Pink curdled discharge and itching in women. How to treat discharge and itching in the intimate area

  • The date: 01.09.2022

Cottage cheese discharge in women is different both in color and in symptoms. They give a signal about current problems with the flora and the genitourinary system.

There are no women without discharge. Their presence can be the norm and deviation. It all depends on the manifestations, color and accompanying symptoms. Additional manifestations indicate problems with the reproductive system, a violation of the microflora. It is important to know which symptom should alert in order to stop the inflammatory process in time.

The reasons

The main culprit of curd discharge is a violation of the microflora of the vagina. Against this background, candidiasis occurs, associated with bacteria, Candida fungi. Mushrooms are present in the female body, this is the norm. At the slightest deviation, their activity increases, which leads to the development of undesirable consequences. The reasons for the development of diseases are extensive.

The numbers in the statistics for thrush are growing every year. Now more than a third of the female population complain of candidiasis.

With smell

Photo of curdled discharge with a smell

With the development of curd discharge with a smell from the vagina, it becomes necessary to pay a visit to the gynecologist. Marks on the underwear in this case may indicate an infection. The smell may resemble fish or a fermented milk product. There is a "flavor" due to the activity of pathogens. They destroy useful components, releasing gases that contribute to the appearance of odor.

These discharges can be observed without itching and with it. Pink ones are also possible when it comes to endometriosis. In any case, the doctor will make the final diagnosis. It is recommended that you do not take any action on your own.

Without smell

This is what odorless curdled discharge looks like in the photo

White curdled discharge from the vagina with the appearance of a curd mass should alert a woman. Their manifestation is not the norm, indicates some deviations in the work of the genitourinary system. More often the problem is thrush, she is. Such a pathology is not terrible, it does not pose a serious threat to health. The main thing is to cure it in time.

Odorless thrush and itching are often reasons for not intimacy with a partner. This is due to severe discomfort in the genital area. As a rule, itching does not subside, but only increases after intercourse.

Odorless curdled discharge occurs with mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis. In this case, a gray tint is observed.

With itching and burning

Itching and burning may appear already in the presence of an infectious disease - urogenital trichomoniasis. Vaginitis contributes to the formation of foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor. If the pathology is chronic, then abundant discharge will be yellow or light. The consistency is thick. With this ailment, a woman is worried about unbearable itching in the perineum.

Urogenital candidiasis. This is an inflammatory process, in which there is also burning, itching. The culprit for the development of these signs is the Candida fungus. The discharge from women will be thick, white. The disease causes pain and sensations of pain when emptying the bladder.

With a sour smell

Beli with the smell of sour milk is a reason to consult a gynecologist. The manifestation of white discharge with an unpleasant odor is accompanied by itching, a change in shade. The amount of "sour cream" with a sour smell on underwear can be copious.

A similar process signals inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Sour leucorrhoea is a reason to check the female genitourinary system.

If leucorrhea with a smell occurs during pregnancy, this is an occasion to visit a doctor so as not to harm the fetus.


Curdled greenish discharge indicates a purulent infection. They are also green with a yellow tint. In this case, the microbial environment affects the vaginal mucosa. All symptoms indicate the development of a sexual infection - trichomoniasis. In addition to it, others of mixed etiology are also possible.


Thrush does not pose a serious danger to the body. But its presence causes discomfort.

  • night itching
  • Washing with warm water
  • Allocations
  • Smell
  • Dirty laundry

The above symptoms lead to neuroses, disorders of the nervous system. In addition, the full value of intimate life is violated.


How to treat the discharge that arose against the background of the "work" of Candida fungi, the gynecologist will say. At the heart of drug therapy are antifungal drugs. Their task is to bind the right substance with the fungi, which will be embedded in their membrane and destroy it.

First degree of severity. A mild form of thrush is treated with local remedies. For this are used:

  • cream;
  • capsules;
  • ointments;
  • suppositories.

At the slightest discharge from the vagina, you should visit the doctor for testing. Based on the results of the smear, the specialist will determine the nature of the whites, prescribe treatment.

Curdled discharge and itching in the intimate area can serve as symptoms of various gynecological pathologies, from those that are easily treatable to more serious ones that can even lead to infertility. Moderate, colorless, odorless vaginal discharge is quite normal for any girl of the reproductive age category.

