The state that was subjected to section at the end of the XVIII century between. Enlightened absolutism and European enlightenment

  • The date: 23.09.2019

Catherine Great Rules of the Russian Empire for 34 years. During her reign, the territory and population of the country significantly increased. In foreign policy, serious success was achieved. Russia has gained more weight and influence in international affairs, including in relation to european states. But the brightest feature of this era was to expand the rights of the noble estate to the unthinkable limits. In history it is difficult to find a similar example of the elite, which had so unlimited privileges. The Board of Catherine 2 is called the Golden Age of the Nobility.

Entry into the throne

The path to the Russian crown was very thorny for the future empress. Catherine came to power as a result of a palace coup in difficult and confusing circumstances. Her spouse Peter the third was little capable of managing the state and served a hindrance towards the throne. After his mysterious death, Catherine focused power in her hands. But, from the point of view of subjects, she was an alien princess involved in the murder of her husband. The position of the Empress seemed shaky and unreliable. The main support and protection for it was served by the revolving Guard's coup. The need to obtain support from the army elite identified the policy of Catherine in relation to the whole nobility.

Enlightened monarchy

The Empress read the works of Voltaire and was familiar with European liberal ideas. She believed that reasonable laws, effective law enforcement and concern for the formation of subjects could lead a state to prosperity and well-being. The idea of \u200b\u200ban enlightened monarchy assumed the preservation of the class system, the main force which are nobles. In addition, did not question the self-container.

Drinking by the principles of French enlighteners, Catherine realized how far a reality is from them Russian Empire. With all the desire to smooth out social contradictions in society, she was forced to flow into the sake of the class, from which her power depended. That is why the Golden Age of the Nobility occurred during the reign of Catherine. The Palace Guard was a huge political force, sometimes the decision to sit on the throne.

Changing the position of the nobility

The fundamental principle of relations between the monarch and nobles was in the jurisdiction of military service in exchange for ownership of estates. The duties of the representative of the noble class before the state truck were in nature similar to the dependence of the serf peasant from the feudal. Until the time of Peter the Great Included, the service began with 15 years and was almost lifelong. The nobleman did not have the right to choose between military and civil careers.

Gradually there was the destruction of these ancient principles. The process of their cancellation reached apogee, when the Board of Catherine 2. The Golden Age of the Nobility marked the beginning of the existence of the first fully free and independent interlayer of society in Russia.

Changes after the death of Peter the Great

Phased into legislation was amended, which made the position of the feudal class are becoming more convenient and profitable. The nobles were allowed to temporarily obstruct their duties before the state and return to the estates to personally manage economic affairs. One of the sons in every noble family was right not to enter the service and fully devote himself to solving issues related to the estate. The age from which the representatives of the feudal class began to fulfill their duty to the monarch, was increased from 15 to 20 years. The nobles were granted a choice between the army and civil service. The exclusive right of noble class for the ownership of lands and fortress peasants was confirmed. The possibility of receiving resignation after 25 years of service.

Manifesto Peter Third

The far-sighted Ekaterina sought to enlist the support of the nobility even before his entry into the throne. She could largely manipulate the reign spouse, and under her influence he signed a manifesto that cancels the obligatory civil service for the representatives of the feudal class. Catherine confirmed the main points of this document a few months after its coronation. The golden age of the nobility was called the epoch, which had arrived since the proclamation of liberty that did not have analogues in the past. But the class of generosity and the grace of the autocrat remained strong.

Economic situation

The Empress officially announced the lack of need to force the nobles to the fulfillment of responsibilities to the state. In her opinion, patriotism and dedication to the monarch, inherent in representatives of this class, guaranteed their voluntary receipt to the service. This statement did not fully correspond to reality. True reason It was that often the estates gave small incomes and did not provide their owners a decent standard of living. For many nobles, the state position was the only alternative.


