Turn on the interior light. Technique Interior light

  • The date: 24.09.2019

Who among us does not admire people from whom a sea of ​​charm, warmth and magnetism emanates? They are loved, they are always welcome, they are expected everywhere. Most often, they achieve a lot in life, and it is thanks to charm. We have all heard such an expression as “he literally glows”, or “he has radiant eyes”, or “a radiant smile”. Such a person is always very attractive. And it does not depend on whether he has a beautiful appearance. It seems to glow from within, attracting light and love to itself in return.

Of course, there are people to whom the gift of charm is given by nature. However, this is not the case for everyone. It will be about how to develop this quality yourself, with the help of special equipment and hard work. Each person can, if desired, turn on his inner light, radiating heat. Moreover, we all do just that, instinctively, subconsciously, in the moments when we are happy.

What's stopping you from always being like this? The technique outlined below will help everyone not only be more attractive and successful, but also feel happy more often.

Technique “Inner Light”

Imagine that a candle, a flame, the sun is burning inside you. The image can be whatever you like. It is a source of light, warmth and love. It is in your chest and its light penetrates into every cell of your body, and breaks out, penetrating and illuminating everything around, filling it with a rainbow glow. This source of heat and light is yourself. You illuminate everything around and warm.

Imagine this as clearly as you can. Remember your feelings in moments of happiness, success. When someone shows interest in you, shows affection, sympathy, confesses his love. Remember moments of joy. This will help you get in the right mood. Try to do this exercise several times a day. Gradually, you will notice internal changes when you turn on your inner light - you will begin to feel like a calmer, more harmonious and happy person. The energy of love, joy and kindness will emanate from you. Remember your happy states and mentally turn on the inner light just like that, for no reason. At the same time, a light, relaxed, happy smile will appear on your lips by itself.

Gradually, this state will begin to come to you by itself, naturally, easily and naturally. This inner glow, ideally, should become natural in any situation. Let it not go out even when you are alone with yourself. It should become your habit. And don't be discouraged that this isn't always possible. The more you practice, the better the result will be. Gradually perseverance will take its toll. Use this technique whenever you interact with people. Whatever it is, turn on the inner light. Do not doubt its necessity. He will never hurt.

Just give this light to others and to the whole world. You will begin to change inside, and happy events will begin to be attracted to you. And it is you, it is you, who will create an atmosphere of goodness and light for them. Because the detailed attracts the like.

Technique for cleansing and recharging energy when you feel bad

It also happens that sometimes we are so out of breath that we do not feel any strength. This is especially true when we are very upset about something, or are under stress, or are just tired, or sick. Then it can be difficult to imagine an inner glow, as if there is not enough energy inside for this.

But in this case, there is a way out! First, take a shower and wash off all negative energy that caused this condition. And, standing under the shower, close your eyes and mentally imagine that the drops, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, pour on you not from the shower, but directly from the sky, and the light from the light bulb in the bathroom is the light of the sun (it is better to make the water temperature a little warmer body temperature or even lower).

Imagine that a magical stream from heaven washes you, penetrates into every cell of yours and washes away all negative energy and heartache takes away fatigue. All the negative from your body along with the water is carried down, flowing into the water supply. Someone will even see the color of this dirty water(usually it appears dark in color).

Then imagine that along with the drops, the Universe itself sends you life-giving energy, charging you with powerful life force. You yourself will not notice how at this moment you will feel happy, you will feel a taste for life and involuntarily smile. After a shower, imagine that a bright white light is coming from the sky, penetrating you through and through. It goes through your body and energizes you. And then it goes outside. Thus, you yourself become a source of light and are full of strength again.

By healing and transforming ourselves, we heal and transform the world.

Do conflict situations often happen to you? Or do you have to observe conflicts? Don't understand why the people in your reality can't get along?

You probably guessed that this does not just happen. This is an indicator of your internal conflict - you do not accept or even ignore some part of yourself. And this unacceptable part is trying to get your attention.

I suggest you also try another effective method to achieve inner harmony. This is a wonderful practice to turn on your Inner Light.

