Maybe after menstruation to go blood. Causes of bloody discharges a week after menstruation

  • The date: 05.04.2019

Perhaps you have seen at least once in your underwear a week after monthly blood. What happened, because menstruation ended? Any woman is frustrated due to problems relating to her health.

First you need to calm down and evaluate what is happening in the dynamics. The phenomenon is atypical, so you need to go to the gynecologist. But before you appreciate the accompanying feelings - there is a pain where it is localized, what is the abundance of bleeding, is there an uncharacteristic smell when there was a last sex, there are no problems when urination, etc. All this needs to be told a doctor.

Room Square

Normally bleeding should occur only at the beginning of each cycle. When the bleeding appeared 7 days after the usual menstruation, it turns out 12-14 day of the cycle. With the fact that menstrual bleeding lasted 5-7 days, this time may coincide with ovulation. The ripe egg leaving the broken follicle, which can cause pink herbs or streams of blood in ordinary vaginal discharges. Short-term separating bleeding for a duration of no more than 2 days can sometimes be observed in the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

If bleeding is strong, you feel weak, dizziness and nausea, it is better to call an ambulance.

A big blood loss is dangerous for life, it needs to be immediately stopped, and already to deal with the cause caused.

Possible reasons

If the bleeding is mesmer, it is better to consult with a gynecologist, because only a specialist can deal with the symptoms and make a diagnosis. Here are some possible causes of bloody discharge not related to monthly:

  1. The injury of female genital organs, accompanied by minor blood release, can happen after rigid sex or with an insufficient amount of natural lubrication. Especially if auxiliary subjects were used. In addition to injury to the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, a polyp could suffer or break the spike.
  2. Miscarriage. If a woman had very minor bleeding during menstruation, the bloody sections a week after that can be alarmed about the interrupting of uterine pregnancy.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy can cause bleeding at the same time. It is accompanied by dizziness, gravating pain at the bottom of the abdomen and reduced blood pressure. In his growth, the embryo attached in the uterine tube, begins to expand it, which is accompanied by pain. Next, it breaks the pipe, and it causes sharp pain and life-threatening bleeding. Most of the blood is assembled in the peritoneum, therefore there are symptoms of severe blood loss (pallor, weakness, fainting, etc.) in the absence of visible bleeding.
  4. Endometritis. The inflammatory disease of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus caused by pathogenic flora, staphylococci, streptococci and sexually transmitted diseases. Chronic endometritis creates spikes and causes infertility, as well as bleeding in the middle of the cycle.
  5. Endometriosis can also cause. This disease is characterized by the transfer of endometrial cells - the inner cape of the uterus - to other parts of the body. Most often, the endometrium falls into the vagina and on the cervix, during the expression, it can also be bleeded both during menstruation and a little later. Sometimes, during endometriosis, the selection is brown.
  6. Polyps occur inside the uterus and cervical canal due to certain diseases, including venereal, after abortion and intrauterine spirals. Polyps inside the uterus of the uterus are difficult to see, unlike those that are on the cervix. The symptoms of the polyp in the uterus will be bleeding in a week after the main menstruation and to it.
  7. Myoma is a benign hormone-dependent tumor of the uterus. Because of it, menstruation becomes abundant and long. Often there are intermented bleeding with pain in the stomach.
  8. Anovulation is the absence of ovulation, in which the egg cell does not ripen or does not come out of the follicle. It is accompanied by irregular menstruals, menstruation come once a few months, and bleeding occurs in unpredictable time.
  9. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is the separation of blood from the uterus caused by the disorder of the operation of the ovaries. Such bleeding can be acyclic when the gap between the monthly lasts from 6 weeks to two months. When menstruation occurs, bleeding can be very strong and long. Sometimes blood loss can only be stopped with medical care.
  10. Malignant formations of female genital organs may appear independently or in them converts benign tumors - cysts, misers, fibromes, etc. Symptoms of cancer diseases are pains in the lower abdomen, strong discharge from the vagina, scanty or abundant blood release, including in a week. After menstruation. In the menopauscical period, when there are no menstruation for a long time, the uterus cancer can be suspected in a situation where blood suddenly went. Along with this, malignant neoplasms cause reduced or elevated temperatures, problems with gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or bladder.

A few more reasons

  1. Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the body lacks hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. Fast fatigue, irritability, swelling, muscle weakness, reduced mental and physical performance. In addition, women have a menstrual cycle. It is necessary to treat hypothyroidism under the control of the endocrinologist.
  2. Erosion, or ectopia, cervical cervix develops with chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and cervical canal. In the mucous membrane, a small non-heated wound is formed. If not to be treated, over time, it can become deeper and starts to bleed. Sexing bleeding during erosion can begin after sex, lifting weights or outling.
  3. Endometrial hyperplasia in the uterus. With some hormonal disorders, there is an excessive growth of the mucous membrane of the uterus. When menstruation occurs, some dark clots come out with blood together with blood. With hyperplasia, the cycle may become irregular, additional bleeding occurs between menstruation. Monthly abundant and protracted. Before menstruation or after it, there may be unexpectedly starting the oscillations with blood. Frequently, when endometrial hyperplasia in women during climax, sudden uterine bleeding occurs.
  4. Disruption of the menstrual cycle due to nervous overvoltage, overwork or sharp climate change. In this case, intermented bleeding can happen.
  5. Inappropriate contraceptive or error in the reception. All oral hormonal pills need to be taken successively according to a scheme drawn on the packaging. If you missed one tablet or drank another at another time, there may begin bleeding out 5-8 days after menstruation. The same happens with a sharp stop of the reception of hormonal means or when the package did not finish until the end. If you stop the reception of hormonal contraceptives due to side effects, you should not be afraid of menstrual bleeding in the middle of the cycle - it is natural. Just inform your gynecologist.
  6. Application of emergency contraceptive means. These hormonal medicines among side effects have a latency of menstruation for 5-7 days and the discharge of blood not related to the monthly.
  7. Application of intrauterine spirals. Women with spirals often face menstruation in the middle of the cycle. Often they are associated with inflammatory diseases, which are predisposed by ladies with such a type of contraception. Although injuries are possible due to the wrong arrangement of the helix.

Bloody allocations after the monthly explicit presence of pathologies in the body. The question is only seriousness of the situation. The exceptions are teenage girls who have a menstrual cycle only getting up. Women should pay attention to the timing, after how many days after menstruation re-appeared bleeding. Because immediately after menstruation may be present brown color for a few more days. What, by and large, is not a reason for concern. As well as the factors that preceded this. Sometimes it is sufficient to eliminate the adverse effects so that the menstrual cycle is normalized, the bleeding disappeared.

Incomprehensible allocations immediately after menstruation

Each woman for many years has studied its body - how the period begin, how they end how long it is. But sometimes a non-standard situation appears when menstruation does not end. With a normal duration of 5 days, they continue to smear by brown discharges for another 2-3 days. What does it say about?

In the absence of physical indisposition, painful sensations, the situation indicates a small hormonal failure during the previous menstrual cycle. The uterus is cleaned from endometrial a little longer, reduced blood clotting. Small bloody discharge continues to be present, but under the influence of the secretion of the vagina, the oxygen is quickly folded, acquiring a brown shade. There is nothing dangerous in it, if 2-3 days later they will stop.

Blood selection a week after menstruation

What happens in the body a week after the end of menstruation? At this time, ovulation occurs. The process of releasing the egg from the follicle is accompanied by a small discomfort, microeramination of the walls of the genital organ. A woman from 12 to 16 day of the menstrual cycle, and this is a week after menstruation, it feels the pain at the bottom of the abdomen of different intensity, and in some cases bloody sections observes. They differ in quantity of conventional monthly discharge. Literally a few drops of blood, which paint transparent vaginal discharge in pink, brown, red. End on the same day or the next one.

Approximately 14-18 days after the start of the last menstruation, a woman can observe minor bleeding due to the fertilization of the egg. So-called. The egg cell on 5-7 days after fertilization is embedded in the uterus cavity to continue further development, this process is accompanied by injury to the walls of the uterus. Although for the body of a woman, in general, no tangible consequences, the process proceeds asymptomatic. But a woman can detect a few drops of blood in the discharge.

In adolescents, this situation can be observed in a few days. Since the hormonal background is unstable, ovulation has a property to occur earlier, later. The walls of the uterus with an insufficient number of estrogen weaken, minor bloody sections appear. Blood selection is present after the first intercourse, some time after sex. The situation goes by itself. If they do not stop, tend to increase, you need to seek help from specialists.

Pathological bleeding after menstruation

Cause incomprehensible discharge after menstruation maybe diseases, surgical manipulations on genitals, stormy sex, injuries.

It is quite difficult to determine the cause of incomprehensible discharge during menstruation, after their end is quite difficult. Specialists are inspected, survey, prescribe diagnostic procedures, then appropriate treatment. In addition, we should not forget that blood on any cycle day may be present if the woman takes hormonal drugs, put an intrauterine spiral, made an abortion. A strong hormonal failure leads to a failure of the reproductive system. This is followed by incomprehensible ointment. The situation must be stabilized after 3 months when the body gets used to new conditions of existence. If this does not happen, the question arises about the replacement of the contraceptive means. Otherwise, a woman has inflammation.


Blood selection after menstruation each woman can begin. Their appearance signals about failures in the work of the body. Many blood discharges coming after menstruation, dysfunctional. When bleeding after menstruation, it is necessary to seem like a gynecologist. The doctor will help to stop the emerging blood secret and find out the reason for its occurrence.

Blood seals beginning in a week after menstruation

Blood collapse increases after the end of critical days, and bloody allocations are completely stopped. If a week after the completion of menstruation, blood from the vagina appears again, you need to consult with the gynecologist.

If the menstruation was scarce, it was different in character from the usual, and a week later there was a bloodflest mask, there is a probability of pregnancy. But this situation indicates the threat of spontaneous abortion. Before turning to the doctor, you can make an express test to determine pregnancy, pass an analysis on hCG or do an ultrasound.

A few days after the completion of menstrual bleeding, the blood appears both in the threat of interruption of normal pregnancy and during the ectic implantation of the fertilized egg.

A frequent cause of a bloody secretion from the vagina is the violation of the functioning of the ovaries. In the absence of pregnancy, they speak dysfunctional bleeding. For diagnostics requires verification of hormone levels in different cycle phases.

The appearance of blood in 7 days after the complete completion of menstruation may be provoked by such diseases:

  • submucose mioma (located in the sublifted layer of the uterus);
  • endometrial polyps;
  • endometrial cancer;
  • ovarian cancer.

In cancer pathologies, the released liquid becomes dark, it is distinguished by an unpleasant odor.

The doctor must check the neck of the uterus if the blood secret appears from the vagina is not deserted and becomes visible on any day cycles.

During the occurrence of menopausal changes in the body, periodic bleeding is possible on any day of the cycle. They arise due to violation of the process of producing hormones in the ovaries.

Sometimes blood appears in women in the anovulatory cycles. If we are talking about 1 episode, in which the number of bleeding is small, then you should not panic. There should not be frightening blood stuff, mixed with mucus if they are visible for 12-16 cycles. Some women appear when ovulation.

Blood selection from the vagina 5 days after menstruation

About problems are evidenced by bloody allocations, coming after menstruation. If they start 5 days after the completion of the next critical days, then it is necessary to check whether there is no pregnancy. With its absence it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. It is important to deal with the hormonal background, see the uterus, ovaries on the ultrasound.

If a dark brown secret is released from the vagina with pieces of mucous membrane, endometriosis is possible. Its foci will be visible when conducting ultrasound diagnostics.

If the monthly passed, and the bleeding still goes, then you need to check how the ovaries function. Disruption provoked by the failure of the functioning of the thyroid gland. In the absence of gynecological problems, you can check how the blood coagulation system functions.

Blood discharges that are visible in a week after menstruation occurs when microcracks in the vagina, erosion on the cervical or cervicite. Usually they are visible after sexual contacts.

Why bloodshots after menstruation

Sometimes the appearance of blood in the middle of the cycle is non-hazard, but it is better to check the gynecologist. If there is blood after completing menstruation, the doctor may suspect:

  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • endometritis;
  • endometriosis;
  • mioma uterus;
  • oncological lesions;
  • polyps in the uterine cavity, on the neck.

Bleeding, which arose after menstruation in a week, happens during pregnancy. It occurs when squeezed from the uterine wall of the fruit egg or ectopic implantation of an egg.

If the formation of a bloody secret is accompanied by grapple-shaped pains, nausea with confirmed pregnancy, then immediate hospitalization is required. Such a condition indicates the rejection of the fruit egg.

Long-term Blood Maznia, which is not similar to menstruation, happens during ectopic pregnancy. If they are sharply enhanced, their appearance is accompanied by acute pain, then there is a chance of breaking the uterine tube, intra-abdominal bleeding. This condition threatens the patient's life.

In patients with a short menstrual cycle, the emergence of a bloody secret to 7-10 days from the start of menstrual bleeding indicates estrogen deficiency. The violation in the process of producing hormones of the first phase leads to premature rejection of the mucous membrane of the uterus.

If the selection of a bloody secret is accompanied by strong pains, an increase in temperature, a general deterioration of well-being, then it is impossible to delay a visit to the doctor. Refuse to consult a gynecologist is dangerous if the intensity of bloody discharge increases to the expiration date of menstruation increases. This speaks about the beginning of the uterine bleeding.

Blood seals that appear 2 days after the end of the monthly

To accurately determine the diagnosis, it is not enough to know when a blood secret appears from the genital paths. To install the diagnosis, it is important to find out:

  • frequency of blood and brown secret after menstruation;
  • symptoms that are accompanied by this condition;
  • intensity of intermenstrual bleeding;
  • the color and character of the elected bloody secret.

For example, with endometrial pathologies, the clinical picture does not change: every month a few days after the final day of menstruation, metroralia is observed.

Blood, which is seen 2-3 days after the end of the next menstruation, signals the presence of pathologies. It is important to exclude infectious and inflammatory pathologies of reproductive organs (metroendometritis, endorcerevicitis, vulvovaginitis).

Blood after menstruation after 3 days

Wake up with the causes of bleeding in women after passing monthly, you need together with your attending gynecologist. The doctor must assess the patient's condition with a standard gynecological examination, send it to an ultrasound. It is important to check the hormonal background in 1 and 2 phases of the cycle.

After 3 days after menstruation from the genital paths, bloody selection should not appear. Their occurrence can be provoked to life-threatening diseases and hormonal failures. But it is possible to establish the cause and assign timely therapy only provided that the woman will pass a full-fledged survey.

If after menstruation smears blood constantly for a long period, then this means that there is a pathological process. Normally, for 3-5 days, the mucous layer must completely turn away and get out of the uterine cavity. Exceptions are cases when menopacteric changes begin in women.

But the suction discretions after menstruation cannot be written off on the climax and cannot be discussed. The probability of developing serious health problems after 45 years is increasing. Scarlet blood after menstruation per capita must at any age. It may appear when the miscarriage began. If pregnancy is excluded, the development of dysfunctional uterine bleeding is possible. In order to prevent strong blood loss in the patient prescribe scraping.

Consult with the doctor is necessary, even in cases where small bleeding is visible after menstruation. Normally, they must be mucous and transparent. In a situation where any blood went a day after menstruation, you need to make sure there is no pregnancy. Oncological diseases are determined.

The situation is dangerous when after menstruation long blood. Normally, in recent days of menstruation, the color of the secrelable secret changes from the scarlet to the brownish. If it continues to break the blood for more than 7 days, during the examination, the doctor must check whether there are no fibromomomes or other benign formations.

A woman must undergo a gynecological examination, if the monthly ended, and blood discharge continues. After all, it is impossible to establish the cause of the occurrence after monthly oscillations.

Most often there is a situation in which women complain that menstruation ended, but continues to smear blood in the preclimberical period. This state is due to the lack of estrogen in the body. It is possible to prevent the deterioration of the state and the emergence of other problems, if we regularly observe the gynecologist and report it about all the failures.

It is impossible to ignore the situation at which the blood went 4 days after the completion of menstruation. The appearance of blood scarlet from the vagina can be associated with neoplasms in the uterine cavity or disruption of the ovarian work. It is important to exclude the development of oncology.

With a situation in which bleeding appears two days after menstruation, they face predominantly women during the period of Klimaks. The main causes of bleeding after 40 years at the end of the menstruation are:

  • oncological diseases;
  • violation of the process of producing hormones;
  • reception of a number of medication;
  • pathology of the bodies of the reproductive system;
  • problems with thyroid gland, liver, hemophilia.

The emergence of a minor amount of blood after sexual contact may indicate dryness in the vagina and the occurrence of microcracks. This situation is not hazardous, but with the following gender contacts, the gynecologist can recommend using lubricant.

Blood discharge after menstruation in most cases indicate the emergence of health problems. To set the cause of their occurrence, it is necessary to check the level of hormones, eliminate benign and malignant neoplasms, endometriosis and other pathologies. From the video, you can learn about the possible reasons for their appearance.

Almost every woman reproductive ages had to face the advent of blood discharge after menstruation (intermenstrual). They can begin on any day of the cycle, be insignificant or abundant. Their appearance indicates the development of any pathology in the body. Only in rare cases, intermented allocations are the norm.

Causes of blood discharge after menstruation

Blood sections after menstruation appear at the following states.

Hyperplasia Endometrial

This is the main reason for the development of postmenstrual bleeding. Women celebrate abundant discharge with blood clots on 10 day after completion of menstruation.

Injuries of genital organs

A rough sexual intercourse can lead to the rupture of the rear spike of vagina and the development of bleeding, regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle.

Endometriosis or endometritis

These inflammatory diseases are characterized by the appearance of blood secretions for several days after menstruation ends. At the same time, during monthly women, there are strong pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

Infectious damage

Some sexually transmitted diseases can develop in a hidden form for a long time (6-12 months). Therefore, even if there is one permanent sexual partner, a woman can face the sudden appearance of beaming bleeding.

Myoma uterus

A characteristic feature - the discharge with blood comes after the completion of menstruation. Patients also celebrate snatch pain.

Uterine bleeding

Normally, the duration of menstruation is 5-7 days, after which they appear. When developing dysfunctional uterine bleeding in a week, allocations will only be enhanced. It is urgent to turn to the gynecologist to prevent the development of anemia and a large blood loss.

Uterine cancer

If there is malignant education in the uterus, bleeding can open at any time.

Stressful situations and bad habits

The frequent intake of alcohol and stress can lead to the development of hormonal failure, the emergence of intermented bleeding.

Ectopia cervix

A characteristic symptom is the appearance of blood discharge after any contact with the vagina (sexual intercourse, gynecological examination).

Fetal rejection (miscarriage)

In this case, the intermenstrual bleeding is accompanied by a strong pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen, in the discharge there are yellowish bodies (fetal shells).


They are commercials that are formed on the cervix or in its cavity after abortion, infectious diseases, the use of intrauterine spirals, hormonal disorders. A distinctive symptom - blood discharge develops a week after menstruation.


A woman can replace minor blood discharge after 7-10 days after menstruation. This is due to minor hormone deviations during ovulation. The duration of bleeding normally does not exceed 2-3 days.

Such isolation are scanty, therefore it is enough to use daily gaskets. If such intermented bleeding happened for the first time, this is considered the norm. However, when reducing the phenomenon next month requires a consultation of the gynecologist.


This pathology is characterized by an unstable menstrual cycle and a lack of ovulation. Therefore, blood selections can go at any time.

Ectopic pregnancy

If 2-3 days after menstruation, bleeding appears, which is accompanied by dizziness and pain at the bottom of the abdomen, decreased blood pressure, then you can suspect an ectopic pregnancy. This pathology can threaten the patient's life.

Short cycle

Some women have a menstrual cycle of only 21 days, for this there is a special term - canewoman. In this case, minor bleeding may appear 2 weeks after menstruation. Its duration is usually 2-3 days. The cause of this state is the insufficient products of estrogen, which causes premature rejection of the mucous membrane.


Intermented bleeding can be a sign of a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones in the blood. Patients also celebrate increased irritability, fast fatigue.

Embryo implantation

8-10 days after ovulation, you can see the separating sections. The reason for the discharge of blood is the introduction of the embryo into the mucous membrane of the uterus. Such discharge are not pathology.

Also, intermenstrual discharge may appear during the use of spirals and other hormonal contraceptives.

This is a fairly common side effect of medicines. Scooter bleeding appear usually in the initial period (no later than 6 months from the beginning of the reception), when the body gets used to the hormonal drug. This should not be concerned with a woman, does not require the cancellation of the hormonal agent. However, if the selection is accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, then the consultation of the gynecologist is needed. Independent cancellation of the drug can only strengthen bleeding.

What to do when there is bleeding

If for a long time you are disturbed by intermenstrual allocations, then you need a doctor consultation. It is not necessary to postpone the visits to the gynecologist if a strong pain syndrome originated or the discharge has an unpleasant smell. Self-medication in this case can threaten the life and health of the patient.

Tip: It should be abandoned from the use of decoction or infusion of medicinal raw materials without consultation with the gynecologist. This may worsen the situation. Blood discharge can enhance if the woman is very worried. Therefore, it is recommended to take sedatives.

Diagnostic events

To clarify the reasons for the development of intermented bleeding, the gynecologist may assign the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound. This is a highly informative method that is used to determine most small pelvis pathologies.
  • Microscopic storing smear. Allows you to determine the presence of infectious damage
  • Hysteroscopy. The technique is used to determine endometritis and polyps endometrial
  • Colposcopy. The study allows you to thoroughly inspect the cervix by means of a special device with a multiple increase. During inspection, the doctor holds a sewler test for diagnosis of pathologies
  • Histology. The gynecologist takes the capture of aspirate and the scope of fabrics of the uterine cavity and the cervical canal. It helps to install cancer, miscarriage, endometriosis
  • Definition in the blood concentration of hormones. The study allows you to identify endocrine pathology. In some cases, it may additionally be necessary to carry out computer tomography of pituitary gland and brain.

