Do I need to drink hormonal pills. How are birth control pills taken? Does long-term use of hormonal contraceptives affect health?

  • Date: 30.04.2019

Fear of consuming hormonal drugs from unwanted pregnancy  from women passed from generation to generation. Such ladies forget that now in pharmacies you can buy oral contraceptives of the new generation, which give a minimal side effect.

Oral contraceptives are very effective and easy to use. Some hormonal drugs  possess healing properties  and can be assigned to girls who do not lead a regular sex life. Due to this, the lady can protect herself not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also to establish menstrual cycle.

Today, this symbol of female remission is suspected of increasing the risk of certain types of cancer. Despite the "lack of regular sexual activity," she never stopped her. Every day, Stephanie, still not 30 years old, takes her birth control pills. She started a little before finding the one that didn’t give her a headache, she was afraid of losing weight, losing her hair or getting acne - this happened to one of her friends. Finally, "I went through all of this," she says. Like millions of women aged 15 to 49, Stephanie absorbs her daily dose of synthetic hormones.

It is important to remember that the pills have contraindications. Women over 35 years old are best to switch to other methods of contraception, as well as women who suffer from diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, hypertension, thrombosis and thromboembolism. The question immediately arises, how long can you take birth control pills (contraceptives)?

Nothing to do with the first pills, ten times more concentrated, arrived in France forty years ago. She gave her a chest pain and wanted to vomit, but women still wanted her, ”recalls Elizabeth Obey, a gynecologist and president of the French Association of Contraception.

Since then, two generations of pills have followed, easier. Today, almost 60% of women take oral contraception. Some will remain faithful to him for many years, others will quickly leave him. If all hormonal tendency exists, reverse movement appears.

Is it possible to take long-lasting birth control pills?

When a woman exercises long reception  contraceptive pills and it is not available side effectsthen this option is quite acceptable. If there are no negative effects and medical contraindications due to deviations in the state of health, then it is possible to take one drug for several years. The main thing is not to forget to appear to the gynecologist every six months and once a year to the mammologist. Thus, you will always be aware of if there are any violations and will be able to undergo additional tests as needed. But if there is a constant change of some pills for others or a slight interruption in the intake, such contraception will only harm the female body.

This still seems timid, but recent epidemiological studies on French contraception have shown awe in the anti-pill. “This is the last thing, but we see that highly educated women refuse pills for condoms,” says Nat Halie Bajos, recognizing that it is still difficult to understand, for example, whether this use of condoms explains the desire to protect themselves from AIDS or the green evolution of contraception. . Marie says that she does not feel this and that "despite a few more important rules, this is absolute comfort, a secret stone."

It used to be that after 2 years of consuming hormonal contraceptives, you need to do 2-3 months of rest. These data are not supported by facts, and doctors strongly recommend that you continue to receive. When the body is already tuned to one type of drug and it is replaced by another, it causes the female body to adapt to the new medicine.

Detractors pill blame him for the fact that he is unsafe, if he was once forgotten; they put their extra pounds on their backs, water retention, blues, falling libido, the vagaries of their fertility when they decide to have a child. But most importantly, they fear that it will increase the risk of breast or ovarian cancer.

What are the risks associated with the pill?

They say that for small disorders this fear is not justified if the pills are well adapted, gynecologists say. The risk of cancer remains. In recent years, research has multiplied, is not similar and is very difficult to interpret. And he decided to classify oral contraceptives estrogen-progestin in the list of carcinogens. The minimum risk, compared with their reliability in terms of contraception and the consequences of unwanted pregnancy, objects to gynecological unions. According to her, there are not enough strong elements to give specific recommendations for use, as the agency could do to limit the duration hormonal treatment  menopause.

The main thing is that a woman can stop taking long pills when she wishes. After the cancellation of contraceptives, the probability of becoming pregnant increases significantly and may occur immediately or in the near future.

Side effects of long-term contraceptive use

Have contraceptives  There are various side effects. The most benign drugs include: Jess, Novinet.

Choose your contraceptive method

As for doctors, gynecologists continue to prescribe it for thirty years, if the woman is the applicant and shows no contraindications. Moreover, recent surveys, for example, conducted in Scotland and published in September in the British Medical Journal, do not hesitate to conclude that "oral contraception is not associated with an increased risk of developing cancer." According to her, there are still too few reliable studies that confirm the safety of the use of pills for breast cancer.

