Grammar English Exam. Methodical material "Taking preparations for the exam in the section" Lexik - Grammar "

  • The date: 29.09.2019

What follows to consider when performing tasks B11 - B16 (word formation)?

When performing this task is checked skills of word formation- knowledge of the composition of the word and the main way of word formation - affixation. The formation of words with the help of consoles and suffixes.

  • After reading the offer, transfer it to Russian and define what part of speech is missing. It may be the name of the noun, verb, the exclusive forms (, sacrament), the adjective name, adverb, pronoun, is numeral. For example, if it is a noun, then an article or an articture or adjective can stand before the pass, if it is adverb, it is usually standing after the verb, etc.
  • Determine whether the word has negative or positive value. In the case of a negative value, you need to choose the corresponding word to the word negative console or suffix.
  • Next, you need to change the word that is standing on the right and the corresponding pass, in the desired form. For example, in the proposal "IT WAS A LARGE-SCALE, PROGRAMME-CONTROLLED MACHINE WHICH COULD MAKE A VERY COMPLEX _____. Calculate. » the missed word is a noun name, since the pass is adjective with articles. The indefinite article indicates that the missed word is the name of the noun in the singular - « calculation » .
  • By completing tasks, read all the text again to make sure that the forms are correct. Transfer your answers to the answer blank.

Take note !!!

To prepare for the execution of tasks B11-B16, repeat the console and suffixes that are used to form different parts of speech. You can use the following resources:

Be sure to do exercises on the rules of word formation in your school textbook. You can also use online resources:

What is the strategy for performing tasks A22 -A28 (elevated level)?

Tasks A22-A28. Refer to the tasks of the high level. When they are fulfilled, knowledge of the vocabulary of English is checked, while the emphasis is on combined words. You are offered text with skipping; For each missed word is represented multiple choice of four lexical units.

  • Read the whole textTo understand its general content. Look at the words options to fill the pass.

For example, for suggestion « She. wAS. too. excited to. do. any. _______ that. morning. » you are offered the following words: AND) hOMEWORK. ; B) household ; IN) houseWork. ; D) hOUSEWIFE. . Immediately exclude options B) and D): household - household, house, economy; hOUSEWIFE. - household . To choose the correct option from the two remaining, you need to know the meaning of words: AND) hOMEWORK. and IN) houseWork. . HOMEWORK. - Homework, lessons, homework. HouseWork. - Work at home, work on the economy. Consequently, the correct option is houseWork. : She was too excited to deal with any domestic affairs. .

  • After completing the tasks, transfer the answers to the answer form.

Take note !!!

Of course, to fulfill the tasks of increased complexity you need to have good vocabulary. Need to know lexical combination words.

To successfully accomplish the tasks of increased complexity, the sections of the school textbook should be repeated, in which thematic vocabulary, phrase verbs, sustainable phrases, proposed phrases are presented. It is necessary to practice in performing exercises with multiple selection. To do this, you can also refer to Internet resources:

You should also have good spelling skills. Remember that if an orphan error is made, the answer option is not counted. How to learn how to write without spelling errors? The best way is to write dictates. For example, you can learn by heart a fragment of the text from the English language textbook, after which you reproduce it in writing, saying it out loud. Written text. Check with the original.

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Academic plan

No. Newspaper

Educational material

Lecture 1. The format and the structure of the EGE in English.

Lecture 2. General preparation strategies for the exam.

Lecture 3. Section EGE "AUDNING".

Lecture 4. Section EGE "Reading".
Examination number 1(execution period - until November 25, 2007

Lecture 5.Section EGE "Lexik and Grammar."

Lecture 6. Section Seme "Letter".
Examination number 2 (execution period - until December 25, 2007)

Lecture 7.The oral part of the EGE in English. Monologic speech.

Lecture 8.The oral part of the EGE in English. Dialogical statement.

Final work

Lecture 5.
Section Seme "Lexik and Grammar"

System of checked knowledge, skills and skills. Types of test tasks in the exam. Exercise system for the development of lexical and grammatical skills.

The third section of the written part of the EGE in English "Lexik and Grammar" assesses the formation of a fairly wide range of lexico-grammatical skills based on the use of lexical and grammatical units in communicative-oriented contexts. The section consists of three tasks, in the objects of control and the features of the technology of execution of which we have to be understood in this lecture. First of all, we draw attention to the fact that all three tasks are based on the basis of connected texts, from reading (after attentive examination of the instruction) should begin work on each of the subtests. Unlike the tasks of the previous section, the reading here is not an intention, but a means of verification and necessary for pre-orientation in the text before further work on its language side.

Task number 1 section
"Grammar and vocabulary" ege

Checks the ability to use in accordance with the context grammatical forms of nouns, verbs, adjectives, shorter, pronouns, numeral. The type of task is a brief answer, for which you need to fill the pass in the text grammatically consistent with the context of the words presented in the fields to the right of the text.
We give an example from the demo version of the US 2007.

Albert Schweitzer,
A Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Albert Schweitzer IS Known Throughout The World for His Missionary Work in Africa. He Was Born On January 14, 1875 in Alsace, Which Was Part of Germany and __________Part of France After World War I.

He Was a Talented Person. By The Age of Thirty, He __________________ As An Author, A LECTURER, AND A MUSICIAN.

IT WAS AT This Time That He Learned Of The Great Need Of Medical Doctors in Africa. HE Decided to Become a Doctor of Medicine. In 1913, Doctor Schweitzer and His Wife __________For Africa.

The Morning After The Schweitzers Arrived, They Started to Treat Their Patients in An Old Farmhouse. However, A New Hospital Building __________________ With the Help and the Trust of the African People.

Their Work Was Interrupted by World War I. Only in 1924, Dr. Schweitzer Was Finally Able to Return to Lambarene to Rebuild
The Hospital. When Mrs. Schweitzer Came Back to Africa in 1929, The Hospital Was Much _________________.

In 1953 Dr. Schweitzer _________________ THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE.

He Was Grateful, But Said, "No Man Has The Right to Pretend That He __________ ENOUGH
For the Cause of Peace or Declare Himself Satisfied. "


From the above example, it can be seen that in this task, students should show the skills of education and consumption of the comparative degree of adjective, passive form of verb in Past Indefinite, the verb in the active pledge in Past Indefinite and Present Perfect. However, in different versions of the exam, the spectrum of control objects can be significantly wider. In the Specifications of the EEG in a foreign language, the following elements of the content are specified as objects of control in this task: 5.2.1., 5.2.2., 5.2.3., 5.2.4., 5.2.6. (see the Codifier of the elements of the detention of the English language, lecture No. 1).
This type of test task dictates the following algorithm of its execution: after introductory reading of the whole text to understand its topic and the logic of the development of narration, students proceed to attentively reading each sentence and determining the glommatical value of the missed word required by the context. Next, it is necessary to form a word form transmitting this value, and enter it into text. To check the completed task after filling out the skips, you should again read all the text to make sure that the meaning of all offers is restored correctly and the text logic is not impaired.
Before the direct implementation of the test task, students will be useful to do a number of preparatory exercises for assimilation in practice of the algorithm for its implementation. We give examples of such exercises from the "Collection of tests for preparation for the exam" (OXFORD: Macmillan Education).

Test 1.
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary

Exercise 1
Read the text. Fill in the passes in the proposals under the numbersB4 - B11 appropriate forms of words printed with capital letters to the right of each sentence.

The Platypus.

In The Rivers of South-Eastern Australia, You Can Find An An Animal Called A 'Platypus'. The Platypus is one of the __________ Animals in the world.





A __________ Example Arrived from Australia, And Then More, And The Scientists Realized That This Unusual Creature Was Real.

Today, The Platypus __________ in the Waters Around South-East Australia.


We Still __________ Much About This Mysterious Animal and We Have A Lot to Learn.

[Key: B4. Strangest, B5. EXISTS, B6. Thought, B7. HAD NEVER SEEN, B8. SECOND, B9. Lives, B10. Dirtier, B11. Don't Know / Don't Know]

Preparatory exercises:
1. Quickly Read The Text And Answer The Questions.

