Four types of hippocratement temperament: general characteristic. Types of temperament

  • The date: 30.09.2019

Who is not familiar with the term temperament? This is a word for everyone to hear, however, in most cases it sounds like a diagnosis or verdict, with justifying the evil behavior of a person.

"Well, you can do, he has such a temperament," his mother sighs, looking like a young "leader of redheads" arranges the next pogrom.

Such a position is common and extremely dangerous delusion: temperament only indirectly affects actions and human worldview. This is the starting potential, a set of certain personal properties that can be folded in a unique psychological portrait of a person.

Characteristics of temperament types

For the first time, the concept of "temperament" as a fundamental characteristic of a person has introduced an ancient Greek Hippocratic doctor. His theory was sought by many years of observation of people and practical medical experience of his time. According to the hippocratic, the personality features of a person directly depend on its physiological structure, in particular, from the predominance of one of the "life juices": bile, lymphs, blood or black bile.

Modern science The relationship between the physiology and the character traits does not confirm, but the Hippocratic Classification of temperaments has been preserved to date.

So, there are four main types of temperament: choleric, phlegmatic person, melancholic and sanguinik.

  1. In general, cholerics are ardent passionate people with irrepressible energy and the desire to always be the master of the situation. For such torping, imbibement and waybirth are characterized: it is practically impossible to force a choleric. These are inborn leaders who are able to lead, to quickly make responsible solutions and resist the crowd. At the same time, they practically do not know how to "wear a mask" and do not know how: all their feelings from joy before indignation becomes public domain.
    Often cholerics are very talented: an inquisitive mind in combination with the will and purposefulness allow us to achieve success in almost any undertaking. However, "go to the leg" and unquestionedly followed by the established rules such people are simply unable: it is easier for them to make a revolution and establish their own laws than to accept the apparent injustice.
  2. Much "easier" and clearer in the household phlegmatic plan. They are distinguished by emotional balance and tranquility almost in any situation. For such people, emotional bursts are uncharacteristic, they are easy to get along in any team, and the philosophically inherent in the inherent cholerics of the rebellion. The extreme and vivid impressions of phlegmatic will prefer the stability and constancy of the measured lifeguard. Often phlegmatics are extremely pragmatic, in their actions they are guided by logic and necessity, not feelings or emotions.
  3. Melancholic from other temperaments is distinguished by an excessive vulnerability and emotional instability. For the most part, these are creative people who can express their feelings in poetry, music or theater. Representatives of this temperament look at the world without illusions, easily disappointed in others and often prefer loneliness.
  4. In contrast to Melancholics Sanguiniki - indomitable optimists. Such people are sociable, emotional and for the most part prefer monotonous creativity active time. About Sanguinikov often say "Soul of the Company": they easily find a common language with other people and are able to raise the mood even apathetic melancholics.
    However, such people are pivyrs and are inconvenient, they seek through life, easily forgetting about the laggards.

A person is born with some genetic predisposition, on the basis of which the remaining personal characteristics are capable of forming the other personality characteristics. For example, if a person is not born with wings, he will not be able to fly, no matter how much. However, he can learn to various manipulations that hands can make. Also with the type of temperament, which has certain characteristics and the definition affecting the further development of a person. His detection can help a special test.

There are still discussions on account, whether the temperament is congenital quality. Many refer to the fact that temperament is already laid in a person from birth, and on its basis there are certain features of character .. if there are sustainable features in temperament, then they should be attributed to the peculiarities of nervous activity, which is already laid in humans.

Thus, temperament is a congenital human property, and the character is acquired. A person can only affect his character, which is formed on the basis of how temperament has.

What are temperament types?

Under the types of temperament are the features of the personality, which are sustainable and are characterized by the dynamicity of manifestation, and not their content. This is the type of activity of the highest nervous system, which manifests itself in the emotional sphere.

In psychology, they allocate, which clearly distinguish between people on those or other reactions and behavioral models. However, do not forget that the actions and character traits are subject to a person, regardless of which temperament it has.

Each person has its own temperament and character. Many confuse these concepts, thinking that this is the same. In fact, these are two different indicators of the mental reaction of a person. One is hereditary and practically unchanged, and the second - acquired and dependent only from the individual itself.

The temperament is a mental reaction and a state that depends on the human nervous system. An individual's nervous system is formed in the womb on the basis of the genetic program that is transmitted from both parents.

Temperament is a hereditary gift. That is why the child is often the same as his parents. The device of the nervous system allows relatives to be the same, which contributes to the strengthening and maintenance of the family.

- This is a set of qualities that are produced by a person in the process of life. How does this happen? A certain situation arises. A person begins to react, think about, draw conclusions, make decisions, perform actions. On the basis of the experience passed, conclusions are made (convictions are created). And the subsequent situations in which a person begins to respond in a similar way and make recent things, form a habit in it.

The habits in actions, thoughts and solutions are forced in certain situations to show certain qualities of character. A person can develop any quality and feature. But it develops in it only that corresponds to its actions, thoughts and solutions that it uses.

If you change your usual actions, then the character will change because the manifestation of other qualities will be required and the other previously used.

Thus, temperament is transmitted to people from their parents, and the character is formed by the person himself in the course of life.

Types of temperament of man

4 types of human temperament today are distinguished:

  1. Choleric type is unrestrained, unbalanced, hot-tempered, unbridled. Emotional experiences in this category of people are very quickly proceeding and pronounced. So, they are easy to remove them, because they quickly flashes, however, it is also easily emotionally poketed.

Choleric - a man is very passionate and emotional. He cannot experience the emotions of Neurko. If he is experiencing something, it is very deep and bright. Moreover, he may experience simultaneously conflicting feelings. However, these experiences are not long. Soon choleric quickly switches to other emotions.

A monotonous work eats such a person. Initially, it lights up with ideas and enthusiasm. However, over time, he cools and begins to perform work, not though, after the sleeve.

