Treatment of black acanthosis in humans. Causes of black acanthosis and methods of treatment Black acanthosis in humans symptoms

  • Date: 23.09.2020

Black acanthosis refers to a rather rare dermatological ailments. This disease does not cause discomfort and pronounced disturbances in well-being, however, it gives a person an unaesthetic appearance.

Features of the disease

Black acanthosis in literal translation from Latin sounds like Negroid acanthosis. It is a change in skin color that is one of the main signs of this disease. With the development of black acanthosis, the epidermis on the human body thickens (this condition is classified as keratosis), changes its color and suffers from papillomatosis. Pathological processes can occur in different parts of the body, in particular, in the area of ​​large skin folds. Most often, manifestations of black acanthosis are fixed in:

  • Inguinal fold.
  • Armpits.
  • The area of ​​the back of the neck.

Visually, the disease is manifested by a significant thickening of the upper layers of the epidermis, as well as hyperpigmentation processes, which are characterized by a black-brown color.

Reasons for development

The exact mechanisms and causes of the development of black acanthosis are not yet known to physicians. However, experts have concluded that this condition may be due to:

  • Overweight. In this case, the disease is called false, it usually disappears after normalization of weight.
  • Some syndromes, in particular, hyperinsulinemia, Cushing's syndrome, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), Crouzon's syndrome, etc.
  • hereditary predisposition. This type of disease is often accompanied by various developmental pathologies, in particular, dementia, infantilism, etc.
  • Consumption of medications, for example, nicotinic acid, insulin, systemic corticosteroids, hormonal medications.
  • Oncological lesions of internal organs, most often with stomach cancer. This is a particularly dangerous malignant form of the disease.

Sometimes it is not possible to find out exactly the cause of black acanthosis. Also, a similar condition can appear with a combination of negative fusion of several provoking factors.

Stages of development

Manifestations of black acanthosis usually occur suddenly. Affected areas:

  • They are symmetrical.
  • Most often localized in the folds of the limbs, in the groin and under the armpits. It is possible to damage the intergluteal region, the back of the neck, the skin under the breast.
  • At first they look like yellow spots.
  • Over time, they become blackening, sometimes completely dark.
  • They are covered with thickened skin, take on a bumpy appearance.
  • They are covered with papillary growths, similar to genital warts.
  • Extremely rarely detected on the mucous membranes.
  • Do not cause subjective disturbances of well-being. Itching and burning are extremely rare.

The development of black acanthosis makes a person's appearance very unsightly. The body seems dirty and unwashed, which causes psychological discomfort.

Features of treatment

To date, doctors cannot offer any specific treatments for acanthosis nigricans. Therefore, people with such marks on the body are offered:

  • Undergo a complete examination of the body and identify a possible factor that caused the disease.
  • Treat the underlying pathology. As a rule, a specific correction of the disease leads to an improvement in the condition of the skin.
  • Take hormonal drugs, antibiotics and other drugs aimed at correcting the root cause of the disease. In particular, in the treatment of diabetes, insulin therapy can be carried out, and in the presence of thyroid diseases, special hormones can be taken.

  • Take measures to improve the microflora using probiotics, for example, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, etc.
  • Use gamma globulins to activate the body's defenses. Sometimes doctors may insist on intramuscular injections of interferon inducers.
  • Take topical retinoids. Sometimes doctors also prescribe anti-psoriatic drugs with calcipotriol.
  • Take a course of therapy with long-pulse laser irradiation with an alexandrite laser. Liquid nitrogen treatment is also sometimes used.
  • Get rid of warty growths with the help of laser exposure, electrocoagulation techniques or radio wave therapy.
  • Take general tonic, including multivitamin preparations. Sufficient intake of ascorbic acid, vitamins B2 and B6 is especially important.
  • Adhere to a healthy lifestyle, diet, lose weight (if any).

If the root cause of the development of the disease is identified and eliminated, the manifestations of black acanthosis can disappear without a trace or reduce their severity by an order of magnitude.

If the disease is malignant, doctors do not make any comforting predictions. Indeed, the progression of the tumor leads to the spread of manifestations of acanthosis and reduces the life of the patient.

