What to take with low body temperature. Decreased body temperature

  • Date of: 04.03.2020

The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls body temperature. Thermoregulation in healthy body happens reflexively. Internal organs and skin have receptors responsible for thermal processes and the process of cold exchange. With an increase in the temperature of the circulating blood, the activity of hypothalamus neurons is activated, with a decrease, their activity also decreases. When a person has what to do, the body does not know. Receptors that determine the level of metabolism, the rate of blood circulation and other methods of thermoregulation violate their usual rhythm. As a result, the hypothalamus loses its ability to maintain the body's usual temperature of 36.6 degrees.

What to do with and how to help the body survive this syndrome? You can use pharmacological drugs that are taken on the recommendation of a doctor. These include tenoten and persen, but they should not be taken on their own, since the reason that led to this violation is important, and only a doctor can identify it.

A low temperature is a temperature that does not reach 35.8 degrees. This indicator can be influenced by the factor of overwork, diseases suffered by a person or exacerbation of chronic ailments. Bacterial and viral infections can lead to lower temperatures. In these cases, the reason, as a rule, lies in the excess content of toxins - the decay products of microbial cells.

Suppose you are faced with a problem such as low body temperature. What to do in these situations? First of all, for this there are specialists who will determine the root cause, so a visit to the doctor is required. If the result of lowering is overwork, it is caused by stress or severe overload, then what to do at a low temperature becomes clear. The advice in this case is simple:

  • refuse additional loads;
  • provide the body with a full, deep sleep;
  • avoid stressful situations- a great way to return the temperature indicator to normal.

Do not panic if you have What to do under such circumstances, we will tell you. Best Recipe, which allows you to help your body, is an herbal tincture consisting of valerian root and motherwort, prepared in a ratio of 1 tbsp. valerian and 1 tbsp. motherwort, filled with 2 tbsp. boiling water. We insist for 10-12 hours, after which we filter and consume in small portions. You can replace the dry mixture with tincture of the same herbs.

If the low temperature is caused by a serious illness, then the functions of the body in this case can be extremely depleted. The nervous system suffers the most. In particular, the center responsible for thermoregulation is the hypothalamus.

Preparations used to regulate temperature processes, before swallowing, it is recommended to keep in oral cavity, the absorption of substances in this case is much more efficient. Be sure to introduce vitamins C and E into the diet within one month.

Do you or your loved ones want to provide additional help to the body? There are several preparations of animal origin, which include antlers (non-ossified deer antlers). These are gypsies and pantocrine, which will quickly restore the impaired function. Aralia and eleutherococcus are very effective, they are also called adaptogens. 20 drops are dissolved in water and taken 3 times a day for a month.

  • In the morning - tincture of ginseng.
  • In the afternoon we will repeat the reception of the adaptogen. During the meal - vitamins.
  • Dinner - motherwort with valerian.

When the body temperature drops below the permissible limit, it cannot pass imperceptibly for a person. Various unpleasant symptoms are added to this condition. Before sounding the alarm and looking for ways to normalize the temperature, it is necessary to determine the root cause that provokes this condition.

Constantly low body temperature in humans - the norm or pathology

The usual indicators on a thermometer when measuring temperature in an adult or a child are the number 36.6. However, these figures may change throughout the day. In the morning, the body temperature is usually slightly below the usual mark, in the evening it rises. In addition, external, internal factors that can provoke fluctuations also affect the temperature. Therefore, the interval from 36.0 to 37.0 is considered to be the norm.
Despite the thresholds established by doctors, the body of each person is individual. Therefore, it is possible to single out some features in which a constantly lowered body temperature is often not a pathologically dangerous condition.

