What kind of flower are you according to your zodiac sign? The history of breeding the best varieties and hybrids of petunias

  • Date: 15.10.2019

It often happens that when we start a plant we like at home, we suddenly find that it is not very suitable for us.

Suddenly, the flower, which many of your friends and colleagues have easily grown, starts to hurt you, or even dies altogether. And all because with some plants we cannot "get along in character"! You will say that if you liked the flower, you cared for it correctly and provided the conditions for existence, then this should be enough for fruitful cooperation. But it is not so. The fact is that indoor flowers, like everything else on our planet, are subject to the influence of cosmic rhythms and energies, which is very important when establishing "contacts" between various parts nature, which includes man.

Aries (march 21 - april 20)

Characteristics of the sign:

Aries is a fiery, hot sign, so its plants have fiery - red, burgundy, pink or orange - flowers and leaves. Sharp, sharp Mars, ruling this sign, presented Aries with thorny plants. All Aries plants have one common and strongest property: they strengthen your inner "I", help you become a strong personality and can serve as talismans of personal success, achieving your goals.

For Aries, unpretentious, even hardy, flowers are better suited, which can withstand the prolonged lack of attention of the owner, busy with other, more pressing, affairs! They must get used to the place well and adapt well to the conditions provided, because others may not be introduced.

Plants influenced by the constellation Aries:

  1. Indian azalea
  2. Japanese azalea
  3. Begonia royal
  4. Dwarf pomegranate
  5. Guzmania reed
  6. Coleria fluffy
  7. Spurge brilliant
  8. Garden geranium
  9. Haworthia striped
  10. Ehmeya striped
  11. Ehmeya sparkling
  12. Ostyanka

Taurus (april 21 - may 21)

Characteristics of the sign:

Taurus is a sign of materiality, earth, constancy and stability. Ruled by Venus. Strong, stunted, beautifully flowering plants will help improve the physical and mental well-being of people born under the sign of Taurus. The low growth of plants of this sign is associated with the character of Taurus himself. Taurus is the first of the earth signs in the Zodiacal circle, which means that it is closest to the earth (the symbolic image of Taurus shows his immersion in the earth). The low growth of plants of this sign is also associated with the parsimony of Taurus.

All Taurus plants can be kept in the house as talismans, if not for a rich, then at least for a wealthy life, because his plants will help to find stability in the material sphere. Also, the plants of this sign endow a person with endurance and patience.

Plants influenced by the constellation Taurus:

  1. Violet uzambar
  2. Kalanchoe Blosfeld
  3. Kalanchoe Mangina
  4. Cyclamen Persian
  5. Begonia (tuberous, multiflorous)
  6. Gloxinia
  7. Primrose
  8. Ampelous peperomias.

Gemini (may 22 - june 21)

Characteristics of the sign:

Gemini is an airy, lightweight, most mobile zodiac sign. It is ruled by the planet Mercury. Gemini plants will help you improve your communication skills, find ease and ease in communication. Gemini is a sign of friendship, friendly relations. Any plants of this sign can be kept at home as talismans. good relationship with friends.

Gemini love flowers. They know how to enjoy their aroma and contemplation, to admire the changes, especially the blooming of the buds, but they themselves are in no hurry to acquire “green friends”. They appreciate someone else's work in this area, but their efforts in plant growing are often somewhat awkward, so the Gemini is better suited for simple to care for, but at the same time attractive flowers.

Plants influenced by the constellation Gemini:

  1. Asparagus pinnate
  2. Asparagus dense-flowered
  3. Asparagus asparagus
  4. Arrowroot
  5. Fern
  6. Feathery palm
  7. Canary date
  8. Tradescantia
  9. Chlorophytum crested

Cancer (june 22 - july 22)

Characteristics of the sign:

Cancer is a sign of the water element, it is under the auspices of the Moon, therefore its plants are saturated with moisture, have fleshy, juicy stems or leaves. The Cancer sign in the life of every person is associated with home, with family, and many plants of this sign live in friendly families, form compact bushes.

These plants will primarily help people born under the sign of Cancer to maintain their physical and mental health, and improve the atmosphere at home. Cancer plants have many useful properties for humans, but all these plants have one thing in common: plants of this sign can be kept at home for people of any zodiac signs as talismans for happiness in the family. If you want to improve relations with relatives, want to make the atmosphere at home more kind, plant one or more plants of this sign.

Crayfish will get along well with those plants that need to be watered in dosage, preventing them from drying out or dying from overflow. And since they have a strong intuition (all Cancers have it, some just have this inner flair "forced" by complexes and fears), the people of the Moon can easily cope with such colors.

Plants influenced by the constellation Cancer:

  1. Aglaonema modest
  2. Calamus cereal
  3. Begonia Mason
  4. Dieffenbachia adorable
  5. Fuchsia hybrid
  6. Bushy peperomias (silvery, ivy, shriveled)
  7. Aloe (agave) tree-like and spinous
  8. Haworthia pearl and chess
  9. Gasteria warty
  10. Echeveria Derenberg (gray, bristly, humpback-flowered)
  11. Kalanchoe felt and bekharskoe
  12. Pachyphytum oviparous
  13. Thick-leaved sedum
  14. Rejuvenated cobweb and roofing
  15. American agave and thread

Leo (july 23 - august 23)

Characteristics of the sign:

Leo is a fiery, imperious sign, is under the auspices of the Sun. Plants corresponding to this sign attract the energy of vigor from space.

All Leo plants are most beneficial for people born under this fire sign. These plants are necessary for Leos at home or at work to maintain emotional and physical tone, to purify the energy of the atmosphere around them. Many useful properties are contained in Leo plants, but they all have two unique properties that a person of any sign of the zodiac can use.

Leo and the Sun ruling him in astrology are associated with creativity and high feelings, true love. Any of the plants of this sign can be at home as talismans for successful creativity and happiness in love.

Plants influenced by the constellation Leo:

  1. Akalifa bristly-haired
  2. Amaranth tailed (squid)
  3. Afelandra protruding
  4. Calla
  5. Hybrid calceolaria
  6. Japanese camellia
  7. Gardenia jasmine
  8. Balsam (touch-me-not)
  9. Mimosa bashful
  10. Pelargonium (geranium) royal
  11. Chinese rose

Virgo (august 24 - september 23)

Characteristics of the sign:

Virgo is a sign of the earth, is under the auspices of Mercury. Plants corresponding to this sign are called upon to maintain human health, constantly replenish its energy potential and contribute to intellectual development.

Earth Virgo endowed with many strong plants. Although Virgo is an earth sign, but it is ruled by the airy Mercury, therefore among the plants of this sign there are climbing vines, plants with flexible stems and letting out aerial roots. The practical Virgo also owns some fruit plants, for example, self-pollinated cucumbers, grown in the house not so much for decorative beauty, but for the benefit of the table. All Virgo plants contain energy to maintain good emotional and physical tone and purify the energy of the home of the people of this sign.

Plants influenced by the constellation Virgo:

  1. Aucuba Japanese
  2. Japanese fatsia
  3. Monstera
  4. Philodendron (climbing, lyre)
  5. Scindapsus (golden, painted)
  6. Syngonium
  7. Cissus (Antarctic, multicolored, striped)
  8. Roicissus (birch) Cape, rhombic
  9. Dracaena unbent

Libra (september 24 - october 23)

Characteristics of the sign:

Libra is a sign of beautiful, strict forms, because Venus rules it, and strict Saturn manifests itself most clearly in this sign. Venus gives Libra plants beautiful flowers and fruits, colorful leaves or envelopes plants with a halo of attractiveness, and Saturn strengthens the stems, allowing them to stand upright.

Libra plants can be of great benefit not only to people born under this sign. Of the many beneficial properties inherent in Libra plants, we single out two universal ones: influence on partnerships and help in the development of taste. The zodiac sign taught them to harmonize the partnership of the plant, because Libra rules this particular area. human relations... And Saturn and

Venus gave the Libra plants the ability to develop delicate taste in people. If you are tired of troubles with your husband or wife, with business partners, or would like to bring your sense of taste to perfection, plant a plant of this sign, even if your own zodiac sign is not Libra at all. The sense of partnership that these plants have will allow them to befriend you and help build relationships and harmonize your taste.

Plants influenced by the constellation Libra:

  1. Ahimenes hybrid
  2. Indian azalea (white)
  3. Truncated zygocactus ("Decembrist")
  4. Capsicum (Mexican pepper, Christmas pepper)
  5. Celosia pinnate
  6. Cestrum
  7. Small-flowered chrysanthemum
  8. Cineraria (bloody cross)
  9. Codiaum (croton)
  10. Wavy crossandra
  11. Kufeya fiery red
  12. Japanese fatsia
  13. Hybrid heliotrope
  14. Hibiscus
  15. Large-leaved hydrangea
  16. Lily

Scorpio (october 24 - november 22)

Characteristics of the sign:

Scorpio - a sign of water, is under the auspices of Mars and Pluto. Plants corresponding to this zodiac sign help a person open access to their own energy reserves, enhance their extrasensory abilities. These plants endow a person with remarkable energy and attract energy from space, which will help to achieve the goal.
The nature of Scorpio plants is astrologically associated with the biblical tempting serpent, so most plants of this sign can look very attractive, while concealing a deadly poison or exuding an unpleasant, intoxicating smell.
Take advantage of useful properties Scorpio plants can not only be people born under this sign. Anyone who dreams of developing clairvoyance or clairaudience in themselves can have one or more plants of this sign at home - and Scorpio, through his plants, will open to them the otherworldly, invisible world.

Plants influenced by the constellation Scorpio:

  1. Aporocactus lash-shaped
  2. Cereus Peruvian
  3. Hamacereus Silvestri
  4. Echinocactus Gruson
  5. Berger's prickly pear
  6. Datura snow-white
  7. Dracaena dragon
  8. Ginura wicker ("crocodile")
  9. Oleander ordinary
  10. Stapelia variegated
  11. Aloe cap-shaped
  12. Faucaria tiger
  13. Spiky mine grate

Sagittarius (november 23 - december 21)

Characteristics of the sign:

Sagittarius - a sign of fire, is under the auspices of Jupiter. Plants corresponding to this sign are conducive to the development of communication skills, help in communication.

The main feature of Sagittarius is his desire to rush into the distance, beyond the horizon, away from the sinful earth, because Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual aspiration to other worlds. Therefore, among its plants there are many tall or stretching their peduncles in an upward striving. Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual life, spiritual thoughts and discoveries, love for philosophy, therefore bonsai, who make their appearance a desire to philosophize, are exactly what Sagittarius needs. Citrus fruits with sour or sour fruits also belong to this sign, because sour is the favorite taste of Jupiter, the planet-ruler of Sagittarius.

For the benefit of himself, a Sagittarius plant can be kept at home by a person of any sign of the zodiac. These plants can bring many benefits to man, but they have one common, most striking property. Sagittarius controls the theme of distant travel, therefore, his plants develop in a person the qualities necessary for travel, increase attraction to the cultures of other countries, and protect a person on wanderings.

Plants associated with this constellation help to find inner peace and promote spiritual growth.

