N and Nekrasov as a literary critic. Necrologist Nikolay Nekrasova

  • The date: 23.09.2019

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a Russian poet Democrat, the author of the brilliant samples of civil lyrics, who made the "People's Lear" poetry and a tool in the struggle for the rights of the oppressed people. His poetic muse is a muse "revenge and sadness," pain, the fight against injustice towards the peasantry.

The poet was born on November 28, 1821 in the city of Nemirov (Vinnitsa County of the Podolsk province, now the territory of Ukraine). In Nemirov, his parents got acquainted - the father served in the shelf, leaning in this city, Mother, Elena Zagrevskaya, was one of the best - the most beautiful and educated - brides of the town. Zagrevskaya's parents were not going to give daughter for the officer Nekrasov, who was clearly married for the calculation (by the time of acquaintance with Zvarevskaya he had card debts and the desire to solve the financial issue through profitable marriage). As a result, Elena is married against the will of the parents, and, of course, marriage turns out to be unhappy - an unloved husband made it eternal closer. The image of the mother, light and gentle, entered the lyrics of Nekrasov as the ideal of femininity and kindness (Poem "Mother" of 1877, "Knight for an hour" 1860-62), and the image of the Father was transformed into the image of a wild, unbridled and stupid despot.

The literary formation of Nekrasov cannot be separated from the facts of his difficult biography. Soon after the birth of the poet, the family moves to the generic estate of the Father, to the Greek of the Yaroslavl region. The poet had 12 brothers and sisters, most of whom died at an early age. The father was forced to work - the local income for the needs of a large family was not enough - and he began to serve as a police officer. The son often took with him to work, so the child with the youngsters witnessed the knockout of debts, suffering and plea, deaths.

1831 - Nikolai Nekrasova is sent to learn to the gymnasium in Yaroslavl. The boy was capable, but the relationship with the team managed to spoil - there was a cut, Oster in the tongue, I composed about classmates ironic poems. After grade 5, the training stopped (it is believed that the father stopped paying for training, not a dreaming for not too diligently the sown of the need for education).

1837 - 16-year-old Nekrasov starts an independent life in St. Petersburg. Against the will of the Father, who saw a modest official in him, Nikolai is trying to enter the university at the Faculty of Philology. The exams did not pass, but with persistence of 3 years I stormed the faculty, visiting the shareholder classes. At this time, his father refused to maintain his financially, so it was necessary to live in a terrible poverty, sometimes with overnight stays in shelters for homeless, in constant hunger.

The first money was able to earn the posts of Gutener - Nekrasov serves as a teacher in a wealthy family, in parallel to composing fairy tales and editing alphabets for children's publications.

1840 - Nekrasov earns as playwright and critic - Petersburg Theater puts a few of his plays, and "literary newspaper" publishes several articles. Having accumulated money, Nekrasov in the same year makes at his own expense a collection of poems "Dreams and Sounds", who fell under such a squall of criticism that the poet bought almost the whole circulation and burned him.

1840s: Nekrasov gets acquainted with Vissarion Belinsky (who shortly before this mercilessly criticized his first verses) and begins fruitful cooperation with the Journal of Domestic Notes.

1846: Improved financial position allowed Nekrasov to become a publisher himself - the "notes" buys their "notes" and buys the magazine "Contemporary", in which young and talented writers and critics who left the "notes" are being printed after Nekrasov. The royal censorship closely monitors the filling of the magazine who has gained high popularity, so in 1866 it is closed.

1866: Nekrasov redeems the Magazine "Domestic Notes", which was before worked, and intends to bring it to the same level of popularity, which he managed to bring the "contemporary". From this time, it is more actively published.

Such works are published:

  • "Sasha" (1855 Poem about the thinking woman. Sasha is close to the people and loves him. She is on the life of life, thinks a lot about life when she has a young socialist. Agarin tells Sasha about social world order, inequality and struggle, it is positive Customized and waiting for the "Sun truth". It takes several years, and Agarin discerned that the people can be managed and give him freedom, he can only philosophize on how to give the peasants freedom, and that they will do with her. Sasha At this time, they are engaged in small, but real affairs - it provides medical care peasants).
  • "Who lives well in Russia" (1860 - 1877. Epic peasant poem, implanting the inability of autocracy to provide a genuine freedom to the people, despite the abolition of serfdom. The poem draws pictures of the people's life and is vividly filled with folk speech).
  • "Corobeinists" (1861).
  • "Frost, a red nose" (1863, the poem, the strength of the spirit of the Russian peasant, capable of hard work, loyalty, dedication, the execution of debt).
  • "Russian women" (1871-71. The poem dedicated to the courage of the Decembristians, who went to the track behind the husbands of the link. Contains 2 parts of the "Princess Volkonskaya" and "Princess Trubetskaya". Two heroines make a decision to follow abusive husbands. Princess, which is Nesieme Hungry existence, hard work, refuse their former life. They demonstrate not only love and mutual arration inherent in all keepers of a homely heart default, but also an open confrontation of power).


  • « Railway»
  • "Knight for an hour",
  • "Uncompressed strip"
  • "Prophet",
  • pych cycles about peasant children,
  • cycles of poems about urban beggars,
  • "Panayevsky cycle" - poems devoted to civil wife

1875 - the poet is seriously ill, but fighting pain, finds the strength to write.

1877: The latest works are the satirical poem "Contemporaries" and the cycle of poems "the latest songs".

The poet died on December 27, 1877 in St. Petersburg, buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. Despite the terrible frost, thousands of admirers came to hold the poet.

The work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is lyric and poetic. The value of its poems and poems is so great that they will excite many more generations.

In his views, the poet ranked herself to the Democrats, but the contemporaries ambiguously treated his ideas and views. Despite this, the great poet and the publicist left a poetic heritage after himself, which allows him to put in one row with the greatest classic writers. Nekrasovsky creativity is highly appreciated worldwide, and its works are translated into many languages.

The origin of the poet

It is known that Nikolay Alekseevich was a leaving of the family of nobles, who lived once in the Yaroslavl province, where long years Santa Poet Sergei Alekseevich Nekrasov lived. But he had a little weakness, which, unfortunately, was passed and the father of the poet was passed - love for gambling. So easily Sergey Alekseevich was able to lose most of the capital of the family, and his children remained with a modest inheritance.

This led to the fact that Alexey Nekrasov, the father of the poet, became an army officer and wandered on garrisons. Once he met Elena Zagrevskaya, a girl rich and very pretty. He called her poll. Alexey made a proposal, but received a refusal, as parents prepared a more reliable and secured future for their daughter. But Elena Andreevna loved the poor officer, so the decision of the parents did not accept and the secret of them was married. Alexey Sergeevich was not rich, but did not disagree with all his big family.

When in 1821, the regiment of the lieutenant Alexei Nekrasov was standing in the Podolsk province, in the city of Nemirov, a boy Nikolai was born in the family. This event occurred on November 28.

It must be said that the marriage of the parents turned out to be unhappy, so the child suffered. When subsequently, the poet will remember his childhood years, then the image of the mother will always be sacrificial and suffering. Nikolai's mother saw the victim of coarse and even the depraved medium in which his father lived. Then he dedicates many poetic works by his mother, because it was something bright and gentle in his life. Nikolai's mother gave a lot to her children, whom she had thirteen. She tried as much as possible to surround them with warmth and love. All the surviving children are obliged to her by their formation.

But in his children's life there were other bright images. So, his reliable friend was a sister, with fate similar to the fate of the mother. She devoted her poems too.


All the childhood of Little Nikolai Nekrasov passed in the village of Greshnevo near Yaroslavl. The family settled in the estate of the grandfather when the poet was barely turned three years old.

From the small years, the future poet saw a fatheney with peasants who was brutally turned to his wife, and how often the boy's eyes were passed before the boy's eyes and changed fastener girls.

But the hobbies of the father women and cards forced him to take the place of charge. Driving around the villages and the villages to knock out arrears from the peasants, his father took Nicholas with him. Therefore, the poet from early childhood saw injustice and how big grief is experiencing a simple people. This will then become the main topic for its poetic works. Nikolai never changed its principles, did not forget the environment in which he grown.

As soon as Nicholas Nekrasov turned eleven years old, as he was given to the gymnasium of the city of Yaroslavl, where he studied five years. But unfortunately, the study was given to him badly, he did not have time in many subjects, and he also did not differ in good behavior. A lot of conflicts have arose with teachers, as he wrote his small poems of satirical content on them. At the age of sixteen, he decided to record these her poems in a homely thin notebook.


In 1838, Nikolai Nekrasov, who was almost seventeen years old, sent him to St. Petersburg so that he could serve in the shelf for the nobles. But here the desires of the Son and the Father broke up. My father dreamed of military service for his son, and the poet himself thought about literature, which fascinated every day more and more.

One day, Nikolai Nekrasov met his friend, Glushotsky, who was a student at that time. After communicating with a comrade, who told Nicholas about student life, about education, the young man finally decided not to associate his life with military affairs. Then Glushtsky introduced a friend with his other friends, the same students, and soon the poet had a huge desire to study at the university. Although the father was categorically against studies at the University Nikolai dismissed.

But the exams, unfortunately, he failed. It could not stop him, and he decided to become a free student who simply came to lectures and listened. He chose the Faculty of Philology, and he visited him over three years. But every year he was becoming harder, since his father did threatens and deprived him of material support. Therefore, most of the time Nikolai Nekrasov went to find at least some small work or even part-time job. Soon, the need turned out to be very strong, he could not even dine, and he could not pay for a removable small room. He fell ill, lived in slums, he fed in the cheapest canteens.

Writing activities

After deprivation, the life of a young poet gradually began to improve. At first he began to give private lessons, and this brought him a small but stable earnings, and then began to print his articles in literary magazines. In addition, he was given the opportunity to write and drove for the theater. At this time, the young poet worker worked on prose, sometimes writes poems. Publicistics becomes his favorite genre at this time. Then he himself will say:

"How much I worked!".