Other medical methods

The feasibility of using traditional medicine in the treatment of black acanthosis should be determined solely by the attending physician. Usually, doctors are very skeptical about the use of alternative methods of exposure. But at home it is allowed:

  • Conducting baths with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The crystals of such a product must be diluted separately in warm water and poured into the prepared bath (temperature about 37 - 38 ° C). The optimal duration of such a procedure is fifteen minutes. Potassium permanganate promotes drying of the skin and has disinfectant qualities. In total, ten baths should be carried out at intervals per day (sometimes a doctor may advise the daily implementation of such procedures).
  • Use of moisturizers, as well as creams and lotions with tretinoin (a retinoid structurally similar to vitamin A) and other retinoids. Such medicines are usually advised to be applied to the skin in a very thin layer, and after six hours, rinse with warm water. The duration of therapy with retinoids can range from one to two weeks to three months. During the use of such medicines, you should not be under the sun's rays.

Black acanthosis in humans today is not a well-studied disease. Therefore, it is better to treat it without experimenting with home therapy methods, but in compliance with the recommendations of a qualified specialist.

Black acanthosis refers to rare dermatoses and is accompanied by the appearance in the area of ​​natural skin folds of areas of hyperkeratosis (roughening), hyperpigmentation and skin papillomatosis. Outwardly, this disease manifests itself in the form of areas of roughness and villous-warty darkening of black-brown color, which are mainly located in large skin folds of the armpits, groin, neck, etc. For the first time, this disease associated with impaired pigmentation of the skin was described in the 9th century .

The term "black acanthosis" has several synonyms: papillary-pigmentary dystrophy of the skin, papillary melasma, black keratosis and genodermatosis. In our article, we will acquaint you with the causes of development, forms, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of this rare disease. This knowledge will be useful to you, and you will not miss its first signs. Also, this information will help you prevent the progression of more severe pathologies that cause this skin disease.


Obesity can be the cause of black acanthosis.

Various factors can lead to the development of black acanthosis. While scientists do not know the exact causes of this disease, accompanied by a violation of the pigmentation of the skin. A connection between black acanthosis and such predisposing factors has been reliably established:

  1. Heredity. The disease can develop with some congenital syndromes, accompanied by metabolic disorders and mental inferiority, or with Rude or Miescher syndromes.
  2. Malignant neoplasms. The disease is caused by a number of complex biochemical reactions and immune interactions provoked by the tumor process. In men, the stomach or prostate is more often found, and in women - ovarian and breast cancer, in women and men - lung cancer. The disease can also be observed in other malignant tumors of the genitourinary organs, lymphomas, etc.
  3. Violations in the functioning of the endocrine system. The disease is caused by hormonal and metabolic disorders. For example, with insulin resistance, obesity, hypogonadism, cellulite, Addison's disease, etc.
  4. Taking estrogen and glucocorticosteroid hormonal drugs.
  5. Taking certain medications. The disease develops in rare cases. For example, with prolonged use of large doses of nicotinic acid.

Black acanthosis can be observed in people of various age categories. The reasons for its appearance in different age groups, as a rule, are specific. In young people, black acanthosis often develops due to genetic pathologies, endocrine disorders, hypogonadism, or, and in people of middle and older age, as a sign of the development of a cancerous tumor. Sometimes it is black acanthosis that becomes the first harbinger of cancer.

Forms of the disease

Dermatologists distinguish three main forms of black acanthosis:

  • benign (or juvenile) - associated or not associated with endocrine and genetic pathologies;
  • malignant (parneoplastic) - developing with malignant tumors of internal organs;
  • pseudoacanthosis - developing with obesity (usually in women) and disappearing without a trace after weight normalization (some dermatologists do not attribute this pathology to acanthosis nigricans).


The clinical picture of acanthosis nigricans includes three main symptoms:

  • hyperkeratosis - coarsening and exfoliation of the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation - the appearance of dark brown or black spots on the skin;
  • papillomatosis - a formation on the skin or fibromas (popularly such tumors are called "warts").

Such skin changes are more often observed in large natural folds:

  • armpits
  • crease between the back of the head and neck;
  • inguinal-femoral folds;
  • intergluteal region;
  • elbow bends;
  • popliteal area;
  • the area under the mammary glands (in women).