As mentioned above, test tasks No. 1 In the section, the Section section estimates the ability to use grammatical forms in a solid connected text, without understanding the content of which it is impossible to determine the values \u200b\u200bof its individual parts. This exercise sets up students to read the whole text before starting to work on individual proposals.
2. Does the Platypus Live in Other Countries?
4. Is the Platypus a Rare Animal?
5. Do We Know a Lot About the Platypus?

2. Complete The Table.
It may seem that this exercise will not cause difficulties even from the most weak students of high schools. Without a doubt, the ordinal numbers within the first dozen know everything. However, we draw attention to the fact that the exercise encourages students to pay attention to the spelling of the word. In the "Grammar and Vocabulary" section, the incorrect writing of the word (for example, Forth instead of Fourth or Nineth instead of Ninth) leads to a loss of a point for a test question.

Test 5.

Exercise 1
Read the text. Fill in the omissions in the proposals under the numbers B4 - B11 with the appropriate forms of words printed by capital letters to the right of each sentence.

The Automobile.

Cars Are A Common Sight on Roads Today, But That Wasn't Always True. Back in the days before car ___________________, The Only Personal Means of Transport Were The Horse and The Bicycle.

The first Cars ____IR Power from Steam and Gas, and Had a Maximum Speed \u200b\u200bof Around Nine Miles An Hour.

In Britain, There Was A LAW ________Cars from Going Over 2 Miles An Hour in Towns.

AT The End of the Ninetenth Century, Cars Started to Use Petrol and Became Much ________________ THAN THEY HAD BEEN.

Very Few People At That Time Said That Cars ______________ The World In The Future.

That IS Exactly What Have Happened, Though, and Since Then We ________Close to 18 Million Miles of Roads on the Earth.

Perhaps The Fact That There Are Over 800 Million of The World.

However, Having More Cars on the Road ________________ More Pollution, And That's A Major Worry for Many People.

[Key: B4. Was Invented, B5. GOT, B6. Stopping, B7. Faster, B8. Would Change, B9. Have BUILT, B10. Biggest, B11. Means]

Preparatory exercises:
1. READ THE TEXT. For each gap in the text B4 - B11., Decide Whether The Following States Are True or False.
The exercise contributes to this type of task before filling out the passages in the text, students get used to carefully read a sentence with a pass, to understand its meaning and determine which grammatical importance should be transmitted by the context's messed unit.

1 (B4)We Need The Passive Voice.

2 (B5) We Need The Past Progressive to Express A Fact About the Past.

3 (B6)We Need The Simple Past Because This Is An Action in the Past.

4 (B7)

5 (B8)This Is The Future In The Past, So We Need To Use Would.

6 (B9)We Need The Past Simple to Go with Since.

7 (B10) We Need A Comparative Form Using -er.

8 (B11) We Need A Verb in the Pral

[Key: 1. T; 2. f; 3. f; 4. T; 5. T; 6. F; 7. F; 8. F]

2. Choose The Correct Word Or Phrase to Complete Each Sentence. Use the Words in Bold to Help You.
This exercise attracts the attention of students to grammatical forms and lexical units of the context that serve as signals that help restore sense of sentences and correctly determine the grammatical meaning of the missed word.

1. Sincethe Start of The 20th Century, Cars ______VERY Popular.

2. CARS NOW ARE MUCH ________________ than.they Used to Be.
A. Quick; B. Quicker; C. Quickest.

3. In 1900, Mr. Daimler said. That in the future Everyone __________________A car.
A. DROVE; B. Will Drive; C. Would DRIVE.

4. Near Schools ______________More Chance Of An Accident.
A. Mean; B. Means; C. Is Meaning.

[Key: 1. B; 2. B; 3. C; 4. B]

Task number 2 of the section
"Grammar and vocabulary" ege

By its design, the first and second task in the examination section of the exam is the same. However, in Question No. 2, the control object is the ability to use non-forming, but word-forming English affixes (see the content item 5.3.1. Codifier). The type of task is a short response, to receive which you need to fill the pass in the text of lexically and grammatically consistent with the context of words, transforming using the word-forming elements of the words presented in the fields to the right of the pass. After executing this task, you must add words included in the pass in the text, in the replies of the answers strictly under the relevant numbers (the same is necessary to make the first task).

Tourism in Britain.

Every Year More Than Eleven Million Tourists Visit Britain. In Fact, Tourism IS An __________________ Industry, Employing Thousands of People.


MOST ________________ Come in the Summer Monhs When The CAN EXPECT GOOD WEATHER.

Tourists __________________ Spend a Few Days in London, Then Go On to Other Well-Known Cities.

Perhaps The Least Visited Places in England Are OLD ______________________ TOWNS.


But Many People Think That Ninetenth-Century Cities Show The _________________of Britain.

The example (demo option 2007) shows that in this task, students should form a word, and not the word form (as required in the first part of the section "Grammar and vocabulary"): Importance - Important, Usual - USUALY, INDUSTRY - INDUSTRIAL etc. As a rule, students operate only in word-forming affixes, but it should be paid to the fact that in some (rare) cases, the context may require the use of the corresponding forming affixes: Visit - visitors.
This type of test task corresponds to the following execution algorithm:
1. Introductionful reading of the whole text to understand its main content (as in the first task, reading here is as a means for further recovery of missing units).
2. Attentive reading of each sentence, recovery by its meaning the value of the missed unit, the definition of the grammatical category to which it belongs (which part of the speech is missing?).
3. Using the appropriate affix (or affixes) to form the necessary lexical unit.
4. Reading the text after filling out all skips to verify the correctness of its recovery.

Knowledge of word-forming Affixes of the English language and their use of their use is needed both in recipe and in productive types of speech activities. The development of this part of the linguistic component of the communicative competence of students should be given due attention at the older stage of training in high school.
"Collection of tests for preparation for the USE" (Publishing House of Oxford: Macmillan Education) in each of the 20 tests included in its composition contains tasks similar to those given by us from the demo version of the USE 2007. These tasks (as well as their preparatory exercises) Help students to recall the wide range of word-forming affixes, work out in their use in communicative-oriented contexts, as well as in practice to master the algorithm for fulfilling the task in the format of the USE.
We give an example of one of the similar tasks and preparatory exercises from the mentioned collection.

Test 2.
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary

Task 2.
Read the following text. Convert words printed with capital letters after numbersB12 - B18. So that they grammatically and lexically corresponded to the content of the text. Fill in the pass received words. Each pass corresponds to a separate task from the group.B12 - B18.

Before the ____________ of The Hot Air Balloon, No Human Had Ever SuccessFully Flown Above the Ground.

Two ____________ Brothers, Josef and Etienne Montgolfier, Were Responsible for Designing The World's First Hot Air Balloon.

The First Successful ____________ WAS IN 1783, And The Montgolfier Brothers Immediately

bECAME ______________ Throughout The World.

The Design of Hot Air Balloons Is Based On The _____________ Law That Hot Air Rises. A BURNER AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BALLOON PROVIDES THE

AS The Air Inside The Balloon Gets Hotter, The Balloon Takes Off. ITS Height Above The Ground Is Determined by How

hot The Air Inside Is and Its
______________ Of Travel Depends on the Wind.

Preparatory exercises:
READ THE TEXT WITH QUESTINS B12 - B18. In Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary. For Each Gap, Decide What Kind of Word (Noun, Adjetive, etc.) Fills Each Gap.

B12 _____________
B13 _____________
B14 _____________
B15 _____________
B16 _____________
B17 _____________
B18 _____________

[Key:B12. noun; B13. adjective; B14. noun; B15. adjective; B16. adjective; B17. Noun; B18. noun]





Task number 3 of the section
"Grammar and vocabulary" ege

The object of control in this task is lexico-grammatical skills. Type Type - Selecting a response from four offered. The task requires fill in passing in the text lexical units corresponding to the context. After the task is completed, it is necessary to mark the selected option in terms of the response blank (upper part of the form) under the appropriate number.

