Inflammation of the hair bag in groin. What treatment is usually prescribed? Consider the treatment of special cases of folliculitis

  • The date: 05.04.2019

The appearance of inflammation in the hair in bulbs on the skin leads to the development of unpleasant symptoms. Such a situation requires access to doctors and the use of local treatment methods. Inflammation of hair bulbs or - a common situation that almost every person suffered. The main symptoms of this state are as follows: redness of the region of the hair follicle, its swelling and pain when touched. As a rule, hairs fall out of it.

Folliculite passes independently for several days. However, if this does not occur or there is a massive inflammation of hair bulbs on the head and on the face, the person should seek medical help to a dermatologist, who will identify the cause of this state, will select the optimal method of treatment.

The causes of the appearance of folliculita

The inflammation of the bulbs of hair is observed as a result of the impact on the human body of several factors, among which are the most important:

  • violation of the rules for the care of the skin of the face or body, as well as the use of poor-quality tools for it;
  • frequent damage to the skin on the face, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits or groin due to irritation during shaving or carrying out other hair removal procedures;
  • impairment of the immune system;
  • irrational nutrition with disadvantage of nutrients and trace elements;
  • diseases of the endocrine system or liver.

Learn about the emergence, manifestations and treatment.

Read what to do if it appeared: symptoms and treatment methods.

Understanding the possible reasons for the appearance of folliculite allows you to successfully develop methods of prevention, as well as determine the optimal paths for therapy.

Main local manifestations

The inflammation of the bulbs of the hair on the head, the armpit or in any other part of the body is always manifested by the same external symptoms. The hair follicle is as follows:

  • it increases to the size of lentil grain;
  • acquires a convex, conical shape, easily determined on the skin when touched;
  • in the center there is always a hairs before the moment of its falling out.

Inside the altered follicle accumulates the pus, which is easily removed during the opening (see). After such manipulation, a small defect remains on the skin, on the site of which a crust is rapidly formed with insignificant inflammation under it. After the crust disappears, and the inflammatory process subsides, a small rutter can remain on the skin or a small stain with increased pigmentation.

When there is an inflammation of hair bulbs on the legs or in groin, as well as on any other part of the human body, folliculite passes through certain stages of development:

  1. At the initial stage, redness of the skin is observed around the hair follicle, and the bulb itself is slightly condensed.
  2. With the subsequent development of purulent inflammation, a painful nodule, protruding above the skin, in which the accumulation of pus is traced.
  3. A purulent rod is formed, which is easy to notice with visual inspection in the thickness of the inflamed bulb.
  4. Characteristic symptoms appear (redness, soreness, swelling) and the affectionant revealed (spontaneously or by man), or he can go into, i.e. In a more extensive purulent inflammatory process.

Understanding the stages of the development of the folliculite allows you to begin to treat it in the early stages of the appearance when no purulent changes are not yet observed.

Diagnostic events

When accessing a doctor, an accurate diagnosis should always be set. For this purpose, various inspection and examination methods are used:

  • the patient should be told to the doctor about the time of the appearance of the inflamed bulb, as well as about such cases in the past;
  • the doctor conducts a clinical examination of the patient, and also carefully examines the affected skin;
  • be sure to prescribe a bacteriological study of the scope from the inflamed follicle to refine the pathogen;
  • the patient gives a general blood test and urine.

Similar methods of surveys make it possible to establish a specific causative agent of purulent folliculite, as well as identify all patients related to concomitant diseases that can contribute to the appearance of inflammatory processes on the skin.

How to treat folliculitis?

When the patient begins the inflammation of the hair bulb on the head, on the pubic part or in any other place of the body, the first place is published certain principles of treatment:

  1. The patient must strictly comply with the rules for skin care.
  2. It is necessarily a processing of inflamed skin sections with disinfectants.
  3. Antibacterial ointments and creams are used.
  4. If the purulent process is deep in nature, then a surgical opening of a gun with proper disinfecting treatment is necessary.
  5. When preserving inflammatory foci in the skin, the doctor may prescribe immunomodulators or antibacterial drugs to receive inside.

