Fleecellular lung cancer 3 stages. What is small lung cancer

  • The date: 21.10.2019

Among the variety of all known varieties of cancer, small-cell lung cancer is one of the most common cancer forms and according to the latest statistical data is about 20% of all tumors affecting the lungs.

The danger of this type of cancer is, first of all, in the fact that metastasis (the formation of secondary tumor nodes in organs and tissues) occurs quite rapidly, and not only the organs of the abdominal cavity and lymph nodes are affected, but also the brain.

Small flower lung cancer It is possible to detect both in the elderly people and young people, but the age of 40-60 can be considered a peak of morbidity. It is also worth noting that men are subject to the overwhelming majority of this fear.

At late diagnosis, such a tumor is not amenable to treatment and, no matter how terrible it sounds, leads to a fatal outcome. If the disease is found in the early stages, the chances of recovery are large enough.

External manifestations

Like many other serious diseases, until a certain point, it may not take at all at all. However, there are certain indirect signs that in the early stages can cause suspicion of the presence of this type of oncology. These include:

  • tightening dry cough, and in later dates - cough with blood;
  • wheezing, silent breathing;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • decline in appetite and sharp weight loss;
  • worsening vision.

In the process of formation of metastasis, the following are added to these features:

  • headaches;
  • sore throat;
  • painful sensations in the field of spine;
  • the skin can acquire a slightly yellowish tint.


With a comprehensive manifestation of the above symptoms, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since it is absolutely accurately distributed to the oncology of the lungs, only after conducting special laboratory studies:

  1. general and biochemical blood tests;
  2. and the lung biopsy (determined the volume of lung damage);
  3. x-ray studies of internal organs;
  4. tomography (like an X-ray study, this type of diagnosis is designed to determine the stage of the disease, as well as the intensity of metastasis);
  5. molecular genetic studies.

What is dangerous small-cell lung cancer?

For the successful treatment of this illness, timely diagnosis is extremely important. Disappointing statistics suggest that only 5% of cases is diagnosed before the disease affects lymph nodes.

Metastases with a given oncological disease are applied to the liver, adrenal glands, lymph nodes, affect bone tissue and even brain.

The risk group includes, first of all, smokers, because In tobacco smoke contains a huge number of carcinogens. In addition, many people have a hereditary predisposition to the formation of malignant tumors.

Possible complications and concomitant diseases with small-cell lung cancer:

  1. Inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  2. Pulmonary bleeding;
  3. Cancer inflammation of lymphatic nodes (as a result - difficulty breathing, increased sweating);
  4. Oxygen deficiency;
  5. Negative influence of chemotherapy and irradiation on the body (damage to the nervous system, hair loss, violations in the work of the tract, etc.)

Efficiency of modern methods for the treatment of small lung cancer

After all the necessary analyzes are handed over, studies have been carried out and the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor is appointed the most optimal treatment method.


Surgical intervention is considered the most effective way to get rid of cancer. During the operation, the affected part of the lung is removed. Nevertheless, this type of treatment justifies itself only at an early stage of the disease.


This type of treatment is prescribed to patients with a limited stage of lung cancer, when the process of metastasis has already affected the other organs. Its essence lies in the reception of certain drugs by courses. Each rate has a duration from 2 to 4 weeks. The number of appointed courses - from 4 to 6. There are necessarily small breaks between them.

Radiation therapy

Exposure is most often carried out in a complex with chemotherapy, however, it can be considered as a separate type of treatment. The ray therapy is subject to directly foci of pathological formations - the tumor itself and the identified metastases. To this method, the treatment of cancer is also resorted after surgical removal of malignant education - to influence cancer foci, which failed to remove the surgical path. In the extensive stage, when the tumor went beyond the limits of one lung, radiation therapy is used to irradiate the brain, and also prevents intensive metastasis.

For prophylaxis fleecellular lung cancerit is necessary to abandon smoking, protect yourself from the influence of harmful substances of the environment, follow their health and take measures for the timely diagnosis of various diseases.

Cancer - malignant neoplasm, destroying healthy organism cells as a result of mutation. According to the International Cancer Study Agency, its most common location is lung.

