Comparison of fat and muscle density. Fat or muscle: which is heavier

  • The date: 01.10.2021

When we talk about a lot of weight, we increasingly condemn the presence of extra pounds and fat stores. Yes, the size depends largely on the percentage of fat in the body, but still, there are no exact indicators of normal weight, since muscles also affect size and weight. They also have weight.

Usually, experts for determining excess weight do not take into account the actual weight, but the percentage of fat in the human body. The higher this percentage, the greater the risk of health complications.. This percentage can only be determined using a special device or well-thought-out scales, which are usually found in nutritionists' offices. You can find such scales in fitness clubs. They show the percentage of fat, muscle and water that are contained in the body and all three indicators will add up to 100%. Since the percentage of water in the human body usually does not change (at least it should), changes in the percentage of muscle and fat can occur. Needless to say, the greater the advantage in the direction of the muscles, the better for human health.

What's harder?

It is noted that in muscle tissue, the specific gravity is three times higher than the weight of adipose tissue. It has long been noted indicators of the ideal percentage of fat and muscle mass for women and men. Values change depending on age.

So, for women under the age of 20 years, 14-21% is considered a normal indicator of the amount of fat, but already from 20 to 50 years old, it is permissible for women to have a fat mass of 17 to 27%. After thirty, the percentage of 20-3o is considered the norm.

As for men, the norms are somewhat lower for them. At the age of 20 years, fat mass can be 9-15%, and at the age of 20 to 50 years, 14-21% is considered the norm. After 50 years, as for women, the norms increase, and the value of fat can reach 19-23%.

By the way, if the percentage of fat is higher, this, of course, indicates obesity, but even lower values ​​are far from always good for human health. For a person, fat is necessary, because it helps protect internal organs. And in cold weather, fat still performs the function of heating.

So it’s better for women not to go too far in getting rid of fat in order to prevent an indicator of less than 12%. At lower values, a variety of problems are noted, including often stopping the menstrual cycle. Men need at least 5% for normal well-being and health.

How to turn fat into muscle?

Fat cannot be turned into muscle, because in order to reduce its amount, body fat must be burned. Muscle mass, on the contrary, increases. So the two processes are completely incompatible. But if you train, do strength exercises, then the fat gradually disappears, and at the same time muscle mass increases. This happens due to the fact that physical strength increases, energy is added, muscle configuration noticeably improves and metabolism increases. An excellent result of active training is an improvement in figure and weight, a reduction in the appearance of cellulite and a reduction in the risk of diseases that are associated with obesity or excess weight.

But a high percentage of fat is very harmful to the human body. It can lead to a decrease in energy flow and slow metabolism, the body becomes noticeably more lethargic and increases the risk of developing diabetes and some other unpleasant diseases.

But, in any case, using the percentage of body fat to determine the size of a person is unreasonable. There are women with a low percentage of body fat, but with wide hips by nature and an insufficiently pronounced waist. Of course, the clothing size in this case cannot be too small, even if the weight seems small. Or, with a percentage of fat above the norm, people look quite good for themselves - they cannot boast of a model appearance, but it is also difficult to put obesity on them. So the percentage of body fat can be an indicator, but it is far from the only guideline.

The Internet is full of pictures of the visual comparison of fat and muscle. The essence of the pictures is that fat and muscles of the same mass have a completely different volume, that is, muscles are heavier than fat. For example, this picture is very popular:

This photo is far from the truth, since the density of fat in the human body is on average 0.9 g/cm
muscle density - 1.3 g / cm. The difference, of course, is significant, but not by so much, but approximately by how much:

But still impressive, isn't it? If we consider the question "heavier muscle or fat?" in terms of cellular structure, it can be clearly answered that muscles are heavier because their cells have a higher density compared to fat cells. It turns out that fat is much more voluminous than muscle, and lighter. And two people of the same height and weight can be of different sizes. That is why weight without indicators of volumes and calculation of the percentage of fat mass is not a confirmation of the aesthetic beauty of both men and women.