In addition to direct treatment recommendations, the patient must refuse to apply local compresses, not to wash inflamed areas with water, as well as squeeze the purulent rods from follicles. Such manipulations can lead to the development of complications and the progression of the purulent driving of the skin.

Treatment at home

In addition to the use of drugs, the patient may additionally carry out home therapy. To this end, it is allowed to process inflamed follicles with green, fuccinic or by any disinfectant solutions (chlorhexidine, Miramistin). If the inflammatory process is observed under a thick layer of skin, the use of ichthyol ointment allows you to soften the skin and alleviate the spontaneous opening of the gun.

Some doctors allow their patients to use the methods of traditional medicine at a low-voltage follicle. For this purpose, use:

  1. A decoction of leaves or chamomile colors is a good antiseptic. It is used locally, processing inflamed follicles. At the same time, the decoction also contributes to the softening of the skin and facilitates the opening of the guns.
  2. Use inside the dandelion tincture allows you to strengthen the immune system and stimulate your own immune system to combat bacteria in the skin.
  3. Or a spiny applied as a local antiseptic, treating them the inflamed areas of the skin.

Let's summarize

Using alternative medicine methods, always worth consulting with their attending physician. All of them do not have proven scientific efficiency and with serious forms of folliculite can not only not facilitate the state of the person, but also lead to the spread of the purulent process on the skin.

The inflammation of hair bulbs is extremely often found. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and the use of local disinfectants, allows you to quickly remove the symptoms of inflammation and prevent the appearance of pus. In severe cases, it is always necessary to apply for professional medical care.

Folliculitis is a variety of surface pyodermia. Skin disease - the result of a purulent-inflammatory process flowing in the hair follicle.

Purulent bubbles surround the size of the gland and the hair rod. The greatest danger represents a deep form of pathology. The inflammatory process is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Separate types of folliculite appear against the background of infectious diseases.

Causes of occurrence

Varieties of folliculite more than a dozen. Most species of skin disease develop after penetration into the body of dangerous causative agents:

  • mushrooms;
  • bacteria;
  • ticks;
  • viruses.

Provocating factors are divided into two groups:

  • internal (endogenous);
  • external (exogenous).

Often there is a combination of background diseases and exposure to external factors. Some reasons are easy to eliminate, from others to get rid of much more difficult.

Most often, pathology develops under the action of external factors:

  • when contamination of the skin;
  • in adverse climatic conditions;
  • with microtrams of the skin;
  • due to the supercooling of the body;
  • with prolonged wearing close clothes from synthetic tissues.

Internal factors provoking inflammation of the upper hair follicles:

  • local glucocorticosteroid ointments, especially under the dressing;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • diabetes;
  • liver damage;
  • anemia;
  • long use of immunosuppressants.

Chronic pathologies weaken immunity, provoke the development of skin diseases. The cause of folliculitis can be:

  • gingivitis;
  • the presence of carious cavities in the teeth;
  • periodontalosis;
  • obesity;
  • chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

Symptoms and varieties

The main features are characteristic of all types of disease:

  • after infection, the inflammatory process is developing;
  • the skin in the field of hair lows blushes, guns appear around the hair;
  • without treatment, inflammation is enhanced, infiltrate is formed at the place of the lesion;
  • pustule is going to pus;
  • the inflamed area towers above the skin, acquires a spherical or cone-shaped form;
  • sizes of formations - from 2 mm with surface follicle to 8-10 mm with a deep type of pathology;
  • after opening the gland, redness is saved.

Note! Depending on the body's ability to withstand infections on the body, one or two glands or hundreds of inflamed follicles appear. Multiple education often get off. With an extensive area of \u200b\u200blesion, nearby lymph nodes are inflated.

