What shower take in the morning. When is it better to take a shower - in the morning or in the evening? It's time to add cold shower to your morning schedule

  • The date: 04.03.2020

The modern beauty and health industry offers a wide range of procedures aimed at rejuvenation and strengthening the body. It is hardware cosmetology, and various massages, and cryotherapy (cold treatment). By the way, our article has some relevant to the last point, because it will be about the benefits and dangers of a cold soul.

Errors in nutrition, stress and a sedentary lifestyle are not in the best way to affect the health of the body. But these attributes have become an integral part of the lives of many people. And if earlier with such problems as hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, overweight, first came across in old age, now it is found in young and middle-aged people.

Water procedures - ancient means of preventing many diseases. And how does the cold shower reflect on the body? Supporters of treatment with cold say that ice water improves blood circulation, while the endorphine is produced, known as the hormone of happiness. A person has improved mood, the body tone rises and immunity is strengthened. Below we will analyze more influence the cold shower on the human body.

Burning fat

Under the influence of the cold, the body spends more energy to warm up. To ensure vital organs with warmth, stocks of adipose tissue are spent. And also have data proving that cold water helps the production of brown fat, which is considered useful. It helps to eliminate harmful fats that are deposited in the abdomen. If you regularly take a cold shower, then per year you can lose up to 4 kg.

Improving blood circulation

There is an improvement in blood circulation. Under the influence of cold, the narrowing of the vessels occurs. Blood moves more active, warming organism and filling internal organs. This is a good prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Improved mood

The effect of the cold soul is comparable to the runner euphoria. The skin is a huge number of nerve endings. If cold water gets into the skin, the nerve impulses are sent straight to the brain. This contributes to the fact that a person has less stress and depression.

Cold water is especially useful for strong sex. Souls with ice water increases testosterone levels.

Skin and hair beauty

Cold water well affects the condition of the skin and hair. Under the influence of hot water, skin and hair dry up, which cannot be said about cold water. Oddly enough, the skin after the cold soul becomes softer, wrinkles are smoothed, and the hair acquire shine.

Improve tone

If you take a cold shower in the morning, you will feel the benefit all day. From cold water, the body wakes up faster, the launch of all systems. This effect will continue all day. Try instead of a cup of coffee to cheer up in the morning cold water from the shower.

Relaxation and healthy sleep

It is believed that in the cool room sleep better. Cold water procedures will help suffering insomnia. They lead to the excitation of receptors, and then to relaxation. The person is easier to calm down, and therefore falls asleep faster.

Rules for performing cold water procedures

If the beneficial effect on the body inspired to try this procedure, it is important to learn how to make a cold shower correctly:

  1. Do not hurry to completely get up under a cold jet. Water first and legs first, getting your face. Let the organism get used to low temperature. And then rinually completely. You can even restrict ourselves to the abormal limbs.
  2. After the limbs are accustomed to cold water, connect the chest, back and head. Pay attention to the gap of the body where the head is connected to the neck. Hold the jet there for a while, giving water to drain along the spine.
  3. In the bathroom, the temperature should be comfortable warm to coming out of the icy shower, not to be in the cold air. Otherwise, there will be too much stress, which can lead to the weakening of the body's protective forces.
  4. It is important to remember that it is still not dumping with icy water, and give time to the body to get used to it. Start with water room temperature, gradually lowering. Remember that at a water temperature +16 ° C begins overcooling.
  5. Water should be cold, but not extremely ice. Find a suitable temperature. If breathing captures from water, increase the degree slightly.
  6. In the first time, take such a shower for a few seconds, gradually increasing the duration of up to 20 seconds.
  7. After the completion of the procedure, the whole body, including hands and legs, are well. In order not to disturb the lymph movement, make rubbing from the limbs to the body, avoiding lymph nodes that are in the groin area and behind the ears, not the twitches of the armpits.

After the shower, you should feel warm throughout the body. This is an indication that the procedure is done correctly. It's good for some time in underwear, but if you feel strong cold, get dressed immediately.

