How many years do yard dogs live. Average life expectancy, years

  • Date of: 07.04.2019

A more faithful and devoted creature as a pet than a dog cannot be found. Those who want to get a puppy immediately think about caring for him, and sometimes questions arise about the life expectancy of a dog. Does the data differ by breed? And what can affect the life span of a four-legged pet?

The maturation of an animal occurs at a different rate than that of a person, and most often the differences are observed in the direction of acceleration. In particular, in dogs, puppies are considered babies at 1-2 months, and a one-year-old individual, by human standards, is close to adulthood, which comes after 14 months. from birth. Therefore, it is quite logical that the life expectancy of a dog is much less than that of the owner, and no matter how far away in thoughts the moment of farewell to a four-legged friend is, it is inevitable. Scientists have established an inverse pattern between the dimensions adult dog and its lifespan: large individuals live much less than small indoor breeds.

Average duration life, if you do not focus on a specific breed, for a dog is 10 years, which is equivalent to 56-63 years in human terms. Depending on the breed, a maximum period is set, but most often upper bound are 17-19 years old, related to small indoor individuals. However, a dog that died at the end of the 29th year of life is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, which, translated into human dimension is well over 100 years old.

This animal lived side by side with shepherds in Australia, which suggests the reasons for such longevity of a four-legged friend. After all, people also have the highest life expectancy among the shepherds of mountainous regions. It is likely that that dog owed its health and endurance to constant physical exertion and life in nature, away from the city smog. After all, its negative influence is noticed not only in relation to a person.

As for certain breeds, among indoor dogs, Chihuahuas are called centenarians: they die at the 18th year of life, and toy terriers and Pekingese are a little behind them - their lifespan is 15 years. The age of the Chinese crested is short: despite the fact that this is an indoor breed, its representatives die after 10 years. With large dogs, as was said, the situation is worse: after 7-8 years old age sets in for them, so most die in the 12th year of life. The upper bar for boxers is 10 years, huskies - 14 years, German shepherds - 13 years.

How many years do cur dogs live?

It is definitely impossible to say about the life expectancy of mongrels, since this name does not mean a separate breed, but a mixture of them. As a result, animals adopt the features of many breeds, and their life spans vary greatly. The main difference between these mixtures and those created in artificial conditions by crossing - the features of their existence, excluding comfort and bliss.

Thus, the mutt dog already has a considerable advantage over the house individual in the form of increased endurance, which, however, is also not infinite. Besides, street dogs unable to boast of good health, if they were initially deprived of mother's milk and in the genotype received a tendency to diseases. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about a clearly increased life expectancy of mutts in relation to pets. And yet, cases of longevity have been recorded among these mixed breeds living in the street: 20 years are named as the upper bar.

And yet, the unfavorable environment does not affect the health of the animal in the best way: the average term for a mongrel is 9-11 years, but they can pretty much reduce it external factors. In particular, we are talking about serious diseases like distemper, from which all domestic dogs are without fail are vaccinated, but the yards are not vaccinated. A single accidental contact with an infected animal will be fatal even for the most physically hardy mongrel. This is especially dangerous for small puppies and dogs that have not reached “adulthood”, i.e. at the age of 1-1.5 years. In addition to distemper, the same probability of death for a mongrel can be given by an accidentally picked up deadly tick.

Thus, if you decide to get a pooch and want it to live next to you as long as possible, you will have to take care of only 2 aspects that affect its health. These are vaccinations serious illnesses and providing a bed, as well as the possibility of frequent walks if the animal is in a city apartment, and not in a suburban area. Otherwise, the life span of a mongrel is much higher than that of a room breed. Her stomach is omnivorous, endurance is stronger, and adaptation to a new home is easier, which eliminates various kinds of nervous shocks.

Lifespan of a Labrador

The Labrador belongs to the category of large dogs, striking in their power. However, this is not the sporting strength that the Rottweilers have - the nature of the external fortress of the Labrador is rather royal, sedate. According to scientists, the life expectancy of Labradors is low: for the most part, this breed lives up to 8 years, with good conditions life the upper bar can be raised up to 14 years. But for the last value, you have to try hard, because for the most part representatives of the breed rarely exchange the first ten.