These features include:

  1. age; in older people, a consistently low temperature is often noted due to the ongoing senile changes in the body;
  2. specific features of physiology; often people who have arterial, but there are no unpleasant symptoms and there are no consequences, they also note a constantly low temperature, which can drop to 34.5-35 degrees;
  3. body structure; people who are fragile and pale skin, very often suffer from constantly low body temperature below 36 degrees; this is combined with a weakness of the nervous system and slow metabolic processes in the body;
  4. characterized by the presence of low body temperature for women in " interesting position", as well as during menopause (after 50 years); this is also not considered a pathology and is close to normal, does not require urgent intervention by doctors if the woman feels normal and is able to raise her body temperature to the most comfortable level on her own.
The state of low body temperature, which is scientifically called hypothermia, is also characteristic of premature babies. May manifest long time without posing a threat to life.

It is customary to talk about pathology within the framework of a low body temperature in a person when negative internal factors provoking such a condition are detected during the examination. If from birth there was no tendency to low readings on the thermometer, and hypothermia pursues a long period, this should be a reason to visit the doctor's office.

It is worth remembering that constantly present hypothermia can cause:
  • oppressed breathing;
  • decrease in performance of all internal organs, systems;
  • slowing down the processes occurring in the body;
  • severe dizziness and fainting (at a low body temperature of 35 degrees).

In a situation where the body temperature of a person at any age falls beyond the mark of 26 degrees, a coma may develop, which can lead to death if medical assistance is not provided in time.

Why hypothermia occurs: causes of low body temperature in humans

Body temperature is the main indicator that can report malfunctions inside the body. A low temperature, which is not as common as a high temperature, often indicates not only internal diseases, but also to problems with the nervous system, as well as to a failure in the mechanism of thermoregulation of the body.

In order to effectively increase low body temperature at home, it is important to determine the underlying cause that provokes the condition. In some cases, when the underlying cause for hypothermia is an internal imbalance, a medical examination will be required.

The causes of low temperature in humans, which occurs due to external circumstances, include:
  1. hypothermia;
  2. prolonged and nervous strain;
  3. depletion of the internal forces of the body;
  4. chronic lack of sleep, irregular life schedule;
  5. fasting, provoking a breakdown, as well as extreme diet options;
  6. state of shock;
  7. a large amount of alcohol consumed.
Diseases that can provoke hypothermia:
  • in a situation of a sharp drop in blood sugar;
  • HIV infection;
  • , ; habitually accompanies a person against their background, but in some cases hypothermia can become a response to the disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • various bases and low hemoglobin;
  • depression, apathy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • pathologies in the brain;
  • disease thyroid gland;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • , bulimia;
  • bronchitis in acute or chronic forms;
  • various variants of internal chronic diseases at the time of their exacerbation;
  • inflammatory, infectious diseases different genesis.

Additional reasons that provoke a low temperature include:
  1. weakened immunity, in particular after a serious illness;
  2. poisoning with poisons, toxins, chemicals, medicines, alcohol;
  3. low body temperature in an adult or child may occur after a “shock” dose of antipyretic drugs during the period of illness;
  4. characteristic hypothermia occurs after operations;
  5. uncontrolled intake of various medical preparations, including those that depress the work of the central nervous system (sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants, drugs based on barbiturates);
  6. lack of vitamins (especially vitamin C) and important trace elements in organism;
  7. and damage to the skin, stimulating the expansion blood vessels in organism.

Symptoms at low body temperature

There are not many distinguishing signs indicating hypothermia. However, when the temperature drop occurs unexpectedly and it drops significantly, the symptoms do not go unnoticed.

The main symptoms at low body temperature

  1. Pre-fainting and fainting.
  2. Feeling cold, chills.
  3. Paleness of the skin, while this may be accompanied by a cold sweat.
  4. or separate parts body, goosebumps.
  5. Difficulty in focusing the eyes.
  6. Feeling of general weakness, fatigue, malaise.
  7. Perhaps a feeling of nausea.
  8. Drowsiness.
  9. Confusion of thoughts, inability to concentrate on anything.
  10. Slowness of all mental processes, as well as speech.
  11. There may be anxiety, anxiety, fear.
  12. Slight trembling of limbs, fingers.
In addition to these symptoms, there may be various manifestations this or that disease, when the body temperature is below 36 degrees due to illness or other disorders in the body.