The secret produced by the glands of the reproductive system removes harmful microbes and dead cells from the vagina, thus protecting the body from infectious pathologies. In other words, natural secretions contribute to the body in carrying out its protective function.

A change in the color, smell and consistency of the vaginal secretion usually indicates the presence of certain diseases in the reproductive system in women. For example, one of the main symptoms of many gynecological diseases are white lumps.

The reasons

The main cause of such a phenomenon, which is often accompanied by itching, is thrush. The causative agents of this disease are yeast-like fungi. Among the factors provoking pathology, the following can be distinguished:

  • taking immunosuppressive drugs or hormonal contraceptives;
  • a decrease in the immune system caused by bodily diseases (inflammation of the palatine tonsils, bronchitis, HIV, etc.);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • long-term antibiotic treatment without the use of probiotics;
  • frequent stress and psychological stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • abrupt climate change;
  • non-compliance with hygiene standards;
  • use of synthetic underwear.

Today, thrush is easily treated with medicines and various creams and suppositories. The duration of the therapeutic period can vary in the range from several days of the day to 2-3 weeks.

The main symptoms indicating the presence of this disease in women are:

  1. curd discharge and itching;
  2. microcracks on the surface of the genital organs;
  3. sour smell;
  4. pain during urination.

Very often, thrush is observed in girls during pregnancy and occurs throughout the entire period of gestation. In this case, it is very difficult to cure it. The disease requires treatment in the following situations:

  1. If the symptoms cause severe discomfort (excessive itching and burning).
  2. The presence of complications of pregnancy, in particular, the risk of its interruption, fetal growth retardation, etc.

Since thrush provokes significant inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, therapy should be carried out approximately at the 36th week of pregnancy. With the development of the disease, the mucous membrane becomes very sensitive and can be damaged during childbirth. Treatment is carried out at once at two partners.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a gynecological pathology resulting from a decrease in the number of lactobacilli in the microflora of the genital organs. This is usually due to prolonged use of antibiotics, due to hormonal disorders, regular use of spermicides, and sometimes is the result of private use of hormonal contraceptives.

This disease can be transmitted during sexual intercourse, especially if there is a constant change of partners. Sometimes vaginosis is a companion of sexually transmitted infections. For this reason, patients who are concerned about vaginosis are sent by doctors to take swabs for internal infections.

At the same time, in most cases, the development of this disease is provoked by regular douching, as a result of which the natural microflora of the vagina is washed out. Together with it, lactobacilli are excreted, the lack of which leads to the appearance of vaginosis. Many confuse this disease with thrush. But the gynecologist takes a smear for analysis to make the correct diagnosis. It should be remembered that before a visit to a specialist, douching should not be done. Otherwise, the results of the analysis will not give an accurate answer.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. white discharge resembling cottage cheese, as well as itching (sometimes discharge from the vagina has a gray or green tint);
  2. strong fishy smell.

Often people confuse thrush and vaginosis, but you need to understand that these are fundamentally different diseases. And the nature of their development is considered completely different. Therefore, bacterial vaginosis is not treated with antifungal agents, but in several stages. At the initial stage, the type of bacteria is determined, after which the optimal antimicrobial drugs are prescribed, and later the lactobacilli are restored to the optimal level.

Discharge during pregnancy

Often during pregnancy, curdled discharge of a white tint appears. During the bearing of a child in the body, women experience hormonal disorders, the defenses deteriorate, which make it possible to prevent a pathological increase in the volume of pathogens. As a result, Candida fungi, which are part of the normal vaginal microflora, multiply rapidly, giving the girl discomfort.

The modern medical market offers a large number of anti-thrush drugs that can be used during pregnancy. But most often they do not eliminate the main cause of thrush, relieving symptoms only for a certain time. With the formation of any discharge from the vagina that has an abnormal consistency, color and unpleasant odor, you should immediately seek advice from a gynecologist.

Only a qualified specialist will help determine the exact cause of the disease and develop a competent and effective treatment regimen.

Cottage cheese discharge in women, provoked by Candida bacteria, is treated with antifungal agents. For a non-running form of thrush, local preparations are used. For these purposes, special creams, tablets, ointments and suppositories are suitable.