In order for the life of the Labrador to reach the maximum limit, the dog must be subjected to physical exertion. Like some other large dogs, the retriever tends to gain weight, which negatively affects not only its physical parameters: in the case when obesity reaches internal organs and hearts, the animal dies. Therefore, even if the Labrador lives in a city apartment, daily walks and runs are mandatory for him.

The next point that affects the life expectancy of representatives of this breed is the problems of the joints, in particular, the hip. Only a veterinarian will be able to track the state of the animal's musculoskeletal system, therefore, in order not to reach the stage when you have to seek the advice of a specialist, it is advisable to correctly compose the Labrador's diet. Collagen-containing products are needed here, and attention is again focused on frequent physical exertion, which allows you to constantly develop joints and ligaments.

Dogs Hachiko: dispelling the myths

It is worth saying that the hachiko breed, of course, does not exist. It refers to the breed that has become a cult dog from the Japanese movie "Hachiko", and few people know that its correct name is Akita Inu. In the film, the dog waited for the owner for 9 whole years, which amazed many, and they began to dream of such a devoted friend outside of Japan.

Representatives of the Akita Inu breed, which took its existence back in the 17th century. among hunters, they stand out among their other brothers with truly Japanese calmness, as well as well-developed physical strength and fortress. Which, in addition to love for the owner, allowed famous dog to live so many years in silent expectation. Purebred representatives of the breed might not have remained if the general rabies, which killed many animals, destroyed them completely, and no one began to breed Akita Inu already in America.

Outwardly, Akita Inu resemble the Siberian Husky: the same sharp muzzle, twisted tail, relatively similar dimensions, allowing the Japanese breed to be classified as a medium-sized species. The life expectancy of an Akita Inu in comfortable conditions is 10-12 years, and its rare representatives lived up to 14 years. Given the overall life expectancy of dogs, regardless of breed, Akita Inu can be called centenarians. This is definitely facilitated by their phlegmatic nature, which allows them to avoid problems of a stressful nature in the animal, as well as endurance, due to which in Japan and America these dogs are often raised as bodyguards and rescuers.

It is impossible to talk unambiguously about the average life expectancy of dogs. After all, the duration of existence is directly dependent on various factors.

Even in the same family, representatives of the same can live different amount years, it's all about caring for the animal, whether it was right or not, how much the owners took care of the dog, whether they loved their pet.

Life expectancy of dogs depending on various factors

How many years a dog will live depends entirely on the health of the four-legged creature, its gender and proper care. Various factors affect the longevity of an animal and its comfort.

Currently, the average life expectancy of dogs is considered to be about 13 years.

Some time ago, one could only dream of such a figure.

The periods of a dog's life

The whole life of dogs can be divided into several periods:

  • Lactic;
  • Puppy;
  • Teenage;
  • Youthful;
  • Mature;
  • declining.

1. The dog experiences growth during the milk, puppy and adolescence period. So the smallest doggies, for the most part, grow completely by 10 months. Well, they stop growing by 2 years.

2. Adolescence begins at 10 months and ends at an average of 8 years. However, in larger quadrupeds, youth ends much earlier, as early as 3 years old, some dogs can be called mature, while dogs go through the stage of youth at about 4-5 years.

3. It becomes full-fledged and mature after 8 years, and this period continues until the 12th year of life. Most in 3 years they reach maturity, and remain so for up to 6 years. The duration of maturity in the average representatives of tetrapods runs from 7 to 10 years.

4. Naturally, old age comes to dogs, you can’t get away from it. The smallest dog breeds may experience some age-related inconveniences only after 12 years. By the way, pocket dogs, which are constantly in the hands of girls, can live even more than 20 years, which cannot be said about other pets.

Medium-sized dogs begin to age rapidly after 8 to 10 years of age and can live in this state for about a few years. Well, the largest quadrupeds already after 6 years enter the phase of advanced age, and the duration of their future life will depend only on proper care.

Dog age in human terms

It becomes clear that the development and growth of dogs is much faster than that of humans. It is impossible to accurately calculate how old a dog is by human standards. Many people think that seven human years can be mistaken for a dog year. However, this is not entirely fair, because different breeds mature differently depending on size.

The fact is that during the first year of life, all four-legged grow approximately the same, they turn from puppies into fully adult dogs, development is very rapid. In a year, the average value of the age of a dog by the standards of a person is 15 years.