Types of folliculite:

  • Candidose. The main reason is the treatment of skin diseases with corticosteroids, overlapping occlusal dressings. Risk group - lying sick.
  • Angry syphilid. Skin lesion is a consequence of syphilis. Hair follicles have a red red. Without healing the main disease, it is impossible to get rid of the angry syphilide.
  • Staphylococcal. A variety occurs in inaccurately shaving men. Jews arise in the area of \u200b\u200bthe arrangement of rigid bristly hair - on the chin, in the nasolabial triangle. With the launched forms of pathology, a scar cloth is formed on the site of dead follicles.
  • Pathology caused by dermatophytes. The epidermis is inflamed, later infection penetrates the follicles. Without treatment, hair rods are amazed. Most patients develop severe defeat - folliculitis of the scalp.
  • Folliculitis "hot bath". The disease develops when infection with staphylococci and other pathogens. In most cases, infection occurs after receiving a bath with poorly chlorinated water, in which the pathogenic microflora is present.
  • Professional. The reason is a long-term effect on the skin of hazardous chemicals. Localization is the back sides of the brushes, the extensive surface of the forearm.
  • Ticky. Dangerous variety is seriously treated. Specific therapy requires the epidemiological hazard of the tick.
  • Honorian. A rather rare appearance. The reason is the untreated gonorrhea. Analyzes of the contents of glasses show a large number of gonococci. Follicles are inflamed in the crotch area in women, on the extreme flesh in men.
  • Pathology caused by mushrooms We conclude in high humidity and temperature. Multiple items, pustulas and papulas are located on the back, face, neck, shoulders.
  • Gram-negative. Develops in weakened people. The penetration of infection leads to new rashes on the skin, abscesses are formed. The main reason for the weakening of immunity in this category of patients is the reception of antibiotics in the treatment of acne on the face, back, chest.
  • Depilating folliculitis. Patients are middle-aged men living in tropical countries. Symmetric rashes appear on the legs of the legs. After cure on the lower limbs, the scars in places of inflammation are noticeable.
  • Eosinophilic. Pathology develops in HIV-infected patients. Localization places - torso, head, limbs. Papoolese rash is one of the HIV markers. Analyzes detect high blood eosinophilia.
  • Bokhartigo Bokhartig. The disease develops with an increased sweating of the skin, long-term use of warming compresses. In the affected places, surface pustulas appear. Education size - from 2 to 5 mm.

Treatment of folliculitis

The dermatologist conducts a rash inspection, appoints additional research. Despite the characteristic rash it is important to exclude diseases having similar symptoms.

After collecting data on the course of the disease, identifying the causes and provoking factors, the patient gives mandatory analyzes:

  • bakposov contents of empty;
  • blood "on sugar" to exclude or confirm the diabetes;
  • microscopic analysis of the gram smear;
  • in some cases, skin biopsy is required.

Comprehensive therapy will reduce the risk of infection of new skin sections, reduce inflammation, will help the speedy opening and healing of uluses. Do not accept without the recommendations of the dermatologist the drugs that your relatives, acquaintances, colleagues enjoy.

For the treatment of various forms of folliculitis use:

  • medications;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • folk remedies.

Medication drugs

How to treat folliculitis? Effective drugs will cope even with heavy forms of the disease. The initial stage is successfully treated with simple, inexpensive medicines.

  • treat fuccinic jetworks, diamond greens;
    Wipe the skin salicylov, campaign alcohol 1-2%. It is forbidden to use high concentration compositions;
  • with multiple rashes, the larger depression of the pus is recommended opening papural, complete removal of thick liquid. The procedure conducts a doctor;
  • remove inflammation, accelerate the healing of open cavities will help the compresses with ichthivo ointment. Overlap gauze, lubricated with ichthiol, 2 times a day;
  • in severe cases, the doctor will select antibiotics, sulfonamides for a particular patient. Bakposposev will indicate suitable preparations for the identified type of pathogen;
  • the launched form requires the purpose of immunomodulators that restore the functions of the immune system. Effective Vitaferon, Immunal, Timalin.

Private cases:

  • in herpetic follicle, inflamed areas are lubricated with acyclovir;
  • with fungal types of pathology, terbinafin, flukonazole, itraconazole, antifungal ointments are used;
  • in the treatment of staphylococcal form, mupyrocin ointment helps in combination with the admission of metaticillin, cephalexin, erythromycin.