It is worth noting that the Empress contributed to the enrichment of the narrow circle of his proxies and favorites. For example, the organizers of the palace coup, which opened her way to the Russian throne, received ranks, large amounts of money and land. Thanks to the monarch of generosity, some approximated became owners of fantastic states. The Golden Institute of the Nobility is called the Board of Catherine Great, however, not all representatives of this class have received economic benefits in this era. Some of them did not have fortress peasants at all. Manifesto on liberties did not affect their financial position.

Fortress peasants

The golden age had his reverse side. The welfare of the feudal class was based on free labor Fortress peasants. The expansion of the privileges of the nobles was accompanied by a restriction of the rights of undermineum landpash. The only judicial authority for the fortress peasants was their landowner. He had the authority to sort a link to the settlement to Siberia or even lifelong religious work. To submit complaints to the landowner was prohibited under the fear of punishment by the whip. The position of the fortress peasants differed little from classic slavery, although the legislation did not recognize this openly.

Humanistic ideals and reality

Ekaterina Great considered a similar system of the device of society inhuman. She repeatedly thought about possible ways Restrictions of serf addiction. However, these plans directly contradicted the interests of the elite. The economic source of the golden century of the nobility was serfdom. The good intentions of the empress were faced with severe reality, and she had forced to abandon humanistic ideas. The support of the aristocracy was for Catherine with the highest priority, and the years of its reign were the flourishing of serfdom.

Plunched diploma of the liberty

In 1785, a document was published, confirming all the previously obtained privileges and expanding them. First of all, the release of the noble estate from the mandatory public service and its exclusive right to own lands and peasants was fixed. In addition, the noble rank from this time was inherited, and it was possible to lose it only by the decision of the Senate for the commitment of a grave crime. The privilege list added exemption from pillow. Judging the nobleman could only be equal in origin. It was forbidden to apply corporal punishment to the representatives of the noble class and confiscate their estates. They had the right to handle requests and complaints directly to the sovereign. The nobles were allowed to leave abroad and even come to the service for foreign monarchs.

Representatives in the administration

It is worth emphasizing the introduction local governments. In the Golden Age of the Russian nobility, almost all representatives of the authorities in the counties and cities were elected or appointed from this estate. Aristocracy in Russia finally turned into a closed corporation, isolated from the rest of the population.

Food exports

The golden age of the nobility coincided with the widespread increase in prices for grain and bread. Russia's participation in the European market system mainly consisted in food supplies. Exports of bread has become an exceptionally advantageous occupation. This circumstance stimulated landowners to increase the sowing areas and strengthen the operation of the fastener peasants in order to receive additional income. The economic situation contributed to the continuation of the golden century of the nobility.

End of era

After the death of Catherine, Paul joined the Great for the throne, with which she had complex relationships because of the killing of his father Peter Third. He made attempts to limit the granted the noble class of liberty and privileges. The golden age of the nobility has not yet ended, but his peak was already behind. In the desire to make this class, the main support of the autocracy of Catherine endowed him with enormous rights and turned into serious political force.

Assembly- a form of leisure vesge - assembly balls with the participation of women introduced by Peter I in 1718

Bironovschina - the regime of the Board established under the Empress Anna Ioannovna (1730-1740), named after her favorita Ernst Johann Biron. It was characterized by the dominance of foreigners in all areas of public administration and power, the looting of the country, repressions against dissatisfied.

Bureaucracy1) A combination of professionally involved in the management (officials), responsible to the state leadership and living due to the received wages (salaries); 2) control system state through the devices of officials.

Eastern question- term meaning a complex of contradictions power In the Middle East, the Balkans, in the Black Sea Strait zone and in North Africa - in the territories subject to Ottoman empire (Turkey).

Guard- Selective, best of the army.

Province - The main administrative-territorial unit of Russia from 1708 was divided into half. Several adjacent provinces could be a governor-general.

Palace coup - the violent removal of the monarch from the power of one of the opposition court groups with guard.

Power1) a large and powerful country; 2) The emblem of power, one of the regalia of the monarch: a golden bowl with a crown or cross upstairs.

"Fruent grarity nobility"- Document confirming everything privilegeData nobility After Peter I, as well as allowed to create noble societies in guberniaand County.