Plants influenced by the constellation Sagittarius:

  1. Tetrastigma Vuagnier ("indoor grapes")
  2. Royal Strelitzia
  3. Sheflera radiant ("umbrella tree")
  4. Sansevier three-lane ("mother-in-law's tongue")
  5. Reed (bamboo) palms
  6. Lachenalia aloe
  7. Gemantus Katarina
  8. Ficus
  9. Eucharis large-flowered
  10. Crinum Powell
  11. Clivia cinnabar
  12. Citrus
  13. Indoor bonsais

Capricorn (december 22 - january 20)

Characteristics of the sign:

Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn. Plants corresponding to this zodiac sign help to find stability, stability and peace. Contribute to career advancement, as they attract energy from space, conducive to the acquisition of organizational and administrative skills. Therefore, as personal amulets, plants, these flowers are good for managers, as well as for all those who strive to move up the career and social ladder.

Capricorn in the Zodiac is the third earth sign (this is the most reserved earth sign). Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, awarded this sign with a strict form, stable character, therefore, many Capricorn plants have a straight, strong stem.

Plants influenced by the constellation Capricorn:

  1. Dracaena (dermal and fragrant)
  2. Coniferous plants
  3. Yucca elephant
  4. Ficus (rubber, Benjamina, lyre, Bengal)
  5. Laurel noble
  6. Lithops (falsely chopped, Fuller, salt tolerant).
  7. Argyroderma testicular
  8. Lapidaria Margaret
  9. Frederick's Conophytum
  10. Hamerops squat
  11. Trachikarpus (Fortune, Livistona)
  12. Washingtonia thread
  13. Silver and sickle fat woman ("money tree")

Aquarius (january 21 - february 18)

Characteristics of the sign:

Aquarius is an air sign ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Plants corresponding to this zodiac sign help a person look at situations from a new point of view, gain a clear vision of what is happening and find a way out of seemingly dead-end situations. These plants will protect you from such evils as stereotype, orthodoxy, conservatism and retrograde, in a word, from any kind of inertia. Plants under the influence of Aquarius are a kind of generators of original ideas, they contribute to the constant attraction of new vibrations from space. Therefore, if you are tired of acting out of habit, if you want to surprise people with an unusual, not like "everyone else's" vision of problems, plant one or more Aquarius plants in your home or at work.

These plants are also recommended for creative people as talismans.

Plants influenced by the constellation Aquarius:

  1. Arrowroot tricolor
  2. Stromanta is pleasant
  3. Calathea (Lubbersa, striped, decorated, pink-colored, Makoya, wonderful)
  4. Dracaena Godsef
  5. Rowley's Cross
  6. Callistemon lemon yellow
  7. Reo motley
  8. Poinsettia the fairest (euphorbia the fairest)
  9. Kokkoloba berry
  10. Coleus (dwarf, Blume, Vershaffelt)
  11. Fittonia (silver-veined, Vershaffelt)
  12. Indoor maple (striped abutilone, hybrid)
  13. Alokazia Sander
  14. Bokarnea bent (nolina)
  15. Jatropha gouty

Pisces (february 19 - march 20)

Characteristics of the sign:

Pisces is a sign of water, it is under the auspices of Jupiter and Neptune. Plants corresponding to this zodiac sign help a person not so much in their outer life as in their inner life. They favor spiritual growth, attract vibrations from space, which contribute to concentration and concentration on the inner, spiritual world, and contribute to the development of contemplation. Also, plants associated with the constellation Pisces help the development of aesthetic perception. They are very useful in art workshops and where people associated with art and creativity live.

All plants of the Pisces sign, regardless of their properties, are good to have around (at home or at work) for people born under this sign. But these plants are not only useful for Pisces. Pisces is the last, twelfth sign of the zodiac, the wisest, most experienced, spiritualized. Pisces came closest to understanding divine laws, and therefore are a sign of divine service.

Plants influenced by the constellation Pisces:

  1. Aquarium plants
  2. Bovieya curly ("sea cucumber")
  3. Rhipsalis is empty and strange
  4. Spreading cyperus (feed or umbrella plant)
  5. Papyrus
  6. Nesting bone (asplenium)
  7. Platycerium large (flat-horned)
  8. Ampel ficuses
  9. Ivy budra
  10. Soleirolia (helksina)
  11. Fishtail palm
  12. Hypocyrta nude
  13. Orchids
  14. Pilea (Cadier, creeping, small-leaved)
  15. Plectrantus
  16. Fat woman
  17. Tolmia Menziza
  18. Siderasis is brownish.

Plants, just like people, correspond to different signs of the zodiac and are subject to the influence of the planets. Every person who is fond of astrology is simply obliged to know their flowers by horoscope. It is advisable to put a pot with one of the plants at home - this way you will be able to attract good luck. But which flower suits this or that zodiac sign? This is what will be discussed now.


Flowers that are just as bright, prominent and beautiful are suitable for people born between 21.03 and 20.04. Here is what he recommends to put a horoscope in your room:

  • Japanese or Indian azalea.
  • Fluffy colors.
  • Royal begonia.
  • Lingual guzmania.
  • Striped haworthia.
  • Dwarf pomegranate.
  • Garden geranium.
  • Aloe.

It is believed that all of these flowers contribute to personal growth and attraction of success. Plus, these plants feel great with Aries. Just like cacti and jasmine, these green creatures can also be bred if desired. But roses, tiger lilies and violets, most likely, will die in Aries.

Of the garden flowers for people of this sign, anemones, sweet peas, red gladioli and cornflowers are lucky. They are said to help open the heart chakra.

If we talk about trees, then pine, plum, hazel, mountain ash, maple and olive are suitable for Aries. Shrubs - hawthorn, honeysuckle and barberry. It is believed that the listed plants give vigor and energy.


Of the available signs, he is the closest to the Earth. According to the horoscope for Taurus, the lucky flowers are:

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Mangin.
  • blooming.
  • Sinnigia is beautiful, also called gloxinia.
  • Primrose.
  • Ampelous peperomias.

According to the horoscope, each of the listed plants, if Taurus grows it at home, will attract prosperity. But people of this sign consider stability in financial situation important. Moreover, they are hardy and physically strong. And an increase in these qualities is also attributed to the listed plants.

But the most typical Taurus flower is Saintpaulia, also known as the Uzumbara violet. People of this sign are characterized by slowness and calmness. Saintpaulia brings comfort and tranquility to the house. It is best to put home violets with white flowers. They are believed to cleanse the atmosphere and get rid of negative feelings.


People of this sign also have a very interesting horoscope of colors by date of birth. They are the most windy and changeable. Lush or climbing plants with many small, narrow leaves are best suited for them. Gemini's luck is brought by:

  • Asparagus. An evergreen lush plant with feathery leaves that rarely blooms, but always attracts attention.
  • Tillandsia.
  • Palm.
  • Fern.
  • Ivy.
  • Tradescantia.

The first of these is recommended for those Gemini who are already tired of the fact that their days are constantly passing in a hurry. This plant is believed to have a positive effect on endurance and strength. And asparagus also clears the space of foreign energy. This is important because Gemini is emotionally dependent on others.

And the palm tree will come in handy in the house of those people of this sign, who are often overcome by sadness. This plant is believed to support good energy.

If someone wants to please Gemini, then you can present roses, violets, carnations, mimosa, gladioli, peonies or asters as a gift. But not orchids. These flowers do not suit them on an energetic level.


People of this sign are suitable next flowers horoscope:

  • Violet.
  • Bushy peperomia.
  • Forget-me-nots.
  • Water lilies.
  • Tulips.
  • Lilies.

Forget-me-nots help to cope with mental and physical pain. Lily symbolizes the craving of the representatives of this sign for the hearth, family and home. And the water lily has a double power at all - it protects from adversity and clears thoughts of negativity.

For punchy and self-confident Cancers, tulips are suitable. Those who are positive, not focusing on problems, are encouraged to acquire water lilies. And for business and purposeful Cancers, violets are suitable.

It is worth mentioning that the element of this sign is Water. So it is recommended to choose flowers that love moisture, with fleshy stems and leaves. These include aloe, Mason's begonia, fuchsia, dieffenbachia and peperomia.

a lion

In the horoscope of druids by date of birth, the colors of people of this sign are those that are distinguished by a special external attractiveness and bloom brightly. If we talk about names, then these are:

  • Gardenia.
  • Cala.
  • Geranium.
  • Ruta.
  • Chinese rose.
  • Incense.
  • Pion.
  • Gladioli.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Olive.
  • Citrus.

On emotional condition and the vitality of Lions are also positively influenced by such plants as balsam, jasmine gardenia, and Japanese camellia.

If you want to please the people of this sign, you can give a bouquet of chrysanthemums, carnations, dahlias, roses. But giving aspidistra, calathea, laurel, arrowroot is not worth it. The energy of these plants contradicts the one that is characteristic of the previously listed ones.

By the way, sunflower is also included in the list of flowers suitable for Leo. It characterizes stamina and vitality.


If you believe the horoscope of the druids for flowers and trees, then a lily is suitable for people of this sign. She is considered a symbol of wealth and luxury.

Cloves are also good for them. They say that this flower protects Virgo from impious people and from committing bad deeds.

Since the patron planet of the people of this sign is Mercury, which belongs to the air element, bindweed and vines are suitable for them. These plants are as flexible as Virgos. Flowers such as:

  • Red poppies.
  • Aster.
  • Coltsfoot.
  • Aloe.
  • Roicissus.
  • Scindapsus.
  • Philodendron.

The listed plants endow people of this sign with reason, cunning, strength, intelligence.

If possible, you can plant a linden tree in the yard. She will protect the Virgo's house from poverty, from guests with ill intentions and from problems. Fir, pine and apricot can also be referred to as "woody" talismans. It is interesting that it is from their wood that amulets and amulets for good luck are made for Virgos.


People of this sign are receptive and emotional natures, which, along with high sensitivity, have a solid character and an inner core. These are extraordinary personalities and aesthetes, moreover. Here are the flowers that suit them according to the horoscope:

  • Azalea.
  • Hybrid heliotrope.
  • Hydrangea.
  • Hibiscus.
  • Croton.
  • Camellia.
  • A pineapple.
  • Capsicum.
  • Small-flowered chrysanthemum.
  • Japanese fatsia.
  • Truncated zygocactus.

Plants that are unsuitable for people of this sign include Kalanchoe, Dracaena, Begonia, Ehmeya and Agave.

If you are going to give flowers to Libra, you need to carefully approach the choice. They like plants that are not only beautiful, but also carry a certain meaning or magical properties.

Also in the horoscope of flowers by dates of birth, it is said that violets, which are a symbol of friendship, are suitable for Libra. After all, these people are really very sociable. Libra is reliable, loyal, loyal, understanding, always ready to come to the aid of a loved one.

Hydrangea, in turn, helps them get rid of bad thoughts. Orchid energizes, good mood and positive. Marigolds establish inner harmony. And lilac adds self-confidence.


People of this sign can hardly be called lovers of planting flowers. If they have anything at home, it's a cactus. What you need is prickly, picky, not requiring special care. Representatives of this sign like to receive them as a gift. Most suitable for Scorpios:

  • Carnation.
  • Pion.
  • Chrysanthemum.
  • Dracaena.
  • Cactus.
  • Gladiolus.

In addition, insectivorous plants patronize Scorpios. It's just that they are not easy to find, to be sure about growing.

How do these flowers affect them? The Druidic horoscope says that the chrysanthemum is a symbol of wealth and power. She attracts money and luck. Peony, in turn, symbolizes longevity and love, and also protects from evil people and evil spirits. The carnation represents the loyalty and constancy of Scorpio, and the gladioli are his firm principles.


People of this sign are even more aesthetes than Libra. They love more than anything else to get closer to nature and to surround themselves with beautiful plants, believing that this helps to develop spiritually and inspires reflection. According to the horoscope for flowers and trees, Sagittarius should surround themselves:

  • Sacred figs.
  • Large-flowered eucharises.
  • Vuagnier tetrastigmata.
  • Indoor bonsai.
  • Royal Strelitzia.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Palm trees.