Bodybuilders weigh by muscle mass, and they have their own aesthetic beauty. A man with excess body fat and with the same weight has no aesthetic beauty.

The same applies to women who love to flaunt their low numbers on the scale. Women of short stature and with minimal muscle mass especially like to show their weight advantage, weighing very little to the surprise of everyone else. Remember, the numbers on the scales are not an indicator. The numbers are this:

Did you see the difference? The body weight may be the same, but the composition is different. A high-quality and aesthetically beautiful composition is beautifully defined muscles and a thin layer of subcutaneous fat. And just a number on the scales is not beauty, it's just a number.

There is also such a moment when, after a series of weight gains and losses, the numbers on the scale seem to be stable, but the body composition is no longer the same as before:

I explain how this redistribution of fat and muscle and the change in body composition occurs. During a hunger strike, that is, another low-calorie diet, the body begins to first of all self-destruct muscle tissue. Since it is muscles that burn calories. By destroying muscles, the body insures itself against hunger strike. Less muscle means fewer calories required. After restoring excess nutrition and returning to the original weight, the body intensively accumulates fat. Therefore, visually the body becomes larger due to a decrease in the amount of muscle and an increase in the percentage of fat.

Unfortunately, the body itself destroyed the muscles, and it will not build them up on its own. Increase only exercises with large free weights. No walks in the fresh air and running will not give muscle gains. And it is also quite naive to think of the female half of the population that exercising with free weights will instantly turn them into athletes with hypertrophied muscles. To do this, you must systematically expose your body to huge loads and use appropriate stimulating supplements, since the female body is generally not inclined to build muscle. And hypertrophy also requires medical stimulation. But to aesthetically tighten the body and slightly increase the muscular frame - this is quite within the power of absolutely any young lady.

Do you have more muscle or fat? Tell!

If you are actively training, but you can’t burn fat and the numbers on the scales remain motionless, as if all this time you have been lying serenely on the couch, don’t be upset and read this material - we will tell you why this happens.

Any activity, be it cardio or strength training, can help you gain muscle mass and lose excess fat, so just because the weights are frozen does not mean that all efforts are in vain. The thing is that muscles have a greater density than fat. Thus, one kilogram of muscle is significantly smaller in volume than one kilogram of fat, but they have the same mass.

Which is heavier - muscle or fat

Have you ever heard the statement that a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat? Here we should immediately make a reservation that in this case we are talking about comparing the mass of two bodies, and not about weight, as is commonly believed. Thus, the mass of two bodies is identical, and it's all about volume, since one kilogram of fat takes up four times more space than muscle tissue. That is, you can look and feel slim even if your body weight remains the same. Alas, the same thing “works” in the opposite direction - you can look and feel plump, while the scale needle will remain motionless. This is especially true for older people, since muscles tend to decrease in size with age, because the process of repairing damaged muscle cells is much slower than in youth. In addition, with age, a person, as a rule, begins to move less, and this, in turn, significantly affects the increase in adipose tissue in the body.

In any case, excess fat can be a contributing factor to the development of serious diseases such as stroke, coronary disease and diabetes. It is difficult to determine the optimal ratio of fat and muscle in the body for each person - for this it is necessary to conduct special studies, since the final figure will depend on the lifestyle of a person, and on the characteristics of his body, and on the sport he is engaged in. However, insufficient body fat is also undesirable, since a lack of fat can cause serious damage to the body, including reproductive function in women. At the same time, it should be remembered that the ability to lead an active lifestyle largely depends on the realization of the fact: the body needs both muscle and fat.

