Do yoga in the last month of pregnancy. Yoga for pregnant women: benefits and contraindications

  • Date of: 11.10.2019

Doing yoga during pregnancy is really very beneficial. yoga gives expectant mother a lot: getting rid of unpleasant symptoms that often accompany pregnancy, the ability to breathe properly and manage your well-being with the help of breathing, self-confidence, good mood. The main advantage of yoga is that it affects the body in a complex way, not only strengthening the muscles, which during this period experience increased stress, but also positively affecting the state of mind and psyche, contributing to a good, balanced state.

How to study and when to start classes?

Pregnancy is usually divided into trimesters, approximately 12 weeks each. These periods are different physiological characteristics, the processes occurring in the body and the sensations of the expectant mother. Let's talk about getting pregnant. The first trimester is the most responsible, it is characterized by the fact that the body, as it were, adapts to a new state, and this is a kind of stress for it. Significant changes in hormonal immune system, in body tissues. The placenta is not yet formed, the hormonal support of pregnancy can be quite weak. It is during the first trimester that the largest number spontaneous miscarriages. The body can still follow its "habits", so you need to be especially careful on the days of the alleged menstrual bleeding. That is why it is necessary to build a yoga practice very carefully. At this time, nausea, lethargy, fatigue, mood swings, dizziness are most often disturbed.

If you are already practicing yoga, then after learning about your pregnancy, we advise you to follow some general rules.

Here are some rules for the first trimester.

  • Eliminate from your practice those asanas that cause you discomfort, even if there are no contraindications for them. Pregnancy, especially at the beginning, is not a time of “victory over yourself” and a “breakthrough” in practice.
  • Asanas that directly affect the abdomen or strain the anterior abdominal wall(e.g. mayurasana, deep twists - marichasana D, navasana) should be excluded. Perform power asanas and balances on your hands with care, listen to yourself.
  • Do not practice on the days of the expected menstruation, they are the most dangerous in terms of terminating the pregnancy.
  • Do not fix asanas long time(no more than 5 breathing cycles), at the first signs of discomfort, exit the pose.
  • By the end of the first trimester (around the 12th week of pregnancy), eliminate asanas in the prone position.
  • Allocate more time at the end of the practice (approximately 30% of the total duration of the session) to breathing practices and relaxation. Temporarily exclude pranayamas with breath holdings.

If you have not practiced yoga, but want to use yoga techniques to prepare for childbirth, the practice should be very thoughtful.

  • Give preference to those poses that do not cause physical tension as well as relaxation, breathing. It is very beneficial to practice yoga nidra.
  • Do preparatory exercises in order to practice breathing techniques - vyayamas (warm-up), affecting the shoulder girdle, chest.
  • Evaluate changes in the body and mood after class - you should not get tired and your condition, mood should become better - this is an important indicator of the adequacy of the practice.

What yoga asanas can be conditionally called "asanas of the first trimester"?

Of course, it does not come to the fore physical activity, and deep relaxation practices - shavasana and yoga nidra. It is these techniques that will help you adapt to a new state and achieve good health. Of the asanas for the first trimester, light vinyasas are most suitable. For beginners, this might work.

From Adho Mukha Svanasana 1 we lift the right leg up with inhalation, keeping the “closed” position of the pelvis, and pull the right heel to the ceiling (“dog on three legs”) 2, with an exhalation we bend the right leg and carry it forward, laying the right shin on the mat 3 (variation of ekapada raja kapotasana)


We remain in this position for 2 respiratory cycles, observing even breathing and opening the chest, and again return to Adho Mukha Svanasana. We repeat from the left leg. After the repetition, we linger in the "dog head down" 4-5 respiratory cycles. After 3-5 repetitions, you can move on to breathing exercises. Sit comfortably, cross-legged, with a straight back, it is better to sit on an elevation (roller, pillow). Practice conscious breathing, determine how you breathe, deep or shallow, with what frequency, belly or chest. Focus on your breathing for about 5 minutes and then move into the supine position for relaxation. If you feel well, the practice can be complicated by adding new asanas and pranayamas. The second trimester of pregnancy is best suited for this.

