If during the battle there is blood. Emergency situation: bleeding during childbirth

  • The date: 03.11.2019

Imprint of centuries The appearance of a child was considered a great sacrament. Owning grandmothers in Russia enjoyed special honor, and not every woman could become a hanging: she had to have impeccable health, her children should have been healthy, her thoughts should have been clean.

Even during pregnancy, the advocate was taught the future mother by an old question, who read the children in the womb: "From you, my light, my droplet, I myself will warm all the trouble. There will be a dome to you love my, the cradle is all patience, and the prayer is a consolation. Waiting for you, my light, like a land of dawn, like grass of dew, like rain flowers. "
The sound of these gentle words had a beneficial effect on the kid, and to the mother, creating the right attitude before the upcoming births.

Births are the culmination of pregnancy and in most cases proceed as a normal physiological process.

The future mother wants to know about the birth. All: learn signs of fights, beginning of childbirth, symptoms of battles and childbirth, when they begin at what moment you need to hurry into the maternity hospital, as far as the childbirth is painful and how long they last.

Each girlfriend is an individual, and childbirth proceeds in different ways, but almost all the fempics are experiencing the main signs: the uterus is reduced during battles; smoothed, the neck of the uterus is thinned, then reveals; The child turns and moves along the generic paths; You give birth to a child, then placenta, umbilical cord and fetal shells. The whole process takes from several hours to days (occasionally or more) and is the beginning of motherhood, and for the child - the transition to autonomous existence.

In this process, everything is important: the mechanism of childbirth, physiological features, sensations and experiences of the mother, its psychological state.

The beginning of childbirth is not always clear, especially the signs of childbirth at the primary mothers. Specialists believe that the initiator of the beginning of childbirth is the child. By the 40th week, and sometimes before, due to the rapid growth of the child, the number of accumulating waters decreases, the baby is harder to move more and more difficult. The placenta is aged, and the baby receives an insufficient nutrient and oxygen.

The child is experiencing very unpleasant feelings, it is activated by the bark of adrenal glands and a large number of cortisol is distinguished - stress hormone. In response, the hormonal balance in the mother's body changes. As a result, the uterus becomes very sensitive to biologically active substances generated by the placenta and the pituitary gland. It begins to shrink - regular contractions appear, followed by childbirth.

The body of the future mother also occurs changes: the number of estrogens preparing the uterus to childbirth is increasing, and, as a result, the cervix is \u200b\u200bshortened and softened, the uterus begins to cut regularly.

Signs of rank began

The pain in the lower back, the sensations of the growing pressure in the groin area is accompanied by a sense of fatigue and gravity. You can not find any convenient posture for a long time. This pain is different from conventional lower back pain and can resemble premenstrual pain. This feature may arise a few days before delivery, often in combination with other signs.

The frequent emptying of the intestine can be mistaken for the usual disorder, but in this case it is caused by prostaglandins, causing emptying of the intestinal tract to free the additional space for the movement of the child down.

Selection of blood mucus

During the entire pregnancy in the cervix, a thick mucus contains a thick mucus, which can stand out at the end of pregnancy, when the cervix begins to fill and reveal. In rare cases, it may look like a mucosa "plug", more often the mucus is more liquid and may contain streams of blood. The appearance of blood can occur a few days before delivery, but it may happen after the start of the battle.

At the end of pregnancy, bloody discharges often appear after the vagina examination, since this procedure often causes some bleeding from the cervix. It is easy to make a mistake and take these allocations for a sign of childbirth. If this blood is pink or bright red and mixed with mucus - it is undoubtedly a harbinger of childbirth, after inspection - blood drilled.

Progressive cuts of uterus

Fights that become longer, stronger and more often, are harbingers of childbirth. At the beginning of childbirth, the fights are usually felt as a pulling pain, which is in the lower back. As the generations are developed, the contractions become painful. The cuts of the uterus shock muscle fibers of the uterus, stretch the neck of the uterus and expel the fruit of the uterus.

Opening of a fruit bubble

The opening of the fruit bubble, also called the disorder of the oily waters, can occur until the bouts start in 10-12% of cases. Then the amplifying contractions begin shortly after the deposition of water or during the day. In most cases, the fruit bubble does not open until the development of the labor process. When a bubble bursts, a sudden "cotton" can occur, accompanied by a flux of arrogant water, or may occur gradual, uncontrolled leakage of fluid. Opening of the fruit bubble can be felt like urination.