Igor Zavialov

honored coach of Russia, a specialist in sports and space medicine, a legendary doctor who works not only with athletes (he was a doctor and functional training coach of the Russian national basketball team, PBK CSKA, football Dynamo), but also with people from the list Forbes

Do not forget that body weight is made up of not only muscle and adipose tissue - there are also bones, internal organs, fluid, glandular and nervous tissues. Therefore, I am against frequent weighing when it comes to determining the effectiveness of training and rational nutrition. Instead, use a measuring tape and your feelings - whether the clothes become looser or, on the contrary, narrower. Yes, you can weigh as much at 50 as at 25, but only in your youth in these conditional 65 kilograms did muscles prevail, and now fat, although the mass remained unchanged. And do not believe the claims that if you do not exercise, the muscles will turn into fat. No, muscle doesn't turn into fat, fat doesn't turn into muscle, bones don't turn into brain. Can a wooden house become stone? It's the same here - different materials that can't turn into each other. If a person stops taking care of himself, the fat mass naturally begins to predominate. Plus, with age, the body somehow gains fat mass and lose muscle - after 30 years, muscle cells become smaller, metabolism slows down, a person spends less energy. This is a natural mechanism, but not a sentence. If you want to continue being active, continue to lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise, and the older you get, the more time you need to devote to maintaining your own physical fitness. Only you need to do this consciously and under the guidance of a professional who can competently plan the load, taking into account your age.

Modern scales allow you to measure body composition and determine the percentage of muscle and fat mass. If you are not preparing for professional competitions, such weights will be quite enough to track not only muscle growth and fat burning, but also control fluid loss. This is important to keep in mind to prevent dehydration. For example, many people put on special rubber suits for training, run for hours in them and then proudly say that they have lost three kilograms. Only now they lost not fat, but water. Professional athletes even have such a rule - they weigh themselves before the match and always after. This allows them to determine exactly how much fluid the body has lost. In order to restore the water balance, they must drink water in the calculation of 150% of the lost body weight within two hours - they “lost weight” by two kilograms, which means they need to drink three liters of water. If this is not done, the recovery process will take a long time and be less efficient.

The average person can safely lose 500 grams of fat per week, that is, no more than two kilograms per month. Yes, you can lose weight faster, only it will not be safe, and you may be waiting for the “reverse wave” that is inevitable with sudden weight loss. Remember, the body will always take its toll. The main thing in this business is to know your own characteristics and trends and not go to extremes.

Yes, the numbers on the scale can remain stationary for a long time, but the ratio of muscle mass to fat will still change. So don't give up swimming or daily workouts at the gym just because the scale isn't moving in the direction you want. For the time being, give up weighing and try to start measuring the result in other units, such as centimeters or minutes that you spend in the plank.

Today it is generally accepted that it is impossible to grow muscle and burn fat at the same time, especially for experienced trainees. However, in a number of scientific studies, the opposite has been proven: it is still possible, but there is BUT.

There is still a lot of debate in the world of fitness and bodybuilding about whether we can do these two physiologically opposite things at the same time.

We on Zozhnik have long placed a text in the “annals” section, and now we are debunking this unequivocal statement (with subsequent amendments to the indicated article).

So, when is it possible to simultaneously burn fat and increase muscle mass.

Expert: Losing fat mass and increasing muscle at the same time is possible for beginners

To begin with, let's turn to the opinion of one of the leading experts in the fitness industry - Lyle McDonald. In his note Adding Muscle While Losing Fat, he notes the ability to achieve body recomposition (as in the US they call simultaneous fat burning and muscle growth) beginners, especially those who have solid fat reserves.

McDonald says that when people first start lifting weights, they quickly grow in strength and muscle mass under any conditions. All this is explained by simple logic - newcomers who have not trained before have an untapped potential for increasing strength and muscle mass.

The situation can be compared to two decanters of water of the same volume - one of which is empty (these are beginners), and the second is almost full (experienced trainees). Compared to a full carafe, an empty carafe will hold a lot more water (it has more potential to hold more liquid).

