and shrubs. In general, the kindergarten has an aesthetic and well-groomed appearance.

    In the kindergarten's room there is a kitchen, laundry.

    In each group there is a dressing room, a group room, where children spend their time and classes. In the room there are various toys, didactic aids, tables for eating and practicing children. There is also a bedroom and a sideboard where dishes and cutlery for meals are stored.

    The conditions in the group in which I will undergo the practice (second junior group) are at first glance satisfactory. All conditions have been created for the full development and upbringing of young children. The group has a dressing room, playroom. room-room   for occupations, bedroom, buffet. There are various toys, didactic material and various educational gaming equipment.

    Educational and educational work with children, under the leadership of the head of the kindergarten, the deputy head and the methodologist, are conducted by 10 highly qualified teachers and tutors, as well as a music director, a psychologist, and an additional education teacher.

    Documentation DOU:

    Documentation name

    Order of conduct


    of use

    Employee contracts

    Issued in two copies, signed by the two parties, the terms of the contracts are indicated. Stored by the manager.

    Re-signing of contracts with employees who faithfully fulfill their duties is being carried out. Stimulates the quality performance of duties of each employee.

    Collective agreement

    The main document regulating the activities of the team as a whole. Signed on the basis of an agreement between the administration and the team. Agreed, signed, sealed.

    Helps in solving controversial issues: wages, the provision of social guarantees, vacations, additional payments, etc.

    Book of orders and orders for DOE.

    Conducted in a certain form, a rigorous style of presentation, specific and concise text. The order consolidates the decisions taken in various areas of DOW activity: additional work, granting vacations, hiring and others.

    Execution of the order is mandatory for all employees.

    The book of protocols of the pedagogical council

    It is kept in a special journal, the minutes are drawn up in the same style. All pedsovets are recorded: the order of speeches, statements and opinions of each teacher in certain areas of DOW activity are recorded. The decision of the pedsovet is recorded. The minutes are numbered, signed by the chairman and secretary.

    Decisions made at the teachers' council must be fulfilled within the specified period. Thus, the activities of teachers and the growth of their professional skills.

    Annual plan work doe

    The text version is placed in a folder, pages are numbered, business style. Each section of the plan provides for a certain amount of work for the year. Presents the various activities of workers in preschool throughout the year. Coordinated and approved by the teachers' council.

    Scheduled activities are performed by responsible specialists in a timely manner with the provision of reporting documentation. The results of the year are provided in the analysis.

    The book of registration of pedkadrov and attendants

    Accounting workers DOE carried out in a special journal. Accounting is made in various areas: length of service, category, education. Notes coming and leaving work.

    Information is used in the preparation of various reports.

    Personal files of teaching staff

    Personal files of pedkadrov contain information about teachers, specific information about the professional training of a teacher is traced and indicated.

    Constantly updated information. It is used for drawing up reporting documentation, making management decisions.

    Employment records

    Employment records are maintained by the head of the preschool, the relevant entries are made when applying for a job, dismissing, awarding and transferring to another job. Indicated: date, number of order by institution.

    It is handed out on the last working day. Be sure to provide the employer when applying for a job. Recorded information is used for retirement.

    Statute of the DU

      One of the main documents regulating the activities of DOU. Secured by a seal. The main goals and objectives of the DOW activity, the rights and obligations of employees are indicated.

    Used in the regulation of the activities of DOU.

    Regulations on the Board of Trustees of DOE.

    A regulatory document that defines the order of interaction between parents and preschool in terms of providing material assistance. The document indicates how to perform this type of activity. The decisions of the board of trustees are recorded. Members of the board of trustees are actively involved in material matters. Lead reporting documentation.

    It is used in the settlement of controversial issues related to the provision of sponsorship assistance to DOU

    Parental agreement

    It is concluded for the entire period of stay of the child in preschool. It contains information about the responsibilities of the parties in raising children. Defined a measure of responsibility for the failure of certain clauses of the contract.

    Used to regulate the activities and cooperation of teachers and parents. Contract clauses may be revised.

    Social passport of the child, group

    The passport contains data relating to information about the family, its status, financial situation, number of children, their age.

    It is used for drawing up various reports, when planning work with different categories of families.

    Instructive documents on certification, accreditation, paid services.

    The main regulatory documentation is stored in a folder. Documentation on the provision of services is developed taking into account the specifics: recommendations, orders, costing services are made out in accordance with the requirements, together with higher authorities, fixed by order on the institution. This type of activity is carried out on the basis of an application, an agreement is drawn up.

    Safety documentation.

    Documentation collected in accordance with the list. It is conducted in accordance with the requirements: according to the results of the briefings, an entry is made in the briefing log. The magazine of the established sample. Work is carried out systematically by responsible people.

    Knowledge of the instructions allows you to provide fire safety, to carry out labor protection measures.

    Rules of the internal labor schedule

    Regulate the activities of all workers DOU. Contains information about the duties and rights of workers. Legal and administrative aspects of labor relations are laid down.

    Stimulates the quality performance of their duties by each employee.

    Help and acts on the results of checks

      Collected in a folder, stored and processed according to an established pattern.

    Used in the preparation of the analysis of the activities of the DOU, with long-term planning.

    Statistical report for the year

    Filled in a specific pattern. Contains information about the institution: the building and facilities, the number of groups and the contingent of pupils. Information about the incidence of children, information about teachers.

    Tracking useful information for several years, what changes occur.

    DOW development monitoring

    Monitoring is carried out in different areas of DOW activity, which implies a number of specific actions that allow not only to observe but also to adjust as necessary progress - to improvement. Monitoring of health, raising the educational level of teachers and others. Decorated in the folder "Monitoring the activities of the DOE."

    Used as useful information for forward planning   in various areas of DOW activity, to improve the quality of work.

    Minutes of group meetings

    Conducted in the prescribed manner. Information is recorded parent meetingdecisions taken. We consider the issues of upbringing and education of children.

    Allows parents to provide pedagogical and psychological assistance   on parenting issues.

    Medical records

    Stored in the office of the nurse. It is conducted in the prescribed manner. Entries are made in a timely manner. Contains various information about the health of the child in particular and about the state of affairs on the issues of morbidity in preschool education To control the quality of the received and prepared products, documents of the established sample are maintained, filled out daily, in a timely manner. The menu-requirement is a mandatory document, it is used for cooking. The menu defines the norms of ready-made food, determines the calorie content of cooked dishes.

    The information contained in these documents is constantly used by the inspectors of the SES, contains information for reports.

    Financial and business documentation

    The order of conduct in accordance with the requirements. Contains a variety of information about the material and technical condition of the DOW. Represents accounting by activity.

    The data is used to compile financial and business reports.

    There is a lot of documentation. Each document regulates a specific type of activity DOE. Record keeping should be carried out strictly in accordance with the established sample, various reports should be provided in a timely manner. Records are handled by experts. The head supervises. In DOW, where the practice was held, the documentation is maintained in accordance with the requirements.

    Attracting young professionals to work in preschool with new ideas and attitudes on the problems of education and development of children in kindergarten. The best arrangement of free space in the kindergarten: exhibitions of students' works; stands with information and recommendations for parents; perhaps a more artistic and aesthetic design of the walls for the best emotional state of children; stands with information for teachers to improve their professional skills. On the adjacent territory, it is recommended to install new modules for the physical development of children and their games that meet modern standards and norms. Normalization of the work of the medical part of the pre-school.

    Date- 4.06.

    The subject-developing environment of pre-school is a complex of material, psychological, pedagogical, aesthetic conditions ensuring the organization of children's life in preschool educational institution   - should serve the interests and needs of the child, and its elements (equipment, games, toys, didactic material, etc.) - its development. The purpose of the subject environment of the children's institution is to ensure the emotional well-being of the child and the adult.

    The group has a bedroom, dressing room, the main room where children spend time, buffet. The design of the room is performed in the same style, the decor of the room corresponds to the purpose, there are decorative elements (paintings, posters), but not enough elements relating to the children themselves (photos of children, children's works, photos of parents). The room is spacious and free, every child can find a place for independent activities, but at the same time can easily contact both the teacher and other children. Indoors there are functional zones for different types of kids' activities (design corners; gymnastics and music zones; corners with books, board games; corners with objects for productive activities; zones for role-playing games). In the group there are objects (screens, geometric modules, benches, soft puffs) that allow children and adults to modify the space according to their capabilities and needs, to creatively transform it. All the furniture in the group is selected taking into account the age and individual needs of the child. There are upholstered furniture, mats, individual lockers, for a more comfortable environment in the group, emotional well-being of children and adults. Virtually all toys and materials are freely available for children. Toys and materials are selected according to a thematic principle. The group has enough toys, material, didactic material and equipment for different kinds   child's activities - play, productive, motor, cognitive-research. The material for cognitive activity is represented by balls, nesting dolls, cubes, pyramids, cars, boxes of various sizes. For musical development there is only a tape recorder. Material for plot games are dolls of various professions, animals, toy household items. There are toys for games during the walk. Also in the group in large quantities are presented materials for the productive and creative activity of children. Paper of various types, pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes and paints, plasticine, various equipment for working with materials (tables, jars, boards, stands). All material is in satisfactory condition. Not enough material for the development of basic movements, material that can be thrown, rolled, climb, walk.