What will this practice give you?

  • Reconnecting with your inner source of love and light.
  • Great relaxation and a sense of complete security.
  • Self acceptance and feeling whole.
  • Feeling of joy and happiness.
  • Recognizing yourself as worthy of all the very best.

Practice "Turn On Your Inner Light"

Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Take a few breaths in and out through the heart center. Ascend to the seventh plane of existence. Dissolve into the pearly white light of the Creator. Immerse yourself in THETA MEDITATION

Now take a look inside yourself. You can imagine your interior space as a house with many different rooms. Or you will come up with some kind of your own image.

Take a close look at your interior space. Find the switch button in it, by pressing which you can easily turn on the light inside yourself. Feel how every cell in your body begins to glow. What do you feel now? Write about your feelings in the comments to this article.

We turn on the Inner Light of the people around us

By turning on your Inner Light, you can easily turn on this light in other people. Only by fully accepting yourself are you able to accept others without judgment, and thus activate their own light.

Imagine your figure loved one, relative or friend. Look at it with an inner eye. In what area of ​​his body do you feel that switch? Did you feel? Turn on his Inner Light. How is his condition changing? That's right - it is filled with joy and love.

As often as possible, remember your Inner Light, concentrate on it, and at the same time listen to the sensations in the body. You will feel that the body relaxes, a smile appears on your face, every cell is filled with joy.

If at these moments there are people next to you, they will feel affection and sympathy for you. And all because others feel the light that you give to the world.

And one more nice bonus of this practice is that by radiating love and light, you increase the frequency of your vibrations, and, therefore, attract well-being and prosperity to yourself.

With love to you!

Dear friends.

Why do people spend so much time

in front of TVs, computer screens?

Just because they need to live light, and even dim electric light is better than complete darkness or loneliness of the soul.

Man needs light just like a plant needs sun and water to survive.

Light is a form of energy that nourishes and animates our entire being.

This light, energy, the source of all life. This is electricity that freely passes through your internal circuits: synapses, meridians, chakras, nourishing and restoring both the physical and energy bodies.

none creature cannot live without light. That's why you spend so much of your life trying to get this light, to own it and store it in every cell. Like sunflowers in summer, you are constantly turning to follow the sun, constantly looking for the slightest ray of sunshine in the sky.

However, it is so easy to find the light in yourself: you just need to connect to your inner sun, the light of Divine love that lives in your entire being.

Many of you have forgotten that they themselves are light. They do not know how to ignite the inner fire, and they have to compensate for it through external resources.

Are you one of those who are looking for a particle of light in the eyes of everyone they meet, trying to quench their thirst, like a person lost in the desert? Like a child catch proud parental view spend your life trying to find that spark of approval and love of loved ones to soothe your lonely soul?

If you are trying to feed yourself on the admiration and recognition of others, or expecting that when you achieve something, they will give you a moment of their attention, you are predominantly directed outward.

You have programmed yourself that if you do something special, you will be rewarded with the adoration of others and, as if a ray of sunshine will illuminate your inner sky for a brief moment.

Ask yourself: what if all these games of power, war and control, so common on this planet, are nothing but a reflection of the great need of each person to receive energy from others?

It doesn't really matter if the energy is positive or negative, as long as you are saturated with it even for a brief moment. This is how the world works. You think that you are nothing but a light "vacuum", always in search of energy, ready to drink it to the bottom from those around you - with or without their consent.

And what's worse, if you can't get the attention of your fellows, any source of light will do.

Like moths flying to a fire, you gather around luminous screens of all kinds of all forms, giving off pale reflections day and night, keeping you in the illusion that you are one with the light of others.

But if you cannot illuminate your whole being, if your eyes can only catch a few faint beams of light, it will give the brain a momentary illusion that you are replenished.

Which one of you can spend a day without checking email? How many of you, returning from work, do not sit down in front of the TV to “relax”?

Why are you satisfied with an illusion when you can taste the real light, the light that illuminates and transforms your whole being?