Candles and ointments containing nystatin, clotrimazole and miconazole will help get rid of the pathology within a week. More modern drugs cope with the problem in three days.


If the female body is prone to dysbacteriosis, it is better to choose local remedies that are not capable of causing changes in the microflora of the genital organs. Some antimycotics have similar characteristics, in particular Gino-Dactanol and Pimafucin. Terzhinan and Polygynax have strong side effects. They can cause disturbances in the natural environment of the vagina, so they must be used very carefully, and after the permission of a doctor.

Candles, usually, need to be injected into the vagina in the morning and at bedtime in a supine position. In this case, you need to insert the suppository deeper. After the procedure, lie quietly for half an hour until the drug is completely dissolved. During the therapeutic period, it is recommended to abandon intimate life.

In the case of an advanced disease, in particular in the presence of abundant white curdled discharge, oral antimicrobial agents are used: Flucostat, Mycomax and Forkan. The first one is used once. With repetitions or the development of a chronic form of thrush, these drugs are prescribed 1 time every week for several months. At the same time, regular supervision of a specialist is required.

The formation of a curdled discharge without itching after a certain time again indicates the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

What is candidiasis, features of the disease

Genital candidiasis is considered one of the most common gynecological ailments: according to medical statistics, about 75% of the fairer sex faced its manifestations in the reproductive period at least once in their lives.

The causative agent of genital candidiasis or thrush are fungi of the genus Candida - yeast-like microorganisms that are normally part of the natural microflora of the epithelial tissues of the genital organs of women. The development of the disease occurs as a result of the accelerated reproduction of these fungi and their violation of the normal, natural balance of the environment of the genital tract.

White curdled discharge and itching

Abundant curdled discharge, provoked by fungal microflora, often have a white color. Sometimes they are the only symptom of the disease, but more often other unpleasant subjective symptoms join them.

Why does a small fungal microflora that lives on mucous membranes suddenly begin to multiply intensively and provoke an inflammatory process?

If candidal inflammation occurs against the background of a significant depletion of immune defense mechanisms, the mucous membranes are not able to keep the pathogen on the surface for a long time, and after a period of acute inflammation, Candida “hides” in the deeper layers of the vaginal epithelium.

Usually, it takes no more than two months to form a full-fledged chronic process. Vivid symptoms of the acute stage give way to mild chronic inflammation, which is characterized by long remissions and asymptomatic periods of exacerbation.

A chronic inflammatory process provoked by a fungal infection can last for years, and it is extremely difficult to cure such inflammation.

During an exacerbation of candidal inflammation in patients, curdled discharge often appears without any subjective sensations - itching, pain, discomfort and burning. Sometimes whites do not have a curdled structure, they are just white or look like “normal”, mucous membranes.

Chronic inflammation is characterized by mild hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa, the absence or a small amount of grayish deposits, and local atrophic changes. On examination, changes are visualized not only in the vagina, the infection often affects the vulva and urethra.

The presence of a chronic fungal infection in the vaginal mucosa exacerbates the local dysbiotic process and creates conditions for excessive reproduction of secondary pathogenic microflora. As a result, a sluggish fungal infection can transform into a purulent inflammation of the vaginal mucosa caused by microbial association.

Therefore, a candidal infection can be confused with another pathology, and sometimes it masks it.

White, cheesy discharge, odorless or with a slight sour smell, the smell of dairy products with the presence of itching and redness of the genitals may indicate candidiasis. Thrush is a fungal disease that affects the epithelial tissues of the genital organs. According to statistics, 75% of women have experienced this disease.

Acute inflammatory processes caused by the development of a fungal infection are not always accompanied by a persistent unpleasant odor. Rejected curd-like mucous inclusions, which begin to smell sharply when they get on the underwear, are a symptom of an already intensively developing pathological process.

The disease at an early stage is not aggravated by the presence of an unpleasant odor. In secret, only sour notes can be “heard”. Experts advise starting treatment at this stage, but highly discourage the use of folk remedies.

The reasons

The main reasons that affect the development of this disease are:

  • Excessive and prolonged use of antibiotics
  • reduced immunity
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Use of birth control pills, especially for women
  • Constant douching
  • Excess weight
  • Poor quality linen.

