How to program your mind for wealth. The psychology of wealth: attracting money and success with the power of thought

  • The date: 17.03.2022

Material well-being is what every person strives for. In order for money to always be in the wallet, and things to be completed successfully, it is important to have not only good professional skills, but also the appropriate mindset. With the power of thought, you can realize any desire, including attracting cash flow to yourself.

The fact that thought is material has long been known. Thinking about the negative and negative outcome of events, we program ourselves for failure and poverty, while positive thoughts help to achieve the favor of Fortune and material wealth. What is the difference between a rich person and a poor one, and why does someone come with financial success, and someone bypasses profit? It's all about the way of thinking. If money, despite all efforts, does not go into your hands, it's time to analyze your thinking, learn the psychology of wealth and learn how to attract material wealth and success with the power of thought.

How to attract money and success with the power of thought

First of all, it is necessary Eliminate phrases that repel money from your speech:“I can’t afford it”, “I don’t have enough money”, “the poor are much happier than the rich”, and so on. By saying such words, you are programming yourself for an eternal lack of finances and, even worse, look for advantages in this lack. This behavior interferes with the disclosure of your money channel, so it needs to be radically changed. Transform these phrases: “I can’t afford it, but only for now”, “I don’t have enough money, but this is a temporary phenomenon.” And the justifying stereotype that the poor are happier than the rich must be banished from your consciousness completely and irrevocably.

The next step is to visualize what you want. Draw yourself a vivid visual image of money and career achievements. When opening a wallet, mentally increase the amount that is there, and it will increase in reality. The period before falling asleep and after waking up is considered especially productive for visualization: at this time, the line between consciousness and subconsciousness weakens, so the images that you imagine will be deposited in the subconscious and will determine your behavior. That is, if you draw pictures of your own success in your head for some time and fall asleep with this thought, then you will begin to behave accordingly, and it will be much easier to achieve your goal. In addition, on the border of dream and reality, a good idea may come to you about how to get out of financial difficulties and increase income.

More often imagine that you have already achieved material well-being- this will help you feel the necessary emotions and recharge your batteries. Negative thinking will immediately step aside, giving way to the psychology of wealth. In addition, the constant feeling of closeness to the goal contributes to its achievement.

Say affirmations for money and success. This is an effective way to set yourself up to attract money. Every morning, say in front of the mirror the phrases “I know that today luck will accompany me in all matters”, “I respect money and let it into my life”, “I wish prosperity and material well-being and will make every effort to achieve this ". The main thing is to pronounce these phrases confidently, experiencing only positive emotions, and Fortune will smile at you, and the cash flow will not bypass you.

Don't forget gratitude. When receiving income or making another victory, thank the universe for the opportunities sent to you, so that luck will continue to accompany you. You can back up words with deeds: help a person in need with money, and this amount will return to you three times.

Attracting wealth is not so difficult. Set yourself up for a money wave, step up the career ladder and make a profit. We wish you good luck and a tight wallet, and do not forget to press the buttons and

02.11.2015 01:00

The power of thought has a huge impact on our lives. There are phrases that can change your life...

Reflect and attract.

How can these two incompatible things be connected? In this article, I will try to link incompatible, mirror and money.

The idea for the article came from looking at one of the forums, where there was a very active discussion about the properties of mirrors, to display and double, and about money, that money is energy and how it can be multiplied.

But everything is in order.

Let's talk about mirrors first, what is a mirror?

A mirror is an object that has the property of reflecting. That is, what gets into the mirror is reflected. In general, many people are afraid of mirrors, they attribute a lot to mirrors and mystical properties. Everyone, of course, has heard about fortune-telling, when a narrowed-mummer is seen in the mirror, and a lot of other things.

A little about mirrors from Wikipedia:

Mirror- a smooth surface designed to reflect light (or other radiation). The most famous example is a plane mirror.

Mirrors in folklore, beliefs, myths and works of art

Mirror reflection had a very strong effect on people who first encountered the possibility of the existence of a “second self”. They often believed that someone completely different was reflected in the mirror, then - that the mirror reflected the so-called. human soul.

A large number of fortune-telling, rituals and prejudices are associated with this (for example, the ban on looking into a broken mirror, or hanging mirrors in a house for 9 days after a person’s death).

Mirrors and Looking Glass in Literature and Cinema

In Greek mythology, Perseus killed the Gorgon Medusa using a shiny shield like a mirror (Gorgon's gaze turned people to stone)

In medieval texts, the mirror is an image, a symbol of the “other world”. The mirror is a symbol of eternity, because it contains everything that has passed, what is now, everything that is to come.

A mirror in the art of the medieval East is an artistic image of the world in which a deity lives. So, the inscriptions on bronze mirrors were spell texts.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that the mirror has the property of reflecting and sending this image into space. What is reflected in your mirror is possible, and then it happens in life, it’s just that we never pay attention to it, we don’t pay attention.