Low body temperature in a child (video)

Within the framework of the reasons that can provoke hypothermia in children, the same reasons are basically the same as in an adult.

It should be noted that low body temperature is typical not only for premature babies, but also for newborns in the first few days of life. A baby who has undergone severe stress at the time of birth is unable to instantly adapt to the environment, so the so-called “cold shock” occurs, due to which the thermometer readings can be very low.

Characterized by low body temperature for a child during puberty. It is caused by changes in the hormonal balance of the body. It can also be the result of violations in endocrine system or the occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Hypothermia in children also acts as a response to taking various medications that constrict blood vessels.

In a situation where a significantly lower body temperature is noted for a long time, baby, this could refer to:

  1. malnutrition and lack of vitamins in the body;
  2. imperfection of the mechanism of thermoregulation (passes over time);
  3. pathology of the development of the brain, in particular the pituitary gland, as well as head injuries received, but not fixed at birth.

Symptoms in a situation of low temperature in a child also usually correspond to the signs that are characteristic of adults. But a few more reasons can be added to them.

Additional symptoms of hypothermia in a child:

  • moodiness, proximity to tears and general lethargy;
  • poor appetite;
  • unwillingness to take part in outdoor games;
  • lethargy and bad mood.
You can learn more about the features of the child's body temperature and how to raise it from the video with Dr. Komarovsky:

How to increase body temperature

There are a number of methods that allow you to increase body temperature at home. Often they do not involve taking any specific medications if hypothermia is caused by a non-comorbid disease, poisoning.

The most efficient and safe means, which allow you to normalize the condition at a low body temperature of 35 (and below) degrees, decoctions and tinctures from ginseng, St. John's wort, echinacea act. Favorably affects the change in body temperature and increase the overall tone of the body strong green tea with a spoonful of honey, as well as hot black tea with raspberries. Strong coffee also helps to bring the body temperature back to normal, you can add a pinch of cinnamon to it.

In a situation where hypothermia occurs due to hypothermia, one should:

  1. change into warmer and dry clothes;
  2. put a heating pad in your feet;
  3. heat the air in the room;
  4. can be accepted cold and hot shower, but you should carefully monitor changes in water temperature so as not to cause a sharp jump in blood pressure;
  5. organize a warm drink and food for a person.

In moments of hypothermia or low body temperature with a cold, especially in young children, rubbing should not be done, in particular with alcohol or vinegar. This can cause more harm to well-being.

Strong will help raise body temperature, prolonged sleep, rest, when the condition is caused by overwork, lack of sleep, fatigue. It is important to normalize your day, not forgetting about breaks in work and business, not skipping meals. At the same time, you should enrich your diet with vitamins: eat more berries, nuts, fruits, fresh herbs, vegetables, natural juices.

Good help at home to increase the low body temperature in humans short foot baths. The water should not be too hot, and you can also add a spoon to it. mustard powder or a few drops of eucalyptus oil for better warming.

With prolonged stress, which provokes a breakdown and low temperature, you can use medicinal teas with mint, lemon balm, or use tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort. But these methods should be used with caution so as not to cause an even greater breakdown, drowsiness, pressure drop.

If hypothermia occurs due to malfunctions in the immune system, then in addition to vitamin complexes may apply the following drugs, strengthening the immune system and, as a result, raising the temperature:
  1. "Pantokrin";
  2. Normoxan.
Along with this, one should therapeutic gymnastics, as well as carry out procedures for hardening the body, especially in childhood.

Rapid rise in temperature: extreme methods

When it becomes necessary to quickly raise the body temperature to 38 degrees, the sparing methods indicated above are unlikely to give the desired result. In such situations, you can resort to extreme options, but the result from them will not be very long.

It should be understood that resorting to such methods, one may encounter adverse consequences, for example, in the form of poisoning of the body.