In it early works Romanticism is celebrated, although in the future, all Nekrasovsky works critics and writers were related to realism. He became the young poet to appear their savings, which helped him release the first book of poems. But here only critics are not always his poetic works accepted violently. Many ruthlessly scolded a young poet and shamed him. For example, the most respected critic Belinsky, it was very cold and negligible to the creativity of Nekrasov. But there were those who praised the poet, considering his works by real literary art.

Soon the writer decides to refer to the humorous direction and writes several poems. And new successful changes occur in his life. Nikolai Nekrasov becomes an employee of one of the magazines. It gets closer to Belinsky's circle. It was the critic who had the strongest influence on an inexperienced publicist.

Publishing becomes his life and source of income. At first, he produces various almanacs, in which young, novice poets and writers and the real sharks of the pen were printed. He began to succeed so much in a new business for him, which, together with Panayev, acquires the popular magazine "Contemporary", and become his editors. At that time, began to be printed in it, which became famous, writers: Turgenev, Ogarev, Goncharov, Ostrovsky and others.

Poetic and prosaic prints on the pages of this literary magazine and Nikolai Nekrasov himself. But in 1850 he fell ill with the sorry of the throat, was forced to go to Italy. And when he returned, he saw that changes were coming in an enlightened society. As a result of all this, the writers who were printed in magazines were divided into two groups. Suggested and censorship bans.

Because of the bold publications, the magazine was made a warning. Power was afraid of the activities of writers. On the most dangerous masters of the pen was organized by a real opal. Many have fallen into the link. The activities of the "contemporary" was first suspended. Then, in 1866, the magazine was closed forever.

Nekrasov goes to work in the "Domestic Notes" magazine. It begins to produce an application to a magazine that has a satirical content.

Personal life of the poet

In their personal life, the poet had three women he loved and whom he mentioned in his will:

A. Panayev.
S. Lefren
Z.N. Nekrasov

Avdota Panayeva was married to another Nikolai Nekrasov. Their meeting occurred on literary evenings. Then the poet was 26 years old. Avdoty, though not immediately, Nikolai Nekrasov noticed and answered reciprocity. They began to live together, and even in the house where her legitimate husband lived. This union lasted as much as 16 years. In this strange union, a child is born, but he dies in the early years, and there is a breakdown between lovers and soon Avdota goes to another revolutionary poet.

From Celina Lefren Nikolai Nekrasov met by chance, since his sister lived with her at the apartment. For the summer, the poet stopped in this apartment. There was a small novel between young people.

At the age of 48, he met Fekla Victorova, who later became his wife. At the time of dating Fekle, there were only twenty-three years old, and she was from a simple rustic family. Nekrasov was engaged in her formation, and over time, the girl changed his name and began to call himself Zinaida Nikolaevna.

last years of life

In their last days and years, the publicist and the poet worked a lot. In 1875, he ill and in a medical examination it turns out that he has a cancer, which was impossible to heal.

After that, Nikolai Alekseevich for two years was chained to the bed regime. When in the literary environment, he learned about the serious illness of the writer, interest in him increased and his works began to enjoy success, fame and popularity. He was trying to support the kind words of many colleagues, he received letters and telegrams from all over Russia.

The poet died at the end of 1877 by the old style. About eight hours, in the evening, December 27th. On his funeral came a large number of people. Express tribute to the Great Writer and the poet wanted everyone who could attend the funeral.

Creativity of the classic, estimated by his life, remains a priceless gift after almost 140 years, and some works are affected by their relevance, modernity and significance.

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov (November 28 (December 10) 1821, Nemirov, Podolsk Province, Russian Empire - December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878), St. Petersburg) - Russian poet, writer and publicist, revolutionary democrat, classic of Russian literature. From 1847 to 1866, the head of the literary and socio-political magazine "Contemporary", since 1868 - the editor of the journal "Domestic Notes".

The most famous for such works as the poem-novel "Who is in Russia to live well", the poems "Frost, Red Nose", "Russian women", the poem "Grandfather Mazay and hare". His poems were devoted to mainly the suffering of the people, idylls and tragedies of the peasantry. Nekrasov introduced into Russian poetry the wealth of the people's language and folklore, widely using proseclaisms and speech revisions of the simple people - from the domestic to the journalistic, from the folk spaciousness to the poetic vocabulary, from oratorical to parody and satirical style. Using spoken speech and folk phraseology, he significantly expanded the range of Russian poetry. Nekrasov first decided on a bold combination of emaciation, lyrical and satirical motifs within one poem, which was not practiced before it. His poetry was provided beneficial influence For the subsequent development of Russian classical, and later Soviet poetry.

Birth and origin

Nikolai Nekrasov came from the noble, once rich family of Yaroslavl province. Born in Vinnitsa Podolsk province in the city of Nemirov, where at that time the regiment was quartered, in which his father - Lieutenant and a tricky landowner Alexey Sergeevich Nekrasov (1788-1862), who did not pass the family weakness of Nekrasov - Love for the cards (Sergey Alekseevich Nekrasov (1746-1807), grandfather of the poet, lost almost the whole state in the card). Alexey Sergeyevich loved Elena Andreevna Zagrevskaya (1801-1841), a beautiful and educated daughter of a small Maloril Russian official, which the poet considered Polka. Elena Zagrevskaya's parents did not agree to issue a beautifully educated daughter for a poor and low-fledged army officer, which forced Elena in 1817 to marry without the consent of the parents. However, this marriage was not happy. Remembering childhood, the poet always spoke of his mother as an affliction, victim of coarse and depraved medium. He dedicated his mother a number of poems - "The latest songs", the poem "Mother", "Knight for an hour", in which he painted a light image of the one that his nobility screamed the unattractive decor of his childhood. Warm memories of mother affected the works of Nekrasov, manifested in his works about the female share. The very idea of \u200b\u200bmotherhood will manifest himself later in his textbook works - the head of the "peasant" in the poem "Who in Russia live is good", the poem "Orina, Mother Soldiers". The image of the mother is the main positive hero of the Nekrasovsky poetic world. However, the images of other native people - Father and Sisters will be present in its poetry. Father will perform in the role of the despot of the family, the unbridled savage of the landowner. And the sister, on the contrary, as a gentle friend, whose fate is similar to the fate of the mother. However, these images will not be as bright as the image of the mother.

early years

Childhood Nekrasov passed in the generic estate of Nekrasov, in the village of Greshnevo Yaroslavl province, in the county, where Father Alexey Sergeevich Nekrasov (1788-1862), having retired, moved when Nicholas was 3 years. The boy grew in a huge family (Nekrasov had 13 brothers and sisters), in a serious setting of the brutal dissection of his father with peasants, stormy orgy to his fortress mistresses and a cruel attitude towards the "larger", the mother of the future poet. Launched affairs and a number of processes for the estate forced the father of Nekrasov to occupy the place of charge. During the roads, he often took a little Nicholas with him, and he was still a child, often he was able to see the dead, knocking out arreed and so on, which fell in his soul in the form of sad grief pictures.

In 1832, at the age of 11, Nekrasov entered the Yaroslavl gymnasium, where he had reached the 5th grade. He studied it no matter and did not really go with the gymnasium boss (partly due to satirical poems). In Yaroslavl gymnasium, the 16-year-old young man began to record his first poems in his home notebook. In his initial work, the sad impressions of the early years, which in one way or another painted the first period of his work was traced.

His father always dreamed of a military career for his son, and in 1838, 17-year-old Nekrasov went to St. Petersburg to determine in the noble regiment.

However, Nekrasov met the gymnasium comrade, a Glushotsky student, and met other students, after which he had a passionate desire to learn. He neglected the threat of a father to stay without any material assistance and began to prepare for the entrance exam in St. Petersburg University. However, the exam could not stand and entered the Wolved Faculty of Philology. From 1839 to 1841 he stayed at the university, but almost all the time he went in search of earnings, as an angry father stopped him to provide material support. During these years, Nikolai Nekrasov suffered terrible need, not every day having even the opportunity to fully dine. Not always he was also an apartment. For some time, he shot a room from a soldier, but somehow the long starvation fell ill, he owed a lot to a soldier and, despite the November night, remained sorry. On the street over him, the undergoing beggar was compressed and answered him into one of the slums on the outskirts of the city. In this overnight shelter, Nekrasov found a part-time job, writing someone for 15 kopecks. petition. A terrible need only harden his character.

The beginning of literary activities

After several years of deprivation, the life of Nekrasov began to improve. He began to give lessons and print small articles in the "literary addition to the Russian disabilities" and the "literary newspaper". In addition, the alphabet and fairy tales in verses wrote for the cheating publishers and fairy tales in verses, wrote water to the Alexandrin theater (under the name of the interpretation). Nekrasov fond of literature. For several years, he worked hard on prose, verses, waterwaves, journalism, criticism ("Lord, how much I worked! ..") - until the mid-1840s. His early poems and prose were noted by romantic imitativeness and largely prepared the further development of the Nekrasovsky realistic method.

His own savings began to appear, and in 1840, with the support of some Petersburg acquaintances, he released the book of his poems under the title "Dreams and Sounds". In verses, it was possible to resemble the imitation of Vasily Zhukovsky, Vladimir Benedictov and others. The collection consisted of a pseudo-monantically imitative ballad with different "terrible" titles like the "evil spirit", the "Angel of Death", "Raven", etc. The preparing book of Nekrasov was taken by V. A. Zhukovsky to find out his opinion. He allocated 2 poems as decent, the rest advised the young poet to print Unnamed: "Subsequently, you will write better, and you will be ashamed for these verses." Nekrasov disappeared for the initials "N. N. ".

The literary critic Nikolai Poleval praised debutant, while the critic V. Belinsky in the "domestic notes" responded dismissively about the book. The book of a novice poet of "Dreams and Sounds" was completely uttered at all, and this was so worked for Nekrasov that he, like N. V. Gogol (who at his time was bought and destroyed "Hans Kyhehelgarten"), began to buy and destroy "dreams and Therefore, therefore, they have become the greatest bibliographic rarity (they did not enter the essays of Nekrasov).

