How to remove stress at work. Search for new hobby

  • The date: 24.09.2019

For many people, the words "work" and "stress" are synonymous. For most, the idea of \u200b\u200bavoiding stress at work seems impossible. Do not worry: as soon as you configure the working way, create a soothing atmosphere and do simple relaxing techniques, you will be able to remove stress in the workplace.


Improving the environment

    Give your eyes to relax. You can fill the workspace with flavors, but do not stop. Put the desktop photos of loved ones and places, your favorite artwork or a postcard, which will make you smile. Add to this flower or a bouquet of flowers on the table, and your workspace will be visually attractive. Every 15 minutes, we take off the monitor and look at your favorite items.

    Add a documentary video from a Japanese zen garden to your workspace. Zen-Garden will help you feel peace and remove the tension. Take 10 minutes per hour to admire your garden or listen to the pacifying sounds of the stream, current through the sand. The care of the Japanese garden will allow you to calm down and take the situation under control. Also, the zen-garden will allow your eyes to break from the computer.

    Organize workplace. You will not have so much stress at work if there is order on the table. Make sure that you do not lie on your desktop everything. It should only have the necessary things: a stand under pencils, notepad, telephone, as well as items chosen by you so that the workplace looks visually attractive. Gently decompose everything on the shelves and throw away the handles that do not write anymore. The sense of self-control in the work and life in general depends on the organization of your workspace.

    • Detach at least five to ten minutes a day to get out on the table. This rule guarantees that the equipped order will be supported.
  1. Create ergonomic workspace. If your workplace is organized, your body will not experience strong voltage. The same applies to the mind. If you have hands from printing, you can purchase an ergonomic keyboard or a vertical mouse to reduce the wrist pressure and fingers. Frequently used things must be near you to avoid tension and not get lost in search.

    • Adjust the working chair in such a way that you watched directly into the monitor. You do not have to strain the neck to peer into the screen or turn around.
  2. Think about the purchase of an alternative working chair. If you have no chairs on wheels, you can buy it so that the body is in an active position while working at the computer. If you will spin in a chair, you can entertain a little, and work will become less monotonous. Studies did not prove that the gymnastic ball helps to improve posture, but the seating on the phytball will help you have fun and give freedom to movements.

    • If you hurt you on a chair for a long time, You can consider the option of adjustable table. You will improve the posture and can feel calm in the workplace.
  3. Enjoy a soothing aroma. You can enjoy the sage fragrance (if the working charter allows it) and allow natural fragrances to bring peace of mind into a working environment. If you put a vessel on the desktop with aromatic mixtures, you can bring something to your surrounding atmosphere and relax the body and mind.

    Let the light. Make sure your workspace is filled with soft, calm light. It is necessary that you see and not lost vigilance, but strong lighting (especially fluorescent) can annoy and disturb you. The table lamp with soft lighting and the matte lamp is capable of reproducing the calming flickering of the real candle.

    • If your office has a window, try to sit as close to it as possible. It is better to sit back to the window so that the natural light fell on the desktop.

    Calm the mind

    1. Imagine your favorite holiday destination. If everything is too hard at work, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and remember your favorite holiday destination. Try to remember the smells, sounds and tasteings that created a special atmosphere of this place. When you are starting to overfill emotions, mentally return to this place. If your desktop is captured on your desktop, you will be easier to remember everything.

      • If your budget allows you to return to your favorite holiday destination from time to time, your life at work and after the working day will become calmer.
    2. Make friends with your colleagues. Maybe you are experiencing stress at work, because you disappeared in your sink, and you have no one to talk to who for the work day. It is not necessary to make the best friends from your colleagues. You can get acquainted with them during a lunch break or for a cup of coffee. You will understand that you cook with these people in one boiler, and they will be able to understand your experiences.

      • Friendliness and smile will help you not only make friends, but also calm the soul.
      • If you learn better than your colleagues, you can mix it from time to time with them, and laughter, as you know, relieves stress.
      • If you make friends with someone from your colleagues, you can open it in the fact that they are subject to stress. You will not be so much lonely if you open your feelings.
    3. Build prospects for the future. When emotions overwhelmed you, because you did not cope with the work, tired or did not fulfill the conceived, throw back on the chair, breathe deeply and tell themselves about the plans for the future. Sometimes it seems that the work will take away all the time, but in the end, work is not a matter of life and death. Of course, there are professions that are conjugate with risk for life.

