Psychological unloading. Self-pressure formula - the basis of the method of self-regulation

  • The date: 01.10.2019

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State Educational Budget Institution

GOO Voronezh State


Department " Practical psychology"

Specialty " Psychology education"

Psychological Pedagogical Faculty


Topic: " Methods self-regulation and psychological unloading"


Buravtsov Helena Anatolievna


Zinchenko Tatyana Olegovna

voronezh 2011.

  • 1.1.2 Self-regulation methods
  • 1.1.3 Self-regulation rules
  • 2. Outcasting technique
  • 3.1.2 Forms of meditation
  • 4.1.2 Methods of art therapy
  • 5. Self-regulation of the psycho-physiological state with a point massage
  • 5.1 Basic Methods and Massage Methods
  • 5.1.1 Types of point massage
  • 5.1.2 Point massage optimizing performance
  • Conclusion
  • List of references


Then what we hearing often forgotten then what we we see remembered some it's better, but only then what we make ourselves can understand and friend for real deep. (Eastern wisdom).

In a healthy body healthy mind. True and reverse - healthy mind is absolutely necessary for body health. After all, everything that happens in one part of our body is reflected in its other parts. A healthy psyche may well give rise to a healthy body, revive health in it - if you believe it, if you want it and if you know how to do it.

The fact that the emotional state affects the overall well-being and in the end the emergence of certain diseases is in the end, it is known for a long time. For example, a long-term state of irritability increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, the prolonged depression increases the likelihood of cancer, as immunity is reduced. Digitally reflected in the state of health a constant anxiety, fear, anxiety, excessive mental loads.

The stressful situation requires an active response from the body. However, our today's "natural" lifestyle with its familiar motion deficit does not give an incentive for active response. For us, the "leaving of the situation" becomes becoming increasingly familiar. And this combination of an inadequate lifestyle with biochemical and hormonal stress responses can lead to significant deviations in health.

For a long time, it was the opinion that the reaction of anxiety is unpredictable and unsafe and in another person cannot respond to stress. However, many years of experience testifies: much more useful, using the reserve capacity of the body, master the methods of conscious and active self-regulation. It is necessary to learn how to control stress contrary to a natural automatic reaction and respond to it auto regulatory, or relaxation.

Practice convinces that stress and depression can be avoided, if you build installations and the ability to exit stressful situations with minimal losses.

Currently, it is impossible to preparing the training of a professional psychologist without mastering them methods of self-regulation. Moreover, in which field of activity would be working at a psychologist after graduating from the university, he is obliged to be able to maintain professional health.

Unfortunately, professional " burnout " - The usual phenomenon for psychologists, as professional activity requires a large voltage of mental, mental and physical forces. And in our power to soften their action. And how to do it, we will understand.

psychological self-regulation Unloading massage

1. Introduction to psychofiological self-regulation

1.1 General concepts about mental self-regulation

1.1.1 Self-regulation mechanisms

At the beginning was the word ...

The effects of the external environment called the signals (first-order signals), due to the senses cause responses in the body - reflexes. In this case, there is a connection of irritation signal with congenital, unconditional, reflex activity. It is such an activity that is the basis of the first signal system, which is possessed by animals and man.

During the evolution of a person, the second signal was added to the first signaling system. The alarm of impressions of the surrounding world with words, which are called second-order signals, or make up the second signaling system, inherent only to person. It was we who became such a feature in the work of the highest departments of the nervous system, which qualitatively distinguishes a person from animals.

From ancient times it is known that the word of the doctor can heal the patients. This unique ability is based on almost all methods of psychotherapy. Apparently, psychotherapy originated in those long-standing times, when people only seized the foundations of speech.

How did the word acquire such a powerful property of the healing factor?

At first glance, the medical property of the word does seem unusual. A other business is a drug, it is financially tangible, pharmaceutical companies work on its development. But the word has a huge material force. After all, it causes the same reflex reactions as other stimuli. The word affects the brain on our psyche.

It is known that the memories of the already experienced event can cause a person the same physiological changes and reactions that met in a similar real situation. Even the retelling of this event, if it is wearing a brightly colored emotional character, causes a person to increase the pulse, respiration, an increase in blood pressure.

For example, try imagine that you cut lemon. With thin slices flows fragrant juice. Even reading these lines, you may notice how you enhance the salivation, and feel the spicy odor of the citrus. And all this happens only from its own presentation.

This simple example demonstrates that words expressing the properties of the subject or phenomenon are produced on the body the same action as the subject itself or the phenomenon meaning by these words. The word becomes a natural stimulus.

Principle self-regulation . So, the word can cause a reaction in the human body, due to different stimuli, and thus in many cases replace them.

The depth of our perception primarily affects the nature of the interaction of two main nerve processes - the excitation and braking (the special phase state of the cerebral cortex), as well as the degree of mental and physical concentration. Estimated in the stakeholder, mental readiness to perceive the heard, surrounding the situation, the value of the flux of exciting or, on the contrary, soothing stimuli and many other factors.

The processes of excitation and braking are so related to each other, which constitute a single whole. If we observe the change in the degree of human activity during the day, we note that at different times it looks like a vigorous and active, then tired and drowy. His waking level changes all the time. This is where the interaction of these basic processes of higher nervous activity is manifested.

The process of excitement in the nervous system has long been known. The deepening of knowledge about the neuropsychiatric activities of animals and man facilitated the opening of the braking process in the central nervous system, which was made in 1862 by Russian scientists I.M. Sechenov The greatest development is the study of the braking process reached in the works of I.P. Pavlova and his students. They created the doctrine on footing braking.

Normal neuron response to irritants is not impossible. From time to time it comes when he begins to behave inadequately, and it does not answer any irritants at all. This property that received the name of braking, and began to consider both the protection of nerve cells from overwork, depletion and destruction.

Exist various views brakes . External braking occurs under the influence of irritants of the external environment - light, noise, heat, etc. Internal braking is developing under the influence of internal causes, for example, fatigue or accumulation of muscle products.

For exorbitant load without full recreation and switch deivenidity nervous cells not only tire but and expand. Sometimes that nervous depletion can lead to heavy organic sabotagee.vanym (gastritis, yazvnaya disease, vegeth-vascular distonia by hyper- or hypotonic type and t.P.) and psychosomaticskim rasombodies for exampleandmeasures violation sleep, reduced appetitis, padenie worknobility neuraboutthic disorders.

The human activity during the day is repeatedly changing. Figuratively speaking, the human body is a complex tissue from countless diverse rhythms. The basis of this tissue is circadians, i.e. Rate rhythms combined into a well-organized system. These rhythms affect each aspect of our lives, starting with how we sleep and how active we are awakened before we affect active activities. Unbalanced circidal rhythm allocates hormones not at the time of the day, resulting in problems of sleep and mood. Violations of circadian rhythms are a major factor in most cases of mood disorders, mental impaired and sleep. The typical cause of the circadian rhythm disorders is a change of seasons.

The leading rhythm rhythm in humans is the rhythm of activity and peace, sleep and wakefulness. During the period of activity, under normal conditions - in the afternoon, in our body the processes of energy consumption spent on the implementation of physical and mental work are intensified. During the rest, usually at night, recovery processes are activated, i.e. The body restores everything that turns out to be destroyed in the active phase of its livelihoods. Therefore, rest is not a passive state, in a certain sense, rest, especially sleep, is also a job.

The more full-fledged rest (restoration), the higher the level of activity can show the body. In case of insufficient rest, the processes of energy exhaustion begin to prevail, and the state of fatigue develops into overwork, which is fraught with a significant decrease in the efficiency of activity. There is an old folk wisdom: in order to spend money, they need to have. Holidays for the body - this is how the automatically fills in the bank account, activity - the use of this account. The greater the account in the bank, the more you can afford to spend.

You have already convinced that words as a physiological stimulus (and, therefore, the thought) can deeply influence the mental state. Moreover, as the observations showed, the weight liability increases, if a person who is perceived, is reduced by the level of wakefulness. In such cases, even a weak stimulus is able to cause a strong response.

Therefore, for the optimal impact of the word on a person, you can choose the time when it is in a state of physical fatigue, relaxed well, but has not yet lost contact with the surrounding reality. It turns out that verbal suggestion is effectively strengthened during the periods of dorms. It is at this time that the information settles in the deep spheres of memory.

Psychic self-regulation It is a combination of techniques and methods of self-correction of the psycho-physiological state of a person, thanks to which the optimization of mental and somatic functions of the body is achieved.

Normally, any living organism easily adapts to the effects of various irritants of the outer and internal environment, while maintaining their health. This is achieved by the action mechanisms of self-regulation, which opened by I.P. Pavlov. The scientist artificially measured the magnitude of the blood pressure in animals by small bloodsucms, introducing various solutions into the blood, irritation of a nerve. And every time some time, blood pressure returned to the initial level.

So was installed principle sAbreagillary as the form intestem inside organism for which deviation from norma is an cause (stimulus) return to norma. This principle subsequently become namesvat " z.aboutlot rule self-regulation" .

In further research, I.P. Pavlov found out that the principle of self-regulation is applicable to all the functions of the body. He also emphasized that self-regulation provides a subtle balancing of a living organism with a medium. And if this balancing does not occur, unusual reactions are possible, a sharp change in behavior.

Sleep - natural self-regulation.

The proverb is clear: " Fatigue - best pillow" .

For many centuries, a man worked in the afternoon, and I slept at night. It was natural: do you make a lot in the dark? Technical progress presented electrical lighting people, and here's the result: people began to sleep by 20% less. Chronic lack of sleep has become the scourge of modern society.

After a sleepless night, the immune system only works for a third of its power. If a person does not rest overnight, fatigue gradually increases, efficiency is reduced, and then the body resistance to various adverse factors. In the future, insomnia can develop.