Nevertheless, Belinsky, with all the severity of his opinion, mentioned in the reviews of the collection "Dreams and Sounds" about verses, as "came out of the soul." However, the failure of the poetic debut was obvious, and Nekrasov tries himself in prose. His earliest standards and stories reflected their own life experience and its first Petersburg impressions. In these works, young differences are operating, hungry poets living in the needs of officials, poor girls, deceived by the metropolitan rudders, the usurists who are coming up for the needs of the poor. Despite the fact that his artistic skill was still imperfect, the early Nekrasovskaya prose can be safely ranked at the realistic school of the 1840s, at the head of which Belinsky and Gogol stood.

Soon he also appealed to humorous genres: those were the balalagen poem "Provincial Council in St. Petersburg", watering "Fooktist Onufrievich Bob", "That's what it means to fall in love with the actress", the melodrama "Maternal blessing, or poverty and honor", a story about small Petersburg Officials "Makar Osipovich Rasdom", etc.

In the early 1840s, Nekrasov became an employee of "domestic notes", starting work in the bibliographic department. In 1842, there was a rapprochement of Nekrasov with a circle of Belinsky, who became familiar with him and highly appreciated the advantages of his mind. Belinsky believed that in the area of \u200b\u200bprose from Nekrasov, nothing more than the ordinary magazine will not come out, but his poem "on the road" enthusiastically approved. It was Belinsky that had a strong ideological influence on Nekrasov.

Soon Nekrasov began to actively engage in publishing activities. He released a number of almanacs: "Articles in verse without pictures" (1843), "Physiology of St. Petersburg" (1845), "April 1" (1846), "Petersburg Collection" (1846), in which D. V. Grigorovich debuted , F. M. Dostoevsky, performed I. S. Turgenev, A. I. Herzzen, A. N. Maikov. The "Petersburg Collection" had a great success, in which the "poor people" of Dostoevsky were printed.

Special place in the early work of Nekrasova is coming a novel from modern life of that period, known as the "Life and Adventure of Tikhon Tynenikov". The novel was started in 1843 and was created on the threshold of the creative maturity of the writer, which manifested itself both in the style of the novel and in the content itself. This is most noticeable in the chapter "Petersburg corners", which can be viewed as an independent story of an outlining nature and one of the best works "Natural School". It is this story that Nekrasov published separately (in the Almana "Physiology of St. Petersburg", 1845). She was very highly appreciated by Belinsky in his reviews on this almanac.


The publishing thing in Nekrasov went so successfully that at the end of 1846 - January 1847, along with a writer and journalist Ivan Panayev, acquired a magazine "Contemporary", founded by Alexander Pushkin for rent. The literary youth, which created the bulk of "domestic notes," left Kraevsky and joined Nekrasov. Belinsky also passed into the "contemporary" and Belinsky, he handed the Nekrasov part of the material that was collected for the collection of Leviafan's conceipable. Nevertheless, Belinsky was in the "contemporary" at the level of the same ordinary journalist, which was previously at Kraevsky. And this subsequently, Nekrasov was put in reproach, since it was Belinsky most of all contributed to the fact that the main representatives of the literary movement of the 1840s from the "domestic notes" moved to the "contemporary".

Nekrasov, like Belinsky, became a successful opener of new talents. On the pages of the contemporary magazine found their glory and recognition Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Goncharov, Alexander Herzen, Nikolay Ogarov, Dmitry Grigorovich. Alexander Ostrovsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Gleb Uspensky published in the journal. Nikolai Nekrasov introduced Fedor Dostoevsky and Lion Tolstoy to Russian literature. Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Nikolai Dobrolyubov were also printed in the journal, who soon became ideological leaders of the "contemporary".

From the first years of the publication of the journal, under its leadership, Nekrasov was not only his inspirer and editor, but also one of the main authors. Here, his poems printed, prose, criticism. During the "gloomy seven years" 1848-1855, the government of Nicholas I, frightened french revolution, it became chasing advanced journalism and literature. Nekrasov as the editor of the "contemporary" in this difficult for freedomity in the literature time managed at the cost of tremendous effort, despite the constant struggle with censorship, maintain the reputation of the magazine. Although it was impossible not to noted that the content of the magazine was noticeably sweating.

The printing of the long adventure novels of "Three Light Countries" and the Dead Lake, written by Nikolai Nekrasov in collaboration with Stanitsky (pseudonym Golovoy-Panayeva) begins. The heads of these long novels of Nekrasov and covered the lacuna formed in the journal due to censorship prohibitions.

Around the mid-1850s of Nekrasov seriously fell ill with a throat disease, but staying in Italy facilitated his condition. Recovery Nekrasov coincided with the beginning of a new period of Russian life. In his work, he also had a happy time - he was put forward in the first ranks of Russian literature.

However, this period was impossible to be easy. Class contradictions were engaged at the journal: the editorial office of the contemporary "turned out to be split into two groups, one of which, led by Ivan Turgenev, Lv's Tolstie and Vasily Botkin, who ratified for moderate realism and aesthetic" Pushkin "beginning in the literature Represented a liberal nobility. A counterweights consisted of adherents of satirical "Gogol" literature, a promotional democratic part of the Russian "Natural School" of the 1840s. In the early 1860s, the confrontation of these two flows in the journal has reached marginal acute. In the discoloration of Nekrasov, the "revolutionary differences", ideologues of peasant democracy, supported the "revolutionary allocations". In this hardest period of the highest political rise in the country, the poet creates such works as the "poet and a citizen" (1856), "reflections from the front entrance" (1858) and the "Railway" (1864).

In the early 1860s, Dobrolyubov died, were exiled to Siberia Chernyshevsky and Mikhailov. All this has become a blow to Nekrasov. The era of student unrest began, the riots "freed from the Earth" of the peasants and polish uprising. During this period, Nekrasov magazine announced the "First Caution". The exit to the light of the "contemporary" is suspended, and in 1866, after the shot of Dmitry Karakozov in the Russian emperor Alexander II, the magazine closed forever. Nekrasov, over the years of his leadership, the magazine managed to transform it to the chief literary magazine and a profitable enterprise, despite the constant pursuit of censors.

After the closure of the magazine Nekrasov became close to the publisher Andrei Kraevsky and two years after the closure of the "contemporary", in 1868, rented from the regional notes from the regional notes, making them a combat body of revolutionary nationality and turning them together with M. E. Saltykov-generous Body of advanced democratic thought.

Satyrian application to magazine - "Whistle"

In 1858, N. A. Dobrolyubov and N. A. Nekrasov, a satirical application was founded to the magazine "Contemporary" - "Whistle". The author of the idea was Nekrasov himself, and Dobrolyubov became the main employee "whistle". The first two numbers of the magazine (published in January and April 1859) were compiled by Dobrolyubov, Nekrasov accepted active cooperation from the third issue (October 1859). By this time, he was not just an employee, but was engaged in organizing and editing the room. Also, Nekrasov printed its poems and notes in the magazine.

Late years

At all stages of development of Nekrasov's creativity, one of the most important places in Nym was held by Satira, which was planted back in the 1840s. This traction to the acute image of reality has led in the 1860-70s to the emergence of a series of satirical works. The poet was created by new genres, he wrote poetic pamphlets, faithful poems, pondered the Cycle "Club" Satir. He managed the art of social exposures, a skillful and subtle description of the most topical issues. At the same time, he did not forget about the lyrical beginning, he knew how to easily move from sincere intonations to the receptions of a barbed poetic woven, often close even to the water watery manner. All these subtleties of his creativity predetermined the emergence of a new type of satire, which before him was not yet in Russian literature. So, in its large satirical poem "Contemporaries" (1875), Nekrasov skillfully alternating the receptions of Fars and Grotesque, Irony and Sarcasm. In it, the poet with all his talent struck the power of his indignation against the force of the Russian bourgeoisie. According to the literary critic V. V. Zhdanov, the Satyric Poem-Review of Nekrasov "Contemporaries" in the history of Russian literature stands next to the accusatory generin prose. Saltykov-Shchedrin and himself responded positively about the poem, which struck him with his strength and truth.

The main work of Nekrasov was the epic peasant poem-symphony "Who in Russia live well", which was based on the thought of the poet, which was relentlessly pursued him in the flammore years: "People released, but are the people happy?" This epic poem has absorbed his entire spiritual experience. This is the experience of a subtle connoisseur of folk life and folk speech. The poem has become the result of his long reflection on the situation and the fate of the peasantry, ruined by this reform.

In early 1875, Nekrasov was seriously ill. Doctors discovered the intestinal cancer in him - the incurable disease, which for the last two years chained him to bed. At this time, his life turned into a slow agony. Nekrasova operated a bilrot surgeon specially arrived from Vienna, but the operation only slightly extended his life. To lead about the deadly disease of the poet significantly raised its popularity. From all over Russia, letters and telegrams began to come to him in large quantities. Support for the people strongly helped the poet in his terrible torment and inspired him for further creativity.

In this difficult time, he writes the "latest songs", which in sincerity feelings belong to his best creations. In recent years, the consciousness of his meanings in the history of the Russian word was clearly identified in his soul. So, in the lullaby song "Baiu-Bay" death tells him: "Do not be afraid of bitter fence: I keep in my hand of my crown of love, the crown of farewell, the gift to the meek of your homeland ... give way to the light of the darkness stubborn, you hear your song over the Volga, over the eye , Over Kama, Bay-Bai Bayu-Bay! ... "

In the "writer's diary" Dostoevsky wrote: "I saw him for the last time a month before his death. He seemed almost already the corpse, so it was strange to even see that such a corpse says, she moves his lips. But he not only spoke, but also kept all the clarity of the mind. It seems he still did not believe in the possibility of near death. A week before death with him was paralysis right side Body. Nekrasov died on December 27, 1877, at 8 pm.

Conduct the poet on the last path has come a huge number of people. His funeral was the first case of the nationwide return of the last honors to the writer. Farewell to the poet began at 9 am and was accompanied by a literary and political demonstration. Despite the strong frost, a crowd of several thousand people, predominantly young people, accompanied the body of the poet to the place of Eternal soothe at the St. Petersburg Novodevichy cemetery. The youth did not even give to talk to the Dostoevsky's funeral itself, who divered Nekrasov (with some reservations) the third place in Russian poetry after Pushkin and Lermontov, interrupting him with the screams "Yes above, above Pushkin!". This argument then moved to print: part supported the opinion of young enthusiasts, the other part pointed out that Pushkin and Lermontov were expressed by the entire Russian society, and Nekrasov - one mug alone. There were third, which with indignation rejected the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe parallels between creativity, which brought the Russian verse to the top of the artistic perfection, and the "clumsy" verse of Nekrasov, in their opinion, devoid of any artistic meaning.