Different breeds of dogs from two months to six months are equated to human seven-year-olds. By 8 months, age is 10 years. After a year, the growth of the dog slows down significantly, the phase of youth begins. Three-year-old dogs are already quite mature, by human standards they can be given approximately 30 years. The four-legged stop being naughty and begin to lead a completely decent and sedate life.

By the age of 5, some dogs reach their 35th birthday, and larger breeds may already be celebrating their 40th anniversary. Already here a significant difference is felt, to say nothing of later life.

Small animals at 10 years old reach a human age of 56 years old, and the largest breeds feel at all 78 years old! Naturally, the duration common life they have less!

Tiny dogs only at 15 years old feel like 76 years old, and representatives of the largest breeds have already reached the very limit - 115 years of age.

Factors affecting life expectancy

1. Small dogs live much longer lives than large breeds. Why is this happening? It's simple, because to maintain the basic functions and physiology of the body, small pets spend much less energy than huge dogs. Large four-legged dogs often experience heart problems, because they beat much faster than small pocket dogs.

2. The sex of the animal also affects the average duration of existence. Bitches live a little longer than males due to their physiological features, endurance and body structure.

3. When spayed and castrated, four-legged comrades no longer feel natural needs and joys, but also do not spend energy on finding a partner and love joys. That is why their life is calmer, and therefore longer. Untreated animals often earn themselves oncological diseases of the genital organs.

4. The right choice of diet also plays a role in the duration of the dog's existence. Balanced specialized feed can extend the life of a pet for several years. That is why you should definitely contact veterinary clinic so that experts select the optimal diet for a pet of a particular breed.

5. Healthy and correct image life is important not only for humans, but also for dogs. Long walks in the fresh air active image life, a good and friendly atmosphere in the family - all this is the key to a long life of a pet.

6. Regular examinations by a veterinarian will help to identify the presence of hidden diseases and infections, and vaccinate the animal in a timely manner.

Who lives longer - mongrels or purebred dogs

Homeless dogs, for the most part, do not live to old age, but die much earlier than the due date. Many factors influence this.

Naturally, a street dog constantly has to spend his life in search of food, and not always successfully. If you manage to feast from a dumpster, it is not known whether serious poisoning will follow.

Stray dogs constantly roam under open sky, they have nowhere to warm themselves, they very often get sick and catch a cold.

Most animals start to get sick with distemper, which is invariably followed by death. Almost all pets are vaccinated against this terrible and dangerous disease.

Stray dogs are mostly descended from crossbreeding. different breeds and are mestizos. That is why the average life expectancy of a dog depends on the breed of the animal's parents.

The dog is our close friend, whom we have known since childhood and who is almost guaranteed to be lost one day. Alas, a dog's age is shorter than a human's. Nature has not endowed our faithful friends with the longevity of parrots (representatives of some breeds live up to 70 years), turtles (200 years) or even elephants - many of them celebrate their 60th anniversary.

How many years will your dog live? When will he start to age and require extra care? You should think about these questions even when you are just choosing a puppy.

There is a saying that a small dog is a puppy until old age. It is also true because dogs small breeds keep youth longer and, accordingly, live longer. Compare data on the life expectancy of dogs of different breeds:

Breed of dog Age (years)
english bulldogs 8-10
english spaniels 10-14
dogo argentino 13-15
bassets 9-11
Boxers 10-12
Bolonka 18-20
Large poodle 15-17
Dogue de Bordeaux 7-8
West Siberian Laikas 10-14
yorkshire terriers
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs 9-11
Pugs 13-15
Great Danes 7-8
german shepherds 10-14
staffordshire terriers
Rottweilers 9-12
Dachshunds 12-14
toy terriers 12-13
Chihuahua 15-17
Airedale Terriers 10-13

As a rule, dog owners determine the youth, maturity and old age of dogs, equating one year of a dog's life to seven years of a human. This is not the most correct ratio, since a dog at the age of one year can give birth, and seven-year-old children of other babies, as you know, do not give birth. American specialist in the field of dog breeding B. Foster in the book "The Life of a Dog" gives the following comparative table of the age of a person and his four-legged friend:




14 months

6 months

8 months

12 months

18 months

All physiological and psychological age features your pet. In the first two years of life, the dog develops most intensively - already at the age of six months, puppies correspond to the level physical development five year old children. At the age of one year, dogs begin " transition period” with all the corresponding features of behavior. Another year - and your pet can be equated in terms of physical development to a 24-year-old person.

