Vitamin B 17 against cancer. Vitamin B17 against cancer: myth or reality

  • Date of: 23.10.2023

Vitamin B17 is known by two names: vitamin complex “Laetrile” and amygdalin. In this article, we will find out what foods contain amygdalin, why it should be consumed, especially in oncology, what is the reason for the non-recognition of amygdalin in pharmaceuticals and why there are such bad reviews from US doctors (it is their opinion that is used in all reviews about laetrile)..jpg" alt="Vitamin B17" width="358" height="500" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=358&ssl=1 358w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=215%2C300&ssl=1 215w" sizes="(max-width: 358px) 100vw, 358px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

I will also share my story related to the last stage of cancer, when a person lived for six months instead of the week predicted by doctors - thanks to large doses of grape seeds in the Freelife dietary supplement, and I will show the mechanism of action of this vitamin on cancer cells.

Official medicine does not recognize the fact of treating cancer with vitamin therapy and considers it quackery. But a number of doctors in private clinics (except in the USA) and alternative medicine consider amygdalin an important component in the fight against cancer, as well as in maintaining one’s health at a good level, and in the fight against aging.

The effect of grape seeds on a woman dying of cancer. Personal review

It was this incident that forced me to permanently introduce a nutritional supplement based on grape seeds - Freelife - into my diet. I read Dr. Griffin's book much later.

This is a story with a sad ending... A friend of mine brought her sister to the city for examination. After all the tests, she was sent to the oncology center. But they didn’t accept her there either - the last stage of pancreatic cancer. Inoperable. She would not have been able to withstand the rest of the traditional treatment: chemotherapy, radiation - she was too weakened. According to doctors, she has a maximum of a week left to live.

A friend took her to her home and came to me to find out when the herbalist would arrive from the capital to see patients. Do you understand, right? Alternative medicine. The patient was lucky - the doctor was at the appointment. Because this is an unusual case - she was accepted without an appointment.

Treatment was prescribed. A month later, the woman got on the bus and went home - to a village in another region. That is, a bedridden patient who refused to eat, with a high fever, which all the doctors refused, was able to go to her village herself a month later. Fantastic? No!

She was prescribed large doses of ground grape seeds - called grape meal - in the form of a dietary supplement from a Ukrainian manufacturer called Freelife.
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She took 16 capsules of Freelife and 8 capsules of Chitosan per day to remove toxins from dead cancer cells. There was also a drug to support the functions of the pancreas (F. Aktiv). All of the drugs listed are not medicines, they are nutritional supplements.

Two days after taking the grape meal, mucus and pus came out from all the cracks. A week later she got out of bed. The nausea stopped and the pain disappeared. The woman began to eat. The temperature gradually went away. And she decided that she could go home.

She was prescribed a course - to take these supplements for 3 months, then appear for examination and, perhaps, the dose will be reduced. But, having arrived in the village, she stopped taking Freelife and Chitosan. I renovated the apartment and celebrated Christmas. And she died on Epiphany - the cancer returned and she burned out within a week.

Remember, the doctors gave it a week. She lived for six months. And I would have lived further if I had continued to take the prescribed treatment.

Look at the composition of the Freelife supplement: oat sprouts, wheat sprouts, corn sprouts, grape meal, green tea, buckwheat flowers, vitamins A (1 mg), C (20 mg), E (10 mg), zinc 10 mg, selenium - 0.02 mg . All components contain amygdalin! And all the necessary vitamins and microelements are present.

Since I saw a previously dying weakened woman almost healthy after a month, I have been regularly taking this nutritional supplement. One capsule morning and evening. Preventatively.

The most important thing is that I started looking for the reason for this healing and found Dr. Griffin’s book. This article consists of pieces of text from different pages of the book (there are 107 pages) - I think everyone should know about this!

Book “A World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17”

To write the article, I used the book by J. Edward Griffin “A World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17” - in fact, I’m retelling it to you, since the translation of the book into Russian is terrible, plus there is a lot of talk about pharmaceutical cartels, politics, and we are more interested amygdalin connection.
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Also in this book you will find many negative reviews from doctors of official US medicine, since an effective natural vitamin will deprive the entire industry of fabulous income from expensive treatment in oncology.

In the book, the author describes and proves the effectiveness of apricot kernel extract in the fight against cancer, and the experience of using the product in the treatment of cancer. I specifically provide the link (above) so that those who wish can become fully acquainted with his theory of the occurrence of oncology as a result of a lack of vitamins in the diet.

According to Dr. Griffin's theory, cancer, like scurvy (lack of vitamin C) or pellagra (lack of B vitamins), is vitamin deficiency, worsened by the lack of food components in the diet of modern humans. The solution to the problem is very simple - add the missing component to your food - vitamin B17.

It would seem - how simple it all is! Hooray! Hooray! Cancer problem solved! Alas…

The discovery is not approved by the US government medicine. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the American Cancer Society, and the American Medical Association (AMA) called it fraud and quackery.

In fact, the FDA and other government agencies have prevented the dissemination of information about vitamin B17. They confiscated films and books, and prosecuted doctors who used these theories to save the lives of their patients.

The modified form of Amygdalin B17 is called Laetrile and is sold in pharmacies in many countries. Trade names:"Laetrile", "Laetral", "Letril".

It is banned in the USA. If a cure for cancer can be found in apricot kernel extract, it would be a terrible economic blow to the anti-cancer drug industry. After all, seed extract does not require a patent! Anyone can use it!

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Amygdalin cannot be patented because it is found in nature. Big money can only be made on patented drugs. Therefore, the cancer industry will never be interested in amygdalin, no matter how much
it can be effective.

Laetrile is available in Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Costa Rica, England, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, Venezuela, and Vietnam. It is there that cancer patients go for treatment; in these countries, doctors have proven in their own clinics that the vitamin-deficient concept of cancer works.

Amygdalin has a number of beneficial properties. This is a vitamin with a broad spectrum of action on a living organism.
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Of these, the most important are the following:

  • used to prevent cancer (in alternative medicine and a number of private clinics);
  • exhibits analgesic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • cleanses the body of toxins, especially oxidation products;
  • preserves youth, slowing down the aging process of the body;
  • improves metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • relieves stress, depression, anxiety;
  • gives the skin a healthy appearance;

As you can see, the spectrum of action of the vitamin is quite wide.

Where used, daily requirement

Dr. Krebs suggested a minimum intake of 50 mg of B17 per day for a normal, healthy adult. Naturally, someone who is predisposed to cancer needs more, and someone who is already afflicted with the disease needs much more.

