Vanga prediction about cure for cancer. Wanta - Medical Activity Recipes Vangi

  • The date: 04.04.2019

Surely there is no such person who would not hear about the gift of the Bulgarian clairvoyant - the gift to predict the future. Her predictions were shocked and frightened, but most of them were still come true. Elepposed in 12 years, Vanga became a living legend, and predictions that clanwing left before death make the whole world were lost in guesses.

All predictions that came true

Vanga's real name - Wangelia Pandaeva Surchev. At the age of 12, Wangelia lost sight, hitting a tornado, after which her visions began. The gift of Vanga acquired world fame after the end of World War II - it was then that clairvoyant helped to look for the relatives of the body of the missing soldiers.

Your vision of provincial recorded in the form of allegorical quit, the meaning of which is possible to understand only after their commit.

  • For example, clairvoyant predicted that Crimea will break off from one shore and will grow to another. In May 2014, Crimea really "broke off" from Ukraine and entered the "other shore" - Russia.
  • Wangelia predicted death, perhaps, the most famous Soviet leader - Stalin - Six months before the death.
  • Vanga. predicted the death of the President of America Kennedy Four months before the ill-fated murder.
  • In 1989, the provincial tells about the steel birds that will attack America, which is why many blood of innocent people will be shed. In 2001, a tragic terrorist act with twin towers occurred in the United States, as a result of which many people died.
  • She predicted and flooding a submarine "Kursk". Clairvoyant said that in 2000 "Kursk will be under water and many people will mourn him".
  • Vangang also predicted the conflict in - and the fall of Donetsk, and the riots in the country, and that "the brother will go against his brother, the mother will throw their children." What is interesting, the providers mentioned and that "what stood twenty-three years - will be erected into powder." 23 years old - it was so many years Ukraine stood from separation from Russia to its civil war.
  • The provincial said that in 2015, Russia will help refugees from other countries.. The confirmation is the mass escape of Ukrainian citizens into the territory of Russia, which has emerged after the revolutionary revolution in the country-neighbor.
  • Wanta also spoke about the economic crisis that would shake Russia in 2015-2016. But despite this, Russia will continue to hungry for other countries. In this regard, it is worth remembering the sensational sanctions that have come sidewall to many European countries who have lost a reliable buyer in the face of Russia.
  • She told I. about 2016 - about what is time passes big war between the US and Muslims. Now we are clearly visible that Muslims are the notorious group of ISIL, with which the whole world leads war. True, the prophecy said that Muslims would destroy America with chemical weapons, but it did not happen, probably because Russia intervened in the opposition and, as usual, saved everyone.

Forecast about the end of the world

Like all the great prophets, Wang left the prophecies and the end of the world. According to her, he will come in 5079 as a result of a worldwide flood. The cause of this will be the collision of the planet Earth with a major asteroid. Small cosmic particles that arose from the blow will cover the entire planet with an impenetrable wall and close everything alive on Earth for a whole three years. Without sunlight, they will not be able to live or the beasts or birds nor people.

An apocalypse will precede other scary events:

  • In 2060, the population of the Earth will reach the figures of 10 billion Man and the problem of hunger will become the most pressing.
  • In 2070 - a period of fires and droughts, drinking water problems. Now it's not a meant, and the water will become a topical problem.
  • By 2080, many coasts of the planet will go under water. The land will be gradually filled with water. In the territory of permafrost, huge swamps emit harmful substances will be scattered. The epidemics will begin, which will affect billions of people. Disaster reserved refugees will cause multiple conflicts, even wars and diseases such as smallpox, tuberculosis and others.
  • 7000 - the continents moved, the territory of England is completely under water and the territory of Japan. Western part Eurasia is in ruins, and Bananas, Mango, Avocado germinate in its eastern part. The mainland of North America will split. South Africa will cover ice and snow.

Recent prophecies before death

It is believed that the most terrible predictions about the future of mankind of Wang told his own death. The prophecies were recorded by close people who were with her, and some still remain under the veil of secrecy.

Here, which still became known to the general public:

  • Vangu said that Russia will become a great power, which, above all, will be the console of the Great Spirit. "There is no strength that could break Russia," there were words clairvoyant.
  • She predicted and cooperation with aliens. People are waiting for incredible discoveries in space, which will lead, among other things, to the immortality of humanity.
  • Also the provincial said that the land is visited by residents with mysterious planet Vafim. Rafimtsy prepare for people some great events, and the meeting will take place in two centuries.
  • The propheted spoke also about that her spirit will continue to live in the girl's body born in France. This girl will become great Providianwhich the whole world recognizes about. If you believe it, then the French clairvoyant must be for about 20 years.
  • Since 2016, global warming will begin, noticeable to everyone. The World Ocean will rise, flooding the coast.
  • From 2015 to 2020, the words of Woney will be noticeable strong solar flares. This will lead to a large number of earthquakes and natural disasters.
  • Vangang said that a long-forgotten disease would be back, as a result of which a person forgets what to be a man.
  • SAMI a big problemthat will be in front of humanity is the problem of the Spirit is the struggle for universal values, good, religion.
  • In 2016 or 2017 Cancer medicine will be invented.
  • He said Wang I. about the economic crisis of a global scale and the fact that America and Europe will lose their former majestity and influence. Euro and dollar as a currency will disappear. But what currency will be the world - it remains secret.
  • and China according to the provisions create a powerful alliancewhich will rule the world.

Before his death, the date of which she knew in advance, Vanga turned to the people with a call to remember what she was doing a man, and not to lose hope even in the face of death and illness.

List by year

  • 2010 - The beginning or prerequisites of the Third World War.
  • 2014 - Chemical weapons applied against Europe. There are practical practical people in Europe.
  • 2016 - Found a medicine from many diseases. One of the ingredients of Panacea will be hormones of animals.
  • 2018 - China becomes a mighty world power. Those who were oppressed will finally acquire power and freedom. India will join the Alliance of Russia and China.
  • 2023 - Changes the orbit of the Earth. The event will remain unnoticed.
  • 2024 - In Russia, the time of welfare and prosperity will come.
  • 2028 - Alternative source found.
  • 2033 - the world's ocean will significantly increase due global warming. Some sections of sushi can be flooded.
  • 2043 - World Policy is harmonized. In Europe, the ruling tip will be Muslims.
  • 2046 - Breakthrough in medicine: It is now possible to grow absolutely any internal organs.
  • 2050 - The spiritual development of mankind. Invented ships flying at the speed of light.
  • 2066 - Wars of Muslim Europe with America. Chemical weapons will be applied, because of which Rome will depress.
  • 2076 - Classless society. There will be no longer wars and crimes. All humanity will be occupied by the restoration of nature.
  • 2088 - A new disease will appear, as a result of which a person will grow old in a few days. The medicine will be found in 12 years.
  • 22 century The artificial sun was invented.
  • 2111 - People become cyborgs. There are no longer sick and disabled.
  • 2125 - Hungarian scientists will establish a connection with unscheduled civilizations.
  • 2130 - With the help of alien friends, people will be settled on the bottom of the ocean.
  • 2164 - Animals will become semi-sustain.
  • 2167 - The appearance of a new religion, whose roots germinate in the past of humanity. New doctrine will come from Russia, although it is already known now.
  • 2170 - World drought. On Mars - a colony of earthlings.
  • 2187 - eruption of two large volcanoes, which will be avoided by technical innovation.
  • 2195 - In the underwater cities will be absolutely autonomous.
  • 2196 - There will be a new race from former Asians and Europeans.
  • 23 century - cooling.
  • 2221 - An unknown virus is listed on the planet from the outside.
  • 2256 - A terrible disease, from which there will be no medicine. Disease will be brought by one of spacecraft. Mars threatens comet. The orbits of the planets dramatically moved.
  • 2271 - Fundamental physical constants will be incorrect in the changed world. Recalculation of physical indicators.
  • 2273 - The emergence of new races.
  • 2279 - Energy mining from nowhere. There is a version that "nowhere" is black holes.
  • 2288 - First time travel. The first alien tourists.
  • End of the 23th century - Cooling the sun.
  • 2299 - uprising against Muslim religion in France.
  • 2304 - revealed the mystery of the "dark" side of the moon.
  • 2341 - A terrible disaster will come to Earth from space of space.
  • 2354 - Accident on one of the artificial suns created by humanity, which leads to drought.
  • 2371 - World hunger.
  • 2378 - The emergence of a new rapid rampant race.
  • 3005 - War on Mars.
  • 3010 - The comet will dive into the ground and shifters through it.

After this date of prediction, Vanga differ greatly and more and more resemble a fantastic story. According to one of the versions, all living things on Earth will die and humanity moves to another planet, on the other - humanity will completely go to underwater cities Up to the end of the world, in the third - humanity ceased to exist and became one of the alien races, in the fourth - humanity died from a collision with a comet.

In any case, look so far to the future is unsafe.

Not all the predictions of Vanga came true, But such is the future - it is possible to change him with human efforts. We hope that all terrible diseases and wars predicted by Bulgarian clairvoyant will be avoided.

3.M., - The doctor from Russia who visited Bangu testifies that she told about the healers of deep antiquity, with which they came into contact, their methods of treatment. The visitor was extremely amazed and asked himself and another question: "How is it possible where she knows the names of the long-time died during the died?".

The theme of human health, the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases occupied a large place in Vangi activities. She believed that almost all diseases can be treated her herbs that Bulgaria is a blessed country, because many growing on its land medical plants. She was convinced that the day was not far away when humanity would get rid of a terrible disease - cancer. Wanta said: "It will come, and the cancer will be chained in the iron chains!"

