Orthodox faith - prosphora alf. What is prosphora? How to store and use it properly

  • Date of: 17.10.2019


Prosporá is a specially baked bread used for the celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist.

The prosphora is translated from Greek as “offering”. In the ancient Church, bread for the Liturgy was brought as a gift to God by those who came to the church on Sunday to attend the Liturgy, that is, all Christians of the community.

Prosphora portrays the bread of the Last Supper , which Christ divided between his disciples: And taking bread and thanking, he broke it and gave it to them, saying: This is my body, which is delivered for you; do this in remembrance of me (Lk 22:19). Thus, the sacrament of the Eucharist was established, where Christians, under the guise of bread and wine, partake of the Body and Blood of the Savior and become one with Him. Participation in this sacrament is a necessary condition for staying in the Church for every Christian.

Proskomidia - the first part of the Liturgy, during which a substance for the Eucharist is prepared from bread (in the form of prosphora) and wine.

For the Liturgy, 5 large prosphora are used.

Patriarch Nikon introduced this custom in the Russian Church in memory of the gospel miracle of bread multiplication, when five thousand people were saturated with five breads (Matthew 14: 15-21).

Five prosphores for the celebration of the Liturgy:

1. Lamb prosphora

Large prosphora with cross and seal IC XC NIKA. From it with a special knife - a copy - the Lamb is cut out - cubic-shaped bread.

During the celebration of the Liturgy, the Lamb becomes the true Body of Christ.

The unused part of the agnostic prosphora is called an antidor. According to custom, it is distributed to believers after the end of the Liturgy.

2. The Mother of God prosphora

Large prosphora with the seal of MARIA or the image of the Virgin. At proskomidia, a triangular particle is taken from its upper part and placed on a special dish - discos - next to the lamb.

3. The ninefold prosphora

Dedicated to the saints. Nine particles are removed from her seal in memory of: John the Baptist; the prophets; apostles; saints; Archdeacon Stephen and the Martyrs; reverends; bezrebrennikov; Joachim and Anna, Methodius and Cyril, Prince Vladimir and all the saints; as well as the holy author of the liturgy, which will be served: John Chrysostom or Basil the Great.

4. Greeting prosphora

it is intended to take out from its seal two particles for all who will participate in the Liturgy, clergy who perform the Liturgy, the country and the people.

5. Memorial prosphora

One particle is taken from its upper part for all deceased Orthodox Christians.

Particles taken out (i.e. cut out) from prosphores on proskomids represent the fullness of the Church.   The priest puts particles on a special dish - discos. In the center is the Lamb - Christ, to the right and to the left of it are particles of the Virgin and all the saints, along the edges are particles taken out for all living and dead Orthodox.

Particles from small prosphores , those that after the Liturgy are handed out to believers, the priest also takes out during the proskomedia. At this time, he prays for the health and repose of those people whose notes were filed before the Liturgy. While reading the name from the prosphora, a particle is taken out, symbolizing a specific person, and placed on a diskos. At the end of the Liturgy, the priest, with the words “Lord, washed away the sins of those who remembered here with Thy honest blood,” pours all these particles into the Cup with the Blood of Christ.

Artos  , literally - “leavened bread”. That is the name of the great prosphora, which is placed in front of the altar on the Easter Light Week. They consecrate arthos on Easter, and share and distribute it to believers on Saturday of the Bright Week. Artos is kept at home until the next Easter and is used on an empty stomach during illness.

Easter cake - sweet sweet bread with raisins - a popular rethinking of artos. Easter cakes are consecrated in the church after the liturgy of Great Saturday.