If you have moved the water before the battles start, tick the time, color, smell and describe the amount of fluid (stream or stream). Normally, liquid is clean and virtually odorless. The green color of the oilopal waters indicates the presence of meconium (original feces), which can cause stress states in a child and demand to take urgent measures. Do not in this case use tampons to keep the stream. Urgently notify your doctor. Depending on your condition and position of the child, the doctor will decide - to wait for regular contractions or urgently stimulate childbirth. In some cases, if the child at the time of the waters did not have time to block the exit from the cervix, the biposts are possible.

In the early opening of the frenx bubble, due to the danger of infection, you should not use the bathroom, it is better to take a shower. With strong battles of increasing risk of infection in the uterus, it was not found, so the bath, if it is necessary during delivery, should be postponed before the onset of strong bages.

Remind: If you feel regular contractions (after 15-20 minutes by a duration of 20-30 seconds), as well as in the case of leaking or pouring the accumulating waters, you should immediately lie down to bed and call the "ambulance" or to go to the hospital independently.

In some cases, the signs of so-called "imaginary delivery" may appear:

- spasms are irregular, their frequency and voltage do not increase;

- the pain appears rather in put up than in the field of the sacrum;

- Spasms disappear during driving or after changing positions;

- The movements of the fetus are enhanced during spasm. Such contractions usually accompany the moment when the child enters the pelvis area.

Remember: You should not fear that you disturb your doctor or your loved ones. If you have signs of approaching childbirth at any time of the day and night you should go to the maternity hospital. In this case, it is better to be restrained.

The process of generic fights does not always proceed in accurately in accordance with the textbooks in medical textbooks. Much depends on the individual characteristics of a woman and its pregnancy.

Therefore, the appearance of bloody secretions already at the stage of battle is not at all uncommon. Is it normal and what to do if they appear, we will tell in this article.


Fights are rhythmic muscles' rhythmic cuts, whose task is to lead to the disclosure of the cervix. The process is this painful and rather long. The neck must be expanded on 10-12 centimeters so that the kid's head can pass. Often, the battles are accompanied by a manifestation of various discharge, including bleeding, associated with the disorder of the mucosa.

Circuits mucus with blood streaks tightly closes the cervical channel of the cervical cervical throughout the pregnancy. But when the active preparation of a female organism begins to childbirth, the neck becomes softer, smoothes, the cork can begin to retrieve either entirely or in parts.

It may look like a bright, yellowish or pink mucus with small streams of blood. There are such discharges may appear not only at the "harbingers" stage, but also during battles.

It is not necessary to scare - there is a completely natural and physiological process of opening the neck for the subsequent yield of the baby. It is important only to make sure that the discharge is not enhanced, do not turn into Aluu Blood.

Small blood or brown discharge may appear when the fights started and after examining the gynecologist. After the woman arrives in the maternity hospital, it will definitely be examined, and therefore such discharge should also not be frightened.

Alay blood during battles, abundant blood discharge is a more disturbing situation. So it can manifest a premature detachment of the placenta. Normally, the "kindergarten" leaves his place after the birth of the baby, in the last period of childbirth. If an earlier detachment occurs, it is fraught with the appearance of bleeding, the state of acute hypoxia for a child, which can lead to irreversible changes in its brain and the entire central nervous system. Baby can die.

Bright red, allay blood in the battles are not considered the norm. Her appearance is a reason to call an "urgent", if the woman is still at home, or immediately report this to medical personnel if the female has already been in akin to a spectacular institution.


With the appearance of abundant blood discharge with the first fights or a little later, you need to immediately go to the hospital and directly from the threshold to report this unpleasant news to medical personnel.

If the placenta detachment takes place, the woman will urgently hold a cesarean section, as the delay is unacceptable.

With moderate bloody (do not confuse with blood!) Selects, use the gaskets, avoid water from the vagina, for example, while taking the soul of the house before traveling to the maternity hospital or in the receiving hospital department.

Without the mucosa of the mechanical barrier protection against viruses, bacteria and fungi, there is no kid. If aggressive flora or microorganisms fall into the uterus cavity, an internal infection can develop quite quickly, which is extremely dangerous for the baby and for the mother.

If the bloody or aliens is accompanied by a separation of a large amount of liquid, premature extension of water is not excluded. In such a situation, it should also go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible, without waiting until the fights become stronger. In the receiving department, it is also necessary to immediately say that the leakage liquid had a blood, pink, brown or other shade. This will help doctors faster to choose the right tactics of childbirth.