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A typical apricot seed grown in the United States contains approximately 4 or 5 milligrams of B17. Using this average, we can calculate that it would take 10-12 apricot kernels per day to provide 50 milligrams of B17.

If a person gets sick and is diagnosed with cancer, then the optimal dose, according to doctors of alternative medicine, is about 1000 mg per day. If necessary, it can be increased. But the maximum amount should not exceed 3000 mg per day. The dosage is always prescribed by an experienced specialist who has been using vitamin therapy for cancer for a long time.

Amygdalin should be taken 40 minutes before meals. The daily dose must be spread throughout the day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months, depending on the state of health, then a week break is taken and the course is repeated.

Laboratory type of amygdalin crystal known as Laetrile obtained by a doctor
Krebs, is unique because it is significantly more soluble than any of its other forms and, thus, can be administered to the patient in a much higher concentration for the same volume of fluid administered (injection).

Amygdalin is used comprehensively against influenza, ARVI, gastritis, colitis and constipation. Vitamin B17 restores the nervous system - it is recommended for insomnia, nervous tension, depression, and headaches.

The instructions for use of Laetrile note that the drug effectively fights seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea and low vision.

Let's take a closer look at the role of amygdalin in cancer treatment. But first, in order to better understand its effect, a little theory - how malignant tumors are formed, from which cells, how nature fights them without drugs. We will also consider the mechanism of action of Letril on healthy and cancer-sick cells.

Vitamin B17 in the treatment of cancer

Vitamin B17 is successfully used by alternative medicine in the treatment of cancer as vitamin deficiency or chronic metabolic disease. A chronic disease is an illness that usually does not go away on its own. Metabolic disease occurs within the body and is not transmitted to another person.

Cancer, therefore, being both, is a chronic metabolic disorder.

Dr. Krebs pointed out that in the entire history of medical science there has not been a single case
a chronic metabolic disorder that has ever been cured or prevented by medication, surgery, or mechanical manipulation of the body.

In every case—whether it was scurvy, pellagra, rickets, beriberi, evening blindness, pernicious anemia, or any other disease—the final solution was found only in factors relating to adequate nutrition.
Source: Krebs, Laetriles/Nitrilosides in the Prevention and Control of Cancer (Montreal: McNaughton Foundation, n.d.), p. 16.

Dr. Burkitt turned his attention to cancer and observed:

This is a disease caused by our lifestyle. Our form of cancer is almost
unknown in the animal world. The only animals that have cancer
or rectal polyps - these are those that are close to us in their lifestyle - our domestic dogs eating our leftovers.

The mechanism of cancer formation. Trophoblast theory

Amygdalin fits perfectly into the trophoblast theory of cancer. The essence of this theory: in our body there are special pre-embryonic cells - trophoblasts. Trophoblasts in modern language are called stem cells.

There are no differences between cancer cells and certain preembryonic cells that occur naturally in the early stages of pregnancy.

Trophoblast (stem cell) is important during pregnancy. In other cases, it causes cancer. It is formed under the influence of estrogen from specific cells, 80% of which are located in the ovaries or testicles, as genetic material for future offspring. 20% of specific cells are located throughout the body, causing the regenerative or healing process of any damaged or aging tissue.

During pregnancy, trophoblasts form the means of supporting the life of the embryo: the umbilical cord and the placenta. Outside of pregnancy, trophoblasts are synthesized under the influence of estrogen and specific cells to eliminate tissue damage.

Wherever the body is damaged by physical injury, chemical action or disease, estrogen and other steroid hormones always appear in high concentrations, perhaps serving as stimulants or catalysts for cellular growth and repair of the body.

During the normal process, after repair of the damage, cell division stops. If this does not happen and trophoblast division continues after cell or tissue restoration is complete, cancer develops.

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An unnaturally high concentration of estrogen will be a factor that stimulates the onset of cancer. When cancer begins to form, the body reacts by trying to isolate it and surrounding it with cells that are native to that area of ​​the body. As a result - a tumor or lump appears.

The tumor consists of:

  • ordinary cells
  • cancer cells (trophoblasts)

When killing cancer with radiotherapy or chemotherapy, first of all they kill not cancerous cells, but healthy cells in the tumor - and they are happy that the tumor itself has shrunk. But at what expense? Not by reducing the number of cancer cells, but by reducing normal cells. That is, the benign quality of the tumor decreases. The tumor itself becomes more carcinogenic and dangerous.

Trophoblast cells produce a distinctive hormone that can be found in urine. It is known as human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG (HCG).

If CGH is detected in the urine, this indicates two results: either pregnancy or malignant cancer. If the patient is a woman, she is either pregnant or has cancer. If the patient is male, cancer may be the only cause.
A simple urine test can detect the presence of cancer before it manifests itself as a disease or tumor, and this casts serious doubt on all rationales for surgical biopsies.

Many doctors believe that any surgical intervention into a malignant tumor, even for a biopsy, increases the likelihood that the tumor will begin to spread.

How nature defeats cancer

How nature protects the body and controls the growth of trophoblast cells is a fundamental question that guides cancer research today. Why doesn't the immune system reject cancer cells as if they were strangers?

The assumption that cancer cells are foreign to the body is incorrect. Everything is just the opposite, they are a vital part of the living cycle (pregnancy and self-healing). Nature has provided them with an effective means of escape from white blood cells.

One of the features of trophoblasts is that they are surrounded by a thin protein layer with a negative electrostatic charge. White blood cells also carry a negative charge. Identical charges repel each other and thus the trophoblast is well protected from the action of immune cells

A natural solution to this problem lies in the action of ten or more pancreatic enzymes, of which trypsin and chymotrypsin are especially important in the destruction of trophoblasts.

These enzymes are present in the pancreas in an inactive state. Only once they enter the small intestine do they enter their active phase. There, the enzymes are absorbed into the bloodstream and reach the trophoblasts, where they digest the negatively charged protein coat. And then the cancer is open to attack by white blood cells, and therefore it dies.

That is, pancreatic enzymes (pancreatic enzymes) are important in the treatment of cancer. By the way, in the duodenum, where the duct from the pancreas with enzymes exits - and where they become active - the development of cancer has never been recorded. Thus, nature has assigned the pancreas a vital role in preventing cancer. It is the pancreas that holds trophoblasts
under control.