Choleric characteristics are speed and power, sharpness and impatience. Mimic and gestures in such a person pronounced, squeezed, active. Teenagers with such a type of temperament rebellious, often naughty, crawling in fights, tearing lessons, etc. They are very mobile and active, can involve other children in adventures.

  1. The melancholic type is unbalanced, the depth of experiences with implicit and sluggishly manifestation. Such people behave imperceptibly and slowly. Their movements are distinguished by restraint, inexpressiveness, monotony, slowness and poverty.

Melancholic is very sensitive and wounded. His voice is quiet and inexpressive. Such a person is afraid of difficulties, so before the commission of any action for a long time thinking about its necessity and implementation plan. If the action does not require mental stress, then it is executed.

Melancholic has an asthenic character when emotions are very deep and stable, monotonous. Such a person is unavalious and closed. It is almost always sad and sluggish because it reacts painfully to external stimuli.

The melancholic is weak, indecisive, constantly wanting to settle everything and hesitating. Absolute melancholic is distinguished by passivity, disinteresting affairs and lethargy. Such a person seems to live in his world, almost unsuitable for life.

Children melancholiki often offend and tease, they do not know how to fight against injustice. They are difficult to get along in the team, but it is easy to influence others. Teenagers Melancholics Flaxy, timid and shy

  1. The Sanguine type is characterized by speed, equilibrium and moderate force, but the weakness of the intensity of mental processes. Sanguine is able to quickly switch from one job to another. His activity is diverse, it does not get tired, quickly learns and can work on something long. Its emotionality changes quickly, so it is not deep.

Sanguines are manifested by expressive and bright facial expressions that can be accompanied by active movements. They are cheerful and moving. Such people are very easy to distract with any external stimuli, since their removal depth is very low. They are excelicible enough.

Sanguine is able to quickly solve problems, especially if they are not too difficult and serious. Their solutions are often hasty. They, like cholerics, quickly light up various ideas, but then they quickly lose interest.

Sanguine refers to sociable and communicable people. However, the relationship with it is sufficiently superficial because it quickly switches from one emotion to another. Today he loves, and tomorrow may not love. There is a plus here, since the Sanguine quickly forgets the insults, sorrow, trouble (as well as joy, pleasant moments, help).

Sanguine loves to take a leading position, command and take responsibility for himself, be the center of attention, to be ahead.

  1. Phlegmatic type is characterized by lethargy, low mobility, slowness. Such a person has a poor emotional sphere, therefore it is not able to be energetic and quickly move to action. The nature balance is explained by the fact that the emotions of phlegmatics are smooth and permanent. It is called measured, calm and imperturbable. For him, affective manifestations, disorders, impulsivity, since such an individual is almost impossible to derive from themselves.

Gestures and fagmatics are inexpressive and monotonous. His speech is non-high, slow, accompanied by gestures and expressiveness.

Before performing any action, phlegmatic long and thoroughly thinking his future. However, if he decides to make it, then it will be gradually and purposefully implement it. Such a person is difficult to rebuild from one job to another, so he prefers to do what he is familiar and habitual. Changes and changes are possible only when phlegmatics warned about them, he was able to think about them in advance and get used to them. When phlegmatic gets used to the phlegmatik, then the changes occur easily.

It should not be assumed that a person belongs only to a certain type of temperament. Usually everyone accommodates the characteristics of several types, which is called a mixed type. It is expressed brightly one type, and the remaining three to one degree or another complement the first.

Psychological Types Telerament

Types of temperament are divided into the following psychological characteristics:

  • Sensitivity - the number of least forces from the outside world, which is necessary to call a mental reaction.
  • Reactivity is the level of reaction and its manifestation in the outside world.
  • Activity - human ability to overcome difficulties to influence the world.
  • The ratio of reactivity and activity is the level of human activity from external stimuli.
  • Rigidity and plasticity - levels of adaptability of a person to external stimuli (high or low, inertness).
  • The rate of reactions is the rate of leakage of mental processes and reactions, motor activity.
  • Introversion and extroversion are the types of thinking and behavior that are directed to the external or in the inner world of man.
  • Emotional excitability - the number of the smallest irritant, which should cause an emotional reaction, as well as the speed of its occurrence.

Test for temperament type

All readers are encouraged to undergo a test to determine the type of temperament. Here the main thing is to quickly respond to the questions raised, especially without thinking about the answers. Answer as you would actually enrolled in real life.

Why detect the type of temperament your own and other people? This will make it possible to more clearly know how to interact with others, to which they are capable, not to be insults, if suddenly surrounding behave not as much as I would like.

There are many tests for the detection of human temperament:

  1. Questionnaire Rusalova.
  2. White technique.
  3. Test Questionnaire Aizenka.
  4. Merishek's questionnaire.

It will be useful to know your own and someone else's temperament if a long relationship is lined up with a person. To avoid some conflict situations, it is better to understand the features of another person.


With temperament, a person is born, and the character is formed for years. A person can affect the manifestations of certain qualities and behaviors. However, everything will be based on the nervous system and its characteristics with which the individual was born.

The problem of which will be discussed in this lecture, occupies humanity for more than 25 centuries. Interest in it is associated with the evidence of individual differences between people. The psyche of each person is unique. Its uniqueness is connected with both the peculiarities of the biological and physiological structure and the development of the body, and with the only one of its kind compositions of social relations and contacts. The biological conditioned personality substructures refers, above all, temperament. When they talk about temperament, they mean many mental differences between people - differences in depth, intensity, stability of emotions, emotional impressionability, tempo, energetic action and other dynamic, individual-sustainable features of mental life, behavior and activity. Nevertheless, temperament and today remains largely controversial and unresolved. However, with all the variety of approaches to the problem, scientists and practices recognize that temperament - Biological foundation, on which the personality is formed as a social being. The temperament reflects the dynamic aspects of behavior, preferably congenital character, therefore the properties of temperament are most stable and constant compared to other human mental features. The most specific feature of the temperament is that the various properties of the temperament of this person are not accidentally combined with each other, but are naturally linked by forming a certain organization characterizing 3 temperament.