Sometimes the triad of symptoms of black acanthosis can be observed on other parts of the body (usually on the face, sides of the neck and in the navel). In some cases, skin changes become widespread and capture areas around the main lesion (oral mucosa, esophagus, rectum, vagina).

Initially, the patient has an area of ​​slightly yellowish skin, which gradually darkens. Some patients in the early stages of black acanthosis often think that the skin is just dirty, and they try to wash it off. As the disease progresses, the skin thickens, becomes dry and rough. Her natural pattern becomes deeper and more pronounced. Hyperpigmented areas become progressively darker (up to dark gray or black).

At a later date, growths in the form of papillomas or small fibromas appear on the surface of the affected skin. They have a papillary shape and are arranged in dense rows, giving the skin a warty appearance. Villous-warty formations with black acanthosis may be hyperpigmented. In severe cases, papillary growths may appear on the skin, resembling genital warts or large warts.

With black acanthosis with damage to the mucous membranes, pigmentary changes are not observed, but papillomas can form on them. The surface of the mucosa becomes velvety, and delicate grooves appear on it. When the tongue is affected, its surface becomes wrinkled.

The above skin symptoms are rarely accompanied by slight itching and tingling.

On the affected areas of the skin there is no hairline, and in some patients longitudinal stripes, grooves and areas of darkening on the nails may appear (as with a subungual hematoma).

The rate of progression and severity of symptoms in acanthosis nigricans largely depends on the form of this disease. With its malignant form, the signs of the disease are more pronounced, and with a benign form, they are less intense and can regress.

Malignant form

This form of acanthosis is observed in adults. Its development occurs against the background of the appearance of a malignant tumor of the internal organs. In 20% of patients, black acanthosis becomes a harbinger of cancer (sometimes it can develop 5 years before the appearance of a tumor), in 55-60% of these pathologies develop simultaneously, and in 15-20% - skin changes are determined after the development of a cancerous neoplasm or at the stage its collapse. In the malignant form of the disease, patients develop a syndrome of small signs of cancer:

  • weakness;
  • apathy;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • rapid loss of body weight;
  • loss of appetite.

Symptoms of the disease with this form of black acanthosis appear suddenly, are intense and progress rapidly. The mucous membranes of the digestive tract and vagina are often involved in the pathological process. Wart-like papules may form on the back surfaces of the hands and feet. Their color may not differ from the shade of healthy skin or close to a slightly red-brown. The surface of such formations can be smooth, but more often covered with areas of rough and thickened skin. Papules can merge with each other and form plaques.

During remission of the tumor process, lesser severity of skin changes may be observed, but during relapse, they again become progressive and intense. With the timely removal of a malignant neoplasm, the signs of black acanthosis gradually disappear.

Benign form

This form of black acanthosis is often observed in congenital pathologies and begins to manifest itself in childhood or adolescence. It differs from the malignant form in lesser severity of skin lesions, the absence of general symptoms and malignant tumors (neoplasms can be observed only in isolated cases). After the end of puberty, skin symptoms stop progressing and, in some cases, disappear completely.


This form of the disease is observed mainly in obese women. The disease develops against the background of endocrine disorders (usually due to ovarian dysfunction) or under the influence of a hot climate. The patient develops dark pigmentation in the area of ​​large skin folds. Papillomas and fibromas in most cases are not observed or are isolated. After normalization of body weight, the manifestations of pseudo-acanthosis completely disappear.


If signs of black acanthosis appear, you should consult a dermatologist. The manifestations of this disease are similar to some other pathologies, and that is why the doctor conducts a differential diagnosis of black acanthosis with, Addison's disease, Darier, etc.

The final diagnosis is established by the results of a histological examination of a tissue sample (biopsy) from the affected area of ​​the skin. With black acanthosis it is found:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • increased pigment content;
  • slight acanthosis.

The form of the disease is determined based on data on the onset of the disease, the age of the patient and the severity of symptoms.

If a malignant form of black acanthosis is suspected, the patient needs to consult an oncologist and undergo a comprehensive examination aimed at identifying a cancerous process in the internal organs. For this, the patient may be prescribed blood tests for tumor markers, radiography, ultrasound, CT, MRI, etc.

