Grain scabies Diseases caused by the influence of biological factors (infectious and parasitic diseases). Parasitic Skin Disease - Scabies Grain Scabies

  • Date: 05.03.2020

Young females of a yellowish pot-bellied tick, oblong, 223 x 80 microns in size, after feeding they become spherical - 1 - 1.5 mm in diameter. Males are 164 x 90 microns in size.

The optimum temperature for mite development is 25 ° C. Females are viviparous.

The female gives birth to 200-300 ticks, which undergo all development in her body, which makes the rear part of it spherical.

Grain scabies was first described by Shamberg (J. F. Schamberg, 1901).

Other species of Pyemotes

The rash resulting from the bite of P. herfsi was first recorded in Europe in 1936. A secondary bacterial infection is possible.

The male pot-bellied tick lives 24 hours without food, the female - 36 hours (feeding - 38 days).

Pyemotes herfsi bites humans, causing redness, itching, and scarring. The size is about 0.2mm.

P. herfsi was registered in Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Australia, North India, the USA, and Germany.

The rash resulting from the bite of P. herfsi was first recorded in Europe in 1936. A secondary bacterial infection is possible.

The male of the pot-bellied tick lives 24 hours without food, the female - 36 hours (feeding - 38 days).

Grain scabies treatment

The prognosis is favorable.

Prevention consists in disinfestation of objects where ticks are found. When working with grain contaminated by bees, open areas of the body are treated with a 2-4% solution of baking soda, take a shower.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with urticaria (in which vesicles and pustules are usually not observed), chickenpox, thrombidiasis, scabies (absence of scabies, localization of urticarial elements with vesiculopustules on the surface) and other dermatitis.

Symptomatic treatment: warm baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or sodium bicarbonate (baths with starch, baths with baking soda, baths with potassium permanganate), local remedies (talkers, creams, ointments) containing 2-3% menthol, anesthesin, 5- 10% sulfuric ointment. To reduce itching prednisone (0.5 mg / kg). It is important to eliminate contact with ticks and their hosts.

The prognosis is favorable.

Prevention consists in disinfestation of objects where ticks are found. When working with grain contaminated by bees, open areas of the body are treated with a 2-4% solution of baking soda, take a shower.

See also Tick-borne sensitization.

Symptomatic treatment: warm baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or sodium bicarbonate (baths with starch, baths with baking soda, baths with potassium permanganate), local remedies (talkers, creams, ointments) containing 2-3% menthol, anesthesin, 5- 10% sulfuric ointment. To reduce itching prednisone (0.5 mg / kg). It is important to eliminate contact with ticks and their hosts.

It is characterized by itchy urticarial-vesicular and erythematous-papular rashes and large blisters, often with small vesicles on their surface, allergic cough and spasms.

Etiology and epidemiology

Grain scabies was first described by Shamberg (J. F. Schamberg, 1901).

Pathogenesis of Pyemotes ventricosus invasion

The clinical picture of grain scabies is characterized by the appearance on the skin of the trunk and neck of rashes in the form of large blisters with vesicles and pustules on their surface, sometimes resembling erythema multiforme exudative. Due to severe itching and scratching, a pyococcal infection often joins and pyoderma develops, which may be accompanied by fever, malaise, and weakness. In the blood, leukocytosis and eosinophilia are often found.

The disease is accompanied by severe itching and burning, headaches, nausea, and the formation of many reddish nodules on the human body. Urticaria, insomnia occurs. At the site of tick bites, large blisters form, in the center of which bubbles form, which quickly turn into pustules, resembling the manifestations of chickenpox or erythema multiforme exudative. Rashes are more often localized on the skin of the trunk and neck, severe itching worries. After 1-2 weeks, the process regresses.

Pyemotes tritici bites people outdoors in or near woodlands. They can bite upon contact with straw, hay, herbs, leaves, seeds. There have also been cases of Pyemotes tritici dermatitis in horses and people associated with them.

Pyemotes tritici in grain workers cause numerous urticarial papules topped with vesicles located on the forearms, neck, around the waist and groin. These mites can cause epidemics of dermatitis during harvesting and post-harvest operations with straw, hay or some grain. Bites cause rashes, dermatitis, itching, sweating, fever, headache, and even vomiting in severe cases.

Pyemotes beckeri are rare and cause dermatitis.

Pyemotes hughesi can cause urinary acariasis.