"IT'S Only Me"

Afterher Her Husband Had Gone To Work, Mrs. Richards Sent Her Children to School and Went Upstairs to Her Bedroom. She Was Too Excited to Do Any Houswork A22. ____________ THAT MORNING, BECAUSE IN THE EVENING SHE WOUD BE GOING TO A FANCY DRESS PARTY WITH HER HUSBAND. She Intended to Dress Up AS A Ghost and She Had Made Her Costume The Night Beore.
Now She Was. A23______________ TO TRY IT ON. Though The Costume Consisted Only Of a Sheet, IT Was Very Effective. MRS. Richards Put IT. A24. _________, LOOKED IN THE MIRROR, SMILED AND WENT DOWNSTAIRS. SHE WANTED TO FIND OUT WHETHER IT WOULD BE
A25 ___________ to wear.
Just As Mrs. Richards Was Entering The Dining-Room, There Was A A26 ____________________ ON THE FRONT DOOR. She Knew That IT Must Be The Baker. She Had Told Him to Come Straight In IF Ever She Failed to Open The Door and To Leave The Bread on the Kitchen Table. Not Wanting To. A27______________________ The Poor Man,
MRS. Richards Quickly Hid in The Small Store-Room Under the Stairs. She Heard The Front Door Open and Heavy Footsteps in the Hall. Suddenly The Door of the Store-Room Was Opened and A Man Entered. MRS. Richards Realized That It Must Be The Man from the Electricity Board Who Had Come to Read The Meter. She Tried To. A28. _________________________ The Situation, Saying "IT's Only Me", But It Was Too Late. The Man Let Out A Cry and Jumped Back Several Paces. When Mrs. Richards Walked Towards Him, He Ran Away, Slamming The Door Behind Him.
1) show; 2) Performance; 3) party; 4) Programme

1) Nervous; 2) Restless; 3) ILL AT EASE; 4) Impatient.

1) Up; 2) ON; 3) over; 4) DowN.

1) attractive; 2) exciting; 3) Comfortable; 4) Cozy

1) Knock; 2) Kick; 3) Hit; 4) Crash.

1) FEAR; 2) worry; 3) disturb; 4) Frighten.

1) describe; 2) EXPLAIN; 3) interpret; 4) Clear

From the above example (demo version of the 2007), it is clear that in this task the knowledge and ability to use the lexico-grammatical combination of lexical units in the context. To successfully perform the task, it is necessary to distinguish the nuances of loved ones by the meaning of lexical units and understand which of these values \u200b\u200bis in demand by the context. In addition, it is important to take into account with what structural linguistic units can be combined with the word in context (pretexts, infinitive, gerundium, etc.)
The test of test tasks and preparatory exercises to improve the mentioned lexico-grammatical skills and skills, as well as to meet the algorithm of the test task, presented in the test collection of tests mentioned by us to prepare for the USE.
We give an example of one of the tasks and exercises to it.

Test 4.
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary

Task 3.
Read the text with the passes indicated by the numbersA21 - A28. These numbers correspond to tasksA21 - A28, which present possible options for answers. Circuit the number of your chosen response option.

How Was Jackson Going To A21______________ RID OF SIMON? That Was The Question That Had Kept Him Awake for The Previous Three Nights, and Which He Pondered As He Now Walked Home From Work. IT HAD ALL STARTED SO INNOCENTLY, AS A FAVOUR TO A FRIEND.
'Could You Put Me A22._______________, Jackson? 'Simon Had Asked. 'Just for a couple of nights.' JACKSON OF COURSE HAD SAID YES, THINKING THAT IT WOUD BE JUST FOR TWO NIGHTS. How Wrong He Had Been.
Now, More Than Four Monhs On, Simon Was Still In The Flat And There Seemed Little Evidence To Suggesthe He Was A23 ______________ to leve. The Evidence, In Fact, Pointed to Quite The Opposite Conclusion. Simon Seeemed to Have A24. ________________ In So Comfortably, Jackson Wondered Sometimes If It Was Actually Simon's Flat, And He, Jackson, Was The One Staying There As The Guest.
Jackson KNEW HE SHOULD A25 ______________ His Feelings Clear to Simon - That He Valued His Own Privacy, That He Didn't Want To Live with Someone Else On a Permanent Basis, That He Felt Simon Was Abusing His Hospitality - But The Truth Was He Was Scared. Not Scared Of How Simon Would React Physically, But Scared That Simon Would Take Offence and Would A26 ___________________ HIM OF BEING SELFISH AND NOT CARING ABOUT A FRIEND WAS IN TRUBLE. And Simon Was In Trouble. No Job, No Money and Nowhere Else to Stay, Where Would Simon Go If Jackson A27 ________________ HIM OUT? 'Maybe I am Being Selfish,' JACKSON THOUGHT, 'But The Situation Just CAN't Go On Like This.'
He Made The Decision to Bring The Subject Up Sometime That Evening. 'I WONT ASK HIM TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY,' HE REASONED. 'That Would Be Unfair and Would Put Him In A Difficult A28.___________.
But I'll Explain That The Whole Arrangement Was Meant to Be Temporary, Has Gone On For a Very
Long Time Now, And That, While It's Been Nice Having Simon As A Flatmate It Just CAN't Go On Indefinitely. '
For the Rest of the Walk Home, He Rehearsd Exactly What He Was Going to Say.

1) have; 2) get; 3) Take; 4) set.

1) in; 2) out; 3) over; 4) Up.

1) Intending; 2) Assuming; 3) Devising; 4) Conceiving

1) settled; 2) Established; 3) Launched; 4) Relaxed

1) convey; 2) Express; 3) make; 4) Tell.

1) Charge; 2) CONDEMN; 3) BLAME; 4) Accuse

1) Let; 2) Sent; 3) threw; 4) DID

1) location; 2) POSITION; 3) Point; 4) Site.

[Key: A21. 2; A22. four; A23.1; A24. one; A25. 3; A26.4; A27. 3; A28.2]

Preparatory exercises:
1. READ THE TEXT WITH GAPSA21 - A28. In Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary and Answer the Questions.
In this test task, it is especially important to carefully read the text and understand the meaning of the context to accurately determine the values \u200b\u200bof the missed words. This exercise generates the ability to predict the content of the skipped part according to the surrounding context.

1. How Was Jackson Going To A21____________ RID OF SIMON?
a. Leave.
b. Stay.

2. 'Could You Put Me A22. _______________, jackson? '
Simon Is Asking Jackson For:
b. Somewhere to Stay.

3 ... There Seeemed Little Evidence To Suggesthe He Was A23_______________ to leve.
The Word That Fits in the Gap Probably Means:
a. Creating.
b. Planning.

4 Simon Seeemed to Have A24. ________________IN SO Comfortably ...
This Suggests That Simon Was Treating The Flat AS If:
b. He Was a Temporary Guest.

5 JACKSON KNEW HE SHOULD A25_______________his Feelings Clear to Simon ...
b. Change How He Felt About Simon.

[Key: 1. A; 2. B; 3. B; 4. A; 5. A]

2. Circle The Correct Word to Complete The Patterns.
Knowledge and skill use of phrasal verbs are one of the objects of control in the test task number 3 of the section "Grammar and vocabulary" of the EGE. It is this skill that is necessary for the correct choice of response to the test question A26 of the test task of the test task from the test collection. In the preparatory exercise, students are attracted to the fact that the choice of response depends on the post-palace contained in the context.

1. Charge Someone / for (Doing) Something
2. CONDEMN SOMEONE / for(Doing) Something
3. Blame Someone / for (Doing) Something
4. Accuse Someone for / of (Doing) Something

[Key: 1. WITH; 2. for; 3. for; 4. OF]

Test questions:
1. From what tasks is the section of the EGE "Grammar and Lexik"?
2. What skills and skills are objects of control in these tasks?
3. What is the assignment algorithm in the section?
4. Why is it important to start each of the tasks from reading the text presented in the task?
5. What you need to know and be able to fill out permits in texts in the first task, in the second task, in the third task?