Plants suitable for Sagittarius are unusual, noble, tall and refined. They bloom profusely and beautifully, always delighting their owner with an unusual appearance.

Want to please Sagittarius? Then you can give an elegant purple flower, a bouquet of lavender roses or gladioli.

Are there any unsuitable plants? Yes. What flower according to the horoscope is not recommended to put at home for Sagittarius? These are aloe, cactus, fern, calceolaria, and paprika. It is believed that these plants take away their optimism, inspiration and vitality.


Flowers according to the horoscope for people of this sign have a strong straight stem and a strict shape. After all, these individuals are pragmatists who prefer practicality and do not tolerate anything superfluous. So the plants are suitable for them. Here are the ones:

  • Pansies.
  • Gerberas.
  • Henbane.
  • Cornflower.
  • Verbena.
  • Honeysuckle.
  • Ivy.
  • Medlar.

They all have a strong energy field that helps maintain Capricorn's resilience. Bells, jasmine, asters and sweet peas do not suit him at all. By the way, since Capricorn is slow-moving, it is recommended to buy slowly growing flowers. According to the horoscope, they should be perceived as career amulets.


This is the penultimate sign of the zodiac. The horoscope by years and colors assures that for him the happy plants are those that are able to protect them from conservatism and stereotypes. But this is one of the main problems of Aquarius. Sometimes it would be useful for him to think wider and look at the situation with a different perspective.

Aquarius likes beautiful, strange, tasty smelling and But which ones suit them according to the horoscope? They say that they are yellow. They absorb aggression, cleanse negative energy prevent quarrels. Flowers of variegated colors give light thoughts and inspiration. And blue ones eliminate sadness. If you want to please Aquarius, then you can give him a bouquet of daffodils, lilies of the valley, roses or tulips.

It is also said about suitable varieties in the horoscope of flowers by date. If Aquarius wants to grow something, then it is recommended to make a choice in favor of plants such as:

  • Hybrid and striped butylone.
  • Bent back.
  • Calathea Lubbers.
  • Tricolor arrowroot.
  • Rowley's cross.
  • Alokazia Sander.
  • Sweet strophanth.
  • Gouty jatropha.

And if we talk about trees, then Aquarius should grow a pear, mountain ash, olive, aspen or Indian oak.


People of this sign have few suitable colors according to the horoscope. They are quite unusual as they grow in terrarium and aquarium conditions. However, there are some species, representatives of which are only superficially similar to algae. And for some, the leaves look like fish tails. Of the colors familiar to all Pisces are suitable:

  • Orchids. They relieve depression and awaken good thoughts, which is a must for a sensitive and susceptible Pisces.
  • Kariota. It removes quarrels and conflicts, balances emotions.
  • Cyperuses and papyri. Arouse the desire to show kindness and sincerity.
  • Brownish siderasis. Gives self-confidence.
  • Tolmia Menzies. Talisman for Pisces in search of the eternal, not the momentary.
  • Fat woman. Helps deal with setbacks.

But still, if you want to attract good luck, you should buy an aquarium or terrarium with some strange algae or plants. They can be very pretty too.

Palette of shades

Finally, it is worth noting the attention of the horoscope by color. Clothing, accessories, décor… many people choose them according to the shades that are successful and happy according to their zodiac sign. And it is right! It is no secret to anyone that colors play an important role in our life. So, here is a list of signs and shades that suit them:

  • Aries. Red and all its shades, as well as black and white. But not in those cases when Aries is sick or does not feel well. In times like these, it's best to bring more purple and blue into your life.
  • Taurus. Blue, pink, green, yellow.
  • Twins. Yellow and green. Gray and brown are categorically not suitable - these colors only oppress such eccentric and bright people.
  • Cancer. Silver, white, elegant gray, light green.
  • A lion. All shades of yellow and gold. Also white and orange.
  • Virgo. Dark shades of green, gray and blue, as well as ash pink, brown and black.
  • Scales. Soft shades of blue, green and blue, as well as pink and purple.
  • Scorpion. Magenta, dark red, burgundy, violet, black, dark shades of green, emerald and gray.
  • Sagittarius. Purple, blue, some shades of green.
  • Capricorn. All shades of gray and silver, some earthy colors, as well as deep purple and burgundy.
  • Aquarius. This sign has the brightest spectrum. It includes all the colors of the rainbow and their shades. But the most successful are blue and green.
  • Fishes. Pastel colors suit them. Lilac, lilac, silver, blue, green.

If you study in more detail the issue of shades suitable for the signs of the zodiac, you will notice that the meaning of each color has a reference to one or another quality inherent in a person. However, this is a different topic, albeit no less interesting.

Perhaps every person is familiar with the feeling of discomfort caused by the proximity of a plant. And this is no accident.

The fact is that there is such a thing as flowers according to the signs of the zodiac. Oddly enough, the presence of a corresponding flower next to a person allows not only to receive pleasant sensations, but also to move forward and achieve something more. If you are interested in this issue, then right now we will talk about which flowers should be chosen according to the signs of the zodiac. And remember: what is good, for example, for Sagittarius, can harm Pisces and so on. It is from the correct choice of colors according to the signs of the zodiac that you will find complete harmony of your inner world and thereby achieve complete harmony in your home.

Sometimes there are times when a person started some kind of "green miracle in a pot" and now, after a while, you began to understand that this flower does not appeal to you at all. No matter how hard you put all your efforts and care to take care of this flower, it still gets sick and does not make you happy at all. And the whole point is not at all that you do not know how to care for indoor plants at all, and certainly not that you have come across a capricious flower.

Did you know that our zodiac signs correspond not only to rocks and trees, but even to potted plants? It is for this reason that many plants simply cannot get along with people of one or another zodiac sign. Let's talk in more detail about indoor plants and signs of the zodiac, or rather, about their interaction. When choosing a plant for another person as a gift, be sure to focus on his zodiac sign... The constant presence of the right plant in your home contributes to your well-being and good health.


Aries, by their nature, are not lovers of anxiously caring for plants, therefore they need flowers that are not capricious and undemanding. Aries plants - for personal success, for the scattered and indecisive, for the lonely, for men, for athletes.

Aries are suitable: garden geranium, striped or sparkling ehmeya, azalea, dwarf pomegranate, reed gusmania, fluffy coleria, euphorbia, royal begonia and striped haworthia.

Aries is a fiery, hot sign, so its plants have fiery - red, burgundy, pink or orange - flowers and leaves. Sharp, sharp Mars, ruling this sign, presented Aries with thorny plants. Proud Aries loves to be noticeable, so his plants are not small in stature. Aries in the Zodiac symbolizes the personality of a person, the "I" of each of us and is associated with the personal aspirations of each person. Therefore, all Aries plants have one common and strongest property: they strengthen our inner "I", help us to become a strong personality and can serve as talismans of personal success, achieving our goals.

If a person born under the sign of Aries is prone to a variety of diseases, then cacti will work for him as a preventive and strengthening agent, preventing the soreness of Aries.

Plants belonging to the sign of Aries are endowed with certain qualities. First of all, these are symbols of career and personal success. They express prosperity and respectability. Aries plants can also be used by those people who need support in building a career, they help to set goals and achieve them.


Low flowering plants help to completely improve your well-being and thereby clear your energy. These people value beauty and aesthetics, they are creative and caring. Taking care of flowers is one of their hobbies. Therefore, Taurus are prone to capricious and demanding indoor flowers. They are very fond of bright and flowering plants. Taurus Plants - for a rich life and physical endurance.

Suitable for Taurus: hyacinth, episcia, violet, heather, begonia and achimenes, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe, Persian cyclamen and various types of ivy, primrose (primrose), gloxinia.

Of the small-flowered ones, the following are suitable: cineraria, myrtle, geogenanthus.

Strong, stunted, beautifully flowering plants will help to improve the physical and mental well-being of people born under the sign of Taurus, to clear the energy of the atmosphere in their home.
The low growth of plants of this sign is associated with the character of Taurus himself.

Taurus is the first of the earthly signs in the Zodiacal circle, which means that it is the closest to the material spheres, to the earth. The symbolic image of Taurus shows his immersion in the earth. The low growth of plants of this sign is also associated with the parsimony of Taurus.

But where do the beautiful flowers come from in Taurus?
The beauty Venus, who controls this sign, gave them to him. All Taurus plants can be kept in the house as talismans, if not for a rich, then at least for a wealthy life. Taurus is a sign of a stable financial position, and its plants will help us achieve stability in the material sphere. In addition, Taurus is a sign of physical strength and endurance, so all plants of this sign can be kept in the house to maintain the strength of our body. Plants belonging to the sign of Taurus are designed to increase physical endurance, as well as guide a person on the path to material wealth. Taurus plants are talismans of wealth. If you were born under a different sign, then you, of course, have every right to keep Taurus plants in your house: they will help you maintain strength and improve health.


Representatives of this zodiac sign love flowers, especially the twins are delighted with flowering plants when they open their bud. The best choice in the world of flowers for people of this sign will not be capricious, but beautiful and easy-to-care indoor flowers.

Gemini plants - for friendship and study, arrowroot and asparagus, ferns and ivy are good choices. Arrowroot has a bright attractive color and thus cheers up well, but asparagus is a very delicate and light flower. These flowers are not capricious, they love shade and moist air. Feather palms, tradescantia, chlorophytum are also suitable.

Gemini is an airy, lightweight, most mobile zodiac sign. It is controlled by the mobile and changeable Mercury - the planet of the air element, which endowed the Gemini with climbing plants and plants with lush foliage. Gemini plants have rather small or narrow leaves. Belong to Gemini and "atmospheric" bromeliads, for example, tillandsia, which do not need soil or watering, feeding on moisture and dust of the atmosphere.

Gemini plants will primarily help people born under the sign of Gemini to improve their physical and mental health, cleanse the atmosphere in the house. Gemini is a sign of friendship, friendly relations. Any plants of this sign can be at home as talismans of good relationships with friends. These plants will primarily help people born under the sign of Gemini to improve their physical and mental health, cleanse the atmosphere in the house.


The element of this sign is water. Therefore, the plants should be succulent, with fleshy stems, and need regular watering. Since cancer is a family man and he loves the "family" plants, that is, those that reproduce in bunches or bushes.

Cancer plants - for happiness in the family.
Suitable for cancer: calamus cereal, modest aglaonema, gasteria, adorable dieffenbachia, rejuvenated cobweb, sedum, Morgan fuchsia, Mason's begonia, bush peperomias, aloe, felt Kalanchoe, American agave, cyclamen, ampelous ficuses, capricious and demanding leaving the plant).

Cancer is a sign of the water element, so its plants are saturated with moisture, have fleshy, juicy stems or leaves, and need abundant watering. The Cancer sign in the life of every person is associated with home, with family, and many plants of this sign live in close-knit families, form compact bushes. These plants, first of all, will help people born under the sign of Cancer to maintain their physical and mental health, improve the atmosphere in the house. ... Cancer plants have many beneficial properties for humans, but all of these plants have one property in common.

As mentioned at the beginning, Cancer is in charge of the theme of the house, the family of a person, so the plants of this sign can be kept at home for people of any zodiac signs as talismans for happiness in the family. If you want to improve relations with relatives, want to make the atmosphere at home more kind, plant one or more plants of this sign.