    To diversify the composition of male shaped dolls, babies and dolls of various professions. To expand the composition of role attributes, elements of costumes, attributes of various professions, rags of fabrics, attributes of male roles. To fill up the shortage of small dolls of both sexes, as well as items of "doll life". Update the composition of children's books. To eliminate the difficulty in accessing toys and various materials for children's independent activities. To expand the composition of equipment for musical development - toy musical instruments. The use of traditional game corners (“Hospital”, “Shop”) is not recommended, the themes and their plots are unchanged and impede the manifestation of the independent play creativity of children.

    Date- 7.06.The content of the work:The study of the living conditions of children of the second youngest group in preschool and family.
    Analysis of the pedagogical process:

    Day regimen of the child

    attending kindergarten


    In kindergarten

    Admission of children in the group. Inspection of children.

    Games and daily morning exercises

    7 00 - 8 20

    Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast

    8 20 - 8 45

    Games, preparation for classes

    8 45 - 9 00


    9 00 - 10 00

    Preparing for a walk

    10 00 - 10 20


    10 20 - 12 00

    Preparing for dinner

    12 00 - 12 20


    12 20 - 13 00


    13 00 - 15 00

    Rise, air and water treatments

    15 00 - 15 10

    Afternoon tea

    15 10 - 15 15

    Games, independent activities

    15 15 - 16 00

    Dinner preparation

    16 00 - 16 40

    Games, walk, leaving children home

    16 40 - 19 00



    Children are provided with four meals a day. Intervals between meals - 3.5-4 hours. Before meals, children have an even, calm mood. During meals, as well as throughout the day, the teacher in children forms cultural and hygienic skills. He teaches how to behave properly at the table, children of the fourth year of life can already help with table setting.


    Daytime sleep for children in preschool lasts 2 hours. Children sleep in a well-ventilated, warm room. It is necessary to ensure that children sleep in special clothes. Excluded moving and noisy games before bedtime. The teacher during the sleep of the children to be in the room where the children sleep. There is silence in the bedroom. Loud conversations of kindergarten employees are not allowed. All children must sleep. The rise is ensured by gradual. During the preparation for sleep and recovery, we also impart cultural and hygienic skills to children (careful folding of clothes, making beds, etc.).

    The walk is organized twice in kindergarten and once after attending kindergarten. It is recommended to walk in any weather for the exception of extreme cold. In the rain, walk well on the verandas. Children go for a walk as they are dressed, in groups. On the street are organized various interesting activities with a change of pace (outdoor games and quiet). Recommended take-away gaming equipment designed for outdoor games.


    In the second junior group, two classes are held daily for a total duration of up to 40 minutes, including a break. Classes are organized in the morning. A break between them is used to switch children to other activities, and excessively mobile, noisy games are not allowed. You can not arbitrarily increase the duration of classes and their number during the day. Classes are held according to thematic planning. Equipment, tables, chairs are selected in accordance with the age and needs of children.

    In order to study the process of adapting a child to kindergarten, organizing the life of children in a group of preschool institutions, creating an emotionally-happy environment in the group, a conversation was held with teachers and parents of children of the second youngest group. It turned out that the main problems in adapting a child are: a problem with sleep in kindergarten, a poor emotional state of a child due to the new situation and separation from parents, poor appetite   or even refusal to eat. The most common reason for rejecting food is a new setting and another menu. In this regard, the teacher must, before entering the kindergarten, give recommendations to parents about the menu and diet, conversations with the baby. The cause of sleep disturbance is more often the non-observance of the day regimen by the child at home, the parents must take this aspect into account and prepare the child at home (the gradual transfer of the child to the pre-school day regimen). Negative emotional states that occur in a child when visiting a kindergarten are associated with a new environment, big amount   guys parting with their parents. With such problems, teachers and parents prepare the child. Parents talk with the child, attend meetings before entering the kindergarten, meet with the teacher and the kindergarten. The teacher, in turn, makes every effort and his pedagogical skills to create an emotionally-happy environment in the group. Uses an individual approach to each child.

    After a survey of children's life in preschool, interviews with teachers studying the documentation of teachers, studying medical documentation of some children, interviews with parents, I would like to give recommendations to both parents and teachers of the group. In my opinion, teachers should pay more attention to the adaptation of children to the preschool institution, preparation for adaptation (interviewing parents, introducing the child to the institution before enrolling in kindergarten, conducting parents' surveys, working psychologists and medical workers with parents and children entering the nursery garden). On the street, the teacher is advised to direct the independent games of children (some encourage them to take action, others slow down a little.). Use time on walks with benefit for children (outdoor games, games with sand, nature observation). Parents also have more time to devote to the child’s adaptation to the preschool institution, to cooperate with the teachers, to get acquainted with the literature recommended by the teachers. To pay attention to the emotional development of your child, to consult on issues of interest with kindergarten specialists, to devote more time at home to these issues.
    Date is 10.06.

    The content of the work:   In order to study the characteristics of family education, she conducted a survey of parents of children entering preschool and conducted an analysis of the data from the survey. Conducted a conversation with parents and teachers, with the aim of studying the emotional and volitional development of children of the second younger group of kindergartens.
    Analysis of the pedagogical process:

    She conducted surveys of parents of 3 children, talked with one parent in order to study the features of family education, parents' level of knowledge about the emotional development of their children, conducted an analysis of the results obtained. Prepared recommendations for teachers and parents during the adaptation period to the preschool institution. Conducted conversations with teachers of the group on emotional development in the kindergarten group, this knowledge is supposed to be used to further practice, prepare and conduct self-study with children. All knowledge gained in the course of work with parents and teachers, will create more comfortable conditions for children to stay in kindergarten. The survey and the results of conversations with teachers and parents look further.


    She carried out the timing of the independent activity of the child, with the aim of studying the characteristics of the life of a young child in the kindergarten group, its interaction with others, and the development of the game. The results of the observation recorded in the protocol.

    Date - 16.06.

    Analysis of the pedagogical process:

    The lesson was on drawing. The teacher prepared a summary, all the necessary materials and equipment for the class. Held preparatory conversation   with kids. The teacher has prepared classes in accordance with the plan, the program objectives correspond to the age of children, level of development. Hygiene requirements were met during the class, the room was ventilated, wet cleaning was done, furniture was placed. Children and caregiver have a neat appearance. The lesson uses high-quality visual material. Different didactic material is used. The speech of the teacher is available, logical, emotional. The children at the lesson behaved actively, showed interest in the material, and coped with the task set at the beginning of the lesson. At the end of the lesson, the children, independently and with the help of an adult, put their workplace in order. The teacher owns the requirements of the program, competently engaged in planning the activities of children in this section. The method of conducting classes, the management of children's independent activities meets the requirements. In organizing various types of activities, they actively use such methods and techniques that activate children's activities: visual, verbal, practical. I believe that the teacher coped with the tasks assigned during the lesson, the material was presented clearly and correctly. In the group during the class was created emotionally - a happy atmosphere.

    Date is 18.06.

    Analysis of the pedagogical process:In order to increase pedagogical competence in the upbringing and development of a young child. Consulted on the preparation and conduct of self-study with children. I got acquainted with the work of the methodologist of the kindergarten. I consulted about the new literature, which will help me in my practice and the improvement of my professional skills.

    At the request of the educator, after the last parent meeting, she prepared a material in the parent area on issues of interest to parents. Articles for the parent corner are attached, see below.

    Date-21.06. The content of the work:Observed and analyzed the play activity of 2 children of the group, the results of the observations entered in the diagnostic sheet.

    Analysis of the pedagogical process:

    In order to study the play activities of younger children, we monitored the play activity of 2 children of the group. These observations are listed in the diagnostic sheet. Analyzed the results. I hope that the findings will help me in further work with the children of this group. Results of observation and conclusions look further.

    Familiarize with the existing literature on the diagnosis of children's games. Conducting more detailed diagnostics (interviews with parents and teachers about the development of children plot role   games).

    Date - 23.06.

    Analysis of the pedagogical process:

    Independently prepared and conducted a lesson with the second younger group in drawing. Drawing plot, the name of the lesson: "The Gingerbread Man rolled along the track." Children create an image of a bun on the basis of a circle or an oval, a looping path - on the basis of a wavy line with loops. The tasks of the lesson were as follows: Educational (continue teaching children to draw based on folk tales; combine different techniques: drawing a bun with gouache paints (a color spot in the shape of a circle or oval), an image of a long wavy or winding track with felt-tip pens; develop visual - figurative thinking, imagination) . Educational tasks - to raise interest in the reflection of impressions and ideas about fairy-tale characters in visual activity. The session was successful, the children coped with the task. Summary of employment to look further.