Sleep protects brain cells from exhaustion and destruction. During sleep, the energy of the nervous tissue is restored, consumed during the waking period.

During the night, the human body does not rest, but "throws out" from the memory of an unnecessary garbage of random impressions, cleaned from slags, accumulates energy for the next day. During sleep, the muscles relax and strain, the pulse changes its frequency, "jump" temperature and blood pressure.

If you deprive a person sleep, a nervous disorder may occur.

The brain that has not had the opportunity to relax will not be able to perform its functions, it will simply "turn off", and after all the other organs will do the same.

Sleep - The best result of braking the bark of large hemispheres - arises as the spent by the nerve energy of energy during the day and to reduce their excitability. In a state of braking, the cells completely restore their energy reserves. By the time of awake, if the dream was deep enough and fully, they are ready for active work again.

Muscular tone management.

Muscular tone - This is the muscle tension, with which the balance of the body is ensured and its willingness to engage in an active movement. This muscle working background is reduced, it increases, from which the level of our wakefulness is also dependent.

Normally, the tone is maintained automatically, reflexively, without the participation of our consciousness and will. Unfortunately, we usually do not notice the increased tone. Such a state of the muscles is customary to be called tonic (or involuntary) voltage, when one part of the muscle fibers is in a state of abbreviation, and the other rests, relaxed.

The second type of muscular voltage is called arbitrary, which we create at your own way: in this case all muscle fibers are simultaneously working.

Thus, a person has a tone muscle in certain limits can be adjusted arbitrarily.

Each person can learn to control muscle tone. Many successful athletes say that the secret of their victories consider the ability to relax well.

There is a close interdependence between muscle tone and the emotional state of a person. Watch it, and you will notice that when you are in a calm mental state, your muscles are not tense, their tone is reduced, rest is most effective, the forces are restored faster.

If you are annoyed, the muscle tone increases sharply. It turns out that, whatever the soothing effect be caused - whether there are warm plans, good in words, medicines - in all cases there is a relaxation of muscles.

Muscular relaxation - a form of rest. Arbitrarily relax muscles to people, for example, never engaged in sports, not easy. The ability to arbitrarily relax muscles, feel their tone does not come immediately, it is necessary to pre-training the art of "muscle relaxation" using autogenic workout.

1.1.2 Self-regulation methods

Since a person, like a living organism, operates according to the laws of the rhythm, one can allocate two approaches to ensuring the necessary functional state of high activity.

1. Mobilizing methods immediately before the activity period and during it.

2. Methods aimed at full restoration of forces during rest periods:

a) methods of mental self-regulation (autogenous training, meditation, art therapy);

b) Methods of psychophysiological self-regulation (exercise during professional activity, self-massage, aromatherapy, color therapy, music therapy, reflexotherapy, thermal-table procedures - sauna, sauna, shower, pool).

Do not flipping the meaning of mobilizing methods, I would like first of all to stop on reducing methods, because Ways to spend money can be a lot, but first need to be purchased.

A sufficient, timely, full sleep could be called the best tool to achieve full restoration of forces and ensuring the functional state of high human activity. However, working overloads, chronic nervous voltage and other stress factors leading to overwork and causing sleep disorder set before the need to search for additional methods aimed at achieving a full-fledged person's human body.

One of the known ways to optimize activities is self-regulation by a person of his mental and physical condition through a variety of methods that we will consider later.

Evidence of the use of self-removal and self-regulation methods can be found in the daunarly era of the formation of psychotherapy in medical and knowledge practices. It was alleged that there is no suggestion without self-impurity.

The founder of Russian medicine S.G. Zabelin back in 1877 he said that the disciplined mind conquers bodily illness, and this victory is natural. This fact argues the need to apply self-pressure methods for the regulation of bodily unhealthy.

Main cause by kissoh arise negative psychicsky fromaboutstanding w. psychologist in aspect his work, representedeither low professionandlerism. Start off professional firestartervia psihog optionalaboutdimo from personal heost.

It is difficult to imagine how a "mental health professional" can help other people solve their problems if he is half the same problems. No matter how many techniques and techniques do not have a psychologist, he must, above all, act as an example of mental health and maturity for its customers. Otherwise, all his recommendations will look doubtful, which can discredit in the eyes of the client not only the psychologist himself, but also the psychology as a whole. In addition, a psychologist who has not worked out his problems is not able to work on the same problems with the client. therefore personal growth psychologist is an pledge his psycholaboutgicked ethice.skogo and spiritual health.

Psiho-moto load arise c.andso w. psychologist Nonprofhesionala. But even a psychologist of the extractal is nothing human is alien. He also gets tired, he, like anyone, is needed by rest. Methods that a psychologist can use to optimize their mental state, a wide variety, and they can be used as a psychologist himself for self-regulation and in working with clients.

1.1.3 Self-regulation rules

There are certain rules that allow rational to influence the psyche and volitional processes.

1. Please note that the successful completion of the overwhelming majority depends on the ability and readiness of a person to conduct a periodic assessment of intermediate stages of activity and to make changes to their actions in a timely manner, if necessary, returning to the work already done, and to achieve the result. The initial psychological readiness for permanent interim control of the results, the psychological attitude to the calm introduction of correction, if necessary, can be a fairly reliable guarantor of the forceful impact on you temporary failures.

2. Everything without exception, self-removal should be directed to the formation of well-being, clear consciousness, optimistic perception of life. Any harmful suggestions (pain symptoms, negative emotional states, etc.) are categorically prohibited!

3. During classes in the event of any ailment, negative emotional states, discomfort should be asked for advice to the teacher. Such a consultation is necessary in the event that such reactions arose after classes, but you intuitively associate them with autotraining.

4. Even if you consider yourself a healthy person, constantly monitor all changes taking place in your body. If you have any somatic diseases, it is better to consult with your doctor.

5. Getting Started, it is necessary to remember that internal changes occur with you when you become yourself, and not when you try to be like others. No decision to "be better", nor from the efforts to change, nor from the requirements of the teacher, requests and persuasion of close people will not have any changes.

How it is neither paradoxically, but internal changes occur only when you refuse to chase in order to become such (or such) what you should become. Awareness of what is happening with you, and what you want to help you feel how everything is in your power, and understand that in any situation, with any solution and any choice - the word is yours.

So, the first step on this difficult path should be the definition of what you really want, i.e. Setting goals.

2. Outcasting technique

2.1 Autogenous training as the main method of self-regulation

2.1.1 Brief information about autogenic training

In medical practice, the facts are known when self-suggestion made people with disabilities, and it also saved from death and many suffering. Surprisingly, how few people knew about this method of mental exposure, although a person would tend to self-impact.

Self-pressure was used in ancient Greece, India, China and other countries. In Russia, one of the first began to be applied by V.M. Bekhterev in 1880. Already then valuable results were obtained. For example, a case of cure is known by self-impulse from such a serious disease as the neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve.

Throughout human history, thousands of existing people and forgotten techniques and methods of self-action were offered at different times. The Europeans surprised, as, for example, Indian yoga can, without burning, walking along the hot coals and jerk in one position for a long time.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the German psycho-neurologist Johannes Schultz, visiting India, introduced into the clinical practice developed by the technique, which subsequently undergone a number of modifications. Taking care of the treatment of people with hypnosis, Schulz noticed that due to self-sufficiency, some of his patients could have developed in themselves the state of rest, the relaxation that he inspired them. He revealed that the hypnotic state caused to therapeutic purposes, most patients were accompanied by similar sensations: a sense of gravity in their hands and legs, a feeling of heat and pleasant relaxation in the muscles of the body and in the abdomen, a feeling of coolness in the forehead.

Schulz proceeded from the fact that if you teach a person to cause sensations that are suitable for the topics that he is experiencing during the immersion in a hypnotic state, it will allow him to introduce himself to a state close to hypnotic, and by means of a self-hypnosis to get rid of many Painful mental and physical disorders interfering to live normally and work.

This observation prompted Schulz to develop a methodology that ranked autogenic training (AT).

AT proposed by Schulz as an independent method, in its nature, is a synthetic method. It is based on the finds of the ancient Indian system of yogis, the Chinese health system, the experience of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using the self-examination of the Naniysome school of psychotherapists, psycho-physiological studies of neuromuscular components and experience of the use of muscle relaxation.

Currently, AT is considered as self-compliment in a state of relaxation (first stage) or a hypnotic trance (second stage), based on muscle relaxation and is designed to relax and restore forces.

The greatest value of the AT is that almost all people can master its main techniques. It is not only "ambulance" when overwork, but also allows a person to own his emotions, moreover, you can cope with many illnesses.

For the effective mastering technique AT, it is necessary to develop the mechanisms of self-regulation, i.e. learn to:

driving muscle tone: At the request, relax, and if necessary, to strain them as much as possible;

create at the request of the desired emotional state with the help of words addressed to themselves;

influence the function of the vegetative nervous system is not a direct volitional order, but indirectly through reproduction in the memory of shaped representations associated with previously experienced and emotionally painted sensations;

manage such a psychic process as attention to: concentrate it on the desired image and narrowing its circle when it is necessary to relax or sleep.

As you can see, the mechanisms of self-regulation at AT are evolved not only from the relaxation of the muscles, but also from the involvement of many properties of the psyche.

2.1.2 Self-pressure formula - the basis of the method of self-regulation

At the beginning of the 20th century, the methodology of therapeutic self-removal was widespread, developed by the French pharmacist Emil Kue. Communicating with patients, he noticed what a great influence on the effect of treatment with drugs the power of the presentation about them. Mind accompaniment can be promoted by improving the action of the medication if you believe in its effectiveness, or, on the contrary, weakening its action.

Kue believed that the subconscious "I" is a force capable or treat, or cause a disease. He believed that conscious self-sufficiency is a method that allows to suppress painful ideas and replace them with beneficial.

One of the theoretical provisions of KUE - success brings not so much the power of the will, how much the power of their own imagination. He argued that it was enough to think that, for example, one or another body works well, as thought turns into reality. The instrument of exercising a conscious "I" is the will, and the unconscious - imagination.

Kue revealed certain laws of this phenomenon.

1. In the fight between the will and imagination wins the latter.

2. In the struggle between the will and imagination, the imagination force is proportic to the attached voltage of the power of the will.

3. If the will and imagination are coordinated, they do not fold, but they are multiplied, and their work expresses the ultimate force of both energies.

4. Imagination power can be controlled.

According to E. Ku, therapeutic ideas that he called the "self-pressure formula" are inherently a statement of fact. The self-compliance formula should be simple and not to carry a violent nature. For example: "Every day, all my relationships with other people are improving." At the same time, it does not matter, I considered KUE, whether the formula corresponds to the self-imposition of reality, because It is addressed to the subconscious "I", which is distinguished by a challenge and accepts it for the truth, for the order that needs to be performed. The easier it will be the formula, the better the therapeutic effect.

Arbitrary self-sufficiency should be carried out without any volitional effort. If the unconscious self-sufficiency, often a bad nature, is so successful, then it is because it is carried out without the effort of the will.

An example of self-pressure session

A verbal formula is compiled, which can later change. It should be simple, consist of several words (maximum of 3-4) and always wear positive content. For example, "I am healthy" instead of "I am not sick."

In some cases, the formula may be extended. For example, in the conditions of tobacco dependence, a person inspires: "My decision to quit a smoking final. For any pretext or a persuasion of friends, I answer the refusal. My decision is firmly." Self-alumination session is carried out for 3-4 minutes.

At the same time, it occupy a convenient position in the sitting position or lying, close your eyes, relax and not loudly, a monotonous voice, without fixing the attention on the content of the phrase, is pronounced the same self-alignment formula 15-20 times. At the same time, you need to believe that they inspire yourself, and keep the picture before inner gaze, which strive to implement, for example, see yourself a calm, balanced person; or beautiful and rich.

Exhaust skills will work out for two weeks. It is recommended to conduct a session 2-3 times a day in a radiation state (in the morning when waking up and in the evening when floating).

2.1.3 Breathing and its role in self-regulation

Since ancient times, the relationship between the breathing and the psychophysiological state of man is known. In all the eastern harmonization systems - yoga, qigong, zen-buddhism - the use of various respiratory exercises is a prerequisite for achieving the desired mental states.

Breathing is a universal tool that allows you to adjust the tone of the central nervous system widely: from deep braking to a high level of mobility. By adjusting the depth of inhalation and exhalation, the magnitude of the pause on the breath and exhale, as well as using various lung departments (upper, medium or lower), can consciously control the tone of the body. If it is necessary to achieve its decline, as it happens with muscle relaxation, it is advisable to increase the duration of the exhalation and a pause of exhalation, and the breathing itself should be a diaphragmal (or lower). Lower breathing is used when it is necessary to overcome excessive excitement, overcome the alarm and irritability, relax as much as possible to quickly and efficient holidays. In addition, the lower breathing is the most productive, because In the lower parts of the lungs there is the largest amount of pulmonary bubbles (Alveol).

To increase the tone, on the contrary, the extended breath and pause on the breath, using, mainly the upper and middle lung departments.

Complete breathing combines two types of breathing. It has a powerful physiological impact on vegetato, stimulates the metabolism, contributes to optimizing psycho-emotional state.

In classical yoga, there is a detailed system of breathing exercises, called pranayama, which has developed and tested by the centuries-old experience. Currently, these exercises are widely used both in the practice of psychophysiological training and for therapeutic purposes.

Exercises: "Training (full, relaxing and activating breathing)", "Cleaning breathing", "blacksmithing fur", "Rhythmic breathing through one nostril", "Breathing in a circle".

Examples of breathing techniques.

Work every kind of breathing at least 7 times.

Exercises can be performed both in the group and individually.

At the same time, it is important to keep in mind the following:

1) in group work, a more pronounced effect is usually achieved, which can negatively affect the attitude of self-practice;

2) After each exercise, the training participants need to talk about their feelings; This procedure is equally important both for the participants themselves and for the lead, since this allows you to objectively control the individual process and make the necessary adjustments.

Example Formation of background state.

1. Preparation for the formation of the background state, i.e. Status, against the background of which exercises are performed, begins with the presentation of the senses of the state that you would like to experience after classes.

Think about what you are engaged in autotraining, about your motives. These may be: achieving a calm, balanced state; The state of pleasant cheerfulness, etc.

2. Take a convenient posture. Keeping this posture within 1-2 minutes, keep your attention on the breath without trying to interfere in its rhythm.

3. Imagine the background state. It is usually a state of deep peace, a pleasant stay, etc.

4. Remember the situation from your life in which such states have implemented involuntarily. Perhaps it was during the rest after a tiring successful work or during the serene contemplation of nature paintings, etc.

5. Select as a figurative reinforcement one of the images with which this state is associated for you. For example, a clear blue sky, calm music, etc.

6. Make a verbal formula of self-compliance. For example: "I am calm (for)", "I am experiencing serene quiet", etc.

7. Progressing the formula, select the most appropriate pace and intonation of the voice. For example, the formula may consist of one word "calm". Do not strive forcing the execution of this task. The time spent on it will pay off in the following classes.

An example of an exercise on a concentration of attention, self-pressure and visualization

Objectives of exercise on the concentration of attention: improving the sensitivity to the kinesthetic perception, the development of the ability to arbitrary concentration on weak stimuli. These skills are necessary for differential self-diagnostics, which is the starting point on the way to achieving the optimal state.

Instructions: Perform 2-3 of the proposed exercises: "tree", "point", "focusing attention", "ball".

Note. All exercises on a concentration of attention should be performed 2-3 hours after meals. With any discomfort - headaches, deterioration of emotional state - Exercise Exercises!

Objectives of self-pressure exercises and visualization: regulation of the psycho-physiological state, the development of the emotional sphere, an increase in creativity and the ability to empathy, the aggravation of intuition.

Instructions: Perform 2-3 of the proposed exercises: "Contemplation of the subject", "Sensation of heat in hand", "Color circle", "Snowman", "Bud", "Landscape", "Removing muscle clamps".

Note. The ability to visualize, or create an internal image of the object, is formed not only due to visual representations, but also in various ways to activate the imagination with the help of olfactory, taste, tactile sensations and their combinations.

Exercise Exercise on Muscular Relaxation

Thought, muscles, breathing. This combination is always fixed on the basis of reflexive relationships and soon (when repetition) turns into a habit. It will be enough to remember the sensations inherent in relaxation, as the muscles will immediately answer relaxation, and the breath will be more rhythmic.

Development of relaxation skills is an absolutely necessary stage in all methods of self-regulation. Special attention should be paid to the muscles of the face, a shoulder belt and hands, since it is these parts of the body that are most innervated (presented) in the cortex of large hemispheres of the brain and, having achieved their relaxation, can be significantly closer to the decrease in the total muscle tone.

Exercises: "Study of the skills of the voltage and relaxation of the muscles of the hands", "feeling of gravity and heat in the limbs."

Note. When carrying out exercises to avoid injury, care must be taken.

Example Restoration of forces, reduced fatigue.

Instructions: perform muscle relaxation exercises according to the following scheme: voltage and relaxation of the muscles of the hands; Triad relaxation; relaxation of different muscle groups; Feeling of heat (gravity) in the limbs. Bring the execution of the adjusted exercise complex to automatism.

An example of exhausting exit skills from the state of autogenous dive.

Instruction: Exercise according to the following scheme.

1. Determine for yourself, in what condition I would like to be after class. Try to describe as possible to describe this condition as possible, indicate what you would like to feel sensations, emotions, what mood should be, overall health. Pick up 3-4 adjectives for the characteristics of this state. If you are going to go to sleep after classes, then the output from the state of autogenous dive can be done. If you then have active activity, then you should go to paragraph 2-6.

2. Imagine all the operations that you will be performed to exit autogenous dive. It can be: squeezing, smooth rotations of hands and a stop with gradual increase in the tempo, the maximum stress of the fingers of the hands, the rotation of the head, etc.

3. Word verbal commands that you will use when leaving the state of autogenous dive. Possible options: "Consciousness becomes clear"; "The body is filled with cheerfulness", "Smooth mood", etc.

4. Determine the sequence and manner of pronouncing the formula commands chosen. It is important to take into account the feeling of measure. Do not try to give commands excessive expressiveness, as this may lead to excessive excitation, which is often replaced by a decrease in tone, depressed mood. Listen to your feelings!

5. Select suitable reinforcements for exit from the state of autogenous immersion. For example: an idea of \u200b\u200ba squeezed spring, emotionally charged images (for example, the cat squeezing after sleep). At the same time, it is also necessary to follow the sense of measure.

6. Perform the entire range of outlined exercises. Check yourself whether the exercises are really effective, verbal teams and figurative reinforcements. Did you manage to feel any changes compared with the state that was before exercise?

7. Rate separate efficiency:

verbal teams;

drawing reinforcements;

individual exercises performed;

total complex as a whole.

If necessary, make adjustments. Bring the execution of a corrected set of procedures for output from the state of autogenous dive to automatism.

3. Relaxation and meditation as methods of psychological unloading

3.1 General Relaxation and Meditation Information

3.1.1 Relaxation as a method for regulating mental states

Relaxation (from lat. Relaxatio - relief, relaxation) is defined as the state of rest associated with full or partial muscle relaxation. The relaxation effect is used as a separate element in psychotherapy (art therapy, dance and motor therapy, etc.).

Relaxation techniques helps a person to live a better life in civilization. Relaxation is available to each person, for some techniques, no aids are required, no good time. The ability to relax will be useful to you not only to neutralize topical states of tension. Without this and speech, it is impossible to lead about a number of technicians who allow themselves to know themselves.

Full relaxation - This is not just a relaxation of the muscles, but also the liberation of consciousness. Turn off everything unpleasant, free your body from the dictate of the cerebral cortex, give him a complete will. Believe your own organism - the best master of repairing your body and spirit!

All relaxation techniques are based on a more or less conscious relaxation of the muscles. It does not require perfect knowledge and mastering the methods of AT. Since mental tension leads to increased muscle tension, then the opposite is also true.

If it is possible to reduce the muscle tension, along with it and nervous, so that the state of relaxation is already in itself possesses a psychogenic effect and often it is quite enough.

Thus, relaxation - This is a kind of wakefulness, characterized by low psychophysiological activity, which is felt either throughout the body or in a separate system.

Before relaxing exercises, it is necessary to free themselves from shocking clothes, remove the clock, glasses, etc. The room must be carried out without bright lighting and noise. The most typical position of the body with relaxation is "Coucher Pose," but you can do and lying. Muscles must be completely relaxed, breathing deep and uniform.

It must be remembered that relak satia - This is a skill, requiring a constant, consistent and gradual workout without a rush and forcing. The deeper the relaxation, the fullness of rest and the less the negative effect of stress and tension. And one more important condition is needed - motivation!

When regularly, relaxation exercises are gradually becoming a habit and are associated with pleasant impressions. Naturally, these impressions will not occur immediately - to master the relaxation skills, persistence and patience are required. The criteria for proper training are the pleasure of employing, and good health even after a long time after their end (as if you were cleared from the inside). If such pleasant feelings do not arise, or quickly pass, or after them you start feeling fear, tension, muscle fatigue, it means that you make some kind of mistake. It can be concluded, for example, in the fact that there was not suitable relaxation for you.

Relaxing methods are quite a lot: relaxation technique J. Jacobson, relaxation according to M. Schelektsky, a method of quick relaxation, relaxation with meditation elements, relaxation with concentration on breathing, anti-stress relaxation, etc.

3.1.2 Forms of meditation

Meditation - This is a system of spiritual practitioner, which will allow you to take responsibility for the content of your thoughts. Meditation creates a center of silence and calm in man. The concept of "meditation" comes from Latin meditari - driven to the center. This is what happens during meditation. Without tension, without applying efforts, you are in the very center of yourself.

Most of the forms of meditation are passive, as their goal -

achieving the state of immersion without any mental or emotional activity. Programs of such a passive method of self-driven are primarily meditative forms in yoga traditions.

Active forms of meditation are found in the highest exercises of the Zenbuddyism, in various practitioners of yoga, in the rituals of dance traditions of Sufi. Their use can bring a person to the state of ecstasy.

Content meditation . Each person already has experience in meaningful meditation. This happened, for example, when you looked at the sky, I wish the clouds, and you were captured by the immensity of the sky, the whiteness of the clouds, their slow, but continuous movement. That is, the content of your meditation was a natural phenomenon.

Another type of meaningful meditation is musical medit. and tion . When you concentrately listen to music, various pictures are beginning to occur in your mind, and you open the world of sounds.

The basis of deep meditation is simple formulas, or mantras (combinations of sounds that have or having no meanings), which in the process of natural calm of the psyche gradually go out, until finally, the full peaceful calm will be reigned. This allows you to expand the boundaries of consciousness. The body at deep meditation quickly comes to the state of rest.

In contrast to the methods of substantive meditation, the technique of deep meditation and its impact is thoroughly investigated by scientists.

Revealing meditation associated with everyday active activity. An example of this - Buddhist meditation attention. It requires a person of conscious attitude to any activity, that is, it is necessary to form consciousness related to this moment to this reality.

The effect of color has a certain impact on the mental state. For example, the red color excites, and purple soothes. Yellow concentrates attention, and blue dispels. Orange color generates a tide of energy, ambition and striving for triumph. Color interactions further enhance influence on emotions. For example, the golden yellow color and the color of the sea wave mutually reinforce the emotional balance.

There is no one "correct" meditation technique: each has its own advantages.

To master the method of meditation, you must work at least three to four weeks. It is best to meditate once a day, at the same time, perfect - in the morning. Meditation requires from 15 to 60 minutes. Fifteen minutes of daily meditation will give more than the hourly twice a week.

4. Art therapy as a method of psychological unloading

4.1 The main provisions of art therapy

4.1.1 Art therapy in personality

Art therapy - The modern direction in psychotherapy, using as the main therapeutic tools as the creative process in which the client and its results are: paintings, poems, music, etc.

To apply this method, no skill is required to draw, although as a result of the practice of the method, this ability can operate in a person along with other creative abilities.

Art therapy allows you to reveal the creative potential of a person, freeing its hidden energy resources and, as a result, find optimal ways to solve problems.

4.1.2 Methods of art therapy

Art therapy includes many methods: isotherapy, music therapy, sand therapy, talentherapy, phototherapy, etc.

Isotherapy - Therapy with visual creativity, first of all drawing. Isotherapy excellently expresses the emotional state of drawing.

Musical therapy - This is a controlled use of music in treatment, rehabilitation and relaxation.

During sanding therapia Some non-adaptive installations, irrational human representations can be adjusted. One of the main mechanisms of positive effects of sand therapy is based on the fact that a person receives the experience of creating a small world, which is a symbolic expression of his ability to build his life.

Phototherapy Founded on the use of photographs or slides to solve psychological problems, as well as to harmonize the person. The photo is based on the creation of artistic images. This allows you to consider photograph as one of the forms of visual art.

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conducting a conversation with the personnel of the military unit

Topic: "Psychological assistance to military personnel to prevent and withdraw psychological stresses during the CSHA, BTU. Psychological techniques of self-regulation. "

TIME: 1 hour.

A PLACE: library.

THE DATE: ______

LITERATURE: Journal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Landmark" June 2002, Vysotsky V. Influence of a modern fight on the psyche of the warrior. "Landmark" 2001, №3, p. 56-58.


Military skills of military personnel depends primarily from their beliefs, the ability to not be lost in extreme situations, the emotional attitude at the moment of time, health status, etc. The combination of all these factors is called "psychological readiness" The psychological readiness of the serviceman to fulfill the tasks is achieved in the process of targeted psychological training carried out during the training and education of the entire military service.

Psychological training is a set of measures to form the formation of psychological sustainability from warriors, the emotional-volitional qualities necessary to fulfill combat missions, allowing to strengthen the psyche, to order the will, learn how to deal with fear, to transfer physical and psychological loads, to acquire the ability to act in battle selflessly, actively, initiatively , skillfully using combat techniques and weapons, survival skills in extreme conditions of modern battle, to maximize the likelihood of a meeting with an unknown in a combat situation.

In the course of psychological training, the tasks of formation are solved:

a) psychological readiness and sustainability of warriors;

b) functional reliability of the psyche of military personnel.

At the same time distinguish two kinds Psychological readiness:

General (long) psychological readiness as a set of personal qualities, as well as its preparedness;

Situational (temporary) psychological readiness - this is a special psychological state of a warrior, allowing it to be actively and appropriate to carry out the combat missions, it has a complex dynamic structure and is an expression of a combination of intellectual, emotional, motivational and volitional sides of a person in their ratio with external conditions and the upcoming tasks . Unlike the state of situational readiness, reflecting the features and requirements of the upcoming situation, long-term readiness is a steady personality system, experience, knowledge, skills, skills necessary for successful activities in many situations.

Psychological readiness of the warrior to battle, one of the main components of the readiness of the division to combat actions. It suggests, firstly, awareness of warrior responsibility for the fate of the homeland, relatives and loved ones, self-confidence, their comrades, military equipment and weapons. Secondly, the desire to test themselves, overcome their weaknesses, to achieve victory over the enemy.

Highlight three levels of psychological readiness for battle:

Low level It distinguishes the fact that the warrior is not confident in himself there is no desire for confrontation, it is not determined, unnecessarily fussy, or closed. Makes errors when performing simple commands.

For medium The level is characteristic of the combination of warrior confidence and not sufficient desire for confrontation and decisive action. It admits not significant errors when performing teams, its physiological state is close to normal.

High level This is the desire of the struggle, the lack of doubts from warriors, the desire to experience herself, to achieve victory over the enemy.

For the formation of psychological readiness of personnel, classes are held, In which the actions of military personnel are associated with a real danger: movement in the immediate vicinity of the ruptures of artillery shells, when shooting through the heads of the coming, running in infantry with tanks, underwater forcing of small lakes and rivers on tanks, crossing the cloves with personal weapons through obstacles; Jumping with parachute and others. The direct emotional experience of combat states in the educational situation can significantly easier to transfer similar psychological loads in battle. The preservation of the performance of personnel in difficult situations contribute to the skills to protect against overheating and hypotherroofing the prevention of various diseases and injuries, the provision of medical care, cooking in the field, water production and methods of its disinfection, as well as the ownership of military personnel and methods of regulation itself.

In the process of combat studies, each warrior should actively improve their professional and psychological training. An effective means of preparation for battle is to mention the sequence of its actions, first in slow motion, then energetic. Then the serviceman mentally agrees into the situation so that involuntarily begins to perform the necessary actions, this indicates the establishment of a solid connection between consciousness and action. To maintain psychological readiness for immediate combat actions, methods of psychological regulation itself can be used:

The conviction itself is the proof of the warrior to itself the need to maintain a high level of readiness.

Self-pressure - Like the belief itself, it happens in a serviceman consciously, and is used as the main impact of the word. At least, you can change the inner state of a person, to make him believe in yourself and your capabilities. For example, when serving at night, the warrior sometimes flows into the inhibited state, as if floating between sleep and wakefulness. It is in this state of the psyche of the warrior needs self-sustainment. Otherwise, the situation can turn into a tragedy.

Management imagination Significantly strengthens the actions of the verbal form of self-assessment, it helps to create an image of the desired result of its activities. It is recommended to formally identify yourself with the best warrior of an ideal way actions, etc. It is advisable in advance to draw up a plan for possible actions in extreme situations, and mentally play them in the head.

Management attention is closely related to imagination . It has a strong effect on the vigilance of the warrior. If attention is scattered, you can easily be completely distinguished from the combat task, and this will lead to difficult consequences. It is important to develop a habit with a sudden appearance of a strong stimulus, do not fix all the attention on it, and be able to observe a versatile. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a plan for an alternate inclusion of attention to each of potentially dangerous directions. Only in this way you can save control over the situation. In combat atmosphere, it is recommended to hold attention to objects associated with the combat task and not distracted by secondary stimuli.

The ability to control the breath and muscle tone is very important. The depth and frequency of breathing The degree of voltage of the muscles of the body largely determines the mental state of the warrior in a combat atmosphere. To remove the nervous voltage, the soothing type of respiration is recommended, consisting of a short breath and, active exhalation and breathing delay after exhalation. Muscular voltage largely determines nervous activity, which means that the manifestation of cheerfulness and feelings from mobilization in a serviceman muscular relaxation on the contrary, has a braking effect on the psyche of the warrior. Therefore, during the period of waiting for the battle, it is necessary to maintain the muscles of the body in the right form. Activated muscles contribute to improving psychological readiness for battle.

Self-regulation techniques

In the USSR, the term appeared in the 50s.

  • training of the reaction (gravity, heat, change in the pace and rhythm of the heart and respiration) of relaxation equipment using exercises,
  • autogenous meditation, which creates trance states of various levels

Indications for Application AT:

  • treatment of neurosis,
  • functional disorders,
  • psychosomatic diseases
  • alcoholism and drug addiction (as part of a comprehensive impact),
  • as a psychogenic event,
  • in the preparation of specialists, athletes.


  • states of obscure consciousness and nonsense,
  • with acute somatic attacks, vegetative crises, with severe hypotension (reduced blood pressure).

Confant to focus on tranquility and uses six standard exercises:

  • exercise - calm before everyone, aims to achieve calm: "I'm calm"
  • severity - aims to call gravity in hands and legs and accompanied by relaxation of cross-striped muscles, from left to right, all body
  • heat "My hands are completely heavy and warm"
  • heart - mastering cardiac rhythm counting pulse for rumor, "My heart beats calmly and smoothly"
  • breathing - Mastering the respiratory rhythm "I breathe perfectly calmly"
  • solar plexus - cause a feeling of heat in the field of solar plexus, "My solar plexus radiates warm"
  • cooling the forehead (forehead) - "My forehead is a cool breeze."

Stages of autogenic condition:

Passive - calm, relaxation, indifference to the world around the world, the slowdown in mental activity while maintaining the actual awareness of the world.

Active - the awareness, perception and experience of what is happening, with the braking of logical thinking, the appearance of bright images.

Positions of autogenous workout:

Midway sitting,

Pose "Kucher".

Types of suggestion formulas:

  • neutralizing - "I don't care";
  • reinforcement
  • abstinene-directional
  • periodoxal "I want to feel as worse as possible in a situation ..."
  • supporting "I feel comfortable with him"

Conditions AT:

Each exercise is preceded by "I am calm",

At the end of each session, three flexing and extensive movements in the elbow joint with deep breathing,

Each new exercise is consistently starting from the lower, repetitions are made 3-4 times daily for 2 weeks.

Session duration since 5-6 minutes,

Holding in the morning, evening hours,

The room is warm, quiet.

Modifications at:

Mwer-Hegema 1957, (changed 3 exercise),

Kleinzorge Klumbies (target specific organs),

World-sick (psychotonic training, to increase the tone),

Activating exercises Alekseev, Gicesen 1969 (for athletes),

Lebedinsky-Bortnik 1965 (abbreviated option for 30 minutes - month)

Panova-Lobzin-Kopylova-lednikova Reproductive training (sounds, respiratory gymnastics).

The highest step at - developed by Schulz and Lueta:

7 meditation exercises, work with unconscious.

Self-pressure on the KUE method

The conscious method of impact on itself, allowing to suppress the painful, negative in their consequences of the presentation and replace useful, favorable, constructive.

Self-pressure formula should be:

  • simple
  • natural
  • with conviction and without tension.

The unconscious perceives the formula as a certain order, the truth that needs to be performed.

Begins with familiarization with sources of influence.

Independently compiled a simple self-pressure formula, which can be modified.

Terms of implementation:

  • convenient pose sitting or lying,
  • closed eyes,
  • the pronunciation of the formula 20 times in a whisper,
  • monotonia during the pronunciation of formula, without fixing on the content,
  • session 3-4 minutes 2-3 times a day 6-8 weeks.
  • time in the morning in the sample state or in the evening before bedtime.


Cartigitalization of the hypnotic state itself with certain techniques and techniques. The tendency to the method depends on the emotional, physical condition, personal features, hypnosis abilities.

The scope of the application is unconscious.

Formation of goals

Pregovernmental conversation with himself,

Fixation of the internal image with putting it with the desired qualities,

Fastening new images and qualities in real actions in the post-hypnotic period.

Method efficiency conditions:

  • lying in a steadmate room (comfort),
  • calm atmosphere
  • full muscle relaxation,
  • decution from everyday worries,
  • bright dynamic image representation,
  • presentation of typical situations
  • reinforcement of verbal teams by formulas: "Resting-wake up."

ThusThe combat training allows the warrior to acquire military knowledge, to form military skills and skills - the basics of self-confidence, and psychological training is arming it with the ability to maintain psychological readiness for immediate combat actions.

estimates, average:

Psychological counseling - This is a relatively new type of psychological practice that allocated in a separate area in the United States in the 50s from psychotherapy. As one of the types of assistance, psychological counseling arose in response to the needs of people who, without having clinical disorders, were still looking for psychological assistance.

Psychologist The consultant helps, above all, people who have difficulty in everyday life, activities, communication, relationships. Psychological consulting is a combination of procedures that are aimed at assisting a person in solving problems and decision making, as well as the improvement of personal and interpersonal relations.

The main goal of psychological counseling is to assist the client in understanding what is happening in its life space and meaningful achievement of the goal based on a conscious choice in resolving problems of emotional and interpersonal nature.

Psychologist Consultant helps a person to make a choice and act at his own discretion, learn new behavior, contributes to the development of the personality, focusing on the client's responsibility and, implying that independent and independent people make decisions. In psychological consultation, a psychologist creates conditions that encourage the client's volitional behavior.

For psychological counseling, any person who collided with difficulties in interpersonal relationships can appeal.

Psychological counseling is a short-term process. On average, in psychological consultation, a solution to one problem is given from one to six meetings.

A psychologist is less responsible for making decisions by the client, as it is assumed that it works with healthy people who need only a new vision of the situation and support in order to take the first step, and then a person comes.

The main objectives that psychological consulting facilitates:

Change behavior so that the person can live a productive life;

Development of skills to overcome difficulties;

Development and strengthening the ability to make vital effective solutions;

Development of ability to establish and maintain interpersonal relationships;

Assistance to the client in the implementation of personal potential in the conditions of objective restrictions;

Correction of inadequate and teaching adequate behavior;

Providing a favorable psychological climate, encouraging openness, spontaneity, customer confidence;

Elimination of inadequate, destructive client's glance to life;

Assistance in awareness of their capabilities, finding factors that prevent fully implement the freedom of the client.

32. Methods of psychological self-help

Psychological self-help - This is the concern of a person about himself and about his personal growth.

The most famous types of self-help include:

1. Self-surveillance

2. Maintaining a diary

3. Autobiography

4. Relaxation

1. Introspection. The purpose of self-observation is to expand the self-awareness area. You can highlight two questions, with the help of which it is very simple to engage in self-observation:

· What happens to me at the moment?

· What would I like the next moment?

Sometimes awareness in itself is the cause of changes. One of the methods of self-surveillance is an overview of the situation.

It is important that self-flashing does not turn into obsessive "self-confidence" and self-control. In the first case, awareness is used to express what you have discovered in yourself, in the second, on the contrary, to hide it from others.

2. Psychological diary - This is a "place" in which a person can always work out the existing problem, realize his feelings or moods, comprehend the experienced experience, to come to some solution. It is very important to write a diary for yourself. You can write when you need or want. There are no specific rules on what to write and what not to write in the diary. To be guided only to its own feelings. The basis for drawing to the diary can serve any strong experience. You can use a diary in order to explore your relationship with someone who you don't like. Entries in the diary will give you a chance to view a new day, to comprehend a random meeting with a friend, understand the meaning of a fleeting event. Record in the diary of observation of yourself, about your promises yourself, about your decisions and aspirations will help you better remember yourself and your life.

Re-reading the diary is of great importance. Maybe you will come across a successful solution to the problem, analyzing your errors.

3. Autobiography.The essence of this method is to describe the history of his life, remembering all the main events and their attitude towards them. You can write a autobiography many times, you must definitely mark the date of its writing, because in two descriptions of the same period made at different times, sometimes different events are also selected, and the same relationships may look completely different.

The main goal of autobiographical stories is to gain the ability to handle your past and the ability to live in the present. Those. Separate the present from the past, get rid of his influence.

4. Relaxation. In a modern sense, a person is the unity of the three components - the mind, feelings and body. If you carefully observe yourself, it will be possible to notice that any of your emotion or thought finds its expression in the movement of muscles - basic or microscopic. Experiences are reflected in how people move, breathe, manage their muscles, as well as in diseases they suffer.

But the connection between the experiences and bodily sensations is useful because on the contrary, through the muscles can be influenced by feelings. A big role in relaxation plays attention to breathing, since breathing is a system that provides energy exchange in our body. Relaxation implies relaxation of body muscles. It can be carried out separately, can be used as a preliminary procedure to personal exercises, and can be carried out in the form of the exercise themselves.

5. Work with dreams.For many people, sleep is just a holiday, and a dream is an unusual application for him, a strange fad tired for the day of the brain. Many neurophysiological studies conducted over the brain during sleep show that dreams are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It turns out that all people see dreams, but not everyone remembers them. As S. Kardash writes, "any search activity of man is reflected in dreams. Than a more complex setting is a person, the more dreams he dreams. "

Keywords: stressful psychosomatic states; Methods of self-regulation, relaxation and respiration.

Annotation. The article presents psychocorrection methods for the removal of negative post-stress states, restoring performance, concentration of attention, emotional and muscle tension applicable in emergency psychological assistance.

Relevance. The global economic crisis, the availability of political and interethnic conflicts, the distribution of terrorism and environmental disasters designate the need for research aimed at developing methods for assistance in emergency situations. The competent use of the subject of own psychological resources can afford not only to overcome the crisis situation, but also to assist another affected person. Negative stressful states can be stopped after a crisis situation using self-help methods using altered states of consciousness (ISS). Despite the huge number of methods of hypnomughesis, today their distribution rests on organizational problems, low level of education and population.

The retrospective analysis of scientific and scientific and methodological literature on psychological, psychophysical methods for the correction of negative mental states allows to allocate basic related to self-regulation of mental states arising in crisis situations.

The meaning of the formulated problem of study is understood as the planned and predictable use of the methods of self-regulation of the mental state of the subjects in the crisis situation. The concept of conscious self-regulation is carried out by the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking the subject of self-help, which determines the direction of activity and responsibility for its result. The subject coming to self-help becomes an active motivated subject overcoming the crisis.

In relation to the situation of the crisis, the subject continuously faces the situation of choosing various ways to implement its activity, depending on the goals set, individual characteristics and conditions for the surrounding reality. When using self-help methods in the situation of crisis, the subject itself explores the situation, programms its activity, controls and adjusts the results.

Regarding a specific subject, regulatory processes should have individual specifics, which is defined as individual psychological features and features of the crisis situation.

Consequently, the development and inclusion of informed means and methods of self-regulation of the mental state into an emergency psychological assistance system are one of the promising areas of research in the problem of improving the effectiveness of assistance to the subjects of the educational environment. In this regard, there is a need to illuminate the techniques of self-regulation of the mental state in the provision of emergency psychological assistance.

Conditions. The basis of any methods of self-help using the ISS, aimed at removing the emotional stress lie: the adoption by the subject of a certain position of the body; Relaxing breathing exercises; cognitive changes (for example, distraction of thoughts from any external and internal influences that may cause mental tension); concentration of attention to the creation of appropriate sedative images; Applications of self-sufficiency and self-propelled; The formation of the ability to distinguish between different degrees of muscle tension and relaxation.

Methods. With the help of hypintrumgative methods that initiate the relaxation of the muscular system, muscle clips are removed and negative emotions are being seen, the performance is restored, the feeling of fatigue, emotional and muscle tension is removed, the inner picture of the reality and the image "I" is restored, confidence in your own forces, etc.

Any self-help using the ISS implies a certain sequence of steps, which is necessary for marking the beginning and end of the correction work. For example, a subject is invited to: take a convenient, symmetric, comfortable pose; achieve a comfortable respiratory rhythm; take a deep breath at the beginning of the exercise and after its completion; Arrange hands on armrests of the chair or knees; close eyes. The subject can develop his own ritual entry in the ISS.

There are classic postures applicable in this context: 1) the post "Coucher on the trembling" - the subject is located closer to the edge of the chair, bent, the elbows resting on his knees, the brushes hang, the legs are conveniently divorced, the head is lowered, the eyes can be closed. or stay open; 2) "Passive Pose" (Powered Powered in the chair, half a walk in the chair) - the subject is located in a soft chair with a rejected high back, the head and the back are conveniently in contact with the back of the chair, the hands are relaxed, are on armrests or hips, legs with respect to The thras are somewhat under a stupid angle, so that the stops are tightly in contact with the floor, the legs are a bit divorced; 3) Pose lying - a man lies on the horizontal surface, small rollers are placed under the cervical spine and knee joints, arms along the body, somewhat bent, palms down, legs are stretched and a little diluted with socks outwards.

In order to master the relaxation technique, it is necessary, first of all, learn how to properly take those provisions of the body in which the greatest relaxation of all his muscles is achieved. The choice of these provisions is usually associated with the conditions of the crisis situation. For better mastering the technique of muscle relaxation, it is advisable to start exercises from the position of lying. In the position of the most convenient for relaxation, the cognitive background should be changed - fully removed from unpleasant and exciting thoughts (especially related to the situation injuries), the influence of external stimuli (noise, conversations, music, etc.).

Relaxing breathing exercises.Special breathing combines most self-help methods using ISS. Such breathing contributes to relaxation of clamped, spashed, oppressed muscle groups, adjusts the operation of the cardiovascular system.

At the very beginning of the exercises, being in any of the listed provisions, it is advisable to shabby to breathe a complete type of breathing, using all the respiratory muscles - the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, the abdominal press, consistently filling the lower, middle and upper parts of the lungs and then cleanse them in the reverse order.

Breathing "Circle." The subject must be submitted (with closed eyes), that inhale and exhale is done in a point between the eyebrows, and then ride so several times. At the same time it is necessary to formally submit that the breath is done "on the spine" up, and exhale "from eyebrows to the navel". Then it follows slowly and silently breathe as if from the thumb with the left leg up to the eyebrows and continuously breathe from the eyebrows on the right side of the body to the fingers of the leg of the right leg. It is so recommended to raise 8-10 times, and then pay attention to the exhalation and on the state of relaxing muscles during the exhalation and cause a feeling of warmth, which, as it were, in hand (repeating self-sustavits: "My hands are heavy", "My legs are heavy" "My Hands warm hands, "" My feet warmer ").

Embryonic breath (ED) (abdominal breathing). The frequency of conventional surface breathing is 15-20 respiratory movements in 1 min, and the frequency of ED with systematic regular exercises is gradually penetrating to 4-6.

The subject takes a convenient, symmetric pose. Breathing is deepened, slows down. You need to slowly breathe through the nose, easily and smoothly. At the same time, the muscles of the abdomen relax, the stomach is strongly emphasized. When the lungs are filled with air masses, start easily, slowly, deeply exhaled. At first, the exhalation can be accompanied by slow pressed hands on the abdomen, pulling it.

Ed can be combined with infant breathing when inhaling the abdomen continues in the breath of lungs. In this case, the chest expands, the intercostal gaps increase, the clavicle, blades, pulmonary fabric are raised, including the tops of the lungs, are filled with air masses. On the exhalation, the chest consistently lowers, narrows, the intercostal intervals decrease, the stomach is drawn into itself deep. In the case of dizziness, weakness, heartbeat, the intensity of the execution of the ED is recommended to be reduced, not to refuse completely.

Breathing on account. When it is necessary to calm down, at the expense of 1,2,3,4, inhales, then on account 1, 2, 3, 4 - exhale, then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - inhale, 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 - exhale, and so inhale and exhale are lengthened to 12. There is an artificial respiratory delay, which involuntarily leads to a certain removal of emotional stress. To raise your tone, the breaths and exhalations begin with 12 and gradually shorten them up to 4. Breathing is expensive, the voltage increases.

Breath delay. To remove the acute nervous voltage, a deep breath is made and breathing is delayed at 20-30 seconds. The following exhalation and subsequent re-deep compensatory breath will help stabilize the state.

Self-sustaining. A common soothing will be assisted by verbal formulas that the subject should be pronounced by connecting them with the creation of images and representations. Example: "I am completely calm" - the subject remembers the feeling of pleasant rest, which they used to be tested before; "All my muscles are pleasantly relaxed for rest." "All my body is completely resting" - the feeling of pleasant rest and relaxation (for example, at home in the bathroom, on the seaside of the sea, etc.). Next, you should concentrate on the muscles that relax, and the respiratory procedures described above.

These formulas should cause a sense of weight, heat and relaxation in the main muscles of the body and can be used in different sequences, given the individual characteristics of the subjects, which in different ways are seized by these sensations.

Breathing with self-sufficiency. In a comfortable and symmetric pose, calm down, relax, as far as possible, to align the breath, eyes are closed. Make a deep, calm accelerated breath. On the subsequent deep, calm slow exhalation, mentally pronounce a short self-sufficiency - "I remove the tension from the head." Again, deeply accelerately breathe and slowly deeply exhaled, uttering "I remove the tension from the face." Subsequently continue their breath with the specified characteristics of the inhalation and exhalation. On each subsequent exhalation, consistently mentally pronounce about the removal of tension from "hands", "chest", "backs", "abdomen", "crotch", "legs" and "all the rest."

Self-approach. Due to the fact that the state of relaxation and neuropsychic rest is interdependent, to achieve it, it is necessary to remove the actions of the factors that have to promote the level of emotional violation and voltage and use various soothing influences. For example, the subject can control its own state with the help of type self-like: "I can!", "Tolerate!", "I will stand it!" etc. .. The role of self-propelled in the crisis situation (for example, a natural disaster) is difficult to overestimate. Preliminary training of self-containers enhances the volitional component of the individual, produces the ability to associate internal speech and action. Self-approach becomes a start-up incentive that launches the required psychophysical state.

Despite the fact that the self-form is a form of work with its own consciousness, in the changed state of consciousness, when the subject feels the relaxation of the muscular system, when the calculation of the consciousness in the trance state occurs, the action of self-making is enhanced.

Spectatical images. Better relaxation contributes to specially selected verbal formulas (suggestion), which the subject is pronounced, accompanying them with the corresponding visual images of heat and severity. The feeling of weight is recommended first to call in the hands, and then in the legs (without sharing them on the right and left). For example: "Hands are pleasantly heavy", "Hands are becoming more severe as lead," "The severity in the hands increases" and more ..

The same scheme is used to create a feeling of gravity in the legs. You can imagine how the hands and legs are filled with lead or the dry sea sand is poured. For those subjects that avoid sensations of gravity or internally oppose to him, it is possible to recommend such formulas as: "Muscles are filled with energy, they become stronger, heavy, filled with force", etc.

The feeling of heat in the limbs and the torso, which accompanies the state of relaxation, can be caused by the following formulas: "I feel pleasant warmth in my hands," "The blood vessels have expanded", "hot blood warms hands", "Hands are all warmer", " Heat flows around the hands in the tips of the fingers, "" Hands have become hot. " Similarly, the feeling of heat in the legs and in different groups of muscles of the body is caused. To enhance the feeling of heat, it should be submitted, for example, that the subject lies in a hot tub or on a sunny beach, directs a warm shower stream to different parts of the body, etc. The verbal wording and figurative ideas about relaxation can relate not only to groups of body muscles in general (face, hands, legs, etc.), but also to individual muscles, such as forehead, eye, mouth, biceps, feet, etc.

To enter the desired condition, you need to try to create a state of rest, representing the soothing paintings of nature, artistic images and imaginary scenes. The subject either constructs internal reality, or mentally transferred to the situation in the past, "slides" into it.

Progressive muscular relaxation.In a crisis situation, the ability to quickly relax is an extremely important mechanism for self-regulation of the subject. Muscular relaxation is always combined with the changed state of consciousness. Often, the subject is endowed with an obsolete installation that hypnosis is a dream. However, it is possible to conduct cognitive work in the ISP, age regression (to the situation of injury) and the progression (by the time when the crisis is allowed) and other psychocorrection work that it is impossible to do in a dream.

Application technique. The subject is located in one of the above poses, the eyes are closed, breathing aligns, calm down. According to the team of a specialist, the subject makes a deep short breath, and on the subsequent slow (at 2-2, 5-3 times longer inhabitant), the hypnologist says that the tension from the muscles of the head is removed. Then - again a deep short breath with the subsequent deep slow exhalation and removal of tension from the muscles of the face. And on each subsequent exhalation, the voltage is removed successively from top to bottom throughout the body. After the session, it is proposed to open the eyes and give out the reverse reaction out loud - report its feelings. The method is used with a prophylactic goal - to prevent or reduce the severity of possible post-stress psychophysical disorders, in the event of a collision with emergency, stressful situations.


Thus, the methods listed above the methods of self-help will allow the subject of emergency psychological assistance (with proper training) to cope with the crisis situation. The purpose of self-help adopted by the subject will determine the focus of its activities and responsibility for its result, denoting it with an active entity. Of course, we cannot say that the methods given can be used total. In this regard, a further task is referred to, the solution of which will allow differentiation of emergency psychological assistance to groups. It is important to distinguish the individual psychological features and states of subjects that have been influenced by an extreme situation and the features of crisis situations, when the listed methods can be justified, timely and efficient.

  1. Sokolov E.Yu. Suggestive events in the stress disorders / E.Yu. Sokolov: Materials of the All-Russian Conference "Interaction of specialists in assistance in mental disorders". - M., 2009. - P. 86-87.

Topic number 5.3. Ethics solutions controversial situations.

Measures and means of preventing and eliminating conflict:

1. Strict compliance with the basic rules of discussion:

Your opponent is your partner looking for a sensible way out with you.

Try to understand the goals and interests of the opponent.

Everyone can have their own opinion. You are not necessarily absolutely right.

Make conclusions, confirming them with facts.

Listen and have the power to inform unpleasant arguments.

Less discuss the personal features of the opponent.

Observe the discipline in the discussion and let the opponent's own opinion.

2. Attention should be paid to the analysis of possible contradictions, conflict prerequisites, the determination of possible opponents and their probable positions:

Special attention to what unites opponents;

Both sides are dependent on each other and need each other;

To understand the essence of the main conflict, remove the apparent, emotional components, complicating the conflict;

Creating conditions for collaboration, where opponents are better learned and help each other;

Avoiding the petty collision analysis and quarrels to not be distracted from the main task.

What will help you understand the goals and interests of the opponent?

How can you restrain your emotions?

Make the rules (for yourself) prevent, behavior or failure of the conflict.

Living in the technocratic world a person is constantly facing various life situations for which need to adequately react. And this is possible only in a calm emotional state. In order not to throw out its negative energy on others (mostly people suffer from the closest people), it is necessary to master the simplest methods of psychological unloading.

Ways out of conflict situations.

Think: what did the conflict taught you?;

what benefit can be learned from this sad experience;

do not allow this negative life experience to bring out the way (lower self-esteem);

we remember that conflicts are inevitable, but constitute only a small part of professional activities;

do not waste a lot of strength to persuade skeptics, try to communicate with people benevolent;

be prepared for communication with those people with whom there was a conflict or who, in your opinion, a unpleasant impression remains;

it is necessary to get rid of negative emotions:

a) Never work with the next client immediately after the conflict. Ask the client to wait 5-10 minutes without explaining the reasons;

b) go to the utility room and move away;

c) wash hands, including imagination, presenting that you wash off dirt after conflict;

d) vigorously walk around the room, squeezing, squeezing fingers or sit in a darkened room with eyes closed with pleasant music;

e) find the object for discharge;

e) whenever possible to put aquarium, plants;

g) Halong the plants, make a permutation, wipe the dust, take on the table;

h) to have a tangible object of pleasant memories;

i) Charging:

1. Huddle eyes firmly and nourish your eyebrows, relax slowly;

2. For a few seconds, strain lips and jaw, relax slowly;

K) "wear a smile";

e) watch the brushes of the hands and muscles of the lower jaws were not tense;

h) Remember that there are no hopeless provisions.

Think over the procedure for the psychological unloading after the conflict in the cabin for 5-10 minutes.

Psychological unloading in the evening or on the weekend.

Summarizing occupation on the subject -

Today we will try to help you with some methods for the correction of their mental well-being, the psychological way to normalize the activities of the internal organs.

First technique - Arbitrary self-sustaining. Once, one French pharmacist Emil Kue, who was a very observant person, drew attention to the fact that the medicinal effect of the drug depends not only on its pharmacological properties, but even more in the feasibility of the patient to recover. It's one thing when a person takes medicine, believes that it will help (tomorrow I will be better) and everything is completely different when he does not believe it (anyway, I will not help anything).

As reasoned kue. Our subconsciously manages our internal bodies. It, as a child in advance, but gurgly. If consciousness tells him: "It is necessary to fall asleep, because people sleep at night," then the subconscious responds: "I do not want." However, if the consciousness does not prescribe, but simply, without push, it begins to prepare for sleep, then the subconsciousness is replaced by him. Everyone, probably, familiarize the situation when in the morning it is necessary to get up early, we go to bed early to sleep, but sleep in any eye. Hour, two we suffer, turn around, then we fall asleep, and in the morning we get up exhausted and broken.

Just on this, the method is based. You select a certain statement that you will need to repeat several times a day. For example: "Every day I get better and better to me in all respects." The subconscious takes this formula for the truth, the order that needs to be performed. The easier it will be the formula, the better the therapeutic effect. For example, "I am healthy" instead of "I am not sick." During self-sufficiency, it is better to take a comfortable pose sitting or lying, close the eyes, relax and whisper, without any voltage, say the same self-alignment formula. Self-alignment session lasts 3-4 minutes. Repeated 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks.

Second method - Autogenous training (Schulz method). We offer you some of the exercises aimed at the removal of neuropsychic tension.

1. Presentation of color.In a calm relaxed state, mentally imagine the image of a characteristic color: snow-covered mountain peaks, a green meadow, a blue flower, etc. Try to keep in consciousness not so much the form of the object as its color. When you can easily cause a certain color image in the imagination, go to the next exercise.

2. Association Color - feeling.Try, presenting a color to feel a certain feeling. For example, violet - peace, green - joy (fig. 41).

Fig. 41 Presentation of color for removing neuropsychic voltage

3. Representation of the image, ideas. Now you need to safely imagine, with which you are associated with your freedom, hope, joy, love, etc. It is important to remember that everyone has its own concepts about these feelings.

4. Representation of the emotional state.Try to imagine the place where you would like to be now. Carefully examine those sensations that arise from you when contemplating this landscape. It is important to sharpen your attention not on the landscape or the subject of imagination, but on sensations.

Do not expect a pronounced effect from the first lesson. It is necessary to teach your consciousness to brightly represent the proposed sensations.

Thus, we reviewed the methods of psychological unloading and self-regulation with you, which will help properly tune in to the upcoming studies, exams, overcome fear and excitement.

If your psycho-emotional state is extremely stable, you should seek help to a psychologist, and you will receive it. A psychologist UGNTU takes students in Corps No. 8, Cabinet 403.

test questions

1. What is health and its components.

3. What indicators are determined by anthropometry?

4. Technical means of determining the physical development of a person.

5. Types of higher nervous activity.

6. Methods of psycho-emotional unloading and self-government.

Task for independent work student

At home, determine the pulse frequency alone at home and from another family member.

Determine the weight and growth index for one of the family members.

To spend several samples of the most accessible and convenient to you (necessarily on different days) and choosing the most suitable use them constantly.

Perform an exercise for removing neuropsychic tension.

Seminar No. 6.

Topic: vocational and applied physical training (PPFP) bachelors and oil and gas production specialists. Methods of independent development of individual elements of PPFP. Methods of carrying out production gymnastics, taking into account the specified conditions and nature of labor (2 hours).

Purpose of practical training

Formation of students of the ability to use a variety of physical culture and sports to prepare for future professional activities.