According to its morphology, the lung cancer is divided into non-cellular cell (including adenocarcinoma, flat-mellular, large-cell, mixed) - about 80-85% of the entire incidence, and fine-cell - 15-20%. Currently, there is a theory of the development of small-cell lung cancer as a result of the rebirth of the cells of the epithelial liner of the bronchi.

Small-cell lung cancer is the most aggressive, characterized by early metastasis, hidden flow and adverse predictions, even in the case of treatment. Fleecellular lung cancer is the most difficult, in 85% of cases ends fadingly.

Early stages proceed asymptomatic and more often determined by randomly in preventive inspections or contacting the clinic with other problems.

Symptoms may indicate the need for examination. The emergence of symptoms in the case of MRL can speak of the already advanced stage of lung cancer.

Causes of development

  • Fleecellular lung cancer directly depends on smoking. Smokers with experience have a chance above 23 times get sick with lung cancer than not smoking people. 95% of sick small-cell carcinoma - smokers older than 40 years old.
  • Inhalation of carcinogenic substances - work on "harmful" industries;
  • Unfavorable ecological situation;
  • Frequent or chronic diseases of the lungs;
  • Humidated heredity.

No smoking is the best prevention of small-cell lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer

  • Cough;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Noisy breathing;
  • Deformation of the fingers "drum sticks";
  • Dermatitis;
  • Hemochlorin;
  • Weight loss;
  • Symptoms of general intoxication;
  • Temperature;
  • In the 4th stage - obstructive pneumonia, secondary signs appear on the side of the affected organs: pain in the bones, headaches, confused consciousness.

Signs of pathology may differ depending on finding the initial neoplasm.

The fine-cell cancer is more often central, less often - peripheral. Moreover, the primary tumor is radiographically detected extremely rarely.


When identifying primary signs of pathology on fluorography and clinical indications (smoking, heredity, age over 40 years, gender and others) more informative diagnostic methods recommended in pulmonology are applied. Main diagnostic methods:

  1. Visualization of tumor radiation methods: radiography, computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET).
  2. Determination of the morphology of the tumor (i.e. its cell identification). For histological (cytological) analysis, puncture is made using bronchoscopy (which is also a difficult imaging method), and other methods of obtaining material.

Stage MRL

  1. New formation of less than 3 cm in size (measured in the direction of maximum extension), is located in one segment.
  2. Less than 6 cm, not beyond the limits of one segment of light (bronchi), single metastases in nearby lymph nodes
  3. More than 6 cm affects the closest lobs of light, adjacent bronchus, or access to the main armor. Metastases apply to distant lymph nodes.
  4. Cancer neoplasia can go beyond the lighter, with growing in neighboring organs, multiple remote metastasis.

International Classification TNM.

Where is the indicator of the state of the primary tumor, N - regional lymph nodes, M - remote metastasis

T x -data are insufficient to assess the state of the tumor, or it is not detected,

T 0 -the tumor is not determined

T IS - non-invasive cancer

and from T 1 to T 4 - Stagetumor growth from: less than 3 cm, up to magnitude, when the dimensions do not matter; and the layout stage: from local in one share, before capturing the light artery, mediamps, heart, karins, i.e. Before growing in neighboring organs.

N - indicator of the state of regional lymph nodes:

N x -data are insufficient for assessing their condition,

N 0 -metastasic lesion was not detected

N 1 - N 3- characterize the degree of lesion: from near lymph nodes, up to those located on the side opposite to the tumor.

M - state of remote metastasis:

M X -not enough data to determine remote metastases,

M 0 - remote metastasis was not detected

M 1 - M 3 -dynamics: from the presence of signs of single metastasis, before entering the limits of the thoracic cavity.

More than 2/3 of patients is put by the III-IV stage, so MRL continues to consider the criteria of two significant categories: localized or distributed.


In the case of this diagnosis, the treatment of small-cell lung cancer directly depends on the degree of damage to the organs of a particular patient, taking into account its anamnesis.

Chemotherapy in oncology is used to form a tumor boundaries (before it is removed), in the postoperative period for the destruction of possible cancer cells and as the main part of therapeutic process. It should reduce the tumor, radiation therapy - consolidate the result.

Radiation therapy is an ionizing radiation that kills cancer cells. Modern devices generate narrow-controlled rays, minimally traumatic areas of healthy fabrics.

The need and sequence of surgical methods and therapeutic is determined directly at the opposite physician. The purpose of therapy is to achieve remission, preferably complete.

Medical procedures - early stages

Surgical surgery - unfortunately, the only possibility is today to remove cancer cells. The method is used in I and II stages: removal of the whole lung, share or part of it. Postoperative chemotherapy - a mandatory component of treatment, as a rule, with radiation therapy. In contrast to the non-small cell lung cancer, in the initial stage of which it is possible to limit itself to the removal of the tumor. Even in this case, 5-year survival does not exceed 40%.

The scheme of chemotherapy discharges oncologist (chemotherapist) - drugs, their dosages, duration and quantity. Assessing their effectiveness and on the basis of the patient's well-being, the doctor can adjust the course of treatment. As a rule, anti-ansulistic drugs are additionally discharged. Various alternative ways of treating, dietary supplements, including vitamins, may worsen your condition. It is necessary to discuss them with an oncologist, as well as any significant changes in your health.

Medical procedures - 3.4 stages

The usual scheme for localized forms of more complex cases is combined therapy: polychimotherapy (polyeshimic means not one, but combinations of preparations) - 2-4 courses, it is advisable in combination with radiation therapy to the primary tumor. When remission is achieved, prophylactic irradiation of the brain is possible. Such therapy increases the life expectancy by an average of 2 years.

With a common form: Polychymotherapy 4-6 courses, radiation therapy - according to readings.

In cases where the growth of the tumor stopped, the partial remission says.

Fleecellular lung cancer reacts very well to chemo, radio and radiation therapy. The cunning of this oncology is the likelihood of recurrences, which are already insensitive to similar antitumor procedures. Possible flow of recurrence - 3-4 months.

Metalization occurs (cancer cells are transferred with blood flow) to the organs that are most intensively supplied with blood. Head brain, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands. Metastases penetrate the bone, which, among other things, leads to pathological fractures and disability.

With ineffectiveness or inability to apply the above treatment methods (by virtue of the age and individual characteristics of the patient) palliative treatment is carried out. It is aimed at improving the quality of life, mostly symptomatic, including anesthesia.

How many live with MRL

The duration of life directly depends on the stage of the disease, your overall health status and treatment methods used. According to some data, women have a better sensitivity.

A configuration disease can give you from 8 to 16 weeks, in case of insensitivity to therapy or no refusal.

Consumable treatment methods are far from excellence, but it increases your chances.

In the case of a combined treatment in the I and II stage, the likelihood of 5 years survival (after five years the full remission is referred to) is 40%.

On more serious stages - life expectancy in combination therapy increases on average for 2 years.

In patients with a localized tumor (i.e. not early stage, but without distant metastasis) using complex therapy 2-year survival - 65-75%, 5-year survival is possible in 5-10%, with good health - up to 25%.

In the case of widespread MRL - \u200b\u200b4 stages, survival costs up to a year. The forecast is full of cure in this case: cases without recurrence are extremely rare.


Someone will seek the causes of cancer, without understanding that it is for him.

It is easier to carry disease people believers, perceiving it as a punishment or test. Perhaps it is easier for them, and let it bring to calm and the strength of the Spirit in the struggle for life.

Positive attitudes are necessary for favorable outcome of treatment. Only how to find the strength to resist pain and remain. It is impossible to give the faithful advice to a person who has heard a terrible diagnosis, as to understand it. Well, if you have help and relatives.

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In the histological classification of the tumors of the Light WHO (1981), the fine-cell cancer is represented by three variants: oatmeal Cancer, cancer from intermediate cells and combined oat-milking cancer. The fine-cell type is 1-4% of all epithelial tumors of the trachea and is a high-altitude tumor consisting of small pretty-sided cells with a scum cytoplasm and gentle diffusely distributed over the entire kernel chromatin, sometimes hypertrophied nucleols are revealed.

As a rule, with a light-optical study in tumor cells, any signs of differentiation are not detected, although electron microscopy in some cases, single or small groups of cells having signs of plane-replication or iron differentiation are found. This group of tumors is also characterized by products of various hormones, such as ACTH, serotonin, antidiuretic hormone, calcitonine, somatotropic hormone, melanocytimulatory hormone, estrogens.

In recent years, in the literature, it is especially emphasized that the group of fine-cell cancer is heterogeneous and is represented by embodiments differing in the nature of growth, antigenic composition, products of biomarkers, cytogenetic symptoms, expression and amplification of oncogenes, various sensitivity to antitumor therapy. The most common and characteristic biological feature is the products in cells of 4 markers, two of which are the enzymes of the Apud Systems (L-dof-decarboxylase, neuroscophical enolasis), the remaining - peptide hormone Bombesin (Gastrin-Rilizing Peptide) and BB of Isorezim Creatine Kinase.

The fine-cell cancer is distinguished by a pronounced tendency to metastasis already in the early stages of the development of the tumor, a poor forecast and a small lifetime of patients.

Thus, the small-cell trachea cancer is characterized by the presence of the following basic signs: minor cell sizes, lack of light-optical features of differentiation, rapid growth, early and extensive metastasis, high sensitivity to specific therapy, the presence of specific biomarkers, products of various hormones. The first five signs are distinguished by fine-cell cancer from hormone-producing non-cellular cells of trachea cancer and carcinoids.

Currently, there are two points of view relative to the histogenesis of the small cell of the respiratory tract.

According to the first hypothesis, the fine-cell cancer develops from the cells of the diffuse endocrine system (APUD system), which in the embryonic period migrate into the lungs of a neural scallop.

The second hypothesis argues that this group of tumors arises from the cells of bronchial linings having an entodermal origin and possessing the same morphological and biochemical features as the cells of small-cell cancer.

Supporters of the first point of view justify their own hypothesis in the fact that morphological structures (neuroendocrine granules from 50 to 500 nm) are found in the elements of the fine-flowered cancer of the respiratory tract, and biochemical markers characteristic of the APUD cell elements whose origin is associated with a neural scallop. A person has proved the presence of such cells in bronchial glands, large bronchops and bronchioles. These data led to a wide dissemination of the opinion that the small cell trachea cancer refers to the APUD system tumors and is an extremely aggressive type of malignant carcinoid. At the same time, it is postulated that neuroendocrine differentiation is inherent in only cells - a neural scallop derivative.

Supporters of the second hypothesis believe that small-cell trachea cancer, as well as other histological types, develops from cells of entodermal origin. This hypothesis is confirmed by the presence in the elements of fine-cell cancer of the respiratory tracting features, characteristic of all histological types, distinguishing the small-cell trachea cancer from other neuroendocrine neoplasms. In addition, experimental data suggests that the signs of neuroendocrine differentiation may also be inherent in cellular elements with an entodermal origin.

In recent years, in a number of experimental work it was shown that enterochromaffine cells of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatic island cells, previously considered as derivatives of neuroectrums, actually have an entitreal element - common with other epithelial elements of these systems.

Currently it is believed that the APUD cells of the gastrointestinal tract are not derived from a neural scallop. While we do not have convincing data regarding the migration of the neural scallop cells in the trachea. At the same time, neuroendocrine granules are often found in the slide-producing cells of the normal bronchial liner. However, it is impossible to completely deny the possibility of migrating elements of neuroectoderm in the trachea, since this is evidenced by the development of such a tumor as melanoma in favor.

The following facts should be added that the fine-cell trachea cancer differs significantly from carcinoid (including on its atypical species) with etiological factors (smoking, radiation impact, the effects of chloro methyl methyl ether). Often, with small-cell tracheal cancer, tumor elements with neuroendocrine differentiation are combined with non-endocrine malignant cells with signs of planeepipal or iron differentiation (G.Saccomno et al., 1974). Such heterogeneity may indicate the presence of a single stem cell trachea for all types (A.Gazdar et al., 1985).

At the same time, heterogeneity is not characteristic of the APUD-system tumors. The fine-cell cancer of the respiratory tract is usually not found as a manifestation of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome. As for the morphological similarity of the small-cell trachea cancer with other APUD-system tumors, the neuroendocrine granules are also detected in a small amount of the tumor cells of the non-cellular cells of the respiratory tract, the number of granules in small-cell cells less and they have small sizes. It is important to emphasize that the cellular elements of many tumors are regarded by clinically and morphologically as small-cell trachea cancer, do not contain neuroscertory granules at all, and have well-developed desmosomoms and tonophylants, that is, in fact, are low-differentiated flat-shaped cancer (mackay et al., 1977). In addition, it is shown that the secretion of hormones is inherent not only to small-cell, but also other types of cancer of the respiratory tract.

Thus, sufficiently convincing data indicating the priority of the first or second hypothesis is currently not available. In this regard, a small-cell trachea cancer should be considered as a kind of bronchiogenic cancer derived from the bronchial epithelium, but having biochemical and ultrastructural signs similar to the APUD system tumors.

Cytological characteristic. In the study of the sputum, the most characteristic cytological sign of small-cell cancer is a small amount of tumor cells (about 1.5-2 times larger than lymphocyte), located either as massive clusters or chains ("Guskom") along the heavyness of the mucus (RIS18). In bronchoscopic material, peculiar grapple-shaped clusters of tumor cells are often found. Cells of cells are rounded, oval, sealless or irregular triangular shapes with the presence of flattening or presses on the contacting surfaces of neighboring cells denoted by "facets" or "congruent sites". This feature can be considered pathognomonic for fine-cell cancer.

It is important to note that the use of various dyes (tissue or hematologic) gives various results of the color of nuclear chromatin. When painting according to the method of papanicolau (or its modifications), the kernel of elements of small-cell cancer are hyperchromic with mesh or coarse chromatin. When painting according to the method of Pappenheim, chromatin in the nuclei seems to be finely dispersed, the kernels are pale, optically empty. It is this sign that allows reliably to distinguish this tumor from the low-differentiated flat-belling cancer. The cytoplasm rim is very narrow, in most tumor cells is practically not detected. Special difficulties arise in the differential diagnosis of this form of cancer with lymphoblastic variant of lymphosarcoma in cases where there is a metastatic lesion of the lymph nodes of the mediastinum without a primary hearth detected.

Another embodiment of small-cell cancer is cancer from intermediate cells. We diagnose this option when the material is represented by anaplased tumor cells, whose kernels are approximately equal to the oat-milk cancer kernels, but the chromatin is more compact, granular or heavy, and the cytoplasm rim is quite wide. In the cells of this tumor, as a rule, a large number of pathological mitoses, which distinguishes it from low-differentiated flat-belling cancer. It should be emphasized that in the metastically affected lymph nodes of the mediastinum during oat-milking cancer, the sections of cancer are often detected, consisting exclusively of the cells of the intermediate type

The cytological characteristics of the combined oat-milk cancer is based on the simultaneous presence of features characteristic of oat-milking cancer and flat-stacked cancer or adenocarcinoma.

Histological characteristics. Oatmeal Cancer consists of pretty monomorphic, small in size of the cells of a rounded, polygonal or elongated form (Fig. 19). However, there may be a moderate polymorphism in the sizes and the form of cells. As a rule, the cells are twice as large as the lymphocyte, contain a centrally located core with fine chromatin and non-permanent nuclei. Separate cells have more dense hyperchromic kernels, especially in fields with degenerative and necrotic changes. The cytoplasm is scanty, usually basophilic. Despite the rapid growth of the tumor, the mitoses are rarely detected.

Cell elements are located, as a rule, the loose, the stoma is scanty, there is no lymphocytic or other inflammatory infiltration, even in areas with necrotic changes. Usually, the tumor is growing in the form of ammunition, in certain areas there is a presence of trabecular, alveolar structures or barisado-like cells around gentle blood vessels - pseudorozet. Non-critical and degenerative changes in the tumor have a characteristic type: along the walls of the vessels and other connective tissue structures, the accumulation of basophilic substance is observed due to the deposition of a nuclear material, which is not found in other types of cancer and carcinoids.

Cancer from the intermediate cells is represented by fairly polymorphic tumor elements of a polygonal or spindle-shaped form, larger than with a classic fine-cell cancer, cell sizes are three times more lymphocyte. The cores of these cells contain a noticeable number of chromatin sticks and non-permanent nucleols. Part of the cells has a scant cytoplasm, in others there is a more pronounced tender-base or light-optically transparent cytoplasm. In the cells of this type there is a pronounced mitotic activity.

In some neoplasms, along with small-cell cancer, areas can be detected, where tumor elements have the structure of a squamous cell or ferrous cancer of various differentiation - combined oat-milking cancer.

The greatest difficulties in the differential diagnosis of small-cell trachea cancer with other histological types occur when evaluating the bronchobiopsy material, where tumor elements due to a large sensitivity to mechanical exposure can be strongly destroyed and remind lymphocytic clusters or inflammatory infiltration. Special difficulties occur with the differential diagnosis of small-cell trachea cancer with atypical carcinoid and other small-sided cancer forms.

Most often, fine-cell cancer has to be differentiated with low-differentiated flat-belling cancer, the cells of which, as a rule, have an abundant clearly defined cytoplasm. With the help of a green light filter in some sections, intercellular bridges can be revealed. The kernel is more hyperchromic, and eosinophilic cytoplasm, which indicates an epidermoid differentiation. In some cases, without the use of special research methods, the differential diagnosis of small-cell trachea cancer with other microscopically similar tumors is practically impossible.

Ultrastructure. Small rounded, oval or elongated cells lying down separately or small groups in collagenvoline stroma (Fig.19) are detected. Cores of irregular shape with large chromatin. The cytoplasm is scarce with a small amount of organelle (ribosomes, polisoms, small mitochondria, short profiles SHER) and single rounded or polymorphic neurosecretory granules. Single neurosecretory granules may occur in non-black cell types of cancer consisting mainly of larger undifferentiated cells and elements with weak signs of iron differentiation (microvili). The cytoplasm in these cells is more abundant, contains ribosomes, polysomes, mitochondria, multiple profiles of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

In the oncological practice, such a formidable disease is often found as fine-cell lung cancer. Any shape of cancer represents a potential danger to the life of a sick person. The disease is often detected by chance when conducting a x-ray study. What are the causes, symptoms and methods of treating this form of lung cancer?

Development of small-cell lung cancer

Fleecellular lung cancer is a tumor characterized by a malignant flow. The forecast is unfavorable. This histological type of cancer is diagnosed less often (adenocarcinoma, flat-stacked and large cellular cancer). It accounts for up to 20% of all cases of this pathology. The risk group includes actively smoking men.

The peak of morbidity falls at age from 40 to 60 years. Female people are less susceptible to this disease. Originally suffer large bronchi. This form is called central cancer. As the disease progressing, mediastinal and bronchopulmonal lymph nodes are involved in the process. The peculiarity of this form of the disease is that regional metastasis is found already in the early stages.

Clinical shapes and stages

The cancer stage is of great importance in diagnosis. Because of the patient asked for medical help, the forecast for health depends. 4 stages of cancer are isolated. At 1 stage, a neoplasm of up to 3 cm is found without metastatic foci. The process involves a pulmonary segment or segmental bronchus. The disease is almost never detected at the 1st stage. The increase in tumor to 6 cm with single metastatic foci indicates 2 stage of the disease.

3 Stage is distinguished by the fact that neighboring bronchi, the main armor or the neighboring share of the organ affect the neighboring bronchio. At this stage, lymph nodes are often affected next to the trachea bifurcation, and tracheobronchial nodes. If 4 stage has been revealed, then the forecast for life deteriorates sharply, as there are remote metastases with it, which even with the operation and radiation therapy is impossible. In 6 people out of 10 cancer are detected at 3 and 4 stages.

2 varieties of fine-cell cancer are distinguished: oatmeal and pleomorphic. The first develops most often. This form of the disease is characterized by increased products of adrenocorticotropic hormone and the development of Cushing's syndrome. Externally, it is practically no manifest. With oat-milking cancer in the process of histological examination of the lung tissue, spindle cells are found. They have rounded kernels. It is less likely to diagnose mixed forms when a combination of signs of small-cell cancer and adenocarcinoma is observed.

Why the tumor begins to grow

The following causes of human lung cancer are distinguished:

  • smoking;
  • burdened heredity;
  • long-term contact with carcinogens (arsenic, asbestos, chrome, nickel);
  • the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • nonspecific lung diseases;
  • the impact of ionizing radiation;
  • bad ecology.

Risk factors belong to the elderly age, a big smoking experience, a joint accommodation with smokers. The greatest significance has such a factor as nicotine addiction. Many begin to smoke from children and adolescent age and cannot stop. Smoking leads to dependence. Persons who smoke are 16 times higher probability of getting sick.