So, under temperament The individual-peculiar properties of the psyche, which determine the dynamics of human mental activity, which, equally manifested in various activities, regardless of its content, goals, motives, remain constant in adulthood and in relationships are characterized by the type of temperament.

Before proceeding to the consideration of various types and features of temperament, it should be immediately made that there are no better and worst temperaments - each of them has its own positive parties, and therefore the main efforts should be directed not to correctness, but for reasonable use in the concrete activities advantages. The man has long been attempts to highlight and realize the typical features of the mental warehouse of various people, trying to reduce all their varieties to a small number of generalized portraits. Such generalized portraits with deep antiquity called the types of temperaments. This kind of typology was practically useful, since with their help it was possible to predict the behavior of people with a certain temperament in specific life situations.

Temperament typology

The creator of the teachings about temperaments is the ancient Greek Hippocratic Physician (VXVIII century. BC). He argued that people vary with the ratio of 4 major "body juices" - blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, which are included in its composition. Based on his teaching, the most famous Hippocratic doctor of the Antiquity of Claudian Galen (II century BC) developed the first type of temperament, which he outlined in the famous Treatise "De Temperamentum" (Lat. "Commonity", "Right Meas") . According to his teaching the type of temperament depends on the predominance of one of the juice. They were allocated temperaments, which and in our time are widely known: sanguinika (from Lat. Sanguis - Blood), phlegmatic (from Greek. Phlegma - FLEGMA), choleric (from Greek Chole - bile), melancholic (from Greek. Melas Chole is a black bile). This fantastic concept had a huge impact on scientists over the centuries.

There were a variety of temperament typologies. The greatest interest are those of them in which the properties of temperament understood as hereditary or innate were associated with individual differences in the peculiarities of the physique. These typologies received the name of constitutional typologies. Among them, the typology of E. Krechmer, W. Shedon, and others can be distinguished.

In psychological science, most of the constitutional concepts became an object of acute criticism. The main disadvantage of such theories is that they are underestimated, and sometimes it is simply openly ignored by the role of the environment and social conditions in the formation of the psychological properties of the individual.

In fact, the dependence of mental processes and human behavior from the functioning of the nervous system that performs the dominant and control role in the body is known. The theory of communication of some common properties of nerve processes with temperament types was proposed by I. P. Pavlov and developed in the works of its followers.

I. P. Pavlov understood the type of nervous system as congenital, relatively poorly subject to change under the influence of environment and education. According to I. P. Pavlova, the properties of the nervous system form the physiological basis of temperament, which is a mental manifestation of the general type of nervous system. Types of nervous system, installed in animal studies, I. P. Pavlov offered to spread on people.

Each person has a completely defined type of nervous system, whose manifestations, i.e. Features of temperament, constitute an important side of individually psychological differences. Specific manifestations of the type of temperament are diverse. They are not only noticeable in the outer manner of behavior, but as if all sides of the psyche are permeated, significantly manifested in cognitive activity, the sphere of feelings, motivating and actions of a person, as well as in the nature of mental work, the peculiarities of speech, etc.

To compile the psychological characteristics of traditional 4 types, the following main properties of temperament are usually allocated:

Sensitivity It is determined by the fact that the smallest force of external influences necessary for the occurrence of any psychological reaction.

Reactivity It is characterized by the degree of involuntary reactions to the external or internal effects of the same force (critical remark, a hurt word, a sharp tone - even sound).

Activity It indicates how intensely (vigorously) a person affects the outside world and overcomes the obstacles in achieving the goals (perseverance, focus, focusing).

Reactivity and activity ratio Determines from which the human activity depends to a greater extent: from random external or internal circumstances (moods, random events) or from goals, intentions, beliefs.

Plasticity and rigidity It is evidenced how easy and flexibly adapts to the external influences (plasticity) or as far as inert and kosnoy his behavior.

Top of reactions It characterizes the rate of leakage of various mental reactions and processes, the tempo of speech, the dynamics of gestures, the speed of the mind.

Extraversion, introversion Determines from which the reaction and human activity mainly depend on the external impressions of the currently arising (extrovert), or from images, ideas and thoughts associated with the past and future (introvert).

Emotional excitability It is characterized by how weak exposure is necessary for the emergence of an emotional reaction and at what speed it occurs.

Given all the listed properties, Ya. Shooting gives the following psychological characteristics of the main classic temperament types:


A man with increased reactivity, but at the same time, the activity and reactivity is balanced. He is alive, excitedly responds to everything that attracts his attention, has a living facial expressive movement. By a minor occasion, he laughs loudly, and an insignificant fact can be angry with him. According to his face, it is easy to guess his mood, attitude to the subject or person. He has a high sensitivity threshold, so he does not notice very weak sounds and light stimuli. With increased activity, and being very energetic and workable, it is actively accepted for a new business and can work for a long time without tosing. It is capable of quickly focuses, disciplined, if desired, can restrain the manifestation of its feelings and involuntary reactions. It is inherent rapid movements, the flexibility of mind, resourcefulness, fast tempo speech, quick inclusion in a new job. High ductility manifests itself in the variability of feelings, sentiment, interests, aspirations. Sanguine easily converges with new people, quickly gets used to new requirements and atmosphere. Without efforts, not only switches from one job to another, but also to a greater extent responds to external impressions than on subjective images and ideas about the past and future, extrovert.


Like a sanguine is distinguished by low sensitivity, high reactivity and activity. But the choleric reactivity clearly prevails over the activity, so it is not curly, is incorporated, impatient, quick-tempered. It is less plastic and more inert than a sanguine. Hence, the big stability of aspirations and interests, great perseverance, it is possible to get difficulties in switching attention, it is rather an extrovert.

Phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic has a high activity that is significantly dominant over low reactivity, low sensitivity and emotionality. It is difficult to laugh and seal - when around loudly laugh, it can remain calm. With big troubles remain calm. Usually he has poor facial expressions, the movements are not expressive and slowed down, as well as speech. He is not found, with difficulty switching attention and adapts to the new setting, slowly rebuilds the skills and habits. At the same time, it is energetic and efficient. It is distinguished by patience, excerpt, composure. As a rule, it is difficult to converge with new people, weakly responds to the external impressions, the intrumert.


A man with high sensitivity and low reactivity. Increased sensitivity with large inertness leads to the fact that a slight reason can cause hears from him, it is overly touching it is painful sensitive. Mimica and movement of him are inexpressive, the voice is quiet, the movement of the poor. Usually he is unsure of himself, the timid, the slightest difficulty makes him give his hands. Melancholic is unexigated and unstable, easily tires and is not much operational. It is inherent in easily distracted and unstable attention, and the slowdown pace of all mental processes. Most Melancholics are intravert.

Temperament and activity

The productivity of human work is closely related to the peculiarities of its temperament. So, the special mobility (reactivity) of the Sanguinik can bring an additional effect if the work requires the change of communication objects, the genus of classes. A false idea may be created that inert people do not have the advantages in any kind of activities, but it is incorrect: they are particularly easy to carry out slow and smooth movements. For psychological and pedagogical impact, it is necessary to take into account the possible type of human temperament. Tips R. M. Granovsky: It is useful to control the activity of choleric as often as possible, sharpness, incontinence, is unacceptable in working with it, since they may cause a negative response. At the same time, any act must be demanding and is valid. At the same time, negative estimates are needed only in very energetic form and as often as it requires to improve the results of his work or study. In front of the Sanguinik, it is necessary to continuously put new, as interesting tasks that require concentration and voltage from it.

Phlegmatic You need to involve in active activity and interest. He requires systematic attention. It cannot be quickly shifted from one task to another. In relation to melancholic, not only sharpness, rudeness, but also just an increased tone, irony. About the act, perfect melancholic, it is better to talk with him alone. It requires special attention, one should praise him for manifested progress, determination and will. A negative assessment should be used as careful as possible, in every way mitigating its negative impact. Melancholic - The most sensitive and wound type. With him, it is necessary to be extremely soft and benevolent.

It can be considered firmly established that the type of temperament in humans - congenital, from which properties of his innate organization it depends on, is still not fully understood. Congenital features of temperament are manifested in humans in such mental processes that depend on education, social medium and the ability to manage their reactions. Therefore, a specific response to the situation can be determined by both the influence of the characteristic differences in the nervous system, and to be a consequence of training and professional experience. However, the limits of possible development are determined by the congenital properties of the nervous system. Professional selection helps to allocate applicants with the most suitable for this specialty.

Four types of temperament

Temperament (lat. Temperamentum- The proper ratio of parts) is a sustainable association of individual features of the identity associated with dynamic, and not meaningful aspects of activity. Thime, the pen is the basis for the development of character; in general, from a physiological point of view temperament - Type of Higher Nervous Human Activity.

Temperament is the individual-peculiar properties of the psyche, reflecting the dynamics of human mental activity and manifest themselves regardless of its goals, motives and content. The temperament is weakly changing during the life, and, in fact, it is not even temperament, but a psyche, and temperament is always stable.

Four temperaments in the form of visual emoticons (phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine, melancholic) are shown in Fig. 7.

The magic of numbers in the Mediterranean civilization led to the teachings of four temperaments, while in the east there was a five component "world system". The word "temperament" and equal to him by the Greek word "stupid" (Greek. The storing; - "merging, mixing") introduced an ancient Greek doctor Hippocrat. Under temperament, he understood the anatomy-physiological, and individual psychological features of a person. Hippocrates, and then Galen explained the temperament as characteristics of behavior, a predominance in the body of one of the "life juices" (four elements):

  • the predominance of yellow bile ("bile, poison") makes a person impulsive, "hot" - choleric;
  • the predominance of lymph ("" Motica ") makes a person calm and slow - phlegmatic;
  • the predominance of blood ("blood") makes a person moving and cheerful - Sanguine;
  • the predominance of black bile ("black bile") makes a person sad and afraid - Melancholic.

Fig. 7. Four temperaments

This system still has a profound effect on literature, art and science.

Truly the turning point in the history of naturally scientific study of temperaments was the teaching of I.P. Pavlova on the types of nervous system (types of higher nervous activity) common to humans and higher mammals. I.P. Pavlov proved that the physiological basis of temperament is the type of higher nervous activity, determined by the ratio of the basic properties of the nervous system: forces, equilibrium and mobility of the processes of excitation and braking flowing in the nervous system. The type of nervous system is determined by the genotype, i.e. hereditary type. I.P. Pavlov allocated four clearly defined type of nervous system, i.e. certain complexes of the main properties of nerve processes.

A weak type is characterized by weakness as excitatory and braking processes - melancholic.

A strong unbalanced type is characterized by a strong irritable process and a relatively strong braking process - choleric, "unrestrained" type.

Strong balanced moving type - Sanguine, "Live" type.

Strong balanced, but with inert nerve processes - phlegmatic, "calm" type.

Strength - the ability of nerve cells to maintain normal performance with a significant voltage of the excitation and braking processes, the possibility of CNS to perform a certain job without the need to restore its resources. The strong nervous system is able to withstand a large load for a long time and, on the contrary, a weak nervous system cannot withstand a large and long load. It is believed that persons with a stronger nervous system is rushing and stressful. The power of the nervous system for excitation is manifested in the fact that a person is relatively easy to work in adverse conditions, he has a sufficiently short rest for the restoration of forces after tedious work, it is capable of working intensively, not lost in an unusual setting, persistent. The power of the nervous braking system is manifested in the ability of a person to restrain its activity, for example, not to talk, show calm, composure, to be restrained and patient.

The equilibreence of nervous processes reflects the ratio, the balance of excitation and braking. At the same time, the equilibiousness means the same severity of nerve processes.

The mobility of the nervous system is expressed in the ability of the rapid transition from one process to another, from one activity to another. Persons with a more mobile nervous system are characterized by flexibility of behavior, faster adapt to new conditions.

The description of the features of different temperaments can help figure out the person's temperament, if they are clearly pronounced, but people with sharply pronounced features of a certain temperament are not so often found, the whole people have a mixed temperament in various combinations. Although, of course, the predominance of any type of temperament makes it possible to attribute a person's temperament to one or another type.

Temperament and human ability

A person with any type of temperament may be capable and unable - the type of temperament does not affect the human ability, simply some vital tasks are easier solved by a person of one type of temperament, others - the other. From human temperament depend:

  • the rate of occurrence of mental processes (for example, the speed of perception, the speed of thinking, the duration of focusing attention, etc.);
  • the plasticity and stability of mental phenomena, the ease of their shift and switch;
  • pace and rhythm activities;
  • the intensity of mental processes (for example, the power of emotions, the activity of the will):
  • the focus of mental activity into certain objects (extroversion or introversion).

From the point of view of psychologists, four temperaments - only one of the possible systems for assessing psychological features (There are also others, for example, "introversion - extroversion"). The descriptions of temperaments are quite different from various psychologists and, apparently, include a fairly large number of factors.

Attempts were made to bring a scientific and experimental base under the theory of temperaments (I.P. Pavlov, G.Yu. Iizenk, B.M. Teplov et al.), However, the results obtained by these researchers are only partially compatible with each other. Of interest is the study of T.A. Blush (1996) in which it attempted to compare the theory of temperaments with all the psychological typologies at the same time (more than 100), including from the point of view of methods for determining the data data.

In general, the classification on temperaments does not satisfy the current requirements for the factor analysis of the individual and is currently interesting from a historical point of view.

Modern science sees in the teaching on the temperaments of the echo of another antique classification of the four types of mental response in combination with intuitive types of physiological and biochemical reactions of the individual.

Currently, the concept of four temperaments is supported by the concepts of "braking" and "excitation" of the nervous system. The ratio "High" and "low" levels for each of these two independent parameters gives a certain individual characteristic of a person, and, as a result. - Formal definition of each of the four temperaments. On emoticons (see Fig. 7) you can interpret a smile; As the ease of braking processes, and petty eyebrows - as a manifestation of ease of excitation.

The work of scientists over the human genome creates conditions for disclosing the functions of human genes, which determine the temperament through hormones (serotonin, melatonin, dopamine) and other biochemical mediators. Biochemistry and genetics allow you to establish and formalize the psychological phenotypes of people noticed by the doctors of antiquity.

The original concept of temperament is presented in the books of Ya. Feldman "Theory of Levels and Man's Model" (2005) and "Philosopher on the Beach" (2009). They consider the situation "man in the stream of the same type of tasks. It turns out that a person is included in the decision gradually, gradually decreases the number of errors and the time for solving one task. Then they say that "health is growing" or "heating is growing." Then comes a maximum (plateau), then heating drops to zero (refusal to solve, rest). It is believed that each person has such a curve periodically, this is its individual characteristic. If randomly selected people put in the same stream of tasks, then their warming curves will fall into four groups. These four types of warming curves exactly correspond to four temperaments:

  • fast rise - high and short plateau - fast decline (choleric);
  • moderately fast rise - moderately high and short plateau - moderately fast decline (Sanguine);
  • slow lift - low and long plateau - slow downturn (phlegmatic);
  • a very slow rise is a high burst in the middle and return to the low point - and then a slow downturn to zero (melancholic).

So, the temperament is the most general formal dynamic characteristics of individual human behavior.

Temperament is a set of typological features of a person who are manifested in the dynamics of its psychological processes: in the speed and strength of its reaction, in the emotional tone of its livelihoods. Temperament is manifestations in the human psyche of a congenital type of nervous activity. Therefore, the properties of temperament include, first of all, congenital and individual-peculiar properties of a person. The word "temperament" in Latin denotes the "proper ratio of parts", equal to it by the value of the Greek word "complicated" introduced an ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates (5-4 centuries to n. E.). Under temperament, he understood the anatomy-physiological, and individual psychological features of a person.

Telerament properties

Some people have mental activity evenly. Such people are always calm, balanced and even slow. They rarely laugh, their look is always strict and hungry. Finding into difficult situations or funny provisions, these people remain outwardly calm. Their facial expressions and gestures are not distinguished by variety and expressiveness, the speech is calm, the gait is solid. In other people, psychological activity flows jumps like. They are very moving, restless, noisy. The speech of their pusher and passionate, the movement chaotic, facial pain is diverse and rich. Often such people are masting with their hands while talking with their legs. They are fussy and impatient. The properties of temperament and there are those natural properties that determine the dynamic side of the human mental activity. In other words, the nature of mental activity depends on the temperament, namely:

the rate of occurrence of mental processes and their stability (for example, the speed of perception, the speed of the mind, the duration of focusing);

mental rhythm and pace;

the intensity of mental processes (for example, the power of emotions, the activity of the will);

the focus of mental activities for some specific objects (for example, a permanent striving of a person to contacts with new people, to new impressions from the real reality or reversibility of a person to themselves, to their ideas and images).

Also, the dynamics of mental activity depends on the motives and mental state. Anyone, regardless of the peculiarities of its temperament, if there is interest, it works energetically and faster than in its absence. Any person has a joyful event causes the rise of mental and physical forces, and in misfortune - the fall of them. Opposite the properties of temperament are manifested in the same way in a wide variety of activities and for various purposes. For example, if a student worries before passing the credit, it is concerned about the lesson at school during pedagogical practice, is in anxious waiting for the start at sports competitions, it means that high anxiety is the property of its temperament. The properties of temperament are most stable and constant compared to other human mental features. The various properties of temperament are naturally linked, forming the watery organization, the structure characterizing the type of temperament.