Grain scabies treatment

Differential diagnosis is carried out with urticaria (in which vesicles and pustules are usually not observed), chickenpox, thrombidiasis, scabies (absence of scabies, localization of urticarial elements with vesiculopustules on the surface) and other dermatitis.

Symptomatic treatment: warm baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or sodium bicarbonate (baths with starch, baths with baking soda, baths with potassium permanganate), local remedies (talkers, creams, ointments) containing 2-3% menthol, anesthesin, 5- 10% sulfuric ointment. To reduce itching prednisone (0.5 mg / kg). It is important to eliminate contact with ticks and their hosts.

The prognosis is favorable.

Prevention consists in disinfestation of objects where ticks are found. When working with grain contaminated by bees, open areas of the body are treated with a 2-4% solution of baking soda, take a shower.

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Piemotosis of bees

In the Russian Federation, this disease occurs in the Volga region and in Western Siberia.

The combs with the affected brood are removed from the colonies and melted onto wax. The bees are transplanted into a clean hive. The nests are cut and insulated. For prevention, it is necessary not to place hives next to granaries.

Notes (edit)

Excerpt Characterizing Grain Scabies

Anna Pavlovna's evening was started. The spindles from different sides evenly and incessantly made noise. Except for ma tante, near which sat only one elderly lady with a tear-stained, thin face, somewhat stranger in this brilliant society, the society was divided into three circles. In one, more masculine, the center was the abbot; in another, young, the beautiful Princess Helene, the daughter of Prince Vasily, and the pretty, ruddy, too plump in her youth, little Princess Bolkonskaya. In the third, Mortemar and Anna Pavlovna.
The Viscount was a handsome young man, with gentle features and methods, who obviously considered himself a celebrity, but, out of good manners, modestly left himself to be used by the society in which he found himself. Anna Pavlovna, obviously, treated her guests to them. Just as a good maître d'hotel serves as something supernaturally beautiful that piece of beef that you don't want to eat if you see it in a dirty kitchen, so this evening Anna Pavlovna served her guests first the viscount, then the abbot, as something supernaturally refined. In Mortemar's circle they immediately started talking about the murder of the Duke of Enghien. The Viscount said that the Duke of Enghien died of his magnanimity, and that there were special reasons for Bonaparte's anger.
- Ah! voyons. Contez nous cela, vicomte, [Tell us this, Viscount,] - said Anna Pavlovna, happily feeling how this phrase was responding a la Louis XV [in the style of Louis XV], - contez nous cela, vicomte.
The Viscount bowed in obedience and smiled politely. Anna Pavlovna made a circle around the viscount and invited everyone to listen to his story.
“Le vicomte a ete personnellement connu de monseigneur, [the Viscount was personally acquainted with the duke,]” Anna Pavlovna whispered to one. “Le vicomte est un parfait conteur,” she said to the other. “Comme on voit l” homme de la bonne compagnie [As a man of good society is now seen], ”she said to the third, and the viscount was served to society in the most elegant and favorable light for it, like roast beef on a hot dish, sprinkled with herbs.
The Viscount was about to begin his story and smiled thinly.
- Come here, chere Helene, [dear Helene,] - said Anna Pavlovna to the beautiful princess, who was sitting at a distance, making up the center of another circle.
Princess Helene smiled; she rose with the same unchanging smile of a quite beautiful woman with whom she entered the drawing-room. Slightly rustling with her white ballroom robe, trimmed with ivy and moss, and shining with the whiteness of her shoulders, the gloss of hair and diamonds, she walked between the parted men and straight, not looking at anyone, but smiling to everyone, and as if graciously giving everyone the right to admire the beauty of their camp , full of shoulders, very open, in the fashion of the time, chest and back, and as if bringing with her the brilliance of a ball, she went up to Anna Pavlovna. Helene was so good that not only was there not even a shadow of coquetry in her, but, on the contrary, she seemed to be ashamed of her undoubted and too strong and triumphantly acting beauty. She seemed to want and could not diminish the effect of her beauty. Quelle belle personne! [What a beauty!] - said everyone who saw her.
As if struck by something extraordinary, the Viscount shrugged his shoulders and dropped his eyes while she sat down in front of him and illuminated him with the same invariable smile.
- Madame, je crains pour mes moyens devant un pareil auditoire, [I really fear for my abilities in front of such an audience,] he said, bowing his head with a smile.