If a benign form of acanthosis nigricans is suspected, the patient needs to consult an endocrinologist and undergo a comprehensive examination aimed at identifying hormonal and metabolic disorders. Subsequently, the patient is assigned a consultation and examination by a gastroenterologist, which allows to exclude the pathology of the digestive tract.


All patients with acanthosis nigricans are shown constant monitoring in the dispensary.

Treatment of black acanthosis includes two directions:

  • treatment of the underlying disease that caused skin pathology;
  • symptomatic therapy.

With a benign form of black acanthosis, patients can be prescribed:

  • general strengthening preparations - vitamin and mineral complexes, ginseng and echinacea preparations, vitamins C, B and A;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ointments and powders;
  • emollient creams;
  • general baths with potassium permanganate;
  • preparations;
  • - bifikol, lactobacillin, bifidumbacterin, etc.;
  • aromatic retinoids (in severe cases);
  • cytostatics (in severe cases);
  • hormonal drugs - insulin, estrogen (with endocrine disorders);
  • neurotropic drugs (according to indications);
  • antibacterial drugs (according to indications);
  • diet (for obesity).

All patients with black acanthosis must carefully observe the hygiene of the skin.

With the development of black acanthosis against the background of taking certain hormonal or drugs, they are canceled with subsequent replacement with safer analogues. In some cases, it is enough to adjust the dosage of such medications.

With massive papillomatous growths, they are surgically removed using electrocoagulation or cryodestruction. The removal method is chosen individually.

In the malignant form of acanthosis nigricans, removal of the malignant tumor or the appointment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy (in inoperable cases) is indicated. Therapy used in the benign form of this pathology, in most cases, is ineffective. After timely removal of a cancerous tumor, a complete recovery of the patient can be observed. A course of radiobeam or chemotherapy contributes to a temporary improvement in the patient's condition. With relapses of the tumor process, all the symptoms of black acanthosis appear again.

Black acanthosis is a rare dermatosis characterized by coarsening of the skin and the appearance of black-brown warty growths on its surface. Skin lesions are observed mainly in large folds and on the skin of the neck. There are two forms of this disease - benign and malignant.

Reasons for development

Black acanthosis is classified as a polyetiological disease, that is, many different reasons can lead to the development of this dermatosis.

Acanthosis can develop in overweight people.

The cause of acanthosis can be endocrine disorders, in particular, insulin resistance. Often, acanthosis develops in people who are overweight and.

Black acanthosis can provoke various congenital syndromes, accompanied by mental inferiority, metabolic disorders, etc. So, black acanthosis is often observed in the syndrome of Miescher, Rude.

The malignant form of black acanthosis manifests itself in older people, as a rule, in this case, dermatosis is a concomitant disease with cancerous tumors of the internal organs.

Treatment by taking medications can become an impetus for the development of manifestations of acanthosis. As a rule, these are hormonal drugs - corticosteroids, estrogens, etc. Much less often, acanthosis develops when taking non-hormonal drugs, there have been cases of the development of this dermatosis when taking nicotinic acid in large doses.

Clinical picture

The main symptoms of this dermatosis are thickening of the skin and the appearance of papillary growths on it. Sometimes it is observed in the places of the lesion.

Lesions in acanthosis, as a rule, are located symmetrically. The main places of localization are the back of the neck, inguinal folds, knee or elbow bends, folds under the breast and armpits. Sometimes the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals are affected.

The disease begins with the appearance of areas of slightly yellowish, gradually darkening skin. Areas of yellow skin are often confused with. As acanthosis develops, the skin thickens, becomes moderately rough, dry. The color of the skin in the affected areas becomes dark, up to black. Often, at the first stage of the disease, patients complain that they cannot wash their blackened neck or armpits in any way, since the skin in these places looks dirty.

With acanthosis, growths appear on the affected skin, in the form of papillae protruding above the surface. The growths are arranged in dense rows, so the skin takes on a warty appearance.

In severe cases of the disease, papillary growths are formed in the lesions, which are outwardly similar to or large.

On the mucous membranes, pigmentary dystrophy with black acanthosis is never observed, but growth may be present.

Subjective symptoms in acanthosis, as a rule, are not observed. Very rarely, patients complain of mild itching or tingling. There is no hairline at the locations of the foci. In some patients, there is a darkening of the nails, as with the appearance of longitudinal stripes and grooves on them, which are symptoms.