The main thing is not to panic and not nervous. Doctors have a lot of ways to cope with one or another abnormal situation arising in childbirth. Trust them.

On the discharge, fights and other harbents of the birth, see the following video.

Pregnancy is the best gift of nature.

Pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood is the greatest happiness that happens to the woman! Nothing to fear! Everything passes the way you will configure yourself, with what thoughts will come to everything. Pregnancy will be easy even with strongest toxicosis, edema and huge stomach, if you perceive it all as natural. In no case do not regret yourself. You need to love yourself, pamper, protect. In no case cannot be compiled on the tummy, which he interferes with it is hard with him. He must be praised, rejoice in him, with a moutigation to consider in the mirror. During pregnancy, there may be a felt disease, which were not bothered before: diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory and excretory. Observations show that the most difficult complications arise in the second half of pregnancy. It makes it from the very beginning of pregnancy to establish a special mode for women. Any strong mental excitations or physical stress can harmful to affect the health of the woman. It should take into account her husband, all her relatives and colleagues. Normally, pregnancy flows without bleeding out of the genital tract. Every bleeding during pregnancy and in childbirth is a complication and is a threat to the fetus and for the mother. Each woman who entered the clinic with complaints about bleeding should be carefully examined. The main task for the doctor is to determine the bleeding source (the pathology of the placenta or local changes).

Causes of bleeding during childbirth.

Local: Cervicitis, ectopia of the mucous membrane of the cervix, cervical cancer, injury and sex tract infections;

Pathology placenta: Premature detachment of a normally located placenta (this is a detachment of a normally located placenta until the birth of the fetus), the prelationship of the placenta and the prelation of blood vessels, the pathological attachment of the placenta.

Premature placent detachment (30%) is usually diagnosed based on a clinical picture, which includes: bleeding from sex tract, pain in the abdomen, voltage and soreness of the uterus. The light form of pathology can be diagnosed only when inspection of the placenta after its birth or with an ultrasound, at which the normal layout of the placenta and retroplated hematoma is detected. Ultrasound acquires particular importance in conservative treatment of premature placental detachants. The forecast largely depends on the timely diagnosis of these complications.

Etiology and risk factors with premature placental detachment.

1. A large number of birth in history; 2. Extract the wall of the uterus (multi-way, multipleness); 3. Preeclampsia and arterial hypertension; 4. Age (with age risk rises); 5. Direct abdomen injury (accident, physical abuse); 6. Smoking; 7. Drug addiction, especially cocainism; 8. Alcohol consumption; 9. Myoma of the uterus, especially the location of the node in the area of \u200b\u200bthe placental site; 10. Fast oral influence with multi-way; 11. Nervously - mental factors (fright, stress).

and. Bleeding from sex tract is observed in 80% of cases; b. Pain - frequent symptom, occurs due to the stretching of the serous membrane of the uterus. It appears suddenly, it is localized at the bottom of the abdomen and in the lower back, constant; in. The pain and stress of the uterus are more often observed in more severe cases; G. When forming a retroplated hematoma, the uterus increases. This can be revealed when re-measuring the circumference of the abdomen and the elevation of the bottom of the uterus; d. Signs of intrauterine hypoxia are often observed; e. Premature detachment of the placenta may cause premature birth.

Terms and methods of root separation with premature placental detachment.

1. With a easier premature detachment of the placenta, if the state of pregnant is stable, independent childbirth is allowed. In other cases, emergency delivery is required. 2. If the premature detachment of the placenta occurred in childbirth, the state of the feminine and the fetus satisfactory, the BCC is replenished and the childbirth flows normally, it is not required to accelerate their flow. 3. For relaxation and reducing the flow into the blood of thromboplastin produce amniotomy. 4. Preferably, the root separation through the natural generic paths. 5. Caesarean section is performed with intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus and the absence of conditions for rapid delivery through natural generic paths, with a severe detachment with a threat to the mother's life, with the immaturity of the cervix.

Complications with premature placental detachment.

1. Hemorgic shock. 2. DVS - syndrome. 3. Matter of the cruener with extensive hemorrhage into the wall of the uterus. 4. Ischemic necrosis of internal organs, acute renal failure. 5. As a result of hypoxia, congenital abnormalities in the fetus. Forecast: premature detachment refer to severe obstetric complications. Perinatal mortality reaches 30%.