All information about the pimples on the lip read the address.

Folk Methods and Recipes

With inflammation of hair bulbs, abundant rash improves the state of the patient home. Decorations, infusions, compresses, applications are indispensable for all the forms of pathology.

Proven methods and recipes:

  • Daughter of daisy pharmacy - valuable means of inflammation. On the liter of water - 1 tbsp. l. flowers. Farm, let it brew 30 minutes, strain. Conduce the procedure in the morning, day and before bedtime.
  • Soothing dressing compresses with a spinner. Boil 50 g of the root in 0.5 liters of half an hour. After a hour, strain. Use the decoction daily.
  • Tatarist prickly. Perfectly relieves inflammation. Grind leaves, scroll, impose a cleaner to the places of rash. Keep 30 minutes.
  • Effective applications. Prepare a decoction: Fill 2 tbsp. Water 200 g of berries of rosehip, as much viburnum, add 100 g of nettle, 10 g of a green shell of walnuts. Tomit on fire for 10 minutes. The decoction is the day. Mix 50 g of fresh cottage cheese and honey. Dilute the cottage cheese and honey mixture, make appliques 3 times during the day for 15-20 minutes.
  • Bandages S. yamennik fragrant. Cashier from fresh leaves cover the glasses. Conduce the procedure 2 times a day.
  • Broth blades. Fill a spoon of chopped root of 0.5 liters of water. Cook for 10 minutes, let it brew an hour, strain. Take a healing decoction twice a day before meals.
  • Infusion of dandelion. Roots, leaf rinse, grind, 2 tbsp. l. Rawly pour 1 tbsp. Boiling water, tapping 10-15 minutes. Furnished for half an hour decoction. Drink a quarter cup 3 times a day.

Complications of the disease

The disease proceeds both in light and in severe form. Complications with some types of folliculitis are very serious.

Causes of complications:

  • weak immune system;
  • incorrect treatment;
  • bad hygiene;
  • untimely appeal to the doctor;
  • hot climate with high humidity.

Types of complications:

  • dermatophyte;
  • abscess;
  • carbuncle;
  • follicular scars;
  • lymphadenitis.

Some patients develop kidney damage, brain, inflammation of the lungs. Patients with a serious flow of the inflammatory process should be under constant supervision of the doctor.

Prediction and prevention

Timely therapy allows minimizing complications. Most of the types of folliculite has a favorable forecast.

The crusts on the spot shouted the empty over the time disappear, infiltrates are gradually absorbed. Many patients have pigmented areas, after a serious course of the disease - the rings. After a while, the skin acquires a homogeneous shade, cosmetic defects are minorly notes.

Prevention measures:

  • correct skin care and body care;
  • monitoring the state of the skin in lying patients;
  • regular washing of the head, the correct selection of shampoo;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • treatment of chronic diseases;
  • after trying skin treatment with special lotions;
  • restriction of contact with chemicals;
  • splitting in the choice of sexual partners.

Examine the symptoms of folliculite, familiarize yourself with the varieties of dermatological disease, treatment methods and prevention. Do not refuse the help of a dermatologist: self-treatment complicates the course of the disease.

A deep lesion of the hair onion with a purulent bubble, located around the hair and a rowing gland, is folliculitis or follicle. Fungal microorganisms, pathogenic bacteria or viruses may be causative agents of the disease. It manifests itself illness in the form of bright red rash on the skin, very painful when touched. The symptoms of the folliculite most often occur on the scalp.

Causes of folliculite development

Folliculitis in the photo

The most common disease in countries with a hot climate, as well as among people living in adverse unsanitary household conditions. Sometimes the disease is professional in nature and develops in persons with constant contacts with chemicals.

Many people are trying to cope with the symptoms of folliculite and are self-medication. This is rooted incorrectly, since neglect of medical care is fraught with some health consequences.

