Why constant delays. Delayed menstruation, but test negative: what to do? Miscarriages and abortion

  • Date: 23.06.2020

Update: October 2018

The regular menstrual cycle of menstruation, occurring at an equal period of time, is a kind of woman's health indicator. But often there are situations when a fertile woman has a lack of menstruation, but a negative test. Therefore, any delay in menstruation, which lasts more than 10 - 14 days, requires access to the doctor.

No menstruation: What is the norm, and what is pathology?

There is no doubt that every weak floor representative has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe menstrual cycle, its duration, character and duration of menstruation. So, the menstrual cycle indicates cyclic changes that occur in the body, and in particular in the ovaries, the uterus, as a result of which the ovaries produce (1 phase) and (2 stage) affecting the endometrium.

Under the influence of sex hormones, proliferative and secretory changes in the mucous meter occur, it thickens, blood flows, that is, it is prepared for implantation in case of conception. If the fertilization is not accomplished, the functional layer of the endometrium occurs, which is called menstruation.

Normally, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days (+/- 7 days). About amenorrhea say when menstruation is not for six months or more. Any deviations, including the delay or a long lack of menitually should alert a woman.

What is considered to be a delay that Amenorrhea?

If there are no monthly period for 2 months, but not more than 6 (that is, it is not about amenorrhea, but about the delay of menstruation), to the disappearance of the latter can lead:

  • irrational nutrition, passionate diet, fast loss, or, on the contrary, weight gain;
  • discontinuation of admission (COC), non-compliance with the reception scheme, use of some KOK;
  • reception of corticosteroids, the analogues of rilizing hormones, chemotherapy and irradiation;
  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages (see);
  • heavy exercise, as well as professional sports;
  • climate change;
  • frequent business trips, aeroperelluses;
  • psychological problems, emotional experiences, stress;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • or miscarriage);
  • climax.

Physiological amenorrhea

Physiological amenorrhea is determined by natural causes, therefore is not considered a disease. For example, menstruations are not in girls before dawn of puberty or in women of menopause of age (45 years old), nursing and, of course, during pregnancy.

Pathological amenorrhea

Pathological amenorrhea occurs with any neurological, gynecological or endocrine disorders. If menstruation is irregular and occur once every 3 to 4 months, they say about the olignerinee and should look for the true cause of this violation. All other non-sufficient delays and termination of menstruation for short periods are not very serious cycle disorders. In turn, pathological amenorrhea is divided into primary and secondary.

  • Primary

In the absence of both monthly and secondary sexual signs, a 14-year-old girl either in the girl is 16 years old with existing signs of puberty, but missing menstruation, speak of primary amenorrhea. In turn, the primary amenorrhea is false and true.

False amenorrhea is the lack of periodic blood discharge from the uterus and / or vagina, and in the ovaries, the uterus, dairy glasses cyclic changes occur. The cause of this state is the anatomical anomalies for the development of the bodies of the reproductive system (infection of the splava, the atresia of the vagina and / or the cervical canal, the absence of the uterus). As a result, menstrual blood accumulates in the vagina, or in the uterus and / or in the pipes.

True amenorrhea - Not only no monthly, but there are no cyclic changes in the reproductive sphere and in the whole body. With true amenorrhea, there is a low content of genital hormones and the hormonal activity of the ovaries is reduced that it does not cause structural changes of the endometrium, as a result of which menstruation does not occur.

  • Secondary amenorrhea

It is called the cessation of menstruation for half a year or more after the preceding regular menstruation.

Why not long menstruation?

In the absence of menstruation, it is necessary to seek the causes that promote the cycle impairment and the provoking development of amenorrhea. To begin with, pregnancy should be excluded, not forgetting about the ectopic (see). Causes of Amenorrhea:


  • genetic and chromosomal anomalies (Schayer Syndrome, Sherosevsky - Turner Syndrome, Testoicular Feminization Syndrome, etc.);
  • disorders of the work of the cerebral-hypothalamus-pituitary cerebral border, which lead to violations in the cyclical connection between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries and uterine (hyponituitarism, hypogonadotropic syndrome, delay in sexual development, etc.);
  • vices of the development of the organs of the sexual sphere (atresia of the vagina, aplasia of the uterus, the infection of virgin splava);
  • pituitary tumors (cranefining);


  • psycho amenorrhea (long stress);
  • bulimia and anorexia;
  • hyperprolactineia (possible both functional and organic as a result of prolactinoma);
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease:, thyrotoxicosis);
  • premature exhaustion exposure syndrome (premature climax);
  • virilizing ovarian tumors;
  • adrenal tumors, hyperplasia of adrenal cortex (adrenogenital syndrome);
  • atresia of the cervical canal (frequent intrauterine interventions);
  • intrauterine syneficia (ashherman syndrome);
  • syndrome resistant ovarian.

Signs of primary amenorrhea

If menstruation is missing in adolescent girls (16 years and older) should first be excluded by digesia gonad. There are 3 forms.

  • Typical digesia Or Sherechezhevsky-Turner syndrome is distinguished by a karyotic 45 / x0 (normal karyotype should contain 46 chromosomes, and the last pair should be "female", that is, XX).
  • With erased form Doginesia gonad karyotype has a mosaic character, that is, alternate 45x with 46 xx.
  • With mixed form In the karyotype there is either a y-chromosome, or its plot and marked mosaicism (45x / 46h).
  • In the study of the karyotype and the detection of 46 / XX or 4h, they talk about the clean form of the gonad's dyshinesia.

All listed forms have their own characteristic clinical symptoms, but they are combined by a number of general features:

  • menstruation never happened;
  • secondary sexual signs are either no, or there is a not separation;
  • genital infantilism;
  • high content of gonadotropins, mainly FSH, which is characteristic of postmenopause;
  • karyotype with a pathological set of chromosomes, and gender chromatin is significantly reduced;
  • gestagine test is negative, but gives a positive result with the introduction of estrogen and gestagens;
  • on the ultrasound instead of ovaries, connective tissues, in which there are no follicles, and the endometrium in the uterus is linear, and the size of the uterus is reduced.

In case of functional disorderwhich is observed after suffering infections, insufficient nutrition, on the background of anemia and other extragenital diseases, the girl has a delay in sexual development (Menarche, an increase in the mammary glands, the appearance of the lobby and the armpits and the armpits occur after 16 years). Such a later puberty is typically for the northern peoples and is due to a constitutional nature, which is influenced by climate, nutrition (lack of vitamins, the predominance of monotonous food) and heredity. In addition to the absence of menstruation, underdevelopment of secondary sexual signs and organs of the genital system of other complaints in patients.

With organic lesion of the Gopotalamus-pituitary system Most often a pituitary tumor is detected. But perhaps the presence of severe neuroinfection (meningitis or encephalitis), as well as the genetic anomaly (Callman syndrome).

In the case of false amenorrhea In the absence of a hole in the spray or obstruction of the cervical canal in the girl, the secondary sexual signs are well developed, but there are no menstruation, but in the days of possible menstruation, the patient is experiencing pains of a grapple nature at the bottom of the abdomen (menstrual allocations accumulate in the uterus or in the vagina, without having to strengthen).

In case of aplasa uteruswhich is often combined and the lack of vagina, there is secondary signs of sexual development (ovaries are available and successfully produce sex hormones), but there are no menstruation.

Secondary amenorrhea

Numerous abortions, surgical interventions

Often, secondary amenorrhea is observed in women of fertile age after numerous scraping, intrauterine interventions and surgical abortion.

  • In one case, atresia is developing (injecting a cervical canal), due to damage to its basal membrane. At the same time, the patient complains about the cessation of menstruation, but in the days of the expected bloody discharge, grasp-like pains at the bottom of the abdomen.
  • In another case, the uterine form of amenorrhea develops, when connecting jumpers are formed in the uterine cavity - synechia. In addition to the cessary menstruation, there are no other complaints.

Hobbating diet

In order to reduce weight, young women and girls adhere to low-calorie diets or starve at all, as a result of which anorexia is developing. The lack of proteins in food leads to a decrease in the production of gonadotropins, which forms a functional disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. After the survey and inspection, in addition to the disappeared menstruation (often women are treated in a year of lack of menstruation), atrophy of the mucous membrane shells of the vagina and vulva, a decrease in the size of the uterus, and, of course, a significant body weight deficiency is revealed.

Pituitary tumors

With an organic communication disorder of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, there is often a galactorer (the release of milk of their breast glands, which is not associated with pregnancy), which is observed with a pituitary tumor (prolactinoma). But besides the pituitary tumor, the Galactorian, along with secondary amenorrhea, can develop and as a result of other factors:

  • nervous tension
  • endocrine pathology
  • neuroinfection
  • reception of drugs

Syndrome of resistant ovarian

Syndrome of resistant ovaries is observed in women 35 years and younger. In history, a woman, as a rule, is noted autoimmune pathology, hereditary burdensity, frequent infections, possibly - tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, diabetes, platelet purple, miastic, etc. In addition to stopping menstruation, there are some hypo-estrogenic manifestations (atrophic changes in the mucous membranes and vagina, Point hemorrhages, redness). But there are no signs of early climax, although the level of gonadotropins is raised.

Ovarian depletion syndrome (premature climax)

It occurs in women under 40 years old. The clinic is quite characteristic. From the anamnesis it becomes known that sexual development and menarh on time, the childbearing and menstrual functions are not violated. The termination of the monthly precedes oligomenorrhea, and then characteristic signs of Klimaks appear (tides, increased sweating, weakness, etc.). The progress of atrophic changes in the genitals and milk glands is noted.

Psychogenic amenorrhea

Develops against the background of long or constant stress, nerve overvoltages. Symptoms of Klimaks Against the background of no menstruation, and menstruation themselves stop suddenly. It causes various one-time or long-term effects on the bark of the brain - one-time strong stress (the death of a close man, etc.) or long stress (Amenorrhea "Prison" or "War Time").

Ovulation and pregnancy against the background of disappeared monthly

It is not excluded the possibility of becoming pregnant and against the background of amenorrhea, that is, there is a long lack of menstruation. If the reasons for amenorrhea are not serious enough (although, of course, there are no frivolous diseases), then spontaneous ovulation is possible, and, consequently, conception. But with any form of amenorrhea, it is not necessary to rely on the case, it is necessary to be examined and passing the appropriate treatment with a competent specialist.

On the background of breastfeeding

Not all women know that you can get pregnant in the absence of menstruation. Most often this situation is on the background of breastfeeding. But it must be remembered that breastfeeding is a very unreliable method of contraception even if all the conditions are observed (breaks between feedings are 4 hours and less afternoon, and no longer than 6 hours at night, the absence of menstruation and child decoration mixtures, the use of the method only in the first six months after childbirth).

Nursing mothers It is important to remember that ovulation happens in 2 weeks (+/- 5 days) to the first menstruation and it is unlikely that a woman engaged in the child and homemade deals is able to pay attention to the signs of the upcoming and occurred ovulation (changes in the nature of vaginal discharge, see, minor pain at the bottom of the abdomen).

Girls teenagers

The same applies to teenage girls who have no menstruation, but the secondary signs of puberty are expressed in moderate or initial degree. Even if the sexual maturation began, the occurrence of Menarche is possible at any time, which indicates what the ovulation occurred.

However, the formation of the menstrual function in a ventilate age can stretch for a period of 1 to 3 years, with long delays and irregular menstrual, which does not exclude ovulation and possible pregnancy.

Women in Premenopause

Women in premanopausal age even in the presence of menopausal symptoms and long delays should also be fear of pregnancy in the absence of menstruation. It is indisputable that the number of ovulation is significantly reduced in premenopause (that is, they happen far from each cycle), but the risk of late pregnancy is preserved. Only in the absence of menstruation throughout the year after the last one we can talk about menopause and stop protected.

Lack of menstruation against the background of oral contraceptives

Many women to prevent pregnancy use estrogen-gestagenic drugs, that is, combined oral contraceptives (see). But sometimes there are situations when, after the end of the intake of Kok or their cancellation, menstruation does not occur. This is possible in the following cases:

  • Passing the tablet, a non-time taking tablet

In case of violation of the COC (forgotten the next tablet (forgot to take another tablet, vomiting arose, delayed the reception for 4 hours and more) It should be done as soon as possible to have a missing tablet and in the next 3 days to be protected by additional means (condom). But when complying with such conditions, it is not excluded the possibility of becoming pregnant. If there are no monthly periods during a 7-day break, when menstrual-like discharge should begin, first of all it is necessary to conduct a pregnancy test and see the doctor (usually a gynecologist prescribes a study of HCH blood, which indicates pregnancy). The possibility of both ectopic pregnancy is also not excluded, because Kok weaken the peristaltics of phallopy pipes.

  • Reception of low-volume new generation preparations

Low-volume COC, especially the last generation (Jess, Clayra), are usually prescribed to women who have abundant monthly. Low doses of the gestagne component do not allow the endometry to significantly increase, which contributes not only to the reduction of blood loss, but also to a decrease in the amount of deskvamated endometrial. Menstruation Against the background of taking KOK becomes scarce and short, and possibly (after 2 - 3 months of use and their disappearance). In this case, additionally assigned. But often there is only a small delay of menstruation (no more than 3 - 5 days).