Marina Kruglova - yoga therapist, obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences.

Photo: nosweatlife/

Yoga is a set of exercises for athletic women, and for women who have never practiced at the gym or at home. Positions during pregnancy can be adapted to changes in female body during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Poses help expectant mothers to stretch, strengthen and relax not only the body, but also the mind. With yoga, you can keep fit and prepare for childbirth.

  1. Stimulates circulation by increasing blood flow.
  2. Facilitates breathing and promotes better oxygenation of the unborn child.
  3. Strengthens muscles and joints that prevent back pain.
  4. Regulates the endocrine system.
  5. Prepares the body for childbirth, strengthening the muscles of the lower abdomen, groin, inner thighs.

Yoga during pregnancy is a great way to improve your fitness and mood. It is necessary to seek the advice of an experienced trainer so that he chooses the right set of asanas for pregnant women for you.

If your pregnancy is going well, the yoga system is the perfect postures for you.

These exercises relax the body. Proper breathing during pregnancy helps relieve stress. The functioning of the whole organism improves, and more importantly, women become more resistant to stress and fatigue, gain self-confidence. But before you start practicing yoga, you need to visit a gynecologist for a consultation and identification possible contraindications to do this type of exercise.

  • Attention - listen to the voice of your body, breath and intuition, do nothing in spite of yourself.
  • Consciousness is simply to remember. That you move and breathe with the child, you can feel for him, how he feels, how he moves.
  • Natural breathing - always breathe freely and naturally, at your own pace.
  • Freedom - to avoid dynamic and tiring methods that increase the heart rate and cause rapid breathing, let the movement be always conscious.
  • Move with pleasure - it is better not to stick to a tense posture, you need to "go with the flow", enjoy the sensuality of movement.
  • You can eat something light before exercise to keep your blood sugar stable.
  • Pleasure - to receive grace and joy in movements, breathing and relaxation.

Rest - Always rest if required.

What not to do

  1. Inappropriate asanas - avoid inverted positions and deep turns, jumping, practicing Mula Badhi (tension of the pelvic floor muscles) for more than one breath, warming up pranayama, and any postures that bring discomfort in the abdomen.
  2. Don't lie on your stomach.
  3. Do not lie on your back after 30 weeks (or when you are uncomfortable).
  4. Rest lying on your left side.

How to practice yoga

It is best to practice 2-3 times a week at the same time. Better time in the morning, right after waking up or before going to bed. Exercise during pregnancy should last between 20 and 60 minutes. But the session should start from 20 minutes for the body to adapt.

If you are one of those who have never practiced yoga, you should start with the simplest exercises that do not require preparation.

  • Asanas for pregnant women should be practiced slowly, slowly, observing the reaction of the body.
  • The rhythm of yoga exercises each expectant mother should adapt to herself.
  • The position of the body is also important. If you are doing the exercises on your back, make sure that your shoulders, arms, and buttocks are in good contact with the floor.
  • During sitting exercises, the buttocks should be slightly tilted to the side. When assuming standing positions, the feet should be placed hip-width apart with the toes pointing inward. The foot is firmly planted on the floor.
  • It is important to straighten your back and pull the shoulder blades.

For classes, you should choose a place and time so that no one interferes. You can play your favorite CD to help you relax.

Performing poses for pregnant women should begin with deep breaths taken from the diaphragm. Then lie down or sit comfortably. The next step is to relax the muscles. It is also important to draw in air through your nose to free your mouth. Breathe slowly, smoothly.

Types of yoga exercises for expectant mothers

IN last years is very popular physical exercise from yogic complexes. What are the best positions for pregnant women? Each pregnant woman can choose for herself the one that best suits her and pregnancy 3, 2 or 1 trimester.

Tailor's pose

Helps to relax the ligaments and joints of the muscles of the pelvic region of the thigh.

  • Sit on the floor and straighten your back.
  • Bring your feet closer to each other as close as possible.
  • Relax your shoulders and neck. Breathe deeply.
  • Relax your hips and hip joints. Press your knees to the floor.
  • Maintain the pose for a few seconds.