      • Remind your existence of other things that bring happiness and calm into your life. It can be members of your family, friends, hobbies or pets.
      • Although the phrase "This is not the end of the world" is used too often, you need to convince yourself that you do not react to stressful situations at work and can arrange priorities.
    4. Meditate. Meditate for the desktop or on the floor for 20 minutes, and you can relax and take your emotions under control. For meditation you need to find a comfortable seat in a comfortable corner. Put your hands on your knees, straighten and focus on relaxing a certain part of the body.

      • Close your eyes and listen to all the sounds and sensations during the inhalation and exhalation.
      • Also, you can meditate right before work so that the day passed less intense.
    5. Record thoughts. Even if you do not take off the computer, you can make pauses to record your thoughts. Record a list of tasks for a day or information received by phone. Record words, even if they do not belong to your work. You can distract from the computer and rebuild on a positive way.

      Read the book. The results of the study proved that reading for six minutes a day helps streamline thoughts and reduce the effect of stress. Of course, you will not be able to read a whole novel in the workplace, but similar pauses and reading 10 pages will reassure your mind, and you can perform everyday responsibilities.

      • Together with your colleagues, you can edit the reader's club. Work will bring you pleasure, and you will increase the motivation for reading.
    6. Control the workload. To calm down, you need to make sure that you are not overloaded with working tasks. You can try to manage your schedule by passing some tasks to your colleagues for execution. Ask for their help on projects. You can even reduce the amount of work you have taken upon yourself.

      • Most likely, you are experiencing stress, because during the first few hours of work you are not so productive, and you have to do everything on skouring hand and cut deadlines. To avoid a similar situation, make a working schedule. It will help you fulfill the tasks.
    7. Apply more entertainment. If you want to enjoy the process of work, you can come to work with pleasure, easy to spend a working day and return the next day with light Heart. Even if it seems to you that make your work interesting it is unrealistic, you can treat your colleagues, once a week to indulge yourself with a delicious lunch or reward yourself with reading an excellent love novel or delicious cake for performing a specific task.

      • Even if your thoughts are worn about work positiveThese tips will bring even more diversity, and you will stop perceiving work as a source of stress.
    8. Dinner. Even if it seems to you that dinner is a waste of time that distracts you from performing the necessary tasks, lunch will make you happier and remove stress. You will be more focused and productive in the workplace. In addition, the lunch break will help you distract from hard task And tune in to continue working day.

      • Even if you dine alone, you should not dine at the desktop. You do not feel that you are on the lunchtime. Even if you come out in the nearest cafe to eat a salad, you calm down.
    9. Listen to soothing music. Create a playlist that will help you calm down. It does not matter, this is your favorite Disk of ENii or Mozart or Beethoven's music. Listen to music in headphones or at the table to distract anyone. You calm down and stop worrying about upcoming tests.

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We cannot control the behavior of other people or the course of events at home at work (well, except for a small degree). But we are able to control our own internal state, increasing our awareness. In this will help the practice of care. An American psychologist, a specialist in the field of conscious communications Louise Altman (Louise Altman).

The essence of the practice is that we focus our attention on emotions, feelings, thoughts, fully attending in the present, without leading any judgments. American psychologist Daniel Stern, the author of the book "Presence in the present" 1, believes that the duration of the subjective perception of this moment ranges from 3 to 10 seconds.

Practice of attentiveness helps in the most different situations: when depressions, insomnia, food disorders and phobias, to restore postoperative period, To improve relations in the family. However, we can use it in all spheres of our life. Including at work, where we spend the most time. But the effect of it we will not feel in the event that we practice persistently and consistently, because for favorable changes in the neural circuits of the brain takes time.

1. Give yourself a promise to practice attentiveness. The first step on this path is to learn more and more realize your awareness. In fact, attentiveness is the art of being an observer for himself, notice his thoughts, feelings, behavior. But, as stated above, without giving any ratings.

2. Start with a simple. Tell me: "Today I will be consciously refer to _____" - and during the day direct your attention to this aspect of your work.