The princess leaned her open, full hand on the table and did not find it necessary to say anything. She waited, smiling. Throughout the story she sat upright, glancing now and then at her full, beautiful hand, which changed its shape from the pressure on the table, now at an even more beautiful chest, on which she was straightening a diamond necklace; She straightened the folds of her dress several times and, when the story made an impression, looked back at Anna Pavlovna and immediately assumed the same expression that was on the lady's face, and then again calmed down in a radiant smile. After Helene, the little princess also passed from the tea table.
“Attendez moi, je vais prendre mon ouvrage, [Wait, I'll take my job,]” she said. - Voyons, a quoi pensez vous? - she turned to Prince Hippolytus: - apportez moi mon ridicule. [What are you thinking about? Bring my reticule.]
The princess, smiling and talking to everyone, suddenly made a rearrangement and, sitting down, recovered cheerfully.
“Now I'm fine,” she said, and, asking to start, set to work.
Prince Hippolyte carried her reticule, went over to her, and, drawing a chair close to her, sat down beside her.
Le charmant Hippolyte impressed with his extraordinary resemblance to his beautiful sister, and even more so because, despite the resemblance, he was strikingly foolish. The features of his face were the same as those of his sister, but in the latter everything was illuminated by the cheerful, self-satisfied, young, invariable smile of life and the extraordinary, antique beauty of the body; on the other hand, the brother's face was clouded with idiocy and invariably expressed self-confident grumpiness, and the body was thin and weak. Eyes, nose, mouth - everything seemed to shrink into one vague and boring grimace, and arms and legs always took an unnatural position.
"Ce n" est pas une histoire de revenants? [Isn't this a ghost story?], He said, sitting down beside the princess and hastily attaching his lorgnette to his eyes, as if without this instrument he could not begin to speak.
- Mais non, mon cher, [Not at all,] - the surprised narrator said with a shrug.
- C "est que je deteste les histoires de revenants, [The fact is that I hate ghost stories,] - he said in such a tone that it was obvious, - he said these words, and then he realized that they meant.
Because of the self-confidence with which he spoke, no one could understand whether what he said was very clever or very stupid. He was in a dark green tailcoat, in pantaloons of the color cuisse de nymphe effrayee, [thighs of a frightened nymph,] as he himself said, in stockings and shoes.
Vicomte [Viscount] told very nicely about the anecdote that was then circulating that the Duke of Enghien had secretly traveled to Paris to meet with m lle George, [Mademoiselle Georges] and that there he met Bonaparte, who also enjoyed the favors of the famous actress, and that there, meeting with the duke, Napoleon accidentally fell into the swoon to which he was exposed, and was at the mercy of the duke, which the duke did not take advantage of, but that Bonaparte was subsequently magnanimous for this and avenged the duke with death.
The story was very sweet and interesting, especially in the place where the rivals suddenly recognize each other, and the ladies seemed to be in excitement.
- Charmant, [Charming,] - said Anna Pavlovna, looking inquiringly at the little princess.
“Charmant,” the little princess whispered, sticking a needle into her work, as if to signal that the interest and charm of the story prevented her from continuing her work.
The Viscount appreciated this tacit praise and, smiling gratefully, went on; but at this time Anna Pavlovna, who was still looking at the young man who was terrible for her, noticed that he was talking too hotly and loudly with the abbot, and hurried to the rescue to the dangerous place. Indeed, Pierre managed to strike up a conversation with the abbot about political equilibrium, and the abbot, apparently interested in the young man's innocent ardor, developed his favorite idea in front of him. Both listened and spoke too animatedly and naturally, and Anna Pavlovna did not like this.
“The remedy is European equilibrium and droit des gens [international law],” said the abbot. - It is worth one powerful state like Russia, glorified for barbarism, to become disinterestedly at the head of an alliance aimed at balancing Europe - and it will save the world!
- How do you find such a balance? - Pierre began; but at that time Anna Pavlovna came up and, glancing sternly at Pierre, asked the Italian about how he endured the local climate. The Italian's face suddenly changed and took on an insulting feigned sweet expression, which, apparently, was familiar to him in conversation with women.
“I am so fascinated by the delights of the mind and education of society, especially women, into which I had the good fortune to be accepted, that I have not yet had time to think about the climate,” he said.
Without letting out the abbot and Pierre, Anna Pavlovna, for the convenience of observation, joined them to the general circle.