  1. Pharmacy iodine can increase body temperature. It cannot be used in pure form, therefore, a few drops of the product can be diluted in a glass of water or moistened with a piece of sugar with iodine solution.
  2. Another option: eat some pencil lead (from a simple pencil), drinking clean water. Chewing or making powder from the stylus is not required.
  3. It helps to quickly raise the body temperature to 38 degrees and above by rubbing the body, especially the armpits, with pepper, mustard, garlic powder.
  4. The use of methods that increase the temperature, for example, compresses with vodka or vinegar, in a situation where it is impossible to transfer heat from the body (for example, wrapping yourself in several woolen blankets, wearing warm socks soaked in a solution of vinegar or vodka), will achieve the desired result.

Body temperature- is an indicator of the thermal state of the body, which displays the ratio of heat production various bodies, tissues and heat exchange between them and the external environment.

Average body temperature most people fluctuates between 36.5 - 37.2 ° C. This indicator is . But if your body temperature is slightly higher or lower than the generally accepted norm, and at the same time you feel great, this is the normal temperature of your body. An exception is if the deviation in one direction or another is 1-1.5°C.

If the temperature deviates by 1-1.5 ° C from your normal temperature be sure to see a doctor.

Low temperature body- a decrease in temperature from the norm by 0.5-1.5 ° C, but not less than 35 ° C.

Low body temperature– drop in body temperature below 35°C. Low body temperature is also called - hypothermia.

Body temperature and its fluctuations depend on:

  • time of day;
  • health conditions;
  • age;
  • impact on the body environment;
  • pregnancy;
  • characteristics of the organism;
  • other unexplained factors.

Decreased or low body temperature, like, is a symptom, as the body's response to some deviations from its normal state, working capacity, conditions of stay.

A low and low body temperature carries no less danger than a high one, because if the temperature does not fall to the critical 32-27 ° C, a person dies, although there have been facts in history when a person survived even at a temperature of 16 ° C.

The lowest body temperature in the world was recorded in a 2-year-old girl from Canada, on February 23, 1994, who spent 6 hours in the cold.

In any case, even with small fluctuations in temperature, be attentive to your well-being, and if there are any deviations, consult a doctor. It is especially important to monitor the temperature of the child, because. children's body is in the developmental stage, and unlike an adult, it is more sensitive to various disorders in the functioning of organs.

Hypothermia of the body (decrease in body temperature) in most cases is accompanied by the following symptoms:

- general malaise of the body;
- loss of strength, lethargy,;
- trembling;
- cold and skin;
— ;
increased drowsiness;
- lethargy;
- possible increased irritability;
- decrease in heart rate;
— .

At too low a temperature (below 34 ° C), bodies can experience:

- strong trembling;
- slurred speech
- difficulties in moving the body, up to immobilization;
- the skin becomes ash-gray, may begin to turn blue;
- weak pulse;
- hallucinations (it may seem that it is very hot).
- loss of consciousness.

Body temperature below 32°C can be fatal.

Causes of low and low body temperature

There are many reasons for low temperature for doctors to develop a whole specificity of diagnosing the body, which will be discussed in the next paragraph. The reason for the low body temperature, or, lies mainly in the hypothermia of the body, so you should always remember the rules of behavior on frosty days outside.

Consider the most common causes of a decrease in body temperature ...

The main factors that can provoke low and low body temperature:

Low temperature in children, especially those under 3 years of age, is often one of the symptoms, which is associated with an incompletely formed thermoregulation system of the body, for which the hypothalamus is responsible. At the same time, it is better to warm the body not by rubbing, but by hot drinks and warm clothes but it's still best to see a doctor.

In addition, as already mentioned at the beginning of the article, a person’s body temperature can change due to a change in the time of day, lowered in the morning, and over time, as a person is active, increase.

Diagnosis (examination) at low body temperature

Examination at low body temperature may include the following diagnostic methods:

- general examination of the patient;
— ;
— ;
— ;
- Analysis of urine;
— ;
— ;
- pulse oximetry;
- hourly diuresis;
— monitoring.

Now that you and I, dear readers, have armed ourselves with the necessary knowledge about low and low body temperature, we will consider the question, what to do at such a temperature? How to adjust thermoregulation? How to warm up the body?