Cancer plants are charms of family happiness. They, like many others, contribute to the maintenance of physical health and mental toughness. Cancer plants are suitable for many other zodiac signs. These plants guard family well-being, eliminate conflicts and misunderstandings.

a lion

This is the brightest and most graceful sign of the zodiacal row. Leo always chooses bright, beautiful plants with original inflorescences. He himself is very skeptical and demanding about the care of his greenhouse. These are, as a rule, rare, light-loving flowers that their owner should always be proud of. It is important for a Leo that others admire his choice.

Leo Plants - for success in love and creativity. Suitable for Leo: Akalifa, amarantus (schiritsa), aferanda, balsam (touch-me-not), gardenia, feces, Japanese camellia, bashful mimosa, royal pelargonium (geranium), jasmine gardenia, indoor rose. Also, plants with large leaves can be attributed here: palm and dieffenbachia. As for the palm tree, there is every chance that it will become the lion's favorite "green child". The Royal Lion is endowed with many beautiful plants, most of them bloom beautifully.

The king always chooses the best, and Leo plants are quite demanding on the conditions of detention. Fiery Leo is ruled by the Sun itself, so the plants of this sign need good lighting.

All Leo plants are most beneficial for people born under this fire sign.
These plants are necessary at home or at work Leo to maintain emotional and physical tone, to purify the energy of the atmosphere around them. There are many useful properties in Leo plants, but they all have two unique properties that a person of any sign of the zodiac can use.

Leo and the Sun ruling him in astrology are associated with creativity and high feelings, true love. Any of the plants of this sign can be at home as talismans for successful creativity and happiness in love. For those who were born under a different sign, Leo plants are not contraindicated: on the contrary, their unique, solar properties can be successfully used by a representative of any sign that strives for love, or is engaged in creativity.


In flowers, these people value more not aesthetics and beauty, but how they will look in one place or another. Virgo plants - to maintain health and develop intelligence.

Suitable for Virgos: Japanese Aucuba, Fatsia, Monstera, Philodendron, Lotus, Chlorophytum, Syngonium, Golden Scindapsus, Dracaena bent, Cissus, Bosai (plant on a tray).

With these plants in her apartment, the virgin feels much more comfortable and cozy. Earthly Virgo is endowed with many strong plants. Although Virgo is an earth sign, but it is ruled by the airy Mercury, therefore among the plants of this sign there are climbing vines, plants with flexible stems and letting out aerial roots.

The practical Virgo also owns some fruit plants, for example, self-pollinated cucumbers, grown in the house not so much for decorative beauty as for the benefit of the table. All Virgo plants contain energy to maintain good emotional and physical tone and purify the energy of the dwelling of people of this sign. Earthly, practical Virgo plants have many useful properties for humans, but there are two unique ones that a person born under any of the signs of the zodiac can use.

Any of the plants of this sign can be kept at home as a talisman to maintain health and develop the abilities of the mind. Virgo plants are designed to help promote health; they also develop the intellect of a person, because this sign is rational and pragmatic. Virgo plants often have medicinal properties. However, representatives of this sign should in no case keep cinnabar and bulbous plants in their home.


Scales are suitable for rare and exquisite indoor plants, which very often bloom with the same original inflorescences and even fruits. Libra plants can be of great benefit not only to people born under this sign. Of the many beneficial properties inherent in Libra plants, we single out two universal ones: influence on partnerships and help in the development of taste.

The scales are suitable for: small-flowered chrysanthemum, orchid, rose, Indian azalea, capsicum (Mexican pepper), small-flowered chrysanthemum, large-crested pineapple, hibiscus (Chinese rose), codeum, lily and Decembrist.

The zodiac sign taught them to harmonize the partnership of the plant, because Libra controls this very area of ​​human relations. And Saturn and Venus gave the Libra plants the ability to develop a delicate taste in people.

If you are tired of troubles with your husband or wife, with business partners, or would like to bring your sense of taste to perfection, plant a plant of this sign, even if your own zodiac sign is not Libra at all. The sense of partnership that these plants have will allow them to befriend you and help build relationships and harmonize your taste.

Libra is characterized by those flowers and plants that have variegated leaves and in their own way appearance as if shrouded in an aura of attractiveness. Libra plants - amulets of partnerships, business, marriage. They also contribute to the development of an aesthetic understanding of beauty. These properties are useful not only for those born under the sign of Libra, but also for representatives of other signs.
Representatives of this sign are not recommended to grow plants such as ehmeya, agave, begonia, dracaena, Kalanchoe.


Most of the plants that scorpions like are beautiful on the outside, but dangerous on the inside or have an unpleasant odor. These are usually succulent plants with thorns. Scorpio plants - for the development of unusual abilities.

Suitable for Scorpio: all types of cacti, aloe, snow-white dope, oleander, motley staplia, tiger faucaria, prickly mine grate, pyzonia (thorny tree), ginura, tiger faucaria, wild rose (ivy liana), creepers.

The nature of Scorpio plants is astrologically associated with the biblical tempting serpent, so most plants of this sign can look very attractive, while concealing a deadly poison or exuding an unpleasant, intoxicating smell.

Scorpio is a sign of the water element, co-ruled (together with Pluto) by the fiery, thorny Mars, therefore its plants are saturated with moisture and have thorns. The insidious Scorpio also possesses insectivorous plants, although it is very difficult to grow them at home. Not only people born under this sign can take advantage of the beneficial properties of Scorpio plants.

Anyone who wants to develop clairvoyance or clairaudience can have one or more plants of this sign at home - and the mysterious Scorpio through its plants will reveal to them the otherworldly, invisible world. Understanding of hidden cosmic processes, awareness of invisible factors affecting existence, this is the area in which the plants of this sign help to realize themselves. Scorpio plants are suitable not only for Scorpios, but also for everyone who believes that they are endowed with the abilities of clairvoyance and telepathy and would like to achieve perfection in them.
For Scorpios, it is undesirable to grow plants such as hippeastrum, clivia, citrus fruits, palms in the house.


Their flowers should delight not only the owner, but also the rest of the household, otherwise they are simply unworthy to be in the archer's greenhouse. Plants must be beautiful, luxurious and have a formidable appearance. Sagittarius plants are for travel success.

Most often bushy plants are suitable for Sagittarius: lily, orchid, gerbera, begonia, hibiscus, dracaena, ficus, three-lane sansevieria, heliconia and azalea flowers, voigne (indoor grapes) lemon, tetrastigma, clivia.

Each zodiac sign has its own quirks. The main quirk of Sagittarius is his desire to rush into the distance, beyond the horizon, away from the sinful earth, because Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual aspiration to other worlds.
Therefore, among its plants there are many tall or stretching their peduncles in an upward striving.

Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual life, spiritual thoughts and discoveries, love for philosophy, therefore bonsai, who make their appearance a desire to philosophize, are exactly what Sagittarius needs. Citrus fruits with sour or sour fruits also belong to this sign, because sour is the favorite taste of Jupiter - the ruler planet of Sagittarius.

For the benefit of himself, a Sagittarius plant can be kept at home by a person of any sign of the zodiac. They will decorate and refine any interior. These plants can bring many benefits to man, but they have one common, most striking property.

Sagittarius controls the theme of foreign travel, distant travel, therefore, his plants develop in a person the qualities necessary for travel, increase attraction to the cultures of other countries. Plants of this sign help in any undertakings related to a long journey. These properties can be used by everyone whose life is somehow connected with wanderings and travels.
It is undesirable for representatives of this sign to grow aloe, cacti, calceolaria, ferns, paprika, ivy at home.


These are little emotional and calm people.
Flowers are not loved very much, therefore they do not seek to care for them.

Capricorn plants - for success in work and weight loss. Of the flowers, Capricorns are suitable: ardisia, pandanus, aglaonema, dracaena deremskaya, fragrant dracaena, rubber ficus, living stones, yucca, fat woman, conifers. These plants grow slowly and are not very picky.

Capricorn in the Zodiac is the third earth sign. This is the most restrained land. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, awarded this sign with a strict form, stable character, therefore, many Capricorn plants have a straight, strong stem.

In Capricorn, the fiery Mars is most clearly manifested, endowing plants with thorns and thorns. The ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, is in charge of the stems of all plants, and the conjunction in Capricorn of Saturn and Mars gave this sign plants with thorny stems. Being terrestrial, Capricorn is unhurried, therefore there are extremely slow-growing plants under this sign. It is these plants that will first of all help people of the Capricorn sign improve their mental and physical health, cleanse the atmosphere in the house.

Capricorn plants have many wonderful properties, but they all have one property in common. The Capricorn sign is in charge of the topic of work, the social status of a person, so all Capricorn plants can be had at home or in the office as talismans for successful work. Capricorn is a sign of the boss, the plants of this sign are career amulets. For everyone who is not indifferent to the topic of work, and even more so for those for whom work is most important, it is very beneficial to have one or more Capricorn plants of this sign nearby.

It is undesirable for representatives of Capricorn to grow in large quantities plants such as reeds, hoya, ginura.


Aquarius often lacks patience for flowers.

Bulbous plants are suitable for Aquarius: Abutilon (indoor maple), alocasia, calathea, coleus, arrowroot tricolor (prayer plant), fuchsia, escinantus, columnea, fern, dracaena Godsef, beautiful poinsettia, jatropha.

Aquarius Plants for Innovators - Aquarius is a sign of original ideas, so its plants can serve as talismans for all of us for innovation. Any plants of Aquarius stimulate people to search for new, unconventional solutions in all areas of life.

Whoever you are, whatever you do, the plants of this sign will help you look at the old with new eyes. And if you are tired of acting out of habit, if you want to surprise people with an unusual, not like everyone else's, vision of problems, plant one or more Aquarius plants in your home or at work. Representatives of this sign are undesirable to grow bulbous plants.


These are, as a rule, people living with dreams and illusions.
They are creative individuals and have excellent taste.

Plants of Pisces - for the development of spirituality. Pisces are impressed by papyrus, orchid, ficus, fern, palm tree, cyperus, geranium, fat woman. It is the fish that are ready to take care of their plants around the clock. The very name of this sign is associated with the underwater world. Indeed, Pisces is a sign of the water element and is ruled by the king of the expanses of water, Neptune.

All plants of the Pisces sign, regardless of their properties, are good to have around (at home or at work) for people born under this sign. But they are not only useful for Pisces. Pisces is the last, twelfth sign of the zodiac, the wisest, most experienced, spiritualized. Pisces came closest to understanding divine laws, and therefore are a sign of divine service. Pisces is a sign of divine service. Water element endowed Pisces with aquarium, terrarium and algae-like terrestrial plants. In Pisces, Venus manifests its qualities most, in its incarnation - Neptune, which endows some Pisces plants with a fragrant smell or beautiful flowers. Plants of the sign of Pisces are intended for the development of spirituality, detachment from worldly vanity. Plants of this sign are recommended to have in the house and for representatives of other signs.

Flower horoscope by date of birth is considered very popular when it comes to the character of a person and determining his characteristics. It is believed that it was created by the druids - those who own the authorship of the tree horoscope.

The flower horoscope divides all people into 36 types, each of which has its own flower. The division is based on the date of birth.

The flower horoscope did not arise by chance. Even the ancient druids noticed that plants affect each person in different ways and each tree, each flower has its own energy.

In the flower horoscope, each time interval has its own patron plant. It not only gives a person who was born during this period, its healing and life-giving power, but also affects certain traits of his character.

So, people born on the same day, but different years will refer to the same flower. In addition, a flower horoscope not only describes a person's character, but can also indicate the compatibility of different types.