Aggagging factor is the age of the beginning of smoking. The earlier the person began to smoke, the higher the likelihood of the development of small-cell lung cancer. This disease is often developing in persons having professional harm. This pathology is often formed in welders, in contact with asbestos and various metals (nickel). The composition of the lungs affects the composition of the ambient air. Accommodation in polluted areas increases the risk of the development of pulmonary pathology.

How to recognize fine-cell cancer

Symptoms of disease depend on the stage. Cancer is manifested in the following signs:

  • cough;
  • changing voice (dysphony);
  • violation of swallowing;
  • weight loss;
  • general malaise;
  • weakness;
  • breast pain;
  • breath;
  • bone pain.

Cough is gradually enhanced. It becomes parole, constant and productive. In the wet, blood streaks are found. The central fine-cell cancer is characterized by noisy breathing, hemoplange. In the later stages, the body temperature rises. The development of obstructive pneumonia is possible.

Dysphagia and bellishness are observed when squeezing the trachea and the gentle nerve. Patients decreased appetite, as a result of which they will quickly lose weight. The frequent symptom of cancer is the top of the top hollow vein. He is manifested by an edema of the face and neck, shortness of breath, cough. With the defeat of other organs, there is a strong headache, an increase in the liver, the development of jaundice. The manifestations of small-cell cancer refers to the Cushing syndrome and Lambert-Iton syndrome.

Survey and treatment plan

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after detecting the tumor and determining the stage of cancer. Research requires:

  • x-ray of the organs of the chest cavity;
  • tomography;
  • biopsy;
  • inspection of the bronchi endoscopic way;
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • pleural puncture;
  • wet analysis for the presence of tuberculosis mycobacteria.

If necessary, the thoracoscopy is organized. The life expectancy of patients depends on the state of other organs. Surgical treatment is effective for 1 and 2 stages. After surgery, chemotherapy is required. Experienced doctors know how many such patients live.

At 1 and 2 stages of cancer and adequate treatment, five-year survival rate does not exceed 40%.

Video with a record of the scientific report on small-cell lung cancer:

At 3 and 4, chemotherapy stages are combined with irradiation. Cyticostatics (methotrexate, cyclophosphane, vincristine, cisplatin) are used. To protect the brain with a prophylactic goal, its irradiation can be carried out. Thus, the main method of combating cancer is the refusal of smoking or the introduction of a ban on the sale of tobacco products.

It is about 20% of the total number of diseases. Over the past few years, the number of patients decreased. This is partly due to the fact that the composition of cigarettes and inhaled air has changed. The disease in most cases appears from smoking.

Overview of the disease

Small cell refers to malignant tumors, accompanied by aggressive flow and metastasis. Metastatic process is very active. Already in the early stages of the disease in lymph nodes, metastases can be detected. 95-100% of the lesion falls on intrathoracic nodes, 20-45% - on the liver, 17-55% - adrenal glands, 30-45% - bones, up to 20% accounted for on the lesion of the brain.

The type of method of treating oncology depends on the type of metastasis. According to statistics, 90% of the diseased are men. The age of patients varies from 38 to 65 years. Live with such a diagnosis to the patient from year to 5 years. In medicine, 2 types of fine-cell cancer are distinguished:

  1. Mixed carcinoma.
  2. Fleecellular carcinoma.

Small cell into other tissues of the body. It is called oatmeal due to the specificity of the type of cellular structure. The adenocarcinoma of the lungs is characterized by slow growth, but still it is considered one of the most aggressive forms of cancer. The fine-cell cancer is called differently - low-differentiated neuroendocrine type of carcinoma.

Most often, this disease refers to the first type. There is also a two-stage pathology classification:

  1. Localized process, which is limited to one side of the lung. As a rule, the disease is 1, 2 or 3 stages.
  2. The common form of oncology (the disease is in 4 stages).

