Classification of developmental disorders. Psychological features of children with developmental impairment

  • The date: 01.10.2019

Lecture 2. The main categories of special psychology and pedagogy.

2.1. Children with disabilities in development.

2.2. Personal assistance systems with OVD.

Children with disabilities in development.

The development of the psyche of children with disabilities in development is subject to the same basic laws that are found in the development of a normal child:

♦ cyclicity of mental development;

♦ non-uniformity of mental development;

♦ the development of individual mental functions based on previously formed;

♦ plasticity of the nervous system;

♦ The ratio of biological and social factors in the process of mental development.

Knowing them, you can productively look for ways, factors and directions for the development of various categories of children with deviations.

We must distinguish I. general laws of deviating development:

♦ reduction of the ability to receive, process, storing and using information;

♦ difficulty of verbal mediation;

♦ slowdown in the process of forming representations and concepts about the surrounding reality;

♦ Risk of social and psychological dezadapotation states (V. I. Lubovsky).

V. V. Lebedinsky based on the representations of domestic and foreign scientists (L. S. Vygotsky, G. E. Sukhareva, V. V. Kovalev, L. Kanner, etc.) proposed its classification of species of mental disonatogenesis (different forms of violation of normal ontogenesis ):

1. Mental underdevelopment. An example is the mental retardation. It is characterized by early defeat of cerebral structures. The underdevelopment under which the overall persistent retardation in the development of all functions is understood due to the early organic brain lesion (first of all - the bark of large hemispheres). The defeat may have a hereditary nature (endogenous) or being the result of external (exogenous) factors operating in the intrauterine, hopic periods or in early childhood. When underdeveloped there is a diffuse (widespread) defeat of the brain. All brain structures are underdeveloped, but thinking and speech are the most affected damaged. The most characteristic example of underdevelopment is oligophrenia. The basis of the pathogenesis underdevelopment is the function of the returation of functions.

2. Detained mental development (returation). It is characterized by a slow motion formation of cognitive and emotional spheres. Detained development is the slowdown in the rate of all mental development, which occurs most often as a result of the weakly pronounced organic lesions of the cerebral cortex (usually partial nature) or long and severe somatic diseases. In case of detained development, there is a "mosaic" brain defeat when, along with damaged structures, there are also preserved. The greater conservation of brain structures provides better compensation of disturbed functions. The pathogenesis of the delayed development is based on the function of the functions of functions.

3. Damaged mental development. Local defeat of any analyzer or brain structures. The pathological effect on the brain occurred during the period when their morphological and functional maturation was almost completed. Damaged mental development presented by organic dementia is a violation of mental development at the end of early age or after three years due to massive injuries of the brain, neuroinfection, hereditary degenerative diseases. In many cases, organic dementia has a progressive nature. At the heart of the pathogenesis of damaged development lies the function of the returation of functions.

4. Distorted development (asynchrony). It is characteristic of the pathologically accelerated asynchronous development of individual mental functions. Distorted mental development - various options for complex combinations of general underdevelopment, detainee, accelerated and damaged development. The reasons for distorted development are some procedural hereditary diseases, such as schizophrenia, innate insufficiency of metabolic processes. Early children's autism is the most striking example of this type of impaired mental development. The pathogenesis of distorted development is based on a mechanism of acceleration (accelerated development of the function). When one or more mental functions (as a rule, thinking, or speech) are dramatically pulled forward, ahead of ontogenetic terms and at the same time without tightening everyone else. With a distorted development, a combination of acceleration and retardation mechanisms is also possible.

5. Disharmonic developmentthis is a form of a developmental impairment, in which the inadequacy of the development of an emotionally volitional and motivational sphere of personality is noted, with the relative preservation of the remaining structures. An example is psychopathy and cases of pathological development of the person.

6. Deficient development. It is characterized by severe underdevelopment or damage to individual analyzer systems: hearing, view, musculoskeletal system, etc. It is most pronounced impaired mental development during insufficiency of analyzer sensory systems - view, hearing and musculoskeletal system. Children with severe speech violations are also prone deficient development.

Among the representatives of each type of disturbed development, significant individual group differences are observed, which depend on the causes of the violation, the period of action and the intensity of the factor that caused a violation. Knowledge of types of disturbed development makes it possible to a psychologist to continuously understand the typology of these violations and carry out adequate psychocorrection.

The type of disonatogenesis parameters that occurred in the child with disonatogenesis affect. In accordance with the representations of M. S. Pevizner, V. V. Lebedinsky, E. G. Samerimtskaya call such parameters as:

♦ Time and duration of impact of damage (age-conditioned disione). The earlier defeat happened, the more likely it is underdevelopment of mental functions;

♦ etiology (causes and conditions for disorders);

♦ Localization, intensity and prevalence of the pathological process. Local forms: Defects of individual analyzer systems. System Violations: Intelligent Defects (UO, CPR);

♦ The degree of violation of interfunctional connections and hierarchical coordination. With the general damage to the nervous system, the functions that are in the sensitive period of development suffer primarily.

Violations of mental development may have a private and general nature. Private violations - These are violations in the activities of analyzers: view, hearing, speech, movements.

General violations Brain functions are associated with the activities of regulatory systems.

Brain lesions at the subcortex level lead to a decrease in the level of wakefulness, constant reduction in performance. At the same level of lesions there are violations of elementary emotions - unfortunate flashes of rage, a sense of general longing, anxiety, etc.

With lesions of the brain at the level of the cortex, a specific violation of intellectual activity is happening: the lack of functions of goaling, programming and control. The defeat of the frontal brain departments leads to a violation of the arbitrariness of targeted activities. The child is experiencing difficulties with planning a number of tasks, there is an instability of arbitrary attention, the function of control and critical attitude to the results of activity is lost.

The sooner the defeat happened, the most likely there will be a manifestation of the psyche. At later defeats, damage and decay of previously formed functions are characteristic. Each function during its development passes the sensitive period with the greatest intensity of development, but in the same period this function is the most vulnerable.

So, a period of formation of phrase speech is age from 2 to 3 years: undergoing the stormy accumulation of the vocabulary, the absorption of lexico-grammatical structures. At the same time, mental injuries, somatic diseases transferred during this period, can lead to stuttering. At the age of 5 to 7 years, the formation of major moral and ethical feelings. The child during this period develops the skill of arbitrary regulation of emotions, and damaging effects during this period can contribute to the emergence of organic psychopathy. Therefore, at the same age, psychopathic characteristics of character often occur: the evilness, irritability, a tendency to sudden mood fluctuations. In the younger school age, the formation of logical thinking. The child is formed by the concepts of the preservation of the number, mass, volume, the skills of reading and writing are automated.

The underdevelopment of any particular function that does not allow to master this amount of information, social and pedagogical neglence, etc. can lead to insufficiency or delay in the formation of logical thinking.

In childhood, mental functions have not yet stabilized. Insufficient stability of mental functions may determine the regression phenomena - refund of the function to an earlier age level. Various events that cause stress and mobilizing the body's efforts to fight for survival lead to the phenomena of temporary regression, i.e., temporary loss of previously formed skills.

For example, with severe somatic diseases, the children of the first years of life may lose walking skills, neatness, cease to pronounce words. In older children, schoolchildren of temporary regression phenomenon affect primarily the intellectual and motivational sphere of personality. So, in children who survived shock mental injuries (after earthquakes, railway catastrophe), there was a return to more primitive forms of drawing, the loss of the needs and interests of age, and the emergence of emotional forms of response and needs characteristic for more younger age: the fear of darkness, Loneliness, the need for physical contact, etc. Resistant regression is a steady refund to an earlier age level associated with significant damage to the function. This state is most often associated with a severe mental illness - early child schizophrenia. More often regression is subject to less mature, recent functions. So, the loss of reading and writing skills is more likely than the skill of walking and meals.

The main factors affecting the promotion of the child's development with deviations are:

1) biological: nature and severity of violations depending on the time of its acquisition, child health;

2) Social: spontaneous learning (the impact of the social environment: family influence, the impact of the collective of peers, relations with adults); organized by non-specialists - a child's stay in kindergarten or school, systematic classes with parents who have insufficient influence; Specially organized upbringing and training at home, in a closed institution, as well as integration on Wednesday, normally developing peers, as a result of which the correction and compensation of violations of the child's development occurs; Own mental activity (interests, inclinations, emotions, ability to volitional effort, formation of arbitrary processes).

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For a family in which a child with developmental impairment is raised, life sometimes turns into a solid process of diagnosis, correction and rehabilitation of a child. Difficulties can and unite the family, and, unfortunately, to destroy it.

To ensure that it is necessary to parents and children need support for specialists of the most different profile. On the modern methods of conducting diagnostic and corrective work with children with the PEFR, as well as the possibilities of family psychotherapy in our country, will be discussed in this article.

Mysterious syndrome

It is most difficult to identify and correct those violations of the child's development, violations in the development of children who are not associated with organic and physical origin, namely mental and functional deviations, because they can be interpreted differently. One of these violations in children is hyperactive disorders or attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity (ADHD).

In recent years, publications in recent years have become more common about the problems of children's psychiatry in recent years, which states that the drugs have exhausted themselves in the correction of hyperkinetic disorders in children. But at the same time, the use of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of persons with the OPFR increased in the world 9 times in the last 15 years.

Over the past 20 years, the number of mental disorders in children has increased: attention deficit and hyperactivity syndrome began to detect 3 times more often, and the number of autistic spectrum disorders increased 20 times! Of course, it is necessary to continue to create effective drugs, but it is important to look for more promising paths for the rehabilitation of children with the OPFR.

Key theory about the occurrence of ADHD

A key theory about the emergence of ADHD testifies: problems in the children's body exist due to the fact that the brain produces a small amount of dopamine - the hormone of pleasure. The drug, which is considered effective in the correction of such a violation - methamphetamine. It is both a drug and drug.

By 85 percent, this drug removes problems of behavior. But is it always good for a child? It becomes adequate only at the time until the drug is applied. It is obvious that the decision on the appointment of methamphetamine can only be accepted with the most severe forms of blown if it is not possible to cope with the child. In other cases it is necessary to use the methods of psychological and pedagogical impact.

It is believed that hyperkinetic disorders are simply the characteristics of the child with which experts cannot always cope. Some believe that this is the result of poor education in the family. It is believed that the ADHD is the beginning of another mental disorder, for example, a schizophrenic spectrum disorder.

Children with hyperactivity syndrome

Children with hyperactivity syndrome in adulthood more often than others have various emotional experiences, they may have psychopathy, alarming states, depression.

How is the ADHD manifest? Often in children with this syndrome are good indicators of intellectual development, but due to inadequate behavior, attention deficit, high fatigue and memorization problems, children learn below their capabilities. They are disorganized, prone to protests, in response to the requests of adults, their first word is "no".

Such children are very impulsive, they need "everything immediately", they are not able to distinguish the main thing from the secondary. They do not know how to overcome themselves, they are difficult to motivate to some kind of activity. To analyze the results of one or another of its action also not forces.

In children with ADHD, sensory functions are broken, they do not like the bright light, they are afraid of even a minor noise, and some of them, on the contrary, the noise soothes. Such children have increased tactile sensitivity. Often they do not feel hunger, they eat little, refuse food with pieces of bread. They have violations of speech.

Such children really want to communicate, only they are not invited to their company, because they lead themselves from the point of view of ordinary children in stupid. Up to 10 years of such children can not be released on the street, they are more often than their peers are injured.

Whatever children with hyperkinetic disorders, they must be included on Wednesday of healthy people. And inform parents, teachers, doctors that special children do not need to "break", adapting to an unfamiliar medium, and the environment should take them as they are, and help them.

"Targets" of psychological assistance

There are several levels of diagnosis. A symptomatic diagnosis is determined on the first, which comes down to fixing the facts of behavior, speech activity, which are noted with the direct observation of the signs of development.

The following diagnostic level implies the formulation of a functional psychological diagnosis if the psychologist not only states the facts that observe, but also describes the manifestation of individual mental functions and characteristic features of the child (its memory, attention, thinking, self-esteem, temperament, etc.). Evaluation of the psychologist, as a rule, is displayed in numbers, often it uses tests (for example, to intelligence).

Assessment of deviations and violations of the child's development should be not only quantitative, but also qualitative, it is important to understand the structure of the defect, the mechanism of disruption of the child's development itself. If, before the functional diagnosis of a psychologist, add information about systemic relationships between individual psychic functions of a child, about the level of its inclusion in relationship with other people and its ability to cope with various life tasks, it can be about a systemic psychological diagnosis.

When conducting systemic diagnostics of the child's development, it is necessary to compare the data on the development of a child with data on the development of other children - both those developing normally and those who have deviations.

Psychological help

In order for psychological assistance to be effective, it must be "point", in other words, have specific targets of impact, which must be noted in the diagnostic process. One of the key ideas that need to be used in diagnostics is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "zone of the nearest development". It helps to appreciate a particular child in specific social conditions and the contribution of training and education into the child's condition at that moment.

More and more children with OPFR today are going to study in the institution of general education at the place of residence. The main goal of the psychological and pedagogical service of such educational institutions is to help in the personal development of special children, in their positive socialization.

The main activities of the teacher-psychologist are the diagnosis of violation of the child's development and correctional work. To determine the correct psychological diagnosis of a child, you need to watch for quite a long time, talk with him, in one word, study. At the initial stage, the psychologist spends screening diagnostics to determine for himself, which is close to normal, and what is not.

If a psychologist finds out the presence of violations, namely violations of the child's development, he sends a child to a psychological and medical and pedagogical commission, where the team of specialists carry out more accurate diagnostics and defines a certain educational route.

It is clear that in 30-40 minutes in the conditions of the PMPC it is impossible to carry out complete diagnosis. It will definitely continue in the institution of education, where the teacher psychologist will gradually carry out in-depth diagnostics and on the basis of the data obtained to compile an individual plan of correctional and developing work with the child.

If the specialists have the idea that the child has a violation of the central nervous system, they usually advise parents to send it to computer or magnetic resonance tomography, pass on an enzatfalographer, to make a ultrasound study of the brain.

However, these methods of research help identify only coarse (structural) brain disorders. Light violations of the functioning of the central nervous system, underdevelopment of brain zones and structures they cannot fix.

Diagnostic methods

Hardware methods are ineffective and in diagnosis in children of hyperkinetic disorders, minimal brain dysfunction, autism. Here, a neuropsychological research method can come to the rescue, which allows to differentiate underdevelopment and damage to thin levels.

In our country, unfortunately, neuropsychology is not developed, there is no separate department of this scientific branch, there are no special institutions, only the public health care institutions have relevant specialists.

Although today neuropsychology has a very current branch of knowledge that is constantly developing. Neuropsychological rehabilitation and correction are very expensive.

The main task of the early intervention service is preventing the disability of children with OPFR and social orphanhood, as well as support for the family of such a child. Parents who have learned about the birth of a child with disabilities in development feel shock.

Psychological assistance during this period is not always effective for them, they are not yet ready to accept it. It takes time, and parents are configured to actions, they are ready to do everything for their child. Although their actions are first not always correct, often under the influence of emotions they are trying to find some kind of magic wand, which should help the baby, do not listen to the opinions of specialists.

If emotions are inferior to rational plans for the future and adequate discussion of prospects for the whole family, with parents you can talk seriously and on the diagnosis, and the methods of treatment, and the correctional work with the child.

Violations of the child's development - uniform requirements can not be

On the basic direction of correctional classes with children with severe violations of speech - the development of their communicative abilities, the formation of speech skills will be taking more. With the selection of didactic material, speech exercises for conducting classes for the correction of violations of the oral speech of children with TNR (including for the formation of language analysis and synthesis), it is necessary to take into account various levels of mental abilities in children and, accordingly, provide for a multi-level kid help system.

Mental Development Violations

Where did the concept of "children with disabilities in development" come from? On the household level, we understand that this is a category of children who are limited in their capabilities: the opportunity to fully live on an equally with normal people. These are those who have a defect.

Defectology is science, studies the shortcomings that lead to violation, and therefore the child has its own characteristics in training, education and development. The defect itself may be impaired if we are talking about minimal violations.

Types of deviations, Vootsky theory

There are specifications of defects in children in time, locality.

  • there is primary defects - These are private and general violations of the Central CNS (central nervous system) at birth. For example, a child blind or deaf (violation of analyzer systems). Ilter injury or brain damage, or perinatal (postnatal) defects in development.
  • Secondary defects - Observed after the child is not compensated in its development. For example, the toddler blind from birth, and parents will not compensate for him this violation (tactile games, more to tell and give to touch all items, talk about their form, etc.) In this case, the child over the primary replaced the secondary psychological deviations , right up to severe mental disorders.

L.S. Vygotsky put forward his theory about the complex structure of the defect.

The hearing impairment (primary defect) distorts perception, violates the entire process of HDPP (higher mental functions), which leads to a secondary defect. Because the child did not compensate for the defect, it does not have further adequate socialization and ultimately it leads to the deformation of the person as a whole.

In turn, there is a relationship to norma. How to count: normal development or not? The concept of the norm as a whole does not exist. In any science, the norm has conventionality. In our understanding, the norm:

  • The average one when we take a certain sample of the studied and compare it with a specific child.
  • Functional norm - exclusively for a separate person.

Conditions for the normal development of the child. Dizontogenesis

  • Normal brain work.
  • Normal physical development of the child.
  • Preservation of senses: vision, hearing, movement, touch, smell.
  • Systemativity and sequence in teaching the child. Because only in the process of learning, the kid is developing.

These conditions must exist so that the child develops normally. If something is broken, abnormal development occurs.

Sukhareva and Lebedinsky stand out 6 species of mental disonatogenesis (Violation in development):

  1. General persistent underdevelopment.
  2. Detained development. These are children of ZPR (with a delay in mental development).
  3. Damaged development in the early stages of the life of the baby. These are children with organic dementia.
  4. Deficient development. It is associated with severe violations of some individual analyzer systems (vision, hearing).
  5. Distorted development. These are hereditary diseases, incl. And autism.
  6. Disharmonious personality development. When a child has persistent defects in character.

Causes of abnormal development of a child

Biological factors:

  • Chromosomal and genetic deviations. Received on the early period of pregnancy. But here is a question for parents: continue pregnancy or interrupt.
  • Infectious and viral diseases that mom transfers at the moment of pregnancy (hepatitis, rubella, influenza).
  • Incompatibility of the rhesus factor.
  • Endocrine diseases of the mother (diabetes).
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction.
  • Biochemical harmful substances affecting mom on early pregnancy: poisoning, antibiotic treatment.
  • Toxicosis, especially at an early stage of development.
  • Generic and postpartum injuries of the child: asphyxia during childbirth (leads to children's cerebral paralysis, brain damage), hypoxia, fetal blows, low weight kid.
  • Chronic mothers diseases.

Social factors.

  • These are all the unfavorable conditions in which the future mother is located ..
  • Those conditions in which the child himself is long is: in the family of alcoholics and drug addicts, violation of child-parent relations, constant conflicts between parents, adult violence (physical and psychological).
  • Children with deprivation when the child is deprived of vital needs.

All these factors lead to the deformation of the child's personality. Plus, additional disorders are superimposed here, up to the abnormalities of development.

"Special" children

Abnormal children are those children who do not fit on Wednesday of a normal child. Allocate several categories of such children:

  1. Children with irregular hearing (deaf, weastful and taguokh, illegal). Those. Any violation of the auditory analyzer.
  2. Children with violations of violations (blind, visually impaired, ranktones).
  3. Children with impairment of intellectual development. These are the echoes of the lesion of the CNS, the brain, etc. Mentally backward children.
  4. Children with speech impairment (logos). The speech therapists work well with this category of children.
  5. Children with several impaired psychophysicual development (deaf-and-and-dumb, blind, deaf mentally retarded and other combinations, dreamed cerebral children).
  6. Children with violations of the ODA (musculoskeletal system). These are muscle dystrophy, meopleathy, dwarfism, strong scoliosis.
  7. Children with psychopathy.

Violations of vision

Let's talk about violations of sensory perception.

In general, how do we perceive the information? This is vision, rumor, smell, taste, touch (tactivity).

A larger percentage of information man gets through vision. There are visual illusions that distort the information that we perceive our eyes. This is the norm. At certain points, our eyes can distortionably perceive pictures (see Figure).

Sometimes there are visual illusions, when something seems to be when we present one thing, and in fact this thing is another form. All this is situationally and due to some reason. This is the norm.

Another thing is when there is a persistent violation of vision (underdevelopment, loss, weakening).

Blind children - These are those who from birth blind, or in the first years lose sight (due to injury or illness) and they have not yet formed a visual representation.

According to the degree of violation, these are children with absolute blindness (on both eyes) and visually impaired (visual acuity from 0.05 to 0.2 with correction or points).

What are Causes of violations?

  • viral, infectious diseases. Pets can be pets. For example, if a pregnant mother is infected from the cat toxoplasmosis, the child will be born to blind;
  • hereditary transmission of violation of vision from parents (cataract, reduction of eye size). Sometimes it is benign tumors associated with the impaired retina;
  • benign brain tumors that are not detected immediately, and may appear after some time lapse;
  • head injuries during childbirth and at an early age of a child, hemorrhage into the brain;
  • an increase in intraocular pressure;
  • premature baby.

Blind children - These are children with a complete lack of visual sensation either who have some residual vision at a distance of up to 2 meters. there is totally blind Children who have no feeling of light, because the blindness sometimes remains some percentage of light percentage.

Partially blind Children have lightness, capable of seeing and highlighting the figures of people, large objects in a common background without detail. They are scheduling from 0.005 to 0, 04.

Weakhead Children, whose visual acuity varies from 0.05 to 0.2. There are many such children today, especially in elementary school, many spoil their vision.

Any child who is born with a violation of any cognitive function, no matter, vision is or rumor, he has a layer of a secondary defect, incl. in the emotional, mental sphere. The blind child is compensated by hearing, tactfulness. Even his innate blindness, the child may not immediately realize (up to age 6 months) Only in preschool age, the child begins to clearly realize that he has been broken: it does not see objects, forms, loved ones, nothing and anyone.

But if it is possible to organize a correction space for a baby in a timely manner, he will be able to feel quite adaptively and adequately.

How does the blind child develop?

It begins to manipulate objects later, because He does not develop coordination, he does not see the shape. The child begins to crawl later, and crawls forward with his legs. He sits on the ass, pulls the legs forward and slowly begins to explore the surrounding space.

Blind children are often injured. Naturally, in the first year of life, they begin to lag behind their peers. Due to the violation of the visual analyzer, the space-photographic representations is disturbed. Even if the child develops through speech and tactile, still a small motorcy behind children with the norm. Hence the lag of higher mental functions - perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, imagination.

What attention Maybe a child with impaired eyesight? It is only on sound irritant. And it is not always fixed: children are often switched and distracted, they cannot be attracted to constantly and monotonous work.

Memory. In children, coordination is broken, motility is poorly developed, so the memory also suffers. Abnormal-shaped memory is generally absent, because In children there is no visual example. The image of the subject is formed only at the expense of the tactile sensation. Vite-logical thinking is formed and developing, but also with a delay.

Imagination There is practically absent, because a visually object is difficult to imagine, especially if the baby does not see from birth. The form of the subject is formed at the expense of some internal, intuitive ideas.

Blind children may have exceptional hearing memory and musical hearing.

If we talk about psychological features, an emotional and volitional sphere, this is a violation and disorder of the psyche, the manifestation of aggression (the child cannot fully feel and understands its "deficit"). Many children are generally not capable of showing independence, so parents need to constantly teach them to independence, the only thing that it does not harm health and did not threaten the life of the child.

If parents can adapt and asocialize a child, a blind person may well be active, finding its work, to completely compensate for itself a loss of vision and experience the completeness of life, and in adulthood, among other things.

Today, many parents adapt the child through art. For example, visiting exhibitions and a museum where the child can touch the sculpture with his hands, the subject.

Training of blind children should be made with a support for other analyzers: hearing, skin, vibratory, olfactory, thermal.

Violation of hearing

Children with hearing impairment studies Surdopsychology and Surdopedagogy.

Child learning, its adaptation and compensation is carried out through the dactual alphabet and gesture language. Each letter in the alphabet reflects its emotional language.

The cruel speech replaces the speech form of communication. Children are very well mastered.

With a rapid information exchange, either a dactual alphabet, or a fierce speech, for choosing a child. Some may even have a cruel superfection, when such a flow of information comes from you that another person does not have time to read your gestures ..

Highlight 3 groups of children with hearing impairment:

  • Deaf. Do not even hear very loud sounds of more than 60-70 dB. Such children are born without a hearing analyzer
  • Weigh-drying (taguhi) - have partial compensation, they have insufficiency of sound perception. As a result, it leads to speech underdevelopment. Such children begin to hear the sounds of the volume from 20-50 dB and more.
  • Late items. These are children who have lost their hearing as a result of some kind of disease or injury.

Modern headphones and high volume of music that loves the most adolescents today, can lead to full deafness.

The main causes of hearing impairment in children: children's viral and infectious diseases, antibiotics, exposure to a strong source of sound, contusion injury, the damage to the middle ear, otitis, meningitis.

We are talking, as we know, is formed at the expense of auditory perception. Therefore, if the child does not hear, he cannot learn speech. Speeches teach specialists, focusing on the visual analyzer in a child. The earlier begin to teach a child speech, the better his adaptation to the future life will be.

But if the kid is deprived, deprived of study, he can develop secondary defects related to mental and physical development (for example, violation of vision, kidney work, etc.)

Deaf children can learn at the expense of facial expressions and gestures.

In weakly impaired children, the poverty of the vocabulary with the wrong use and memorization of new words, distortion and dissolute speech, violation of the grammatical system of speech, inexpressiveness, improperlying proposals and their coordination, limited understanding of oral speech.

If blind children study on a special braille technique, hear all the sounds and make a lot of mistakes, what can be said about the deaf children? They can not hear sounds at all and imitate heard. They are only capable of empirical by achieving the desired pronunciation.

Correction of hearing Children occurs through:

  • Cochlear implantation (prosthetics) - when the implant assumes the functions of a congenital inner ear. Periodically, the implant must be changed.
  • Classes with SURDSPEDAGOG. A specialist helps the child to master communication up to sound speech: to perceive, distinguish and recognize the surrounding sounds, understand their meaning and consuming in their speech.

How does a deaf child develop?

In mental development, children with hearing impairment lags behind in developing from their peers. Such children are worse than their motility, later begin to walk. They are not always coordinated, i.e. They can be disturbed coordination.

In the emotional-volitional sphere, these attacks of aggression, negativism, loss of independence (when the child is too torn and limit its development parents themselves), various forms of psychopathy develop.

In no case should the parents need to limit their child, to socialize it more, more attracting it to the general environment, to communicate with peers.

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Distinguish between several forms of violations in children:

  • Easy shape. A person independently moves, has self-service skills, uses public transport.
  • Average form. Such people need help, have self-service skills, but they can not always do it.
  • Heavy shape. Man completely depends on other people.

Children with violations are divided into 4 groups:

  1. The defeat of the nervous system, brain (children's cerebral paralysis), tumors, violations in conducting paths: Hand paralysis, Krivoshoye. Draishes of the spinal cord after the polyomelitis or the consequence of injuries.
  2. Violation of the central nervous system + noda (central nervous system and disorders of the musculoskeletal system) due to generic injuries.
  3. With disorders of the musculoskeleting cap with the saved intelligence. These are scoliosis, arthrogripposis.
  4. Received a node inheritance + muscle atrophy.

Children's cereal

Children's cereal It has several forms. Today allocate:

  • Double hemiplegia is the hardest form. Such called "children-plants" + mentally retardy. They are completely immobilized, there is no intelligence (IQ below 20), lesion of vision and hearing, there is no question, sometimes show aggression when they are uncomfortable. Such children do not live much, a maximum of 16-17 years old, more often up to 10 years.
  • Hyperkinetic form. This is the most common form, including at the birth of a child. These are sharp drops with hands, it is impossible to keep some object in a static position, children are very difficult for learning (even a letter to traine in writing). Such children may have mental retardation, mental delay, but in general they are trained, can be adapted and socialized. They need to be trained in specials. schools.
  • Savior diploggy, occurs very often. The lower limbs suffer more often. Children with a light form can well be trained in a regular school, travel themselves, study, there are some violations in speech.
  • Hemiparesis. This is the defeat of one-sided arms and legs. For example, if the defeat of the right hemisphere, then hemiparez will be on the left side (left hand, left foot). If the left hemisphere is defeated, the right side suffers (hand and foot). There is a combination of mental backwardness, violation of speech, retreat of mental development.
  • Anatonic-astatic form. Violation of tone, speech, intellectual development, mental development. It all depends on the flow form, light / medium / complex.

Due to the fact that children with cerebral palsy are limited in movements since childhood, they initially weakened by a sucking reflex (in the first year of life) or absent at all, respectively, the speech (atrophy of the muscles of the face).

Children have a visual analyzer. It is also a muscle and nervous ending, which leads to the full work of the eyes and hearing. Therefore, many children have problems with vision (squint, hearing loss). If the form of leakage is lightweight, such children are trained, quite socialized and adapted to life. The main thing is that the mental retardation is not observed so that the intellect is normal.

But if there is a very strong reduction in intelligence, here the child is also introduced only to self-service skills, to elementary subject action, and that someone has always been near.

In general, children with minor violations suffer very much emotionally. They realize their defect that they differ from other children. Also suffer from higher mental functions, a clear-shaped perception, a spatial representation, a body scheme is broken.

Ask a child with a cerebral person to draw a man, he will draw a separately head, separate torso, arms and legs. Those. There is no common, one-piece perception of your body.

Hyperoportability, lag in development, problems in communicating the child are far from always cause anxiety from their parents. Many consider violations with individual characteristics and are waiting for the kid "will be willing." Is such tactic always justified, and how can she turn when it comes to school? How to help the future first grader?

Expert Portal "Sibmeda" - Lyudmila Kovevnikova, director of the rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities "Olesya".

The main thing is timeliness

The fact that the state of children who have any violation of development at an early age can be corrected for specialists today - an indisputable fact. True, the results can be different - it all depends on the structure of the violation and the age of the beginning of the system of work. And yet, timely, or rather, the most prevented interference with the adoption of comprehensive measures today gives a significant effect, experts note. Alas, for many parents it is not always obvious.

"Regardless of the complexity of the defect, when providing systematic work with a child, up to 7 years, today you can achieve a lot, -tells Lyudmila Kozhevnikova . "Nevertheless, in the Novosibirsk region, like across the country, there are so many families, in which, when discovering a child, some violations say:" It will grow up - it will grow up "," I spoke in 5 years, "and so on. Such, let's say, not a completely serious approach in terms of development of children leads to negative results. It is not necessary to be neither a doctor nor a teacher to understand: if a child at certain periods is observed a lag in development from the age norm, you need to urgently contact the specialists. "

It is known that in the development of the child there are so-called sensitive periods, when, with the help of psychological and medical and pedagogical impact, any violation in development is most effectively adjusted. In difficult cases, the state of the child during this period is able to simply go to a higher level.

The period is most successful in this respect, which Lyudmila Kozhevnikova calls "gold" - from zero to 3 years. Much can be done in the so-called "silver" period - from 3 to 7 years. The thing is that it is at this time that the body's ability to include compensatory capabilities, as well as adapting to new conditions and mobilizing all life resources.

Today, experts increasingly use the term "ability", although in everyday life there is still the usual "rehabilitation". The difference between the "ability" from "rehabilitation" is that if in the second case the specialist helps the patient (in this case - the child) return lost functions (for example, as a result of the accident), in the first case we are talking about the development of functions that are missing from birth.

Ability to 7 years old is also extremely important because during this period of time before the child who begins to study at school, new training tasks are put. To these tasks, the child should be ready psychologically and emotionally. In turn, they are difficult, and it is not possible to decide at all without passing the previous stages of development.

Today, as Lyudmila Alekseevna, children who have problems with development in the first grade, a lot. Often, among the manifestations of such problems there is hyperbulitility, social and physical unprofitiness, problems of communication, nonsense, difficulties with a concentration of attention and so on. And this is not the saddest symptoms.