  • Syndrome hypershipsus of ovarian

Such a situation is allowed when after a long admission of KOC, especially with high and medium hormones, is suppressed by the production of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland, the ovaries "answered" produce their own hormones, and, as a result, secondary amenorrhea arises. This refers to the nutritional reasons for the cessation of menstruation, but no special treatment is required, monthly is usually restored after 3 or 4 months after canceling the drug.

Menstruation No: What to do?

Regardless of whether there are no menstruation throughout the short or for a long time, there is a primary or secondary amenorrhea, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible and go through a designated survey that will help establish the cause of termination or absence of menstruation. Therapy, both amenorrhea and menstruation delays aims to eliminate the cause, and the ability to become pregnant (if that is allowed).

Restoration of disappeared periods sometimes represents a difficult task. But any treatment begins with the normalization of the day and rest mode, rational and full nutrition and elimination of stress factors. As a rule, with a constitutional delay in sexual development with primary amenorrhea, as well as in the syndrome of psychogenic secondary amenorrhea, these events are enough.

Weight deficiency

A significant weight deficit or anorexia requires not only the appointment of a high-calorie and easily-friendly diet, but often consulting a psychologist and psychiatrist with taking and tranquilizers. Also shows cyclic vitamin therapy for a period of up to six months. If menstruation has not resumed after the measures taken, low-volume COCs are prescribed (at least 3 to 6 cycles), and then, after the reduction of weight and cycle, the ovulation is stimulated by clomiphene.

Inflammation of appendages or uterus

If the cause of the absence of menstruation is the inflammation of the uterus and appendages, there is anti-inflammatory therapy with the subsequent course of physiothery and destination COC Duration 3 - 6 cycles. With the tumors of the ovaries, especially virilizing, their removal is carried out. Sclerokystosis of the ovarian, leading to infertility, is an indication for a laparoscopic operation, during which the ovaries are wedge-shaped, which contributes to the stimulation of ovulation and conception in 70% of cases.

Reception of oral contraceptives

If the impairment of the menstrual cycle is associated with the beginning of the reception of estrogen-gestagenic contraceptives (delaying menstruation for several days), the expectant tactic of the patient's leading for 2 to 3 months is applied. This time is necessary for the "addictiveness" of the body on the receipt of sex hormones from the outside. If there are no menstruation 7 or more than days after the end of the reception of the tablets designed for one cycle, a gestagne preparation is added as treatment, which stimulates the growth of the endometrium, and after its abolition, its rejection (duphaston, ureasia or progesterone intramuscularly). With constant delays in menstruation against the background of the KOK, the doctor picks up another, with several elevated doses of hormones.

Frequent delays, cycle violation

With an irregular cycle, frequent delays in the monthly and absence of accompanying chronic extragnenital diseases, it is recommended to receive homeopathic agents (remnation, climadion, mastodinone), which establish a hypothalamic-pituitary bond and normalize the menstrual cycle.

Diseases of thyroid gland

The pathology of the thyroid gland often acts as the cessation of menstruation for a long time, so it is necessary to fight the treatment of the underlying disease (the purpose of thyroid hormones).

Vices for the development of genital organs

In the case of vices of the antenatal development of the genital organs or acquired structural changes of them (syneficia, the atresia of the cervical canal, the inadstand) are resorted to surgical intervention (dissection of the splava, vaginal plastic, and excision of the synech, the sensing of the cerval canal).

If chromosomal anomalies or dysgenezia are diagnosed, then when it is detected in the karyotype of U-chromosome laparoscopic, they are removed (the prevention of discharge), after which a life-long (to the age of natural cessation of menstruation) replacement hormone and therapy (for example, femoston). Such therapy is carried out in the absence of a y-chromosome, but without a pre-operation and is aimed at stimulating cyclic processes in the mucous membrane, the appearance of menstruation, a decrease in gonadotropins and prevention of diseases developing with estrogen deficiency (osteoporosis, cardiovascular pathology, obesity).

Pituitary tumors

When amenorrhea, combined with the galattere, is prescribed either bromcriptin for suppressing the synthesis of prolactin and milk generation, and in the case of a pituitary tumor, an operation or radiation therapy is carried out.

If after a treatment, which includes not only the resumption of menstruation, but also hormonal stimulation of ovulation, a woman cannot become pregnant, then it is recommended to resort to reproductive technologies (extracorporeal fertilization, donor egg cell).

Monthly delay, main reasons except pregnancy
Normally, the menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days. Each woman has its duration individually, but most of them have intervals between menstruation or differ from each other for no more than 5 days. In the calendar, it should always be noted the day of the start of menstrual bleeding to notice the irregularity of the cycle in time.

Often a woman after stress, disease, intensive physical activity, climate change occurs a small latency of menstruation. In other cases, this sign talks about the coming pregnancy or hormonal disorders. We describe the main reasons for the delay of the monthly and the mechanism of their development, as well as let's talk about what to do in such a situation.


In the Medical World, the delay or absence of a monthly is called. It is divided into two categories:

  1. Primary amenorrhea. This is a condition in which the girl for the age of 16 has never started monthly. Often, primary amenorrhea is associated with the presence of congenital disorders that have not been manifested before the beginning of the period of puberty. These are, for example, genetic or chromosomal anomalies, problems with reproductive system and others. They may include born without uterus, or uterus, which is not normalized.
  2. Secondary amenorrhea. This condition at which monthly stopped and absent for more than three months. Those. Previously, menstruation were, but now they are missing. Secondary amenorrhea is the most common form of monthly delay. The most frequent causes of this state are pregnancy, problems with ovaries (for example, polycystic ovarian syndrome or early climax), pituitary tumors, stress, serious violation of the normal body weight (both in smaller and the most side) and others.

In addition to amenorrhea, there is another medical term with which I want to introduce you to oligomenorrhea. This is a violation in which the duration of the menstrual cycle significantly increases and the duration of menstruation itself is reduced. It is believed that the woman of Olygomenorrhea, if during the year she had less than 8 times and / or continued to 2 or less days.

Normal flow cycling

An ordinary menstrual cycle comes in 10-15 years in a young woman, after that it is believed that the body has passed into the phase when it can perform a full conception. This system works every month up to 46-52 years, but this is a middle digit. (There are cases and later termination of menstruation.)

Then there comes a decrease in the time of menstruation and the amount of blood released. Ultimately, menstruation is completely stopped.

Causes of menstruation delay other than pregnancy

The delay of menstruation may be the result of physiological changes in the body, as well as to be a manifestation of functional failures or diseases of both sexual and other organs ("Extgazenital Pathology").

Normally, menstruation does not occur during pregnancy. After childbirth, the mother's cycle is also not immediately restored, it depends largely on whether the woman has lactation. In women without pregnancy, an increase in the duration of the cycle can be a manifestation of perimenopause (climax). Also the norm is considered the irregular cycle of the girls after the start of menstruation, if it is not accompanied by other violations.

Functional disorders that are able to provoke a menstrual cycle failure are stress, intense physical activity, fast weight loss, transferred infection or other acute disease, climate change.

Often, an irregular cycle with a delay of menstruation in patients suffering from gynecological diseases, primarily by polycystic ovarian polykistosis. In addition, such a symptom can accompany inflammatory diseases of reproductive organs, occur after interruption of pregnancy or diagnostic scraping, after hysteroscopy. The ovarian dysfunction may be due to the pathology of the pituitary and other organs regulating the hormonal background of women.

From somatic diseases, accompanied by a possible violation of the menstrual cycle, it is worth noting obesity.

List of reasons because of which there may be a monthly delay

The delay of the "red day of the calendar" for 2 - 5 days should not be a reason for concern, as it is considered quite real phenomenon for each woman. If pregnancy is excluded, such violations of the female organism can be caused by many factors. Careful analysis allows you to determine the cause of a gynecological or nonhygenecological nature.

So, we list the top 15 reasons for the delay of menstruation:

  1. Inflammatory diseases;
  2. Hormonal contraceptives;
  3. Diagnostics of the uterine, abortion or miscarriage;
  4. Period after delivery;
  5. Puberty;
  6. Climacteric disorders;
  7. Large physical exertion;
  8. Stressful states;
  9. Climatic environmental conditions;
  10. Body weight abnormalities;
  11. Intoxication of the body;
  12. Reception of certain drugs;
  13. Hereditary predisposition.

As follows from all of the above, the reasons for regularly repeated delays of critical days are versatile. Biologically, the clocks can even be confused by the unborn women who often confuse the symptoms of a cycle disorder with pregnancy. The non-permanent menstrual cycle should not be considered particularly dangerous, serious ailment, but to pay close attention to the frequency of its critical days still stands.

Stress and exercise

The most common causes of the delay of menstruation, besides pregnancy, are a variety of nervous stresses, stress and the like. A difficult situation at work, exams, family problems - all this can cause a delay. The woman's body perceives stress as a complex life situation in which a woman is not yet to give birth. It is worth taking care of a change in the situation: contact a family psychologist, change the work or learn easier belongs to the situation and the like. Keep in mind that overwork and lack of sleep is also a strong stress for the body.

Excessive physical exertion also do not contribute to the regularity of the menstrual cycle. It is known that professional athletes often experience problems with the delay of menstruation and even with childbearing. The same problems are pursued by women swallowing on physically difficult work. It is better to leave men.

But it should not be thought that moderate fitness occupation or morning jogging can affect the situation. Active lifestyle did not interfere with anyone. We are talking about excessive loads in which the body works for wear.

Weighing problems

Scientists have long found out that the adipose tissue is directly involved in all hormonal processes. In this regard, it is easy to understand that the reasons for the delay of menstruation, besides pregnancy, can be wounded in problems with weight. Moreover, both excess and lack of weight can provoke a delay.

The fatty layer, in the case of overweight, will accumulate estrogen, which negatively affects the regularity of the cycle. With insufficient weight, everything is much more complicated. Long fast starning, as well as weight loss below 45 kg perceived by the body as an extreme situation. The survival mode turns on, and in this condition the pregnancy is extremely desirable. In this case, not only menstruation delay is possible, but also its complete absence is amenorrhea. Naturally, problems with menstruation disappear with weight normalization.

That is, full women need to lose weight, thin - gain weight. The main thing is to do it extremely careful. Food Women must be balanced: proteins and fats, and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and trace elements, must be balanced. Any diets must be moderate, not exile. It is better to combine them with moderate physical exertion.

Inflammatory diseases of the uterus

Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries lead to a violation of the production of hormones, which are responsible for the processes of ripening eggs, follicles, endometrial. As a result, they are often the cause of the delay. In this case, the volume and nature of the discharge changes, pains at the bottom of the abdomen, lower back, as well as other symptoms.

Often inflammatory processes are the cause of infertility, the occurrence of tumors of the reproductive system organs, the mammary glands. Inflammatory diseases arise due to the penetration of infection with improper hygienic care for the genital organs unprotected by sexual act, traumatic damage to the uterus during childbirth, abortion, scraping.

Myoma uterus

Mentenually occasionally can be irregular, and the delay hesitates from several days to several months. Despite the fact that this pathology is in most cases considered a benign tumor, there are a number of negative consequences to which it can lead. And first of all it is dangerous to its rebirth in onco-scab. Therefore, the appeal to the doctor with the slightest suspicions in Mioma is extremely necessary.

Polycystic ovarian

One of the main reasons for the lagging of menstruation from the usual schedule in this case is the absence of the desired number of hormones.

As a rule, the process is caused by the absence of ovulation, endometrial deploinity, as well as present hormonal disorders. The egg in this process does not ripen, which gives the body a signal about the absence of the need to prepare for possible fertilization.


This ailment is a pathological growth of a benign tissue, which is similar to the mucous membrane of the orbown organ. The development of endometriosis can occur in various parts of the sexual system, and is also possible to go beyond. Changes in hormonal background can be both the cause of the disease and its consequence. Irregular critical days are also one of the main symptoms with similar deviations.

Birth control pills

If you take hormonal contraceptive pills, it is quite possible that your menstrual cycle will differ significantly from normal. Very often, the duration of cycles when taking contraceptive tablets is significantly increased. Some pills do not give such an effect. Monthly go as usual, but most often they are lighter and less long. It is also worth noting that pills in very rare cases may not prevent pregnancy, especially when skipping in the reception. However, even if you took pills exactly and correctly, you have a delay of menstruation, and you are worried about this, you can take a pregnancy test to calm down.

Now on sale you can find a sufficiently large number of different contraceptive tablets. Some of may differ significantly in their influence on the body. In addition, it is worth noting that every particular woman can react differently to the same tablets.

In addition, keep in mind that when you stop using contraceptive pills, you will not immediately install a normal menstrual cycle. Most women have a period of recovery takes from one to two months, and sometimes this period can last until six months. Only then you will again become able to conceive a child. Accordingly, during the recovery period, you may also have an irregular cycle, and this should be considered if you have started a delay.

Delay of menstruation during pregnancy and after childbirth

During the entire period of pregnancy, a woman does not happen. After childbirth, the renewal occurs in different ways - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Increased prolactin level when feeding a child can prevent the start of the operation of the egg. If the woman feeds the baby breasts, the delay of menstruation can last until milk is produced (it directly depends on the level of the prolactin hormone responsible for lactation). Sometimes it can occur within 2-3 years.