FOMA Magazine

"Proskomidia" is a Greek word and means offering. This is the name of the first part of the Liturgy from the custom of the ancient Christians to bring bread, wine and everything necessary for the celebration of the Liturgy; therefore, the very bread used on it is called prosphora, which means offering. Bread (prosphora) should be kvass (risen), clean, wheat. The Lord Jesus Christ himself, for the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion, took leavened, not unleavened bread. The prosphora must be round and consist of two parts in the image of the two natures of Jesus Christ - the Divine and the human; on the upper part of the prosphora there is a seal with the image of the cross and in the corners of it - the initial letters of the name of Christ the Savior: IC-XC and the Greek word NI-KA; this means: Jesus Christ conquers. Wine for the Sacrament requires grape, red, because red color resembles the color of blood; wine mixes with water in memory of the fact that blood and water flowed out of the Savior’s perforated rib on the cross. For prosquidia, five prosphora are used in remembrance of the miraculous saturation with Christ of five loaves of more than five thousand people, which gave Jesus Christ an occasion to teach the people about spiritual satiety and the imperishable, spiritual food served in the Sacrament of Holy Communion (John 6, 22-58) . But actually for communion one prosphora (Lamb) is used, according to the apostle: “One bread, and we many - one body; for we all partake of one bread ”(1 Cor. 10, 17), and therefore this prosphora must correspond in number to the number of participants. Having prepared, according to the church charter, for the celebration of the Liturgy, the priest and deacon read the so-called“ entrance doors ”before closed royal doors prayers and don the sacred robes on the altar. Having approached, then, to the altar, the priest, blessing the beginning of the proskomedia, takes

the first (agnostic) prosphora and copy is made on it three times by the image of the cross, saying: "In remembrance of the Lord and God, and our Savior Jesus Christ." This means proskomidiya is performed according to the commandment of Jesus Christ. From this prosphora, the priest cuts the middle in the form of a cube with the pronunciation of the words prop. Isaiah: “It’s like (like) a sheep to be killed, and like a Lamb without blame, it’s plainly shearing, it doesn’t open His mouth; in humility His judgment will be taken; His kind is he who confesses; how his stomach (life) is taken up from the earth ”(Isa. 53, 7-8). This cubic part of the prosphora is called the Lamb (John 1, 29) and relies on the discos. Then, the priest crosses the Lamb crosswise from the bottom with the pronunciation of the words: “The Lamb of God is eating (sacrificing), take away (taking on Himself) the sin of the world, for the worldly stomach (life) and salvation,” and pierce the right side of the Lamb with a copy, pronouncing the words of the evangelist: “one from the warrior is a copy of his rib to Him, and Abye (immediately) blood and water come out; and the testimony of the testimony, and truly is its testimony ”(John 19, 34); in accordance with these words, wine mixed with water is poured into the cup (chalice).

Mother of God prosphora. Printed - Star of Bethlehem and the inscription - Mary

From the second prosphora, called the “Mother of God,” the priest takes out one particle in honor of the Mother of God and puts it on the right side of the Lamb on the discos.

The ninefold prosphora - in honor of all ranks of holiness

From the third prosphora, called the "ninefold", nine particles are taken out in honor of the saints: John the Baptist, the prophets, apostles, saints, martyrs, reverends, the unbroken, the Father God of Joachim and Anna, the saints whose memory is celebrated today, and that saint named which is the liturgy; these parts rely on the left side of the Lamb on a diskos, three particles in a row.

From the fourth prosphora, particles are taken out for the living and rely below the Lamb on the diskos; of the fifth - for the dead and rely below the particles taken out for the living. Finally, particles are removed from the prosphora, served by believers; at the same time, the corresponding “remembrance” is read about the health and salvation of the living and the repose of the departed servants of God; particles from these prosphora are laid together with particles taken from the fourth and fifth prosphores. Proskomidia occurs during the reading of the Hours: 3rd and 6th. On simple prosphora, they can remember the health and tranquility of the night before in the evening service and on the clock before the Liturgy.

The word "prosphora" (translated from Greek "brought") in ancient times was called an offering mainly from bread and wine, with which believers came to the church to the Liturgy. Some of these offerings were intended for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, another part was partaking of the fraternal meal.

What is a prosphora and what does it symbolize?

The prosphora in the present Church is a small round loaf used in worship. It is prepared only from fermented wheat dough. The prosphora is two-part (has upper and lower parts) - in a reminder of the unity of the two natures of the Lord Jesus Christ: divine and human.

The upper part of the prosphora is sealed with a seal depicting a four-pointed cross with the words "IC.XC.NIKA" meaning "Jesus Christ the Victor." There are prosphora with the image of the Mother of God and the holy saints of God. The prosphora consecrated in the altar, from which a piece was taken out, is a shrine.