Tree position

Promotes calmness and helps stretch the thigh muscles, improves balance and coordination.

  • Stand straight and look at one selected point.
  • Shift the weight of the body to the right leg, bend the left at the knee and rest the foot on the inside of the right thigh.
  • Bring your hands together in namaste at chest level. If you have problems with balance, lean against the wall.
  • Keeping focus on the chosen point, maintain the pose for a few seconds and then switch legs.

Relaxation of the pelvis

Helps relax the pelvic muscles.

  • Get on your knees, lean on your elbows.
  • Tighten the muscles of the anus, vagina and labia.
  • Hold for a few seconds and relax them.
  • Repeat the position about 15 times.


The exercise helps to expand the pelvis and the baby to take the correct position before childbirth.

  • Take a standing pose with legs wide apart. Feet look to the side.
  • Slowly bend your knees until you are fully squatted.
  • If necessary, you can hold on to something with your hands.
  • Fold your palms at chest level. Elbows and knees look apart.

cat's ridge

Designed to relieve pain in the sacrum.

  • Get on all fours.
  • Relax your neck by resting your head on your shoulders.
  • Pull in your stomach and arch your spine.
  • Count to 5 while maintaining deep breathing.
  • Repeat the pose several times.

Round after round

Relaxes the muscles of the back and hips.

  • Relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders, put your hands on your stomach.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Lower your arms to your sides and slowly raise your hips (inhale), lower your hips (exhale).
  • Repeat four times.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees.
  • Squeeze your vaginal muscles and hold the pose for about 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise several times.

Time to rest

After completing the positions, you rest.

  • Lie on your side with one leg bent.
  • Pillows can be placed under the head and between the legs.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Relax.
  • Stretch slowly and stand up very slowly.

Exercise in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy is a great way to relieve some of the symptoms of pregnancy and improve well-being in the future. By doing yoga exercises regularly, pregnant women are less prone to stress and the development of gestational diabetes.

If a woman was active before pregnancy, nothing prevents her from exercising during pregnancy at the same level, only adequate exercise must be performed.

Calm postures during pregnancy, when performing asanas, heart beats should not exceed 140 beats per minute. If the expectant mother did not practice before pregnancy, she can start after consulting a doctor.

Exercise in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the embryo has not yet fixed, should not in any way burden the pregnant woman physically, should not lead to an increase in abdominal tension - this can provoke a miscarriage. Low intensity exercise is recommended. During the first three months, you should breathing exercises and correcting incorrect posture, as well as exercises for arms and legs in a wide range. They should be performed from the very beginning of pregnancy, as proper posture reduces the load on the spine.

Exercise should be avoided, especially during periods during the first three months of pregnancy, so as not to promote miscarriage.

Examples of exercises that can be done during the first trimester of pregnancy

Exercise 1

  1. A woman sits on a chair, stool or ball.
  2. The palms lie on the hips and in this position performs head turns to the right and to left side.
  3. Tilts the head back (inhale), forward (exhale).
  4. Tilts of the head when turning to the left and then to the right.
  5. Perform all movements slowly and carefully.

Exercise 2

  1. Sit on a chair, stool, or ball with your legs wide apart.
  2. Perform unclenching and clenching of the fingers, clenching and unclenching the palms into a fist, causing the blood to circulate in the wrists, forearms and shoulders.
  3. Raise your arms up in front (inhale) and lower them through the sides (exhale).

Exercise 3

The purpose of the exercise is to prevent drooping of the shoulders and rounding of the back.

  1. Sit on a chair and spread your legs wide.
  2. Put your hands behind your back, connect them bringing the shoulder blades together and pushing the chest forward.
  3. Tilt your head back and inhale.
  4. Exhale as you return your hands to the starting position.

Exercise 4

The pose strengthens the muscles of the shoulders and chest.

  1. Sit on a stool or ball and spread your legs wide apart.
  2. Put your palms up high chest and pull them hard.
  3. Exercise can be performed with the ball in hand.

Exercise 5

  1. Sit on a chair.
  2. Interlace your fingers in the lock and place them on the back of your neck.
  3. Pull your elbows back.
  4. Return to starting position.