With proper care and upbringing, the dog will be formed physically and psychologically at the age of three to five years. It is this age that is the golden time for the dog and its owner. The dog is full of energy, playful, readily executes commands (of course, if he is trained in time), sometimes he amazes the owners with his quick wit and ability to catch the wishes of the owner.

And at the age of nine, a dog is considered old. Instead of running around and playing, your pet wants warmth and peace, and commands are carried out slowly and reluctantly, probably to make it clear to the owner that over the years spent together, he is fed up with such entertainment.

If your dog has celebrated its 15th birthday, you can be proud of both her and yourself. After all, it was you who provided the conditions in which your friend lived so long time. You formed for him that lifestyle (nutrition, training, emotional stress), which was the most optimal. That is why the dog lived such a long and, perhaps, happy life.

We draw attention to the fact that a relatively healthy old age awaits only the dog that in his youth received a balanced diet and optimal nutrition. physical exercise.

Quite predictable difficulties await an elderly dog ​​- hearing is deteriorating, vision is noticeably declining. Older males can get problems prostate and the urogenital area. As you know, the services of a dentist are generally not available to dogs, therefore, by old age, they lose their teeth and begin to need soft food that does not need to be chewed or chewed.

Often such food and lack of activity lead to a set excess weight. This should not be allowed, because every kilogram of overweight is an additional burden on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, and on the whole body as a whole.

Veterinarian for old dog as necessary as for the young, who has not formed immune system puppy. The sooner any disease inherent in animals of venerable age is detected, the more likely it is to be cured or at least ensure its stable course without any special complications.

But no matter how much you want your dog to stay with you for many, many more years, the day will come when the veterinarian will throw up his hands and say that even medicine is powerless against age and your pet's disease is incurable. Then you will have to make one of the most difficult decisions in your life - to prolong the suffering of a hopelessly ill friend or to render him the last favor and put him to sleep.

In any case, it's your decision. your pain. Your responsibility. However, you cannot change the course of life, and farewell is its inevitable component.

The longest dog life!

The Guinness Book of Records recorded the fact of the longest life expectancy of a dog. Helper shepherds named Blue (owner - Lev Ball, who lives in the Australian city of Rochester) lived 28 years and 11 months, once again confirming that being in the fresh air with constant physical activity is useful not only for people (among which most centenarians are also shepherds), but also for animals.

It is impossible to answer exactly how long domestic dogs live. Life expectancy is an individual value and depends on many factors: breed, genetic characteristics, quality of maintenance and feeding, conditions external environment. There are average data that The life expectancy of dogs ranges from 10-13 years. There is information recorded in the Guinness Book of Records that a shepherd dog has lived in Australia for more than 28 years.

Breeds such as dachshund, terriers, lapdogs, small, dwarf and toy poodle, may live 15-17 years. Experts attribute this phenomenon to the fact that small-sized animals adapt more easily to external conditions, their genetic system is not overloaded, and they are less susceptible to hereditary diseases.

Large breeds live on average 10-12 years. The aging of a massive pet begins according to the observation of specialists after 6 years.

Representatives of such giant breeds as Argentine Mastiff, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Neopolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland and others, unfortunately, do not differ in longevity - life expectancy does not exceed 8-10 years.

Zoological scientists believe that large dogs age and die earlier than their miniature relatives due to the fact that their body is highly susceptible to growth hormone. Increasing the mass from birth to puberty by almost 50 times, large breeds are subject to the rapid accumulation of free radicals in the body, leading to aging of cells and tissues.

Spayed dogs live much longer than sexually active counterparts. The reasons lie in the following:

  • in a sterilized female, the risk is negated premature death due to the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • in castrated males, there is a decrease in the incidence of the genitourinary organs;
  • the percentage of development of pyometra, oncological pathology in the uterus and mammary glands decreases significantly;
  • their behavior changes: the dog becomes more attached to a person, does not take part in aggressive “showdowns” and fights during sexual hunting, which significantly reduces the risk of death from injuries and bites.

The life expectancy of operated pets is on average 1-1.5 years longer than unsterilized relatives.

How long do dogs live depending on the breed:

Breed average life expectancy

an average of about 13 years;


some individuals are able to live up to 20 years of age.