Representatives of "Earth and Will", as well as other revolutionary organizations, who laid a wreath with the inscription from the Socialists took part in the burial of Nekrasov.

Personal life

The personal life of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was not always successful. In 1842, in a poetic evening, he met Avdota Panayev (Ur. Bryanskaya) - wife of Writer Ivan Panayev. Avdota Panayev, an attractive brunette, was considered one of the most beautiful women St. Petersburg of the time. In addition, she was smart and was the hostess of the literary salon, which was going to her husband's house Ivan Panayev. Her own literary talent attracted into a circle in the house of Panayev young, but already popular Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Turgenev, Belinsky. Her husband, writer Panayev, was characterized as hanging and a walk. Despite this, his wife was distinguished by decency, and Nekrasov had to make considerable efforts to attract the attention of this wonderful woman. Fedor Dostoevsky was loved in Avdota, but reciprocity did not succeed. At first, Panayeva rejected the twenty-essential nekrasov, also in love with her, why he almost committed suicide.

During one of the trips of Panayev and Nekrasov to the Kazan province Avdoty and Nikolai Alekseevich, they still admitted to each other in their feelings. Upon his return, they began to live a civil marriage in Panayev's apartment, and together with the legitimate husband of Avdoti - Ivan Panayev. Such a union lasted for almost 16 years, until the death of Panayev. All this caused public condemnation - about Nekrasov said that he lives in someone else's house, he loves someone else's wife and also rolls the scene of jealousy to a legitimate husband. During this period, even many friends turned away from him. But despite this, Nekrasov and Panayev were happy. She even managed to get pregnant from him, and Nekrasov created one of his best poetic cycles - the so-called "Panayan cycle" (much of this cycle they wrote and edited together). Co-authors of Nekrasov and Stanitsky (an alias of Avdoti Yakovlevna) belongs to several novels who had a great success. Despite such a non-standard lifestyle, this Trinity remained like-minded people and comrades in the rebirth and the formation of the contemporary magazine.

In 1849, Avdoti Yakovlevna from Nekrasov was born a boy, but he lived for a short time. At this time, Nikolai Alekseevich fell ill. It is assumed that it is with the death of a child, strong attacks of anger and mood changes are associated with, which soon led to a rupture in their avgotie relations. In the 1860s, Ivan Panayev died, and Evdota Panayev left Nekrasov soon. However, Nekrasov remembered it until the end of life and, when drawing up the will, mentioned it in him, and with Panayev always remained in very good relationship. Panayeva, this spectacular brunette, Nekrasov dedicated a lot of their fiery poems.

In May 1864, Nekrasov went to an overseas trip, which continued three months old. He lived mainly in Paris along with his companions - his sister Anna Alekseyevna and Frenchwoman Celina Lefren (Fr. Lefresne), with which he met in St. Petersburg in 1863. Celina was the usual actress of the French troupe who spent in the Mikhailovsky Theater. She was distinguished by a living temper and a slight character. Senina spent the summer of 1866 in Carabikhe. And in the spring of 1867, she went abroad, as last time, along with Nekrasov and his sister Anna. However, this time she no longer returned to Russia. However, it did not interrupted their relationship - in 1869 they met in Paris and held the whole August in Dippey. Nekrasov remained very pleased with this trip, correcting his health also. During his rest, he felt happy, the reason for which was Celina, who was to him. Although her attitude towards it was even and even slightly dry. Returning, Nekrasov did not forget Selina for a long time and helped her. And in his suicide will, she appointed ten and a half thousand rubles to her.

Later, Nekrasov met with a rustic girl Foakla Anisimovna Victorova, simple and uneducated. She was 23 years old, he was already 48. The writer drove it into theaters, concerts and exhibitions to fill the gaps in the upbringing. Nikolai Alekseevich came up with her name - Zina. So Fökla Anisimovna became called Zinaida Nikolaevna. She taught the poems of Nekrasov and admired them. Soon they married. However, Negrasov stilled in their former love - Avdwirl Panayeva - and at the same time loved both Zinaida, and Frenchwoman Selina Lefren, with whom he had a novel abroad. One of the most famous poetic works - "Three Elegia" - he devoted only Panayeva.

It should also be mentioned about the passion of Nekrasov to the game in the card, which can be called the hereditary passion of the Nekrasov family, starting with the great-grandfather Nikolai Nekrasov - Yakova Ivanovich, "unpelledly rich" Ryazan landowner who quickly lost his wealth. However, he again got rich enough quickly - one time Yakov was a governor in Siberia. As a result of passion for the game, his son Alexei received only the Ryazan estate. He married, he received as a dowry from the village of Greshnevo. But his son, Sergey Alekseevich, laid for the period Yaroslavl Greshnevo, lost him. Alexey Sergeevich, when he told his son Nicholas, the future poet, a glorious pedigree, summarized: "our ancestors were rich. Prapraded yours lost seven thousand souls, great-grandfather - two, grandfather (my father) - one, I am nothing, because there was nothing to lose, but I also love to play cards. " And only Nikolai Alekseevich was the first to turn the fate. He also loved to play cards, but became the first - not played. At the time when his ancestors lost, - he won one and won a lot. The score went for hundreds of thousands. So, he played a very large amount, Adjutant Alexander Vladimirovich Adlerberg, a famous statesman, Minister of the Imperial Court and Personal Friend of Emperor Alexander II. And the Minister of Finance Alexander Ageevich Abaz lost Negasov more than a million francs. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov managed to return the Greshnevo, in which he spent his childhood and which was selected for the duty of his grandfather.

Another passion of Nekrasov, who also passed to him from his father was hunting. The psovy hunt, which was serviced by two dozen dozzzchi, Borzatenikov, Lyzhnikov, Psares and Strengthened, was the pride of Alexei Sergeevich. The father of the poet for a long time forgot his offspring and did not follow his creative and financial successes without a vacation. And the Son before the death of the Father (in 1862) came to him in the Grevenovo every year. Nekrasov devoted the fucking hunt for funny poems and even the poem of the "Psovy Hunting", who hesitated the delets, scope, the beauty of Russia and the Russian soul. IN adulthood Nekrasov was even addicted to the bearish hunt ("fun to beat you, the bears respectable ..."). Avdota Panayev recalled that when Nekrasov was going to the bear, there were big fees - expensive wines, snacks and just provisions were. With you even took cooks. In March 1865, Nekrasov managed to get three bears per day at once. He appreciated the men's muzhikov, dedicated them to the poems - Savushka ("Turned on the forty-first bear") from "in the village", Savely from "Who lives in Russia". Also, the poet loved to hunt to game. His addiction to the walking in a swamp with a gun was limitless. Sometimes he went on a hunt with sunrise and returned only by midnight. He walked on the hunt and with the "First Hunter of Russia" Ivan Turgenev, with whom they were friends for a long time and corresponded. Nekrasov in his last message, Turgenev abroad even asked him to buy him in London or Paris a luncaster gun for 500 rubles. However, their correspondence was destined to be interrupted in 1861. Turgenev did not respond to the letter and guns did not bought, and the cross was put on their many years of friendship. And the reason for this was not ideological or literary disagreements. Nekrasov's civilian wife, Avdota Panayev, got into the litigation into the inheritance of the former wife of the poet Nikolai Ogarev. The court awarded a panary suit on 50 thousand rubles. Nekrasov paid this amount by retaining the honor of Avdoti Yakovlevna, but thereby his own reputation was shaken. Turgenev brought all the intricutings of a dark case in London himself, after which he broke all relations with Nekrasov. The publisher Nekrasov drew and with some other old friends - Tolstoy, Ostrovsky. At this time, he switched to a new democratic wave, which emanated from Chernyshevsky - Dobrolyubov. In the 1870th year, his late Museum of Focla Anisimovna, who was named Nekrasov on the noble Lad Zinaida Nikolaevna, also addicted to the hobbies of her husband, to hunt. She even saddled the horse herself and drove with him to hunt in Rate Frak and in trousers in the tightness, on the head - Zimmerman. All this led Nekrasov delight. But one day, during the hunting on the Childgy Swamp, Zinaida Nikolaevna accidentally shot a favorite dog of Nekrasov - Black Pointera nicknamed Kado. After that, Nekrasov, who devoted to the hunt for 43 years old, was forever hung a gun on a nail.

The image of a revolutionary democrat in Poetry N. A. Nekrasova

According to the Russian literary critic of the professor of the University of Leningrad, V. E. E. Evgeneva-Maksimov, Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov was the most wonderful poet of Russian revolutionary democracy. According to Evgenyeva-Maksimov, thoughts about the serious position of the people led the writer to sympathize with oppressed, that is, a serf and negative attitude towards landowners.

V. I. Lenin before October revolution considered in it a revolutionary democrat. Lenin considered one of the merit of Nekrasov's fact that he taught Russian society to distinguish under the appearance of the form of a serf-landowner his own interests, fought both against serfdom and against the hypocritic Russian liberalism.

M. I. Kalinin, in his article "On the moral guide of our people" (1945), spoke about the social and educational value of Nekrasov's poetry, that he aroused his works in people with hatred for slave owners, love for the people, called for the struggle.

As the literary critic and critic V. V. Zhdanov argued, Nekrasov not only sympathized with the people, but also identified himself with the peasant Russia, he spoke of her name and her tongue, and was also an expressive awakening self-consciousness of the masses, which was the basis of ideological and art features His creativity.

According to the Russian writer, the revolutionary Democrat of Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Nekrasov sharply admitted the manifesto on February 19, 1861, responding to the reform of the Freedom poem, which reflected his own observations over changes in the village: "Motherland Mother! According to your plains, I did not rode with feeling like that! " These feelings were caused by the hopes for improving the life of the peasant, and he considered the new peasant reform only one "networks" for the peasantry: "I know: there are many other people in the place of the networks of fortress people ...".