Exercise 6

Sit on a stool, chair, or ball with your legs wide apart.

  • Raise your arms up through the sides.
  • Place your palms on the back of your neck and lift your shoulder blades.
  • Raise your chest and tilt your head forward (inhale).
  • Lower your arms through your sides and relax (exhale).

Exercise 7

  1. Sit on a stool. Legs are widely spaced to the sides.
  2. Raise your right hand, bend it at the elbow and place it behind your head.
  3. Put your left hand behind your head, crossing with your right. The palms lie on top of each other.
  4. Tilt your head back slightly (inhale), drop your elbow down and tilt your head (exhale).
  5. Repeat the exercises by changing the position of the hands.

Exercise 8

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Straighten your legs.
  3. Perform forward and backward bends.

Second trimester of pregnancy (4-6 months)

In the second trimester of pregnancy, you usually feel better than at the beginning, so exercising at this time is designed to relieve back pain and prevent back pain from developing. diabetes. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the center of gravity of the body moves forward. This silhouette creates an additional load on the spine and muscles. abdominal cavity. Often changes lead to pain in the sacrum and lower back - swimming during this period greatly relieves pain and unloads the joints.

Starting from the sixth month, asanas requiring lying on the back should be avoided. In this case, the uterus will press on portal vein, which makes it difficult to breathe and outflow of blood from the lower extremities.

Women entering their second trimester of pregnancy should remember the following principles:

  • Before carrying out physical activity, you should consult a doctor.
  • During and after training, drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • Practice in a ventilated cotton suit to prevent overheating.
  • Practice is contraindicated in febrile diseases.

The proposed set of exercises should be done one after the other without a pause. Repeat 8-12 times each. After each round, take a three minute break. Practice at your own pace, listening carefully to your own body language.

Attach to them those that strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor (walking back and forth on the buttocks), and to increase elasticity and mobility hip joints(alternating leg movement).

Positions for the second trimester:

Exercise 1

  1. Sit on a chair. Place your hands on your stomach around your navel.
  2. Perform sitting with legs crossed or standing with legs wide apart.
  3. Breathe in through your nose to accentuate your belly. big belly».
  4. Exhale through your mouth slowly drawing in and making a “small belly”.

Exercise 2

  1. Stand facing the back of the chair.
  2. Keep your hands on the back of the chair, stand straight.
  3. Lower your torso while inhaling through your nose, focusing on the “big belly” and lifting your head.
  4. Exhale through your nose, and make a "small belly", pull your head into your shoulders.

Exercise 3

  1. Stand behind a chair with your hands on the back of the chair.
  2. Place your feet on the outside so that your feet are firmly on the floor.
  3. Bend your knees slightly so that they do not go beyond your toes.
  4. Raise the right heel once, the left heel another time. Remember to keep your head at the same level.
  5. Keep your head in one position.

Exercise 4

  1. Stand behind a chair with feet 30-40 cm apart.
  2. Turn your feet in opposite directions. Rest on the floor with the entire surface of the foot.
  3. Sit down so that your knees stick out significantly from behind the back of the chair.
  4. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise 5

  1. Take a position lying on your back, hands on both sides of the body.
  2. Bend your knees, feet firmly on the ground.
  3. Alternately straighten the right leg first, then the left, perpendicular to the body.
  4. Repeat the position 10 times on each side.

Exercise 6

  1. Posture: lying on the back.
  2. Put your straight arms behind your head.
  3. Bend your knees, feet firmly on the ground.
  4. Put your legs closed together once on right side, one - on the left side, turning the torso.
  5. Repeat the position 2 times for 15 repetitions in two directions.

The exercise

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Bend your torso forward so that the palm of your right hand touches your left foot.
  3. Return to starting position.
  4. Repeat for the other half.

Third trimester of pregnancy (7-9 months)

For many pregnant women, the third trimester is remembered for fatigue and back pain. The problem can be alleviated by regular and not very intensive yoga classes. Benefit for health:

  • stress reduction;
  • reduce the risk of developing diabetes;
  • reducing pain in the spine.