The drug Jes contains estrogen in small doses, like progestogen, drospirenone. Such a contraceptive can be taken for a long time, which increases its popularity. Tablets provide good protection and controlled menstruation, while body weight does not grow. Full adaptation of the body to the drug is achieved within 1-2 months.

It is known that the risk of breast cancer increases with duration and that it disappears ten years after stopping the pill. So what to do? Take a pill for a limited time? One thing is certain, that doctors abandoned the idea of ​​"hormonal holidays." “At first, we advised women to stop taking pills for one month a year,” said Jules Bruneri, a gynecologist. We had so many pregnancies during these therapeutic “windows” that we stopped.

Francoise Clavel regrets that gynecologists offer it too systematically for their patients. In the end, they should be able to really choose their method of contraception. This will require more flexibility, ”adds Natalie Bayos. Moreover, in recent years, the range of contraceptives has expanded significantly. Like pills that continued to develop. And this is not the end: they must consist of molecules, more and more physiological and natural, in order to be better and better tolerated.

Novinet is a 21st century drug that blocks ovulation and has minimal side effects. Monthly pass without pain, but the weight also remains stable. But at its reception headaches, nausea are noted.

How are birth control pills taken?

In most cases, contraceptive drugs are prescribed by a gynecologist. As a rule, there are similar indications and contraindications for all patients. It is important to check the health of your attending physician before starting a course of contraceptive use and only after starting it.

Because there is no question of stopping women from offering hormonal contraception, one of the safest ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

  • Type of contraceptive: combined oral.
  • Is the general recipe required?
If you didn't have hormonal contraception  a month earlier. Take the first pill on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Thus, you are immediately protected from pregnancy.

If you are taking a combined oral contraceptive: Take the first pill the next day after you stop taking the last pill or no later than the day after the usual pause period. As for the patch, take the first pill of your new pill on the day of withdrawal or no later than the day you submit your application for a new ring or.

To obtain maximum effect from taking pills, you need to drink them daily at the same time. The first pill is used on the day of the start of menstruation. If nausea begins to appear, it is better to drink the drug in the morning before breakfast or at night, before going to bed.

If you miss the first day of the cycle, you can start taking contraceptives within 5 days of the onset of menstruation. In the first week and on the days when the drug is missed, a condom should be used. It is better not to forget about the medicine in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

If you take progestin-only contraception: you can replace it at any time, the day after it stops. As for the intrauterine device or implant, you can replace it with the day of its removal. You can replace the injection product on the day provided for the new injection.

Daily gel pills are taken for 21 consecutive days. The order of the following pills.

  • It is important to take pills at the same hour every day.
  • Rules must appear during the pause period.
  • On the eighth day, you should start a new tablet.
  • You are also protected during the seven-day shutdown period.
Some patients may need to delay their periods, for this simply drag two platelets out of 21 pills without an intermittent week.

When using contraceptives, you need to carefully monitor their health. If there is vomiting or stomach upset, the effect of contraceptives falls. The instructions for such a case describe the rules of conduct. Your health is in your hands.

Answers to the question of whether to drink birth control pills can be found absolutely contradictory. Some criticize this method of contraception, arguing that this is hormone-based drugs  supplementation which will cause their excess in the body; others, on the contrary, consider birth control pills absolutely harmless or even beneficial for the female body. Today on the site “Beautiful and Successful” we will try to give an objective assessment of this method of contraception, so that you yourself can understand can I take birth control pills,without fear for your health?

Immediately take the missed pill and continue treatment by taking the next tablet at the usual time. If you notice your forgetfulness more than 12 hours after the usual time, you are no longer protected. Take the last forgotten pillas soon as you remember. Then continue to take your next pill at the usual time. You will also need to use other contraceptives, such as condoms, for the 7 days that follow. If you had sex seven days before you forgot your pill, you should consider getting pregnant.

What are hormones?

Here we only briefly recall that all hormonal contraceptives (GC) are based on   synthetic substitutes for estrogen and progesterone.  The main function of these drugs is to prevent fertilization in several ways due to the sharing of hormones.