    To draw the attention of children to the independent use of such expressive means as line, shape, color. Using the characters of the puppet theater when reading poems and creating an image of a bun. The use of didactic exercises with the artistic content of the “line for a walk”, “brush dancing”. Prepare an exhibition of works of children.

    Self-analysis of the class:

    I consider that I managed to cope with the task set during the preparation and conduct of classes for children, but there are shortcomings, observations and amendments made by the teacher who observed during my independent activities with children. In the future, taking into account all the comments, it is necessary to carefully prepare the lesson and study additional literature that would help me learn more about the features of the methodology for conducting such activities with children of this particular age. When preparing and conducting classes, it is necessary to take into account the individual psychological and physiological features of each child and gender differences. I didn’t work out this question correctly and insufficiently clearly, I didn’t use enough resources to create a happy emotional environment in class.

    Date 25.06.

    Analysis of the pedagogical process:

    Visited the second younger group, participated in the conduct of regime processes, walks and classes with children. In the classroom I watched the teacher, noticed interesting moments in the method of conducting classes. She participated in plot-role-playing games for children. She designed the exhibition of the works of children that were made in the previous lesson, marked it in the locker room.

    More colorful and artistic dressing rooms and children's creative works. Carrying out outdoor games, organization and assistance in independent productive and cognitive activity of children.

    Date is 28.06.

    She studied literature to prepare classes. Processed the data from the previous days of practice. Preparing documentation for delivery to the head of the practice.

    Date 30.06.

    Analysis of the pedagogical process:

    Conversation on the topic "Why do I need to wash my hands" for children 3-4 years old.

    OBJECTIVE: Formation of ideas about the hygienic foundations of life safety.

    Improve children's understanding of the importance of hygiene (hand washing).

    Develop the ability to independently notice the need to wash hands.

    Instill the need to lead healthy way   of life.

    Conducting the conversation:

    Children sit around the caregiver.

    Teacher: - Guys, every day, both at home and in kindergarten, coming from a walk and after a toilet, after games and before eating, they say the same thing to you - “Do not forget to wash your hands!”. "Why do they wash them so often and they are so clean?" "What do you guys think?"

    Answers children.

    Educator: - In fact, “On the hands, as on all surrounding objects, there are many microbes that, if they get into the mouth with food, can cause diseases.”

    The teacher reads a poem about germs to children:

    Microbe - a terribly harmful animal:
    Insidious and, most importantly, ticklish.
    Such an animal in the stomach
    Climb up - and quietly lives there.

    Climb, goon, and where you want
    Walking around the patient and tickling.
    He is proud that so much from him:
    And runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.

    You will ask:

    “How will he get there ?!”

    - Of course, through the mouth!

      –Children look carefully at their hands. Do you see microbes? Why?

    Answers children.

    Educator: - Microbes are very small and cannot be seen without special magnifying devices, they can be seen only under a microscope.

    The teacher shows pictures with a microscope image and explains what it is for and how it works. Educator: - Children, and why are germs so harmful?

    Answers children.

    Educator: - And what should be done to get rid of germs?

    Answers children.

    The teacher reads the poem to the children:

    I do not keep secrets

    I will tell all the guys!

    All diseases are guys,

    From microbes say.

    To always be healthy,

    It is necessary to wash hands with soap!


    1.   Karepova T.G. Formation of healthy lifestyles in preschool children. - Volgograd, 2009.

    2.   Neustupova E.S. Why do I need to wash my hands? - Kandalaksha, 2010.

    It is desirable to use various means   to create the most prosperous emotional atmosphere during the conversation and the use of techniques for a better perception of the material (the use of toys and puppet theater, reading fiction, viewing images and paintings).

    Pedagogical Institute named

    Department of Applied Psychology


    Penza 2014 year


    for students practicing in preschool

    1. Practice is an integral part of the educational process and serves the purpose of consolidating and deepening theoretical knowledge, acquiring skills in state, public and private organizations.

    2. Students who have fully completed the curriculum of theoretical training are allowed to practice.

    3. Before starting the practice, the student must receive:

    · Referral to practice;

    · Rules for filling in the diary report;

    · Individual task.

    In addition, the student should familiarize himself with the program of practice, the content of upcoming work, get the necessary explanations on the organization, conduct of work and reporting on practice from the head of practice.

    4. During the internship the student must:

    Getting the most important practical skills in various types of psychological and pedagogical work with the child;

    Strengthening the skills of working with children with developmental problems;

    The orientation of students on professional and personal development in order to resolve their own internal problems and enhance their personal resources, the formation of a professional position;

    Creating a motivational - value attitude to the upcoming psychological and educational activities;

    Formation of awareness of the need for self-education and self-preparation for practical work.

    1. Educational activities, which involves familiarizing the student with the psychologist's office and documentation, monitoring diagnostic, counseling, educational work of a psychologist, visiting correctional and developmental classes, attending classes (lessons) in a group.

    2. Psychodiagnostic activity, which involves mastering the methods of psychological study of the child’s personality and the group of children (observation, conversation, questioning, testing, study of the products of activity, etc.), processing the obtained data, their interpretation and drawing up a psychological conclusion.

    3. Psychological education, the meaning of which is to:

    · To acquaint educators, teachers and parents with basic
    patterns and conditions of favorable mental development

    · To popularize and explain the results of the latest psychological

    · To form the need for psychological knowledge, desire
    use them in working with a child or in the interests of developing their own

    · Achieve an understanding of the need for practical psychology and work
    psychologist in the institution.

    Forms of psychological education can be very different: lectures, conversations, seminars, exhibitions, a selection of literature, etc.

    The effectiveness of psychological enlightenment increases if psychological knowledge is given as a means of solving life problems.

    During the period of psychological practice, we limit ourselves to the psychological enlightenment of educators, methodologists, educators, parents (and students).

    Psychological education of parents is aimed at introducing them to the actual problems of children and contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of children's development by adults.

    The psychologist reveals to parents important, pressing issues solved by their children at a given age level, and suggests suitable forms of child-parent communication for this moment. To do this, you can use short psychological conversations at parental meetings.


    Analysis of the cognitive development of the child involves identifying general level development of perception, figurative thinking, memory, speech and imagination. The listed processes should be determined uniformly or unevenly relative to each other. Cases of uniform development are fairly simple; difficulties in analyzing represent options for uneven cognitive development, which is expressed not only in differences in the levels of perception, thinking, imagination, etc., but also in the symptomatic differences within each individual cognitive process.

    Analysis of the results should be carried out in a comprehensive manner; individual manifestations should be interpreted only in connection with others: the individual symptom itself is always ambiguous, its true meaning follows from comparison with other symptoms. Even more comprehensive analysis is important for understanding the personality of the child, manifested in the characteristics of behavior, the implementation of projective, cognitive and so-called "personal" tasks.

    When analyzing the results of a survey, the correct understanding of the peculiarities of a child's interaction with other people acquires special significance. A significant role here is played by the nature of upbringing in the family, the level of requirements placed on the child, the degree of conflict in the family, etc. The qualities of the child who determine his behavior outside the family (with children, educators, other adults), in particular, are equally important. , initiative, conflict, organization of the child.

    Analyzing the survey data, the psychologist should strive not to assess the quantitative level of development of a particular function, but to create a holistic psychological portrait of the child, identifying the child’s general type of behavior.

    The psychological conclusion necessarily includes writing recommendations. Recommendations are based on the analysis of the specific situation of the child's development. They can relate to the correction of cognitive development, the peculiarities of his emotional sphere, child-parent relationships, the relationship of the child with adults and children.

    A special problem is the adoption of these recommendations by educators (parents) - only in this case they become effective (see an example of a fragment of the psychological conclusion in Appendix 5).

    Psychological characteristics   - this is a more detailed psychological conclusion about the features of the development of the child, which includes:

    1. General data (name of the child, age, gender, which educational or other institution attends, family composition, its social and psychological status (financial position, where and by whom parents work, degree of well-being, unfavorable situation in the family, etc.) physical development   child (state of major motor skills, presence chronic diseases, general state   health, etc.), the conclusion of PMPK (if there is one), etc.)

    2. The relationship of the child in the family and preschool.

    · Relationship of the child with parents, lack of presence of distortions in family education, type parental relationship   to the child, family relationships.

    · The relationship of the child in the preschool institution with caregivers and peers, the social status of the child in the peer group (adopted, rejected, isolated, etc.). The child's attitude to peers: loves, indifferent, negative attitude, enters into conflicts, shows aggression, hostility, etc. Relationship of the child with teachers: is there a contact, loves, respects, etc.

    · Features of attention: the degree of development of involuntary and voluntary attention, concentration, sustainability, ability to distribute (for schoolchildren).