The severity of symptoms in acanthosis can be different. In the malignant form, the manifestations of the disease are usually more pronounced and develop much faster.

A malignant form of acanthosis is noted in adult patients. In about a fifth of patients, manifestations of acanthosis become an early symptom of oncology, appearing several years before the first clinical symptoms of cancer appear. In 60% of patients, the symptoms of black acanthosis appear simultaneously with the clinical manifestations of cancer. In the remaining 20% ​​of patients, black acanthosis appears in the late stages of tumor growth, sometimes even during its decay.

The benign form of acanthosis is called juvenile, as this type of dermatosis manifests itself in children or adolescents. The clinical manifestations of the disease are similar to the malignant form, the difference lies only in the lesser severity of the symptoms.

In a benign form of the disease, symptoms stabilize or regress over time.

Diagnostic methods

The basis for the diagnosis of black acanthosis is an external examination and study of the clinical picture. If this disease is suspected, it is necessary to comprehensively examine the patient in order to identify possible causes that led to the appearance of dermatosis.

Be sure to conduct multiple examinations for oncological diseases, since acanthosis, detected in adults, is often an early symptom of the development of malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, uterus and other internal organs.

Removal of the tumor and further treatment of oncology, as a rule, leads to regression of skin manifestations. The recurrence of black acanthosis often indicates the presence of metastases or the growth of a new tumor.

Patients with a benign form of acanthosis should be referred for a consultation with an endocrinologist for a comprehensive examination. Necessarily, it will be necessary to be examined by a gastroenterologist to exclude the pathology of the digestive tract.


Treatment of black acanthosis is symptomatic, since this disease is most often the result of some kind of pathology in the body that requires separate therapy.

For treatment, reaferon is used intramuscularly.

Patients are prescribed reaferon intramuscularly, amixin, neovir. The use of general strengthening agents is shown - ascorbic acid, retinol, iron preparation, vitamin B group.

Local treatment is also used. Patients are prescribed the use of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory ointments and powders. Shared baths with the addition of KMnO4 are useful.

Be sure to treat the underlying pathology. Depending on the identified pathologies, patients are prescribed hormone replacement therapy - taking insulin, estrogen, corticosteroids. By the way, insulin must be taken by those who are more. According to the indications, antibacterial agents, neurotropic drugs may be prescribed.

In the presence of extensive growths on the skin, destructive therapy is used. Formations are removed by cryodestruction (by the action of liquid nitrogen), electrocoagulation.

In the event that the main cause of the development of acanthosis was the use of drugs, it is necessary to stop taking them, choosing safer analogues. Patients with obesity are advised to follow a diet.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis for acanthosis nigricans depends on the form of dermatosis. If it is malignant acanthosis, then the prognosis is poor. On average, after the appearance of the first signs of skin manifestations of the disease, the life expectancy of patients is 2 years, despite the treatment being undertaken.

In a benign form, the prognosis for acanthosis nigricans depends on the cause of the disease caused. With the correction of the hormonal or general condition, the symptoms of dermatosis disappear.

Prevention of the development of the disease consists in regular medical examinations. It is necessary to monitor the weight of your body, regularly monitor the level of glucose in the blood. If necessary, treatment with hormonal drugs should not exceed the duration of the course and the recommended doses.

Black acanthosis was first described in Germany in 1889. According to studies, it may have a certain relationship with malignant and benign tumors.

What is a disease

Black acanthosis - pigment-papillary dystrophy of the skin. It belongs to dangerous diseases, as it can be benign and malignant. The benign form occurs mainly in children and it is associated with disruption of the endocrine system, especially if diseases such as obesity and diabetes are additionally observed. Also, dystrophy can be with violations of the nervous system.

The malignant form occurs already in adulthood. This disease is dangerous because it is accompanied by malignant neoplasms of internal organs and is observed mainly in places of greatest skin friction.


The causes of black acanthosis are not precisely defined, however, scientists have established a certain relationship with predisposing factors. In particular, these factors include:

  • heredity;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • taking certain medications.

The disease can occur in a person at absolutely any age, and basically the reasons for its formation also vary significantly in different age groups. In addition, provoking factors may be the consumption of fatty or starchy foods, as well as being overweight.