Preparation for OGE and EGE

Secondary education

English language

We deal with the ege in English: section "Grammar"

We analyze the tasks of the part of the "grammar" together with the teachers of the English language, we build arguments and disassemble the answers.

Jalolova Svetlana Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. The winner of the competitive selection for the competition of the Grant of Moscow in the field of education 2010. Senior expert GIA EGE in English. Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of the English language teachers "Profi-edge" 2015. Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 2014, the diploma of the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, the diploma of the winner of the competition for the competition of the Grant of Moscow 2010 .. Work experience - 23 years.

Rezhekovskaya Natalia Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPP 2007 The winner of the competitive selection for the competition of the Grant of Moscow in the field of education 2010. Expert GIA OGE in English. Pedagogical examination of educational publications under RA 2015-2016. Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013, the diploma of the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, the diploma of the winner of the competition for the competition of the Grant of Moscow 2010. Work experience - 35 years.
Potina Marina Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNO 2008 The winner of the competitive selection for the competition of the Grant of Moscow in the field of education 2010. Senior expert GIA EGE in English. Pedagogical examination of educational publications under RA 2015-2016. Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 2015, the grade of the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2008, the diploma of the winner of the competition for the competition of the Grant of Moscow 2010. Work experience is 23 years.

Trofimova Elena Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Senior expert GIA EGE in English. Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013. Work experience is 15 years.

Exercise 1

Methodical tip

This task checks the knowledge of grammar of the English language. Pay attention to those parts of the speech that must be transformed. It is important that when the word change is changed, part of the speech does not change! To the right of the text can be given any of the six parts of speech. This is a noun, adverb, quantitative, personal pronoun and verb. When performing this task, it is necessary to consider which grammatical forms have the data of the speech. The noun the single number takes the form of a plural number (here it is necessary, in addition to the overall rule of formation of a multiple nouns, recall all the exceptions and characteristics of the spelling of the forms of the multiple nouns). Quantitative numerical becomes a sequence number (pay attention to complex cases of education and writing some numeral). The name is adjective and adverb have a comparative or excellent degree (there are also some cases that you need to remember). Personal pronouction can turn into a stronger (brief or complete form), object or refund. As for the verb, remember that it can stand in personal and non-personal form (for example, in the form of present participle or past participle). If the verb should be used in personal form, then it is necessary to determine which pledge should the verb (valid or suffering) and in what grammatical time. To properly determine the grammatical time, it is necessary, firstly, to determine in which existent (life) of the time a proposal is presented or a situation. For this, we, depending on the verbs around the pass and other time pointers, determine whether the story has the story to the current one or the future. By defining time, we must define a temporal form. To do this, we are looking for in the proposal of word-tips or indicators of grammatical times (for example, every day, usually - Present Simple, Since, For, Yet indicators - Present Perfect indicators. Also often helps the line of time that clearly shows which the sequence between actions exists and events.

In addition, the verb may be part of the conditional proposal (there are four, starting with zero, type of conditional proposals, in each of which the verbs are in certain forms) or a sentence starting with I Wishh or if only.

Do not forget to pay attention to those words that are directly before the skipping - do not forget that there are a number of verbs, adjectives, phrases and structures, after which you need to use an infinitive with a particle or without a part of to or gerundia (for example, Fancy Going, Want To Go, Make Symbol Do Smith, There "S" No Point in Doing Smith ...).

We proceed to perform the test task.

19. Around 1350, Art, Learning, and Science Started to Flourish in Some Parts of Europe. To Many People, This Was The Beginning

of a New Golden Age. This Period Was Not The _________ Golden Age in Europe.

20. Greece ________ One 1,900 YEARS BEFORE. About 500 Years Later, Roman Civilization Had Been at Its Height.

21. BECAUSE THIS NEW GOLDEN AGE WAS Something Like _________ Greek and Roman Periods, It is Called The Renaissance. Their

word "Renaissance" Means "Rebirth." Many Greek and Roman Values \u200b\u200bWere Reborn in the Renaissance.


24. What The Town IS Famous for Today Is Windsor Castle, The Royal Residence. From a Plane Windsor Castle with ITS Big Round Tower Looks

like a child "S Dream of a Sand Castle. Sadly, In 1992 Fire ___________ a Large Part of the Castle Buildings.

25. SINCE THEN THE CASTLE ________________. IT REQUIRED A LOT OF MONEY. To pay for it, it was decide to open buckingham

Palace to the year and to charge visitors a fee.


We read the presented texts (it can be one text) to have a general idea what is being discussed. Fill skipping.

Number 19.A quantitative numerical one is written, therefore, the only possible form is the ordinal numerical fIRST.. Number 20.. Presented verb. We carry out Blitz Analysis: Passive or asset? - Active. This is a personal form, since the GreeCe has no fag, it means that you need a complete form of verb. This is not a conditional proposal, since there are no corresponding words if, unless and others. We define the consumer time - the past (PAST), since there are words 1900 Years Before, Had Been. Now we determine the grammatical time (TENSE) - we look at the time in the previous sentence - WAS NOT, in the sentence with the passage there is a phrase 1900 Years Before-drawing a line of time, set the WAS NOT point in the past, determine where - on the left or right there will be a point 1900 Years Before. She is right. Actions go one after another in the past, then the verb will stand in time Past Perfect, showing that the action has already happened and ended to the WAS NOT verb. The following proposal confirms the correctness of our selection - the HAD BEEN AT ITS HEIGHT is also before the verb WAS NOT. Consequently, the verb is put in the form (Past Perfect - hAD HAD.).
Number 21.Here is an adjective Early (this is the adjective, as it is a definition for Greek and Roman Periods), and this adjective must be placed in a comparative degree, since the period is compared only with Greek and Roman periods, and not with all periods of history.
Number 22.Writing a noun Wife in the singular. The only possible transformation is the form of a plural wives. (The noun, ending with -f, -fe in the multiple number changes F per ves).
Number 23.Given personal pronoun He. This pronoun is not in the text subject, but is a supplement, respectively, it is necessary to use the object pronoun him..
Number 24.Dan verb. Use a familiar task execution algorithm): Active or passive? - asset, because the Fire (Fire) may destroy the building. This is not a conditional inclination. The subject does not have a fault, which means it is a verb in personal shape. The consideant time has passed, here is the year - 1992. And this year also suggests that it is a Past Simple (action committed at a certain point in time in the past). Right form destroyed.
Number 25. Dan verb Repair. Asset or passive? - Passive, the castle can not repair anyone, it can be repaired. Not a conditional inclination, personal form, because it is a surehead. In the previous and subsequent proposals, the verbs are in the past time, however, in the proposal itself, there is SINCE THEN, which is a pointer of perfect times. To decide what to use -Present Perfect or Past Perfect - we draw a line of time. We put the point in the past Destroyed. Repair verb in the correct form will stand on the right or to the left of the verb Destroyed? - On right. So we put the verb in Present Perfect - has Been Repaired..

Thus, answers to tasks from 19 to 25 look like this:19 - FIRST, 20 - HAD HAD, 21 - EARLIER, 22 - WIVES, 23 - HIM, 24 - DESTROYED, 25 - HAS BEEN REPAILED.

Task 2.Read the following text. Form from words printed with capital letters at the end of rows indicated by numbers 26-31, single words, so that they grammatically and lexically corresponded to the text content. Fill in the pass received words. Each pass corresponds to a separate task from group 26-31.

Methodical tip

In this part, the skills of word formation are checked. The task in the specification is formulated "Tasks for filling the pass in a connected text by forming a related word from the proposed reference word" with the help of suffixes and consoles. The key to success when performing this task is two factors, the correct definition of a part of the speech, which must be inserted instead of skipping, and knowledge of word-forming suffixes and consoles. We read the text, paying attention to words before passing and following it. We define the missed part of speech, as well as whether the missed words have a negative or affirmative connotation.