    · Memory features: the level and nature of involuntary and arbitrary memorization, mechanical and semantic memorization, the strength of memorization, its volume, ease of reproduction, etc.

    · Features of thinking: the ability to distinguish between essential and secondary signs of objects and phenomena, the level of assimilation of concepts, the ability to compare and generalize, the ability to draw conclusions, establish causal relationships, solve mental problems, etc.

    · Speech development: volume and content of active and passive vocabulary, level of speech understanding, peculiarities of sound pronunciation, level of formation of phrasal speech, coherent speech, level of development of dialogic and monologue speech, intonational characteristics of speech, state of written speech (writing and reading - for schoolchildren).

    · Outlook: a stock of ideas about objects and phenomena of life around him, his fullness, limitations, etc.

    4. Features of personality and emotional-volitional sphere of the child. Special abilities of the child

    · Features of self-awareness. Type of self-esteem - adequate, inadequate (exaggerated, underestimated), the level of claims (high, low, medium), the leading motive - avoiding trouble, achieving success. The presence or absence of the subordination of motives.

    · Features of emotional development. The presence of emotional disorders - expressed fears, anxiety, aggressiveness, depression, etc. The prevailing mood: sad, cheerful, depressed, its stability.

    · Features of character and volitional qualities of an individual: the ability for volitional effort, formation of volitional qualities: discipline, organization, obedience, accuracy, easy suggestibility, the ratio of positive and negative qualities of character, etc.

    5. Behavior features: behaves calmly, restrainedly, or shows excessive mobility, restlessness, does the regime, etc.

    · Formation of self-care skills and labor skills: has skills of washing, dressing and other self-care skills, does it have work skills, does it help adults, does it on its own initiative, request or coercion, is there permanent responsibilities in the family, educational institution, attitude to these duties, etc.

    · Interests of the child: what the child is interested in (drawing, designing, music, etc.), sustainability of interests.

    1. The main advantages and disadvantages of an emerging personality, the causes of existing problems.

    2. Identification of the most important psychological and pedagogical tasks facing teachers and other support specialists, the main measures to overcome the shortcomings, the ways of correction, the conditions that must be created for the rehabilitation of the child, etc.

    The scheme of the description of the conversation (to task 3)

    1. The topic of the conversation, what category of listeners it is designed for.

    2. The purpose and objectives of the conversation.

    3. Plan conversation.

    5. The nature of the conversation (group atmosphere, interest or
    the indifference of parents (teachers), the difficulty of presenting the material of the conversation and
    other features of the event).

    6. Source of the conversation topic (the topic of the conversation is determined by the children's request
    psychologist or educator, initiative or scientific work of a trainee).

    7. Used literature in the preparation of the conversation.

    8. Additional information (used techniques and means
    attracted to the organization of the conversation, communication with the scientific activities of the student,
    subjective assessment of the conversation).

    Approximate topics of conversations with teachers and parents

    1. Gender identification in preschool age   (or psychosexual
    development at preschool age).

    2. Child's readiness for school (psychological, intellectual,
    motivational) (or how to prepare a child for school).

    3. “Shustrik” and “Mummy”, features of the organization of their life and

    4. Children's fears: causes, prevention and opportunities

    5. The most common mistakes of family education and their influence
    on the mental development of children (2-3 problems to choose from).

    6. Development crises at preschool age and how to “fight” them.

    7. Stubbornness in childhoodits origins.

    8. Features of the development of mental processes in preschool age.
    (attention, memory, thinking, imagination, perception) (optional).

    9. Emotional well-being   (distress), its effect on
    child's mental health.

    10. Intra-personal conflicts in preschoolers, learning conflict-free behavior.

    As a reporting on the practice in preschool is writing a diary - a report that is filled out by the student and is regularly maintained throughout the practice. Diary - the report includes the following sections:

    Title page (see Appendix 1),

    The first section is " General information"(See Appendix 2),

    The second section "The stages of the practice assignment" (see Appendix 3),

    The third section "Protocols for diagnostic methods" (see Appendix 4),

    The fourth section "Psychological conclusion" (see Appendix 5),

    The fifth section "Psychological characteristics" (see Appendix 6)

    The sixth section of the “Diary of Reflection” (see Appendix 7) is filled in free form.

    These sections should be signed by the persons indicated in the diary-report, and in the appropriate places the DOW stamp should be stamped.

    2. Entries in the sixth section are made daily. They give brief information about the work done. At the end of the practice, the student writes a conclusion and description on the child (section four and five), which is signed by the head of practice from the DOE.

    3. The head of the practice from the kindergarten writes in the diary-report a description of the student (section seven, see Appendix 8).

    4. The diary-report records the evaluation of the practice and a brief description-feedback - is recorded by the head of practice from the department (Section Seven, see Appendix 9).

    5. Section Eight is reserved for notes and additional entries, including the training part.

    6. The diary-report is stored at the department until the student completes the course.

    Annex 1.

    Penza State University

    Pedagogical Institute named

    Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Sciences

    Department of Applied Psychology



    Student ________________________________________

    (Student’s full name)

    Penza, 2013

    Appendix 2.


    Name Patronymic name

    PSU Pedagogical Institute.

    Specialty: bachelor, the direction of "psychological and pedagogical education"

    Name of the organization of internship

    Practice address

    Head of Practice from the department:

    Head of Practice from DOW:

    Duration of practice according to the curriculum:

    Printing and painting the head of the organization of internship:

    Appendix 3.


    Stage name


    Preparatory stage:

    Psychodiagnostic stage:

    Conducting educational activities:

    Preparation of a practice report:

    Signature methodologist DOU __________________________________________________________

    Appendix 4


    Protocol No. ...

    Date: day, month, year.

    Duration: the beginning and end of the study

    Experimenter: F.I.O.

    Subject: F.I.O. (encoded).

    The age of the subject: (indicate how many years, months).

    Pre-school № ..., group ....

    Subject of research: (what is being researched).

    Purpose of the study:

    Research methodology:


    The study procedure can be filled in the following form:

    Speech and actions of the experimenter

    Speech and the actions of the subject

    Processing (quantitative and qualitative) of the obtained data (summary tables of research results are possible)

    Interpretation of research results.

    appendix 5



    according to the psychological examination

    The purpose of the survey is to determine the level of development of cognitive processes (memory, thinking, perception, imagination, attention).

    Due to Sergey’s individual psychological characteristics, the examination was designed for two stages.

    In the conversation conducted before the survey, Sergey willingly answers questions about himself, his friends, and games. There is a fuzzy pronouncing of words (does not pronounce the sound "p"). The purpose of the study does not understand. Sergey was warned that such conversations would be held with other guys in the group.

    Readily embarks "to work." In some cases, proceeds to the implementation of tasks, without having heard the instructions to the end.

    He understands the instructions for the assignments with great difficulty, some of them are not at all understandable for the child .... There is a decrease in Sergey’s criticality, both to his condition and to the results of the study as a whole (he did what he did , the task was not difficult, etc.).

    In the study of memory (techniques "10 words", "10 subjects"), slow memorization (the number of reproduced words after the first six repetitions: 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5) is observed. The amount of short-term memory is below the normal unit). When playing back, he repeatedly utters the same words ...

    10 minutes after the start of the survey, there are elements of fatigue (fatigue) in the form of distractions, gagging, etc.

    When performing experimental tasks, there are such periods when Sergey stops listening, “disconnects from work” and requires the intervention of the experimenter to remind him to be attentive, not to be distracted.

    The level of development of figurative thinking (according to the “Split Pictures” method), verbal-logical thinking (according to the “Fourth Extra”, “Classification”, “Analogies”) methods are very low. Sergey’s answers are often given at random, he cannot justify his choice or answer.

    Thus, as a result of the psychological examination of Sergey K., a strongly pronounced deviation in mental development, a rapid decrease in working capacity, depletion of attention, and uncriticality to his judgments and actions were revealed.

    The diagnosis and determination of the type of kindergarten, the group in which it should be trained, should be made on the basis of a comprehensive psychological, medical and educational examination.

    1. Contact the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

    2. To carry out individual correctional and developmental work,
    aimed at the development of the child's cognitive sphere

    3. To conduct psychological counseling for family members.

    appendix 6



    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of Masha M. (6 years 1 month.)

    1. Anamnestic data. A child from the second pregnancy (the first pregnancy ended in miscarriage) with the threat of miscarriage. Toxicosis of the 2nd half of pregnancy. Prematurity (36 weeks). Childbirth: swift, with asphyxia. Speech development: walking - 3 months, babble - at 10 months, the first words - at 1.5 years, the first phrases - at 2 years. Speech development was not interrupted. There was a sleep disorder (anxiety).
    The conclusion of the neuropsychiatrist: CRA cerebral organic genesis, ADHD (attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity).

    2. Appearance . The build is normal, proportional. Integuments   pale. The face is expressive. Involuntary twitching of the face, neck, and shoulders are noted.