Diet with vitamin therapy

When treating cancer, it is important to eat a diet that consists of foods that do not require pancreatic enzymes to digest them. This is the type of diet that doctors who practice vitamin B17 therapy prescribe because it
frees up nearly all of the pancreatic enzymes to be absorbed into the bloodstream where they can do their job of killing cancer cells.

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The diet prohibits refined sugar, poultry and eggs, and emphasizes raw vegetables, plenty of fish and plenty of vitamin supplements. The diet should preferably contain 60% raw vegetables and 40% raw fruits. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain important enzymes that are destroyed when cooked. The patient is recommended to follow this diet for at least 4 months.

What to do if the pancreas does not cope with its function of preventing cancer? It weakens with age, our diet requires the use of all enzymes, the rate of cancer growth is so high that pancreatic enzymes cannot keep up with it? What then?

Then the backup pathway or second line of defense against the development of cancer comes into play - a specific compound that destroys only cancer cells and this substance is called amygdalin or laetrile. Finally, the vitamin concept of cancer falls into place in the overall picture of the trophoblast theory of cancer.

How does vitamin B17 work? Second line of defense against cancer

Let's consider the effect of the compound on healthy and cancer cells. Molecule B17 (amygdalin) contains two units of glucose (sugar), one unit of benzaldehyde and one unit of cyanide, all tightly packed into one molecule.
.gif" alt="Structure of the B17 molecule (amygdalin)" width="526" height="302" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Cyanide can be very poisonous and even lethal, but when bound into a molecule, it is chemically inert and poses no danger to cells.

But there is an “unlocking enzyme” - beta-glucosidase. When B17 reacts with this enzyme in the presence of water, cyanide and the equally poisonous benzaldehyde are released. The mechanism of synergy is triggered when one substance enhances another a hundredfold and vice versa. They become a hundred times more poisonous together.

The unlocking enzyme is not found anywhere in our body to any dangerous extent except in the cancer cell, where it is always present in large quantities, sometimes reaching levels one hundred times greater than in surrounding normal cells. Therefore, vitamin B17 is broken down only in the cancer cell, releases its poisons into the cancer cell, and only into the cancer cell.

In addition to the "unlocking enzyme" there is a "protective enzyme" that has the ability to neutralize cyanide, converting it into useful byproducts.
This defense enzyme is found in large quantities in every part of the body except the cancer cell, which is therefore not protected.

The unlocking enzyme may be found in small concentrations throughout the human body, but even larger amounts of the protective enzyme are also present there. Therefore, healthy tissue is protected - an excess of this protective enzyme completely neutralizes the effect of the unlocking enzyme.

A malignant cell not only has a significantly higher concentration of the unlocking enzyme than any normal cell, but it is also deficient in the protective enzyme. Thus, it is particularly vulnerable to released cyanide and benzaldehyde.

Two facts are also important:

  1. normal tissues receive energy through the process of oxidation of incoming food, so anything that improves normal respiratory metabolism inhibits the development of cancer
  2. malignant cells obtain energy from the fermentation of glucose (Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for this proof)

It is these two differences in energy supply between normal and malignant cells that explain why vitamin B17 is safe for normal cells and tissues.

Why Laetrile is safe for normal cells

Suppose that the protective enzyme in normal cells suddenly did not work and two toxins were released:

  • benzaldehyde
  • cyanide

Benzaldehyde coming into contact with normal cells, will be oxidized and converted into safe benzoic acid.

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Benzoic acid has the following properties:

  • antirheumatic
  • antiseptic
  • painkillers

Thanks to benzoic acid, B17 has the surprising effect of reducing severe pain associated with late-stage cancer without the need for special drugs. While not a painkiller by definition, B17, when it comes into contact with cancer cells, releases benzoic acid directly to the desired location, drenching the entire area in a natural analgesic.

Benzaldehyde, in contact with malignant cells, is in a state of complete lack of oxygen, which causes it to linger and fulfill its deadly synergistic purpose for a long period of time.

What happens to cyanide when it enters normal cells?

If a small amount of cyanide spreads to adjacent normal cells, then in the presence of sulfur it is converted by an enzyme into the absolutely safe substance thiocyanate.

This compound is known as a natural blood pressure regulator. It also serves as a metabolic pathway for the biosynthesis of vitamin B12, an essential nutrient for a healthy body. Cyanide is the basis and integral part of vitamin B12, as well as B17. Another unexpected side effect of vitamin B17 is an increase in red blood cell, or hemoglobin, levels.

In the mouth and stomach, benzaldehyde and cyanide, in trace amounts, attack bacteria that cause tooth decay and bad breath. In the intestines, they interact with bacterial microflora to suppress or eliminate the accumulation of gases caused by food consumption.

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Perhaps rheumatic diseases, certain aspects of hypertension (high blood pressure), tooth decay, many of our gastrointestinal disorders, sickle cell anemia - and cancer as well - are all related directly or indirectly to a simple vitamin B17 deficiency?

Nature's defenses against cancer go beyond pancreatic enzymes and vitamin B17. For example, a sudden rise in a patient's body temperature increases the effectiveness of vitamin therapy. The effectiveness of such therapy increases from three to ten times: when the patient's temperature rises to 41 degrees, he only needs 1/3 or 1/10 Laetrile to achieve an anti-cancer effect. It is possible that cancer cells are particularly harmed by the increased blood flow and oxygenation associated with fever.

Vitamin C may also have value as an anti-cancer agent. In addition to temperature factors and vitamins A, B, C, and E, other enzymes, other vitamins, and even alkaline factor levels play an important role. But of all the factors, vitamin B17 is the most vital.

Negative reviews from oncologists can be read in the book discussed at the beginning of the article. You can hear positive reviews with examples of cures by watching a video where three doctors from different countries compare vitamin therapy and traditional cancer treatment. Their sympathies are with Laetrile.

Vitamin B17 instructions for use

To avoid harming yourself with an excessive dose of vitamin, eat the seeds along with the pulp of the fruit. It is in fruits that there is the largest amount of protective enzyme.

During Dr. Krebs' lecture on Laetrile, one woman in the audience
asked him: is there any danger in eating too many seeds,
containing vitamin B17.

This was his answer:

"That's a good question. If we eat the seed along with whole fruit, we will never be able to get excess vitamin from the seed. But, if we take apples, throw out all the fruits, and pick up half
cups of apple seeds, and decide to eat those half cups of apple seeds, there is a possibility that we will suffer seriously from a cyanide overdose..."

Also, each jar of Laetrile contains instructions for its use. If you stick to it, there is no danger of overdose.