26. In 1770, James Cook Landed on The East Coast of Australia and Claimed The Land for Great Britain. For Many Years After That

oNLY A FEW PEOPLE CAME TO AUSTRALIA ___________. IT WAS TOO Far from Europe to Attract Many Outsiders.

27. The First Settlers Were ______________. THEY WERE NOT ASKED IF THEY WANTED TO COME.

28. Moving to Australia Was Part of their ___________________. IN TIME THEY WERE JOINED by More Willing Settlers Who Wanted

to Find Adventure and a Better Life.

29. Like The Settlement of the United States, Much of Australia's History Deals with the Push West. There Was, However, One Big

In Their Drive Westward, The Australians Found No Rich River Valleys or Fertile Plains. INSTEAD, THEY FOUND ONLY

dry Empty Land The Called the Outback.

30. The Outback WAS _________________ ANY PLACE THE EARLY SETTLERS HAD EVER SEEN. For Months There Would BE No Rain AT ALL.

Then Suddenly The Skies Would Open Up. Within Hours, Rivers Overflowed Their Banks. Yet Only A Few Days Later The Land

would be AS Dry As Ever.

31. FEW SETTLERS WERE WILLING TO RISK THEIR LIFE IN SUCH A HARSH LAND. Then Gold WAS ___________ there in 1852. Thousands Flocked

to The Outback Of Australia to Make Their Fortunes.


Number 26.. ONLY A FEW PEOPLE CAME TO AUSTRALIA How? - Instant, which determines the verb CAME. In the subsequent proposal, the explanation is why this is exactly what happened.
Number 27. The First Settlers Were ........... In this situation, the verb Were can stand or adjective, clarifying what they were, or a noun, who reported who these settlers were (if this choice is true, the noun will be Standing in a plural based on the word settlers in a plural and WERE word. The subsequent proposal does not exclude any of these options, so we are left for both these options.
Number 28.Moving to Australia Was Part of their ....... We see the missing part of the phrase with the pretext of of in which there must be nouns before and after the pretext, and there is a short strongest pronoun, which determines the noun. Consequently, the missing part of speech is a noun.
Number 29. There Was, However, One Big ...... After the design of There WAS, there should be a noun, which is confirmed by the presence of the numeral and name of the adjective defining the same part of speech. Consequently, the missed word noun only number (indicator number of the word one).
Number 30.The Outback Was ............. Any Place The Early Settlers Had Ever Seen. After WAS, it may be either a sacrament or adjective or noun. Since the noun is already there (Place), therefore, the missing part of speech is arypt.
Number 31.Then Gold Was ......... THERE IN 1852. A similar situation number 30. Based on the meaning of the entire proposal, we assume that most likely it will be a PAST Participle that determines what happened with gold in 1852.

Note on the fields of Kim, next to each passing part of the speech we defined, we open the words themselves right.

Number 26. - adverb, it means you need to substitute suffix -ly, we get the word willingly. Re-read the paragraph with the inserted word - the meaning is saved.
Number 27. - The word prison assumes that we need a noun, clarifying who the first settlers were. The subsequent proposal confirms this. We form a noun prisoners. in plural.
Number 28. - form a collective noun from the word PUNISH punishment.which completes the offer by making it a logical addition of the idea expressed in the two previous proposals.
Number 29.- We form a noun difference from the word Differ. Re-read the paragraph, an educated noun fits perfectly into it, as the paragraph is talking about the difference in the development of the West in the United States and Australia.
Number 30. - We are offered to replace the word Like, which in itself is already adjective. Consequently, part of the speech is already defined by itself, we should only keep this part of speech, add a negative console in order to form a new one, suitable, word - unlike.
Number 31.- We are given a word Covered, which is already communion. Consequently, as in the previous case, we need a negative console. In the case of Covered there may be two: dis - and un-. Uncovered - Opened, removed the coating .... Discovered - discovered, opened something new. In this context, the second value is suitable. Consequently, the right word - discovered..

Answers:26 - Willingly, 27 - Prisoners, 28 - Punishment, 29 - Difference, 30 - Unlike, 31 - Discovered.

3. Task below numbers 32-38, for which the maximum number of points is given - 7 (1 point for each correct answer), is formulated as follows:

Methodical tip

In the third task (32-38), part of the section proposes a coherent text with passes and 4 options for filling them (1-4), of which only one is correct. This task checks the ability to use vocabulary in the communicative context, taking into account the specifics:

  • forms of one word and words close to writing and sounding;
  • values \u200b\u200bof one word and its synonyms, antonyms, homonyms;
  • the norms of lexical combination adopted in English, etc.

To effectively perform this task, follows:
1. View all text with skipping, try to understand its content
2. Read the entire fragment carefully, but special attention is paid to the proposal with the missed word
3. To try to predict the missed word, leaning on the context surrounding the word skip.
4. Examine all the proposed response options, choose the most appropriate value and norms of the lexical combination of the missed word. Special attention should be paid to synonyms (they may have different shades of meanings, they may have differences in control and compatibility with other words), as well as with consonant words or words with similar writing (they may have different values).
5. Read the passage with the skip again, make sure that the selected word is the most correct to fill the pass. Determine why other words are not suitable.
6. If you cannot consciously choose none of the options proposed, choose the answer intuitively, do not leave the job without an answer.

For example, given text with pass:

Growing Up With Joey

I Enjoy Thinking Of My Childhood. But When I Think of My Home Town Where I Grew Up, All That I 32 __________ TO REMEMBER IS DUST. I REMEMBER THE BROWN, CRUMBLY DUST OF LATE SUMMER THAT GETS INTO THE EYES AND MAKES THEM WATER. IT IS The Kind Of Dust That Gets Into The Throat and Between The 33 _________ Of Bare Brown Feet. I DON "T Know Why I Should Remember Only The Dust. There Must Have Been Green Lawns and Paved Streets under Leafy Shady Trees Somewhere in Town. One Day Returns to Me clearly for some reason. I Was Resting under the Great Oak Tree In The Yard. I Was Deep In Thought Which I Have Now Forgotten Except That It Involved Some Secret. Joey and a Bund of Kids Were Bored Now With the Old Tire Hanging from the Oak Limb. IT HAD 34 _______ THIM BUSY FOR A WHILE. "Hey, Lizabeth," Joey Yelled. He Never Talked When He Could Yell. "He, Lizabeth, Let's Go Somewhere." I Came Back From The Thoughts of My Private World. "WHERE AT, JOEY?" The Truth Was That We Were Becoming Tired 35 ____ The Empty Summer Days. "Let's Go Over to Miss Lottie's," Said Joey. The Idea Caught On AT Once. Annoying Miss Lottie Was Always Fun. I Was Still Child 3 6 ___________ to Run Along WITH THE GROUP. We Went Over Old Fences and Through Bushes That Tore Our 3 7 ________ Ripped Clothes, Back to Where Miss Lottie Lived. I Think Now That We Must Have Looked Partly Funny and Partly Sad. There Were Six of US, All Different Ages, Dressed in Only One Thing 38 ________. The Girls Wore Faded Dresses That Were Too Long or Too Short. The Boys Wore Patched Pants. A Little Cloud of Dust Followed Our Thin Legs and Bare Feet As We Tramped Over The Dusty Ground.

32. 1) SEEM, 2) THINK, 3) Look, 4) Believe

Answer: 1, since other options are not suitable.

33. 1) Fingers, 2) Thumbs, 3) toes, 4) Pinkies

Answer: 3 So it's about the leg, fingers on the legs - toes.

34. 1) GOT, 2) PRERSTERVED, 3) HELD, 4) KEPT

Answer:4 , Summary of words - Keep Busy.

35. 1) from, 2) for, 3) of, 4) by

Answer:3 , verb to be tired is used in a pair with a pretext of

36. 1) Yet, 2) ENOUGH, 3) SO FAR, 4) After all

Answer:2 , Option 1 is used in matters or negative proposals, option 4 usually takes place at the end of the sentence, option 3 is combined with perfect times.

37. 1) Before, 2) ALREADY, 3) EARLIER, 4) SOONER

Answer:2 Since Already is used with what happened earlier and matters at the time of speech.