Particles from prosphora are taken out by the priest during the proskomedia (preparatory part of the Liturgy) and at that time notes on health and repose, which are filed in the candle box for proskomedia, are read. After reading each name indicated in the note, the clergyman removes a particle from the prosphora, saying: “Remember, Lord, about the health and salvation of your servants ...” (and the names are spoken from the notes on health); then - “Remember and God rest the souls of the dead Your servant ...” (and the names from the notes on the repose are pronounced).

At the end of the Divine Liturgy and the Communion of the laity, the priest puts into the chalice particles taken out in commemoration of the living and the departed with the words: "Wash, Lord, sins commemorated here with Your Honest Blood, with the prayers of Your saints."

This is done so that the living and the deceased, for whose names particles were removed from the prosphora by notes, having washed themselves with the Most Holy Blood of the Son of God, received the remission of sins and eternal life.

How to handle prosphora?

Prosphora is a consecrated church bread, it must be treated with reverence as a shrine. It is good to divide the prosphora into parts, dry and store in a special bag made of cloth, in the holy corner next to the icons. It is customary for Prospor to eat on an empty stomach after the morning prayer rule, having read the prayer “To use the prosphora and holy water”, preventing the crumbs from falling to the floor.

The paper in which the prosphora was wrapped is burned, since crumbs can remain on it. If, as a result of careless storage, the consecrated bread has deteriorated, then it is necessary to burn it, and in the future to take care of a more thorough storage of the shrine.

Do not give prosphora to animals.

What can be the benefits of adopting prosphora and holy water?

The prayer for the adoption of prosphora and holy water contains the following words: “Lord God, may your holy and holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body , in the conquest of my passions and my weaknesses according to Your infinite mercy, by the prayers of Your Most Holy Mother and all Your saints. Amen". If a person with faith and reverence uses the prosphora and holy water, he receives what is requested in this prayer.

Not only the Church Tradition, but also the personal experience of believers convinces of the miraculousness of holy water. The grace that descends upon water through the prayers of a priest of God grants her the power to heal illnesses, quench passions and weaken the arising sinful drives, liberate herself from all evil, and cleanse her from corruption.

Is it possible to give prosphora unbaptized?

Giving prosphora unbaptized does not make much sense. An unbaptized person, as a rule, either does not have faith, or doubts, and therefore does not have the right attitude to the shrine, and therefore, its use is most likely not to bring him spiritual benefit. It is known from the Gospel that the Lord did not perform miracles where people did not have faith (Matthew 13:58).

Is it possible to have a prosphora in a cemetery?

Prospors do not eat "for the dead" or "for the living." This shrine serves to sanctify only those who eat it. Prosphora does not need to eat in the cemetery, but you have to eat it at home, after having read the prayer "For the use of prosphora and holy water", which is found in Orthodox prayer books.

Is it possible to crush prosphora on the grave?

Since the prosphora is a shrine, it is not necessary to crush it on the grave. The dead do not need bodily food; they only need prayers for them.

What is an antidor? When and to whom can I take it?

Antidor (translated from Greek “instead of a gift”) is the cut-off parts of the main prosphora that are not used for the Sacrament of the Eucharist. He is taught instead of the Holy Gifts for the blessing and sanctification of the soul and body of those who attended the Liturgy but did not receive communion.

Antidor - a shrine, which became it through the prayer of the priest and the memory of the Savior's cross suffering. Therefore, it is established to use an antidor on an empty stomach with attention and caution, so as not to spill the crumbs on the floor. It is best to eat this consecrated bread in the temple, but you can take it home. Not supposed to give antidor to unbaptized people.

What kind of bread is being distributed at the all-night vigil?

This is also consecrated bread. In ancient times, when the all-night service lasted all night, Christians ate bread and wine to strengthen their strength. Although the duration of services has now been reduced, this custom has been preserved. Consecrated bread at the All-night Vigil can be eaten immediately after being received in the temple, not on an empty stomach.

What is arthos? When is it handed out?