Prelation of placenta (20%) - pathology in which the placenta is partially or completely located in the lower segment of the uterus (in the field of the internal uterine zoi, i.e. on the way of a born fetus) distinguish: complete preview of the placenta, partial presence of the placenta, edible and low-locked (ie . on 2 cm. higher internal sev).

Etiology and the risk factors for the prepayment of the placenta.

The etiology of the prelation of the placenta is unknown. Risk factors are divided into uterine and fruit. The uterine factors include atrophic and dystrophic processes in endometrials, accompanied by violation of implantation conditions. Sometimes the emergence of the prepayment of the placenta is due to the peculiarities of the fetal egg itself. Because of the later appearance of the proteolytic activity of the trophoblast, the fruit egg is lowered into the lower separations of the uterus, where nidiation occurs. Thus, the patched chorion grows in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inner session. Causes: 1. Chronic endometrite; 2. Pathological changes endometrial after operational interventions (abortions, diagnostic scraping of the uterus, caesarean cross-section, conservative momectomy, uterine perforation); 3. Myoma of the uterus; 4. Anomalies for the development of the uterus; 5. Infantilism; 6. A large number of births in history; 7. Smoking; 8. Petno - septic complications in the postpartum period; 9. Cardiovascular system diseases, kidneys, diabetes mellitus.

Diagnosis of the placenta prediction is based on clinical data. Challenges are characterized by complaints from the genital paths of scarlet bleeding, weakness, dizziness. The high standing of the preteight of the fetus is noted, the unstable position, often oblique or transverse position. Pelvic presence is often accompanied by a clinic of the threat of pregnancy interruption, hypotrophy of the fetus. In 95% of cases, the preview of the placenta can be diagnosed with ultrasound. Vaginal research is carried out only with the prepared operating room.

Timing and methods of roostening during the prelation of the placenta.

With strong bleeding, threatening the life of the mother, regardless of the period of pregnancy, there is an emergency delivery by caesarean section. In the absence of strong bleeding and under the term of pregnancy, 36 weeks and more after confirmation of the maturity of light fetus, it is carried out in a planning order. With partial prelation of the placenta and the mature neck of the uterus, childbirth is possible through the natural generic paths. If the light fetus is immature or a gestation period of less than 36 weeks and no bleeding is carried out, a conservative treatment is carried out. It is necessary to limit physical activity, abstaining from sex life and douching, maintaining hemoglobin.

Complications in the presence of the placenta. 1. Hemorrhagic shock; 2. Massive bleeding during pregnancy, during the delivery and in the postpartum period; 3. Placental insufficiency; 4. The increment of the placenta, especially in the scar area in the uterus, which can lead to blood loss and extirpation of the uterus.

Forecast: Maternal mortality in the preservation of the placenta is close to zero. Perinatal mortality does not exceed 10%. The main reason for the death of children is prematurity. When prepaying the placenta, the risk of congenital defects is high.

Prelation of Vessels - This is a condition when the segment of the vessels of the umbilical cords, going inside the embryonic shells, is located above the inner zev. The rupture of vessels causes bleeding from sex tract and intrauterine hypoxia. Performance is performed by alkalis - 2-3 drops of alkali solution are added to 1 ml of blood. Erythrocytes of the fetus are more resistant to hemolysis, so the mixture retains red. Erythrocytes of pregnant tribes are hemolyziry, and the mixture acquires a brown color.

Complications in the preservation of vessels.

Bleeding comes from the vessels of the fetus, therefore the fetal mortality exceeds 75%, mainly due to bloodstairs. Treatment: Emergency Caesarean section, if the fruit is viable.

Pathological attachment of the placenta or the increment of the placenta - It is a pathological attachment of the chorion naval to the wall of the uterus, turboring them into the myometrium or penetration through the thickness of the myometrium. Risk factors for the pathological attachment of the placenta in the increment of the placenta.

1. Operational interventions in the uterus in history; 2. Prelation of the placenta; 3. Smoking; 4. A large number of births in history; 5. Inflammatory processes in the uterus; 6. Pathology of the endocrine glands Treatment: scraping the uterus or hysterectomy.

Bleeding from cervix. 1. Conduct a cytological study of smear from the cervix; 2. To stop bleeding, an electrocoagulation or tamponade is used; 3. The uterus cervical separated from the channel is examined on bacteria and viruses.

Polyps Sheki uterus. 1. Bleeding is usually terminated independently; 2. The cause of bleeding is a polypa injury; 3. If bleeding does not stop, the polyp is removed and sent to histology.