Everyone has long known the saying that one apple eaten a day (along with the seeds) will provide you with good health and will be a good prevention of cancer.

Consider foods containing amygdalin. They are available and everyone can easily introduce them into their diet.

Where and in what products is it contained?

Where and in what is the anti-cancer vitamin found (laetral, laetrile, amygdalin):

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="In which products contains amygdalin" width="500" height="375" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C225&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

  1. in berries with seeds
    data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="What foods contain B17 - berries" width="327" height="302" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=327&ssl=1 327w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C277&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 327px) 100vw, 327px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
  2. in seeds and fruit kernels
    data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="B17 in seeds and kernels" width="219" height="301" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=219&ssl=1 219w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=218%2C300&ssl=1 218w" sizes="(max-width: 219px) 100vw, 219px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
  3. in legumes
    data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="B17 in legumes" width="225" height="226" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
  4. in nuts, sprouts and leaves
    data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="B17 in nuts, leaves and sprouts" width="476" height="161" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=476&ssl=1 476w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C101&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 476px) 100vw, 476px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

As you can see, the plant world is rich in amygdalin - take it and use it! Now you know which foods contain the described vitamin.
If necessary, you can buy Laetrile at a pharmacy.

Buy at the pharmacy: price

At the time of writing the article, the cost of the drug amygdalin in capsules, ampoules and ointments in Kyiv was:

  • Laetrile in capsules 120 pieces - 637.98 UAH.
  • Vitamin B-17 (3 g), ampoules, amygdalin ampoules, 10 ampoules - 3,829.00 UAH.
  • Apricot kernels bitter with amygdalin, Apricot Power, 454 grams - 889.00 UAH.
  • Amygdalin cream - 1592.00 UAH.

You can view products, volume and cost

Vitamin price in Moscow next:

  • non-alcoholic drink Laetrile B17 Amygdalin - 2,700 rubles
  • Vitamin B17 Preventor LC Amygdalin in capsules - 1,200 rubles
  • Amygdalin injection (10 ampoules, 3 grams each - 9,990 rubles
  • Amygdalin B17 (100 tablets), each 500 mg - 9,490 rubles

Where can I buy the listed drugs? You can buy them.

I suggest watching a video where a man talks about how he and his wife use bones to prevent cancer.

If you are interested in my other articles on cancer, check out the following posts:

Summary of the article. We learned how to use vitamin B17 - the strongest natural chemotherapy, found out why it is necessary to adhere to a diet for cancer (cancer cells receive energy from the fermentation of glucose), revealed what explains the safety of cyanide in the amygdalin molecule for ordinary cells and its toxicity for cancer formations . We also provided links where you can buy the necessary amygdalin-based products.

I wish you good health and eat a few seeds or grains every day to maintain your health!

P.S. Did you like the article? What useful things did you take from it - please write in the comments - this is very important to me! And share it on social networks - perhaps your friends are looking for similar material. After all, cancer is walking next to us!

Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile, amygdalin and lethril, is a chemical compound and some alternative treatment advocates call Vitamin B17 an anti-cancer vitamin.

In this article, let's look at why vitamin B17 is needed - reviews from oncologists, its properties, where it is found and how to use vitamin B17 in treatment.

Some researchers claim that B-17 is successful in fighting cancer by creating hydrogen cyanide, which is released into the body's tissues. This compound attacks cancer cells and promotes their destruction.

B17 vitamin in the treatment of cancer - reviews

Laetrile is a chemical compound derived from amygdalin, a substance that occurs naturally in bitter almonds, apricots and peach tassels.

These vitamins are believed to reduce swelling and prevent cancer from metastasizing or spreading to other parts of the body.

The use of B17 against cancer as an alternative therapy for conventional medicine is controversial, and several studies since the mid-1970s have found no evidence that Laetrile is effective in treating cancer.

According to researchers, it prevents the formation and development of cancer cells, kills formed cancer cells and strengthens the immune system.

In Russia, amygdalin was first used as a substance to treat cancer in 1845. In the early 1920s, California physician Ernst T. Krebs Sr. began using amygdalin to treat cancer patients.

But, unfortunately, he announced evidence that the resulting drugs are toxic. His son, biochemist Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., invented a chemically modified version of amygdalin in 1952, which he called Laetrile.

At the same time, Krebs Jr. suggested that cancer is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B17, and argued that Laetrile compensates for the missing vitamin in the body.

Following this theory, proponents of the use of vitamin B17 say that it can not only treat cancer, but also prevent it.

Thus, many proponents of alternative treatments have begun to include Laetrile in metabolic therapy, including special diets for the treatment of cancer patients.

Patients were given high doses of vitamin B17 over several weeks, both by injection and in the form of anti-cancer enemas and skin creams.

Bitter almonds were used by healers to treat many diseases back in ancient Egypt. Cancer is very rare in India, where the pulp of apricot kernels is eaten.

It is believed that this substance can significantly improve health, as well as destroy cancer cells in a short time. There is an opinion that laetral eliminates affected cells and has no effect on healthy ones.

In addition, the property of this vitamin has a positive effect on various body functions, for example:

  • normalizes the condition of patients with arthritis;
  • improves the condition of hypertensive patients;
  • has a positive effect on metabolic processes;
  • has strong analgesic properties;
  • slows down the processes of cellular aging.

Properties of Vitamin B17

The use of letril as a powerful remedy for the treatment of cancer has a number of confirmations.

B-17 is also used to relieve joint pain. It has been shown to be a vitamin that can lower high blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, and generally promote good health.

The usual dosage is 200 to 1000 mg. A good prophylactic dose is from 5 to 30 apricot kernels, eaten throughout the day, but never in one meal. Fruit seeds contain an extremely dangerous substance - amygdalin glycoside.

In the stomach, it breaks down with the release of hydrocyanic acid (the strongest poison). You should not overuse fruit seeds. The most glycoside is contained in bitter almond seeds - up to 3.5%, and in apple seeds - about 0.6%.

If we talk about how to use these vitamins, the instructions for biological supplements are individual. It is best to use a natural product containing this substance.

  • If you are taking the seeds for overall health and cancer prevention, then it is recommended to take 10 to 12 seeds per day.
  • For cancer, the number of seeds increases to 50 per day, that is, about 35 grams per day. Apricot kernels vary in size, so it is recommended to take 7 grams of apricot kernels per day.
  • According to the website с if the cancer is in remission, then take 16 apricot kernels daily. The proportions can be as follows: half in the morning and half in the evening. If the patient suffers from nausea, then apricot kernels can simply be swallowed.