At this time, a new face entered the living room. The new face was the young prince Andrei Bolkonsky, the husband of the little princess. Prince Bolkonsky was of short stature, a very handsome young man with definite and dry features. Everything in his figure, from a tired, bored gaze to a quiet, measured step, represented the starkest opposition to his little, lively wife. Apparently, all those who were in the living room were not only familiar to him, but he was so tired of him that he was very bored to look at them and listen to them. Of all the faces that bored him, the face of his pretty wife seemed to bore him the most. With a grimace that ruined his handsome face, he turned away from her. He kissed Anna Pavlovna's hand and, squinting, looked around the whole society.

The disease is accompanied by severe itching and burning, headaches, nausea, and the formation of many reddish nodules on the human body. Urticaria, insomnia occurs. At the site of tick bites, large blisters form, in the center of which bubbles form, which quickly turn into pustules, resembling the manifestations of chickenpox or erythema multiforme exudative. Rashes are more often localized on the skin of the trunk and neck, severe itching worries. After 1-2 weeks, the process regresses.

The male of the pot-bellied tick lives 24 hours without food, the female - 36 hours (feeding - 38 days).

Outbreaks of grain scabies are known in many countries, it occurs in agricultural workers, porters, storekeepers, etc. There is a known case of mass infection in hospitals.

Pyemotes tritici bites people outdoors in or near woodlands. They can bite upon contact with straw, hay, herbs, leaves, seeds. There have also been cases of Pyemotes tritici dermatitis in horses and people associated with them.

Pyemotes tritici in grain workers cause numerous urticarial papules topped with vesicles located on the forearms, neck, around the waist and groin. These mites can cause epidemics of dermatitis during harvesting and post-harvest operations with straw, hay or some grain. Bites cause rashes, dermatitis, itching, sweating, fever, headache, and even vomiting in severe cases.

Pyemotes beckeri are rare and cause dermatitis.

Pyemotes hughesi can cause urinary acariasis.

Grain scabies treatment

Differential diagnosis is carried out with urticaria (in which vesicles and pustules are usually not observed), chickenpox, thrombidiasis, scabies (absence of scabies, localization of urticarial elements with vesiculopustules on the surface) and other dermatitis.

Symptomatic treatment: warm baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or sodium bicarbonate (baths with starch, baths with baking soda, baths with potassium permanganate), local remedies (talkers, creams, ointments) containing 2-3% menthol, anesthesin, 5- 10% sulfuric ointment. To reduce itching prednisone (0.5 mg / kg). It is important to eliminate contact with ticks and their hosts.

The prognosis is favorable.

Prevention consists in disinfestation of objects where ticks are found. When working with grain contaminated by bees, open areas of the body are treated with a 2-4% solution of baking soda, take a shower.

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In the Russian Federation, this disease occurs in the Volga region and in Western Siberia.

The combs with the affected brood are removed from the colonies and melted onto wax. The bees are transplanted into a clean hive. The nests are cut and insulated. For prevention, it is necessary not to place hives next to granaries.

Notes (edit)

Excerpt Characterizing Grain Scabies

- See how big and kind he is? Listen to him ... Listen ... - as now I remember the quiet, enveloping grandfather's voice. And I heard ...
Until now, vividly, as if it happened only yesterday, I remember that incomparable feeling of merging with something incredibly huge and deep. The feeling that suddenly strange visions of some alien distant lives began to float before my eyes, not childishly deep feelings of joy and sadness ... The familiar and familiar world disappeared somewhere, and instead everything around it shone, whirled in an incomprehensible and amazing whirlpool sounds and sensations. There was no fear, there was only a huge surprise and a desire that this would never end ...
A child is not an adult, he does not think that this is wrong or that this (according to all our "familiar" concepts) should not be. Therefore, for me it did not seem at all strange that it was a different, absolutely different world. It was wonderful and it was very beautiful. And it was shown to me by a person whom my childish heart trusted with all its direct, pure and open simplicity.
I have always loved nature very much. I was "tightly" merged with any of its manifestations, regardless of place, time or someone's desires. From the very first days of my conscious existence, our huge old garden has been a favorite place for my everyday games. Until now, I literally remember to the smallest detail the feeling of that unique childish delight that I experienced when I ran out into the yard on a sunny summer morning! I plunged headlong into that surprisingly familiar and at the same time so mysterious and changing world of smells, sounds and completely unique sensations.

