Abstract for the application "migratory and wintering birds". Kindergarten bird applique

  • Date: 13.10.2019

Summary of the lesson on the volumetric application "Fairy bird"


Acquaintance with the technique of symmetrical, silhouette cutting, using various methods of attaching material to the background, to obtain a volumetric applique.


To make a product using the technique of volumetric applique "Fairy Bird", conveying its originality and brightness, using decorative elements.

To acquaint students with the technique of volumetric applique. Develop imaginative thinking, creativity, fine motor skills of hands.

To cultivate independence, benevolence, perseverance.

Material and equipment:

Colored cardboard, strips of colored paper, glue, brush, scissors, napkins.

Russian teacher's story folk tales"The Firebird", PP Ershova "The Little Humpbacked Horse".

The course of the lesson.

Organizing time.

Introductory conversation. People believe that there is a bird in the world that brings happiness on its wings, bright and joyful as its unique beauty tail. What do you think it looks like? Close your eyes and imagine your fairy bird. What do you see? Describe (children's responses).

I suggest you make an applique " fairy bird ».

You guys rightly pointed out that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot in common. All birds, both fabulous and real, have the same body parts (torso, head, tail, etc.). 3. Explanation of the task.

We will glue the bird's body to the sheet. So we get not a flat, but a three-dimensional image, which will give our bird liveliness. The bird bowed its head importantly and it seems that it is about to come off the leaf and fly away.


Birds jump, fly (Children jump)
The birds collect the crumbs. ("Peck")
Peeled the feathers
Beaks cleaned (depict)
Birds fly, sing (wave their hands)
The grains peck (bend over)
We flew further
And they sat down in place (fly away, sit down)

- NowUSremainssupplementimage. And the main decoration of any magical, fabulous bird is its tail. How you portray it depends on your intention. Selection of colors, their combination; the shape of the feathers and the decoration of the bird are all your desire. Each will have their own, unique fabulous bird. The more unusual and interesting the bird is, the more joy and happiness it will bring.

4. Independent creative activity of children.

5. Organization of the exhibition.

Guys, we've got a whole flock of fabulous birds. Let's look at the birds, admire them.

6. Consideration and analysis of children's work.

Guys, a fabulous bird carries good luck in business, joy, peace in the house on its wings - all the best. You can present it to anyone you want. It is no coincidence that it is sung in one wonderful song:

We wish you happiness,

Happiness in this big world.

Like the sun in the morning

Let it go into the house.

We wish you happiness,

And it should be like this -

When you are happy yourself

Surprisingly, guys, the more we give happiness to others, the more it becomes with us. Who do you want to give your bird, with whom would you share your happiness? (children's answers).

Master class on creating a postcard on the theme "Autumn Birds" with children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

The author of the work: Bolotnikova Polina, pupil of the middle group in the MBDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 452" of the city district of Samara.
Supervisor: Lisova Maria Aleksandrovna, educator at MBDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 452" of the city district of Samara.
Work description. This master class includes photographs and text material, aimed at the development of preschool children educational institution... It includes a combination of design and applique at the same time. It can be used in the educational process of both school and kindergarten.
Appointment. The work can be used in drawing classes, you can decorate an exhibition of works on an autumn theme, use it as a gift.

Target: familiarization of pupils with the technology of creating a postcard for the autumn holiday
GCD tasks:
- to acquaint children with the technology of creating a postcard for the Autumn holiday;
-be able to portray on a plane;
- learn to distinguish colors;
- be able to use brushes, paints, felt-tip pen.
- develop observation, the ability to reason, discuss, analyze, perform work based on drawings, diagrams and instruction cards;
- to teach to use their knowledge and skills in new situations, to draw analogies;
- develop artistic ability.
- foster interest in the subject;
- to educate accuracy, independence;

Foster a love of work.
Resources: white A4 sheet, paints, brushes, black felt-tip pen, pencil, orange paper, scissors, glue.