Artos (translated from Greek as “leavened bread”) is a special prosphora consecrated on Easter night. Calling on God's blessing for arthos, in a special prayer, the priest asks the Lord to heal any ailment and illness, and to give health to all who taste it.

Throughout the whole Bright Week, the artos is on a lectern opposite the Royal Gates of the altar and daily wears out on Easter processions. On Saturday at Bright Week, it is crushed with special prayer and distributed to believers. Artos is a symbol of the Risen Christ and recalls His presence on earth.

Particles of artos are stored by believers in the holy corner and are used on an empty stomach with reverence, prayer and with the words "Christ is Risen!"

What is holy water?

This water is ordinary in composition and initial origin (well, spring, lake, river, water), miraculously acquiring blessing and blessed properties after a special prayer service called water sanctuary.

What to do if holy water has deteriorated?

Spoiled holy water is poured into a stream or river - where there is a current, in the so-called living, running water.

What will happen if we add baptismal water to ordinary water?

Epiphany water will sanctify ordinary water, and all of it will become sanctified.

When is it sanctified and given Christmas water?

There is no special rite of blessing water for Christmas.

Can I make soup from the remaining holy water?

Holy water can be added to food for its consecration, it can sprinkle food.

What is agiasma?

Agiasma (translated from Greek as “shrine”) - this is the name of the water consecrated according to a special great rank on the feast of the Epiphany or Epiphany Eve.

How to use baptismal water?

Baptismal water is a shrine that should be in every home of an Orthodox Christian. It is carefully stored. Holy water tends not to deteriorate for many years.

Out of reverence for the shrine, they usually use baptized water on an empty stomach. However, with ailments, you can drink it at any time. Holy water can also anoint the sore spots and sprinkle the home. You can sprinkle holy water on unbaptized animals.

Is it possible to drink the holy water of little consecration during the day, or is it allowed only on an empty stomach?

The water of little consecration can be drunk during the day, after praying and reverently.

What is the difference between Epiphany water and Epiphany?

No different. And on the 18th and 19th of January the water is blessed by the same Great Order. This sanctification is called Great in comparison with another, lesser, performed on August 1/14 on the Feast of the Origin (wear) of the Honest Trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, and on other days, according to the special solemnity of the rite, permeated by the memory of the Baptism of the Savior from John in the Jordan River. Baptism and Epiphany are two names of one holiday. The opinion that it is different water: the water that is consecrated on January 18 is Epiphany water, and the one that was consecrated on January 19 is Epiphany, is erroneous.

The blessing of water on the eve of the Epiphany on January 18 serves as a reminder that in ancient times, on the eve of the Epiphany, water blessing was performed for the baptism of the announced, and then it is performed in the temples where the announced were baptized.

After the Liturgy on January 19, water blessing is performed in remembrance of the Baptism of the Lord, therefore there is a solemn procession with a cross, the Gospel, lamps and banners, with a bell ringing and singing of the troparion to water sources.

This holiday is called Epiphany because at the Baptism of the Lord the Divine Most Holy Trinity appeared: God the Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son of God was baptized from John and testified from God the Father, and the Holy Spirit came upon the Son in the form of a dove. From ancient times this holiday is also called the day of enlightenment and the holiday of lights, because God is the Light and appeared to enlighten "those who sit in the darkness and the shadow of death" (Matthew 4:16).

Why does the Church sanctify water and bread?

It is difficult to find something that would be so necessary for people in their earthly life and constitute such an urgent need as bread and water. Bread - the simplest and most natural food of a person, supporting and strengthening his strength. Man uses water to quench his thirst and prepare food, and bathes his body and the things he uses.

These two substances necessary for a person in his bodily life turn out to be integral elements for him in spiritual life. The bread consisting of many grains represents the Church - the One, with its many members. Bread serves the greatest Sacrament - Holy Communion.

With the consecration of water, the Church returns to the water of the elements primitive purity and holiness, by the power of prayer and the Word of God - brings the blessing of the Lord to the water. Consecrated water is an image of God's grace: it cleans believers from spiritual filth, sanctifies and strengthens them to the feat of salvation in God, extinguishes the flame of passions, drives away evil spirits.