Since time immemorial, all civilizations have taught people how to gain access to this boundless inner light. Through meditation, prayer, yoga, qigong, it is easy to find an inner peace that allows the flow of light to flow into you, because this light is always there.

You know it and have always known it. The sacred fire vibrates throughout your being, and you sometimes open access to it in brief moments of love, sexual or mystical ecstasy.

Imagine if you could recreate it at will through very simple breathing exercises and meditation.

Would you like to find the light, to receive it at any moment? Do you want to have perfect health and live happily ever after in peace with yourself?

You can achieve this by bringing together different aspects of yourself. Focus on your inner sun, at the level of your heart, and breathe deeply while imagining the light energy rising and intensifying until it completely embraces you.

If you reconnect with your inner light and increase your energy, you will no longer be a "vacuum" of light, but a carrier of light. Those who transmit Divine fire, not those who store it.

You just need to remember who you are.

You are energy.

You are love.

Love remains the best remedy integration of inner light.

The more you love and accept yourself as you are, the more your inner light grows and shines in and around you.

Say yes to the wonderful being that you are. Breathe deeply and watch the energy grow and fill your body and mind with life. Allow your inner sun to warm and illuminate your entire being. Connect with the Universe, with the Earth and with all living things.

Without complexes!

A long nose, a roundish face, a heavy chin... We are not always able to be calm about the unloved details of our appearance. Psychotherapist Michel Freud offers several simple exercises that will help you make peace with your appearance.

So nature wanted it, why is not our business, why is it not for us to judge ... ”How rarely do we manage to take such a philosophical attitude to our appearance! We look in the mirror meticulously and mercilessly, showing no mercy for the slightest flaws. However, it must be admitted that such a strict view is supported by today's standards of life in our society, focused on success. Irreproachable appearance we perceive as evidence of well-being, and numerous prescriptions for how to look, make us constantly be dissatisfied with our own appearance.

This applies to almost everyone - both men and women, and at any age. But there are those among us who see themselves only through the distorted prism of exaggerated shortcomings. In this case, we can talk about dysmorphophobia, a painful conviction in the imaginary shortcomings of your “Body” and fixation on them. American psychologist Kristin Neff notes that we are much more forgiving of others than we are of ourselves*. She finds a cultural and sociological explanation for this fact: condescension and sympathy in modern society are perceived more as a weakness, and self-criticism as one of the ways to achieve success in life.

In fact, we should turn on ourselves the same benevolent look with which we look at our loved ones. This is The best way help yourself. Treat yourself with motherly love, be more fair to yourself - this can be learned, psychotherapist Michel Freud assures us. You can make peace with your face and body ... and finally start to like yourself.

Reclaim your face

“Looking in the mirror, I no longer recognize myself in my reflection. My face doesn't look like me, it's not me anymore"

We cannot but grieve the appearance of wrinkles, but it is even more difficult to get used to the fact that for some time now the image that appears before us in the mirror has become less and less consistent with our inner self-image. It seems to us that our face no longer reflects our inner essence, does not correspond to our feelings and thoughts. Let's try to feel it again.

Straightening smile. Sit comfortably in a chair, breathe calmly. Focus all your attention on your face. Inhale through the nose, clench your jaws; exhale and release them. Then inhale through your mouth, articulating the sound "o", exhale and relax your face. Now inhale, making the sound “and” with your lips. Exhale. Your face is even more relaxed. Gently move your lower jaw to the right and left. Your lips at the same time involuntarily open and close, the tongue is not tense. The lips are also completely relaxed, and a slight smile appears on the face.

Inner Light. Think about your face, about every cell of it, touch it with your fingers as if it were a shrine, as if you had discovered it for yourself for the first time. Slowly tune in to "communicate" with him. Imagine that you are applying your favorite cream with special attention: swipe over each hollow, feel how it gently penetrates into each crease - on the forehead, along the contour of the eyes, at the wings of the nose, around the mouth ...