38. 1) Everyone, 2) AnyOne, 3) ALL, 4) EACH

Answer: 4.In meaning in the sentence, the value "Each" is suitable - Each.

"This ... Galkonok ... I have a ruble Olympic stole! He must be immediately in the clinic to pass, for experiments! "

And the question of how to prepare for the tasks of 32-38 from the section "Grammar and vocabulary" on the exam in English, stole a lot of nervous and brain cells. And in this article I will explain who is to blame why and that with this most tasks to do. And I will also give tips on the preparation and recommended textbooks that will help this preparation.

general information

After reading it is clear that Although is used for the contrast of two ideas inside the sentence and is not released by the comma. However, However will serve at the beginning of the offer and are separated by a punctuation sign. Obviously, answer number 1.

IN Task 34. It will take knowledge of the synonymous series of Say, Speak, Talk, TELL (these synonyms become a classic, has already met them in tests). This difference explains well Sergey Chernyshev. In addition to the information he is divided into video, forcing students to learn several sustainable combinations with these verbs (like Tell The Difference, The Clock Says). They can be taken from the book by Mosparan Ege. Section "Grammar and vocabulary".

Now let's look at the meaning of the sentence with the passage and the sense of the sentence will look at us - "Experts said the engineer to forget about this idea." After familiarization with the difference between synonyms, it is clear that, in meaning, Say or Tell is suitable. But if there were SAID in the pass, then the preposition is required after it - Said to Roebling. Therefore, we choose №2, TOLD.

IN task 35.the student is "catching" on knowledge or ignorance idiom "Deep In His Heart". How would we transferred it to Russian? Probably, its equivalent - the expression "deep in the shower", so the adjective Deep itself comes to skip. Idiomes Far, Full, Long - "far, full, long in the heart" I would not have called confidence.

IN Room 36.synonyms are again, and two groups are Join / Unite, Share / Divide. They have a different meaning - the first two denote the association, the last two - separation. Pay attention to what is standing after passing - "... His Dream with Someone else". It is unlikely that I will unite the dream, rather I share it with someone. Consequently, the choice is narrowed to Share and Divide. It will take knowledge of the combination of words (as this intimate knowledge will be added to tell below, in paragraph about the preparation).

Combinability, by the way, can be thugged (alas, not on the exam). Drive in the DIVIDE A DREAM search box. The only request that appeared is Divide A Dream Into Syllables, literally - split the word "dream" to syllables.

Ribling was unlikely to engaged in philological exercises, so the digging further and watch the word Share. As soon as I introduce the first letter of the word Dream, a hint appears from Google, where the desired combination of Share A Dream is in the first place. Relinted answer number 3.

Task 37. He again checks the knowledge of the control of the verb, and that verb, after which the TO. Open the Dictionary - Succeded in, Handled Smth, Maintained Smth, Managed To. Correct Option - №4.

And B. room 38. Again the stable phrase - ... The First Time. "Like A Virgin, Hey! Touched for The Very First Time ... "Madonna was missing in my head and I found the right answer. And who did not touch, you will have to remember or guess! Answer number 4, for.

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Academic plan

No. Newspaper

Educational material

Lecture 1. The format and the structure of the EGE in English.

Lecture 2. General preparation strategies for the exam.

Lecture 3. Section EGE "AUDNING".

Lecture 4. Section EGE "Reading".
Examination number 1(execution period - until November 25, 2007

Lecture 5.Section EGE "Lexik and Grammar."

Lecture 6. Section Seme "Letter".
Examination number 2 (execution period - until December 25, 2007)

Lecture 7.The oral part of the EGE in English. Monologic speech.

Lecture 8.The oral part of the EGE in English. Dialogical statement.

Final work

Lecture 5.
Section Seme "Lexik and Grammar"

System of checked knowledge, skills and skills. Types of test tasks in the exam. Exercise system for the development of lexical and grammatical skills.

The third section of the written part of the EGE in English "Lexik and Grammar" assesses the formation of a fairly wide range of lexico-grammatical skills based on the use of lexical and grammatical units in communicative-oriented contexts. The section consists of three tasks, in the objects of control and the features of the technology of execution of which we have to be understood in this lecture. First of all, we draw attention to the fact that all three tasks are based on the basis of connected texts, from reading (after attentive examination of the instruction) should begin work on each of the subtests. Unlike the tasks of the previous section, the reading here is not an intention, but a means of verification and necessary for pre-orientation in the text before further work on its language side.

Task number 1 section
"Grammar and vocabulary" ege

Checks the ability to use in accordance with the context grammatical forms of nouns, verbs, adjectives, shorter, pronouns, numeral. The type of task is a brief answer, for which you need to fill the pass in the text grammatically consistent with the context of the words presented in the fields to the right of the text.
We give an example from the demo version of the US 2007.

Albert Schweitzer,
A Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Albert Schweitzer IS Known Throughout The World for His Missionary Work in Africa. He Was Born On January 14, 1875 in Alsace, Which Was Part of Germany and __________Part of France After World War I.

He Was a Talented Person. By The Age of Thirty, He __________________ As An Author, A LECTURER, AND A MUSICIAN.

IT WAS AT This Time That He Learned Of The Great Need Of Medical Doctors in Africa. HE Decided to Become a Doctor of Medicine. In 1913, Doctor Schweitzer and His Wife __________For Africa.

The Morning After The Schweitzers Arrived, They Started to Treat Their Patients in An Old Farmhouse. However, A New Hospital Building __________________ With the Help and the Trust of the African People.

Their Work Was Interrupted by World War I. Only in 1924, Dr. Schweitzer Was Finally Able to Return to Lambarene to Rebuild
The Hospital. When Mrs. Schweitzer Came Back to Africa in 1929, The Hospital Was Much _________________.

In 1953 Dr. Schweitzer _________________ THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE.

He Was Grateful, But Said, "No Man Has The Right to Pretend That He __________ ENOUGH
For the Cause of Peace or Declare Himself Satisfied. "


From the above example, it can be seen that in this task, students should show the skills of education and consumption of the comparative degree of adjective, passive form of verb in Past Indefinite, the verb in the active pledge in Past Indefinite and Present Perfect. However, in different versions of the exam, the spectrum of control objects can be significantly wider. In the Specifications of the EEG in a foreign language, the following elements of the content are specified as objects of control in this task: 5.2.1., 5.2.2., 5.2.3., 5.2.4., 5.2.6. (see the Codifier of the elements of the detention of the English language, lecture No. 1).
This type of test task dictates the following algorithm of its execution: after introductory reading of the whole text to understand its topic and the logic of the development of narration, students proceed to attentively reading each sentence and determining the glommatical value of the missed word required by the context. Next, it is necessary to form a word form transmitting this value, and enter it into text. To check the completed task after filling out the skips, you should again read all the text to make sure that the meaning of all offers is restored correctly and the text logic is not impaired.
Before the direct implementation of the test task, students will be useful to do a number of preparatory exercises for assimilation in practice of the algorithm for its implementation. We give examples of such exercises from the "Collection of tests for preparation for the exam" (OXFORD: Macmillan Education).

Test 1.
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary

Exercise 1
Read the text. Fill in the passes in the proposals under the numbersB4 - B11 appropriate forms of words printed with capital letters to the right of each sentence.

The Platypus.

In The Rivers of South-Eastern Australia, You Can Find An An Animal Called A 'Platypus'. The Platypus is one of the __________ Animals in the world.





A __________ Example Arrived from Australia, And Then More, And The Scientists Realized That This Unusual Creature Was Real.

Today, The Platypus __________ in the Waters Around South-East Australia.


We Still __________ Much About This Mysterious Animal and We Have A Lot to Learn.

[Key: B4. Strangest, B5. EXISTS, B6. Thought, B7. HAD NEVER SEEN, B8. SECOND, B9. Lives, B10. Dirtier, B11. Don't Know / Don't Know]

Preparatory exercises:
1. Quickly Read The Text And Answer The Questions.