"Plugged diploma cities"- a document that determined the rights and duties of the urban population, the management system in cities.

Emperor - face, carrier of the highest monarch, as well as the title of such a face. In Russia, the title of Emperor was adopted by Peter I in 1721

Intensive - Giving high performance.

Capitalist peasants- Weightful peasants who had capital and business engines.

College- Central executive authorities who have ends with a certain industry (army, fleet, foreign Policy etc.). Peter I were introduced instead orders.

Condition- Conditions recorded in the contract.

Peasants-Wasteners- Peasants who are allowed, with the permission of the landowner, leave the village for seasonal work to earn obrah..

Magistrate- the urban management body introduced under Peter I.

Meshcheracy (Moisan) - in Russia until the end of 1917 - estate, the lowest digit personally free, substant urban population. According to a humble diploma, the cities of 1785 included small traders and artisans - the main tax payers and finners.

Modernization- change, reconstruction of socio-economic, political, cultural, religious and etched and other basics of society through various innovations and improvements. In a narrower sense, under modernization it is understood industrial revolutionand industrialization, folding the nationwide market and a unified management system.

Subtle- the main tax charged from the male population (each "soul") called classes, regardless of age. Replaced by himself loading (When the tax was gathered from the peasant or Poskiyard).

Planting peasantsstate peasantsbought by owners of factories to work on them.

Appointment peasantspalaceor state peasantsthat instead of payment finners They should have been working on state or private plants, were "attached" to them.

Enlightenerscommon name outstanding thinkers of the XVII-XVIII centuries. (Voltaire, Sh. Montesquieu, D. Didro, J.-zh. Rousseau, etc.) who criticized the feudal orders who defended the freedom of personality, the equality of people in the rights and before the law, the education of the people. The enlighteners believed that the main task of the monarch (the "wisdom on the throne") is concern for the prosperity of the people, in accordance with the laws emanating from the ruler. In Russia, the ideas of enlightenment defended N.I. Novikov and A.N. Radishchev.

Education - ideological course of the transition period from feudalism to capitalismassociated with the struggle hardened bourgeoisie and masses against absolutismand feudalism. Causes of human disasters enlighteners It was considered ignorance, religious fanaticism, opposed the feudal-absolutist regime, for political freedom and civil equality.

"Enlightened absolutism"- state policy designation in Russia (under Catherine II) and a number of countries in Western Europe (Austria, Prussia, Portugal, etc.). This policy was to use the bourgeois ideas of the era Enlightenment To preserve feudal orders and a serfral system in the conditions of its expansion. Catherine II sought to build "legal" autocratic monarchum, strictly determining the rights and obligations slobs. She portrayed his activity as an union of the sovereign and philosophers, contributing to the development of education and education. Such a policy was aimed at strengthening domination nobility, although some reform Promotional development capitalism.

Protectorate - a form of dependence in which a weak country formally keeping its state device and some independence in the internal affairs, actually subordinated to another, stronger power.

Regent - The temporary ruler of the monarchist state (in the case of youngsters or the disease of the monarch).

Recruits- Soldiers who held military service for hiring or by meal. Set of recruits B. russian army was forced (from 1705 to 1874).

Craftsmen- Association of artisans of one specialty, introduced by Decree Peter I from 1722

Secularization1) Transition of monastery and church property (land, peasants) in the ownership of secular; 2) Liberation of public and individual consciousness from the influence of religion.

Senate (Government Senate)- Higher State Administrative Institution, replaced by Peter I Boyar Duma. Together with the monarch, the Senate was developing new laws, followed the finances of the country and controlled the work of the state apparatus. From 1722 he was headed by a prosecutor ("Okum Sovereign").

Synod (Holy Government Synod)- spiritual collegewho made the church affairs led by the Ober Prosecutor (appointed from secular persons).

"Tabel about ranks" - Published by Peter I in 1722 a document dividing military, civil and court services. All positions (and military, civilians) were divided into 14 ranks. It was possible to take each next rank, just passing all the previous ones.

Secret Chancellery- Political Sud In Epoch palace coup, I personified about state crimes.