Also, this horoscope is considered very popular in wishes that contain congratulations in verse and prose, since it allows you to make an original gift when congratulations are accompanied by a patron flower.

Flower horoscope by month

January1-10 1. Gentian
11-20 2. Thistle
21-31 3. Immortelle
February1-10 4. Mistletoe
11-20 5. Belladonna
21-29 6. Mimosa
March1-10 7. Poppy
11-20 8. Lily
21-31 9. Digitalis
April1-10 10. Magnolia
11-20 11. Hydrangea
21-30 12. Dahlia
May1-10 13. Lily of the valley
11-20 14. Purslane
21-31 15. Chamomile
June1-10 16. Bell
11-21 17. Daisy
22-1 18. Tulip
July2-12 19. Water lily
13-23 20. Violet
24-2 21. Rosehip
August3-12 22. Sunflower
13-23 23. Rose
24-2 24. Delphinium
September3-11 25. Carnation
12-22 26. Astra
23-3 27. Heather
October4-13 28. Camellia
14-23 29. Lilac
24-2 30. Freesia
November3-12 31. Orchid
13-22 32. Peony
23-2 33. Gladiolus
December3-12 34. Dandelion
13-22 35. Lotus
23-31 36. Edelweiss

January flowers


Gentian flowers are found in Central Europe, as well as in Asia Minor and prefers sunny mountain meadows. The gentian can grow up to one and a half meters in height and is used as a medicinal plant.

Shyness and vulnerability are hidden behind the external secrecy of a person born under the auspices of the Gentian. In fact, the Gentian man is good-natured and sweet. He loves warmth and light, strives for the Sun. Such a person is very uncomfortable in winter and autumn. He should take a vacation in the cold season and go to the warm sea. If this is not possible, do not despair - visit at least a solarium.

The flower horoscope tells us that the Gentian man is very benevolent and attentive to loved ones. He usually has many friends. He is appreciated for his humility and kindness. The gentian does not like noisy gatherings and partying. He prefers to spend evenings with his family.

Perhaps the biggest misfortune of the Gentian is that this person is subject to unreasonable fears - he worries about any reason. It is difficult for him to make a decision, he hesitates all the time, weighs everything, it is very difficult for him to choose something on his own. At the same time, Gentian is in no hurry to seek advice and help.

Gentian tip: trust yourself more! Your wisdom and intuition will tell you what to do! Believe in yourself and your capabilities!


The very name "thistle", in the Old Russian language meant "scaring away devils". Uncleanness (or, to put it modern concepts, negative energy) is actually afraid of him. Thistles were hung at the entrance to the house to protect themselves from evil forces.

The place where this flower grew was considered bad, and people bypassed it. Thistle protects from the evil eye, damage, evil spirits... It reaches its greatest power at the time of flowering.

The person who is patronized by the Thistle is outwardly inconspicuous. He is never in the spotlight. At the same time, he is very active, sometimes even fussy - so he is struggling to achieve the location of others.

Of course, the Thistle people achieve their goal, but only partially. Not everyone manages to discern their true essence, to understand that in fact the Thistles are kind, decent and disinterested. They are simply somewhat withdrawn and shy.

According to the flower horoscope, the main trouble of the Thistle is that he takes on work that he is not able to do, tries to take on an unbearable burden. When he understands this, he can drop everything without hesitation. This trait of the Thistle often annoys others and greatly damages his reputation. Thistle loves and values ​​family and friends. In his value system, family ranks first, and friends second.

Thistle Tip: Take Care of Yours nervous system from overloads. Stay fit. Health is your greatest asset. Don't waste it ahead of time.


In the flower horoscope, the Immortelle is an energetically very strong flower. It helps a person overcome many ailments. It is curious that he himself chooses a master with whom he shares his energy.

The person who is patronized by the Immortelle is a dandy and fashionable. Such a person is endowed with impeccable taste and sense of style, never looks vulgar or vulgar. The immortelle creates his own unique image. And here everything matters - and the hairstyle, and makeup, and the plasticity of movements, and gestures, and demeanor.

The character of the Immortelle Man is contradictory. He is humble and simple and would like to spend his life in a secluded place, such as a country house. But more often than not, his life is spent in endless negotiations, receptions and receptions. He becomes a regular character in the gossip. He has a group of "fans" and, of course, envious people.

Many consider him a mediocrity and a successful upstart. But these people do not know or do not want to believe that the Immortelle achieved everything himself. He is hardworking and talented. For the sake of his goal, he is ready to move mountains. At the same time, he rarely asks for help, but is always ready to help his neighbor.

Immortelle advice: remember that not all people are as strong as you are. Learn to forgive people for their weaknesses, be more tolerant of them.

February flowers


The name of this flower, translated from Latin, means "white bird glue". The ancient Celts worshiped the mistletoe as a sacred flower. It was believed that the mistletoe appears on the tree as a result of a lightning strike.

In connection with this belief, there was a rite of burning the mistletoe flower. So people hoped to protect themselves from a lightning strike. In addition, it was believed that this flower opens all locks and bolts. However, the most valuable property of mistletoe is protection from witchcraft, damage, evil eye.

A person who is patronized by Mistletoe has an attractive appearance. He is endowed with fantastic charm and it is impossible to resist his charm. Therefore, the Mistletoe Man is always surrounded by fans. The flower horoscope for women and men Mistletoe is very opposite.

Mistletoe women- real fatal beauties. Because of them, men have competed at all times. The mistletoe woman is capable of decisive actions for the sake of love. Despite the fact that comfort and luxury are of great importance to her, she can follow her loved one even to the ends of the world. However, it should be remembered that Mistletoe's feelings are strong, but, alas, not durable. She quickly gets bored with unsettled life or unstable income.

Mistletoe men should take care of their physical shape, move more, play sports. More often than not, they become athletes. They are strong, dexterous, graceful. The Mistletoe Man is jealous like Othello and truly scary in anger. It's better not to conflict with this. He does not suffer defeat, victory is the only result possible for him.

Mistletoe advice: remember that the bodily shell, even the most attractive, does not mean anything without spiritual content. Try to find time for education and self-improvement, do not neglect spiritual food.


The Krasavka flower is rather inconspicuous and dim. Nevertheless, it carries with it a tremendous potential of positive energy. People born under the auspices of Krasavka are modest and full of virtues. They work hard and hard, and this work is always appreciated.

The Bella Man has practically no financial problems. After all, he is not inclined to litter with honestly earned money, he always lives within his means. He very rarely borrows money, only in the most extreme cases.

The Bella Man is sincere and straightforward. He does not know how to flatter and does not tolerate sycophants. Friends know this trait of Bella and never take offense at his harsh statements. Besides, Bella never lies. If such a person is faced with the choice of telling a lie or keeping silent, he will remain silent, but he will not stoop to deception.

Pretty Woman a great shy woman by nature. But at the same time, she never gets bored alone. She has plenty of cavaliers. She is a wonderful mother and faithful wife, she will never betray her chosen one.

Handsome Man differs in strength and extraordinary endurance. Hardworking and purposeful, they always achieve a high position in society.

Bella's advice: be softer and more tender. See the world wide open eyes... Remember that there is more than black and white in the world. The world is full of all kinds of colors!


Most people associate the Mimosa flower with the onset of spring. However, this modest Celtic flower was endowed with special magical properties and was assigned a special place in the flower horoscope.

A person born under the auspices of Mimosa is very sensitive. He does not have firm self-confidence and often has low self-esteem. He is very reverent about the fruits of his labors, painfully experiences criticism, may fall into depression due to a good-natured ridicule or a reproach thrown in passing.

The Mimosa man tries his best, works not for fear, but for conscience. For him, approval and support is very important, especially from the family and leadership. Unfortunately, the health of the Mimosa person is not always good. Often the illness results from depression, overwork, or loss of energy.

The Mimosa Man values ​​coziness and comfort. And the life of such a person ultimately develops well. But Mimosa rarely manages to get rich - for this she lacks neither ambition nor ambition.

Mimosas advice: it is worth remembering that in healthy body a healthy mind. Try to find time to exercise. This will give you strength and health. More self-confidence! You are capable of a lot, you should not rely too much on the assessment of others - people's judgments are always subjective.

March flowers


Poppy is a very bright red flower with an intoxicating scent. The poppy was used for medicinal purposes. According to the flower horoscope, its energy does not have a positive effect on everyone.

A person born under the auspices of Mac is a bright personality. He is talented and successful, quickly makes a career, reaches great heights. Poppy is always in sight, surrounded by an unchanging retinue. Unfortunately, Mac is not always surrounded by real ones, faithful friends... Most of his companions bask in the rays of his glory, but at the same time they envy him with black envy.

Mac's path to the top of fame and fortune is very difficult. He has to work hard and give all his strength in the name of achieving a great goal. It happens that from fatigue he falls into depression, quits his job and family, plunges into his psychological problems. However, the "black" period is replaced by an energetic rise, Mac is reborn from the ashes, like a phoenix, and is again ready to fight.

The personal life of the man Mac is a series of passionate novels and amazing adventures. His senses are strong, but not lasting. He does not want to settle down and start a family and children.

Advice to Macs: value friendship and sincere feelings! Trust your intuition, it leads you in the right direction!


Lily is an energetically powerful and mysterious flower. He has a contradictory characterization. According to the flower horoscope, on the one hand, White Lily- a symbol of chastity and piety, on the other - a symbol of vice and debauchery.

A person born under the auspices of Lily is outwardly modest and quiet. But don't be fooled! A complex character and a contradictory nature are hidden behind external modesty. Such a person always achieves a goal. He skillfully uses his charms and is well versed in people. This is an excellent diplomat. He knows how to keep intentions secret and not give out true emotions.

Lily literally bewitches others. Many fall under her charm. Lily man loves power, loves to manipulate people. But he does it subtly. He does not use forceful techniques and brute force. He feels the power of the word, always knows who and what should be said, over whom he can play a trick, knows how to lie smoothly and believably. All this is spiced with an excellent sense of humor.

The Lily Man is tactful. Always observes the rules of courtesy, does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness. Women of this sign are of two types. They are either great righteous women or great sinners. They drive men crazy: some - with their morality, purity and inaccessibility, others - with passion.

Tip to the Lilies: Remember that power is not the only goal in life. Be sincere and learn to enjoy simple things.


Foxglove is the most ordinary-looking flower that people patronize. But the people themselves, whom he patronizes, are his complete opposite. Usually people born under the auspices of Digitalis have a very bright appearance. Moreover, it may be an appearance with a predominance of contrasts.

Digitalis people can be rare owners of such color combinations in their appearance as tender blue eyes and bluish black hair or blond hair and dark brown eyes. Often digitalis people differ in contrast not only in appearance. Character traits such as tenderness and harsh judgments, passion and laziness, decisiveness and a tendency to melancholy can quite peacefully coexist with each other. Apparently, therefore, among the Digitalis there is a huge number of bright, extraordinary thinking personalities.

The flower horoscope of Digitalis suggests that decisiveness is one of the hallmarks of their character. No matter what they undertake, they get everything quickly and easily. The seemingly impossible task is solved in a matter of minutes, as soon as the Digitalis man gets down to business. In the most decisive way, Foxgloves also struggle with life's difficulties.

Any unfavorable life situation through the eyes of a Digitalis person is presented as an insignificant, quickly resolvable obstacle. Digitalis people can prove themselves in any field, wherever they work. Their head works clearly and quickly, so the right decision, made in a timely manner, never fails them.

Foxgloves can be excellent teachers because they are not without pedagogical talent. In addition, they make good diplomats and industrial consultants.