Experience the feeling of comfort and pleasure that these movements bring to you. You feel your skin getting softer, smoother... from within. Now imagine your face and mentally send him a smile. Do the same for each part of it: the forehead, the contours of the eyes, the eyes themselves, lips, cheeks, wrinkles ... Each time you inhale and exhale, mentally address them with a radiant smile coming from within and illuminating your entire face. Imagine a halo around him soft light. It clears up and illuminates. Keep this light in you and remember it every time you look in the mirror.

Live in your body

“I don't like my body. It is ugly, I feel bad in it. I should go in for sports, but I can’t.”

The less contact we have with our body, the more scathingly we look at it. Such a look, picking out individual fragments, creates a distorted view of the whole. We stop feeling our body, its emotions. The purpose of this exercise, as Michel Freud explains, is to replace "the body we have" with "the body we are". “To do this, you need to abandon the usual meticulously hostile look at your body - after all, this is not potter's clay, from which you can sculpt whatever you want! We must first learn to be attentive to what we feel.”

Conscious sensations. “If you establish a close relationship with your body, listen to its signals and messages, take care and care for it, then your perception will change in an amazing way, and the body too,” says Michel Freud. This is an exercise in awareness. Start with the shower: feel the water flowing through the body, caressing and pacifying it. Choose a cream whose texture and smell is very pleasant to you, and massage your body, especially those places that you least like. Pay attention to your movements, sensations and emotions.

Finding roots. “The stooped back, intertwined arms and legs create the impression of isolation, withdrawal into oneself. Good posture helps us to feel better in our body and gives us a favorable image of ourselves,” notes Michel Freud. Stand up straight, close your eyes, face relaxed, shoulders down. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees not tense and slightly bent. Spine in natural position: chin, solar plexus and the lower abdomen are on the same line. Fix this position; feel confident and comfortable, feel your fulcrum. With each breath, visualize the beneficial energy rising through your body. As you exhale, try to hold these sensations. Do the exercise regularly (it will take no more than five minutes), and you will feel new strength in yourself.

Dialogue with yourself. Lie down, stretch and relax. Ask yourself, "How do I feel right now?" Listen to your body with each inhalation and exhalation; feel how it lives and moves... And each time notice positive effect: relaxation, feeling of comfort, peace. Neutralize obsessions

"I can't stand my long nose... my thighs are too full... Those creepy circles under my eyes..."

The reason for such a fixation on a physical defect in most cases is the experience experienced in childhood suffering when the child lacked the loving gaze of the parents, instilling confidence in him - explains Michel Freud. Special exercises can help us come to terms with those parts of the body that we hate. But sometimes the degree of dissatisfaction with ourselves is such that it simply does not give us a chance to feel happy. In this case, a conversation with a psychotherapist can help us.

A benevolent look. Pick a few photos that you like about yourself. On a piece of paper, draw two columns: “What I like about myself” and “What I don’t like about myself.” Sit down, straighten your back, and think about your lack of appearance (say, the circles under your eyes that upset you so much), and then associate it with what you like about yourself - with the eyes themselves, for example. Think about their color, their shape, touch them (through the eyelids), remember the compliments they were once given. Concentrate and try to feel the pleasant effect that these kind remarks have on you. Fix this feeling in your memory by associating it with some kind of gesture, for example, connecting the tips of the big and index finger. Do this exercise four times in a row. Then again think about your shortcoming and, again squeezing the tips of your thumb and forefinger, recall positive sensations and images to your memory.

Repeat this sequence of actions until you finally stop at the features of your appearance that you like. Now, whenever you remember your shortcoming, it will be enough for you to squeeze the tips of your thumb and forefinger, and details that please you will appear in your imagination.

Turn on the interior light

“I feel insecure in public ... It seems to me that they are not interested in me and I don’t attract them at all ... You can’t say about me: this is a person ...”

“She enters and everything seems to be illumined”, “he exudes benevolence” ... Some people really radiate a special light that is noticeable on their faces, felt in their gait and attracts glances. To achieve such an infectious sense of inner well-being, one must begin with taking care of one's appearance and especially one's bodily behavior. “People who are self-confident, hold themselves upright, carry their heads high, smile and look the interlocutor in the eye. Why not adopt this manner? Michel Freud suggests. You can think of those of your acquaintances whose free and confident manner of bearing you admire, and imitate them.