Several main factors that are able to provoke the development of the disease are distinguished:

  • permanent accommodation in heat and humidity conditions, since it is precisely such a medium that is favorable for the reproduction of the pathogenic flora;
  • wearing very close clothes made of low-quality synthetic materials that impede the normal air flow to the skin;
  • gross violations of the basic rules of personal hygiene;
  • insect bites;
  • increased sweating;
  • the existence of such a serious illness as diabetes or anemia;
  • frequent injuries and micro-facility of the epidermis through which bacteria and fungi can penetrate into the body;
  • uncontrolled reception of hormonal drugs.

Folliclese is very often projected as a concomitant disease in the presence of other serious lesions of the body. For example, greasy seborrhea can provoke the development of inflammation in the hair bag. With a significant weakening of immunity, pathogenic microorganisms become the most active and accelerate the development of folliculite.

Symptoms of Disease

Ostiopollyculite in the photo

Folliculite rashes are usually concentrated on the head of the patient, on the inside of the epidermis of the elbow and knee joints, on the pubis, in the axillary depressures, less often on the face and on the neck. The following signs should be taken into account:

  • a small inflammatory formation on the skin of pink color;
  • an increase in the number and size of the elements of the rash;
  • the formation of small glands with characteristic content and hair in the middle;
  • the appearance of a crust in the place of the revealed gun;
  • in some cases, an increase in temperature and deterioration of well-being;
  • pain and itching in the field of defeat.

In some patients, with this disease, the hair falls out on infected areas of the epidermis.

In medicine, there is such a concept as ostiophollycallitis, differing from the disease under consideration that inflammation affects only the surface part of the hair onion. With a deeper damage to the hair bag (if timely treatment is not carried out), folliculite occurs. If the inflammatory process proceeds in the entire cavity of the hair onion, then it is deep folliculitis, whose other name is. The deeper the infection penetrates, the more likely the emergence of complications.

The disease under consideration does not have age limitations, so its symptoms often occur in children for a number of reasons. Children with various dermatitis are most often affected, as well as diseases that contribute to the weakening of immunity.

Types of disease

Several varieties of disease distinguish between its development and by the type of pathogen:

Localization of inflammation

Symptoms of folliclese may occur on different parts of the human body, but most likely their appearance where the hair grows. These are areas such as:

  • leather head;
  • pubis;
  • limbs;
  • middle area.

The scalp is subjected to the disease under consideration due to the use of other people's personalities, such as comb, towels, hats, etc. After the occurrence of characteristic signs (rash, small yazens) requires timely medical treatment.

The inflammation of the hair follicles on the pubis, in the pate is striking both women and men. Symptomatics of the disease is exactly the same as with the defeat of other areas with hairproof. But if the disease is running, then they can, and on the site of the healing of glasses, scars or scars are formed. Often there is a complete loss of hairs in this body.

In addition to poor-quality hygiene, the causes of folliclese the appearance of staphylococcal and, herpesvirus infection on the skin become the cause of follicular and, herpesvirus infection, wearing low-quality synthetic underwear, the presence of microcarbons on.

On the legs, in the axillary depressions, folliculitis is most often evolving due to non-accuracy of the epilation or depilation.

Other reasons are allergic reactions of the body, insect bites, excessive sweating, wearing close clothes from the disturbing artificial materials.

It should not be independently opening formed by gunnocks, since the spread of purulent infection is possible, fraught with aggravation of the disease and serious complications.


It is very important to consult a doctor in time and go through the necessary diagnostic procedures. The following activities are held:

  • detection of the causative agent of the disease;
  • establishing other pathologies in the body that can provoke inflammation in hair follicles;
  • finding out the depth of the lesion of the hair onion, or dermatoscopy;
  • immunogram, etc.

During the diagnostic procedures, the doctor eliminates the presence of other dermatological lesions, for example, furunculosis, frinoderms, etc.


In most cases, this disease does not cause serious consequences for human life and health. But if there is no proper treatment, the infection penetrates deeply and the disease is complicated. The situation is exacerbated if the patient neglects hygiene rules, and also if it has a significant weakening of the immune system.

The complications of the disease include the following:

  • and carbuncules;
  • dermatophyte;
  • formation of scar tissue;
  • plating tissues.