Digitalis advice: Your best talisman will probably be a small pale yellow digitalis flower!

April flowers


According to the flower horoscope, people who are patronized by Magnolia are extremely ambitious from childhood. They are attracted by unattainable heights. It is worth noting that in the end, Magnolia people get their way, become famous and rich. They have enough fans and envious people in abundance.

People - Magnolias know how not only to earn, but also to spend money, doing it wisely. They buy only the most necessary things, and they treat such attributes of a luxurious life as diamonds, furs and expensive cars very cool. If such an opportunity arises, they will always save money.

Magnolia Woman can be capricious and wayward. They may seem like frivolous flirts. But this is a misleading impression. Magnolia women have a cold, calculating mind and a realistic, sometimes even cynical outlook on life. They know what they want, go ahead to their goal, sweeping opponents out of their way.

Magnolia Man values ​​family and marriage. But in the family he adheres to a slightly different position than in the professional sphere. If at work the Man Magnolia is a leader, leader, head, then in the family he strives to remain a “gray eminence”, to manage indirectly.

Advice to Magnolias: please yourself - take a day off and try to laze around with all your heart on this day.


Hydrangea flower comes in a variety of shades, therefore it is very appreciated in decorative floriculture. These flowers are unpretentious and do not require careful maintenance, they take root well and bloom for a long time. This is what the flower horoscope tells us about the people who are patronized by this flower.

A person born under the auspices of Hortense is always in a good mood. He is cheerful, cheerful, endowed with a bright appearance. However, it is often lonely. Hortense's loneliness has two reasons - selfishness and narcissism. Hortense's feelings are short-lived. She quickly becomes carried away, but with no less rapidity she cools down to her chosen one or chosen one.

Ironically, Hortense does not suffer from a lack of fans. She is firmly convinced that there are no irreplaceable people, which means that separation and separation are not worth worrying about. Hortense loves outdoor activities. She likes noisy companies, parties, travel. She enjoys spending time in idleness. These people strive for a wealthy and comfortable life. If they marry, it is solely for convenience.

Advice to Hortensia: be more attentive to your neighbors, do not groom and cherish your selfishness.


Dahlia belongs to the Aster family and its closest relatives - asters, chrysanthemums, sunflowers, marigolds, gerberas and some other flowers. Dahlias bloom all summer and fall. Only the cold breath of winter destroys their charm. The flower horoscope claims that the energy of these colors is very powerful and positive.

A person born under the auspices of Dahlia is balanced, knows how to maintain a balance between work and leisure, find a middle ground everywhere. He has enough time for everything. He does not fuss and does not rush, but at the same time he manages everywhere. He works hard and fruitfully, is engaged in self-education, leads an active lifestyle, loves travel.

He always has everything in moderation. There are friends, but their number is small. There is a family that he loves and does not get tired of taking care of. However, the Dahlia man is never completely satisfied with his life and his achievements.

He is inclined to endlessly analyze his behavior, look for the reasons for this or that action. He listens to the advice of friends with some discontent. He wants to decide everything himself and does not tolerate interference in his life.

Dahlia advice: you need to believe in yourself more. Fortune is a very capricious person, you should not abuse her favor.

May flowers

Lilies of the valley

Among the ancient Germans, lily of the valley was considered the flower of the goddess of the rising sun and spring. There are many legends about the origin of this flower. It was believed that the lily of the valley mourned the passing spring so that his heart wounded with grief stained his tears with blood. According to another version, the lily of the valley appeared from the tears of a beautiful woman who was abandoned by her lover.

Lily of the valley is a symbol of loyalty and integrity. The flower horoscope warns - you need to be very careful with this flower. It has a strong energy that depends on the time it was harvested. In no case should it be collected and given on the eve of the new moon.

The Lily of the Valley Man is very vulnerable and sensitive. He can be decisive and assertive, but he is completely lost when he meets resistance. Lily of the valley does not know how to stand up for herself and defend her interests at all. He is often unreasonably sad. Lily of the valley is very modest and shy. His appearance is unremarkable, his voice is quiet. In any situation, he controls his emotions and does not let them spill out.

Lily of the valley's professional life is connected with the transfer of experience and knowledge. He often becomes a teacher, preacher. He likes work that requires precision and accuracy. Long and painstaking work does not scare him, which means that Lily of the valley can become a good scientist.

Lily of the valley is a wonderful family man. For him, the family is the main support, because it is the family that gives him a sense of security and stability. She loves children, always worries about them, worries, helps in all endeavors.

Advice to Lilies of the Valley: do not be afraid to declare yourself. More healthy selfishness, in good sense this word. You don't have to constantly sacrifice yourself. You will be loved just as much if you devote more time to yourself.


In ancient Egypt, purslane was eaten. Such famous scientists of ancient Greece as Hippocrates and Pliny used purslane to treat many serious diseases. The flowering time of this plant is from June to September.

A person who, according to the flower horoscope, is under the auspices of Portulac, is sometimes pessimistic. He cannot fully enjoy the results of his victories, because he expected defeat. When Purslane falls in love, he torments his chosen one with bouts of jealousy. After all, he is sure in advance that his partner is leading him by the nose or cheating.

Man - Purslane does not take anyone's word for it. He suspects everyone of bad intent and always doubts the sincerity of friends and colleagues. These traits prevent Purslane from fully enjoying life, finding peace of mind and family happiness. After all, creating a family, Portulac does not think about living together, but in advance imagines a divorce and the following division of property.

Portulac considers all the hardships of life to be a natural and inevitable punishment for sins. First of all, he blames himself for all mistakes. However, these sins are for the most part a figment of the imagination of Portulac himself. Despite the terrible suspiciousness, this person can show spiritual generosity and be a devoted friend.

Advice to Purslane: as Carlson said, "calm, only calm." You spend too much mental energy on unreasonable experiences. You are a worthy person, it’s interesting with you, people sympathize with you quite sincerely - there is no need to constantly doubt this.


Since ancient times, this humble wildflower has been used for medicinal purposes. It is known that chamomile infusion has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic effect. Chamomile essential oil disinfects, relieves pain and various inflammations.

The flower horoscope claims that Chamomile is a very good and kind talisman. She helps to find good luck. It is not by chance that lovers are guessing on a chamomile - it is this flower that is able to attract the betrothed.

A person born under the auspices of Chamomile looks like a naive simpleton. He is cheerful, sociable, maybe even too frank. But you should not lose your vigilance in conversations with Camomile! The Chamomile Man is actually far from simple. He knows perfectly well what he wants, and your reciprocal frankness can cost you dearly.

Remember the phrase the police say:

"Anything you say can be used against you."

Chamomile clearly builds its life strategy. She plays her own game with everyone she encounters on the path of life. Seeks and always finds an individual approach. All her actions are logical, even if they seem rash or spontaneous. Chamomile moves towards its goal gradually, step by step. But what kind of goals Camomile achieves, only she knows.

She knows how to keep secrets and keeps her plans secret. That is why Camomile never keeps diaries, does not write down his innermost thoughts. For the sake of fairness, I would like to note that, in general, Chamomile is quite cute. She does not deliberately try to harm or spoil someone's life. She does not do evil on purpose. Chamomile's personal life will develop only if she is sincere with her partner, does not try to manipulate him.

Advice for Daisies: your happiness is next to you, only you do not notice it - you are too keen on plans and strategies.

June flowers


Judging by the flower horoscope, the bell has a positive energy. That is why the bouquet made of bells touches the soul. A person born under the auspices of the Bell respects order. His views are moderately conservative.

The bell man always adheres to the classic style. He is not fond of "lightweight" popular music, does not understand fashion trends. The bell is afraid of any changes, protects the established order of things. He rarely changes his place of residence or place of work. Even if the situation at work is not the best way, he will endure until his situation becomes unbearable.

Bell Man values ​​his family very much. He loves children, spends a lot of time with them, does not neglect parental responsibilities. Bell remains faithful to his spouse. Treason considers an unforgivable act. From the outside it may seem that the Bell is monotonous and predictable. But do not forget about its merits.

The bell is infinitely kind, affable, attentive to his neighbors, who often abuse his generosity and kindness. In his career, Kolokolchik achieves great success. He strives for wealth, but does not accept luxury. His motto can be formulated as follows: "I have enough of what I have."

Bells tip: of course, the classic is a time-tested art, but still, don't be so conservative, try at least once in your life to do an extravagant act, for example, get a fashionable haircut or a tattoo. You can't even imagine how new sensations will enrich you!


The daisy certainly has a positive energy. The flower horoscope claims that a person born under the auspices of Marigold is distinguished by modesty and kindness. In a large company, he feels very insecure. He doesn't like noisy gatherings.

For people - Daisies are much more pleasant than a quiet evening with a family or a trip to nature. Even a short walk in the fresh air gives Daisies strength for the whole day. The surrounding people consider Daisy to be a shy girl. Unfortunately, she is often underestimated, being considered rustic and mediocre.

In her personal life, Daisy is usually happy. She pays a lot of attention to her family and home. Daisy Woman- a wonderful housewife and mother. Man - Daisy a respectable and devoted spouse. But, oddly enough, two Daisies, a man and a woman, cannot make a perfect match.

Although in the ordinary, Everyday life Daisy prefers to be in the shade and not draw attention to herself, at a crucial moment she is able to cope with anxiety and show composure - she copes well with any difficulties and stress.

Marigold has no special career aspirations. She chooses a business to her liking and is content with it. He does not break into leaders. Nevertheless, Daisy achieves success. Her professionalism and hard work are duly appreciated over time.

Advice to Daisies: try to delight yourself with relaxation more often and spend more time in nature.


The tulip is very diverse and many-sided. It comes in a wide variety of colors, from white to almost black. An interesting fact: it is known that the tulip is one of the national symbols of Holland, and it was in this country that one of the first financial pyramids was built, associated with tulips.

The energy of the tulip and its symbolism are contradictory. A person born under the auspices of Tulip, according to the flower horoscope, is a womanizer and an adventurer. His life goes on in an endless series of love victories and romantic adventures.

Man - Tulip Is a passionate lover, a daring conqueror of women's hearts. Its charm is impossible to resist. He is able to conquer even a very chaste young lady. It is important to understand that for Tulip the process of conquest and conquest is much more important than the result. He quickly cools down to the next darling and embarks on a search for new sensations. He does not tolerate marriage obligations and certainly does not seek to create a family. This person is completely self-sufficient. The needs for home comfort and care in Tulip can arise only in adulthood.

Woman - Tulip- fatal beauties. They are not as windy as men, but they love adventure nonetheless and are not consistent. The Tulip Man is more keen on his experiences, victories on love front, personal problems. He can and knows how to make money. But they are not the goal for him. He believes that money exists in order to spend it with maximum pleasure.

Advice to Tulips: of course, it's a lot of fun - to live one day, to have fun, without thinking about anything. But there are no free pleasures. And you run the risk of paying for "aimlessly spent years" lonely and feeble old age. And one more thing: do not neglect the feelings of others.

July flowers

Water lilies

Our ancient ancestors believed that water lilies, like other water flowers, are under the auspices of the Water One. Tearing water lilies without Vodyanoy's permission is a very rash act. In order not to anger the water spirits, several small coins were thrown into the water before picking the water lily.

Based on the flower horoscope, a person born under the auspices of Water Lily is modest, decent, very hardy. He certainly has a strong character. One can only marvel at Water Lily's optimism. Such a person maintains a presence of mind in any, even the most difficult life situation. He can achieve a lot in life.