Low body temperature due to hypothermia. What to do?

At temperatures below 34 ° C, call an ambulance, and at this time, try to do the following:

1. Place the patient in bed, preferably in horizontal position, or in a place protected from the cold.

2. Cover the patient, paying special attention to the extremities, while leaving the head and chest area open, which is associated with different temperatures in these parts of the body.

3. If a person has wet clothes, for example after falling into water, change them as soon as possible.

4. If the patient shows signs of limbs, do not warm them with warm water, but apply heat-insulating bandages to frostbitten hands and feet.

5. Attach to chest heating pad, electric blanket.

6. Give the victim a hot drink - tea, fruit drink. Categorical in this state, you can not take alcohol or coffee.

7. For warming, lavage (washing) with warm solutions (37-40 ° C) of the abdominal or pleural cavity is sometimes used.

8. You can also use warm baths, with a water temperature of 37 ° C.

9. If the patient is fainting, and his pulse is not felt, start doing and.

In severe hypothermia, the patient requires active rewarming (but gradual) as in this case, the body cannot independently regulate its temperature. If this is not done, or done incorrectly, the patient may die.

Low body temperature due to malnutrition, diet. What to do?

Due to the fact that the decrease in body temperature due to diet is associated with a lack of fats, carbohydrates, and minerals in the body, it is necessary to replenish their reserves.

From vitamins, special attention must be paid, because. it has a beneficial effect on immune system, which weakens during a hunger strike or malnutrition. Weakened immunity can cause many diseases. Children are additionally recommended to take.

Decreased body temperature due to disease. What to do?

If you have a decrease in temperature accompanied by symptoms various diseases- pain, colic, hallucinations, etc., be sure to consult a doctor, because. self-medication can only aggravate the possible disease of a particular organ. The doctor will prescribe necessary funds and procedures.

Other causes of low body temperature. What to do?

For simple warming, if you are slightly cold, take a relaxing bath, you can add a few drops of aroma oil. Drink hot tea. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket, lie down, relax. Get enough sleep.

If there is no strength for a bath, put your feet in a basin with hot water, put on warm socks on your feet, and under the covers.

In some cases, for example, with a breakdown, to normalize the temperature, you can take a contrast shower, go for a massage.

Additionally, you can make small physical exercise to which it is desirable to accustom your body. Try to spend your time actively, for example, you can ride a bike, play football, etc.

Eat a nutritious diet, consuming mostly fresh vegetables, fruits and juices.

If you are pregnant and have a low temperature, and you are not bothered by various ailments, there is no reason to worry, in other cases, consult a doctor.

If your temperature drops due to or during overwork, most often, to normalize the work of the body, you just need to rest, sleep, take a walk in the fresh air. At the same time, you can drink a sedative.

Do not forget about the correct mode of the day.

An excellent tool for strengthening immunity, as well as normalizing the work of the human thermoregulatory system, is a remedy made from the following components: raisins, dried apricots, prunes and, filled with. This mixture should be taken in the morning. It can be called natural energy.

The following herbs normalize the regulation function of the body:,

Probably each of us knows that normal body temperature healthy person is 36.6 degrees. If it increases, then this indicates pathological condition organism or about the development of a certain disease in it.

Everyone knows what to do when the temperature rises - try to understand its main causes, and then bring it down to normal indication antipyretic drugs or folk methods.

But there are situations when a person's body temperature is lowered. What to do in this case and what could be the reasons this phenomenon? We'll talk about this in this article.

Diseases that can cause hypothermia

Low body temperature in humans (35.5 and below) can provoke certain diseases:

  • , flu;
  • depression, apathy;
  • anorexia, bulimia;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • oncological diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • pathologies in the brain;
  • in acute or chronic forms;
  • various bases and;
  • in a situation of a sharp drop in blood sugar;
  • inflammatory, infectious diseases of various origins;
  • various variants of internal chronic diseases at the time of their exacerbation.
In addition to the above ailments, the temperature drops with:
  • state of shock;
  • hypothermia;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • starvation and strict diets;
  • depletion of the internal forces of the body;
  • a large amount of drunk alcohol;
  • prolonged stress and nervous strain.