The most important at this stage are relaxation postures, which allow you to rest, relax and concentrate.

The 3rd trimester is also characterized by the fact that, along with the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity of the body of the pregnant woman is greatly shifted. Willing to support vertical position, the expectant mother constantly strains the muscles around the spine.

Exercises can be done with your feet or shoulders against a wall, which relieves the spine and helps maintain balance.

Exercise 1

Unloading the muscles around the spine.

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair and lean back.
  2. Take weights in your hands (maximum 0.5 kg). Slightly bend your elbows and lower down.
  3. Tilt your head to the floor and slowly raise your arms to shoulder height and slowly lower.
  4. Repeat the exercise 8 times in three sets. Take 4 deep breaths after each set.

Exercise 2

  1. Sit on a chair with your back straight.
  2. Hands bent at the elbows, place on the shoulders.
  3. Make circular movements with your arms and shoulders. Hands up (inhale), down (exhale).

Exercise 3

Prevents pain in the lumbar region and increases the range of motion of the spine.

  1. Sit astride a chair, put your hands on your hips.
  2. Tilt your torso to the right side (left arm above head).
  3. Lean to the left side (right arm above head).

Exercise 4

For stretching.

  1. Get on your knees on the blanket.
  2. Clasp your hands behind your back - lengthening your spine.
  3. Open your chest, shoulders, relax your legs.
  4. Focus on your breath.

Exercise 5

  1. Stretching the inner thighs and perineum
  2. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and spread apart.
  3. Connect the soles of the feet to each other. Grab your feet with your palms.
  4. Press your elbows on your knees (inhale), return to the starting position (inhale).

Exercise 6

  1. Sit on a blanket with your legs crossed.
  2. Focus on lengthening your spine.
  3. Relax your knees, your hips.
  4. Work with your breath, breathe evenly, quietly and calmly.

Exercise 7

  1. Lie on your side. Place a blanket or pillow under your head and under your knees.
  2. Relax, breathe calmly and evenly.


Before practicing yoga, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  • Get permission from your gynecologist to practice yoga.
  • During the pose, make sure that the breathing is normal, even and calm.
  • Don't exercise after meals.
  • Practice in a well-ventilated area or outdoors in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Avoid exercise with severe stress body: jumps, jumps. Strength training and weight lifting.
  • Move from simple asanas to more complex ones. Choose a time of day when the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees.
  • Always keep a drink on hand (chilled still mineral water).
  • If any position or exercise makes you uncomfortable, replace it with another one.
  • The most favorable position is sitting and lying on the left side and with support.

The period of pregnancy is the brightest and most pleasant time for a woman, the time of waiting for the birth of a new life and meeting with her beloved daughter or son. At this stage, doctors recommend creating the most comfortable conditions for the course of pregnancy, as well as prenatal development baby - many practices and methods, physical exercises and, of course, yoga come to the rescue. Yoga is a set of exercises, asanas that can have the most beneficial effect on the body and soul, and it is about its benefits during pregnancy that will be discussed further.

In contact with

The answer to the question posed: is it possible to practice yoga during pregnancy, can only be given by a gynecologist who observes a woman in labor during pregnancy and a qualified yoga trainer, taking into account the entire structure of the patient's body, her state of health and existing contraindications.

In particular, there are such restrictions as:

  • problems with respiratory system and heart;
  • anemia and diagnosed or;
  • fetal presentation and established multiple pregnancy;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • hypertension and the threat of miscarriage;
  • yoga should be treated with caution in case of vaginal bleeding and late toxicosis, uterine hypertonicity;
  • with other contraindications established by the doctor.

It is worth noting that if yoga was practiced even when planning a pregnancy, then there should most likely not be such consequences.

Yoga for pregnant women in pictures:

Poses for expectant mothers are conventionally divided by practicing trainers into groups depending on the current trimester. It is clear that yoga for beginners, and even more so for pregnant women, is a small load. But in pregnant women, both at the beginning and at the end of gestation, the load should not affect overall well-being. And it’s better if a yoga trainer chooses a set of exercises for pregnant women.