Blooding out of the genital tract in the first period of birth Usually due to the disclosure of the cervix and are mucus painted with blood.

Outdoor genital injury or vagina - In history, there is usually an indication of injury.

Prevention and information for patients.

Primary prevention begins in women's consultation with the identification and treatment of extragnenitial diseases, disorders of the menstrual cycle, inflammation of the organs of the sexual system, the prevention of non-planned pregnancy and determination of risk groups for bleeding. Mandatory conduct of ultrasound at 9, 16-24, 32-36 weeks of pregnancy. Localization of the placenta is determined during each study, starting from 9 weeks of pregnancy. Diagnosis is set after the end of the placenta process within 14 weeks of pregnancy. It is necessary to prevent pregnant and her relatives about the danger of bleeding. It is necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure, carrying out the treatment of gestosis, removing the tone of the uterus, correction of hemostasis, eliminate physical exertion, sex life, ultrasound control every month to trace the migration of the placenta. With the appearance of bloody discharge, hospitalization in the hospital is recommended.

For the whole pregnancy, a woman had to face a change in the nature of vaginal discharge. Firstly, it strongly affects the hormonal background of a pregnant woman who is constantly changing over the term. Secondly, very often precisely during this period, thrush is exacerbated or for the first time, annifies curl discharges with a characteristic sour smell. Thirdly, it is likely that it was not without a threat of a breakdown, which indicate. And it is these allocations that future mothers are afraid of the most.

Now, at the end of the deadline, you can almost breathe calmly: the discharge of blood before childbirth in the overwhelming majority will mean their early start. But to completely relax is still too early: even the appearance of the baby may begin a premature detachment of the placenta.

Blood selection before childbirth - a sign of their start

One of the most reliable signs of beginning childbirth is, which is always accompanied by the discharge. The cork can move already in childbirth (then the woman does not notice this) or go out simultaneously with all the whole bunch, for example, during the taking of the soul, which can also be ignored.

But often the mucosa plug leaves parts, gradually, and at the same time a woman notices the mucous white-yellow mucous allocations that can contain streaks of blood - pinkish, brown or brown. This is a sure sign that the meeting with the most desired being was left very long. Since the beginning of the discharge of the mucosa, the mother should stop any actions that may entail infection in the womb (sexual relationship, bathing and bathing in standing water bodies).

Almost all women discussing on the forums of bloody discharges before childbirth, they confirm that during the day-two from the moment of the detection of small volumes of blood mucus on the linen they had a childbirth. At the same time, the obstetricians note that the darker blood, the less to walk with the pan. Note that before childbirth can go from a few hours to 2 weeks.

Other safe causes of bloody secretions before childbirth

The discharge of the mucosa is the most likely cause of the appearance of bloody discharges to labor, which is an absolute physiological norm. But there may be other safe reasons for the phenomenon that warp you.

Minor blood discharge from the vagina Pregnant woman can observe after examination on the gynecological chair, and it is not at all necessary immediately after receiving the doctor, and perhaps even within a few hours after that.

Similarly, after sexual intercourse, and quite normal - for two days after sex. The reason for the appearance of bloody secretions in both of these cases is the mechanical irritation of the cervix, which is already preparing for the beginning of its disclosure.

When to go to the hospital

We pay special attention to the fact that bloody sections before childbirth in all cases described above should not be abundant. Normally, these are scargoing traces or small splashes, more often brownish, but can be red. If bleeding began, then it is necessary to go to the hospital without delay, without losing a second! It is also necessary to seem to doctors, if after the beginning of the removal of the mucous membrane, the absorption of blood began to enhance or the baby changed its motor activity.

Blood selection before childbirth, observed 2 weeks before their intended start and earlier, also can not be left unheated: you will definitely notify your doctor about it.

Specially for Elena Kichak

During the battery period, the woman should especially closely monitor changes in the body. The first trimester causes the greatest concern when there is a risk of miscarriage, and the last month. Isolation before childbirth is a physiological feature that testifies to the preparation of a female organism to the appearance of a kid.

But it is important to assess the nature of these discharge, as the color and smell can talk about the presence of complications. Keep the baby's health and avoid problems in the delivery process using timely detection.

Woman in the last month of pregnancy is important to know which allocations must be before childbirth. This will help to distinguish the physiologically flowing process of training the body from pathological conditions. Normally, an abundant mucus appears first, after the cork comes out and the water is poured. That is not all right, there are bleeding, curly white and greenish discharge with an unpleasant smell.