It is noteworthy that Nekrasov has a prosperous exit for the peasantry seen in an individual economy. He was a supporter of the American path of development of capitalism in Russia, advocated the elimination of remnants of serfdom, for the transfer of the peasantry of the landlord land, for the political and cultural growth of the man. At the same time, he negatively belonged to the "Prussian" version of capitalism and expanded Russian capitalism, which at that time was still very weak.

In the Nekrasov lyrics of the first half of the 1860s. A stress atmosphere, which was noticeable in the society of that time: this is a rise to the liberation movement during the revolutionary situation, a noticeable increase, and then the decline in postreraphoric peasant unrest. Government repressions and arrests of revolutionaries also affected. All these events attached to Nekrasovsky poems in some cases, the grim flavor, and in others they filled them with a rebellious pathos, a feeling of protest. In 1864, the poet writes a small poem "Railway", which reflected the cruel reality of the life and labor of the Russian peasant, was conducted a strict social analysis. Nekrasov touched upon this poem an acute social topic of operating workers, yesterday's peasants, on the heavy construction of railways. In the poem, he pointed out the postreraformation ruin of the village and tied him to the beginning of the process of capitalization of Russia.

In the mid-1860s, Nekrasov wrote acute Satira "newspaper", in which he raised his original enemy - censorship: he showed a negative censorship of the Censor of Nikolaev times, which inertia continues to look for "Kramol" in the newspapers. Nekrasov dedicated the topic of combating censorship and liberalism The extensive cycle of satirical poems "Songs about free Word" (1865-1866), written in response to censorship "reforms", which put in a difficult situation and his magazine "Contemporary". In these verses, he subjected to the censorship policy of the government, as well as the liberal seal, which praised this policy.

At the same time, trying to save the magazine "Contemporary", Nekrasov wrote a laudatory ODU, which he read the Muravyol-Lisher, severely suppressing the Polish uprising, at a dinner in the English club on April 16, 1866. It could not do not indignant revolutionaries, and not only them, but even some gendarmes, since in this Odea, the poet persistently demanded punishes for those whom he himself called for revolutionary feats. Some, already formerly, fans of Nekrasov disappeared from the walls of his portraits and pumped into shreds, and also wrote on these portraits "scotch" and sent him by mail. This act did not like even most of the club members who heard the ODU. Moreover, the verse did not leave the impressions even at the most Muravyov, and the question of Nekrasov, whether it is worth printing, he answered negatively.

The writer at that time could not directly write about the revolutionaries whom the government was pursued, and therefore was looking for workarounds to convey his thoughts. However, in 1868, he writes a poem "stuffy! Without happiness and will ... ", in which he can almost directly express a revolutionary call and the thought of the brewing in long Night The thunderstorm, which breaks the "Bowl of the Universal Grief": "The storm would bother, or what? Bowl with edges full! "

Nekrasovsky lyrics of the 1870s, his poems are impregnated with revolutionary sentiments. They reflect the influence of the liberation struggle, the time of the lift and the decline of the people's movement, "walking to the people", to which the poet sincerely sympathized.

Nekrasovskaya school

In the poetry of the 1860s, such a concept was formed as Nekrasovskaya School. It was a group of poets that opposed themselves to poets of "pure art" as poets of the real and civil directions, Dmitry Minaev, Nikolai Dobrolyubov, Ivan Nikitin, Vasily Kurochkin and others. The concept of "Nekrasovskaya School" did not mean at all that they were disciples of Nekrasov in the literal sense. Rather, Nicholas Nekrasov managed to most fully express the combination of those trends in the civilian poetry of the 1840-60s, which were meaningful in their work: Dobrolyubov and Minaev were poets on the benefits of satirical, nikitin - peasant, as well as with other poets.

Still Chernyshevsky said that Nekrasov is the creator of a new period in Russian literature. At the emergence of the term "Nekrasovskaya School" itself, the influence of such a concept as "Natural School", which in the mid-1840s also bind to the name of Nekrasov as a large extent. The definition of Nekrasovskaya School sounded for the first time in connection with the characteristic of the poetry of Dmitry Minaev. The existence of such a direction was recognized and critics were hostile to democratic poetry. Under this school, you can understand the system of artistic principles that have developed in the Russian (primarily democratic) poetry by the middle of the XIX century. The school had its influence on Russian poetry. Traces of the Nekrasov school find even the poets of the later time - Andrei White, from Alexander Bloka. However, usually under school Nekrasov imply poets of the 1850-70s, which ideologically and artistically most were close to him and experienced direct influence on themselves. Most of them were formed around a few democratic publications: Nekrasovsky "Contemporary", "Russian Word", "Sparks". Nekrasovsky poetry itself was characterized by nation. Nekrasov was a poet who did not just wrote about the people, but also spoke his tongue.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Born on November 28 (December 10) of 1821 in Nemirov, Podolskaya Province - died on December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878) in St. Petersburg. Russian poet, writer and publicist, classic of Russian literature. From 1847 to 1866, the head of the literary and socio-political magazine "Contemporary", since 1868 - editor of the journal "Patrican Notes".

The most famous for such works as the epic poem "Who in Russia live is good", the poems "Frost, Red Nose", "Russian women", the poem "Grandfather Mazay and Zaysa". His poems were devoted to mainly the suffering of the people, idylls and tragedies of the peasantry. Nekrasov introduced into Russian poetry the wealth of the people's language and folklore, widely using proseclaisms and speech revisions of the simple people - from the domestic to the journalistic, from the folk spaciousness to the poetic vocabulary, from oratorical to parody and satirical style. Using spoken speech and folk phraseology, he significantly expanded the range of Russian poetry. Nekrasov first decided on a bold combination of emaciation, lyrical and satirical motifs within one poem, which was not practiced before it. His poetry had a beneficial effect on the subsequent development of Russian classical, and later Soviet poetry.

Nikolai Nekrasov came from the noble, once rich family from the Yaroslavl province. Born in Vinnitsk district of the Podolsk province in the city of Nemirov. There, at that time, the regiment was quartered, in which his father - Lieutenant and a tricky landowner Alexey Sergeevich Nekrasov (1788-1862). He did not pass the family weakness of Nekrasov - Love for the cards ( Sergey Alekseevich Nekrasov (1746-1807), grandfather of the poet, lost in the card almost all).

Alexey Sergeyevich loved Elena Andreevna Zagrevskaya (1801-1841), a beautiful and educated daughter of a rich plant of the Kherson province, which the poet considered Polka. Elena Zagrevskaya's parents did not agree to issue a beautifully educated daughter for a poor and low-fledged army officer, which forced Elena in 1817 to marry without the consent of the parents. However, this marriage was not happy.

Remembering childhood, the poet always spoke of his mother as an affliction, victim of coarse and depraved medium. He dedicated his mother a number of poems - "The latest songs", the poem "Mother", "Knight for an hour", in which he painted a light image of the one that his nobility screamed the unattractive decor of his childhood. Warm memories of mother affected the works of Nekrasov, manifested in his works about the female share. The very idea of \u200b\u200bmotherhood will manifest himself later in his textbook works - the head of the "peasant" in the poem "Who in Russia live is good", the poem "Orina, Mother Soldiers". The image of the mother is the main positive hero of the Nekrasovsky poetic world. However, the images of other native people - Father and Sisters will be present in its poetry. Father will perform in the role of the despot of the family, the unbridled savage of the landowner. And the sister, on the contrary, as a gentle friend, whose fate is similar to the fate of the mother. However, these images will not be as bright as the image of the mother.

Childhood Nekrasova passed in the childbirth of Nekrasov, in the village of Greshnevo Yaroslavl province, in the county, where the father Alexey Sergeevich Nekrasov, having retired, moved when Nicholas was 3 years.

The boy grew in a huge family (Nekrasov had 13 brothers and sisters), in a serious setting of the brutal dissection of his father with peasants, stormy orgy to his fortress mistresses and a cruel attitude towards the "larger", the mother of the future poet. Launched affairs and a number of processes for the estate forced the father of Nekrasov to occupy the place of charge. During the roads, he often took a little Nicholas with him, and he was still a child, often he was able to see the dead, knocking out arreed and so on, which fell in his soul in the form of sad grief pictures.

In 1832, at the age of 11, Nekrasov entered the Yaroslavl gymnasium, where he had reached the 5th grade. He studied it no matter and did not really go with the gymnasium boss (partly due to satirical poems). In Yaroslavl gymnasium, the 16-year-old young man began to record his first poems in his home notebook. In his initial work, the sad impressions of the early years, which in one way or another painted the first period of his work was traced.

His father always dreamed of a military career for a son, and in 1838, 17-year-old Nekrasov went to St. Petersburg to determine in the noble regiment.

However, Nekrasov met the gymnasium comrade, a Glushotsky student, and met other students, after which he had a passionate desire to learn. He neglected the threat of a father to stay without any material assistance and began to prepare for the entrance exam in St. Petersburg University. However, the exam could not stand and entered the Wolved Faculty of Philology.

From 1839 to 1841 he stayed at the university, but almost all the time he went in search of earnings, as an angry father stopped him to provide material support. During these years, Nikolai Nekrasov suffered terrible need, not every day having even the opportunity to fully dine. Not always he was also an apartment. For some time, he shot a room from a soldier, but somehow the long starvation fell ill, he owed a lot to a soldier and, despite the November night, remained sorry. On the street over him, the undergoing beggar was compressed and answered him into one of the slums on the outskirts of the city. In this overnight shelter, Nekrasov found a part-time job, writing someone for 15 kopecks. petition. A terrible need only harden his character.

After several years of deprivation, the life of Nekrasov began to improve. He began to give lessons and print small articles in the "literary addition to the Russian disabilities" and the "literary newspaper". In addition, the alphabet and fairy tales in verses wrote for the cheating publishers and fairy tales in verses, wrote water to the Alexandrin theater (under the name of the interpretation). Nekrasov fond of literature. For several years, he worked hard on prose, verses, waterwaves, journalism, criticism ("Lord, how much I worked! ..") - until the mid-1840s. His early poems and prose were noted by romantic imitativeness and largely prepared the further development of the Nekrasovsky realistic method.