About the dangers of bleeding and spotting during pregnancy for early dates: .

Yoga for pregnant women: reviews

Anna, 34 weeks
Personally, yoga for pregnant asanas gave me a great mood and well-being - the 9th month of the term has begun, but I don’t feel any particular difficulty. At the same time, even my husband noted that he expected whims and nervousness from me during pregnancy, but this was not in sight - all thanks to group yoga classes. Recomend for everybody.

Vika 8th week of pregnancy
I really like to attend kundalini yoga classes for pregnant women, because I feel lighter, and it’s nice to communicate with future mothers like me who attend classes. This is a lot of positive and positive emotions - in the first weeks, the spine and lower back hurt wildly, but gradually relaxing postures and yoga exercises for pregnant women helped to remove it.

Julia, 5th month
I came to the center for yoga courses for pregnant women a little more than 2 months ago and I already feel how much easier and easier it has become for me to endure pregnancy. I work for enough nervous work, and yoga helps me relax, and this is very important for me and the baby - it appeared more strength and energy, I feel that the muscles have become more flexible. I think that the baby will begin to move already at 14-15 weeks and all this thanks to yoga.

Tanya, 8th month
From myself I can say that Iyengar yoga classes for pregnant women give me a lot of positive emotions and lightness in the body, there is a greater tone in the muscles, the spine does not ache so much. What is most important for me is that shortness of breath is gone, and thanks to special respiratory yoga for pregnant women, it is possible to overcome toxicosis.

Summing up, we can summarize only one thing - yoga is beneficial and useful for pregnant women. The main thing is to do everything under the supervision of a doctor and an experienced trainer - this will bring more benefits and help you to endure such a difficult and responsible period in a woman's life as pregnancy.

The answer to the question: is it possible to do yoga during pregnancy on the video:

In contact with

Yoga during pregnancy can work wonders for a woman's health with the right selection of exercises and postures. It allows you to gently stretch and take control of all parts of the body. Yoga asanas for pregnant women are a gentle way to lead active image life and gain flexibility. The result is a healthy pregnancy, lungs natural childbirth and fast recovery after them.

Yoga offers five useful tools for pregnant women:

  1. Exercises. They gently affect the genitals and pelvic organs, which provides healthy pregnancy, optimal supply of blood and nutrients to the fetus and relatively easy delivery.
  2. Breathing or Pranayama. Provides enhanced oxygen supply and increases the vitality of the woman and the unborn child.
  3. Mudras and Bandhas designed to awaken inner energy. These postures contribute to psychophysical stimulation and normalization of the organs and systems of the body.
  4. Meditation. This form of yoga will help get rid of the deepest psychological problems-, anxiety and conflicts, which for many pregnant women already in the early stages grow to the level of neuroses. Meditation allows you to look into yourself and gain a strong spiritual connection with the child.
  5. Deep relaxation - yoga nidra (sleep of yogis). It is effective for physical and mental relaxation, as well as for preparing for the birth of a child. Relaxation is relieved due to fluid retention and sometimes appearing in recent months.

Together, they work wonders on a physiological and psychological level. So why is yoga good for pregnant women?

It provides:

  • increase energy levels, reduce stress, restore calm and composure;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • reduction, morning sickness and mood swings;
  • relaxation of the cervix and birth canal, opening the pelvis to facilitate contractions and childbirth;
  • sufficient, but not tiring physical activity for easy falling asleep and sound sleep;
  • reduced risk of development and;
  • strengthening and stretching of the muscles, which avoids or the pelvis, often encountered during pregnancy, as well as facilitate and speed up the process of childbirth;
  • quick recovery after childbirth;
  • the opportunity to communicate with other expectant mothers with similar views and lifestyles.

For pregnant women, in the absence of contraindications, gynecologists recommend 20 to 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise daily. Yoga is an excellent choice for early and late pregnancy later dates.

Yoga Rules

Can pregnant women do yoga? Many women during pregnancy find that this is the ideal form of exercise in their condition. Those who are well acquainted with asanas will be happy to know that they can be performed while expecting a child.