The teacher invites the children to guess what the topic of the GCD class will be. To do this, he includes a piece of music "Hello Autumn!" (Music - Y. Slonov, lyrics - V. Maslov).
Educator: Guys, what do you think this song is about?
Pupils: This song is about autumn.
Educator: Right. Let's remember how the weather conditions change in the fall?
The teacher invites the children to look out the window: at the trees, at the sky.
Pupils: It gets colder in autumn, drizzling rain in autumn.
Educator: But now it is not so cold yet: the sun is shining, but it is already getting chilly. And in the fall, birds fly south, but not all. For example, the following birds do not fly south in autumn and winter: bullfinch, crossbill, goldfinch, siskin, dove.
We will draw birds like pigeons with you.
What do you know about pigeons?
Pupils: Pigeons are wild and domestic. They have different colors: white, black, variegated. Pigeons used to deliver mail to people.
Educator: Did you know that pigeons love their chicks very much, feed them, watch them and warm them in such cold weather. Let's draw a mother pigeon and a chick, which she warms with her warmth.
The teacher creates all the conditions aimed at the active production of postcards by children, explains step by step actions in the work that the pupils repeat.
1. Take a piece of white paper and fold it in half.
2. Lay the sheet horizontally so that the card can be opened.
3. Attach the Large Mother Bird Template to the right side of the card half and trace with a simple pencil.

4. Now attach the chick template so that it is next to the mother. So that the outline of the chick's template matches the outlined outline. And circle the missing outline with a simple pencil.

5. In the background (behind the birds) draw a clearing. To do this, simply draw a straight line above the middle of the sheet. We will have the sun in the upper left corner. To do this, simply trace the pattern along the contour and draw rays of the sun.

6. First, let's paint the background. Let's start painting the clearing in green color... So that the clearing is not too dark, we will take on the brush more water... Take a medium sized brush.

7. Now that the clearing has dried up. A little short of the horizon line, we begin to paint the sky. We will have it bright blue, for this we take more water on the brush.

8. Now that the background is dry, start painting the big mother bird orange.

9. Now paint the sun yellow and then the chick yellow.

10.Now we outline the sun along the contour, separate the clearing from the sky, draw the legs, draw the eyes and beak of the birds with a black felt-tip pen: the circles are the eyes, and the triangle is the beak. Trace the pattern and cut out the wings. We glue the wings: a smaller wing on the left side, a larger wing with right side... We glue, smearing the edges of the wings with glue a little. First we glue big wing, then a small one.

12. The postcard is almost ready. It remains to glue a wish, warming with warmth in such cold weather.
Autumn, autumn, wait!
And do not rush with the rains
Give us more summer
Sun and light (A. Teslenko)

Maria Yakovleva


To consolidate the idea of ​​their name, structural features, body shape;

Cultivate love and caring for birds;

To consolidate the ability to accurately use glue; -develop fine motor skills of the fingers; -to develop observation, attention; -exercise in the correct sound pronunciation. Equipment: template made of colored paper, body, wing, tail, beak, floor of the album sheet, brushes, glue, napkins. Image birds: tit, sparrow, woodpecker, crow, swallow. Singing audio recording birds... Stroke classes:

We will go on a trip to a forest glade. We will eat by car. How he beeps (Children enter group room in which the image is pre-attached birds)

Guess the riddle about the wintering birds!

Greenish back

Yellowish tummy,

Little black hat

And a strip of scarf.


Tits do not fly away to warm lands for the winter, but survive the winter, hiding in a hollow. In search of food, they fly to a person's dwelling. The titmouse feeds on plant seeds; they look for insects that have hidden in the crevices of houses and fences.

Guys, titmouses are ours faithful friends, they are of great benefit when they destroy harmful insects. But the trouble is, less and less birds arrives at our feeder, it became quiet and empty on our site. And without friends our titmouses became uncomfortable

II. Main part.

Educator: how to help the birds? (children's answers).

And now let's make friends for them out of paper together!

Name the body parts birds.

Children: body, wings, tail, head, beak, eyes.

Educator. What is the shape of the head birds?

Children: Round.

Educator: What is the shape of the titmouse's body?

Children: Oval.

Educator: What parts of the body are black?

Children: wing, tail, head.

Educator: What is the body color?

Children: yellow.

Educator: You have blanks on your tables for our parts. birds... First, from the yellow rectangle, rounding the corners, we cut out an oval. This will be the torso birds... Then from the black square, rounding the corners, we cut out a circle. This will be the titmouse's head. We will make the tail from a rectangle, cutting it in half, from corner to corner. Cut out a wing from the second black rectangle, cutting off the two lower corners. When the bird is ready, glue it on branch.

Physical education:

Birds jump, fly (Children are jumping)

The birds collect the crumbs. ( "Peck")

Peeled the feathers

The beaks were cleaned (depict)

Birds fly, sing (waving hands)

The grains are pecking (bend over)

And they sat down in place (fly away ", sit down) -Oh, how loudly they sang birds What do they want? I think I know. They invite us to play the game "Sparrows and the car" (the game)- Did you enjoy our trip? -It is time come back home: wave birds goodbye and get into the little car. -How does he honk? -BB, let's go!