At the request to express what it means, she answered that the medicine that people would be treated from this disease should contain iron, because this element in the human body is becoming less and less.

In her opinion, another medicine needed to restore human health, which will be made from hormones horse, dogs and turtles. To the question of why from hormones of these animals, she replied: Horse Silence, the dog is worn away, and the turtle lives for a long time.

When treating herbs, she strongly advised people to lean herbs champs, because it is best to have their own medicinal action, penetrating through the skin.

Vangang never contradicted official medicine and recognized her successes in all areas. In this sense, the various recommendations that it gives, rather complement, rather than deny, drug treatment methods.

But she believed that excessive passion for drugs was harmful, because "they close the door, which includes nature with the help of herbs and restores the disturbed balance in the diseased human body."

Vanga was delighted with discoveries in the field of medicine and recognized useful re-open accelerate. But that's what she told her doctor who was occupied by the needle: - treatment needles correctly, but to achieve success, it is necessary to work non-metallic, but clay needles - as they did in antiquity. They need to be heated on fire, not electricity, because in the human body there is electricity, you thus increase it, and this interferes with the right effect of needles on certain points of the body.

The doctor objected her: they say, it means returning back, but Wang answered him: - Well, yes, everything comes back, looking around yourself! From the medical activities of Vangi, some general advice useful to everyone can be distinguished, despite the fact that herbs and treatment that she advises individual people with the same disease is different, Vanga believes that every organism requires specific treatment.

Here are some cases confirmed by letters or personal testimonies of patients about the fact that they received relief, or recovered thanks to the advice of Vangu:

The patient of Wang has advised to drink the infusion of the roots of Malva;

The child, the sick of the same disease, you need to drink an infusion from the fruits of Malva;

Sick cirrhosis with cirrhosis, she spent drinking Jen's milk, mixed with white flour;

Parents of a childwho could not sleep calmly and beat his head against the wall, she recommended to pay him in the morning dew. Under the bathing, she meant the following: - Severand the clean cloth in the meadow after the morning dew falls, and then collect hung herbs and other plants from it. In this impregnated moisture canvas need to wrap the child. Later, the father of the child came and said that the child calmed down, and feels good (Vanga attached great importance to the morning dew, believing that many healing substances are distinguished by early in the morning);

The child, who has held a high temperature for three months, Wang recommended swimming in the water in which acidic grapes cooked;

Man, sick eczema, she offered to collect forest flowers, weld them and swim in the brave;

A woman suffering from an unbearable skin itch recommended that one kilogram barley is rejected.

Young man with patients with kidneys, she spent drinking decoction pumpkin Seeds, as well as crowded two packages linen seeds, to make karticle and apply to the patient;

A man who poisoned at work of harmful evaporations, Wang advised the evening in the evening in warm water;

A woman who fell from leg and overcooling and overwork, recommended linen compresis from wax, olive oil and water to wrap their legs;

A child, a sick epilepsy, she advised to bathe in the wilderness of the Sen;

Woman who suffered from 6th years in his chest pain, Wang said that the inflammation of the shell of lungs, and you need to apply a place to the patient, made from the test, mixed on home yeast, with the addition of 100 grams of vinegar, 100 grams of vegetable oil and 100 grams of wine;

Wang's abiding cough prescribed a decoction of linen seed during the week and not drinking cold water;

A man who had a rash - advised to swim in the courtyard of the oak bark;

A woman who had hard-approval in the body, she proposed to make a mixture of the female (honeycomb), Rakia and a legitimate wormwood and apply to the patient;

With a patient with neuralgic rheumatism, she advised to take sunbathing, and in front of it to lubricate hands and feet with fat and weapons oil;

About a four-year-old child with a sore intestine said that it was incorrectly fed and it is necessary to strongly limit the oil in the diet;

People in preinfarction state of Vanga recommended on an empty stomach to drink a decoction from a black fruit within four days;

A woman who suffered strong headaches after unpleasant experiences, offered in the evening before going to bed a tablespoon of sugar syrup;

A woman with a strong heartbeat on the nervous soil recommended to cut the shelves of lemons, pour them with honey and take in the morning and in the evening on one tablespoon;

The nine-month-old girl began blood discharge. Vanga advised to take a little garbage, which ants in the spring endure from an anthill, to get it in boiling water and hold the child over evaporation. Shortly after this procedure, bleeding stopped;

Visitor with diabetes in initial stage She prescribed to drink decoction of black-based shoots. In her opinion, it slows down the development of the disease.

Wanga believes that diabetes and psoriasis people are obtained as a result strong stress, fright or very unpleasant experience, stomach ulcer - from poorly chewed and hot food. Asthma is in most cases developing from cold liquids when a person drinks them in a tired condition. Violation of metabolism is often the result of incorrect nutrition, and mastitis in women is a consequence of wearing close clothes and linen.

According to Vangi, tumors in most cases occur after falling or injury, and they can appear much later. The kidney disease is most often due to supercooling. Infertility, as a rule, is the result of early sexual life, fear of becoming pregnant, wearing very close underwear, hypothermia; Almost all of these reasons lead to male infertility.

Below is a very curious case characterizing the methods of its treatment.

"Once late at night we had my buddy B. N. from the village of Kalarova. He was brought. B. B. N. Suddenly stared: grabbed the ax in order to bruise his loved ones. He was very strong and revealed, so the brothers tied him to the rope. My The buddy was completely unrecognizable ... Wang said: "Buy a new clay jug, type in it from the river, holding it against the current, and this water from the jug will take a patient three times. After that, throw a jug behind your back, let him break, and you do not turn around! ".

I wanted to offer familiar to postpone treatment until the morning, but, seeing that the position of hopeless, went - nothing can be done! - And woke up the potter, who lived nearby. This man, though he was amazed by my nightly visit, nevertheless gave me the necessary vessel.

The river in Petrice flows in the city center, and our house is located on a high shore. We left home, descended to the river and fulfilled everything that was ordered. Thank God, there was a late hour, and no one saw us, and then our "sacredness" would have any suspicious. But the most important thing was that my buddy came after the poultry came to himself, she slept all night, and the next morning woke up with a normal person.

Another case.

The young man came to Wange, excavator. He coupled his knee when he dried some kind of swamp. After that, his leg began to swell, fog, and the doctors said that it needed to amputate. But Wang advised to make it differently: find a frog, if possible, in the place where a person was injured, contemplate with her skin and to clamp this skin sick place. I performed a person to instruction, and sleepingly two days, although before it could not fall asleep at all and took the dual dose of sleeping pill. When he woke up, the bandage fell from her legs, and it was a white purulent rod (like Chirnya) about 10 centimeters long. After a week, the wound was delayed, and the leg was saved.

I was surprised by such a medicine, but later I read in the same scientific journal dedicated to the study of nature that there were such substances in the frog of the skin that, even if the frog would be bruoked to the most poisonous snake, it would not die from poison, since these substances neutralize it.

Somehow I felt acute pain in my left shoulder, which often did not let me sleep at night. I went to the doctor who explained that I have a so-called spur and there is very long painful treatment. And then I turned to Wange. She advised to take two packets of Timyan, pulling it into powder and dilute 50 grams of apple vinegar. Then apply a mixture on a woolen flap and put three evenings in a row to the patient. From this treatment of pain I passed.

My friend from Petrich suffered the same pain, however, Wang has offered another remedy: to moisten the woolen flap in gasoline, attach to the patient, and to cover with a very hot copper plate from above - so that it was difficult to endure, and spend three sessions of such treatment. And he has pains ceased.

M. T. M. From Petrich, a wart appeared on his hand, she prevented her in her work, and once a woman was recklessly sink her. After a week, the warts went throughout the body. Vanga advised her to find the plant sprack, wrapped in a powder, sprinkle them and grasp the very first wart. After that, all warts disappeared.

K. S. From Ruse, the child was sick of asthma, and they were forced to move to live in Sandanskoye. When K. S. asked Wangu, than to cure the child, she advised to collect 40 leisses of coltsfoot and when they dried, bring them to her with a half-liter of Rakia. Holding the leaves in her hands, Wanta ordered the father to wet them in Rakia and attach a child to his chest. After this therapy, the attacks stopped.

A.N. From Sandansky cured from diabetes in the initial stage of Vanga medication: pods of mature beans (he brought about three kilograms to her). She long superseded them in his hands, and then walked to cook and on an empty stomach every morning to drink a decoction of 1 tea cup.

The sister of the healer - Lubika has almost a whole encyclopedia of various recommendations of Vanga, who helped cure many diseases. Here is some of them.

Walk the summer barefoot. Do not interrupt your connection with the earth. Let the children on the street barefoot and naked. Let them get abrasions play everywhere to develop immunity from all winter diseases. Let their food be mainly liquid. Do not punish children dry food.

In addition to washing, children certainly need to wash their legs.

We often arrange botany lessons\u003e. I drive her in the meadows in rules and listen, and she, as a teacher, patiently explains. I do not know what and how Vanga "sees", but sometimes she even points the finger where to see. "You know what kind of grass?" "I know," I say, "the fruits of this plant are a beautiful food for anemic children. And if someone will bring home this is a large plant with triple leaves, nightmares will dream of all night, especially if the plant blooms. So everyone says! He has flowers like The bell tler, and is brought from the country where constant insurgents and excitement. But now I feel the smell of wild celery - he is a good medicine from rheumatism. Salad from it should be on the table in every home. Mint from stomach disorder. And the grass that grows On the bank of the canal, - a wonderful medicine for children who are stupid at night. But this herb for which we have come, - a medicine from poorly healing wounds .. Plants speak with me, but there are many of them, and I have little time to remember. "

Vanga cured a young doctor from stubbornly appearing raishes, advising how to drink a decoction of green wiki for 20 days.