1. Acquaint students with the problem of understanding the social role of physical culture in the development of personality and preparation for professional activities.

2. To reveal the general principles of independent activities on general and professional and applied physical training.

3. Acquaint students with the method of effective ways to master vital skills and skills.


1. Objectives and objectives of professional-applied physical training of bachelor and a specialist oil and gas production.

2. Methods of self-mastering of individual elements of the PPFP.

3. Methods of carrying out production gymnastics, taking into account the conditions and nature of the labor of oil industry specialists.

1. Valeeva G.V. Contents of independent studies on professional and applied physical training of petrolatum students: a methodological manual, Ufa. - 1991. - 21 p.

2. Valeeva G.V. Formation of an oil and gas profile specialist model by means of physical education. Electric. Scientific Journal "Oil and Gas Business", 2014, No. 1. -C517-533.

3. Valeeva G.V. Health is the most important aspect from aspects of professionalism for students of future oil and gas industry specialists. Electric. Scientific Magazine "Oil and Gas Business", 2014, №14. - from 172-176.

4. Krasulin N.A., Markeshina O.S., Krasulin TA .. Features of the development of flexibility in students engaged in aerobics in physical culture. Educational and method. Manual for the course "Physical Culture" / UGNTU, 2013. - 43 p.

5. Recommendations for comprehensive planning of circular training at the lesson of physical culture [Electronic resource]: educational and methodical manual / UGNTU, Kaf. FV; Cost. R. F. Tazetdinov [and others]. - Ufa: UGNTU, 2012. - 824 KB

6. Drawing up complexes of morning and industrial gymnastics for students 1, 2 courses [Electronic resource]: Educational and method. Manual at the rate of "Physical Culture" / UGNTU, October. Phil, Kaf. GSEN; Cost. A. Yu. Polekov. - Oktyabrsky: UGNTU, 2011. - 158 KB

7. Physical culture of student and life: Textbook / V.I. Ilinich. - M.: Gardariki, 2007. - 366 p.

Professional and applied physical training of bachelors and oil and gas production specialists

Professional and applied physical training (PPFP)this is a specially directed and selective use of physical culture and sports to prepare a person to certain professional activities.

Modern work requires a significant voltage of mental, mental and physical forces, increased coordination of workers' movements in any sector of labor. But each profession dictates its level of development of psychophysical qualities, its own list of professional-applied skills and skills. Therefore, if you are preparing to the profession of an oil engineer, then you need professional-applied physical preparation of one content, and the future philologist is another. These differences and are reflected in the objectives and objectives of the PPP as a section of the educational discipline "Physical Culture".

Target PPFP is psychophysical readiness for successful professional activities.

Tasksvocational-applied physical training:

1. Formation of necessary applied knowledge, skills and skills.

2. Education of applied psychophysical and special qualities.

Applied Knowledge They have direct relationship with future professional activities. They can be obtained in the process of physical education, at lectures on educational discipline "Physical Culture", during short methodical conversations, on methodical and practical training and training activities, by independently studying literature. Applied skills and skills ensure security in everyday life and when performing certain professional types of work, contribute to rapid and economical movement in solving production problems. Applied psychophysical qualities - This is an extensive list of applied physical and mental qualities of applied physical and mental qualities that can be formed during class sports. Applied physical qualities - speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and agility are necessary in many types of professional activities. Directed selection of exercises, the choice of sports, sports games can be accented to influence a person, contributing to the formation of specific mental qualities and personality properties that determine the success of professional activities. For example, not all represent that the oil and gas production specialist for professional duties needs to rise to the setting up to 40 meters high. But after all, not everyone can be rising for a significant height by narrow transitions and lades (Fig. 42).

Fig. 42. Tower of an oil refining plant

Where is better to get used to this unusual height? Of course in advance in years of study in an educational institution. Applied special qualities - This is the ability of the body of a specialist to withstand specific impacts of the external environment: cold and elevated temperatures, indication when moving by road, water, air modes of transport, insufficient partial pressure of oxygen in the mountains and at the rich territories of oil enterprises. An important role in this regard has to ensure the necessary level of professional readiness of future specialists, including physical fitness, training, efficiency, the development of professionally important qualities.

Currently, the question of the intensification of production, a sharp increase in the quality of training specialists for specific types of employment and, therefore, has arisen to profile physical education in universities, taking into account the requirements of the chosen profession. It is known that the person's adaptation to the conditions of production without special physical training can last from one year to 5-7 years. An integral part of physical education, dealing with issues related to the preparation for employment, received its name - professional-applied physical training (PPFP).

Under PPP is understood as the physical education subsystem, which is best providing the formation and improvement of properties and qualities that are essential for specific professional activities.

However, as practice has shown, many of those who graduated from the Institute are engaged in life without the necessary labor and physical fitness, feeling difficulty in going to work in the national economy. Graduates of institutions that have a weak total and special physical fitness, slowly adapt to the conditions of production, are rapidly tired, more often tend to change the profession. The concept of "quality of a specialist" includes not only knowledge, skills in the professional sphere, but also psychophysical suitability, which depends on the level of physical fitness. If a student has not had the necessary physical fitness to admission to the university and he lacks compulsory educational activities in physical culture, he should increase it with various expectation of educational physical culture, including additional independent training.

The test standards approved by the department under the UNFP section are required for each student and are included in the complex of credits and regulations on educational disciplines "Physical Culture and Sport" and "Applied Physical Culture and Sport" (Tables 5 - 8).

Table 5.

Tests on PPP students 1 course of the main and special training departments (men)

Table 6.

Tests on the PPP students of 2-3kours of the main and special training departments (men)

Table 7.

Tests on the PPP students of 1 course of the main and special training departments (women)

Table 8.

Tests on the PPP students of 2-3 courses of the main and special training departments (women)

In each semester, 2 tests are performed. Students of a special branch, as well as exemplated practical exercises perform tests and requirements from those partitions of PPFP, which are available to them for health. The organization of the educational process using the scoring rating system for assessing the knowledge and skills of students allows to implement an active approach to learning, during which the work of students throughout the entire course of the discipline "Physical Culture" is optimally estimated.

Thus, professional-applied physical training is a special pedagogical process with the directional use of forms, means and methods of physical education. All of them in aggregate ensure the development and improvement of the functional and motor capabilities of the person who are needed in specific work activities. Such physical training contributes to an increase in the effectiveness of vocational training and ensures the high performance of a specialist.

The main factors determining the content of the PPFP

Of course, breaks in work, frequent tea drinking, smokers, walks over the network are very annoying our bosses. But they are familiar with every office worker. These are tools to distract from the monotony and routine of the workflow. Small joy of workers' weekly employees help to relax, prevent stressful state, save from chronic fatigue, apathy and.

Psychologists claim that it is these short moments of rest in the process of working time help the employee to restore strength and work much more efficiently.

This has long understood the leaders of various Western companies. Psychological unloading of office workers in US companies and Japan is the usual phenomenon of corporate life.

Special rooms of psychological unloading, relaxation are created and equipped. In specially equipped rooms, you can press the negative on a special mannequin, externally reminiscent of the manual. In such premises, you can relax on the soft sofa after lunch.

The leadership of the Brazilian company SEMCO went even further in this matter and at the request of the staff were stretched by hammocks in which employees of the company have the opportunity to sleep during working hours. The company's management explains such "cross-partings" by the fact that after 10-15 minute sleep, the productivity of working activity increases significantly. Resistant in this way, the employee works more productive, energetic.

And what about this question in Russia? Of course, to soft sofas, mannequins and hammocks, Russian companies have not yet reached. But some employers have already taken up this problem and are suitable for the issue of psychological unloading of office workers rather responsible.

In addition to the usual "smokers", refrigerators, teapots and microwaves in the offices of some companies and enterprises there are special facilities for recreation, equipped with sports simulators, small sports halls, psychological unloading rooms.

Unfortunately, according to psychologists' specialists, there are still very few leaders care about the psychological health of their employees. Most of them prefer to save on everything, including on expensive office meters. In addition, most of them seeking to get as much profits as possible, almost at all think about people working in their companies.

Such bosses consider unacceptable any simple job, prohibit leave the workplace even for a short time. Many office employees even dine prefer in the workplace, behind the computer monitor.

As a result - high personnel turnover, sklocks between employees, low labor productivity, high percentage of diseases.

A disappointing picture, of course, brings large high-tech companies. Their leadership rightly believes that under their beginning there are extraordinary people - programmers, developers. It requires comfortable conditions for fruitful creative activities, convenience in work and recreation.

In the first place in the first place is Google. It has long been taken for a comfortable working atmosphere of their employees. The Russian office of the company is not inferior to its Western colleagues. Further, experts celebrate the Russian office of Yandex. There is a beautiful "non-pressing" interior, there is a buffet, a library, a psychological unloading room, sports simulators, etc. All this creates a creative comfortable atmosphere for people working there.

If your bosses for such an "advanced" style of the leadership refers skeptical, considers it not the necessary money and western fad, it will have to take a decision of the issue into your hands.

Create in your office the minimum conditions for relaxation. It can be a small aquarium with goldfish, indoor flowers, family photography on the office desk, drawing of your child. Even the color of the blinds on the windows can help calm down and disconnect from the routine. Even such simple techniques will help distract and "revive" the challenges.

Also contribute to the psychological unloading of office workers Eastern techniques - meditation, point massage, various autotrehenings. At the lunch break, try together with colleagues to recover by these ways. The overwhelming majority of people, they great help to get rid of irritation and accumulated fatigue.

So far, for most office workers, psychological health is their own problem. Therefore, during the working day, find a couple of minutes to relax.

When you feel the fatigue, drink a cup of tea, throw back the back of the chair and cover your eyes, make the hand massage, eye gymnastics, go around the room, joke with colleagues. You will notice that we are gradually transformed from the tired and problematic in the full strength and energy of the person.