His own savings began to appear, and in 1840, with the support of some Petersburg acquaintances, he released the book of his poems under the title "Dreams and Sounds". Vasilia Zhukovsky, Vladimir Benedictov and others one could notice in verses. The collection consisted of a pseudo-mono-impaired ballad with different "terrible" titles like "evil spirit", "Angel of Death", "Raven", etc.

The preparing book of Nekrasov was carried out by V. A. Zhukovsky to find out his opinion. He allocated 2 poems as decent, the rest advised the young poet to print Unnamed: "Subsequently, you will write better, and you will be ashamed for these verses." Nekrasov disappeared for the initials "N. N. ".

The literary critic Nikolai Poleval praised debutant, while the critic V. Belinsky in the "domestic notes" responded dismissively about the book. The book of the novice poet "Dreams and Sounds" was completely unpacked, and this was so worked for Nekrasov that he, like (who had bought and destroyed "Ganz Kyhehelgarten"), began to buy and destroy the "dreams and sounds", therefore The greatest bibliographic rarity (in the collection of esshers Nekrasov, they did not entered).

Nevertheless, with all the severity of his opinion, mentioned in the reviews on the collection of "Dreams and Sounds" about verses, as "from the soul". However, the failure of the poetic debut was obvious, and Nekrasov tries himself in prose. His earliest standards and stories reflected their own life experience and its first Petersburg impressions. In these works, young differences are operating, hungry poets living in the needs of officials, poor girls, deceived by the metropolitan rudders, the usurists who are coming up for the needs of the poor. Despite the fact that his artistic skill was still imperfect, the early Nekrasovskaya prose can be safely ranked at the realistic school of the 1840s, at the head of which Belinsky and Gogol stood.

Soon he also appealed to humorous genres: those were the balalagen poem "Provincial Council in St. Petersburg", watering "Fooktist Onufrievich Bob", "That's what it means to fall in love with the actress", the melodrama "Maternal blessing, or poverty and honor", a story about small Petersburg Officials "Makar Osipovich Rasdom", etc.

In the early 1840s, Nekrasov became an employee of "domestic notes", starting work in the bibliographic department. In 1842, there was a rapprochement of Nekrasov with a circle of Belinsky, who became familiar with him and highly appreciated the advantages of his mind. Belinsky believed that in the area of \u200b\u200bprose from Nekrasov, nothing more than the ordinary magazine will not come out, but his poem "on the road" enthusiastically approved. It was Belinsky that had a strong ideological influence on Nekrasov.

Soon Nekrasov began to actively engage in publishing activities. He released a number of almanacs: "Articles in verse without pictures" (1843), "Physiology of St. Petersburg" (1845), "April 1" (1846), "Petersburg Collection" (1846), in which D. V. Grigorovich debuted , I. S. Turgenev, A. N. Maikov. The "Petersburg Collection" had a great success, in which the "poor people" of Dostoevsky were printed.

A special place in the early work of Nekrasov occupies a novel from the modern life of the period, known as the "Life and Adventure of Tikhon Tikhonov". The novel was started in 1843 and was created on the threshold of the creative maturity of the writer, which manifested itself both in the style of the novel and in the content itself. It is most noticeable in the chapter "Petersburg corners", which can be viewed as an independent story of an outlining nature and one of the best works of "Natural School". It is this story that Nekrasov published separately (in the Almana "Physiology of St. Petersburg", 1845). She was very highly appreciated by Belinsky in his reviews on this almanac.

Publishing in Nekrasov went so successfully that at the end of 1846 - January 1847, he, together with the writer and journalist Ivan Panayev, acquired a magazine for rent from P. A. Pletnev "Contemporary", Founded by Alexander Pushkin. The literary youth, which created the bulk of "domestic notes," left Kraevsky and joined Nekrasov.

Belinsky also passed into the "contemporary" and Belinsky, he handed the Nekrasov part of the material that was collected for the collection of Leviafan's conceipable. Nevertheless, Belinsky was in the "contemporary" at the level of the same ordinary journalist, which was previously at Kraevsky. And this subsequently, Nekrasov was put in reproach, since it was Belinsky most of all contributed to the fact that the main representatives of the literary movement of the 1840s from the "domestic notes" moved to the "contemporary".

Nekrasov, like Belinsky, became a successful opener of new talents. On the pages of the contemporary magazine found their glory and recognition Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Goncharov, Alexander Herzen, Nikolay Ogarov, Dmitry Grigorovich. Alexander Ostrovsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Gleb Uspensky published in the journal. Nikolai Nekrasov introduced Fedor Dostoevsky and Lion Tolstoy to Russian literature. Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Nikolai Dobrolyubov were also printed in the journal, who soon became ideological leaders of the "contemporary".

From the first years of the publication of the journal, under its leadership, Nekrasov was not only his inspirer and editor, but also one of the main authors. Here, his poems printed, prose, criticism. During the period of "gloomy seven years" 1848-1855, the government of Nicholas I, frightened by the French revolution, began to persecute advanced journalism and literature. Nekrasov as the editor of the "contemporary" in this difficult for freedomity in the literature time managed at the cost of tremendous effort, despite the constant struggle with censorship, maintain the reputation of the magazine. Although it was impossible not to noted that the content of the magazine was noticeably sweating.

The printing of the long adventure novels of "Three Light Countries" and the Dead Lake, written by Nikolai Nekrasov in collaboration with Stanitsky (pseudonym Golovoy-Panayeva) begins. The heads of these long novels of Nekrasov and covered the lacuna formed in the journal due to censorship prohibitions.

Around the mid-1850s of Nekrasov seriously fell ill with a throat disease, but staying in Italy facilitated his condition. Recovery Nekrasov coincided with the beginning of a new period of Russian life. In his work, he also had a happy time - he was put forward in the first ranks of Russian literature.

However, this period was impossible to be easy. Class contradictions were engaged at the journal: the editorial office of the contemporary "turned out to be split into two groups, one of which, led by Ivan Turgenev, Lv's Tolstie and Vasily Botkin, who ratified for moderate realism and aesthetic" Pushkin "beginning in the literature Represented a liberal nobility. A counterweights consisted of adherents of satirical "Gogol" literature, a promotional democratic part of the Russian "Natural School" of the 1840s. In the early 1860s, the confrontation of these two flows in the journal has reached marginal acute. In the resulting split Nekrasov supported the "revolutionary differences", ideologues of the "peasant democracy". In this hardest period of the highest political rise in the country, the poet creates such works as the "poet and a citizen" (1856), "reflections from the front entrance" (1858) and the "Railway" (1864).

In the early 1860s, Dobrolyubov died, were exiled to Siberia Chernyshevsky and Mikhailov. All this has become a blow to Nekrasov. The era of student unrest began, the riots "freed from the Earth" of the peasants and the Polish uprising. During this period, Nekrasov magazine announced the "First Caution". The exit to the light of the "contemporary" is suspended, and in 1866, after the shot of Dmitry Karakozov in the Russian emperor, the magazine closed forever. Nekrasov, over the years of his leadership, the magazine managed to transform it to the chief literary magazine and a profitable enterprise, despite the constant pursuit of censors.

After the closure of the magazine Nekrasov became close to the publisher Andrei Krayevsky and two years after the closure of the "Contemporary", in 1868, rented from the regional notes from Kraevsky, making them a combat organ of revolutionary nationality and turning them together with the organ of advanced democratic thought.

In 1858, N. A. Dobrolyubov and N. A. Nekrasov, a satirical application was founded to the magazine "Contemporary" - "Whistle". The author of the idea was Nekrasov himself, and Dobrolyubov became the main employee "whistle". The first two numbers of the magazine (published in January and April 1859) were compiled by Dobrolyubov, Nekrasov accepted active cooperation from the third issue (October 1859). By this time, he was not just an employee, but was engaged in organizing and editing the room. Also, Nekrasov printed its poems and notes in the magazine.

At all stages of development of Nekrasov's creativity, one of the most important places in Nym was held by Satira, which was planted back in the 1840s. This thrust for the acute image of reality has led to the emergence of a whole series of satirical works in the 1860-1870s. The poet was created by new genres, he wrote poetic pamphlets, faithful poems, pondered the Cycle "Club" Satir.

He managed the art of social exposures, a skillful and subtle description of the most topical issues. At the same time, he did not forget about the lyrical beginning, he knew how to easily move from sincere intonations to the receptions of a barbed poetic woven, often close even to the water watery manner. All these subtleties of his creativity predetermined the emergence of a new type of satire, which before him was not yet in Russian literature. So, in its large satirical poem "Contemporaries" (1875), Nekrasov skillfully alternating the receptions of Fars and Grotesque, Irony and Sarcasm. In it, the poet with all his talent struck the power of his indignation against the force of the Russian bourgeoisie. According to the literary critic V. V. Zhdanov, the Satyric Poem-Review of Nekrasov "Contemporaries" in the history of Russian literature stands next to the accusatory generin prose. Saltykov-Shchedrin and himself responded positively about the poem, which struck him with his strength and truth.

However, the epic peasant poem-symphony "who in Russia live is good" was the main work of Nekrasov, which was the basis of the poet, which was relentlessly pursued him in the flamesors: "People released, but are the people happy?" This epic poem has absorbed his entire spiritual experience. This is the experience of a subtle connoisseur of folk life and folk speech. The poem has become the result of his long reflection on the situation and the fate of the peasantry, ruined by this reform.

In early 1875, Nekrasov was seriously ill. Doctors discovered the intestinal cancer in him - the incurable disease, which for the last two years chained him to bed. At this time, his life turned into a slow agony. Nekrasova operated a bilrot surgeon specially arrived from Vienna, but the operation only slightly extended his life. To lead about the deadly disease of the poet significantly raised its popularity. From all over Russia, letters and telegrams began to come to him in large quantities. Support strongly helped the poet in his terrible torment and inspired him for further creativity.

In this difficult time, he writes the "latest songs", which in sincerity feelings belong to his best creations. In recent years, the consciousness of his meanings in the history of the Russian word was clearly identified in his soul. So, in the lullaby song "Byyu-Bay", death tells him: "Do not be afraid of Gorky forgetting: I keep in my hand of my crown of love, the crown of farewell, the gift to the Mother of Your Motherland ... give way to the light of the darkness stubborn, hear his song over the Volga Over the window, above Kama, Bai-Bai-Bayu-Bay! .. ".