Creative visualization. Imagine, as if in a movie, a situation where someone looks at you with admiration and compliments you. Then imagine everyone else joining in and adding something different (keep doing the exercise even if it confuses you and makes you feel uncomfortable). Consider this scene carefully. Play this movie for yourself regularly in order to experience all the sensations associated with it again and again.

Inner travel. Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Take a few very deep breaths in and out; let your body relax completely. Linger on this pleasant feeling. Now imagine a journey within yourself, during which you can reach the source of what you will call "radiance." It can take on any form - be a cascade of light, warm sunbeams, - most importantly, it must inspire complete confidence in you, since we are talking about your own inner radiance. Submit to it, follow it, to feel the energy that comes from you and illuminates your entire being. Take a deep, deep breath and feel it even more. From now on, whenever you need to "shine", it is enough to remember and apply deep breathing inspiring confidence and energy.

Every time you are about to enter into communication with any person, imagine that a soft warm light is shining inside you. And the eyes give off a warm glow, like a light bulb is on in your head.

In order to be able to pick up the keys to any person and establish contact, first of all, you yourself must be ready for this contact. Remaining internally closed, wary and unsociable, one can hardly count on the success of communication. This does not mean that you need to open your soul to every first person you meet, trust everyone indiscriminately and let anyone into your life. The task is different - while remaining yourself, preserving the inviolability of the boundaries of your life territory, learn to create for yourself and the other comfortable environment most conducive to communication. To do this, you only have to practice a little in creating an appropriate internal mood and learn the secrets of effective interaction with other people.

Get benefits at the very beginning of communication

Pay attention to what kind of people everyone is unconsciously drawn to without exception. To those that seem to radiate heat and light. This can be learned.

And at the same time, it is not at all necessary to constantly smile and portray hospitality on your face.

When a small flashlight seems to be burning inside you, even people who do not know you instantly feel that you are a person who is open to communication and friendly, that communicating with you, firstly, is pleasant, and secondly, it is safe. Thus, you immediately remove barriers and wariness between you and the interlocutor. We can say that you are already helping him to get rid of tension, relax and calmly, with confidence, perceive what you say. Do you feel what advantages it gives you at the very beginning of the contact?

Be open yet protected

The main thing is to kindle this inner light consciously, learn to control it. Then your goodwill, openness and inner warmth in communication will be your strong point and will never turn into your vulnerability. Many want to take advantage of an open and benevolent person, mistaking his openness for weakness. If you manage your inner state, control yourself, then your inner light will not at all prevent you from standing up for yourself if necessary, but, on the contrary, will only help in this. Because such an inner glow, in addition to everything else, also protects you from unwanted influences. With a little practice, you will notice that your inner light allows you to maintain not only a great mood in any situation, but also a sober, clear head that will accurately tell you how to direct the dialogue in the right direction.


Practice on your own first. Imagine that your eyes are like light bulbs emitting light. Look at the world around you with such eyes. Try not to “stretch” a smile and generally maintain a normal facial expression. If a smile arises by itself - allow it to arise, but only if it happens completely naturally, without the control of your will.

Then imagine that the light fills your entire body. Now the rays of light come not only from the eyes, but also from the heart. Hold this state for as long as you can.

When you can do this easily enough, practice turning on the interior light somewhere in a crowded place, such as on the street or in transport. See if it changes how other people react to you.

Try to kindle the inner light and, keeping it, speak to some a stranger- a saleswoman, a minibus driver or a passer-by (who can ask about the time or clarify the route of your movement). Remember: you do not need to demonstrate anything on purpose, you do not need to try to give your face a friendly expression, and your voice - ingratiating intonations. All you need is to kindle the inner light.

Make it a rule to turn on the inner light in any situation when you have to communicate with others. Over time, this will begin to work out for you automatically. Do not be surprised if very soon the people with whom you communicate begin to speak of you as a very good, pleasant person who is surprisingly accommodating.