As mentioned above, test tasks No. 1 In the section, the Section section estimates the ability to use grammatical forms in a solid connected text, without understanding the content of which it is impossible to determine the values \u200b\u200bof its individual parts. This exercise sets up students to read the whole text before starting to work on individual proposals.
2. Does the Platypus Live in Other Countries?
4. Is the Platypus a Rare Animal?
5. Do We Know a Lot About the Platypus?

2. Complete The Table.
It may seem that this exercise will not cause difficulties even from the most weak students of high schools. Without a doubt, the ordinal numbers within the first dozen know everything. However, we draw attention to the fact that the exercise encourages students to pay attention to the spelling of the word. In the "Grammar and Vocabulary" section, the incorrect writing of the word (for example, Forth instead of Fourth or Nineth instead of Ninth) leads to a loss of a point for a test question.

Test 5.

Exercise 1
Read the text. Fill in the omissions in the proposals under the numbers B4 - B11 with the appropriate forms of words printed by capital letters to the right of each sentence.

The Automobile.

Cars Are A Common Sight on Roads Today, But That Wasn't Always True. Back in the days before car ___________________, The Only Personal Means of Transport Were The Horse and The Bicycle.

The first Cars ____IR Power from Steam and Gas, and Had a Maximum Speed \u200b\u200bof Around Nine Miles An Hour.

In Britain, There Was A LAW ________Cars from Going Over 2 Miles An Hour in Towns.

AT The End of the Ninetenth Century, Cars Started to Use Petrol and Became Much ________________ THAN THEY HAD BEEN.

Very Few People At That Time Said That Cars ______________ The World In The Future.

That IS Exactly What Have Happened, Though, and Since Then We ________Close to 18 Million Miles of Roads on the Earth.

Perhaps The Fact That There Are Over 800 Million of The World.

However, Having More Cars on the Road ________________ More Pollution, And That's A Major Worry for Many People.

[Key: B4. Was Invented, B5. GOT, B6. Stopping, B7. Faster, B8. Would Change, B9. Have BUILT, B10. Biggest, B11. Means]

Preparatory exercises:
1. READ THE TEXT. For each gap in the text B4 - B11., Decide Whether The Following States Are True or False.
The exercise contributes to this type of task before filling out the passages in the text, students get used to carefully read a sentence with a pass, to understand its meaning and determine which grammatical importance should be transmitted by the context's messed unit.

1 (B4)We Need The Passive Voice.

2 (B5) We Need The Past Progressive to Express A Fact About the Past.

3 (B6)We Need The Simple Past Because This Is An Action in the Past.

4 (B7)

5 (B8)This Is The Future In The Past, So We Need To Use Would.

6 (B9)We Need The Past Simple to Go with Since.

7 (B10) We Need A Comparative Form Using -er.

8 (B11) We Need A Verb in the Pral

[Key: 1. T; 2. f; 3. f; 4. T; 5. T; 6. F; 7. F; 8. F]

2. Choose The Correct Word Or Phrase to Complete Each Sentence. Use the Words in Bold to Help You.
This exercise attracts the attention of students to grammatical forms and lexical units of the context that serve as signals that help restore sense of sentences and correctly determine the grammatical meaning of the missed word.

1. Sincethe Start of The 20th Century, Cars ______VERY Popular.

2. CARS NOW ARE MUCH ________________ than.they Used to Be.
A. Quick; B. Quicker; C. Quickest.

3. In 1900, Mr. Daimler said. That in the future Everyone __________________A car.
A. DROVE; B. Will Drive; C. Would DRIVE.

4. Near Schools ______________More Chance Of An Accident.
A. Mean; B. Means; C. Is Meaning.

[Key: 1. B; 2. B; 3. C; 4. B]

Task number 2 of the section
"Grammar and vocabulary" ege

By its design, the first and second task in the examination section of the exam is the same. However, in Question No. 2, the control object is the ability to use non-forming, but word-forming English affixes (see the content item 5.3.1. Codifier). The type of task is a short response, to receive which you need to fill the pass in the text of lexically and grammatically consistent with the context of words, transforming using the word-forming elements of the words presented in the fields to the right of the pass. After executing this task, you must add words included in the pass in the text, in the replies of the answers strictly under the relevant numbers (the same is necessary to make the first task).

Tourism in Britain.

Every Year More Than Eleven Million Tourists Visit Britain. In Fact, Tourism IS An __________________ Industry, Employing Thousands of People.


MOST ________________ Come in the Summer Monhs When The CAN EXPECT GOOD WEATHER.

Tourists __________________ Spend a Few Days in London, Then Go On to Other Well-Known Cities.

Perhaps The Least Visited Places in England Are OLD ______________________ TOWNS.


But Many People Think That Ninetenth-Century Cities Show The _________________of Britain.

The example (demo option 2007) shows that in this task, students should form a word, and not the word form (as required in the first part of the section "Grammar and vocabulary"): Importance - Important, Usual - USUALY, INDUSTRY - INDUSTRIAL etc. As a rule, students operate only in word-forming affixes, but it should be paid to the fact that in some (rare) cases, the context may require the use of the corresponding forming affixes: Visit - visitors.
This type of test task corresponds to the following execution algorithm:
1. Introductionful reading of the whole text to understand its main content (as in the first task, reading here is as a means for further recovery of missing units).
2. Attentive reading of each sentence, recovery by its meaning the value of the missed unit, the definition of the grammatical category to which it belongs (which part of the speech is missing?).
3. Using the appropriate affix (or affixes) to form the necessary lexical unit.
4. Reading the text after filling out all skips to verify the correctness of its recovery.

Knowledge of word-forming Affixes of the English language and their use of their use is needed both in recipe and in productive types of speech activities. The development of this part of the linguistic component of the communicative competence of students should be given due attention at the older stage of training in high school.
"Collection of tests for preparation for the USE" (Publishing House of Oxford: Macmillan Education) in each of the 20 tests included in its composition contains tasks similar to those given by us from the demo version of the USE 2007. These tasks (as well as their preparatory exercises) Help students to recall the wide range of word-forming affixes, work out in their use in communicative-oriented contexts, as well as in practice to master the algorithm for fulfilling the task in the format of the USE.
We give an example of one of the similar tasks and preparatory exercises from the mentioned collection.

Test 2.
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary

Task 2.
Read the following text. Convert words printed with capital letters after numbersB12 - B18. So that they grammatically and lexically corresponded to the content of the text. Fill in the pass received words. Each pass corresponds to a separate task from the group.B12 - B18.

Before the ____________ of The Hot Air Balloon, No Human Had Ever SuccessFully Flown Above the Ground.

Two ____________ Brothers, Josef and Etienne Montgolfier, Were Responsible for Designing The World's First Hot Air Balloon.

The First Successful ____________ WAS IN 1783, And The Montgolfier Brothers Immediately

bECAME ______________ Throughout The World.

The Design of Hot Air Balloons Is Based On The _____________ Law That Hot Air Rises. A BURNER AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BALLOON PROVIDES THE

AS The Air Inside The Balloon Gets Hotter, The Balloon Takes Off. ITS Height Above The Ground Is Determined by How

hot The Air Inside Is and Its
______________ Of Travel Depends on the Wind.

Preparatory exercises:
READ THE TEXT WITH QUESTINS B12 - B18. In Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary. For Each Gap, Decide What Kind of Word (Noun, Adjetive, etc.) Fills Each Gap.

B12 _____________
B13 _____________
B14 _____________
B15 _____________
B16 _____________
B17 _____________
B18 _____________

[Key:B12. noun; B13. adjective; B14. noun; B15. adjective; B16. adjective; B17. Noun; B18. noun]





Task number 3 of the section
"Grammar and vocabulary" ege

The object of control in this task is lexico-grammatical skills. Type Type - Selecting a response from four offered. The task requires fill in passing in the text lexical units corresponding to the context. After the task is completed, it is necessary to mark the selected option in terms of the response blank (upper part of the form) under the appropriate number.

