Muscle mass is heavier than fat. Comparison of fat and muscle weights

  • Date: 01.10.2021

May 21st, 2014, 10:00 am

Many people who decide to lose weight correctly, that is, with the help of fitness, often explain the fact of the frozen arrow of the weights by the fact that muscles are heavier than fat. Allegedly, their weight is due to the fact that, while exercising, they replace fat with muscles that weigh more.

Pay attention not only to what you eat, but also how much you eat. Likewise, you can easily pack on the unwanted pound by overeating regularly - even small amounts. Determine how many calories you need based on your goals and stick to it. If you want to burn fat, losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is a safe bet.

Full or weightlifter?

Get your heart rate up with daily cardio to burn calories and speed up fat loss. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of cardio every week. Try different exercises like running, cycling, fitness classes, and machines in the gym to keep your workouts fun and help you avoid plateaus. You should also mix it, rotating between long, steady workouts and short, intense interval sessions.

Is it really? Let's figure it out.

Having passed a month in the rocking chair, you begin to arrogantly look at the chickens, who now and then run on the scales.

You are not like that. You understand that weight loss and fat loss are two different things. Weight loss can occur not only due to fat loss, but also due to the loss of muscle mass, water, feces.

If you want to build muscle, put on the pink dumbbells and start exercising. Women don't have the hormones to build big, tough muscles, so lifting harder than you're used to so you don't look like the Hulk. Three to five sets of eight to twelve reps is the general standard for muscle hypertrophy. However, this does not mean that you should not integrate high-reflex, low-power, and low-reactive high-weight kits. No matter how many reps you do, make sure you use enough weight to make the last couple of reps tricky.

You robotically insist that you are “flooded” in PMS and milk, and “the arrow of the scales is not an indicator, because muscles are heavier than fat”.

Oholonite, chicken. The arrow of the scales is an indicator even for me. Not to mention your flaccid asses.

Yes, I really do not like the question: "Lena, what is your weight?"

For this very reason:

If you finish the set and can do five more reps, you won't be using enough weight. If you don't see the results you want, having a log is a useful tool for discovering where you need to make changes. It's also useful for tracking your progress when you're trying to improve your muscle-to-fat ratio. Use images of progress, body fat measurements, or body circumference to document changes. However, try not to rely on the scale as a measurement. Your weight does not reflect changes in body composition and can be misleading.

  • Write down your diet and exercise routine.
  • It can be easy to get lost if you don't write everything.
Body Composition Analysis provides a detailed report with over 40 data points pertaining to your body.

Yes, we have all seen this picture, but only fools understood it like this: "If I go to the gym, and my weight stays in place, it means that I am losing fat, and instead I am building muscles, the weight of which is equal to the weight of the lost fat." ...

Such an alignment is impossible, in principle.

Losing fat is always much easier and faster than gaining muscle mass. Muscles grow very slowly.

Below is a guide for understanding your results. Please note that every time you book a custom order, you will receive a detailed explanation of your results. On the first analysis, you will also receive a comprehensive interpretation guide.

Protein-protein is made up of nitrogen. High levels of nitrogen in your body cells indicate good levels of muscle mass and overall health. Low protein levels imply low muscle mass and may indicate poor nutrition and malnutrition.

Why doesn't weight change?

Minerals. Mineral analysis consists of two groups of minerals: axial and non-commercial. Calculations used for the body composition analysis table. Mineral content is found in the lower right corner of the report under Exploration Parameters. Weight is the sum of total body water, protein, minerals, and body weight.

  • Soft material mass is the sum of your total body.
  • Water, protein and uncomplicated minerals.
  • Note.
Fat body mass is shown in kilograms and represents the amount of fat in your body.

Fat also - especially at a certain stage - goes away slowly. And yet, fat loss and muscle gain are not comparable in speed. Muscle growth in both women and men is always slower than fat loss. In women, it is twice as slow as in men.

A woman who is not a beginner in the gym and who trains there conscientiously can gain about 50 grams of muscle mass per week. And this is an excellent indicator.

Body fat percentage. It is the percentage of body fat calculated as total body fat divided by total body weight. The lean lean mass in each main body segment is shown in kilograms and as a percentage of your actual weight.

The number at the end of the top bar is the amount of soft, lean mass for that body segment in kg. The number at the end of the bottom bar is a percentage of your actual weight. If the bottom bar reaches 100%, it means you have the ideal soft dry mass for your weight.

A healthy person, if he sets a goal to lose weight and does everything right, easily loses from 500 grams to 1 kg of fat per week.

So if the arrow of your weights stays in place for a long period of time (3-4 weeks), this does not mean that, while exercising, you are replacing adipose tissue with muscle, but that you cannot lose fat.

The ratio of extracellular water to water in the whole body is an important indicator of whether the water in the body is balanced. The more muscle mass, the better the result will be. Possibly score over 100 if you have very high muscle mass. Note that very low fat mass will lower your score. These are suggestions only and depend on your goals. This section looks at the balance of your upper body, lower body, and balance between your upper and lower bodies.

This shows the distribution of fat around the body. This is an individual measurement of the circumference of individual body parts. A high mineral content usually indicates a higher bone density. The main role of this indicator is to help assess your nutritional status.

Chicken, forget the notion that muscle is heavier than fat, and never try it on yourself. Do not disgrace yourself.

You have no idea how ridiculous it sounds from your lips, given that fat loss occurs in one and only one case: when you expend more calories than you consume. With a calorie deficit, there can be no question of any increase in muscle mass.

Excessive fat in this area may indicate a hormonal imbalance. Heart rate: The rate at which your heart beats in beats per minute. Please note that we do not share your information with anyone without your permission. Height We use a digital stadiometer to accurately measure your height. Your height is automatically imported into the body composition analyzer.

Age and gender. Our technology measures you and only you. Of course, the healthy ratio is 100. Look, we have a huge misconception that metabolism is a calorie burner and that weight loss is a matter of burning calories, which can come from body fat, muscle, or even bone. masses. While your body can catabolize muscle under extreme circumstances, this is not normal, even with weight loss.


1) Those who have just started to lose weight. This is a matter of the first two weeks, not four or more.

2) Those who use steroids.

If you are exercising and the weight is not going away, chances are you are just eating a lot. Even if you swing a lot, you eat even more. That is why your weight does not budge.

Do you want a beautiful body? Be smart. Turn your head on and don't replicate, flapping your wings, misinterpreted truths.

Your metabolism does not "burn calories." Metabolism consists of two complex processes; catabolism, which separates your food from its smallest usable parts, and anabolism, which reunites these parts into the cellular structures your body requires. Your metabolism then maintains these cells and replaces them on a regular schedule.

You can easily understand that in order for the nutrients from food to be available for this constant building process, your food is not burned in the end for energy, right? Energy management is just a tiny part of what metabolism does and uses only a small portion of your food, with most of your food being converted into raw materials for this ongoing interior building project.

The fact is that muscles, by definition, are heavier than fat and this is due to the cellular structure. Chicken, forget the notion that muscle is heavier than fat, and never try it on yourself. If you put 1 kg of fat on one side of the scale and 1 kg of muscle on the other, the scales become equal. You robotically insist that you are “flooded” in PMS and milk, and “the arrow of the scales is not an indicator, because muscles are heavier than fat”. Losing fat is always much easier and faster than gaining muscle mass. Muscles grow very slowly.

Now, here's a little secret about your metabolism that puts everything in perspective. If your metabolism is equipped with everything it needs to do its amazing and beautiful job of building, repairing, and maintaining you, then it miraculously throws away excess waste material as waste. Thus, excess body fat is mainly caused by either complete malnutrition or a terrible imbalance in species and nutrients.

Well, muscles are neither redundant nor unnecessary. So, once you provide your body with nutritional balance, which will it throw away? Your metabolism is beautifully designed to keep you in optimal health and fitness while you fulfill your role and provide what it needs. He's not going to catabolize muscle for no good reason.

Many people who decide to lose weight correctly, that is, with the help of fitness, often explain the fact of the frozen arrow of the weights by the fact that muscles are heavier than fat. Allegedly, their weight is due to the fact that, while exercising, they replace fat with muscles that weigh more. Is it really? Let's figure it out. Oholonite, chicken.

However, there are two caveats here. The second caveat is this: if you are overweight, you probably have adipose tissue mixed with your muscle tissue. Have you ever had a nice, juicy, well marbled steak? This marble is fat mixed with muscle. Cattle are fattened for this very purpose. The same thing happens with people; fat mixes with muscles. Therefore, when you lose fat from muscle, your muscles may appear smaller and possibly even saggy. But you haven't lost muscle, only muscle fat.

Toning exercises and medium weights will fix this in an instant. Does this all make sense to you? Eat right; includes foods that provide a full range of 93 nutrients in the right balance, eliminate factory-processed junk food and drink, and get plenty of water. You do this, and your metabolism will literally pour out excess fat as unnecessary and keep your muscles intact.

Such an alignment is impossible, in principle. Fat also - especially at a certain stage - goes away slowly. And yet, fat loss and muscle gain are not comparable in speed. Muscle growth in both women and men is always slower than fat loss. In women, it is twice as slow as in men. A woman who is not a beginner in the gym and who trains there conscientiously can gain about 50 grams of muscle mass per week. And this is an excellent indicator.

If you want to effectively skim fat, you need to learn how to calculate the calories needed to achieve your fat loss goals. Calorie counting is just one small piece of the puzzle. When you're ready to be incredibly typed in your diet and improve your body composition, you'll also want to be in tune with your macronutrient disorder. This post provides five easy steps for calculating macros to lose fat.

This is part 3 of a 3-part series. Then move on to Part 2 of 3, where you will learn the basic principles of losing fat while improving your body composition. This article, combined with the aforementioned two posts, will equip you with the tools you need to take your fat loss to the next level and get you closer to a leaner, more sculpted physique.

Why does volume decrease while weight increases? Which is heavier than fat or muscle?

You have no idea how ridiculous it sounds from your lips, given that fat loss occurs in one and only one case: when you expend more calories than you consume. 1) Those who have just started to lose weight. This is a matter of the first two weeks, not four or more. 2) Those who use steroids. If you are exercising and the weight is not going away, chances are you are just eating a lot. Even if you swing a lot, you eat even more.

In the next five steps, you will learn how to calculate your fat loss macros. There will be a bit of basic math and it can be confusing, so bring a pencil and paper. Write down your numbers and you will be well on your way to understanding and using a highly effective method for pain relief.

Step 2 - Calculate Protein Requirements for Fat Loss

Step 1 - Calculate your total daily energy expenditure for fat loss and creating a calorie deficit.

When calculating your macros to lose fat, the first macronutrient we need to look at is protein. The reason why we should focus on protein in the first place.

Dedicated to those whose muscles are heavier than fat!

Undoubtedly it will be so. But the question is - why, when playing sports and adhering to a diet, the weight does not just stand still, and sometimes even increases? Why is this happening, because it would seem more logical to lose weight from diet and fitness, but the weight is growing? Someone explains this by an error in the scales or an excessive retained liquid. The fact is that diet and exercise can burn fat. In the meantime, sports help build muscle mass, making the body beautiful, sculpted and toned.

The easiest way to determine your protein requirement if you don't have a way to measure your percentage of body fat is to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. If you are overweight or obese, it is best to use 1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. This requires you to measure your body fat percentage.

Since 1 g of protein contains four calories, 105 g of protein is 420 calories. 30% is a good start as a baseline that you can tweak later. For accelerated fat loss or those who train intensely and exercise, you can benefit from consuming about 35% of calories in protein, because it has been shown to be the most saturating of all macronutrients, which can be beneficial when you are on a restricted diet. calories to make you feel fuller. Protein is also the most expensive substrate for metabolism, meaning it has the highest thermal effect of all macronutrients.

But muscle weighs more than fat mass. They are heavier, and therefore the scales may not change their readings and even give a gain. The difference is in volume! 1 kg of muscle in size will look a little more than a tennis ball. 1 kg of fat will be 3 times more and will look like a jellyfish. I was inspired to write this article by people asking about weight that stands still and does not want to go anywhere, while people seek to lose excess weight and take every possible effort to burn fat. What is the mystery of this phenomenon?

How to get relief muscles - in a nutshell

What constitutes body weight and what is the ratio of fat, muscle and bone weight?

In simple terms, muscle cells contain protein and water. and in fat cells, oddly enough, fats. These fats are called lipids. The proteins in water (muscles) are much denser in structure than the above lipids (fats). It is also important to understand that stagnation in weight or even a set of extra pounds can be associated with the specifics of your diet. If you exercise regularly and your diet is dominated by protein foods, then it is possible that muscle volume has increased, and the percentage of body fat has decreased.

Many athletes and people far from this, wonder what is heavier: muscle or fat. A sufficient amount of controversial information exists on this score.

Full or weightlifter?

You can often find a common example in comparing fat and muscle: a well-fed person can weigh 100 kg and look not very pretty, and a bodybuilder, who also weighs 100 kg, but has a low percentage of fat, nevertheless looks quite aesthetically pleasing. Same weight, but different shape. In the first case, the person will seem much larger in size than the second, but in the meantime they have the same weight, so what's the mystery?

Having understood the question "Which is heavier: muscle or fat in a person", everyone can clearly understand what actions he needs to take depending on his goal of building a figure. After all, only having certain knowledge in a certain matter can you competently approach the solution of the problem.

Fat or muscle - which is heavier?

Having understood this topic, you can clearly understand why such dramatic differences in weight and appearance arise. If we consider the question "heavier than muscle or fat?" from the point of view of cellular structure, it can be answered clearly that muscles are heavier because their cells are more dense than fat cells.

Muscle cells contain protein and water, while fat cells contain only fat, or lipids. You do not need to have special knowledge in the field of body structure to understand that protein with water, they are also muscles, will be much denser in composition than fat.

Functions of body fat

Fat is not a useless phenomenon, its critical level poses a threat to health, so you need to take a responsible approach to the process of losing weight. The layers of fat protect the internal organs and create an additional source of heat in cold weather, which explains the decrease in metabolism in winter, as the body tries to conserve fat reserves.

Having learned the answer to the question "fat or muscle - which is heavier", many are trying by all means to get rid of fat, which in volume exceeds, however, it is worthwhile to understand that there is a limit beyond which it is impractical to go.

The lowest threshold for the level of fat for a woman is 12%, then problems may begin with both appearance and femininity. Men, on the other hand, can feel great with 5% body fat.

However, a high percentage of fat is harmful to the body, since the likelihood of developing diabetes increases, energy decreases, metabolism slows down, and lethargy sets in.

Why doesn't weight change?

Due to the difference in muscle and fat weights when losing weight, the weight may stagnate. In the process of sports activity, both fat is burned and muscle mass is built up. Due to the fact that the proportion of body fat may be lower than the proportion of muscles, the effect of stagnant weight change can be created. In other words, two processes took place at the same time - the fat was gone and the muscles increased.

Based on this, you should not attach great importance to the numbers on the scales. Visually, you can see changes, a decrease in volumes in certain areas, but remain at the same weight.

Many people believe that if you work out in the gym, the figure will become athletic in any case, whether they initially have fat or muscle. Which is harder to burn lipids or build lean mass?

You need to understand that fat does not go into muscle. Intense loads, of course, reduce body fat in a sense, but a good result can be achieved only by limiting carbohydrates.

Heavy bones?

A fat person has a large proportion of body fat, while the proportion of muscle and bone tissue changes slightly. It is unreasonable to believe that weight can increase due to bone growth, since a change of even 10% in the proportion of bone tissue leads to only 1-1.5 kg.

You can achieve dramatic weight gains with exercise and proper nutrition, since muscle is heavier than fat and bone. For this reason, the athlete will have large muscle mass and weight, respectively. Although according to the classification of acceptable parameters and weight, he will belong to the overweight group, while having a low percentage of fat reserves.

Today there is a so-called bioimpedance analysis, which allows you to calculate the percentage of muscle and in the body. Based on this, it can be concluded whether a person needs to lose weight or gain weight.

When wondering whether fat or muscle is heavier, there are many factors to consider that affect weight gain.

In some cases, for example, in premenstrual syndrome in women or in heart disease, weight may increase due to fluid retention in the body. In this case, you must consult a doctor. But still, almost everyone is associated with excess fat.

Understanding the question "Which is heavier: muscle or fat?", It is important to pay attention not only to weight, but also to the distribution of fat in body parts. So, a woman, even with excess weight, can look harmoniously folded, which is due to the even distribution of fat deposits throughout the body.

The ratio of hips and waist, taken as the norm, for women - 0.7, for men - 1.

Body types

There are two for the female type - "pear" and for the male - "apple".

People belonging to the first type have a concentration of fat in the buttocks and lower abdomen.

Those in the second type have deposits, usually in the upper body. These people are prone to obesity, diabetes, ischemia, atherosclerosis.

You need to be aware that weight does not play a big role, it is much more important what this weight is composed of. The same weight of fat and muscle will look different. How? - many will ask. So, for example, 1 kg of muscle takes up a volume 2 times less than 1 kg of fat.

To replace fat with muscles, you need to eat protein and give up unhealthy foods, then you will no longer worry about what is heavier - muscle or fat in a person.

The internet is replete with pictures of visual comparisons between fat and muscle. The essence of the pictures is that fat and muscles of the same mass have completely different volumes, that is, muscles are heavier than fat. For example, the following picture is very popular:

This photo is far from the truth, since the density of fat in the human body averages 0.9 g / cm
muscle density - 1.3 g / cm. The difference, of course, is significant, but not so much, but approximately, this is how much:

But still impressive, isn't it? If we consider the question "heavier than muscle or fat?" from the point of view of cellular structure, it can be answered clearly that muscles are heavier because their cells are more dense than fat cells. It turns out that fat is much bulkier than muscle, and lighter. And two people of the same height and weight can be of different sizes. That is why weight without volume indicators and calculating the percentage of fat mass is not a confirmation of the aesthetic beauty of both men and women.