To know how to eliminate the low temperature, it is necessary to find out the reason for its decrease. If during the day the temperature fluctuates between 35.8°C and 37.1°C, this is considered normal. For example, in the morning, the rates are lower than in the evening.

Causes of low human body temperature

If we touch on the causes of such an unpleasant state of health, in which there is a low body temperature of a person, then they are presented below:

  1. A fairly common occurrence is a low temperature during pregnancy, but usually this condition disappears quite quickly, as the body adapts to a different sleep pattern and replenishes those substances that were spent on feeding the fetus.
  2. Diet. Lack of fats and carbohydrates weakens our body. The temperature begins to decrease when the body's reserves are running out, and they are no longer enough for normal life. For normal body temperature, you need to eat well.
  3. Uncontrolled taking various medications, including those that depress the work of the central nervous system (sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants, drugs based on barbiturates);
  4. Loss of energy, lack of iron in your body i.e. anemia. In order to check this, you need to immediately do general analysis blood and check the level of hemoglobin.
    Often, a decrease in body temperature is accompanied by a disease such as hypothyroidism, which is characterized by functional disorders of the thyroid gland, as well as insufficient production of thyroid hormones by it.
  5. Severe hypothermia of the body. The most dangerous for the body is the ambient temperature in the range from +10 to -12 degrees. If you stay in such conditions for a long time, hypothermia is possible, which will entail a decrease in body temperature.
  6. A decrease in temperature is characteristic of people suffering from adrenal diseases. Especially often this symptom occurs in Addison's disease, also called adrenal insufficiency.
  7. Dehydration- one more possible reason decrease in body temperature. Everyone knows about the importance of water for human life, but not everyone makes sure that water enters the body in the quantities necessary for quality life.
  8. The reasons for this phenomenon may be chronic diseases, precisely the moment when they progress. This includes vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  9. Colds (ARI or ARVI), influenza. Oddly enough, these diseases can provoke both an increase and a decrease in temperature.
  10. A brain tumor, which occurs in the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the exchange of heat in the body, also causes chills and, as a result, a decrease in temperature.

IN Lately indicators from 36.4 ° C to 36.7 ° C are considered the norm, but normal for each individual person indicators may vary, and different doctors adhere to different points vision. And it is very important that when determining the “normality of temperature”, not some average statistical figures are taken into account, but indicators that are characteristic of each individual person.


Symptoms that may indicate a low temperature include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability.
  • increased drowsiness;
  • lethargy, general malaise;
  • inhibition of thought processes;

In a small percentage of people, a decrease in body temperature is the norm, while the person feels good and is completely healthy. But, in most cases, low body temperature indicates possible problems or diseases.


In order for the body temperature not to drop below normal, it is necessary to play sports more often, take more vitamins, and also monitor your body.

Very beneficial for your body proper nutrition, as well as daily routine. Try to take a few moments of rest during the working day, and not overwork yourself too much.

If you feel that your body is on the verge, then experts advise to postpone all business and just relax, drink hot tea and sleep, during sleep, our body normalizes its work, and the body temperature rises to normal values.

What to do with a low body temperature in humans?

First of all, you need to understand whether a decrease in temperature in a person is the norm or a deviation from it. From the picture obtained, it will be more clear what to do in each case, as well as what treatment is needed.

  1. If you just measured your body temperature and found it to drop without experiencing any other symptoms, then calm down. Remember if you have recently had SARS or another infection. Perhaps these are residuals.
  2. Helps hot tea with the addition of honey or currant leaves. If not, you can substitute raspberry jam.
  3. Maybe the reason is the abundant ventilation of the apartment on a frosty day. In this case, you need to close the windows, dress warmer and drink a hot drink.
  4. Safe means that allow you to normalize the condition at a low body temperature of 35.5 (and below) degrees are decoctions and tinctures from ginseng, St. John's wort, echinacea.
  5. If, in addition to a low temperature, you feel weakness, depression, find many other symptoms, then it is better to consult a specialist.