If you are in this case, consult a doctor. If you took the pills correctly, 7 days before you forget, you do not need to take any additional contraceptive methods. However, if you forget to take the pills, it is recommended to use condoms for 7 days. If you forgot 1 pill in the 3rd week: this week is the most risky because of its proximity to the 7-day stop period. If you took your pills 7 days before you forgot, you will not have to use any additional method of contraception, just follow one of the two alternatives below.

Immediately the question arises whether to drink birth control pills, if they are hormonal? After all, the first associations that arise when you hear this word are not always positive.

Let's first consider what hormones are, how they “work” and how dangerous those that are part of contraceptive contraceptives.

Take the tablet as soon as you think about it, and then continue to take the pills as usual. Start your next pack right away after you take the last pill of the current pack so that there is no stopping between the pads. Perhaps you have spottings at the end of the second plate. Or you can also stop taking pills from the current pack. In this case, you will need to complete the 7-day period without pills, and then start the next package. If you do not have a period in this period, you should consider the possibility of pregnancy.

Every person in the body produces many hormones. They all have a different structure, and they all perform different functions. If the body produces not enough of a hormone,  then appoint a reception of synthetic substitutes contained in medical preparations. For example, sick diabetes mellitus  prescribed hormone drug insulin.

Is the risk of thrombosis high?

If you miss a pill for the 3rd week and 7 days before you forget, do the first of two options and use the condom for the next 7 days. The use of an oral estrogen / progestin contraceptive drug increases the risk of developing hypertension and blood pressureas well as the lack of use of this type of contraceptive. During the first year of using contraceptives, the risk is higher.

What are the contraindications?

Yes Daily contraception is available only by prescription. To get a prescription for contraception, make an appointment with a doctor or call our doctors online. Whatever method you use in Italy here in the UK, you have the same possibilities, if not more.

Less commonly, hormonal drugs are prescribed. to change work  this or that system. This is the challenge facing contraceptives - to changehormonal level so that the onset of pregnancy is impossible.

There are many questions, is it harmful to drink birth control pills, because an extra dose of hormones can lead to complications? Should I take birth control pills to always be “in a state of pregnancy”, which makes drastic changes to the work of all important organs and systems? In which cases the woman is contraindicated to take these drugs and how safe are they?

The first most important information: everything is free here: the pill, the ring, various devices and condoms are transmitted by the state for free. Many of us arrive in London with a small supply of our Italian anti-concept, and there is a moment of disaster when we see that the boxes are finished. No panic, there is a solution, and it is easier than you think.

The classic and timeless birth control pill works on hormonal basis, and in fact, with a prescription, we have to do blood tests, show it to the doctor, and then the specialist will be the drug that best suits our characteristics.

Hormonal contraceptivesmay indeed cause serious disturbances. We will discuss this further.

Do birth control pills?

When a woman starts taking hormonal drugs for contraception, the ovaries reduce or even stop the production of estrogen and progesterone.

Speaking figuratively, we can say that "Ovaries go on vacation"  and partially delegate their authority "Deputies" -contraceptiveswhich will do their main job is to produce hormones.

Again in this case, thanks to God, the doctor will ask us many questions, and therefore there is a good chance that we will advise you to repeat the tests and then decide which local product to use. Regardless of whether you carry out the analysis or not, the result will not change, we will have our medications, and in the case of our analysis - for free. But as the UK takes a step forward with regard to contraception, there are other ways to avoid mothers without warning.

We have a vaginal ring, and it works on the same principle as a tablet, or on the basis of hormones. The ring is a small semi-rigid plastic device that allows you to position yourself in the vagina and hold it there for 21 days. After three weeks we will remove the device and throw it away, we will have a menstrual cycle, and in seven days we will insert a new ring. Like any drug, it also has its positive and negative sides, talk to your doctor, and you will see if it is a contraceptive for you.

The dose of hormones, which is contained in 1 tablet, coincides with the rate that the ovaries should produce in a healthy woman during the day. Concerning "Excess" should not be  - The ovaries do not produce sex hormones, and receive them exclusively from pills.

What positive effects do hormonal contraceptives have on the body?

This method of contraception has both positive and negative effects. Of course, modern hormonal drugs are much better perceived female bodythan their predecessors.

But the question of whether it is safe to drink birth control pills, remains relevant today. No one can state with complete confidence and ease about their harmlessness, for the reason that it is not known how their long reception  on the health of women after menopause, and is it possible to drink birth control pills without fear for their health?