However, when living in apartments in conditions of unfavorable environmental conditions in large cities, the life expectancy of dogs can be significantly reduced - up to 12-15 years;

Bigley at least 16 years old, but lovers of the breed believe that no more than 15 years. Obviously, the longevity of the breed is directly dependent on factors such as nutrition and early detection of genetic diseases;
Sheepdogs up to 14 years old, one year less on average lives belgian shepherd- 13 years old, German - up to 12 years old, Caucasian - up to 10 years old;
Akita Inu no more than 15 years, while the dog age of males is much shorter than that of females;
Toy Terrier 12-14 years old, but with proper care and attention they can live for more than 15 years;
Rottweiler 9-12 years old;
Boxer 11 years;
Pekingese 20 years, if the conditions of detention are ideal. In most cases, the average life expectancy of this breed is 12-14 years;

life expectancy in this case will be influenced by many factors. We can say with confidence that the age of animals living on the street is much shorter than their outbred relatives, who were sheltered by new owners.

Homeless mongrels die from diseases, under the wheels of cars, in a fight with other animals.

Life expectancy for dog cancer determined by many factors:

    • tumor type,
    • process stage,
    • the age of the animal
    • concomitant diseases,
    • well-chosen treatment.

Modern veterinary medicine has a sufficient arsenal of both surgical methods getting rid of the disease, and chemotherapy approaches. Prolongs the life of a sick pet and the use of laser treatments. In a number of cases it is possible even for several years, in neglected cases it takes months.

An animal infected with the rabies virus, not only poses a danger to humans, but is itself doomed to death. hidden period viral infection can last from a few days to one year. With the development of expressed clinical signs days count. As a rule, the dog dies in 5-12 days.

Diseases that can shorten the life of a pet: oncology, kidney failure, heart defects, leukemia, immunodeficiency, canine distemper, tuberculosis, echinococcosis.

Read more in our article on how long dogs live.

Read in this article

General data, how long dogs live at home

Many owners, looking at their fluffy and mischievous puppies, wonder how long dogs live at home. Households want the four-legged family member to please with their presence for a long time, every day filling a person’s life with beauty, peace and joy.

Even the most competent specialist and expert cynologist will not be able to answer such a question with an exact figure. The life expectancy of a furry pet is an individual value and depends on many factors:

  • breed,
  • genetic traits
  • quality of maintenance and feeding,
  • environmental conditions.

However, there are average data, according to which the life expectancy of dogs ranges from 10-13 years. There are among the four-legged pets and long-lived champions. So, there is information listed in the Guinness Book of Records that a shepherd dog has lived in Australia for more than 28 years.

Many cynologists and dog lovers, not unreasonably, believe that the years lived by a pet are directly dependent on the breed and size.


Having opted for a small animal, owners want to know how long small dogs live at home. Long-term observations of representatives of miniature breeds give reason to believe that it is among them that centenarians should be looked for.

Breeds such as dachshunds, terriers, lapdogs, miniature, toy and toy poodles can live in the house with the owner long life by dog ​​standards - 15-17 years. Experts attribute this phenomenon to the fact that small-sized animals adapt more easily to external conditions, their genetic system is not overloaded, and they are less susceptible to hereditary diseases.

toy poodle


Having opted for a puppy of a large breed, the owner must understand that the life expectancy of such an individual will not be significant by dog ​​standards - 10-12 years. The aging of a massive pet begins according to the observation of specialists after 6 years.

Representatives of such giant breeds as the Argentine Mastiff, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Neopolitan Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland and others, unfortunately, do not differ in longevity. The average life expectancy of representatives of these breeds does not exceed 8-10 years.

Newfoundland and Argentine Mastiff

Zoological scientists believe that large dogs age and die earlier than their miniature relatives due to the fact that their body is highly susceptible to growth hormone. Increasing the mass from birth to puberty by almost 50 times, large breeds are subject to the rapid accumulation of free radicals in the body, leading to aging of cells and tissues.

Thus, complex selection work with large individuals left a negative imprint on the life expectancy of the giants of the canine tribe.


Considering having surgery to remove reproductive organs and gonads in dogs, the owner is also interested in the question - how long do sterilized dogs live at home.

For many years of practice in carrying out operations for sterilization or castration of animals, both domestic and foreign veterinary specialists are unanimous in the opinion that such individuals live much longer than their sexually active counterparts. Experienced dog breeders and doctors attribute this dynamic to a number of factors.