Main symptoms

Black acanthosis of the papillary layer of the skin is manifested mainly by such symptoms as:

  • coarsening and exfoliation of skin areas;
  • increased pigmentation of the affected areas of the skin;
  • the appearance of papillomas and fibromas on the skin.

This disease mainly manifests itself in the natural folds of the skin. Very rarely, in a patient, changes in the skin cover become widespread and cover a significant area near the main lesion. In this case, changes can be observed in nearby organs.

The photo of black acanthosis clearly shows the peculiarity of the course of the disease. Initially, the patient develops a yellowish area, which over time becomes darker and more saturated. Gradually, fibromas and papillomas begin to form on the affected area. The mucous membranes are mostly not affected, but papillomas can also form on them. Sometimes a person may feel tingling and itching in the affected area.

In the presence of a malignant tumor, a person feels severe weakness, apathy, drowsiness, and also begins to lose weight.

Carrying out diagnostics

If black acanthosis occurs in humans, then the diagnosis in middle-aged and elderly patients is based on an external examination of the emerging spots. All patients with this disease should undergo a comprehensive examination to check for malignancy.

The doctor orders laboratory tests. These abnormalities can be detected by testing for insulin resistance, as often there are no signs of diabetes, but the level of insulin in the blood will be very high. That is why if a benign tumor is suspected, an endocrinologist should be consulted. In addition, a biopsy may be prescribed, followed by a study of the obtained tissues.

Treatment of the disease

There are no specific methods for treating acanthosis nigricans. The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the underlying disease. Often, for the treatment of a benign neoplasm, vitamin A, ascorbic acid, and salicylic ointment are prescribed, which must be applied to damaged areas of the skin. In the presence of hormonal disorders, hormonal therapy is prescribed.

Therapy with the use of liquid nitrogen applications is quite successfully carried out. For the duration of therapy, it is best if the patient is in the hospital. If black acanthosis of a malignant form proceeds, then the removal of the tumor is mainly performed. However, it is worth remembering that the disease can reappear with relapses and the presence of metastases.

Malignant acanthosis nigricans is quite common, and its treatment with Vetom brings a very good result, since this drug helps to reduce the effects of chemotherapy. In the presence of malignant neoplasms, this remedy is used to strengthen the immune system, as a restorative antitumor drug.

In the presence of warts on the skin, tissue coagulation is carried out under the influence of an electric current. Special ointments or alcohol tinctures are applied to areas with increased skin pigmentation. It is imperative to strengthen the immune system, for which vitamin complexes are used, as well as echinacea and ginseng extracts. In addition, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic powders are used. Well help baths with the addition of potassium permanganate.

With a severe course of the disease, hormonal therapy is prescribed. Patients throughout their lives need a constant intake of zinc supplements to help maintain a good human condition.

Prognosis of the course of the disease

Many patients with a benign form of the disease have an additional insulin resistance, which becomes the main cause of acanthosis. The severity of the course of the disease and the prognosis after treatment largely depend on the degree of insulin resistance. In the presence of an open form of diabetes, the prognosis is rather disappointing. With proper and timely treatment, you can achieve a quick recovery. The teenage form is characterized by the fact that the disease goes away on its own, as the child grows older.

With the course of a malignant form of the disease, the prognosis is rather disappointing, since the main tumor has an aggressive character. The average life expectancy of such patients is 2 years, although there are cases when people have lived for more than 10 years.

Carrying out prevention

To reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of the disease, it is necessary to follow certain preventive measures. These preventive measures include maintaining a normal body weight. In addition, it is imperative to control the level of insulin and keep it normal.


Complications can be very different, depending on the characteristics of the course of black acanthosis. In children, the disease mainly proceeds in a benign form, so the occurrence of dangerous complications is not observed.

In adults, the disease is more acute, and serious complications are observed during the transition of the disease to a chronic form. Often there is the occurrence of seborrhea, fungal infections, as well as relapses and metastasis of malignant tumors.

Black acanthosis in dogs: features of the course and treatment

In animals, the disease is characterized by the appearance of many growths and papillomas in large folds of the skin. At the same time, the color of the skin changes and cell proliferation occurs.