    3. Emotional reaction and nature of communication with an adult in the process.   survey.
    Masha is easy to contact. Knows the last name, first name, gender and age. Quickly distracted, the task is not fully listened to, it seldom does it itself, because it cannot organize itself, accepts any help. He behaves adequately to the situation, is benevolent, however, throughout the entire time of the survey, something constantly pulls his hands, manipulates objects. She believes that her behavior is always good, she appreciates the results of her activity highly.

    4. The state of emotional-volitional sphere. Active, sociable girl. It may take itself, but for a short time. If she doesn’t like something, she can be stubborn, cry, scream, but she quickly calms down if her attention is shifted to another object or activity. Masha is demonstrative. The girl has a violation of the distance of communication, first of all, with adults. She loves when teachers and educators do it, asks for a lesson. Sometimes it interferes with studying with other children, requiring attention only to oneself; in this case, an adult is forced to take her out of the group in order to be able to continue the lesson.

    5. Motility.The girl is physically developed. Height corresponds to age. There are violations of posture, general and fine motor skills. When examining the main types of movements, the following features are revealed: an uncertain gait, difficulties in maintaining balance, poor coordination of movements. When examining fine motor skills, it performs movements according to imitation and verbal instructions, there are difficulties in switching from one movement to another, in simultaneous action with both hands. Coordination of finger movements is broken. The leading hand is the right. Articulation motility is developed in accordance with the age norm.

    6. Cognitive development

    A. Attention: Involuntary attention: formed, but the volume of visual and auditory attention. The volume of voluntary attention is also significantly these wives, there is a violation of distributability and switchability of attention. Insufficiently developed resistance, characterized by rapid depletion of attention.

    B. Perception: Color: the child clearly identifies and names all the colors and shades presented (black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, blue, purple, brown). Gray recognizes, but does not name. Finds the specified color in the surrounding space. Planar forms: compare all planar forms
    (circle, oval, square, rectangle, rhombus, polygon). When identifying confuses the rhombus and the polygon. When naming, it reproduces all shown forms (including a rhombus and a rectangle), except for a polygon. Independently finds objects in the surrounding reality in accordance with a given planar shape (circle, square, rectangle). Volumetric figures: compares the entire set of presented volumetric forms (ball, cube, cylinder, bar, brick). When identifying confuses the bar and brick. When self-naming means only the most elementary forms (ball, cube).

    Perception of space:

    macrospace - can independently (without the help of a caregiver) walk to the dining room. Freely orientated in the gymnasium, the office of rhythmics, the assembly hall. Independently displays and displays basic spatial orientations in speech. When marking the right and left sides, problems arise, but then the girl herself is corrected;

    microspace - faithfully collate, identify and name all sides and parts of the sheet, highlights the center.

    The perception of the scheme of the body, its parts and sides: - orientation to yourself - shows and correctly names the following parts of the body: head, nose, mouth, forehead, hair, left and right symmetrical parts of the body (ears, cilia, knees, heels). Chin designate as "beard"; can not call eyebrows, neck designating as "throat". Differentiates the right and left side; - Orientation on another person - when naming left-sided and right-sided makes mistakes associated with the mirror image of this relationship.

    The perception of the sequence of parts of the day. The idea of ​​the sequence of parts of the day formed. Reproduces based on the pictures.

    The sequence of the seasons. There is no opposition of autumn and spring. It confuses the adjacent seasons (spring - summer - autumn, autumn - winter, winter - spring). The girl does not differentiate their signs, forgets the verbal name
    some seasons ("spring").

    The sequence of months and their filling of seasons. Independently names only the following months: June, October, September, December. Thus, the child has not formed an idea about the sequence of the arrangement of the months one after another and the filling of the months of the seasons.

    Days of the week. Self calls only Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Does not differentiate weekends and weekdays. Thus, these representations are fragmentary and unstable. Moreover, the idea of ​​how the days of the week follow each other is not formed.

    V. Memory: Semantic memory prevails over mechanical. Obel mechanical memory is significantly limited. An increase in the number of presentations (words, pictures, objects) increases the number of correctly reproduced variants. The ability to memorize poems is reduced (it takes up to 6 repetitions of the quatrain). Allows mistakes in the form of permutations and omissions of words, replaces them.

    G. Thinking.

    Visual and effective thinking is formed. Visual-figurative thinking - marked enough high level   the formation of this type of thinking. Quickly collects split images from 5-6 parts. Constructs from 7 sticks on the model.
    Elements of verbal and logical thinking. Performs classifications only of "trees", "vegetables", "fruits" and other generalizing concepts worked out with defectology for the autumn. “Footwear”, “clothing”, “furniture”, “wild” and “domestic animals” evoke difficulty in generalizing and comparing. It is difficult to work with a series of plot pictures: the pictures do not unite in the plot, there is no understanding of the beginning of the action and its completion, even if the series consists of 3 pictures. Representations of the number formed. There are concepts of “one - many”, “more - less”. The account is direct to 15, the counting is not formed. Counting operations within 5 on a visual basis.

    D. Speech development. It can vary the tempo and intonation expressiveness of speech: to pronounce words loudly and quietly, to speak quickly, slowly.
    Phonetic side of speech within the age norm. With the help of a teacher, he copes with tasks aimed at highlighting the sound in a word, for example, choosing toys, in the title of which there is a sound “k”. The grammatical structure of speech. Correctly uses words in the plural. Almost always correct nouns with adjectives and nouns and verbs in time, sometimes she corrects her mistakes herself. The girl understands the purpose of prepositions and uses them correctly in speech, but finds it difficult to use complex prepositions (from under, because of).

    The lexical side of speech. The girl selects the subject and object of action, their signs, part-whole. An elementary generalization is available; it combines objects into genus-species categories, but it is difficult to differentiate the similarities and differences between them. At the same time, Masha has certain difficulties in mastering abstract concepts (words - actions, objects, signs, etc.).

    Connected speech. Transmits in your own words impressions from personal experience, loves to talk about what happened to her about the day.

    Masha can retell the fairy tale she has read or a short story, but there are violations of the functional and semantic unity of the text. When retelling jumps from one thought to another, the sentence does not end. The main ideas in the story highlights with the help of leading questions. Descriptive story is only with the help of a teacher or based on the scheme.

    E. Imagination: Reproductive and creative imagination is not marked by great originality and diversity. There is a tendency to a simplified, schematic depiction of objects, the originality of creative works is low, many stereotyped, stereotyped compositions, and the formation of new images is difficult.

    7. Formation of leading activities

    A. Communication: Masha is a sociable girl, she likes to talk with adults. She likes to help the teacher to organize children. Masha likes it when adults give her some kind of assignment - she gladly fulfills them. The girl is in contact with all the children, both her and the next group.
    In relation to all the children in the group, Masha shows a feeling of sympathy. At the same time, if one of the children in the group starts messing around, screaming or running loudly, then the girl starts doing the same.

    B. Formation of elementary work and self-service skills
    The girl knows how to dress and undress herself, but she still needs it when she is in control, because she can not fasten all the buttons, she does not know how to tie shoelaces, she does not always fold her things neatly.

    In the gaming activities. The length of stay in the role is small (no more than 7 minutes), uses substitutes. For role reincarnation uses the appropriate attributes. Thus, the level of development of game activity can be described as a procedural game with elements of plot-role behavior.

    G Visual activity. Masha has a negative attitude towards the visual activity (the girl did not have an enthusiasm for the process of drawing and verbal commenting on her either while drawing with felt-tip pens or pencils or paints). In the picture there is a plot (the characters interact with each other), although it is displayed quite schematically. In the depiction of the body scheme, important details of the face (eyebrows, eyelashes) are missing. In drawing uses only 3 colors.

    The prognosis for the future development of the child is generally favorable. Basic mental processes are within the age norm. Developing mental processes (verbal-logical thinking, modeling activities
    creative imagination) lag behind the age standards of development. Violation of voluntary attention leads to disruption of the child’s activities. Neurotic reactions are noted.

    · Form space-time representations and
    improve coordination of movements. In the process of conducting such classes include exercises on the development of voluntary attention;

    · To contribute to the formation and development of the role-playing game, and in it - the ability to culturally communicate with others and the foundations of life safety in kindergarten and on the street. In the process of play therapy - to work on the removal of neurotic reactions;

    · Continue to work on developing mental processes in preschool age, to pay special attention to the development of verbal-logical thinking, speech and imagination.

    · Organize work aimed at the formation of abstract, generalizing concepts;

    · To form motivation for educational activities and to continue work on the formation of arbitrary behavior.

    appendix 7


    Analysis of their professional activities (what happened, what difficulties arose during the study), etc.

    Appendix 8


    Characteristics for student groups….

    FPPiSN, who had been practicing in the period from .......... to ..........