However, prenatal yoga is slightly different from regular yoga, primarily by some limitations in postures and intensity:

  1. Deep forward bends, even if the stomach is small and allows it, lead to compression blood vessels and nerves that go to the uterus, but postures in which the body and legs form a right or obtuse angle are quite acceptable. Strong twists and folds can also disrupt blood and lymph circulation.
  2. For pregnant women, prolonged lying on their backs, which some yoga poses involve, during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters causes the pressure of the weight of the uterus to interfere with nutrients to the fetus, it can also aggravate lower back pain, and raise blood pressure.
  3. Postures that require you to stand upside down increase your risk of falls and injury because the weight of your belly changes the balance of your body. In addition, before childbirth, a child is considered normal, and inverted asanas can “confuse” and make him turn to the birth canal.
  4. For pregnant women, yoga asanas that involve the press, especially the oblique muscles, are not recommended. Excessive strengthening of these muscles leads to the fact that they pull the rectus abdominis muscles towards themselves, causing diastasis - the divergence of the muscle fibers of the rectus muscle. Extreme arching in the back, especially for beginners, can also lead to diastasis.
  5. Bikram "hot" yoga involves doing exercises in a room with a temperature of 38 to 43 ° C. It threatens pregnant women with hyperthermia, dehydration and increased blood pressure.
  6. The presence of the hormone relaxin can make you feel more flexible, especially in the 1st trimester when your belly isn't in the way yet, but careless stretching while doing pregnancy yoga can destabilize your joints and ligaments.

Pregnancy is not the time when you need to go to new yoga achievements. During this period, exercises are aimed at maintaining flexibility, relieving pain, reducing anxiety, and communicating with the child. Feel free to take breaks during classes to rest, trust your own feelings and instincts when performing asanas.

Most simple exercises yoga for pregnant women can be done at home using books or instructions from the Internet, but only in classes with a professional instructor will you be sure of the correct movements and postures.


Contraindications to yoga are the same as for all forms of physical activity for pregnant women:

  • elevated;
  • preeclampsia ();
  • bloody issues;

In addition, physical activity should be avoided recent weeks to avoid . When practicing yoga for pregnant women, you should perform only the simplest sets of exercises and devote more time to relaxation and breathing.

Let's see what asanas are allowed for pregnant women at different times.

1 trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, in the absence of contraindications, a woman is able to do basic yoga poses, but it is important to listen to her own feelings and condition, resting if necessary. Here are some yoga poses for early pregnancy.

Purna Titali Asana (Full Butterfly Pose)

Sitting with your legs extended, bend your knees and bring the soles together, keeping your heels as close to your body as possible. Relax completely inner surface hips. Grab your knees with your hands.

Effortlessly move your knees up and down, using your elbows as levers. Repeat 20-30 times.

Chakki Chalana (millstone rotation)

Sit with your legs stretched forward and spreading them at a distance of 30-50 cm between the feet. Hold the joined fingers of both hands in front of the chest. Move your hands in a circular path between your toes, trying to reach them - first moving back and forth along the lower semicircle, and then along the upper one. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Tadasana (mountain pose)

Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Raise them above your head, interlock your fingers, and then turn your palms up. Inhale and stretch your arms, shoulders and chest up. Rise on your tiptoes and stretch your entire body up. As you exhale, lower yourself onto your heels and move your hands to upper part heads. Rest for a few seconds and repeat 5-10 times.

2 trimester

During the 2nd trimester, yoga poses for pregnant women may be as follows.

Meru Akarshanasana (Spine Curvature Pose)

Lie on the right side of your body with your legs straight. Bend your right arm, place your elbow on the floor, and support your head with your palm. Place left hand on the left thigh. Raise left leg as high as possible, and wrap your hand around her thumb. Roll over to the other side and repeat.

Hasta Uttanasana (arms outstretched pose)

Stand with your feet together, hands at your sides. Raise and cross your arms in front of you. Inhale and slowly raise your arms above your head, keeping them crossed. At the same time, raise your head, following your hands with your eyes.

Exhale and spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level. Inhale and re-cross your arms above your head. Exhale and lower your arms straight down at the front of your body.