Black acanthosis in dogs occurs for a variety of reasons, in particular such as:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • obesity;
  • heredity.

The main signs of the disease are characterized by the appearance of keratinized skin and strong pigmentation. These areas are mainly concentrated between the buttocks, in the femoral and inguinal folds, armpits, near the navel, near the ears and on both sides of the neck.

The skin of the animal acquires a brownish tint and becomes very dry, and after a while they begin to darken. Many folds and growths appear, and the relief is greatly enhanced. The primary form of the disease occurs in dachshunds of both sexes, mostly up to a year. Secondary is observed in dogs of all breeds, but most often in smooth-haired. This condition indicates the presence of problems with the adrenal cortex or thyroid gland.

Treatment of the primary form of the disease is ineffective today, since there are no targeted drugs. The condition of the animal can be alleviated only by taking hormonal drugs and various topical creams.

The intake of glucocorticoids, as well as vitamin E, is indicated. In the presence of a secondary form of the disease, therapy is not required, since the signs mostly disappear on their own. Shown only the use of funds to eliminate inflammation of the skin.

Black acanthosis is a very rare dermatosis, which is characterized by the appearance on the skin of a thickening of the stratum corneum (keratosis), age spots and papillomatosis. The affected areas are located in the area of ​​large skin folds: in the inguinal and axillary folds, as well as in the back of the neck. Visually, black acanthosis is characterized by a thickening of the upper layer of the epidermis and hyperpigmentation of a black-brown color of the warty type.

Causes of black keratosis

The term "black acanthosis" includes several diseases with impaired skin pigmentation:

  • genodermatosis;
  • papillary melasma;
  • black keratosis;
  • papillary-pigmentary dystrophy of the skin.

The causes of this pathology have not been fully identified. Many experts believe that the disease causes a genetic predisposition of a hereditary nature. However, the relationship between black acanthosis and malignant diseases of the internal organs has been accurately established. According to numerous studies, a malignant disease of the internal organs was detected in 50-100% of patients with black acanthosis.

Scientists attribute this to both numerous biochemical reactions occurring in the body, and dysfunction in the immune system. Moreover, the development of cancer differs by gender in men and women. For example, men are more likely to develop prostate, stomach, and pancreatic cancers, while women are more likely to develop ovarian and breast cancers. With equal frequency, both men and women develop lung cancer. Black acanthosis associated with cancer is called malignant acanthosis.

Endocrine disorders of a metabolic nature to endogenous or exogenous insulin can also provoke the development of acanthosis. This process is called insulin resistance. Statistics confirm the development of black acanthosis in people with obesity and cellulite. The cause of this disease can also be congenital conditions that are accompanied by mental inferiority and metabolic disorders.

Thus, black acanthosis is often observed in Miescher's syndrome (a hereditary pathology characterized by a combination of black acanthosis, dementia, diabetes mellitus) and in Rude's syndrome (congenital ichthyosis, dwarfism, infantilism, total alopecia).

Long-term use of hormonal preparations containing estrogens and corticosteroids can provoke the development of black acanthosis.

Symptoms and forms of the disease

The main symptoms of this disease are keratosis (thickening of the skin), hyperpigmentation and papillary growths in the affected areas. The affected areas are localized symmetrically, most often in the inguinal and axillary folds, in places of the elbow and knee flexions, in the intergluteal region, in the back of the neck and under the mammary glands. Very rarely, the disease develops on the mucous membranes of the mouth and in the genital area.

The disease begins suddenly with the appearance of yellow spots, which subsequently become very dark, almost black. In the affected areas, the skin thickens, becomes dry and rough, with dense rows of papillary growths, which gives it a bumpy-warty appearance. Papillary growths outwardly resemble genital warts.

The growth of papillomatous rashes also develops on the mucous membranes of the mouth, but in this case, pigmentary degeneration of the mucous membranes is not observed. When the tongue is affected, it acquires a rough-wrinkled surface. Sometimes black spots look very unsightly, as there is a feeling of a dirty, unwashed body, which in turn can cause psychological discomfort in the patient.