The child with large almonds, and enlarged adenoids Vanga recommended making a compress on the neck in the form of a "collar" made of the test, grated finely chopped stalks of the plant. Compresses should be imposed not more than 1 - 2 times half an hour. Inflammation has passed.

Vanga said: "From jaundice there is a very simple medicine that completely treats it for three days. Once the disease has discovered, you need to drink juice of one lemon in the morning, in which one teaspoon of drinking soda is dissolved."

A young man, a sick blond, she spent drinking decoction of green wheat, corn, oats, rye and millet. The peculiarity of the patient told that he felt perfectly and recovered for five kilograms.

The young man suffering from the seizures, who recognized the epilepsy, Wang said that he had a neglence of the nerve due to the fall. She advised him to take a canvas, impregnated with a mixture of olive oil, felled wax and a carrier and attach to the plaster to the spine - from top to bottom. The seizures stopped.

A woman who had some fungal disease and fell out his nails in her arms, she recommended to weld strong coffee and hold hands 2-3 times.

The person who has made an unsuccessful surgery on lymph nodes, inflamed as a result of infection, Wang said that he needed not a surgeon, but a dentist, since, in her opinion, infection arose from unsuccessful dentures.

She offered a woman with a feet of legs to the next treatment: in a bucket of cold water to dissolve a stone salt package. Then take a towel, wet it in this solution and attach to the lower back. As soon as the towel heats up, it needs to be wucked again in solution. After this treatment, the swelling of the woman ceased.

Lyubka recalls: "When we were small and hurt with malaria, Wanta treated us like this: she put a clean enameled vessel with a fresh chicken egg and 200 grams of pure wine vinegar. By morning next day The egg shell dissolved. Then Wang was thoroughly whipped the mixture and gave it to us to drink an empty stomach. "

Wang's poisoned fish advises to breed in a glass of water a table full of mastic (anise vodka) and drink immediately. Once I poke yourself so much: I ate stuffed carp and felt very bad. I rode my whole night, and I fell on the ladder and fainting. Vanga demanded to give me anise vodka - otherwise death will follow. Five minutes later, I was easier, and gradually I was completely recovered.

Thousands of examples prove the exceptional abilities of Vanga as a henchman. The case of specialists to estimate her ability and find out whether there is a rational grain in its advice and recommendations. The above cases are only a weak illustration of its multilateral activities. What did Vang say about how to save health?. "It is very simple. I have no special recipes, and any of us knows what you can not do. First of all - do not overeat. The products already become worse from a large number of fertilizers, besides, all organs human body They suffer from the reception of excessive food. If we needed so much, the nature would give us two stomach, and not one by one, isn't it? .. I often tell the economic leaders "you need to sow a lot of rye, people should eat. rye breadTo keep health and survive. Nowadays rye has great importance".

Take more white food. More often drink tea from forest herbs. Reduce the fat content in food. The one who is healthy gradually must eat less meat and eventually abandon him at all. At least once a week, eat boiled wheat and be sure to drink water to be strong. Do not smoke.

You can drink before acceptable food no more than 20-30 grams of Rakia - for disinfection. Move more and work more. Go to bed early - at 22 o'clock and get up early in 5-6 hours, this is the most good time For rest, not to be nervous and restless. Enter the purity in the cult. Do not beware too hot water, use domestic soap opportunity. Beware because "Many unknown illnesses will come to us. People will fall on the streets without a visible reason, without visible disease, but all this can still be prevented, because it is in your power."

Do not abuse fertilizers and chemicals, because nature is already choking. Comes the day when it will disappear from the face of the earth various plants, animals, vegetables - first onions, garlic and pepper, then bees, and the milk will become harmful to drink. "

Alexander Grigorievich, as it is known, men most often discover lung cancer, stomach and prostate gland. In women in the first place - breast cancer. Is there any specificity from children's cancer?

- Yes, there is - in children it is a hematopoiet tumor immune system. These diseases are in the first place. Children are becoming the formation of immunity, those cells that according to the biological rules should carry out the body control, are able to undergo tumor growth. Therefore, leukemia and malignant lymphoma constitute the bulk of tumors in children. In second place in children tumors of the central nervous system. These two groups of diseases make up 60% and more than all tumor diseases in children.

In addition, children have rare tumors arise in various organs and tissues, and they are usually associated with the impaired embryonic laying at the time of the child's development. But it happens much less often, so when they talk about baby cancer, then all over the world are primarily implied by sharp leukemia.

According to Rosstat, last year the mortality from cancer in Russia increased by 4%, that is, the total number of cancer patients in the country increases. Is there such a situation in children's oncology?

- Statistics - a subjective thing, I do not trust this numbers to the end. This is a very subtle question. Due to the fact that slowly began to 25-30 years ago, but the bright revolution in the field of cancer treatment, cancer slowly from a fatal disease becomes chronic diseasewhich is subject to treatment. There was an accumulation of cancer patients. If it used to be like this: I got sick - died, fell ill - died, now people live for years. And due to the accumulation of people who do not die from cancer, it seems that the number of people who are sick of this disease increases. This is the first reason. And the second - became higher than the detectability of tumors. I will give you such an example.

What do people die over 60 years old? If you look at the statistics, you will see that people die from cardiovascular diseases. It may be direct reason Death, but if they were revealed and looked, whether there were really tumors there, or maybe, with the help of special methods, there was such an assessment, then we would see that the main part is tumor disease. They may not have clinical manifestations, but the primitives of these oncological diseases are.

Well, the third reason - life expectancy increased. This is a serious question. We are now in our country there are about plus ten years in relation to our parents. I remember my dad who left life, being much younger than I am now. I can say that physical abilities, Conditions and so on, this is a completely different life. Today, 70-year-old people are in working condition. The Russian government is now considering even the question of whether to give these people the opportunity to work, without retaining a pension for working, which is a sign that people live. An increase in life expectancy also coincides with increasing cancer.

But I want to focus on another. The main thing is that today cancer is a healing disease. This is a very important question, and the goal of the medical community is to answer the highest level, the highest plank that is today.

In this case, how to achieve and maintain high level medical Services? What, for example, for this is done in children's oncology?

- We spend this work in children's practice for many years. We have a number of tools for this. The first such tool is very important - this is the union of doctors in a professional community that could use uniform standardized treatment protocols on the territory of the Russian Federation, which is very important that the child in our big country from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad received the same treatment methods, moreover to them were controlled.

To do this, for 25 years slowly, such cooperated groups of multicenter studies have been created step by step, which is just busy. And I must say that in this situation we achieved amazing results: living in the country, which relates to a group of developing countries, we have reached the results of developed countries in the field of children's oncology. This was recorded by the World Health Organization, at a special WHO meeting, where Russia represented its results so that we could broadcast them in those countries where even lower results, such as Asian countries.

In India, for example, 280 million schoolchildren (this is more than residents in our country and, maybe in surrounding countries), and the survival in children from cancer is about 10%. And in our Russian Federation, depending on various shapes Cancer, on a circle is almost 80% - from 70 to 80%.

But there are tumors in which there are higher survival in the correct formulation of the issue of diagnosis, with interdisciplinary interactions, participation of doctors of various specialties, conducting these patients, access to medicinal therapy Optimal and so on. There are a lot of state conditions we, Russian FederationI think I have achieved here.

A monthly team of experts leaves in various capitals of the subjects of the Federation to carry out the relevant work there, namely, to advise patients, hold training lectures for doctors, including doctors of various specialties, meet, if necessary, with senior students and university teachers, if universities are there, Conduct meetings in adult oncodishers.

In addition, we organized in Moscow in the center of Dima Rogachev, the so-called school of postplomal education in our field, and therefore we are preparing frames for our purposes. We look at the future with great hope, because our goal is to use all the innovations that appear in the world, for the treatment of our Russian children and not only Russian, because Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia joined our community in the field of treatment. .

And those young professionals you cook, send to the regions? Why ask: often you have to hear that there are not enough qualitative specialists in the regions. All the same, everyone wants to go from the regions to be treated.

Oncologist: Russian sources for cancer treatment proved high qualityThe first brachytherapy operation of a malignant tumor of the prostate gland using the fully Russian microspheres of Iodge-125 isotope was held in the branch of the Nirz - Medical Radiological Scientific Center named after the Tsyba in Obninsk.

- I want to say it is not quite so. We really concentrate very heavy patients in Moscow. For example, we are selling a bone marrow transplantation for 25 years, our specialists have experience, of course, colossal. And the scope of work that we spend is also large enough. But today we are not the originals in this area. Very high activity has a Institute in St. Petersburg - this is the Institute of Hematology and Transplantology. R.M.Gorbacheva. Other regions are also tightened.

In general, much depends on the frames. If frames are interested, they can learn, they can reproduce any technology, it is available. Therefore, we annually adopt to prepare, to train young people who have completed universities - not only Moscow, but also peripherals, because these guys are preparing with us and then leave to work in the regions.

I would like to ask another question. Anyway, when people have the opportunity, they are trying to go to America to America, in Germany, Israel. Is it some kind of fashion or is really better there?