"IT'S Only Me"

Afterher Her Husband Had Gone To Work, Mrs. Richards Sent Her Children to School and Went Upstairs to Her Bedroom. She Was Too Excited to Do Any Houswork A22. ____________ THAT MORNING, BECAUSE IN THE EVENING SHE WOUD BE GOING TO A FANCY DRESS PARTY WITH HER HUSBAND. She Intended to Dress Up AS A Ghost and She Had Made Her Costume The Night Beore.
Now She Was. A23______________ TO TRY IT ON. Though The Costume Consisted Only Of a Sheet, IT Was Very Effective. MRS. Richards Put IT. A24. _________, LOOKED IN THE MIRROR, SMILED AND WENT DOWNSTAIRS. SHE WANTED TO FIND OUT WHETHER IT WOULD BE
A25 ___________ to wear.
Just As Mrs. Richards Was Entering The Dining-Room, There Was A A26 ____________________ ON THE FRONT DOOR. She Knew That IT Must Be The Baker. She Had Told Him to Come Straight In IF Ever She Failed to Open The Door and To Leave The Bread on the Kitchen Table. Not Wanting To. A27______________________ The Poor Man,
MRS. Richards Quickly Hid in The Small Store-Room Under the Stairs. She Heard The Front Door Open and Heavy Footsteps in the Hall. Suddenly The Door of the Store-Room Was Opened and A Man Entered. MRS. Richards Realized That It Must Be The Man from the Electricity Board Who Had Come to Read The Meter. She Tried To. A28. _________________________ The Situation, Saying "IT's Only Me", But It Was Too Late. The Man Let Out A Cry and Jumped Back Several Paces. When Mrs. Richards Walked Towards Him, He Ran Away, Slamming The Door Behind Him.
1) show; 2) Performance; 3) party; 4) Programme

1) Nervous; 2) Restless; 3) ILL AT EASE; 4) Impatient.

1) Up; 2) ON; 3) over; 4) DowN.

1) attractive; 2) exciting; 3) Comfortable; 4) Cozy

1) Knock; 2) Kick; 3) Hit; 4) Crash.

1) FEAR; 2) worry; 3) disturb; 4) Frighten.

1) describe; 2) EXPLAIN; 3) interpret; 4) Clear

From the above example (demo version of the 2007), it is clear that in this task the knowledge and ability to use the lexico-grammatical combination of lexical units in the context. To successfully perform the task, it is necessary to distinguish the nuances of loved ones by the meaning of lexical units and understand which of these values \u200b\u200bis in demand by the context. In addition, it is important to take into account with what structural linguistic units can be combined with the word in context (pretexts, infinitive, gerundium, etc.)
The test of test tasks and preparatory exercises to improve the mentioned lexico-grammatical skills and skills, as well as to meet the algorithm of the test task, presented in the test collection of tests mentioned by us to prepare for the USE.
We give an example of one of the tasks and exercises to it.

Test 4.
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary

Task 3.
Read the text with the passes indicated by the numbersA21 - A28. These numbers correspond to tasksA21 - A28, which present possible options for answers. Circuit the number of your chosen response option.

How Was Jackson Going To A21______________ RID OF SIMON? That Was The Question That Had Kept Him Awake for The Previous Three Nights, and Which He Pondered As He Now Walked Home From Work. IT HAD ALL STARTED SO INNOCENTLY, AS A FAVOUR TO A FRIEND.
'Could You Put Me A22._______________, Jackson? 'Simon Had Asked. 'Just for a couple of nights.' JACKSON OF COURSE HAD SAID YES, THINKING THAT IT WOUD BE JUST FOR TWO NIGHTS. How Wrong He Had Been.
Now, More Than Four Monhs On, Simon Was Still In The Flat And There Seemed Little Evidence To Suggesthe He Was A23 ______________ to leve. The Evidence, In Fact, Pointed to Quite The Opposite Conclusion. Simon Seeemed to Have A24. ________________ In So Comfortably, Jackson Wondered Sometimes If It Was Actually Simon's Flat, And He, Jackson, Was The One Staying There As The Guest.
Jackson KNEW HE SHOULD A25 ______________ His Feelings Clear to Simon - That He Valued His Own Privacy, That He Didn't Want To Live with Someone Else On a Permanent Basis, That He Felt Simon Was Abusing His Hospitality - But The Truth Was He Was Scared. Not Scared Of How Simon Would React Physically, But Scared That Simon Would Take Offence and Would A26 ___________________ HIM OF BEING SELFISH AND NOT CARING ABOUT A FRIEND WAS IN TRUBLE. And Simon Was In Trouble. No Job, No Money and Nowhere Else to Stay, Where Would Simon Go If Jackson A27 ________________ HIM OUT? 'Maybe I am Being Selfish,' JACKSON THOUGHT, 'But The Situation Just CAN't Go On Like This.'
He Made The Decision to Bring The Subject Up Sometime That Evening. 'I WONT ASK HIM TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY,' HE REASONED. 'That Would Be Unfair and Would Put Him In A Difficult A28.___________.
But I'll Explain That The Whole Arrangement Was Meant to Be Temporary, Has Gone On For a Very
Long Time Now, And That, While It's Been Nice Having Simon As A Flatmate It Just CAN't Go On Indefinitely. '
For the Rest of the Walk Home, He Rehearsd Exactly What He Was Going to Say.

1) have; 2) get; 3) Take; 4) set.

1) in; 2) out; 3) over; 4) Up.

1) Intending; 2) Assuming; 3) Devising; 4) Conceiving

1) settled; 2) Established; 3) Launched; 4) Relaxed

1) convey; 2) Express; 3) make; 4) Tell.

1) Charge; 2) CONDEMN; 3) BLAME; 4) Accuse

1) Let; 2) Sent; 3) threw; 4) DID

1) location; 2) POSITION; 3) Point; 4) Site.

[Key: A21. 2; A22. four; A23.1; A24. one; A25. 3; A26.4; A27. 3; A28.2]

Preparatory exercises:
1. READ THE TEXT WITH GAPSA21 - A28. In Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary and Answer the Questions.
In this test task, it is especially important to carefully read the text and understand the meaning of the context to accurately determine the values \u200b\u200bof the missed words. This exercise generates the ability to predict the content of the skipped part according to the surrounding context.

1. How Was Jackson Going To A21____________ RID OF SIMON?
a. Leave.
b. Stay.

2. 'Could You Put Me A22. _______________, jackson? '
Simon Is Asking Jackson For:
b. Somewhere to Stay.

3 ... There Seeemed Little Evidence To Suggesthe He Was A23_______________ to leve.
The Word That Fits in the Gap Probably Means:
a. Creating.
b. Planning.

4 Simon Seeemed to Have A24. ________________IN SO Comfortably ...
This Suggests That Simon Was Treating The Flat AS If:
b. He Was a Temporary Guest.

5 JACKSON KNEW HE SHOULD A25_______________his Feelings Clear to Simon ...
b. Change How He Felt About Simon.

[Key: 1. A; 2. B; 3. B; 4. A; 5. A]

2. Circle The Correct Word to Complete The Patterns.
Knowledge and skill use of phrasal verbs are one of the objects of control in the test task number 3 of the section "Grammar and vocabulary" of the EGE. It is this skill that is necessary for the correct choice of response to the test question A26 of the test task of the test task from the test collection. In the preparatory exercise, students are attracted to the fact that the choice of response depends on the post-palace contained in the context.

1. Charge Someone / for (Doing) Something
2. CONDEMN SOMEONE / for(Doing) Something
3. Blame Someone / for (Doing) Something
4. Accuse Someone for / of (Doing) Something

[Key: 1. WITH; 2. for; 3. for; 4. OF]

Test questions:
1. From what tasks is the section of the EGE "Grammar and Lexik"?
2. What skills and skills are objects of control in these tasks?
3. What is the assignment algorithm in the section?
4. Why is it important to start each of the tasks from reading the text presented in the task?
5. What you need to know and be able to fill out permits in texts in the first task, in the second task, in the third task?