If milk is not produced, in about 6-8 weeks, new monthly occurs. But sometimes there are exceptions when the ovaries begin to work before the cessation of the child's feeding, the egg ripen, and the woman can get pregnant again. If this does not happen, the new cycle is completed by the advent of menstruation.

Why constant menstruation delays are dangerous

Permanent menstruation delays indicate hormonal disorders, the absence of ovulation, anomalous changes in the endometrium structure. Pathology may arise due to serious, even dangerous diseases: tumors of uterus, endocrine glands, ovarian polycystosis. The reason for the delay of menstruation is an ectopic pregnancy.

It is necessary to determine the diagnosis as early as possible, to find out the degree of risk of processes, as they lead, at least, to infertility, early clicks. Diseases associated with latency of menstruation are caused by tumors of mammary glands, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, weakening immunity, premature aging, changes in appearance. For example, if the delay occurs because of the ovarian polycystrosis, then the woman is sharply added weight, right up to obesity, hair appears on face and chest (like men), acne, Seborrhea.

Timely treatment of diseases that caused cycle lengthening, often avoids infertility, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, prevent cancer.

Surveys when delayed monthly

To determine the reasons for the delay of menstruation, the following studies are assigned:

  1. Survey of sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonosis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, etc.).
  2. Ultrasound organs of a small pelvis, thyroid gland and adrenal glands. This study is carried out to eliminate pregnancy, tumors, gynecological and endocrine diseases.
  3. The study of pituitary glands (radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, electroencephalography). The diseases of the pituitary gland are quite often the cause of menstruation delays.
  4. Hormonal studies. Determine the level of estrogen content, progesterone, FSH, LH, PRL, as well as checking the hormones of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
  5. Scraping of the inner layer of the uterus and its further histological examination. Scraping is carried out from cavity and cervical channel.

What if there is a delay of menstruation?

If regularly repeated latency of menstruation or delay delay exceeds the maximum permissible physiological borders in five days, then it is necessary to seek advice from the doctor. After clarifying the reasons, the appropriate treatment will be appointed. Most often therapy is carried out with the use of hormonal tablets. However, in no case cannot be taken independently, without medical recommendations. It is extremely dangerous to the health of a woman and can disrupt the entire hormonal system, which means to lead to serious health problems.

Among the most common hormonal drugs, the following are prescribed by doctors:

  1. Duphaston. Used if the latency of the menstrual cycle is caused by an insufficient level of progesterone in the body. Only a doctor, on the basis of studies, should regulate the dose. If there is no pregnancy, and the delay does not exceed 7 days, then postinor is prescribed for a period of 5 days. After this time, menstruation should start two or three days later.
  2. Postinor. It is a drug used for emergency controception. This tool is used if it is necessary to cause menstrual cycle as quickly as possible. However, it is recommended only with regular menstruation, since its admission can provoke a cycle impairment, and with very frequent use lead to infertility.
  3. Pulsatilla. Another hormonal drug that can be assigned when menstruation delay. This is the safest tool that does not lead to a weight gain, does not affect the nervous system. However, it is not necessary to take girls having an irregular cycle.
  4. Progesterone - hormone in injections. Used to call menstruation, the selection of dosage is carried out strictly individually. The increased flow of progesterone into the body can cause a mass of side effects, including excess hair growth, an increase in weight, impaired menstrual cycle. There is no more than 10 injections. The effect is built on stimulating the work of the glands in the mucous membrane of the uterus. The tool has a number of contraindications, among which: uterine bleeding, hepatic insufficiency, breast tumors, etc.
  5. Non-Ovlon, the drug that stimulates the beginning of the menstrual cycle is capable of preventing acyclic bleeding. It includes estrogen and gestagen. Most often, with a delay, two tablets are prescribed after 12 hours. However, before applying it is a mandatory consultation of a specialist, since the drug has side effects and can disrupt the work of the reproduction authorities.
  6. Uremines. It is a means of overwhelming estrogen and stimulating the production of progesterone than and its therapeutic effect is determined. In addition, it turns out a stimulating effect on the development of endometrial. The drug can be introduced vaginally, which is its undoubted plus, however, this agent has some contraindications.
  7. Nigolut, causes menstruation, as it contains a norethysterone, which is similar to the action of gestagenis in its action. And their drawbacks often provoke failures in cycles and their delay. The course of treatment should not exceed five days, not used during pregnancy, since it threatens to be miscarriage and bleeding. It has a large number of contraindications and side effects, so the doctor's preliminary consultation is necessary.

Naturally, the use of hormonal drugs to cause menstruation is not a safe method. It is necessary to take them correctly, as it is possible to apply irreparable harm to health.

- This is the lack of cyclic bleeding more than 35 days in a woman of reproductive age, which did not enter into a climacteric period. The reasons for such a violation of the menstrual function may be set, they are determined by physiological, organic and functional disorders.

As for the age in which the delay is observed, it can be different, starting from the period of sexual ripening of the girl and ending with a period of premanopause. Statistics indicate that 100% of women at least once in their lives came across this problem.

What reasons may be a monthly delay?

Naturally, the most common reason that the next menstrual cycle does not begin on time, is pregnancy. In addition, the woman is changing the taste sensations, a morning nausea may be observed and even painful sensations appear in lactic glands. All these signs are associated with a change in the hormonal background in the body of a woman after conception.

However, pregnancy is an obvious reason for the delay and define it is easy using a special test.

If the result is negative, then other reasons should be considered, including:

    Increased emotional stress, for example, strong, training load before exams. Do not underestimate the effect of stress on the woman's body. It is able to cause serious failures in the work of brain sites that are responsible for hormonal regulation. With a strong stress of menstruation, even for several years may stop.

    Increased physical stress, associated, for example, with enhanced sports training or difficult working conditions.

    Professional segments of heavy sports.

    Refusal to receive hormonal contraceptives. Such a delay is determined by the fact that the functionality of the ovaries is reduced against the background of the long arrival of hormones from the outside. The deviation from the norm in this case is considered the absence of more than 2-3 cycles.

    Reception of drugs with high hormones, which are used as emergency contraceptive methods. For example, such as postinora, Escapel, etc.

    Violations of ripening of the follicle, which is expressed in its atresia or persistence.

    The period after delivery, when the delay is due to hormonal perestroika due to the onset. The body in excess begins to produce prolactin, which contributes to the suppression of the functionality of the ovaries. A woman needs to know that if the child does not get breasts, then menstruation should start two months later. If the mother feeds the child, then monthly should recover after stopping lactation.

    Viral infections, for example, ORVI and.

    The aggravation of chronic diseases: ,. In addition, influence may have disorders of functionality, etc.

    Reception of medicines. Antidepressants, corticosteroids, chemotherapy during cancer may have influence.

    Disorders of digestion, which may be due to strict diets, diseases, overeating, failures in the metabolism, etc.

    Abortion. In this case, the delay leads or hormonal disorders, or mechanical damage.

    Emascus or frozen pregnancy. And that, and another case requires immediate surgery.

    Miscarriage in the early deadlines after conception.

    Pronounced weight loss. Such a disease as anorexia can lead to a complete disconnection of the functional capabilities of the ovaries.

    Alcohol abuse, admission of narcotic drugs. Often the delay of menstruation may occur in women who prefer beer with all alcoholic beverages.

    The supercooling of the body, as well as its overheating, can provoke a delay of the next cycle.

    Rising the level of prolactin in the blood, which can become a symptom of brain tumor.

Causes of monthly delay by 2-3-4-5 days

Failure in the menstrual cycle for a slight period - up to 5 days and less is considered the norm. However, if, after this time, menstruation has not resumed, it is necessary to contact the doctor.

The reasons for such a short delay can be somewhat and most often they are explained by the natural physiological processes occurring in the body. Thus, in the pubant period, when the cycle becomes also occurs, such interruptions are not any deviation from the norm. Temporary fluctuations with delays up to 5 and even 7 days can be observed for 1.5-2 years. After that, the menstruation schedule must normalize. If this does not happen, you should seek advice to the doctor.

In addition, such a delay is a frequent satellite of the premenopausal period, when a progressive slowdown of the menstrual function occurs. The rhythms of the body of the woman are changed, as well as the timing of each cycle. At this time, menstruation delays can be replaced by their complete absence.

Sometimes such temporary delays may occur in women of childbearing age. Most often, women are able to determine the cause of such a short delay - this is an offensive of pregnancy, breastfeeding, refusal to receive oral contraceptives, acclimatization and other natural physiological reasons. But if such violations become regular, this indicates the pathological processes occurring in the body and the consultation of the doctor in this case is necessary.

According to doctors, a short one-time menstruation delay for up to five days is the physiological norm and most often does not require special treatment. However, no one knows her body better than the woman itself. Therefore, if there is a reason for concern about the delay even for several days, then you should not postpone the campaign to the doctor.

Causes of monthly delay for 10-15 days or more, test negative

Long absence of the menstrual cycle is a delay of 10-15 days or more. If a pregnancy test did not issue a positive result, that is, it makes sense to start worrying about its own health. Most often, such a long lack of menstruation indicates any disorders in the body. Correctly diagnose the cause of the delay and only the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment.

Of course, the cycle can recover independently, if the delay was caused by stress or acclimatization.

But, if this does not happen, the delay is 15 or more days, then this may be caused by the following reasons:

    Oryagnomorerian, which is characterized by a weakening of menstruation. They become not only scanty, but also rare. The interval can be from 15 days to six months. This pathology occurs approximately 3% of women.

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome when inside them and multiple cystic formations begin to grow outside. It occurs both in young girls and in women aged.

    Endometriosis can lead to a latency of the menstrual cycle.

    The alimentary causes caused by a violation of the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a lack of vitamins, trace elements coming from food.

    Any significant changes in life. Delays may appear against the background of the fact that adaptive and adaptation mechanisms with age are much worse. There can be even a short-term trip to the sea.

    Reception of drugs, the number of which increases significantly as women agrees. Any drug can provoke a delay, but most often at this age is observed against the background of taking antipsychotropic drugs, drugs to get rid of endometriosis - zoladex, diffelin, butoselery, and also due to the use of duphaston, lanazole, methyldopes, etc.

    Any diseases of the sexual system, for example, ovarian polycystosis, benign and malignant tumors, vaginal colpit, etc.

Given these factors, a woman needs to consult a specialist if delays become regular and exceed physically acceptable boundaries in 5 days.

What are dangerous permanent menstruation delays?

If the single latency of menstruation within the physiologically acceptable borders is not a threat to the health of a woman, then regular failures in themselves danger. It lies in the fact that in time will not be diagnosed and the reason caused by the delay.

It is important to seek medical care at often frequent cycle disorders, as:

    The delay can be caused by the growth of microenomes - a malignant tumor of the brain. The cycle impairment is caused by the level of prolactin level in the blood.

    The inflammation of the uterus and appendages can cause not only delays, but also lead to anneal infertility, the formation of a purulent process, pelvic thrombophlebitis, parametrity. In addition, the exhaustion of the follicular apparatus due to regular delays due to inflammation of the appendages often leads to early climax, aged 35 years and younger.

    Any launched female diseases threaten the development of complete infertility, and they can begin with the usual menstruation delays.

    Ovarian polycstrosis, often manifested in menstruation delays, can lead to the development of gestational diabetes, to obesity and. As a result, the entire cardiovascular system suffers, right up to the blockage of veins, heart attack and.

    Any hormonal failures not only disturb the well-being of a woman, but also become the cause of miscarriage, uterine, fraught with development, diabetes, malignant cancer tumors. In addition, in addition to the latency of menstruation, hormonal disorders deteriorate significantly the qualities of the life of a woman (appear, the milk glands are disturbed, sweating, etc.) and lead to changes in its appearance (obesity or thinness, the underdevelopment of the mammary glands, reinforced hair growth on body, oily skin and etc.).

    Early Climax leads to premature aging of the skin, weakening the immune forces of the body, to the development of atherosclerosis, to premature feturns of the childbody function, to an increased risk of formation of diabetes mellitus, etc.

Due to the fact that regular impairment of the menstrual cycle can cause serious health problems, women must ensure consultation of the gynecologist and other necessary surveys to establish the cause of the failure.

Popular questions and answers:

Thrush may cause monthly delay?

Many women often trace the relationship between the thrush or candidiasis of the vagina and the latency of the menstrual cycle. However, the disease itself cannot cause the untimely occurrence of menstruation, although such phenomena often coincide.

The reason lies in the fact that the thrush is often the result of stress, elevated emotional loads, as well as many diseases of the body. The heavily transferred cold or aggravation of chronic disease can cause both and the delay of menstruation.

That is why it is so often a combination of these two pathological conditions for a female body is observed. But the thrush itself causes the untimely occurrence of the cycle to become unique. Nevertheless, appeal to the doctor with such situations is necessary.

Can cystitis be the cause of the monthly delay?

This question is quite relevant, since after transferring cystitis women often observe the latency of menstruation. This is due to the fact that cystitis provokes the development of inflammation in a small pelvis and often enters a chronic form. Naturally, they suffer from all near the arranged organs: ovaries, pipes, uterus. As a result, their functionality is violated and a woman has a delay after the suffering disease.

In addition, ovarian dysfunction can have a direct impact on development, because it is known that the level of estrogen affects the functionality of the bladder. The lower the level of the hormone, the thinner it becomes its wall, and therefore, the stronger it is susceptible to various infections. As a result, due to hormonal disorders, a cystitis develops, whose manifestations are difficult not to notice.

After treatment, a delay is the delay, which the woman also connects with the suffering disease, although in fact its cause, as the cause of cystitis, there was a violation of hormone production. So, after the suffered disease, a delay may arise, it is caused by both chronic cystitis and violation of the mining of hormones.

Caist can cause monthly delay?

The answer is definitely positive. The fact is that with cysts formed on the ovaries, a wide variety of disorders from the menstrual cycle may occur, including its delay.

Especially often this situation is observed in young girls with the development of the functional cyst of the yellow body, the follicle, etc. Most often, the delay is observed even before the cyst itself is formed. That is, the delay is preceded by a cyst, disrupting the process of the menstrual cycle and contributing to its formation. Therefore, doctors often after the appearance of such violations predict cystic growth.

As for the timing of the delay, then, as a rule, they do not exceed one week. Such phenomena can be observed from month to month until the cyst is diagnosed and its treatment will not begin.

What if there is a delay of menstruation?

If regularly repeated latency of menstruation or delay delay exceeds the maximum permissible physiological borders in five days, then it is necessary to seek advice from the doctor. After clarifying the reasons, the appropriate treatment will be appointed. Most often therapy is carried out with the use of hormonal tablets. However, in no case cannot be taken independently, without medical recommendations. It is extremely dangerous to the health of a woman and can disrupt the entire hormonal system, which means to lead to serious health problems.

Among the most common hormonal drugs, the following are prescribed by doctors:

    Postinor. It is a drug used for emergency controception. This tool is used if it is necessary to cause menstrual cycle as quickly as possible. However, it is recommended only with regular menstruation, since its admission can provoke a cycle impairment, and with very frequent use lead to infertility.

    Duphaston. Used if the latency of the menstrual cycle is caused by an insufficient level of progesterone in the body. Only a doctor, on the basis of studies, should regulate the dose. If there is no pregnancy, and the delay does not exceed 7 days, then postinor is prescribed for a period of 5 days. After this time, menstruation should start two or three days later.

    The mifepristone can be used to call menstruation at the initial periods of pregnancy, not exceeding a period of 42 days. However, in no case cannot be used if there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy. The reception should be carried out under the control of the doctor, since the disorderly use of the mifepristone leads to a violation of the hormonal background.

    Pulsatilla. Another hormonal drug that can be assigned when menstruation delay. This is the safest tool that does not lead to a weight gain, does not affect the nervous system. However, it is not necessary to take girls having an irregular cycle.

    Non-Ovlon, the drug that stimulates the beginning of the menstrual cycle is capable of preventing acyclic bleeding. It includes estrogen and gestagen. Most often, with a delay, two tablets are prescribed after 12 hours. However, before applying it is a mandatory consultation of a specialist, since the drug has side effects and can disrupt the work of the reproduction authorities.

    Progesterone - hormone in injections. Used to call menstruation, the selection of dosage is carried out strictly individually. The increased flow of progesterone into the body can cause a mass of side effects, including excess hair growth, an increase in weight, impaired menstrual cycle. There is no more than 10 injections. The effect is built on stimulating the work of the glands in the mucous membrane of the uterus. The tool has a number of contraindications, among which:, hepatic insufficiency, breast tumors, etc.

    Nigolut, causes menstruation, as it contains a norethysterone, which is similar to the action of gestagenis in its action. And their drawbacks often provoke failures in cycles and their delay. The course of treatment should not exceed five days, not used during pregnancy, since it threatens to be miscarriage and bleeding. It has a large number of contraindications and side effects, so the doctor's preliminary consultation is necessary.

    Uremines. It is a means of overwhelming estrogen and stimulating the production of progesterone than and its therapeutic effect is determined. In addition, it turns out a stimulating effect on the development of endometrial. The drug can be introduced vaginally, which is its undoubted plus, however, this agent has some contraindications.

Naturally, the use of hormonal drugs to cause menstruation is not a safe method. It is necessary to take them correctly, as it is possible to apply irreparable harm to health.

It is worth understanding that any interference in the hormonal background should be justified. Each medicine is strictly selected individually and subject to clear medical recommendations. Only in this way can be kept their own health and avoid negative consequences. But it's not worth paying a long delay. Therefore, the easiest solution will be a trip to the doctor and the passage of reasonable and adequate therapy.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" was obtained at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency (2010). In 2013, graduate school in Nima is finished. N. I. Pirogova.

Many women accurately count the calendar of critical days, in advance suggesting the day of the next menstruation. The cycle is formed and installed within 1-2 years after the onset of menarche. The norm is considered to be its duration ranging from 21 to 38 days. Most women have a 28-day cycle. First day is the beginning of menstruation.

Regular bleeding is the destruction of the uterus of the endometrium functional layer, increasing every month during the preparation of the sexual system for possible pregnancy. If the ripe egg leaving remains unnecessary, the mucosa becomes unnecessary and outdoor along with the scraps of blood vessels and blood.

The entire cyclic process is built and undergoing under the influence of sex hormones, their regulation is carried out by ovaries, pituitary gland, as well as thyroid gland and adrenal glands. The female hormonal balance is pretty vulnerable and is subject to the influence of many factors of physiological and psychological nature, which can be the causes of the delay of menstruation.

Even if the critical days come exactly the schedule for many years, there are situations where their offensive is late for a week or more. If this happened, and every subsequent day does not allow any doubt, on the 10th day there is a lack of menstruation you can make a pregnancy test. It usually helps to identify "an interesting position" from the first weeks, there are no signs of coming pregnancy except delay.

Normally, the menstrual cycle lasts 28-30 days from one bleeding to another. Menstruation lasts 5-7 days, with blood from the uterus, endometrium is increasing - the inner layer, lining the cavity, and then the body is prepared for the next potential pregnancy. If it occurs and the fertilized egg is fixed in the mucous meter - there will be no menstruation. Hormones pregnancy will help to endure and give birth to a child.

Women should remember that an ectopic pregnancy "will seem" on the test, menstruation, respectively, will not, but the state when the zygota fixed and develops in the fallopian tube, is life threatening.

But besides pregnancy, there are various reasons for which monthly comes later or do not begin at all.

Minor deviations in the cycle are an option for the norm. Under the influence of weather, changing climatic belts, long starvation cycle can be moved for several days.

The above does not apply to girls in the first two or three years from the beginning of the first monthly. Teenagers in the body rages a hormonal storm, explaining instability in emotions and mood, rapid growth, the formation of secondary sexual signs. Therefore, even long delays at this stage - the norm is not worth worrying, but it is still necessary to control any equilibrium. If the girl complains of abdominal pain, an increase in body temperature, discomfort, it should be shown a gynecologist.

Women with a stable menstrual cycle should pay close attention to the delay: Even if there is a feeling that it will begin monthly from day to day, pulls the bottom of the abdomen and hurts the chest, you need to find the cause of pathology.

Gynecological diseases and violations

  • the dysfunction of the ovaries cause hormonal disorders in the body, the pathology of the thyroid gland. Without having the opportunity to produce eggs, the ovaries make their contribution to the hormonal failure and periods do not begin
  • inflammatory processes in a small pelvis require immediate surveys and treatment, since they are fraught with serious complications - cystroid, endometriosis, the formation of Miom, infertility
  • hormonal disorders caused by cystic ovarian. Women increases the skin of the skin, acne and acne appear, the body weight grows
  • myoma uterus - a benign tumor grows on the mucous meat, penetrates the muscular layer, produces its own hormones.

    At the initial stage, a woman may consider that a pregnancy has come, because there is no monthly, and the stomach is growing, because the uterus increases (no wonder the size of the Moma is determined, like pregnancy, in weeks). However, the test is negative, other signs of pregnancy is not observed, and with a visit to the doctor it is better not to delay. Big Mioma is necessarily removed surgically

After 40-45 years, the female female function fades. The body is gradually prepared for menopause and cessation of menstrual bleeding.

What is a menstrual cycle?

Menstrual cycle - periodic changes in the body of a woman aimed at conceiving. Its beginning is taken to be the first day of menstruation, ending - day before the start of the new menstruation.

Months occur in young women in 10-15 years. After that, it is believed that the body has passed into the phase of the ability to conceive and endure the child. Menstruation continues up to 46-52 years. Then there comes a decrease in their duration and the amount of blood released.

The duration of the normal menstrual cycle ranges from 28 to 35 days. The duration of it and the number of discharge depends on the mental and physical condition of the woman. Failures and disorders of the menstrual cycle can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  • pregnancy (uterine and ectopic) and lactation;
  • hormonal oscillations in adolescence and adulthood or against the background of reception of hormonal agents;
  • stress;
  • disease;
  • reception or cancellation of medicines.

For reference. Long delay or absence of monthly names are called amenorrhea. It happens secondary (purchased) or primary.

The latency of the menstrual cycle, caused by those or other reasons, sometimes happens to most women. Under the delay, deviations from the usual menstrual cycle for 10 days or more are implied.

For reference. Each woman has 1-2 times a year a small delay of menstruation happens.

Menarche, or the first monthly, appear mainly in 12-15 years. Then for about 2 years, controls the level of hormones and setting the cycle. At this time, deviations are possible in the form of an earlier offensive or delaying bleeding. Perhaps their absence over a certain period.

The monthly cycle is counting from the beginning of one menstruation before the start of another. With normal health condition, the duration of these time segments should be the same. Their average duration is 28 days, but the gap in 21-35 days is also considered normal.

At the beginning of the cycle, the estrogen level rises. The thickness of the mucous membrane of the uterus increases significantly (up to 10 times). It becomes soft and juicy because new lymphatic and blood vessels are formed in it. In fact, there is a preparation of the perfect bed to attach the embryo.

In the ovary at this time, the process of ripening eggs. Approximately in the middle of the cycle, it goes into the cavity of phallopy pipes. There is a phase of ovulation, at which the conception becomes possible. If it does not happen, the preparation of the bed is in vain, and the thickened juicy mucosa is rejected. The cycle described is repeated monthly.

Menstrual cycle is a whole complex of complex biochemical processes in the body of a woman. It is he who provides one of the main functions inherent in the female organism - pregnancy. And his manifestation is menstruation.

For some time it is irregular, and normally, during the year, a woman has a full-fledged reproductive function. If menstruation does not become regular for a longer time, it means that you need to contact a specialist.

Cycle phases:

In case the pregnancy does not occur, the involution of this education, the hormonal restructuring and the rejection of the formed endometrial occurs. In the norm, these processes must be synchronously.

As you can see, the menstrual cycle process is complex and continuous. Even the most minor malfunctions in the wellland mechanism can cause monthly delay. Any traumatic situations can customize your body not to reproduction, but for survival. There's no fat (not before menstruation), as they say.

Now know that a normal menstrual cycle in a healthy woman should be primarily regular. Its duration is different - from 21 to 35 days. How much can there be a delay of menstruation? The delay is considered to be a latency of menstruation for more than five days. One or twice a year, small delays can be observed almost every woman. If the trouble is repeated, then this is a reason to think about the causes of the delay of menstruation except for pregnancy and appeal to the doctor.

How much may be the delay of menstruation, if the test is negative?

In cases where periods do not come more than 10 days, at the first signs of delay it is necessary to exclude all reasons other than pregnancy. First of all, you need to pay attention to:

  • preceding changes in lifestyle: sports, travel;
  • meals: hungry diets, overeating;
  • body Mass Racing: Dry Slimming, Weight Set;
  • applied treatment methods: potent drugs, physiotherapy;
  • having psychological experiences and complex vital cases;
  • system disorders: hypothyroidism, diabetes, oncological processes, sclerosis, ovarian dysfunction;
  • inflammatory diseases of the internal organs;
  • signs of approaching menopause.

Among the reasons for the failure of a monthly cycle, the so-called border, which have no direct influence on the reproductive sphere, but leading to systemic violations in the work of the body. If there was a sudden delay, but the woman is not pregnant, can not explain for what reasons the trouble did not have previously similar problems, one should reconsider the habits.

Common states causing cycle disorders:

  • obesity: The deposition of visceral fat around the internal organs leads to a failure in the work of the ovaries, the risk increases at 15-20% of excess weight;
  • physical exhaustion due to diets, starvation, exhaustive work: sex hormones cease to be produced by the body to save resources for survival;
  • intensive sports loads: Long exercises with severe sports lead to changes in metabolic processes, cycle displacement, amenorrhea;
  • alcohol intoxication: chronic alcohol abuse, and sometimes single poisoning leads to a collection of menstruation, while general well-being may be normal.

The dysfunction of ovaries often cause gynecological diseases. After all, all organs of the urogenital system are associated, and the violation of the functions of one body attracts the balance of the balance of the entire fragile system. Gynecological problems can be different:

  • SalpingoForit is inflammation of uterine pipes or appendages.
  • Mioma uterus - a benign neoplasm.
  • Cancer is malignant neoplasms on the cervix or in its cavity, on the ovaries.
  • Polycystic ovarian - on the surface of ovaries from undivided eggs, cysts are formed.
  • Endometriosis - uterine cells are found in other tissues or organs, the disease is not malignant.
  • Endometritis is inflammation of endometrial (inner mucous membrane of the uterus).
  • Adenomyosis is an abnormal growth of endometrial.
  • Inflammation of appendages.
  • Custitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder.

This is just the vertex of iceberg. Any gynecological disease can provoke a delay. Even the relationship between the banal thrush and the removal of the menstrual cycle is observed. However, in this case, the other mechanism is maintained rather: candidiasis often appears due to stress or weakening the body, and the same causes can cause monthly delay.

Any diseases may affect the reproductive function of a woman. Diseases of certain organs speak the body about the inability to produce healthy offspring and the brain gives the ovary orders to cancel ovulation. Chronic diseases are the greatest influence on the body, but it also depends on the severity of the disease.

The consequences of chronic diseases are much worse. The pathologies of the cardiovascular system, gastritis, cirrhosis, celiac disease, the infarction, as a rule, are not fully cured. With the help of medical preparations or surgery, they can be kept in the ultrasound, however, during the exacerbation, all the forces of the body are sent to the fight against the disease. The reproductive function is postponed for later.

This is not all the causes of the delay of menstruation. We will call as many of them: emergency contraception ("Escaple", "Postinor"). Due to the high dose of hormone in the body, a hormonal failure may occur in the body.

Climate change. You are happy with the sea and the sun of distant sunny countries, but your body can experience stress from excess ultraviolet, changing atmospheric pressure, etc.

Intoxication. The poisoning of the body toxic substances causes a delay, as well as the excessive use of alcohol.

Heredity. An irregular cycle, oddly enough, can be laid genetically. Unfortunately, the medicine cannot cope with such a problem.

Avitaminosis. Vitamin E is the greatest impact on the menstrual cycle. Its disadvantage, as well as excess, can lead to a delay.

Early Climax. As a rule, the termination of menstruation occurs after 45 years. However, Klimaks can begin at earlier age.

To determine the cause of changes in the menstrual cycle, it is necessary first to make a pregnancy test. However, neither positive nor a negative result cancel the campaign to the doctor. The delay of up to 5 days is considered natural, but with a longer period, it is necessary to examine the specialists.

Often simultaneously with the delay of menstruation, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Mozhuchi, bloody or pink vaginal discharge
  2. Painted pain at the bottom of the abdomen
  3. Blunt back pain
  4. Pain in breasts, breast tension and sensitivity

Most often, these symptoms mean that menstruation is about to begin, and that you need to wait a little more.

Less often these symptoms may mean that you are pregnant.

In order to find out if the delay and other changes you have change with pregnancy have a look at the recommendations in the paragraph below.

Chronic and sharp pathological processes of sexual sphere: ovarian dysfunction, uterine tumor lesions and appendages, endometriosis, adnexitis, salpingoophoritis and endometritis are the most frequent causes of menstruation delays except pregnancy.

The infections of the urinary organs and even the wrong position of the intrauterine spiral, another probable cause of the delay of menstruation.

Well, of course, the diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and diabetes cause significant hormonal movements.

Go to the reception to the doctor, examine carefully and carefully treated.

However, if such delays appear constantly and worry almost every cycle, then we are talking about pathology. In addition, a woman can have delays in menstruation for different time almost into each cycle. Women in such a situation talk about constant delays in menstruation. If such constant monthly delays are diagnosed, this indicates the functional failure of the ovaries.

So, the functional failure of the ovaries (hypofunction) is observed under the following diseases:

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (SPKI);
  • Ovarian cysts;
  • The pathology of the thyroid gland, in which an insufficient level of hormones is registered in the blood;
  • Novoy formation of female genital organs (uterine, cysts, cysts, cervical cancer, adenomyosis, etc.);
  • Endometriosis;
  • Endometritis;
  • Incorrectly installed spiral;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of female sexual and urinary organs (cystitis, pyelonephritis, adnexites, salpintingitis, etc.);
  • Syndrome of resistant ovary, developing in women younger than 36 years;
  • Ovarian depletion syndrome, manifested by menopausal symptoms (tides, weakness, heartbeat, sweating, etc.) in women under 38 years old;
  • Cancel oral contraceptives;
  • Atresia (overtention) of the cervical channel;
  • Ashecherman syndrome;
  • Celiac disease;
  • Hypothalamus or pituitary tumors (adenoma, lymphoma, prolactinoma, shyanan syndrome, hemochromatosis, hypophysuit);
  • Pathology of vessels in the field of hypothalamus and pituitary
  • Strong, constant stress;
  • Excessive mental stress;
  • Severe mental and nervous loads, for example, in the period of the session in students;
  • Permanent excessive physical exertion associated with hard work or sports activities;
  • Excess or insufficient body weight;
  • Unbalanced nutrition and compliance with hard diets;
  • Work in harmful chemical production;
  • Severe household and social conditions of life;
  • Diabetes;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Severe burns;
  • Reception of drugs that affect the operation of ovaries, such as Danazole, methoclopramide, reserpine, methyldop, morphine, municipone, amphetamines (methadone), progestins (Duphaston), Endometriosis Therapy (Zoladex, Busushelin, Difereline) and antipsychotic drugs ( Aminazine, haloperidol, etc.).

These diseases lead to a violation of the functioning of the ovaries, which is manifested by constant delays in menstruation. To normalize the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to cure a major disease that causes dysfunction of ovaries.

The main diseases caused by the delay of menstruation are:

  • hormonal disorders, most often - disruption of the function of the thyroid gland;
  • endometriosis;
  • neoplasms in the uterus and appendages;
  • polycystic ovarian syndrome;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • colds.

In the adolescence there is an organism formation, so the cycle with menstruation delays is a normal phenomenon. The formation of a permanent cycle may require 1-2 years.

The beginning of sexual life can shift the cycle for several days, this is due to stress and hormonal causes. However, if the delay lasts more, you need a doctor consultation.

During breastfeeding after childbirth, there may be no long time, and then come with a delay. The cycle is normalized after stopping lactation.

In the menopausal period, the delay of menstruation may indicate hormonal changes in the body: the reproductive function is fading. This is a natural process if there are no other symptoms of diseases.

And, of course, pregnancy is the natural reason for the delay of menstruation. Menstruation is returned a few months after childbirth.

Causes of menstruation delay without pregnancy: harmless and dangerous to health

This is happening to prevent pregnancy in adverse conditions for the body. And protection is manifested in the absence of menstruation even in the case when there is no pregnancy.

Little delay of critical days can cause the following reasons:

  • diet or hunger strikes, improper nutrition;
  • problems with sleep;
  • severe physical work;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • obesity or fast weight relief in a short period of time;
  • infectious pathology or chronic diseases;
  • sharp climate change;
  • long taking strong medicines.

As medical practice shows most often the delay without pregnancy at 3, 5 or 7 days appeared due to stress, which for a modern woman has already become the norm.

With a delay of over a week, it is necessary to go to the hospital, where the doctor will give an accurate diagnosis. The reasons for such a state can be inflammatory processes, pathology of the genital organs or polycystic ovaries. As a result of the hormonal failure, the likelihood of the development of the cyst of the yellow bodies of the ovaries.

If the cause of this state is not pregnancy, then you can cause menstruation yourself at home with the following methods:

  • prepare a decoction from the laurel sheet - 10 g of plants pour two glasses of boiling water, peel on slow heat for 5 minutes, to pour into a thermos and leave it to be 3 hours. Use up to 4 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • drink chamomile tea - On 500 ml of water you need to take 2 tea bags. 2-3 hours after brewing, you can start drinking 0.5 cups twice per day;
  • hot bath - increases body temperature, resulting in blood vessels expand, and blood pressure decreases. Selection may appear immediately after a hot bathing.

Doctors to patient questions, how to cause monthly, can recommend to make love with their partner. The fact is that in the process of sexual intercourse to the organs of a small pelvis, blood is actively entering, blood flow is enhanced, which can cause the coveted first day of the cycle.

It is not necessary to resort to any procedures without the permission of a doctor and inspection by the gynecologist, because the female cycle failures can be associated with pregnancy, even if the tests show one strip.

Delayed monthly year - the phenomenon is serious and connected, or with having a baby, or with severe diseases. In case of exceeding the norm, which is 2-7 days, the examination in the hospital is required.


This is one of the most favorable causes of monthly delay. It is connected with the fertilization of the ripe egg and the formation of the embryo.

Before menstruation, the fruit egg is introduced into the uterine cavity.

From the moment of fertilization, the hormonal background of women changes radically.

In this case, progesterone is given in this case, it interferes with the rejection of the endometrium and the onset of menstruation.

Normally, no bloody selection in women should not be before the birth period.

In some cases, a woman even after childbirth notes the delays of menstruation, it is connected both with breastfeeding and the restoration of the work of the ovaries, which were in an inactive state for a long time.

Some women who come pregnant may notice the appearance on the days of the alleged menstruation minor, more often single bleeding. This may be due to the insufficient concentration of progesterone in the blood, as well as with the implantation of the fetal egg to the uterine cavity.


The stressful situation is one of the serious causes of the delay of menstruation.

It is connected with excessive mining of hormones responsible for the resistance of the body of the stressful situation.

In such a case, not only a serious hormonal failure and disorders of the ovarian work can occur, but also their exhaustion due to a sharp splash of hormones or circulatory disorders against the background of increased work.

A woman may encounter a monthly delay and, as a result, with the subsequent misuse of the ovaries. Multiple cycles after menstrual function again restored.

Hormonal disbalance

The reason for the delay of menstruation can be associated with a violation of a hormonal background.

In this case, it is not always the problem lies in the hormones of the sexual system. Hormones of the thyroid gland can lead to delayed menstruation.

With their insufficient developing, a woman can mark the cycle failures, as well as an uncontrolled constant set of body weight.

A woman special attention should be paid to the condition of the hormonal background of the reproductive system, such conditions as interruption of pregnancy or miscarriage can lead to further delays.

As a result, there is a sharp change in the work of the ovaries and for a long time is required for recovery.

From factors that can cause a hormonal failure and starvation. A strict diet with insufficient intake of the main nutrients may also be as the cause of menstruation delay.


The inflammatory process refers to the number of the most frequent causes of the development of the delay of menstruation.

In this case, the localization of it can be different, it is like a uterus and ovaries.

The most dangerous, in terms of the development of the delay of menstruation is inflammation of the ovaries.

It is with this body that the development of endometrial and the onset of menstruation is connected. Most often, the delay occurs in the cycle when infection or recurrence of the inflammatory process occurred.

In some cases, the process can affect not one menstrual cycle, it is precisely the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment, especially in persons reproductive age.

The nature of the discharge is preserved by brown and kettle. Another cycle after the delay will be more painful. In this case, the delay, as a rule, does not exceed two weeks.

Physical exercise

This is one of the serious factors leading to violation of the operation of the ovaries and a violation of the coming of menstruation.

Women experiencing regularly heavy physical activity, for example, related to work, or irrational to the looping of weight loss, or fond of workouts experiencing problems with the menstrual cycle.

The reasons leading to the delay of menstruation on the background of physical activity may be much, one of them is a violation of the blood circulation of the organ and increased pressure on it.


Recently, there is a tendency to change the menstrual cycle in a woman against the background of increasing body weight.

It should be noted that the mass should exceed the values \u200b\u200bsuitable for obesity.

This problem is connected with the fact that the adipose tissue itself is a source of products of some hormones, and as a result, can largely change the natural hormonal background of women. Also, the problem of excess weight can be conjugate with hyperagratenia.

Consequently, the disruption of the menstrual cycle at an overpressure of the body is more the problem of endocrinological, and requires a thorough check of the entire organism and many hormones.

In some cases, menstruation may not come or coming late due to the reception of drugs.

For greater degree, hormonal drugs aimed at the reproductive function of a woman are reproduced.

The most frequent groups are oral contraceptives or means that contribute to prevention from unwanted pregnancy.

It may not always be connected with the reception of funds in this cycle.

Many women face this problem after several cycles.

Other diseases that can cause monthly delay

Ovarian dysfunction

In essence, lagging menstruation and there is dysfunction. This is the concept of a general plan, under which the disruption of the production of hormones with ovaries. Its reason may be in problems with the organs of the endocrine system - in particular, the thyroid gland. Therefore, first of all it is recommended to study a hormonal background.


This factor can provoke not only the delay, but also the cessation of menstruation. The constant condition of the nervous excitement provokes a violation of the hormonal balance. A stressful situation can be a shortage of time, problems at work, at home, exam, conflicts, long-term mental tension, etc.

Physical exercise

Heavy physical work often leads to a collection of a monthly cycle. In principle, overwork is also stressing for the body provoking the disorder of all systems, including endocrine. The exit is the change of work, lifestyle, the rationing of the working day.

Changing climate

This situation is when the menstrual cycle is broken when moving, familiar to many women. Its occurrence is due not only to the variability of the climatic zone, but also by the fact that

Rest on the sea often has a negative impact on the female organism due to excess of ultraviolet irradiation and iodine.

Weighing problems

Menstruation delay can be a consequence of body mass deviations from the norm. A sharp weight loss provokes hormonal failures, the result of which the significant fluctuations of the monthly chart become.

To determine the normal mass, it is necessary to calculate the so-called BMI (body mass index), separating weight on the growth rate, erected into a square with more than 25, we can talk about obesity. If the indicator turns out to be less than 18, then there is a shortage of body weight. With a very long delay (5-10 days), the normalization of weight is often sufficient to regulate the cycle.


The cause of violations become long inxication of the body as a result:

  • smoking;
  • frequent alcohol use;
  • drug addiction;
  • work in harmful production;
  • accommodation in environmentally unfavorable areas.

The exit in such cases is to eliminate the risk factor.


Often, the tendency to delays is inherited, which is due to hormonal features. Therefore, it should be found out, there were no such problems in the mother or grandmother of the patient. Perhaps their reason lies in the genetic disease.


Menstruation is often delayed due to the presence of female pathologies:

  1. inflammation in the bodies of the reproductive system;
  2. moma uterus;
  3. endometriosis;
  4. adenomyosis;
  5. malignant tumor in the neck or body of the uterus.

In these cases, the only solution to the problem is the treatment of the underlying disease.

Miscarriages and abortion

Artificial pregnancy interruption is a real hormonal shock for the body, in which preparation for the fetus is being prepared: he has

all started processes and rebuild again.

In addition, when scraping, the mucous membrane is significantly damaged, which very often provokes complications resulting in a collection of a monthly cycle. It is mainly normalized after a few months. With longer disorders and the presence of selections, medical advice is necessary.

Hormonal contraception

The female contraceptives taken contain a large number of hormones regulating the cycle and adjusting it under the admission mode of medication. The rejection of the tablets can cause a sufficiently large delay of menstruation, since violations can be maintained a few months before the final normalization of the hormonal background.

Especially dangerous emergency contraception. The admission of a huge dose of hormones can lead to a geneant violation of the work of the reproductive system. Such prevention methods can be used in exceptional cases.

Polycystic ovarian is a serious female disease that leads not only to the failure of the menstrual cycle, but also to infertility. Don't forget that treatment of ovarian polycystosis by folk remedies May lead to irreversible consequences.

Gynecologists often hear the question from their patients: is it possible to get pregnant, taking contraceptive pills? The answer is in this article.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

The disease is diagnosed based on the characteristic changes in appearance, which are a consequence of increasing testosterone levels. They are detected when examining the patient. It:

  • excess male-type extension;
  • increased fatty skin and hair;
  • excess weight.

However, these features do not always indicate the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome (SEC): they may be a consequence of genetic or national characteristics. For example, Asiatok, small mustache are not rare: their appearance is not accompanied by a cycle impairment and is not due to the pathological process.

The launched shape of the SEC can cause infertility. Treatment is carried out with the help of oral contraceptives restoring the normal hormonal background.

Reception of drugs

The active phase of the menstrual cycle is often delayed due to the long-term reception of drugs. The most dangerous in this sense is considered:

  • corticosteroids;
  • anabolics;
  • antidepressants;
  • anti-sized drugs;
  • hormonal agents;
  • dorganic medicines.

At a certain age (from 45 years), the cause of the monthly cycle is often the beginning of Klimaks. Women and themselves can feel the changes occurring in the body:

  • the irregularity of menstruation and the reduction of their intensity;
  • increased sweating;
  • dry skin;
  • tides;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • nervous tension.

All these signs are talking about reducing the level of female hormones and gradually fading the reproductive function.

Seventh Cause - Sharp Climate Change

One of the reasons why the monthly period does not come, is a trip to the region, differing in climatic conditions from the place of residence. A classic example is a trip to the rest or on a business trip to the tropical country or move from hot terrain in the cold. A sharp change in the temperature regime by more than 10-15 ° C associated with the trip, the change in sleep and wake the rhythm is fraught with the failure of the hormone balance, including the insufficiency of the yellow body in the last third of the cycle.

A frequent result becomes a displacement of menstruation time for 3-7 days. In case of coincidence of the completion of the cycle with time, the risk of a delay increases, since the body does not have time to get used to new climatic conditions. What to do in such a situation - depends on the further reaction of the body.

If you are accustomed to harsh Russian frosts or grieving from infancy in southern latitudes, then vacation in unusual climatic conditions is not a reason for the delay of menstruation. Get a small board for a couple of delightful weeks in Hawaii or riding on deer sleds in the extreme north. By the way, and the unlimited stay in the sun or the abuse of solarium, also the possible reason for your excitement, except for pregnancy.

When to contact a doctor?

Since the rejection of the menstrual cycle is in the limits of three days, then in this time interval there is no need to contact a specialist subject to the absence of complaints.

If a woman is bothering any symptoms, the bottom of the abdomen begins to hurt, pulls the lower back, nausea or the temperature rises, should immediately turn to a specialist for subsequent diagnosis and, if necessary, the selection of careful treatment.

It is the late appeal of girls to a doctor who can threaten the development of complications.


Diagnostic methods will depend on the estimated reason for the development of cycle disorders:

Acceptance of medical preparations

The course of treatment of pneumonia, tuberculosis, kidney diseases, depressive disorders, gastroenterological diseases may well be the reason for the delay of menstruation, including long-time - up to several weeks. Reception of antibiotics, diuretic products, corticosteroids, nootrops, tranquilizers and other drugs that are used for therapy have complex side effects and affect the activity of the endocrine system.

The use of post-cellular "fire" oral contraception containing hormones in high concentration often causes a subsequent violation of the arrival time of menstruation.

The beginning or completion of the reception of contraceptives is also accompanied by the restructuring of hormonal status, the main feature of this state is a temporary violation of the cycle.

Often the reason for the delay of menstruation besides pregnancy may be drugs. Long-term intake of anabolic and corticosteroid hormones, antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs, diuretic, anti-illegal, anti-tuberculosis and cytostatic drugs can cause menstruation delays. Talk about it with your attending physician - maybe drugs can be canceled or reduced dosage?

During the reception of hormonal contraceptives, the ovaries temporarily turn off the menstrual cycle. After the abolition of hormones, the appearance of "hyperships of ovarian hyperships" is possible, as the causes of monthly delay. Do not worry, after a couple - the top three will come to normal months, your body needs time to ensure that the ovaries are fully earned.


Treatment of delay provides for the elimination of the disease, due to which the menstrual cycle was shot. Special medicines for solving the problem described does not exist. Immediately after identifying the provoking factor and blocking its negative impact on the female organism, the periodicity of menstruation is restored.

Medicines such as "Dinoprost", "Myfepristone" are abortive and are not intended exclusively for stimulating menstrual bleeding. Their reception leads to a violation of the hormonal background, which only aggravates the situation in the future. Therefore, to use them if the monthly disappeared due to pregnancy, it is impossible.

How to cause menstruation during delay

Regarding safe ways to help quickly cause monthly during delay are:

  • Taking a hot bath. The temperature of the recruited water should be such that it is uncomfortable to lie in it. The "thermal session" should not last longer than 20-30 minutes.
  • Increase the frequency of sexual acts.
  • Active sports training (if the reason does not lift in physical overwork).

Among the effective folk recipes used in the delay:

  • To eat on the pinch of the green parsley 4 times a day. Before swallowing very thoroughly.
  • Pour a liter of boiling water 150 g of parsley. Boil about 10 minutes. After filping drinking the remedy at half a glass twice a day. The best result can be achieved if you use the recipe regularly a week before the beginning of the estimated date of menstruation.
  • Pour a glass of folus in 3 glasses of boiling water. Insist for an hour. Drink 200 ml of dark fluid. Monthly should begin the next day.
  • Mix 4 spoons of chamomile with 3 Valerian spoons and 3 spoons of mint. Pour 2 glasses of boiling water. Insist for 10-20 minutes. Strain. After cooling, take 100 ml 2 times a day. Course treatment - 1 month.
  • Mix 2 spoons of nettle leaves, nine, souls, ardor, yarrow, Rhodiola pink, rosehip. Pour a liter of steep boiling water. Insist in the thermos 12 hours. Strain. During the day, it is necessary to drink a liter of a ragger that contributes to the beginning of the menstruation.

During the delay in menstruation, drugs can also be used (only for the prescription of the doctor!):

  • "Pulsatill". Homeopathic pills based on a shot of meadow. Take 5-7 granules under the course for 3 days.
  • "Dufeston". Take 5 days for 2 tablets.

If there are no monthly half a year

Also significantly increases the risk of osteoporosis, which is fraught with frequent fractures and dislocation.

The reasons that cause a delay in a period of more than half a year, the same as during a delay for several days. Therefore, treatment is also to eliminate the factors provoked the gynecological problem.

Menstruation delay therapy will largely depend on the cause with which it is connected:

Pathological reasons

In addition to the pregnancy and physiological states of the body, the delays in the onset of menstruation lead diseases of reproductive bodies, health disorders associated with the insufficient activities of the endocrine system, genetically determined body features. The main reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle in women of reproductive age are associated with congenital or acquired pathologies of hormonal status, inflammatory diseases of the sexual sphere.

Prevention of amenorrhea

Amenorrhea prevention contributes:

  • A visit to the gynecologist 2 times a year.
  • Annual visit to the endocrinologist.
  • Refusal of bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drugs, overeating.
  • Sports, active lifestyle.
  • Timely and competent treatment of colds.
  • Maintaining normal body weight (elimination of a sharp set / weight loss). Full nutrition.
  • Normalization of excessive physical exertion.
  • The elimination of stressful situations, emotional disorders.
  • Regular sex life.
  • Pregnancy planning.
  • Selection of safe hormone contraceptives with gynecologist Endocrinologist (not yourself!).

Contact a gynecologist for advice The woman should, if the lack of periods are 7 days or more.

This article is placed exclusively in cognitive purposes and is not a scientific material or professional medical council.

Prevention of an irregular menstrual cycle is a fairly large section in gynecology. It includes primary and secondary events.

At primary, the appearance of diseases, which result in the disorders of the menstrual cycle should be prevented.

Secondary prophylaxis includes timely treatment of identified signs of gynecological and endocrinological pathology. The passage of anticorcidal therapy courses in the presence of foci of chronic infection.

Hormonal violations

Failure to work in the pituitary, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries leads to a violation of the production of hormones necessary to form a normal cycle. The result often becomes amenorrhea, not associated with pregnancy and climax, or irregular menstruation. Among the hormone-dependent diseases provoking similar violations:

  • Hyperprolactinemia: an excess of prolactin synthesis, the overwhelming activity of estrogen, the cause of the state is injuries and tumors of the brain, underdevelopment of the pituitary gland.
  • Hypothyroidism: triiodothyronine and thyroxine deficiency directly affecting the production of sex hormones and ovulation processes, irregular periods - one of the characteristic features of the insufficient function of the thyroid.
  • Ovarian polycystic syndrome: expanding inside or outside the body of a variety of quartic cells. Pathology has a chronic form of flow, causes a persistent violation or a complete absence of menstruation, accompanied by hirsutism, obesity, impaired carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Endometrial pathology: endometriosis, hypoplasia. The growth of the functional layer of epithelial tissue outside the uterine cavity occurs due to the violation of the hormonal activity of the ovaries, is manifested by periodic displacements of menstruation, intermenstrual blood blood. Inflammation of the mucous and insufficient increase in the functional layer is one of the reasons for optology, in which menstruation comes with regular delays in 2-4 months.
  • The neoplasms of the uterine cavity: polyposes, momamas have a hormone-dependent character, depending on the degree of development, manifest themselves with shortening and lengthening of the cycle, a change in the volume of discharge, soreness.

If the delay of menstruation happened - what reasons other than pregnancy can be promoted? First of all, you need to pay attention to hormones. Female organism produces strictly balanced amounts of hormones. In case of changes in the balance of estrogen and progesterone, the reproductive system suffers primarily.

However, not always critical days are delayed. If during menstruation you have a sharp pain, the selection becomes scarce, or vice versa, too abundant, it can also talk about hormonal failure. What is also a reason to turn to the gynecologist.

Also, the delay of menstruation can cause hormonal changes in the endocrine system. The violation of the functions of the thyroid, parathyroid gland or sex glands directly affects not only the menstrual cycle, but also on the whole organism. After all, they control the pituitary and hypothalamus - the most important glands in the human body, which are located in the brain.

Hormonal failure is one of the most frequent causes of the irregular cycle. If you suspect it, your doctor will appoint you to pass the blood test for hormones. The results will definitely show, there is a problem or not. In the case of a positive response to the rescue comes hormone therapy.

Hormonal contraceptives can affect the duration and abundance of menstruation, and sometimes cause them to be delayed. Depending on the individual characteristics, the timing of the cycle shift in different women may differ. Typically, the periods occur with a delay of 4-5 days, but sometimes in the first month after receiving tablets, the bleeding does not occur at all.

Hormonal spirals of the "Mirena" type not only shifted the deadline for the occurrence of menstruation, but also make it scarce. After a long-term use of contraceptive, sometimes absent periods are generally. This indicates a temporary oppression of ovulation. However, you should not be afraid that after removing the spiral you will not be able to get pregnant. As a rule, conception occurs within 12 months after the procedure.