Contraindications and harm

Is it possible to take a cold shower to everyone without exception? With many useful properties there are contraindications. With any heart disease (ischemia, tachycardia, heart failure) such a souls cannot be taken. During sharp respiratory and viral diseases, the procedure is better to postpone to complete recovery. If there are skin problems, it is recommended to consult with a dermatologist. And also contraindicated ice shower for people suffering from elevated or reduced pressure.

In addition to the disease listed above, individual intolerance of cold water is possible. If you can not get used to such water, even gradually reducing the temperature, then perhaps the procedure should be postponed for a while.

Cold and hot shower

No less useful properties have a contrasting shower. The essence of the procedure is alternating cold and hot water. Moreover, the sequence for men and women will be different. So, men begin with cold water, then there is hot water, and finish cold again. Women need to start a hot water procedure, turn on cold, and then warm. The hot and warm phase time must be minimal to be the best effect. The basic rules for receiving a contrast soul:

  1. The procedure is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach after charging.
  2. The difference between cold and hot water should be about 30 ° C. Of course, it will take time to get used to this contrast. Hot water - approximately 43 ° C, cold - 14-15 ° C.
  3. At least one should make 4 contrasting douses, each to 1 min. Duration from 5 to 8 minutes.
  4. Start leaning from below, moving up. Do not keep the stream for a long time in one place.
  5. Do not use detergents (soap, gels, shampoos).
  6. After the procedure, do not wipe and do not wipe dry. Let the body itself dry.

In general, the contrasting souls tones the body, strengthens the immune system, is the prevention of many diseases.

Cold shower in the morning will wake up and charges energy for the whole day. The benefit of this procedure will bring only if it can be done correctly, otherwise you can harm. In any case, listen to your body and sensations. And if there are any chronic diseases, first consult with the attending physician. If you comply with the recommendations and regularity, cold water procedures will bring health, the cheerfulness of the spirit and a good mood.


Of course, it is impossible to lose sight of your habits and a daily routine, but when we take a shower, it also depends on the effect that we want to get.

Most people all over the world take showereveryday. This is a good habit, especially if you live in a hot climate or regularly play sports.

But we wash in the soul not only to clean the body.

There are other reasons: for example, we want to relax, refreshing, or even cure various diseases.

Only here the water and gels for the soul can damage our skin, destroying her natural protective barrier.

Why do you need a shower?

In the morning, the shower helps to cheered before the working day, in the evening - to relax before bedtime.

The time to which it is best depends on our lifestyle, work schedule, features of the body and skin condition.

1. For hygiene

It is difficult to add something: water procedures always give a feeling of purity and freshness.

2. For pleasure

Many people love to take a shower, just to relax muscles and enjoy a few minutes of rest.

No one takes into account the skin condition!

This is the most important aspect that, unfortunately, rarely who takes into account.

Our skin has a protective barrier from bacteria. If you wash several times a day and abuse soap and, it will collapse.

Doctors usually advise taking shower no more than 1 time a day, so you will allow the skin to save her protective barrier intact.

Otherwise subsequently The skin may suffer from such unpleasant diseases like dermatitis and allergies.

Morning shower or still evening?

Permanent disputes are underway on this topic, and there are many polar opinions, so you will need to make a choice depending on your lifestyle and individual needs.

Here are some arguments in favor of the Morning and Evening Soul:

In the morning, if ...

  • Early stand up
  • Feel tired after awakening
  • at night
  • It is not very busy working day.
  • Evening shower prevents you
  • You have oily skin

In the evening, if ...

Water procedures right before bedtime, if all the above is not about you or:

  • You lack time in the morning
  • You use cosmetics
  • Constantly
  • Work is exhausting
  • You have dry skin
  • Intensive workouts (for example, you run or engage in the gym).
  • You sweat throughout the day
  • Ride a bike
  • Want to relax before bedtime

What water temperature is better to choose for the shower?

Important not only when we take a shower, but and how we do it: In particular, what water we use for this.

It is not recommended to fall in extremes. It is useful for our skin with warm water, about 38 degrees. That is, it is better cold than hot, since the latter can lead to and make it more vulnerable to exposure to external factors.