Based on observations, MacDonald concludes that beginners are able to grow muscle tissue even on a calorie deficit (thanks to which adipose tissue is lost) - after all, their muscles have not previously received a stimulus for growth and therefore have a greater reserve than trained athletes.

Another case MacDonald talks about is people returning to strength training after a long break. During a break in strength training, not only strength indicators decrease in previously engaged people, but part of the muscle tissue is also lost due to the fact that the muscles have not received a training stimulus for a sufficiently long time to maintain their volumes (not to mention growth). In addition to this, during the break, people who refuse to train also increase the percentage of fat in the body. As a result, a man who had given up training for a long time took a few steps back and thus freed up space in an almost full jug.

4 Studies Proving Simultaneous Muscle Growth and Fat Loss in Beginners

First, let's take a look at the research that confirms that beginners (especially those with a lot of excess weight) are able to grow muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Study #1

Back in 1993, experts from the University of Nebraska volunteered to find out whether muscle hypertrophy was possible in conditions of energy deficiency.

Organization of the study: Within 3 months, scientists observed 14 obese men. The participants were divided into 2 groups of 7 people: the first group did not train, and the second group did weight training.

To compare the results before and after the experiment, a biopsy was taken from all participants (taking a piece of tissue for further research) from the wide lateral muscle of the thigh.

results : after 90 days both groups lost an average of 16 kg of weight, of which 24% were lean, and 76% fat. However, compared to the group that did not exercise, in the second group, the cross-sectional area of ​​the wide lateral muscle of the thigh increased significantly.

Conclusion : In obese beginners, along with significant weight loss and a reduction in body fat percentage, strength training during calorie restriction can lead to muscle growth.

Study #2

In 2000, a Boston-based experiment was presented in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism to investigate the effect of combining low-calorie, high-protein diets with strength training on body composition in overweight people.

Organization of the study: in a randomized 12-week study, 38 overweight people took part, who were divided into 3 groups:

  • Group #1 was only in a caloric deficit, missing 20% ​​of their maintenance levels,
  • Group #2 combined the same low-calorie diet with strength training and a high protein intake (1.5 g/kg body weight) using a protein supplement, casein hydrolyzate,
  • Group 3 followed the same plan as group 2, but consumed whey protein hydrolysate instead of casein.

Results: After 12 weeks of testing, participants from all 3 groups lost an average of about 2.5 kg of weight.

Dieting group #1 saw their average body fat percentage drop from 27% to 25% (-2% difference).

Group #2 (diet + exercise + casein) reduced their body fat percentage from an average of 26% to 18% (8% difference).

Group #3 (diet + exercise + whey protein) reduced their body fat percentage from 27% to 23% (4% difference).

In terms of muscle tissue, it remained unchanged in the first group, while the casein group gained an average of 4 kg of muscle, and the whey protein group gained 2 kg of muscle.

Conclusion: From this study, we can again conclude that overweight beginners are able to achieve body recomposition, especially if they consume enough protein.

Study #3

Next, consider a 2011 study conducted by researchers at McCaster University in Ontario. The aim of the researchers was to find out how daily training (strength and/or aerobic) and a low-calorie diet with varying amounts of protein and calcium would affect body composition in overweight or obese women.

Organization of the study: 90 overweight or obese women took part in a randomized study lasting 16 weeks, who were divided into 3 groups:

1. High protein and dairy group (30% protein, 15% of which was dairy),
2. Moderate protein and dairy group (15% and 7.5%),
3. Moderate protein and low dairy group (15% and<2%).

All participants were in conditions of energy deficit at the level minus 500 kcal from the maintenance level.

The subjects combined aerobic and strength training, exercising 5 times a week under supervision, and doing it on their own on the weekends. The workouts were designed in such a way that about 250 kcal was spent in one session.

results : All 3 groups lost an average of 4.3 kg of weight, while between 8 and 16 weeks, participants in the first group (high-protein diet with lots of calcium) lost more fat than the rest.