Usually, with black acanthosis, there are no subjective sensations: patients do not complain of pain, itching, or skin irritation. Very rarely, some patients experience mild itching and a tingling sensation in the affected areas. The degree of manifestation of symptoms depends on the form of the disease. There are three main forms of black acanthosis:

  • benign (juvenile);
  • malignant (parneoplastic);
  • pseudoacanthosis.

The benign form develops most often due to genetic or endocrine pathologies. This form of black acanthosis is congenital and manifests itself in childhood or adolescence. Another name for the disease is juvenile acanthosis. This form is characterized by less skin involvement, absence or instability of symptoms, some symptoms may occur, while others do not. This type of acanthosis may stop progressing after puberty or disappear altogether.

The malignant form develops as a result of cancerous pathologies of the internal organs and, as a rule, develops faster and more intensively than other forms of acanthosis. Symptoms appear spontaneously and progress rapidly. With this form of acanthosis, the mucous membranes of the internal organs can be affected: the vagina or the digestive tract. Papules of a warty type, flesh-colored or red-brown in color, form on the back of the hands.

Papules tend to merge with each other, forming plaques and extensive conglomerates of thickened and roughened skin. In the case of remission of a malignant disease, remission is also observed in areas affected by black acanthosis, but in the event of a relapse, the symptoms resume.

Pseudo-acanthosis is a consequence of obesity, primarily in women and has a direct relationship with endocrine system disorders (in most cases due to ovarian dysfunction). Obese people develop symptoms of black acanthosis in the area of ​​large folds. Papillomatous rashes, as a rule, are not observed or there are only a few of them. The disease completely disappears after the normalization of weight and elimination of the causes of obesity.

Diagnosis of the disease

The disease is diagnosed by a dermatologist according to clinical symptoms. Diagnosis is not difficult, since this pathology has specific symptoms and manifestations. But in some cases, differential diagnosis of black acanthosis with the following diseases is necessary:

  • ichthyosis;
  • Darier's disease;
  • Addison's disease.

The final diagnosis is established after a histological examination of the biopsy. A tissue sample from acanthosis nigricans contains a large accumulation of keratotic cells and an increased accumulation of pigment. In case of suspicion of a malignant form of acanthosis, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the internal organs to detect a cancerous tumor.

The patient is referred for ultrasound (ultrasound), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) and blood tests (tumor markers). If a benign form or pseudo-acanthosis has been identified, then the patient is referred for a consultation with an endocrinologist, who will prescribe a comprehensive study aimed at identifying disorders in the hormonal or endocrine system.

Treatment of black acanthosis

Treatment of this disease is carried out symptomatically, since most often acanthosis is a consequence of a violation in the work of internal organs that require separate therapy. Intramuscular administration of interferon inducers (reaferon, neovir) and antiviral drugs (amiksin) is indicated.

It is necessary to prescribe general strengthening therapy using vitamin complexes (especially group B), iron preparations, retinol, ascorbic acid. Topical remedies include the use of antiseptic creams and anti-inflammatory ointments. Baths with potassium permanganate have a good therapeutic effect.

Be sure to eliminate the root cause of the underlying disease that provoked the appearance of black acanthosis. In this case, the symptoms of acanthosis will pass by themselves or reduce their intensity.

Depending on the identified underlying disease, treatment tactics are built: patients are prescribed hormone replacement therapy (corticosteroids and estrogens), which will eliminate the symptoms of inflammation, insulin in case of diabetes mellitus, antibiotics in case of a bacterial infection, and taking neurotropic drugs.

Prognosis and prevention of the disease

The prognosis of the disease depends on its form. With pseudoacanthosis and a benign form of black acanthosis, the prognosis is favorable. If improvements are noticed during the correction of the conditions that provoked the disease, then the symptoms of black acanthosis may regress or disappear completely. In adolescents after puberty, the symptoms of acanthosis also tend to regress or there is a complete recovery.

In the malignant form of acanthosis, the prognosis is most often unfavorable due to the rapid metastasis of the tumor. Even with full treatment, the patient's life expectancy is no more than two years. Therefore, when the first signs of dark pigmentation on the skin are found, it is urgent to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis of the causes that caused it.

Prevention of the disease consists in regular examinations and visits to a dermatologist. It is also necessary to monitor body weight, regularly monitor blood glucose levels, do not self-medicate and do not take drugs in large doses for a long time.