Nipples are sensitive - what does it mean? Increased sensitivity of the nipples: overview of possible causes of sensitive nipples causes.

  • The date: 18.03.2021

Women are trying to follow their appearance, they take care of the state of the skin and figure, pay a lot of attention and chest. Some find that their nipples are large enough and try to find a way to correct the situation and give the chest that kind that, in their opinion, will correspond to some kind of beauty standard. But it is worth understanding why the girl has big nipples, whether it is anomalia, and whether it is worth fighting such a physiological feature.

Breast structure

First, it is worth understanding what is the main purpose of the breast is the production of milk, which is necessary during breastfeeding period. Also, this part of the body is directly related to sexuality.

The chest externally looks like elevations that are located at the level of 3-6 pairs of ribs. The inner structure is a discoid body surrounded by fat layers. In the center of the mammary gland is the nipple surrounded by the Areola. Their color usually varies from pink to brown. There are many small wrinkles on the surface, the exits of dairy ducts are located on the top. In some cases, precisely the large sizes of Areolas are the reason that the woman is dissatisfied with her nipples and, as a result, breasts.

Why are women big nipples?

First of all, their size depends on genetics. Usually in women, the diameter of the Area is about 3 to 5 cm. For some, the question is, why one nipple is more than another. This is usually due to physiological asymmetry, also the dairy glands may also be forms. This, most often, is not a deviation.

In many cases, the question is why the nipples have become more, they ask women after childbirth and breastfeeding. Back at the stage of pregnancy, the chest changes noticeably that entails the change in its shape, size. This contributes to a hormonal background, predisposition. The increase in breast during pregnancy and lactation leads to tensile tissues. This also explains why there is a nursing woman with large nipples.

Girls also disturb the question of how to correct this situation. Nursing need to wait for the completion of the GW. The breast will change the shape, size and nipples will also decrease. Sometimes they become the same as before pregnancy, in other cases do not have to count on such a result. It depends on the individual peculiarities and care of the breasts during the hitch and feeding the child.

Women's breasts is a target for 15 hormones produced in the body. Increased sensitivity of the nipples in different periods of functioning of the patient confirms this conclusion. In everyday life, women practically do not feel an excessive irritability of the mammary glands. But at certain periods, the chest swells, and the nipples become overly sensitive to external stimuli. Typically, this state is not a pathology, however, such a problem may occur in certain diseases.

Improving the sensitivity of the nipples of the mammary glands during the menstrual cycle

Quite often, young women note that sensitive nipples became immediately before the start of menstruation. This condition is directly related to the change in the hormonal background in patients during this period.

The second phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by increased secretion of hormone progesterone. This substance takes an active part in the growth of the endometrium of the uterus and enhances the development of iron tissue in the breast. The peak of his impact on women's breasts usually falls on the 6th day of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Due to the effects of progesterone, the mammary glands increase in size, and the sensitivity of the nipples and the range is sharply enhanced. Many women during this period are forced to use bras having special softening pads, although in everyday life perfectly managed without underwear.

Such a state in gynecology is called PMS and is found according to foreign authors from 80% of menstrual women. Quite often, young girls are confused by premenstrual syndrome with pregnancy, however, after the end of the monthly, symptoms usually fuses.

PMS is a complex symptom complex arising in the lutein phase of the menstrual cycle. For this period, psychopathological, vegetative-vascular and endocrine disorders in the female body are characteristic. The mechanism of pathogenesis of this symptom has been studied little. The occurrence of the process is associated with the action of biologically active substances, such as histamine and serotonin on the patient. The main symptoms of PMS are called very sensitive nipples and medodinia, that is, the edema of the mammary glands.

Increased irritability of Nipples and Areolas can also be a sign of ovulation. During this period of menstrual cycle, the eggs from the female ovary take place.

In this process, the main role is also played by female sex hormones. Estrogen comes to the fore during ovulation. Under its exposure, the growth of the follicle occurs and the endometrium attraction to the egg is intensified. During this period, the dairy glands differ in the absence of voltage, their tactile sensitivity is minimal.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, a laminating hormone comes to shift the estrogen. The substance is the main cause of the follicle break and rejection of the egg from the body. At the same time, the effect of the hormone applies to the dairy glands of young women, which leads to an increase in stress in the chest and an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples.