Therefore, holy water is necessarily present during the consecration of temples and all objects used in worship, during the consecration of residential houses, buildings, household items. Believers are sprinkled with holy water in the procession, during prayers.

What is the “rite of Panagia”, how is it done?

The word Panagia (translated from Greek as “the Most Holy”) refers to the Mother of God. In this order, it is applied to the Mother of God prosphora, which symbolizes the Queen of Heaven. The vessel into which this prosphora is placed is called a panagiar.

This rite is performed in monasteries. After the Liturgy, the brethren leave the church in pairs for a meal, carrying a liturgical prosphora in front of the Mother of God ahead. This procession is accompanied by a bell ringing and singing of the 144th psalm.

The refectory prosphora is placed in the center of the table. At the end of the meal, Panagia ascends before the icons with the glorification of the Holy Trinity and a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos. Then everyone tastes the particles of prosphora. The meaning of the rite is to imagine the presence at the meal of God Himself and the Blessed Virgin Mary. The legend about the appearance of it also indicates such an announcement of the rank.

According to ancient legend, the apostles, after the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them, gathering for a common meal, left an unallocated place at the table for Jesus Christ, laying bread there. At the end of the meal and after a prayer of thanks, they raised this piece of bread with the words: “Glory to you, our God, glory to you. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Great is the name of the Holy Trinity. Lord Jesus Christ, help us. "

On the third day after the burial of the Mother of God, the apostles also sat together at the table. During the offering of bread in memory of Christ, uttering the words: “Great is the name ...”, they saw in the air the Most Holy Theotokos surrounded by Angels. She promised to be with them always. The delighted disciples of Christ exclaimed from surprise, instead of "Lord Jesus Christ, help us" - "Blessed Virgin Mary, help us." Having set off after this to the sepulcher of the Mother of God and opening it, the apostles did not find Her perfect body there and were convinced that She was lifted up to heaven to Her Divine Son.

Hello dear readers. Many people go to church every Sunday to light candles and pray for their loved ones. But not everyone is so often in the temple of God, so many things remain a mystery to them. If you were in the church for Easter, then you probably tried such a church treat as a prosphora. Of course, not everyone heard of such a name, calling it simply “church bread”. But if you still attend church, then you need to know how and when they eat prosphora. Such information will not be superfluous for anyone. But first of all, you should understand what a prosphora is, and why it is so important for the church. As you know, it is prepared on wheat flour and holy water, which just makes these bread rolls so special.

It is with the help of them that a person can not only be cleansed of sins, but also draw closer to God.

In order not to get into an uncomfortable situation while in church, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with such church treats as a prosphora in more detail - what is it and why, when to eat.

Having received the answer to these questions, you will understand how important this process is for believers, because there are many rules that must be followed in the process of using prosphora.

What is prosphora?

The meaning of the word "prosphora" in Greek means "offering." In the first centuries of our era, people brought this bread to the church, which is exactly why it got its name.

This bread is prepared from the simplest products that we usually use to make ordinary bread. That is, wheat flour, yeast, salt and water are used. But the main difference is that the prosphora is prepared on the basis of holy water, which gives this bread special properties.

The use of simple flour and holy water is a symbol of the union of the human and divine essence in Jesus. Prosphora is used not only during major church holidays, but also during weekly church visits.

The bread itself consists of two parts, which are first molded separately, but then joined together. That is why it turns out such an unusual shape. As you can see, a special seal is placed on the top.

The lower part of the prosphora symbolizes the flesh of man, and the upper part speaks of his spiritual beginning.

That is, such a division of bread into two parts means the separation of man into soul and body, which are components of one whole - man. Flour and water combine in bread, which also makes up a single bread.

Appearance and types of prosphora

Few people know that the prosphora also symbolizes the bread that Jesus shared with his disciples at the Last Supper. That is why the use of this bread is given so much attention.

Outwardly, such a flour product is not much like bread, since it has a round shape, which makes it look like a cookie. The top of the product is decorated with a specific pattern, which was obtained thanks to a special print.

In the image we can see an equilateral cross, which is surrounded on all sides by church designations in the form of beeches.

In fact, the prosphora is different from ordinary bread in that holy water is used in its preparation. And at its top we can see a stamp with a certain pattern and inscription, which also make this treat special.