Located commission- Commission convened by Catherine II to develop a new Code of Laws of the Russian Empire (Cutting). Consisted of government officials and elected representatives from different estates. Having worked for 1.5 years and did not have time to take any decisions, the Commission was "temporarily" dissolved, the russian-Turkish war began in 1768.

Favorite - Court, who uses the special favor of the monarch, receiving various privilegewho often affects the internal and foreign policy states.

Shutteria - Name of Russian nobility (on Polish manner).

Extensive - aimed at quantitative increase, expansion, distribution (unlike intensive).

Tasks and questions for independent work

1. Explain the value of the term "absolutism".

2. Explain the meaning of the concept "Palace Coup."

3. Explain the meaning of the concept of the "Collegium".

4. Explain the meaning of the concept of "mercantilism".

5. Explain the meaning of the term "modernization".

6. Explain the meaning of the concept of "protectionism".

7. Explain the meaning of the concept of "enlightened absolutism".

8. Explain the value of the term "secularization".

9. Explain the meaning of the concept of "Range Tabel".

10. Explain the meaning of the concept of "Ledged Commission".

11. Two Peter I transformations that contributed to strengthening the control bureaucratization - ...

12. Two transformations of Peter I, aimed at Europeanization of the country - ...

A) convocation of the Zemstvo Cathedral

B) creating a regular army

C) the abolition of the patriarchate and the creation of the Synod

D) the liberation of the nobility from the mandatory service

13. Two state administration authorities under Peter I - ...

14. Chronological framework of the Northern War - ...

1.Ukaz about "urgent years":
a) banned the free transition of peasants from one-
her owner to another
b) set the five-year term of the cheek
c) determined the transition of peasants to another landowner only in Yuriev Day
d) set a permanent search for runaway peasants

a) the liberation of Moscow from the intervention
b) election of the Zemsky Cathedral on the reign of Mikhail Romanova
c) Return from the captivity of Filaret and the formation of a co-guide with Mikhail Romanov
d) joining the throne of Alexei Mikhailovich

3. The main direction of Russia's foreign policy

throughout the XVII W.:
a) the struggle for entering the Baltic Sea
b) getting out of the Black Sea
c) relationship with the response
d) relations with Turkey

4. What event are we talking about in Lines A. S. Pushkin?

"The harsh was in the science of glory
She is given by the teacher: not one
Unexpected lesson and bloody
Asked her Swedish Paladin "
a) about the exit of Denmark from the war from Sweden
b) about the removal of the siege to the Polish troops of Riga
c) about the defeat of Russian troops near Narva
d) about the Protian campaign

5. The highest church organ under Peter I:

a) monastic order
b) the main magistrate
c) Government Senate
d) Synod

6. Russia has become an empire after:

a) Azov campaign
b) suppressing the uprising under the leadership of K. A. Bulavin
c) Prut campaign
d) northern war

7. Strengthening the role of the Nobility Guard in 1725-1762.

in state affairs:
a) contributed to the strengthening of autocracy
b) it became one of the reasons for the lightness and frequency of palace coups
c) led to the restriction of the absolute power of Russian emperors
d) led to conflicts and shocks

8. All privileges given to the nobility after Peter I death were confirmed by the Board:

a) Elizabeth Petrovna
b) Catherine II
c) Peter III
d) Paul I
e) Peter II

9. Strengthening power and arbitrarians over

peasants during the reign of Catherine II
led to
a) copper rebellion
b) uprising under the leadership K. A. Bulavin
c) uprising under the leadership of S. Razin
d) peasant War under the leadership of
E. I. Pugacheva

10. From the listed activities include the reign of Catherine II:

a) secularization of church lands
b) cancellation of the Decree on the Union
c) restoration of powers of the Governing Senate
d) "Chunked grades nobility"
e) provincial reform
e) "Manifesto on the liberty of the nobility"
g) "Chunked grades of cities"
h) Formation of the Office of Secret Search
and) introduction of freedom of entrepreneurship
k) convocation of a laid commission