Vitamin B17 - reviews from oncologists, where to buy

According to the American Cancer Society, Laetrile is not a vitamin because it does not meet the scientific definition of a vitamin. Additionally, the National Cancer Institute states that although there are some clinical trials of Laetrile, all individual case reports do not provide sufficient evidence that Laetrile is an effective treatment for cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, cyanide toxicity when using Laetrile has resulted in the death of patients in some cases.

Proponents of Laetrile have sought human testing from the FDA several times since 1970. But the US Food and Drug Administration has decided that there is not enough evidence that Laetrile is effective in animal studies to include it in human clinical trials.

Proponents of using Laetrile as a treatment for cancer have even accused the US government of censoring treatments, so to speak. They suggested that the FDA and traditional medicine are motivated by a desire to make money in this matter, and not to meet people who are looking for new and effective treatments.

This vitamin is not sold anywhere. Those wishing to experiment on themselves should first consult a doctor. And please note: the FDA has banned these vitamins as containing cyanite.

Treatment of cancer with vitamin B17 - warnings

The FDA describes Laetrile as "a highly toxic product that has shown no effect on cancer treatment."

Laetrile contains cyanide, which causes side effects such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fever, confusion, blue skin (due to lack of oxygen), low blood pressure, and even liver damage. Eating raw almonds, carrots, celery, peaches and legumes may increase these effects.

Side effects

Some people may be sensitive to B-17 and may experience side effects such as weakness or headache as a result. Drinking lemon, orange, grapefruit or grape juice immediately will help relieve these symptoms.

Foods high in vitamin B17 include a variety of seeds, grains, nuts, sprouts and tubers, as well as leaves and beans.

The foods with the highest amount of B-17 are: apricot kernels and bitter almonds. Almost all fruit seeds have B-17, such as apple seeds, as well as other fruit seeds.

Other products worth noting include: barley, blackberries, brewer's yeast, cranberries, raspberries, buckwheat, millet, brown rice, beans, beans, cashews, currants, flax seeds, lentils, spinach.

  • Seeds. Apricot kernels (more precisely, kernels) are the richest source of vitamin B17. Other fruits with seeds rich in vitamin B17 include: peaches, plums, as well as cherry and nectarine seeds. The tiny seeds in apples, grapes and berries: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries and wild apples are also high in vitamin B17.
  • Grains and nuts. Grains such as millet, buckwheat and barley and flax are good sources of vitamin B17. Nuts, for example, bitter almonds and cashews, are excellent sources of vitamin B17.
  • Leaves and beans. Rich sources of vitamin B17 include beets, greens and spinach, watercress and eucalyptus. Legumes such as peas, black beans, green peas, kidney beans, and lentils. Beans can be used as a healthy side dish or in soups.
  • Berries. Many types of berries contain it, such as strawberries, blueberries and cranberries. Also useful are blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries, and elderberries can provide 500 milligrams of vitamin B17.

Of course, vitamins B17 are not used alone, but rather in combination with other important treatments and medications, which also include an anti-carcinogenic diet and exercise. Clinical trials have shown that B-17 works well in fighting cancer cells with vitamins A, C, E, and B-15, pancreatic enzymes and other nutrients.

Like most nutrients, B-17 is best taken through foods that contain it.

Thus, vitamin B17 - reviews from oncologists show that this is an effective alternative remedy for fighting cancer. If you decide to purchase vitamin B17 supplements, consult your doctor first.

Several centuries ago, the word “plague” made anyone tremble, because people knew well that this disease could not be cured by any medicine. The same thing happened with cholera. When cholera or plague came to the territory of any state, the only salvation from these diseases was fire. People burned the houses of the dead, their utensils, clothes and food. But time passed, and humanity got rid of the plague, cholera, and other contagious and dangerous diseases, such as smallpox, measles, etc. Currently, the words “plague”, “cholera” or “smallpox” do not particularly frighten anyone. But there is one word that makes you feel uneasy.

The word “cancer” is the name of a disease that modern medicine supposedly cannot cope with. The question arises: when did this terrible disease appear on Earth? It turns out that quite recently. The first mention of a malignant tumor was recorded in the 17th century, mainly in large European cities. At first, cancer was considered a purely urban disease, because rural residents almost did not suffer from it, but over time, in Western Europe, cancer began to move into villages. In the 17-18 centuries, and even in the 19 century, this disease was not widespread and did not particularly frighten anyone. According to statistics, the heyday of the cancer epidemic occurred in the second half of the 20th century. It was then that humanity felt the full power of this terrible disease.

Not thousands, but millions of citizens began to die from cancer, not only in Europe and America, and not only in megacities, but also in villages.

After the Great Patriotic War, a cancer epidemic swept through the Soviet Union. Currently, more than two million citizens in Russia fall ill with this disease every year. The question arises, what is the cause of this disease?

Why did malignant tumors appear in only a few centuries ago, but in our time this disease has become a widespread phenomenon? Naturally, both doctors and biologists began studying cancer formations. They began to look for ways to treat and prevent them. But, amazingly, no matter how hard science tries, it doesn’t really succeed. People got sick and continue to get sick.

But on the other hand, there is a group of people in the West that practically does not suffer from cancer. We are talking about representatives of the “Committee of 300”, the families of the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Oppenheimers, Rockefellers, etc. It involuntarily comes to mind that a cure for cancer was found a long time ago, but only a select few use it. Not only that, some people on Earth, we mean the secret laboratories of the special services, have learned to use cancer diseases against their political opponents.

Take, for example, General Petrov, who at one time headed the Russian Unity Party. It is clear that many in the West did not like the honest and thoughtful general, and they soon got rid of him. As we know, Petrov died of cancer. The Venezuelan leader, an implacable enemy of the Committee of 300, Hugo Chavez, also died of cancer. It seems that Chavez was specially infected with this disease, just like General Petrov.

If so, then it turns out that the causes of cancer are known to some, but not to everyone. They are trying to hide it from the masses. At the same time, a huge number of people, both in the West and in the East, suffer from this disease. This makes me wonder if a huge mass of people in different countries are not being infected? Against the backdrop of such an epidemic, any undesirable leader can be removed, and this can be attributed to the wave of a general disease.

At the same time, many nations have learned to treat cancer without resorting to official medicine. Sometimes the possibilities of folk remedies are surprising. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian healers treated cancer easily and simply, and did not consider it some kind of special, serious disease. Only later, with the Bolsheviks coming to power, when most of the traditional healers were shot, did cancer become “incurable.” From all of the above we can conclude: Russian folk healers knew the nature of cancer and knew how to fight it.