It is believed that such a product can not deteriorate or mold, because it is sacred. But, of course, it also happens that even such bread is covered with mold or stale. Perhaps the whole thing is in the wrong cooking process.


Surely you thought that there was only one prosphora, which is used for any occasion. But this is not entirely true, because there are five varieties of prosphora in total, each of which has its own differences not only in purpose, but also in its appearance.

1. Theotokos

Such bread is baked in the shape of a triangle, so it is quite simple to distinguish it from other types. At the top we can see the inscription "Holy Virgin". The product is laid out on a special dish with which it is served. Usually this type of prosphora is used precisely for church holidays.

2. Lamb

This product is made in the form of a cube. It is believed that during chants such bread becomes the body of Jesus Christ. The cross itself is also depicted on the bread, but besides this, a lamb is also cut out. That is, initially the bread is baked in the same round shape, but only a cube is cut from the finished product. The rest of the bread is simply distributed to the parishioners.

3. The ninefold

From the middle of the loaf there are nine equal parts that are dedicated to all the saints. That is, such bread is used for prophets, apostles and saints.

4. Greetings

Such bread is divided into two equal parts, after the service is divided among all those present.

5. Memorial

In this case, only a small portion of the top of the bread is used. It is used for all the dead, but this can only be done within the walls of the church. But to eat bread, and even worse, to crumble it on the grave of the deceased, is strictly prohibited.

Artos and Antidor

As you already understood, all types of prosphora are baked from the same products and have a common round shape. Differences can only be in the image placed on the top of the product. So, the finished prosphora is divided into several parts, which can be of different shapes. It depends on the purpose of a particular prosphora.

Artos, translated from Greek, means “leavened bread”. This is the name received whole bread, which has a cylindrical shape.

A prosphora is placed in front of the altar long before Easter, but it is sanctified only on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, that is, on Easter. After that, already consecrated bread is distributed to believers.

But note that bread is not eaten that day. People carry the consecrated bread to their home, where it is stored for a certain time. They use prosphora only when a person becomes ill, and he needs the help of the Lord.

In fact, such a bread helps to cope with the ailment that hit a person. That is, ideally, such a flour product can be stored for an unlimited amount of time.

But Antidor is translated from Greek as "the time of the sacrament." This is the name that the unused portion of bread received, which remains after removing the inside of the product. Depending on the purpose of the bread, the shape of the extracted part will change. It can be either triangular or cubic.

This part of the product is distributed to people after the completion of the liturgy. It is believed that this part symbolizes the memory of the sufferings of Christ. It should be noted that only baptized people can eat this piece of bread.

How is prosphora stored and used

Such bread is sacred, which means that it can only be eaten in special cases. Prosphora should not be used every day, because in this way, its direct purpose will be lost.

Typically, such bread should be stored at the altar, but if it was distributed to the parishioners, then at home it will be stored only near the icons. Otherwise, the bread will begin to deteriorate, which will mean the loss of its properties.

Eating bread also means following certain rules. Therefore, the product should be eaten slowly, chewing every piece. If crumbs remain after the eaten bread, then they should also be eaten.

Throwing such sacred bread is strictly prohibited, which means that you will have to eat the crumbs. But besides this, there are other rules that must be followed.

1. To use this sacred product is necessary in complete silence. In this case, the process should be carried out slowly. Profanity is strictly forbidden at this time, even if the bread just lies on the table.

2. Do not leave unfinished bread on the table. The remaining parts must be carefully folded into a special bag, which is placed near the holy icons.

3. Prosphora can only be used by people who have adopted the Orthodox faith. In addition, it is forbidden to eat bread during church service.

4. If you brought the prosphora home, then you can eat it too far from immediately. Before you begin this process, you must read the prayer. Please note that such bread is used only on an empty stomach.

As a rule, such a meal helps a person to embark on the true path. In fact, he has the opportunity to start life anew, as his thinking is purified, which means he is ready to do good deeds. A person feels a lightness that he has not experienced before.

Prosphora - what is it. What to do with it, why, when to eat

The dough for such bread is kneaded in holy water, which means that all bread becomes sacred. Thus, a person, eating such bread, is also sanctified.