In the "writer's diary" Dostoevsky wrote: "I saw him for the last time a month before his death. He seemed almost already the corpse, so it was strange to even see that such a corpse says, she moves his lips. But he not only spoke, but also kept all the clarity of the mind. It seems he still did not believe in the possibility of near death. A week before death with him was the paralysis of the right side of the body. "

Conduct the poet on the last path has come a huge number of people. His funeral was the first case of the nationwide return of the last honors to the writer. Farewell to the poet began at 9 am and was accompanied by a literary and political demonstration. Despite the strong frost, a crowd of several thousand people, predominantly young people, accompanied the body of the poet to the place of Eternal soothe at the St. Petersburg Novodevichy cemetery.

The youth did not even give to talk to the Dostoevsky's funeral itself, who divered Nekrasov (with some reservations) the third place in Russian poetry after Pushkin and Lermontov, interrupting him with the screams "Yes above, above Pushkin!". This argument then moved to print: part supported the opinion of young enthusiasts, the other part pointed out that Pushkin and Lermontov were expressed by the entire Russian society, and Nekrasov - one mug alone. There were third, which with indignation rejected the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe parallels between creativity, which brought the Russian verse to the top of the artistic perfection, and the "clumsy" verse of Nekrasov, in their opinion, devoid of any artistic meaning.

Representatives of "Earth and Will", as well as other revolutionary organizations, who laid a wreath with the inscription from the Socialists took part in the burial of Nekrasov.

Personal life Nikolai Nekrasova:

The personal life of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was not always successful. In 1842, in a poetic evening, he met Avdota Panayev (Ur. Bryanskaya) - wife of Writer Ivan Panayev. Avdota Panayev, an attractive brunette, was considered one of the most beautiful women of St. Petersburg of the time. In addition, she was smart and was the hostess of the literary salon, which was going to her husband's house Ivan Panayev. Her own literary talent attracted into a circle in the house of Panayev young, but already popular Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Turgenev, Belinsky. Her husband, writer Panayev, was characterized as hanging and a walk. Despite this, his wife was distinguished by decency, and Nekrasov had to make considerable efforts to attract the attention of this woman. Fedor Dostoevsky was loved in Avdota, but reciprocity did not succeed. At first, Panayeva rejected the twenty-essential nekrasov, also in love with her, why he almost committed suicide.

During one of the trips of Panayev and Nekrasov to the Kazan province Avdoty and Nikolai Alekseevich, they still admitted to each other in their feelings. Upon his return, they began to live a civil marriage in Panayev's apartment, and together with the legitimate husband of Avdoti - Ivan Panayev. Such a union lasted for almost 16 years, until the death of Panayev.

All this caused public condemnation - about Nekrasov said that he lives in someone else's house, he loves someone else's wife and also rolls the scene of jealousy to a legitimate husband. During this period, even many friends turned away from him. But despite this, Nekrasov and Panayev were happy. Nekrasov created one of its best poems cycles - the so-called "Panayan cycle" (much of this cycle they wrote and edited together). Co-authors of Nekrasov and Stanitsky (an alias of Avdoti Yakovlevna) belongs to several novels who had a great success. Despite such a non-standard lifestyle, this Trinity remained like-minded people and comrades in the rebirth and the formation of the contemporary magazine.

In 1849, Avdoti Yakovlevna from Nekrasov was born a boy, but he lived for a short time. At this time, necross himself fell ill. It is assumed that strong attacks of anger and mood changes are associated with the death of the child, which later led to a rupture in their avgotie relations. In 1862, Ivan Panayev died, and Evdota Panayev went from Nekrasov. However, Nekrasov remembered it until the end of life and when drawing up the will, mentioned it in him.

In May 1864, Nekrasov went to an overseas trip, which lasted about three months. He lived mainly in Paris along with his companions - his sister Anna Alekseyevna and Frenchwoman Celina Lefren (Fr. Lefresne), with which he met in St. Petersburg in 1863.

Celina was an actress of the French troupe who spent in the Mikhailovsky Theater. She was distinguished by a living temper and a slight character. Selina spent the summer of 1866 in Karabikhe, and in the spring of 1867, she went abroad, as last time, along with Nekrasov and his sister Anna. However, this time she no longer returned to Russia. It did not interrupted their relationship - in 1869 they met in Paris and held the whole August by the sea in Dippe. Nekrasov remained very pleased with this trip, correcting his health also. During the rest, he felt happy, the reason for which was Celina, who was in his soul, although her attitude towards him was even and even slightly dry. Returning, Nekrasov did not forget Selina for a long time and helped her. And in his suicide will, she appointed ten and a half thousand rubles to her.

Later, Nekrasov met with a rustic girl Foakla Anisimovna Victorova, simple and uneducated. She was 23 years old, he was already 48. The writer drove it into theaters, concerts and exhibitions to fill the gaps in the upbringing. Nikolai Alekseevich came up with her name - Zina. So Fökla Anisimovna became called Zinaida Nikolaevna. She taught the poems of Nekrasov and admired them. Soon they married. However, Negrasov stilled in their former love - Avdwirl Panayeva - and at the same time loved both Zinaida, and Frenchwoman Selina Lefren, with whom he had a novel abroad. One of the most famous poetic works - "Three Elegia" - he devoted only Panayeva.

It should also be mentioned about the passion of Nekrasov to the game of cardsThat can be called the hereditary passion of his family, starting with the great-grandfather Nikolai Nekrasov - Yakova Ivanovich, "unpelledly rich" Ryazan landowner who quickly lost his wealth.

However, he again got rich enough quickly - one time Yakov was a governor in Siberia. As a result of passion for the game, his son Alexei received only the Ryazan estate. He married, he received as a dowry from the village of Greshnevo. But his son, Sergey Alekseevich, laid for the period Yaroslavl Greshnevo, lost him. Alexey Sergeevich, when he told his son Nicholas, the future poet, a glorious pedigree, summarized: "our ancestors were rich. Prapraded yours lost seven thousand souls, great-grandfather - two, grandfather (my father) - one, I am nothing, because there was nothing to lose, but I also love to play cards. " And only Nikolai Alekseevich was the first to turn the fate. He also loved to play cards, but became the first - not played. At the time when his ancestors lost, - he won one and won a lot. The score went for hundreds of thousands. So, he played a very large amount, Adjutant Alexander Vladimirovich Adlerberg, a famous statesman, Minister of the Imperial Court and Personal Friend of Emperor Alexander II. And the Minister of Finance Alexander Ageevich Abaz lost Negasov more than a million francs. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov managed to return the Greshnevo, in which he spent his childhood and which was selected for the duty of his grandfather.

Another passion of Nekrasov, who also passed to him from his father was hunting. The psovy hunt, which was serviced by two dozen dozzzchi, Borzatenikov, Lyzhnikov, Psares and Strengthened, was the pride of Alexei Sergeevich. The father of the poet for a long time forgot his offspring and did not follow his creative and financial successes without a vacation. And the Son before the death of the Father (in 1862) came to him in the Grevenovo every year. Nekrasov devoted the fucking hunt for funny poems and even the poem of the "Psovy Hunting", who hesitated the delets, scope, the beauty of Russia and the Russian soul. In the mature age of Nekrasov even was addicted to the bearish hunt ("fun to beat you, bears respectable ..."). Avdota Panayev recalled that when Nekrasov was going to the bear, there were big fees - expensive wines, snacks and just provisions were. With you even took cooks. In March 1865, Nekrasov managed to get three bears per day at once. He appreciated the men's muzhikov, dedicated them to the poems - Savushka ("Turned on the forty-first bear") from "in the village", Savely from "Who lives in Russia". Also, the poet loved to hunt to game. His addiction to the walking in a swamp with a gun was limitless. Sometimes he went on a hunt with sunrise and returned only by midnight.

He walked on the hunt and with the "First Hunter of Russia" Ivan Turgenev, with whom they were friends for a long time and corresponded. Nekrasov in his last message, Turgenev abroad even asked him to buy him in London or Paris a luncaster gun for 500 rubles. However, their correspondence was destined to be interrupted in 1861. Turgenev did not respond to the letter and guns did not bought, and the cross was put on their many years of friendship. And the reason for this was not ideological or literary disagreements. The civilian wife of Nekrasov Avdota Panayev, got involved in the gravity of the inheritance of the former wife of the poet Nikolai Ogarev. The court awarded a panary suit on 50 thousand rubles. Nekrasov paid this amount by retaining the honor of Avdoti Yakovlevna, but thereby his own reputation was shaken. Turgenev brought all the intricutings of a dark case in London himself, after which he broke all relations with Nekrasov.

The Nekrasov-Publisher died with some other old friends - L. N. Tolstoy, A. N. Ostrovsky. At this time, he switched to a new democratic wave, which emanated from Chernyshevsky - Dobrolyubov. In 1870, in 1870, his late Museum of Focla Anisimovna, who was named Nekrasov on the noble Lad Zinaida Nikolaevna, also addicted to the hobby of her husband, to the hunt. She even saddled the horse herself and drove with him to hunt in Rate Frak and in trousers in the tightness, on the head - Zimmerman. All this led Nekrasov delight. But one day, during the hunting on the Childgy Swamp, Zinaida Nikolaevna accidentally shot a favorite dog of Nekrasov - Black Pointera nicknamed Kado. After that, Nekrasov, who devoted to the hunt for 43 years old, was forever hung a gun on a nail.

Bibliography Nikolai Nekrasova:

Poles Nikolai Nekrasova:

Mountain of old Nauma
Cabinet wax figures
Who lives well in Russia
Peasant children
Frost, red nose (poem dedicated to the poet of his sister Anna)
On the Volga
Recent time
O Weather (street impressions)
Russian women
Knight per hour

Pieces Nikolai Nekrasova:

Bear Hunting
Foclist Onufrich Bob, or her husband is not in his plate
Youth Lomonosov

Tales Nikolai Nekrasova:

Baba Yaga, Bone League

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821─1877) - an outstanding Russian poet, a writer and a publicist who became a classic of domestic literature. His works of "who in Russia live is good", "Troika", "Poet and Citizen", "Grandfather Mazay and Zarea", got the greatest fame. For a long time, he was engaged in active public activities, leading to the magazines "Contemporary" and "Domestic Notes".