To compile the psychological characteristics of the traditional 4 types of temperament, the following main properties of temperament are usually allocated:

Sucality is determined by the fact that the smallest force of external influences necessary for the occurrence of any psychological reaction.

Reactivity is characterized by the degree of involuntary reactions to the external or internal effects of the same force (critical remark, a hurt word, a sharp tone - even sound).

Activity demonstrates how intensely (energetic) a person affects the outside world and overcomes the obstacles in achieving the goals (perseverance, focus, focus).

The ratio of reactivity and activity determines, from which the human activity depends to a greater extent: from random external or internal circumstances (moods, random events) or on goals, intentions, beliefs.

Plasticity and rigidity indicate how easy it is flexibly adapting a person to external influences (plasticity) or as far as the inert and kosnoy his behavior.

The rate of reactions characterizes the rate of flowing various mental reactions and processes, the tempo of speech, the dynamics of gestures, the speed of the mind. Extraversion, introversion determines from which the reaction and human activity mainly depend on the external impression that currently emerging (extrovert), or from images, ideas and thoughts associated with the past and future (introvert). Emotional excitability is characterized by how weak exposure is necessary for the emergence of an emotional reaction and at what speed it occurs.

Characteristics and features of the main psychological temperament types


Sanguine quickly converges with people, cheerful, easily switches from one type of activity to another, but does not like monotonous operation. It easily controls his emotions, quickly mastered in a new environment, actively enters into contacts with people. His speech is loud, fast, distinct and accompanied by expressive facial expressions and gestures. But this temperature is characterized by some duality. If the stimuli change rapidly, all the time the novelty is supported and the interest of impressions, the Sanguner has a state of active excitement and it manifests itself as an active, active, energetic.

If the exposure is long and monotonous, they do not support the states of activity, excitement and the sanguine loses interest in the case, he appears indifference, boredom, lethargy. The Sanguinik quickly arises feelings of joy, grief, attachment and ill-advantage, but all these manifestations of his feelings are unstable, no duration and depth. They quickly arise and can also disappear or even replace opposite. The mood of the Sanguine is changing rapidly, but, as a rule, a good mood prevails.


The people of this temperature are fast, overly moving, unbalanced, excitable, all mental processes proceed from them quickly, intensively. The predominance of excitation of braking, characteristic of this type of nervous activity, is brightly manifested in incontinence, impurity, hot tempering, choleric irritability. Hence the expressive facial expressions, a hurry speech, sharp gestures, unrestrained movements. Human feelings of choleric temperament are strong, usually pronounced, quickly arise; Mood is sometimes changing dramatically. Unbalanced inherent in the choleric is vividly connected in his activities: he is increasing and even a passion for the work, showing the impurity and speed of movements, works with the rise, overcoming difficulties.

But a person with a choleric temperament, the reserve of nervous energy can quickly exhausted during the work and then there may be a sharp decline in operation: the rise and inspiration disappear, the mood drops sharply. In communicating with people, the choleric allows sharpness, irritability, emotional incontinence, which often does not give him the opportunity to objectively evaluate the actions of people, and on this basis it creates conflict situations in the team. Excessive straightness, flareness, sharpness, intolerance sometimes make heavy and unpleasant stay in the team of such people.

Phlegmatic person

The man of this temperament is slow, calm, leisurely, is balanced. The activity shows the foundation, thoughtfulness, perseverance. He usually brings started to the end. All psychic processes in phlegmatics flow as if slow. Fellness of phlegmatics externally expressed weakly, they are usually inexpressive. The reason for this is the equilibrium and weak mobility of nerve processes. In relations with people, Phlegmatic is always level, calm, in moderation is sociable, his mood is stable.

The calm of the person of phlegmatic temperament is also manifested in relation to it to the events and phenomena of the phlegmatic life is not easy to bring out and hurt emotionally. The person's phlegmatic temperament is easy to develop extract, coolness, calm. But phlegmatics should develop the missing quality - greater mobility, activity, not allow him to show indifference to activities, lethargy, inertness that can be very easy to form under certain conditions. Sometimes the person of this temperament may develop indifferent attitude towards the work, to the surrounding life, to people and even to themselves.


Mencholic processes slowly proceed slowly, they hardly react to strong stimuli; Long-term and strong tension causes slow motion in people, and then the termination of it in the work of melancholic is usually passive, often little interest (after all, interest is always associated with strong nervous stress). Feelings and emotional states in people of the melancholic temperament arise slowly, but differ in depth, great strength and duration; Melancholics are easily vulnerable, it is hard to carry insults, chagrins, although they externally all these experiences are weakly expressed.

Representatives of the melancholic temperament are prone to closets and loneliness, avoid communicating with unfamiliar, new people, often confused, show great awkwardness in a new setting. All new, unusual causes a braking state from melancholic. But in the usual and calm atmosphere, people with such temperament feel calm and work very productively. Melancholic is easy to develop and improve the depth and sustainability of feelings, increased susceptibility to external influences.

4 types of temperament

Temperament is the individual-peculiar properties of the psyche, reflecting the dynamics of human mental activity and manifest themselves regardless of its goals, motives and content. The temperament is weakly changing during the life, and, in fact, it is not even temperament, but a psyche, and temperament is always stable. The magic of numbers in the Mediterranean civilization led to the teachings of four temperaments, while in the east there was a five component "world system". The word "temperament" and equal to him by the Greek word "stupid" (Greek. The storing; - "merging, mixing") introduced an ancient Greek doctor Hippocrat. Under temperament, he understood the anatomy-physiological, and individual psychological features of a person. Hippocrates, and then Galen explained the temperament as characteristics of behavior, a predominance in the body of one of the "life juices" (four elements):

the predominance of yellow bile ("bile, poison") makes a person impulsive, "hot" - choleric;

the predominance of lymph ("wet") makes a person calm and slow - phlegmatic;

the predominance of blood ("Blood") makes a person moving and cheerful - Sanguine;

the predominance of black bile ("black bile") makes a person sad and fearful - melancholic.

This system still has a profound effect on literature, art and science.

Truly the turning point in the history of naturally scientific study of temperaments was the teaching of I.P. Pavlova on the types of nervous system (types of higher nervous activity) common to humans and higher mammals. I.P. Pavlov proved that the physiological basis of temperament is the type of higher nervous activity, determined by the ratio of the basic properties of the nervous system: forces, equilibrium and mobility of the processes of excitation and braking flowing in the nervous system. The type of nervous system is determined by the genotype, i.e. hereditary type. I.P. Pavlov allocated four clearly defined type of nervous system, i.e. certain complexes of the main properties of nerve processes.

A weak type is characterized by weakness as excitatory and braking processes - melancholic. A strong unbalanced type is characterized by a strong irritable process and a relatively strong braking process - choleric, "unrestrained" type. Strong balanced moving type - Sanguine, "Live" type. Strong balanced, but with inert nerve processes - phlegmatic, "calm" type.

Strength - the ability of nerve cells to maintain normal performance with a significant voltage of the excitation and braking processes, the possibility of CNS to perform a certain job without the need to restore its resources. The strong nervous system is able to withstand a large load for a long time and, on the contrary, a weak nervous system cannot withstand a large and long load. It is believed that persons with a stronger nervous system is rushing and stressful. The power of the nervous system for excitation is manifested in the fact that a person is relatively easy to work in adverse conditions, he has a sufficiently short rest for the restoration of forces after tedious work, it is capable of working intensively, not lost in an unusual setting, persistent. The power of the nervous braking system is manifested in the ability of a person to restrain its activity, for example, not to talk, show calm, composure, to be restrained and patient.

The equilibreence of nervous processes reflects the ratio, the balance of excitation and braking. At the same time, the equilibiousness means the same severity of nerve processes. The mobility of the nervous system is expressed in the ability of the rapid transition from one process to another, from one activity to another. Persons with a more mobile nervous system are characterized by flexibility of behavior, faster adapt to new conditions. The description of the features of different temperaments can help figure out the person's temperament, if they are clearly pronounced, but people with sharply pronounced features of a certain temperament are not so often found, the whole people have a mixed temperament in various combinations. Although, of course, the predominance of any type of temperament makes it possible to attribute a person's temperament to one or another type.

- This is an individual property of a person who most depends on its innate, natural psycho-physiological qualities. The temperament is the individual characteristic of the person from the features of his mental activity, such as intensity, speed, the rate of mental processes.

Typically, three spheres of temperament are distinguished: the level of intensive activity, the features of the motor sphere and the level of emotionality.

Total activity Determined by the degree of intensity of human interaction with the environment - natural and social. Here you can highlight two extremes. One type of people is distinguished by its expressly expressed lethargy, passivity, and the other - high activity, speed in actions. Representatives of other temperaments are located between these two poles.

Motor or motor activity It is expressed in the speed and sharpness of movements, at a tempo of speech, as well as in external mobility or, on the contrary, slowness, talking or silence.

Emotionality - It is expressed in the speed of changing emotional states, susceptibility to emotional impacts, sensitivity.

Starting with antiquity temperament always contacted the physiological characteristics of the human body. Hippocrates(V c. BC) described four types of temperament defined by that fluid that allegedly prevails and the body: sanguine(from lat. sanguis.- blood), choleric (from Greek. chole - bile) phlegmatic (from Greek. phleGMA.- mucus) I. melancholic (from Greek. melaina.chole- Black bile). The temperaments of hippocrates were understood in a purely physiological sense.

In the XVIII century With hippocratic temperament types, four psychological types were compared, which marked the beginning of the psychological line in learning temperaments. The hostel ideas about temperaments are currently much different from the representations of the XVIII century: choleric temperament is associated with irritability, Sanguine - with cheerfulness, phlegmatic - with calmness, and melancholic - with sadness and vulneracy.

In modern psychology, temperament is defined as permanent and sustainable natural properties of the individual, determining the dynamics of mental activity regardless of its content.

As the properties of temperament, extroversion and introversion, the rate of flow of reactions, plasticity and rigidity are distinguished.

Extraversion-introversion - Characteristics of temperament introduced K. Jung - Determine the dependence of the response and activity of a person from external impressions that currently arise (extrovert), or from internal mental processes and human states (introvert). The extroverts include Sanguini and Choler, to introverts - phlegmatics and melancholic.

Pattern of reactions It characterizes the rate of leakage of mental processes and the reaction (the speed of the mind, the tempo of speech, the dynamics of gestures). The pace of reactions is raised from cholerics, sanguits and well-rested melancholics and lowered in phlegmatics and tired melancholics. People with a rapid pace of reactions and low sensitors (Sanguines and cholerics) do not notice. What other (phlegmatic and melancholic) do not have time to follow the progress of their thoughts, and on the basis of this make completely unreasonable conclusions about their mental abilities, which can cause direct damage to the relationship between people, in particular business relations.

Inactivity - The degree of involuntary reactions to external and internal exposure and irritation (critical remark, a hurt word, sharp tone. External impact). These are automated protection and orientation reactions. High reactivity at choleric and sanguine, low in phlegmatics.

Activity - characterizes the severity of the energy potential of the person, with whom a person overcomes obstacles and achieves the goal. Activity is expressed in perseverance, focus, focusing and is the main quality of temperament, which contributes to the achievement of the target. The most high activity in phlegmatics, although, due to low reactivity, it turns on to work slower. Phlegmatic is highly active, he does not face overwork. At choleric, high activity is combined with reactivity. Sanguines are quite active, but if the activity is unitable, they can lose interest. Melancholics are characterized by low activity.

The ratio of reactivity and activity determines from which the human activity is to a greater extent: random external or internal circumstances - mood, random events, or from goals, intentions, beliefs.

Plasticity and rigidity It is evidenced how easy and flexibly adapts to the external influences (plasticity) or how inert its behavior (rigidity) is. The highest plasticity of Sanguinics, rigidity characterizes phlegmatics, cholerics and melancholics.

Emotional excitability Reflects the minimum impact threshold necessary for the emergence of an emotional reaction and the rate of its development. Emotional excitability is raised by Sanguinique, choleric and melancholic, and phlegmatics lowered.

A peculiar combination of activity, determined by the intensity and the volume of human interaction with the environment - the physical and social, and the degree of severity of emotional reactions, determine the individual characteristics of the temperament, i.e. "Dynamic aspects" of behavior. Researchers preserve the confidence that the dynamic properties of behavior have a certain physiological basis, i.e. Defined by some features of the functioning of physiological structures, however, what these structures and features are currently unknown. One thing is clear that temperament, being congenital, is the basis of most of the properties of the personality, the main number of its character. Temperament is a sensual basis of character. Transforming in the process of character formation, the properties of the temperament are transmitted into character traits, the content of which is associated with the orientation of the psyche of the individual.

Telections and their characteristics

Phlegmatic person It is not unhappy, it is impossible, it has sustainable aspirations and mood, externally stingy on the manifestation of emotions and feelings. He is persistent and perseverance in the work, remaining calm and balanced. It is produced in operation, compensating for its slowness to adjacent.

Choleric - Fast, passionate, impetuous, but completely unbalanced, with a sharply changing mood with emotional flashes, quickly depleting. He has no equilibrium of nerve processes, it is sharply distinguished from the Sanguinik. Choleric, trapped, disassembled his strength and quickly depleted.

Sanguine - Live, hot, mobile person, with frequent change of mood, impressions, with a quick response to all events occurring around it, is quite easily reconciled with its failures and trouble. Usually, the Sanguins have expressive facial expressions. It is very productive in work when he is wondering, coming to a strong arousal from this, if the work is not interesting, he relates to her indifferent, it becomes boring.

Melancholic - A person is easily wounded, inclined to the constant experience of various events, it reacts little to external factors. He cannot restrain their asthenic experiences, he is too impressionable, it is easily emotionally injured.

Each temperament can be found. both positive and negative properties. Good education, control and self-control makes it possible to manifest: Melancholic, as a person impressionable with deep experiences and emotions; FLEGMA, as a weathered, without reconciliation solutions to a person: a sanguine, as a highly responsive to any work person: a choleric, as a passionate, frantic and active person.

The negative properties of temperament can manifest as follows: the melancholic is closed and shyness; Flegmatic has indifference to people, dryness; Sanguinique has surface, scattering. inconstancy; Holerik has hasty decisions.

As already noted, four main types of temperament differ: Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic (Fig. 1, Table 1).

Sanguine temperament

I. P. Pavlov gives the following characteristics of the characteristics of the Sangtinic temperament: "Sanguine is a hot, very productive figure, but only when he has a lot of interesting things, that is, constant arousal. When there is no such thing, it becomes bullful, sluggish. "

Sanguine is characterized by a slight adaptability to changing living conditions, increased contact with the surrounding people, sociability. The senses of the Sanguine are easily arising and quickly replaced, its stereotypes are quite mobile, conditional reflexes are quickly fixed. In the new atmosphere, it does not feel stiffness, it is capable of rapidly switching attention and changing activities, emotionally stable. People with Sanguine temperament are most suitable for activities that require rapid reactions, considerable efforts, the distribution of attention.

Choleric temperament

"Choleric type," says I. P. Pavlov, is clearly combat type, prime, easily and sometimes annoying. " "Fasciating in some business, it is too easy to put on his own funds and the forces and in the end rushes, extends more than it is necessary, it is being finalized that he is all non-darling."

For choleric, elevated emotional reactivity is characterized, fast paced and sharpness in movements. Increased cholerical excitability under adverse conditions can be the basis of hot spirits and even aggressiveness.

Fig. 1. Reactions of people with different temperaments in the same situation (Figure X. Bidstrup)

Table 1. Types of temperament and the corresponding mental properties of a person

Mental properties

Temperament worst and the corresponding properties of higher nervous activity






Very high


Very big

Extraversion / Introversion





Plasticity / Rigidity















Very stable

Very unstable

With the corresponding motivation, the choleric is able to overcome significant difficulties, given the cause with great passion. It is characterized by a sharp change of sentiment. The greatest effectiveness of a man with a choleric temperament reaches in activities requiring increased reactivity and significant one-time voltage of forces.

Phlegmatic temperament

"Phlegmatic is calm, always smooth, persistent and stubborn worker life."

Phlegmatic reactions are somewhat slowed down, the mood is stable. The emotional sphere is externally expressed little. In difficult life situations, the phlegmatic remains quite calm and weathered, it does not allow impulsive, impetuous movements, since the processes of braking always balance the processes of excitation. Correctly calculating your strength, Phlegmatic manifests greater perseverance in bringing the case to the end. Switching attention and activity is somewhat slow. Its stereotypes are larger, and behavior in some cases is not flexible. Phlegmatic achieves the greatest success in those activities that require evenly voltage of forces, perfection, sustainability of attention and great patience.

Meancholic temperament

"Melancholic temperament is clearly brake type of nervous system. For melancholic, it is obviously, each phenomenon of life becomes slowing down his agent, since he does not believe in anything, he does not hope for anything, he sees everything and expects only bad, dangerous. "

The melancholic is distinguished by increased vulnerability, a tendency to deep experiences (sometimes even in minor reasons). His feelings easily arise, poorly constrained, outwardly pronounced. Strong external influences make it difficult to work. It is introverted - busy with its experiences, closed, refrain from contacts with unfamiliar people, avoids a new situation. Under certain living conditions, it is easily formed shyness, timidity, indecision and even cowardice. In a favorable stable atmosphere, melancholic can achieve significant success in such activities that require increased sensitivity, reactivity, fast learning, observation.