Scars and scars are formed due to attempts to squeeze the pus from inflammatory elements.

Methods of treatment

Folliclese and Ostiofolliculitis is treated at home, but only after consulting with a competent specialist. Preparations are usually prescribed in accordance with the exactly due to the disease:

If necessary, on outpatient conditions, opening and thorough treatment of uluses are opened. Unacceptable independent implementation of these actions to eliminate the formation of deep scars and the ingress of secondary infection.

Some patients showing physiotherapy procedures.

Methods from alternative medicine for the treatment of folliculitis are very effective. Bales and infusions prepared from leaves, roots, fruits and flowers of the following healing plants are used:

  • chamomile;
  • rosehip;
  • calendula;
  • kalina;
  • nettle;
  • dandelion;
  • woodruff;
  • burdock;
  • yarrow;
  • thistle;
  • bloodroot.

Infusions are used for rings and washes, and some of them for intake. You can process guns and ulcers with essential oils and alcohol tinctures.


The meaning of preventive measures to prevent the development of the inflammatory process in the hair bag is primarily a thorough observance of hygienic standards. It is better not to use other people's personal things, no wearing clothes, closely adjacent to the body, especially in the summer, to carry out disinfection of bathrooms and toilet rooms. In the occurrence of characteristic features, it is very important to seek medical help.

Folliculitis is called an infectious disease, during which the hair lows occurs. This ailment is considered one of the forms of pyodermia. It can manifest a disease on any part of the body where there is hair cover. Not rare such a problem occurs in the groin area. Worried folliculitis equally both men and women. The disease can be superficial and deep. The second type of folliculite is considered to be the complication of the first, and heavier to treat. You can cope with such a disease quite quickly. The main thing in time to seek medical attention.


Folliculitis at the initial stage of development causes the appearance under the skin of a small seal. It does not bother the patient completely, without causing pain or itch. In the future, there is an inflammatory process in the hair lucker. This indicates:

  • redness of the skin around the follicle
  • the appearance of an ulotnik with hair in the middle
  • pustuly break and pus
  • the appearance of small ulcers at the place of inflammation

After that, the healing process is underway. At the same time, a crust appears on the site of the inflamed follicle, and after the scar or a dark spot remains. The process of appearance, progression and disappearance of the inflamed follicle takes an average of about 7 days. With the deep form of this disease on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin, seals are also arisen that can hide much. Their size can reach 10 millimeters. At the same time, the person complains about the strong itching from the area of \u200b\u200blesions. The number of such uluses may be different. With a severe course of the disease, when many seals are formed on the code, the patient may also increase local lymph nodes. After such uluses on the skin there are quite noticeable scars, and the affected hair onion falls.

LIT: Big Medical Encyclopedia G. 1956

The disease relates to infectious agers, therefore caused by penetration into the skin of various bacteria and viruses. Most often, folliculitis in the groin is provoked by the following pathogens:

  • golden Staphylococcal
  • herpes viruses
  • candy mushrooms
  • shingles

In addition, the observance of personal hygiene is plays a major role in the appearance of the disease. Experts note that in the overwhelming majority, people living in unsanitary conditions suffer from folliculitis. Doctors note that provoking factors can also be attributed to:

  • microtrauma on the skin
  • increased ambient temperature
  • precooling
  • infectious nutrition
  • wearing too close and tightly adjacent to the body

Also, the doctors allocate a number of diseases that contribute to the development of folliculite indirectly. These include:

  • gingivitis
  • liver diseases
  • diabetes
  • chronic tonsillitis
  • obesity

These diseases can not directly provoke folliculite, but they strongly weaken immunity protective forces. Therefore, the body becomes not able to protect itself from skin infections.

It is very difficult to cope with such a disease. Professionals should be accepted by treating such alend. If you are worried about folliculitis in groin, then you need to contact such doctors as:

The doctor after physical inspection will immediately give a diagnosis. At first taking, he will also ask the patient a few clarifying issues:

  1. How long have revealed unts?
  2. Have such problems previously?
  3. What was happening lately?
  4. Do you suffer from chronic ailments?
  5. Have any drugs taken?