Related publications:

Tasks: - to teach to work with various available materials; - develop creative imagination, fantasy; - cultivate perseverance.

Educational tasks: teach to transfer the image of a bird in applications, cut out in parts from colored paper, observing the relative size.

GCD theme: "Migratory birds". Educational area: cognition. Program area: formation of a holistic picture of the world. Tasks: create.

GCD summary for application in the senior group "Birds on branches" Tasks: Educational. Encourage children to create an expressive image of a titmouse and a sparrow by conveying characteristics structure, color ,.

Application "Birds Have Come to Us", with elements of drawing and origami of birds from waste material - candy wrappers. Objectives: -to teach children to compose.

Purpose of the lesson: To learn how to make the "Mushroom" application using colored napkins, by rolling balls out of them and sticking them onto the finished one.

Ninel Baranova
GCD summary for application in middle group"Migratory birds"

GCD summary for applications in the middle group on the topic« Migratory birds» .

Target: to consolidate in children knowledge about migratory birds.

Program tasks: be able to hand over each other's mood; be able to name birds; work carefully, without distraction; develop fine and general motor skills; coordination of speech with movement; bring up respectful relationship to nature, its inhabitants.

Materials and equipment: audio recording of P.I.Tchaikovsky's music album "Seasons"(excerpt "Lark); painting by M. Vrubel "Swan"; landscape sheet A-4 format beige, glue brush (glue stick); PVA glue, oilcloth, napkin; circles - blue, green, white flowers; voice recording birds(sounds like background); some chairs are arranged in a semicircle, others are at tables; tables.

Preliminary work: learning with children the poem by A.N. Plescheev "The grass is turning green ..."; viewing images migratory birds in books, drawings, postcards; watching over birds while walking; reading Russian folk tales from the cycle "Swan".

Chairs for children are arranged in a semicircle. To the music of P. Tchaikovsky "Lark" from the music album "Seasons" children go to their places

Educator: Hello children! Hello guests !. To make our meeting pleasant and kind, please accept comfortable posture, close your eyes - and think about the pleasant ... Open your eyes, smile at each other. let's try hand over mood for each other without words. I suggest you play a game "Touch":

Touch like a kitten with a paw ...

Touch like a gentle cloud ...

Touch as if you missed me very much ...

Touch as if it's a pity ...

Touch as if you want to make up ...


The swallow has come

Because of the white sea,

She sat down and sang:

"No matter how march you frown

Whether it be snow or rain-

Everything smells like spring "

Educator: oh what bird narrated in a poem?

Children: about the swallow.

Educator: What is it bird?

Children: Flight.

Educator: What migratory birds you know? Why are they called that? What else can you tell about birds?

(Estimated responses of children - swans, rooks, cranes, starlings, etc. they fly over from one place to another, they fly south; at birds two wings, one head, body covered with feathers, etc.)

Finger gymnastics "Starling"

The starling lives in the birdhouse

and a resounding song sings Ladoshki vertically to each other, press their little fingers (like a boat, thumbs bend inward

Educator: Did you know that all birds cry differently... I wonder if you can guess which the birds are screaming so:

Kurly-kurly (crane)

Ku-ku (cuckoo)

Educator: We sat down with you, let's pretend that we are beautiful, proud birds - swans... (multimedia presentation of the painting by M. Vrubel "Swan")

Speech development game with coordination movement:

Swans flew

All the people looked and walked in a circle, waving their hands, depicting the flight of a swan.

swans sat down

all the people were amazed.

We sat down and sat down. squat, lower their arms, fold them behind their backs like wings

soared, flew

flew, flew

they sang a song running in a circle, flapping their arms like wings.

Educator: They say the truth "The beauty of the desert is water, the beauty of water is swans"... Let's try to make a picture with you "Swan".

(Children pass over workplace where they lay out and paste their picture: blue circles - water; green - grass; white - swan).


See what beautiful swans you've got!

A swan floats along the river,

Above the shore, the little head bears.

Waving a white wing

He shakes off the water on the grass.

Related publications:

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Summary of the lesson on non-traditional techniques for the application "Birds on branches" (middle group) Objectives: - to teach children to make an application in the form of a bird; use in work watermelon seeds, peas, glue. - to consolidate the idea of ​​their name, structural features, body shape, wings, tail, distinctive features different types birds; -to cultivate love and caring attitude towards birds; - to consolidate the ability to accurately use glue; -to develop fine motor skills of the fingers. -to develop observation, attention; Equipment: a pattern made of colored paper, oilcloth, brushes, glue, watermelon seeds, peas, a twig with leaves, napkins. The image of birds on a twig.