With any deviation of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to consult a doctor to accurately determine the disease and carry out effective therapy.

Treatment techniques

The treatment of blood discharge after menstruation depends on the cause that provoked this condition, the age of the patient. If the gynecologist diagnosed the infectious disease, then the use of local and systemic antibiotics, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs is necessary. The duration of treatment on average is 4-5 weeks. The therapy should be both partner at the same time, it will help exclude re-infection.

If endometriosis, momas and uterine polyps are diagnosed, then surgical treatment is shown. The therapy of endocrine violations should be jointly a gynecologist with an endocrinologist. Typically assign hormonal drugs based on the results obtained. This will normalize the menstrual cycle.

When detecting cancer of the uterus, consultation and treatment with oncologist will need. With the development of bleeding, the woman is prescribed hemostatic agents, carrying out supportive and general fascination treatment. With pronounced anemia, iron and vitamin complexes should be taken. Also, the diet should also be revised - preference to send beans, liver, beef, fresh vegetables and fruits. This will allow the body to restore the loss faster.

To eliminate the development of serious pathologies, which lead to infertility and can threaten the patient's life, it should be responsibly related to their own health. When even minor deviations of the menstrual cycle should be consulted with a gynecologist. This will help identify pathology and eliminate it in a timely manner.

Some women notice the bloody discharge after menstruation, but often do not rush to contact the gynecologist, the situation on samonek. But this phenomenon in most cases indicates any violations in the female organism and requires immediate treatment.

In the norm of the microflora, the vagina implies transparent discharge without impurities and odor, which do not cause irritating effects and discomfort. The number of these discharge depends on the cycle phase. Almost all women have mucous allocations after menstruation in small quantities.

By the middle of the cycle, they are becoming more, but it is the norm and should not cause anxiety. For two, three days before the start of menstruation, these allocations are whites, become viscous and abundant, they can also energly smell. During menstruation, approximately 150 ml of blood is allocated. This liquid should not have an unpleasant odor and subsequent discharge.

In the last days of monthly blood, there is less, its coagulation increases, and therefore the selection can be brown, but without a sharp smell. If black blood clots appeared, having a rather unpleasant or rotten "aroma", it is necessary to pass tests on the STD: Gardnerellosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmosis, herpes.

Blood selection after menstruation may appear during ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, it is better immediately when they appear to make a pregnancy test to eliminate such a problem.

The norm can be considered a brown smearing in the first two months after the reception of contraceptives based on hormonal drugs. But after the expiration of two months, everything usually passes. If the allocation continues, it means that the drug does not suit you.

Blood selection after menstruation: Possible causes

If there may be several reasons for this:

The growth of the endometrium of the mucous membrane in this disease in the patient is observed abundant discharge with blood clots, they appear in the intervals between the cycles. But menstruation themselves, as a rule, pass painlessly;

Endometritis and endometriosis. With endometriosis (inflammation of the uterus), a woman is concerned with painful and even after their end of the blood continues to go about a week;

Hard sexual intercourse, rough defloration causes strong gaps of vagina and rear spike. With such injuries, severe bleeding is not excluded, it is often necessary to resort to the help of doctors;

The presence of genital infections can provoke bleeding. Most women exclude this version, referring to one sexual partner. But some STDs are transmitted by the contact-domestic path (through the means of personal hygiene) and may be in the cells of the body in the latent state, until the immune system fails, then they express themselves with full strength;

The next reason, which causes bleeding after menstruation, is the uterine myoma. First signs: sharp pain in the abdomen and lumbar department, accompanied by rather long and painful suction discretion;

Sometimes bleeding appears immediately after sexual contact or with gynecological inspection. This indicates the presence of ectopia of the cervix (pseudo-erosion). In some cases, mandatory treatment is required;

If you periodically observe the succulent liquid in any phase of the cycle, it can talk about a malignant tumor of the cervix.

As we found out, there are quite a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, now you are informed and, it means armed. The main thing is to remember that women after menstruation are not the norm. Therefore, do not self-medicate and immediately go to those skilled in the examination. Otherwise it may pose a threat to your life.