Simultaneously with the loss of fat in the first group, an increase in muscle mass was noted, especially between 8 and 16 weeks.

The amount of muscle tissue in the group that consumed 15% protein with 7.5% from dairy remained unchanged.

The group that consumed a moderate amount of protein and little calcium did not retain, but lost an average of 0.7 kg of muscle tissue.

Conclusion : A calorie-deficient diet combined with strength training, adequate protein, and increased intake of dairy products results in a greater improvement in body composition in women, characterized by greater loss of visceral and subcutaneous fat, as well as the growth of lean muscle tissue. The possibility of muscle growth while losing fat in overweight beginners is once again confirmed.

Study #4

Finally, to wrap up a block on simultaneous fat loss and muscle growth in beginners, here is one of the latest studies, which was presented this year in the January issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The purpose of the experiment: to determine how increased protein intake in a severe calorie deficit and in combination with strength training will affect body composition.

The study lasted 4 weeks. 40 overweight men were divided into 2 groups of 20 people: the first group consumed 1.2 g of protein, and the second - 2.4 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. In addition, all participants significantly restricted their calorie intake to 40% of what they needed to maintain their weight.

Each week, all subjects trained as follows:

- 2 days - circuit strength training for 3 sets of 10 repetitions with the last set performed to failure,

– 2 cardio workouts of moderate and high intensity,

– 1 test workout on a bicycle ergometer for a while,

– 1 circuit plyometric workout using your own body weight.

Immediately after training, the participants consumed a serving of whey protein.

results : participants in the high protein group (despite a significant calorie deficit) gained an average of 1.2 kg of muscle mass in 4 weeks, while participants in the control group (who consumed 2 times less protein) remained almost unchanged. In addition, the group that consumed 2.4 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight lost an average of 4.8 kg of fat mass, while the control group lost 3.5 kg.

In addition, the scientists noted that training at a sufficiently high intensity (participants performed 3 sets of 10 repetitions in each exercise) could also make a significant contribution to the results.

Conclusion : In the short term, in overweight beginners, even with a significant calorie deficit, muscle growth is possible if a high protein intake is combined with strength training.

What about experienced ones? Is it possible to burn fat and build muscle at the same time for those who have been doing strength training for a long time?

In his book The Ultimate Diet 2.0, McDonald notes that once people move from beginner to more advanced, it is extremely difficult for them to achieve body recomposition.

However, the expert notes that if a person sticks to a very small energy deficit (minus 200 kcal per day from maintenance levels) combined with intense strength training, it is possible that in tiny steps he can still grow muscle and burn fat at the same time. At the same time, Lyle emphasizes that at some point experienced trainees reach the point of developing muscle mass or reducing the percentage of body fat, at which the simultaneous burning of fat and muscle growth becomes clearly impossible.

4 studies with experienced trainees

Of course, the opinion of Lyle MacDonald is extremely authoritative (especially since the specialist refers to physiology and research data), but in order to finally dispel the doubts of readers that body recomposition in experienced trainees is not a closed issue, let's turn to specific scientific data.

Experienced Research #1

In 2012, a group of scientists (Paoli et al.) conducted an experiment, the purpose of which was to test how a keto diet (low carbohydrate) would affect training performance in professional gymnasts.

Organization of the study: 8 professional artistic gymnasts weighing about 70 kg took part in the study lasting 1 month. During the experiment, the athletes maintained their usual training volume by dedicating about 30 hours per week to training. The diet of the subjects consisted of such products as beef, veal, poultry, fish, ham, eggs, parmesan. The athletes also ate raw and cooked green vegetables, which were consumed ad libitum.

The total amount of carbohydrates during the experiment was only 22 grams.