Vocabulary: We will make an applique, we will make birds, plant on a twig, glue, a stencil, watermelon seeds, peas, what is it?

Course of the lesson: -We are going on a journey to a forest glade. We will eat by car. How does he honk? (Children enter the group room, in which the images of birds are attached in advance) -Listen, guys, who sings this so beautifully? (Birds) -Where did they hide? Let's find her and see what is the name of the bird that sings like that? This is a sparrow. A nimble bouncer. How does he tweet? Chick-chirp! -Look, guys, what is this bird? Where did she come from here? I think I know: this bird was made by children from another kindergarten and sent to the world to see. Really beautiful? (Showing a sample of the upcoming work) -Yes! - Do you want me to teach you how to make such beautiful birds. And when you do them, we will let them fly to other kindergartens to visit the children. -Let's first analyze what the bird will consist of. I will show and you will name the parts. - Head. -Which smoothly merges into the torso. - Wing. (why do you need a wing?) -Tail. (why do you need a ponytail?) -Eye. (why do you need an eye?) -Beak. (why do you need a beak?) - Now, show quietly how the birds fly. Birds flew, flew and quietly sat down at the tables so as not to make noise in the forest clearing. -Look at what lies in front of you on the table. - The body of your future bird. -Watermelon seeds

Pea Seeds - The first thing we do is glue the body and carefully glue the watermelon seeds onto the body of the bird. The bird's head is at the top, and the tail will be at the bottom. Then we glue the eye and beak. -Our birds are ready, let's put them on common tree and they will sing sonorous songs for us. -Oh, how loudly the birds sang, what do they want? I think I know. They invite us to play the game “Sparrows and the car.” (Game) - What have you learned to do in a forest clearing? - Did you like our trip? - It's time for us to return home: wave goodbye to the birds and get into the little car. -How does he honk? - Bi - bi, let's go !!

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“Application. A bird on a branch. "

Summary of a lesson on non-traditional techniques for the application "Birds on branches" (middle group)
-to teach children to make an applique in the form of a bird; use watermelon seeds, peas, glue in the work.
- to consolidate the idea of ​​their name, structural features, body shape, wings, tail, distinctive features of different types of birds;
-to cultivate love and caring attitude towards birds;
- to consolidate the ability to accurately use glue;
-to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
-to develop observation, attention;
Equipment: a template made of colored paper, oilcloth, brushes, glue, watermelon seeds, peas, a twig with leaves, napkins. The image of birds on a twig.

Vocabulary: We will make an applique, we will make birds, plant on a twig, glue, a stencil, watermelon seeds, peas, what is it?

Course of the lesson:
-We are going on a trip to a forest glade. We will eat by car. How does he honk? (Children's entrance to the group room, in which pictures of birds are attached in advance)
-Listen, guys, who sings so beautifully? (Birds)
-Where did they hide? Let's find her and see what is the name of the bird that sings like that? This is a sparrow. A nimble bouncer. How does he tweet? Chick-chirp!
-Look, guys, what is this bird? Where did she come from here? I think I know: this bird was made by children from another kindergarten and sent to the world to see. Really pretty? (Showing a sample of the work ahead)
- Do you want me to teach you how to make such beautiful birds. And when you do them, we will let them fly to other kindergartens to visit the children.
-Let's first analyze what the bird will consist of. I will show and you will name the parts.
- Head.
-Which smoothly merges into the torso.
- Wing. (why do you need a wing?)
-Tail. (why do we need a ponytail?)
-Eye. (why do we need an eye?)
-Beak. (why do you need a beak?)
- Now show me quietly how the birds fly. Birds flew, flew and quietly sat down at the tables so as not to make noise in the forest clearing.
-Look at what lies in front of you on the table.
- The body of your future bird.
-Watermelon seeds

Pea kernels
- The first thing we do is spread glue on the body and carefully glue the watermelon seeds on the body of the bird. The bird's head is at the top, and the tail will be at the bottom. Then we glue the eye and beak.
-Our birds are ready, let's plant them on a common tree, and they will sing sonorous songs for us.
-Oh, how loudly the birds sang, what do they want? I think I know. They invite us to play the game "Sparrows and the car". (Game)
- What have you learned to do in a forest clearing?
- Did you like our trip?
- It's time for us to return home: wave goodbye to the birds and get into the little car.
-How does he honk?
- Bi - bi, let's go !!