Increased tactile sensitivity of women's nipples during pregnancy and lactation

There is a common belief that the high sensitivity of the nipples is one of the first signs of the child's conception. With this statement it is difficult to disagree.

At the occurrence of pregnancy in the female organism, global hormonal restructuring begins. All organs and systems of the future mothers begin to prepare for the process of tooling pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. However, not all produced hormones serve this goal.

Many substances generated by the glands of the patient's internal secretion have a rather versatile action. An example is a hormone oxitacin. In the body of a woman, this substance is responsible for the preparation of the mammary glands to feed the future kid and stimulates lactation.

In nature, it is so conceived that to enhance the production of oxytacine into the blood and dairy glands of the patient, physical stimulation of female chest and nipples are necessary. Under the influence of sucking movements of the kid or with constant dairy glands are massaged, the milk hormone stands out hard, and milk arrives. In addition to enhancing lactation, oxytacin contributes to the reduction of the uterus, which reduces the likelihood of inflammatory diseases in young mothers after childbirth.

However, such actions necessary in the postpartum period will adversely affect the female organism during pregnancy. High sensitivity of nipples and do not allow pregnant once again to touch the mammary glands, thereby reducing the production of estrogen. The future mother, when visiting the female consultation, will surely advise wearing special underwear for a period of pregnancy.

After childbirth and the beginning of breastfeeding, the susceptibility of the nipples to the external stimuli remains high enough. During this period, the main problem of women will no longer hormonal bursts, but mistakes in practice.

Paints in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area and nipples are usually a consequence of formation on their surfaces of scuffs, abrasion or. The incorrect seizure of the breast baby is most often leading to a similar problem, not the physiological position of the mother and the child when feeding, a violation of personal hygiene by a young mother. A simple example: a wet gasket in the bra leads to maceration of the skin of the nipple, it becomes overly soft and easily injured when feeding a child.

When visiting the future mother of women's consultation and in the maternity hospital, a woman should explain the principles of breastfeeding and care for lactation for lactation. Often the increased sensitivity of the nipples leads to premature cessation of breastfeeding, which may adversely affect the health of the child.

In the pharmacy network, sufficient funds are sufficient to care for dairy glands and nipples with breastfeeding, but before their use, a young mother should consult from a specialist.

How do various diseases of the mammary glands affect the sensitivity of nipples

Milk glands are a fairly intimate and gentle body, so any woman draws special attention to her breasts. Why nipples sensitive outside pregnancy and lactation are interested in a large number of patients.

Many female sexual problems quite often lead to increased irritability of nipples. First of all, these are various hormonal disorders, causing inflammatory processes in the body of a woman, among which:

  • Polycystic ovarian leads to an increase in estrogen, which causes an increase in the volume of the mammary glands. One of the first symptoms of this disease is to enhance the susceptibility of the nipples of the female breast.
  • Mioma body uterus is a mixed hormone and exchange pathology. High sensitivity of nipples is observed in 80% of women suffering from this disease.
  • Different endometrial diseases also pass with a violation of the hormonal balance in the patient's body and often lead to the pronounced sensitivity of the nipples and the arolam of the mammary glands.

But almost any pathology of the mammary glands in its symptoms has an increase in the tactile sensitivity of the nipples. A special concern similar sensations should be called in women who note the changes in the structure of their informs or their deformation. Such symptomatics is characteristic of oncological processes in a female breast and requires immediate appeal to help to an oncologist or a mammologist.

If the increased sensitivity in the nipples is accompanied from them, it can become a signal of serious pathology. Conventional serous discharges talk about the development of various inflammatory processes in the female breast. If the nipples in a woman periodically appear drops of blood, then we can talk about or breast cancer.

Any patient is necessarily accompanied by the growth of nipple sensitivity. The mechanism for the development of this symptom in various pathologies is quite different, and in its occurrence, many factors play a role: from the growth of connective tissue in the breast before the formation of cystic cavities in the neighborhood.

Benign women's breast diseases are not direct threat to women's health, but they need their closest attention to themselves. According to WHO, about 45% of benign breast tumors in women can be malignant for 5 years.

To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to regularly undergo a prophylactic examination at the mammologist. Since the increased sensitivity of the nipples is one of the first symptoms of the development of pathology in mammary glands, it is necessary not to relate to such manifestations condescending. Early diagnosis of any disease is a guarantee of successful treatment.

About 1% of women in the world have a constant high sensitivity of nipples. This is their genetic feature and does not require treatment. If a specialist identified a similar deviation from the norm in a patient, it needs to develop a certain style of clothing to reduce the irritation of the mammary glands. In addition, hygienic care for irritation sites is important.

Gradually, the woman will get used to the state and will not respond to the increased excitability of the nipples. In difficult cases, a psychologist or psychotherapist can always come to the help of the patient.

Since the fertilization of the egg and its fastening in the uterine cavity in the body of a woman begins hormonal changes that will contribute to pregnancy and its prosperous development. The hormones allocated before the hormones change their concentration (progesterone and estrogen are produced more actively), which is expressed in different manifestations. One of the first to hormone restructuring reacts the chest. Very often it is the nipples that pushing the woman for the idea of \u200b\u200bprobably the conception.

The chest begins to react to pregnancy from 10-14 days after conception, that is, in fact immediately after the implantation of the egg. Moreover, it changes both the breast in general and the nipples in particular. And this process lasts throughout the entire period of baby tool.

How nipples change during pregnancy:

- Increased sensitivity of nipples during pregnancy

One of the most is the increase in the sensitivity of the nipples. This feeling begins to just annoy the woman: any touch to the nipple causes not just discomfort, but also leads to rage. Meanwhile, many women have nipples become super-sensitive before each month, so they often do not recognize anything at this stage, regarding this sign as a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

But when you are already aware that you are pregnant, and your nipples are hurt by pressing or touching, it is better to immediately change the bra to the easiest and most convenient. A cup must be perfectly smooth and smooth - without seams and irritating nipples of decorative elements. Some doctors recommend lining in a cup of coarse fabric pieces, which will prepare the chest to future feeding, and at the same time it will reduce their sensitivity and soreness.

Air baths will also beneficially affect the chest and reduce soreness. Yes, and the husband will please what to say. By the way, the nipples are not in vain become superimensitivity: so they protect the breasts from unnecessary stimulation now, which can lead to the isolation of the oxytocin hormone, which causes uterine abbreviations.

- swelling of nipples during pregnancy

For the entire pregnancy, the chest increases significantly in size and heavily 2-3 times. Naturally, nipples and nipples with her. All this is due to the activity of hormones. The nipple increases, becomes more elongated and relief. Many women are upset by many women, but men really like men.

- darkening of nipples during pregnancy

That's when you can really suspect that you are pregnant, it is when pigmentation begins to enhance. The first signs of pregnancy include the darkening of Nipples and Areol. Not all women occurs, but often nipples become noticeably darker and even completely change their color.

By the way, similar changes can touch and. But nipples notice, of course, easier.

- Montgomery Bugorki during pregnancy

Often from the first week of pregnancy, a woman notices the appearance around the nipples of small verses. This is a Montgomery Bugorki, which is more correct to call the glands. They are present in the Aresola nipples of each woman, but especially noticeable when pregnancy and in the period of breastfeeding.

The number of montgomery glands can be the most different - from several pieces to multiple points in a nipple circle. But most often during pregnancy there are about 12 on every nipple. It is believed that the more tubercles, the greater the woman will be milk.

Montgomery tubercles are rudimentary glands. It is not at all that they will show themselves during pregnancy, although it happens that they appear from the first days. In most cases, these glands are hiding after the cessation of breastfeeding, although they often remain on the nipples. Do not worry about this - there is nothing wrong with that.

- Isolation of the colostrum during pregnancy

Already from the second trimester, a pregnant woman may notice the selection of colostrum from the nipples (transparent, whitic or yellowish liquid), although most often it takes closer to childbirth, in the third trimester. "To blame" in this again hormones, which prepare the chest to rapid feeding.

If you notice a droplet on your nipples, then in no case squeeze it from the chest. Just gently flush and be sure to follow hygiene - take a shower twice a day. If there is a need, it will be possible to use chest linings. By the way, it is very useful to lubricate the nipples of a browse droplet - this prevents their drying and serves as the prevention of the formation of cracks during feeding.

Stimulation of nipples during pregnancy

And the latter, what can not be not to say, it is about stimulation of nipples during pregnancy. Be with this extremely careful. Men really like the rounded forms of their pregnant beloved wives. Such breasts are just sin to leave without attention, but it may be unsafe. Stimulation of nipples during pregnancy leads the uterus in the tone, which can provoke a threat to miscarriage or. When or in late terms, such a natural can be even useful. But while the time of childbirth has not yet come, it is better not to risk and not touch the nipples once again.

It should be said that the described changes with breasts and nipples do not necessarily show themselves. In some women, the chest does not change at all before the birth themselves, and only during the arrival of the milk begins to swell and harden. Do not worry if breast changes did not touch you during pregnancy - this is also normal. Every woman is individual, and her pregnancy takes her not as another.

Specially for - Elena Kichak

Most often, the increased sensitivity of the nipples is associated with the restructuring during pregnancy. This is one of the very first symptoms indicating successful fertilization. Of course, it will not be pleasant to call this feeling, because it causes discomfort and irritation.

What caused the increased sensitivity of nipples during pregnancy?

Not yet guessing his interesting position, future mothers are perplexed why the nipples became very sensitive. Such a phenomenon can be attributed to the next wisdom of nature, which provided for everything to the smallest detail and created the necessary conditions for the growth and development of a new life. The fact is that the increased sensitivity of the nipples in the case of the occurrence of pregnancy performs the function of breast protection from stimulation. Which can cause uterine cuts, and the expulsion of the embryo from the uterus. From a scientific point of view, the increased sensitivity of the nipples is explained by the restructuring of the body, and in particular, the preparation of the mammary glands to. Already in the earliest period, women noted that the chest increased in the amount, became more elastic and painful. This is due to the growth of iron tissue, which occurs under the influence of the prolactin hormone.

Obviously, it will not be possible to avoid changes to the woman, and so unpleasant moments will have to thread. In order to alleviate the suffering at least a little, you need to pick a new, suitable on the size and stitched from natural tissues bra.

Other causes of high sensitivity of nipples

Not so rarely women complain about the increased sensitivity of the nipples at certain days of the menstrual cycle. Again, the changes are associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background. Most often, girls note that the nipples became more sensitive immediately before menstruation. Thus, the body is prepared for possible conception in the subsequent cycle.

Another reason for this phenomenon is an individual feature. After all, every woman has a lot of nervous endings that are responsible for sexual excitement. However, if the nipples are very sensitive and react to the slightest touch, this may indicate a very close location of the nerve endings. Such women should closely monitor the quality of the lower and bed linen, refuse close bras and unverified personal hygiene.

The existence of the breast caused many questions from men. In 1300, the doctor Henri de Mondievl wrote a king about the three reasons for the placement of the breast in this place:

  1. Its so best can be seen.
  2. The chest warms the heart.
  3. Breast weight helps women support power in abdominal cavity.

By 1840, the knowledge of the breast was still very scarce. So, the doctor of Asti Cooper said that the chest helps women's low-cost women to withstand very strong blows in fights (clouds on drunk).

Let's deal with what is now known about the chest and nipples and how to contact them.

Breast structure

The chest consists of adipose tissue, robles, dairy duct, cooper bundles. Dolki produce milk, the dairy duct delivers it to the nipple, and the bunches of the cooper support the chest and give it a form.

Many women have breasts differ in size, and this is normal. Paired organs are not perfectly symmetric.

Facts about chest and nipples

1. Nipples can not always be the center of pleasure

Dr. Debbie Herbenik, author of The Coregasm Workout, says that the nipples may not be the most sensitive point even on the chest. For example, the upper and side sides of the chest in some people may be more sensitive or generally the most sensitive on the body.

Dr. Low removed a separate video about how to touch the chest correctly. Look to understand the scale of missed opportunities.

2. Orgasm from stimulation of nipples is possible

Researchers Sex On The Brain: What Turns Women On, Mapped Out. From the Rutheger University with the help of MRI, they proved that the stimulation of nipples activates the same nervous system that genital and clitoral stimulation. True, with the effect of exposure to nothing compare. The nervous system is the same, but the impact force is different.

So theoretically orgasm from stimulation of nipples is possible, but it is still a rarity.

3. Evolution scored on men's nipples

Women nipples are needed for the output of milk and feeding offspring. But the purpose of male nipples for a long time was the object of scientific interest. The fact is that the nipples are formed in the womb before the genitals, as men and women are created on one genetic code.

At the 6-7 week of pregnancy, the gene on the Y-chromosome induces changes that lead to the development of the testicles - organs that produce and store sperm. After about 9 weeks of pregnancy, the testicles begin to produce testosterone, changing the genetic activity of cells in genitalia and brain. But by this time the nipples are already formed. Therefore, they remain rudimentary education.