Since childhood, Waterlily has been a great student, and then works a lot. The personal life of the Water Lily man is going well. Loneliness does not threaten him. Such a person does not lack fans.

The water lily is very calm about money. She is quite happy with her financial situation. In fairness, I would like to note that Water Lily rarely lacks funds. She can work in several jobs, combine several positions. In addition, Water Lily does not waste money and knows how to spend it wisely.

Advice to Water Lilies: your life is going quite well and happily, but your happiness will be more complete if you finally stop at one of your many fans and start a family.


Violet is a flower, the energy of which can strengthen the spirit of a person, awaken respect and pride in him, and increase self-esteem. People who, according to the flower horoscope, are under the auspices of Violets, are born diplomats.

Human - Violet is well versed in people. Can benefit from almost any situation. He knows how to behave in society, knows to whom and what exactly should be said.

In professional activity, the Violet man is a reliable partner. He does not violate obligations and agreements, always keeps his word and does not play a double game.

The Violet Man is freedom-loving. Since childhood, he has been distinguished by a bright personality. He never falls under the influence of others and builds his own line of behavior.

The personal life of a Violet man will turn out very well if his partner turns out to be a person who is optimistic. It is also important that the partner appreciates and respects Violet. She needs the support of a loved one. If Violet does not receive it, then she becomes discouraged and may become hardened.

Violet advice: I would like to wish you to be more confident in your abilities. Remember: you can achieve whatever you want, for this you have everything - mind, talent, willpower. Don't give up! You will be great!

Rose hip

Rosehip has a very strong energy. According to the flower horoscope, this is the most powerful love talisman. Rosehip works wonders. He is able to awaken love in a person and even kindle a fire of passion. If blood “mixes” on a rosehip branch, that is, both the one who plucked the branch and the one to whom it was intended are scratched on its thorns, a fatal passion may arise. In addition, the dog rose protects from evil forces and gives vigor.

A person born under the auspices of Rosehip is often lonely. People do not understand him, underestimate him. Such a person is ironic and can speak rather caustically towards the interlocutor. However, the "thorniness" of the Rosehip man is nothing more than a way of self-defense.

By nature, he is good-natured and does not wish anyone any harm. He is vulnerable and sensitive, and he himself has a hard time because of his demeanor. People do not always understand it and appreciate it.

Rosehip has few friends, but they know for sure that he will never betray or turn away in difficult times, he will be the first to come to the rescue and will not consider it a feat.

The Rosehip Man does not forgive lies and deceit. Do not try to flatter him or curry favor with him. He also abhors hypocrisy and duplicity. Anyone who behaves dishonestly with him will forever lose his favor.

The personal life of a Rosehip man is not very smooth. If Rosehip is in love, he is able to move mountains for the sake of his chosen one. But Rosehip's feelings can quickly fade away if a partner does not appreciate him or abuses his kindness.

Rosehip advice: your thorns hurt painfully, remember this! Of course, you need protection, but you shouldn't see life as a theater of war.

August flowers


Sunflower seeds and oil, which is obtained from sunflower seeds, are able to protect from serious misfortunes. In the old days, people believed that sunflower seeds poured at the threshold would not allow ill-wishers to cross the threshold. Sunflowers were planted close to home so that these flowers keep peace in the family and give a person their positive energy.

A person born according to a flower horoscope under the auspices of a Sunflower is a real darling of fate. He is active, cheerful, does not lose optimism. Trouble does not make him angry - he knows how to hold on in the most difficult situations. Moreover, he knows how to cheer up a person who is depressed and disillusioned with life.

The family for the Sunflower man is of great importance. He protects the peace and tranquility of his loved ones, appreciates care and attention. If the situation requires it, he is able to overcome his selfishness and compromise. In society, Sunflower is somewhat arrogant, and sometimes harsh in his statements.

The Sunflower Man is a leader, a good organizer and leader. He can defend his point of view, is well-versed in any environment, makes decisions quickly. The sunflower does not tolerate pressure and does not accept ultimatums. But he is excellent at negotiating and achieving his goals.

Sunflowers advice: you are kind, generous, courageous and determined, you have few shortcomings, nevertheless, remember that pride and selfishness never lead to good.


Rose is always associated with the most important and solemn events in a person's life. Rose captivates with refined beauty and delicious aroma. Judging by the flower horoscope, people born under the auspices of the Rose are wayward and selfish. They have many admirers, but they also have a lot of envious people.

Unfortunately, the Rose man is poorly versed in people and cannot always distinguish flattery from sincere praise. Rose has few friends. Not everyone can be calm about her whims, arrogance and frequent mood swings.

Women-Roses behave like persons of royal blood. They look down on others, behave very arrogantly. If Roses are lucky enough to succeed in life, they become snobbish and despise their former surroundings.

Rose Men strive to assert themselves at the expense of others. They prove their superiority to everyone, but at the same time they cannot withstand the struggle with a truly strong rival. If Rosa's life is not very successful, she becomes embittered and releases her thorns, becoming gloomy and prickly.

Advice to Roses: be gentle - this will help you a lot in life. A sound assessment of your own strengths and abilities will also help you. Try to be less selfish, because you can alienate a devoted and loving person from you.


The Delphinium flower got its name because its buds resemble the body of a gray dolphin. What can a flower horoscope tell us about people - Delphiniums?

A person born under the auspices of the Delphinium is humble. He does not have a bright appearance and the makings of a leader. However, he does not seek to occupy a leading position. At the same time, Delphinium has a strong character, he is not afraid of difficulties and treats them philosophically.

As a friend, Delphinium is reliable and loyal. But do not try to deceive him or act dishonestly with him - this person does not know how to forgive. If the step from friendship to hatred is not difficult to pass, then the return journey will simply be impossible.

Delphinium will forever delete an unscrupulous person from his environment. If a close person or lover turns out to be a traitor or a deceiver, for Delphinium this is a real disaster, which he experiences for a very long time and hard.

It is very interesting with him, he is well educated, well-read. Books are Delphinium's faithful companions. He devotes a lot of time to self-education. In everyday life, the Delphinium man is content with little. He is indifferent to comfort and coziness. He can live and be happy in any living conditions.

Advice for Dolphiniums: sometimes a situation requires you to make compromises - do not be afraid to express your opinion, listen to your opponent.

September flowers


Carnation, thanks to its strong positive energy, protects against evil forces and contributes to the healing of the whole body. A carnation flower is able to attract wealth, helps a person to fully realize himself. People born according to the flower horoscope under the auspices of Carnation are distinguished by a heightened sense of justice.

Carnation will fight for a just cause to the bitter end. She will not allow her or her loved ones to be dishonored. At the same time, the Carnation man can defend not only his rights, but also protect those who are not able to do this himself. Carnations often become activists of social movements and parties.

Carnation is a poor diplomat. She generates constant conflicts, both at work and in the family. Getting her to sit at the negotiating table and looking for compromises is an almost impossible task. However, it is worth remembering that Carnation does not wish anyone any harm. She simply cannot come to terms with lies and injustice. Ultimately, her actions are aimed at the good. And one more important fact: Carnation is an ideological fighter, she is disinterested, it is impossible to bribe her.

Advice to Carnations: do not rush to the barricades for any reason. Try to be not so straightforward - it only hurts you, because your opponent calculates your reaction in advance and prolongs the confrontation, forcing you to get involved in a "positional war" in which you are not strong.


Astra protects a person from bad thoughts, helps him not to lose his presence of mind in difficult times. Figuratively speaking, the Astra-man is a cozy fire in the darkness of a cold autumn night. Such a person is always in a good mood. He is cheerful and seems careless. But this is not a frivolous rake.

Nature gave him a lot of energy, and he is able to share it. It is difficult for Astra-man to understand people who constantly complain about life and the vicissitudes of fate. Astra is able to cheer, sympathize and help, but she is used to solving problems on her own and quickly. According to the flower horoscope, people - Asters are sociable and nice.

Astra woman- hospitable and welcoming hostess. She gladly accepts guests, loves family celebrations. Astra will never forget to congratulate friends on holidays or an important family date, always gives generous gifts. However, sometimes Astra is unnecessarily intrusive.

Astra Man lives for today. He is not burdened with the burden of memories. He does not look back and only moves forward. But at the same time he does not forget to learn lessons and does not repeat mistakes, if any, happened in his past. Astra achieves success in professional activities. In general, the life of such a person is going well. He is appreciated by his colleagues and respected by his superiors. Astra's family life is also very prosperous.

Astram advice: not all people are endowed with your willpower, optimism and energy - they should sympathize, but do not let others abuse your kindness


This modest forest flower with a bitter aroma is endowed with powerful energy. He patronizes only those people who have fortitude. As the flower horoscope tells us, people born under the patronage of Heather strive for perfection all their lives. They diligently maintain their reputation and value it very much.

There is no business that the Heather-Man cannot handle. This is a jack of all trades. He knows his own worth very well, and those around him respect him. Veresk is a wonderful teacher, he has enough talent and patience to explain difficult things to people. simple language... In addition, he is never too authoritarian and strict.

Heather does not tolerate half measures, half decisions. He is a maximalist and idealist. Heather's personal life, as a rule, develops happily. In family life, he is a leader, but not a despot. Heather loves home comfort, appreciates taking care of himself and takes care of his loved ones with pleasure.

Heather is sociable, he has many friends. This person does not accumulate negative emotions, is not touchy and does not hold evil, for which they love him. He is able to forgive human weaknesses, but you should not abuse his generosity.

Advice to Heathers: you are not too emotional, or rather, stay detached from people, as a result of which you give the impression of an indifferent person. Do not hide your emotions - joy or annoyance. If you laugh heartily, you will not be considered unrestrained or weak.

Flowers of October


Japan, China and Vietnam are considered the birthplace of camellia. An interesting fact is that camellia and tea are close relatives, they belong to the same family. In 1725 BC. NS. one of Chinese emperors wrote that an infusion of camellia leaves is his favorite drink. Over time, camellias began to be grown in Europe, and then around the world.

According to the flower horoscope, people born under the auspices of Camellia feel insecure and vulnerable. They are always in the spotlight and are looking for a patron who would protect them from life's troubles.

Camellia Woman surrounded by numerous fans. She attracts with her sensuality, emotionality. Next to her, a man can feel like a knight, a protector. Camellia has an amazing sense of beauty. She surrounds herself with beauty. She herself creates the interior of her house, selects every little thing very carefully. She closely follows fashion trends, always dressed stylishly and tastefully.

Camellia man can be timid and shy. But if he manages to overcome self-doubt, he can be very successful in realizing himself in life. Camellia can be a photographer or an artist, an architect or a designer, and a rich imagination fosters literary talent.

Everything that the Camellia man does is perfectly done. Camellia never cheats and does not work half-heartedly. These people love to travel, get new impressions, regularly attend exhibitions, theaters, fashion shows.

Camellia advice: you are charming, it is very pleasant to communicate with you, but sometimes you are too arrogant and arrogant - try to avoid this.


Lilac, according to the flower horoscope, can play the role of a love talisman, it is endowed with a strong positive energy. Lilac is a symbol of youth, youth, innocence and freshness.

People born under the auspices of the Lilac can be naive and simple-minded. They retain these qualities throughout their lives. But do not think that the Lilac man does not understand people and is not able to distinguish sincere feelings from flattery. For all his naivety and childish spontaneity, the Lilac man is a realist and knows exactly what he wants to achieve in life.

The Lilac Man does not doubt his abilities, but at the same time he is not overly self-confident. He can ask for help or advice if he is unable to find a solution on his own. He willingly comes to the aid of his friends. He does not expect special gratitude from people and does not demand too much from his environment.