- I will answer you so. What do you think of the health budget in the United States compared to Russia? So, the national budget spent on health care is more in America than the national gross budget of Russia. Do you understand everything? No questions? Not. We will not discuss this question, because medicine in America is very expensive, there are many orders of magnitude higher than here, and the cost of health care is directly reflected in employee wages that work. The work there is very heavy, but also very high salaries among the entire medical class, the entire medical class - salaries are higher than the average wage in America. You probably imagine well. We have no, so there was some such outflow of people who were able to work from this industry. This is the first.

There is such an inner view that Israel is better. Israel uses American technology, but in Israel, our people. Our. With all the ensuing consequences.

So I'm our close person, unfortunately, from life, the main pediatrician of America, always said: "Sasha, there is nothing in Israel. Israel is a small country." In Israel, the population is less than in the Krasnodar Territory.

I want to tell you that average level The works of people in Russia are no worse than abroad. But there is a piece goods, there are some people who are able to cut Bloch. They are both in Russia and abroad.

Well, for example, we had such a case: the teenager girl had a tumor of the heal bone, and this is a very complex structure. We turned to our specialists. Our specialists could not make a body-drying operation, they offered amputation to remove this tumor. We were looking for and found such a specialist in Germany, which is specially engaged in this. He came to us here and with our doctors operated on this teenage girl successfully. But this is a piece work. That is, I want to say, do not think that the Middle Doctor in Russia, in the averaged version, worse than the doctor abroad.

Even abroad is going because people climb on the Internet and begin to seek doctors. Look in the Internet information field of government agencies and scientific centers where the most outstanding people are concentrated. You will see that they have very modest sites, because they have such a flow of patients that they are forced to refuse. But private companies have a colossal number of invitations, including from Western companies that are registered abroad, and we have our own centers.

- What are the latest trends would you allocate in the fight against cancer?

Professor Kabashin: Nanoteraity will win oncologyThe National Research Nuclear University "MIII" has a new strategic academic unit - Engineering Institute of Biomedicine. About who will cook it structural subdivisionHe told his supervisor, director of research on the French National Center scientific research Andrey Kabashin.

- Specialists are forced to constantly read, be in the thick of events. Every year 12-14 drugs are taken into practice, they need to understand everything they work. Oncology is quickly moving towards personalized treatment. That is, every person and his cancer is individual, and the key can be found to this cancer, molecular genetic defects can be found, and they have already medicines that need to be treated. Therefore, permanent learning is required, so people who work in our specialty are knowledge hunters. They are forced to do this to achieve the result.

More and more new drugs, more and more new techniques, doctors seem to become getting better, more and more knowledge from them. What is your forecast, as an experienced person: What will be with cancer in the next 10-20 years? Will it be possible to win this disease?

On February 4, annually since 2005 celebrates World Day cancer disease. It was established by the International Union Against Cancer, UICC (International Union Against Cancer, UICC) in order to attract the attention of the world community to this fear.

- I think 100% will be possible. First, after 2000, the last 15-16 years were very fruitful in the field of science. Managed to install genetic code man. Today it is possible to fully assess the patient's genetic status. Each person has their own cancer, even with the same name - gastric cancer, leukemia - it is a big palette different species, with different genetic disorders for which it is impossible to choose a uniform treatment.

I will give an example. We have such a disease indicative - chronic myelolomicosis, in which patients live from three to five years. This tumor at the initial stage is benign as if character and gives in to some kind of treatment, but after some time the patient emerges the so-called Blast crisis - the transition from relatively benign process to malignant. All patients died until we found the molecular defect of this disease. Medicines were picked up to this molecular defect, this medicine is now in a tablet form take patients. The problem completely disappeared. Do not need treatment chronic phase Diseases, no need to use drugs, do not need to use chemotherapy products, medicines, irradiation, operations, hospitals. Ambulatory man gets treatment and achieves what is called molecular remission, that is, full recovery, and can live for a very long time. On this path now go through all the forms of cancer.

12:03 an hour.

- Vanga, please talk to me.

"I know what you wanted to talk to me.

About terrible disease "CANCER".

You thought: "Wanga like no one else can explain about such a disease."

- True, Wang, I thought.

"Well, I'll tell you.

I'll start talking after sunset. You will understand why ".

- Thank you, Wang.


20:02 Hours.

"I will continue the conversation.

Interested in you "CANCER". I know why. Because many people for advice are addressed to you.

Yes, I also faced a face to face with such a disease.

You wrote the right book. So what "CANCER" - This fear of people is true.

Where the fear of human, there will be "CANCER".

And he comes from incorrect lifestyle.

As soon as a person begins to behave wrong, do not behave in life in life, immediately, he starts health problems and in many cases the end comes out.

Previously, there were few such diseases.

People believed in God and the disease were afraid to approach the person, and now it's the opposite. Diseases are not afraid of people, because people have no thoughts, nor in affairs, nor in the words of God's rules.

We are worn that they fell, eat even worse, drink it if they smoke and want health to be a boys and them, and their children.

There is no health with the one who his Does not want HAVE.

Water on earth around dirty and rotten, it is impossible to drink it, and people rejoice at her and do not guess that water in love and joy needs.

Understand you, and even let them understand others that disease "Cancer" is the same as other diseases, and there is nothing terrible in it.

"CANCER" - It is 100 diseases in one vessel.

97 or 98 diseases, this is not yet "CANCER". It will appear when it is 100, 101, 102 diseases.

As soon as you have 10 diseases, you will immediately diagnose - "CANCER" And then His Majesty "Fear" will strangle a person.

The spirit of the disease and the power of the disease are so strong as the bull to fill up, and not only the human body.

Diseases at the beginning only show their faces who maybe Do not frighten a person, but even enhance his vigilance. The face of the disease shows its appearance that there is nothing terrible anything in a cold, nor in diarrhea, nor in cough.

But as soon as a hundred sores are built and brought into combat readiness, their mass attack immediately begins.

In war, always, as in war. "Winners do not judge" - So people say. Diseases are also received in the same way.

Whoever becomes the winner earlier, he will receive awards. Diseases in the award receive our bodies explored.

If you receive Victory man, then the reward will be YEARS OF LIFE, what if Wins diseaseIt means that it will strengthen its position in the spaces of fear, pain, helplessness for others too.

Believe me, scientists do not treat the disease "CANCER". If they were treated, then there would be no patients.

They only frighten the disease, drive it into an angle, where she is touched for some time, and then attacked with a new force, causing indescribable fear in the minds of people.

As soon as people learn Do not be afraid Disease, but to make the content of your body cleanly since the birth, then "cancer", as a disease, will disappear. Her Will notBecause people will be carefully applied to their body. They will learn To not allow Diseases until the moment when they begin to be approved in the body and consciousness.

Here you are learning the science of Bolotov, and it is necessary that his sciences everyone learned "nazubok".

Bolotov's scientist all correctly writes in his books and if adheres to his advice, then never a hundred illness Will not in the body of man.

You still have to not forget about heredity.

Diseases are transmitted, because they are recorded in the cells, which must remember the dad, as well as Mamino. If the dad or mom has several dozen diseases, they will be recorded in the cells of the future cat.

All this is spoken at every corner and crossroads, but little believe people, and even less they are being done.

While a person does not learn to look into his records where he writes his fate not God givesand which he builds at wisdom Diseases will not retreat.

The man himself takes - chooses diseases for himself and writes them into his notebook of fate.

Why does each of the people take their obligations to root throughout life? So let everyone think, and why he does it.

I do not have a single recipe for curing the disease "Cancer" .

I will repeat : in one diagnosis, "cancer", which was written by the doctor, look for 100 or more diseases.

You advice: "As soon as you write a list of your diseases and drink the desired herba from each of them, let you sweat, go to your body, immediately" cancer "where it goes away."

Here is my recipe not only for you, but for everyone.

And to hurt a person or not to hurt - this is his choice and desire .

If a person loves the disease and is afraid of her, hence he will be sick, And if he does not matter to illness and her fears, he and Does not get sick, and if you get sick, only with a runny nose. But there is grass grass.

The more fear, the greater the body comes, the more the pain turns the body, the more fear is formed around.

Believe me".

The powerful invasion of new technologies in all areas of life tears thin threads, binding a person with nature, which himself is her creation. For millions of years, many thousands of microorganisms and plants died so that a person reached perfection. A modern man often ignores the laws of nature, forgetting about its true essence. Keeps natural laws And order, neglecting their interdependence and harmony, destroys their health.

That is how Wang healed: she restored the disturbed links between man and nature with the help of a great set medicinal herbal and other natural means.

For anyone who appealed to her, she found her, more different from other treatment method, since each person is a unique universe, and violations occurring in the body, each of their own. But at the same time, according to Vangi, there are also common rules and laws for all people, which sister did not get tired of repeating.

1. Love each other, strive for good thoughts and affairs is the best medicine for everyone.

2. Bulgaria is a blessed country, since many healing plants grow here. Take care of them, and they will help you cope with illnesses.

3. Excessive use medicinal preparations Harm health - medicines cover the door through which, along with herbs, natural forces are incorporated, restoring the disturbed balance in the patient's body.

4. In the summer, be sure to go barefoot so that there is no connection with the Earth.

5. Allow children in summer to play everywhere where they want. Let it get dirty, run, more often go to the forest. In winter, it will protect them from diseases.

6. In the evening before bedtime, be sure to wash your feet, and better if the conditions allow, take a shower. Water blends not only dust and street dirt from your body, but also fatigue and all bad thoughts and experiences that can break your sleep.

7. Learn to relax correctly. The day is designed to work, and the night is for sleep. To be healthy and keep uploaded for a long time, go to bed no later than 10 pm and get up at 5 to 6 am.