At work, do not miss the opportunity to show empathy and kindness. Colleagues also experience overloads and need support

3. Start your day with short care practices. The key to it is your breath. Instead of waking up, immediately jump and plunge into the whirlpool, pay a few minutes, watching your well-mindedness, and determine your intentions for the current day.

4. If you tend to start your day with rapid acceleration, try consciously ... slow down your pace. Let even you have to do a lot of things in a short time. At least your mind can keep this race under control, and you can better manage your energy.

5. When you are at work, try to truly listen to your colleagues. This means that during the conversation, you send all the attention of attention to the interlocutor and at least for a few minutes cease to focus on yourself and your current tasks.

6. At work, do not forget to celebrate other people's achievements, needs and difficulties; Do not miss the opportunity to show empathy and kindness. Colleagues also experience overload, and they need support.

7. Pay attention to the language of your body. How are you sitting, what is happening with your back, shoulders, feet? About the importance of being aware of your breath and nothing to say is key moment Awareness.

Think about what kind of result you expect from a particular action - an important call, letters, meetings

8. Make sure that and as you say. The words you use is the key to your physical condition. For example, you complain to colleagues that are littered with work - for your brain, this is a signal that happens or something unpleasant happens.

9. Spend a few minutes to think about what kind of result you are waiting From one or another of its action - an important call, letters, meetings. Most of us act, without having a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we want to achieve, that is, not aware of their true intentions.

10. At the end of the day in the office or in the evening at home, take time for the practice of self-analysis. The most difficult thing here is to do without ratings. The reasoning and judgment is not the same. Learn to observe without evaluating.

No one says that the practice of care is an easy thing. But if we do not lower your hands and continue to try these exercises, in our lives first there are minor changes, then they accumulate and gradually develop into habits, changing our life for the better. So is it worth missing such an excellent opportunity?

For more information, see

1 D. Stern "Present Moment In Psychotherapy and Everyday Life" (W. W. Norton, 2004).

Most of the world's population suffers mental disorderscaused by sharp or chronic psychological stress. The negative impact of stress on our body acquires the scale of the epidemic and represents one of the main social problems. modern society. It is stress who acts the main reason. coronary insufficiency, cancer, pulmonary disease, various kinds of injuries, suicides.

Diseases associated with mental disorders or overwork, cost organizations in billions of rubles. Companies have to compensate for employees treatment, pay money for the days spent on the hospital, and face the problem of absenteeism or staff turnover. According to surveys conducted by insurance companies, most of the extensions from workplaces are caused by stress. 27% of employees surveyed stated that the work was given to most stresses in their lives. 45% stress associated with work is very high or extremely high level. 70% stated that stress at work reduced their physical and mental health, writes the Department of Health of the Kirov region.

The most frequent manifestations of stress - increased nervousness, anxiety, increase blood pressure, anger, irritability, fatigue, depression and depression. But all these adversity can be warned if you take care in advance.

Come to the point

If you feel fatigue and irritation, and the number negative emotions accumulates with doubled strength, take stress right in the workplace - you will need quite a bit of time.

The best tool is to give yourself a little rest and eat. For example, you can bother nuts. They are rich in nutrients involved in serotonin production, vitamins B and E, antioxidants that will help you overcome stress.

Effectively removes the voltage of the massage of the uches, in which a huge number of acupuncture points are concentrated. The Chinese one thousand years ago knew that ear was one of the most important acupuncture systems in our body. Massage both ears at the same time well-disperse hands, the ears massage should last at least a minute, and prescribed for every point it is recommended for about 5 seconds.

Also quickly remove stress will help a cup of tea. Black tea contains substances that helps the body effectively resist stressful situations.

It is noticeable to reduce stress allows the elementary organization of labor. Do not be lazy to get out at the end of the working day at your workplace. The table can be released from unnecessary papers, tools, appliances, garbage. Anticipate the emergence of moral tension during the working day will also help planning - it is best to think about the next day on the eve of the day, note important things and sort what can wait.

In addition, it is very important not to skip lunch and breaks. It is not recommended to dining for the workplace, it is best to move somewhere, change the situation - otherwise the rest will not be full.