First of all, in a sterilized female, the risk of premature death due to the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth is negated. In castrated males, there is a decrease in the incidence of the genitourinary organs. The percentage of development, oncological pathology in the uterus and mammary glands in females undergoing surgery decreases significantly.

In addition, sterilization of animals changes their behavior. The dog becomes more attached to the person, does not take part in aggressive "showdowns" and fights during sexual hunting. This greatly reduces the risk of death of the animal from injuries and bites. More obedient sterilized individuals are less likely to get into traffic accidents.

According to veterinary specialists, the life expectancy of operated pets is on average 1-1.5 years longer than that of unsterilized relatives. This scientific fact speaks in favor of a surgical method for controlling sexual behavior in animals.

How long do dogs live by breed?

For many years of keeping, experienced dog breeders have come to the conclusion that the life expectancy of four-legged family members is directly dependent on their breed.


Residents of megacities are increasingly choosing miniature breeds as furry companions and want to know how long they live chihuahua dogs at home. According to the observation of experienced cynologists, on average, pets of this breed live for about 13 years. Dogs have a nervous temperament, which often causes problems with the cardiovascular system and causes the death of the animal.


IN Lately One of the most popular breeds is the Husky. Owners who decide to get themselves an adorable puppy with unusual blue eyes, should have an idea of ​​how long husky dogs live at home. Representatives of this hardy and cheerful breed are considered to be long-livers in the world of furry friends.

Some individuals are able to live up to 20 years of age. However, according to veterinarians and experienced dog breeders, with apartment maintenance in conditions of unfavorable environmental conditions in large cities, the life expectancy of dogs can be significantly reduced. According to the observation of cynologists, the average duration of husky pets is 12-15 years.


There is no consensus among experienced dog breeders about how long Beagle dogs live at home. Foreign breeders consider this breed to be long-lived dogs and take at least 16 years for their age. Domestic lovers and connoisseurs of these cheerful and sociable dogs believe that their average life expectancy is no more than 15 years.

Obviously, the longevity of the breed is directly dependent on factors such as nutrition and early detection of genetic diseases.


Among the shepherd dogs, the Australian can be considered long-livers. Her life expectancy is 14 years. A Belgian Shepherd lives a year less on average - 13 years. The owners of the popular german shepherd are often interested in how long dogs live at home. The average life expectancy of a German Shepherd, according to cynologists, is 12 years. Even less - 10 years lives a larger breed - the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Akita Inu

The breed of oriental blood Akita Inu has an average life expectancy of no more than 15 years. At the same time, the canine age of males is much shorter than that of females.

Toy Terrier

The miniature toy terrier breed, popular in megacities, is able to please its household members for 12-14 years. Miniature creatures with proper care and attention can live for more than 15 years.


A miniature representative of the Pekingese breed can live to a very advanced age - 20 years, if the conditions of detention are ideal. In most cases, the average life expectancy of individuals of this breed is 12-14 years.


Not a single specialist will undertake to answer unambiguously the question - how long mongrel dogs live at home. Life expectancy in this case will be influenced by many factors. We can say with confidence that the age of animals living on the street is much shorter than their outbred relatives, who were sheltered by new owners. Homeless mongrels die from diseases, under the wheels of cars, in a fight with other animals.

Watch this video about how long dogs of different breeds live on average:

How long can an animal live if diagnosed with cancer?

Hearing from a veterinary specialist such a difficult diagnosis as oncological disease, the owner wants to know how long the pet will live. Life expectancy in this situation is determined by many factors: the type of tumor, the stage of the process, the age of the animal, concomitant diseases, and well-chosen treatment.

Modern veterinary medicine has a sufficient arsenal of both surgical methods for getting rid of the disease and chemotherapeutic approaches. Prolongs the life of a sick pet and the use of laser treatments. In some cases, it is possible to extend the dog's age and significantly improve the quality of life for several years. In advanced cases, the bill goes for months.

Chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer in dogs

How long do dogs infected with rabies live?

An animal infected with a virus is not only a danger to humans, but is itself doomed to death. The latent period of a viral infection can last from several days to one year. With the development of pronounced clinical signs, days count. As a rule, the dog dies in 5-12 days.

Diseases that can shorten the life of a pet

Diseases have a huge impact on life expectancy. In addition to oncological ailments, the days of a four-legged family member are significantly reduced by kidney failure, leukemia, and immunodeficiency. The greatest danger is infectious diseases- a plague of carnivores,.