Pink discharges appear before childbirth, since the exhaust cork, which has previously closing the cervix, may contain a slight amount of blood. The mucus is slightly painted by it, but does not contain blood podasses. If the color becomes red, it speaks about the early detachment of the placenta or its prepay. Both are dangerous for a child, so immediate medical care is needed.

Brown, pink, brown selection before childbirth is not bleeding. They are mixed with mucus, insignificant and appear, as a rule, less than a day before the appearance of a child. At this time, you can begin preparation for departure to the hospital: to collect all the necessary things and documents, to warn close relatives.

If the selection before childbirth is white, similar to cottage cheese and have a sour smell, then, most likely, a fungal infection has spread to the vagina - thrush. The disease needs to be cured in an emergency, since it significantly complicates the generation process for the mother and can harm the child's health. Candidiasis in the feminine reduces the elasticity of the vagina and increases the risk of discontinuities.

Green and yellow discharges before childbirth also testify to infections (about trichomoniase, gonor, chlamydia) or inflammatory processes in the small pelvis organs. In any case, immediate medical care is required.

Mucus isolation

The mucus, released before childbirth, is thick, pulling, transparent or white with a small touch. You can take a small amount of mucus with two fingers, it will be well noticeable to its consistency (drig, viscosity).

Mussels before childbirth indicate the ripening of the cervix. They are most noticeable after awakening when a woman moves from a horizontal position to vertical. After some time, the selection is beginning to darken, become brown - this means that for the birth of a child there are several hours left.

The output of the mucous plug

During pregnancy, the lumen of the cervix is \u200b\u200bblocked by a mucous membrane that protects the fetus from infection. By the end of the wall of the walls become elastic, reveal. Under the influence of hormones, the cork softens and comes out.

What time is it happening to predict it impossible: some women are two weeks before delivery, others in several hours.

If the mucous plug leaves all at once, externally resembles an egg protein or jellyfish. Often this process remains unnoticed because it occurs during the visit to the toilet or the reception of the soul.

In addition, the cork may go gradually for one or two days, then it looks like ordinary transparent or white discharge before childbirth.

After removal of the mucosa, it is impossible to take a bath, you need to refrain from sex contacts, closely refers to intimate hygiene, more often change underwear. The uterus cavity during this period becomes open to infection.

Powering of an oily fluid

In contrast to the mucosa, the destruction of the octoperwater cannot be noticed. They are liquid, the volume of which ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 liters. Normally, it is transparent, it has a slightly sweet smell or nothing smells. Sometimes, together with the waters, the lubricant particles that protect the cover of the child in the uterine cavity are published. They look like white small flakes.

The process of the fattening of the oily water is also occurring differently. Sometimes the fluid is poured all at once, it often occurs after visiting the toilet or with a sharp change of body position. In other cases, it gradually leaks. The way that this will happen depends on the place of breaking the bubble - near the cervix or higher.

If the oily water has a yellowish or greenish color, muddy, this may indicate that:

  • the child is experiencing oxygen starvation;
  • there is a prelationship of the fetus;
  • the premature detachment of the placenta began.

Blood isolation, a change in the color of the octal fluid require immediate challenge the ambulance brigade. Attempts to get to the maternity hospital can make harm and complicate the situation even more.

When should I refer to the doctor?

Going to the reception to the akuster-gynecologist should be if the allocations that differ from the usual daily are started. The specialist will be able to accurately determine their character and say everything is in order. If the selection is white curls, yellow or green with an unpleasant smell, then visit the doctor must.

An infectious disease in late pregnancy is dangerous to the health of the child and negatively affects the process of childbirth. After moving the plug, the pathogenic microflora can easily penetrate the uterus.

Immediate challenge of ambulance brigade is necessary in the development of bleeding. Abundant allocation of bright scarlet blood is dangerous for the life of the mother and the child.

For the help of doctors it is worth contacting if the allocations are accompanied by a gravating pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Most likely, this is a sign of the beginning of the generic activity. Moreover, it can occur even before the fattening of the oily water.

A pregnant woman by the end of the term is worth knowing which allocations before childbirth are the norm. The physiological changes of such a plan by the end of the term consist of three stages: the separation of mucus (ripening of the cervix), the extinguishing of the tube and the accumulate waters. In all cases, you need to pay attention to the color, structure and smell of discharge.