Participants consumed a lot of protein: at the rate of about 2.8 grams per 1 kg of body weight. In addition, the athletes took daily herbal extracts, as well as 1 capsule of a multivitamin.

results : at the end of the experiment, the weight of athletes on average decreased from 69.6 kg to 68 kg (naturally with a calorie deficit), fat mass decreased on average from 5.3 kg to 3.4 kg. Accordingly, the percentage of fat decreased from 7.6% to 5%, and muscle mass increased slightly, but still increased - on average from 37.6 kg to 37.9 kg.

It is important to note that, unlike many other professional athletes, as a rule, gymnasts do not use anabolic steroids, so the likelihood that muscle growth in these experienced athletes while burning fat was due to pharmacology is cut off to a minimum.

On the subject of steroids. Former gymnast and coach of the US National Junior Gymnastics Team Christopher Sommer, in an interview with T-Nation, noted that it is very important for gymnasts to develop explosive strength, if possible, without a large increase in muscle mass. Therefore, they do not take anabolic drugs: steroids stimulate the growth of muscle mass and can only reduce absolute strength indicators, which will negatively affect the results of the gymnast.

Conclusion : Scientists have concluded that athletes who follow the keto diet are able to improve body composition without the negative impact of such a dietary approach on training performance. It is worth noting that the study lasted only 30 days; in addition, scientists talk about the main drawback of the experiment, namely, a very modest number of participants.

Experimental Study No. 2

The following study involving experienced exercisers was presented in 2015 in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. The aim of the experiment was to determine how a very high protein intake (3.4 g/1 kg of body weight) combined with strength training using the principle of periodization would affect body composition, training performance, and the health of men and women with strength training experience. .

The experiment lasting 8 weeks involved 48 men and women with an average body weight of 74.5 kg, who were divided into 2 groups:

1. The group with normal protein intake (women and men with an average strength training experience of 2.4 years) consumed an average of 2.3 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight,
2. The high protein group (women and men with an average strength training experience of 4.9 years) consumed an average of 3.4 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

It should be noted that relative to their usual diet, compared to the first group, the group with a high protein intake as a whole consumed significantly more protein and calories.

All participants trained 5 days a week, using the principle of periodization in order to increase muscle mass and strength.

results : despite a significantly lower amount of calories and protein consumed compared to the second group, group 1 gained an average of 1.3 kg of total weight, while the second not only did not increase its weight, but also reduced it by an average of 100 grams.

Moreover, the first group on average lost significantly less fat mass - minus 0.3 kg versus minus 1.6 kg for the group with high protein intake. Percentage-wise, the normal protein group reduced body fat by an average of 0.6%, while the high protein group reduced body fat by an average of 2.4%. Both groups also gained 1.5 kg of muscle mass..

The results are presented in the table below:

*NP - group consuming 2.3 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, HP - group consuming 3.4 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, BW - total body weight, FFM - lean mass, FM - fat mass, % BF is the percentage of body fat.

Despite the results, this study does not give a 100% answer to the question of whether people with experience in strength training are able to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

Researchers mention an individual (genetic) component in response to exercise and eating style. For example, in both groups there were people who gained up to 7 kg of lean mass and lost up to 4 kg of fat. There were also participants who were losing muscle and gaining fat. This once again confirms the idea that each of us is individual - someone is able to achieve body recomposition even after several years of strength training, but someone is not.

Experimental Study No. 3

We also note that a year earlier, a group of scientists led by the same researcher Jose Antonio conducted an almost identical study. The only difference was that people with more impressive strength training experience took part there (on average, 8.9 years); They also did not use the principle of periodization during the experiment and took 1.8 g or 4.4 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

As a result, scientists found that the group with a lower protein intake gained both lean mass (1.3 kg) and fat mass (0.3 kg), and the group that consumed 4.4 g of protein got rid of 0.2 kg of fat mass. and added 1.9 kg fat-free. However, again, the organization of the study left much to be desired.

Experimental Study No. 4

In conclusion, we present another study in which professional athletes took part. In this case, the scientists set out to study how a mild (average minus 469 kcal/day) or severe (minus 791 kcal) energy deficit, combined with strength training, would affect body composition, strength, and power in professional athletes.