The life expectancy of dogs is largely determined by their breed, conditions of detention. Small animals live longer - up to 15-17 years. Large individuals delight households of 8-12 years old with their presence. This feature should be considered when choosing a breed.

The life expectancy of four-legged pets is influenced by the presence of a particular pathology. Oncological diseases, heart defects, infectious diseases significantly reduce the life of a furry friend.

If you have a dog, you must have wondered: “How long do dogs live?”. For breeders, she became a friend with character, habits and an intelligent thoughtful look. How do you want this pet to be around longer! Does Breed Affect Duration Rates? How many years do dogs live at home?

The life expectancy of dogs is affected by: the conditions in which a four-legged friend is kept, genetics, breed. We will tell you in detail how many years dogs live at home and on the street, what is the life expectancy of mongrels. We will also see if the owner can affect the life expectancy of his little friend.

Most often, 1 year of a dog's life corresponds to seven human years. This is wrong. IN different periods life, this indicator has its own coefficient. 2 months of a dog's life is equivalent to 14 human months. But 6 months is already 5 years. 8 months - 9 years, etc. A one-year-old dog corresponds to a human age of 14 years. This is how the American scientist B. Foster proposes to calculate the age of a dog. According to his calculations, a 5-year-old animal corresponds to a 40-year-old human.

This is taken into account when caring for a four-legged friend, training. It is better to raise a pet until the moment when he is 3-5 years old. From this age he enters maturity. He develops character, habits, relationships with the owner. At this age comes the peak of energy and intellectual abilities. It is better to develop a pet for the first two years. Remember that in a year he begins a transitional period.

Old age will come when the pet is 8-9 years old. This is important to consider. It is already difficult for a pet to be too active, therefore the daily routine and time of walks need to be adjusted in advance. For a dog of respectable age, it is better to lie down on a warm rug for a longer time. It is already difficult for her to follow commands, to play.

Well, those who have celebrated 14-15 years can be safely considered centenarians. They require respect, care and extremely gentle care.

Life expectancy is directly affected by:

  • Size. Large dog breeds live an average of 10-12 years. Representatives of small breeds can please the owners of 14-15 years. Why do representatives of large breeds have a shorter life expectancy? This is directly related to their size. A large body weight leads to the fact that organs and systems experience excessive stress. This provokes the fact that the organs wear out quickly.
  • Genetic predisposition to diseases. Purebred dogs are inferior in endurance to outbred counterparts. Every breed has a weak spot. The task of kennels is to breed healthy purebred puppies. This ensures competent selection. But the problems still remain. For example, Pekingese suffer from respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system, dachshunds suffer from the spine, joints, and Great Danes are diagnosed with heart defects, joint dysplasia, and arthritis. If you intend to acquire a thoroughbred pet, be sure to consider the shortcomings of the breed and the tendency to disease. Knowing this, you can adjust your pet care in such a way as to minimize the risk of developing these diseases.
  • Nutrition. You can't rely on animal feed manufacturers. Remember that nutrition must be balanced. Here's what you can't skimp on. Dry foods are easy to use, but they do not saturate the body. essential vitamins and micronutrients. If you already choose dry food, then let it be premium. But it is better to cook food for your pet yourself. We hasten to warn you that leftovers from the table will not work here. Food should be prepared taking into account the age and needs of the animal. Be sure to keep track of the portion size you offer. Do not allow your pet to become obese! It can cause diabetes of cardio-vascular system, liver, hypertension.
  • Lifestyle. Provide the animal with the necessary activity. It is a pity for dogs of large breeds, which are kept in an apartment. They lack active walks in the fresh air. Most often they are taken out just to relieve themselves. But with such animals you need to purposefully deal with, train. Help your pet realize the potential of the breed. They need to provide daily training of the body and mind, outdoor activities. If this is not possible, it is better to opt for a representative of a decorative breed. It is curious that those dogs that experience serious physical exertion every day live longer than their counterparts of the same breed. Shepherd dogs become long-livers or service dogs. The secret to longevity is not just a good workout. Every day, in addition to physical, they also experience intellectual stress. A trained mind is the path to longevity.

