Defeat facial nerve in children. Symptoms of inflammation of facial nerve

  • The date: 26.06.2020

The facial nerve, also called the cranial brain, is located in the middle of the oblong brain and the Barolic Bridge. It takes place in the Mimic muscles whose work and regulates. The facial nerve is inextricably linked with one, intermediate. The latter is responsible for the operation of the lacrimal gland and the hushed muscle, and also controls some parts of the person and the sensitivity of the language to recognize flavors.

The structure and role of facial nerve

Educated cells of cells, it performs a motor function. Together with the intermediate nerve, the area of \u200b\u200bits action becomes quite extensive. Both are connected to the third - predver-snitel. The resulting trio with its processes takes out an inner auditory passage, bypassing the hole of his pyramid.

The facial nerve is also included in the parole. Another branching will reach the field of temporal bone. There is a large rocky nerve, connected to the drum plexus with a rapid nerve, as well as a wandering nerve and drum string. The main task of the facial nerve is the constant regulation of muscle motor functions. His fibrous structure creates several cores. They are a clutch, or a cellular group. Each kernel is occupied by the regulation of the work of a certain mimic muscle - century, forehead, eyebrows, lips and other things.

Peripheral-type facial nerve paralysis

With purulent defeat of the middle ear or caries, such a complication occurs as a paralysis of the facial nerve. Treatment of this disease should begin as soon as possible, since Ignoring problems leads to irreparable consequences. Deals itself manifests itself, first of all, asymmetry of a person in which characteristic signs can be observed. These include the following: lack of muscle activity or a sharp movement of muscles in their irritation.

Paralysis of the facial nerve - ailment, which entails the following complications:

  • Asymmetry of the mouth area.
  • Muscle paralysis, which makes it difficult to the food process.
  • Peeing mucosa in the problem area.
  • Arbitrary flow of saliva or pouring liquid food through the affected corner of the mouth.
  • Difficulties when communicating due to vague speech.
  • The impossibility of executing some actions, such as a whistle or placing the candle.

Paralysis of the facial central nerve

This is a pathology arising as a consequence of the improper work of the cortex of the brain. Also, the cause may be disorders in cortico-nuclear paths. Due to the fact that they lead just to the facial nerve system, the paralysis of the central type is a violation that is manifested directly opposite the affected area. That is, it is often possible to observe the malfunctions in the muscles of the lower facial area.

Features of the body of the nerve involve its inextricable communication with an extrapyramidal system. For this reason, facial muscles under central paralysis are able to make involuntary cuts that scares the patient and others.

Symptoms indicating the problem

Disease indicators are peculiar calls that signal the presence of a problem. For example, a capened or constantly twitching face is not easy not to notice. This sign is the brightest. It is necessary without delay to begin treatment of the neuritis of the facial nerve. The symptoms of this disease are visible to the naked eye. They indicate that the brain no longer controls the work of the nerve. The main indicators under which you need to beat the alarm:

  • Weakness or complete lack of movements of the mimic muscles of one half of the face.
  • Lack of tension in muscles, which can cause a noticeable omission of one of the corners of the mouth.
  • Difficulty when taking liquid food.
  • All the symptoms can join the dryness of the eyeball or, on the contrary, tear. There may be increased sensitivity, as well as the deterioration of the functions of the language recognition of flavors.

Diagnosis and treatment of neuritis of facial nerve

Observation, survey and diagnosis do not often cause difficulties in doctors due to the brightest severity of symptoms. With this disease, MRI or CT can be assigned, as it may be secondary. In order for the treatment of the neuritis of the face nerve to be short-lived, as well as to eliminate possible negative consequences, therapy begins immediately. The acute period of the disease is accompanied by the reception of the following medicines:

  • Hormonal preparations for inflammation.
  • Diuretics to eliminate edema.
  • Vasasculating, allowing to improve blood flow.
  • Safety syndrome in the presence of pain. If illness is secondary, then the treatment of the neuritis of the facial nerve is to combat the main disease that causes it.

Children's neurith face

Such a disease can be governing from very small children. Their parents are watching like one half as if he froze. Near the facial nerve in children may be a consequence of generic injury. Unfortunately, this happens often. In childbirth, the crumbs are tightly pressed by mother's pelvic bones, which causes the manifestation data. When observing experienced doctors, it is quickly and painlessly eliminated.

Children's neuritis is treated with the help of complex therapy. First assign diuretic to remove edema. And then the treatment includes vitamins. In some cases, additional thermal procedures are prescribed.