Most likely after additional tests anemia or an underactive thyroid gland will be found. The appointment of appropriate treatment will help raise the temperature.

If, at a low body temperature, a person does not experience any unpleasant symptoms, is alert and efficient, the examinations did not reveal any pathology, and the temperature throughout life remains lower than usual in a healthy person, this can be regarded as a variant of the norm.

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Low body temperature - why does the temperature drop to 35.5 C?

Every person has a high body temperature. In such a situation, it is clear that some kind of disturbance occurs in the body, more often an inflammatory reaction. However, the state of low temperature causes no small concern.

Most people have no idea why the temperature can drop to 36-35.5ºC and below. But it is clarity with the cause of low body temperature that determines what needs to be done to normalize it.

What does low body temperature mean?

Normally, a person can have a temperature that differs from the generally accepted indicator of 36.6ºC by a few tenths of a degree either upward (up to 37.0ºC) or lower (up to 35.5ºC). The lower limit of normal temperature of 35.5ºC is fixed:

  • In the morning and upon awakening;
  • At high air humidity;
  • After a long, exhausting physical work;
  • With elementary hypothermia of the body - even swimming in water, the temperature of which is below 24ºC, in terms of heat loss is comparable to being in the cold -4ºC without clothes (critical hypothermia and frostbite in such conditions are guaranteed with strong wind and wet snow);
  • In the postoperative period;
  • After taking large doses of alcohol;
  • With chronic lack of sleep;
  • During the recovery period after SARS;
  • IN certain period menstrual cycle in women (the first days after menstruation);
  • While following a strict diet or fasting regimen.

All these factors lead only to a temporary decrease in body temperature (from several hours to 1-2 days). Weakness, coldness of the hands and feet, drowsiness associated with low body temperature indicate in such cases a reflex slowdown of metabolic processes.

In this case, the temperature decreases not only on the surface of the skin, but also in vital organs - primarily in the brain and liver. The lower the temperature, the more pronounced the signs of weakness. At the same time, there is a noticeable decrease in brain activity: inability to concentrate, memory impairment, apathy.

At a temperature approaching 29.5ºC, a person loses consciousness. Coma occurs at 27ºC, and cooling the body to 25ºC means death.

Body temperature below 36ºC in children - is it a disease?

Low numbers on the thermometer may be due to incorrect temperature measurement in a child. The head of the thermometer must be exactly in armpit, and the temperature measurement takes at least 3 minutes. Small children are best seated on their knees and hold the baby's arm close to the body.

A sharp drop in temperature in children is often recorded when trying to bring down high temperature age-appropriate doses of antipyretics.

The thermoregulation system in a child is not stable enough, therefore, children often have temperature rises to critical figures of 39-40ºC and its same sharp drops to 36-35.5ºC.

It is very important to follow the doses indicated in the instructions and the regimen for taking antipyretic drugs, to refuse to take several drugs at the same time without the permission of a doctor.

Hypothermia, but already longer, is observed in children during the period of intensive growth. Periodically occurring drops in temperature are often recorded in adolescents. This response is related to the variability vegetative system and excessive emotionality, but does not pose a threat to a growing organism.

Particular attention should be paid to babies in the neonatal period (up to 1 year). So, body temperature below 36ºC is observed in the following cases:

  • At birth before the due date ( premature baby) - for some time after childbirth, the baby has indicators slightly below 36.6ºC;
  • With a slight decrease in ambient temperature, which is insignificant for adults, the mechanisms of thermoregulation that have not fully formed can cause a hypothermia reaction in children;

Causes of low body temperature (35.5 and below)

Constant low body temperature most often indicates a malfunction in the body. This results in:

  1. Constant feeling of chilliness;
  2. Dry skin;
  3. Constipation and unreasonable weight gain;
  4. Apathy, poor memory;
  5. Constant sleepiness.