A world that, to our common regret, is growing and changing according to how we grow and change. And later, there is no time or energy left to just stop and listen to your soul.
We are constantly rushing in some wild whirlpool of days and events, each chasing his own dream and trying, by all means, “to achieve something in this life” ... And gradually we begin to forget (if we ever remembered at all. ..) how amazingly beautiful the blossoming flower is, how wonderful the forest smells after the rain, how incredibly deep sometimes the silence is ... and how sometimes simple peace is lacking in our soul, exhausted by the daily race.
I usually woke up very early. Morning was my favorite time of day (which unfortunately changed completely when I became an adult). I loved to hear the still sleepy earth wake up from the morning coolness; to see how the first drops of dew sparkle, still hanging on delicate flower petals and from the slightest breeze tearing down like diamond stars. How LIFE wakes up to a new day ... It was really MY world. I loved him and was absolutely sure that he would always be with me ...
At that time we lived in an old two-story house, completely surrounded by a huge old garden. My mother went to work every day, and my father mostly stayed at home or went on business trips, since at that time he was working as a journalist for a local newspaper, the name of which, unfortunately, I do not remember. Therefore, I spent almost all my daytime with my grandfather and grandmother, who were my father's parents (as I learned later, his adoptive parents).

My second favorite hobby was reading, which has remained my great love forever. I learned to read at the age of three, which, as it turned out later, was a very early age for this occupation. When I was four, I was already "excitedly" reading my favorite fairy tales (for which I paid for today with my own eyes). I adored living with my heroes: I empathized and cried when something went wrong, was indignant and offended when evil triumphed. And when the fairy tales had a happy ending, then everything shone brightly "pink" and my day became a real holiday.
It is funny and sad to remember these amazingly clean childhood days, when everything seemed possible and everything was absolutely real. How real - I could not even imagine then. It happened when I was reading one of my favorite fairy tales with another rapture. The sensation was so vivid that I remember as if it happened only yesterday: the familiar world around me suddenly disappeared somewhere, and I found myself in my favorite fairy tale. I mean, it really turned out. Everything around was really alive, moving, changing ... and absolutely amazing.
I didn't know exactly how long I had been in this wonderful world, but when it suddenly disappeared, some painfully deep ringing emptiness remained inside ... It seemed that our "normal" world suddenly lost all its colors, so bright and colorful was mine strange vision. I didn't want to part with him, I didn't want it to end ... And suddenly I felt so "deprived" that I burst into tears and rushed to complain to everyone I found at that moment about her "irreversible loss" ... My mother, who, fortunately, That moment I was at home, patiently listened to my confused babble, and made a promise from me not to share my "extraordinary" news with friends yet.
When I asked in surprise: - Why?
My mother said in perplexity that it would be our secret for now. Of course, I agreed, but it seemed a little strange, since I was used to openly sharing all my news with my friends, and now for some reason it was suddenly forbidden. Gradually, my strange "adventure" was forgotten, as in childhood every day usually brings something new and unusual. But once it happened again, and it was repeated almost every time I started to read something.
I completely immersed myself in my amazing fairy-tale world, and it seemed to me much more real than all the other familiar “realities” ... And I could not understand with my childish mind why my mother was getting less and less delighted with my inspired stories ...
My poor kind mother! .. I can only imagine now, after so many years, what she had to go through! I was her third and only child (after those who died at the birth of my brother and sister), who suddenly plunged into something incomprehensible and was not going to leave! .. I am still grateful to her for her boundless patience and effort to understand everything that happened to me then and all subsequent "crazy" years of my life. I think that my grandfather helped her a lot then. Just as he helped me too. He was always with me, and this is probably why his death became for me the most bitter and irreparable loss of my childhood years.