11. Set the correct match:

1) 1632-1634. a) Russian-Turkish war
2) 1700-1721. b) Russia's participation in the war for
"Polish legacy"
3) 1733-1735 c) Smolensk War
4) 1768-1774 d) northern war

12. Set the correct match:

1) b. Godunov
2) Alexey Mikhailovich
3) in. V. Golitsyn
4Petr 1.
and) Crimean hiking

b) prudecock

c) Azov campaigns
d) patriarchate institution

e) Cathedral Code

e) reunion of Ukraine with Russia

13. Set the correct match:

1) Simon Ushakov a) architect
2) a. F. teeth b) poet
3) a. P. Sumarokov c) icon painter
4) g. R. Derzhavin d) Portraitist
5) f. S. Rokotov D) Master Engraving
6) M. F. Cossacks) Author of tragedies and comedies

14. Here, in what chronological order Russia ruled by the successors of Peter 1:

1) Peter 3,
2) Anna Ioannovna,
3) Peter 2,
4) Elizabeth Petrovna
5) Catherine I

1. B.

9. G.
10.A. g; d; g; k.
11.1-B; 2-g; 3-b; 4-a.
12.1-g; 2-d; 3-a; 4-b, in.

13.1-B; 2-d; 3rd; 4-b; 5-g; 6-a.


Prussia, Austria and Russia:

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth


V.V. Rastrelli, V.I.Bazhov, M.F. Kazakov.

Russian architects XVIII in

russian writers

russian theatrical figures XVIII in

V.I. Bazhov, F.I.Shukin, F.G. Volkov This:

russian Writers XIX in

russian travelers XVIII in

russian theatrical figures XIX in

Figures of Russian culture XVIII in

Choose the right answers (2). Terms related to the sphere

international Trade:





The main condition for the entry into the throne of Anna Ioannovna was:

liberation of nobles from mandatory military service

focusing in the hands of the empress of the command of the Guards

appointment by Empress Heir

Joint Board of the Empress with the Supreme Secret Council

Choose the right answers (2). Privileged estates of XVIII

century were:

"Conditions" is:

document defining the procedure for serving the official

document confirming the privileges of the nobility

decree of Peter I on the Prepolyasy

Terms of restriction of the royal authorities proposed by Anna Ioannovna

Choose the right answers (2). The provisions of "PUBLIC DIRECTIONS

nobility ":

Confirmation of all privileges, data after the death of Peter I

Creating noble societies in the provinces and counties

the right to have own armed detachments for the protection of estates

cancellation on union

The highest authority of state power in Russia, created in the XVIII century:

Boyarskaya Duma

Zemsky Cathedral

State Council

Choose the right answers (2). Events of Paul I regarding


Introduction of the tax on the nobles for the content of the local administration

restoration of the mandatory service of the noble

The possibility of applying to the nobles of corporal punishment

cancel the rights of the nobles please contact requests and complaints to the autocrat

At the beginning of the XVIII century, the post of profit appeared in Russia. What Lato


man who is concerned about the increase in the revenues of landowners

man, taking into account all revenues for the maintenance of the royal surname

Man obliged to invent new taxes or duties

bank employee

The political system of Russia at the beginning of the XIX century is:

Amazing absolutism




In the first years of the reign of Alexander I by the author of the project

state reforms was:





The reign period of Alexander I (years):

State Council created in 1810 Alexander I on the project

MMSPEARSKY, possessed:

legislative functions

Executive functions

investigative functions

observation functions

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe reform project political system M.M.Peransky

Introduction of the principle of the separation of the authorities

strengthening the power of autocracy

establishment of multi-layered building

establishment of a Democratic Republic

Draft separation of the authorities, the introduction of representative bodies,

Equality of all citizens to law and federal principle

the government was developed:

MM Speransky

N.N. Novosilsev

A.A. Arakcheev

YES. Guriev

Project Russian Constitution "Statutory Diploma of the Russian Empire"

created under the guidance:

MM Speransky

N.N. Novosiltsev

A.A. Arakcheev

D.A Gurieva

The ministerial system of central control introduced by Alexander I

based on principle:





Dates 1801, 1825, 1855, 1881 refer to:

the process of liberation of peasants from serfdom

The beginning of the reigns of Russian emperors

public Administration Reforms

stages of industrial coup

Dates 1649, 1803, 1861, 1881 refer to history:

Development of the peasant question

eastern solutions

development of social thought

literature, art

Dates 1812, 1853-1956 1877-1878 connected with:

Events of foreign policy

stages of the liberation of peasants

development of literature, art

performances of the working class

Industrial coup in Russia began in (years):

30-40s. XIX B.