8. Parently drink tea from forest fruits and plants. They have cleanliness and source of health.

9. At least once a week Eat boiled wheat, drinking it clean water. Thus, you will constantly clean your body, and therefore keep in yourself vitality.

10. Move more and work a lot. Celebrated pastime is a disease that destroys not only the soul, but also the body.

11. Cleanliness should be an indispensable condition for your life! Dirt is a physical or spiritual - next to God's creation, which is always pure and beautiful.

12. Do not wash very hot water.

13. Use your domestic soap and natural tools that do not harm health.

14. Do not make a lot of fertilizers and chemicals in the soil. Nature suffocates from them, which becomes the cause of poisoning and leads to many diseases.

Medicinal herbs and other healing means of Vangu

Allergy. Dried cunning teaspoon soak out from evening in a glass of cold water. In the morning, strain and take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals, adding a little honey. For prophylaxis, you can drink in a glass of wine, impeded on wormwood; Especially recommended to do it in the spring.

Amenorrhea. The husks from 2 kg of the onion onion can be cooked in 3 liters of water until water becomes brown. Drink a decoction of 1 coffee cup in the morning on an empty stomach or evening.

Anemia. (In children.) Early spring, as soon as the leaves are turned on on a hazel, and in September a few days, throw a child with water in which walnut foliage was cooked 30 minutes.

Anemia. 100 g of dried altea fruits to be confused into powder. Stir the powder in a glass of fresh sheep milk and take 1/2 teaspoon once a day. You can add a little honey.

Arthritis. In 500 ml of strong raki (vodka), cook the polia of hemp seed until half of the liquid evaporates. Sick places wipe the decoction in the mornings and evenings. Make a bath from the brave scamps.

Arthritis, rheumatic pains with bad weather. End the compresses on the knees and brushes of hands from the casket, cooked from boiled leaves of the skumpia.

1. (in children, in the initial stage.) Prepare an ointment of aspirin and pure pork fat in powder. Apply to the chest for 10 days.

2. (Children.) Dried flowers and stepmother's colors to cook in large quantities Water and buy a child in the brave. After the bath, lubricate the body with honey and raki (vodka).

3. (Children.) 40 leaf and machem leaves are soaked in strong Rakia (vodka). On the first evening, put the sheet on the chest, in the second evening another leaf put on the back. Alternating this way until the leaves are completed. The procedure is carried out only in the late autumn.

4. 40 Owka-seedlings heads in water until soft. Then bake them in 500 ml of olive oil and thoroughly rub. The resulting mixture take 1 tablespoon in the morning and in the evening.

5. Drink tea from colors and stepmother. Special attention to devoting a nasopherler.

Infertility. (Women.) To take a hassle of land, which can be found in the kroovy hole in the spring. Put the land in a basin, pour boiling water. The patient should sit on the ferry for 15 to 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated several times.


1. (in children.) Wanted a child into a cloth moistened with morning dew. To do this, before dawn, the tissue is spread in the glade so that it is soaked in moisture.

2. (Children.) 1 kg of river sand to slaughter in a large amount of water. Water cool down and pour it a child. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

3. Sleep well on the pillow filled with dried forest herbs.

4. Fill the pillow with dried hop.

5. Before going to bed, take 1 tablespoon of honey.

6. In May, collect more wild red poppy together with roots and flowers. Rinse thoroughly and together with the stem to dry in the shade. Fill the pillow of dried herbs and sleep on it.

7. Before bedtime, eat a tablespoon sugar sandBy writing it with a glass of warm water.

Pain in the chest (solar). As Wang believed, this means that the liver sheath is inflamed. Patient is recommended to make compresses from wheat flour. Flour to knew on homemade kvass, add 100 ml of sunflower oil and wine. Pellet dough put on the chest in the place where pain arises.

Pain in the chest with hormonal disorders. Ettage compresses from screaming wormwood and mother-and-stepmother. Cotton fabric moisten in water in which herbs cooked, squeeze and put on the chest, closing it completely. Climb a fabric bandage and keep all night.

Pain in the stomach.

1. To chew on 1 red clover leaves. Swallow only juice.

2. Quickly facilitates the pain decoction of basilica, daisies or mint. In 600 ml of water, cook 3 minutes 1 tablespoon of herbs. Adults drink 1 coffee cup 3 times a day after meals, children - 1 tablespoon.

Pain in the bustling bubble, accompanied by weightless abdomen and vomiting (usually after taking oily food). In the juice, squeezed out of half lemon, add half a teaspoon of food soda. Stir and drink.

Pain in hands (arthritis).

10 days in a row to do in the evenings the baths from the cool brave of a sweet fern.

Pain in the knee. Prepare home kvass, moisten the linen fabric and impregnate it with the ammonia. Wrap the sore knee with this cloth and leave a waist at night. Repeat procedure for 3 pm in a row.

Pain in the legs.

1. Cook in a large dishes a bunch of clover. Give water to cool and add a tablespoon of kerosene. Make a foot bath 3 - 4 pm in a row.

2. Wash legs well in cool water, then smear them with fresh swine fat. Before bedtime, put on the feet light cotton socks and sleep in them.

Pain in the lower back.

1. (For a long time.) The old tile is finely uncover and sift through the sieve. Add 3 whipped squirrels, 1 White Ladan Baby and Grape Rakia. The resulting mixture is applied to linen fabric and wrap it with her lower back for one night.

2. Prepare a homely plaster from 2-round proteins whipped into a strong foam, 1 tablespoon grated home soap and 1 packet of ground white incense. The resulting mixture is applied to woolen fabric, wrap it with a lower back and keep it until it disappears. Conduct treatment 1 - 2 days.

Pains wielding an adultery of the right blade. (According to Vangi, they may arise due to falling many years ago.) Skin with a recently illustrated hare (rabbit) Sprinkle with red pepper and pour sunflower oil. In the evening apply to the back.

Back pain.

1. Wash the back with honey. To massage the patient, pulling the skin.

2. Approximately 1 m clean white tissue moistened in 100 g of armory oil. The fabric cut into three parts and apply to the sore place of 3 pm in a row.

Sustainacles (caused by arthritis or rheumatism). Drink tea from crushed leaves of skumpia. The effect will increase if there is a hot parking lot from boiled leaves of scum.

Pain in the throat. Perfect sleep with a foot with a mixture of fat, dried wormwood (operated or erased into powder) and 1 teaspoon of food soda. Wear clean cotton socks.

Sick liver. 100 g of dried or 200 g of fresh yellow yarrow to be broken into powder. Add 100 g of flour and some water. The mixture should remind Cashitz. Range 60 small balls. Dry them and store in a cool place. Before starting treatment, be sure to drink 1 time on the night of the English salt. Take 1 ball in the morning and in the evening for a month.

Sick kidney.

1. The patient must often drink tea from boiled pumpkin seeds. 2 bags of ground linen seed mix with a small amount of water. Hall to apply the kidney area.

2. Pottery clay pour apple vinegar, mix well. Apply a mixture on the fabric and put on the kidney area.

3. One large blackberry root Cook in 5 liters of water until the liquid evaporates to half. Drink 3 times a day per 100 ml.

4. Once a week, the patient should have only boiled wheat and drink water.

1. (Children.) Squeeze 2 eggs in pork fat. Sprinkle with salt. Cool and put the child for the night on the chest.

2. (in children.) From the head of the red onion, remove the middle and pour into the deepening a teaspoon of sugar sand. On the day, the child should eat 1 head of the bow.

3. 2 - 3 leishes of mother-and-stepmother cook in 1/2 l of fresh milk. Add Fat at knife tip. Drink in the evening 1 coffee cup.

4. Chronic. Within 3 weeks, taking an empty stomach of 1 teaspoon of the bravery of the drugs.

Bronchopneumonia (after illness, for rehabilitation). With 1 kg of honey mix fresh-grinding the following components: 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of resin of white Balkan pine, 5 - 6 nails.

Take 1 tablespoon twice a day after meals. Children take 1 teaspoon 10 days.


1. Pork lungs cut into slices and apply to patient places.

2. Patient to wear cotton socks and walk in the morning of the mountain meadow. When the socks get intoxicated, they need to dry in the sun, without removing from the legs.

3. Green walnuts put in a glass jar, pour out olive oil and put in the sun for 40 days. Mind the legs with a mixture until it end.

Spring fatigue. In some people, spring fatigue is accompanied by nausea, in other - delayed fluid in the body, while there is a painful swelling of the ankle and other parts of the body. In both cases, you can get rid of suffering if you drink tea, filled on mustard seed. 1 tablespoon of the seed should be prepared 5 - 6 minutes in 600 ml of water. Drink 3 times a day for 1 coffee cup before meal.

Hair. Examination of gloss hair, increase growth. Each time after washing the head rinse the hair with a decoction of lanceath-like plantain or nut leaves.

Inflammation of bronchi. In 100 ml of water, cook 1 bay leaf until half of the water evaporates. Drink 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon.

Inflammation of the eyelid. Prepare a concentrated decoction of wormwood. Swimmed in the brazing tampons put on eyelids and keep about 2 hours. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Sore throat. Drink tea from thyme, chamomile and scrupted skumpia. / 7gour /

Inflammation of the gum.

1. Rinse a wild chastard with a pinch of alum.

Inflammation of the gallbladder. The yellow cavillery of 3- 4 cm to pour white dry wine and leave for three days. Remove the root and drink wine 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon during meals.

Inflammation of the skin of the face. Moss with stones in running water. Apply to the face.

Skin inflammation. Polants tablespoons of dried leaf leaves Cook in 500 ml of water until half of the water evaporates. Mocked in the brave and slightly squeeze cotton fabric. Making a stamp until inflammation goes.