The survey will help determine what caused the appearance of the disease. But to confirm the diagnosis and to identify the pathogen will help the examination. For this, the patient is directed to the blood test, and also take the contents of the empty for bacteriological sowing. Treatment of this disease, as a rule, medication. The doctor prescribes taking antibiotics, vitamin complexes, as well as immunostimulants. The affected skin must be treated with antiseptic solutions and ichthyol ointment. On average, the course of treatment varies from 7 to 12 days.

All over the body of a person, and not only on the head, you can see the hairs that originate from the deep layers of the skin, where the hair onions are located. Some skin diseases may affect not only skin cover, but also the hair follicle, causing such pathology as folliculitis. What is this alert, what are the causes of the disease and can I handle this problem?

What is folliculitis

What such a disease exists, know a few. Very often it amazes people of certain specialties, such as miners, miners, locks, oilmen, because there are all prerequisites for the development of pathology. But almost no one is insured against this disease.

Folliculitis on the skin is a purulent inflammatory process in the upper hair follicle departments. Papula is formed more often than pink color, in the center it gradually forms an affection, through which hair passes. If pathology is formed on the face or other parts of the body, but not on the head, then the hair can not be visible.

The whole process of development of pathology takes several days, and then a crust is formed, which most often disappears on its own.

Need to know. If not eliminating factors provoking the development of folliculite, the disease can go into a chronic form.

Follicletes belong to the PIDERMY group, which are most often caused by staphylococci, fungi and some viruses.

Provoking disease factors

The inflammation of the hair follicle can occur for various reasons. To proceed with treatment, it is necessary to find out what caused the disease. Most often by provocateurs can be:

  • Violation of the integrity of the epidermis after shaving in men, epilation, mechanical injuries.

  • Prolonged stay in high or low temperatures.
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Hyperhydrosis.
  • Chronic poisoning.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Increased sweating.
  • The presence of dermatitis or eczema.

You can call more risk factors that can increase the likelihood of hair follicle inflammation:

  • Diabetes.
  • Delicate skin in folds (especially often arise in a hot climate).
  • The use of corticosteroid drugs.
  • Therapy with antibacterial agents.
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Impact on the skin of chemicals, such as lubricants, kerosene.

information for reading

Classification of pathology

Depending on the severity of the lesion, staphylococcal follicles are divided into two forms:

  1. Surface shape: Osteofollikulite, surface folliculitis, decalving folliculitis.
  1. Deep folliculitis: Furunkul, Carbuncoon, undermining the folliculitis of Hoffman.

Staphylococcal folliculitis is usually located on the chin, around the eyes. Often amazes men who let go beard and mustache.

The manifestations of the disease depend on the severity of the defeat of the follicle. If the surface form is observed, the disease is distinguished by a slight flow. Small guns appear on the skin, which practically does not cause anxiety. Sometimes there may be small soreness. A few days after the appearance of the affectionate, the penette itself breaks, a crust is formed, gradually disappearing.

Deep folliculitis is manifested by the formation of large uluses reaching size up to 10 cm in diameter, soreness is observed. Gradually, the pathology disappears and a small scar remains on the spot.

Need to know. Folliculite can be single and multiple. In the latter case, skin itching and an increase in nearby lymph nodes is observed.

If you do not carry out adequate treatment of folliculite, then a complication may develop in the form of a carbuncle, furuncle, abscess.

Treatment of folliculitis

How to treat folliculitis? Therapy of the disease is completely dependent on the etiology. If pathology is caused by fungi, do not do without antifungal drugs; Staphylococcal folliculite must be treated with antibiotics.

Treatment is carried out in several directions:

  1. Medical therapy.
  2. Physiotherapeutic methods.
  3. The use of funds of traditional medicine.

We treat folliculitis medicines

If the disease occurs in a light form, then you can do local drugs, eg:

  • With staphylococcal folliculite to process the affected areas with antibacterial ointments, for example, Mupirocyne. It is necessary to do it 2 times a day.