Exercise - one of best ways to handle the stress. Do not neglect the sports, walks in the fresh air and the elementary warmth. If the work does not go, everything falls out of the hands and, it seems that you are about to knock, find a secluded place in the office and make the most conventional charging. Elementary physical exercises - Mahi hands, legs, a few squats - will help you distract, stretch the body and tune in to work.

Stress factor

Psychologists recommend to take care of themselves in advance and create such conditions in which you would be comfortable to work. In particular, attention should be paid to physical and hygienic conditions Works, on the temperature of the ambient air, the level of illumination, air quality. If you perform routine work, it is better to avoid any noise and vibrations. For many, it is important that their workloads for the working day correspond to personal biological rhythm. Therefore, if you work comfortable in the evening, it is worth it for yourself to adjust your working schedule, and not suffer in the mornings from the unwillingness to do something and talk to anyone.

And do not forget about breaks in work that will help you distracted, restore forces, chat with colleagues. Studies confirm the fact that people working in a good-natured atmosphere are less stressful.

By the way, risk factors differ for different professions. It is believed that the most calm work in librarians, and the most nervous - at miners, pilots of airliners and journalists. Also, actors, politicians, teachers and doctors are experiencing a greater moral burden. If you have creative work, remember that according to statistics creative people usually process. During the working day, they are under the press of the authorities, and then try to work at home, writes Rosbalt.

Creatively people often do not cope with the duties during working hours and are forced to respond to calls and emails at offside time. In addition, people of creative professions are more likely to tend to think about work before and after the working day.

Remember that work, as far as it is important not, should not replace the family, communication with friends and recreation.

A person is vital to be able to quickly and effectively shoot nervous tension and restore sincere equilibrium.

Harm continuous negative emotions It was proved in the XI century Avichennaya, the Great Tajik scientist and a doctor. He spent the original and convincing experience:

two lambs from one litter were placed in the same conditions, but a wolf was tied near one. Barashek, who saw a predator, refused to eat, weakened and soon died. Other, on the contrary, evolved and grew normally.

Human more plastic than hawk, and is able to adapt to different stressful situations, but its possibilities are not irrelevant.

Any strong emotion generates the body and should be short-lived so that our psyche and the whole organism have the opportunity to recover.

How to quickly remove nervous tension

According to doctors, any physical burden is the best and effective method Remedy nervous voltage.


Change the situation if you have such an opportunity, go outside and walk on foot, alternating the tempo of movement (then slowing down, adding a step) and the width of the steps (minor steps are shifted wider). Soon you will notice that irritability and nervousness go:

normalized function endocrine system, the work of the brain sites responsible for the mood was activated biochemical processes Stress-launched switched to ensuring physical activity.

The effect is achieved faster, if during the movement to switch attention to the problem on something else - to contemplate nature, for pleasant memories or dreams.

Physical Pause

  • Sit on the chair, grabbed for the seat, pull it with the upstream up and save this position, counting to 7.
  • Connected to the castle of a hand to start the head. Give them to cervical, and all the body resist this pressure.
  • Sit on the edge of the chair, the hands loose freely, lift my head up. Consider to 10. Then make a breath, and on the exhale bend to the knees. Inhale, spread slowly on inhale.

If you are experiencing emotional fatigue at the end of the working day, then physical exertion you are extremely necessary. Sign up into the gym, do fitness, make hiking habit.

Release Par

If the emotions are shrinking and you can retire, let out the feelings, do not hold back them in any way! There are many ways to do this, select the appropriate to you: Squeeze into the whole voice, beat the pillow or another item, scatter, throw something, etc.

By the way, German scientists have proven: women who scream during family quarrel and beat dishes, reduce risk many times premature death from heart attack or stroke.

Breathing exercises

Put your hands on the waist. Inhale the deep nose, counting to 8 and inflating the belly. Then exhale through the mouth, counting to 16, while pressing the tongue to the sky, as if uttering "USSSS", it makes exhale uniform. Repeat at least 3 times. It is advisable to do this exercise for 15 minutes.

Exhalation through tension removes all spasms, relaxes all the muscles, eliminates not only the nervous tension, but also fatigue.

Exercises belly

Tighten up, strain, relax, make a wave, etc.