    During the internship the student (FULL NAME) showed such personal qualities as ………………………………………………………………

    In addition, he learned ...................... In the course of the internship, the student was required to display such professional skills as .............................. knowledge in the field ...................... As a result of the internship, the student developed skills in ……………………………………

    The head of DOU __________________ name

    printing place

    Appendix 9


    Head of Practice from the Department of Applied Psychology _____________________



    Acquaintance with preschool institution and its main premises. - group room;

    Methodical Cabinet;

    Office head;




    Supervision over carrying out occupation: The communication beginning of the diploma

    One day


    One day



    Aesthetic design,

    Play corners,

    Corners of creativity.



    Supervision over the organization of labor activity of preschoolers.

    One day


    One day

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

    Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov


    Specialty050707 - « Pedagogy and methodology

    preschool education "


    Female students2 course for full-time study

    Pakhomova Catherine Valentinovna

    Group leader

    Kurenkova E.V.

    Manager's signature

    Acquaintance with preschool institution and its main premises.

      group room;

    Music and gymnasiums;

    Methodical Cabinet;

    Office head;


    Appendix №1

    Acquaintance with the rights and duties of a preschool teacher.

    Appendix №2

    Supervision over carrying out occupation:

    1. Theme classes.

    2. Training teacher.

    3.What visual material was used?

    4. The interest of children, their emotional manifestation.

    5. What techniques were used by the teacher.

    6. How did the lesson end?

    Appendix №3

    Observation of regime moments    (cultural and hygienic activities, organization of sleep, nutrition, walks)

    1. Children's independence

    2. The role of the teacher in the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, techniques used by the teacher in the process of organizing cultural and hygienic skills.

    Appendix №4

    Perform benefits on the instructions of the senior tutor.

    Appendix №5

    Comparative analysis of the design of premises for children of different age groups.



    Aesthetic design,

    Play corners,

    Corners of creativity.

    Appendix №6

    Monitoring the organization of leisure activities.

      Type of leisure activities

      Teacher training.

      Activity of children in leisure activities.

    Appendix №7

    Supervision over the organization of work activities of preschoolers

      Type of employment

      Teacher training.

      Activity of children in labor activity.

      Emotional reaction of preschoolers

      Relevance of labor age of children.

    Appendix №8

    Monitoring the organization of various types of games in the group and at the kindergarten site.

      Which role-playing games are played by children, age appropriate

      Outdoor games, their expediency and age

      Place of board and print games in consolidating the knowledge of children.

      The game is dramatization, its organization and conduct with children.

    Appendix №9

    Monitoring teacher communication with children, the implementation of an individual approach to preschoolers.

      Communication style teacher with children

      Do children seek help from a teacher and how often, on what issues.

    Appendix №10

    Appendix № 1.

    Acquaintance with preschool institution and its main premises.

    In the first days of my practice in kindergarten number 1340, I familiarized myself with the preschool, the team and my senior educator, Irina Anatolyevna Kornyshevoy, in which I will practice, documentation, with the arrangement of the internal space of the preschool and the territory adjacent to the room where children will walk kindergarten. The priority in the work of the teaching staff is to preserve the mental and physical health of children, the intellectual and personal development of each child, and adaptation to life in society. On the territory of the kindergarten there are 6 groups and 2 groups of short stay (learning to swim). Children from 2 to 7 years. On the territory of the kindergarten are: - Group room. All conditions have been created for the full development and upbringing of older children. The group has a dressing room, a game corner, a nature corner, a recreation corner, a corner with didactic materials, a drawing corner, a corner with toys, study tables, a bedroom, a buffet where dishes and cutlery are stored for meals;

    Music Hall. There is a piano, a number - a wardrobe with various costumes of fairy-tale heroes, children's musical instruments, various decorations made of cardboard, plastic and fabrics;

    Sports Hall. The gymnasium is equipped with Swedish walls, rope, hangers, rings, benches, stands for hoops of different sizes, equipment is enough for classes with all children of the group at the same time, balls of different sizes, bowls, sticks, bags, cubes are available for all children, an instructor Massage mats, walkways, earrings and other devices for physical education were made;

    Pool. It has a dressing room laid with tiles in blue shades, covered with a rubber convex mat. Has no more than a depth of 60 cm. Handrails and not protruding steps. There are individual hats for each child and swimming circles, towels.

    - Methodical study. Equipped with everything necessary for the implementation of educational activities. There is a computer, folders are placed on the shelves in all areas of the preschool institution: regulatory documents, special methodological literature, manuals.

    Cabinet Head. A room in a simple style on the desktop has computer equipment, documents, writing materials. In the center of the room there is a meeting table, along the walls there is a cabinet with documents, reports, folders. The cabinet is clean and bright;

    Utility room - there are preparatory materials for lessons, visual aids, inventory. Household equipment.

    Administrative and economic part. The area around the kindergarten landscaped, has an aesthetic and bright appearance. Along the perimeter of the kindergarten are children's playgrounds, which are stationary gaming equipment: swings, gazebos, sandboxes, various rocking chairs, flower beds. On the territory of the preschool there are a lot of trees and shrubs. In general, the kindergarten has a bright and well-groomed appearance. The conditions in the group in which I will undergo the practice (senior group) are at first glance good. Conduct educational work with children under the guidance of a senior educator, deputy head and methodologist.

    Pedagogical composition:

    have a higher education: 7 people. (44%);

    have the highest qualification category: 1 person. (6%);

    have the first qualification category: 3 people. (nineteen %);

    correspond to the position: 1 person. (6%);

    Honored Workers: 1 person. (6%);

    Honorary workers: 1 person. (6%).

    Appendix № 2.

    Acquaintance with the rights and duties of a preschool teacher.

    In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On Education” of 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1, employees of pre-school institutions have the following rights:

    Article 55. Rights of employees of educational institutions and measures of their social support (as amended by Federal Law of August 22, 2004, N 122-FZ)

    1. Employees of educational institutions have the right to participate in the management of an educational institution, to protect their professional honor and dignity.

    2. A disciplinary investigation of violations by a pedagogical employee of an educational institution of the norms of professional conduct and (or) the statute of this educational institution may be conducted only on the basis of a complaint submitted to him, filed in writing. A copy of the complaint must be given to this pedagogical worker.

    3. The course of a disciplinary investigation and decisions made on its results may be made public only with the consent of the teacher of the educational institution concerned, with the exception of cases leading to a ban on engaging in pedagogical activities or, if necessary, protecting the interests of students and pupils.

    4. In the performance of professional duties, pedagogical workers have the right to freedom of choice and use of methods of training and education, textbooks and materials, textbooks in accordance with the educational program approved by the educational institution, methods for assessing the knowledge of students and pupils. The selection of textbooks and teaching aids used in the educational process in state-accredited educational institutions that implement educational programs of general education is made in accordance with the list of textbooks and teaching aids determined by the educational institution.

    5. For pedagogical workers of educational institutions, a reduced working time is established - no more than 36 hours per week.

    Depending on the position and (or) the specialty of pedagogical employees of educational institutions, taking into account the peculiarities of their work, the duration of working hours as well as the minimum duration of annual paid leave are established by the Labor Code Russian Federation   and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    Pedagogical workers of educational institutions in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, enjoy the right to receive a pension for years of service before they reach retirement age, to a free living space with heating and lighting in rural areas, working settlements (urban-type settlements), for the priority provision of residential square. The size, conditions and procedure for reimbursement of expenses related to the provision of these social support measures are established by legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Teachers of an educational institution, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, are entitled to long-term leave of up to one year, the procedure and conditions, which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of the educational institution.

    6. The teaching load of a pedagogical worker of an educational institution, stipulated in an employment contract (contract), is limited to an upper limit determined by the standard provision on an educational institution of the appropriate type and type.

    6.1. Employees employed by decision of the authorized executive authorities to conduct a unified state examination during working hours and are exempted from the main work for the period of the unified state examination are retained by the guarantees established by labor legislation and other acts containing the norms of labor law.

    Employees involved in the unified state exam may be paid compensation for the work of preparing and conducting the unified state exam. The amount and procedure for the payment of compensation shall be established by the subject of the Russian Federation within the limits of the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation allocated for the conduct of the unified state exam.

    7. A pedagogical worker of an educational institution of higher vocational education who has a degree in a relevant specialty has the right to read for free a training course parallel to an existing one. The management of the educational institution is obliged to create the necessary conditions for this.

    8. Pedagogical workers of federal state educational institutions (including executives, whose activities are related to educational process) in order to facilitate their provision of book publishing products and periodicals, monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 150 rubles is paid in federal state educational institutions of higher professional education and corresponding additional professional education, in the amount of 100 rubles in other federal state educational institutions.

    To pedagogical workers of state educational institutions that are under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the said monetary compensation is paid upon the decision of the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the amount established by the said authority; pedagogical workers of municipal educational institutions - by decision of the local government in the amount established by the specified body.