Only recently has it become known to official science that cancer occurs for two reasons. The first reason is a reaction to a lack of vitamin B17 in the body. The second reason is that during a deficiency of this vitamin, the immune system in the human body is extremely weakened.

And the catalyst for the development of a cancerous tumor is the fungus Candida albicans, which lives in any human body and is the causative agent of candidiasis. Therefore, to infect any person with a malignant tumor, two factors are sufficient: the absence of vitamin B17 and a weakened immune system that cannot neutralize the action and proliferation of the fungus. Vitamin B17 is the main component that inhibits malignant tumors in the body. If there is enough of this vitamin, then even a weakened immune system can cope with fungal disease.

Now let's see which vegetables and fruits contain vitamin B17. It turns out that it is not found in tomatoes, cucumbers, or any other cultivated plants in our garden. It is contained only in the seeds of ranetki, a cultivated apple tree, in the seeds of pears, apricots and plums, and in bitter almonds. That is why a number of corrupt scientists began to write dozens of articles about the dangers of plum and apricot kernels.

Allegedly, all these seeds contain too much poisonous cyanide, which “poisons the human body, destroys its liver, pancreas and blood-forming organs.” It is clear that this was an order in order to create a deficiency of vitamin B17 in people’s bodies.

If we consider that modern people live in constant stress, and stress, as is known, destroys the immune system, in addition, the immune system is destroyed by GMOs and food chemicals, then it is not difficult to guess where we have so many cancer patients. One detail is interesting: three centuries ago, this vitamin was present in vegetables, apples, and pears, in the pulp itself, but with the creation of new varieties, vitamin B17 remained only in the seeds of these plants.

That is why, back in the 17th century, cancer was common only to urban residents, and even then, quite rarely.

How did our Russian healers treat this disease? There were several ways to treat cancer, one of the most common we will describe. Traditional healers understood that the main thing in the treatment of any disease is the human immune system. Therefore, at the beginning of treatment, we tried to strengthen it as much as possible.

To do this, they took 1 kg of May or June honey, dissolved it in 1 liter of grape wine or vodka, rolled 1 kg of aloe vera (agave) into it, sometimes put 2 ficus leaves. Be sure to add 50g of dry forest or meadow horsetail and 20-50g of celandine to the composition. Sometimes celandine was replaced with raw meadow buttercup.

The poison of celandine and buttercup served as a killer for the cancerous fungus, and all other herbs strengthened the human immune system, and also served as an internal balm for healing wounds caused by the tumor.

When the composition was assembled, it was placed in a dark place and infused for 12 days. Then they drank this infusion 3 times a day, an hour before meals. Some folk healers added 50 grams of dry or fresh birch leaf to this composition, and the same amount of St. John's wort or thyme. All this enhanced the effectiveness of the balm and helped the body quickly get rid of the disease. But this is only the first half of the treatment.

The second half consisted of eating 20-50 kernels of plum, apricot, almond or peach seeds 3 times a day. It is important to know that all these seeds are taken from fresh or dried fruits that have not undergone heat treatment. Traditional healers knew well that these bones contained a powerful poison, but they also knew something that modern science has only recently learned about.

The fact that this poison, cyanide, has absolutely no effect on the human body, since it is in connection with substances that neutralize it. This poison acts only on the pathogenic tumor, but not on the human body. It turns out that plum, apricot and peach seeds not only provide the body with vitamin B17, but also destroy cancer with their poison.

This therapy made it possible to completely cure a person of a malignant tumor within six months. In addition, the patient was recommended to take a steam bath and then douse himself with ice water and roll in the snow. Sometimes he was forced to douse himself with water after sleeping, and then they rolled him up in a warm fur coat. All this was done to maximize the immune system.

There is another way to get rid of a serious illness. It is even simpler, but requires a strong will from the patient. Pomors were usually treated this way. As you know, people did not raise bees on the shores of the White Sea, especially since they did not have southern plants such as aloe or ficus. Therefore, in those places, Russian people, having fallen ill with cancer, ate boyarka berries along with the seeds, which also contain vitamin B17, drank a decoction of chaga with milk, ate large quantities of wild apple fruits along with the seeds and did physical exercises, and for everything muscle groups.

Instead of dumbbells and barbells, they used stones, sandbags, millstones and iron rods. What does this give? It turns out that during physical activity, a person’s muscles lose a huge amount of protein, so much protein that a sick person cannot replenish it through food. Therefore, the body began to act in its own way.

It produced killer cells that ate the tumor protein, converting it into amino acids for muscle building. That is why modern fitnessists and bodybuilders almost never get cancer, although they do not eat foods containing vitamin B17.

Russian people also knew a lot of ways to treat cancer, but we will not describe these methods, since they involve the use of salts of heavy metals (sublimate, mercuric chloride), although they are simple and reliable. That is why you cannot buy mercuric chloride in modern pharmacies, although other poisons are sold there. This is because it was not at all difficult for Russian folk healers to cure cancer with sublimate.

We wrote this short article so that our citizens understand that a cure for cancer was found a long time ago. But this means is used by a select few, the very ones who control our academic science and medicine. Therefore, our official science “cannot” cope with this disease of vitamin B17 deficiency, although traditional healers treated it without difficulty. The myth that cancer is incurable was created in order to keep society in fear of death.

And by creating an artificial deficiency of a vital vitamin, at the same time weakening the immune system of people, those who consider themselves masters of the planet are destroying millions. In addition, the myth of the incurability of cancer serves as a powerful weapon for them to manipulate the minds of unwanted political leaders, such as General Petrov, Hugo Chaves, Ibrahim Rugova, David Thompson, Eric Honnocker.

The article is reprinted from the VKontakte group,

Recently, people are increasingly faced with such a terrible diagnosis as oncology. After its announcement, they immediately panic and give up. But in modern medicine there are quite a large number of methods and methods of treating it. The most important thing is the timely start of treatment. Also, many scientists have recently noted a positive effect during taking vitamins for cancer. They not only help replenish the amount of nutrients in our body, but also cope with such a terrible disease. Doctors speak especially positively about the healing properties of the vitamin. At 17 from cancer.

Where is vitamin B17 found?