At the end of the experiment, both groups of participants significantly reduced the percentage of body fat, while the group with a moderate calorie deficit increased muscle mass by 1.7-2.5%, while the group with a sharp deficit remained almost the same as before. research.

The experiment involved 24 professional athletes, but they were football players, volleyball players, hockey players, taekwondo players, cyclists, gymnasts, biathletes, athletes and other athletes, but not power athletes.

Note that the specifics of the sports presented above do not imply mandatory (and regular) exercises with barbells and simulators, so it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that they did not use their potential in muscle growth to a large extent.

As you can see, with experienced trainees, everything is much more complicated - there are few studies, and all of them leave more questions than answers. However, the trend is noticeable.

findings :

In general, we can conclude that the simultaneous burning of fat and growth of muscle mass is possible both for beginners and for people who have taken a long break from strength training.

As for experienced trainees, here the question is rather open than closed: it is impossible to say for 100% that they can simultaneously grow muscles and get rid of fat mass, however, the assertions that body recomposition in experienced trainees is impossible in principle are not entirely are correct.

Judging from the findings and comments from scientists, at least one long-term study in a clinical setting (where participants will be under strict observation of scientists) with a good sample of experienced trainees will be needed in the future to unambiguously answer the crucial question - are people who have passed the stage able to a beginner, at the same time grow muscles and get rid of fat?

Who most likely can't count on burning fat and growing muscle at the same time are people who have reached their ceiling in muscle growth and a very low percentage of body fat.

Please note that in this article we have only presented the available scientific data and the opinions of recognized experts, and not just baselessly attempted to undermine the established view that experienced athletes cannot grow muscle and burn fat at the same time. We continue to look forward to well-designed studies that will purposefully investigate the issue of body recomposition in experienced exercisers.


  • L. McDonald, The Ultimate Diet 2.0,
  • Adding Muscle While Losing Fat – Q&A,,
  • E. Helms, Can You Gain Weight In A Calorie Deficit,,
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  • Garthe, I. G., Raastad, T. et al., Effect of Two Different Weight-Loss Rates on Body Composition and Strength and Power-Related Performance in Elite Athletes, International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism, 21, 97-104,
  • Josse A. R., Atkinson S. A. et al., Increased consumption of dairy foods and protein during diet- and exercise-induced weight loss promotes fat mass loss and lean mass gain in overweight and obese premenopausal women, J Nutr. 2011 Sep;141(9):1626-34,
  • Increased consumption of dairy foods and protein during diet- and exercise-induced weight loss promotes fat mass loss and lean mass gain in overweight and obese premenopausal women, EAS Academy,
  • T. M. Longland, S. Y. Oikawa et al., Higher compared with lower dietary protein during an energy deficit combined with intense exercise promotes greater lean mass gain and fat mass loss: a randomized trial, Am J Clin Nutr March 2016 vol. 103 no. 3 738-746,
  • J. Antonio, A. Ellerbroek et al., A high protein diet (3.4 g/kg/d) combined with a heavy resistance training program improves body composition in healthy trained men and women – a follow-up investigation, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2015, doi: 10.1186/s12970-015-0100-0,
  • J. Antonio, C. A. Peacock et al., The effects of consuming a high protein diet (4.4 g/kg/d) on body composition in resistance-trained individuals, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition2014, doi: 10.1186/1550- 2783-11-19,
  • All Muscle, No Iron, T-Nation.

I was inspired to create this article by amazing people who love brag about your "fat mass", passing it off as a solid result in bodybuilding. I think I'm not the only one who has such acquaintances whose lifestyle is an endless stream simple carbohydrates, diluted with periodic training. And they call it bodybuilding. I perfectly understand why this alignment of events attracts many: there is no need to limit yourself in the quantity and quality of food, body weight is constantly growing, strength indicators also do not stand still. There are many pluses, and there is essentially only one minus, but in my understanding it covers all the shortcomings. As you may have guessed, the minus is body fat, directly proportional to the crazyness of your diet.