Take the hands of painstaking work

Relieve small things, print on your computer, hold the anti-stress toy or. The fingertips are equipped with a plurality of nerve endings whose stimulation we remove the voltage.

Extreme food

If you allow your health, eat a piece of red hot peppers. According to Dr. Furman, an American scientist, it causes a tide of endorphins, hormones of joy.


Ask someone from your loved ones. Hugs will help you to fit the positive energy, and restore mental balance.


Effective and very useful waywithout having side Effects. Hormones of pleasure allocated in the process positively affect nervous system, remove spasms and muscle tensions that always accompany long nervous tension.

Corrifying faces

Have you noticed how little children like to build grimaces and oppose people? So they intuitively get rid of unnecessary nervous voltage.

It does not hurt and you build faces in front of the mirror, such a help to get rid of the emotional load and, perhaps, raises the mood.


With a decrease in the performance and stress of the psyche, we instinctively. In this way, the body helps us cope with the situation, launching ancient reflex for this.

When yawn increases the tone of the entire body, the blood flow is improved, the metabolism is accelerated, carbon dioxide is excreted faster. These processes are normalized brain activity And improve the work of the nervous system. The yawn can and should be caused artificially at the time of the voltage.

Tea relaxation

Tea is an excellent natural tranquilizer, having a soothing effect on the body, it removes tension and anxiety. These properties are explained by the presence of unique elements (catechins, flavonoids, vitamins E and C, carotene), which strengthen and maintain the nervous system. Especially useful for calm green tea.

Mix 1: 1 black and green tea, add the color of the linden, currant leaves or berries, grass of wild horsetail or hunter (or any other herbs, about healing properties which you know). 2 tablespoons of collection pour the glass of boiling water, 20 minutes insist. Perfes, add a spoon of honey. This tea is well soothing.

Soothing baths

Perfectly and quickly remove nervous tension, are good prevention nerve disorders and help with sleep disturbances:

  • Sadfather leaves, mint and birch (2 tablespoons) mix and pour boiling water (2 liters). 4-6 hours insist in warmth (you can in the thermos), strain and pour into the bathroom.
  • 5 tablespoons of yarrow of ordinary pour boiling water (2 liters). Insist in the previous way.
  • The grass of the yarrow, chamomile, sage (2 tbsp. Spoons) mix and prepare the infusion in the way described above.

Such baths are vesseloring, antispasmodic, and a relaxing effect.

Point massage (acupressure)

Stimulates the production of natural sedative hormones serotonin and endorphins, affecting biologically active points:

  • massion in the center of the chin (on the inner part) an anti-stress point with circular motions: clockwise - 9 times and as much against it.
  • Severe, squeeze and slightly stretch the middle fingers of the hands for 2-3 minutes.

Smile and laugh

If you can smile even when bad mood , then the nervous tension does not threaten you. Of course, there are situations where it is difficult to do, but you still need a smile to squeeze out of my own. Your body sincerely surprises the "wrong" reaction. It will be surprised and agreed that everything is not bad, but it will be even better.

The fact is that there is a direct dependence between the blood supply and muscle activity of the face.

During a smile and especially laughter The flow of blood and oxygen is enhanced, the brain works better, which has a beneficial effect on mental condition.

It is for this reason that a smile and laughter take away fatigue, help switch to another state, disgracing protective reaction organism.

Many scientists believe laughter - excellent natural,its efficiency is comparable to meditation.

Constantly look, read humorous stories And attend fun sites, watch comedies and communicate with positive people who can "infect" you with a good mood.

Create as many good events as possible in your life, which means emotions and thoughts.

Create your reality! Be positive and healthy!

Place of work often becomes high voltage zone. Large loads, lack of mutual understanding, conflicts with colleagues and leadership, irritation, constant stress. So not far to the nervous breakdown. How to calm down at work? We take action!

How to remove stress at work: 5 simple ways

Keep a bottle on your desktop mineral water And "Apply" to it whenever you, what is called, "on a platoon" and feel that it is about to knock. A sip of water will refresh you and reduce irritation.

Do not allow the appearance of a feeling of hunger - it can increase irritation and nervousness. For the snack, various dried fruits, whole grain bread and crackers, bars with muesli, as well as fruits or nuts are perfectly suitable.