Inflammation of facial nerve. Metallic needle on fire. Easily tingling, burning needle skin first with healthy, and then from the sore side of the face. Light burns are quickly passing, without leaving traces.


1. The dried roots of the chemissets thoughts well. On the rolled dough, lay out the resulting drug powder and attach the dough to the sore throat. Children are recommended to make a compress 2-3 times a day. Adults - leave for the night.

2. Collect the rupture-grass that grows in water and has the largest healing properties In mid-March. Quote to be confused, mix with pork lard, after reaching the mixture on the cotton fabric and put the compresses on the throat.

Inflammation of appendages.

1. Obfish with boiling water unwashed wool. The patient should be sitting on the ferry.

2. Wear a white cabbage in fresh milk. The patient must be sitting on the ferry.

3. The patient should sit above the ferry from the hot broth of dried forest herbs. The procedure is done every day until inflammation goes.

4. Cook the bark of winds, adding a bit of olive oil. The patient is recommended to sit above the hot decoction.

Inflammation salivary glands. Do hot parkings from marigolds.

Inflammation of hand tendons (in acute form). In 500 ml of water about 12 hours to insist the box (fruit) of the princess. In the evening put on a sore place compress. To do this, wet in the nasty gauze or cotton fabric, squeeze it and tongue sick hands tongue. It is advisable to do this procedure before bedtime so that the hands rest at night. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Ear infection. Drink collating and stepmother. Take baths with water in which the mother and stepmother was boiled, after which the body was lubricated with bass and raki (vodka).

Hair loss.

1. (in children.) 3 root clover with oline rubbing on a shallow grater and pour 100 ml of pure alcohol or strong grape raki (vodka). Insist the day, 1 - 2 times a day, wipe the bare places moistened into the infusion tampon.

2. Three roots of checker and 4 - 5 stems with roots and nettle leaves Cook in 500 ml of wine vinegar until half of the liquid remain. Vinegar strain, cool and store in a cool place. Rub into the skin of the head every time after washing until it ends. If necessary, prepare a second portion of the funds.

3. 200 g of grape mustows to weld in 500 ml of vine-class (vodka) in a tightly closed vessel. After the decoction cools, strain. Throw down after washing.

4. Wash my head to rinse the decoction of ivy.

5. Wash the head of white clay. Then, during a month, the bare places wipe the lemon slightly baked slices.

6. After washing the head rinse the hair with a decoction from the leaves of hazel and plantain.

Launch of the rectum. (In children.)

1. Heat the copper pelvis and turn it upside down. Top to put a wet woolen fabric. When the temperature becomes suitable, put the baby on the fabric.

2. Roll the brick and pour it cold water. Top to put a wet woolen fabric. When the fabric heats up, put a child on her. He must sit until the brick will be cooled.

High temperature. (In children.) Cook in a large amount of water sour plums, apples and pears. Add anise bag. Water do not polish. Give cool, pour into the bath and put a child in her. After 20 minutes, rinse the child with clean water, wipe the grape raki and put in pajamas. After the child backs out, it is changed in dry clothes.

2. (in children.) It can be knocked off, the reservoir of the child in water, in which acid grapes was cooked. After that, the child needs to be gratened with lard and grape raki.

High blood pressure.

1. Take 1 tablespoon dried white mistletoe. Pour the glass of cold water and insist one night. To drink with infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. 1 tablespoon of corn flour pour hot water cup. To drink infusion (without sediment) in the morning.

3. 1 tablespoon of drock leaves can be cooked in 500 ml of water until half of the water evaporates. Cool, after which itching and drinking throughout the day - in the morning and in the evening one glad. During the crisis, all the number of tincture drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

Gangrena. If the finger is struck on the leg, you need to prepare the following ointment: mix 1 tablespoon of fresh swine baw with 1 teaspoon of oak cortex ash and 1 teaspoon of haired lime. Finger lubricate three evenings in a row. If there is gangrene on another section of the leg, you need to make a cake from this mixture and brings it to the patient's sick. The blue spot first becomes red, then pink, and then disappears.

1. (acute.) 200 g of lancette plantain leaves Cooking 5 minutes in 500 ml of pure grape raki (vodka). Strain. Take a tincture of 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach an hour before you get up. During treatment, it is impossible to smoke.

2. In the morning, drink an empty stomach cup of tea from white willow. Put the cup of fresh milk.

Hemorrhoids (external nodes).

1. Take seating baths in a decoction of water pepper.

2. Cook a broth of Portulak and take seating baths.


1. (Constant, in a child.) A large bundle of a dried yellow dried duke lay in a bag of pure linen fabric and use as a pillow. After the child is sleeping on it one night, cook the decoction from the same herb and pour them the head of the child.

2. (And hectic sleep.) In 2 - 3 liters of water to cook 1 - 2 leaf of the meal. In the evening, throw the head and body several times.

3. (chronic.) In the evening wet the head and pour the body with a decoction of the chasty.

4. (chronic.) From migraine, neuralgia and other diseases helps anise tea. It is possible to prepare it as follows: in 600 ml of boiling water 5 minutes to cook three teaspoons of anise. Take 3 times a day for 1 coffee cup before meal.

5. (with pain in the ear, especially in young children.) 1 tablespoon of sugar melt on fire in a cast-iron pan. As soon as sugar starts dark, add 1 cup of cold water. To stir thoroughly. Take 1 - 2 glasses per day.

6. Wash your head with decoction of field parsley.

7. Collect 2 kg of wild millet recovery. Divide on 10 equal parts. Each part before using a slightly large volume of water and cook for about 10 minutes. When the water cools, pour the whole body every evening for ten days.

8. (Strong after stress.) The patient should have a glass of cold water before bedtime, putting a tablespoon of sugar before it.

Fungal sickness of nails on the fingers of the hands. Speed \u200b\u200bstrong coffee and give hands several times a day into the water with a thick.

Fungus on the legs (unpleasant smell). Pour legs in the branch of the basil.

Fungus on the fingers.

1. Mix with salt with salt, put between your fingers.

2. Wash legs in cold water, dissolving in it 1 tablespoon of food soda and salt.

3. Thoroughly washed legs with a strong wine vinegar solution. At night put on clean socks moistened in vinegar.

Dermatitis. (In children.) 3 walnuts bake in the oven to dark brown color. Nuts cool, split, the kernels will be confused. Add a spoonful of fish fat. Sick place to clean and attach to it the resulting ointment.

Children's baldness. In grape raki (vodka) to cook marks, in the evenings rub in bare places.

1. (In the initial form.) Drink a decoction from the tops of the black-based bushes.

2. (In children, in the initial form.) 10 sour apples to cook in 5 liters of water. After bathing, rinse the baby with this decoction.

Diathesis. (Children.) Put the water in which barley was cooked.


1. Fresh oak bark (about 10 cm long) pour 1 l of water and boil until half of the water evaporates. When the decoction cools, drink 1 coffee cup per day on an empty stomach.

2. Prepare a decoction of marigolds and for 2 to 3 days to drink in the mornings of 1 coffee cup.

Dystrophy. (In children.) Any acidic, unripe fruits to cook in a large capacity until soft. When the decoction cools, it does not turning out to pour into the bath. For half an hour, put in the bath of the child so that the body on the neck was immersed in the decoction. After the bath, grate the baby lady and grape raki (vodka.)

Jaundice. (In children born in summer.) Pour the decoction of cuckoo color.

1. To be confused into powder the resin of the Balkan pine, mix with olive oil and take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

2. Take 1 - 2 times a day on 1 tablespoon of marmalade cooked from black elder sugar, and 1 tablespoon of honey.

3. (in children.) Most often on the nervous ground, many children arises constipation. To get rid of this problem, try such a product: bake an apple and fill it with hot sugar syrup. After the apple cools, let it eat a child.

Pumping the nerve as a result of falling. Prepare a mixture of equal shares of olive oil, melted wax and a carrier. Apply a mixture on cotton fabric and attach to the spine along the entire length - from the neck to the tailbone.

Itching skin.

1. The patient needs to be poured with water in which barley was cooked.

2. Mix 500 ml of methyl alcohol with 50 ml salicylic acid. Lubricate inflamed places in the morning and in the evening.

Hysteria. Balse ball of balsamine put overnight in a bucket with cold water. The next day, water together with the plant to boil and cool. Write a decoction of balsamine.

1. (in children, incessant.) 1 potato, 1 bulb and 1 apple can be cooked in a liter of water until half of the liquid evaporates. Giving a child 1 teaspoon three times a day.

2. (In children.) 100 g of honey and 100 g of butter mix and add vanillin bag. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

3. (Well, in a smokers.) To cook in the milk of the roots of Altea and drink one glad several times a day.

4. (chronic, in adults.) A piece of resin yellow cherry magnitude with a nut to weld in 1 liter of water. Strain and add 200 g of honey, 3 grains of carnations and on the edge of the knife of the ground of the Kurkurma. Take before eating 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening.

5. (Strong.) 4 walnuts, 1 tablespoon of elderberry flowers and 1 tablespoon of bee honey cooking in 1/2 l of water. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

6. 1 teaspoon of dried flowers of the drock cooking 5 minutes in 200 ml of water, strain and drink a warm decoction in two receptions: in the morning after eating and in the evening before bedtime. If necessary, repeat treatment the next day.

7. Cooking mother-and-stepmother leaves and drinking like tea.

9. (Strong.) During the week, the patient should drink tea, boiled from linen seed. / 7gour /

Whooping cough. In the root of the rosehip, balls resembling ribbed wool are formed. Two such balls to cook in 1 liter of water and drink in the evenings of 1 coffee cup.