Most often, itching and cottage cheese discharge (to be precise - curdled, as they resemble cottage cheese in appearance) are associated with vaginal candidiasis (thrush). In addition to the characteristic whiteness and itching, which increases in the evening, after physical exertion or during menstruation, there is also redness and swelling of the genital organs, discomfort during intercourse.

But even if you find all these signs in yourself, do not rush to make a diagnosis yourself, because other diseases can also show similar symptoms, for example:

Only a doctor can reliably determine the presence of thrush or one of the listed diseases based on the patient's complaints and with the help of microscopic examination or cultural diagnosis of a smear.

Diseases accompanied by cottage cheese discharge and itching are often found in promiscuity, frequent partner changes significantly increase the risk of infection of the genitourinary system in women.

In addition to genital candidiasis, gynecological diseases such as ureaplamosis, mycoplamosis and chlamydia can cause the appearance of cloudy white cheesy vaginal discharge in women. The causative agents of these ailments are the smallest pathogens - mycoplasmas and chlamydia.

As a rule, discharge from the vagina in women suffering from these diseases has a grayish-gray tint and a sharp, fetid odor.

Regardless of what was the main reason for the appearance of unnatural vaginal discharge in a woman, the discovery by her of white vaginal discharge of a curdled consistency is an absolute reason for immediately seeking professional medical help from a gynecologist.

Expectant tactics and all attempts to get rid of gynecological diseases on their own often only aggravate the course of the disease and significantly complicate the process of subsequent treatment.

The causes of whiteness are different. But mostly women are worried about odorless whites: curdled discharge and itching, what does this mean? This is candidiasis or thrush, a very common disease among women. Such a disease is dangerous for a sexual partner.

Candidiasis is characterized by symptoms: irritation, burning, severe itching. In a small amount, the Candida fungus is necessary for the body for the mucous membrane of gender organs. However, there are factors that provoke an increased development of the fungus.

Reasons that increase the growth of the fungus include:

  • hypothermia;
  • blood sugar;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • wearing underwear made of poor quality material;
  • the use of antibiotics and hormone-containing drugs.

There are white curd discharge with itching and odorless. The color can be yellow or green and depends on the bacteria that caused the inflammation.

Other reasons

Cheese leucorrhoea can accompany not only candidiasis. Other causes of discharge: chlamydia bacteria, mycoplasma infections, sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases are associated with gray cheesy leucorrhoea, itching and pain.

Gynecological diseases pose a particular danger to a woman's body. In order to timely engage in treatment, it is necessary to carefully monitor all changes. Discharge is one of the most important symptoms by which it is possible to make a diagnosis. Flaky discharge in women is quite common. This can indicate many pathological conditions of the body. In this article, we will look at the main reasons.

Causes of flaky discharge

There are several varieties of them. Discharge with white flakes in women indicates the presence of a disease such as vaginal candidiasis.

In some cases, vaginitis, accompanied by cotton discharge, does not pose a serious danger to a woman's health. The following reasons provoke it:

  • Allergy to low-quality linen.
  • Allergy to hygiene products.
  • The period of menopause.
  • Enhanced work of sweat glands.
  • Use of poor quality tampons and pads.
  • Prolonged antibiotic treatment.
  • Uncontrolled intake of oral contraceptives.
  • Pregnancy.
  • lactation period.

But in some cases, the causes of discharge lie in health-threatening conditions:

  • The presence of a malignant neoplasm.
  • Inflammatory process in the pelvic organs.
  • Foreign body in the vagina.
  • The consequences of the operation to remove the ovaries.
  • Diseases of a different nature of the cervix.
  • Endocrine diseases, including diabetes.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.

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For an accurate diagnosis, you must contact a medical institution. Only with the help of a diagnostic examination is it possible to identify the cause. Every woman, when detecting discharge, should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. They may be accompanied by itching, pain, or burning.

When to See a Doctor

If the woman's flakes are released without itching and odor, and if there is no discomfort and pain, then such discharge should not cause serious concern. It is possible that their cause lies in the presence of allergic reactions. If you cannot determine the cause yourself, it is recommended to consult a doctor. In a medical institution, it is easy to establish an allergen that provokes secretion. And also the doctor will help you choose hormonal contraceptives if they caused a pathology.

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STDs may not have pronounced symptoms, most often there is no pain at all. Sexually transmitted diseases are accompanied by an unpleasant odor and itching.

Every woman knows that cheesy discharge and vaginal itching are alarming symptoms that say that something is wrong in the body. However, some people panic even when they see normal discharge. In fact, such a phenomenon does not always indicate a disease. After all, discharge is normally needed in order to cleanse the body of dead cells and bacteria that get inside.

How to distinguish the norm from the pathology

In order to understand why white curdled discharge in women is alarming, you need to understand why they appear at all. Healthy girls and women should have a slightly acidic environment in the vagina. It is favorable for the reproduction of lactobacilli. These microorganisms secrete lactic acid in a relatively small amount during their vital activity.

It prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria. This acid forms the basis of the secretions themselves. During menopause, their volume decreases, in adolescence it becomes larger. And at 25–30 years, the cycle stabilizes, and the amount of discharge remains approximately the same.

They are usually hardly visible, not itchy, odorless and usually colorless, but sometimes the discharge can become white, creamy, pale yellow. Treatment in this case is not needed. If additional symptoms do not appear, then this is a temporary phenomenon and a variant of the norm.

At the same time, their consistency is usually liquid, even watery. If the discharge is thick, this is a reason to see a doctor. Except when they become more viscous and viscous in the middle of the cycle. This is due to the fact that during this period a mature egg leaves the ovary, which is accompanied by an increase in the amount of secretions, since cells separated from the cervix are added.

Their volume can increase before the onset of menstruation, and with strong arousal, that is, during intercourse or immediately after it.

If a greenish discharge appears, the shade remains the same, but the consistency has changed, if a sour smell is felt - all these are signs of pathology. Alarming symptoms also include pain in the abdomen or in the genitals, the presence of lumps in the discharge, itching, burning and other discomfort in the vagina.

The appearance of the smell of secretions

White, odorless, curdled discharge may indicate vaginal candidiasis. But if they are accompanied by a sour smell, there is no pain, but there is a slight itching, the doctor almost always makes this diagnosis, since the disease is caused by fungi of the Candida family. In everyday life, curdled discharge is often called thrush.

The causes of this disease are quite diverse. It:

Fungi themselves are opportunistic pathogens. This means that they are present in the body of a healthy woman and do not cause diseases. However, with their increased activity, treatment is necessary, since in this case they can provoke a decrease in natural immunity, the development of inflammatory processes, etc.

Girls believe that thrush occurs only in those who have an active sex life. In fact, this factor does not particularly affect the activity of fungi. But malnutrition with an abundance of carbohydrates, a violation of the endocrine system, the constant wearing of too tight underwear and tight clothes that provoke congestion in the pelvic organs - all these reasons play a role.

Thrush is usually accompanied by characteristic symptoms. The secretions become thick, their number increases sharply, and during intercourse, discomfort may occur. In addition, dryness of the vagina appears, which can lead to microcracks on the mucous membranes and the penetration of infection through them.

If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The gynecologist may prescribe additional studies, including in order to check which drugs these fungi are resistant to.

Treatment usually requires medication, with the help of suppositories or topical ointments (the most popular drug is Clotrimazole in suppositories, but there are other effective remedies), tablets are less commonly prescribed. At the time of use of these funds, doctors recommend using antiseptic solutions for douching (for example, or diluted Tsiteal). The duration of use of such solutions should not exceed 10 days.

Treatment includes reviewing the diet, excluding sweets, pastries, dishes and drinks that contain yeast (for example, kvass and muffins). In addition, you will have to abandon synthetic underwear.

When else should you contact a gynecologist?

Some women believe that green thrush is a variant of the norm, or at least not too serious a deviation. In fact, this, firstly, is not a thrush, but a disease caused not by fungi, but by another pathogenic microflora. For example, it can be gonorrhea or chlamydia. Secondly, such a phenomenon cannot be precisely called normal. If brown or green discharge appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Thus, to the gynecologist for an appointment go with the following symptoms:

The doctor must conduct a complete examination. In the presence of an inflammatory process, the doctor will not only make a smear on the flora and bacterial culture, but also perform a colposcopy to check for cervical erosion. This is especially true if there is a pink curdled discharge.

In addition, an ultrasound examination can be performed (sometimes it is even done transvaginally, using a special probe). This allows you to assess the condition of the appendages and identify inflammatory diseases. As a rule, ultrasound is prescribed if menstrual irregularities are added to other symptoms. Without all the procedures described above, the doctor simply will not be able to prescribe the correct treatment.

What are the discharges?

Although many people think that pinkish or green, white or yellow cheesy discharge comes from the vagina, this is actually not the case, they can have different origins. And it is very important for a specialist to determine it, because only then he will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. From this point of view, they can be divided into the following types:

Unfortunately, even a banal thrush rarely comes on its own. It can be associated with diseases of the internal organs, but it also happens with STDs, that is, with sexually transmitted diseases. So, green curdled discharge says that a woman has thrush, but also a bacterial disease.

The consistency of the discharge also speaks volumes. For example, such selections have no color. But they are plentiful and foamy - this is a symptom of chlamydia. White discharge with the smell of fish indicates gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis. The greenish tint of the discharge indicates that a purulent process is taking place in the body, since a large number of leukocytes are immediately released, and they give the whites such a color.

Moreover, the stronger the inflammation, the more intense the shade. In no case should you diagnose yourself by color. This can only be done by a professional after a full examination.

Pinkish discharge: norm or pathology?

Most often, pinkish discharge occurs a day or two after the end of menstruation. They may even have an odor that is characteristic of menstrual flow due to the content of blood in them. But in the middle of the cycle, they should not be normal. When they have a cheesy texture and their color is rather pale, it may be a type of candidiasis.

Sometimes there may not be erosion, and a pinkish tint indicates that blood has got there from microcracks on the walls of the vagina due to its dryness (this may also be hormonal reasons) or overly active lovemaking. In any case, the doctor deals with the problem. For example, with vaginal dryness, hormonal therapy is prescribed.

But if pinkish discharge appears after intercourse, then they may indicate the presence of cervical erosion. If they are of a pinkish hue and at the same time there are brown blotches, this indicates endometriosis, in which inflammatory processes begin in the layer of tissue covering the uterine cavity.

Pinkish discharge from expectant mothers is especially dangerous, that is, any gynecological disease can potentially harm the unborn child. But they may indicate an ectopic, missed pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage. When they appear, you should immediately go to the doctor, because if you do not pay attention to this, even a fatal outcome is possible.

Pink spotting discharge in expectant mothers, which intensifies over time and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, usually occurs when there is a threat of termination or ectopic pregnancy. An ambulance must be called immediately.

Sometimes pink discharge is a sign of the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body. Although most of its varieties are relatively harmless, there are also strains that can degenerate into cancer, so it is very important to take tests on time in order to begin treatment. This also applies to benign neoplasms like fibroids and fibromyomas, which are accompanied by pinkish discharge and are usually subject to surgical treatment (conservative treatment is possible only in the early stages).

Itching in the vagina: causes

There are other diseases, a symptom of which is itching in the vagina. For example, it is genital herpes. It is often confused with thrush, especially since it is also accompanied by white discharge. However, their reasons are different.

Genital herpes is a viral disease with an incubation period of 3–9 days. Itching in the vagina just appears at an early stage. At the same time, symptoms such as headache, fever, muscle pain, nausea, and general malaise may occur. As soon as blisters appear on the perineum, all symptoms usually disappear, except in the affected area. In addition, white discharge may appear and lymph nodes may enlarge.

What distinguishes abundant white discharge from thrush in this case is that antibiotics are powerless against them, since they are caused by a virus. But, of course, it is better not to use such drugs on your own, but immediately consult a doctor at the first symptoms. After all, genital herpes can lead to habitual miscarriage and infertility.

Causes of itching in the vagina may also be in a disease such as gardnerellosis. It is also characterized by abundant discharge of a homogeneous consistency. They are distinguished by a characteristic yellow or grayish tint. In addition, they have a pronounced unpleasant odor, causing associations with rotten fish.

Most often, these discharges are accompanied by a burning sensation in the vagina. Moreover, a particularly strong sensation occurs during intercourse or after urination. Gardnerellosis is dangerous for its complications. This is colpitis and vaginitis. In such cases, they are quite long and difficult to treat, so the sooner a woman turns to a gynecologist, the better.