Hand, M., Shove, E., & Southerton, D. (2005). Explaining Showering: A Discussion of The Material, Conventional, And Temporal Dimensions of Practice. IN. Sociological Research Online. https://doi.org/10.5153/srow.1100

SanderCock, G. R. H., Ogunleye, A., & Voss, C. (2016). Associations Between Showering Behaviouurs Following Physical Education, Physical Activity and Fitness in English SchoolChildren. European Journal of Sport Science. https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2014.987321

Stewart, R. A., Willis, R. M., Panuwatwanich, K., & Sahin, O. (2013). SHOWERING BEHAVIOURAL RESPONSE TO ALARMING VISUAL DISPLAY MONITORS: LONGITUDINAL MIXED METHOD STUDY. Behaviouur and Information TECHNOLOGY. https://doi.org/10.1080/0144929x.2011.577195

Personally, I often have the choice whether to take a shower before bedtime, or fall early without strength and take a shower from an early morning to vigor. Of course you can both in the morning and in the evening, but for this you need to sacrifice not rich sleep. And here also scientists argue that in this matter is not so simple.

According to the study of Harvard University, it is necessary to choose time for a hike into the shower, taking into account their characteristics and lifestyle.

You must take a shower in the morning, if ...

You know what is a chapk work week.
You have to solve complex problems during this week.
You need a peak of creative activity and working potential.


The morning shower stimulates the activity of the brain at the time when it is still calm enough, but is already waiting for upcoming tasks.
Shelley Carson, a teacher of the psychology of Harvard University, explains that when our perception is relaxed, pleasant sensations (which, among other things, gives shower) stimulate associative communications and make it easier to find strong solutions for tasks than when we tensely think about them. And "Morning in the evening wisely", thus gets a scientific substantiation.

You must take a shower in the evening, if ...

It is difficult for you to disconnect from thinking and experiences of the past day.
It is difficult for you to relax and fall asleep.


Evening shower helps adjust the body temperature, reset the nervous voltage and gives a feeling of greater relaxation, since the rapid cooling of the body after the hot soul launches natural drowsiness. The relaxing evening shower also reduces the level of cortisol (stress hormone) and helps to quietly move away to the country.

As you can see, you do not need once and forever choose between the morning and in the evening. Just the opposite. Lack of routine, alternation of the taking of the soul, orientation of well-being gives the maximum effect for the body. Whether relaxation or activity.

Some people prefer to wake up under the shower, and others - go to bed clean. But is there any particular difference between swimming in the morning or evening? In fact, it all depends on the peculiarities of your body, from what you do and what are going to do.

Take a shower in the morning, if ...

... you have oily skin. Overnight, the skin can grow strongly, because the morning shower is a great way to clean the pores.
You are a creative personality and you have creative work. Then the morning souls acts like meditation, relaxes the body and brain and sets them on productive work and the birth of new ideas.

"If you have to creatively solve some task, you worked for a long time and could not find a solution, then you could give a breath of the brain, take a shower and literally refreshing the body and head," said Harvard psychologist Shelley Carson.

If you get up hard in the morning. Many people of the shower simply help to wake up and cheered. Doctors note that it even launches metabolism. And even better by the advice of doctors - in the past few seconds, turn on cold or cool water in the past few seconds. Then the invigorating effect is provided!

If you train in the morning. It makes no sense to take a shower for the night, if in the morning, getting out of bed, you immediately become a treadmill and make 100 pushups. Take a shower after your workouts.

If you are prone to cuts during the morning shave. According to doctors, in the morning in the human body there is a tide of platelets, because blood in the cuts stops faster.

Take a shower in the evening if ...

... It's hard for you to fall asleep. Yes, just what we said that the morning shower is burtered, but in the evening everything is completely different. Firstly, water relaxes, and secondly, leaving after a warm soul, it becomes a little cool, and I immediately want to wrap in the blanket and fall asleep.

If you have dry skin, then the morning shower is literally contraindicated. Do not dry the skin even more, before it is subject to street irritating factors. Postpone the souls for the evening.

If you are worried about the cleanliness of the sheet and you simply scares the idea of \u200b\u200bsleeping on the bed is notched.