The causes of the mononeurite of the facial nerve can be the most diverse, but most often they have an infectious nature. Diseases such as influenza, vapotitis (pig), rude leptospirosis, tick-like encephalitis, various meningitis, infectious mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis and many others may further lead to the development of a complete or partial paralysis of the facial nerve.

The most common factor capable of provoking mononeurite facial nerve is banal respiratory diseases, most often virus origin. Very often, the disease occurs as a complication of the inflammatory process in neighboring organs, especially the ear, since the facial nerve passes in close proximity to it. A special kind of lesions of the facial nerve are lesions of a traumatic nature, the reasons for whom are most often there: operational interventions on the ear, most often about the inflammatory process, the fracture of the temporal bone, traumatic damage to the bones and soft fabrics of the face. Previously, the injuries of the face nerve of newborns were also isolated separately, associated with the imposition of obstetric forceps, but recently such manipulation is practically not applied during labor.

Often the place of damage to the facial nerve directly depends on its cause. For example, with poliomyelitis and encephalitis, there is most often damage to the nucleus of the facial nerve, located in the brain. Other factors most often lead to the defeat of the underlying nerve departments. Especially often monoevit facial nerve as a complication of inflammation in the ear is found in young children who have not reached 1 year.

Clinic, diagnostics

Signs of the disease can be different, which is determined by the level of nerve damage.

General feature for all forms of the disease - Violation of muscle functions responsible for facial people. From the side where the affected nerve is located, facial expressions are almost or completely absent. This manifests itself in the smoothness of the frontal folds, the omission of the eyebrows.

Characteristic sign - The so-called "hare eye" when the eye on the affected side seems more widely disclosed. In addition, due to the motor disorders, the patient cannot communicate to the end, as a result of which constant tearing is observed.

When examining the child, it is noticeable that the fold between the nose and the upper lip on the side of the damage is smoothed, the cheek is a little shed. Some patients are a bit bitten lip or cheek on the affected side. One of the corners of the mouth is omitted. With more significant lesions of the facial nerve, the entire nose and mouth can be completely shifted in a healthy side. As a result of violations of movement and tone in the ear muscles, the displacement and the "patient" ear takes place: it unfolds a little ahead and to the side. In the children of the breast, the disorders are even more difficult: they cannot even take the chest on their own, as the movements in the muscles of the lips are disturbed. In the more older children, all the above violations are most significantly noticeable when weeping, laugh, various grimaces.

Sometimes it happens that with the mononeurite of the face nerve, movements are disturbed, while the sensitivity does not suffer. Such states are observed during the localization of the pathological process in the brain area, the nucleus of the facial nerve.

Under the damage site of the facial nerve passing inside the facial bone, the signs of the disease are distinguishing features. There is a combination of violations of movement in the mimic muscles, disorders of the skin sensitivity and disorders of tears and blood supply.

A slightly different picture is observed before] lower nerve lesions. At the same time, a violation of perceptions of the taste of the tongue can be detected within its front two-thirds, a violation of the selection of tears, increasing sensitivity to sound stimuli, impaired skin sensitivity in a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe face. Often there are quite strong vascular disorders: redness of the eyes due to the expansion of the vessels of the conjunctiva, the uneven painting of the cheeks. Sometimes the lesions of the facial nerve are combined with other neurites, in these cases other corresponding signs are detected.

Unlike nerve lesions at other levels, in this case, the extinguishing of a large amount of tear fluid and tearing is observed. It is also characteristic of the extensions of the vascular extensions of the eye conjunctiva on one side and the different intensity of the color of the right and left cheek.

In the clinic, there are a number of techniques to assess the severity of certain disorders. For example, to identify violations of the vessels, a sample, called the vessel, is used for the author. For this purpose, solutions lead to the expansion of vessels are applied to the lower eyelid. Subsequently, the result is assessed according to the degree of extension of the vessels of the conjunctiva.

In order to determine disorders from taste, solutions of salt and sugar salts of various concentrations are used. This violation appears at the beginning of the disease and after 1 month is completely restored. At the same time, the rate of recovery of taste sensations in no way depends on the pace of restoration of motor functions of the facial muscles.

In the presence of damage from the side of the front nerve, a very characteristic feature is a violation of sweating, as a result of which heightened sweating occurs on the affected side.

After 2-3 weeks from the beginning of the illness on the affected side of the face, friendly movements, twitching and ticking muscles begin to appear, then the violation of their mobility is growing. The patient's facial expression becomes poor, the expression of the face is monotonous (the so-called masca person). Such violations may only be observed with damage to the nerve barrel and never develop in the pathological process in brain centers. At the same time, there may be a sick complaint to the permanent undefree pains behind the ear, in the back of the head, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheek, which is most characteristic of the beginning and midst of the disease. The pain syndrome develops in about a week from the beginning of the disease, often it is ahead of motor disorders. In the future, it can continue from 1 week to 1 month, the extinction of it always happens gradually. Very often, pain does not arise in itself, unprecedented, and it happens with the hyphargement.

With the damage to the brain nuclei of the facial nerve, a very typical signs are disorders from equilibrium bodies. In the pathological process directly in the nerve barrel, such disorders may also occur, but they are extremely rare. They manifest themselves in twitching eyeballs, impaired stability at the vertical body position, gait violation, coordination of movements.

The lesion of the facial nerve in some cases can be combined with herpety races on the face.

In some cases, during recovery, even after the complete restoration of the disturbed motor functions of the nerve, a long time of the patient continues to be disturbed by tearing. It is less likely to maintain an increased excitability of the facial muscles, which manifests itself in the following: when tapping on the zilly arc, the neurological hammer is reduced by the mimic muscles on the same name.

When diagnosing the neuritis of facial nerve is very important, an electronic study is very important, during which the excitability of nerve and mimic muscles are determined, their reduction and the rate of nerve impulses. Laboratory studies are also used (bacteriological, virological, serological method, etc.) to establish the causative agent of the disease.

Neuritis in children is diagnosed significantly less frequently than in adults. The most common types are neuritis facial and auditory nerves. The reasons are generic injuries and other external factors that have had a negative impact after birth. The disease is established in schoolchildren, in exceptional cases in children under the age of 4 years.

Neuritis is the defeat of peripheral nerve endings. Translated from the Latin language, pathology means inflammation of the nerve.

Facial nerve is one of the twelve cranial brain nerves. It innervates the Mimic muscles and is responsible for the movement of lips and eyelids. Inflammation propagating in facial nerve leads to a partial or complete loss of muscle fabric functions.


In newborns, the defeat of the facial nerve occurs as a result of a generic injury. This can occur both during the period of uterine development or during the passage of the child by generic paths.

During pregnancy, the face of the baby is closely pressed against the soft tissues and bones of the pelvic ring of mom. This leads to sacrifice nerve. With prolonged finding in such a position or cessation of female, a woman's nerve is damaged. This is exactly what causes damage and loss of muscular fabric functions. Often, the defeat is manifested only on one side of the face.

In older children, various external and internal factors become the causes of the occurrence of neuritis:

  1. Supercooling and drafts. In this case, the muscles of the face are also arise.
  2. Herpes.
  3. Polio.
  4. Adenoviral infection.
  5. Poisoning of poisonous substances.
  6. Tumors of malignant or benign flow.
  7. Dental manipulations.
  8. Injuries of varying degrees in the field of skull and ear shells.
  9. Strike strikes.
  10. Stressful situations.

Systematic lupus can also provoke the appearance of symptoms of neuritis, in which the pathological process affects the nerve endings and vessels. The causes of the neuritis can also be hidden in various diseases of the ears and the auditory passage, for example, otitis.


Neither the newborn children are manifested in a special way. One half of the face, which is devoid of mobility, kneel as a mask and fully fixed. The difference becomes more noticeable when the child begins to cry.

If the facial nerve is bought, the parents do not get to cause a congenital search reflex, in which the baby begins to reach the mouth to the fingers, if you touch the corner of the mouth. If you don't care, the baby cannot fully apply to the chest during the meal, and the milk begins to flow from the mouth. In severe cases, it becomes impossible to effectively suck. On the affected side, the child cannot completely close the eye, begins towers. In rare cases, dryness of mucosa and conjunctivitis is observed.

In older children, the symptoms of the disease are more pronounced. First of all, the asymmetry of the face is clearly visible. Also noticeable changes in the field of cheeks, eyes, forehead. The lower lip begins to fall, the nasolabial folds are noted. During laughter or talk, the mouth is flown, the effect of ouzing appears. Eyes as well as in babies, not completely closed. The child cannot kiss parents, whistling. In addition, when chewing food, foods remain between the teeth, the food flavor is not felt on the damaged side.


The main method of diagnosing neuropathy is to inspect and study the anamnesis. The doctor establishes the area of \u200b\u200bdamage and the possible cause of the development of facial neuritis. The nerve branches are under the facial muscles, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe special bone located inside the ear, salivary glands and taste fibers. In order to clarify the place of damage, electro-neuromiography is appointed.

Laboratory tests of blood, urine feces, crops for the detection of microbes and analysis for virus infections are also appointed. Based on the results obtained, the degree of damage is established and the treatment scheme is determined.

Treatment methods

When diagnosing the neuritis of the face nerve, the child is carried out with the help of drugs, massage and therapeutic gymnastics. Tasks therapy are the relief of symptoms and restoration of the symmetry of the face.

Medical therapy

If the cause of the development of neuritis was established, the treatment begins with the elimination of the main pathology. In the case when the loss of sensitivity of one part of the person has a cold illness, the reception of anti-inflammatory drugs and means to strengthen vessels.

In the event that a bacterial infection has become the cause of the damage to the nervous system, the therapy begins with the purpose of antibiotics. To combat the virus, the reception of "acyclovir" or "interferon". Efficiency in the neuruticity of the facial nerve in children of antiviral drugs is proved. Corticosteroid facilities are also appointed children, such as "prednisone" or "dexamethasone". They help to remove swelling and painful sensations. To strengthen the immunity and improve the microcirculation, the reception of polyvitamins is shown.


In the event of a pronounced asymmetry of the face, a massage course is appointed. The procedure is carried out only after one week after the development of the disease. This is due to the fact that the impact on the damaged nerve can make the process of changing irreversible. That is why it is not necessary to do a self-massage. And contact the experienced massage.

10-12 days after the start of the development of neuritis, patients were allowed to perform procedures on their own. It is strictly forbidden to touch the lymph nodes, and movements should be light and superficial. The correct implementation of the procedure, strictly according to the recommendations of the doctors, will help to avoid negative consequences.


The healing gymnastics after the diagnosis of the neuritis of the facial nerve should be performed daily, twice a day. The duration of the procedure should not exceed more than 15 minutes.

Depending on the severity of the course of the disease and the field of localization of the pathological process, the doctor is a specific scheme of classes for each patient individually. To achieve the best results it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the specialist.

Neuritis treatment in children is carried out under the strict control of the doctor. The use of folk medicine and self-treatment can lead to irreversibility of processes. That is why at the first symptoms of neuritis should be referred to a neuropathologist.


To eliminate re-inflammation of nerve endings, a number of rules must be observed. First of all, doctors advise the child from stress and supercooling. Also, in order to prevent inflammation of the facial nerve, follow:

  1. Monitor the correct nutrition of the baby.
  2. Regularly give vitamins, especially in spring and autumn time.
  3. Hard a child.

The change in the situation, swimming in open water bodies, staying in the sun and a large number of vitamins in the idea of \u200b\u200bfruits and vegetables will help strengthen the immunity.

The neurites call the inflammatory or traumatic process in the field of peripheral nerves, leading to a partial or full paralysis of the muscles that are innervated by them. Most often, in childhood, we are talking about the neuro facial nerve. With it, one half of the kindergarten works, it reflects the facial expressions, and the second has frozen, often peashed views. At the same time, an omission is omitted, the edges of the eye, the immobility of the century and the unnatural expression of the face.

There are two options for neuritis in children - this is a primary, resulting in an independent disease, damage directly to the very nerve itself, and secondary - arising from the resulting infections, tumors, injuries, circulatory disorders. It usually occurs as one of the symptoms of pathology, against the background of existing and other manifestations of the disease.


The causes of neuritis in a child can be diverse and depend on age. In the period of newborn and early childhood, this can be the result of a generic injury. It is usually injured by a facial nerve when passing the mother's head of the fetus. In this case, the crumbs are tightly pressed against the bones and soft tissues of the pelvic ring of the mother, which leads to the transmission of the nervous barrel. This injures and deprives the nerve of oxygen, with a long standing of the head in this position more than half an hour, with a narrow pelvis or stopping the patient, significant nerve damage occurs. This leads to a paresa, that is, partial loss of nerve functions or full paralysis, complete not functionality of the face muscles. Usually, the defeat occurs on one side of the face.

In older children, external and internal factors can become the causes of neuritis. These include preservation of faces with a pronounced muscle spasm and vessels, drafts. Can provoke neuritis the development of herpes, poliomyelitis, vapotitis (pigs) or adenoviral infection. The reasons may be poisoning toxic substances, tumors, incorrectly conducted dental manipulations, ear injuries or skulls, heads over the head and face. Also provoke severe stress, the presence of diabetes and systemic lesions by type of lupus, affecting vessels and nerves. Often, the causes of neuritis in childhood are otitis.


In babies, neuritis is manifested in a special way, devoid of mobility half of the face will look "mask", fully immovable. Particularly visible the difference during crying crumbs. The muscles intact half in the tone and move, damaged remain motionless. When injured, the nerve will not be able to call a special, search reflex (congenital), in which the newborn must reach the mother's fingers, if they touch the corner of his mouth. As a result of the weakness of the muscles around the mouth, the child cannot fully attach to the chest, milk can flow from the affected side. Sometimes applying and effective sucking is generally impossible. From the affected side, the eye is poorly closed, not to the end and a tear is leaking from under the eyelashes. Less often dried dryness and conjunctivitis.

In the older children, signs of neuritis more distinct are the asymmetry of the face, the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead, cheeks and eyes, which becomes expanded. The lower lip disperses, the nasolabial fold is lowered. With a laugh and conversation, the mouth is flown up to a healthy side, the effect of rubbing the teeth is formed, the eye closure does not completely close the eyelid. The child cannot whistle, kissing, foods when taking food can be stuck between the teeth, suffers the language and food sensations.

Diagnosis of neuritis at the child

The basis of diagnosis is a thorough inspection of the neurologist, identifying the area of \u200b\u200bdamage. In the place of passage of the facial nervic, branches are departed to the area of \u200b\u200bdirect muscles on the face of the child, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe special bone inside the ears - the Spirit, as well as to salivary glands and taste fibers of the language. The place of damage is specified using electro-neuromiography or the method of caused by electric potentials (irritation of cranial nerve nuclei). With damage, there is a break of communication, and its level is revealed. Also show, if necessary, analyzes to identify the cause of neuritis (blood, urine, crops on microbial and PCR for viral infections).


The main complications include contractures in the field of mimic muscles, minimizing the patient of half with the formation of grimaces. Completion of individual muscular groups, muscle atrophy, conjunctivitis with one-sided lesion and synctanesis of persons (manifestations from the opposite side of pathological symptoms) can develop twitching.


What can you do

In early age, it is necessary to create peace and silence, since when you don't care, the hearing bones relax and overly strongly from the sounds are hit by the field of drumproof. It is important to maintain the muted sound at the time of treatment. Thermal effects are also necessary, applying to the suffering part of the face heated with a warm iron of the diaper. When feeding, you need to choose a convenient position so that the baby can most effectively suck, flowing milk to the face of a diaper. Watch out for the hygiene eye, especially when they are dry, constantly bury special drops for moisturizing or wipe the tears from the eye during their abundant compartment. Older children show a special massage technique, as well as special gymnastics for muscles, conducted with the baby.

The rest of the treatment will appoint a doctor.

What does the doctor do

The first few days of infants are prescribed diuretic drugs to remove edema in the neural area. Then use vitamins and preparations for nutrition of fabrics, absorbing and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Elder children use hormone drugs with a duration of up to 7-10 days in small doses, the use of symptomatic therapy of a drop for moisturizing the eye, an artificial tear. The massage of the face, collar space and the nape is shown. Two weeks later use physiotherapy with sedatives, muscle relaxants. Applicable in the treatment of neuritis in children magnetic therapy, electrophoresis with drugs, laser therapy, phonophoresis, acupuncture.


The basis of prevention is the prevention of colds and supercooling, stress, full nutrition. It is important to be correct and fully treated with viral infections, regularly attend the doctor, properly feed the child and give him vitamins to maintain immunity. In the article, you will read everything about the methods of treating such a disease, as neither children. Check how effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medicines or folk methods?

You will also learn what it may be dangerous late treatment of the illness of neuritis in children, and why it is so important to avoid consequences. All about how to warn neuritis in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find full information about the symptoms of the disease neuritis in children. What is the difference between signs of illness in children in 1.2 and 3 years from the appearance of the illness from children in 4, 5, 6 and 7 years? How best to treat the disease neuritis in children?

Take care of the health of loved ones and be in Tonus!

Neuritis in children is diagnosed significantly less frequently than in adults. The most common types are neuritis facial and auditory nerves. The reasons are generic injuries and other external factors that have had a negative impact after birth. The disease is established in schoolchildren, in exceptional cases in children under the age of 4 years.

What is neurrit

Facial nerve

Neuritis is the defeat of peripheral nerve endings. Translated from the Latin language, pathology means inflammation of the nerve.

Facial nerve is one of the twelve cranial brain nerves. It innervates the Mimic muscles and is responsible for the movement of lips and eyelids. Inflammation propagating in facial nerve leads to a partial or complete loss of muscle fabric functions.


Sugar diabetes in children

In newborns, the defeat of the facial nerve occurs as a result of a generic injury. This can occur both during the period of uterine development or during the passage of the child by generic paths.

During pregnancy, the face of the baby is closely pressed against the soft tissues and bones of the pelvic ring of mom. This leads to sacrifice nerve. With prolonged finding in such a position or cessation of female, a woman's nerve is damaged. This is exactly what causes damage and loss of muscular fabric functions. Often, the defeat is manifested only on one side of the face.

In older children, various external and internal factors become the causes of the occurrence of neuritis:

  1. Supercooling and drafts. In this case, the muscles of the face are also arise.
  2. Herpes.
  3. Polio.
  4. Adenoviral infection.
  5. Poisoning of poisonous substances.
  6. Tumors of malignant or benign flow.
  7. Dental manipulations.
  8. Injuries of varying degrees in the field of skull and ear shells.
  9. Strike strikes.
  10. Stressful situations.
  11. Diabetes.

Systematic lupus can also provoke the appearance of symptoms of neuritis, in which the pathological process affects the nerve endings and vessels. The causes of the neuritis can also be hidden in various diseases of the ears and the auditory passage, for example, otitis.


Paralysis of half of the face

Neither the newborn children are manifested in a special way. One half of the face, which is devoid of mobility, kneel as a mask and fully fixed. The difference becomes more noticeable when the child begins to cry.

If the facial nerve is bought, the parents do not get to cause a congenital search reflex, in which the baby begins to reach the mouth to the fingers, if you touch the corner of the mouth. If you don't care, the baby cannot fully apply to the chest during the meal, and the milk begins to flow from the mouth. In severe cases, it becomes impossible to effectively suck. On the affected side, the child cannot completely close the eye, begins towers. In rare cases, dryness of mucosa and conjunctivitis is observed.

In older children, the symptoms of the disease are more pronounced. First of all, the asymmetry of the face is clearly visible. Also noticeable changes in the field of cheeks, eyes, forehead. The lower lip begins to fall, the nasolabial folds are noted. During laughter or talk, the mouth is flown, the effect of ouzing appears. Eyes as well as in babies, not completely closed. The child cannot kiss parents, whistling. In addition, when chewing food, foods remain between the teeth, the food flavor is not felt on the damaged side.


The main method of diagnosing neuropathy is to inspect and study the anamnesis. The doctor establishes the area of \u200b\u200bdamage and the possible cause of the development of facial neuritis. The nerve branches are under the facial muscles, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe special bone located inside the ear, salivary glands and taste fibers. In order to clarify the place of damage, electro-neuromiography is appointed.

Laboratory tests of blood, urine feces, crops for the detection of microbes and analysis for virus infections are also appointed. Based on the results obtained, the degree of damage is established and the treatment scheme is determined.

Treatment methods

Face massage in children

When diagnosing the neuritis of the face nerve, the child is carried out with the help of drugs, massage and therapeutic gymnastics. Tasks therapy are the relief of symptoms and restoration of the symmetry of the face.

Medical therapy

If the cause of the development of neuritis was established, the treatment begins with the elimination of the main pathology. In the case when the loss of sensitivity of one part of the person has a cold illness, the reception of anti-inflammatory drugs and means to strengthen vessels.

In the event that a bacterial infection has become the cause of the damage to the nervous system, the therapy begins with the purpose of antibiotics. To combat the virus, the reception of "acyclovir" or "interferon". Efficiency in the neuruticity of the facial nerve in children of antiviral drugs is proved. Corticosteroid facilities are also appointed children, such as "prednisone" or "dexamethasone". They help to remove swelling and painful sensations. To strengthen the immunity and improve the microcirculation, the reception of polyvitamins is shown.


In the event of a pronounced asymmetry of the face, a massage course is appointed. The procedure is carried out only after one week after the development of the disease. This is due to the fact that the impact on the damaged nerve can make the process of changing irreversible. That is why it is not necessary to do a self-massage. And contact the experienced massage.

10-12 days after the start of the development of neuritis, patients were allowed to perform procedures on their own. It is strictly forbidden to touch the lymph nodes, and movements should be light and superficial. The correct implementation of the procedure, strictly according to the recommendations of the doctors, will help to avoid negative consequences.


The healing gymnastics after the diagnosis of the neuritis of the facial nerve should be performed daily, twice a day. The duration of the procedure should not exceed more than 15 minutes.

Depending on the severity of the course of the disease and the field of localization of the pathological process, the doctor is a specific scheme of classes for each patient individually. To achieve the best results it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the specialist.

Neuritis treatment in children is carried out under the strict control of the doctor. The use of folk medicine and self-treatment can lead to irreversibility of processes. That is why at the first symptoms of neuritis should be referred to a neuropathologist.


To eliminate re-inflammation of nerve endings, a number of rules must be observed. First of all, doctors advise the child from stress and supercooling. Also, in order to prevent inflammation of the facial nerve, follow:

  1. Monitor the correct nutrition of the baby.
  2. Regularly give vitamins, especially in spring and autumn time.
  3. Hard a child.

The change in the situation, swimming in open water bodies, staying in the sun and a large number of vitamins in the idea of \u200b\u200bfruits and vegetables will help strengthen the immunity.

In this material we will try to understand in detail what is neuritis facial and auditory nerves in childrenand what treatment is neuritis most effective in our time.
Most often, Near the face nerve in a child accompanied by pain in the near-dry area. The causes of the disease are very primitive - supercooling, inflammation of the middle ear, damage to the facial nerve, etc. Paralysis of the facial muscles is the main symptom of the disease. Also neurritis facial nerve is characterized by a lowered angle of the mouth, Lagofalm is observed.

If a a child suffering from neuruthet face nerve, I will attempt to grind your teeth, you can see that the mouth can quickly shift on a healthy side. It should be noted that the course of this disease is sharp. With a favorable forecast, recovery will occur in two weeks. It must be said, in most cases, the paralysis of the muscles at the neurut of facial nerve is eliminated quickly enough, but in some cases it may take 1-2 months.

The treatment of neuritisThe facial neuritis refers to sufficiently specific diseases and the treatment of this ailment requires comprehensive measures. Often, treatment depends on etiology. Means that reduce heat, anticiring preparations, and also, vasoactive drugs are shown in the acute stage. In the event that Otitis serves as the etiological factor in the neurut of facial nerve, experts carry out appropriate treatment.

Neurit of a hearing nerve in a child It can lead to hearing loss and even to complete hearing loss, so treatment of the disease must begin as soon as possible - preferably in the earliest stages of development. Fortunately, in most cases, the treatment is performed very quickly - after identifying the first signs of the neurut of auditory nerve. Experts recommends the reception of such drugs as Nivalin and Dibazole. As you know, neuritis is the disease of the nerves and, therefore, the disease of the whole nervous system. Most often, the auditory nerve is accompanied by such symptoms: strong noise in the ears, as well as a violation of the quality of hearing. The reasons for which these problems may arise many and all of them are different. Often, infectious diseases lead to violations of the auditory. Influenza, ARVI, meningitis, consequently, are the pathogens of this disease. Also, hit the hearing nerve can the following: serious injuries, for example, crank-brain injury or barryravum.

As already described above, the most important symptoms of neuritis are deafening noise in ears or ringing. Consequently, the patient begins to hear worse. If there is no treatment of this disease, hearing can be lost. With the usual examination of the ear, practically, it is impossible to reveal neurith. Only such a procedure as an audiometry is able to help in this situation. If you are notching the patient, it feels dizziness and is not even able to stay on the legs.

Self The process of treatment of neuritis of auditory nerve Depends on the cause of appearance. Neuritis of infectious nature is treated with antiviral means, intoxication - the recovery of metabolism.

We briefly considered the causes of the emergence and symptoms of the neuritis of the face nerve in the child, as well as the neurut of auditory nerve. Below we will tell you in detail what therapeutic gymnastic exercises for a person is useful to perform for the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve, as well as you will find information about what treatment is most effective when you don't care a hearing nerve And what vitamins are useful to take a child to restore hearing.

Now you know what neuritis facial and auditory nerves in children. The rapid and efficient treatment of any of these diseases is associated with the detection of symptoms of one or another neuritis at an early stage and immediate appeal to the doctor for accurate diagnosis and preparation of the treatment complex.

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When the facial nerve is not in mind, there is an inflammation of some kind of nerve of this nerve, which causes a violation of the transfer of impulses into the muscles of the face. Muscles cease to shrink, and also disappear main reflexes: chewing, blittening, sucking and other reflexes that form facial people.
The cause of the formation may be overcooling, the presence of inflammatory processes, swelling, injury, as a result of which the nervous channel is infringed. This disease can be primary and secondary.