Hereditary problems

Many problems that cause violation of the normal duration of the menstrual cycle have a genetic predisposition. Features such as later - over the age of 15 years old, the first appearance of menstruation, early - until the initiation of the ovarian and early climaks often have hereditary roots.

Are delays in menstruation dangerous?

The physiological cycle disorders usually have a short-term situational nature and disappear for several days. But the delay of menstruation in 10 days and more should be alarmed, even if it is not accompanied by impairment of well-being. It may indicate inflammatory or destructive changes in the uterine cavity, ovaries, other endocrine organs.

For consultation in gynecology, you need to handle for any reasons associated with the length of the menstrual cycle. It will be necessary to pass laboratory tests, pass the ultrasound and other instrumental research.

It is forbidden to use any medicinal or folk remedies causing menstruation without medical control. The main mechanism of action of many drugs used at random is a blood dilution. The result may not be a decision of a real problem, but its exacerbation: the opened uterine bleeding, a decrease in blood flowing, the development of inflammatory processes.

The fact of the delay of menstrual bleeding does not pose a threat. Danger lies due to constant periodic delays. Therefore, when they appear, it is necessary to go through a comprehensive examination.

For example, if menstruation regularly delayed due to the high level of prolactin in the blood composition, the cause may be the formation of microenomes in the brain. Lack of treatment at the same time leads to irreversible consequences.

The uncontrolled inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system, the diseases of the uterus and ovaries increase the probability of development of infertility.

If the cause is endocrine violations, then, in addition to the failure of the monthly cycle, they also provoke the failure of almost all organs and systems.

Even if there is no visible reasons for concerns and delays are connected only with a change in the day of the day or spent on the sea with rest, during their periodic appearance and duration it is necessary to undergo a survey.

Reduction or weight gain

The fluctuation of body weight is interconnected with an endocrine system. Sharp and essential weight loss provokes cessation of menstruation. The critical weight of a woman is 45 kg. Below this mark is observed ovarian dysfunction. After all, the body has insufficient resources to support the work of all functions and organs.

Oddly enough, the same effect is observed at the third degree of obesity. Overweight increases the load on the body - the pressure on the vessels and internal organs increases, the joints are faster. Peripheral functions are gradually disconnected, and first of all - reproductive. There is a symptomatic situation in this case.

First reason - stress

1 to two weeks. Arises due to a traumatic situation. Such a delay duration in stress is considered an option for the norm.

2 to one month. Impact on the bark of the brain is deeper. In this case, they are not talking about the delay, but about the absence of one menstrual cycle.

3 from several months to several years. Full cessation of ovarian functions for long periods occurs as a result of a very strong stress. For example, during wars or natural cataclysms, women can stop at a somewhat. The menstrual cycle is restored only after returning to normal life, but not immediately.

4 Daily stresses at work or at home can lead to short-term delay. This is especially characteristic during crisis situations: passing the session or annual report, waiting for test results, home scandals. Treatment is only one thing - calm down, relax and try to think positively. Otherwise, you can not do without the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist, which will help drugs to remove stress.

Permanent conflicts at work, endless family scandals, exams and other mental shocks can cause monthly delay. In the same group, such serious stressful effects can be attributed as permanent overwork and lack of sleep.

And therefore, if you do not want to stand endlessly and because of delays, they are too unnecessary to be nervous at work and study, contact a family psychologist or even a psychoneurologist. And there is enough nights to sit at the computer: to your information, melanin is produced during a full night sleep - a hormone of "eternal youth".

The most important thing to be done when a monthly delay

The normal break between two menstruals (the duration of the menstrual cycle) can be from 21 to 45 days.

Usually, each woman has its own duration of the menstrual cycle, which is preserved during the entire period of the child's age (approximately from 18 to 40 years). Nevertheless, even completely healthy women, menstruation should not always come at the same time.

If you have noticed that periods are late for 1-2-3 days or came for a few days earlier - it should not be worked out, as this is a completely normal phenomenon.

The human body works as a whole. But it happens, the system gives a failure, often it is manifested in delay monthly. The first thing girls make run in the pharmacy for the dough. When he showed a negative result, many questions are asked what reason delay and what to do? Let's look at the common causes of the lack of menstruation in adolescents, virgins and women.

Causes of lack of monthly

Most women lead the calendar of critical days, and know for the early approximate date. The permanent menstrual cycle is formed to the first or second year after the first menstrual bleeding. Normally, the cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days. Deviation for 10 days, indicates a failure in the body, except for pregnancy.

The main reasons for a long lack of menstruation include such three factors:

  • diseases;
  • the impact of external factors;
  • injured injuries.

One of the most common causes of lack of menstruation, various both fungal and venereal diseases. Diseases of the urogenital system, impairment of pituitary glands, affects the delay in critical days, consider their details:

  1. Candidose colpit. The most common reason for the delay of menstruation is fungal diseases. Cunning disease Candidiasis can not immediately notice. After the appearance of symptoms, it is necessary not to postpone, start treatment. The first bells of the thrush - itching, burning in the field of genitals, an increase in temperature, abundant curious discharge with an unpleasant smell (resembles the skis milk). Permanent candides affect the cycle. Not only women are sick, but also men. It is treated with both partners.
  2. Mioma and Cancer. Benign and malignant tumors are able to change the menstrual cycle. Typically, the tumors are not allowed to know about themselves. The gynecologist with an annual preventive inspection can reveal them. The main symptom of the development of the tumor is the delay of menstruation.
  3. Cystitis One with unpleasant diseases of the genitourinary system. Frequently caused by the development of cystitis is hypothermia, infection. Delay of critical days Maybe lasts from a few weeks to a month. Cystitis is a serious illness, such diseases are developing on its background: erosion of the cervix, endometriosis. If not to be treated with complications during pregnancy.
  4. Ovarian dysfunction. Violation of the menstrual cycle, are one of the symptoms of the inflammatory process and the violation of the hormonal function in the ovaries. Putting the endocrine system, as well as diabetes mellitus affects the absence of menstruation.

If such symptoms are found, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Ignoring them can entail serious health problems. Starting from inflammation of the urogenital system to oncological diseases.

Physical factors

One of the reasons for the lack of critical days is the impact of external factors. It will be enough to eliminate the problem and the menstruation will be returned independently. Reception of drugs changes cycle. Antibiotics strongly affect the body. Finding inside they kill microflora in the intestines. This entails a malfunction failed.

We accept hormonal contraceptives, not only protects against unwanted pregnancy, but knocks off the cycle. These drugs affect the delay of menstruation:

  1. Firefighters oral contraceptives. Such drugs are accepted as emergency assistance. They include a large dose of hormones, they in turn prevent the egg fertilization. As a result, pregnancy does not occur. You can take such funds no more than four tablets per year. The menstrual cycle is broken, missing up to two months.
  2. Hormonal contraceptives. Before receiving, you must consult with your doctor. In some diseases (moma and cancer), receiving contraceptives due to the content of hormones, it is not recommended. During the reception of hormonal drugs, it is worth refraining from the use of alcohol, smoking and use of narcotic drugs. Prolonged use may be the cause of the absence of menstruation.
  3. Intrauterine spirals. The delayed PMS can affect the spiral, they may not start over three weeks. This is due to the deficiency of some substances.

In addition to drugs, monthly influence:

  • Stress and long-term depression. The brain produces sex hormones. During the emergence of stressful situations, directs all its strength to eliminate them. As a result, a hormonal failure occurs. After unprotected intercourse, women are worried that they can get pregnant. Luring so strong that monthly, long time does not begin. Violations of sleep and wake mode entails a cycle failure.
  • Changing climate. The delay in menstruation affects the trip to another country, with different weather conditions (for example, rest on tropical resorts).

Injured injuries during intercourse, as well as abortions (scraping) provoke the erosion of the cervix, as a result, the absence of menstruation. After childbirth, as well as during the lactation, there may be no critical days.

Other reasons

When menstruation does not occur within ten days, pregnancy test showed a negative result, you should pay attention to such factors:

  • Women wishing to lose weight, sit on various diets. They begin to limit themselves in nutrition, starve. As a result of strong weight loss, the body is depleted, the failures begin, the menstrual cycle stops.
  • Cycle failure Frequent phenomenon in athletes, especially those who are engaged in martial arts and weightlifting. Disruption of menstruation is joined by pain at the bottom of the abdomen and chest, abundant allocations.
  • Alcohol consumption In large quantities, the use of psychotropic and narcotic substances, lead to the termination of the cycle.

Delay of menstruation more than 10 days Should alert. To establish accurate reasons, you must consult with a gynecologist, even if they do not affect well-being.

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    It seems to me that every woman came across a latency of the menstrual cycle and is not always connected with pregnancy. I always have a delay after I go to rest somewhere. This, as I understand it, because of the change of climate, there is some kind of failure. The first time I ran over a pregnancy test, and after that I did not raise my panic. Before what an interesting female organism, it is so sensitive to various changes and if something is wrong immediately gives it to understand it.

    Delay of menstruation can be truly for various reasons. For example, I do not have such that these days begin to be strictly in schedule, so if there is a day delay by 3-4 I don't even worry. The main thing is that they come regularly. Sometimes, of course, it happens that the delay is more than a week. I have such a couple of times a year exactly. Stress, physical and emotional loads do not pass without a trace. Therefore, therefore, the occasion is at least three gynecologists. Someone said that it happens often and no reason for serious unrest. Someone from doctors perceived this moment more seriously. But everyone came to one conclusion. They said that if you personally care of you, then we can assign you contraceptive pills and they normalize your cycle. I had a period that I saw them for more than two years. Of course, they normalized the cycle until I used them, and then he was "loosened again." I also realized that everything is very individual and every woman has its own body and its cycle. So if you have regular delays more than 35 days, you just need to beat the alarm. If not, you must decide whether it is worth changing something, of course, consulted before that with a doctor. Many women are quietly pregnant and give birth with a non-permanent menstrual cycle.

    Another 10 years ago I had an irregular cycle, it was alarmed, and I turned to the gynecologist. That's right in the article it is indicated that myoma can influence the cycle, here I was found according to the results of the ultrasound. She did not affect my daily life, and she had to just watch it. To establish a regular cycle, I was prescribed to drink duphaston. As a result, the cycle settled. And when the time came to think about pregnancy, he also had to consult a gynecologist. She advised to calculate the period of ovulation. I bought special tests on ovulation at the pharmacy. And when there was a delay at least 1 day, I immediately did a pregnancy test. But, unfortunately, they were negative.
    I read that the absence of menstruation during the week is normal, since the human body reacts to various situations in life, these are stress, and physical exertion, and even weather conditions. I have, for example, in January there is always a delay period a week or two.
    My pregnancy did not occur for 8 months, and then suddenly came. I learned about her as a result of a delay of 5 days, then a pregnancy test showed a very weak second strip. Now, after childbirth, monthly goes regularly, the cycle is 28 days. But even now rarely there are delays even for a week.

    Personally, for me, the delay of menstruation is always a reason for concern. I'm not talking about a few days, for me it is the norm, but when they do not come for a week, I begin to worry about the joke. Especially if there was an unprotected sexual act, as it is impossible to pregnant now on medical testimony. Most often, immediately run to your doctor, in order to make sure everything is in order. And I advise all girls to do, because it is very important to identify possible problems as soon as possible!

    I have had a delay of menstruation several times right after sex with a new partner. Apparently, when sex does not have some time, then the body should be made some restructuring. These were delays for a couple of weeks, I have already started to worry seriously and bought tests for pregnancy, but then the monthly returned. But because of the hormonal contraceptives there were no such problems.

    1. Similarly. My husband and I are calculating safe days for sex. Sometimes it turns out that we are engaged in the last day before menstruation. And monthly after that is moved away, it happens for a few days. Failing everything as a result, there was unprotected sex, but then they, nevertheless, coming and can already relax. Maybe the accompanying stress has an influence.

    I came across such a problem 2 times in my life. For the first time, it was still in student times, wrote a diploma, many nerves left, lost weight for 8 per 1.5 kg, despite the fact that he never refused in her food, it was fed more than good, but in connection with this, the monthly disappeared on 2 months, then instead of menstruation, I had brown discharge for several more months, after which I turned to the doctor, but I didn't get an explanatory consultation, I'm so doctors, I read and Nahamila ... The desire to go to our hospital no more, but so coincided, That a couple of weeks later, normal periods went, by the time 2 kg scored, weighed 45 kg.
    A few years later, he was fascinated by sports, actively engaged, gained muscle mass and finally it was time to dry, the nature of the brain was not, I went on a radical way and sat down on the protein, completely excluded carbohydrates, at least fat and many cardio, the whole fat left, appeared Coliki in the kidneys and disappeared monthly, this time for half a year, and also got a disorder of food behavior, I am still a diet and now, even with the kidneys, everything is fine. There were no monthly half a year due to a low mass of the body and an unbalanced diet, when the beats began to eat brown sections appeared, gradually gained weight and monthly stabilized. Did not appeal to the doctor, the reason was described above, but I really do not recommend doing such nonsense, I know that many such a problem begins after the Kremlin, Duucan and other protein diets, most of them ride the roof of the RPP will be pursued years, reality is distorted, health No longer becomes important, girls for several years without menstruation live afraid to recover a couple of kilograms. Do not allow such errors, take care of health!