If you have "dusty" work. If you work on the street all day, in the sun, then you yourself want to wash the entire sweat and dust from themselves. But even if you are sitting in the office, all the same surrounding pollutants will get to you during the trip to the subway, bus and in contact with other people.
Let's expand the question and determine how often you need to wash. There were several large-scale studies at the end of the last century (Schroeder, Germany; Albert, USA; Lucati, Israel; Dukhovsky, Poland), as a result, it turned out that ideally you need to wash no more than two times a week, the rest of the time was so Especially sensitive places.

The thing is that too frequent washing, especially with the use of soap and shower gels, violates the acidic and alkaline skin balance, which leads to the weakening of the protective layer of the skin. In addition, the relationship between frequent washing and a lack of vitamin D in the body - it is believed that with a frequent washing, a person constantly washes off the top layer of the epidermis, which disrupts the absorption of vitamin by the body. And especially carefully we need to treat that after washing on the skin there is no residues of soap and shower gel.

I didn't exist at home harder it harder than going to sleep without saving, although I sometimes managed to come with my mother to a compromise, just wash my legs. Now, being an adult, I can't imagine how you can go to bed, without flushing with myself all the dirt remaining on the skin per day. And I'm not alone in this.

I will be supported by lovers of the evening soul. We are, and there are those who bathe in the morning, and for some reason I have come across such people, and I can not argue with them.

Are they not going to go to work or to school, looking at the clock arrows and pouring thermal water? Do not they want to enjoy sleeping as long as possible? Do they really come out by frosty in the morning with a wet head? Or they donate even more time to dry hair in the morning? They do not have a reasonable explanation. In any case, I thought so.

Their arguments

Fans of the soul in the morning you will tell you that there is nothing better than to start the day in order to wash off the drowsiness and put the wildly of the hair, and the most ambitious of them will also be added, how nice to wash after morning charging or classes in the gym.

"I have everything in my morning in the morning," says Nate Martinz, a writer from San Francisco, "only Titan will heat the water, we are already here as here: lined up in a queue in front of the bathroom."

"I still do it to rent drowsiness," he says - no matter how annoying for his wife Natalie, who is always clean in the evenings, - Sometimes she even asks me to swim before bedtime, especially if that day I have a lot Traveled by public transport. "

Morning shower can change your life if you wake up hard in the morning, says Dr. Janet Kennedy, a psychologist-consultant and a dynamologist from New York. The souls makes you cheerful, but it recommends not to swim in too warm water - make it a little colder than usual, so as not to increase the body temperature.

Good and bad news for lovers of the shower before bed

If you suffer from insomnia, Dr. Kennedy advises to take a shower for 1.5 hours before bedtime. "With the approach of the night, the body cools according to circadian rhythms," she explains, "the shower artificially increases the body temperature, because of which it falls faster and, obviously, accelerates the arrival of sleep."

In addition, the shower is a great way to relax and remove the muscular tension, which also helps to fall asleep.

But it is not necessary to rejoice early: a long shower, from which there is so much a couple that fades a mirror, and in the titan there is no hot water, harmful to the skin.

Dr. Gary Goldenberg, New York Dermatologist and Professor of the Medicine School on Mount Sinai, recommends not to linger in the soul more than 5-10 minutes and wash under bare water. Yes, yes, sad, I know.

"A very hot souls wash all skin oils and causes irritation," he says, "the longer you stay in the water, the higher the chances that your skin will suffer."

And this also concerns the bathroom.

But let's not touch the lovers of the bathrooms.

Following the advice of Dr. Goldenberg is also useful and the fact that the short shower gentle for the environment, as you retain the water that would spend. In stores you can even find instruments to help watch out the time in the soul and save water. Although, of course, nature is indifferent, in the morning or evening you bathe.

Does our purity depend on when we bathe?

Dr. Goldenberg says most people are free to choose when they wash: in the morning, in the evening or twice a day. But for the defenders of the shower in the evenings, he had an objection: our sheets are far from not so clean, as we used to believing.

"People continue to sweat and in a dream," he says, "when you wake up, all the bacteria and the entire sweat with a sheet have already mashed your skin." Therefore, he advises to take a short shower in the morning, "to wash off the entire sweat and dirt that you slept all night."