Try to relax and small sips drink a cup of fragrant herbal tea. Mint has a refreshing effect, ginseng charges energy and gives strength, and the chamomile relaxes and soothes.

Do not sit during the dinner interruption in the office. Go to Lunch in the nearest cafe or just stroll. Fresh air enhances blood microcirculation and relieves stress. Changing the situation will also benefit.

Keep a tennis ball in the table. From time to time, take it out and ride the arch of the foot. Here there is a mass of nerve endings, the impact on which relieves stress and has a beneficial effect on the state of all organism systems.

Learn to meditate

If you want to immediately remove stress, then it has come a great reason to try to meditate or start practicing various techniques Relaxation and make sure how well the stress saves you.

But here there is a second good featureThe more you are engaged in meditation, the better you begin to abstract from problems and clean your head from thoughts and the less stress you get every day as a result of what your mind becomes calmer.

It is easier for you to endure the influence of stress factors, and those things that introduced you to a strong excitement and tension, as you practicing will become such trifles for you: suddenly traffic jams, urban noise, sklocks at work will cease to be problems and assure negative influence on you.

You will begin to be surprised how the people surrounding seriously and dramatically treat these trifles are also worried about their occasion, as if the whole world hit them in front of them! Although for some time ago, they were upset because of the smallest detail ...

But one separate meditation session also benefits - you are experiencing strong relaxation and forget about problems, the main thing is to focus and do not let the thoughts about what happened today. It is very difficult to do: thoughts will still come, but try at least for some time nothing to think and switch attention to the mantra or on the image.


During physical Loads Endorphins are distinguished - hormones of happiness. Suiting sports, you get a tide have a good mood Plus strengthen the body. This is a much more effective tool than drinking beer, as the last one, only weakens your ability to cope with the voltage.

And the sport strengthens you morally: in healthy body - Healthy mind. That is, sports, as well as practicing meditation form a long-term ability to resist stress during the day.

Relax on the way home

Many do not know how to remove stress after work and continue to accumulate it and on the way home. Therefore, on the road, start turning off the thoughts about the work and on current problems, abstract from what is happening, do not give in to the universal malice and nervousness, the atmosphere of which, as a rule, reigns in public transport And on the roads.

Be calm, try to suppress inside yourself those impulses that lead to the fact that you begin to be angry with someone and swear in rumor or to yourself. Since all this negative is able to make concluding strokes in your evening painting of stress and tension and finally soak you. Let it be angry and nervous others to the detriment of themselves, but not you!

4 ways to calm down in 60 seconds

There are four ways to help return sincere equilibrium in just 60 seconds.

The first way to calm nerves

It will help to quickly calm down the virtual image created in the mind.

Vision brings a person most of the world information that surrounds it. Scientists believe that it is best soothing the nerves image combining white and water.

To quickly calm down, it is necessary to sit comfortably, relax the body, restore even breathing, close your eyes and see cool white water (It is white, and not transparent). Imagine how this water touches your maquet, feel it cool. Water flows on the face, shoulders, chest, completely washes your body - from the top and to the fingers.

Enjoy the cool 30 seconds, then imagine that the water slowly flows into the funnel. Now this funnel leaves all the reasons for your stress and all your problems.

Make a deep breath and open your eyes.

Second way

Recompany in the bathroom.

Remove the tie, unzip the upper buttons on a shirt or blouse. Open Crane S. cold water, Wet your hands and slowly touch both palms to the neck. Try the neck, then the shoulders, gradually increasing pressing power, then, on the contrary, reduce it and finish massage with light gentle touch. Rinse the neck with cold water again.

Third way

Breathe deeply, exhale. Take a piece of fabric in your hands (you can coast towel or wool blanket), squeeze it and twist, as if squeezing. The fabric must necessarily be dry. Twist all my might, all the muscles are most stringent. Then relaxes sharply and unzip your hands, a towel drops on the floor. Feel the full relaxation of the whole body, especially the hands and neck.

These uncomplicated exercises will help you quickly calm down before a date, an important meeting or performance.

The main thing is not to forget that in this world there are not so many things that would cost to reduce the life of their nervous cells.

For people believers, it is repentance and prayer.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Simple technique that will help calm down:

Awesome exercise for stress removal from Natalia Pravdin: