What you need to know to be the leader.

  • The date: 16.10.2019

Appointment to the management position is not only a pleasant and important event in the career, but also a heavy, responsible burden. In order for the chair in the future "not a pink", the newly minted boss without experience is to master a number of skills, learn to communicate with subordinates. How to become a manager - communicable and efficient? What qualities for this need to develop? Who will help with learning? What principle should I build interaction with subordinates?

How to organize a workflow?

The ability to concentrate the attention of employees on achieving a common goal is one of the key professional. As practice shows, subordinates that have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe final activity of the entire team are more motivated, charged by the team spirit. It happens that the alleged result is strongly delayed in time, which, undoubtedly, undermines the stimulus to work. In this case, the boss may, instead of a long-term goal, to put a number of intermediate tasks before employees of the department (enterprise).

Ignoring goals - not the only problem of management. A common mistake of the head without experience is the desire to take over the functions of subordinates, as well as control every step of workers. At the same time, an effective managerial manager for current duties and affairs takes no more than 25% of the time. The larger part of his efforts is aimed at organizing the process:

  • development of the company's strategy;
  • optimization of the organizational structure;
  • improving professional competence subordinates.

In the company where the staff is correct and debugged the interaction of personnel, the head does not have to be distracted from global tasks: workers coped with everyday routine.

However, control from the head is still important. By ordering subordinates, the manager must follow the tasks set. Also, it is also impossible to give an order, and then, without waiting for the results, to cancel it, reorienting the employee to implement another project. In the consciousness of subordinates, the relationship between the goal and the result should be shocked. And the point here is not only in motivation, but also in the self-satisfaction of the employee: the accumulated incomplete cases distract from current tasks, create an atmosphere of psychological discomfort. Exit from the situation when the workload prevents some employees to focus, a redistribution of work can be.

How to develop the quality of the manager and managerial skills?

You can become a leader, but do not grow professionally. Meanwhile, competition among the employees of the highest echelon in the labor market is quite serious. The new generation of managers is characterized by greater practicality, mobility and independence of thinking. Naturally, the appearance of the modern leader is changing. Now it is not enough to be just a boss: it is necessary to combine in one person of the organizer, mentor and leader.

What qualities should be developed to truly become the leader?

  • Administrative and technical skills, the ability to select a team, build relationships with personnel and partners.
  • Be sociable, susceptible and critical to new information. To be able to present yourself, find an approach to employees.
  • To have an innovative potential, that is, to think the categories of the future, to see the future, strive for changes and optimize the workflow, be ready for risk.
  • Leadership qualities are a group of psychological properties that helps to conquer high status in the team (self-confidence, reliability, sequence, active life position, determination).
  • Reputational component (honesty, compliance with ethical norms, responsibility). Resistance to stress and frustrations.
  • Strategic thinking - the ability to set goals and objectives, predict the results, consequences of their and other people's actions.

For necessary, first of all, desire. Teachers of the new boss may be superior authoritative and experienced leaders. If there are no companies in the company, you can contact representatives of another organization. Do not forget about the great power of self-education. We will improve the competence to help webinars, trainings, seminars, reading educational literature will help.

Desktop books of the head can be the following work:

  • Allen David "how to bring things to order";
  • Dr. Peter "Effective Manager";
  • Kovi Stephen "Four Rules of Effective Leader";
  • Fox Jeffrey "How to become a first-class leader";
  • Ryshev Nikolai "Leadership Technologies";
  • Sutton Robert "Art be a good leader."

Management styles: how to communicate with subordinates

The style of communication of the head with subordinates depends largely on the nature of the chief and the specifics of the company's activities. If a person who leads the department (enterprise) is convinced that people do not like to work, they want to ensure the best of all and do not have ambitions, he manages in an autocratic manner. Such a model involves a high degree of centralization of power and control, application as an incentive of coercion.

Head-Democrat more like command work. Appealing to employees, he takes into account, above all, their needs for self-expression and accessories. He does not impose his representation to employees, but controls the results of their activities. In case of democratic powers, the staff was as much as possible, respectful relations are lined up between the head and subordinates.

Having a tendency to let everything on a self-shot, the head will most likely choose a liberal model of relationships. With this style, subordinates receive absolute freedom, and the head plays the role of the coordinator. Liberal leader is distinguished by politeness, tolerance, goodwill, willingness to listen to criticism and susceptibility to other people's ideas. On the other hand, he lacks perseverance, determination, demanding to subordinate.

In real life, all three styles of control in pure form are not found. Moreover, in different circumstances, the same manager can behave as an autocrat, Democrat or Liberal. Its communication model can over time to transform under the influence of traditions that have developed in the team, as well as internal messages set in front of it tasks and requirements.

No matter what control style manager chooses, with subordinates it should be correct and polite. It is necessary to allow employees to express their (possibly different) point of view. When someone from the staff makes a mistake, the worst thing that the manager can do is to humiliate and insult the guilty. A good manager all comments to the employee will express alone, without a cry and curses. At the same time, to be attentive to the feelings of other people - it does not mean to tolerate their incompetence at all, so with negligent workers, it is necessary to part without delay.

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"If you actively work for 8 hours a day, you will be done by the head, and then you will work for 12," says office wisdom. However, many diligent employees in their experience realized that, even if worked from the morning to night, the promotion was not guaranteed at all. How to become a leader? What qualities need to be demonstrated to make the authorities in you not only the responsible performer, but also a promising manager? How to make a career? To do this, you only need to solve and follow your decision. Service growth, promotion, how to achieve it - short, clear instruction.

Enhance or dismissal?

Avral, Deadlines, new projects, the struggle for the client - during your work in the company you have passed fire and water. However, the leadership seems to not see that you have long been ripe for a more responsible position. What is the case? Possible causes may be several.

First, not all companies form their own personnel reserve. According to a survey of the research center of the portal Superjob.ru, almost a quarter of employers (24%) is selecting managers on the open market of labor, and not "grows" them within the company. Another 34% of companies prefer to pick applicants whom they will be able to invite if such a need appear. Alone to "raise" management personnel are ready for less than half of employers (47%).

Given this statistics, look at your place of work. Are you known for examples of career growth of colleagues within the company? What position did your current leader come to the organization - did he be the boss as a result of several years of successful work or took his chair immediately after the interview? Answers to these questions will help you identify our own prospects in your native company.

The second possible cause of the lack of career growth at the responsible employee is the lack of growth in the organization itself. If the company is stable, all the leadership positions are occupied, and there are no new directions of work, then you will have to wait to wait long - at least until your current leader decorate. Does it make sense to work in the company with a lack of opportunities for growth, solve you.

It may happen that the employee aimed at career growth for some reason does not meet the submission of the authorities about an effective leader. For example, if all medium and senior managers in the company older than 45 years old, and you - 30, then, most likely, you will be considered not experienced sufficient. Or if the Director-General is convinced that only a man will be able to lead a team of 10 people, while you are a woman. In such cases, it will not be easy or not even impossible to occupy a guiding position.

Catch the fish where it is

The choice of the right place of work is the most important step in your career. There are a lot of companies in which corporate culture does not contribute to a career. All places are busy, all the heads of all levels are kept for their chair, fear new, all development. Stability was elevated to the main value. Such companies are often quite normally functioning, pay a worthy salary, but they will not suit you. If your goal is a career, immediately and without regret, look for another job. For a careerist there is no place. In the career, as in many things, it is very important to learn how to achieve the goals set on the specified time.

Another option - the company dynamically develops, but categorically underestimates its footage. For all senior posts attract people from. Its employees almost never get promotion. In such a company, you can work for experience, it is good to come from the part to the leading post, to work there, to make a project, go to an increase in another company. Decide for yourself, why and how much time you will work in such a company. We work smoothly as much as decided, and never more.

There are a lot of companies and organizations where career ambitions of employees are welcome and encouraged. Go to work there, you can quickly make a career.

Build a network of contacts

The work of the operator is bad for the start of the career not only the fact that it is very difficult to show itself, but it is easy to spoil your reputation, but also by the fact that it does not contribute to the development of the contact network. Such work is not suitable for us.

We need a job that does not interfere, and even better, directly requires to build a network of contacts, get acquainted with people, discuss professional topics. The development of a network of professional contacts contributes to participation in professional communities, conferences, seminars, infrastructure and commercial projects in which many people are involved. How many colleagues in your notebook have colleagues with whom you can discuss professional questions?

Be a public person in his professional community, speak with initiatives, suggestions, participate in the preparation of young professionals. Form for yourself at the maximum number of people the reputation of a person who decides, and does not create problems. Then you will constantly offer participation in various projects and interesting posts. By the way, the preparation of young specialists is a great way to develop a network of contacts. After all, these specialists will not always be young, one of them after a couple of years will take the key posts, and you will be a guru in their eyes. You will be remembered if a serious project appears. And the rest, who will not promote, will be your personnel reserve. You, having come to a good project, you can attract the best students who have not yet managed to advance and are waiting for their chance.

Be useful, but replace

Perform your work well, but do not closure it on yourself. The best way to save the place is to confuse all things so that no one even thought you to replace you. For a careerist - on the contrary, it is necessary to be useful, but easily replaceable.

  1. Firstly, you will be more advocated by the service in your company, if your business can be painlessly convey to the successor. Put yourself in place of your leadership whether it will promote a person who has closed everything on himself, and he (leadership) is just scary to think what will happen when this person leaves the position where it works now. It is better to advance the other, let a less suitable, but less important employee.
  2. Secondly, order in cases tells your authorities that you are psychologically willing at any time to go to another company if a favorable offer arrives. You are not afraid and do not shake for your place. So, the bosses should be thought of how to hold you and promote at your own until you gone.
  3. Thirdly, it will be easily and pleasant to leave.

Change job regularly

For a career it is useful to regularly change the job. Of course, you should not be flying. To come to the project, work for three months and, without finishing, go to a new place - hardly such an approach will decorate your reputation. But come, make a project, and then, after successful completion, go to a new one is an excellent strategy.

The employer usually uses a natural human reluctance to change something in his life. Career should be ready to change. Increased service - the changes to which we strive.

You need to teach yourself regularly go to a higher position. If the company in which you work, gives you this opportunity - excellent, if not, you need to look for another company. When you are fired, you go look for a job. Dismissal is an unconditional basis for finding a job. For a real careerist, the same unconditional basis for finding a job should be a lagging in promotion from the goals that the careerist has formulated himself.

Watch for health

Career can only be done when it allows health. Active intense labor involves certain physical condies of your body. Your health should not bring you. Take care of yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle, treat everything with humor, relax fullly. Do not take anything at work close to heart. If you will constantly experience your successes and failures, the active career will destroy you. Career is a cool game, but not the last line of your life. The career can be ruined, start again, successfully done, throw, do something else, come back, and so on.

Remember, you should only what you promised. If you came to make a project, then these are your problems. But if your bosses think that you will stay and switch to monotonous, unsolving, monotonous work are their problems. You can have completely different plans.

Be flexible

Nowadays, this does not happen too often, but healthy ambitions are very useful (and in some cases even vital) qualities to be a business leader. Part of ambitiousness and aggressive promotion of your career is openness in accepting proposals that you do not expect. At the very least, stay open to the offer offers or location, if it provides your promotion. If you take advantage of the possibility of becoming a branch manager somewhere in another city, you probably jump over others that will doubt about this.

  • After working in the company 1-2 years, if you feel that you are not promoted by service, view regularly lists of vacancies and apply for any positions that will be a serious step to the top for you. Many managers began their careers as managers and younger vice-presidents in two or three connected companies before becoming the head of their own company.
  • Do not be afraid to engage in entrepreneurial activities. Managers and entrepreneurs have many common qualities, and a person who plans to become a leader can get a great start by becoming an entrepreneur. If you see the ability to start your own business, and it looks like the best progress on the way to the leading level than your current path, do not be afraid to change your career. Building a successful company from zero level is an impressive point in any corporate summary.

If possible, become a member of the Board of Directors in a respectable company. This will give you a valuable experience that can be used to interact with the advice of your own company when you become the leader. It will also be an excellent point in your career, as almost half of all company executives in the United States before becoming a leader, held a member of the Board of Directors at some point in their career.

How to become a good boss: Is it difficult?

Many ambitious careerists do not think about whether they can manage. They simply want power and big salary, Tesha themselves think: "Ah, then lets everything you need."

Of course, a reasonable person can master a lot and in a fairly short time, even the bears are taught in a circus on a bike to ride, but at the same time it is necessary to have the necessary features of character or at least be ready to develop them.

"The potential of a person as a manager depends on its ability to change. Perhaps this is generally the most difficult in life: changes are always scared. But in constantly changing business changes are necessary. The head must encourage its employees, try innovations and risk - in whatever sphere it is working ... Another necessary quality of a good leader is to give the opportunity to fully respond to their employees for what they do. It is possible and necessary if you managed to choose strong professionals. You must let them make independent decisions. I believe that you need to maintain them at the maximum and to intervene in their work. "

A. Calter

Qualities necessary to the competent leader

Before notifying the position of the head, think about whether you have sufficient knowledge and qualities necessary for successful promotion.

100% responsibility

Being a subordinate, you can always renounce the unsuccessful result of the transaction in that they simply carried out the instructions of the bosses. As soon as you become the leader, there will be no such opportunity. Here or pan, or disappeared. You will bear full responsibility not only for your actions, but also for the results of the activity of the whole team. The decisions taken by you will determine the course of all further work, and only your deep knowledge, confidence, and sometimes intuition will help to avoid mistakes. Reliece the blame on the subordinates - the quality of a nicdish leader. Responsibility for all troubles and mistakes will have to take over.

Ability to quickly make decisions

A good leader is a leader, and the leader is simply obliged to quickly and confidently make decisions. If you feel about the category of people who are fighting fear in such a situation if you are afraid to be mistaken and "sit in a puddle" - perhaps the position of the head is not for you. A good leader not only knows how to cope with its emotions and make serious decisions, but also knows that in case of failure, the error can be corrected.


You will be surprised, but the ability to master voice speech is far from the latest place in the dignity list that can help you become a boss. Still Napoleon spoke that a person who could not speak, would never make a career. You really need to learn right, competent speech. To do this, it is worth constantly replenishing your vocabulary, assimilating methods for adjusting your speech under the target audience. Believe me, the employee who looks straight in the eye when conversing and clearly sets out his ideas, it is difficult not to notice.


A good leader has time to redo the thousand urgent affairs, pass the inconspicuous number of reports on time and always knows exactly what work is to be the next day. Least. If you are terribly insufficient and unorganized person, then stay as a manager will be very difficult. You can imagine what stresses await you if you won't have anything to do, rushing in unfinished reports and reversals about eternal delays from the upstream guidance? In order to avoid similar troubles, urgently teach yourself to order and organization. Watch a diary, make a schedule for all the upcoming business and events - this will help not only time to fulfill all the work on time, but also to carve time for rest.

Stress tolerance

Imagine the situation: Your boss at the General Meeting announces that sales have fallen sharply that the whole department is deprived of premium and suddenly begins to sob, rubing her eyes with their hands. An incredible picture is not true? And all because "these do not take into astronauts." Stress resistance is one of the main requirements imposed by the applicant to the position of the head or top manager. Already the fact that the boss has to constantly risk, taking important decisions, resolve conflict situations, dismiss workers and fined them, says that the weaklings are not a place here. Only an emotionally balanced person who can be cold-blooded in any critical situation may conquer a robust authority of the head.

If you think that you do not possess some of the above qualities, then do not despair: they can and need to develop. In addition to persistent work on oneself, you are not allowed to attend special seminars, helping people to increase their own potential. In addition, you can walk on various trainings designed to improve your professional skills. Permanent self-improvement will certainly help you climb up the career staircase, because the roads are opening precisely stubborn and purposeful people.

5 leader errors, or what prevents you from becoming a boss?

Error number 1. Hurry reactions

Managers live in a rapid pace. All day, the manager continuously receives and sends e-mail, responds to phone calls and solves urgent questions - and all this requires the speed of action. Fast reactions are often necessary, and they work well when you have the opportunity to pause to see the overall picture and reasonably respond to it.

Error No. 2. Inflexible Thinking

Adult men took part in one experiment, who were convinced supporters of the Democratic or Republican Party. They were given to hear a few statements of the presidential candidate, whom they supported, and the candidate of the rival party. Then they listened to the statements in which each candidate has changed its position on the opposite diametrical. And the Democrats, and the Republicans sharply condemned not their candidate for changing the position and justified their own. The same data on competing candidates were interpreted in such a way as to comply with the views of the participants in the experiment. After a person has fundamental beliefs, they are becoming difficult to change with the help of information that is interpreted in accordance with its views.

One of the reasons for such a strength of the views is that the conclusions that the mind makes are fixed in emotions. An instinctive response is an instantaneous reaction of sympathy - antipathy (or yes - no), which then receives a cognitive justification to support what your "Nutra" was originally liked most. Change our positive or negative inner feeling is not easy, ... it is not easier than to make you break out your favorite drink and love that drink whose taste you do not carry. These preferences are preserved for a long time and make you choose that new information that confirms your beliefs.

Error number 3. Desire to control

Studies of the protective mechanisms of the manager, made by Chris Ardzhiris, showed that the organizational hierarchy often generates the struggle for the implementation of control. In the so-called decentralized company managers of the central office spoke to the heads of units: "You are responsible for everything." The executives of the divisions liked this idea, and they responded to it accordingly: "If you trust us, then do not interfere with our work." After that, problems began. Managers of the central office did not want to be limited to receiving standard reports. The leaders of the divisions opposed any attempts to interfere with their work. Ardzhiris noted that even when the managers of the central office and the leaders of the divisions changed places, the dynamics of control remained the same.

Your internal leader can meet the need for people in control so that they felt safe, happy and motivated to achieve high results. It is necessary to rely on your inner leader to transmit control functions to other people. Seo Ford Alan Mullly loved to tell the story of how he first took the position of head of the engineering department. He had to take the work of other engineers. After the fourteenth change that Mullly demanded to make a report, one engineer quit. When Mullalie asked him why he leaves, he answered that with time Mullali, perhaps, will become a good leader, but he personally does not want to endure such strict control. This case helped Mullali to understand that his work of the head was to see the more general picture of the mission and appointment of the company and allow people to control their workselves (internal leader).

Error number 4. Exaggerated Hopes for the Future

Unable optimistic forecasts for the future are related to questions about avoiding and attraction considered by us earlier. Give excessively high promises and demonstrate unreasonably low results accounted for everyone. The corrugated law claims (and mathematically proves) that it takes more time to fulfill each task, which is expected at first, even when you have a temporary reserve, which allows you to take into account this law. For example, the lists of daily affairs and project plans are notorically known for their superflue and are rarely carried out as they thought first. Plans are often based on the most favorable scenarios, which in the end give rise to natural disappointments.

Error № 5. The desire for an unjustified remuneration

Edward Dech is one of the first to conduct experiments on the study of internal and external motivation. He gave the experiment to the task of collecting four complex puzzles. One group of subjects did not promise no remuneration, and the second group promised to pay for the compilation of puzzles a certain amount of money. Then both groups spent some time in the "free choice" room, where they could deal with different types of activities, including compilation of puzzles. A group that has not received money has steadily showed a stronger interest in compiling puzzles than a group receiving a fee.

Dech concluded that the financial remuneration was the main reason for the lack of interest at the paid group. Members of the paid group considered the compilation of puzzles as a method for obtaining remuneration, and not as a source of entertainment and satisfaction of curiosity. Dech repeated the experiment with students who worked in the university newspaper, which he offered to invent newspaper headlines. Those who composed headlines for a fee showed less internal interest in the performance of this task. Apparently, their mind believed that the task for money means that this task does not give them great pleasure.

From this article you will learn:

  • Who can be the best leader
  • How to become the best leader
  • How to become the best leader woman

This leader has many qualities that allow him to be a professional of his business and a person who trust the subordinates. Leadership may look different - you can sit in the chair of the head or be a captain of the football team. In this article we will tell - how to become the best leader.

How to become a good leader

How to become the best leader? What qualities you need to possess, and from what better to get rid of to feel really a good leader.

Of course, not all people can be chiefs. After all, to become a leader is to take responsibility, be an expert, build the right relationship with all subordinates. Not all are ready for this. But the phrase, causing a sincere envy of others: "I have the best leader!" - This is a real confession.

If you want to achieve the peaks of the career ladder, then, first of all, think about how to quickly get to the peak of Olimp, but about how to become the best leader. After all, the main thing is to understand that the head is an effective manager who should not know and be able to be able to all in the world. The main qualities:

  • to be able to organize the work of narrow specialists to make their work as efficiently;
  • to solve all the problems that arise so that the work is not interrupted.

How to become a real leader not in words, but in practice? Take part in

If you consider this on the example of the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, then the best leader should not brilliantly own the pen, although he probably has journalistic experience, make reportage photos, create a layout of newspapers, own specialized computer programs and be able to repair equipment in the office.

But if he wants to become a good leader, he must know and be able to have many other things.

  1. The best leader knows which text and photographs will receive the greatest response from readers of the publication.
  2. He knows how to solve the problems of the organization, providing employees with necessary resources, ranging from the handles and pencils and ending with official transport.
  3. The best leader is also a psychologist. It must maintain a positive microclimate in the team.
  4. The head must be able to negotiate difficult interviews.
  5. The best supervisor knows who to seek the solution to the problems relating to the broken technology, a plumbing pipe, etc.
  6. The head must be ready to defend his employees from those who may be unhappy with publications, or just readers.
  7. The head always monitors financial deductions - salaries, bonuses, prizes.

Many careerists who dream of becoming a leader do not think about whether they can actually manage. They just dream of a big amount in a bank account and believe that they will learn everything you need during the process.

Of course, a smart and purposeful person as a manager will be able to master new knowledge in a short time, but for this you need to have a certain warehouse of character and be prepared for development.

Continuing to answer the question of how to become the best supervisor, pay attention to the qualities that will prevent you in the way to success:

  • laziness;
  • tendency to the glooms;
  • potion;
  • irritability;
  • authority;
  • inability to reason sensibly;
  • indiscipline;
  • maliciousness;
  • indifference.

10 effective advice on how to become a good and class teacher

Usually all novice leaders make similar mistakes. Let's discuss some of them.

  1. Never utter the phrase "I am a young leader" even mentally.

When you use such an expression to your address, you seem to justify your mistakes in advance. You may think about: "Why make everything possible and impossible to achieve the task, becoming the best if I" Young Manager "? Or maybe you think that you will be forgiven all the mistakes just because you just entered into this position? These are completely wrong thoughts. In your subordination there will be people who depend on your decisions from the first day. Find yourself a mentor, the adviser among experienced leaders who will help prevent failures; Read special literature; get better; Develop and forget the phrase "I am a young leader."

  1. Do not abuse power.

There is a proverb, which is forced to think about the power: "Let the slave weak, he will score other slaves to death." Of course, when appointing you by the head, along with my post, you receive and official duties, the team, certain powers, sweet "gingerbread" and a terrible "weak". We must extremely carefully handle the tools that are in your hands if you want to become the best leader.

But it is not necessary to use extreme measures on a daily basis, this is not the best way, especially if you just start your way. Remember, only weak people solve problems with threats. The most important skill that needs to be purchased is the ability to communicate with employees, build partnerships, learn to negotiate in any situation.

If you demonstrate emotions and complexes, you can leave even the most faithful employees. Think whether a person corresponds to the Tumaki status "Best Manager".

  1. Do not work for employees.

This is one of the most common mistakes of the managers of any link. How to become the best leader? When you are prescribed to a certain position, you must solve the general issues of this unit to show the result of the right organization of labor. Then you can be proud of the status of the "best leader" and be proud of its achievements. And if you are still trying to do everything with your own hands, then soon your ship can go to the bottom.

  1. Protect business interests.

When you were on the spot of the subordinate, you probably tried to notice and appreciate you. You did our job well, laid out 100% and certainly discussed with colleagues:

  • what is your incompetent leader;
  • how many errors in building business processes he did;
  • how illogical you are distributed responsibilities, etc.

When you were on the other side of the barricades, you probably knew the best way to optimize all processes. Now your colleagues remained in the same positions, and you were able to become a number one, so all these complaints will be sent to your side. You will need to become the best leader than colleagues think about you. And here you are waiting for a difficult choice.

You can support your old looks and criticize the higher guide or you will understand the company's activities, see the relationship of the internal life of the departments within the large enterprise and will protect the more global interests of the corporation in front of their former like-minded people. How to become the best leader? Understand that now you are a representative of power in your organization and should work for the benefit of the company and protect its interests. Even if quite recently you criticized the system and people standing at the chapter. Now the chapter is you.

  1. Remember - everything just begins.

Do you think, getting a governing position - is this reason to calm down and relax? You think: "I worked as a specialist for so many years, did not raise my head, worked to get a position and finally reached her! No longer need to prove anything to anyone and overtime. Now you can sit in a leather chair, wait for the receipt of large sums on the account and order a business card with the inscription "Best Manager"? Such thoughts come to mind to those who do not see this supervisor, does not want to become better.

Yes, they will have the opportunity to attend courses for the best executives, several people in the department, a separate place in the parking lot and other things that are external manifestations of the new status. But it is worth remembering that the leadership is always fighting. If the head calms down and stops being effective, the chances of those who will crave this position will significantly increase. How to become the best leader? Perceiving any step in the career is not like the finish, but as a start. You must learn everything again and even more, to prove your competence again, again overcome thousands of difficulties, fight again and win again.

  1. First of all, you manage people, not reports.

Theoretical numbers and settlements in business are certainly important. Therefore, many employees spend time and strength to study quantitative performance, building charts, discussing existing reports and development prospects.

But all these numbers are rather the result of your ability to manage employees than the ability to operate with data. It is known that the best and effective way to increase the indicators is to improve the performance of employees.

  1. Do not show your emotions.

Everyone is perfectly understood that the head carries the burden of responsibility and suffers from a lack of time. Just as they understand that the boss has to be responsible for failures, mistakes and voice bad news, so it can be upset, disappointed and angry. How to become the best leader? The best way is to learn how to suppress the desire to make a caustic or stingy remark, which will remain in memory for a long time. No one is waiting for you perfect behavior, but try your emotions to do worse around.

  1. Evaluation of your efficiency is your worst employee.

Quite often, the leaders judge their successes in terms of performance of successful advanced workers. But the best personnel is not your merit. Its indicators are the result of its work and success, and not yours. How to become the best leader? Equate your managerial talents by the bad employee, which shows the lowest level of performance. It will show what you are willing to put up and what will be expected from other workers.

  1. Do not forget about encouragement.

You should not consider the costs of employees to be minimized to increase profits. In the business world there is a fair note that you receive middle employees for the average salary. Perhaps before the internet of the salaries of specialists were a secret. Now anyone can find out what the adequate price of his work.

  1. Become a role model.

To earn respect and become the best leader, you need to be a real professional of your business. Then colleagues will respect you, listen to your opinion and assume that you are the best leader.

Discuss your managerial experience. The best way to cause confidence at the team is to share what is happening in your career. If they see why you occupy this position, what path you have passed and how much you continue to work, they will admire and enjoy the opportunity to work under the start of such a manager.

Act professionally. Especially now, when you are a leader, professional behavior requirements become more stringent, because you should become a role model. You must look presentable, coming to work on time and develop a professional messaging manner. Head - Face Firm.

How to become a leader? Become a boss. I want to be a boss. Guidance Position, Chair

Path in the Boss Chair. How to become a good, successful leader? What steps take it now to be a boss tomorrow. You want to be a boss, I will tell you how to achieve it. (10+)

How to become a leader? Become a boss. Path in Boss Chair

We make a career of the head

To become a leader, there are two ways. First - you need to grow up in service, make several steps through the career stairs. An article about this here: make a career - instruction. How to advance by service. The second option is to create your own business and become a leader there. Many successful people at the beginning of the nineties took advantage of the second option. The names of those who did, we know. But those who have nothing left, much more. I am not a supporter of sharp steps, preferably a systematic development. It seems to me that the best way is to get a good education, work in interesting projects, accumulate experience, make several steps over the career ladder, create a network of contacts. Then decide: further develop your business or to continue the career of the hired leader.

We correctly behave in the office, with colleagues

We are developing and practicing managerial skills

The main managerial skills are a bit. There are only five of them. They are even useful for those who have not yet become a leader, and those who do not seek this at all. Management competencies. What can a good competent leader?

We say as the head, we master the lexicon.

To become a leader, you need to say as a manager. To own a lexicon, a vocabulary, characteristic of the head. About the importance of ownership of the right vocabulary, read the classic English play of Bernard Shaw "Pigmalion".

To master the lexicon manager, you can read professional literature and periodicals. Vocabulary and knowledge, hoped from there, will promote you by service.

In my experience, I will say that at the very beginning of my career when I decided to cool the scope of activities in connection with economic transformations in our country, I began to walk on interviews. But no one suggested anything interesting, promising. Then I shut off a bunch of literature and periodicals on business theme for a month. Porridge formed in the head, but I began to maintain a conversation on business topics. Interviews have become much more successful. Suitable work was quick.

We think as a manager

To become a boss, you need to perceive yourself as a boss. I first did not give it due value. But then drew attention to an interesting fact.

I am holding an advisory in the field of career and management competencies. To be in shape, sometimes I go to the interview. Of course, I do not agree to work, just a monitor situation. At the interview, I am always offering leadership posts, even if I clearly do not point out that it is interested in a senior position. Even if I refuse, you usually formulate this way: "We have work for a simple artist, it will not suit your level."

While my clients complain that they are not perceived as leaders, offer the lowest positions.

I noticed that I say, as a manager (we have already discussed), I think, as a leader, discussing topics characteristic of the head. Then I began to discuss some questions with customers, practical examples, solve the charters for the head, to force them to be born into the boss skull. I especially do this before the interview. Effect is. So I conclude: To become the boss, you need to mentally be a manager, manifest itself as a boss.

The conversation is not about theatrical game, imitating. Good actors even among graduates of the relevant universities are quite a bit. An ordinary person is not able to play a given role. If you get to play the head, then go to the theater or movie, there you will make an excellent career. You absolutely no need to become the head of the department. For the rest, only one thing remains - actually become a leader in his head. Only then will you manifest as a manager.

Even if you have not yet become a leader, you are interested in problems and management theory, read about business, planning, budgeting, motivation, working with personnel, analyze how you enrolled in various cases. Participate in professional discussions on the Internet. First we come to know, then the position.

Summary. Be the most suitable candidate for leading post.

If you will master the lexicon of managers, and you will perceive ourselves as a manager, think as a boss, then people around will see the manager in you, remembering you when they say "need a good leader." Then you will quickly offer a guiding position.

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  • 1 Do you all be good chiefs?
  • 3 qualities of a good leader
  • 4 Common Newborn Errors
  • 5 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 5.1 Is it possible to become a good head of a woman?
    • 5.2 Is it possible to become a leader in the softness of character?

Despite the years of the development of the theory of management, it is not always possible to successfully apply its mechanisms in practice. Many managers simply do not know how to properly organize the work of the departments, the entire company, to get out of the problem situation with minimal losses, choose the optimal style of manual, learn to apply different control functions (planning, organization, support, control), etc. But if you study at least the basic basis of the management theory, to establish the successful work of the collective, if desired, will be able to have every leader.

Can everyone become good chiefs?

Almost every person seeks to become a boss, but, as practice shows, you need to be guided too. In addition to the formal appointment, the chief must have a certain set of professional and personal qualities, be able to plan and create effective strategies, as well as monitor their implementation. It is important for the existence of experience in the field of activity and profile education, although these factors are not a critical condition.

The Day of the Chief, as a rule, is very dynamic - meetings with managers and performers, work with incoming and outgoing documentation, solving current problems, etc. Therefore, a lot of solutions are taken on the run, during meetings on other topics, you have to quickly weigh the risk of non-acceptance and decision making. To become an effective leader, it is necessary to have a strong personal, emotional and professional potential, be able to correctly distribute its tasks and most of the current affairs to charge performers only by controlling the process of their decision. For example, you do not need to independently develop the buyer's corner, the boss only must approve the document and subsequently consider the records to respond to them.

Council: To make teamwork more efficiently, the head is worth developing his staff motivation system (cash premiums, accrual of points for promotion at the end of the year, thankful letters to families, etc.).

It is also important to be able to manage the team, increasing the effectiveness of teamwork, which is not given to all managers. Become a leader, not having experience, is also quite real. A positive result depends only on the desire to achieve success and proper use in the practice of the principles of effective leadership (in a lesser extent - from professionalism and knowledge in the selected niche). One idea for business, like just intention to lead, is still not enough, it is necessary to properly plan it and trace the implementation of tasks.

Being a successful supervisor is really not easy. As a rule, the best specialist from the team is invited to the position of leader - a good seller becomes the head of the sales department, a leading programmer - Timlid (this is an IT specialist who manages his team of developers). But it should be borne in mind that, despite this pattern, not all excellent specialists can become good managers, although it is desirable that they are experts in their field, otherwise earn an authority and establish a qualitative level of work will be much more complicated.

It is also very important to learn how to choose the right manual style - not to get involved in directive, but also not to be too soft. If employees cope well with their duties and there is no need for urgent intervention, let them fulfill the tasks themselves. You should not apply power as a management tool, it is better to learn to establish communication with your people, negotiate, explain and build partnerships. The financial encouragement of good work of employees, such as the thirteenth salary, premium payments is always welcomed. To master the principles of work of a successful manager and effectively apply them in practice with the help of special business trainings and master classes, studying the profile periodicals and books of business themes.

Quality of a good leader

In addition to the appropriate education and experience in a particular field, a good leader must have a set of professional qualities necessary for activities in the selected area. But the main quality of the chief is trust, personal dedication and the ability to mobilize to solve a specific task. After all, professional problems solve performers, and the leader must choose and approve one of its elimination options. For example, customer loyalty program curators should be able to work professionally with several market segments, be initiative, independent, have excellent presentation and communicative data.

Only experience and knowledge for successful activities in the selected sphere will not be enough. The boss must work out and consolidate at least basic qualities (personal, intellectual and professional) necessary for full-fledged management:

  1. Communicability, the ability to establish contact with a person.
  2. Perspective thinking.
  3. Efficiency in making appropriate decisions, including risky.
  4. Sequence and dedication, systemics in action.
  5. Self-critical, the ability to soberly assess their decisions, use the positive experience of other managers.
  6. The ability to become the leader.
  7. High resistance to frustration in a collision with troubles and problems.
  8. Tolerance and objectivity.
  9. The ability to criticize constructively.
  10. Professionalism in the chosen field of activity.

Council: The head is very important to explore and implement the principles of time management in the daily practice. Thanks to this, he will be able to properly plan his working hours, avoid confusion, mistakes and at times to increase the efficiency of work without unnecessary labor.

Common bugs newcomers

The process of appointment of a new chief is traditionally accompanied by specific difficulties and changes in the organization of the work of the team. In modern market conditions, they are even more noticeable due to the increasing complexity of the device of modern companies and business rates. Often a beginner at the start stage critically lacking a detailed understanding of the tasks and the real price of solutions. But at the same time, it is during this period that the speakers need to be achieved in their actions, as well as to conquer the confidence of the collective.

A beginner manager needs to be adapted as soon as possible in a new place, avoiding gross mistakes, and approach the point of self-sufficiency, when he can bring real benefits of the company.

Typical newcomer leader errors:

  1. Incorrect positioning, lack of self-testing at the dating stage.
  2. The desire to perform tasks yourself, and not just plan them, while the key competence of the head is not an independent achievement of the result, but only with the team. For example, to evaluate personnel turnover, it is not necessary to look for the causes of the personnel themselves, this may involve specialists from the personnel department, and the manager only analyzes the data and decides whether to optimize the work of the department.
  3. The desire to be good for all team members, especially for those who used to work together with whom the choice of liberal style of communication. The newcomer often places the minimum requirements for instructions, it is not biased to analyze the results, fearing discontent and conflict in the team.
  4. The choice of authoritarian style of the leadership, when power is actively demonstrated, all emotional contacts are minimized, and the effectiveness of teamwork is built on a tough execution, a system of fines and similar.
  5. Heavy expectations from subordinates, disregard by their professionalism.
  6. The desire to fulfill a lot of things at the same time for greater development speed and negligence in relation to important details that fall out of sight.
  7. Discussion in the team of misses and failures of the previous leader.

The consequences of starting errors for a novice leader can be both unpleasant and fatal in the career growth plan: a decrease in positions, dismissal, partial or complete dismissal of the previous team, difficulties in performing a given volume of tasks, very low efficiency of using employee working potential.

Frequently asked Questions

Consider frequently asked questions on the topic.

Is it possible to become a good head of a woman?

Traditionally, in society it is believed that men possess better professional competence than women. In addition, among managers, as a rule, always more than representatives of the strong sex. But in fact, high-quality management depends not from the floor of the head, but on the spectrum of his personal and business qualities. What it will be wider and deeper, the more effective the manager will be able to organize a workflow and achieve the desired level of performance.

It is quite real to become a good head of a woman. But experts note that, according to statistics, some managerial functions of a man and a woman are really performed equally well, but individuals are better implemented only by those or others. For example, women are the best mentors and coaches (consultants and trainers, helping to overcome psychological and professional problems), and representatives of strong sex more effectively manifest themselves where hard controls are required and directive style. Woman, if desired, can become a good supervisor, the floor is not an obstacle. The main thing is to be a professional and learn how to properly manage the team.

Is it possible to become a leader while soft?

According to experts, it is quite difficult to become a leader with a softness of character, and people tend to quickly complete their careers. They fail to establish the right communication with the team and build an optimal system of personal relationships. Excessive softness and federation, especially if the head is a woman, almost always interfere with the qualitative performance of a given work and the correct formation of hierarchical relations in the team, do not give the manager to become a leader. But at the same time, it is also impossible to do without this character trait. In a certain proportion and in specific situations, it should also be present. In a good leader, it should be combined, it would seem that mutually exclusive qualities: softness and hardness, the ability to demand and fulfill the tasks itself, control and trust, be official and moderately close to the team.