Nikolai Alekseevich became famous as an apologist of folk suffering, trying to show the true tragedy of the peasantry through his works. He is also known as a poet-innovator who actively introduced folk prosecons and speech turns to Russian poetry.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 22, 1821 in Vinnitsa, a subtoman province in the family of a large Yaroslavl landowner Alexei Nekrasov. At this time, the regiment in which he served, housed in these places. Mother of the Great Poet was Polka Elena Zagrevskaya. Shortly after the birth of the son, his father threw military service, and the family moved to Yaroslavl into the generic estate of Greynevo.

The future poet early got acquainted with the realities of the fortress Russian village and heavy peasant life. All this produced an oppressive impression and left a deep mark in his soul. Gloomy and sad life in these places will respond in the future poems of the poet "Motherland", "Unfortunate", "in the unknown wilderness."

Complicated the harsh realities of the poor relationship of the mother and father, which was adversely reflected in life large family (Nekrasov had 13 sisters and brothers). In the same place, in the native edge, Nekrasov for the first time fell ill with poetry. Unskilled the love of the art of his beloved mother, which was well educated. After her death, the poet found many books in Polish, in the fields of which she left notes. Your first verses written at the age of seven, a little Kolya also dedicated to Mom:

Caught Mama, accept
This weak work
And consider
Is it suitable anywhere.

After admission to the gymnasium, Nekrasov left his native focus and enjoyed freedom. He lived in the city in a private apartment along with the younger brother and was granted himself. Probably, therefore he learned it no matter, and with teachers, it was often engaged in verbal verses and wrote satirical poems about them.

At 16, Nikolai moves to St. Petersburg. The change of circumstances was forced, since after the deductions from the gymnasium, a military career was threatened with an indifferent to freedom-loving barracks. In 1838, he comes to the capital with letter For admission to the Cadet Corps, but instead begins preparation for admission to the university. Stressing his desire to break with the hated past, in which the only light spot was the memories of the mother, the poet writes the poem "thought".

The first poetic collection of Nekrasov called "Dreams and Sounds" was not accepted or critics nor the author himself. After that, he long moved away from the lyrics, and all the books falling into his hands immediately destroyed. Until the death of Nikolai Alekseevich did not like to remember these plays and verses.

On the literary field

After such turn, the father refused material support, so Nekrasov had to be interrupted by random earnings and even risked to die with a hungry death. Nevertheless, he sacredly believed in the literature as the most advanced form of free and reasonable activities. Even the hardest need did not make him get away from this field. In memory of this period, he began to write, but did not finish the novel "Life and adventure of Tikhon Tikhonovanov".

In the period from 1840 to 1843, Nikolai Alekseevich was engaged in writing prose, parallel to cooperating with the "domestic notes" with the magazine. From under his pen there was a lot of stories - "Morning in the editorial office", "Kareta", "Lenchant 23 years old", "Experienced woman" and many others. Under the pseudonym, he writes the drama "Husband is not in his plate", "Feokfist Onufrievich Bob", Grandfather Parrots "," Actor ". At the same time, he became known as the author of numerous reviews and fechens.

In 1842, a long-awaited reconciliation was held with the Father, which opened his way home. "With a tired head, nor alive is dead," he describes the return to Greshnevo. " By that time, the elderly father forgave him and even proud of the ability of his son to overcome difficulties.

The next year, Nekrasov gets acquainted with V. Belinsky, who at first did not very seriously belonged to his literary gift. Everything has changed after the appearance of the poem "on the road", which forced the famous criticism to call him a "true poet." Even more Belinsky admired the famous "homeland". Nekrasov did not remain in debt and called the meeting with him his salvation. As it turned out, a poet with his huge talent was very necessary for a person who would illuminate him with his ideas.

Singer Soul People

After writing the poem "on the road", who exposed the soul of an intelligent person, who was not alien to people's suffering, he creates another ten of works. In them, the author accumulates all his hatred towards the meaningless opinion of the crowd, ready to brand a false and empty chatter than a sacrifice of hard life. His poems "when from the darkness of the misfortune" became one of the first attempts by the Russian authors to show the light image of a woman, bending from poverty and misfortunes.

In the period from 1845 to 1854, the poet wrote not so much, creating the immortal poems of the "memory of Belinsky", "Muza", "Masha", the "uncompressed band", "Wedding". It is difficult not to notice the vocation that I found in your destiny a great poet. True, he has yet been careful about this path, which contributed and not best years For literature related to the enhancement of the reactionary Nikolaev regime.

Social work

Starting from 1847, the poet stood at the helm of the magazine "Contemporary", becoming his publisher and editor. Under his leadership, the publication turned into a full-fledged organ of the revolutionary-democratic camp, the most advanced literary minds of Russia cooperate with him. Despite the desperate attempts to save the magazine, when Nekrasov extended its poems at a dinner in honor of the famous Count N. Muravyov ("Lisher"), in 1866 the "contemporary" was closed. The reason for such a decisive step of the authorities, Karakozov's shots in the summer garden were shot, almost worthwhile to the emperor. Before last days I regretted the poet about my act, calling it "the sound of incorrect."

Two years later, Nekrasov still returned to publishingBy purchasing the right to publish the "domestic notes". This magazine will become the last brainchild of Nikolai Alekseevich. On his pages, he published the head of the famous poem "Who lives well in Russia", as well as "Russian women", "grandfather" and a number of satirical works.

Late period

There was much more fruitful period from 1855 to 1864, which began with the topics of the new Emperor Alexander II. In these years, Nekrasov appears as a true Creator of Poetic Pictures of People's and Public Life. The first work in this row was the poem "Sasha". It so happened that at this time there was a public ascent, including the birth of the nationality. The response to this not indifferent poet and the citizen was the writing of the poem "Corobeinists", "Songs of Yeremshka", "Reflections from the Parade Podge" and, of course, "Poet and Citizen". In an effort to support the impulse of the revolutionary intelligentsia, he calls for a feat and self-sacrifice for the sake of folk happiness in the poem "Saders".

The late creative period is characterized by the presence in verses of Elegy motives. They found an expression in such poems as "Morning", "Elegy", "Three Elegia", "Ugly". A mansion is the most famous work of the poet "Who in Russia live is good", which became the crown of his creative activity. It can be called a real guide for the people's life, where there was a place for people's ideals of freedom, whose expresser became the hero of the work of Grisha Dobrons. The poem contains a large layer of peasant culture, reported to the reader in the form of belt, sayings, spoken folk language.

In 1862, after violence with many friends, Nekrasov radicals returns to native places in Yaroslavl. Staying in a small homeland inspired poet to writing the poem "Knight for an hour", which the author especially loved. Soon he bought his own estate of Karabiha, where he came every summer.

Poet and citizen

In Russian literature, Nikolai Nekrasov took her, a very special place. He became a real popular poet, the expressive of his aspirations and suffering. Obdring the vices of the power-handing, he, as he could, burned for the interests of the depressed fellow village. Tight communication with condes on the "contemporary" helped to form a deep moral belief related to his active civil position. In his works "On the weather", "crying children", "reflections from the parade entrance" he shares with readers with his revolutionary ideas, born in the name of national happiness.

In 1856 he saw the light of the literary collection of the "poems", which became a kind of manifesto of progressive literature, who dreamed forever to make the shackles of serfdom. All this contributed to the growth of the authority of Nikolai Alekseevich, who became a moral guidance for many representatives of the then youth. And it was not by chance that he was proudly called the most Russian poet. In the 1860s, the concept of "Nekrasovskaya School" was approved, which "enrolled" poets of the real and civil directions, who wrote about the people and who spoke with their reader with their reader. Among the most famous authors of this flow, Dmitry Minaev and N. Dobrolyubov are allocated.

Distinctive feature Creativity Nekrasova was his satirical orientation. In his verses, the "lullaby song", "modern ODA" he rizums noble hypocritters and bourgeois philanthropes. And in the "Court" and "Song about free Word", a bright rationatir political subtext is visible. The poet exposes censorship, destroyers and illusory freedom given by the emperor.

The last years of the life of Nekrasov suffered from severe oncological disease of the stomach, he agreed to carry out the operation by the famous Dr. Bilrotom, but it turned out to be unsuccessful. I did not save from hard and a trip to Crimea - December 27, 1877 Nikolai Alekseevich did not. His funeral turned into an unprecedented expression of people's sympathies of thousands of people who came to the frosty winter day to honor the memory of the Great Poet.

Personal life

In the most difficult times, Nekrasov, Ivan Panayev, famous in St. Petersburg, helped Nekrasov. In his house, the poet got acquainted with many outstanding figures of literature - Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Saltykov-generous. The mansion was acquainted with the beauty of Avdota Panayeva, the wife of Ivan. Despite her solid temper, Nekrasov managed to achieve the location of the woman. After the successful success, Nikolay Alekseevich acquired big apartment On the foundry, where the Panaywa family entered. True, the spouse has long cooled to Avdiers and did not give any feelings for her. After the death of Panayev, the long-awaited marriage with Avdota did not take place. She quickly married A. Golovacheva's secretary of the contemporary and gone from the apartment.

Torzable by unspecified love, Nekrasov, together with his sister, Anna goes abroad, where he meets a new passion ─ Frenchwoman Sedina Lefren. For five years, they will support relationships at a distance, however, having received a lot of money from a successful publisher, she forever disappeared from his life.

At the end of the life of Nekrasov became close to Fekla Victorovoy, which he won on the legend. She was a girlfriend of more than onebirth and often hesitated his presence among the educated society. Having experienced fathers feelings for it, the poet awarded the girl with his patronymic and contributed to the acquisition of the new name ─ Zinchik. Indirect proof is the fact that all his late poems he devoted to A. Panayeva.

Nevertheless, shortly before death, the poet has already been strong and exhausted, the poet decided to wedding with the fecular, which took place in the temporary temple, built right in the dining room at his home.