There are a number of factors provoking the emergence of a malignant disease:

  1. Tobacco The likelihood of the appearance of the disease is influenced by the age of smokers, the number of cigarettes per day, the quality of tobacco, smoking time. Even if a person refuses smoking, he will still remain in the risk group. Smokers, with MRL, 2 times more than non-smoking patients. Those who smoke, starting with adolescence, suffer from a disease 32 times more often.
  2. Heredity. In the blood of a person there may be a specific gene, provoking the appearance of lung cancer. Especially high likelihood of those whose parents or close relatives were sick with small-cell cancer.
  3. Environmental factors. Waste enterprises, heavy metals fall into the organism with air, thereby harm to health.
  4. Harmful working conditions. People with long-term contact with toxic substances, such as nickel, asbestos, arsenic, chrome, are sick of oncology more often representatives of other professions.

Signs of pathology

The oncological process in this case is specific to the fact that it proceeds almost asymptomaticly until the neoplasia is localized in the lungs. The course of the disease is characterized by general symptoms characteristic of a wide range of diseases. Among the symptoms characteristic of the early stage of the course of the disease can be allocated:

  • the presence of cough;
  • silent breathing;
  • painful sensations in the chest area.

To later symptoms of disease, the disease can be attributed:

  • cough with blood;
  • headaches;
  • back pain;
  • hoarse in his voice;
  • difficult swallowing.

The most characteristic sign of the MRL is considered a protracted cough, which is difficult to restrain. Later, he is accompanied by painful sensations in the chest and expectantly bloody discharges. A specific feature of MRL is the presence of shortness of breath along with the cough. This is due to the disturbed functioning in vessels and lung capillaries.

For 2 and 3 stages, the appearance of fever, elevated body temperature, which is difficult to knock down. Pneumonia may be a precursor oncological disease. Bleeding from the lungs is an unfavorable symptom, which suggests that the tumor sprout into pulmonary vessels. This is a sign of the neglence of the disease.

An increase in the tumor leads to the fact that neighboring organs also begin to suffer due to oppression. As a result, a person can feel pain in the back, limbs, swelling in the field of hands and face, and the ICOT that cannot be stopped. Metastases affecting the organs give additional symptoms.

If the liver is affected, jaundice may appear, pain in the ribs. The metastatic process in the brain leads to numbness of the extremities up to paralysis. Metastases in the bones are accompanied by fragmentation in the joints. In addition, a person begins to lose weight rapidly, a feeling of fatigue and lack of forces appears.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before the direct diagnosis of cancer, the doctor conducts an examination of the patient, listening to the lungs, collects anamnesis. Among the procedures aimed at, you can allocate:

  • scyntigraphy of the bones of the skeleton;
  • radiography of the chest region;
  • complete blood test;
  • computer tomography;
  • analysis of the functioning of the liver;
  • magnetic resonance tomography;
  • positron emission tomography;
  • wet analysis;
  • purezocentsis.

Taking into account the characteristics of the clinical course to the mandatory methods of the survey (fibrobronchoscopy, computer tomography, an ultrasound study of regional zones, abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space) Patients with a morphologically confirmed diagnosis include radionuclide diagnosis of skeleton bones, a laboratory bone marrow study and brain tomography.

Treatment methods

In official medicine, small-cell lung cancer is treated with the following techniques:

  1. Operational intervention. This type of treatment is shown only in the early stages of the disease. After surgery, the patient passes a course of chemotherapy. For patients of this group, the predicted life expectancy is more than 5 years (in 40% of patients).
  2. Radiation therapy. With the successful application of the method, the tumor regresses in 70-80% of patients, but the life expectancy does not increase if it is applied independently.
  3. . In the treatment of small-cell lung cancer, this method is not so effective. Only 30-45% of patients noted improvements.

Depending on the form of the disease, treatment may vary. With a localized cancer form, the effectiveness of treatment is noted in 65-90% of patients. Life expectancy is over 2 years.

If the patient has a localized form of cancer, he can be appointed radiation therapy with chemotherapy. When the patient has an improvement, it additionally makes the irradiation of the brain. With a combined treatment method, two-year survival is 40-45%, five-year-old - 25%. For patients suffering from a common form of MRL, chemotherapy is carried out, radiation therapy is made only on the recommendation of the doctor. The effectiveness of this method is about 70%.

When asked how many people live with this disease, the answer is ambiguous. If the patient began therapy at the initial stage, his survival may reach 5 years. The treatment of small-cell lung cancer depends on the stage of the disease, its shape, as well as the patient's state. The choice of the method is the main part that determines the success of therapy as a whole.