20s XIX in

50s XIX in

60s XIX in

The essence of industrial coup in Russia is to transition:

from slave-affiliate labor to feudal

from feudal labor to capitalist

From manual labor To machine

from mechanized labor to automated

The essence of the decree of Alexander I on "free blades":

cancel of serfdom in the Baltic States

liberation of serfs peasants

increased land for state peasants

Release of fortress peasants under a contract with landlord

The composition of Russia after the defeat of Napoleon in 1812-15. entered (entered):


The main goal of the project of economic transformation M.M.Seransky

Development of market relations

development of foreign trade

strengthening the role of state

liquidation of landlord land tenure

First codification russian legislation Was held in

(Decades of Century):

In the 20-30s of the XIX century, Nikolai I

at the beginning of the XIX century Alexander I

at the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries. Paul I.

in the 50s Alexander II

The key idea of \u200b\u200bthe Constitutional Project "Constitution" N.M. Muraviev:

Concentration monarchy

republican Stroy

parliamentary Stroy

presidential Stroy

The key idea of \u200b\u200bthe Constitutional Project "Russian True" P.I. Tel:

Republican State Stroy

aristocratic Republic

parliamentary Stroy

absolute monarchy

The main goal of the Decembrists is:

strengthening serfdom

strengthening autocratic power

restoration of monarchical regimes in Europe

Cancellation of serfdom and elimination of autocracy

The essence of the ideology of autocracy in the early 1930s of the XIX century (after

deferasty lesions under Nicolas I):

The theory of official nationality (formula "self-adjusting, Orthodoxy,

nativity ")

introduction constitutional monarchy

institution of parliamentary building

democratization of the country

Famous III branch of his own imperial U1042 Majesty

the office was engaged in:

support for creative intelligentsia

Surplus for literatrines, violenting with dissent

fighting a foreign agent

fighting industrial espionage

During the reign of Nicholas I, the most dark and irreversible time of the Xih

in. Russian literature:


trying to keep his position

Originate and gains strength

comes in full decline

Slevision of Slavic Films is:

The historical identity of Russia

Russia - part of Western civilization

Russia - Part of Eastern Civilization

Russia does not have its own civilizational identity

The essence of the ideology of Westernity is:

The future of Russia consists in the country's Europeanization

Russia is a special civilization

Russia is Eurasian civilization

Russia is an intermediate civilization that does not belong to any West or Eastern civilizations

Oath on the sparrow mountains in Moscow to fight with autocracy for the will,

for the liberation of the people Dali:

MA Bakunin and P. Lavrov

Tkachev and S. Pepovskaya

A.I. Herzern and N.I. Ogarev

N.G. Chernyshevsky and N.A. Dobrolyubov

The creation of a separate casing of gendarmes and the participation of Russian troops in

The suppression of revolutions in Europe in 1848 relate to the period


Nikolai I.

Nicholas II.

Catherine II.

Alexander I.

N.M.Karamzin, V.A. Zhukovsky, K.P. Brulylov This is:

russian architects XVIII in

Figures of Russian culture XIX in

russian travelers XVIII in

founders of Moscow University

VG Belinsky, A.I.Grenz, N.G. Chernyshevsky This is:

russian architects XVIII in

russian artists XIX in

russian theatrical figures of the XVIII-XIX centuries

Russian Democratic Writers XIX

The need to cancel serfdom, introducing free printing,

court conversion based on publicity and competition discussed

at meetings a mug:


