Mysterious Slavic tribes (6 photos). The tribes of the eastern Slavs were called

  • The date: 13.10.2019

Vyatichi - Union of East Slavic tribes living in the second half of the first millennium N. e. In the upper and middle course of the Oka. The name of Vnatichi presumably occurred on behalf of the tribe probe, Vyatko. However, some are associated by origin this name with the "veins of the" veins "and the vents (or venets / vents) (the name" Vnatići "was pronounced as" valves ").

In the middle of the 19th century, the land of Vyatichi to Kievan Russia was attached, but until the end of the XI century, these tribes retained certain political independence; Mention of campaigns against venna princes of this time.
From the XII century, the territory of Vyatichi was part of the Chernigov, Rostov-Suzdal and Ryazan principalities. Until the end of the XIII century, Many pagan rites and traditions retained, in particular, krassed the dead, removing small mound mound over the burial site. After rooting among the venated Christianity, the rite of cremation gradually gone out of everybody.

Vytychi longer than other Slavs kept their tribal name. They lived without princes, the social structure was characterized by self-government and democracy. The last time Vyatii is mentioned by the chronicles under such a tribal name in 1197

Bujanne (Volynian) - The tribe of the Eastern Slavs, who inhabited in the basin of the upper current of Western Bug (from which they received their name); From the end of the XI century, Buzhans are called Volynians (from the locality of Volyn).

Volynian - East Slavic tribe or tribal union, mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years and in Bavarian Chronicles. In accordance with the latter, Volynian owned seventh fortresses at the end of the 15th century. Some historians believe that Volynians and Kuzane are descendants of dleb. Their main cities were Volyn and Vladimir-Volynsky. Archaeological studies indicate that Volynians have developed agriculture and numerous crashes, including forging, casting and pottery.
In 981, Volynians were subordinated by Kiev Prince Vladimir I and entered the Kiev Rus. Later, the Galician-Volyn Principality was formed on the territory of Volyan.

Drevlyan - One of the tribes of the Russian Slavs, lived on Pripyat, Goryni, earnings and Tether. The name of the Drevlyan, on the explanation of the chronicler, is given to them because they lived in the forests. From archaeological excavations in the country, it is possible to conclude that they have a famous culture. The firmly established burial rite indicates the existence of certain religious reports on the afterlife: the lack of weapons in the graves indicates a peaceful nature of the tribe; Finds of sickles, shards and blood vessels, iron products, tissue and leather residues indicate the existence of bubble, black, black, weaving and leather fishing; Many dice of pets and spurs point to cattle breeding and horse breeding; Many products made of silver, bronze, glass and carnelian, ingenic origin, indicate the existence of trade, and the absence of coins gives reason to conclude that trade was exchanged. The political center of the Drevlyan in the era of their independence was the city of estuary; In the later minutes, this center, apparently, moved to the city of hand (Ovruch)

Dregovichi - East Slavic Tribal Union, who dwells between Pripyat and Western Motina. Most likely, the name comes from the ancient Russian word of treachev or Diryagva, which means "swamp". Under the name of the Friends (Greek. Δρονγονβίται), Dregovichi is already known to Konstantin Porphyuronian as a tribe subordinate to Russia. Being on the way from the "Way of Varyag to Greeks", Dregovichi did not play a prominent role in the history of ancient Russia. The chronicle mentions just that Dregovichi had no time for their reign. The capital of the principality was the city of tours. Submission of Dregovichi Kiev princes occurred, probably very early. In the territory of Dregovich, the Tour Principality was subsequently formed, and the northwestern lands were included in the Principality of Polotsk.

Duleba (not Dulya) - Union of East Slavic tribes in the territory of Western Volyn in the VI-early X centuries. In the VII century, the Avasian invasion (obverse) was subjected. In 907, they participated in the campaign of Oleg on the Tsargrad. We broke up on the tribes of Volynyan and Bujan and in the middle of the X century finally lost independence, entering the composition of the Kiev Rus.

Krivichi.- Numerous East Slavic tribe (tribal association), which ranked in the 6th centuries of the Verkhovaya Volga, Dnieper and Western Dvina, the southern part of the Judgment of the Lake and the Neman's pool. Sometimes Ilmen Slavic is counted to the cryvic. Curivichi were probably the first Slavic tribe that moved from the Carpathia to the northeast. Limited in their distribution to the north-west and West, where they met the steady Lithuanian and Finnish tribes, curviti spread to the northeast, assimilating Finns living there. Setting on the Great Waterway from Scandinavia to Byzantium (the path from Varyag to the Greeks), Curvichi took part in trade with Greece; Konstantin Bagrynorodnaya suggests that curvacies make boats on which Rusa go to Tsargrad. Participated in the campaigns of Oleg and Igor on the Greeks as a tribe subordinated to the Kiev prince; In the agreement of Oleg, their city of Polotsk is mentioned. Already in the era of the formation of the Russian state, Krivich existed political centers: Izborsk, Polotsk and Smolensk.

It is believed that the last tribal prince of Krivich Rog Volodov, together with her sons, was killed in 980 by the Novgorod Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. In the Ipatiev list of Curvichi, they were mentioned for the last time under 1128, and the Polotsky Princes were named Cirvich under 1140 and 1162. After that, curviti are no longer mentioned in East Slavic chronicles. However, the tribal name of Crivichi was still used for a long time in foreign sources (up to the end of the XVII century). In Latvian, the word Krievs entered the designation of the Russians in general, and the word Krievija for the designation of Russia.

South-Western, Polotsk Branch of Curvich is also referred to as Polotozhan. Together with Dregovichi, the Radmichs and Some Baltic tribes, this branch of Krivic was the basis of the Belarusian ethnic volume.
The North-Eastern Branch of Crivic, Main Mained on the territory of modern Tverskaya, Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions, was closely in close contact with Finno-Ugric tribes.
The boundary between the territory of the settlement of the curvist and Novgorod is determined by archaeologically by the types of burials: the long mounds in the curvice and the hills of Sloven.

Polochana - East Slavic tribe, inhabited in the 9th century of land in the middle course of Western Dvina in today's Belarus. Polochane is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years, which explains their name, as those living near the river, one of the tributaries of Western Dvina. In addition, the chronicle claims that the curvacies were the descendants of the shelter. The edges of the Polchians spread out of the whistle along Berezina to Land Dregovich. Polotsky principality has been formed as half a tribal, of whom later. They are one of the hedlemen of the modern Belarusian people.

Polyana (Poly) - The name of the Slavic tribe, in the era of the settlement of the eastern Slavs, settled by the average flow of the Dnieper, on the right bank of him. Judging by the chronicles and the newest archaeological studies, the territory of the Earth of Polyan in front of the Christian era was limited to the course of Dnipro, Rosi and Irpen; In the northeast she was adjacent to the village earth, in the West - to the southern settlements of Dregovich, in the southwest - to the tivers, in the south - to the streets. Calling Slavic Polyanov settled here, the chronicler adds: "Zanezh in the Sedyu field." Polyana differed sharply from the neighboring Slavic tribes and according to the moral properties, and according to the forms of public life: "Polyana Boy of his father's customs of Myahu and Krotok, and shame to the sneahs to their sisters and their sisters .... Marriage customs. "

The story cares of Polyan already at a fairly late stage of political development: the social system is composed of two elements - community and prince-doubly, and the first is strongly suppressed by the last. With ordinary and oldest classes of Slavs - Hunting, Fisheries and Borutrodstva - Polyan has more than what other Slavs have been common cattle breeding, agriculture, "antododbrew" and trade. The latter was quite extensive not only with the Slavic neighbors, but also with foreigners in the West and East: on the mint valves it is clear that trade with the East began in the VIII century, stopped during the instruments of the specific princes.
At first, about half of the VIII century, which paid tribute to Khazara Polyan, thanks to cultural and economic superiority, from a defensive position in relation to the neighbors, soon moved to offensive; Drevlyan, Dregovichi, Northerners and others by the end of the 9th century were already subject to the glades. They have earlier than others and Christianity. The center of Polyansky ("Polish") was Kiev; Other of its settlements - Vyshgorod, Belgorod on the Irpen River (now the village of Belogorodka), Zvenigorod, Trepol (now Trepole), Vasilev (now Vasilkov) and others.

Land of Polyan with the city of Kiev became the center of Rurikovich's possessions from 882. For the last time in the chronicles, the name of the Poloka is mentioned under 944, on the occasion of the campaign of Igor on the Greeks, and is probably replaced, already at the end of the century, the name of Russia (Ros) and Kiyan. The chronicler glades also calls the Slavic tribe on the Vistula, mentioned for the last time in the Ipatiev Chronicles under 1208

Radmichi - Name of the population, which included in the Union of East Slavic tribes, who lived in the robberry of the top flow of the Dnieper and gums. Around 885, Radmichi was included in the ancient Russian state, and in the XII century they mastered most of the Chernihiv and southern part of Smolensk lands. The name comes on behalf of the Radima tribe.

Northerners (more correctly - north) - A tribe or tribal union of eastern Slavs, which inhabited territories to the east of the middle course of the Dnieper, along the rivers of the desna, Sela.

The origin of the name of the North is not fully clarified. Most authors associate him with the name of the Savirov tribe entering the Gunno association. According to another version, the name goes back to the ease of consuming the Valves in the word, meaning the "relative". Explanation from Slavic Siver, North, despite the similarity of the sound, is recognized as extremely controversial, as the North has never been the most northern of the Slavic tribes.

Slovenia (Ilmenie Slavs) - East Slavic tribe, who lived in the second half of the first millennium in the Lake Ilmenya basin and the upper flow of molot and the majority of the population of the Novgorod land.

Tivertsy - East Slavic tribe, who lived between the Dniester and the Danube off the coast of the Black Sea. For the first time mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years in a series with other East Slavic tribes of the IX century. The main occupation of the tivers was agriculture. Tiversets took part in the campaigns of Oleg on the Tsargrad in 907 and Igor in 944 in the middle of the 10th century, the lands of Tiversev were included in the Kiev Rus. The descendants of the tivers became part of the Ukrainian people, and their western part was subjected to Romanization.

Designer - East Slavic tribe, in the period of the VIII-X centuries of the Earth along the lower flow of the Dnieper, the southern Bug and the coast of the Black Sea. The capital of the street was the city intersection. In the first half of the 19th century, the distances fought for independence from Kievan Rus, but after all, her supremacy was forced to recognize and enter her composition. Later, the disiences and neighboring tivers were ousted on the north of those who arrived by St. Petersburg nomads, where they merged with Volynians. The last mention of the streets is dated to the chronicles of the 970s.

Croats - East Slavic tribe, living in the vicinity of the city of Peremyshl on the San River. They called themselves white Croats, in contrast to the tribe who lived in the Balkans. The name of the tribe is produced from the ancient war word "shepherd, guard of livestock", which may indicate the main lesson - cattle breeding.

Bodrichi (encrypts, rarogs) - Polabsk Slavs (the lower flow of Elba) in the VIII-XII centuries. - Union of Vagrov, Poland, Glinakov, Smolyan. Rarog (Danes Rickik) is the main city of Bodrich. Meklenburg Land in East Germany.
According to one of the versions, Rurik - Slavs from the Bodrich tribe, grandson of the Gostomysl, the son of his daughter Umila and the Bodritic Prince Godoslav (Godlava).

Vistane - Woster Slavic tribe, who lived at least from the VII century in Malaya Poland. In the 9th century, a tribal state with centers in Krakow, Sandomira and Stradew formed. At the end of the century were conquered by the King of the Great Moravia Svyatopolk I and were forced to take baptism. In the 10th century, Vistan land were conquered by the meadows and included in Poland.

Zlichane (Czech. Zličane, Polish. Zliczanie) - One of the ancient Czech tribes. Painted the territory adjacent to the modern city of Court (Czech Republic). Solved the center of the formation of the Zilician principality, which was engaged at the beginning of the 10th century. Eastern and South Czech Republic and Dowlebov tribe region. The main city of the Principality was Libice. The Libitsky Princes of Slavices competed with Prague in the fight for the combination of the Czech Republic. In 995, Zlichane were subordinate to Prezhisov.

Luzhica, Ludge Serbs, Sorben (Sorben), Wenda - The indigenous Slavic population residing in the territory of the lower and the upper puddles - regions that are part of modern Germany. The first settlements of the Puzhitsky Serbs in these places were recorded in the VI century. e. The Luzhitsky language is divided into Verkhnezhitsky and Nizhneelzhitsky. Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron gives a definition: "Sort - the name of the vendors and in general Polabsky Slavs." Slavic people inhabiting a number of areas in Germany, in the federal lands of Brandenburg and Saxony. Ludi Serbs are one of the four officially recognized national minorities of Germany (along with the Gypsies, friezes and Danes). It is believed that Serbolusky roots now have about 60 thousand German citizens, of which 20,000 live in the lower poison (Brandenburg) and 40 thousand - in the upper puddle (Saxony).

Lutychi (Wilians, orders) - Union of Western Slavic tribes living in the early Middle Ages in the territory of the current Eastern Germany. The center of the Union of Luty was the sanctuary of the "Radohost", which gave the god of Mosairch. All decisions were taken at the Great Tribal Meeting, and the central government was absent.
Luthi was headed by the Slavic uprising of 983 against the German colonization of the land east of Elbe, as a result of which colonization was suspended almost for two hundred years. Already before that, they were Yary opponents of the German king of Ottone I. About his heir, Henryth II, it is known that he did not try to enslave them, and on the contrary, lured them with money and gifts to his side in the fight against the Poland of Bolevlav Brave.

Military and political successes strengthened the commitment of paganism and pagan customs to the LuTićs, which also applied to related Bodrich. However, in the 1050s. Among the leutoff broke out a civil war and changed their position. The Union quickly lost its power and influence, and after the central sanctuary was destroyed by the Saxon Duke Lotrera in 1125, the Union was finally collapsed. Over the next decades, the Saxon Dukes gradually expanded their possessions to the East and conquered the lands of Lutych.

Relaimer, pomena - Western Slavic tribes who lived from the VI century in the lower reaches of the coast of the Baltic Sea. It remains unclear whether the residual German population, which they assimilated, existed before their arrival. In 900, the border of Pomorian Areal took place in the West, Vistula in the East and notchu in the south. They gave the name of the historical terrain of Pomerania. In the X century, Polish Prince Meshko I included Prsyan land into the Polish state. In the XI century, the rebellion was raised and regained independence from Poland. During this period, their territory expanded to the west of ODRED in the earth. At the initiative of Prince Vartislava I, Christianity was adopted.

From the 1180s. Start growing German influence and German settlers began to arrive at the Earth. Due to the ruin wars with the Danes, Pomoriyan feudalists welcomed the settlement of the German devoted lands. Over time, the process of Germanization of the Porroyan population began. Avoid assimilation by the residue of the ancient Pokorni today are Kashuba, numbering 300 thousand people.

Antique historians were confident that militant tribes and "People with Pesmi Heads" live on the territory of Ancient Russia. From those a lot of time passed, but many riddles of Slavic tribes are not solved so far.

Northerners living in the south

The novel tribe at the beginning of the 7th century inhabited the shores of the gums, the Sejm and the Seversky Donets, founded Chernihiv, Putivl, Novgorod-Seversky and Kursk. The name of the tribe, according to Lev Gumileev, is due to the fact that it assimilated the Nomad Savirov tribe, which in antiquity lived in Western Siberia. It is with Saviri that the name "Siberia" is associated. The Archaeologist Valentin Sedov believed that Savira was a Schif-Sarmatian tribe, and the toponyms of Northerners have Iranian origin. So, the name of the River Seyme (seven) comes from Iranian śyama or even from the ancient Indian Syāma, which means "Dark River". According to the third hypothesis, Northerners (Sea) were immigrants from southern or western lands. On the right bank, the Danube lived a tribe with such a name. It could easily be "to move" the Bulgarian invisions. Northerners were representatives of the Mediterranean type of people. They were distinguished by a narrow face stretched by the skull, were finely and noses. In Byzantium, they were brought bread and fur, back - gold, silver, luxury items. Trade with Bulgarians, with Arabs. Northerners paid tribute to Khazaras, and then entered the Union of the tribes, united by the Novgorod prince, with a prophetic Oleg. In 907, participated in the campaign to Kinggrad. In the 9th century, Chernihiv and Pereyaslav Principality appeared on their lands.

Vntychi and Radmichi - relatives or different tribes?

National land was located in the territory of Moscow, Kaluga, Orlovskaya, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tula, Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. Externally, Vyatichi reminded Northerners, but they were not so nosat, but they had a high bridge and blond hair. In the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is indicated that the name of the tribe went on behalf of the Holy Administrator Vyatko (Vyacheslav), which was "from Lyakh". Other scientists connect the name with the Indo-European root of "Ven-T" (wet), or with Praslavyansky "VęT" (large) and put the name of the tribe in one row with the vents and vandals. Vodnyi was skillful warriors, hunters, collected wild honey, mushrooms and berries. Cattle breeding was spread, gravy farming. They were not part of ancient Russia and more than once fought with Novgorod and Kiev princes. According to legend, Brother Vyatko Radimm became a source of radiramics, which settled between the Dnieper and the gums in the territories of the Gomel and Mogilev regions of Belarus and founded Krichev, Gomel, Rogachev and Chechersk. Radmichy also restrained against the princes, but after the battle they were conquered. The chronicles mention them for the last time in 1169.

Crivichi - Croats or "Lyahi"?

It is unknown to take the passage of curvaches that from the VI century in the upper reaches of Western Dvina, Volga and Dnipro and became the founders of Smolensk, Polotsk and Izbork. The name of the tribe went from the Rodonarchist Kriva. From other tribes, curviti differed in high growth. They had a nose with a pronounced hill, clearly outlined chin. Anthropologists include curvice to the Valdai type of people. According to one version of Curvich, these are migrating the whites of the White Croat and Serbs tribes, on the other - the immigrants from the north of Poland. Crivichi worked closely with Varyags and built ships, on which they went to Constantinople. The ancient Russia of Crivichi entered the 9th century. The last prince of Krivic Rogvoda was killed with sons in 980. The Smolensk and Polotsk Principality appeared on their lands.

Slovenia Vandals

Sloves (Ilmen's words) were the most northern tribe. Lived on the shores of Lake Ilmen and on the river Molozh. The origin is unknown. According to legends, their ancestors were like Rus, who were still BC, Slovensk (Veliky Novgorod) and Old Rousse. From Slane, the authorities moved to the prince of Vandal (known in Europe as the Osthots of Vandalar), who had three sons: Capture, Vladimir and Stlisposvati, and four brothers: Rudotok, Volkhov, Volchovets and Bastarn. Prince's wife Vandala Advinda was from Varyagov. Slovenia, that and the matter was fought with Varyags and neighbors. It is known that the ruling dynasty came from the son of Vandala Vladimir. The Slary was engaged in agriculture, expanded possessions, influenced other tribes, engaged in trading with Arabs, with Prussia, with Gotland and Sweden. It was here that Rurik began to prince. After the appearance of Novgorod, Slovenia began to be called by Novgorod and founded Novgorod land.

Rus. People without the territory

Look at the map of the settlement of the Slavs. Each tribe is their lands. There are no rules there. Although it was the Rusa Rus. There are three theories of the origin of Russ. The first theory considers the rules of Varyags and relies on the "Tale of Bygone Years" (written from 1110 to 1118), it said: "They expelled Varyag for the sea, and did not give them Dani, and they began to own themselves, and did not have the truth among them And I got up to the genus, and they had cravies, and began to fight with each other. And they said: "We are looking for a prince who would have owned and judged by us." And went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia. Those whocks were called Rus, as the others are called Swedes, and other Normans and Angles, and also other Gottants, and these are. " The second suggests that Rusa is a separate tribe that came to Eastern Europe before or later than Slavs. The third theory says that Rusa is the highest caste of the East Slavonic tribe of the Pollas or the tribe itself, which lived on the Dnieper and to Russia. "Polyana Yazh Nyınѣ calling Russia" - it was written in the "Lavrentiev" annulary, which was for the "saying of temporary years" and was written in 1377. Here the word "Russia" was used as toponym and the name of the Rus was used as a name of a separate tribe: "Rus, Chok and Slovenia," - so the chronicler listed the peoples inhabited by the country.
Despite the research of genetics, disputes around the rules continue. According to the Norwegian researcher Tura Heyerdal, the Varyags themselves are descendants of Slavs.

Vyatichi is the Union of East Slavic tribes who lived in the second half of the first millennium. e. In the upper and middle course of the Oka. The name of Vnatichi presumably occurred on behalf of the tribe probe, Vyatko. However, some bind by origin is the name with the "veins" and vents and vents (or venets / vents) (the name "Vyatichi" was pronounced as "valves").

In the middle of the 19th century, Svyatoslav joined the land of Vyatichi to Kievan Russia, but until the end of the XI century, these tribes preserved certain political independence; Mention of campaigns against venna princes of this time. From the XII century, the territory of Vyatichi was part of the Chernigov, Rostov-Suzdal and Ryazan principalities. Until the end of the XIII century, Many pagan rites and traditions retained, in particular, krassed the dead, removing small mound mound over the burial site. After rooting among the venated Christianity, the rite of cremation gradually gone out of everybody.

Vytychi longer than other Slavs kept their tribal name. They lived without princes, the social structure was characterized by self-government and democracy. The last time Vyatii is mentioned by the chronicles under such a tribal name in 1197

Buzhany (Volynian) - the tribe of the Eastern Slavs, inhabited in the basin of the upper current of Western Bug (from which they received their name); From the end of the XI century, Buzhans are called Volynians (from the locality of Volyn).

Volynyan-Slavic tribe or a tribal union mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years and in the Bavarian Chronicles. In accordance with the latter, Volynian owned seventh fortresses at the end of the 15th century. Some historians believe that Volynians and Kuzane are descendants of dleb. Their main cities were Volyn and Vladimir-Volynsky. Archaeological studies indicate that Volynians have developed agriculture and numerous crashes, including forging, casting and pottery.

In 981, Volynians were subordinated by Kiev Prince Vladimir I and entered the Kiev Rus. Later, the Galician-Volyn Principality was formed on the territory of Volyan.

Doodle - one of the tribes of the Russian Slavs, lived on Pripyat, Goryni, earnings and Tether.
The name of the Drevlyan, on the explanation of the chronicler, is given to them because they lived in the forests.

From the archaeological excavations in the country, it can be concluded that they have a famous culture. The firm secret rite of burial testifies to the existence of the identified religious ideas about the afterlife: the lap in the grave testifies to the peaceful nature of the tribe; Nosecherpov, shards and blood vessels, iron products, tissue residues and hissing to exist in the raft of the bummer, rivalry, blacksmith, weaving and leather; Many boredomashny animals and spurs point to cattle breeding and horse breeding; a lot of silver products, bronze, glass and carnelian, foreign trade, indicate the existence of trade, and the lack of coins the reason to conclude that trade was exchanged.

The political center of the Drevlyan in the era of their independence was the city of estuary; in the later minutes, this center, apparently, moved to the city of hand (Ovruch)

Dregovichi is the East Slavic Tribal Union, who lived between the Pripyat and Western Dvina.
Most likely, the name comes from the ancient Russian word of treacheva or Diryagva, which means "swamp".

The pioneering of friends (Greek Δρονγονβίται) of Dregovichi is known to Unekonstantine the porphyuronous as a tribe subordinate to Russia. Being an emergencies from the "Way of Varyag in the Greeks", Dregovichi did not play the prominent role of Wistoria ancient Russia. The chronicle mentions just that Dregovichi had no time for their reign. The capital of the principality was the city of tours. Submission of Dregovichi Kiev princes occurred, probably very early. In the territory of Dregovich, the Tour Principality was subsequently formed, and the northwestern lands were included in the Principality of Polotsk.

Duleba (not Duleby) is the Union of East Slavic tribes in the territory of Western Volyn in the VI-early X centuries. In the VII century, the Avasian invasion (obverse) was subjected. In 907, they participated in the campaign of Oleg on the Tsargrad. We broke up on the tribes of Volynyan and Bujan and in the middle of the X century finally lost independence, entering the composition of the Kiev Rus.

Curvichi is the numerous East Slavic tribe (tribal association), which ranked in the 6th-X centuries of the Verkhovaya Volga, Dnieper and Western Dvina, the southern part of the Judgment of the Lake and the part of the Neman's pool. Sometimes Ilmen Slavic is counted to the cryvic.

Curivichi were probably the first Slavic tribe that moved from the Carpathia to the northeast. Limited in its distribution to the north-west of Isapad, where they met the steady Lithuanian and Finnish tribes, curviti spread to the northeast, assimilated with livingbrains living.

After settleting on the Great Waterway from Scandinavia to Byzantium (the path from Varyag to the Greeks), Crivichi took part in trade with Greece; Konstantin Bagrynorodnaya suggests that curvacies make boats on which Rusa go to Tsargrad. Participated in the campaigns of Oleg and Igor on the Greeks as a tribe subordinated to the Kiev prince; In the agreement of Oleg, their city of Polotsk is mentioned.

Already in the era of the formation of the Russian state, Krivich existed political centers: Izborsk, Polotsk and Smolensk.

It is believed that the last tribal prince of Krivich Rog Volodov, together with his sons, was killed in the 980 Novgorod Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. In the Ipatievsky list, the curvichi mentioned for the last time under 1128, and the Polotsky princes are called curvice under 1140 and 1162. After that, the curvist is no longer mentioned in the East Slavic chronicles. However, the tribal name of Crivichi was still used for a long time in foreign sources (up to the end of the XVII century). In Latvian, the word Krievs entered the designation of the Russians in general, and the word Krievija for the designation of Russia.

South-Western, Polotsk Branch of Curvich is also referred to as Polotozhan. Together with Dregovichi, the Radmichs and Some Baltic tribes, this branch of Krivic was the basis of the Belarusian ethnic volume.

The North-Eastern Branch of Curvic, Mained Mainly on the territory of the modern TV, Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions, was closely in close contact with Finno-Ugric tribes.

The boundary between the territory of the settlement of the curvist and Novgorod is determined by archaeologically by the types of burials: the long mounds in the curvice and the hills of Sloven.

Polochana - the East Slavic tribe, inhabited in the 9th century of land in the middle of the Western Dvina in today's Belarus.

Polochane is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years, which explains their name as living near the river, one of the tributaries of Western Dvina. In addition, the chronicle claims that the curvacies were the descendants of the shelter. Earth Polochanas proved from the Sweetheart along Berezina to the land of Dregovichi. Fucks were one of the tribes, of which the Polotsky Principality was formed later. They are one of the hedlemen of the modern Belarusian people.

Polyana (Poly) is the name of the Slavic tribe, in the era of the settlement of the eastern Slavs, settled by the average flow of the Dnieper, on the right bank of him.

Judging by the chronicles and the newest archaeological studies, the territory of the Earth of Polyan in front of the Christian era was limited to the course of Dnipro, Rosi and Irpen; In the northeast she was adjacent to the village land, in the West - to the southern settlements of Dregovich, Nayo-West - to the tivers, in the south - to the streets.

Calling the Slavic Polyanov settled here, the chronicler adds: "Zanezh in the field of Sedyuyu". And there was a sharply difference from the neighboring Slavic tribes and according to the moral properties, and for the formations of public houses: "Polyana Boy of his father's customs of Myahu and Krotok, and shame to sleep And to the sisters and the mothers of their .... Marriage customs. "

The story cares of Polyan already at a fairly late stage of political development: the social system is composed of two elements - community and prince-doubly, and the first is strongly suppressed by the last. With ordinary and oldest classes of Slavs - Hunting, Fisheries and Borutrodstva - Polyan has more than what other Slavs have been common cattle breeding, agriculture, "antododbrew" and trade. The latter was rather extensive not only by the Meswrangian neighbors, but also with foreigners in the West and East: on the mint valves it is clear that trade with the East began in the VIII century, ceased during the instruments of the specific princes.

At first, about half of the 7th century, which paid tribute to Khazara Polyan, thanks to the cultural economic superiority, from a defensive position in relation to the neighbors, soon switched to offensive; Drevlyan, Dregovichi, Northerners and others by the end of the 9th century were already subject to the glades. They have earlier than others and Christianity. Centerpolyanskaya ("Polish") of the Earth was Kiev; Other of its settlements - Highland, Belgorod on the Irpen River (now the village of Belogorodka), Zvenigorod, Trepol (now Trepole), Vasilev (now Vasilkov) and others.

The land of pollas with the city of Kiev became the center of Rurikov's possessions from 882. For the last time in the chronicles, the name of the Poloka is mentioned under 944, on the occasion of the events of Igor on the Greeks, and is probably already at the end of the century, the name of Russia (Ros) and Kiyan. Polyanov The chronicler calls the Slavic tribe on the Vistula, mentioned for the last time in the Ipatiev Chronicle under 1208.

Radmichi - the name of the population, which was part of the Union of East Slavic tribes, who lived in the riverfield of the top flow of the Dnieper and the gums.

About 885 radios became part of the ancient Russian state, and in the XII century they mastered most of the Chernihiv and southern part of Smolensk lands. The name comes on behalf of the Radima tribe.

Northerners (more correctly - the north) is a tribe or tribal union of eastern Slavs, which inhabited territories to the east of the middle course of the Dnieper, along the rivers of the gum, Sela.

The origin of the North's names to the end is not found out. The sales of the authors associate it with the name of the Savirov tribe entering the Gunno association. According to another version, the name goes back to the ease of consuming the Valves in the word, meaning the "relative". Explanation from Slavic Siver, North, despite the similarity of the sound, is recognized as extremely controversial, as the North has never been the most northern of the Slavic tribes.

Slovenia (Ilmenie Slavs) is an East-Slavic tribe, who lived in the second half of the first millennium in the lake basin Ilmen and the upper current of the molotop and the majority of the population of the Novgorod land.

Tivertsy is an East Slavic tribe, living between the Dniester and the Danube near the coast of the Black Sea. For the first time mentioned in the age of temporary years in a series of other East Slavic tribes of the IX century. The main occupation of the tivers was agriculture. Tiverztsi took part in the campaigns of Oleg on the Tsargrad in 907 and Igor in 944. In the middle of the 10th century, the lands of Tiversev entered the Kiev Rus.

The descendants of the tivers became part of the Ukrainian people, and their western part was subjected to Romanization.

The desire is an East-Slavic tribe that inhabited during the VIII-X centuries of the Earth along the lower flow of the Dnieper, the southern Bug and the coast of the Black Sea.

The capital of the street was the city intersection. In the first half of the 19th century, the distances fought for independence from Kievan Rus, but after all, her supremacy was forced to recognize and enter her composition. Later, the disiences and neighboring tivers were ousted on the north of those who arrived by St. Petersburg nomads, where they merged with Volynians. The last mention of the streets is dated to the chronicles of the 970s.

Croats - the East Slavic tribe, living in the vicinity of the city of Peremyshl on the San River. They called themselves white Croats, in contrast to the tribe who lived in the Balkans. The name of the tribe is produced from the ancientlyranskoslov "shepherd, guard of livestock", which may indicate the main inhibitory - cattle breeding.

Bodrichi (encrypses, rarogs) - Polandskie Slavs (the lower flow of Elbe) in the VIII-XII centuries. - Union of Vagrov, Poland, Glinakov, Smolyan. Rarog (Danes Rickik) is the main city of Bodrich. Meklenburg Land in East Germany.

According to one of the versions, Rurik - Slavs from the Bodrich tribe, grandson of the Gostomysl, the son of his daughter Umila and the Bodritic Prince Godoslav (Godlava).

Vistara - the West Slavic tribe, who lived at least from the VII century in Malaya Poland. In the 9th century, a tribal state with centers in Krakow, Sandomira and Stradew formed Vistan. At the end of the century were conquered by the King of the Great Moravia Svyatopolk I and were forced to take baptism. In the 15th of the Earth, Vistan was conquered by glades and included in Poland.

Zlichane (Czech. Zličane, Polish. Zliczanie) - one of the ancient Czech tribes. Painted the territory adjacent to the modern Court (Czech Republic). Served as the Center for the Education of the Zilician Principality, which was engaged at the beginning of 10 V. Eastern and South Czech Republic and Dowlebov tribe region. The main city of the Principality was Libice. The Libitsky Princes of Slavices competed with Prague in the fight for the combination of the Czech Republic. In 995, the Zlichanes were subordinate to Prezhisov.

Luzhica, Luzhitskiy Serbs, Sorta (Sorben), Vendi - a native Slavic population living in the territory of the lower and upper puddles - regions that are part of modern Germany. The first settlements of the Puzhitsky Serbs in these places were recorded in the VI century. e.
The Luzhitsky language is divided into Verkhnezhitsky and Nizhneelzhitsky.

Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron gives a definition: "Sort - the name of the vendors and in general Polabsky Slavs." Slavic people inhabiting a number of areas in Germany, in the federal lands of Brandenburg and Saxony.

Ludi Serbs are one of the four officially recognized national minorities of Germany (along with the Gypsies, friezes and Danes). It is believed that Serbolusky roots now have about 60 thousand German citizens, of which 20,000 live in the lower poison (Brandenburg) and 40 thousand - in the upper puddle (Saxony).

Lutychi (Wilians, orders) are the Union of West Slavic tribes who lived in the early Middle Ages in the territory of the current Eastern Germany. The center of the Union of Luty was the sanctuary of the "Radohost", which gave the god of Mosairch. All decisions were taken at the Great Tribal Meeting, and the central government was absent.

Luthi was headed by Slavic uprising 983 against the German colonization of the Eastern Elbe, as a result of which the colonization was suspended almost for two hundred years. Already before that, they were Yary opponents of the German king of Ottone I. About his heir, Henryth II, it is known that he did not try to enslave them, and on the contrary, lured them with money and gifts to his side in the fight against the Poland of Bolevlav Brave.

Military and political successes strengthened the commitment of paganism and pagan customs to the LuTićs, which also applied to related Bodrich. However, in the 1050s among the leutoff, a transcendent war broke out and changed their position. The Union quickly lost the power and influence, and after the central sanctuary was destroyed by the Saxon Duke Lotar in 1125, the union was finally collapsed. Over the next decades, the Saxon Dukes gradually expanded their possessions to the East and conquered the lands of Lutych.

Relaimer, pomena - West Slavic tribes, who lived from the VI century in the lower reaches of the coast of the Baltic Sea. It remains unclear whether the residual German population, which they assimilated, existed before their arrival. In the 900 border of Pomoriyansky Areal passed on Odra in the West, Vistula in the East and Notechu in the south. They gave the name of the historical terrain of Pomerania.

In the X century, Polish Prince Meshko I included Prsyan land into the Polish state. In the XI century, the rebellion was raised and regained independence from Poland. During this period, their territory expanded to the west of ODRED in the earth. At the initiative of Prince Vartislava I, Christianity was adopted.

From the 1180s began to increase the German influence and German settlers began to arrive at the land of Pororayan. Due to the ruin wars with the Danes, Pomoriyan feudalists welcomed the settlement of the German devoted lands. Over time, the process of Germanization of the Porroyan population began.

Avoid assimilation by the residue of the ancient Pokorni today are Kashuba, numbering 300 thousand people.

Ruyang (wounds) - West Slavic tribe, inhabiting the island of Rügen.

In the 6th century, the Slavs settled the lands of the current East Germany, including the Rügen. The Ruien tribe of the princes, who lived in the fortresses.

East Slavic tribes

East Slavic tribes and their neighbors

Slavs appeared in Eastern Europe in about the middle of 1 millennia and lived on lands located between the rivers Oder, Vistula, Dnipro, and from there moved to the south (South Slavs), West (Western Slavs) and East ( east Slavs). Byzantine writers called Slavs slovine and Antami

Modern east Slavsrussian, Ukrainians, Belarusians. In the early Middle Ages, the uniform Old Russian (or East Slavic) peoples were characterized by a common language, homogeneous material and spiritual culture. I.e, east Slavs - The concept of ethnoorical. The history of Eastern Slavs begins from the period when Eastoslavansky (Indo-European Family) has been separated from the Slavonic (Praslavyansky) language (Indo-European Family). It happened in the VII-VIII centuries.

In the VIII-IX centuries. slavs occupied the territory from the moon and Ladoga lakes in the north to the Black Sea in the south - Eastern European or Russian plain. A characteristic feature is a developed river system, the rivers are slowly current, but long. The largest river system - Dniprovskaya. The territory of Slavs is mostly forest.

East Slavic tribes

Kuzane - East Slavic tribe, living on r. Bug

Volynian - Union of the tribes that settled the territory on both shores of Western Bug and the source r. Pripyat.

Vyatichi - Union of tribes who lived in the basin of the upper and middle flow of the Oka and by p. Moscow.

Drevlyan - Tribal Union, which occupied in 6-10 centuries. The territory of Polesia, the Right Bank of the Dnieper, the west of Polyala, for the flow of the Tetra River, is, the rest of the river.

Dregovichi - Tribal Union of Eastern Slavs.

Krivichi. - Tribal Union of Eastern Slavs 6-11 centuries. Occupied the territory in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, Volga, Western Dvina, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bthe miracle, Pskov Lakes and Oz. Ilmen.

Polochana - Slavic tribe, part of the tribal Union of Cropace; lived on the shores r. Dvina and her inflow of the half, from which they received their name. The center of the land shelf was G. Polotsk.

Polyana - Tribal Union of Eastern Slavs, having lived on the Dnieper, in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Kiev. One of the versions of the Origin of Russia, mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years", is connected with the meraders.

Radmichi - East Slavic Union of the tribes, having lived in the eastern part of the Upper Podprovia, by p. Coolant and its tributaries in 8-9 centuries.

Rus - In sources of 8-10 centuries. The name of the people participating in the formation of an ancient Russian state.

Northener - Sun tribes who lived in 9-10 centuries. PP. Desna, Seyme, Sula.

Slovenia Ilmensky - Tribal Union of Eastern Slavs in the territory Novgorod Earth, mainly in the lands about the lake. Ilmen, next door to Curvoes.

Tivertsy - Sun tribes, having dwelling at 9th. 12 centuries. on r. Dniester and at the mouth of the Danube.

Designer - East Slavic Union of the tribes that existed in 9 - Ser. 10 centuries. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", designer Lived in the lower currents of the Dnieper, Bug and on the Black Sea coast.

Antique historians were confident that militant tribes and "People with Peazy Heads" live on the territory of ancient Russia. From those a lot of time passed, but many riddles of Slavic tribes are not solved so far.