The causes of a low body temperature of 35.5ºC in adults are very diverse. It could be like external influence(taking large doses of antipyretics, sedatives, narcotic analgesics), and organic pathology:

  • Anorexia - irreversible processes provoked by prolonged starvation and mono-diets;
  • Endocrine disorders - giothyroidism, diabetes mellitus;
  • Liver failure - the consumption of glycogen stores in the liver leads to a lack of energy resources and hypothermia;
  • Anemia - an insufficient amount of oxygen transported by red blood cells leads to a slowdown in the oxidation of nutrients and a decrease in energy release;
  • Chronic bronchitis - the reason for the low body temperature of 35.5ºC in this disease lies in the weakening of immunity and oxygen deficiency of tissues due to long-term inflammation;
  • Pathology spinal cord flowing with paralysis and atrophy of individual muscle groups - the conversion of nutrients into energy slows down, provoking general hypothermia;
  • Tumors of the hypothalamus - this is where the thermoregulation center is located, and its oncological lesion is common cause low body temperature to the level of 34.5ºC;
  • skin diseases with vast area lesions - with psoriasis and burns, the vessels of the skin expand and heat transfer increases.

Decreased body temperature in a child

A child's body temperature of 35.5ºC in 80% of cases indicates malnutrition. It is the imbalance in the system of nutrient intake from food and energy expenditure that often leads to hypothermia in childhood.

Temperature drop is often observed in hyperactive children after physically demanding games and sports.

It is possible that the temperature is below normal in sickly children: their body, against the background of health, tries to save energy reserves, reflexively slowing down the metabolism and functions of all organs.

However, the development of adrenal pathology and oncology should not be ruled out. Early detection of a serious illness significantly increases the chances of a full recovery of the child.

If a decrease in temperature is detected for the first time and is associated with elementary hypothermia or an overdose of antipyretic drugs, the condition is normalized next activities aimed at warming the body:

  1. Drink hot strong tea with honey and a slice of lemon;
  2. Take a hot foot bath (if the person is more colds in order to avoid deterioration of the condition), in case of hypothermia, you can take a common bath;
  3. Go to bed and wrap yourself in a warm blanket, you can put a heating pad.

If you lose strength due to a severe cold, lack of sleep, stress, or physical exhaustion, doctors recommend paying attention to nutrition first. Saturation of the menu with energy-intensive foods (meat, fish, dairy products, etc.) in most cases normalizes the temperature within a few days.

  • A course of vitamins and microelements (calcium is especially important), which improve cell nutrition;
  • Massage - improves peripheral circulation effectively relieves stress;
  • Herbal sedative preparations (valerian, motherwort) - taking them regularly for 2 weeks significantly reduces emotional stress, soothes nervous system and normalizes impulsation to the thermoregulation center;
  • Hardening - a contrast shower "restarts" the body as a whole and contributes to normal thermoregulation.

The effectiveness of measures taken at low temperatures is ascertained by the feeling of a surge of strength, the disappearance of drowsiness and "enlightenment" in the head (memory improvement, elimination of headaches, return of the ability to concentrate).

When to see a doctor with a low temperature?

If it is found that the body temperature has dropped below normal, the measurement should be repeated with a thermometer to eliminate errors. With hypothermia and exactly known reason such a condition, it is not necessary to consult a doctor.

The above activities will help to quickly restore normal numbers on the thermometer. In adults, a slight decrease in temperature can be tried to eliminate at home for 1-2 weeks.

A visit to the doctor is mandatory in the following cases:

  • Body temperature below 35ºC;
  • Hypotremia is caused by taking medications;
  • The temperature does not return to normal within 2 weeks when all recommendations are followed (nutrition correction, taking sedatives, etc.);
  • Prolonged hypothermia in children.

Body temperature is a strictly individual indicator. Although very rare, exceptional cases are still recorded when a person has a constant temperature of 35ºC or even lower, while feeling normal.

However, the appeal to the doctor, first of all, pursues the goal of excluding serious illnesses associated with endocrine pathology and conduction disorders nerve impulses to the brain, including tumor processes in the hypothalamus zone.