Burning, unfamiliar pain threw me into the alien and cold world of adults, never again giving me the opportunity to go back. My fragile, light, fabulous children's world has broken into thousands of small pieces, which (I knew from somewhere) I will never be able to fully restore. Of course, I was still a small six-year-old child, with my dreams and fantasies, but at the same time, I already knew for sure that this wonderful world of ours is not always so fabulously beautiful, and it turns out that it is not always safe to exist in it. ...
I remember how just a few weeks before that terrible day, my grandfather and I sat in the garden and "listened" to the sunset. For some reason, grandfather was quiet and sad, but this sadness was very warm and light, and even some kind of deeply kind ... Now I understand that he already knew then that he would be leaving very soon ... But, unfortunately, not I knew that.
- Someday, in many, many years ... when I am no longer by your side, you will also look at the sunset, listen to the trees ... and maybe sometimes remember your old grandfather, - grandfather's voice murmured in a quiet stream. - Life is very dear and beautiful, kid, even if at times it will seem cruel and unfair to you ... Whatever happens to you, remember: you have the most important thing - your honor and your human dignity, which no one else can take it away, and no one can drop them, except you ... Keep it, baby, and don't let anyone break you, and everything else in life is replenished ...
He rocked me like a small child in his dry and always warm hands. And it was so surprisingly calm that I was afraid to breathe, so as not to accidentally frighten off this wonderful moment when the soul warms up and rests, when the whole world seems huge and so unusually kind ... when suddenly the meaning of his words reached me !!!
I jumped up like a disheveled chicken, panting with indignation, and, as luck would have it, not finding in my "rebellious" head such necessary words at this moment. It was so offensive and completely unfair! .. Why, on such a wonderful evening, he suddenly needed to start talking about the sadly inevitable that (even I already understood) sooner or later would have to happen ?! My heart did not want to listen to this and did not want to accept such "horror". And it was completely natural - after all, all of us, even children, do not want to admit this sad fact to ourselves so much that we pretend that it will never happen. Maybe with someone, somewhere, sometime, but not with us ... and never ...

(scabies ventricosa; syn.: mattress scabies, straw scabies, barley scabies) dermatosis caused by the Pediculoides ventricosus mite, characterized by itchy urticarial-vesicular and erythematous-papular rashes and large blisters, often with small vesicles on their surface.

  • - the same as the grain barn moth. ...
  • - granary grain moth, butterfly of this. of notched-winged moths, a pest of grain products and grain crops - wheat, rye, barley, corn, etc. It is found everywhere in granaries, like a field ...

    Agricultural encyclopedic dictionary

  • - the indicator used for the equivalent comparison of decomp. types of products of the plant. For basic the unit of measurement is taken to be grain, the products of the rest of the agricultural sector. crops are converted into comparable products for ...

    Agricultural encyclopedic dictionary

  • - see the barn moth ...

    Agricultural encyclopedic dictionary

  • - see barn fires ...

    Agricultural encyclopedic dictionary

  • - grain dryer, grain drying machine. Some 3. p. also used for drying sunflower seeds, herbs, vegetable crops. In with. x-ve USSR 3 ...

    Agricultural encyclopedic dictionary

  • - see Grain scoops ...

    Agricultural encyclopedic dictionary

  • - small grayish-yellow butterfly, fringed hind wings. It flies in the summer and lays up to 150 eggs on bread films ...
  • - butterfly, wingspan up to 40 mm. The front wings are pale brown with a spot, the hind wings are yellowish brown ...

    Agricultural dictionary-reference

  • - s.-kh. a machine for sowing seeds of grain and leguminous crops, as well as other crops close to grain in terms of seed size and seeding rates. By the method of aggregation, there are 3 ...

    Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

  • - a butterfly from the family Hadenidae, which belongs to the group of moths; see scoops ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - barley moth, a butterfly of the family of notched wing moths. The wingspan is 11-19 mm, the front wings are grayish-yellow or brown with spots, the hind wings are gray with a wide fringe. Caterpillar 7-8 mm long, yellowish-white ...
  • - a butterfly of the family of real moths, a pest of grain and other products ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a butterfly of the fire family, a pest of grain, grain products, various seeds, etc.; see barn fires ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a machine for drying grain, cereals and legumes, grass seeds and vegetables, clover pyzhin ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - butterfly of the family of bat; pest of cereals. See Grain Scoops ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

"grain scabies" in books


From the book I Live to the Nausea the author Marina Tsvetaeva

Scabies There is a scabies outbreak in Moscow now. All of Moscow itches. It starts between the fingers, then all over the body, a subcutaneous tick, where it stops - an abscess. It happens only in the evenings. On services the inscriptions: "Handshakes are canceled." (It would be better - kisses!) And recently - on a visit,


From the book Volume 4. Book 2. Diary prose the author Marina Tsvetaeva

Scabies There is a scabies outbreak in Moscow now. All of Moscow itches. It starts between the fingers, then all over the body, a subcutaneous tick, where it stops - an abscess. It happens only in the evenings. On services the inscriptions: "Handshakes are canceled." (It would be better - kisses!) And recently - on a visit,

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Grain moth


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Scabies is a contagious skin condition. A bright and characteristic symptom, which is severe itching, under the cover of night itching becomes unbearable.