"There is a lot of social immaturity, and neurological pathology, and psychoneurology due to the lack of up to 7 years of complete diagnosis, and as a result, timely systematic correction The parent expects a child, coming to school, will do the same as everyone, but it does not work. And at this stage, running along the circle of specialists with expectations of rapid correction of all problems in a child begins. And already in 10-12 years old, there can be no tremendous dynamics, and the parents who did not take up the child in a timely manner, the hands are frustrated and the hands are often descended. "

And yet, how not to miss the alarming bells? To do this, there are special screening tests where the required skills and skills of the child are prescribed in a particular age. It is easy to find them: the services of parents-books and newspaper kiosks, and, of course, the Internet. When the discrepancy of the ability of the child's ability to appeal to the pediatrician, who, in turn, will send a parent with a child to narrow specialists.

Ability: Classic Methods

Today there is a lot of agility methods available. Many of them can be obtained free of charge in municipal and government agencies, and some are quite applicable at home.

The main trend of modern abbreviation therapy is an integrated approach. If earlier the child with violations of development was given to the deposit with one only doctors, now the medical component of children's rehabilitation is only part of complex therapy. In addition to the doctor, psychologists and teachers work with the child today (and in some cases the doctor is needed only if the child has a somatic disease).

While the head brain of the child receives additional food with drugs, psychological and pedagogical profile specialists help the child to form and automate new skills, integrate them in their lives. Thus, the child not only intensify physiological possibilities, but also stimulates the ability to various types of activity - cognitive, cognitive, game, speech, and so on.

Some new directions of children's agility specialists are already called classics. We are talking, for example, about the positional therapy, which began to apply about 20 years ago in our country. The essence of positional therapy is to level pathological from the point of view of the physiology of the pion of the child and form the correct. According to Lyudmila Kozhevnikova, today without such therapy at the earliest thing simply can not do, especially in violation of the musculoskeletal system. Today, there are all sorts of technical means for positional therapy.

Motivating agitation technologies have demonstrated their effectiveness. Their use also requires special equipment, in this case these are special simulators and bicycles. A child fixed on such a bike, turns the pedals and understands that he likes it and captures this process. According to experts, it helps the child to cope not only with the disorders of the vestibular apparatus, but also with psychoneurological disorders. Equipment for such therapy was initially made only in the United States, today "motivating" bikes are manufactured in our country, including in Novosibirsk.

Dolphinotherapy: good, but not enough

As for such "exotic" methods of rehabilitation, such as hippotherapy, dolphinotherapy and canister (contacting with dogs in medicinal purposes), then, despite the fact that they, according to Lyudmila Kozhevnikova, deserve no less serious relationship than "classics ", So unconventional therapy is still secondary.

"Cake therapy, hippotherapy is very good, any animal gives a child positive, "Says Lyudmila Alekseevna. - But such therapy should be systemic. Count on the fact that you are 2-3 weeks work out and you will have changes, it is not worth it. Some parents say: we will go to dolphinotherapy in the summer, and these are limited. Of course, this is not enough, and only on these methods should not be hoped, they will only help in a complex with other methods. "

The auxiliary methods of children's antibios include music therapy. According to experts, if you correctly use musical accompaniment when working with a child, therapy gives very good results. Today, there are even various techniques of this direction.

But water procedures, although they do not belong to the priority methods of abillation, consistently remain the best help on the way to positive change. According to the specialist, if the child will be engaged at least two times a week in the pool, it will benefit not only to the ability to be a bog, but also the general state of the child.

Ability to get help?

Today, the municipal rehabilitation centers work in any city, where beneficiaries are provided by the budget, health and education institutions. Benefits to receive rehabilitation services receive all children with a violation of development, which establish the status of the psychological and medical and pedagogical commission or at the Medical and Social Examination Bureau (for children with disabilities).

Many today and private centers providing avibilitation services. His "pros" and "minuses", as usual, is everywhere. What to choose parents?

To get a state institution, sometimes it is necessary to wait the queue that can stretch for months. However, from this situation there is a way out: according to Lyudmila Kozhevnikova, specialists can and must teach parents with the necessary methods of abilities of children at home.

As for private centers and specialists, their minus is in the absence of systemic work. Typically, commercial centers provide parents the opportunity to visit any classes and procedures at any time, which can contribute to the reloading of the child with all sorts of manipulations. And this, according to experts, affects the child is not the best way.

"The parents often have such a mistake: as soon as they saw a positive trend, they are trying to strengthen the impact on the child, without understanding that thereby you can aggravate the condition of the child and get regress- says Lyudmila Kozhevnikova. - This can be reached before stimulating the pathological activity of the brain, which in some cases can stimulate epics and even epileptic attacks. "

Exit from this situation is increased care to the child. Lyudmila Kozhevnikova advises parents to show sensitivity to the state of his child, take into account the age of the child (the younger than the child, the less the load should be) and do not overload it in pursuit of results.