  • Proper treatment and prevention. A good owner takes care of the health of his pet in advance. Do not wait for that sad moment when the disease is gaining momentum. If you have a purebred dog, take into account the weak points of the breed, influence them. If he gets sick, start treatment immediately so that the disease does not become chronic.
  • Stress. This is an important factor that affects life expectancy. Stressful situation provokes the release of adrenaline. This hormone seriously disrupts the functioning of the body. Extremely adversely affects the body constant emission. It is noticed that dogs do not tolerate loneliness. Talk to your pet constantly, do not leave him alone for a long time. Let him feel needed and loved. Try to constantly protect him from stress, create reasons for positive emotions. Five minutes of playing with your pet will cheer him up for the day.
  • Pregnancy. If a dog gives birth too often, her body quickly wears out. Remember that after pregnancy, it will take at least six months for the body to fully recover. Frequent rebuilding hormonal system weakens the health of the animal. Not surprisingly, after prolonged feeding, the female even loses hair.
  • popularity of the breed. This negative factor. Puppies of popular breeds are bred too often. The quality of livestock suffers from this, it becomes weak. Therefore, frequent mating should be avoided.

Does life expectancy vary by breed?

Breed can affect how long a dog lives on average. Cynologists know that there are average indicators of the life expectancy of dogs of different breeds. It is noticed that representatives of large breeds live somewhat less than dogs of small sizes. Please note that all numbers are relative. This is an average.

Thoroughbred dogs and mongrels: who has a better chance of longevity

It is popularly believed that mongrels are more adaptable and therefore live longer. They allegedly do not have weak points, like purebred dogs. It is believed that their immunity is more stable. Among street animals, the fittest survives.

However, veterinarians do not notice any special differences. They argue that mongrels, on average, live as long as thoroughbreds. In addition, mongrels suffer from extremely unfavorable living conditions. They dont have balanced nutrition They are often cold and chronically stressed. They do not receive veterinary care. No home, they are constantly in danger.

But what about those mongrels who were lucky enough to find an owner and live in the house? How long do mutt dogs live? On average, they live as long as purebreds. Mongrel, in fact, is a mixture of different breeds, mestizo. From each of the breeds, their body took something. This is not necessarily an advantage. Mutts can also suffer from the shortcomings of a certain breed in the same way. The only difference is that they have several breeds mixed at once, that is, several weak points at once.

The life expectancy of mongrels also depends on their size. Average = 14 years. Large individuals live less.

centenarians parade

We offer you a brief overview of those breeds whose representatives live as long as possible.

These are funny and charming pets. Despite problems with the spine, they live 13-14 years. They truly become attached to their owner. Do not forget that these friends are very fond of hunting.

Yorkshire Terrier

Now they are at the peak of popularity. These crumbs can live up to 15-16 years. Curiously, their ancestors were used to hunt rats.

If you want a cheerful, cheerful friend, buy a beagle. They live 13-14 years. The main thing is not to overfeed.

Boston Terrier

This is a cute creature big eyes lives on average for about 14 years. Has a playful personality. The weak point is the eyes. They often get debris, solid particles. They can be damaged by the blinding sun or gusty wind.


These cute little ones with huge eyes have become very popular. The life expectancy of pugs is 14-15 years. The downside of the breed is poor heat tolerance and a tendency to be overweight.


This is the smallest breed. She is very ancient. Such crumbs pleased even the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans with their cheerful disposition. Amazingly, they can live up to 18 years.


Very popular dogs. They are fairly large. Can live up to 12 years. The weak point is the hip joints. With age, their work is disrupted.


This dog was originally used by farmers to look after sheep. Shelties are small, hardy, eat little. She can live for about 13-14 years. The weak point is kidney failure, which develops due to bad teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to provide proper care behind the teeth. It is enough to regularly give the dog something hard to chew on.

Schnauzer miniature

Schnauzers are distinguished by endurance and stamina. They live 12-14 years. It is a wonderful companion and lover of children. This breed has weakness- Tendency to pancreatitis.

These crumbs live 12-14 years. Their homeland is Ancient China. These pets even lived with representatives ruling dynasty. But in the West they became known only in the 20th century. To not develop skin diseases you need to take good care of their coat.

This breed is very old. Mentions of it are found in Greek, Roman and Egyptian cultures. The Maltese Bichon will please the owner for 13-14 years.

As you can see, how long a dog lives at home can be influenced by the owner himself. Nutrition, care, daily routine, lack of stress will be decisive, medical service. Important to consider weak sides breeds. You need to treat your pet with care, but you do not need to limit its activity.