This vitamin was discovered back in the 19th century. It was first extracted from the seeds of bitter almonds. It was then called amygdalin. It was then discovered in the bones:

  • grapes,
  • cherries,
  • apples,
  • peach,
  • apricot

At that time, it was classified as a B vitamin and called B17. This vitamin was then synthesized in the laboratory and named laetrile.

Many studies have been conducted on the effectiveness cancer treatment with vitamin B17. Some doctors confirm its effectiveness, but there are always opponents.

Often this vitamin can be found in the above bones, as well as in:

  • blackberries,
  • brown rice,
  • alfalfa,
  • corn,
  • flaxseed,
  • ive,
  • sorghum,
  • lentils,
  • blueberries,
  • walnuts,
  • raspberries,
  • strawberries,
  • spinach,
  • buckwheat,
  • tops of beets,
  • Brewer's yeast,
  • cranberries

How does vitamin B17 work against cancer?

We have all often heard that the seeds of apricots, cherries, peaches and other fruits contain poison. This poison is called cyanide. So how does it affect the patient’s body? This vitamin has a property that allows it to bind to cancer cells and kill them, while leaving healthy tissue undamaged. The presence of cyanide in fruit kernels is negligible. In order for it to start working, a certain type of enzyme is needed, which is found in cancer cells.

Vitamin B17 for oncology

Often used B vitamins for cancer, vitamin B17 has become especially widespread.

If you decide to take it to prevent this disease, then add products from the above list to your daily diet. You can eat 1-2 apricot kernels a day. Then their number can be increased to 7-10 pieces. This amount will be enough. It must be eaten throughout the day and chewed thoroughly. Can be added to other dishes or sweetened with honey. For prevention, it is recommended to eat 5 pieces per day. It is forbidden to eat sweets, especially sugar, as it feeds cancer cells. You need to drink clean water. The quantity can be increased to 25 pieces. The intake should not be one-time, but throughout the day. Duration 2-3 weeks. This procedure can be repeated twice or thrice a year. But it is necessary to remember that an overdose can lead to dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Be careful, and if you notice any changes in your health, consult a doctor immediately.

There is also the following recipe for taking kernels:

  • Eat 5 pieces. throughout the day without sweets and sugar.
  • You need to drink clean water.
  • The quantity can be increased up to 25 pieces. Duration 2-3 weeks. You can repeat it twice or thrice a year.

You can also take 1-2 tablets (about 100 mg) of vitamin B17. It is also recommended to drink plenty of water, as it helps remove toxins from the body.

Since the kernels and seeds have a bitter taste, they can be added to various fruit smoothies. Flax seeds and other herbs can be added to salads and various dishes. It is also recommended to eat as much unprocessed food as possible. Our great-grandmothers also added fruit kernels to preserves. Maybe it was subconscious or did they know something?

I would like to believe that such a change will soon occur when our the world will be without cancer and vitamin B17 will help solve this problem once and for all.

Hello dear readers of Andryukha’s blog. Oncology is one of the most terrible and deadly diseases. Cancer affects tens of millions of people around the world and has already claimed the lives of millions of people. There are various types of treatment, but none can guarantee complete healing. Therefore, many patients are looking for a variety of treatment methods, including those not recognized by official medicine.

A simple solution was found in vitamin B17, which is found in most fruit seeds. Therefore, large companies resist this with all their might; they do not need such a drug, since it can destroy a giant industry built on cancer patients.

Many were able to heal thanks to this vitamin and this is proof that natural medicine exists!

In this article you will learn everything about vitamin B17 against cancer (useful properties, where it is found, how to take it and what are the contraindications), as well as an effective remedy for boosting immunity.

Vitamin B17 (amygdalin) is a gencibioside of mandelic acid nitrile, which is found in the seeds of plants of the plum genus. It began to be used in the treatment of oncology in the mid-19th century. It was noticed that when it entered the patient’s body, it quickly dealt with malignant cells, while not affecting healthy cells. It was used as an additional agent for the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

Nowadays, this vitamin is sold under the brand name Laetrile; it began to be used in the treatment of oncology in the 19th century, but it was toxic, and a safe drug appeared only in the second half of the 20th century.

According to a number of theories, cancer usually occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin B17. At one time, during the Soviet era, millet bread was on sale and was in steady demand, and in villages women crushed seeds and pits of plum-shaped fruits in mortars. All these foods contained quite a lot of amygdalin.

The effect of vitamin B17 is unique, it selectively acts at the cellular level, finds and acts on cancer cells, killing them, and at the same time, without affecting healthy cells of the body. In addition, this vitamin slows down the aging process, improves metabolic processes and has a pronounced analgesic effect.

In the mid-20th century, Laetrile was tested on animals and confirmed its therapeutic activity with: leukemia, carcinoma, lymphoma, sarcoma and melanoma. Within 20 years it began to be used as an alternative treatment for human oncology.

Beneficial properties of vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 has many positive properties:

  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Removing inflammatory processes.
  • Reducing symptoms of intoxication in oncology.
  • Reducing the occurrence and development of arthritis, osteochondrosis, thrombosis.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Allows you to get rid of depression.

There has been controversy surrounding this vitamin for more than half a century. Official medicine does not recognize it and even declares its danger; fans of alternative medicine do not agree with them. They believe that amygdalin has the following properties:

  • Destroys cancer cells without affecting healthy tissues and cells.
  • Slow down the aging process of the skin.
  • They have a pronounced analgesic property.
  • It is an excellent preventive agent for oncology.

Prohibition of vitamin B17

The ban on vitamin B17 began in 2000, the first country where amygdalin was banned was the USA, then it began to be banned in other countries. This ban in the United States was initiated by large pharmaceutical companies, since it is profitable for them to sell their patented drugs for the treatment of oncological diseases, making fabulous profits from their sale than the sale of an inexpensive, unpatented vitamin B17 product. The cause was stated to be the presence of hydrocyanic acid (cyanide).

Products containing vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 is found only in foods of plant origin, with its maximum concentration found in seeds. The seeds of all common fruits (except citrus fruits) contain vitamin B17. There is no amygdalin in meat and dairy products. Flaxseed and apricot oils are rich in this vitamin. The medicinal properties of apricot seeds became known almost 40 years ago. Many scientists believe that if you add the seeds of this fruit to your daily diet, cancer will never begin to develop.