Causes and symptoms of scabies

This disease is caused by a mite - itch itching. Even in the distant days of Aristotle, it was known that scabies are caused by small inconspicuous creatures that penetrate the skin, but it was only in the 19th century that the process of mite implantation into the skin was investigated.

The disease develops according to the following scenario: a fertilized female tick enters the human skin and gnaws at itself "holes" in the upper layer of the dermis for its future offspring, where it lays eggs, about a week later the larvae hatch from them. The female shows maximum care for the "babies" and does ventilation in the "holes" so that the larvae breathe and have the opportunity to exit.

The visible changes on the skin are usually minimal. But, if you notice small blisters, blisters, or see an itch course - this is a gray line that can reach a size of several cm (bubbles can be located along it) and at the same time you experience severe itching at night, then you need to run to a dermatologist.

It is easier for a female to gnaw through areas of dry, thin skin - these are areas between the fingers, on the wrists, the inner surface of the thighs, and the abdomen. Everyone probably remembers how in childhood, before being sent to a children's camp, a doctor examined his hands and abdomen, the characteristic locations of scabies. In women and children, it can also appear on the soles of the feet, on the face and on the head, and in men on the genitals.

Obviously, during these periods it is difficult to maintain public and personal hygiene, but even in peaceful and very prosperous times, scabies can be picked up through a banal handshake with a sick person or holding onto a handrail in public transport! You should be especially careful with personal hygiene items in the bath or pool.

Scabies is common in children, this is due to their curiosity and desire to touch everything. The transmission of scabies in the children's collective occurs through ordinary toys, writing instruments, etc.

Some pregnant women experience severe itching at night, somewhat similar to itch itching, but one should not rush to conclusions, because itching in pregnant women can occur for a number of other reasons, the best solution in this situation is to see a doctor.


Norwegian (crustal)

A rare manifestation of the disease, one might say, its advanced stage. It occurs in asocial people (without a fixed place of residence), in people with pathologies of immunity, with mental disorders, with abnormal skin sensitivity. Norwegian scabies is not a sight for the faint of heart, the areas of the skin where the scabies mite lives are covered with a dirty gray crust with a yellowish tinge. At this time, the skin becomes terribly dry, and the nails begin to thicken.

Then this crust begins to spread further throughout the body, covering the entire body with an armor that fetters the body and makes any movement painful. Under the crusts there is an abundant accumulation of scabies mites with a branched system of passages, if the crust is torn off, an ulcer is formed. A distinctive feature is that with profuse rashes, itching is absent or very imperceptible.

But some patients experience severe itching and the patient, combing himself, often carries an infection, and this creates a fertile ground for the development of impetigo, folliculitis, and boils. On contact, this form of scabies is quickly transmitted, but an infected person usually develops simple scabies.


It is caused by the larvae of various types of worms, the final owner of which is a person. The larvae, growing up, leave the intermediate host - freshwater mollusks living along the banks of rivers and lakes. The larva enters the human body through the skin or mucous membranes while swimming, walking barefoot on wet coastal grass or soil.

At the same time, ticks only bite, and do not arrange a home for themselves, therefore there are no itch holes, but there is an intolerable itching. Often, ticks leave the patient on their own 2-3 weeks after they come into contact with the skin.


Grain scabies are similar to urticaria and common scabies. During the treatment, warm baths are used, the skin is externally lubricated with sulfuric ointment for 2-3 days. Mattresses stuffed with straw infested with pot-bellied mites are burned or disinfected.


Scabies treatment includes the following steps:

Folk remedies in the treatment of scabies should not be abused, because this disease is treated strictly under the supervision of a dermatologist. It is necessary to make sure that the scabies mite has left the patient, therefore, it is necessary to regularly examine the patient for a month.

With Norwegian scabies, the patient needs to exert great diligence to remove the entire cortical layer using a softening sulfur-salicylic ointment, then rinse it in the bathroom and rub the necessary ointment into dry skin.

See also other skin diseases