    In accordance with the "Charter DOW in the Russian Federation" teacher has the right to:

      participate in the work of the board of teachers;

      elect and be elected chairman of the board of teachers of DOW;

      choose, develop and apply educational programs (including author's), teaching and education methods, tutorials   and materials;

      protect your professional honor and dignity;

      to demand from the pre-school educational institution the creation of conditions necessary for the performance of official duties, and advanced training;

      improve qualifications;

      professional skills;

      to be certified on the basis of competition for the appropriate qualification category;

      to participate in research and experimental work;

      to disseminate his pedagogical experience, which has received scientific substantiation;

      receive social benefits and guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; additional benefits provided to teaching staff by local authorities and management, the founder, the administration of pre-school.

    In accordance with the "Charter of DOU in the Russian Federation" the teacher is obliged to:

      comply with the Dow Statutes;

      comply with job descriptions, the Rules of internal order of DOU;

      protect the life and health of children;

      protect the child from all forms of physical and mental abuse;

      cooperate with the family in the upbringing and education of the child; have professional skills, constantly improve them.

    Appendix № 3.

    Supervision over carrying out occupation.Theme of the lesson - Communication beginning of the diploma. Supervised the conduct of classes of communication discipline (Beginning of the diploma). In older group   Every day, two classes are held with a total duration of up to 40 minutes, including a break. Classes are organized in the morning. A break between them is used to switch children to other activities, and excessively mobile, noisy games are not allowed. You can not arbitrarily increase the duration of classes and their number during the day. Classes are held according to thematic planning. Equipment, tables, chairs are selected in accordance with the age and needs of children. And so on Thursday the discipline of communication is held (Commencement diploma). Teacher training: Educational activities are based on the handbook - Zhukov, pages 39–40, topic “Communication beginning of a letter”. The teacher prepares a demonstrative material, a journal, a training manual. There is a preparation for a lesson. The teacher introduces children to the topic of the lesson talks about it tries to conduct thematic dialogues with children.

    Visual material:Board, pointer, two composing canvases with the schemes of three centuries and five sound words, red, blue, green, chips, caps (triangles), a set of chips and toys.

    Handout. Workbooks, red, green, blue chips, pointers.

    Children's interest: Children are involved. There is both a collective work and independent. Task levels go from easy to hard. The teacher encourages the right answers, there is an incentive to answer correctly.

    Receptions of teachers: The teacher switched the attention of children. Involved all children, the lesson was conducted in a playful way, it was diluted physical. Minutes, charging.

    The end of the lesson: It passes positively, the teacher individually approaches each child, pays attention and communicates the comments and achievements of the children.

    The occupation ends cleaning his workplace and generally positive.

    Appendix № 4.

    Observation of high-profile moments.

    Culturalhygiene measures - Cultural and hygienic skills are skills in maintaining cleanliness of the body, the rules of cultural eating, maintaining order in the environment, including their appearance, careful handling of things both personal and public use, the rules of good taste in communication with peers and adults, etc. The list of skills in the older group is determined by taking into account the requirements of the program. The teacher uses the game form (counting point) trying to leave positive impressions about this process. The same teacher conducts a conversation for what it is necessary in such a way to instill a habit in children.

    Sleep organization-   By organizing daytime sleep   it is advisable to carry it out after airing, fresh cool air is the best sleeping pill.

    The child should “go to sleep” calm, so the teacher decides all the negative issues, “make peace”, forgive all the faults and talk about something good, and it’s better to sing a lullaby. Preparing for sleep takes time, the absence of extraneous sounds (noise, loud voices, a whisper against the background of silence, a favorable emotional atmosphere. We use musical accompaniment, the corresponding speech of the teacher (tempo, volume, timbre, tone of voice, pleasant tactile and visual sensations. All these Means satisfy the child’s need for a safe and comfortable environment.

    At the first stage of preparation for bedtime, we included calm music, under which the children undressed, passed into the bedroom and placed in the crib.

    The first sounds of music can remove excessive activity and excitability, has a general sedative effect. At the second stage, a set of breathing exercises were performed at a quiet pace, for example, the game “Rose and Dandelion”, the teacher regulates the exercise with the words “inhale-exhale”. Exercise is repeated 5-6 times, it soothes and helps to improve well-being and overall improvement of the children's body.

    At the third stage - falling asleep, sleep. At the fourth stage - the awakening of children after sleep should prepare the child's body for motor activity, making a smooth natural transition from rest to wakefulness. Awakening begins with the sound of a gentle, but vigorous awakening melody. (“Music for the Soul”, “Shades of Mood”)

    The teacher addresses the children: “Good afternoon! Rather, wake up, stretch and smile! ” After the pupils have woken up, they are invited to lie down in bed to perform a set of exercises to achieve motor and emotional activity, built on a game plot and incorporating elements of improvisation. (Complex “Game gymnastics”) having completed a set of exercises while lying in bed, the children quietly get up and walk along the massage paths.

    Organizing a walk- The teacher teaches children to dress and undress independently and in a certain sequence. First, they all wear leggings, shoes, then a scarf, coat, hat, scarf and mittens. When returning from a walk, they undress in the reverse order. It helps babies to dress the nanny, giving them, however, the opportunity to do what they can themselves. We teach kids to render assistance to each other and do not forget to thank for the service rendered. When most of the children are dressed, the tutor goes to the station with them. The other children are monitored by the nanny, then escorted them to the caregiver. Going for a walk, the children themselves endure toys and material for games and outdoor activities. Keeping children on a walk depends on the season, weather, previous activities, and interests. Both popular and thematic lessons are used. It depends on previous lessons. We carried out a “WALKING TASK” aimed at solving some practical problem. For example, it is proposed to determine: distance; the size of the subject; the height of the subject; its color; slope steepness; wind direction and speed. The children behaved with interest, the weather was comfortable.

    Nutrition- Children of the older group, together with the tutor and his assistant, begin to master the table setting skills, i.e. they are on duty in the canteen, put on specially-made aprons and set the table, put the necessary utensils and spread the equipment on the right side (spoons, forks and knives). Knives are safe for children with a blunted blade. Children from the older group should be able to properly use cutlery. When all the work of the children is finished, the assistant tutor pours the prepared food. Children sit down to eat, at the table the caregiver pronounces with them what they eat, what this dish is made of, what is useful in it. Also conducts manners of etiquette.

    Independence of children:

    Cultural and hygienic skills


    Monitors the cleanliness of the body, can wash hands, face, without a reminder after a meal. Brings hair in order. She uses a handkerchief. Improves the skills acquired earlier, quickly puts on and undresses, puts clothes in a closet, fastens shoes. Sits at the table with clean hands, keeps the correct position at the table and does not interfere with his comrades. Independently performs the role of duty. Keeps group clean.

    Monitors the cleanliness of the body, can wash hands, face, without a reminder after a meal. Brings hair in order. He dresses and undresses normally, puts clothes in the closet. Sits at the table with clean hands, keeps the correct posture at the table and prevents comrades.

    He does not monitor cleanliness, he has to remind about a handkerchief, does not want to wash his hands. Things do not fold neatly, worn slowly. Prevents comrades.


    Sleep organization



    Independently undress, fold things, do not interfere with comrades, do not talk, put to sleep. When they ask, they calmly do gymnastics and listen to teachers.

    Undress themselves, do not always fold things, do not interfere with comrades, talk. Waking up doing gymnastics does not always obey educators.

    Undress themselves, do not fold things, interfere with comrades, talk. They are capricious, refuse to sleep, the caregiver has to focus his attention and take measures to calm him down.



    1 Familiarization with the work of the teacher, assistant teacher in the first half of the day

    2 Familiarization with the work of the teacher, assistant teacher in the afternoon




    I, Natalya Kozak, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Pedagogical, had an educational (familiarization) practice from November 14, 2011 to November 18, 2011 at the Plokkinsky nursery in the Pinsk district State Educational Institution, the head of the practice is Nina Vladimirovna Vinyarskaya, chief specialist ROO.

    The State Educational Institution “Ploskinsky Nursery Garden of the Pinsk District” is located at the address: 10 Pervomayskaya Street, Ploskin Village, Brest Region, Pinsk District. Kindergarten was founded in 1978.

    Belongs to the District Education Department of the Pinsk District Executive Committee of the Brest Region. It is a state budget institution.

    Functions as a typical preschool institution. It works from a five-day working week, with a 10.5-hour stay of children. The pre-school is attended by 45 children aged 2 to 7 years old, children are brought to kindergarten from the two nearest villages, there are 3 different age groups in each group with 15 children in the garden.

    The main directions in the work of preschool for 2011-2012 academic year   is an:

    To continue the work on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers through role-playing game.

    Having studied the base of the preschool institution, I found out that the preschool institution is staffed by 85% in accordance with the approved staffing table. Total employees - 15 people. At present, 5 teachers have secondary special education, 2 of them receive higher education, studying at universities, 1 teacher has the first qualification category, 2 teachers have the second qualification category, 2 teachers without a category.