Foods containing the most vitamin B17:

  1. More than 500 mg. Apricot, cherry, peach, plum and prune pits. Apricot oil, beans, pear and apple seeds, cranberries, blueberries and bitter almonds.
  2. From 100 to 500 mg. Quince, apple, elderberry, cherry, raspberry, gooseberry, currant, lentil, green peas, buckwheat, millet, macadama nut, pumpkin seeds, flax seed and oil.
  3. Less than 100 mg. Blackberries, raisins, dried apricots, watercress, spinach, cashews, brown rice, Jerusalem artichoke, beans, bird cherry and beet leaves.

Permitted daily intake of vitamin B17

In order to completely compensate for the deficiency of vitamin B17 and not get signs of poisoning, they must strictly follow the following fairly simple rules:

  1. If you eat fruit seeds, then you cannot eat more than 6 during the day, and you should limit yourself to only two kernels at a time.
  2. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children under 12 years of age, should completely limit their intake of fruit seeds.

To eliminate a possible overdose, you need to take ascorbic acid and drink as much water as possible.

During amygdolino therapy, it is necessary to completely stop drinking alcohol, smoking and drinking coffee.

The maximum daily intake of vitamin B17 is 3000 milligrams (this is about 300 grams of bitter almonds or 20 apricot kernels), but it is not recommended to consume more than 1000 milligrams at a time.

  • In the presence of detected cancer.
  • With a high risk of malignant tumors (if you are in a risk group: genetic predisposition and polluted environment).
  • For obesity.
  • With excessive mental and physical stress.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should limit your intake of vitamin B17 or reduce it to a minimum; these are the only contraindications.

Deficiency and excess of vitamin B17 in the body

The only reason for oversaturation of the body with vitamin B17 is the use of medications and food products containing this vitamin in too large quantities. An overdose is very dangerous, since the breakdown process produces hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic even in small quantities. Hydrocyanic acid stops energy production in cells and stops cellular respiration; with a stronger overdose, death from suffocation is possible.
The main signs of an excess of amygdalin are:

  • Symptoms of poisoning.
  • Choking and signs of lack of air.
  • The skin becomes bluish.
  • Nausea and weakness appear.
  • Severe headaches begin.
  • Possible loss of consciousness.

Vitamin overdose occurs very rarely.

Official medicine believes that the presence of this substance in our body is not necessary and is not necessary, but representatives of alternative medicine do not agree with this.

In their opinion, the consequences of a lack of vitamin B17 in the human body:

  1. The likelihood of the occurrence and development of malignant tumors increases very sharply, even for people who are not at risk.
  2. The emergence and development of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Interactions with other drugs and products

No large-scale and serious studies of vitamin B17 for interactions with other medications and foods have been conducted and have not been fully studied. It is only known that when consuming foods high in amygdalin, you should not simultaneously take alcoholic beverages, as they seriously increase the likelihood of hydrocyanic acid poisoning. Therefore, alcohol is contraindicated when consuming vitamin B17.

The use of vitamin B17 in oncology

In our country, vitamin B17 is sold under the brand name Amygdalin and is available in capsule form. The main active ingredient is dry powder of crushed apricot kernels. Amygdalin is taken twice a day, morning and evening with meals, 1 capsule with plenty of water for 30 days. The duration of the course of treatment must be agreed with the attending physician.

The main indications for taking vitamin B17 are malignant tumors, as well as as a preventative against cancer and a source of antioxidants, fatty acids, and flavonoids.

How can you fight cancer naturally?

Edward Griffin, in his book “A World Without Cancer,” proved that cancer develops as a result of vitamin deficiency, as a result of the lack of essential substances that have recently been removed from the diet. To cure oncology of any etiology, you simply need to restore a healthy diet, namely add vitamin B17 to your diet. This book contains detailed information about cancer research that was abruptly stopped, and about leading scientists who were persecuted and even stopped when they advocated the use of vitamin B17.

Transnational pharmaceutical and medical corporations are not ready to lose their super-profits and they started a campaign to persecute the author and all scientists who supported his idea, as well as against vitamin B17 itself, declaring that it contains hydrocyanic acid. They were also able to ban the sale of apricot kernels, as well as vitamin B17 itself.

Previously, all fruits, except citrus fruits, contained this vitamin in seeds, seeds and even fruit pulp. Thanks to the efforts of pharmaceutical companies, as a result of selection and cultivation, the pulp no longer contains vitamin B17. Amygdalin in pulp is now found only in wild fruits.

The vitamin is harmless to the body, since each molecule consists of 1 cyanide compound (hydrocyanic acid), 1 benzene dehyde and 2 glucose compounds, which are tightly packed. For cyanide to begin to act, this tightly packed compound must be opened, and only beta-glucosidase can do this. In our body it is present in minimal quantities, and in malignant neoplasms there is 100 times more of it, so cyanide is released only in malignant areas of the body and only affects them. Oncological cells are destroyed, and an almost complete cure occurs.

When oncology begins to develop, it is necessary to immediately very quickly supply the body with the maximum recommended dose of vitamin B17. It is approximately necessary to consume 7 apricot seeds per day; this is the amount that can prevent the possibility of developing cancer. In almost all cases, when taking vitamin B17 in maximum doses, cancerous tumors are destroyed. To prevent cancer, you can start eating 2 seeds a day and gradually increase the daily dose and reach 8 pieces. in a day.

Previously, our grandmothers did not know why they crushed the seeds and pits of fruits and then added them to their diet, but this is the most powerful anti-cancer agent in the world.

The following foods and drinks that contribute to the development of cancer:

  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Drinks (all carbonated drinks, Diet Coke).
  • Meat and sausage products (sausages, beef fat, red meat, smoked meats, sausages).
  • Dairy products.
  • Salt.
  • Refined sugar.
  • Vinegar.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Popcorn and chips.
  • Tomatoes canned in metal cans.
  • Margarine.
  • Refined vegetable oils.
  • Flour products (white flour and premium flour).
  • All products with flavor enhancer E-621 (monosodium glutamate).

100% Effective immunity booster

An excellent alternative for boosting immunity at home is a remedy to eliminate accumulated stress. Scientists have proven that 95% of diseases are caused by stress and depression: bronchial asthma, rheumatism, diabetes, decreased potency, obesity, hypertension, psoriasis, insomnia, gastrointestinal diseases, decreased memory and intelligence, and excessive sweating.

According to statistics, stress shortens life by 15-20 years, causes early aging and can result in heart attack and stroke.

In addition, clinical trials conducted by European researchers involving 1,400 people found:

  • 100% effective for relieving chronic stress!
  • Efficiency in psychosomatic diseases is 98%.
  • Improved physical well-being by 96%.

The product has no side effects.

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Best regards, Andrey Vdovenko.