Northerners living in the south

The novel tribe at the beginning of the 7th century inhabited the shores of the gums, the Sejm and the Seversky Donets, founded Chernihiv, Putivl, Novgorod-Seversky and Kursk.
The name of the tribe, according to Lev Gumileev, is due to the fact that it assimilated the Nomad Savirov tribe, which in antiquity lived in Western Siberia. It is with Saviri that the name "Siberia" is associated.

The Archaeologist Valentin Sedov believed that Savira was a Schif-Sarmatian tribe, and the toponyms of Northerners have Iranian origin. So, the name of the River Seyme (seven) comes from Iranian śyama or even from the ancient Indian Syāma, which means "Dark River".

According to the third hypothesis, Northerners (Sea) were immigrants from southern or western lands. On the right bank, the Danube lived a tribe with such a name. It could easily be "to move" the Bulgarian invisions.

Northerners were representatives of the Mediterranean type of people. They were distinguished by a narrow face stretched by the skull, were finely and noses.
In Byzantium, they were brought bread and fur, back - gold, silver, luxury items. Trade with Bulgarians, with Arabs.
Northerners paid tribute to Khazaras, and then entered the Union of the tribes, united by the Novgorod prince, with a prophetic Oleg. In 907, participated in the campaign to Kinggrad. In the 9th century, Chernihiv and Pereyaslav Principality appeared on their lands.

Vntychi and Radmichi - relatives or different tribes?

National land was located in the territory of Moscow, Kaluga, Orlovskaya, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tula, Voronezh and Lipetsk regions.
Externally, Vyatichi reminded Northerners, but they were not so nosat, but they had a high bridge and blond hair. In the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is indicated that the name of the tribe went on behalf of the Holy Administrator Vyatko (Vyacheslav), which was "from Lyakh".

Other scientists connect the name with the Indo-European root of "Ven-T" (wet), or with Praslavyansky "VęT" (large) and put the name of the tribe in one row with the vents and vandals.

Vodnyi was skillful warriors, hunters, collected wild honey, mushrooms and berries. Cattle breeding was spread, gravy farming. They were not part of ancient Russia and more than once fought with Novgorod and Kiev princes.
According to legend, Brother Vyatko Radimm became a source of radiramics, which settled between the Dnieper and the gums in the territories of the Gomel and Mogilev regions of Belarus and founded Krichev, Gomel, Rogachev and Chechersk.
Radmichy also restrained against the princes, but after the battle they were conquered. The chronicles mention them for the last time in 1169.

Crivichi - Croats or "Lyahi"?

It is unknown to take the passage of curvaches that from the VI century in the upper reaches of Western Dvina, Volga and Dnipro and became the founders of Smolensk, Polotsk and Izbork. The name of the tribe went from the Rodonarchist Kriva. From other tribes, curviti differed in high growth. They had a nose with a pronounced hill, clearly outlined chin.

Anthropologists include curvice to the Valdai type of people. According to one version of Curvich, these are migrating the whites of the White Croat and Serbs tribes, on the other - the immigrants from the north of Poland.

Crivichi worked closely with Varyags and built ships, on which they went to Constantinople.
The ancient Russia of Crivichi entered the 9th century. The last prince of Krivic Rogvoda was killed with sons in 980. The Smolensk and Polotsk Principality appeared on their lands.

Slovenia Vandals

Sloves (Iliamennian words) were the most northern tribe. Lived on the shores of Lake Ilmen and on the river Molozh. The origin is unknown. According to legends, their ancestors were like Rus, who were still BC, Slovensk (Veliky Novgorod) and Old Rousse.

From Slane, the authorities moved to the prince of Vandal (known in Europe as the Osthots of Vandalar), who had three sons: Capture, Vladimir and Stlisposvati, and four brothers: Rudotok, Volkhov, Volchovets and Bastarn. Prince's wife Vandala Advinda was from Varyagov.

Slovenia, that and the matter was fought with Varyags and neighbors.

It is known that the ruling dynasty came from the son of Vandala Vladimir. The Slary was engaged in agriculture, expanded possessions, influenced other tribes, engaged in trading with Arabs, with Prussia, with Gotland and Sweden.
It was here that Rurik began to prince. After the appearance of Novgorod, Slovenia began to be called by Novgorod and founded Novgorod land.

Rus. People without the territory

Look at the map of the settlement of the Slavs. Each tribe is their lands. There are no rules there. Although it was the Rusa Rus. There are three theories of the origin of Russ.
The first theory considers the rules of Varyags and relies on the "Tale of Bygone Years" (written from 1110 to 1118), it said: "They expelled Varyag for the sea, and did not give them Dani, and they began to own themselves, and did not have the truth among them And I got up to the genus, and they had cravies, and began to fight with each other. And they said: "We are looking for a prince who would have owned and judged by us." And went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia. Those whocks were called Rus, as the others are called Swedes, and other Normans and Angles, and also other Gottants, and these are. "

The second suggests that Rusa is a separate tribe that came to Eastern Europe before or later than Slavs.

The third theory says that Rusa is the highest caste of the East Slavonic tribe of the Pollas or the tribe itself, which lived on the Dnieper and to Russia. "Polyana Yazh Nyınѣ calling Russia" - it was written in the "Lavrentiev" annulary, which was for the "saying of temporary years" and was written in 1377. Here the word "Russia" was used as toponym and the name of the Rus was used as a name of a separate tribe: "Rus, Chok and Slovenia," - so the chronicler listed the peoples inhabited by the country.
Despite the research of genetics, disputes around the rules continue. According to the Norwegian researcher Tura Heyerdal, the Varyags themselves are descendants of Slavs.