Bodybuilders weigh on muscle mass and they have their own aesthetic beauty. A man with excess body fat and with the same weight does not have aesthetic beauty.

The same applies to women who like to flaunt their low numbers on the scales. Women of short stature and with minimal muscle mass, who weigh very little, surprisingly, are especially fond of showing their weight advantage. Remember, the numbers on the scales are not an indicator. The numbers are this:

See the difference? The body weight may be the same, but the composition is different. A high-quality and aesthetically beautiful composition - it is beautifully contoured muscles and a thin layer of subcutaneous fat. And just the number on the scales is not beauty, it is just a number.

There is still such a moment when, after a series of weight gains and losses, the numbers on the scales seem to be stable, but the body composition is no longer what it used to be:

I will explain how this redistribution of fat and muscle and changes in body composition occurs. During a hunger strike, that is, another low-calorie diet, the body begins to self-destruct muscle tissue in the first place. Since the calories are consumed by the muscles. By destroying muscles, the body insures itself against a hunger strike. Less muscle - fewer calories required. After the restoration of excess nutrition and return to the original weight, the body intensively accumulates fat. Therefore, visually, the body becomes larger due to a decrease in the amount of muscle and an increase in the percentage of fat.

Unfortunately, the body itself destroyed the muscles, and it will not build them up. Increase only exercises with large free weights. No amount of walking in the fresh air and running will give you muscle gain. And it is also naive enough for the female half of the population to think that exercising with free weights will instantly turn them into athletes with hypertrophied muscles. To do this, you need to systematically expose your body to enormous loads and use appropriate stimulating supplements, since the female body is generally not inclined to build muscle. And hypertrophy also requires medical stimulation. But to aesthetically tighten the body and slightly increase the muscle frame is absolutely within the power of absolutely any young lady.

Do you have more muscle or fat? Tell us!

Let's just say that I was already tired of the questions about weight. A kilogram of fat = a kilogram of muscle, but muscle is actually bulkier, denser than fat. It is enough to search the Internet for a comparison picture of 500g of fat and muscle. The difference will impress you.

You've probably noticed how different girls of the same age, height and weight look. Here I am posting a girl with a height of 164 cm, weighing 60 kg, and in the comments “kaaak? Why do I weigh the same, but look completely different? " Or I post a girl who lost weight from 73 to 63, and they write to me "why can't you see a difference of 10kg?" And because the muscle mass in the latter can be a gulkin's nose, as well as the difference in the ratio of muscle and fat in the first commentators.

All you need to remember are general numbers that you can apply to yourself. They were invented, of course, not by me. In the first year of weight training, a woman can grow about 4-5 kg ​​of muscle mass (all this must be done regularly and monitored by analyzing body composition). The second year of regular exercise is only 2.2-2.7 kg of muscle mass per year. In the third year, even less: 1-1.5 kg of muscle. And if you have a huge training experience plus at least 4 years in the gym, you have an inevitable "plateau" compared to the potential of a beginner - 400-700g of muscle per year.

Muscle mass requires performance, regularity, and good recovery. It's easier not to even start if you are not capable of regularity. No amount of steroids will help if you are malnourished, sleep deprived, and exercise every 2 weeks. If you are used to starving and losing weight forever, if for you a beautiful body - thin in a dress, and not in a naked form on the beach, elastic and smooth, then I have bad news for you - you will not succeed. If you are ready to change, save fat along with muscles, gain gradually and do not jerk off the trainer with questions "why I have not changed in 3 months", then you have a chance.

There is another nuance in mass collection. It touches just a plateau or slow growth with experience. The point is that our body is not rubbery, and it also has a limit. Genetic potential, blah blah blah, unlimited possibilities, praised by NIKE, but the body gets tired. If you push yourself through cycles of mass and drying for years, the body will probably give up. Stupid people with a deformed psyche will resort to farming in order to constantly sell assholes with a rubber band, smarter people will support what they have, but there are subtleties there too.

In short, to summarize: Building muscle is hard work. If you cannot exercise regularly, have problems with sleep, food, and are not ready psychologically to gain muscle and fat (which is inevitable), then mass is not for you.

If you do not understand why 2 girls of the same age, height, weight look different, reread the first paragraph. Once again, the ratio of water, muscle and fat can be different for them. You can find out everything about yourself by doing a body composition analysis. The only way. Therefore, do not pay attention to the weight, unless it is 80-100kg, of course.