Colics in children. Assemble in the summer more as a row. Two horses of the skewer to cook at 5 - 6 liters of water. Without flashing, cool to a suitable temperature, lower the child into water on the belt and hold for about 20 minutes. After the bathroom rinse it with clean water. Slip the baby's tummy with pure pork salted fat and grape diluted grape raki (vodka). Pretty to bite the child and put in bed. After the third procedure, colic will be held.

Conjunctivitis. Throw fresh leaves of Altea and three purses in a row to make a lotion.

Bone growths (the so-called "dead bone").

1. A piece of old tiles rolling on an open fire to red and pour cold water. Wash woolen fabric in kerosene. On the bone outflow put fabric, on top of it - hot tiles. Keep while the patient is able to tolerate. Repeat the procedure 4 - 5 times before the outflow of the growth.

2. Heat the shallow river sand, pour it into a linen bag and attach to a patient. Keep until the sand cools down. Treatment to spend at every opportunity to complete the extinction of the outflow.


1. (Abundant, chronic, women.) To be careful to beat six egg proteins, add 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid, mix and drink the mixture.

Blelenting gums. Rustic leaves Sorry to be confused and apply to the gums.

Bleeding hemorrhoidal nodes. Droktocks to insist 7 days in olive oil in the sun and take on an empty stomach of 1 tablespoon in the morning. After eating drinking tea from the same fruits.


1. (Children.) Drink juice of altea fruit juice.

2. (in children.) The dried fruits of altea and mix with the dried sugary lamb. Take 2 times in a 1 teaspoon, drinking with a small amount of water.

3. Drink the juice from the roots of Altea.

4. Sichuzine of a young lamb, which was fed only with milk sheep, divided into 7 parts. Keep refrigerated. In 1 liter of sheep milk to dissolve one part of the rennet exhaust and a day in four receptions. All treatment requires 7 liters of sheep milk.

Excess weight.

1. Take 3 times a day for 1 coffee cup of coffee from Luggage Corn.

2. If you want you to have a good figure, instead of expensive tablets and imported drugs you need to take plant baths and comply with the diet. You will achieve fast effectIf you are led by a decoction of the grass of Durana.

Pour water into a large saucepan and, as soon as it boils, put 100 g of dried grass and cook for 5 minutes. The decoction to cool, strain. Pouring to spend three days in a row after the bathroom, and in the evening you need to drink a cup of infusion melissa.

Lyumbago. If you suddenly have pain in the lower back, so you will not be able to straighten, you need to take a terry towel, wet it in ice water, squeeze and attach to a patient. From above to close the cellophan and put on a dense cotton pajamas. The next morning, the pain will be removed.

Malaria.Freightly chicken egg, put it in an enameled bowl, pour 200 ml of wine vinegar. Leave a bowl open. After the shell is dissolved, a pretty beate the mixture and drink on an empty stomach.

1. Making compresses from screaming wormwood and coltsfoot.

2. Put the cake from the bee wax on the skin on top of the masting education. Secure the plaster. Repeat 3 nights in a row.

3. To knead the soft dough from rye flour, melted oil and fresh milk. Make a cake and attach to a sore place. Treatment repeat several times, leaving the dough all night.

Intervertebral hernia. Mix the old tile to mix with two egg whites, 1 teaspoon of white incense and a glass of grape raki (vodka). Blend on a woolen fabric, attach to a patient and keep it until it falls.


1. During meals, eat 3 olives.

2. Drink tea from the collection of forest herbs, and mineral water.

3. Drink ham and stepmother brawl.

Myoma uterus. 3 times a day to drink 1 coffee cup of bursting of hemp seed. The course of treatment is 15 days.

Corn. If you have constantly arise corn on your feet, do not cut them off. Put a pinch of salt on a thin fabric and drop 2 water drops. Tie to the corn overnight. You will feel strong painBut if you repeat the procedure 2 - 3 times, the corn will disappear.

Finger suppuration at nail. Take a sharp pen, cut up the top and remove some seeds. In the resulting cavity pour a strong crayon (vodka). Put the pod on the finger, tie the bandage and leave for the night.

Menstrual cycla violation. The steam baths made of boiled leaves of the scum.

Metabolic disease.

1. Only in the mornings to drink the infusion of Zvercuoy: on a glass of hot water 1 teaspoon of grass.

2. To stimulate metabolism, you can use an Icelandic lichen. 1 tablespoon of lichen cooking in 600 ml of water until it evaporates half. Drink 3 times a day after eating 1 coffee cup for a month.

Neuralgia (inflammation of the facial nerve) .3 times a day before eating to drink 1 cup of anise brave (in 3 glasses of water about 5 minutes cook 3 glasses of anise fruits).

Urinary incontinence. (Umogenicid. Apply a mixture on a white wool fabric and make compresses: one night on the lower back, the second night is on the bottom of the abdomen.

2. (in children.) About 2 kg of the laptop (most of it medical properties manifest themselves in May, before blossom) to cook in 10 liters of water. The decoction to strain, cool and 7 evenings before bedtime make the belt baths with this decoction. Boiled grass to mix with pork fat and put on the first evening on the stomach, and in the next - on the lower back. Compress leave overnight.

3. (Girls.) Drop the roots of the grass of LAKONOS, dry them and rub into powder, then put on a hot brick. As soon as the grass starts smoking, the girl should be sitting above the smoke.

4. And children, and adults will help the decoction of the young shoots of the Juniper Cossack. One escape to cook in two glasses of water for 5 minutes. Drink in the morning and in the evening one glass.

Nervous disorder.1. (Women.) Gerani's drinks (cook 1 sheet in 200 ml of water). Drink 1 coffee cup 2 times a day.

2. (In men.) Mix in a bank of 500 g of sugar and 500 gmetes. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

3 (in children.) Put the water in the water, in which the dried forest herbs was cooked.

4. Drink a decoction from strapping tops.

5. The patient needs to drink decoction from blackberry roots.

6. Drink Decra Melissa.

7. Drink tea from regain.

Pouring the heavers of medicinal herbs. Flowers, cleans and acts as a means for weight loss. Especially useful such procedures after a long winter, when the human body is weakened. In an arbitrary amount of water to cook separately dried skimpius, wormwood, chamomile, anise. The amount of raw materials are determined by the eye. (Only Anisa needs to use 1 bag to the procedure.) Wrums are ready in 5-10 minutes. Cool, strain and merge into one vessel. To achieve the effect, pouring should be held 3 days in a row.

Called gums.

1. 40 fruits of the drill can be prepared in 1 liter of water until the fluid evaporates. Cool and several times during the day rinse the rope of mouth, after which the gums to massate.

2. Collect a blooming portula garden (Portulas Olerasea), finely cut, pour olive oil and is like a salad.

Dyspnea.Mix 200 g of honey, olive oil and grape raki (vodka). Drink on a glass 3 times a day.

Burns. For Wange, he turned a patient who did not heal burn burns received from gas. Vangu said that this fire is still smoldering in the legs. It recommended that the following means: 6 egg yolks and 6 teaspoons of fresh melted oil mix well - the mixture should resemble mayonnaise. Leg wrap marley impregnated with the prepared medicine.

Tumors on the chest, chiri, frills. Mix 500 g of rye flour with 100 g of fresh butter and 1 cup of milk. Put the dough on the fabric and apply three in a row to sore places.

Tumors on the body. Sweese from the coach, loss of wormwood and raki apply in the form of compresses on a sore place.

Swollen ankles. In 3 tea cups of water 5 minutes, cook 1 tablespoon of mustard seed. Drink 1 coffee cup 3 times a day before meals.

Weakening of immunity. Parase a month decoast thyme.

Weakening the muscles. (In children.) Mix 200 g of honey and 20 g of sulfur and this mixture is a pretty massaging body until the child stands up three times.

Defeated children. 1 kg of green Portulak to cook in 6 liters of water and, when the decoction will cool, make a baby bath, immersing it into the water on the neck. Add 1 package of anise fruit package and hassle of wild pears. After 15 - 20 minutes, remove the child from the water, rinse and lay sleep.

Eknesses on the body. Painted incense pour out on cotton fabric, soaked in a decoction of mustard seed and naked honey. Attach the cobble location.

Overeating. Just overeating, especially fatty food, you need to drink juice of one lemon, mixed with a teaspoon of food soda and sugar to taste.

1. Boost in a saucepan of water 1 tablespoon of alum. After washing to rinse the head of this composition.

2. Prepare a mixture of 1 glasses of apple vinegar, 1 coffee cup of olive oil and salt chipping. Wash your head with liquid soap and apply the mixture on the skin. The procedure is carried out until the medicine is over.

Pyelonephritis (in children.) Observe the diet and there is corn bread. Drink more ragger cornflowers. / 7gour /

Plexitis (severe pain in their hands).

1. To lose the leaves of the willows and attach to the patient.

2. Announced a woolen fabric moistened to the patient apple vinegar With a confused root of Valerian. The procedure is carried out several times until the pain passes.


1. Take a decoction of linen seed for 1 week. Do not drink cold water.

2. Patient to split and wrapped in a sheet, put on hot sand.

1. (In the initial stage.) To knead the dough from corn flour and pure wine vinegar. Use for seal.

2. (In the initial stage.) Red clay mix with wine vinegar, apply on the fabric and apply to the patient.