But bodybuilding is not a competition to determine the maximum body weight. bodybuilding is muscles, aesthetics and proportions, respectively, healthy bodybuilding is small percentage of subcutaneous fat. Of course, a slight increase in the thickness of the fat layer during the period of direct work to increase muscle mass is acceptable, but this does not mean that you can grow your belly with a satisfied face, hiding behind the hackneyed phrase "I'm on the mass". You can stay on the mass even with the visible outlines of the abdominal press cubes and at the same time continue to gain good meat, remaining natural bodybuilder.

Have you ever thought about the question "Which is heavier, muscle or fat?". We are used to the fact that fat (no tolerance) people are quite heavy, for many of them it is not difficult to gain a hundred or more kilograms on the scales. But at the same time, professional bodybuilders in the competitive period also weigh over a hundred with a minimum percentage of fat. Does this mean a significant difference between the weight of fat and meat?

In fact, muscles are, of course, heavier than fat, but not significantly. The relative severity of a particular substance is affected by essentially one single parameter - this is density. So, the density of meat is slightly higher than the density of fat, which means that with the same volume, a piece of muscle will weigh more than a piece of fat, but this difference is not so significant.

It turns out that the volume of the body of a professional healthy bodybuilder is slightly less than the same indicator for a classic puff of the same weight. But at the same time, the puff is visually much less pleasing to our eyes. Why? At least because fat in his body is unevenly distributed. In men, the scheme for depositing extra pounds is quite simple - do you have extra energy? put off in the belly! Yes, this is our male share - ate too much, get belly growth(in women, the distribution of fat is more even). The puffball repels us first of all with its huge belly, and not with greasy arms or legs. And if we could distribute all his excess fat evenly throughout the body, then the person would look more attractive in appearance, in clothes he would look like a healthy muscled kid.

Think about why a real jock even in clothes seems to be a jock? The answer is simple - the muscles of a bodybuilder grow simultaneously throughout the body, some muscle groups, of course, always lag behind, but the general trend is clear - in a bodybuilder compared to an ordinary person wider shoulders, back, chest, bigger arms, thicker legs. All this muscle mass is evenly distributed, unlike the puffball, which is why bodybuilders are much more pleasing to our eyes than ssbbws, no matter what anyone says.

Therefore, guys, always remain pitching! This requires strictly monitor the percentage of subcutaneous fat deposits. Even if your meat is not yet so large in volume, but small, dry muscles are many times more aesthetically pleasing than a fat kid, looking at which you want to ask the question: "Are you pumping or just fat?" And to control the thickness of the fat layer is elementary - need to control carbohydrate intake. Yes, it is carbohydrates in the first place, and then fats. experimental select the maximum daily amount of carbohydrates at which you will maintain a clear outline of muscle groups and distinguishable abs. This will be sufficient for further MUSCLE mass growth(and dry) and for the impossibility of starting catabolic processes in relation to the muscles. And if you have already gained too much, then boldly and gradually cut carbohydrates to the level of launching catabolism in relation to fat (in Russian - fat burning).

Summarize. The word "mass" in the world of bodybuilding has become a kind of cult. Mass, I want mass, gain mass, more mass - such thoughts have settled in many heads. The worship of increasing body weight, instead of increasing muscle mass, has become quite noticeable. It’s understandable, it’s much easier to increase body weight than muscles, it’s enough just to go to excess calories in nutrition. But friends this is not bodybuilding, this is fat building! Fat does not give you beauty, aesthetics, or strength! It's simple energy airbag of our body, which we absolutely do not need now in the age of food abundance. Want to get better, increase the size of the meat! Meat carcasses are always in fashion :)

Finally, I will ask you a philosophical riddle: What is heavier - a kilogram of fat or a kilogram of muscle?