The prosphora should be stored in a separate form, but if this is not possible at home, then there are special bags for storing such bread. No matter where the bread will be stored, in the church or at home, the main thing is to place it next to the icons.

As we have already found out, such bread should be consumed only on an empty stomach. It should be noted that women during the period of menstruation are forbidden not only to appear in the church, but also to eat sacred bread.

It is believed that in the temple all shedding of blood is unacceptable. Even if a person has some kind of bleeding wound, then he is also forbidden to go to church.

On Good Friday, sacred bread should also not be consumed.

In addition to all of the above, there are other rules for using such a product:

✔ Do not mix prosphora with other products.   We are talking about the fact that you can’t eat other dishes at the same time with such bread, even if they are lean. Bread should be consumed separately, in addition, only on an empty stomach.

✔ A prayer must be read before use.   Only then can you begin to eat sacred bread.

After you bring bread from the church, you need to lay a clean tablecloth on the table on which you need to put prosphora. In the process of eating, you can burn bread with water, but this water should be sanctified;

Eat bread carefully so that not a single crumb falls to the floor.

If the bread is consumed after the service, and usually washed down with warmth - warm water diluted with a small amount of wine. You can replace the wine with jam, which will make the drink more sweet.

After the service, people are given a slice of prosphora, which must be washed down with warmth. It is important that the sacred food is in no way spewed out as a result of an unexpected cough or spitting.

That is, if you came to church by car, then you should refrain from drinking wine. In this case, you can simply ask the church attendants for simple, blessed water. But, in no case should you spit out the wine that you had to drink.

If the prosphora has deteriorated, what should I do with it?

As a rule, the prosphora cannot mold, since it is prepared in holy water. But sometimes it happens that the bread can simply become hard. This process will not help prevent any holy water.

Of course, you cannot eat bread in this form, and it is unlikely that you will succeed. But note that throwing out church bread is strictly prohibited.

Therefore, if it has already happened that the bread has somehow deteriorated, then it must be disposed of as follows:

Burn the remaining missing bread.

Dig the rest of the bread into the damp ground.

Dispense in running water.

In any case, the remaining bread should not be thrown into the trash, remember this. In addition to these options, you can still take the bread to the church. Give the bread to the servants of the church, because only they know what to do with the bread that has already fallen into disrepair.

Probably the last option is the simplest, since you do not have to carry out strange ceremonies of burning or burying church bread. Leaving spoiled bread in your home is also not recommended.

Not everyone goes to church every week, and some do not always attend church during the holidays. Therefore, not everyone knows about what a prosphora is, and how it is used correctly.

But regardless of whether you go to church regularly, or attend it only on holidays, you should know how and when to use prosphora. In addition, if you think it is possible to eat a slice of this sacred bread, then you should know the rules for its use.

In addition, you must understand that throwing sacred bread is strictly prohibited, even if it has somehow deteriorated. If you got rid of ignorance of bread just by throwing it in the bin, then this action is equated with sin.

  Prosphora (Greek: “offering”) - liturgical liturgical bread used for the sacrament of the Eucharist and for commemoration during the proscidium of the living and the dead.

The prosphora in the Orthodox Church, following the example of the first Christians, is baked from kvass dough, consisting of the best wheat flour, without any impurity, mixed in pure water with the addition of salt, yeast and holy water.

The prosphora consists of two parts, which are made from dough separately from one another and then joined together. On the upper part is a seal depicting a four-pointed equilateral cross with inscriptions on the crossbar of the cross IC and XC (Jesus Christ), under the crossbar NI KA (Greek victory) or (as an exception, by special permission) the image of a saint.

The prosphora consists of two parts to commemorate the two natures of Jesus Christ - divine and human.

St. Simeon of Solunsky  about leavened bread argues as follows:

“Kvass bread is bread, as if animated through kvass and truly perfect ... It shows that the Word of God is perfect: for our sake our flesh took us; It was embodied without changing its nature, and with a verbal and intelligent soul it perceived humanity; it was both perfect God and perfect Man, and it will recreate me all ... There are three substances in leavened bread, because our soul is three-part and in honor of the Trinity. Flour with sourdough means soul, water means baptism, and salt signifies the mind and teaching of the Word, which said to the disciples: "You are the salt of the earth." The bread baked by fire shows that God all united with us and gives us His help and assistance, and especially that He all united with our whole nature. ”

Prosphora with its origin goes back to antiquity.