3. The patient can facilitate his suffering with the help of a golden bar. In 500 ml of water to put 1/2 spoons of grass. Cook until the liquid is popped by the woven. Drink a decoction for half an hour before meals 2 times a day at one glass so that the treatment was effective, it must be combined with a strict diet that excludes the use of meat and alcohol. The diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. Good make mineral baths or walking into the mountains and drink tea from mountain herbs.

Cuthes. It is quickly, if they are lubricated with olive oil, in which the Flowers of the Hypericum insisted for 20 days. This agent is suitable for the treatment of bleeding ulcers of the stomach: to take on an empty stomach of 1 tablespoon.

Sweatness. (In children and adults.) To be lost in the powder an oak board made by insects. After washing, drink the skin with powder.

With a neuralgic disease. Join tea, boiled from Melissa and Gerani.

Prostatitis. Increased coal burned linden. Brewed like tea, and drink 1 cup seven days in a row.


1. (Very strong.) Prepare a mixture of 10 leaves of dried and crushed tobacco, honey and strong raki. Blend on the fabric and tied to the lower back for the night. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated.

2. (with cough.) Inflamed bronchi can be calmed, taking the following medicine: in 100 ml of water to cook 1 bay leaf until half of the water evaporates. Take 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon.

With inflamed throat and cough with the release of blood clots, tea from skumpia helps. She is not poisonous, as some people believe, and it can be treated from many diseases. In this case, you need 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves to cook in 500 ml of water until the liquid evaporates half. Decoration drink with honey 3 times a day.

Proteinuria (excessive norm). Highly thin transparent bark, which is easy to remove spring from the birch trunk. 1 tablespoon of dried beered 5 minutes boil in two glasses of water. Strain and drink 100 ml in the evening for 3 days.

Psoriasis. I. gall-bubble Large sea fish (weighing about 3 kg) Cook in 1 liter of white wine for 30 minutes, strain and mix with 200 ml of olive oil. Places affected by the disease, thoroughly rinse and lubricate the resulting mixture. Continue treatment until the mixture is over. For washing it is best to use egg soap.

Skin irritation on hands caused by detergent chemicals. Cool handbanks for hands, dissolving in water a teaspoon of food soda. After that, the hands must be sure to hold 10 minutes in a slightly heated olive oil.

Wounds (poorly delayed). The wound wounds of the Hypericum.

Stomach upset.

1. (In the summer. Cook for a few minutes 3 - 4 "coins" on a glass.

2. (Provided that the reason is not in fatty food.) Ten tips of the black-based bushes to cook in 1 liter of water until half of the liquid evaporates. Drink 3 times a day for 1 coffee cup for three days.

3. Drink tea, brewed on mint.

Hand muscle stretching. Employment for hands from a green bezna's beam with the addition of 1 tablespoon of food soda.

Rheumatism. Color root walnut At a depth of 60 cm during the flowering period of the tree. Cut from the root first spine, resembling a wire thick with a finger. A piece should be about 20 cm. Put the root into a bottle of 1 liter of olive oil.

Bottle bury into the ground to a depth of 60 cm in the place where the root was cut off. 40 days to dig and store the bottle and stored in a dark place. The patient should lubricate all the body with this oil until the oil is over.

Sarcoma (with edema). On edema places to apply ditch meat, polished by the ammonia.

Pig. Packing paper (blue) pierce with a needle in many places. To apply honey, raki and the scratched root of Valerian. Use for compresses that put on the ears. The disease passes in three days.

Sinusitis. To restore it in each nostril a piece of fresh cream oil with corn grain.

Screaming also applies in the treatment of spurs. Three evenings in a row you need to make a hot bath for a sick place from the brave scamps. The procedure continue until the decoction is cooled.

Displacement of intervertebral disks. Called potatoes to attach to the patient. Leave for all night. Treatment to repeat until pain passes.

Spasms. (In children.) Put in the pillow, on which the child sleeps, dried forest herbs.

Stomach spasms.

1. (with reduced acidity.) Collect the flowering leaves of the Lancelistic plantain. 200 g of washed leaves Cook in 500 ml of grape raki until half of Rakia evaporates. Strain, cool, store in the refrigerator. Every day at 5 am on an empty stomach to take 1 tablespoon, after which the patient should be in bed for another 1 hour. Breakfast at 7 o'clock. The treatment continues until the tincture is complete. If necessary, prepare a new portion and repeat the course of treatment.

2. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water with 1 tablespoon of anise vodka. After 10 - 15 minutes, drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Spastic bronchitis.

1. (In children suffering from allergies.) Mix at 10 g mustard powder and powder from the root of civar wormwood with 100 g of honey. Giving 1 teaspoon after dinner.

2. On 1 tablespoon of skumpies, coltsfoot and wormwood pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist 1 minute. Infusion to strain and take 1 tablespoon in the morning and in the evening after eating, adding a little honey.

Absadin. A mix of 1 teaspoon of pork bale, honey and food soda and lubricate to this means of abrasion.

1. (Small.) Summer while flowering, collect the roots of Celebre. Cook 10 roots in a bucket of water. Take a warm shower, and then suck the water in which the roots were cooked. Repeat dial 2 - 3 times.

2. (Children, appeared suddenly, without visible causes.) Mix equal parts of wine vinegar and sunflower oil. Sick place to wash, and then wipe the tampon moistened in the cooked mixture.

3. (in children.) Cook the nettle and elderly in equal parts. Pour a child with this decoction.

4. Need to drink decoction of rye.

5. Prepare a decoction from the flowers of Vasilka Blue and pour them.

6. Handland of nettle rinse, dry and fry in 1 tea cup of olive oil. Oil strain and lubricate them sick place. Under the urban treatment is carried out daily for 5 days.

7. The patient should take baths from the decoction of oak bark. / 7gour /

8. Drink tea from seeds wiki.

Nausea. Join the infusion of mustard seed.

Crack in the bone. Lit 2 - 3 proteins taken from fresh chicken Yaitz, add 2-3 complete tablespoons of flour. Must get a soft dough for both pancakes. In this mixture, wet the bandage or gauze and take a sore place. Flour hardens and will perform the function of the tire, and the protein will help the bones of growing.

Cracks on the heels. Just drink decoction of rye.

Cracks in the hands. Come 2 - 3 baths for hands from cold decoction of water pepper.

Thrombophlebitis. Myshino easy to sprinkle with gray and, applying it, three in a row to bandage sick place.

Acne.Chopchart fabric Mocked in the brave of Melissa, soapy and black elderberry and making a row before bedtime.

Insect bites. Green elast prevents itching and edema.

Fatigue. (In children and adults.) Rent a fatigue well helps the instinctor of a two-year-old, especially growing near water. Stem Clear to the soft core and there is as dessert. Fatigue will pass, if you eat 10 stems of the instant.

Fatigue feet.

1. (Restoring motor functions of limbs.) Prepare ointment of 100 g of pork salales and 1 tablespoon of salt. Apply a mixture on the fabric and wrap her legs.

2. (Edema.) A mixture of melted wax, olive oil and water to apply on the loaf and wrap it with her legs.

Student heartbeat (on nervous soil). Turn out 500 g of crude lemon, add 200 g of honey and 40 ground nuclei from apricot bones. Take in the morning and in the evening 1 tablespoon.

1. Apply potatoes to the patient sliced \u200b\u200bto the patient.

2. The skirt of the recently illustrated hare (rabbit) is lubricated with olive oil and sprinkle with black pepper. To impose a bandage for a sore place. In the first night, the patient may experience severe pain, the next night the pain subsides and will soon disappear at all. If the hematoma is not very big, the skin must be cut into three parts and store in the refrigerator. Each evening to the patient, it is advisable to apply a new piece.

3. Cooking 500 g of white beans, spin well and 1 - 2 times to attach to the bruised place.

Cirrhosis of the liver. Having a female milk, mixed with white flour.

Custitis. Score corn storks, dry in the shade and stored in a bag of fine tissue. Drink warm decoction of cornflowers every day 1 - 2 glasses.

Chiri.Same dough from rye flour, milk and fresh oil overnight. Tie a pellet from the test to the inflamed place.

Spurs on the heels. Dravel the copper pelvis, to sit on top of a woolen fabric. The patient should stand at the pelvis until he cooled.

Spurs on the hands. On a woolen fabric, moistened in an apple vinegar, pour the crushed valerian root. Attach to the patient.

1. Cut the onion head in half, for each half a drop of 1 drop of tar. At night to tie to the patient.

2. Three evenings in a row making a hot bath for a sick place from the brave scum. The procedure is repeated until the decoction cools.

Scars, a decrease. For this, it should more often make wounds with a blue crocus juice.

1. In 1 coffee cup of methyl alcohol, put on the tip of the knife of salicylic acid crystals. Mix well. Apply on the affected sections 1 - 2 times a day until all the alcohol end.

2. Squeeze the soapy juice. Rinse and clean the affected area, then wipe it with juice.

3. Bake 30. walnuts. The nuclei grind and mix with fish fat. The affected area to clean and lubricate the resulting composition.

4. The affected areas rinse and wipe the cotton swallowed in a mixture of 1 coffee cup of sunflower oil and 1 coffee cup of wine vinegar.

5. Wipe patients with a mixture of equal parts of machine oil and gasoline.

7. Many varieties of this disease can be cured by wiping the affected areas of the skin with liquid, which can be collected in May from the kidneys of Elm.

Epilepsy. (Children.) Bathing a child in a brave of dried forest herbs, laying sleeping on a pillow filled with herbs.

Ulcer duodenal gut. Lit 1 egg white With 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Take an empty stomach of 1 tablespoon for 10 days.