Scientists believe that over time, the nipples in men did not disappear, because for evolution it does not matter.

4. Nipples can be of different sizes, shapes and colors.

Many women are worried about how their nipples look like, but do not do this. Dark, overwhelmed, large, small, brown, light is all the norm. Here is the entire variety of nipples in nature.

As diverse and the aroles are colored areas of the skin around the nipples. They may be darker or lighter, very small or big. And hair on the aroles is normal. During life, the amount of hair is changing on them. And during pregnancy, Nipples and Areolas can become more and darker.

Small shchers on the aroles are called the aslalar glands, or the glands of Montgomery. They are named after scientist William Montgomery, who first described them in 1837. They are sometimes called "marmaladen bear". What they are, this is normal, but their destination is unknown.

The head of the Breast Surgery Department in the Sinai Medical Center, Eliza Port says that the Arajar glands can highlight a small amount of fluid, but they have no special function. There is another point of view that because of the texture of glasses, children can use them to find the path to the nipple. But this is only an assumption.

5. Three nipples - this is not such a rarity

Harry Stiles and Mark Wahlberg live with three nipples. Statistics confirms that such an anomaly, which is also called a supernatural nipple, men meet more often. Indicators vary from 0.22% to 5.6%.

In theory, extra nipples may appear along the dairy lines that begin in armpits on each side and end in groin.

This is usually one excess nipple. But there is a man Seven Nipples in A Male: World's Second Case Report. with seven nipples and man with nipple on the foot Case Report: Ectopic Nipple On The Sole of The Foot, An Unexplained Anomaly..

6. During menstruation, the chest becomes dense, and nipples hypersensitive

Dr. Sherry Ros says that this is due to the increase in the level of estrogen hormones and progesterone 1-2 weeks before menstruation.

If you are from those who have PMS, then during menstruation breasts it becomes harder and more sensitive. Nailus, maybe it will be painful even from touching clothes. During menstruation, it is better to avoid caffeine and tobacco, as they can strengthen these side effects.

7. Implants will not prevent breastfeeding

Implants are inserted behind the chest or for the muscle, so they will not affect breastfeeding.

But pleasant sensations from the touch will fall apart - both in the nipples and in the chest. Even complete loss of sensitivity is possible. Research Nipple-Areola Complex Sensitivity After Primary Breast Augmentation: A Comparison Of Periaralar and Inframammary Incision Approaches. The connection between the size of the implant and sensations is also shown: than it is more, the lower the sensitivity.

A breast decrease can affect feeding, and it is practically impossible to predict it - much depends on the operation. If the nipple will be moved during her, then milk ducts will cut and breastfeeding will be impossible. However, more and more operations are made so as not to damage the nerves under the nipple and ensure blood supply.

It is better to warn the doctors in advance if you plan to feed the breast in the future. Ask, whether it is possible to carry out the operation so as to preserve the milk ducts.

8. Breastfeeding is more complicated than it seems

There is a myth of the naturalness and ease of breastfeeding process. But in fact everything turns out to be different. If you have any problems, do not be afraid to ask for help from doctors or go to a lactation specialist.

In addition, breastfeeding has consequences in the form of cracks and bleeding from the nipples. It does not harm health, but it may be incredibly painful, so it does not want to breastfeed.

For the nipples during this period you need to take care and moisturize them. Consult your doctor and find out what kind of ointment you better enjoy. If the ointment does not help, contact a specialist again. Perhaps you have a yeast infection. It is easy to cure, you just need to notice in time.

Still breastfeeding can interfere with nipples - the child will be difficult for them to catch. In this case, silicone lining for nipples will help. They put pressure on Areolas and nipples and break small spikes that hold the nipples inside.

9. Breast cancer is indifferent to the floor

Yes, the ratio is Miscellaneous: every eighth woman and every thousandth man can get breast cancer, but this is not a reason to forget about the problem.

If you feel that your breast has changed, or you fastened some kind of seal, be sure to consult a doctor. Follow the nipples. If they peel, covered with a crust, are hardening, the liquid is distinguished, they appeared scratches, run to the hospital. These recommendations are important both for women and for men.

Here you can see how to check your chest:

And also - touch the chest more often. Research proved UC Berkeley and The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.That this is not only nice, but also will help in the fight against breast cancer.