The occurrence of primary form neuritis facial nerve in children It occurs under the action of some thermal or mechanical reasons. At the same time, the nerve is inflamed against the background of the overall health of the child. In the presence of certain diseases in children, the secondary form of this disease is often developing.

Diseases that provoke appearance neuritis facial nerve in children:
1. Middle Otitis. In the absence of otitis treatment (here you can read how to treat otitis in children), inflammation is gradually applied to a more extensive territory and can reach the site for which the channel with the corresponding nerve passes;
2. Farm. At the same time against the background of viral infection, intoxication and the swelling of fabrics develops. This in turn may lead to the infringement of the channel in which the corresponding nerve is located;
3. Singing deprived (here you can read about the devoid of children and its symptoms), in which the area of \u200b\u200bthe oars and neck, as well as the oral mucosa, can be affected. As a result, the inflammatory process can spread to the area of \u200b\u200bthe facial nerve;
4. Melkerson-Rosental Syndrome. This is a congenital disease that causes periodic episodes of neuritis.

Symptoms that characterize this disease:
1. Pain in the ear region;
2. Asymmetry of the face;
3. Violation of the facial muscles of the face;
4. Loss of taste sensations;
5. Tearing;
6. Sluting;
7. Sound distortion in one ear.

That is, with a given disease, when trying to close the eyes, the eyelid on the sideline remains open, it appears the syndrome of the holy eye, when a white strip of sclera is visible between the iris and the lower eyelid. When you try to climb the children, fold the lips with a tube, raise an eyebrow, the face breaks in a healthy side. In this case, changes occur, both in the motion of the muscles and in the senses from the affected nerve.
Treatment of this disease in children involves an integrated approach. Medical treatment implies the use of dehydrating, vasodilating and vitamin preparations. With a very obvious inflammatory process, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are used. Physiotherapeutic treatment implies thermal procedures, microwave therapy, UHF, paraffin applications. In some cases, electrostimulation is shown.
Therapeutic physical culture with slowly increasing load and massage are also used in the treatment neuritis facial nerve in children. Sometimes during the recovery period, biostimulants and reflexotherapy are prescribed. With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, resort to surgical.

The main methods of the neuritis of facial nerve are non-drugs. The most important of them is correctly conducted by gymnastics with the impressive correction of developed violations by the Mimic muscles. Such classes of the patient can even spend independently, standing in front of the mirror. Sometimes directly during the treatment of physical education makes sense on the face of a mask consisting of protein substances. This helps to strengthen the inflow of pulses to muscle tissue.

A very good result is obtained by combining physical education with drug events - the use of mediators in the transmission of nerve impulses, vitamins, especially groups B, drugs that improve blood circulation in small vessels. Thermal procedures are very effective in the form of blue light, the hot shutting of the patient warming compresses.

The massage is also one of the most important non-medical methods of treatment of the neuritis of the facial nerve, but it should be used with caution, avoiding excessive stretching of the mimic muscles. Sometimes good results can be obtained by applying the fixation of the affected muscles with the help of a patch and a special tape.

In the development of complications (keratitis and conjunctivitis), the solutions of antiseptics are instilled in the eye.

There are literary data on the successful use of physiotherapy procedures, such as UVF, diathermy, galvanic current. However, the therapy is the latter should be carried out very carefully.

In the development of the neurut of facial nerve as complications of another disease, such as otitis, it is necessary to treat and the main disease simultaneously with the neuritude.

Operational treatment techniques should be applied with long (more than 1-2 years) ineffectiveness of conservative events. Removal of the affected area of \u200b\u200bnerve and its plastic are carried out.

Currently, there are also techniques for surgery on affected muscles. Most often applies their substitution to the muscles taken from other areas, mainly from the chewing muscles. Surgical treatment is sometimes capable of leading very good results.

A very big problem is the therapy of mobility disorders in facial muscles. With these purposes, the heating of profound and surface soft fabrics, massage, correctional gymnastics are most often used.


Most often, the disease proceeds favorably and ends with complete recovery. Faster and qualitative to restore disturbed functions occurs if the brain center of the facial nerve was affected, and not the nervous trunk itself. In the latter case, regeneration processes occupy from 2 weeks to several months.


Preventive measures should be aimed at preventing major diseases, as a result of which the face nerve is affected.