In the Old Testament there was a commandment to sacrifice bread: “let him offer his bread bread to the offering, with a peace offering of thanks” (Lev. 7, 13).

The origin of the two-part prosphora is also found in the Old Testament.

Saint Simeon of Solunsky  says: “Everything that Moses arranged inside the tabernacle, and especially the ark and the meal that represented the Virgin, was called the holy of holies. ... There were offerings in the tabernacle and loaves, with their two compositions, signifying living and heavenly bread, i.e. two natures, the Divine and the human. "

In ancient times, prosphora was called offerings from bread, wine, oil, wax for candles, with which the first Christians came to the church to the liturgy. Of these voluntary offerings, part of the bread and wine was separated for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, another part was partaking of the communal meal.

This offering (in Greek - prosphora), or donation, was accepted by deacons; the names of those who brought brought them to a special list, which they proclaimed with prayer during the consecration of gifts. Relatives and friends of the deceased made offerings on their behalf, and the names of the deceased on a special list were also mentioned in prayer.

Subsequently, only bread used for the celebration of the liturgy was called prosphora. Over time, instead of ordinary bread, they began to specifically bake prosphora in the church, taking money as a donation, in addition to ordinary offerings.

Prospora can be obtained  behind a candlebox after the liturgy, having submitted a note “On Health” or “On Rest” before the service. The names indicated in the notes are read in the altar, and a particle is taken out of each prosphora name.

The prosphora is a shrine and believers reverently eat it before taking any food.Parents should teach their children to respect the prosphora, eat it properly and not let the crumbs fall on the floor.

The prosphora is stored in a holy corner near the icons, in clean dishes, not at all along with other food products.

Spoiled prosphora  should be burned by yourself (or taken to church for this).

Prayer for the adoption of prosphora and holy water

Lord God, may Your holy and holy water be given to me in the enlightenment of my mind, in the strengthening of my mental and bodily strengths, in the health of my soul and body, in the conquest of my passions and weaknesses through Your infinite mercy through prayers Your Thy Most Holy Mother and all Saints Yours. Amen.

What is an antidor?

At the end of the liturgy, an antidor is given to the worshipers - small parts of prosphora, from which the Holy Lamb was taken out at proskomedia. The Greek word antidor comes from the words anti - “instead of” and di oron - “gift”, that is, the exact translation of this word is compassion.

“The Antidor,” says St. Simeon of Solunsky, “is sacred bread that was brought into the offer and which the middle was taken out and used for the celebration; "this bread, as sealed with a copy and accepting divine words, is taught instead of the terrible Gifts, that is, the Mysteries, to those who did not partake of them."

The custom of distributing the antidor arose, apparently, in order to give some comfort and sanctification to those who did not partake of the liturgy. Instead of the Holy Gifts, they began to give out those loaves that remained from a bloodless sacrifice.

The first evidence of the distribution of antidore particles to the uninparted Holy Mysteries dates back to the 7th century and is contained in the rules of the 9th Stone Council in Gaul.

In the Eastern Church, the testimony of “Explanations for the Liturgy” by Herman of Constantinople according to the list of the 11th century can be considered the oldest reference to the antidore. Next, indicate the testimony of Walsamon (XII century) in the 15th response to Patriarch Mark of Alexandria.
According to the Nomocanon, if there is insufficient particle for the antidore of the prosphora, from which the Holy Lamb is taken out, it is possible to use for its preparation the prosphora in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos. According to the instructions of Kormcha, the antidor is not taught to infidels and under penance.

Antidor should take reverentlyfolding his palms crosswise, right to left, and kissing the priest's hand giving this gift. According to the rules of the Church, the antidor must be eaten in the temple, on an empty stomach and in awe, because it is holy bread, bread from the altar of God, part of the offerings to the altar of Christ, from which he receives heavenly sanctification.