Not to mention that at night, people not only sleep. It seems not so bad idea in the morning.

Dr. Goldenberg emphasizes that most people do not need to wash ordinary soap: it is better to give preference to a soft gel for the shower without fragrances.

While many people with short hair wash them every day so that they do not touch, Dr. Goldenberg does not advise you to do so, only if you do not have an unusually oily skin of the head.

So why not take the best from both approaches and wash twice a day?

Caroline Bottger, marketing manager from New York, says that, although it is usually cleansed in the morning, sometimes she bathes twice a day - she inherited this habit from his father, who grew up in the tropics and acquired such a habit.

You can safely take the shower twice a day - it will not harm your skin if you follow the temperature regime, do not hold back in the booth for a long time and you have no dermatitis or eczema.

If you go to the hall after work or do physical work, you, of course, want to take a shower before you go to sleep, because sweat and bacteria have accumulated. This can cause acne, not to mention the unpleasant smell.

Hit Williams, Marketing Director from Brooklyn, is regularly washed twice a day. He started such a habit while working as a teacher in college.

"In schools and teem with bacteria, and when you have to spend the whole day on the legs, moving from the class to the classroom, the shower seems simple necessity."

Well, if you do not want to be like everyone, bathe in the middle of the day - this also has its advantages. If you live in an apartment building, where the water temperature drops, it rises, it will be more convenient for you when it is too early for others, or too late.

No matter how hurting it, but this information may force me to include a short shower in a complex of morning preparations. Of course, productivity and cleanliness of sheets are relative things, but one thing I know for sure: working in a big city and touching the day to such the number of surfaces, which is not to mention, I will never stop going before bedtime. In the end, I do not want to disappoint my mother.

Some people prefer to wake up under the shower, and others - go to bed clean. But is there any particular difference between swimming in the morning or evening? In fact, it all depends on the peculiarities of your body, from what you do and what are going to do. So…

Take a shower in the morning, if ...

... you have oily skin. Overnight, the skin can grow strongly, because the morning shower is a great way to clean the pores.

You are a creative personality and you have creative work. Then the morning souls acts like meditation, relaxes the body and brain and sets them on productive work and the birth of new ideas.

"If you have to creatively solve some task, you worked for a long time and could not find a solution, then you could give a breath of the brain, take a shower and literally refreshing the body and head," said Harvard psychologist Shelley Carson.

If you get up hard in the morning. Many people of the shower simply help to wake up and cheered. Doctors note that it even launches metabolism. And even better by the advice of doctors - in the past few seconds, turn on cold or cool water in the past few seconds. Then the invigorating effect is provided!

If you train in the morning. It makes no sense to take a shower for the night, if in the morning, getting out of bed, you immediately become a treadmill and make 100 pushups. Take a shower after your workouts.

If you are prone to cuts during the morning shave. According to doctors, in the morning in the human body there is a tide of platelets, because blood in the cuts stops faster.

Take a shower in the evening if ...

... It's hard for you to fall asleep. Yes, just what we said that the morning shower is burtered, but in the evening everything is completely different. Firstly, water relaxes, and secondly, leaving after a warm soul, it becomes a little cool, and I immediately want to wrap in the blanket and fall asleep.

If you have dry skinand, then the morning shower is literally contraindicated. Do not dry the skin even more, before it is subject to street irritating factors. Postpone the souls for the evening.

If you are worried about the cleanliness of the sheet And you just frightened the idea of \u200b\u200bsleeping on the bed is unwashed.

If you have "dusty" work. If you work on the street all day, in the sun, then you yourself want to wash the entire sweat and dust from themselves. But even if you are sitting in the office, all the same surrounding pollutants will get to you during the trip to the subway, bus and in contact with other people.

If you train in the evening. Then go to bed the sweaty after fitness certainly no one will be!

As you can see, evening shower becomes almost mandatory if you do not sit all day at home. But the morning shower is also very useful. So if you do not feel sorry for water and there are no problems with the skin, then swim yourself on health and in the morning, and in the evening.