Lilac's personal life is going well. Lilac can meet her companion completely unexpectedly - she believes in love at first sight. In youth it is windy, but over the years it becomes more circumspect.

Advice to the Lilacs: nature has generously rewarded you with talents, it remains only to wish you to realize them to the fullest.


The energy of freesia is aimed at strengthening strength. The main qualities of a Freesian man are stubbornness and fearlessness. Such a person is not really afraid of anyone or anything. According to the flower horoscope, Freesia people can withstand any trials of life and remain completely unharmed.

Freesia's stubbornness in a positive direction can do him a lot of benefits. Freesia strives to become the first, the best by all means. Others can be annoyed by the dedication and activity of Freesia. They envy her, slander her behind her back. It often happens that Freesia does not find contact with colleagues at work, but her superiors respect and appreciate her.

Freesia will never be left without a livelihood. For all her ambitiousness, under the pressure of circumstances, she can agree to an uninteresting, but highly paid job. In this case, in order to realize her creative abilities, Freesia finds herself an interesting hobby. The Freesia woman is a real needlewoman. She sews beautifully, knits, embroiders. Always looks elegant and fashionable, but not pretentious or vulgar.

Freesias advice: don't be petty and too meticulous. You are a leader, and it is difficult for you to fit into the generally accepted framework, but try not to speak too harshly, be softer - this will help you a lot in life.

November flowers


Orchid gives energy, is able to awaken bright feelings in a person. People born under the auspices of the Orchid according to the flower calendar are endowed with amazing flair and discernment. They can be clairvoyant or psychic and literally see right through people. Therefore, do not even try to cheat with the Orchid, and even more so, do not deceive her.

An orchid can be superstitious and therefore very secretive. You will never know her true plans and intentions. She does not tolerate interference in her personal life, keeps her thoughts a secret, controls emotions well. It can give the impression of being lethargic, tired and indifferent, but this is far from the case.

The orchid is very emotional. But she prefers to pour out her emotions in creativity - she writes poetry or music, draws amazing pictures. Orchid is a good worker, professional. Nevertheless, it is difficult for her to obey, she often creates conflict situations. The ideal option for her is remote work, which allows her to spend a lot of time at home.

The personal life of an Orchid man rarely develops without problems. Her secrecy and isolation, as well as a secluded lifestyle, are not to everyone's liking. In addition, her partner may be annoyed by her ability to “see through”, predict actions and behavior in general. It is impossible to surprise an orchid, it always knows everything. It is very difficult to get along with such a person. The orchid does not read lectures, but in everyday life it does not hide its displeasure.

Orchid tip: Try to be more open. There are not bad people around you, and they do not want to harm you. With your coldness, you push away friends who sincerely sympathize with you. Your kindness may simply not be noticed.


The Peony flower in many countries is considered a symbol of masculinity, strength and power. This bright flower gives energy, is able to awaken creativity and strong feelings in a person.

As the flower horoscope tells us, people born under the auspices of Peony are distinguished by unusually good health. They almost never get sick, are hardy and can cope with the hardest loads. Fatigue is rarely felt by such people.

Peony is very active, does not tolerate idleness and idleness. He has many friends, he loves to be in society. Such a person is self-sufficient, indifferent to criticism - it is useless for Peony to flatter and curry favor with him. He knows his own worth and does not need anyone's assessments. However, Peony is quite self-critical, and the best judge for him is himself.

Peony appreciates family. In his youth, he starts many novels, but in adulthood he settles down. Peony, as a rule, remains faithful to his chosen one. He is reliable as a rock, and is able to protect his loved ones from any misfortune. The peony does not lose his presence of mind even in crisis situations, moreover, extreme loads for him are a native element.

Peonies tip: Avoid extremes and, most importantly, learn to control your emotions. Outbursts of anger do you much more harm than the people against whom they are directed.


People - Gladiolus describes the flower horoscope very ambiguously. It says that the fate of the human Gladiolus is to be "number two." He lacks his own strength to be a leader. But this is not a reason for frustration - Gladiolus can be a reliable companion, co-author. To realize his full potential, he needs a skilled and wise leader and mentor.

Human Gladiolus is friendly and simple-minded. This frivolous rake, never analyzes his own behavior, is not able to learn from his own mistakes. Figuratively speaking, the forehead of the Gladiolus man is covered with bumps from impacts on the same rake.

Gladiolus has a great sense of humor. He is not afraid to seem funny, he allows himself to make fun of himself. He is the soul of any company. Peace and tranquility reign in the Gladiolus family. He does not arrange scandals, does not like to sort things out. Gladiolus has a wonderful quality - to accept people as they are, with all their weaknesses and flaws.

Advice to Gladioli: try to reflect on the topics “Why did I get trapped again ...” and “What should I do to avoid stepping on a rake”.

December flowers


Dandelion gives a person positive emotions. According to the flower horoscope, a person born under the auspices of Dandelion is distinguished by kindness and generosity. He loves two things very much - being in nature and a company of friends. This is easy to explain. It is not easy for a dandelion to conserve its solar energy in an urban setting. Going out into nature is a great opportunity for him to “recharge”.

Dandelion loves a company of friends because he is sociable and cheerful. He likes noisy gatherings. He is looking for adventure, loves to travel. For the sake of his friends, Dandelion will not hesitate to give up his last. He is a reliable, loyal friend. The personal life of a Dandelion man is far from always going well, although he is an interesting conversationalist and is in a good mood most of the time.

Living with such a person is very difficult, sometimes impossible. He is completely unaware of the problems of everyday life and is not interested in them, constantly forgets his promises to pay the rent or buy groceries. He lives one day, is able to skip all the money he earned in one evening. If Dandelion turned out to be your chosen one, you have only two ways - either to accept him as he is (trying to change him is a hopeless business), or to part with him.

Dandelion Tip: You are too careless. Your talents are not being properly realized. Of course, your life is a continuous celebration. But, sadly, the holidays come to an end sooner or later. Your carefree friends will grow up, start families, and their lives will change radically. You risk being left alone.


For many Asian peoples, this is the most revered flower that symbolizes purity and purity. The lotus grows in mud, in a swamp, but at the same time it is pure and beautiful. Hindus associate it with holiness and divine protection.

According to the flower horoscope, people born under the auspices of the Lotus are endowed with beauty, rich imagination, wit, grace. The list of their advantages is endless.

The Lotus Man is a noble knight when it comes to a man. He is a gallant gentleman, looks after his chosen one beautifully, is very romantic, knows how to make original compliments. Lotus is a reliable and loyal friend. You can be sure of him one hundred percent - the Lotus will never deceive or betray.

Lotus Woman- a charming coquette. But at the same time, she is not selfish and not capricious. The family is rarely a leader. She is able to subordinate her life to the interests of her family, abandon her career and become a housewife, if circumstances so require.

Lotus Man- an idealist. He tends to see only positive aspects in life. And, oddly enough, troubles really pass him by. He is full of strength and energy, achieves enviable success in life. His career has always been successful.

Lotus's personal life is restless. Lotus is monogamous. He remains faithful to his partner, even when he is disappointed in him, so he will struggle to keep the family together. Lotus is madly in love with his children, he is ready to help them in everything, even when the children have already become adults.

Advice to Lotus: don't be arrogant and arrogant. Your talents give rise to pride - this is an indisputable fact, but you still do not have to rest on your laurels. Life will require new achievements and deeds from you.


Edelweiss is perhaps one of the brightest representatives of the flower horoscope. This is very powerful talisman bringing wealth, success and love. A person born under the auspices of Edelweiss is independent and selfish. He is self-sufficient, but nevertheless loves to be in society. He is sociable and makes friends easily.

Unfortunately, Edelweiss is prone to squandering his talents. He is fickle and inconsistent. There is no system or logic in his actions. It is difficult for him to make a choice, he is looking for his place in the sun for a long time, his true vocation. Constant dissatisfaction with himself does not allow him to fully enjoy the results of his labor. He can quit a project in the middle, not finish his studies, give up a promising position.

Edelweiss does not tolerate dictatorship, never obeys anyone. He doesn't care too much about his reputation. Getting along with such a person is not easy. He is quick-tempered, irritable. In general, we can say that Edelweiss is a person of mood. He can be sweet and charming, or he can be rude. However, Edelweiss never sinks to outright rudeness.

Edelweiss is also scattered in personal life. This person is not made for family life. He wins many victories on the love front, but suffers no less defeats - not everyone can come to terms with Edelweiss's egoism.

Advice to Edelweiss: don't go to extremes. You can achieve a lot in life, but you miss favorable circumstances, do not value people who truly love you. Try to be more attentive to those around you.

Flower horoscope- an interesting and truthful system that allows you to find out the character, personality traits and compatibility of each a separate type... In addition, the flower horoscope is popular in verses that can form part of the flower symbol greeting.

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If you have read astrological data about your zodiac sign at least once, then you probably know that everyone has their own totem, stone, animal and even plant. They can be considered symbols of the zodiac signs that help to amplify energy. You can learn about this from various sources, and we offer you something more original and interesting! Today you have a unique opportunity to find out what flower you look like, based on your zodiac sign. Remember!

Aries - Iris

You are a passionate person who attracts the people around you. And yet, like this flower, you "wither" too quickly and lose interest in your affairs and preferences.

Taurus - Chamomile

You, like this flower, rarely push people away. Sometimes they cannot name those qualities for which they like you, but at the same time they are clearly not ready to lose you! This is natural magnetism.

Gemini - Bells

They don't grow alone. This can be compared to the ability of Gemini to instantly produce in the head many options for answering questions, solving problems, creating experiences ...

Cancer - Rose

You have qualities that most people appreciate. This attracts them to you. Moreover, you really try to lead a life so that it does not become overshadowed by negative actions.

Leo - Lily

Natural greatness and desire to be better than others is an integral feature of Leo, which makes them very similar to lilies. And yet, not everyone likes them! Many complain about their strong smell, from which the head hurts. Likewise, they often complain about Lvov, tired of their endless conversations about themselves.

Virgo - Orchid

These flowers are very whimsical, because they need a clear order and adherence to all the rules in which they can live favorably. Virgos, too, experience peace and happiness only when everything is in perfect order.

Libra - Violet

You open person with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Many people think you are a great conversationalist. Have you noticed that people love violets, but cannot explain a specific reason? So it is with Libra!

Scorpio - Cactus

Everything is very clear here. Outside, Scorpions, like cacti, repel quite a few. And yet, those who decide to take the risk and stay close, they will surprise with their ability to bloom beautifully!

Sagittarius - Carnation

This sign is considered an example of reliability and methodicality, like carnations. Moreover, Sagittarius know how to surprise, so you never get bored with them!

Capricorn - Passionflower

Sounds unusual, right? The thing is that the representatives of this sign are also quite bright individuals. They always strive to stand out in society. Most often, it is the original appearance that is their salient feature.

Aquarius - Tulip

The variety of color shades of tulips is simply amazing! Passing a tulip seller, you always want to smile, because these flowers are not only beautiful, but also smell good! So it is with Aquarius, who are real creators of ideas and sources of inspiration for others.

Fish - Lily of the valley

This flower is quite mysterious, which is also the difference between the representatives of the sign of Pisces. Not everyone succeeds in understanding their essence, but many still cannot refuse to communicate with representatives of this sign. Their mystery and romance literally beckons ...

As you can see, each of the zodiac signs really looks like one of the plant species. Remember that your positive traits you need to develop to be really proud of yourself!