I will now give examples, and you yourself draw your own conclusions (from the stories on the forum).

“All the time, I gave money to the child for school in the hallway, naturally there is a mirror hanging there, and day after day, the same picture was repeated, I give money, and naturally the mirror reflects all this and there was a chronic lack of money in the house .

When, I tracked this, I stopped giving money to the child in front of the mirror, and vice versa, I began to put money in my wallet in front of the mirror, there was more money in the house.

“I had a vase in front of the mirror, a gift from my husband, there was a beautiful red rose and multi-colored sand, a very beautiful thing.

And for 2-3 years, roses constantly appeared in my house, these were fresh flowers, and pillows with a pattern of roses, even paintings, and the most unpleasant thing was constant dust, where it came from, I don’t know.

And at one fine time, it dawned on me that roses and multi-colored sand are standing in front of a mirror, and they are constantly broadcast to my house, I understood this pattern and began to use it to my advantage.

In front of a mirror, only put money in your wallet, in no case take it out!

You can, put money on the mirror and say, multiply, double - twice in two hands!

You can put money in front of a mirror so that they lie there for a while.

You can put money in a small double-sided mirror so that they are reflected.

See what is reflected in your mirror? Is everything necessary and useful for your life?

There are often various women's trinkets, cosmetics, etc. on the mirror. See if there are any empty vials, or unloved spirits?

When I read about the connection between the mirror and the objects lying on the mirror, I immediately rushed to see what exactly I had there. And what did I discover?

My husband's glasses are constantly breaking, and all the time in the same place, on the bridge of the nose, so, here are two pairs of broken glasses by the mirror, my hand rises to throw everything away. I immediately removed everything, both the glasses and the vials are beautiful, but empty.

I took everything apart and attached the money to the mirror for the night, let it double or quadruple, I have a dressing table, the more the better!

Our brain is the most complex computer in the world. If you write down the right program, you can instantly change your life for the better. And you will not need any fortune-tellers or psychotherapists. You can do it yourself with simple settings.

Take a look around. Here is a table - an idea of ​​some designer, which was embodied by a carpenter. Here is a TV and a remote control - until recently it seemed fantastic. Here is an interesting film - it was invented and directed by the director. Once upon a time this did not exist. Everything that surrounds us now is the embodiment of someone's thoughts. After all, the word and thought are material. Sometimes we don't think about it. When everything goes awry in life, it’s easier for us to say: “I have an evil eye or damage” than to take responsibility and think about what you are doing wrong in your life, where is the reason for certain events. A person is so arranged that he thinks about the bad more often than about the good. As a result, his life is full of stress, quarrels, troubles. But the formula "thought - action" works in the opposite direction. In order for luck to come into your life, you must first correctly build your thoughts.

Psychologists advise looking for positive aspects in any event. This does not mean that you should enjoy the troubles. For example, if the prices in the store have gone up, it's silly to tell everyone that you're not upset. However, the Chinese character for "crisis" has a double meaning: "danger" and "opportunity". Gasoline prices have risen - you will walk more, which means you will be fitter, healthier, throw off a couple of kilograms. You haven't thought about buying a gym membership, have you?

Affirmations for good luck

Our subconscious is so arranged that it perceives only the direct meaning, without any "not". That is, if you think: “I don’t want to get sick”, then the brain will perceive it as “I want to get sick” - the consequences are obvious. Correctly formulate the thought as follows: "I want to be healthy, strong, rich." In attracting good luck, affirmations will help you - short verbal formulas that make our subconscious mind think positively, attracting positive changes in life. Repeat these settings every morning.

You can come up with your own affirmation, or you can use a ready-made one. For example: "I'm lucky. I attract good luck in my life. I am a happy and lucky person. Everything I do brings me success.” Don't grab everything - use one or two affirmations every day for a month. You will see how life will change for the better.

Another subtlety is to avoid the future tense. You must think and speak as if success and luck have already entered your life, they are a fait accompli, a reality. Believe in what you say.

thank fate

What is the most common wish people make? "I want a million dollars!" - of course, this money would not interfere with you now and even, perhaps, would partially solve some current problems. But you can’t even imagine that somewhere out there, thousands of kilometers away from you, there is a millionaire who would give all his fortune if only his child was healthy. Money does not help him get what he wants, because they are just pieces of paper. And you have healthy, smart, beautiful children - and God bless him, with this million dollars!

Do you dream of being slim, beautiful, famous? Do you know that the actress you want to be like comes to her luxurious empty house every evening and cries into her pillow from loneliness. And you have a husband nearby - even if not a millionaire and not Alain Delon, but he loves you and in difficult times will always support you not in word, but in deed. And it's worth it.