Ardha Titali Asana (half butterfly pose)

Sit with your legs extended forward. Bend your right leg and place your foot on your left thigh as high as you can. Place your right hand on bent knee, and with the left hold the toes of the right foot.

As you inhale, move your bent knee up with your hand, as you exhale, move it down to the floor. Slowly repeat 10 up and down movements with each leg. Don't stress.

3rd trimester

Yoga exercises for pregnant women during the 3rd trimester should be especially gentle and unhurried.

Marjari Asana (cat)

Sit with your buttocks on your heels. Raise your buttocks and kneel. Lean forward and place your hands on the floor - this is the starting position. Inhale as you lift your head and arch your spine down. Exhale as you lower your head and arch your spine up. At the end of the exhalation, tighten your stomach and tighten your buttocks. The head should be between the arms, facing the hips. Repeat 5-10 times.

Vajrasana (diamond pose)

Get on your knees. thumbs connect the legs, and spread the heels to the sides. Lower your buttocks to your feet and place your hands on your knees, palms down. The back and head should be kept straight, but not strained.

Bhadrasana (beneficial posture)

Sit in vajrasana (above). Spread your knees as far as possible, keeping your toes in contact with the floor. Spread your feet out to the sides so that your buttocks touch the floor.

In the absence of contraindications, moderate physical exercise provide a healthy pregnancy, help to keep fit and relieve psychological stress. Yoga is the perfect combination of stretching and strengthening muscles, breathing and relaxation that bring awareness and understanding of how the body changes during pregnancy. Plus, it's a great way to connect with your child and connect with like-minded people.

Useful video about yoga for pregnant women


Hold on tight to your yoga mats because in this video, a woman at 39 weeks pregnant is doing exercises that are hard to do even without a baby in her belly. Incredible backbends, turns, handstands and forearms: how did she cope with such a load, and most importantly, is it safe for the child?

The woman in the video must have gained a lot of experience in yoga even before she became pregnant. Doctors say that it is not forbidden to exercise as long as it does not harm you and your baby. Yoga is a great way to keep your body flexible and your mind calm. But some asanas (body positions) are too dangerous for pregnant women, just like hot bikram yoga, which can lead to or.

Yoga develops not only the body: the set of techniques also includes proper breathing, nutrition and meditation. By itself, exercise will not bring the desired result.

Yoga instructors also recommend that beginner pregnant women avoid balancing and flipping due to the risk of falling: extra weight stomach makes it difficult to balance. But this woman looks incredibly strong and able to keep her body under control. What is her secret?

Expert opinion

Susan Kline Luce, yoga instructor for pregnancy and doula (birth assistant), shares her thoughts on this video with Popsugar magazine: “All these positions are not new to her, so I can’t say that they are all unambiguously harmful. Clearly, her pregnancy is progressing without any physical disturbance."

Susan also notes that the main cause for concern is the overstrain of the abdominal muscles, which are already under enormous stress in late pregnancy. Such exercises can cause back pain, an umbilical hernia, or even complications during childbirth. That is why during pregnancy, twisting, stretching the abdominal muscles and lifting weights should be avoided.

It should be borne in mind that during pregnancy, the ovaries and placenta of a woman produce the hormone relaxin. Its function is to relax the ligaments pelvic bones, allowing a woman's body to "open up" during childbirth. Such relaxation can lead to loose joints and make it difficult for the expectant mother to maintain balance during exercise.

According to statistics, women who practice yoga during pregnancy are less likely to have a vaginal rupture during childbirth. It is also easier for them to accept comfortable posture and learn how to breathe properly.

Is the child in danger?

But the main question that arises after watching the video is: what about the child? It is difficult to say whether such yoga can harm him. Susan says that she does not recommend such exercises to patients, because in late pregnancy it is better to devote yourself to relaxation and carefully guard your body. However, all people are different: some women are able to lift weights and run marathons during pregnancy, while others already at 3 months feel completely overwhelmed and stiff due to anemia or toxicosis. If the doctor gives green light for yoga, and the safety of the baby is under strict control, the mother can do as she sees fit.

Maria Nitkina