    CHAPTER 1. Acquaintance with the base of educational - introductory practice GUO "Ploskinsky nursery-garden of Pinsk district"

    1Familiarization with the work of the teacher, assistant teacher in the first half of the day.

    I do practice in a kindergarten in which I myself work as a manager, I am familiar with the rules of behavior in a preschool institution, and I also know the instructions for organizing the protection of children's life and health in kindergarten.

    For the internship, I chose the older group of different age groups, where 15 children are raised at the age of 5 years old, and 1 child of 7 years of age. 1 class attends the group after dinner, I know all the children and their parents, I know every child, his abilities. Mainly in the group are all children from prosperous families, 5 children from large familiesthere are no registered families in the group.

    The main educator in the group is Natalia Nikolaevna Kolesnikovich, work experience of 10 years, has 1 qualification category. She compiled a grid of group activities, group schedule. In the locker room there is a corner for parents. I studied the specifics of her work: the functions and professional duties of the tutor of the older group. I looked at the work plan of the teacher, its content.

    The preschool institution works from 8.00 to 18.30, every morning the teacher takes the children in the locker room, is interested in the child's well-being of the parent, as in his case. Then the tutor Kolesnikovich Natalya Nikolaevna conducts morning exercises with the children, where she performs a set of planned exercises. After charging, the tutor assigns the children on duty who serve the table, the assistant tutor Kovalevich Tatiana distributes food, the children at this time play with the tutor, then wash their hands, and sit down to eat. The teacher watches while the children sit at the table, as if someone holds a fork, a spoon, straightens those children who sit incorrectly. After breakfast, children have free time for games, the teacher also appoints the children on duty who help the teacher in preparation for the lesson, the children relax the tables on everything that is needed for the lesson. After classes, each child removes his workplace. I watched the tutor's activities, such as drawing, acquaintance with the environment, physical education. I concluded that the teacher was carefully preparing for classes, the children followed all the instructions of the teacher with interest, and the teacher’s speech was calm and confident. The group also has a favorable microclimate.

    In preparation for the walk, the teacher reminds the children how to behave on the street, the children dress, are built in pairs, and go for a walk with the teacher and assistant teacher. During the walk, the tutor draws the children’s attention to the trees, what they are, what has become of them, together with the children watches the trees, talks and invites the children to play, also plays games with the children at the request of the children, the assistant tutor helps the tutor.

    After the walk, the children independently play in the group room, the caregiver appoints the attendants, who, under the supervision of the caregiver's assistant, serve the tables. The teacher at this time plays along with the rest of the children, then the children clean up the group, wash their hands, and sit down to eat. During lunch, the caregiver reminds the children how to behave at the table, how to sit and hold the cutlery. As the children eat someone faster, someone slower, the children undress, brush their teeth, visit the toilet, and go to bed. The teacher and the assistant teacher during this time control the actions of the children, how they arrange the clothes, how they brush their teeth. After the children are all in their beds, and have already calmed down, the teacher reads the story to the children, the children fall asleep. During sleep, the caretaker controls that the children are all covered with a blanket.

    Having watched the work of the tutor, I can say that the atmosphere in the group is friendly during the day, the tutor does not shout, the voice does not increase the children. Also, the work of a caregiver in the first half of the day is very saturated, and sometimes it is tiring, and only during a quiet hour the caretaker has little time to rest and prepare for classes. next day. But one can say an important help to the caregiver is also provided by the assistant caregiver, she helped the caregiver in everything, despite the fact that she also performed her labor duties.

    2Familiarization with the work of the tutor, assistant tutor in the afternoon

    The raising of the children was carried out gradually, the children woke up, did their exercises, then washed, and dressed. The teacher watches as the children perform all the specified actions, help the children to dress, comb the children and braid.

    Then the tutor appointed the children on duty, they set the tables, the other children played a game with the tutor. After the assistant caregiver has distributed food, the caregiver sits the children at the tables, wants a pleasant appetite.

    After an afternoon snack in children, free creative activity is about 40 minutes, and the “Skilful hands” circle, the circle is also conducted by the teacher of the group, the circle is visited by all the children from the group it is free. After the circle of children, there is also free activity for games, but the tutor can offer the children a new game unknown to them and begin to learn it. The departure of the child's home, the teacher communicates with the child's parents, tells about his successes throughout the day.

    It is possible to make an analysis of the day that the activity of the educator in the afternoon is much easier than in the first. Since a large piece of time is given for independent games of children, where the tutor watches the children and their activities, he takes an active part in those games where a tutor is needed, where the children themselves are not able to understand the rules of the game. The caregiver's assistant also provides assistance to the children and the caregiver, if necessary.

    CHAPTER 2. Independent organization of the activities of children in the older group

    1 Independent organization of children's activities in the morning

    I started the morning with the admission of children to the group, the teacher watched my actions. After all the children were in the group, I spent the morning exercises with the children, then I appointed the attendants to serve the tables, and with the rest of the children they brought order to the group. After the children sat down at the tables they wished the children a pleasant appetite. During breakfast, ensured that all the children sat correctly, did not slouch, held the spoon in hand correctly.

    After breakfast I helped the tutor to conduct classes (drawing, literacy, physical education), after classes I put on clothes and go for a walk with the children, and reminded the children how to behave

    walking up the stairs. During the walk, I spent with the children the games “At the Bear in Bor”, “Sovushki”. They also watched the grass as it became with the children. After returning from a walk, the children undress, I appoint two attendants, the children wash their hands and set the tables, I spend the game with the rest of the children, then the children wash their hands and sit down at the tables to eat, I wish the children a pleasant appetite. During lunch I watch how the children sit at the table, how they use a spoon and fork. Then the children undress, arrange clothes on a high chair, brush their teeth, and lie down on their beds.

    After all the children on the beds have calmed down, I read the fairy tale of P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, the children fall asleep.

    Having carried out an independent activity in the first half of the day, I can conclude that the teacher takes a large role in the child’s life, since the teacher conducts most of the time with the children. And knowledge of the child depends on the knowledge and skills of the educator. After all, the teacher helps the child guides him, gives him the knowledge that he needs.

    2 Independent organization of children's activities in the afternoon

    The second half of the day I started with raising the children from the beds, we did the exercises with the children, the children washed, then they started to dress, I combed and braided the girls, I appointed two children on duty, they set the table under the supervision of a caregiver. After that, all the children sat down to eat, and the assistant tutor wished for a pleasant appetite.

    After an afternoon snack in children, independent activities where the children themselves choose what to do with them, the boys played the designer, some girls played theatrical games, two children drew, the other children played the store. I watched the actions of children, the nature of their games, how children find a way out of this situation. Then I offered the children a new didactic game “Find the superfluous”, informed the rules of the game, lost with the children 2-3 times, and the children began to play on their own but under my supervision.

    I can conclude from the day that has passed that the independent activity of children occupies a very important place in the development of a child. In independent games, the child solves all the problems that concern him, loses the situations he finds himself in, poses the actions of adults.


    During practice, I had the opportunity to observe the work of kindergarten teachers, where I saw that educators have a large supply of positive qualities in relationships with children, such as goodwill, assiduity, attentiveness.

    One of the characteristics of the teaching staff is responsibility. However, during the observations it was found that the team does not always have enough cohesion, its members are not always unanimous in assessing the problems facing the team. I would like that in the team there would be more common interests, there was a unity of opinions.

    However, the teacher needs to pay more attention to communicating with children in the Belarusian language and replenish the supply of Belarusian words. And it is also necessary to continue to teach children to understand expressions in the Belarusian language of different grammatical structures; form the correct pronunciation of specific Belarusian sounds; develop the dialogical and monologue speech of preschool children in the Belarusian language; expand children's knowledge about Belarus, about its national heroes.

    According to the results of monitoring the group tutor, one can say that the teacher conducts classes with due regard for the necessary requirements. Classes are diverse, of different types and forms. The teacher in the classroom solves all the tasks, and most importantly solves the problem of improving the health of children.

    Being trained as a kindergarten teacher, I learned a lot, studied all the necessary documentation of the teacher.

    The preschool teacher must be not only a teacher, but also a psychologist, since it is important for the children to get their children right, occupies a large place in the work of the teacher. To become a good educator, you need to constantly improve your creative potential, study innovation, and improve your professional level.

    kindergarten teacher


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    2.V.A. Zebzeev “Organization of regime processes in preschool institutions” Minsk 2007.

    .L.V. Lobynko, N.V. Avramenko “Preschool and Family” - Minsk 2007.

    .O.P. Zhikhar, Z.V. Koshcheva "Features of planning and organization of work with children in different age groups preschool institutions»Mozyr 2010

    .L.A. Panko "Praleska" preschool education program, Minsk 2007.

    6.Л.Б.Гаруновіч. Development of social education: dapamozhnyk for teachers dashkolnyh installations. - Minsk 2002

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