Think about what real luck is - to be rich or loved? Beautiful or healthy? Famous or happy? We must be grateful to fate for what we have. As soon as you understand how much you already have for happiness, how lucky you are (and you were born - you won the race among hundreds of sperm, then you are already lucky!), The blue bird of luck will immediately fly over you.

The power of the subconscious cannot be overestimated. Scientists and mystics agree on this. The subconscious mind is a magic wand that each of us has.

Each of us has certain problems that are very difficult to deal with. Either there is not enough time, or there is not enough knowledge. In such a situation, the best thing is to turn to the subconscious, because the keys to all secrets are stored there and inexhaustible reserves of energy doze.

So, to practice! How to program yourself for happiness?

When you have already finished your day, paid off your civic, marital and parental duties, but have not yet fallen asleep, you have a chance to devote a few minutes to yourself. Forgive my irony, but this is how most people actually live.

Warn your loved ones not to disturb you. Lie down in bed, the bed should be comfortable, the blanket is not too hot, the pillow is not high.

Lie down on your back. Close your eyes. Your task is to completely relax your body. We start with the eyes. You say to yourself, “My eyes are closed. Eyelids are heavy. The eyeballs are relaxed. All the muscles of the eye are completely relaxed.
Now let's move on to the toes. Just in detail and slowly relax the toes, all the muscles and joints of the foot. Next, we move on to the muscles of the lower leg, knee joint, thigh muscles, etc.

From time to time we return to the eyes and add a portion of relaxation to them. To enhance the effect, you can use the phrase: "I relax more and more with each exhalation."

Mentally moving from the bottom up, we relax the whole body. It is especially worth lingering on the muscles of the face and relaxing the entire spine.

When you are done with relaxing the body, it is time to go deeper into silence, for this we mentally begin to count down from 100 to 1.

Having reached one, you will feel that there is no way to move your body. Don't be afraid, it means that you have succeeded. What you are experiencing is called "corpse pose" by Indian yogis. Complete relaxation, you actually have an awake consciousness inside a sleeping body.

Now you are the master of the situation. Time to give orders and instructions to your body and you will see that all these orders will be executed accurately and on time.

For example, you are tormented by hair loss. In this case, you say to yourself: “My hair is getting strong, healthy and growing fast. I can feel my hair roots getting stronger. Now they will become healthier every day.”

Work in this theme until you feel some movement in the scalp. This means that the healing process has started.

You can also get rid of wrinkles on the face, excess weight, nervousness.

Whatever your order, the body will carry it out. It will look for all ways to do so. Perhaps you will develop new habits or addictions in food and communication. But if your hair needs olive oil, your subconscious will find a way to push you to it.

At the end, do not forget to say to yourself: “In the morning I will wake up cheerful, full of strength! And now I will have an amazing sweet dream!” Now take a comfortable position and fall asleep.

I assure you, once you experience it, you will want to repeat it every night. And the effect will not be long in coming. Good luck!

How to Program Yourself for Wealth: Several scientists have proven that people are responsible for their own poverty. And the reason for this is their own thoughts.

Self pity

If we regularly complain about life, about the abundance of problems, then without realizing it, we direct ourselves into a negative direction and inevitably bring financial insolvency closer.

Our environment quickly gets tired of pitying us and simply dissolves. We are left alone, we lose our circle of friends and acquaintances, colleagues move away and business partners are lost. As a result, we either lose an interesting permanent job, or we ourselves destroy our own career plans. As a result, with our own thoughts, we mercilessly break everything that we have been building for a long time.

total economy

The persistent desire to save money everywhere and always, as it turned out, is the first stage on the path to poverty.
On the one hand, saving seems to be not bad, but the main negative lies elsewhere. Many do not consider the difference between income and all expenses.

A person with a regular increase in material income, as a rule, is able to appreciate the work of another and is ready to pay the real cost. People who have reached heights in financial terms, evaluate other people's labor costs and pay the real price of things. But they expect others to do the same. And that is the key to their well-being.

Not everything is measured in money

What is the difference between wealthy people and poor people? They have completely different ideas about what happiness is. For the successful, to be happy is to love, to have friends, and for the poor, to have wads of money, expensive rags and a villa on the coast. To achieve financial viability, you need to understand that not everything in life can be measured in money.

No money - there is panic

How to live if the money ran out? The main thing is not to panic. Finances appear and disappear, and nerve cells, as you know, are not restored.

Spending exceeds income

If you are mired in loans and debts, and there is still not enough money, then it will be very difficult for you to become financially wealthy. You need to spend money more rationally, as they say in terms of income and expenses.

Hated job

If you don't love your job and it's just a means to make money, then you're unlikely to get rich. After all, you are working without pleasure, wasting your energy for nothing. And that never brings good results.

Down with relatives

Family and relatives, for successful people, a reliable foundation. The poor, as a rule, tries to isolate himself from loved ones, and thereby dooms himself to failure, loses the support of his family and inspiration for new achievements.