    The only time when I had a delay of more than 7 days - this is when I got pregnant. Therefore, for me personally, the lack of critical days testifies to this. Of course, this is a purely situation, therefore a lot of things affect the menstrual cycle. But I have never had any problems with this, except after receiving antibiotics, but then I already assumed that because of this there may be a delay.

    My girlfriend recently had a delay of about three weeks, and for some reason we were sure that this pregnancy was. But by making the test, I realized that this was not the need to go to the doctor. It turned out that this is just a failure of the menstrual cycle, it sometimes happens. It is true, for the prevention of appointed drugs, so to speak to the safety net. Now everything is stable.

    I know that still changing the power is very affected by the menstrual cycle. When I decided to become a vegetarian, of course, a problem with menstruation began. I did it mindlessly, the plant protein almost did not use. Fward began to pour hair. And even if a sharp change of climate - too, failures begin. So I try not to make any extreme things in your life anymore.

    I have already become accustomed to the irregular menstrual cycle, so most often just let go of the situation and try not to be nervous, but just wait. Since the delay of menstruation is not the worst thing that could be. Of course you need to regularly check by the doctor and generally monitor your health. By the way, in the article I read a lot of new things for myself, now I will treat it more seriously.

    And I try not to panic when there is no monthly time. After all, from what we worry and worry, we will definitely not be better. The main rule for me is once every six months to pass the female doctor to be sure that I am healthy. Most often, the delay of menstruation from me from what I overtook at work or survived some stress. From this it should be reasons that our main enemy is our fears and excitement.

    The reason may be banal - the reception of antibiotics, before it often suffered from cystitis, saw antibiotics by courses, so the cycle was very irregular. It also depends on the age, in girls and women after 50, this is also in the order of things, since the cycle already in nature is unstable at that age. If the cycle is not stable without visible reasons, then it is better to immediately turn to the doctor, it is not normal.

    Causes can be different, our hormonal background is so thin tool that it is enough to be trolically perplexed and the consequences will not make a long time to wait, it can be like a menstrual failure, and acne, hair loss, nail pollution, and maybe everything in aggregate. I have it happened not rarely, so I understand that in life she looms a restless period, I begin to take sedatives, it is better to consult with the doctor, for taking drugs without appointing a doctor, we do it at your own risk. There was also a period when actively engaged in sports, I really liked, but at some point I realized that I had a delay, a few months instead of the CD there was a brown mastery, it was very strained me, but the forums understood that I was not so alone Many are faced with this, because the big physical exertion is also a big stress for the female body, after some time the cycle has improved and remains stable to this day.
    I want to tell the story of my girlfriend. Somehow she has bothered and it coincided with a delay, with her boyfriend she broke up a couple of months ago and could not tie a delay with pregnancy, because menstruation passed 2 times. He appealed to the hospital as it was necessary to take a certificate in the university, the therapist listened to her and sent to the gynecologist, after which it turned out that she was pregnant, went for 5 months !!! Says, somehow came home and felt a strange movement inside, I thought unbawn, and so it didn't forecast anything at all, she smoked and drank periodically, naturally not yet recognized, the benefit of the child was born healthy. After this delay, I do not wait at home, there is always a pregnancy test))

    I have long defined for myself three main factor, in which the delay of menstruation certainly comes. First, it is a reception of antibiotics, especially if longer than 5 days. Second, climate change and time zone. And thirdly, it is stress. Yes, and once again had a crash with a strong weight loss, when I dropped 23 kg for 3 months. In all cases, I am not panic and usually the cycle is settled to the coming of the following menstruation. Nevertheless, the gynecologist in preventive purposes is shown once a year.

    And my monthly began early, at 11 years old. And years to 18 were irregular and painful. Could come once a month, and happened and every three months. It is believed that at the stage of becoming a monthly permissible may be irregular. However, this period was delayed. At 18, he suffered inflammation of the appendages due to supercooling. And oddly enough, after treatment, the cycle came to normal and severed soreness.

    Plumping to those who are alarming at the delay and goes to the doctor - this is exactly the case when it is better to overdo it with vigilance and check out once again. A couple of years ago there was a case - a lot of scaby cycle. The first month was not worried (on vacation was just thinking that the change of climate and long flights could influence), but when the delay repeated, she strained and went to the doctor. It turned out, so sometimes the inflammation of the bartholine gland can occur! Nothing was hurt, no more symptoms, but now - the bartolinite was diagnosed, month on antibiotics. So ... it is better to be restrained and consult with a delay in the gynecologist than to reach the abscess.

    1. I agree that in such cases it is always better to be restrained. In general, every organism responds in its own way to external circumstances. I have, for example, monthly is very dependent on the psychological state. Even small stress or insomnia is sufficient and everything, the cycle is knocked down, monthly arrive earlier for several days. And what is interesting, every time differently. Sometimes with strong pains and even nausea, with the soreness of the mammary glands. And sometimes at all without any symptoms. Riddle.

    My delays occur constantly, and rather I never had to come in the same day, I always considered the norm, I was very surprised when a friend said that at its month the clock could be treated. Considering that this is happening for 20 years, hardly cancer or mioma, long ago, would have given itself to know by other symptoms. Yes, and gave birth a couple of times, did not discover, the only thing that was put on inspections is candidiasis and erosion, but everything was treated, and the monthly irregular one. Eating alcohol in moderation, like everyone else, stress ... Well, not 20 years in a row! There are no diabetes and other health problems, I do not accept pills, the spiral is not worth it. I just smoke (yes yes, just about 13), maybe this is the reason? And the most interesting thing is that they begin to suspect pregnancy when "delay" begin if only in some month there was no monthly period, and it always justified. I don't even know if I have something like that, I never raised this topic with anyone, but I read and thought, so all the same smoking can cause this problem? But again, no pain during no, the bottom of the belly does not roll, the loin does not hurt, the only thing for me is not pleasant for me, that the monthly come to the most out of the right moment and sometimes outside the house, without any warnings and hints, and I It is not ready.

    I usually have monthly periods come as around the clock, but have been of course and delays that are not related to the onset of pregnancy. The most common reason for me personally was stress-worth a lot of climbing with my husband, strongly worry at work - to get 2-3 days of delay at best. The first times experienced and did tests, in the future it became calm up to 5 days a delay, and I did not have anymore. Also traveling on vacation is knocked off the cycle every time.

    I think that every girl came across a delay of menstruation and this is no longer a secret. Many factors are essentially, and every delay is already a call, as my gynecologist says the delay is simultaneously good and bad. It means well under it that if the girl wanted or sought to get pregnant and for her it as you understand wonderful. It is bad bad, since a lot of things are now climbing, various diseases that will lead to infertility during non-treat. I myself came across a delay, but I'm not pregnant and did not give birth at all, my delay was because, I was sick and went complication, and accompanied by pain, consulted with the gynecologist complied with his recommendations and gradually everything came to normal and yes so far You will just immediately contact the gynecologist immediately, only he will definitely help you and says that it is not. All that I said especially concerns girls who did not give birth and want to have in the future children think and do not in any way do self-medication. I have now been fully examined on the female part and my monthly came in the right schedule and in the future I already think about pregnancy. I have everything shared my opinion and with those problems on the female part with whom I myself came across, I can still say not to panic, suddenly yours The delay is only two days, and your monthly will come and will make me remind about yourself, thanks ..

    I usually have monthly periods come as around the clock, but this summer had a delay of two weeks. What I just did not change my mind during this time. But everything turned out to be very trite, in two months I took off 10 kg and most likely it was exactly the reason for the delay. And at the girlfriend, as it happened, as much as the 3-week delay, but she did not lose weight, there was no stress either, but she stubbornly believed that she was pregnant, although the tests showed otherwise. As a result, already when at the reception at the gynecologist, after an ultrasound and blood test, she was told that it was 100% pregnant, the monthly came. The gynecologist said that she was not the first. Self-pressure power.

    My delayed monthly occurred after the reception of the postiner (it is a means of emergency contraception, that is, how the contraceptive does not drink it daily), for several months after I could not set my menstrual cycle, but then everything was normal. Hormonal agents are very influenced by the cycle, there are people who even claim that ordinary contraceptive pills benefit the female body, but this does not have it, too, leads to itself at best, the cycle failure. Several times I had a cycle failure when changing the climate.

    Before pregnancy, I often had a cycle failures. For me, this was explained by the nervous work, since there was no sexual partner. Perhaps due to the lack of intimate life there were failures. It was such that two months there were no menstruation, it was me so on a fearless diet. Returned to the usual diet and everything was improved. Now I have a child, he is already a year old. Monthly were only during the first month after childbirth. I still feed the breast and no monthly, has already been overwhelmed from them.

    How much I remember myself, I always had problems with the normalization of the cycle. It all started from the first monthly, which was held at me at 13, and then they disappeared for 3 months. But in adolescence, they do not think much about it. The fact that the irregular cycle is a problem I understood when I was thinking about the planning of the child. After all, it is almost impossible to calculate the exact number of ovulation. Accordingly, problems arose with conception. Gynecologist tried to prescribe different ways of treatment. They included hormonal drugs. During the reception of which, monthly came as around the clock, but only it was worth the cancellation, the problem was returned again. It was also prescribed to me in the morning, with him at least the monthly just started to go, and not absent months. Ultimately, I spent three years on treatment, which did not particularly give results. But it cost me to stop nervous because of this problem, as I managed to get pregnant. But the funny thing is that I did not pay attention to the pregnancy, since the cycle is still not regular, and its delay does not cause any questions. So the reason for the delay can be elementary pregnancy. But if the cycle is not regular as I have from adolescence, it is not worth worrying about it.

    My cycle from adolescence was about 35-40 days. Then at 21 I took an abortion, and menstruation began to come in 40-45 days. Since then, just once a month and a half and sometimes. As it turned out, there was a cyst. Yet it became pregnant, gave birth, after six months he put a spiral. Now the child is 1 year 3 months old, menstruation began in 1g and month of the child, also walks in 45 days. The long cycle may be a feature of my body, or should I check the thyroid gland? There are no deviations in female. I just know that the length of the cycle can jump on GW.

    My cycle rushed hard after taking antibiothes. Delays for a week or two or vice versa, before. Doctors say that it is normalized, gradually, but you need to track. In addition, very strong pains appeared for the first two days, before this was not enough. They suspected a lot of things, did not find, now the wording is "the individual reaction of the body."
    Can someone come across such?
    To live on painkillers a few days is difficult, maybe there are some ways to reduce pain ...

    The problem of the delay of menstruation, worried me in adolescence, monthly walked not regularly and very painful. So it continued until the bleeding was opened and the ambulance was not taken to the hospital. I did not live in a sexual life at that time, so the treatment was in the reception of drugs orally and with injections. After two weeks, I was safely discharged home and from the moment I did not have any problems with the month. Well, in adult age, the delay of menstruation meant only one thing, I am pregnant. So already four delays and I am a mother of four babies. So my opinion if there are no hormonal disorders, a woman does not torture himself with diets, physical exertion, does not fall into depression, then the delay will be happening only as a result of pregnancy.

    My friend had a situation. At first, the cyst was, he was treated for almost half a year, he lay on the hospitals, did not want to cut, it seemed to have crushed through hormones. For the next month there is no monthly, she did a test - negative, well, her doctor and she says that after the cycle it happens, wait a little, she waited waited, sent to the ultrasound, and a specialist was a young one who took an hour. A girlfriend Then two weeks later, at night, in the ambulance - barely saved.

    In fact, unfortunately, the delay of the menstrual cycle is almost normal. We live at such a time, with such ecology, we use such food such food that this is no longer surprised. Yes, and stress make yourself felt. Nowadays, almost every girl has already faced a cycle violation. In my own experience I will say that it is not necessary to let this problem on the samonek and be sure to contact the doctor.

    I meet with the guy for the third year, we are protected. noticed that the cycle is often shot down by the last half of the year. I handed over pregnancy tests, shows a negative result. Do not tell me why so it turns out?
    There is still such a nuance when the monthly period begins the belly, very strong pain. Again, everything was done almost painlessly. I will be grateful for feedback.

    I have never had problems with the menstrual cycle. Always critical days began and ended in time. Even after measuring pregnancy and drug deferment of menstruation in three cycles, everything was immediately improved and entered the schedule. And recently there was a delay of 40 days. The first thought, of course pregnancy. But no. Doctors have no pathologies found. Delivered tests, made an ultrasound examination. Everything is fine. But it was the reason for the delay and did not find out. The doctor said that most likely it is psychosomatics.

    After I got married, my husband and I stopped protected. The first month there was a delay, on the sixth month of delay I decided to make a pregnancy test, but he was negative. I never found out the cause of the delay, but we heard all sores and infections. On the second month there was still a delay, I thought that my cycle was knocked out, but after a couple of weeks it came to the test, which turned out to be positive)))

    How is it always worrying for girls, even for married. It can even use condoms every time, but still, if there is a delay in menstruation in several days, excitement begin, and suddenly pregnancy, really had a poor-quality product and the like thoughts. And then the little holiday comes. That does not give nature to women to miss. Now I live without them, but it seems to be normal, because I feed the baby with breasts.