  • If the disease is caused by gram-negative bacteria, then the use of benzoyl peroxide is shown locally.
  • Herpety folliculite can be treated using Outflow Ointment.
  • With any form of the disease, we use local antiseptics, for example, fuccin, chlorhexidine.

Need to know. In order to prevent the proliferation of infection to healthy areas of the skin, it is necessary to produce their processing by boric or salicylic alcohol.

If the treatment of inflammation of the hair follicle does not succumb to therapy with local means, it will have to be resorted to the reception of antibacterial drugs inside.

Antibiotics are also prescribed if:

  1. The disease passed into a chronic form.
  2. There is inflammation of lymphatic nodes.
  3. The process quickly applies to neighboring sites.

If the infection is caused by staphylococcus, then prescribe:

  • Cephalexin up to 4 times a day.

  • Erythromycin.
  • Minocyclin, if Staphylococcus is resistant to other medicines.

Pseudomonade folliculitis flowing in severe form requires a ciprofloxacin reception of 500 mg 2 times a day.

With fungal follicle, prescribed inside:

  • Itraconazole.
  • Terbinefin.
  • Fluconazole.

The drug is chosen depending on the genus of bacteria. When herpetic follicle, antiviral agents are prescribed inside.

Any treatment must necessarily mean and eliminate the provoking factor, for example, if it aggravates the flow of sugar diabetes, it is necessary to carry out its therapy.

With severe pathology, systemic therapy is required.

Need to know. Any form of folliculite during therapy requires to exclude the washing of affected areas with water and the adoption of hot baths.

Treatment with physiotherapeutic methods

Physiotherapy can significantly help in the treatment of folliculite. Physiostaries have the following impact:

  • Remove the inflammatory process.
  • Press the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Enhance immunity.
  • Activate the process of formation of vitamin D in the skin.

Most often use the following methods:

  1. Impact on foci of damage to short ultraviolet waves.
  2. General UFO.
  3. Low-intensity UHF therapy.
  4. Laser treatment.

  1. Magnetotherapy.
  2. Dry warmth.

Use of folk medicine

Folliculitis of Hoffman and other forms can be treated using folk remedies, but they must complement the main drug therapy and be sure to be agreed with the attending physician.

The following recipes have proven their effectiveness:

  1. Application of ragger chamomile. She relieves inflammation perfectly.

  1. Inside, you can take the decoction of the root of a burdock or dandelion. To prepare a medicine, you need to take a tablespoon of raw materials and pour 0.5 liters of water, boil 10 minutes. After 2-hour instead, take 50 ml 2 times a day.
  2. For compresses on the affected areas, the leaf of thistle can be used; Unfortunately, this method can only be used in the summer. The leaves should be crushed and apply to inflamed places.
  3. For compresses, baths and dressings you can apply a decoction from the root of the spiny. For its preparation, 50 grams of dry raw materials are needed to pour the water half-time and peel on a slow 30 minutes, and then insist for 2 hours.

Prediction and prevention of the disease

Most often, it is completely possible to defeat completely, if the therapy started in a timely manner. If a deep folliculite is observed, then scars and sections of pigmentation can form on the site of an ulcer.

If the therapy is chosen correctly, it is possible to cope with pathology in a few days. But the lack of effective treatment and non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations is fraught with the development of complications:

  • Furunculosis.
  • Abscess.
  • Lymphadenitis.
  • Folliculite can end the scalp skin dermatophythic.
  • Meningitis can be attributed to the most serious complications..

Preventive measures can be attributed to:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  2. Proper selection of skin care products and hair.

  1. While shaving use special cosmetics.
  2. Use antiseptic means when even small losses and damage to the skin.
  3. It is not necessary to abuse antibacterial soap, it not only kills pathogenic bacteria, but also violates the protective barrier.
  4. To carry out timely therapy of diseases that can provoke the development of folliculite.

Any disease is easier than therapy at the very beginning of the development of pathology. This directly concerns folliculite. Treatment should be selected by a specialist, taking into account the cause of the disease, then the effectiveness of therapy will be 100%.