The main advantage of this method is reliable contraceptive effect  with proper use of pills.

In addition, these drugs regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce PMS, the risk of developing cancer of the uterus, breast, ovaries, etc. Also, many birth control pills, besides the main task - to prevent pregnancy, have an androgenic effect:  cope with acne, with excessive hair growth (hirsutism) and high fat skin.

If in many contraceptive pills this is indicated as a side benefit, then hormonal drug "Janine"officially recognized as an oral contraceptive, and as a remedy for acne.

  • “I turned to a gynecologist with a question about protection from pregnancy. After conducting all the examinations, she recommended the Janine contraceptive pills to me, motivating my choice in that they suit me according to indications and help me cope with acne. She said that this is the safest drug, it is prescribed even to those who do not live sexually, in order to regulate the menstrual cycle and the level of hormones. I have long doubted whether to drink hormonal pills  "Janine"? Still decided. Results after 3 months are as follows: skin condition has improved significantlyrashes have disappeared, it even seems that the pores have narrowed. Increased chest. Became more elastic and poured. The cycle has returned to normal. But I recovered on 3 kilograms, and the cellulitis became visible. The gynecologist said that 3 - 4 months weight gain is permissible, then everything should return to normal. Pauline".

Do birth control pills for their own purpose?

Most supporters of this method of protection agree on the idea that taking hormonal contraceptives may not be hazardous to health, if the pills are right  taking into account individual features  every woman.

It is because of these drugs released several species with different concentrations of hormones.

To begin their reception at will is impossible.

A woman must undergo a preliminary examination ( gynecological examination, testing for hormones, blood test, etc.), and then another repeated after 3 months to exclude possible complications. Be sure to discuss with your doctor. possible consequences  of this method to determine for themselves whether to drink birth control pills?

As you understand There are no "best" birth control pills.There are those who are most suitable for a particular woman.

That's what it is main reasonaccording to which this method  contraception should be selected only by a gynecologist.

When hormonal contraceptive use can be dangerous?

Do women care if birth control pills are harmful? These drugs can be hazardous to health if the schedule for their administration is violated, the dose is exceeded or reduced, and also with some features of the body when the likelihood of side effects from the administration of HA is significantly increased.

Before you decide whether to drink birth control pills, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination to exclude all contraindications.

The main ones are:

  • Venous thrombosis and all other diseases associated with increased clotting  blood in the vessels. Statistics show that the mortality rate of women who chose hormonal contraception is higher than that of those who did not use birth control pills.
  • Heart Disease: Angina, ischemic disease, the defects and the transferred strokes.
  • Frequent headaches, prolonged migraines.
  • Breast cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the liver: hepatitis, tumors, cirrhosis.
  • High blood pressure.
  • With breastfeeding  you can not take KOC, you can gestagennye - mini-drank.
  • Scheduled operations. 2 months before they should be abandoned. Operative intervention  increases the risk of blood clots.
  • Smoking more than 15 cigarettes per day reduces the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives, but increases the risk of adverse health effects.  This is especially true for those over 35. Therefore smoking women  it is recommended to be protected by other, not hormonal methods of contraception, and not to decide whether to take birth control pills?

Dangerous complications will be provoked when a woman ignores the question of whether it is possible to drink birth control pills and take them without prior examination, despite the contraindications, and there are a lot of them in the instructions for any type of drug, whether it is a complex oral contraceptive or progestin.

Does long-term use of hormonal contraceptives affect health?

In theory  You can use hormonal drugs as a method of protection for life.

On practice  this is rare: women are more likely to choose other non-hormonal methods of protection. Some are discouraged by the price of birth control pills, others by the possible consequences.

The social factor also plays its role - a break in the intake of contraceptives during pregnancy is taken. Most women change their lifestyle with age, the sexual rhythm decreases, so other, more suitable, methods of contraception are selected.

Very important throughout the year undergo a gynecological examination, to evaluate the safety of using this method and decide whether to take birth control pills for a long time? If the doctor finds any complications ( high blood pressure, seals in the mammary glands, changes at the hormonal level, etc.), then hormonal contraceptives are stopped.

Of course, a modern woman should plan a pregnancy, choose her own method of contraception, so you need to know all about hormonal contraception, first of all, in order to decide with your doctor